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Conference Paper · May 2015


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5 authors, including:

Amos Branch Greg Leslie

UNSW Sydney UNSW Sydney


Pierre Le-Clech
UNSW Sydney


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Amos Branch 1, Trang Trinh 1, Ben Zhou 1, Greg Leslie 1, Pierre Le-Clech 1,
1. UNESCO Centre for Membrane Science and Technology, The University of New South
Wales, Sydney, NSW

(LRV) due to extended service life. As part of the

ABSTRACT Australian Water Recycling Centre of Excellence
(AWRCoE) project, the “Establishement of a
In this study, a full-scale membrane bioreactor National Validation Framework for water recycling”
(MBR) was monitored over a period exceeding 6 (NatVal), an MBR sub project has been established
months. Two common chemical cleaning modes, to address knowledge gaps associated with MBR
chemically enhanced backwash and clean in place, validation.
with sodium hypochlorite were monitored with
respect to microorganism log removal value (LRV). In this study, a full-scale MBR was monitored over
Overall, impact to microorganism LRV for virus, a period exceeding 6 months. At the time of
bacteria and protozoa due to cleaning was monitoring, the MBR had been in operation for two
negligible with respect to overall system variability. years on municipal wastewater. During the
High permeate chlorine residual post chemically monitoring period, influent, activated sludge and
enhanced backwash was noted. The findings of this permeate samples were taken to quantify LRV.
study will facilitate appropriate risk management for Sampling was conducted before and after weekly
MBR systems used for water recycling. maintenance backwashes of sodium hypochlorite
INTRODUCTION (NaOCl). Additionally, a yearly, offline, clean in
place (CIP) was observed. Indicator organisms
tested included somatic coliphage (SC), FRNA
In water recycling applications, a thorough bacteriophage (FRNA), E.coli (EC), total coliforms
understanding of pathogen removal performance, (TC) and clostridium perfringens(CP).
and variability, for each unit operation is imperative.
Validation is a process to confirm that a treatment
Previous studies concluded that the effect of NaOCl
technology can, and will continuously, meet
cleaning on MBR LRV were negligible van den
specified performance targets. Any event that
Akker, et al. (2014) Hirani, et al. (2014). This is the
compromises the pathogen removal efficiency must
first study to assess two different cleaning methods
be detected and quantified to inform appropriate
(CIP and chemically enhanced backwashes (CEB)),
corrective action Trinh, et al. (2014). The primary
on the same full scale site with reference to the site
mechanisms for pathogen removal in a membrane
operating data, and to report permeate chlorine
bioreactor (MBR) are size exclusion, entrainment
residual resulting from cleans.
within activated sludge flocs or membrane fouling
layer and biological predation. Previous studies
have indicated the importance of the fouling layer in
aiding removal of viruses, smaller than the
membrane pore size Hai, et al. (2014). Hence,
removal of this fouling layer, following chemical MBR Description
cleaning, was identified as a key short-term event
requiring quantification at full scale. A multiple barrier process at Pitt Town Local Water
Centre (PTLWC), N.S.W, was commissioned in
May 2012. PTLWC received domestic wastewater
Literature has indicated that multiple chemical from a rising main as part of the infrastructure for a
cleaning cycles, over the membrane life, may lead dual reticulation scheme, for a new housing
to changes in membrane chemistry and development. A MBR is installed as part of the
morphology Puspitasari, et al. (2010) Wang, et al. PTLWC to ensure biological treatment and first
(2010), Arkhangelsky, et al. (2007), with stage disinfection. The MBR has anoxic (40%),
consequences for pathogen rejection van den aerobic (51%) and membrane compartments (9%)
Akker, et al. (2014). To date, very few with a total working volume of 97 m . Hollow fibre
investigations have been performed on full scale ultrafiltration membranes with a total area of 558 m
MBRs accounting for change in low removal value and nominal pore size of 0.04 µm were installed.
Typical operating flux and mixed liquor suspended events, such as weather or maintenance shut
solids (MLSS) for the monitoring period were downs, were deemed to potentially bias normal
