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Alexandria Engineering Journal (2023) 64, 615–625

Alexandria University

Alexandria Engineering Journal


A study on the thermoelastic interaction in

two-dimension orthotropic materials under the
fractional derivative model
Aatef Hobiny a, Ibrahim A. Abbas a,b,*

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Sohag University, Egypt

Received 18 July 2022; revised 17 August 2022; accepted 28 August 2022

Available online 15 September 2022

KEYWORDS Abstract The extended thermoelastic theory with fractional derivative is described in this article to
Laplace-Fourier transforms; estimate temperature variation, displacement components, and stress components in two-
Fractional time derivative; dimensional orthotropic materials. In the Laplace domain, exact solutions are found. The physical
Orthotropic medium; quantities are calculated analytically using Laplace and Fourier transforms and the eigenvalues
Eigenvalue approach approaches. The Laplace-Fourier transform inversion procedures are carried out using numerical
approaches. The numerical outcome for all the physical quantities investigated are introduced
and shown visually. In this case, if the fractional parameter is equal to one and the thermal relax-
ation time is equal to zero, then the Lord and Shulman (LS) theory comes into play and the classical
dynamical coupled (CT) theory comes in. Also, the comparison between the orthotropic medium
and isotropic medium are presented.
Ó 2022 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria
University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction acoustics, and so on. The orthotropic media has material char-
acteristics that change along three perpendicular axes, each of
Several researchers have been drawn to generalised thermoe- which possesses double rotatory symmetry in materials science
lastic models over the last four decades, both mathematically and solid mechanics. Orthotropic media in materials science
and technically, because of their remarkable realistic implica- and solid mechanics have materials characteristics at specific
tions in a variety of fields such as high energy particle acceler- sites that vary from the three perpendicular axes, each of which
ators, nuclear engineering, aeronautics, continuum mechanics, possesses twofold rotational symmetry. The Hankinson equa-
tion may be used to quantify these directional resistance vari-
ations. Because their characteristics change when fixed in
* Corresponding author at: Department of Mathematics, Faculty of
various direction, they are subset of anisotropic media. From
a mathematical and technical standpoint, generalized thermoe-
Science, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia.
E-mail address: (I.A. Abbas).
lasticity theories have piqued the interest of many authors over
Peer review under responsibility of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria
the last four decades because of their remarkables realistic
University. implication in a variety of fields, including continuum mechan-
1110-0168 Ó 2022 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
616 A. Hobiny, I.A. Abbas

