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50 Years of Quantum Chromodynamics

Franz Grossa,1,2 , Eberhard Klemptb,3 ,

Stanley J. Brodskyc,4 , Andrzej J. Burasc,5 , Volker D. Burkertc,1 , Gudrun Heinrichc,6 , Karl
Jakobsc,7 , Curtis A. Meyerc,8 , Kostas Orginosc,1,2 , Michael Stricklandc,9 , Johanna Stachelc,10 ,
Giulia Zanderighic,11,12 ,
Nora Brambilla5,12,13 , Peter Braun-Munzinger10,14 , Daniel Britzger11 , Simon Capstick15 , Tom
Cohen16 , Volker Crede15 , Martha Constantinou17 , Christine Davies18 , Luigi Del Debbio19 , Achim
Denig20 , Carleton DeTar21 , Alexandre Deur1 , Yuri Dokshitzer22,23 , Hans Günter Dosch10 Jozef
Dudek1,2 , Monica Dunford24 , Evgeny Epelbaum25 , Miguel A. Escobedo26 , Harald Fritzschd,27 ,
Kenji Fukushima28 , Paolo Gambino11,29 , Dag Gillberg30,31 , Steven Gottlieb32 , Per Grafstrom33 ,
Massimiliano Grazzini34 , Boris Grube1 , Alexey Guskov35 , Toru Iijima36 , Xiangdong Ji16 , Frithjof
Karsch37 , Stefan Kluth11 , John B. Kogut38,39 , Frank Krauss40 , Shunzo Kumano41,42 , Derek
Leinweber43 , Heinrich Leutwyler44 , Hai-Bo Li45 , Yang Li46 , Bogdan Malaescu47 , Chiara
Mariotti48 , Pieter Maris49 , Simone Marzani50 , Wally Melnitchouk1 , Johan Messchendorp51 ,
Harvey Meyer20 , Ryan Edward Mitchell52 , Chandan Mondal53 , Frank Nerling51,54,55 , Sebastian
Neubert3 , Marco Pappagallo56 , Saori Pastore57 , José R. Peláez58 , Andrew Puckett59 , Jianwei
Qiu1,2 , Klaus Rabbertz60 , Alberto Ramos61 , Patrizia Rossi1,62 , Anar Rustamov51,63 , Andreas
Schäfer64 , Stefan Scherer65 , Matthias Schindler66 , Steven Schramm67 , Mikhail Shifman68 , Edward
Shuryak69 , Torbjörn Sjöstrand70 , George Sterman71 , Iain W. Stewart72 , Joachim Stroth51,54,55 ,
Eric Swanson73 , Guy F. de Téramond74 , Ulrike Thoma3 , Antonio Vairo75 , Danny van Dyk40 ,
James Vary49 , Javier Virto76,77 , Marcel Vos78 , Christian Weiss1 , Markus Wobisch79 Sau Lan
Wu80 , Christopher Young81 , Feng Yuan82 , Xingbo Zhao53 , Xiaorong Zhou46

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, 12000 Jefferson Avenue, Newport News, VA 23606, USA
Department of Physics, William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA 23187, USA
Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik, Universität Bonn, Nußallee 14-16, D 53115 Bonn, Germany
Theoretical Physics, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, USA
Institute for Advanced Study, Technische Universität München, Lichtenbergstraße 2a, D-85748 Garching b. München, Germany
Institut für Theoretische Physik, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany
Physikalisches Institut, Universität Freiburg, 79104 Freiburg, Germany
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA
Department of Physics, Kent State University, 800 E Summit St, Kent, OH 44240, USA
Physikalisches Institut, Universität Heidelberg, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, Föhringer Ring 6, 80805 München, Germany
Physik Department, Technische Universität München, James-Franck-Straße 1, D-85748 Garching b. München, Germany
Munich Data Science Institute, Technische Universität München, Walther-von-Dyck-Straße-10, D-85748 Garching b. München,
Extreme Matter Institute EMMI, GSI, 64291 Darmstadt, Germany
Department of Physics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306, USA
Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA
Physics Department, Temple University, 1925 N. 12th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19122, USA
School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ, UK

Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics, School of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH9 3FD,
PRISMA+ Cluster of Excellence & Institut für Kernphysik and Helmholtz Institute Mainz, Johannes Gutenberg University
Mainz, Mainz, D-55128, Germany
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84112, USA
Riga Technical University Center of High Energy Physics and Accelerator Technologies, Riga, Latvia
Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, Russia
Kirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
Institut für Theoretische Physik II, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 44780 Bochum, Germany
Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enería (IGFAE), Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, E-15782, Galicia, Spain
Department für Physik der Universität München, Theresienstraße 37, D-80333 München, Germany
School of Science, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 113-8654, Japan
Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Torino & INFN, Sezione di Torino, Via Pietro Giuria 1, I-10125 Turin, Italy
Department of Physics, Carlton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa K1S 5B6 Ontario, Canada
Department of Physics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Department of Physics, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland and Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Fisica, 40126 Bologna, Italy
Department of Physics, University of Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna, Moscow region, Russia
Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute (KMI)/Graduate School of Science Nagoya University, Furocho, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, Aichi
464-8601, Japan
Physics Department, Bielefeld University, D-33615 Bielefeld, Germany
Department of Energy, Division of High Energy Physics, Washington, DC 20585, USA
Department of Physics –TQHN, University of Maryland, 82 Regents Drive, College Park, MD 20742, USA
Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology, Physics Department, Durham University, Durham DH1 3LE, UK
Department of Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Japan Women’s University, 2-8-1 Mejirodai,
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8681, Japan
Theory Center, Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), 1-1 Oho,
Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0801, Japan
Centre for the Subatomic Structure of Matter (CSSM), Department of Physics, The University of Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia
Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Bern, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012
Bern, Switzerland
Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing 100049, PR of China, and University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
100049, PR of China
University of Science and Technology of China, No.96, JinZhai Road, Baohe District, Hefei, Anhui, 230026, PR of China
LPNHE, Sorbonne Université, Université de Paris Cité, CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, France, 75252
INFN, Sezione di Torino, Via Pietro Giuria 1, I-10125 Turin, Italy
Deptarment of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA
Dipartimento di Física, Università di Genova and INFN, Sezione di Genova,Via Dodecaneso 33, 16146, Italy,
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Planckstraße 1, 64291 Darmstadt, Germany,
Department of Physics, Indiana University Bloomington, 107 S. Indiana Avenue, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA
Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, Gansu 730000, PR of China
Helmholtz Forschungsakademie Hessen für FAIR (HFHF), GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Campus
FrankfurtFrankfurt, Germany
Goethe Universität, Institut für Kernphysik, Max-von-Laue-Str. 1, 60438 Frankfurt, Germany
Dipartimento Interateneo di Fisica, Università di Bari and INFN, Sezione di Bari, Via Amendola 173, 70125 Bari, Italy
Department of Physics and McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences, Washington University in Saint Louis, Saint Louis, MO
63130, USA
Departamento de Física Teórica and IPARCOS. Universidad Complutense 28040 Madrid, Spain
University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, 06269, USA
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland and ETP, KIT, Postfach 6980, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany
IFIC (UVEG/CSIC) Valencia, C. del Catedrático José Beltrán 2, 46980 Paterna, Spain
INFN, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, 00044 Frascati, Italy
National Nuclear Research Center, AZ1000 Baku, Azerbaijan
Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Regensburg, D-93040 Regensburg, Germany
Institut für Kernphysik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, D-55099 Mainz, Germany
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208, USA
Département de Physique Nucléaire et Corpusculaire, Université de Genève, 1205 Genève, Switzerland
School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN 55455, USA
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook NY 11794, USA
Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics, Lund University, Box 43, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden
C. N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics and Department of Physics and Astronomy Stony Brook University, Stony Brook,
New York 11794, USA

Center for Theoretical Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA 15260, USA
Laboratorio de Física Teórica y Computacional, Universidad de Costa Rica, 11501 San José, Costa Rica
Physik Department, Technische Universität München, James-Franck-Straße 1, D-85748 Garching b. München, Germany
Departament de Física Quántica i Astrofísica, Universitat de Barcelona, Martí i Franqués 1, 08028 Barcelona, Catalunya
Institut de Ciències del Cosmos (ICCUB), Universitat de Barcelona, Martí i Franqués 1, 08028 Barcelona, Catalunya
IFIC (UVEG/CSIC) Valencia, 46980 Paterna, Spain
Departmant of Physics, Louisiana Tech University, 201 Mayfield Ave, Ruston, LA 71272, USA
Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA
Institute of Physics, Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
Nuclear Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1 Cyclotron Rd, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA

Received: date / Accepted: date

Abstract Quantum Chromodynamics, the theory of quarks X,Y,Z states – and the discovery of pentaquarks – have revo-
and gluons, whose interactions can be described by a local lutionized hadron spectroscopy; their status and interpretation
SU(3) gauge symmetry with charges called “color quantum are reviewed as well as recent progress in the identification of
numbers”, is reviewed; the goal of this review is to provide glueballs and hybrids in light-meson spectroscopy. These ex-
advanced Ph.D. students a comprehensive handbook, helpful otic states add to the spectrum of expected q q̄ mesons and qqq
for their research. When QCD was “discovered” 50 years ago, baryons. The progress in understanding excitations of light and
the idea that quarks could exist, but not be observed, left most heavy baryons is discussed. The nucleon as the lightest baryon
physicists unconvinced. Then, with the discovery of charmo- is discussed extensively, its form factors, its partonic structure
nium in 1974 and the explanation of its excited states using and the status of the attempt to determine a three-dimensional
the Cornell potential, consisting of the sum of a Coulomb-like picture of the parton distribution.
attraction and a long range linear confining force, the theory An experimental program to study the phase diagram of
was suddenly widely accepted. This paradigm shift is now re- QCD at high temperature and density started with fixed tar-
ferred to as the November revolution. It had been anticipated get experiments in various laboratories in the second half of
by the observation of scaling in deep inelastic scattering, and the 1980’s, and then, in this century, with colliders. QCD ther-
was followed by the discovery of gluons in three-jet events. modynamics at high temperature became accessible to LQCD,
The parameters of QCD include the running coupling con- and numerical results on chiral and deconfinement transitions
stant, αs (Q2 ), that varies with the energy scale Q2 charac- and properties of the deconfined and chirally restored form of
terising the interaction, and six quark masses. QCD cannot be strongly interacting matter, called the Quark-Gluon Plasma
solved analytically, at least not yet, and the large value of αs at (QGP), have become very precise by now. These results can
low momentum transfers limits perturbative calculations to the now be confronted with experimental data that are sensitive to
high-energy region where Q2  Λ2QCD ' (250 MeV)2 . Lattice the nature of the phase transition. There is clear evidence that
QCD (LQCD), numerical calculations on a discretized space- the QGP phase is created. This phase of QCD matter can al-
time lattice, is discussed in detail, the dynamics of the QCD ready be characterized by some properties that indicate, within
vacuum is visualized, and the expected spectra of mesons and a temperature range of a few times the pseudocritical temper-
baryons are displayed. Progress in lattice calculations of the ature, the medium behaves like a near ideal liquid. Experimen-
structure of nucleons and of quantities related to the phase di- tal observables are presented that demonstrate deconfinement.
agram of dense and hot (or cold) hadronic matter are reviewed. High and ultrahigh density QCD matter at moderate and low
Methods and examples of how to calculate hadronic corrections temperaures shows interesting features and new phases that are
to weak matrix elements on a lattice are outlined. of astrophysical relevance. They are reviewed here and some of
The wide variety of analytical approximations currently in the astrophysical implications are discussed.
use, and the accuracy of these approximations, are reviewed. Perturbative QCD and methods to describe the different as-
These methods range from the Bethe-Salpeter, Dyson-Schwinger pects of scattering processes are discussed. The primary parton-
coupled relativistic equations, which are formulated in both parton scattering in a collision is calculated in perturbative
Minkowski or Euclidean spaces, to expansions of multi-quark QCD with increasing complexity. The radiation of soft gluons
states in a set of basis functions using light-front coordinates, can spoil the perturbative convergence, this can be cured by re-
to the AdS/QCD method that imbeds 4-dimensional QCD in a summation techniques, which are also described here. Realistic
5-dimensional deSitter space, allowing confinement and spon- descriptions of QCD scattering events need to model the cas-
taneous chiral symmetry breaking to be described in a novel cade of quark and gluon splittings until hadron formation sets
way. Models that assume the number of colors is very large, in, which is done by parton showers. The full event simulation
i.e. make use of the large Nc -limit, give unique insights. Many can be performed with Monte Carlo event generators, which
other techniques that are tailored to specific problems, such as simulate the full chain from the hard interaction to the hadronic
perturbative expansions for high energy scattering or approx- final states, including the modelling of non-perturbative compo-
imate calculations using the operator product expansion are nents. The contribution of the LEP experiments (and of earlier
discussed. The very powerful effective field theory techniques collider experiments) to the study of jets is reviewed. Correla-
that are successful for low energy nuclear systems (chiral ef- tions between jets and the shape of jets had allowed the col-
fective theory), or for non-relativistic systems involving heavy laborations to determine the “color factors” – invariants of the
quarks, or the treatment of gluon exchanges between energetic, SU(3) color group governing the strength of quark-gluon and
collinear partons encountered in jets, are discussed. gluon-gluon interactions. The calculated jet production rates
The spectroscopy of mesons and baryons has played an im- (using perturbative QCD) are shown to agree precisely with
portant historical role in the development of QCD. The famous data, for jet energies spanning more than five orders of magni-

tude. The production of jets recoiling against a vector boson, 6.5 Hard thermal loop effective theory . . . . . . . . 232
W ± or Z, is shown to be well understood. The discovery of the 6.6 EFT methods for nonequilibrium systems . . . . 236
Higgs boson was certainly an important milestone in the devel- 7 QCD under extreme conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
opment of high-energy physics. The couplings of the Higgs bo- 7.1 QGP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
son to massive vector bosons and fermions that have been mea- 7.2 QCD at high density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
sured so far support its interpretation as mass-generating boson 8 Mesons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
as predicted by the Standard Model. The study of the Higgs bo- 8.1 The meson mass spectrum, a survey . . . . . . . 261
son recoiling against hadronic jets (without or with heavy fla- 8.2 The light scalars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
vors) or against vector bosons is also highlighted. Apart from 8.3 Exotic mesons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
the description of hard interactions taking place at high ener- 8.4 Glueballs, a fulfilled promise of QCD? . . . . . . 284
gies, the understanding of “soft QCD” is also very important. 8.5 Heavy quark-antiquark sector: experiment . . . . 292
In this respect, Pomeron – and Odderon – exchange, soft and 8.6 Heavy quark-antiquark sector: theory . . . . . . 300
hard diffraction are discussed. 9 Baryons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
Weak decays of quarks and leptons, the quark mixing ma- 9.1 Theoretical overview of the baryon spectrum . 310
trix and the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon are pro- 9.2 Light-quark baryons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
cesses which are governed by weak interactions. However, cor- 9.3 Nucleon Resonances and Transition Form Factors 329
rections by strong interactions are important, and these are 9.4 Heavy-flavor baryons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
reviewed. As the measured values are incompatible with (most 10 Structure of the Nucleon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
of) the predictions, the question arises: are these discrepancies 10.1 Form factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
first hints for New Physics beyond the Standard Model? 10.2 Parton distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
This volume concludes with a description of future facilities 10.3 Spin structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
or important upgrades of existing facilities which improve their 10.4 Nucleon Tomography: GPDs, TMDs and Wigner
luminosity by orders of magnitude. The best is yet to come! Distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
11 QCD at high energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
11.1 Higher-order perturbative calculations . . . . . . 385
11.2 Analytic resummation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
Contents 11.3 Parton showers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
11.4 Monte Carlo event generators . . . . . . . . . . . 399
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 11.5 Jet reconstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
1 Theoretical Foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 12 Measurements at colliders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
1.1 The strong interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 12.1 The Legacy of LEP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
1.2 The origins of QCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 12.2 High-pT jets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
2 Experimental Foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 12.3 Vector boson + jet production . . . . . . . . . . 438
2.1 Discovery of heavy mesons as bound states of 12.4 Higgs production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
heavy quarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 12.5 Top quark physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
2.2 Experimental discovery of gluons . . . . . . . . . 23 12.6 Soft QCD and elastic scattering . . . . . . . . . 458
2.3 Successes of perturbative QCD . . . . . . . . . . 28 13 Weak Decays and Quark Mixing . . . . . . . . . . . . 466
3 Fundamental constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 13.1 Effective Hamiltonians in the Standard Model
3.1 Lattice determination of αs and quark masses . 39 and Beyond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467
3.2 The strong-interaction coupling constant . . . . 47 13.2 The quark mixing matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
4 Lattice QCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 13.3 The Important Role of QCD in flavor Physics . . 478
4.1 Lattice field theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 13.4 The role of QCD in B physics anomalies . . . . 482
4.2 Monte-Carlo methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 13.5 QCD and (g − 2) of the muon . . . . . . . . . . 487
4.3 Vacuum structure and confinement . . . . . . . . 67 14 The future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494
4.4 QCD at non-zero temperature and density . . . 78 14.1 JLab: the 12 GeV project and beyond . . . . . . 494
4.5 Spectrum computations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 14.2 The EIC program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504
4.6 Hadron structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 14.3 J-PARC hadron physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512
4.7 Weak matrix elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 14.4 The NICA program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
5 Approximate QCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 14.5 QCD at FAIR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
5.1 Quark models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 14.6 BESIII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539
5.2 Hidden Color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 14.7 BELLE II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548
5.3 DS/BS equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 14.8 Heavy flavors at the HL-LHC . . . . . . . . . . . 555
5.4 Light-front quantization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 14.9 High-pT physics at HL-LHC . . . . . . . . . . . 560
5.5 AdS/QCD and light-front holography . . . . . . 139 Postscript . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565
5.6 The nonperturbative strong coupling . . . . . . . 150 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567
5.7 The ’t Hooft model and large N QCD . . . . . . 152
5.8 OPE-based sum rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
5.9 Factorization and spin asymmetries . . . . . . . 169
5.10 Exclusive processes in QCD . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
5.11 Color confinement, chiral symmetry breaking, and
gauge topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
6 Effective field theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
6.1 Nonrelativistic effective theory . . . . . . . . . . 194
6.2 Chiral perturbation theory . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
6.3 Chiral EFT and nuclear physics . . . . . . . . . 213
6.4 Soft collinear effective theory . . . . . . . . . . . 223

Preface and 6, including effective field theories, a powerful tool

with many applications. Perhaps some day we will have
Quantum Chromodynamics or QCD was developed and exact analytic solutions, but not today.
defined over a brief period from 1972-73. One of us (EK) From there our account turns to experimental man-
wrote an article early in 2021 on the scalar glueball and ifestations of QCD (with theoretical support), start-
searched the literature to find where glueballs were first ing with the exploration of the QCD phase diagram
mentioned. This was at the 16th International Confer- in heavy ion collisions and in dense matter (Sec. 7),
ence on High-Energy Physics (ICHEP 72). In the winter followed by the study of mesons (Sec. 8) and baryons
of 2021/2022 he thought it was time to prepare a vol- (Sec. 9) that reveal the existence of “exotic” states like
ume dedicated to 50 Years of QCD. He got approval glueballs, hybrids, hadronic molecules, and tetra- and
from the EJPC, and asked FG to join the effort. Here pentaquarks. A special focus is given to the nucleon and
is the result. its structure (Sec. 10). Then, collisions at high energies
It’s been quite an adventure to guide and prepare are discussed, from the hard scattering of two partons
this volume. From the start it was to be published as followed by their hadronization (Sec. 11); the produc-
a single article, organized and edited by the two coed- tion and identification of jets of particles culminated
itors, with integrated contributions from invited scien- in the discovery of the Higgs boson and measurements
tists familiar with all aspects of the subject. Our ini- of its properties (Sec. 12); weak decays, precision anal-
tial outline included only eight sections, but as we got yses of the quark mixing matrix, and the anomalous
advice from our conveners and early contributors, the magnetic moment of muons that show the first hints
number of sections grew to the 14 you see here, and of New Physics beyond the Standard Model (Sec. 13).
in some cases the number of subsections in each sec- The volume concludes with a brief account of experi-
tion also grew. The subject is both beautiful and vast, mental projects under construction or already funded
and keeping this volume “limited” in length was a real (Sec. 14). We do not discuss the many exciting theo-
challenge. retical or experimental ideas that are currently in the
Our goal was to prepare a volume for young Ph.Ds drawing board, or as theorists sometimes say, on the
and postdocs that could serve as a readable resource “second sheet” (when they are joking about wonderful
and introduction to specialties outside of their own field ideas still in an imaginative state). These we save for
of research – a shortcut to acquiring the broad familiar- the next volume!
ity that usually takes time to acquire. We also invited It has been a great experience for us to work on
our contributors to reflect on how they developed their this volume; we hope you will find some pleasure in
ideas/insights, usually discouraged in scientific articles. skimming through it.
We believe that what has resulted is truly unique.
The volume begins with the personal reflections of
two scientists who were contributors to the foundations 1 Theoretical Foundations
of QCD (Sec. 1), and follows with three early develop-
ments that quickly showed that QCD as on the right Conveners:
track (Sec. 2). Prominent among these was the “Novem- Franz Gross and Eberhard Klempt
ber revolution,” where the discovery and explanation of
the states of charmonium lead quickly to the Cornell This section contains two personal accounts of the early
potential and an early description of why quarks could development or “discovery” of QCD.
not be seen, convincing may doubters that quarks were Leutwyler’s contribution starts with a broad picture
real. of the chaotic state of “theories” of the strong interac-
After establishing that the QCD fine structure con- tions in the 1960’s and carries us through to the present
stant, αs , is too large at hadronic scales for pertur- day. He describes how many thought field theory could
bation theory to work (Sec. 3), we describe in some not work for the description of “nuclear forces.” They
detail Lattice QCD (Sec. 4), believed now to be the thought the use of dispersion relations and unitarity
only method that can give exact predictions for QCD would provide a better approach, but now we know that
(with numerical errors, of course, which are decreasing these are only useful tools. His discussion of how the
rapidly as the computations and computers improve). exact and approximate symmetries of QCD lead to an
Unfortunately, Lattice QCD does not give much of an understanding of the mass scales of the quarks shows
intuitive picture of how the physics works, so approx- how much the development of QCD and the standard
imate analytic methods are needed (and will probably model have brought order out of chaos, and have led to
always be needed) and these are summarized in Secs. 5 a deep understanding of the physics.

