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A Research
presented to the Faculty of Information Communication and Technology
1K2 Kasiglahan Village, San Jose, Rodriguez, Rizal

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in


Caldoza, Emmerson T.
Ardabe, Rydel Clyde
Robinas, Christian Philip E.

Grade 12- ICT A

Raul B. Chua Jr., MAT,LPT

Research Adviser
Chapter I


This chapter of the paper presents the problem and its setting. It includes the

background of the study, the statement of the problem, significance of the study, and

scope and delimitation of the study.

Background of the Study

Website is one of the most convenient and easiest ways to communicate with

others and spread information the fastest way it could be. Website is the web portals that

may inform, educate, and spread latest and historical information and updates about our

daily life in the world.

The Department of Education was established through the Education Decree of

1863 as the Superior Commission of Primary Instruction under a Chairman. The

Education agency underwent many reorganization efforts in the 20th century in order to

better define its purpose the changing administrations and charters. The present day

Department of Education was eventually mandated through Republic Act 9155,

otherwise known as the Governance of Basic Education act of 2001 which establishes

the mandate of this agency. The Department of Education (DepEd) formulates,

implements, and coordinates policies, plans, programs and projects in the areas of

formal and non-formal basic education. It supervises all elementary and secondary

education institutions, including alternative learning systems, both public and private;

and provides for the establishment and maintenance of a complete, adequate, and

integrated system of basic education relevant to the goals of national development.

School website nowadays are more improved and more stabilized. And on the

present day, school websites are more popular especially by disseminating information.

In Kasiglahan Village Senior High School, school website is use and updated

through the use of social media site ‘Facebook’ which can be easily access by people

and students around the world. The school posts some updates and some

announcements where some of the students cannot access for the reason that they do

not have a Facebook account and some have no internet at home or access.

All of these problems alarmed the group of researchers and decided to resolve

the problem by proposing an school website where they can both access and use.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to assess the Kasiglahan Village Senior High School of having a

school website.

Specifically, it seeks answer to the following questions:

1. What is the assessment of the school website of the respondents in terms

of content?

2. What is the assessment of the school website of the respondents in terms

of efficiency?

3. What is the assessment of the school website of the respondents in terms

of functionality?

4. What is the assessment of the school website of the respondents in terms

of usability?
Significance of the Study

The result of the study is beneficial because this study will determine whether the

proposed school website will help and promote development. And it can be determined

whether it has to be implemented or not.

More specifically, this study will benefit the following:

School - the school can benefit from this study by making the school

promoted inside and outside the country.

Teachers- it will help the teachers promote the school to the junior high

schools and it will give more information and updates to the student that is

accessible to all.

Students- students will be the beneficiary of this study for it will give more

updates and more information to be lend and given to them. Students can also

access, edit and posts their comments and suggestions that will help improve the


Parents- parents will also benefit the study for the reason parents can

also access this website and they can identify the works and updates in the

school and their child as well.

Future Researchers- future researchers will benefit as they will develop

this study because this study will be their local study and legal basis in utilizing

this similar topic. And also they can identify the research gap wherein they can

formulate a new topic for their study.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the proposal of school website in Kasiglahan Village

Senior High School in the second semester of the academic year 2018-2019.

Furthermore, the study is delimited in the implementation of the website.

Chapter 2


This chapter of the paper presents the review of related literature, the conceptual

framework, the research hypotheses, and the definition of terms.

Related Literature

This paper reports a small-scale study on the websites of 12 K-9 schools from

four municipalities in Sweden. The purpose of their study is to explore, describe, and

compare what and how information relevant for parental use is presented by local

schools on their websites, which reflect the schools’ perceptions, intentions and

strategies of communicating and cooperating with families. Epstein’s six key

components regarding parental involvement are used as a theoretical framework in

order to examine and analyze the content of school website settings. To evaluate the

website design features, the website evaluation metrics suggested by Parajuli are

adapted and applied. The results indicate that information on school websites for

parental use is generally limited. It seems that schools’ expectations for parental

involvement in education are based mainly on the social aspects of student

development, rather than on pedagogical issues. In general, the websites of

independent schools are more attractive than most public schools’ websites in terms of

information richness and freshness, variations and friendliness. There is a need to

develop websites that are more accessible for parents with immigrant backgrounds and

non-Swedish speakers.

Based from Abner B. Tupas entitled “Design and Development of LPU-B High

School Website” in 2015 the school recommended that the LPU High School website

may be maintained by an administrator from the MIS department and updated regularly
and the content may be updated regularly with the latest news and announcement

regarding academic, cultural and sports events. In order to achieve the maximum

efficiency of the website, the webmaster may opt to utilize images with appropriate file

size and refrain from using too many flash files. Teachers may encourage the students

to utilize the portal for educational purpose and intellectual discussion of school


Related Studies

On the study from Malco, in 2010, they find out that the company is satisfied

with the website in terms of membership and payment process of the cooperative. And

website fasten their membership process wherein they are needs more manpower in

maintenance and development of the system.

Sabate, (2012), states in their study that their study aims to assess the

acceptability of their website. In their study, it contains membership and posting updated

events. They also find out that through this study, JCI Urduja Makati Website is being

effective for the members and entrepreneurs for registrations of the members and

knowing the events of the said organization.