ics, nuclear engineering, and fluid mechanics. To address the 2. Mathematical model
first flaw in the standard uncoupled thermo-elastic model, [1]
proposed the coupled thermo-elasticity model, which predicts Consider an orthotropic material; the essential equations
two events that contradict physical data. [2] developed the under the Lord and Shulman model [2], based on [56] and
extended thermoelasticity model with one relaxation period [57] may be expressed as follows:
by proposing a new law of thermal conduction to replace the The equations of motion
conventional Fourier law. Dhaliwal and Sherief [3] modified
the Lord and Shulman approach to include anisotropic @ 2 ui
rij;j ¼ q : ð1Þ
instances in 1980. The classic Fourier law is replaced in this @t2
model by a modified law of thermal conduction that includes The stress–strain relations
both the heat flow and its temporal derivatives. This model’s
heating formulation is hyperbolic, which eliminates the prob- rij ¼ cijkl ekl  bij ðT  To Þdij : ð2Þ
lem of infinite propagation velocities seen in linked and decou- The heat equation
pled thermoelastic models. Many current physical process
models have been effectively modified using fractional comput-  
@ sbo @ bþ1
ing. The complete theory of fractional derivative and integral Kii T;ii ¼ þ ðqce T þ To bii ui;i Þ; 0 < b  1:
@t Cðb þ 1Þ @tbþ1
might be said to have been provided in the second half of
the nineteenth century. Several methods have been proposed ð3Þ
to generalize the concepts of derivative and integral to a non-
integral order, and various alternative definitions of fractional The strain–displacement relations
derivatives have emerged. [4,5] have provided the generalized 1 
fractional order thermoelastic of low and high thermal conduc- eij ¼ ui;j þ uj;i : ð4Þ
tivities in the framework of generalized thermoelastic theories.
Considering the previous definition, we may state it as
[6–8] have proposed another model for fractional order gener-
alized thermo-elastic model based on a time-fractional order
Taylor expansion. The thermal conduction rule is used to cre- > gðr; tÞ  gðr; 0Þ; b ! 0;
ate a new model [9]. Abo-Dahab and Abbas [10] have studied @ gðr; tÞ < a1 @gðr;tÞ
¼ I @t
; 0 < b < 1; ð5Þ
the impacts of magnetic field and thermal delay times with the @tb >
: @gðr;tÞ
varying thermal conductive in a long annular cylinder due to @t
; b ¼ 1;
thermal shock loadings. Lata and Kaur [11] investigated the b
where I is the integral fraction of Riemann-Liouville, which is
effect of rotations on magneto-thermoelasticity transversely
natural extension of the well-known integrals Ib gðr; tÞ, which
isotropic materials. The nonlinear generalization thermoelas-
may be expressed as a convolution type.
ticity model of FGM finite domain with one delay time was
Z t
explored by [12]. Kaur and Lata [13] used the Green–Naghdi ðt  sÞb
Ib bðr; tÞ ¼ gðr; sÞds; b > 0; ð6Þ
III to discuss the axisymmetric deformations in transversely 0 CðbÞ
isotropic magneto-thermoelasticity solid under inclined load.
Kar and Kanoria [14] studied the three-phase-lag effects in a where gðr; tÞ is the Lebesgue integral function, while CðbÞ is the
thermo-elastic function graded orthotropic hollow sphere. Gamma function. It is feasible to write gðr; tÞ in the situation
[15] discussed the impacts of initial stress and rotations in a when it is certainly continuous.
fibre-reinforced anisotropic using Green-Naghdi model. [16]
investigated the influence of a magnetic field in unbounded @ b gðr; tÞ @gðr; tÞ
lim ¼ ; ð7Þ
FG thermos-elastic cylinders using a finite element technique. b!1 @tb @t
The plane waves in magneto-thermoelastic anisotropic materi-
als under the effects of Coriolis and centrifugal force was where q is the density of mass, so is the thermal relaxation
investigated by Alesemi [17] using the LS model. Zenkour time, rij are the stresses components, T is the growing of tem-
and Abbas [18] investigated the effects of magnetic field in a perature, ui are the displacement components, Kii are the ther-
fibre-reinforced anisotropic plane placed in under GN theory. mal conductivity components, cijkl are the elastic constants, ekl
Singh [19] has explored the propagation of waves in void-filled are the strain tensor the components, bij are the thermal stres-
materials using extended thermoelastic models. The eigenvalue ses coefficients, ce is the specific heat, To is the reference tem-
techniques present exact solutions in the Laplace domains perature. Two kinds of conductivity are covered by the
without any presupposed limitation on real physical fields. various values of the fractional parameter 0 < b  1 b ¼ 1
Several studies are carried out under the generalized thermoe- for normal conductivity and 0 < b < 1 for low conductivity.
lastic theories in the literatures [20–55]. In this problem, we explore an orthotropic and elastic two-
The purpose of this work is to study the impact of the frac- dimensional region 0  x < 1; 1 < y < 1 as in Fig. 1.
tional order derivatives in a two-dimension orthotropic med- Components of displacement and temperature may be stated
ium. The governing equations are handled using the Laplace- as follows:
Fourier transforms and eigenvalue approach, which is based u ¼ ðu; v; 0Þ; v ¼ vðx; y; tÞ; u ¼ uðx; y; tÞ; T ¼ Tðx; y; tÞ: ð8Þ
on numerical and analytical methods. The numerical outcomes
for the physical quantities under consideration are produced Thus, the preceding equations may be written in the follow-
and graphically depicted. ing ways:
A study on the thermoelastic interaction 617
 0 0  
0 0 0 ðrxx ;ryy ;rxy Þ
t ; so ¼ xc2 ðt; so Þ; rxx ; ryy ; rxy ¼ ;
 0 0 0 0
x ; y ; u ; v ¼ xcðx; y; u; vÞ;
where x ¼ Kqc11e and c2 ¼ cq11 .
The formulations (9)–(14) are stated in these dimensionless
of the parameters in equations (15). (For the sake of simplicity,
the dashes have been removed.).
0 1 0 @ @
10 1
rxx @x
a1 @y a2 u
@ ryy A ¼ B a
@ 1 @x
a @
3 @y a C
4A@ v A; ð16Þ
rxy @ @ T
a5 @y a5 @x 0