The second contribution by Fritzsch gives a more had become possible to explore relativistic collisions,
focused and personal account of how some issues that but a description in terms of nonrelativistic potentials
had to be surmounted before QCD became the accepted cannot cover these. In the period between 1935 and
theory of the strong forces. He describes several argu- 1965, many attempts at formulating a theory of the
ments that them to the necessity for three colors of strong interaction based on elementary fields for baryons
quarks (and the SU(3) color symmetry). He reminds us and mesons were made. In particular, uncountable PhD
that QCD and the existence of quarks did not become theses were written, based on local interactions of the
widely accepted until the discovery of the J/ψ, among Yukawa type, using perturbation theory to analyze them.
the topics discussed in the following Sec. 2. The coupling constants invariably turned out to be nu-
Both of these accounts of the history and the physics merically large, indicating that the neglect of the higher
are exciting to read, and a broad introduction to this order contributions was not justified. Absolutely noth-
volume. We hope you will enjoy them as much as we ing worked even half way.
have. Although there was considerable progress in under-
standing the general principles of quantum field the-
ory (Lorentz invariance, unitarity, crossing symmetry,
1.1 The strong interactions1 causality, analyticity, dispersion relations, CPT theo-
Heinrich Leutwyler rem, spin and statistics) as well as in renormalization
theory, faith in quantum field theory was in decline,
1.1.1 Beginnings even concerning QED (Landau pole). To many, the
renormalization procedure – needed to arrive at physi-
The discovery of the neutron in 1932 [2] may be viewed cally meaningful results – looked suspicious, and it ap-
as the birth of the strong interaction: it indicated that peared doubtful that the strong interaction could at all
the nuclei consist of protons and neutrons and hence be described by means of a local quantum field theory.
the presence of a force that holds them together, strong Some suggested that this framework should be replaced
enough to counteract the electromagnetic repulsion. Im- by S-matrix theory – heated debates concerning this
mediately thereafter, Heisenberg introduced the notion suggestion took place at the time [6]. Regge poles were
of isospin as a symmetry of the strong interaction, in considered as a promising alternative to the quantum
order to explain why proton and neutron nearly have fields (the Veneziano model is born in 1968 [7]). Sixty
the same mass [3]. In 1935, Yukawa pointed out that years ago, when I completed my studies, the quantum
the nuclear force could be generated by the exchange field theory of the strong interaction consisted of a col-
of a hypothetical spinless particle, provided its mass is lection of beliefs, prejudices and assumptions. Quite a
intermediate between the masses of proton and electron few of these turned out to be wrong.
– a meson [4]. Today, we know that such a particle in-
1.1.2 Flavor symmetries
deed exists: Yukawa predicted the pion. Stueckelberg
pursued similar ideas, but was mainly thinking about
Symmetries that extend isospin to a larger Lie group
particles of spin 1, in analogy with the particle that
provided the first hints towards an understanding of the
mediates the electromagnetic interaction [5].
structure underneath the strong interaction phenom-
In the thirties and fourties of the last century, the
ena. The introduction of the strangeness quantum num-
understanding of the force between two nucleons made
ber and the Gell-Mann-Nishijima formula [8, 9] was a
considerable progress, in the framework of nonrelativis-
significant step in this direction. Goldberger and Treiman
tic potential models. These are much more flexible than
[10] then showed that the axial vector current plays an
quantum field theories. Suitable potentials that are at-
important role, not only in the weak interaction (the
tractive at large distances but repulsive at short dis-
pion-to-vacuum matrix element of this current – the
tances do yield a decent understanding of nuclear struc-
pion decay constant Fπ – determines the rate of the
ture: Paris potential, Bonn potential, shell model of the
weak decay π → µν) but also in the context of the
nucleus. In this framework, nuclear reactions, in partic-
strong interaction: the nucleon matrix element of the
ular the processes responsible for the luminosity of the
axial vector current, gA , determines the strength of the
sun, stellar structure, α-decay and related matters were
interaction between pions and nucleons:
well understood more than sixty years ago.
These phenomena concern interactions among nu- gπN = gA MN /Fπ .
cleons with small relative velocities. Experimentally, it At low energies, the main characteristic of the strong
The present section is an extended version of my lecture interaction is that the energy gap is small: the light-
notes On the history of the strong interaction [1] est state occurring in the eigenvalue spectrum of the
1.1 The strong interactions 7

Hamiltonian is the pion, with2 Mπ ' 135 MeV, small while the spectrum of the mesons indicates that they
compared to the mass of the proton, Mp ' 938 MeV. contain only two of these. Zweig called the constituents
In 1960, Nambu found out why that is so: it has to do “aces”. Gell-Mann coined the term “quarks”, which is
with a hidden, approximate, continuous symmetry [11]. now commonly accepted. The Quark Model gradually
Since some of its generators carry negative parity, it is evolved into a very simple and successful semi-quantitative
referred to as a chiral symmetry. For this symmetry to framework, but gave rise to a fundamental puzzle: why
be consistent with observation, it is essential that an do the constituents not show up in experiment? For
analog of spontaneous magnetization occurs in parti- this reason, the existence of the quarks was considered
cle physics: for dynamical reasons, the state of lowest doubtful: “Such particles [quarks] presumably are not
energy – the vacuum – is not symmetric under chiral real but we may use them in our field theory anyway …”
transformations. Consequently, the symmetry cannot [19]. Quarks were treated like the veal used to prepare
be seen in the spectrum of the theory: it is hidden or a pheasant in the royal french cuisine: the pheasant was
spontaneously broken. Nambu realized that the spon- baked between two slices of veal, which were then dis-
taneous breakdown of a continuous symmetry entails carded (or left for the less royal members of the court).
massless particles analogous to the spin waves of a mag- Conceptually, this was a shaky cuisine.
net and concluded that the pions must play this role. If If the flavor symmetries are important, why are they
the strong interaction was strictly invariant under chiral not exact? Gell-Mann found a beautiful explanation:
symmetry, there would be no energy gap at all – the pi- current algebra [14, 19]. The charges form an exact alge-
ons would be massless.3 Conversely, since the pions are bra even if they do not commute with the Hamiltonian
not massless, chiral symmetry cannot be exact – unlike and the framework can be extended to the correspond-
isospin, which at that time was taken to be an exact ing currents, irrespective of whether or not they are
symmetry of the strong interaction. The spectrum does conserved. Adler and Weisberger showed that current
have an energy gap because chiral symmetry is not ex- algebra can be tested with the sum rule that follows
act: the pions are not massless, only light. In fact, they from the nucleon matrix element of the commutator of
represent the lightest strongly interacting particles that two axial vector charges [20, 21]. Weinberg then demon-
can be exchanged between two nucleons. This is why, strated that even the strength of the interaction among
at large distances, the potential between two nucleons the pions can be understood on the basis of current
is correctly described by the Yukawa formula. algebra: the ππ scattering lengths can be predicted in
The discovery of the Eightfold Way by Gell-Mann terms of the pion decay constant [22].
and Ne’eman paved the way to an understanding of
the mass pattern of the baryons and mesons [13, 14]. 1.1.4 Behavior at short distances
Like chiral symmetry, the group SU(3) that underlies
the Eightfold Way represents an approximate symme- Bjorken had pointed out that if the nucleons contain
try: the spectrum of the mesons and baryons does not point-like constituents, then the ep cross section should
consist of degenerate multiplets of this group. The split- obey scaling laws in the deep inelastic region [23]. In-
ting between the energy levels, however, does exhibit a deed, the scattering experiments carried out by the
pattern that can be understood in terms of the assump- MIT-SLAC collaboration in 1968/69 did show exper-
tion that the part of the Hamiltonian that breaks the imental evidence for such constituents [24]. Feynman
symmetry transforms in a simple way. This led to the called these partons, leaving it open whether they were
Gell-Mann-Okubo formula [14, 15] and to a prediction the quarks or something else.
for the mass of the Ω − , a member of the baryon de- The operator product expansion turned out to be a
cuplet which was still missing, but was soon confirmed very useful tool for the short distance analysis of the
experimentally, at the predicted place [16]. theory – the title of the paper where it was introduced
[25], “Nonlagrangian models of current algebra,” re-
1.1.3 Quark Model flects the general skepticism towards Lagrangian quan-
tum field theory that I mentioned in Section 1.1.1.
In 1964, Gell-Mann [17] and Zweig [18] pointed out that
the observed pattern of baryons can qualitatively be 1.1.5 Color
understood on the basis of the assumption that these
particles are bound states built with three constituents, The Quark Model was difficult to reconcile with the
spin-statistics theorem which implies that particles of
I am using natural units where ~ = c = 1.
A precise formulation of this statement, known as the Gold-
spin 12 must obey Fermi statistics. Greenberg proposed
stone theorem, was given later [12].

that the quarks obey neither Fermi-statistics nor Bose- Fock pointed out that the Schrödinger equation for elec-
statistics, but “para-statistics of order three” [26]. The trons in an electromagnetic field,
proposal amounts to the introduction of a new internal 1 ∂ψ 1 ~
quantum number. Indeed, Bogolyubov, Struminsky and − ~ 2ψ − e ϕ ψ = 0 ,
(∇ + i eA) (1.1.1)
i ∂t 2m2e
Tavkhelidze [27], Han and Nambu [28] and Miyamoto
[29] independently pointed out that some of the prob- is invariant under a group of local transformations:
lems encountered in the quark model disappear if the ~ 0 (x) = A(x)
~ ~ ∂α(x)
A + ∇α(x), ϕ 0 (x) = ϕ(x) −
u, d and s quarks occur in 3 states. Gell-Mann coined ∂t
the term “color” for the new quantum number. ψ(x)0 = e−ieα(x) ψ(x) , (1.1.2)
One of the possibilities considered for the interac-
in the sense that the fields A~ 0 , ϕ0 , ψ 0 describe the same
tion that binds the quarks together was an abelian
physical situation as A, ~ ϕ, ψ [32]. Weyl termed these
gauge field analogous to the e.m. field, but this gave rise
gauge transformations (with gauge group U(1) in this
to problems, because the field would then interfere with
case). In fact, the electromagnetic interaction is fully
the other degrees of freedom. Fritzsch and Gell-Mann
characterized by symmetry with respect to this group:
pointed out that if the gluons carry color, then the em-
gauge invariance is the crucial property of this interac-
pirical observation that quarks appear to be confined
might also apply to them: the spectrum of the theory
I illustrate the statement with the core of Quantum
might exclusively contain color neutral states [30].
Electrodynamics: photons and electrons. Gauge invari-
In his lectures at the Schladming Winter School in
ance allows only two free parameters in the Lagrangian
1972 [31], Gell-Mann thoroughly discussed the role of
of this system: e, me . Moreover, only one of these is di-
the quarks and gluons: theorists had to navigate be-
mensionless: e2 /4π = 1/137.035 999 084 (21). U(1) sym-
tween Scylla and Charybdis, trying to abstract neither
metry and renormalizability fully determine the prop-
too much nor too little from models built with these
erties of the e.m. interaction, except for this number,
objects. The basic tool at that time was current alge-
which so far still remains unexplained.
bra on the light cone. He invited me to visit Caltech.
I did that during three months in the spring break of
1.1.7 Nonabelian gauge fields
1973 and spent an extremely interesting period there.
The personal recollections of Harald Fritzsch (see Sec-
Kaluza [33] and Klein [34] had shown that a 5-dimen-
tion 1.2) describe the developments that finally led to
sional Riemann space with a metric that is independent
Quantum Chromodynamics.
of the fifth coordinate is equivalent to a 4-dimensional
As it was known already that the electromagnetic
world with gravity, a gauge field and a scalar field.
and weak interactions are mediated by gauge fields, the
In this framework, gauge transformations amount to a
idea that color might be a local symmetry as well does
shift in the fifth direction: x5 = x5 +α(~x, t). In geomet-

not appear as far fetched. The main problem at the time

ric terms, a metric space of this type is characterized by
was that for a gauge field theory to describe the hadrons
a group of isometries: the geometry remains the same
and their interaction, it had to be fundamentally dif-
along certain directions, indicated by Killing vectors.
ferent from the quantum field theories encountered in
In the case of the 5-dimensional spaces considered by
nature so far: all of these, including the electroweak
Kaluza and Klein, the isometry group is the abelian
theory, have the spectrum indicated by the degrees of
group U(1). The fifth dimension can be compactified to
freedom occurring in the Lagrangian: photons, leptons,
a circle – U(1) then generates motions on this circle.
intermediate bosons, … The proposal can only make
A particularly attractive feature of this theory is that
sense if this need not be so, that is if the spectrum
it can explain the quantization of the electric charge:
of physical states in a quantum field theory can differ
fields living on such a manifold necessarily carry inte-
from the spectrum of the fields needed to formulate it:
ger multiples of a basic charge unit.
gluons and quarks in the Lagrangian, hadrons in the
Pauli noticed that the Kaluza-Klein scenario admits
spectrum. This looked like wishful thinking. How come
a natural generalization to higher dimensions, where
that color is confined while electric charge is free?
larger isometry groups find place. Riemann spaces of
dimension > 5 admit nonabelian isometry groups that
1.1.6 Electromagnetic interaction reduce the system to a 4-dimensional one with gravity,
nonabelian gauge fields and several scalar fields. Pauli
The final form of the laws obeyed by the electromag-
was motivated by the isospin symmetry of the meson-
netic field was found by Maxwell, around 1860 – these
nucleon interaction and focused attention on a Riemann
laws survived relativity and quantum theory, unharmed.
space of dimension 6, with isometry group SU(2).
1.1 The strong interactions 9

Pauli did not publish the idea that the strong inter- the observed spectrum of particles can fully be under-
action might arise in this way, because he was convinced stood on the basis of a theory built with quarks and
that the quanta of a gauge field are massless: gauge in- gluons still looked rather questionable and was accord-
variance does not allow one to put a mass term into the ingly formulated in cautious terms. In the abstract, for
Lagrangian. He concluded that the forces mediated by instance, we pointed out that ”…there are several ad-
gauge fields are necessarily of long range and can there- vantages in abstracting properties of hadrons and their
fore not mediate the strong interaction, which is known currents from a Yang-Mills gauge model based on col-
to be of short range. More details concerning Pauli’s ored quarks and color octet gluons.” Before the pa-
thoughts can be found in [35]. The paper of Yang and per was completed, the papers by Gross, Wilczek and
Mills appeared in 1954 [36]. Ronald Shaw, a student Politzer quoted above circulated as preprints - they are
of Salam, independently formulated nonabelian gauge quoted and asymptotic freedom is given as argument
field theory in his PhD thesis [37]. Ten years later, Higgs #4 in favor of QCD. Also, important open questions
[38], Brout and Englert [39] and Guralnik, Hagen and were pointed out, in particular, the U(1) problem.
Kibble [40] showed that Pauli’s objection is not valid in Many considered QCD a wild speculation. On the
general: in the presence of scalar fields, gauge fields can other hand, several papers concerning gauge field theo-
pick up mass, so that forces mediated by gauge fields ries that include the strong interaction appeared around
can be of short range. The work of Glashow [41], Wein- the same time, for instance [51, 52].
berg [42] and Salam [43] then demonstrated that non-
abelian gauge fields are relevant for physics: the frame- 1.1.10 November revolution
work discovered by Higgs et al. does accommodate a
realistic description of the e.m. and weak interactions. The discovery of the J/ψ was announced simultane-
ously at Brookhaven and SLAC, on November 11, 1974.
1.1.8 Asymptotic freedom Three days later, the observation was confirmed at AD-
ONE, Frascati and ten days later, the ψ 0 was found at
Already in 1965, Vanyashin and Terentyev [44] found SLAC, where subsequently many further related states
that the renormalization of the electric charge of a vec- were discovered. We now know that these are bound
tor field is of opposite sign to the one of the electron. states formed with the c-quark and its antiparticle which
In the language of SU(2) gauge field theory, their result is comparatively heavy and that there are two further,
implies that the β-function is negative at one loop. even heavier quarks: b and t.
The first correct calculation of the β-function of a At sufficiently high energies, quarks and gluons do
nonabelian gauge field theory was carried out by Khrip- manifest themselves as jets. Like the neutrini, they have
lovich, for the case of SU(2), relevant for the electroweak left their theoretical place of birth and can now be seen
interaction [45]. He found that β is negative and con- flying around like ordinary, observable particles. Grad-
cluded that the interaction becomes weak at short dis- ually, particle physicists abandoned their outposts in no
tance. In his PhD thesis, ’t Hooft performed the calcula- man’s and no woman’s land, returned to the quantum
tion of the β-function for an arbitrary gauge group, in- fields and resumed discussion in the good old Gasthaus
cluding the interaction with fermions and Higgs scalars zu Lagrange, a term coined by Jost. The theoretical
[46, 47]. He demonstrated that the theory is renormal- framework that describes the strong, electromagnetic
izable and confirmed that, unless there are too many and weak interactions in terms of gauge fields, leptons,
fermions or scalars, the β-function is negative at small quarks and scalar fields is now referred to as the Stan-
coupling. dard Model - this framework clarified the picture enor-
In 1973, Gross and Wilczek [48] and Politzer [49] mously.4
discussed the consequences of a negative β-function and 4
Indeed, the success of this theory is amazing: Gauge fields
suggested that this might explain Bjorken scaling, which are renormalizable in four dimensions, but it looks unlikely that
had been observed at SLAC in 1969. They pointed out the Standard Model is valid much beyond the explored energy
that QCD predicts specific modifications of the scal- range. Presumably it represents an effective theory. There is no
ing laws. In the meantime, there is strong experimental reason, however, for an effective theory to be renormalizable.
One of the most puzzling aspects of the Standard Model is that
evidence for these. it is able to account for such a broad range of phenomena that
are characterized by very different scales within one and the
1.1.9 Arguments in favor of QCD same renormalizable theory.

The reasons for proposing QCD as a theory of the

strong interaction are discussed in [50]. The idea that

1.1.11 Quantum chromodynamics fields: in contrast to the photons, which interact among
themselves only via the exchange of charged particles,
If the electroweak gauge fields as well as the leptons and the gluons would interact even if quarks did not exist.
the scalars are dropped, the Lagrangian of the Standard The term involving ω can be represented as a deriva-
Model reduces to QCD: tive, ω = ∂µ f µ . Since only the integral over the La-
LQCD = − 14 Fµν F A µν + iq̄γ µ (∂µ + igs 12 λA AA grangian counts, this term represents a contribution
µ )q
that only depends on the behavior of the gauge field
−q̄R MqL − q̄L M† qR − θ ω . (1.1.3) at the boundary of space-time. In the case of QED,
The gluons are described by the gauge field AA where renormalizability allows the presence of an anal-
µ , which
belongs to the color group SUc (3) and gs is the corre- ogous term, quantities of physical interest are indeed
sponding coupling constant. The field strength tensor unaffected by such a contribution, but for QCD, this
Fµν is defined by is not the case. Even at the classical level, nonabelian
gauge fields can form instantons, which minimize the
Fµν = ∂µ AA A B C
ν − ∂ν Aµ − gs fABC A A , (1.1.4) Euclidean action for a given nonzero winding number
ν = d4 x ω.
where the symbol fABC denotes the structure constants
of SU(3). The quarks transform according to the funda-
1.1.12 Theoretical paradise
mental representation of SUc (3). The compact notation
used in (1.1.3) suppresses the labels for flavor, colour In order to briefly discuss some of the basic properties of
and spin: the various quark flavors are represented by QCD, let me turn off the electroweak interaction, treat
Dirac fields, q = {u, d, s, c, b, t} and qR = 12 (1 + γ5 )q, the three light quarks as massless and the remaining
qL = 12 (1 − γ5 )q are their right- and left-handed compo- ones as infinitely heavy:
nents. The field u(x), for instance, contains 3×4 com-
ponents. While the 3×3 Gell-Mann matrices λA act on mu = md = ms = 0 , mc = mb = mt = ∞ . (1.1.7)
the color label and satisfy the commutation relation
The Lagrangian then contains a single parameter: the
[λA , λB ] = 2ifABC λC , (1.1.5) coupling constant gs , which may be viewed as the net
color of a quark. Unlike an electron, a quark cannot be
the Dirac matrices γ µ operate on the spin index. The isolated from the rest of the world – its color gs depends
mass matrix M, on the other hand, acts in flavor space. on the radius of the region considered. According to
Its form depends on the choice of the quark field basis. perturbation theory, the color contained in a sphere of
If the right- and left-handed fields are subject to in- radius r grows logarithmically with the radius5 :
dependent rotations, qR → VR qR , qL → VL qL , where
VR , VL ∈ SU(Nf ) represent Nf × Nf matrices act- gs2 2π
αs ≡ = . (1.1.8)
ing on the quark flavour, the quark mass matrix is re- 4π 9 | ln(r Λ)|
placed by M → VR† MVL . This freedom can be used to
Although the classical Lagrangian of massless QCD does
not only diagonalize M, but to ensure that the eigen-
not contain any dimensionful parameter, the correspond-
values are real, nonnegative and ordered according to
ing quantum field theory does: the strength of the in-
0 ≤ mu ≤ md ≤ . . . ≤ mt .
teraction cannot be characterized by a number, but by
The constant θ is referred to as the vacuum angle
a dimensionful quantity, the intrinsic scale Λ.
and ω stands for the winding number density
The phenomenon is referred to as dimensional trans-
gs2 A A µν mutation. In perturbation theory, it manifests itself
ω= F F̃ , (1.1.6)
32π 2 µν through the occurrence of divergences – contrary to
what many quantum field theorists thought for many
where F̃ A µν = 12 µνρσ Fρσ
is the dual of the field strength. years, the divergences do not represent a disease, but
As it is the case with electrodynamics, gauge in- are intimately connected with the structure of the the-
variance fully determines the form of the chromody- ory. They are a consequence of the fact that a quan-
namic interaction. The main difference between QED tum field theory does not inherit all of the properties
and QCD arises from the fact that the corresponding of the corresponding classical field theory. In the case
gauge groups, U(1) and SU(3), are different. While the of massless Chromodynamics, the classical Lagrangian
structure constants of U(1) vanish because this is an does not contain any dimensionful constants and hence
abelian group, those of SUc (3) are different from zero.
For this reason, gauge invariance implies that the La- 5
The formula only holds if the radius is small, r Λ  1.
grangian contains terms involving three or four gluon
1.1 The strong interactions 11

remains invariant under a change of scale. This prop- breaking parameters mu , md , ms are small. Since they
erty, which is referred to as conformal invariance, does differ, the multiplets split. In particular, the Nambu-
not survive quantization, however. Indeed, it is crucial Goldstone bosons pick up mass.
for Quantum Chromodynamics to be consistent with Even before the discovery of QCD, attempts at esti-
what is known about the strong interaction that this mating the masses of the quarks were made. In particu-
theory does have an intrinsic scale. lar, nonrelativistic bound state models for mesons and
Massless QCD is how theories should be: the La- baryons where constructed. In these models, the proton
grangian does not contain a single dimensionless param- mass is dominated by the sum of the masses of its con-
eter. In principle, the values of all quantities of physical stituents: mu + mu + md ' mp , mu ' md ' 300 MeV.
interest are predicted without the need to tune param- With the discovery of QCD, the mass of the quarks
eters (the numerical value of the mass of the proton in became an unambiguous concept: the quark masses oc-
kilogram units cannot be calculated, of course, because cur in the Lagrangian of the theory. Treating the mass
that number depends on what is meant by a kilogram, term as a perturbation, one finds that the expansion of
but the mass spectrum, the width of the resonances, the m2π+ in powers of mu , md , ms starts with m2π+ = (mu +
cross sections, the form factors, … can be calculated in md )B0 + . . . The constant B0 also determines the first
a parameter free manner from the mass of the proton, term in the expansion of the square of the kaon masses:
at least in principle). m2K + = (mu + ms )B0 + . . . , m2K 0 = (md + ms )B0 + . . .
Since the kaons are significantly heavier than the pions,
1.1.13 Symmetries of massless QCD these relations imply that ms must be large compared
to mu , md .
The couplings of the u-, d- and s-quarks to the gauge The first crude estimate of the quark masses within
field are identical. In the chiral limit, where the masses QCD relied on a model for the wave functions of π, K,
are set equal to zero, there is no difference at all – the ρ, which was based on SU(6) (spin-flavor-symmetry)
Lagrangian is symmetric under SU(3) rotations in fla- and led to B0 ' 32 mρ Fρ /Fπ . Numerically, this yields
vor space. Indeed, there is more symmetry: for mass- B0 ' 1.8 GeV. For the mean mass of the two lightest
less fermions, the right- and left-handed components quarks, mud ≡ 12 (mu +md ), this estimate implies mud '
can be subject to independent flavor rotations. The La- 5 MeV, while the mass of the strange quark becomes
grangian of QCD with three massless flavors is invariant ms ' 135 MeV [53]. Similar mass patterns were found
under SU(3)R ×SU(3)L . QCD thus explains the pres- earlier, within the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model [54] or
ence of the mysterious chiral symmetry discovered by on the basis of sum rules [55].
Nambu: an exact symmetry of this type is present if
some of the quarks are massless. 1.1.15 Breaking of isospin symmetry
Nambu had conjectured that chiral symmetry breaks
down spontaneously. Can it be demonstrated that the From the time Heisenberg had introduced isospin sym-
symmetry group SU(3)R ×SU(3)L of the Lagrangian of metry, it was taken for granted that the strong inter-
massless QCD spontaneously break down to the sub- action strictly conserves isospin. QCD does have this
group SU(3)R+L ? To my knowledge an analytic proof is symmetry if and only if mu = md . If that condition
not available, but the work done on the lattice demon- were met, the mass difference between proton and neu-
strates beyond any doubt that this does happen. In tron would be due exclusively to the e.m. interaction.
particular, for mu = md = ms , the states do form This immediately gives rise to a qualitative problem:
degenerate multiplets of SU(3)R+L and, in the limit why is the charged particle, the proton, lighter than its
mu , md , ms → 0, the pseudoscalar octet does become neutral partner, the neutron?
massless, as required by the Goldstone theorem. The Cottingham formula [56] states that the lead-
ing contribution of the e.m. interaction to the mass of a
1.1.14 Quark masses particle is determined by the cross section for electron
scattering on this particle. We evaluated the formula
The 8 lightest mesons, π + , π 0 , π − , K + , K 0 , K̄ 0 , K − , η, on the basis of Bjorken scaling and of the experimen-
do have the quantum numbers of the Nambu-Goldstone tal data for electron scattering on protons and neutrons
bosons, but massless they are not. The reason is that available at the time. Since we found that the electro-
we are not living in the paradise described above: the magnetic self energy of the proton is larger than the one
light quark masses are different from zero. Accordingly, of the neutron, we concluded that the strong interaction
the Lagrangian of QCD is only approximately invariant does not conserve isospin: even if the e.m. interaction is
under chiral rotations, to the extent that the symmetry turned off, mu must be different from md . In fact, the