2 -1 -1
respectively 6 L.m .h and 8000 – 14000 mg.L . operating conditions, data was excluded from the
Sludge was wasted in 10,000 L lots, via tanker, at control set. Monte Carlo simulation and probability
the discretion of the operator. The critical control density function (PDF) fitting were used with all
point for the MBR was the permeate turbidity. When control data, to characterize microbial removal and
turbidity exceeds 0.2 NTU, the permeate is variability, in order to arrive at a statistically
bypassed to the influent balance tank. The MBR significant benchmark. To this end lognormal PDFs
remains in bypass until turbidity returns and were fit to cumulative microorganism densities, with
remains below 0.2 NTU for 1 min. Chemical goodness of fit analysed by Root-Mean Squared
dosages include acetic acid, to increase influent Error. A LRV distribution was then calculated using
BOD, sodium hydroxide, to normalise pH and the influent and permeate microorganism PDFs, via
aluminium sulphate (alum) for phosphorous Monte Carlo simulation with @Risk software
removal. Alum and acetic acid additions were (Palisade Corporation, version 6.0) and Latin
programmed at a predetermined rate into the Hypercube sampling (using 10,000 iterations).
anoxic zone. Sodium hydroxide additions were Previous studies have used similar approaches in
inline, controlled via pH. order to address limitations due to concentrations
below permeate limits of detection (LOD) and to
adequately account for system variability Olivieri, et
Chemical Cleaning Regimes
al. (1999), Khan, et al. (2010), van den Akker, et al.
A chemically enhanced backwash (CEB), (2014). Lognormal distributions were previously
performed once per week, consisted of 8 cycles of shown as adequate for modelling parameters in
the following sequential steps; aeration (400 s), treated and untreated wastewater Oliveira, et al.
sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) pulse (20 s), (2012).
backflush (60 s) and soak (240 s). The CEB regime
resulted in a NaOCl concentration of 100 – 300
mg.L flushed in reverse through the membrane. Microbial Indicator Analysis
Two virus indicators, somatic coliphage (SC) and
A yearly CIP involved the following steps; isolation FRNA bacteriophage (FRNA), along with two
of the activated sludge compartments, drain down bacteria indicators, E. coli (EC) and total coliforms
of the membrane compartment, soaking the (TC) and one protozoan indicator clostridium
membranes in 1000 mg.L NaOCl overnight, perfringens (CP) were analysed in this study. The
discharge of the cleaning solution and refill of the SC and FRNA methods were not established in
membrane compartment with activated sludge. The time to adequately quantify the effect of CIP, but
balance volume (9%) was made up with influent were analysed around CEB. Brilliance agar (Oxoid
waste water. The MBR was then returned to CM1046) was used to enumerate both EC and TC,
service. which were incubated at 37 °C for 24 hr. TC were
enumerated by counting both purple and pink
colonies that were visible on the agar, while the
Sampling and Control Data
number of presumptive EC was obtained by only
For each sampling event, grab samples were taken counting the purple colonies. CP were enumerated
from influent wastewater, mixed liquor (recycled using the tryptose sulphite cycloserine agar for
activated sludge line) and permeate (before UV Clostridium perfringens (Oxoid CM0587), and
disinfection). Four permeate samples were incubated anaerobically at 37 °C for 24 hr. FRNA
collected during the CEB events. Two control were quantified using the double agar layer (DAL)
permeate samples were taken before cleaning, one technique according to previously published
immediately after cleaning and one 2 hr after methods Noble, et al. (2004), using E. coli F-amp
cleaning. For CIP, influent, mixed liquor and (ATCC #700891) as the host and MS2
duplicate permeate grab samples were taken bacteriophage (ATCC #15597-B1) as the positive
immediately upon restart and then daily, excluding control. SC were also analysed by the DAL
weekends, for 6 days following the cleaning. technique with E. coli CN-13 (ATCC #700609) as
Additional control samples of influent, mixed liquor the host and Phi X174 (ATCC # 13706-B1) as the
and permeate were taken randomly over the 6 positive control. All bacterial indicators measured
month period. within the permeate were quantified using