@2v @2u @2u @T @ 2 u

ða1 þ a5 Þ þ 2 þ a5 2  a2 ¼ ; ð17Þ
@x@y @x @y @x @t2

@2u @2v @2v @T @ 2 v

ða1 þ a5 Þ þ a3 2 þ a5 2  a4 ¼ ; ð18Þ
@x@y @y @x @y @t2
Fig. 1 The temperature variation T via x when y ¼ 0:5 for
different models.   
@2T @2T @ sbo @ bþ1 @u @v
þ a6 ¼ þ T þ a7 þ a8 ;
@x2 @y2 @t Cðb þ 1Þ @tbþ1 @x @y
0 1 0 @ @
10 1
rxx c11 @x c12 @y b11 u @Tðx; y; tÞ t2 e s p

B C Bc @ CB C rxx ¼ rxy ¼ 0; ¼ qo Hða  jyjÞ; ð20Þ

@ ryy A ¼ B
@ 12 @x
c22 @y b22 C
A@ v A; ð9Þ @x 16s2p
rxy @ @ T
c44 @y c44 @x 0
where a1 ¼ cc1211 , a2 ¼ Tco11b11 , a3 ¼ cc2211 , a4 ¼ Tco11b22 , a5 ¼ cc4411 , a6 ¼ KK2211 ,
a7 ¼ bqc11e , a8 ¼ qc
@2v @2u @2u @T @2u e
ðc12 þ c44 Þ þ c11 2 þ c44 2  b11 ¼q 2; ð10Þ
@x@y @x @y @x @t
4. Laplace and Fourier transforms
@ u
@ v 2
@ v @T
@ v 2
ðc12 þ c44 Þ þ c22 2 þ c44 2  b22 ¼q 2; ð11Þ
@x@y @y @x @y @t The transformations of Laplace with the parameter p are given
as for every function fðx; y; tÞ.
@2T @2T 
Z 1
K11 þ K 22 f ðx; y; sÞ ¼ fðx; y; tÞest dt; ð21Þ
@x2 @y2
@ sbo @ bþ1 @u @v 0
¼ þ qc e T þ T b
o 11 þ T b
o 22 :
@t Cðb þ 1Þ @tbþ1 @x @y However, the Fourier transformations with the parameter q

ð12Þ are defined for every function f ðx; y; sÞ as.

Z 1 
f  ðx; q; sÞ ¼ f ðx; y; sÞeiqy dy; ð22Þ
3. Application 1

Thus, the governing equations for the system of ordinary

The Initial conditions for the problem are expressed by. differential equations are provided under starting conditions
and employing boundary conditions:
@uðx; y; 0Þ @vðx; y; 0Þ
uðx; y; 0Þ ¼ ¼ 0; vðx; y; 0Þ ¼ 0  1 0 10  1
@t @t rxx d
iqa1 a2 u
@Tðx; y; 0Þ B  C B dxd CB  C
¼ 0; Tðx; y; 0Þ ¼ ¼ 0; ð13Þ B ryy C ¼ @ a1 iqa a A@ v A; ð23Þ
@ A dx 3 4
@t  d

rxy iqa 5 a5 dx
0 T
The proper boundary conditions may be represented by
@Tðx; y; tÞ t2 e tp d2 u  dv  dT
rxx ¼ rxy ¼ 0; K11 ¼ qo Hða  jyjÞ; ð14Þ ¼ b u þ b þ b ; ð24Þ
@x 16t2p dx2
41 45
where tp is the pulse heat flux characteristic time, qo is a con- 
d2 v   du

stant and H is the function of unit step. For convenience, ¼ b52 v þ b53 T þ b54 ; ð25Þ
dx2 dx
the non-dimensional variables are expressed by.
 r ; r ; r 