first crude estimate for the masses of the light quarks theory does not contain such states. As parameters oc-
[57], curring in the Lagrangian, they need to be renormalized
and the renormalized mass depends on the regulariza-
mu ' 4 MeV, md ' 7 MeV, ms ' 135 MeV , (1.1.9) tion used to set up the theory. In the MS scheme [60–
indicated that md must be almost twice as large as mu . 62], they depend on the running scale – only their ratios
It took quite a while before this bizarre pattern represent physical quantities. Among the three lightest
was generally accepted. The Dashen theorem [58] states quarks, there are two independent mass ratios, which
that, in a world where the quarks are massless, the it is convenient to identify with
e.m. self energies of the kaons and pions obey the re- ms ms − mud
S= , R= , (1.1.10)
lation m2Kem+ − m2Kem
0 = m2π+em − m2π0em. If the mass mud md − mu
differences were dominated by the e.m. interaction, the
charged kaon would be heavier than the neutral one. where mud ≡ 12 (mu + md ).
Hence the mass difference between the kaons cannot Since the isospin breaking effects due to the e.m. in-
be due to the electromagnetic interaction, either. The teraction are not negligible, the physical masses of the
estimates for the quark mass ratios obtained with the Goldstone boson octet must be distinguished from their
Dashen theorem confirm the above pattern [59]. masses in QCD, i.e. in the absence of the electroweak
interactions. I denote the latter by m̂P and use the
symbol m̂K for the mean square kaon mass in QCD,
1.1.16 Approximate symmetries are natural in
m̂2K ≡ 12 (m̂2K + + m̂2K 0 ). The fact that the expansion of
the square of the Goldstone boson masses in powers of
At first sight, the fact that mu strongly differs from mu , md , ms starts with a linear term implies that, in
md is puzzling: if this is so, why is isospin such a good the chiral limit, their ratios are determined by R and S.
quantum number? The key observation here is the one In particular, the expansion of the ratios of m̂2π+ , m̂2K +
discussed in Section 1.1.12: QCD has an intrinsic scale, and m̂2K 0 starts with
Λ. For isospin to represent an approximate symmetry, it 2m̂2K
is not necessary that md −mu is small compared to mu + = (S + 1){1 + ∆S } , (1.1.11)
md . It suffices that the symmetry breaking parameter
m̂2K − m̂2π+
is small compared to the intrinsic scale, md − mu  Λ. = R{1 + ∆R } , (1.1.12)
m̂2K 0 − m̂2K +
In the case of the eightfold way, the symmetry break-
ing parameters are the differences between the masses where ∆S as well as ∆R vanish in the chiral limit – they
of the three light quarks. If they are small compared represent corrections of O(M). The left hand sides only
to the intrinsic scale of QCD, then the Green func- involve the masses of π + , K + and K 0 . Invariance of
tions, masses, form factors, cross sections … are approx- QCD under charge conjugation implies that the masses
imately invariant under the group SU(3)R+L . Isospin is of π − , K − and K̄ 0 coincide with these. There are low
an even better symmetry, because the relevant symme- energy theorems analogous to (1.1.11), (1.1.12), involv-
try breaking parameter is smaller, md −mu  ms −mu . ing the remaining members of the octet, π 0 and η, but
The fact that m2π+ is small compared to m2K + implies these are more complicated because the states |π 0 i and
mu +md  mu +ms . Hence all three light quark masses |ηi undergo mixing {at leading order, chiral symmetry
must be small compared to the scale of QCD. implies
√ that the mixing angle is given by tan(2θ) =
In the framework of QCD, the presence of an ap- 3/2R}. In the isospin limit, {mu = md , e = 0},
proximate chiral symmetry group of the form SU(3)R × the masses of π 0 and π + coincide and m̂η obeys the
SU(3)L thus has a very simple explanation: it so hap- Gell-Mann-Okubo formula, (m̂2η − m̂2K )/(m̂2K − m̂2π ) =
pens that the masses of u, d and s are small. We do not 1
3 {1 + O(M)}.
know why, but there is no doubt that this is so. The While the accuracy to which S can be determined
quark masses represent a perturbation, which in first on the lattice is amazing, the uncertainty in R is larger
approximation can be neglected – in first approxima- by almost an order of magnitude [63]:
tion, the world is the paradise described above.
S = 27.42(12) , R = 38.1(1.5) . (1.1.13)
1.1.17 Ratios of quark masses The reason is that R concerns isospin breaking effects.
The contributions arising from QED are not negligible
The confinement of color implies that the masses of at this precision and since the e.m. interaction is of long
the quarks cannot be identified by means of the four- range, it is more difficult to simulate on a lattice.
momentum of a one-particle state – the spectrum of the
1.1 The strong interactions 13

The difference shows up even more clearly in the In QCD, the conservation law for the singlet axial
corrections. The available lattice results [63] lead to current contains an anomaly,
∆S = 0.057(7), indicating that the low energy theo-
rem (1.1.11) picks up remarkably small corrections from ∂µ (q̄γ µ γ5 q) = 2i q̄Mγ5 q + 2Nf ω , (1.1.14)
higher orders of the quark mass expansion. Those oc- where Nf is the number of flavors and ω is specified in
curring in the Gell-Mann-Okubo formula are also known (1.1.6). The phenomenon plays a crucial role because
to be very small. The number ∆R = −0.016(57) ob- it implies that even if the quark mass matrix M is set
tained from the available lattice results is also small, equal to zero, the singlet axial charge is not conserved.
but the uncertainty is so large that even the sign of the Hence the symmetry group of QCD with 3 massless
correction remains open. flavors is SU(3)R ×SU(3)L ×U(1)R+L , not U(3)R ×U(3)L .
The quantities ∆S , ∆R exclusively concern QCD QCD is not invariant under the chiral transformations
and could be determined to high precision with avail- generated by the remaining factor, U(1)R-L . This is why
able methods, in the framework of Nf = 1 + 1+ 1: three the paradise described above contains 8 rather than 9
flavours of different mass. For isospin breaking quanti- massless Goldstone bosons.
ties, the available results come with a large error be- The factor U(1)R-L changes the phase of the right-
cause they do not concern QCD alone but are obtained handed components of all quark fields by the same an-
from a calculation of the physical masses, so that the gle, qR0 = eiβ qR , while the left-handed components are
e.m. interaction cannot be ignored. A precise calcula- subject to the opposite transformation: qL0 = e−iβ qL .
tion of m̂π+ , m̂K + , m̂K 0 within lattice QCD would be This change of basis can be compensated by modify-
of considerable interest as it would allow to subject a ing the quark mass matrix with M0 = e2iβ M, but in
venerable low energy theorem for the quark mass ratio view of the anomaly, the operation does not represent
Q2 ≡ (m2s − m2ud )/(m2d − m2u ) [64] to a stringent test. a symmetry of the system. The relation (1.1.14) shows,
The theorem implies that the leading contributions to however, that current conservation is not lost entirely
∆R and ∆S are equal in magnitude, but opposite in – it only gets modified. In fact, if the above change of
sign: ∆R = −∆S + O(M2 ) [65]. The available numbers the quark mass matrix is accompanied by a simulta-
are consistent with this relation but far from accurate neous change of the vacuum angle, θ0 = θ − 2β, the
enough to allow a significant test. There is no doubt physics does remain the same. Note that, starting from
that the leading terms dominate if the quark masses an arbitrary mass matrix, a change of basis involving
are taken small enough, but since the estimates for ∆R the factor U(1)R-L is needed to arrive at the conven-
and ∆S obtained at the physical values of the quark tion where M is diagonal with real eigenvalues. In that
masses turn out to be unusually small, it is conceiv- convention, the vacuum angle does have physical signif-
able that the corrections of O(M2 ) are of comparable icance – otherwise only the product eiθ M counts.
magnitude. For mu = md , the masses of the Goldstone The Lagrangian of QCD is invariant under charge
bosons have been worked out to NNLO of Chiral Per- conjugation, but the term −θ ω has negative parity. Ac-
turbation Theory [66]. An extension of these results to cordingly, unless θ is very small, there is no explanation
m̂π+ , m̂K + , m̂K 0 for mu 6= md should be within reach for the fact that CP-violating quantities such as the
and would allow a much more precise lattice determi- electric dipole moment of the neutron are too small to
nation of ∆R . have shown up in experiment. This is referred to as the
strong CP-problem.
1.1.18 U(1) anomaly, CP-problem There is a theoretical solution of this puzzle: if the
lightest quark were massless, mu = 0, QCD would
Even before the discovery of QCD, it was known that, conserve CP. The Dirac field of the u-quark can then
in the presence of vector fields, the Ward identities for be subject to the chiral transformation u0R = eiβ uR ,
axial currents contain anomalies [67–69]. In particular, u0L = e−iβ uL without changing the quark mass matrix.
an external e.m. field generates an anomaly in the con- As discussed above, the physics remains the same, pro-
servation law for the axial current ūγ µ γ5 u − dγ
¯ µ γ5 d.
vided the vacuum angle is modified accordingly. This
The anomaly implies a low energy theorem for the de- shows that if one of the quarks were massless, the vac-
cay π 0 → γ + γ, which states that, to leading order uum angle would become irrelevant. It would then be
in the expansion in powers of the momenta and for legitimate to set θ = 0, so that the Lagrangian becomes
mu = md = 0, the transition amplitude is determined manifestly CP-invariant.
by Fπ , i.e. by the same quantity that determines the This ’solution’, however, is fake. If mu were equal to
rate of the decay π + → µ + νµ . zero, the ratio R would be related to S by R = 12 (S −1).
The very accurate value for S in equation (1.1.13) would

imply R = 13.21(6), more than 16 standard deviations that is internally consistent in four-space-time dimen-
away from the result quoted for R. sions. In contrast to QED or to the Higgs sector, QCD
is asymptotically free. The behavior of the quark and
1.1.19 QCD as part of the Standard Model gluon fields at very short distances is under control. A
cutoff is needed to set the theory up, but it can unam-
In the Standard Model, the vacuum contains a con- biguously be removed. In principle, all of the physical
densate of Higgs bosons. At low energies, the manner quantities of interest are determined by the renormal-
in which the various other degrees of freedom interact ization group invariant quark mass matrix, by the vac-
with these plays the key role. Since they do not have uum angle θ and a scale. In the basis where the quark
color and are electrically neutral, their condensate is mass matrix is diagonal and real, the vacuum angle is
transparent for gluons and photons. The gauge bosons tiny. We do not know why this is so, nor do we under-
W ± , Z that mediate the weak interaction, as well as stand the bizarre pattern of eigenvalues.
the leptons and quarks do interact with the condensate:
photons and gluons remain massless, all other particles
occurring in the Standard Model are hindered in mov- 1.2 The origins of QCD
ing through the condensate and hence pick up mass. In
Harald Fritzsch
cold matter only the lightest degrees of freedom sur-
vive: photons, gluons, electrons, u- and d-quarks – all
Murray Gell-Mann and I started to collaborate in Oc-
other particles are unstable, decay and manifest their
tober 1970. We considered the results of the experi-
presence only indirectly, through quantum fluctuations.
ments on deep inelastic scattering at the Stanford Lin-
At low energies, the Standard Model boils down to
ear Accelerator Center. James Bjorken had predicted,
a remarkably simple theory: QCD + QED. The La-
using current algebra, that the cross sections showed
grangian only contains the coupling constants gs , e, θ
at large values of the virtual photon mass and the en-
and the masses of the quarks and leptons as free pa-
ergy transfer to the nucleon a scaling behavior, i.e. the
rameters, but describes the laws of nature relevant at
cross section is a function of the ratio x, where x is
low energies to breathtaking precision. The gluons and
the ratio of the square of the virtual photon mass to
the photons represent the gauge fields that belong to
the energy transfer to the nucleon, multiplied with the
color and electric charge, respectively. Color is con-
nucleon mass. This ratio x varies from zero to one.
fined, but electric charge is not: while electrons can
Since in the scaling region the cross sections were
move around freely, quarks and gluons form color neu-
determined by the commutator of two electromagnetic
tral bound states – mesons, baryons, nuclei.
currents at nearly lightlike distances, Gell-Mann and I
The structure of the atoms is governed by QED
assumed, that this commutator near the light cone is
because the e.m. interaction is of long range. In par-
given by the free quark model. Thus the Bjorken scaling
ticular, their size is of the order of the Bohr radius,
followed from this assumption.
aB = 4π/e2 me , which only involves the mass of the
The interaction between the quarks was assumed
electron and the coupling constant e. The mass of the
not to be present near the light cone. The cross section
atoms, on the other hand, is dominated by the energy of
in the deep inelastic region determined the distribution
the gluons and quarks that are bound in the nucleus. It
functions of the three quarks and antiquarks, which are
is of the order of the scale ΛQCD , which characterizes the
given by the proton matrix element of the commutator
value of gs in a renomalization group invariant manner.
of the electromagnetic current.
Evidently, the sum of the charges of the quarks con-
In the free quark model the commutator near the
tained in the nucleus also matters, as it determines the
light cone is given by a singular function, multiplied by
number of electrons that can be bound to it. The mass
a bilocal function of quark fields [70]. The matrix ele-
of the quarks, on the other hand, plays an important
ments of these bilocal operators determined the quark
role only in so far as it makes the proton the lightest
distribution functions of the nucleon. The integral of
baryon – the world would look rather different if the
the quark distribution functions gives the contribution
neutron was lighter …
of all the quark momenta to the nucleon momentum.
The properties of the interaction among the quarks
Gell-Mann and I expected that this integral would
and gluons does not significantly affect the structure
be +1, since inside the nucleon were only the three
of the atoms, but from the theoretical point of view,
quarks and three antiquarks. However according to the
the gauge field theory that describes it, QCD, is the
experiments at SLAC this integral was only about 45%:
most remarkable part of the Standard Model. In fact,
it represents the first non-trivial quantum field theory
1.2 The origins of QCD 15

The decay amplitude for the neutral pion decay is three

Z 1 times larger, if the quarks are colored. Thus the decay
rate is nine times larger and agrees with the observed
x u(x) + u(x) + d(x) + d(x) + s(x) + s(x) dx
decay rate [71]. The ratio R for electron-positron anni-
' 0.45. (1.2.1) hilaton, given by the sum of the squares of the quark
Thus besides the quarks there must exist neutral charges, is now also three times larger: R ' 2. Thus the
quanta, which are relevant for the confinement of the introduction of the color quantum number solved the
quarks and which contribute about 55% to the momen- three problems mentioned above.
tum of a fast moving nucleon. This observation was The color quantum number also explains why mesons
the first indication that the strong interactions are de- are quark-antiquark bound states and baryons are three
scribed by a gauge theory. In such a theory there would quark bound states, since they must be color singlets.
be besides the quarks and antiquarks also neutral glu- Thus the mesons and baryons could be considered to be
ons. “white” states, since a particular color cannot be seen
Afterwards Gell-Mann and I considered several prob- from the outside - the color quantum number is only
lems of the quark theory. The Ω − particle was a bound relevant inside the mesons and baryons.
state of three strange quarks. The three spin vectors In the spring of 1972 Gell-Mann and I tried to un-
of the quarks were symmetricalls arranged, and the derstand why a colored quark cannot be observed - it is
space wave function was symmetric, since the Ω − is confined inside a baryon or meson or inside an atomic
the ground state of three strange quarks. Thus an in- nucleus. We considered to use the color symmetry group
terchange of two strange quarks was symmetric, but as a gauge group. The gauge bosons of such a gauge
according to the Pauli principle it should be antisym- theory would be color octets. I proposed to call these
metric. gauge bosons “chromons”, but Gell-Mann insisted to
Another problem was related to the electromagnetic call them “gluons”, mixing the English language and
decay of the neutral pion. The decay rate, calculated in the Greek language.
the quark model, is much smaller than the observed We called this new gauge theory “Quantum Chro-
decay rate, only about 1/9 of the observed rate. modynamiccs” (QCD). The Lagrangian of QCD is [30,
We also studied the cross section for the reaction 50]:
electron-positron annihilation into hadrons. The ratio λA A
1 A A µν
R of the cross section for hadron production and the L = q iγ µ ∂µ + igs Aµ − m q − Fµν F ,
2 4
cross section for the production of a muon pair can be (1.2.4)
calculated in the quark model. It is given by the sum of
where the λA are the Gell-Mann matrices, and
the squares of the electric charges of the three quarks,
i.e. 2/3. But according to the experiments at the CEA A
Fµν = ∂µ AA A B C
ν − ∂ν Aµ − gs fABC Aµ Aν . (1.2.5)
accelerator at Harvard university this ratio was about
fABC are called SU(3) structure constants. This La-
three times larger: R ' 2.
grangian is very similar to the Lagrangian of Quantum
To solve theses problems, Murray Gell-Mann, William
Electrodynamics. The electromagnetic field is replaced
Bardeen and I introduced for the quarks a new quan-
by the eight gluon fields AA , the electron mass by the
tum number, which we called “color”. Each quark is
quark mass, and the charge e is replaced by the strong
described by a red, a green and a blue quark. The three
coupling gs . The strong interaction constant is defined
colors can be transformed by the color group SU(3)C ,
by αs = gs2 /4π.
which is assumed to be an exact symmetry. Measurable
However, the big difference between Quantum Elec-
quantities, e.g. cross sections or the wave functions of
trodynamics and Quantum Chromodynamics is the pres-
hadrons, are color singlets.
ence of the A2 term in Fµν A
, not present in Quantum
The quark wave function ψΩ of the Ω − is also a
Electrodynamics. This term shows that a gluon inter-
color singlet:
acts not only with a quark, but also with another gluon,
ψΩ ' (rgb − grb + brg − rbg + gbr − bgr). (1.2.2) and gives rise to 3- and 4-gluon couplings.
The quark masses, which appear in the Lagrangian
This wave function is antisymmetric under the exchange
of QCD, are not the masses of free quarks, but the
of two quarks - there is no problem with the Pauli prin-
masses, relevant inside the hadrons. The masses of the
ciple. The quark wave functions of mesons are also color
quarks depend on the energy scale. They are large at
small energies and small at high energies. Here are the
ψmeson ' (r̄r + ḡg + b̄b). (1.2.3) typical masses for the up-quark, the down-quark and

the strange quark at the energy given by the mass of Λ:

the Z-boson, MZ ' 91.2 GeV: 4π
αs (µ2 ) '    2 . (1.2.8)
mu ' 1.2 MeV, md ' 2.2 MeV, ms ' 53 MeV. 2 µ
11 − nf ln
3 Λ2
These masses describe the symmetry breaking of the
SU (3)F flavor group. Interesting is the violation of the This scale parameter has been measured by many ex-
isospin symmetry. The down quark is heavier than the periments (see Section 3.2):
up quark. For this reason the neutron is heavier than Λ = (332 ± 17) MeV. (1.2.9)
the proton, and the proton is stable. If there would be
no isospin violation, i.e. mu = md , the proton would In experiments one has measured the scale depen-
be heavier than the neutron due to the electromagnetic dence of the coupling constant. It agrees very well with
self-energy and it would decay into the neutron - life the theoretical prediction. We also mention the value
would not be possible. of the coupling constant at the mass of the Z-boson,
Gell-Mann and I assumed that the interaction in where it was possible to measure the coupling constant
QCD is zero at light-like distances. The light cone cur- rather precisely (see Section 3.2):
rent algebra, which we had discussed in ref. [70], would
not be changed. The confinement of colored states, i.e. αs = 0.1181 ± 0.0011. (1.2.10)
the quarks and the gluons, would be due to the inter- In QCD, Bjorken scaling in deep inelastic scatter-
action at long distances. ing is not an exact property of the strong interactions.
Soon we realized that our assumption, that there The quark distribution functions change slowly at high
is no interaction near the light-cone, was not correct. energies. This change can be calculated in perturbation
David Gross, Frank Wilczek and, independently, David theory (see Section 2.3). The results agree rather well
Politzer calculated this interaction, which is the inter- with the experimental results. Also the gluon distribu-
action, given by the Lagrangian, but near the light-cone tion function g(x) has been measured. Since the gluons
the relevant coupling constant is not zero, but only very and the quarks contribute to the momentum of a high
small. energy proton, the following sum rule must be obeyed:
The QCD Lagrangian describes a theory, which is Z 1
asymptotically free. At small distances the interaction

x g(x) + u(x) + u(x) + d(x) + d(x)+
is very small, at large distances the interaction is strong. 0
Thus the coupling constant is not constant, but a func- +s(x) + s(x)] dx = 1. (1.2.11)
tion of the energy. The sliding of the coupling constant Using the scale parameter Λ, one can in principle
gs as a function of the renormalization mass µ is given calculate many properties of the strong interactions, for
by the beta-function β(gs ): example the masses of the hadrons like the proton mass:
d mp = const ×Λ. The proton mass depends also on the
µ gs (µ) = β(gs ). (1.2.6)
dµ quark masses, however the up and down quark masses
This beta function is positive for many theories, for are very small and can be neglected. The calculations
example quantum electrodynamics. The fine structure of the hadron masses are complicated and are often
constant α is at the energy of 100 GeV about 10% larger carried out by discretizing space and time (see Section 4
than at low energies. on Lattice QCD).
The beta function can be calculated in perturbation In QCD one can also change the three quark masses.
theory. One finds for QCD: For example we can assume that the three quark masses
  are zero. In this case the flavor group SU (3)F × SU (3)F
µ gs (µ) ' −
1 2
11 − nf gs3 (µ). (1.2.7) would be unbroken. The three pions, the four K-mesons
dµ 16π 2 3 and the η - meson would be massless and the eight
Here the coefficient “11” describes the contribution vector mesons would have the same mass. There is not
of the gluons to the beta function. The asymptotic free- a ninth massless pseudoscalar meson, since the singlet
dom of QCD is due to this coefficient - it is related to axial current has an anomaly:
the self-interactions of the gluons. The number nf is ¯ µ γ5 d + s̄γ µ γ5 s
∂µ ūγ µ γ5 u + dγ

the number of the different quark flavors. For the three
= const × gs2 µνρσ Fµν
Fρσ . (1.2.12)
quarks up, down and strange one has nf = 3.
In QCD one can describe the energy dependence of where µνρσ is the totally antisymmetric tensor. In ref. [30]
the coupling constant by introducing a scale parameter Gell-Mann and I also studied what happens if the quarks
are removed from the QCD Lagrangian. In this case

only the eight gluons are present. At low energies there plasma changed later into a gas of protons and neutrons
would be a discrete spectrum of particles, which con- (see Section 7.2).
sist of gluons - the glue mesons, gluonium particles or In the fall of 1973 I was convinced, that Gell-Mann
glueball (see Section 8.4). If the three quarks are in- and I had discovered the correct theory of the strong
troduced, the glue mesons would mix with the quark- interactions: Quantum Chromodynamics. Almost every
antiquark mesons. The experimentalists have thus far day I discussed this theory with Richard Feynman, and
not clearly identified a glue meson. Presumably in na- he also thought that it was correct. In 1974 Feynman
ture there are only mixtures of glue mesons and quark- gave lectures on QCD. But Gell-Mann still thought that
antiquark mesons. But there might be mesons, which the true theory of the strong interactions should be a
are essentially glue mesons, since the mixing is very theory based on strings.
small for these mesons. In the years after 1973 it became clear that QCD
It is useful to consider the theory of QCD with just is the correct theory of the strong interactions. I was
one heavy quark Q. The ground-state meson in this hy- proud that I had contributed to the birth of this theory,
pothetical case would be a quark–antiquark bound state which is now a major part of the Standard Theory of
(see Sections 8.1, 8.6). The effective potential between particle physics.
the quark and its antiquark at small distances would
be a Coulomb potential proportional to 1/r, where r
is the distance between the quark and the antiquark. 2 Experimental Foundations
However, at large distances the self-interaction of the
gluons becomes important. The gluonic field lines at Conveners:
large distances do not spread out as in electrodynamics. Franz Gross and Eberhard Klempt
Instead, they attract each other. Thus the quark and
the antiquark are connected by a string of gluonic field Quantum Chromodynamics or QCD: What a gorgeous
lines. The force between the quark and the antiquark is theory! You start with free colored quarks. You request
constant, i.e. it does not decrease as in electrodynamics. invariance with respect to the exchange of colors at any
The heavy quarks are confined. time and any space point, and the quarks interact. That
In the annihilation of electrons and positrons at is all what QCD requires. It is a remarkable simple con-
very high energies it has been possible to test the the- cept. But: is this the true theory of strong interactions?
ory of quantum chromodynamics rather precisely. If an In this Section, the milestones are discussed which con-
electron and a positron collide, a quark and an anti- vinced even sceptical physicists of the quark model and
quark are produced. The two quarks move away from of the new theory.
each other almost with the speed of light. Since the A breakthrough was achieved in the November rev-
two quarks do not exist as free particles, they fragment olution: Charmonium was discovered at SLAC, the c-
into two jets of hadrons, mostly pions. These particles quark was shown to exist, the GIM meachanism (pro-
form two narrow jets. These jets have been observed posed by Sheldon Glashow, John Iliopoulos and Lu-
since 1979 at the collider at DESY, later at the LEP- ciano Maiani in 1964) explaining the absence of neutral
collider at CERN. Sometimes a quark emits a high en- currents in weak interactions found experimental con-
ergy gluon, which also fragments into hadrons. Thus firmation.
three jets are produced, two quark jets and one gluon John B. Kogut’s contribution remembers the excite-
jet. Such three jet events have been observed since 1979 ment in these days. A new spectroscopy came into life
at DESY, later at CERN (see Section 2.2). with a convincing interpretation based on the famous
Now we consider high energy collisions of atomic Cornell potential. The mediators of the strong interac-
nuclei, for example collisions of lead nuclei. Such colli- tion, called gluons, carry – unlike the electrically neu-
sions are studied at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider tral photons – themselves the charge of the strong in-
(RHIC) in Brookhaven, at Fermilab and at the LHC teraction and are confined. San Lau Wu recalls her per-
in CERN. In such collisions a new state of matter is sonal contributions to the discovery of gluons at DESY
produced for a short time, a quark-gluon-plasma. As- where events were found in which e+ e− annihilate into
trophysicists assume that such a plasma exists also for three bunches of particles, three jets. The three jets
a long time near the center of a large neutron star (see were interpreted as processes in which the two quarks
Section 7.1). – observed as jets – radiate off a gluon which manifests
Right after the Big Bang the matter was a quark- itself as the third jet.
gluon-plasma. During the expansion of the universe the The evidence for the correctness of QCD grew rapidly.
Yuri Dokshitzer reminds us of the most important steps.