membrane filtration (Method 9215D, APHA (1992)),
In order to define event significance, a control whereby a desired volume of sample (typically 5, 50
charting approach was implemented. Data obtained and 100 mL) was filtered through a 47 mm
during the monitoring period was organized into diameter, 0.45 µm gridded filter membrane
subgroups according to whether it was normal (Millipore, S-Pak, type HA). The filter membrane
operation or not. Normal operation was defined as was then transferred onto the surface of a plate of
samples taken before cleaning, as well as selective agar. Data was reported in colony forming
discussions with operators about recent events in units (CFU) for bacterial indicators and plaque
between sampling visits. If recent operational forming units (PFU) for phage per 100 mL volume
of sample. For SC and FRNA, LOD was 10 PFU Establishment of a control distribution for FRNA
per 100 mL. For CP, EC and TC, LOD was 1 CFU was not possible given it was only detected on 1
per 100 mL. occasion in the permeate, at the LOD. Accordingly,
the lowest LRV, calculated with the permeate LOD,
After cleaning, LRV was calculated for each was chosen as the lower control limit (LCL). The
microbial indicator using equation 1. LCL LRV for FRNA was > 3.7. Control distributions
were created for all other indicators. 5 percentile
!!" LRVs from distributions were defined as the LCL. If
𝐿𝑅𝑉 =   log!" !!"#$"%&"
(1) th
an LRV were to fall below the 5 percentile then a
significant deviation, with respect to ‘normal’
Where CIn and CPermeate were the densities of operation, had occurred. 5 percentile LRVs for CP,
microbial indicators, from paired grab samples, EC, TC and SC were 5.0, 6.0, 5.9 and 3.9
analysed on influent and permeate respectively. respectively (Table 2). The results from this study
correspond to LRVs reported for other full scale
MBRs Pettigrew, et al. (2010), Marti, et al. (2011),
Bulk Parameters and Operational Data
van den Akker, et al. (2014). The use of Monte
During cleaning events, permeate turbidity was Carlo simulation to calculate control LRVs was
recorded online with a HACH FT660 Laser advantageous. LRV expressed as a distribution can
nephelometer. The online reading at the time of summarise not only performance, but also expected
sampling was recorded as an instantaneous point, variability. Additionally, it was still possible to
representative of the sample. Permeate flow rate calculate a representative LRV, even though up to
and trans-membrane pressure (TMP) were 80% of permeate readings were below the LOD.
retrieved from site SCADA systems, for the
sampling events. Total chlorine was measured on
Table 2: LRV distribution parameters representing
the permeate using a HACH pocket chlorimeter and
DPD reagent pillows (HACH Method 8167). Total normal operational performance and variability of
chlorine was tested before, and after chemical the MBR during the sampling period.
cleaning events at 5 min intervals.
LRV Distribution Parameter
5 95
Median St.Dev
%ile %ile
Normal System Variability
Clostridium 5.0 5.7 6.4 0.4
Over the 6 month sampling period, 28 paired, Perfringens
influent and permeate, samples were taken for
bacteria and protozoan indicators and 14 for virus E . coli 6.0 6.7 7.3 0.4
indicators. CP, EC, TC, FRNA and SC were
detected, at or above the limit of detection (LOD), in Total 5.9 6.6 7.3 0.5
the permeate for 26, 66, 100, 5 and 20% Coliforms
respectively, for all samples satisfying normal
operating criteria (Table 1). FRNA > 3.7 N/A N/A N/A
Table 1: Number and location of control samples Somatic
analysed over 6 months. Brackets indicate samples 3.9 4.9 6.0 0.6
with microorganism densities below the LOD.
Only one state based validation guideline exists in
Sample Location
Australia, published by the Victorian Department of
Indicator Mixed Health in February 2013. In order to encourage the
Influent Permeate use of multiple barriers in a water recycling
scheme, no single unit operation can attain a log
Clostridium removal credit greater than 4 for virus, bacteria or
28 25 9 (25)
Perfringens protozoa VDoH (2013). 95% of the time the MBR at
PTLWC could be expected expected to exceed an
E . coli 28 25 23 (12) LRV of 4 for bacteria and protozoa. For viruses, an
LRV of > 3.7could be expected. With respect to a
Total Coliforms 28 25 33 maximum log removal credit of 4, the MBR in this
study performed very well, under normal operating
FRNA 14 11 1 (19) conditions.