 0 0  0 d2 T   du

¼ b62 v  þ b63 T þ b64

0 0
t ; so ¼ xc ðt; so Þ; rxx ; ryy ; rxy ¼
2 xx yy xy
; 2
; ð26Þ
c11 dx dx
618 A. Hobiny, I.A. Abbas
  dT qo sp 2 sinðqaÞ c22 ¼ 3:581  1011 ðNÞ m 2
; K2 ¼ 25 ðWÞ m1 k1 ;
rxx ¼ 0; rxy ¼ 0; ¼  3 ; ð27Þ
dx 8 ssp þ 1 p q     
c44 ¼ 1:51  1011 ðNÞ m2 ; K1 ¼ 100 ðWÞ m1 k1 ;
The equations (25), (26) and (27) have the following form of
vector–matrix differential equations: c12 ¼ 1:65  1011 ðNÞ m2 ; q ¼ 8836ðkgÞ m3 ;
¼ BV; ð28Þ  
dx so ¼ 0:05; t ¼ 0:5; tp ¼ 0:5; c11 ¼ 3:71  1011 ðNÞ m2 ;
where V ¼ u v T du 
and B ¼ bij ¼ 0; To ¼ 298ðkÞ; ce ¼ 427 ðJÞ kg1 k1 ; a ¼ 0:5;
i; j ¼ 1    6, excepting b14 ¼ b25 ¼ b36 ¼ 1, b41 ¼ s2 þ q2 a5 ,
b52 ¼ s þq
2 2a
b45 ¼ iqða1 þ a5 Þ, b46 ¼ a2 , 3
, b53 ¼ iqa 4
 a5 a5
ða1 þa5 Þiq
b54 ¼  a5 , b62 ¼ s 1 þ Cðbþ1Þ s iqa8 ,
so b
b63 ¼ q þ
sbo b
s 1 þ Cðbþ1Þ sb , b64 ¼ s 1 þ Cðbþ1
s o
sb a 7 .
The analytical solutions to equations (28) are provided
using the eigenvalue approach described by [58–60]. As a
result, matrix B contains the following characteristic formula:
g6  m1 g4 þ m2 g2 þ m3 ¼ 0; ð29Þ
where m1 ¼ b41 þ b63 þ b46 b64 þ b45 b54 , m2 ¼ b64 b52 b46 
b64 b53 b45  b62 b53 þ b63 b52 þ b63 b54 b45  b62 b54 b46 þ b63 b41 þ
b52 b41 , m3 ¼ b41 b53 b62  b63 b52 b41 .
The solutions to the equations (28) may be found by.
Vðx; q; sÞ ¼ Bi Xi egi x : ð30Þ

where Xi are the components of the corresponding eigenvector,

and B1 ; B2 and B3 are constants that can be determined by the
problem boundary conditions, Due to the regularity con-
straints of the solutions at infinity, terms having rising nature
exponentials in the spatial variable x are rejected. Now, Four-
ier transformations inverse may now be stated as for every Fig. 2 The horizontal displacement variations u via x when

function f ðx; q; sÞ. y ¼ 0:5 for different models.

Z 1
f ðx; y; sÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi f  ðx; q; sÞeiqy dq: ð31Þ
2p 1
Finally, to get the general solutions of the displacements
components, temperature increment and the stress components
distributions along the distances x, y at any time t, Stehfest [61]
numerical inversion approaches have been chosen. In these

approaches, the Laplace transform inversees for f ðx; y; sÞ are
approximated by.
lnð2Þ X
N  lnð2Þ
fðx; y; tÞ ¼ Vn f x; y; n ; ð32Þ
t n¼1 t

where Vn
minðn;N2 Þ
X ð2pÞ!pð 2 þ1Þ

Vn ¼ ð1Þð 2 þ1Þ
N  : ð33Þ
p!ðn  pÞ! 2  p !ð2n  1Þ!

5. Results and discussions

For this section, the orthotropic medium cobalt vides [62] was
chosen based on numerical simulations, with the following
physical parameters, while the isotropic medium cobalt physi- Fig. 3 The vertical displacement variations v via x when y ¼ 0:5
cal parameters was chosen as in [55]: for different models.
A study on the thermoelastic interaction 619
b1 ¼ 7:04  106 ðNÞ m2 k1 ; Figs. 2–7 represent the deviations of the temperature T, the
component of displacement u; v and the stresses component
b2 ¼ 6:9  106 ðNÞ m2 k1 : rxx ; rxy ; ryy along the distance x for different models. Fig. 2
shows the variation of temperature T via the distance x. It
The above physical parameters are used to discuss the can be found that the temperature has maximums values at
impacts of the fractional parameter b and the thermal relax- the boundary according to the external heat flux while at a lar-
ation time so in the distributions of the displacement compo- ger distance from the boundary of the material, it gets closer
nent u; v, temperature T and the stress component and closer to zeros, eventually becoming zero. However, with
rxx ; rxy ; ryy . The material is an elastic orthotropic two- and without relaxation times, there is a large change in the
dimensional medium. The outcomes are shown graphically temperature field around the boundary plane. Also, it is
with the distances 0 < x < 2 and 2 < y < 2 for fractional noticed that as the fractional parameter b decrease, the value
generalized thermoelastic model with one relaxation time as of T decreases. Fig. 3 shows a significant variation in the hor-
in Figs. 2–13. izontal displacement u as x changes. It can be found that the

Fig. 4 The stress variations rxx via x when y ¼ 0:5 for different Fig. 6 The stress variations ryy via x when y ¼ 0:5 for different
models. models.