Scaling, observed already in 1972, proved the existence

of interaction centers – called partons by Feynman –
inside of nucleons. From the ratio of the cross sections
for e+ e− annihilation into hadrons over that for µ+ µ−
the number of colors Nc = 3 was deduced. And the
strong interaction constant αs was shown to decrease
with momentum transfer opening QCD to perturbative
approaches. Dokshitzer introduces many basic concepts
like jet finding algorithms, evolution, divergences and
resummation, which will be discussed in more detail in
later sections.
Fig. 2.1.1 Aerial View of SLAC, 2020: The Linac, SPEAR and
their descendents
2.1 Discovery of heavy mesons as bound
states of heavy quarks bris of the collisions. Although considerable progress
John B. Kogut has been made and many field theoretic mechanisms
have been studied and proposed, especially in the con-
2.1.1 SLAC, Light Quarks and Deep Inelastic text of Lattice formulations of QCD, the quark confine-
Scattering ment problem remains open. It certainly was on many
physicists’ minds in the early days.
Many physicists and accelerators contributed to the es-
tablishment of the Standard model. But two accelera- 2.1.2 Charmonium and The November Revolu-
tors were particularly important to US-based researchers. tion
They were the 2-mile Linac and the 80 m diameter electron-
positron ring, SPEAR (Stanford Positron-Electron Asym- Several years later, during the summer of 1974, ex-
metric Rings), of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Cen- perimentalists from SLAC presented some intriguing
ter (SLAC), Fig. 2.1.1. The Linac, which was built un- data from the earliest runs of their very new electron-
der the direction of SLAC’s first director, W. Panofsky positron collider, SPEAR. A later section of this article
(“PIEP”), and started operations in 1965, discovered will sketch the history of electron-positron colliders at
the light constituents of the protons, the u, d and s SLAC since these machines were so central to the es-
quarks, by measuring the inclusive deep inelastic cross tablishment of the Standard Model. The data of the
section of e− + p → e− + X. The deep inelastic scatter-
summer of 1974 focused on the ratio R,
ing program was critical to the founding of Quantum σe+ e− →hadrons
R= (2.1.1)
Chromodynamics (QCD) and is discussed extensively σe+ e− →µ+ µ−
elsewhere in this journal review.
When I arrived at SLAC as an incoming graduate which, when plotted against the CM energy, showed a
student in 1967, theoretical research revolved around high, broad peak around 3.0-3.5 GeV. This suggested
Bjorken (“bj”) scaling, and the parton model of bj and new interactions in the reaction’s direct channel. One
Feynman. One of the tools of the trade was the Infinite popular speculation was that a new quark threshold
Momentum Frame (IMF). D. Soper, bj and I put the had been reached. A notable paper [74] stated that the
IMF on a firm foundation by quantizing Quantum Elec- reported broad peak in R should be accompanied by
trodynamics (QED) on the light cone [72]. This work narrow resonant peaks at slightly lower energies. On
initiated the program of light cone formulations of field November 11, 1974, SPEAR announced such a narrow
theories (later called light front quantization by some peak at an energy 3.105 GeV [75] with an electronic
advocates) that will be reviewed in other chapters of width of Γe ≈ 5.5 keV. Brookhaven also found this state
this journal review. Later, S. Berman, bj and I devel- in proton-proton collisions in fixed target experiments
oped the parton picture of the final states of inclusive at the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron (AGS) [76]
processes involving large momentum transfers [73] and but that experiment didn’t have the resolution of the
introduced parton fragmentation functions. This work relatively clean electron-positron collisions at SPEAR
had to address the mysterious phenomenon of quark to measure its narrow width. With the news of a narrow
confinement, the fact that quarks were “observed” when state at 3.105 GeV, the high energy theory community
their properties were measured in deep inelastic pro- exploded with speculations. The charmed quark hy-
cesses, but no quarks were found isolated in the de- pothesis was just one of many competitors. Recall that
2.1 Discovery of heavy mesons as bound states of heavy quarks 19

the 1960-1970’s was an era of discovery of many strong αs ∼ 0.2 for mass scales of ∼ 2 GeV to accommodate
interaction states that were described by non-field the- the success of the parton model in deep inelastic scat-
oretic approaches to high energy physics, such as Regge tering where experiments suggested that the parton dis-
poles, bootstraps, etc. The field was stunned again two tribution functions satisfy Bjorken scaling to good ap-
weeks later, on November 25, 1974, when SPEAR an- proximation for Q2 ≈ 2 − 3 GeV2 . Next, one needed the
nounced a second narrow peak at energy 3.695 GeV potential at intermediate distances, where the cc̄ pair
[77]! This challenged all the speculations circulating feels the QCD forces of confinement but the system is
worldwide. The charm hypothesis was the most appeal- below the charm threshold so that screening by light
ing to myself and collaborators since we were students quarks is not yet active. Studies of model field theories
of deep inelastic scattering and local field theory. The of confinement [79] and the lattice version of QCD [80,
charm hypothesis was critical to the phenomenology of 81] led to the idea that chromo-electric flux tubes form
the electroweak sector of the Standard Model: the four in this kinematic region and lead to a linear confining
quark model of u, d, s and c quarks solved the problem potential between heavy colored quarks. These ideas
of neutral strangeness changing weak currents (the GIM lead to the static cc̄ potential [82],
mechanism [78]) of the three quark model. In addition,
αs r2
for the cancellations of the GIM mechanism to work V (r) = − {1 − 2 } (2.1.2)
effectively, the charm quark could not be too heavy. r a
There were estimates that its mass mc ≤ 2.0 − 2.5 GeV where a sets the scale of the linear potential. The need
which put it inside the interesting range to explain the for the linear term in Eqn. (2.1.3) was actually com-
new resonances. In fact, the conventional quark model pelling in the original data. The ratio of the squares of
of mesons and baryons predicted that the charmed me- the wave functions of the two charmonium states at the
son threshold of the SPEAR experiment, the minimum origin was called
energy to produce two free charmed mesons, each con-
sisting of a charmed quark and a light (u, d, or s) quark ψ(13 S1 ; r = 0) 2 3.105 Γe (3105)
η=| | = ≈ 1.4 − 1.7
or anti-quark, should be Mc = 2mc + 0.7 GeV. Since ψ(23 S1 ; r = 0) 3.695 Γe (3695)
the second state at 3.695 GeV was very narrow, Mc had (2.1.3)
to be above 3.695 GeV. So, if mc lay in the range 1.5-
where we related the wave functions at the origin to
2.0 GeV, the charm hypothesis appeared to be compat-
the electronic width of each state and used early data
ible with all the known data. The only “fly in the oint-
to evaluate η. What do the values 1.4-1.7 imply about
ment” was that SPEAR had not announced the dis-
the potential? One can check that for a harmonic po-
covery of charmed mesons above 3.695 GeV. Nervous
tential η = 2/3, for a linear potential η = 1 and for
charm enthusiasts worried that maybe the charm idea
a Coulomb potential η = 8. So, to accommodate Eqn.
was flawed! Following Ref. [74], the new states were ten-
(2.1.3), a combination of a linear confining potential
tatively called “charmonium”, in analogy to positron-
and Coulomb potential was preferred. In Ref. [82] the
ium. Then the 3.105 state would be the 13 S1 state of
parameters in the potential (αs , a) were determined
a c and c̄, and the 3.695 would be the 23 S1 . S-waves
from the experimental data of the day by solving the ra-
were required so that the c and c̄ would couple di-
dial Schrodinger equation and imposing the constraints:
rectly to the virtual photon created in the direct chan-
1. The mass difference between the two charmonium
nel when the electron and positron annihilated. I recall
states is 0.59 GeV, 2. Γe (3105) = 5.5 keV, 3. mc should
that when these ideas were first discussed, many re-
lie between 1.5 and 2.0 GeV, and 4. αs should be be-
searchers sought to understand positronium better and
tween 0.2 and 0.3. At this point the authors of Ref. [82]
ran off to their physics libraries and read Schwinger’s
needed a convenient computer program to solve the ra-
classic works on the subject! Positronium spectroscopy
dial Schrodinger equation with a potential of the form
had been calculated in great detail. This was possible
Eqn. (2.1.2). Luckily, we had access to a skilled com-
because the static electron-positron interaction poten-
putational physicist with a trove of software programs!
tial was just Coulomb’s law. One needed the generaliza-
That computational physicist was K. G. Wilson who
tion of this interaction potential to strong interactions,
used numerical methods to teach undergraduate quan-
QCD, to repeat those exercises for charmonium. At
tum mechanics. Remember that this was 1974 when
short distances it was plausible to assume a Coulomb-
universities had computer centers with IBM mainframes
like formula with the fine structure constant replaced
driven by punch cards! A good fit was found with his
by αs = g 2 /4π, where g is the strong coupling constant
program for mc = 1.6 GeV, αs = 0.2, and a = 2 fm.
of QCD. In fact, g should be the running coupling, a
It was important to check that these parameters led to
scale dependent quantity, and αs should be small, say
a non-relativistic description of the charmonium bound

fied in the final states of the electron-positron collisions!

Many more predictions and calculations were presented
in Ref. [82]] and in similar works done by other groups
[83]. Some of these points will be discussed in later chap-
ters in this journal review. In addition, more sophisti-
cated potentials than Eqn. (2.1.2) were eventually stud-
ied. Tensor interactions, fine and hyperfine interactions
were added in, and their effects are shown in some of the
splittings in Fig. 2.1.2 (Ref. [82, 83]). And the influence
of the nearby threshold at Mc on the bound states was
also accounted for. All of these developments did not
change the main thrust of Ref. [82]: the existence of the
P wave states and their radiative transitions were spe-
cial to the charm quark interpretation of the SPEAR
experiment and gave additional motivation to the early
acceptance of the Standard Model.
Fig. 2.1.2 Charmonium Spectroscopy. Note the P-waves 3 PJ
and the Radiative Transitions. 2.1.3 Electron-Positron Colliders at Stanford

Now let’s change the viewpoint of this article and turn

states. In fact, the average velocity-squared of the charmed to the accelerator physicists and the experimentalists at
quarks in the bound states was computed to be (v/c)2 ≤ SPEAR. There is a cliché that behind every invention
1/25. The bound states of the cc̄ system that resulted there is a visionary. In the case of electron-positron col-
are shown in Fig. 2.1.2. liders, one of the field’s several visionaries was definitely
The most relevant result in Fig. 2.1.2 was the exis- Gerry O’Neil. Other visionaries were Burt Richter and
tence of the P wave states that lie between the 3.105 Martin Perl. Professor O’Neil taught me physics in col-
and 3.695 GeV states. For a pure Coulomb potential the lege, but he was more interested in building accelera-
P wave states would be degenerate with the 3.695 state. tors to collide electrons and positrons head-on in their
However, for a linear potential, the 23 S1 state resides center of mass frame to create pure electromagnetic en-
at higher energy than the P wave states, as shown in ergy and search for new states of matter. I recall that
the figure, because the 23 S1 has a radial node. The ex- he traveled to Novosibirsk, where a collider was being
istence of these states led to the main point of Ref. [82]: constructed, several times during a one semester under-
there are additional states which could be found exper- graduate course on modern physics. Upon each return
imentally at SPEAR and they constitute strong, new he “debriefed” his class on the progress of his efforts.
evidence for the charm hypothesis! Strong E1, electric In 1965 Gerry O’Neil and others from Princeton and
dipole, transitions would produce monochromatic pho- Stanford built two 300 MeV electron storage rings in
tons when the 3.695 state decays to one of the P waves the High Energy Physics Laboratory (HEPL) at Stan-
and then additional monochromatic photons should ap- ford. These rings resulted in electron-electron collisions
pear when each P wave decays to the 3.105 state! These which successfully increased the limits of validity of
monochromatic photons should be “easy” to find at Quantum Electrodynamics. However, it was basically
SPEAR because it had a 4π general purpose detec- a “single experiment” machine, so during construction
tor, the Mark I. The energies of the P waves and the Gerry and his collaborators also sketched an outline of
strengths of the E1 transitions followed from the wave a 3ĠeV electron-positron colliding beam facility. These
functions found from the radial Schrodinger equation. ideas evolved into the blueprints for the famous SPEAR
These results were catalogued in Ref. [82] and were re- collider at SLAC. To many persons’ surprise, just as
fined in later more ambitious publications. Of course, electron-positron collider ideas were gaining traction,
the wave functions and the radiative transition rates Gerry’s visionary ideas moved in a different direction:
depend much more sensitively on the parameters in the to outer space projects, such as a permanent space sta-
potential than the energies of the P waves themselves. tion in an earth orbit. He left the fledgling field of col-
In any case, the predictions of Ref. [82] were reason- liders just as it was about to yield great discoveries!
able guides for the experimental program which discov- The construction of SPEAR began in 1970 under
ered the states and the radiative transitions in 1976, the the direction of Burt Richter and John Rees, and it was
same year that the charmed D mesons were also identi- completed quickly (in 20 months, four months ahead of
2.1 Discovery of heavy mesons as bound states of heavy quarks 21

Fig. 2.1.3 The 80 m SPEAR Ring in a parking lot at SLAC.

The photo also shows the separate e+ and e− beam lines and
the detector hall.

schedule) in 1972 and at modest cost. The final SPEAR

design was the result of several revisions, forced on the
Fig. 2.1.4 Photograph of the wide angle SLAC-LBL Mark I
group by budget restrictions and engineering considera- detector in 1974.
tions. During one of the revisions, the two planned rings
for the electrons and positrons became one and SPEAR
was no longer asymmetric. Nonetheless, the inventors have operated as well with diverse final states consisting
kept the appealing name “SPEAR”! of photons, leptons and various light mesons.
Wolfgang Panofsky was still the Director of SLAC It was clear at the time that electron-positron col-
and had lobbied the US Congress and the funding agency, liders had many attractive properties: 1. All the energy
the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), the predecessor of the beams goes into creating new particles, unlike
of the Department of Energy, to fund the construction fixed target machines, 2. The beams consist of point-
of SPEAR as a federal project. However, there were like particles, so the interactions are simple and clean
many projects competing with SPEAR at the time, theoretically. However, they suffer from one limitation:
and it did not achieve federal project status. However, radiation losses. However, it turned out that “one man’s
Panofsky and Richter did not want to delay its con- problem is another man’s opportunity”. From the begin-
struction, so the AEC allowed SPEAR to be built using ning, several Stanford faculty members realized SPEAR’s
ordinary laboratory operating funds! This meant that it potential to produce useful synchrotron radiation, so
had to be done cheaply. Some have estimated the cost they asked Panofsky and Richter to devise a way to
between 2 to 5 million dollars. So, the usual idea of form an X-ray beam out of SPEAR. The X-ray syn-
having the accelerator constructed underground within chrotron radiation emitted by the circulating beams in
an enclosed building had to be abandoned. SPEAR was the machine was much higher in intensity, by a factor
built outside on a parking lot (Fig. 2.1.3), with concrete of 10 to 100, than any other facility in the world. It
blocks providing the shielding! could be used for imaging and structural analysis in
Of course, the accelerator needed a detector or two many areas of research, from semiconductor materials
at its beam intersection regions. Richter and others to protein molecules. So, Richter’s team attached an
formed a Berkeley/Stanford team to design and build a extra vacuum chamber to SPEAR and made provision
multipurpose detection system surrounding one of the for a hole in the shielding wall for the beamline. This
SPEAR interaction regions (Fig. 2.1.4). The result was was the start of The Stanford Synchrotron Radiation
the Magnetic Detector or Mark I. This was the first 4π Project (SSRP). Even though it began as a parasitic
general purpose detector. It proved crucial in the com- operation, synchrotron radiation represented an unpar-
ing discovery process. Other detector designs with lim- alleled opportunity!
ited angular apertures would have suffered from the rel- Richter also saw the SLAC Linac as a light source.
atively low statistics of the early machines and wouldn’t These ideas led to the invention and development of a
undulator so that the Linac’s electron beam could be-

come the source for the most intense Free electron Laser
(FEL) on the planet. The LCLS (Linear Collider Light
Source) was born in 2009. It has led to revolutions in
our understanding of the temporal dynamics of atoms,
molecules and condensed matter systems. This is an-
other story which we can’t cover here, but it is amusing
to understand that a “problem” with circular colliders
grew into a new generation of accelerator facilities!

2.1.4 The Revolution Begins

In the spring of 1973, SPEAR began to gather high-

energy physics data. By the next year, the machine was
measuring very erratic but generally much larger than Fig. 2.1.5 The SPEAR Control Room during the Big Night.
expected values of R, Eqn. (2.1.1), the ratio of hadron SLAC and LBL physicists analyzing the raw data.
production to lepton production. These early measure-
ments were done with wide energy resolution, several
probability soared higher; from around 20 nanobarns
hundred MeV, to produce and measure many interac-
the cross section jumped to 2000 nanobarns and the
tions and final state particles. But there were “incon-
detector was flooded with events producing hadrons.
sistencies” in the data: small changes in the beam en-
Pief Panofsky, the Director of SLAC, paced around the
ergies sometimes led to large changes in the observed
control room invoking the Deity in utter amazement at
value of R. These were the first signs of a new particle,
what was being seen. This heavy particle, displaying
which Richter’s team called the ”ψ”. ”Nobody dreamed
such extraordinary stability, they called ’ψ’ and they
that there was any state, particle, that was as narrow
announced it in a paper beginning with the words ’We
in width as the W turned out to be,” said Richter in
have observed a very sharp peak’. Within hours of the
2003. ”So the first question was what the hell was wrong
SPEAR measurements, the telephone wires across the
with the apparatus, is there something wrong with the
Atlantic were humming as information, enquiries and
computers, is there something wrong with the data tak-
rumors were exchanged” [85].
ing?” [84]. No-one could find any such errors, and some
Just two weeks later, the scene repeated itself, ex-
researchers on the Mark I collaboration pushed to res-
cept at a higher energy, 3.695 GeV. And the next S-
can the region. In fact, by this time, SPEAR had been
wave charmonium state was found. Physicists around
upgraded and Robert Hofstadter, who was running an
the country had “befriended” various members of the
experiment at SPEAR’s other detector, wanted to move
SLAC/ LBL group in the control room by now and
on to higher energies. Finally, Richter decided to go
news of the new resonance spread across the country
ahead with rechecking the anomalous results, but only
within minutes. I heard about it in an early morning
for one weekend in November 1974.
phone call with bj. I also learned that it was he who
had suggested the high resolution scans in energy that
2.1.5 Minute-by-minute Developments in the led to both discoveries!
SPEAR Control Room SPEAR meanwhile continued to yield breakthroughs.
In 1976 the P-waves were discovered through their ra-
“During the night of 9-10 November, the hunt began,
diative transitions [86] and charmed mesons [87] were
changing the beam energies in 0.5 MeV steps. By 11.00
found above threshold as well.
a.m. Sunday morning the new particle had been un-
Those were the days!
equivocally found. A set of cross section measurements
around 3.1 GeV showed that the probability of inter-
2.1.6 The Path Forward. Hamiltonian Lattice
action jumped by a factor of ten from 20 to 200 nano-
Gauge Theory and Statistical Field The-
barns. In a state of euphoria, the champagne was cracked
open and the team began celebrating an important dis-
covery. While Gerson Goldhaber retired to write up the
After Ref. [82] was published, it was time to move on
findings ’on-line’ for immediate publication, Fig. 2.1.5,
to more fundamental considerations. I believed that the
it was decided to polish up the data by going slowly over
most important implications of the potential model had
the resonance again. The beams were nudged from 1.55
been made and working through additional details was
to 1.57 MeV and everything went crazy. The interaction
less important. Instead, there were major challenges in
2.2 Experimental discovery of gluons 23

developing an approach to QCD that would lead to The word “gluon” was originally introduced by Mur-
systematic, potentially exact, predictions of the theory. ray Gell-Mann to designate a hypothetical neutral vec-
This was the thrust of Wilson’s lattice formulation of tor field [14] coupled strongly to the baryon current,
QCD [80], which will be discussed at length elsewhere in without reference to color. Since then, the meaning of
this journal review. A Hamiltonian version of the theory this word has changed: nowadays, this word “gluon” is
[81] was also developed because it emphasized 1. The used exclusively to mean the Yang-Mills non-Abelian
spectroscopy of the theory, and 2. The quantum char- gauge particle for strong interactions.
acter of the states. An added bonus of this development
was a new formulation for strongly coupled systems for 2.2.2 Harvard to M.I.T. to Wisconsin
applications to condensed matter physics [88]. This de-
velopment mirrors the past of SPEAR: SPEAR started After being awarded my Ph.D. degree at Harvard Uni-
out by establishing the Standard model of high energy versity, Samuel S. S. Ting of M.I.T. kindly offered me
physics, and now is pushing the frontiers of imaging, a postdoctoral position in his group. A few years later,
free electron lasers and quantum systems. In parallel, I felt that, for the development of my career in physics,
the lattice Hamiltonian form of strongly coupled gauge it was time for me to get a faculty position. Sam then
theories is playing a role in the development of Quan- helped me to look for a faculty position at the Univer-
tum Information Systems that may lead to new quan- sity of Michigan, where he received his own doctoral de-
tum computers and quantum detectors. These subjects gree. I got into contact with Michael Longo, a professor
are now the central themes in a new generation of stud- of physics there, and he was very supportive. Therefore
ies and workshops on quantum physics [89, 90]. Refer- I applied to the University of Michigan. Since thanks
ences [81] and [88], which were originally conceived for to Longo I got on the so-called short list of candidates,
QCD, are proving useful here, and are, in fact, among I was invited to go to Ann Arbor for an interview.
the most cited publications in the 48 year history of In the meantime, I contacted David Cline, a pro-
lattice gauge theory. Perhaps, these contributions will fessor of the University of Wisconsin I had met before.
inspire the next generation of theorists who will push David told me that he would forward my name to Ugo
the frontiers of strongly coupled gauge theories into the Camerini, a colleague of his at Wisconsin. I contacted
next era. Ugo. Shortly before my scheduled interview at Ann Ar-
bor, I got a telegram from the University of Michigan
saying that the position had been given to somebody
2.2 Experimental discovery of gluons else. I hesitated about going to that interview, but my
friends told me that I should nevertheless keep the ap-
Sau Lan Wu pointment. In the meantime, I got an invitation from
the University of Wisconsin for an interview. Thus I
2.2.1 Yang-Mills non-Abelian gauge particles traveled from Europe for an interview at Michigan first,
and then continued to Wisconsin for another one.
It was in 1954 when Chen Ning Yang and Robert Mills, I remember very well that, when I had the inter-
who was a graduate student, shared the same office view at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Don
at the Brookhaven National Laboratory and developed Reeder took me out to dinner at an Italian restaurant
their non-Abelian gauge theory. Their office was shared close to the University Square and we had a very nice
with another famous physicist Burton Richter, who was discussion. Don was at that time not only a Profes-
also a graduate student at that time. Almost exactly sor of Physics but also the Principal Investigator for
twenty five years later, the first Yang-Mills non-Abelian the funding of experimental high-energy physics. Af-
gauge particle was observed at the German National terwards, I met with a number of faculty members in
Laboratory called Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron high-energy physics, and they were all very supportive.
(DESY). Here are some of the interesting dates. The Again through the effort of Cline, I also got an offer
idea of Yang and Mills was first presented at the April from Fermilab. I had to make a decision, and I finally
1954 meeting in Washington, DC of the American Phys- chose the University of Wisconsin. It was one of the
ical Society and the full Yang-Mills paper was submit- best decisions I have made.
ted for publication on June 28, 1954 [36]. The first pub-
lic announcement for the experimental discovery of the 2.2.3 DESY
first Yang-Mills gauge particle was made at the Neu-
trino 79 conference on June 18-22, 1979 [91], and the After becoming an assistant professor at the University
first full paper was received for publication on August of Wisconsin-Madison in 1977, I had to make the de-
29, 1979 [92]. cision of what important problem in physics to tackle.