Somatic 14 11 4 (16)
Effect on LRV by Clean in Place Effect of Chemically Enhanced Backwash on
After restart of the MBR, following the CIP, levels of LRV
total chlorine in the permeate were low, starting at CEB with NaOCl was observed for three weekly
-1 -1
0.9 and dropping to 0.03 mg.L within 30 min; cleans. Up to 35 mg.L total chlorine was
indicating minor transfer of NaOCl across the observed in the permeate immediately upon system
membrane during the soak. As such, the permeate restart. After 20 min chlorine residual returned to
sample taken 1 hour after CIP was not affected by the LOD of 0.03 mg.L . Turbidity spike following
disinfectant residual. Membrane permeability was CEB with sodium hypochlorite was as high as 0.32
assessed by observation of SCADA flow and TMP NTU, recovering to 0.08 NTU at 2 hr (Figure 2).
data before and after CIP as 1.4±0.3 and 2.0±0.4
-2 -1 -1
L.m .h .kPa respectively. The slight increase in
permeability indicated the CIP was effective at
removal of some portion of the accumulated
membrane fouling. Instantaneous turbidity results
were recorded from the onsite turbidity meter upon
permeate sampling.

Grab samples were analysed for indicators at 1, 24,

48, 120 and 144 hr after the CIP. Upon start up,
turbidity immediately spiked to 0.5 NTU, receding to
0.32 NTU at 1 hr. At 4 hr, turbidity had recovered
to the typical value of 0.08 NTU. Some minor
spikes in online turbidity to 0.1 NTU were evident at Figure 2: Total chlorine and turbidity following a
18 and 42 hr, although not exceeding the critical CEB. Error bars represent standard deviation from
control limit. EC LRV slightly decreased to 5.2 – 5.4 three CEB events.
during the two days following the CIP. After 120 hr, Indicator organisms were assayed before,
EC LRV had recovered to 6.8. TC LRV rose from immediately after, and 2 hr after CEB. CP was not
4.9 to 5.9 over the first 48hr after the CIP. After 120 detected in any permeate samples during the trials,
hours TC LRV recovered, within the control limits, maintaining an LRV > 5.3 before and after CEB.
to 6.3. CP LRV remained > 5.1 and was not FRNA was not detected in any permeate samples
detected in any permeate samples post CIP (Figure and dependent on influent densities, displayed
1). LRVs of > 3.9 - > 5.4. SC was detected at the
permeate LOD for one trial, 2 hr after the CEB, with
an LRV of 4.6. For other SC trials, influent
densities were only sufficient to yield LRVs of > 4.2
and > 4.3, unchanged by CEB. EC LRV increased
slightly, immediately after CEB by 0.3 log. EC LRV
remained high post clean, detected at the LOD in
one of three trials, 2 hr after CEB. TC LRV
increased significantly from 7 to > 8.7, undetected
immediately after cleaning. 2 hr after CEB TC were
detected in all 3 permeate samples with an average
LRV of 7.6 (Figure 3).

Figure 1: LRV for TC, EC, CP and turbidity for 5 d

following a CIP.

The significant breakthrough of TC for the first 48 hr

following a CIP may have come as a result of
removal of fouling layer acting as a shield for micro
defects on the membranes. The relatively high
density of total coliforms in the mixed liquor, 4 – 8 x
7 -1
10 CFU.100mL , would have made passage
across the membrane more likely had defects
become exposed. The larger CP and less
concentrated EC would have been less likely to
pass. EC LRV was below the 5 percentile, but not
to the same extent as total coliforms. Recovery with
respect to the 5 percentile of the control set
occurred for bacterial indicators within 5 days.

CIP removed fouling from the membrane, as

indicated by permeability increase, but did not
appear to result in significant breakthrough of
disinfectant into the permeate line. Indicating that
the use of an oxidising disinfectant in the CIP
process did not contribute to LRV. For up to 48 hr
after CIP, bacteria LRV was below the 5 percentile
of the control set indicating a significant change,
outside of normal variability. Within 5 days bacteria
LRV had recovered. Protozoan LRV was stable,
unaffected by CIP.

Figure 3: LRV before and after CEB with NaOCl. In contrast to CIP, CEB can result in appreciable
Excess chlorine significantly improved TC LRV disinfectant quantities, remaining in the permeate
immediately following CEB. > symbols denote for up to 20 min. Due to elevated disinfectant
permeate concentrations below LOD. Fractions concentration, LRV immediately after cleaning
denote number of permeate trials at or above LOD. appeared to increase, even though turbidity was
out of specification. The large spike in turbidity may
The initial sudden increase in TC LRV was likely indicate passage, through unshielded defects in the
due to the excessive disinfectant concentration (35 membrane or sloughing of biofilm from within the
mg/L) present immediately after CEB. 2 hr after permeate line by NaOCl. 2 hr after CEB, no
CEB, TC LRV was still higher than before the clean, indicator LRV was significantly affected relative to
although no disinfectant residual was present. It is the 5 percentile. At 2 hr after CEB total coliform
likely that some reduction of TC LRV before clean LRV displayed a slight increase, relative to results
was experienced due to total coliform growth and before cleaning, likely due to removal of coliform
gradual detachment from permeate pipe work. 100 growth within the permeate network.
– 300 mg.L loads of NaOCl in the permeate line
during CEB, would result in destruction of
accumulated total coliform growth. The slight net ACKNOWLEDGMENT
increase in LRV of 0.6, 2 hr post clean, may be
indicative of the level to which total coliform growth This project is funded by the Australian Water
can negatively affect overall LRV, on a system that Recycling Centre of Excellence under the
is not regularly cleaned by CEB. Following CEB, no Australian Government’s National Urban Water and
indicator organism LRV fell below the 5 percentile Desalination Plan.
LRV of the control set. Even though a majority of
indicator LRVs were censored, with permeate Flow Systems are acknowledged for substantial in-
concentrations below LOD, CEB does not appear to kind support, in the form of access to PTLWC and
have a significant negative effect on LRV for up to 2 operational data.
hr after CEB. CEB may have a slightly positive
effect on LRV, due to removal of bacterial growth.
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