Fig. 5 The stress variations rxy via x when y ¼ 0:5 for different Fig. 7 The temperature variation T via y when x ¼ 0:5 for
models. different models.
620 A. Hobiny, I.A. Abbas

Fig. 8 The horizontal displacement variations u via y when

x ¼ 0:5 for different models.
Fig. 10 The stress variations rxx via y when x ¼ 0:5 for different

Fig. 9 The vertical displacement variations v via y when x ¼ 0:5 Fig. 11 The stress variations rxy via y when x ¼ 0:5 for different
for different models. models.

magnitudes of the displacement component decrease with the Figs. 8–13 represent the deviations of the temperature T,
decreasing of fractional parameter b. Fig. 4 displays the varia- the components of displacement u; v and the stresses compo-
tions of vertical displacement along the distance x which have nents rxx ; rxy ; ryy via the distance y for different models when
maximum value on x ¼ 0 and decrease with the rising of x. x ¼ 0:5. Fig. 8 depicts the temperature variation versus the dis-
The vertical displacement decreases with the decreasing of tance y and shows that the temperature variation has maxi-
fractional parameter b: The variations of stress components mum value throughout the length of the heat surface
rxx ; rxy and ryy along the distances x are displayed in Figs. 5– ððjyj  0:5ÞÞ and begins to diminish only at the edges
7. It is clear that the magnitude of stresses rxx and rxy perma- ðy ¼ 0:5Þ where it consistently declines to approach zeros
nently started from zeros which satisfied the boundary condi- values. The horizontal displacement variation u is shown in
tions of the problem while the stress components ryy start Fig. 9 through the distances y. It is seen that it has maximum
from the maximum magnitude on x ¼ 0: Further, Observa- values over the length of the heating surface ððjyj  0:5ÞÞ, then
tions indicate that the magnitudes of stresses exhibit compara- begins to fall slightly at the margins ðy ¼ 0:5Þ, and finally
ble patterns and differences amongst models. drops to zeros. The vertical displacement variations v against
A study on the thermoelastic interaction 621

Fig. 14 The horizontal displacement variations u via x when

y ¼ 0:5; b ¼ 0:5 for different materials.

Fig. 12 The stress variations ryy via y when x ¼ 0:5 for different

Fig. 15 The vertical displacement variations v via x when

y ¼ 0:5; b ¼ 0:5 for different materials.

Fig. 13 The temperature variation T via x when y ¼ 0:5; b ¼ 0:5

for different materials.

y are shown in Fig. 10. It shows that it begins to rise at the

beginning and end of the thermal surface ðjyj  0:5Þ, and has
a tiny value in the centre of the thermal surface, before grow-
ing to a maximum value right at the edge ðy ¼ 0:5Þ, and then
decreasing to near zero. Fig. 11 shows the fluctuation of the
stress component rxx as a function of y. It is observed that
its magnitudes are greatest over the length of the heating sur-
face ðjyj  0:5Þ, then grow only at the margins ðy ¼ 0:5Þ, and
finally decrease to zeros. Fig. 12 depicts the fluctuation of the
stress component rxy across the distance y. It is evident that the
stress component rxy starts to rise at the beginning and end of Fig. 16 The stress variations rxx via x when y ¼ 0:5; b ¼ 0:5 for
the thermal surface ðjyj  0:5Þ, and has tiny values in the cen- different materials.
622 A. Hobiny, I.A. Abbas

Fig. 20 The horizontal displacement variations u via y when

Fig. 17 The stress variations rxy via x when y ¼ 0:5; b ¼ 0:5 for x ¼ 0:5; b ¼ 0:5 for different materials.
different materials.

Fig. 18 The stress variations ryy via x when y ¼ 0:5; b ¼ 0:5 for Fig. 21 The vertical displacement variations v via y when
different materials. x ¼ 0:5; b ¼ 0:5 for different materials.

Fig. 19 The temperature variation T via y when x ¼ 0:5; b ¼ 0:5 Fig. 22 The stress variations rxx via y when x ¼ 0:5; b ¼ 0:5 for
for different materials. different materials.
A study on the thermoelastic interaction 623

the generalized thermoelastic with fractional model may be

seen as a development in the research of orthotropic elastic

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing

financial interests or personal relationships that could have
appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


This project was funded by the Deanship of Scientific Research

(DSR) at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, under grant no.
(G: 85-130-1442). The authors, therefore, acknowledge with
Fig. 23 The stress variations rxy via y when x ¼ 0:5; b ¼ 0:5 for
thanks DSR for technical and financial support.
different materials.


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