Once again, I got wise advice from David Cline, who From my previous experience with electron accel-
had helped me so much. He told me: “Sau Lan, you erators and proton accelerators at DESY and BNL, it
do not need to work with anybody, and you have no was soon clear to me that the experimental discovery
boss. You are your own boss, and you decide what to of the first Yang-Mills gauge particle was more likely at
work on.” At that time, the Department of Energy gave an electron machine rather than a proton machine. At
one lump sum of money to the University of Wisconsin that time, two electron-positron colliding beam accel-
for the faculty members in experimental high-energy erators were being built: PEP at SLAC and PETRA at
physics to share. From this funding, Don Reeder gave DESY; after visiting both SLAC and DESY, I decided
me the positions of three post-docs and one graduate that PETRA was a better choice for me.
student. At PETRA (Positron-Electron Tandem Ring Accel-
I spent the first months of my assistant professorship erator), there were five experiments: CELLO, JADE,
thinking about what physics to work on. MARK J, PLUTO, TASSO. I approached first the
At that time, we knew of four quarks: the up quark, PLUTO Collaboration and then the JADE Collabora-
the down quark, the strange quark, and the newly dis- tion, but nothing worked out. Then my luck changed
covered charm quark from the J/ψ, which has led to the completely: I ran into Björn Wiik, one of the two co-
Nobel Prize for Sam Ting and Burt Richter. The imme- spokesman of the TASSO Collaboration, the other one
diate and important question is: how do these quarks being Günter Wolf. Björn asked me what I was doing;
interact with each? For this, we knew very little at that when I told him my situation, he was surprised and
time besides that this interaction is likely to be medi- said to me: “Come to see me in my office this after-
ated by a Yang-Mills non-Abelian gauge particle — the noon.” When I went to his office, he asked me: ”Why
gluon. See Sec. 2.2.1. In other words, while the elec- don’t you join the TASSO Collaboration instead?” I
tromagnetic interaction is transmitted by the photon, said that I would love to do that. Björn said that he
which is an Abelian gauge particle, this additional in- would talk to Günter and also to Paul Söding, a senior
teraction is transmitted by a Yang-Mills non-Abelian physicist in TASSO, and let me know. Thanks to Björn,
gauge particle. this was how I became a member of the TASSO Col-
Indirect indication of gluons had been first given laboration at DESY. All three of them, Björn, Günter,
by deep inelastic electron scattering and neutrino scat- and Paul, are excellent physicists.
tering. The results of the SLAC-MIT deep inelastic After becoming a member of the TASSO Collabora-
scattering experiment [93–96] on the Callan-Gross sum tion, the physics problem that I formulated for myself
rule were inconsistent with parton models that involved took on a concrete form: how could I discover exper-
only quarks. The neutrino data from Gargamelle [97] imentally the first Yang-Mills gauge particle with the
showed that 50% of the nucleon momentum is carried TASSO detector?
by isoscalar partons or gluons. Further indirect evi- A feature of the TASSO detector is the two-arm
dence for gluons was provided by the observation of spectrometer, which leads to the name TASSO — Two
scale breaking in deep inelastic scattering [98–100]. The - Arm Spectrometer SOlenoid. The end view of this
very extensive neutrino scattering data from BEBC and detector, i.e., the view along the beam pipe of the com-
CDHS Collaborations [101–103] at CERN made it feasi- pleted detector, is shown in Fig. 2.2.1. When TASSO
ble to determine the distribution functions of the quark was first moved into the PETRA beams in 1978, not
and gluon by comparison with what was expected from all of the detector components shown in Fig. 2.2.1 were
QCD, and it was found that the gluon distribution func- in working order. For my purpose of the experimen-
tion is sizeable. This information about the gluon is tal discovery of the first Yang-Mills non-Abelian gauge
interesting but indirect. The discovery of the gluon re- particle, the most important component of the TASSO
quires direct observation. detector was the drift chamber, which was already func-
During my first year as an assistant professor at tioning properly.
the University of Wisconsin, I was fascinated by the
Yang-Mills non-Abelian gauge theory. This was to be 2.2.4 Three-jet events
contrasted with the experimental situation at that time:
while photons were everywhere in the detectors, no Yang- One of the simplest ways to produce a photon — the
Mills gauge particle had been observed in any experi- Abelian gauge particle for electromagnetic interactions
ment. — is through electron bremsstrahlung process, i.e.,
From these considerations, I formulated the follow-
ing problem for myself: how could I discover experimen- e e → e e γ.
tally the first Yang-Mills gauge particle?
2.2 Experimental discovery of gluons 25

Fig. 2.2.1 End view of the TASSO detector.

The analogous process for the production of the gluon tector. Since the gluon is the Yang-Mills non-Abelian
is [104] gauge particle for strong interactions, it is itself a source
for gluon fields. It therefore seemed reasonable to be-
e+ e− → q q̄g lieve that the gluon in the gluon bremsstrahlung process
would be seen in the detector also as a jet, just like the
where q is the quark of Gell-Mann [17] and Zweig [18], quark and the antiquark.
and g is the gluon — the Yang-Mills non-Abelian gauge Therefore the gluon bremsstrahlung process e+ e− →
particle for strong interactions. q q̄g leads to three-jet events.
Once I realized that this is the way to discover the
gluon experimentally, I faced the following two major
(1) How can these production processes e+ e− → q q̄g
be found in the TASSO detector?
(2) How high does the center-of-mass e+ e− energy
have to be for this process to be seen clearly?
A couple of years before I became a faculty member
at the University of Wisconsin, the production process

e+ e− → q q̄

was observed at the SPEAR e+ e− collider at SLAC [105]. Fig. 2.2.2 Two-jet and three-jet configurations at SPEAR and
In the MARK I detector at SPEAR, both the quark q PETRA respectively.
and the anti-quark q̄ were observed as jets, i.e., groups
of particles moving in nearly the same direction. With
Using the SPEAR information on the quark jets
this experimental information from MARK I, I had to
from the process, e+ e− → q q̄, I convinced myself that
make my best guess as to how the gluon bremsstrahlung
three-jet events, if they were produced, could be de-
process e+ e− → q q̄g would look like in the TASSO de-
tected once the PETRA energy went above three times

the SPEAR energy i.e., 3 × 7.4 ∼ 22 GeV. The argu- gluon, programmed by Zobernig on an IBM 370/168
ments were as follows: computer, was ready before the turn-on of PETRA in
Figure 2.2.2 shows a comparison of the two-jet con- September of 1978. For that time in 1978, the program-
figuration at SPEAR with the most favorable kinematic ming was highly non-trivial. In his later publications,
situation of the three-jet configuration at PETRA. If he has used the name Haimo Zobernig.
√ two invariant masses are taken to be the same, i.e.,
3E2 ≈ 7.4 GeV, then the total energy of the three jets 2.2.5 Discovery of the Gluon
is 3E2 ≈ 13 GeV, which must be further increased be-
cause each jet has to be narrower than the SPEAR jets. When we had obtained data for center-of-mass ener-
This additional factor is estimated to be 180◦ /120◦ = gies of 13 GeV and 17 GeV, Zobernig and I looked for
1.5, leading to about 20 GeV. Phase space considera- three-jet events. It was not until just before the Neu-
tions further increase this energy to about 22 GeV. trino 79 (International Conference on Neutrino, Weak
This answers the question (2) above. Interactions and Cosmology at Bergen, Norway) in the
This estimate of 22 GeV was very encouraging be- late spring of 1979 that we started to obtain data at
cause PETRA was expected to exceed it soon; indeed, the higher center-of-mass energy of 27.4 GeV. We found
it provided the main impetus for me to continue the one clear three-jet event from a total of 40 hadronic
project to discover the first Yang–Mills non-Abelian events at this center-of-mass energy. This first three-
gauge particle. jet event of PETRA, as seen in the event plane, is
At the same time, l had to address the question (1) shown in Fig. 2.2.3. When this event was found, Wiik
above: how could I find three-jet events at PETRA? had already left Hamburg to go to the Bergen Confer-
I made a number of false starts until I realized the ence. Therefore, during the weekend before the confer-
power of the following simple observation. By energy- ence, I took the display produced by my procedure for
momentum conservation, the two jets in e+ e− → q q̄ this event to Norway to meet Wiik at his house near
must be back-to-back. Similarly, the three jets in e+ e− → Bergen. During this weekend, I also telephoned Günter
q q̄g must be coplanar. Therefore, the search for the Wolf at his home in Hamburg and told him of the find-
three jets can be carried out in the two-dimensional ing. Wiik showed the event in his plenary talk “First
event plane, the plane formed by the momenta of q, q̄ Results from PETRA”, acknowledging that it was my
and g. A few pages of my notes written in June 1978 work with Zobernig by putting our names on his trans-
and further historical details can be found in Ref. [106]. parency of the three-jet event, and referred to me for
The procedure of mine did not identify which jet questions. Donald Perkins of Oxford University took
would be the gluon. Still, this procedure has a number this offer and challenged me by wanting to see all forty
of desirable features. TASSO events. I showed him all forty events, and, after
we had spent some time together studying the events,
– First, all three jet axes are determined, and they are he was convinced.
in the same plane. This is the feature that played a With these three-jet events, the question is: what
central role in the later determination of the spin of are the three jets? Since quarks are fermions, and two
the gluon. fermions (electron and positron) cannot become three
– Secondly, particle identification is not needed, since fermions, it immediately follows that these three jets
there is no Lorentz transformation. cannot all be quarks and antiquarks. In other words, a
– Thirdly, the computer time is moderate for the “slow” new particle has been discovered.
computers at that time even when all the measured The earliest papers related to the PETRA three-jet
momenta are used. events are Refs. [91, 92, 107, 108] all by members of the
– Finally, it is not necessary to have the momenta of TASSO Collaboration, and TASSO Note 84, June 26,
all the produced particles; it is only necessary to 1979 (by Sau Lan Wu and Haimo Zobernig). Ref. [107]
have at least one momentum from each of the three provides the method of analysis used in the four later
jets. Thus, for example, my procedure works well papers, which all give experimental results.
even when no neutral particles are included. Very shortly afterwards, the other experiments at
This last advantage is important, and it is the rea- PETRA — JADE, MARK J, and PLUTO Collabora-
son why this procedure is a good match to the TASSO tions — published their own three-jet analyses. Their
detector at the time of the PETRA turn-on. early papers related to the PETRA three-jet events are
I had Georg Zobernig as my post-doc; he was and is Refs. [109–111], and their results all confirm the earlier
excellent in working with computers. My procedure of ones of TASSO. Since this discovery of the gluon was
identifying the three-jet events in order to discover the the highlight of the 1979 Lepton-Photon Conference at
2.2 Experimental discovery of gluons 27

2.2.6 Some later developments

The discovery of the gluon in 1979 was not only the dis-
covery of a new elementary particle, but also the first
elementary boson that has been seen experimentally as
a jet. Indeed, it is so far the ONLY elementary boson
seen this way. In principle, a scalar quark would share
this property, but no scalar quark has ever been ob-
served in any experiment.
The discovery of such a new type of elementary
particle is guaranteed to lead to subsequent new un-
derstanding of fundamental physics, both experimental
and theoretical. Here I will discuss one of the of the
most important experimetal consequences of this 1979
discovery of the gluon; the role it plays in the 2012 dis-
covery of the Higgs particle.
An important theoretical topic, the very recent un-
Fig. 2.2.3 The first three-jet event from electron-positron an-
derstanding of the quark-gluon coupling constant gs , is
nihilation, as viewed in the event plane. It has three well sepa- discussed in considerable detail in Sec. 3, and briefly in
rated jets [91]. my Summary and Outlook, Sec. 2.2.8.

2.2.7 Role of gluon in the discovery of the Higgs

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL), Leon
particle [38–40]
Lederman, Director of FNAL, called a press conference
on the discovery of the gluon. Since the gluon is the Yang–Mills gauge particle for
Because of the discovery of the gluon by the TASSO strong interactions, to a good approximation a proton
Collaboration, Söding, Wiik, Wolf, and I were awarded consists of a number of gluons in addition to two u
the 1995 European Physical Society High Energy and quarks, one d quark, and some sea-quarks. Since the
Particle Physics Prize. With my leading role in this coupling of the Higgs particle to any elementary parti-
discovery, I was chosen to give the acceptance speech cle is proportional to its mass, there is little coupling
at the EPS award ceremony. between the Higgs particle and these constituents of
This was how the first Yang-Mills non-Abelian gauge the proton. Instead, some heavy particle needs to be
particle was discovered experimentally at DESY, Ham- produced in a proton-proton collision, for example at
burg, Germany in the spring of 1979, a quarter of a LHC, and is then used to couple to the Higgs parti-
century after the original paper of Chen Ning Yang and cle. Among all the known elementary particles, the top
Robert Mills. Four years later, the second and third quark t, with a mass of 173 GeV/c2 , is the heaviest[117,
Yang-Mills non-Abelian gauge particles — the W and 118].
Z — were discovered at CERN by the UA1 and UA2 The top quark, which may be virtual, is produced
Collaborations [112–115]. predominantly together with an anti-top quark or an
The experimental discovery of these Yang-Mills non- anti-bottom quark [119]. Since the top quark has a
Abelian gauge particles points to another prophetic fea- charge of +2/3 and is a color triplet, such pairs can
ture of the original paper of Yang and Mills [36]: the be produced by
mass of the first Yang-Mills gauge particle has been
found to be nearly zero, while those of the second and (a) a photon: γ → tt̄;
third Yang-Mills gauge particle are quite high – about (b) a Z: Z → tt̄;
80 GeV for the W and 91 GeV for the Z. The rele- (c) a W : W + → tb̄; or
vant sentence in the original paper [36] is the following: (d) a g: g → tt̄.
“We have therefore not been able to conclude anything As discussed in the preceding paragraph, there is no
about the mass of the b quantum.” For further com- photon, or Z, or W as a constituent of the proton. Since,
ments on this point, see pp.19-21 of [116]. on the other hand, there are gluons in the proton, (d)
is by far the most important production process for the
top quark.
Because of color conservation — the gluon has color
but not the Higgs particle — the top and anti-top pair

produced by a gluon cannot annihilate into a Higgs par- Another thirty three years later in 2012, this gluon
ticle. In order for this annihilation into a Higgs particle played a central role in the discovery of the Higgs par-
to occur, it is necessary for the top or the anti-top quark ticle [38–40] by the ATLAS Collaboration [120] and the
to interact with a second gluon to change its color con- CMS Collaboration [121] at CERN: this Higgs particle
tent. It is therefore necessary to involve two gluons, is produced predominantly through gluon fusion, i.e.,
one each from the protons of the two opposing beams the fusion of one gluon from one proton beam with an-
of LHC, and we are led to the diagram of Fig. 2.2.4 other gluon from the opposing proton beam.
for Higgs production. This production process is called As soon as the gluon was discovered in 1979, the
“gluon–gluon fusion” (also called “gluon fusion”). As obvious question was immediately raised: What deter-
expected from the large mass of the top quark, this mines the strength of the gluon-quark coupling con-
gluon–gluon fusion is by far the most important Higgs stant? I have kept this important question in my mind
production process, and shows the central role played for forty years. The conventional answer is discussed in
by the gluon in the discovery of the Higgs particle in Sec. 3 below, but I have a novel idea about how the
2012. Standard Model might be modified to determine gs . I
refer to this idea as the “basic standard model.” It is
discussed in Refs. [122, 123].

2.3 Successes of perturbative QCD

Yuri Dokshitzer

Fig. 2.2.4 Feynman diagram for the Higgs (H) production by Fifty years is a long time, though not for a theory as
gluon–gluon fusion (also called gluon fusion). ambitious as QCD. To cover all the pQCD applications
would be mission impossible. There are many review
papers, both topical and anniversary, some good some
The percentage of this gluon-gluon fusion contribu-
excellent. My review is biased, focusing on issues that
tion to the Higgs production cross section depends on
I personally find important and/or entertaining.
the mass of the Higgs particle. For the actual mass of
the Higgs particle, the gluon contributes, through this
gluon-gluon fusion process, about 90% of Higgs produc- QCD?
tion at the Large Hadron Collider. A more dramatic, Sure. It is undoubtedly the true microscopic theory
but perhaps unfair, way of saying the same is that, if of hadrons and their interactions. Whether it deserves
there were no gluon, the Higgs particle could not have a status of a well formulated Quantum Field Theory
been discovered for years! (QFT) is another matter. QCD is an ultimate proof of
non-maliciousness of the God of physics. This theory
2.2.8 Summary and outlook is as amazing as it is embarrassing, in enabling us to
predict so much while understanding so little.
One of the most influential papers in theoretical physics
during the second half of the twentieth century — very
likely the most important and influential one — is that Perturbative?
of Yang and Mills published in 1954 [36]. The impor- A perturbative (PT) approach means casting an answer
tance of this paper on the non-Abelian quantum gauge as power series in a small expansion parameter. By cal-
theory is due to that (1) it presents a completely new culating more terms of the series one aims at increasing
idea, and (2) it points out the direction for the later accuracy of a theoretical prediction. The quark-gluon
development of the understanding of particle physics. dynamics does offer such parameter: the QCD coupling.
Twenty five years later in 1979, the first such par- At small distances it becomes reasonably small thanks
ticle — the Yang-Mills non-Abelian gauge particle for to asymptotic freedom, inviting us to draw and calcu-
strong interactions, later called the gluon, even though late Feynman diagrams for interacting quark and gluon
this word “gluon” refers originally to a different pro- fields.
posed particle — was experimentally discovered with
the TASSO Collaboration at the German Laboratory
DESY [91, 92].
2.3 Successes of perturbative QCD 29

Successes? the target then is a pair of quark jets, because the prob-
Countless experimental findings speak loudly and clearly ability for such a q q̄ configuration to return back into a
in favor of pQCD. However, until the color confine- normal pion state is too small to be counted on.
ment problem is solved, we have to invent hypotheses Also pQCD unexpectedly finds its place in the hA
and build models linking quark-gluon dynamics and the (AA) interaction environment where multiple scatter-
hadron world. It is useful to keep this in mind when ing of a projectile effectively pushes up the character-
what is commonly referred to as a QCD prediction con- istic hardness scale, < kT2 >∝ A1/3 , putting interesting
fronts reality. physics like induced gluon radiation or jet quenching
By trial-and-error we learn. under pQCD control.
Whatever the hardness of the process, it is hadrons,
2.3.1 pQCD: Domain of interest not quarks or gluons, that hit the detectors. This makes
the applicability of the pQCD approach, even to hard
The name of the pQCD kingdom is Hard Processes. processes, far from obvious. One relies on plausible ar-
We call “hard” any process involving hadrons where guments (completeness, duality) and tries to learn from
the energy-momentum that color objects exchange or inclusive hadron observables that are less vulnerable to
acquire from (transfer to) colorless fields is much larger our ignorance about confinement.
than the confinement scale O(ΛQCD ). Classical exam-
ples are e+ e− annihilation into hadrons, Deep Inelastic 2.3.2 pQCD: Domain of applicability
lepton-hadron Scattering (DIS), or the Drell–Yan pro-
cess of production in hadron collisions of massive lep- The main lesson we learned from confronting QCD ex-
ton pairs or any other heavy colorless objects like W ± , pectations with reality is quite encouraging. The strong
Z 0 , H bosons. To the same family belong production of interaction that is supposed to hold color bearers inside
heavy quarks and their bound states, as well as large-pT hadrons turns out to be not so strong, if you think about
photons and hadron jets. it. The strong color force gets easily screened at large
Heavy quarks are often thought to be more friendly distances by light quarks that pop up from the vacuum.
towards pQCD than their light siblings. This is true, We have not yet mastered this mechanism quantita-
but not because a massive quark couples to the gluon tively. Meanwhile, the very fact that the confinement
field more weakly than a massless one. The QCD inter- happens to be “soft” dramatically enlarges the pQCD
action strength is universal, as a matter of principle. An playing ground.
internal structure of a D meson is as non-perturbative
(NP) as that of K or π. At the same time, heavy quarks Precocious pQCD
are typically produced with relatively large transverse . The parton model [124] pictured electron–nucleon in-
momenta pT ∼ mQ and are closer to one another inside teractions as elastic scattering of an incident electron
the QQ̄ bound states. This is what actually explains that transfers, via virtual photon exchange, momen-
that friendliness motto. tum q to a point-like constituent of the target hadron
Sometimes pQCD applies even to light hadrons. This — a parton. Inelasticity of the ep collision is charac-
occurs when a hadron is put under a condition forcing terized by a dimensionless Lorentz-invariant parameter
its valence quarks to sit tight in order to hide their color. x = −q 2 /2(q·P ) which determines an invariant mass W
Small-size configurations dominate when an initial state of the final hadronic system: W 2 −MP2 = 2(q ·P )(1−x).
hadron, in spite of having experienced a hit with large The physical meaning of the Bjorken variable x be-
momentum transfer, is forbidden to break up and is comes transparent in a reference frame where the vir-
asked to scatter elastically. Alternatively, a hadron can tual photon has zero energy component, q0 = 0, and
be squeezed by demanding its exclusive production in collides with the proton head-on (Breit frame). Here x
the final state. becomes a fraction of the large proton momentum P
This class of phenomena goes under the name of carried by the hit parton (ppart ' xP ).
color transparency. Diffractive dissociation of an ener- This picture culminated in the Bjorken hypothesis:
getic pion on a nuclear target is a bright example. Nor- that the probability of finding a given parton inside the
mally a big nucleus would absorb the projectile. How- nucleon is independent from the momentum transfer q 2 .
ever, if an incident pion happens to be in a squeezed The Bjorken scaling was expected to hold asymptoti-
state, its valence quarks act as a small-size color dipole. cally, that is when |q 2 | is so large as to ensure insignifi-
Its interaction with the medium weakens and the pion cance of any re-interaction between constituents. In the
gets a chance to penetrate the nucleus, defying the ex- Bjorken limit |q 2 | → ∞ the elastic ep cross section dies
ponential attenuation wisdom. What one finds behind

out, while proton breakup into large-mass hadron sys-

tems dominates: hence Deep and Inelastic.
The first SLAC–MIT observation of DIS sent a strik-
ing message. Defying expectation, the scaling regime
manifested itself surprisingly early, right above 1 GeV
momentum transfer, as shown in Fig. 2.3.1. Charged
constituents (read: quarks), probed with better than
0.2 fm resolution, behaved as free objects. And 50 years
later they still do.
Another evidence in favor of precocious freedom comes
from e+ e− annihilation into hadrons which provides the
cleanest environment for exploring QCD. Here all the
murky hadron dynamics is restricted to the final state,
and we can watch what happens to a pair of bare quarks
created in the annihilation point and moving apart with Fig. 2.3.2 In e+ e− annihilation, a quark and an antiquark
born with momenta above 1 GeV fly away as free partons
light speed.
Figure 2.3.2 shows the total hadroproduction cross
section, normalized by the QED cross section e+ e− → where CF = (Nc2 − 1)/2Nc = 4/3 is the quark “color