Barreto, in 2012 state in their study that the creation of their website aims to

achieve an accessible program to promote their school, inform the students including

their future enrollees about the information affairs of the school. So the researchers

propose this study to lift up the quality of education and make them competitive enough

and have the edge over other schools within their area.

Based from the study of Tuazon, A., in 2010, they show that one thing is

more important in developing a website. And it is to consider the efficiency of the project
in terms of application and processing. And the capacity of the website in acquiring the

main function while it is running and also the interface and design of the website is well

good and developed.

From Negros Occidental State University on Tanjay National High School

website in 2015 by Hilario,, Opinions that have been asked gives a positive

feedback in making the website. In addition, the client finds the proposed system more

effective in their school by disseminating information’s and with parent’s awareness and

also due to the increased of efficiency by reducing manual posting of announcements

and information. And it is recommended to automate other manual transactions in order

to improve the productivity for the client.

This research study has developed by Ukelere Winnefred in 2011 which is an

introduction to Academic Information System to relational Database and HTTP server. In

considering the design of a web-driven relational Database Management System, it is

obvious that RDBMS success to a very large extent depends on the level of data

structure. While structure itself depends on the level of reliability, which can be achieved

through the kind of tables and web interface to be rendered and the requirements

needed. It is my convention that a closer look at this project work give insight and vital

information to any interested person who wish to know the requirement for developing a

HTTP and a relational database management system server to effectively implement an

academic information system design has demonstrated its HTML web pages integration

via PHP programming by demystifying and defining what it takes to implement an

Apache HTTP server, a MYSQL relational Database Management system and a PHP

scripting engine.
Conceptual Framework

-Survey School Website
Questionnaire Development
-Assessment in -Statistical Proposal in
terms of Treatment of Kasiglahan
content, Data Village Senior
efficiency, High School
functionality, -Interpretation
and usability of data

-Data analysis


Fig. 1 Conceptual Framework of the School Website Development

Proposal in Kasiglahan Village Senior High School

The conceptual framework of the study shows the input, process,

output flow. For the input, the researchers include the target respondents

as well as the statement of the problem and the tool to be utilize in the

study. For the researchers be able to get the data needed for the study,

researchers will make a website to be proposed. And as the data

gathered, the researchers will analyze and present each one of the data

using the research tool in collecting data. Through all of it, the
researchers will identify and determine the output which is the School

Website Development Proposal in Kasiglahan Village Senior High School.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are operationally defined for a common

understanding of the study.

Acceptability- it defines the website whether it gives accurate

words and design and whether it attracts the viewers.

Accessibility- it talks about the viewer whether the website can be

use by all students, teachers, parents and administrators in general.

Content- content is the overall image and the atmosphere of the


Efficiency- it talks about the efficiency of the information landed in

the website and the overall words and phrases formality.

Functionality- it is how the website works. It describes the

Usability- it defines on how the subscribers or viewers effective in

using the website.

Website- is a proposed project of the researchers to determine its

usefulness to the school.


Related Literature

Gu, L. (2017). Using School Websites for Home–school Communication and

Parental Involvement. Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy. 3(2), 133-143.

Tupas, A. (2015). Design and Development of LPU-B High School Website. Asia

Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research. 3(5), 94-104. Retrieved from the website


Related Studies

Malco, B.I., (2010). A Proposal Website of Most Holy Rosary Credit

Cooperative (MHRCC)(Unpublished undergraduate thesis). Coledio de Montalban,

Rodriguez, Rizal.

Sabate, V., (2012). A Membership Website for JCI Junior Chamber

International,Makati Princess Urduja Chapter (Unpublished undergraduate thesis).

Colegio de Montalban, Rodriguez, Rizal.

Barreto, E., (2012). A website for Silvergreen Assessment Training Center

Inc.(Unpublished undergraduate thesis). Colegio de Montalban, Rodriguez, Rizal.

Tuazon, A., (2010). A Proposed Website of PnM University Supreme

Student Council(Unpublished undergraduate thesis). Colegio de Montalban, rodriguez,

Hilario, C. (2015). School Website Development in Tanjay National High

School (Unpublished undergraduate thesis). Negros Oriental State University, Negros

Oriental. Retrieve from the website

Winnefred, U. (2011). Student Academic Information System; An Introduction To

Relational Database And Http Server (Unpublished undergraduate thesis). Michael

Okpara University, Nigeria. Retrieve from the website

Chapter 3


This chapter includes the research design, the sample, the instruments, the

intervention, the data collection procedure, and the plan for data analysis.

Research Design

This study is a quantitative research utilizing descriptive method in studying the

development of school website among faculties in Kasiglahan Village Senior High


According to Javier (2012) involves describing, recording, analyzing and

interpreting conditions that presently exist. The purpose is to find new truth. The truth

may vary in forms such as increased quantity of knowledge, a new generalization, an

increased insight into some factors which may explain a situation, discovery of a new

causal relationship, or formulation of the problem to be solved in more accurate and

specific manner.

This method is appropriate because the researchers will determine whether the

proposed website will help the school in effective formulation of information as well as

lending them to the parents and students respectively.

The Sample
The Instruments

Data Collection Procedure

Plan for Data Analysis

Chapter 4


Chapter 5






- Letters

- Survey Questionnaires

- Curriculum Vitae

- Pictures

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