µ+ µ− as a function of annihilation energy s = 2Eq . charge” (quadratic Casimir operator of the fundamen-
We see that first the quark and the antiquark inter- tal representation of the SU (Nc ) group). The running
act in the final state producing hadron resonances (vec- coupling effect timidly winks at us.
tor mesons ρ, ω, φ). As soon as the quark energy ex-
ceeds 1 GeV, the stormy sea calms down abruptly and Tau-lepton as a pQCD blessing.
turns into still waters. Quarks with larger energies for- Even at smaller momentum scales, pQCD can be suc-
get about one another and behave as free particles. cessfully applied. It suffices to “properly place your eyes”6 ,
They separate unimpeded and develop their private that is to choose the right question to ask.
multi-hadron images — jets. (The story repeats above An amusing and practically important example of
the charm threshold.) precocious pQCD control is provided by hadronic de-
This plot contains more than a mere counting of the cays of the τ -lepton. Given lepton-quark universality
number of families of colored quarks, of the weak interaction, by simply counting degrees of
σ+ − freedom one would expect
R(s) = e e →hadr. ,
Rq.m. = Nc e2f .
σe+ e− →µ+ µ− τ → ντ + hadrons
Rτ = = Nc = 3.
τ → ντ + e− ν̄e
Notice a slight non-linearity of the pQCD red line in
Fig.2.3.2. Its origin — a QCD correction to the annihi- Experimentally it is 20% higher: Rτ ' 3.64. Quite a
lation cross section due to gluon radiation: serious discrepancy. We could refuse to discuss it by
presenting a legitimate excuse: the lepton mass mτ '
R(s) 3CF αs (s)
=1+ + ..., 1.78 GeV is too small for pQCD to apply.
Rq.m. (s) 4 π
Meantime, there is a more constructive way to ad-
dress this discrepancy. In the spirit of the Bloom–Gilman
duality idea that has emerged in the DIS context [125],
it is tempting to explore whether hadron and quark
languages would complement each other. The lepton τ
decays via many hadronic channels with squared invari-
ant mass s = (Pτ − pν )2 = mτ (mτ − 2Eν ) ranging from
m2π ' 0 all the way up to m2τ . Summing over all hadron
states and integrating over s one has a good chance to
mimic the QCD prediction, should there be one.
On the QCD side, since the gluon interaction does
not discriminate quark flavors (W − → dū, sū in place of
γ ∗ → uū or dd¯ ), formation of the final state via virtual
Fig. 2.3.1 DIS structure function F2 = νW2 precociously 6
scales with momentum transfer q 2 [95] M. B. Voloshin
2.3 Successes of perturbative QCD 31

W − is no different from that in the e+ e− annihilation section falls by whopping six orders of magnitude! (See
case. This allows one to express the pQCD correction to [136] to enjoy the picture.)
the branching ratio Bh via αs (m2τ ) — the strong cou-
pling at the tau-mass scale. Moreover, by employing the Hints
Shifman-Vainshtein-Zakharov (SVZ a.k.a. ITEP) sum . An approximate constancy of the total hadron-hadron
rules (discussed in Sec. 5.8) designed to match theoret- scattering cross sections hinted at the presence of a
ical quark-gluon calculations with hadron phenomenol- vector field (J = 1) as a strong interaction mediator.
ogy via dispersion relations [126], it was possible to Invention of gluons inspired a model of the Pomeron
prove that the NP contributions are negligible [127] be- as a two-gluon t-channel exchange [137–139]). It was
ing suppressed as a high power of the τ mass, (Λ/mτ )6 a little while before the Low-Nussinov Pomeron pic-
[128]. ture was confirmed and extended by rigorous analysis
The creator has chosen the τ mass wisely. It lies con- of high-energy scattering in a non-Abelian QFT [140],
veniently inside a window where αs (m2τ ) is sufficiently to become known as the BFKL Pomeron.
large as to make pQCD correction significant and well Another early benefit that QCD has offered was an
visible, and at the same time not too large to undermine (at least qualitative) explanation of the famous Okubo-
the PT treatment. This resulted in [129, 130] Zweig-Iizuka (OZI) rule. It postulated that interacting
αs (m2τ ) = 0.345 ± 0.010, hadrons do not mind exchanging constituent quarks but
hate to allow a quark and its antiquark that are present
which value is three times larger that the reference QCD in the initial state to annihilate. The OZI rule was
coupling at the Z-boson scale, αs (MZ2 ), and is indis- forged to explain unwillingness of φ mesons (φ = ss̄) to
pensable as a lever arm for visualizing asymptotic free- decay into light u, d-built mesons. According to QCD,
dom, see Sec. 3 of this volume. annihilation of a q q̄ pair that constitutes a vector meson
has to proceed via 3-gluons, so that the decay width be-
2.3.3 (p)QCD: Precursors and hints comes small: Γ/M ∝ αs3 . It may look too brave to rely
on the asymptotic freedom concept at scales as small as
QCD inherited quite a dossier of puzzles from the con- Mφ /2 = O(0.5 GeV). However, bound states of heavier
stituent quark model. It is worth recalling certain suc- quarks (J/ψ = cc̄ and Υ = bb̄ families) can be related
cesses of the pre-QCD quark picture of hadrons, some with their QED counterpart — the C-odd e+ e− bound
of which are short of a miracle. state — orthopositronium [74]. Constructing the ratio
of the widths of hadronic and radiative decays
Inheritance J/ψ, Υ → ggg → X, J/ψ, Υ → γgg → γ + X,
Among the first dynamical applications of the constituent
quark model of hadrons were the 2–to–3 ratio of the one arrives at a reasonable quantitative estimate of the
total πp and pp cross sections [131] and an intrigu- QCD coupling at mc and mb scales, correspondingly.
ingly simple additive pattern of magnetic moments of Here gluons manifested themselves as mediators of the
baryons (see [132] and references therein). In these and strong interaction.
many other phenomena, well before QCD, quarks al- Gluons as hidden constituents of the proton also
ready demanded to be treated as independent quasi-free showed up indirectly in DIS as electrically neutral mat-
entities. ter that carries about a half of the energy-momentum
Probably the most amusing example of such inher- of the fast proton.
itance is the so-called quark (or, more precisely, “con- The last but not the least: the nature of multi-
stituent”) counting rule [133, 134]. It links the exponent particle production in the processes involving hadrons
of the energy fall-off of large-angle a + b → c + d scat- also necessitates the presence of a vector field as inter-
tering cross sections with the number of “constituents” action mediator.
of the participating (initial and final) particles: N = Indeed, the bulk of inelastic high energy hadron-
na + nb + nc + nd : hadron collisions was long known to produce multi-
particle final states with hadrons having finite trans-

∝ sN −2 , −t/s = O(1). (2.3.1) verse momenta and distributed uniformly in rapidity. In
1968 Gribov considered a fast proton with large energy
A chilling example of this scaling law is provided by the E  Mp fluctuating into a system of ln E quasi-real
process of photo-disintegration of a deuteron [135]. The particles as an s-channel image of the t-channel vacuum
scaling Eqn. (2.3.1) with N = 13 holds in the photon
energy interval 1GeV < Eγ < 4GeV while the cross

pole (a.k.a. Pomeron) exchange [141]. Feynman has re- some interval (conventionally, between µR /2 and 2µR )
verted the picture by prescribing ln E hadron multiplic- one gets an ad hoc estimate of theoretical uncertainty
ity to a fragmenting quark with energy E [142]. due to unknown higher orders.
A uniform rapidity plateau is the key attribute of
vector particles, hinting at gluon radiation underlying Renormalization: Scheme
production of hadrons. By slightly lowering the dimension of the world, 4 →
D = 4−2, one trades UV divergences for singularities in
2.3.4 pQCD: Modus Operandi  to tame the misbehaving integrals. Logarithmic UV-
divergences of loop integrals that renormalize the cou-
Massless gluons and quarks are treated by pQCD as if pling translate then into a pole at  = 0. By dropping
they were photons and electrons. This is clearly not a it (“minimal subtraction”) together with a boring con-
nice thing to do. In the QED case electrons and pho- stant (an artifact of the trick) one arrives at a finite
tons are legitimate QFT objects. They know how to answer — the MS coupling. Dimensional regularization
propagate freely, have a definite relation between en- (DREG) [143, 144] is a gentle procedure in that it re-
ergy and momentum and therefore can be prescribed spects and preserves internal symmetries of the problem
a physical (measurable) mass. Causality and unitary (with gauge invariance the first to name).7 Being well
unequivocally dictate the analytic structure of their re- suited for multi-loop calculations, the MS scheme has
spective Green functions and interaction amplitudes in become the standard of the trade.
general. Alternatively, one can introduce αs directly from a
Quarks and gluons don’t have this luxury. Being physical observable without bothering about the UV
well aware of this complication, pQCD ignores it in a problem [146]. Called effective couplings, many have
hope to be considered innocent until proven guilty. been suggested since, emerging from e+ e− hadronic an-
nihilation data [147], the Bjorken sum rule [148], static
Renormalization: Scale heavy quark interaction potential [149] or intensity of
To calculate probability of radiation, a gluon is put on dipole gluon radiation off non-relativistic heavy quarks [150],
mass-shell, k 2 = 0, as if it were a photon. Intensity of etc. Efective couplings can be related to one another via
photon radiation is proportional to the fine structure the MS expansions (see, e.g. [151]).
constant αe.m. ' 1/137.04, whichever the process and There is one scheme that deserves special credit.
its hardness. The on-mass-shell value of the QED cou- Known as Monte Carlo (MC), Catani-Marchesini-Webber
pling is a measurable quantity that determines multi- (CMW), bremsstrahlung, or simply “physical scheme”,
tude of macroscopic electromagnetic phenomena. it first appeared implemented in the HERWIG MC par-
In QCD, on the contrary, the on-mass-shell cou- ton cascades generator [152] and rediscovered in the
pling αs (0) is undefinable simply because “on-mass- context of an optimized pQCD description of inclu-
shell gluon” is an oxymoron, as is “on-mass-shell quark”. sive heavy quark fragmentation functions [153]. The
One has to choose some sufficiently large momentum same coupling shows up in the anomalous dimension
scale µR  ΛQCD and employ αs (µ2R ) as an expansion of a cusped Wilson line (Polyakov anomalous dimen-
parameter to construct the PT series. This is called the sion) [154, 155].
renormalization scale. This scheme adds to the MS coupling a definite
The dependence of αs on µR (hence, running cou- O(αs2 ) piece that keeps emerging in a multitude of ob-
pling) is governed by the β-function, see Sec. 3.1. The servables. Among them the behavior of DIS parton dis-
first two coefficients β0 and β1 of the Taylor series of tributions (pdf) and jet fragmentation functions (ff) in
β(αs ) are driven by the ultraviolet (UV) behavior of the the quasi-elastic limit 1−x  1, threshold effects, quark
theory. Their values are universal, while βn≥2 depend and gluon Sudakov form factors and Regge trajectories,
on the way αs is defined. etc.
Obviously, physical observables should not depen- The reason is simple: it is the scheme that defines
dent on the choice of µR . This enforces, through run- the coupling by the radiation intensity of gluons with
ning, a definite µR -dependence of the coefficients of relatively small energies. Radiation of soft gluons is clas-
higher order terms of the series, starting from the next- sical by nature. In accord with the Low theorem it is
to-leading (NLO) one. In practice only a few terms of fully determined by the classical trajectory of the charge
PT expansion are known for a given observable (say, 7
When dealing with a sypersymmetric dynamics, one has to
Born + NLO + NNLO, with N3 LO becoming available sharpen the DREG tool to preserve the fermion–boson symme-
in certain cases). One puts the residual µR -dependence try. This is achieved by turning to the dimensional reduction
of truncated series to a good use. By varying µR in (DRED) [145].
2.3 Successes of perturbative QCD 33

(be it electromagnetic or color one) and is insensitive to important longitudinal distances in configuration space
quantum properties of the particle that caries it [156]. for electroproduction” increase linearly with energy and
may become macroscopically large [164] “This may im-
Infrared-finite coupling ply that the active parton tends to travel a considerable
The QCD coupling grows with distance and becomes distance without interaction before disintegrating into
infinitely large at some point. This is true both at the a jet of hadrons. Thus, there can be a separation of
one-loop level (β0 ) where it develops a simple pole, fractional charge over large distances in configuration
c.f. (1.1.8), (1.2.8), and in the two-loop approximation space as well as momentum space”. The footnote ended
when one takes into account the β1 term in the running with a prophetic remark: “However, this does not mean
of the coupling. This is often referred to as the Landau that partons must “backflow” that distance to provide
pole/singularity in memory of the discovery 70 years the necessary neutralization of fractional charge. This
ago by L. Landau and collaborators of the explosive can be accomplished, for example, by a polarization cur-
behavior of running coupling in the context of QED. rent created by parton-antiparton pairs created from the
Beyond the two loops, however, the situation changes. vacuum by the field of the active parton”.
With the sign of β2 depending on the scheme, some ef- The worry was answered five years later when, with
fective charges at this level stop suffering from the Lan- the advent of QCD, responsibility for confining frac-
dau singularity and instead freeze in the origin [147, tional charges has been laid upon color.
157, 158]. Actually, this freezing is as much an artifact In 1974 Kogut and Susskind came up with a picture
as the Landau pole itself. To unambiguously define αs of a flux tube (color string) that connects the quarks.
and establish its behavior at small momenta is incon- With the color field strength increasing with quark sep-
ceivable without cracking the confinement problem. aration, a chain of successive vacuum breakups, q →
At the same time, the very supposition that αs (k 2 ) q + q 0 q¯0 → (q q¯0 )meson + q 0 → etc, contained fractional
is finite for any k 2 ≥ 0 (more accurately, is integrable charges, together with the open color, inside colorless
over the infra-red domain) enhances the predictive power hadrons.
of pQCD. The Parisi–Petronzio analysis of the differ- The authors have also remarked that hard gluon
ential distribution of Drell–Yan pairs with very small bremsstrahlung off the q q̄ pair may be expected to give
transverse momenta qT and large invariant masses q 2  rise to three-jet events in the e+ e− annihilation into
qT2 provided a key example [159]. It was enough to as- hadrons.
sume that such a “good coupling” existed to get a PT The time had come for pQCD to face the challenge.
prediction that actually did not depend on details of its
behavior in the origin and agreed with the data. Gluon jets
Assuming the existence of a dispersion relation made To unequivocally confirm QCD’s claim to an honorable
it possible to quantify the leading power-suppressed NP place of the theory of strong interactions, gluons had to
contributions by expressing their magnitude via mo- be found manifesting as true particles.
mentum integrals of the “good coupling” over the NP Section 2.2 is devoted to the groundbreaking dis-
domain [160]. This approach proved to be especially covery of 3-jet e+ e− → q q̄g events. We’ll stay on the
productive in the realm of jet shapes, the majority of theory side and peek into a seminal paper that set up
which suffer from significant 1/Q hadronization correc- the 3-jet quest [104]. What a shaky ground the authors
tions [161] (see [136] for details). were pushing off back in 1976! Quote:
• no direct experimental evidence yet exists for gluons
2.3.5 Partons and Jets (except possibly the fact that not all the nucleon’s
momentum is carried by known quark constituents),
The word jets appeared (though only once!) in a mon-
• there is no direct evidence for asymptotic freedom
umental parton-model study of inclusive production of
(though there may be some deviations from scaling
a nucleon in e+ e− (the process related by crossing with
in DIS at high Q2 ),
lepton-nucleon DIS) [162].
• fashion sets αs (Q) to lie between 0.2 and 1 for Q2 ∼
The picture of quark jets has been elaborated [163],
10 GeV2 .
and the Feynman conjecture implemented as a work-
ing hypothesis to characterize the final state structure The authors professed coplanar structure of the final
of hadroproduction processes with large transverse mo- state, cross section scaling in xT = 2pT /Q, verified
menta [73]. In a footnote the authors remarked: “The asymptotic 2-jetness, and rightly guessed a 10% frac-
question of the ultimate fate of the fractional charge may tion of 3-jet events.
be a difficulty of the quark-parton model”. Since “the

Moreover, they drew a picture with two hadron chains two major threads: 1) to look for a set of cones (of
stemming from the gluon fragmentation and remarked, certain angular size) that would embed the final-state
without much ado: hadrons in an optimal way and 2) to look for a pair of
particles closest in the momentum space and (if judged
Looking at [this] one might naively expect more close enough) join them into one, thus recursively re-
hadrons to be produced in gluon fragmentation ducing an ensemble of N hadrons to a few clusters —
than in quark fragmentation, and therefore that jets.
f (x) for gluons should be more concentrated at The original JADE clustering jet finder used an in-
low x. variant mass of the pair as closeness measure. It did
That is, higher hadron multiplicity and softer energy well experimentally, but did not satisfy theorists. By
spectrum in a gluon jet as compared to quark one. This the time when the Workshop on Jet Studies at LEP
little picture became a precursor of the Lund model and HERA was taking place in Durham in 1990, theo-
interpretation of a gluon as a “kink” on the color string rists became too greedy. To deal with respectful IRCS
connecting the separating quark and antiquark [165]. observables (which JADE finder’s output are) was no
longer enough for them.
Jet rates suffer from (or enjoy, up to you) large
IRCS Ideology
double-logarithmic corrections, and theorists were ea-
In 1977 Sterman and Weinberg drew an image of two-jet
ger to make all-order resummed predictions. And the
events as opposite cones of angular size δ containing all
JADE finder did not allow that because of a weird way
but a small fraction  of the total annihilation energy.
it was dealing with small-momenta particles (soft glu-
In the Born approximation, e+ e− → q q̄, the back
ons). At a brainstorm session a proposal from the au-
to back quarks fit in with unit probability. In the next
dience was made to replace the invariant mass distance
order in αs there emerge a negative virtual correction
measure m2ik ' 2Ei Ek (1−cos Θik ) by the relative trans-
to σqq̄ and a new 3-particle production cross section
verse momentum kT2 ' 2 min{Ei , Ek }(1 − cos Θik ) to
σqq̄+g , both infinite. However, the collinear divergence
cure the problem. The next morning Siegfried Bethke
at kT ∝ Θ → 0 (present in all logarithmic QFTs with
who spent a sleepless night testing the new idea came
massless fields) and the soft divergence, k0 → 0 (spe-
up with encouraging news: the kT measure did well in
cific for vector gluons and photons), cancel in the sum,
yielding jets less affected by hadronization.
leaving behind a finite correction ∝ αs ln δ ln .
First reported in the summary of the Hard QCD
The SW construction became the first hadron ob-
working group [167], the “Durham” algorithm [168] has
servable that, after the total cross section σtot (e e →
+ −
got a “Geneva” cousin [169], and then “Cambridge”
X), enjoyed the power of the Bloch-Nordsieck theorem.
[170] and “Aachen” [171] fraternal twins that have fur-
An ideology of Infrared-and-Collinear Stability (IRCS)
ther reduced hadronization effects. The kT -algorithm,
was born:
generalized to DIS and hadron-hadron collisions [172],
If radiative corrections to a given observable hap- allowed theorists to produce all-order resummed expres-
pen to be free from collinear and soft gluon di- sions for the jet rates in e+ e− and elsewhere.
vergences and thus the result is finite, feel free For 15 years or so the clustering algorithms lagged
to confront the PT answer directly with experi- behind the cone-based ones. And for a good reason: N 3
ment, without worrying about NP hadronization operations needed to sort out a final state containing N
effects. particles. Given that in the pp environment (not men-
tioning pA and AA) multiplicities are large, this made
The flag got hoisted over the boot camp from where clustering procedures impractical.
pQCD went on a rampage to conquer multiple produc- The tables turned when an ingenious application
tion of hadrons in hard interactions: “the detailed results of combinatorial geometry to the momenta clustering
of perturbation theory for production of arbitrary num- problem by Cacciari and Salam has reduced the calcula-
bers of quarks and gluons can be reinterpreted in quan- tion load down to N ln N . Development of the “fast-kT ”
tum chromodynamics as predictions for the production clustering procedure permitted to analyze large multi-
of jets” [166]. plicity final states “in no time” [173]. This was espe-
cially welcome since all then-known cone-based finders
Defining and finding were caught red-handed at violating the IRCS demand
A narrow bunch of hadrons is not good enough: one one way or another.
needs an operational definition in order to work with A long and turbulent history of competing jet-finders
jets, to predict, study and work with them. There emerged has terminated with invention of the “anti-kT ” jet find-
2.3 Successes of perturbative QCD 35

ing algorithm [174]. It came in time — right before the However it is difficult to get by subtracting infinities.
start of the LHC operation. It satisfied both theorists One needs to regularize VC and RE separately and con-
(as pQCD-fiendly, IRCS respecting) and experimenters sistently or, better still, to perform subtraction at the
(fast and producing aesthetically pleasant roundish jets), level of the integrand to avoid divergences altogether.
and has established itself as the main (if not only) tool
of the trade since. A full coverage of Jetography can be NLO
found in an excellent review [175]. Early NLO studies sent a rather disturbing message:
large corrections were found both to Drell–Yan [177]
Heavy quark jet and large-pT production [178] putting under question
QCD expected the jets initiated by heavy quarks Q to the very applicability of the PT approach. There is a
have a hole in the forward direction — dead cone of good physical reason why those corrections turned out
the size Θ0 ' mQ /E. Indirect consequences of this spe- to be alarmingly large. I will hide it from you for lack
cific feature have been experimentally confirmed a while of space-time. One way or another the initial shock was
ago: Q loses little energy (leading particle effect), light mitigated and a systematic attack on the NLO started.
hadron multiplicity in a Q-jet is reduced by a constant, The method that has been proposed for e+ e− anni-
Nq (E) − NQ (E) ' Nq (mQ ) [153]. hilation, used DREG to deal with the VC+RE problem
A direct observation of the dead cone by the ALICE [179]. An idea to employ the notion of color dipoles to
was recently reported in Nature [176]. accurately treat collinear and soft singularities and can-
cel them at the integrand level gave more flexibility and
2.3.6 Many jets, some loops allowed to construct a popular general purpose scheme
for calculating the NLO jet cross sections in any hard
To construct a scattering amplitude at leading order process [180].
(LO: Born approximation with the minimal power of L-loop VCs are given by 4L-dimensional Feynman
the coupling constant) one sums up topologically dif- integrals. They are analytic functions of external mo-
ferent tree diagrams, each of which is a product of in- mentum invariants and can be reduced to a finite set of
ternal Feynman propagators and vertices. Momenta of basic scalar integrals.
all internal lines are fixed by kinematics so that no in- The problem has been fully solved for L = 1 [181].
tegration is involved. Because of heavier combinatorics This means that today all NLO amplitudes are known
and more complicated color structure, the complexity (with 6-gluon scattering marking the present-day com-
of the scattering amplitude increases with the number plexity limit) [182]. Parton showers have been promoted
of external legs (read: jets). to NLO as well [183].

Loops and divergences NNLO

QCD jets have become an indispensable tool for col- Since 2015, the number of important processes con-
lider experiments in search for new physics. It is im- tolled in the following order of pQCD (NNLO) has
perative to know the yield and structure of multi-jet been steadily increasing. In the bibliography titles of
final states with the best accuracy possible. One has to the Les Houches 2019 Summary [184] next-to-next-to,
go beyond the Born approximation and calculate, step or NNLO appears 155 times. Drell-Yan/Higgs [185–188]
by step, higher order corrections. A virtual corrections and semi-inclusive DIS [189, 190] allowed to peek into
(VC) generates a loop along with an integration over N3 LO.
the 4-momentum flowing through the loop. With loops Just enjoy the names that appear in the N≥2 LO con-
in the game, complexity of the task rises to all new text: CoLoRFulNNLO and Projection-to-Born meth-
level. ods, Nested soft-collinear and N -jettiness subtractions.
UV divergences being dealt with, VC is still diver- A Shakespearean review [191] discusses pros and con-
gent in the collinear and soft corners of the integration tras of DREG vs. subtraction regularization.
space. But so is the inclusive (integrated) cross section
of the same order in αs . This time, due to real emission Mathematical aspects
(RE) of an infinitely soft gluon or a collinear 2-parton To calculate Feynman integrals analytically is notori-
configuration in the final state phase space. Combining ously hard. General techniques for attacking loop am-
VC with RE one gets rid of almost all divergences. The plitudes were listed and demonstrated in 1996 and are
surviving collinear divergences hide into initial state pdf being used since: spinor helicity formalism, color de-
(and ff, should there be hadrons explicitly registered in compositions, supersymmetry, string theory, factoriza-
the final state). Apart from that, the answer is finite. tion and unitarity [192].

The Loop-Tree duality approach (LTD) was initi- It is important to emphasize that the very possi-
ated [193] and later generalized to become Four-dimen- bility of an all-order resummation depends on whether
sional Unsubtraction (FDU) [194]. the operational definition of jets corresponds to the dy-
Proceedings of the topical Florence workshop (cun- namics of the QCD parton multiplication picture (kT -
ningly named WorkStop/ThinkStart) [195] link to 200+ algorithms vs. JADE, as discussed above).
articles that cover the basics and the progress. All-order resummation of single-logarithmic contri-
An all-in assault [196] resulted in an astonishing butions (SLogs) becomes mandatory when we deal ei-
symbiosis of theoretical physics and pure mathematics. ther with quasi-collinear configurations of partons with
Particle theorists, maybe already familiar with integra- comparable energies (DGLAP physics) or with ensem-
bility, now have to learn twisted cohomology groups, bles of soft gluons at large angles with respect to en-
Hopf algebra, algebraic number theory and other scary ergetic emitters (radiative corrections to parton scat-
things. tering amplitudes). In both cases particles involved are
strongly ordered in transverse momenta.
2.3.7 Resummation and Evolution
Art of expansion A particle with the smallest kT in the game factors
Series in αs can behave well, as for R(e+ e− ), or look out, in a sense that a singular contribution comes only
troubling as is the case of diphoton production, where from its attachment to an external leg. Generalization
moving from NLO to NNLO changes the cross section of the Low theorem from ω  me to arbitrary photon
by 50% [197]. energies [201] was a precursor of the QCD kT /collinear
In fact, independent of the observable, PT series factorization.
in QFT are asymptotic, so that beyond N1/α LO things Another arbitrary scale enters: factorization scale
are bound to go haywire. This was not much trouble for µF . It sets a conventional border between PT and NP
QED, but it should be kept in mind for QCD, where ingredients of the problem. In IRCS observables µF gets
the number of reliable terms in the expansion may be replaced by a variable related to resolution, rendering
not so large. two well separated physical scales. For example, yQ2 
Examining how violently a specific series diverges, Q2 for jet rates, (1 − T )Q2  Q2 for the differential
hints at how much the NP physics affects a given ob- thrust distribution, etc.
servable (infrared renormalons [198]). Whenever there is Factorization, one can carry out
Resummation, and interpret the results in terms of Evo-
Resummation lution and corresponding Evolution Equations.
Often αs acquires one or even two enhancement fac- A few examples of the application of this idea, both
tors: αs ln Q2 (SL), αs ln2 Q2 (DL), and the PT expan- well-known and lesser-known.
sion fails. When this happens, in order to get a reli-
able approximation one has to collect enhanced con- KL
tributions and sum them in all orders. The Sterman- The Kirschner–Lipatov equation resums DLogs in par-
Weinberg 2-jet cross section acquires DLogs because of ton scattering amplitudes with quark exchange in the
a veto imposed on accompanying gluon radiation. The t-channel [202]. Such amplitudes fall as the energy s
QT -spectrum of a Drell–Yan pair or of a hadron regis- increases, and higher-order DL contributions deceler-
tered in the current fragmentation of DIS in the kine- ate this fall. These DLog effects are inherently different
matical region QT  Q, and an almost back-to-back from the DLog effects due to accompanying soft gluon
energy–energy correlation in e+ e− were the first exam- radiation (Sudakov form factors).
ples of inclusive observables which, in spite of not being By isolating the virtual particle with the lowest kT
subject to any explicit veto, are still affected by DLogs in the Feynman graph, and using gauge invariance and
[199, 200]. the unitarity relation, one can form the kernel of the
In all these cases the origin of one of the logs is evolution equation for the partial wave amplitudes, with
soft gluon radiation which is relatively easy to control. ln kT as the “evolution time”.
This makes resummation of DL-enhanced contributions
straightforward and gives rise to Sudakov form factors. KOS
Quark and gluon form factors manifest themselves in Kidonakis, Oderda and Sterman have set the quest of
a multitude of observables characterized by the pres- resummation of SL radiative corrections to 2 → 2 QCD
ence of two different momentum scales. In particular, parton scattering amplitudes [203]. In QCD it becomes
in distributions of various jet shapes, jet rates, etc.
2.3 Successes of perturbative QCD 37

a multi-channel problem, since each gluon emission (ei- new ideas: jet calculus, preconfinement, parton showers,
ther virtual or real) changes the color state of a par- to name a few.
ton pair. For gluon–gluon scattering, the anomalous With anomalous dimensions now known in 3 loops
dimension is a 6 ⊗ 6 matrix (for the general SU (Nc ) [216, 217], DGLAP does its job, predicting pdf evolu-
case; which reduces to 5 ⊗ 5 for SU (3)). It depends tion due to space-like cascades. Thanks to factorization,
on the scattering angle and, obviously, on the rank of they describe the flux of initial-state partons as an input
the color group, Nc . Three of the eigenvalues of the for any hard lepton–hadron or hadron–hadron interac-
anomalous dimension matrix are proportional to Nc , tion. The same universality applies to the final state
and thus respect the so-called Casimir scaling (the per- (time-like cascades).
turbative expansion running in Nc ), see e.g. [204]. The
Nc -dependence of the other three eigenvalues is more Parton Cascades
involved [205]. They solve the cubic equation whose co- Partons have space-like momenta (k 2 < 0) in the ini-
efficients exhibit a weird symmetry between the number tial state cascades; in the final state they are time-
of colors and the scattering angle: like (k 2 > 0). In the LLA, parton splitting functions
 in space-like (S) and time-like kinematics (T ) are the
ln s2 /tu
same: Pba (z) = Pba (z), and so are the anomalous di-
(S) (T )
Nc ⇐⇒ ± .
mensions — Mellin image of P (z). Beyond LLA P (T ) (z)
This symmetry can hardly be accidental, but its origin departs from P (S) acquiring, in particular, (αs ln2 z)k
remains a mystery. terms in Nk LL.
Originally, the picture of QCD partons was treating
ERBL the Bjorken/Feynman variable x as being of the order
The ERBL equation applies to exclusive high-Q2 re- one. Then αs ln2 z = O(αs )  1 and causes no trou-
actions involving mesons and baryons, e.g. electromag- ble. However, when x gets parametrically small so that
netic pion form factor [206, 207] or photo- (electro-) αs ln2 x ∼ 1, an entire tower of these enhanced terms
production of vector mesons like J/ψ [208, 209]. Sep- has to be resummed.
arate components of the valence quark wave function This can be achieved by modifying the “time” in the
(distribution amplitude) acquire different log Q behav- evolution equation from ln kT to ln Θ. In other words,
ior — anomalous dimensions. The dominant component by replacing the kT -ordered cascades (S) by ordering of
in the Q2 → ∞ limit is called the asymptotic wave func- successive splitting angles (T). Angular Ordering (AO)
tion: ψπ (z) ∝ z(1−z) with z the longitudinal momentum takes care of destructive soft-gluon interference and af-
of the fast pion carried by a quark. fects particle production.
It is manifest in the distribution of energy between
the two quark jets stemming from diffractive dissocia- BFKL
tion of a pion in πA collisions [210]. The BFKL equation [140, 218] was derived in the LLA
in g 2 ln s = O(1) to predict high-energy behavior of scat-
DGLAP tering amplitudes in Yang–Mills theory.
The parton model implied limited transverse momenta. Gluons reggeize (spin of a t-channel gluon becomes
In logarithmic QFTs, instead, kT2 are broadly distributed effectively t-dependent, J=Jg (t)). In the vacuum chan-
up to the external momentum transfer scale Q2 , result- nel ladder diagrams dominate with two Low–Nussinov
ing in violation of the Bjorken scaling. The first sys- gluons, now reggeized, connected by multiple gluon rungs
tematic analysis of DIS structure functions and e+ e− strongly ordered in rapidity (multiregge kinematics).
fragmentation functions was carried out in the Leading This yielded the growing total cross section σtot ∝ scαs .
Logarithmic Approximation (LLA) based on selection The NLL correction lowered the exponent. A power-
of like energy growth contradicts the asymptotic Froissart
P enhanced2 contributions in each order of PT series,
theorem, σtot ≤ A ln2 s, but at available energies is le-
Cn (x)(g log Q 2 n
) , in the framework of then-known
QFT models [211, 212]. gitimate. A need to rescue s-channel unitarity ignited
In 1974 the results were recast in the language of new ideas and, correspondingly, equations: McLerran–
pdf evolving via Markov chain of independent 1 → 2 Venugopalan Color Glass Condensate model of high-
parton splittings [213]. energy saturation (CGC), Balitsky–Kovchegov (BK) and
In 1977 arrived the QCD parton dynamics whose Jalilian-Marian, Iancu, McLerran, Weigert, Leonidov
name was eventually settled as DGLAP [214, 215]. It and Kovner (JIMWLK) equations, for references [219].
was received with enthusiasm and gave rise to a host of The true problem is that the high energy scattering
does not belong to the pQCD jurisdiction. This is not

a hard process as long as no large-kT scale is involved. Inter-jet particles

As a result, the “BFKL Pomeron” is sensitive to the Studies of hadron flows in-between jets added insult to
behavior of the coupling in the NP domain [220, 221]. injury. The message here is even more surprising. In-
Strictly speaking it would be safer to apply to com- formation about the color structure of the ensemble of
pact projectiles like bound states of heavy quarks, say hard partons that form the jets is transmitted to pions
with energies of 200–300 MeV, which make up the bulk
J/ψ J/ψ
σtot (s).
Triggering a jet with pT ∼ Q in DIS target frag- of the hadrons produced away from the jets (“QCD
mentation region should expose the BFKL dynamics Radiophysics”) [231]. For example, a comparison of the
(Mueller-Navelet jets [222]). DGLAP evolution gets sup- hadron yield in the direction transverse to the 3-jet-
pressed over a large rapidity interval, leaving room for event plane with the pQCD prediction of the soft gluon
PT-controlled BFKL growth. Experimental data are radiation pattern [232], yielded an independent mea-
not yet conclusive [223]. surement of the ratio of quark and gluon color charges
Applied to DIS, BFKL predicts a steep growth of [233], competing with results from hard gluon physics
pdf in the x = Q2 /s → 0 limit, equivalent to s → ∞. (scaling violation and 4-jet rates) [130].
With DGLAP having its own way of making pdf rise, From a theory standpoint, this similarity was not
the two are difficult to disentangle. entirely unexpected. There was a premonition based on
a semi-classical analysis of the structure of parton cas-
BFKL vs. DGLAP cades in the configuration space which concluded that
The meaning of evolution in the two cases is essentially when the time comes for a given parton to hadronize,
different. Action d/d ln kT2 , dynamics in x (DGLAP), other partons are too far away, leaving no chance for
vs. action d/d ln(1/x), dynamics in ~kT (BFKL). The cross-talk [234].
kernel of the DGLAP evolution equation is a function Local Parton–Hadron Duality (LPHD) as a Nature-
of the longitudinal momentum Pba (x), the BFKL ker- approved supplement to pQCD sends a powerful mes-
nel lives in the plane of transverse momenta K(~kT , ~qT ). sage to the future quantitative theory of confinement:
Eigenvalues of DGLAP are anomalous dimensions; the the Poynting vector of the color field should translate
spectrum of BFKL — Regge trajectories. The origin of into Poynting vector of the hadron matter practically
DGLAP evolution is the kT -factorization [224]; BFKL undamaged.
rests upon t-channel unitarity. In spite of all the differ-
ence the two are intimately related [225]. 2.3.9 Conclusions

2.3.8 Soft gluons and LPHD There are a number of pQCD-related stories I have left
It is soft gluon radiation that bears responsibility for Why did it take almost 20 years for the inclusive
faster-than-logarithmic growth of particle multiplicities energy–energy correlation in e+ e− → h1 h2 X, believed
in hard processes. to be the most reliable IRCS pQCD prediction, to agree
Hadron energy spectra in jets brought an exotic with the experimental data?
fruit. It was not poisonous, but still not easy to digest. Why did the discovery of angular ordering - so im-
portant for understanding the coherent nature of par-
Inside jet ticle production - remain unpublished for a long time?
LEP [226], HERA [227] and Tevatron have found that What would make you submit to Phys. Lett. an ar-
the shape of single-inclusive energy spectra of all-charged ticle under the wrong title [235]?
hadrons (dominated by pions) is mathematically simi- How is it that a specific jet shape distribution turns
lar to that predicted by pQCD for soft gluons [228]. And out to be narrower than that of the underlying parton
this in spite of the fact that the characteristic hump that ensemble, in spite of usual smearing at the hadroniza-
the spectrum develops because of soft-gluon coherence tion stage?
was situated as low as 1 GeV at LEP (and well below How tragic was a misprint in Ref. [236]?
at TASSO energies).
I am confident that by the time QCD-60 gets pub-
CDF studies proved the origin of the hump due to
lished, there will be many more pQCD success stories
parton cascading (as opposed to nonrelativistic finite
to tell, in addition to anecdotes.
mass effects) [229] and confirmed the pQCD expecta-
tion that the particle yield scales with maximal kT of
partons, Ejet sin Θc , with Θc the half-angle of the jet
cone [230].
3.1 Lattice determination of αs and quark masses 39

3 Fundamental constants simulation includes the charm quark) in units of a ref-

erence hadronic quantity to fix the values of the bare
Conveners: quark masses. The reference quantity, usually the mass
Eberhard Klempt and Giulia Zanderighi of the omega baryon MΩ or the π/K meson decay con-
stants fπ , fK is the quantity used to set the scale: all
The fundamental constants of QCD are the strong cou- dimensionless predictions are computed in units of this
pling gs or αs = 4πs , and the six quark masses. Using reference scale. This tuning of the bare parameters in
lattice QCD (LQCD), Sec. 3.1 reviews how these pa- favor of physical observables constitutes the renormal-
rameters are defined and renormalized, and describes ization of the theory. Once this process is carried out
briefly what measurements are compared with lattice one can make solid predictions for many other hadronic
predictions in order to determine the values of these quantities, and also determine the values of the funda-
fundamental parameters. Section 3.2 reviews recent de- mental parameters of QCD. All in all, quark masses
terminations of αs and discusses systematic uncertain- are computed in units of the reference scale. The run-
ties and the procedure used by the current Particle Data ning of the strong coupling is also computed at energy
Group (PDG) to obtain the world average value of αs . scales measured in units of the same reference scale.
A precise knowledge of this coupling constant is needed Using as input the experimental value of this reference
to predict any background process in high-energy col- scale (MΩ , fπ , fK or any other convenient choice), one
lisions. and to achieve precision in the calculation of can quote physical Dimension-full predictions8 . In this
signal processes. way Lattice QCD is able to connect the experimentally
Some may prefer to read Sec. 3.1 after the discus- observed hadron spectrum (meson and baryon masses)
sion of LQCD (in Sec. 4) and Sec. 3.2 after discussion with the fundamental quark masses and strong cou-
of the measurements presented in Sec. 12. The editors pling.
decided to place these early in the volume in order to Here we address conceptually how the fundamental
emphasize that the size of αs (Q2 ) at low Q2 means that parameters of QCD are extracted from Lattice QCD
perturbation theory cannot work at the modest values computations, and what are the dominating sources of
of Q2 characteristic of matter in its ground state. Non uncertainty. We will also comment on a few recent re-
perturbative methods will be required. sults. For a detailed overview on lattice determinations
of the strong coupling, we point the reader to the recent
review [237]. An exhaustive and critical list of lattice
3.1 Lattice determination of αs and quark determinations both of quark masses and the strong
masses coupling is available in the excellent FLAG review [63].
Luigi Del Debbio and Alberto Ramos
3.1.1 The scale of the strong interactions
Lattice QCD provides a first-principles, non-perturbati-
It is convenient to frame the determination of the strong
ve description of the strong interaction in the Standard
coupling constant as a determination of the intrinsic
Model (see section 4.1). Current state of the art sim-
scale of QCD. We start from an observable P that de-
ulations include sea quark effects, electromagnetic in-
pends on a single scale µ (i.e. P (µ)). Ideally this observ-
teractions, and isospin breaking, yielding accurate pre-
able should be easy to determine from numerical lattice
dictions for low-energy hadronic quantities that are not
simulations and with a known perturbative expansion.
accessible in perturbation theory.
As we will see later there are several possibilities. Once
By discretizing space-time in a cubic lattice with
an observable is chosen, it can be used to define a renor-
spacing a, lattice QCD provides a non-perturbative reg-
malization scheme (renormalized coupling) via
ularization of QCD. Moreover this formulation is ame-
nable to numerical simulations using Monte Carlo meth- ḡs2 (µ) ∝ P (µ) , (3.1.1)
ods. A key ingredient in any lattice calculation consists
in removing the regulator (i.e. taking the continuum where the proportionality factor (a simple normaliza-
limit a → 0). This requires to tune the bare parame- tion) is determined by the condition
ters of the lattice QCD action (nf bare quark masses
ḡs2 (µ) ∼ ḡMS
in lattice units ami , and the bare coupling g0 ) in order
to reproduce some hadronic input. Note that since the 8
The interested reader can consult the section on scale set-
input of any simulation are dimensionless quantities, ting in the review [237] and in the 2021 FLAG document [63]
only dimensionless predictions can be made. Typically for a more detailed discussion.
one uses meson masses (π, K and D in case that the

with ḡMS2
(µ) ≡ (4π)αMS (µ). It is convenient to work Note that this last equation claims that a function of
in mass independent renormalization schemes (i.e. the µ1 (the left hand side) is equal to a function of µ2 (the
observable P (µ) is defined in the chiral limit mq = 0). right hand side). The only solution is that both are
In these schemes the energy dependence of the coupling constant. The constant is defined to be log Λs and we
ḡs (µ) is described by the renormalization group (RG) can write
function that has a known perturbative expansion − b12 − 1
Λs =µ b0 ḡs2 (µ) 2b0 e 2b0 ḡs2 (µ) ×

g¯s (µ) ∼ − ḡs3 bk ḡs2k ,
( Z )
βs (ḡ) = µ ḡ(µ) 
dµ 1 1 b1
k=0 exp − dx + − 2 .
0 βs (x) b0 x3 b0 x
where the first two perturbative coefficients (3.1.12)
Note that the integration of the renormalization group
b0 = (4π) 2 11 − 3f ,
  equation here is exact, valid beyond perturbation the-
1 38n
b1 = (4π)4 102 − 3 f , ory. The combination on the right-hand side of Eq. 3.1.12
nf is the number of fermions in the fundamental repre- has units of mass, and is independent of µ. It is called
sentation (i.e. quarks). Different renormalization schemes the Λ-parameter and can be understood as the intrin-
are related perturbatively by sic scale of QCD. It is a free parameter, which provides
a boundary condition for the evolution equation of the
2 ḡs →0 2 4
ḡs0 (µ) ∼ ḡs (µ) + css0 ḡs (µ) + . . . . (3.1.5) coupling.
Determining Λ is equivalent to determining the cou-
It is easy to check that the first two coefficients of the pling constant. It is customary to report the value of
β-function eq. (3.1.4) are invariant under such changes αs (MZ2 ) in the MS scheme, however the latter can be
of scheme (i.e. they are scheme independent). used together with the perturbative expansion of the
Integrating the evolution equation (3.1.3) yields beta function to compute the Λ-parameter. While the
Z ḡ2 two pictures are clearly equivalent, there are some ad-
µ1 dx
log = , (3.1.6) vantages in focussing on Λ as the main character of our
µ2 ḡ1 βs (x)
where ḡ1 = ḡs (µ1 ) and ḡ1 = ḡs (µ1 ). The integral can – It makes clear that the determination of the strong
be rewritten as coupling constant really amounts to the determina-
tion of one energy scale.
Z ḡ2  
dx 1 1 1 b1 ḡ1
= 2 − 2 + 2 log – Although the Λ-parameter depends on the renor-
ḡ1 βs (x) 2b0 ḡ1 ḡ2 b0 ḡ2
Z ḡ2   malization scheme. The relation between Λ-parame-
1 1 b1
+ dx + − 2 . ters in two different schemes is exactly given by a
βs (x) b0 x3 b0 x
ḡ1 one-loop computation. In order to see this we recall
(3.1.7) that by convention couplings in different schemes
Note that given the asymptotic form of the βs function are normalized so that they agree to leading order
(eq. (3.1.3)), the original integral in eq. (3.1.6) is diver- (cf. Eq. (3.1.2)). This implies that renormalized cou-
gent when either ḡ1 → 0 or ḡ2 → 0. On the other hand plings in two schemes s and s0 are related perturba-
the integral in eq. (3.1.7) is finite in these limits (cf. the tively by
integrand is O(x)). This observation allows us to split
ḡs →0 2
ḡs20 (µ) ∼ ḡs (µ) + css0 ḡs4 (µ) + . . . ,
the integral in eq. (3.1.7) as ḡ12 = ḡ1 + 0 2 and write
R ḡ R 0 R ḡ

eq. (3.1.6) in the following way with css0 a finite number. This implies that the re-
1 b1 lation
log µ1 − − 2 log ḡ1 (3.1.8)  
2b0 ḡ12 b0 Λs0 −css0
= exp (3.1.14)
Z ḡ1 
1 1 b1
 Λs 2b0
+ dx + − = (3.1.9)
0 βs (x) b0 x3 b20 x is exact.
1 b1 – The Λ-parameter is defined non-perturbatively. Even
log µ2 − − 2 log ḡ2 (3.1.10)
2b0 ḡ22 b0 for schemes that are intrinsically defined in a pertur-
Z ḡ2 bative context: MS is a “perturbative scheme”, but
1 1 b1
+ dx + − . (3.1.11) ΛMS is a meaningful quantity beyond perturbation
0 βs (x) b0 x3 b20 x
theory thanks to Eq. (3.1.14).
3.1 Lattice determination of αs and quark masses 41

– Even if the actual precision in the determination very slowly (i.e. logarithmically) with the scale µPT .
of the strong coupling looks impressive (≈ 0.7%), This makes reducing perturbative uncertainties an ex-
this amounts to a determination of the Λ-parameter ponentially difficult problem.
with approximately a 4% uncertainty. In particular
some sub-percent effects (QED and isospin breaking The window problem
corrections) are subdominant for lattice extractions The need to use low energies to determine the Λ param-
of the strong coupling. eter in terms of a known, precise, hadronic input, is at
odds with the need to reach large energy scales where
3.1.2 Challenges in extractions of the strong cou- perturbation theory is applicable with high enough ac-
pling curacy. This is usually referred as the window problem.
In practice scales of a few GeV are reached and the es-
The extraction of the Λ-parameter in units of a well de- timates of perturbative uncertainties remain the main
termined hadronic scale µhad (like the proton mass) via source of error in most lattice calculatrions. Ref. [237]
Eq. (3.1.12) requires the knowledge of the β-function in estimates that perturbative uncertainties alone amount
the scheme of choice, βs (x), for values x ∈ [0, gs (µhad )]. to about 1-2% error in αs (MZ ) for any method that
Although in principle Lattice QCD can determine the suffers from the window problem.
running of gs (µ) at any energy scale (it is just the scale
dependence of the observable O(µ) in Eq. (3.1.1)), com- Dedicated approaches
putational constraints impose that a typical lattice sim- There exists however a known solution to overcome this
ulation can only resolve a certain range of scales. In intrinsic difficulty, and it comes under the name of fi-
particular if we want to describe hadronic physics, we nite size scaling [238]. The idea consists in decoupling
can reach at most scales µPT ∼ 2 − 5 GeV (see fig- the simulations where the hadronic input is determined
ure 3.1.1). For this reason, any lattice QCD extraction and the simulations used to the determination of the
of the strong coupling uses the perturbative expansion running of the coupling. Each simulation can only re-
solve a limited range of scales, but a recursive procedure
PnPT  p
O(µ) = k=0 k
ck αMS (µ) + O(αMS (µ)) + O Λ ,
called finite size scaling allows us to relate the energy
(3.1.15) scales resolved in different simulations (see below for
The known perturbative coefficients ci (i = 1, . . . , nPT ) more details). Another recent proposal [239] does not
together with the known 5-loop running of the beta provide a complete solution to the window problem,
function allow us to estimate the high-energy contribu- but reduces substantially the problem. In particular in
tion this approach we are only concerned with power correc-
Z ḡ(µPT )   tions, that decrease much faster with the energy scale
1 b1
− 2 , (3.1.16) than perturbative ones.
0 βs (x) b0 x3 b0 x
to ΛMS . It is worthwhile to emphasize a few subtleties 3.1.3 Lattice observables
involved in this procedure. Since we only know a few
terms in the perturbative expansion of the observable, There is a wide variety of lattice observables that are
the missing higher orders are a source of systematic er- used for a determination of the strong coupling. This
ror in the determination of Λ. In fact it easy to convince rich landscape allows for multiple independent determi-
oneself that it introduces uncertainties of order nations, providing a robust cross-check of the method-
ologies. Here we want to emphasise the broad range of
O(ḡ 2nPT (µPT )) . (3.1.17) observables. For a full review and combination of the
A further source of systematic error comes from non- results we refer the reader to Refs. [237] and [63].
perturbative (power corrections) to the perturbative ex- We first review the dedicated strategies that aim at
pansion. These corrections are suppressed as solving (or ameliorating) the window problem with a
dedicated approach. Typically they require dedicated
simulations and the uncertainties are statistically dom-
O .
µp inated.
Both sources of systematic effect can be eliminated by
just pushing µPT to a high enough scale, but with data Finite size scaling.
only available in a limited range of energies it is chal- An ingenious solution to the window problem is ob-
lenging to estimate the size of these corrections. More- tained by separating the RG evolution, resolving only
over, the perturbative corrections O(αMS
nPT +1
(µ)) decrease a limited range of scales in each single simulation, and

IR ∼ L Λ−1
UV ∼ a
µ /fm 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001








0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 µ/GeV

Fig. 3.1.1 Any quantity determined in a lattice simulation must be determined at energy scales between the intrinsic UV (a few
GeV) and IR (a few dozen MeV) cutoffs of the simulation, given by the total volume and lattice spacing respectively.

adopting a recursive procedure to connect different sim- Heavy quark decoupling

ulations. The main idea is to use a finite-volume renor- Recently a new way to ameliorate the window problem
malization scheme, where the renormalization scale is has been proposed [239] (see also the review [240]). It
identified with the inverse volume of the lattice. The is well known that the QCD coupling with nl mass-
renormalized coupling, denoted here as less quarks and nh heavy quarks (with mass M  Λ),
can be matched using perturbation theory to the cou-
ḡSF (µ), (µ = 1/L) , (3.1.18) pling of QCD with nl massless quarks. This matching
is extracted from observables computed in Monte Carlo is done in perturbation theory to high order and the
simulations. The running of the coupling is encoded in perturbative and non-perturbative corrections are very
the so-called step scaling function, small. These perturbative decoupling relations can also
be understood as relations between the Λ parameters
with nl +nh flavors and the Λ parameter with nl flavors

σs (u) = ḡ 2 (µ) 2 , (µ = 1/L) , (3.1.19)

ḡ (µ/s)=u

which yields the value of the renormalized coupling at Λ(nl )

= Pnl,nl +nh (M/Λ) . (3.1.20)
the scale µ as a function of its value at the scale µ/s, Λ(nl +nh )
where s a scaling factor. The step scaling function is Both perturbative and non-perturbative uncertainties
evaluated numerically by computing ḡSF 2
(µ) on pairs are very small in these relations even for quark masses
of lattices of size L and sL. Thereby multiple sim- of the order of the charm[241].
ulations on physical volumes much smaller than the The main point of this new proposal consists in sim-
typical hadronic scales are used to compute the non- ulating nf fictitious heavy quarks. Since all quarks are
perturbative evolution of the coupling from a hadronic heavy, a coupling computed in this setup ḡ (nf ) (µ, M ) is,
scale µhad up to a high-energy scale, µPT , where the up to heavy mass corrections just a pure gauge coupling
matching with perturbation theory is fully under con-
trol. While these volumes are too small to study hadronic
ḡ (nf ) (µ, M )
physics, they are perfectly suitable to study the RG flow
Λ/M →0
∼ 1 + O(M −2 ) , (3.1.21)
of the coupling. The only experimental input needed in g (0) (µ)
this procedure is one dimensionful quantity that needs where O(M −2 ) represent corrections that can be (M/µ)2
to be compared to one lattice measurement in a large or (M/Λ)2 . Conversely we can declare that both cou-
volume in order to set the scale in physical units. It is plings are the same at slightly diferent values of the
interesting to remark that the strong coupling constant scale
in this approach is determined from just one experi-
ḡ (nf ) (µ(nf ) , M ) = g (0) (µ(0) ) , (3.1.22)
mental dimensionful quantity. Perturbation theory is
only used at scales larger than the perturbative scale, implying the relation between scales
µPT = sn µhad . This scale can be made (almost) arbi- µ(nf ) Λ/M →0
trarily large with a modest (but dedicated) computa- ∼ 1 + O(M −2 ) . (3.1.23)
tional effort (typically µPT ∼ 100 GeV). Finally it is
worthwhile to emphasise that for the determinations Together with the basic definition of the Λ parameter
based on finite size methods, the main source of uncer- Eq. (3.1.12), this last relation allows immediately to
tainty is statistical rather than systematic. Dedicated write a relation between Λ parameters
simulations will allow further improvements. Λ(0) Λ/M →0 Λ(nf )
∼ P0,nf (M/Λ) + O(M −2 ) (3.1.24)
µ(0) µ(nf )
3.1 Lattice determination of αs and quark masses 43

This strategy allows us to determine the nf -flavor Heavy-quark correlators

Λ-parameter from the pure gauge one. One only needs The pseudoscalar density correlators are defined as
the values of a massive coupling with either three or
four flavors in order to apply the matching condition
G(x0 ) = a6 (am0 )2 hψγ5 ψ(x, x0 ) ψγ5 ψ(0, 0)i .
Eq. (3.1.22), and the pure gauge Λ-parameter x
µ(nf ) Λ(0)
Λ (nf )
= lim × (0) (3.1.25) Note that after summing over all spatial sites on the
M →∞ P0,nf (M/Λ) µ
right-hand side, the correlator only depends on x0 . The
The limit of infinite mass ensures that all corrections normalization is fixed by multiplying the field correla-
(both perturbative and power corrections) vanish, which tor by the factor a6 (am0 )2 . Their moments have a well-
makes this an exact relation. defined perturbative expansion in powers of the strong
Although this strategy does not completely solve coupling constant. These correlators are computed in
the window problem, the slowly decreasing perturba- lattice simulations, which yield a good statistical pre-
tive uncertainties are only present in the pure gauge cision on the final result. The main drawback of this
determination of Λ . Note that the pure gauge theory

µ(0) approach is the large cutoff effects that affect the quan-
is much more tractable: simulations are much cheaper, tities used. It is indeed very challenging to explore en-
algorithms are better, and the step scaling strategy is ergy scales larger than the physical charm quark mass
much more straightforward. Perturbative uncertainties mc ∼ 1.4 GeV, which is not clearly in the perturbative
in the decoupling of heavy quarks are negligible, and regime. The recent work in Ref. [243] explores different
only the power corrections O(M −2 ) have to be dealt energy scales in the range m̄c −3m̄c , but the continuum
with. A recent publication [242], using quarks in the extrapolation is very challenging already at µ & 2mc .
range 2-12 GeV shows that precise results can be ob-
tained with this strategy. The uncertainty is still dom- Wilson loops
inated by statistical uncertainties, and in fact a sub- The expectation values of Wilson loops of multiple sizes
stantial part of it comes from the pure gauge running, m×n are computed at the scale of the lattice cutoff 1/a.
which can be further reduced. While these quantities are not extrapolated to their
Now we move to strategies that suffer from the win- continuum limit, they can be computed in bare lattice
dow problem described above. In all these methods the perturbation theory. The perturbative series can then
uncertainties are dominated typically by the uncertain- be tranlsated into an expansion in the remormalized
ties associated with the truncation of the perturbative coupling αMS (µ). The typical scale for these observables
expansion Eq. (3.1.15), or the cutoff effects arising from is µ ∼ 1/a. Unfortunately the known perturbative or-
the difficulty in performing a continuum extrapolation ders are not sufficient to describe the data and several
for quantities defined at scales of a few lattice spacing. coefficients of the expansion need to be fitted. While the
statistical uncertainty of these determinations is excel-
Ghost-ghost-gluon vertex lent, they are plagued by the systematic errors due to
The QCD vertices are computed numerically and com- the perturbative truncation.
pared to their perturbative expansion. As the field cor-
relators involved are not gauge-invariant, these calcu- Hadron Vacuum Polarization (HVP)
lations require a gauge-fixing procedure, which has po- The strong coupling constant can be extracted from the
tential extra uncertainties due to Gribov copies. Non- correlators of vector and axial vector currents:
perturbative corrections and lattice cutoff effects are
Vµa (x) = ψ̄a γµ ψa (x) ,
sizeable in the regime of current simulations.
Aaµ (x) = ψ̄a γ5 γµ ψa (x) ,
Static potential after a decomposition in Fourier space (with Jµ = Vµ , Aµ )
The interaction between static quarks is known to high Z
orders in perturbation theory, and the data seems to d4 x eıpx hJµa (x)Jνa (0)i =
follow to perturbative prediction down to scales of the
order of 1.5 GeV. The main drawback comes from the
(1) (0)
= (δµν p2 − pµ pν )ΠJ (p2 ) − pµ pν ΠJ (p2 ) .
fact that the observable is not IR-safe, which leads to
The quantity
the resummation of soft and ultra-soft divergences, and
hence the introduction of an extra soft scale in the prob- Π(p2 ) =
lem. (0) (1) (0) (1)
= ΠV (p2 ) + ΠV (p2 ) + ΠA (p2 ) + ΠA (p2 )

is dimensionless and has a perturbative expansion tuning is performed, we only need to renormalize its
values to some convenient scheme. The scale depen-
p→∞ dence of renormalized values for quark masses in mass-
Π(p2 ) ∼ c0 + k
ck (s)αMS 5
(µ) + O(αMS ),
independent renormalization schemes is described by
the mass anomalous dimension, γ(ḡ), which only de-
(s = p/µ)
pends on the gauge coupling and obeys the RG equa-
known up to 5-loops. The constant term c0 (s) is diver- tion
gent, so that the strong coupling is usually extracted ∞
from the difference Π(p2 ) − Π(p2ref ), or the Adler func- (3.1.29)
µ m̄i (µ) = γ(ḡ)m̄i (µ) ∼ − ḡ 2 dk ḡ 2k ,

tion k=0

dΠ(p2 ) where the leading perturbative coefficient

D(p2 ) = p2 . (3.1.27)
1 2nf
d0 = 11 − (3.1.30)
The main issue with extractions based on the HVP is (4π)2 3
that power corrections are significant even for large mo-
is scheme-independent. As for the coupling, the quark
menta [244]. Ref. [245] pushes the determination to high
masses are defined in a given renormalization scheme
energies, so that the data can be described without any
and at a given renormalization scale; the conventional
power corrections, but then cutoff effects become larger
practice is to quote a value for the masses in the MS
and the window of scales to obtain the strong coupling
scheme, m̄MS (µ) (with µ = 2 GeV for light quarks),
but as in the case of the coupling we find more natu-
ral to work with renormalization group invariant (RGI)
Dirac Spectral Density
quantities. The evolution equation, Eq. (3.1.29), can be
The density of the eigenvalues of the Dirac operator,
integrated exactly to yield
* +
1 X
−d0 /(2b0 )
ρ(λ) = [δ(λ − ıλk ) + δ(λ + ıλk )] , Mi =m̄i (µ) 2b0 ḡ(µ)2 ×
k ( Z
ḡ(µ)  )
γ(x) d0
has recently been used to determine the strong coupling exp − dx − . (3.1.31)
0 β(x) b0 x
via its perturbative expansion
Once again we can think of the RGI mass Mi as a scale-
ρ(λ) = 2
1 − ρ1 (s)αMS (µ) − ρ2 (s)αMS (µ) independent energy that specifies the boundary condi-
4π 2
3 4
 tion for the mass evolution and hence fully determine
− ρ3 (s)αMS (µ) + O(αMS ) , the renormalized mass at all energies. An additional
(s = µ/λ) . benefit of quoting RGI quark masses is that they are
scheme independent (and therefore well defined beyond
The extraction of the spectral density is usually per- perturbation theory). On the other hand, the deter-
formed at very low energy scales in order to keep the mination of RGI quark masses requires the knowledge
discretization effects under control. Recent work [246] of the evolution of the coupling. Given that the cur-
imposes a cut aλ < 0.5 in order to avoid a substantial rent precision of the Λ parameter (about a 4%) is much
deviation from the continuum result. This restricts the lower than the precision of quark masses at low energies
energy scales that can be reached with their data-set (about a 1% precision), the values of quark masses at a
(with lattice spacings a−1 = 2.5, 3.6 and 4.5 GeV) to few GeV are much more precise than their RGI coun-
λ < 1.2 GeV. terparts. Note however that this usually means that
perturbation theory has been used at a few GeV, and
3.1.4 Determinations of the quark masses all the caveats about the use of perturbation theory
at medium energies raised in the previous section are
Because of confinement, only color-neutral states are also applicable here; the determination of quark masses
observed as physical states and therefore the quark masses is also plagued by a window problem. However from a
cannot be measured directly in experiments. On the practical point of view, the perturbative uncertainties
other hand lattice QCD offers a unique opportunity to in this case seem to be much better behaved than in
determine these quantities. In fact the nf bare quark the case of the extractions of the strong coupling.
masses appearing as parameters in the lattice QCD ac- Nowadays the most precise results available in the
tion have to be tuned using nf physical observables FLAG review[63] for light and heavy quark masses are
in order to make any meaningful prediction. Once this
3.1 Lattice determination of αs and quark masses 45

obtained in the isosymmetric limit. There are few sub- ization and up to cutoff effects9 . The axial current and
tleties involved in these extractions; they originate from pseudo scalar density are renormalized multiplicatively
the fact that experimental inputs include QED and (AR )aµ (x) = ZA Aaµ (x) , (3.1.35)
isospin-breaking corrections, while these effects are not
included in the lattice simulations. These effects are
a a
(PR ) (x) = ZP (µ)P (x) . (3.1.36)
small but they are relevant at the level of precision of Note that the axial current renormalization factor is
state-of-the-art lattice computations. Ideally one would scale independent. Quark masses are also expected to
like to subtract the isospin breaking corrections from renormalize multiplicatively m̄(µ) = Zm (µ)m0 , leading
the experimental data. The problem is that electromag- to the lattice version of the PCAC relation
netic interactions affect the RG functions (both β(ḡ) 2Zm (µ)ZP (µ)
and τ (ḡ)) with O(αEM ) contributions: quarks with dif- ∂µ Aaµ (x) = m0 P a (x) . (3.1.37)
ferent electric charges (like the u and d quarks) run dif-
ferently. QED makes the isospin symmetric point ill de- This relation allows to determine the renormalized quark
fined. Even if we impose m̄u (µ) = m̄d (µ) at µ = 2 GeV, masses via the relation
the u and d quarks will be non-degenerate at another ZA h∂µ Aaµ (x)Oext i
generic renormalization scale. Since the subtraction of m̄(µ) = Zm (µ)m0 = , (3.1.38)
ZP (µ)hP a (x)Oext i
isospin breaking corrections depends on the definition
of the isospin symmetric limit, it is clear that there are with much freedom to choose the probe Oext . Note that
(small) ambiguities whatever convention one chooses. the running of the quark masses is given by the scale-
The FLAG review [63] contains a detailed discussion dependent renormalization factor ZP (µ). There are sev-
both in the quark mass section and in the scale setting eral methods to determine it on the lattice. Most recent
section about this particular issue, and the reader is works use nonperturbative renormalization schemes.
encouraged to consult it for more details.
We end this introduction by emphasizing that the RI-(S)MOM schemes
inclusion of the leading QED and strong isospin break- These renormalization schemes are conceptually very
ing corrections (including quark loop effects) is an ac- similar to the one used in perturbation theory. There
tive area of research in lattice QCD. Results with a first exists several possibilities, but all are based on impos-
principles description of the standard model at low en- ing a suitable renormalization condition to some Green
ergies, including QCD, QED and strong isospin break- functions with external momenta playing the role of
ing, are rapidly becoming the new standard for lattice the renormalization scale. In principle the renormaliza-
computations where this level of precision is required. tion scheme is formulated in infinite volume and at zero
mass. In this setup the connection with perturbation
theory is known to high accuracy (up to 4-loops), but
3.1.5 Quark mass definitions
this setup cannot be simulated directly on the lattice,
Here we consider the determination of quark masses so the infinite volume and zero mass limit require a ded-
in QCD alone (i.e. a sensible definition of the isospin icated study. In particular these methods suffer from a
symmetric point has been made). Quark currents play window problem (the impossibility to keep the volume
a central role in QCD In particular, the axial current large and at the same time have access to high energy
and pseudo scalar density scales where perturbation theory can be trusted).

σa Finite volume schemes

Aaµ (x) = ψ̄(x)γµ γ5 ψ(x) , (3.1.32)
2 In this schemes the renormalization condition is im-
σa posed in a finite volume L, which plays the role of
P a (x) = ψ̄(x)γ5 ψ(x) , (3.1.33)
2 the renormalization scale (i.e. µ ∼ 1/L). With a smart
are expected, in the continuum, to obey the PCAC re- choice of boundary conditions one can directly simu-
lation late massless quarks. Contact with perturbation theory
is typically only known up to 2-loops, but using the
∂µ Aaµ (x) = mP a (x) . (3.1.34)
techniques of finite size scaling, this matching can be
This relation is often used to define renormalized quark performed at very high energies (i.e. 100 GeV), where
masses. The reason is that we expect the same relation perturbative uncertainties are negligible.
to hold in the lattice regularized theory after renormal- 9
Depending on the type of fermion formulation used and
other details, the cutoff effects can be O(a) or O(a2 ). In prac-
tice most lattice determinations nowadays choose to eliminate
the linear effects in a.


Nf = 2 + 1 3.15(13) 6.49(14) 128(2) 1526(17) 6881(63)
Nf = 2 + 1 + 1 2.97(11) 6.53(11) 129.7(1.5) 1520(22) 6934(58)

Table 3.1.1 FLAG averages of the RGI quark masses in MeV for the u, d, s, c and b quarks (see[63]). Several works contribute
to these averages [243, 247–266] computed with either Nf = 2 + 1 and Nf = 2 + 1 + 1 lattice simulations have about a percent
precision for all different quark masses.

3.1.6 Approaches for heavy quarks depends on the application of a particular resummed
perturbative relation at relatively low energy scales. De-
Heavy quarks are difficult to simulate on the lattice. spite these caveats, it is clear that this work has looked
The reason is that in order to have discretization errors into the future by simulating relativistic heavy quarks
under control, the lattice cutoff a−1 has to be much close to the b meson mass.
larger than all other scales considered in the problem.
In particular we require am  1. The lattice commu- 3.1.7 Conclusions
nity has typically dealt with this problem using an effec-
tive description for the heavy quarks (see for example We conclude this section by summarising briefly the
Refs. [267] and [268]). This topic is beyond the scope of status of the determinations of the fundamental param-
this review. Here instead we will focus on some recent eters of the SM from lattice QCD.
works that use a relativistic formulation for the heavy With the advent of dynamical quark simulations
quarks. In particular the recent work [269] uses the ex- and new methods for non-perturbative renormalization,
pansion of a heavy-light meson mass Mhl as a function lattice QCD determinations of the strong coupling and
of the heavy quark pole mass mh quark masses have become both very accurate and very
precise. Even if numerical simulations do not qualify as
µπ − µG (mh )
Mhl = mh + Λ̄ + + O(1/m2h ) . (3.1.39) a proof, many of us believe that these computations
have fulfilled the dream of connecting the fundamental
Here Λ̄ is the binding energy, µπ /2mh is the kinetic quark masses and strong coupling to the well measured
energy and µG (mh ) is the hyperfine energy. This re- spectra of hadrons from first principles.
lation allows to fit meson masses to the heavy quark There are two challenges that lattice QCD computa-
pole mass, and therefore to determine it by using the tions face in this game. On one hand the strong coupling
perturbative relation and quark masses are useful when quoted in the MS-

! scheme, requiring to make contact with perturbation
mh ∼ m̄MS 1 +
rn α n+1
(m̄MS ) . (3.1.40) theory while most lattice simulations are performed
to explores hadronic low energy scales. On the other
hand experimental input (hadron masses), have elec-
The problem of this approach is that the pole mass has tromagnetic and strong isospin breaking corrections,
a terribly behaved perturbative expansion. In fact while most lattice QCD simulations are performed in
the isospin symmetric limit.
rn = (2b0 )n Γ (n + 1 + b1 /(2b20 )) . (3.1.41)

Reference [269] uses instead the minimal renormalon The window problem
subtraction scheme, that has better PT properties. Connecting the perturbative and hadronic regimes of
Making a long story short, heavy-light meson masses QCD is hard. These two scales are separated by a large
are related directly to quark masses, without the need gap in energy scales, due to the logarithmic running of
of any non-perturbative renormalization. This approach the strong coupling with the renormalization scale. It is
is used to determine the b meson mass. Masses of other very challenging to accommodate these disparate scales
quarks are extracted from appropriate quark mass ra- in a single lattice simulation, and if insists on doing so,
tios, that do not need the determination of any renor- compromises have to be made and perturbation theory
malization constant. has to be used at a few GeV.
It has to be pointed out that the heavy quark masses
used in this work are often of the order of the lattice Isospin breaking corrections
UV cutoff, i.e. aM ∼ 1, and that the direct connection The simulation of electromagnetism on the lattice poses
between heavy-light meson masses and quark masses its own challenges (see [270] for a review), related with
3.2 The strong-interaction coupling constant 47

the description of charged states in presence of long 0.35

range interactions. The simulation of non-degenerate τ decay (N3LO)
light quarks is also numerically challenging. These rea- low Q2 cont. (N3LO)
HERA jets (NNLO)
sons explain that most lattice computations are per- 0.3
Heavy Quarkonia (NNLO)
formed in the isospin symmetric limit. e+e- jets/shapes (NNLO+res)
The lattice community has made great progress on pp/p-p (jets NLO)
these fronts in recent years. The window problem has 0.25 EW precision fit (N3LO)
a known solution since the early 90’s: finite size scal- pp (top, NNLO)
ing [238]. It has been applied to Nf = 0, 2, 3, 4 QCD [271–

273] and to the determination of quark masses [], but
these determinations traditionally produced results for
the strong coupling with large statistical uncertainties. 0.15
Thanks to recent developments [274], finite size scal-
ing studies can achieve a subpercent level of precision
in the strong coupling [275]. These techniques have also 0.1
been applied to the determination of quark masses [249,
276, 277]. Finite size scaling has been for a long time αs(MZ2) = 0.1179 ± 0.0009
the only solution to the window problem, until a new 0.05
1 10 100 1000
method based on decoupling of heavy quarks has been
proposed [239]. This new method largely reduces the August 2021 Q [GeV]
window problem and recent results show that the strong Fig. 3.2.1 Measurements of the coupling constant αs , as a
coupling can also be determined using these techniques function of the energy scale Q. The level of precision of the per-
turbative prediction used in the measurement of αs is indicated
with a sub-percent precision [242]. This strategy has not
in brackets (NLO: next-to-leading order; NNLO: next-to-next-
yet been applied to the determination of quark masses, to-leading order; NNLO+res.: NNLO matched to a resummed
but the method should also lead to precise determina- calculation; N3 LO: next-to-next-to-leading order. Figure taken
tions of the running of quark masses. from Ref. [278].
With the advent of dynamical fermion simulations
the precision of lattice determinations of quark masses in constraining the SM description of physical phenom-
has rapidly reached a very mature status. Renormaliza- ena. Lattice determinations of αs are the most precise
tion is nowadays performed in a fully non-perturbative (see the next section). The FLAG average based on
way, and using different strategies. Although contact Nf = 2 + 1 + 1 simulations of the u quark mass is
with perturbation theory has to be made, and in prin- MuRGI = 2.97(11) MeV (based on the works [248, 269],
ciple there is also a window problem present in the ex- see also [247]). This value disfavors a popular solution
traction of quark masses, perturbative uncertainties in to the strong CP problem (a massless u quark) by 30
this case seem to be much better behaved than in the standard deviations without any assumptions or model
case of extractions of the strong coupling. All in all, for the strong interactions.
at the current level of precision the presence of electro-
magnetism and strong isospin in nature is the main fac-
tor limiting the precision of many lattice computations. 3.2 The strong-interaction coupling con-
But the field evolves very quickly and there exist sev- stant
eral lattice computations of the individual light quark
masses mu , md that directly compute the QED effects Giulia Zanderighi
in the quenched approximation. We are convinced that
unquenched results will follow soon, and isospin break- 3.2.1 The world average determination of αs
ing corrections will be applied to the determinations of
all quark masses. We summarize here the current procedure used in the
Only fifteen years after the first lattice QCD simula- PDG [278] to obtain the world average value of αs (Mz2 )
tions with dynamical quarks, lattice QCD has been able and its uncertainty, and we discuss future prospects for
to determine from first principles the strong coupling its improvement.
with a 0.7% error. Quark masses are determined with
Preliminary considerations
a percent error (see Table 3.1.1), and soon these com-
All observables involving the strong interaction depend
putations will include full isospin breaking corrections.
on the value of the strong coupling constant. This im-
The implications of these calculations are far reaching
plies that a number of different observables can be used

to determine the coupling constant, provided that a 3. a specification of the procedure within each category
suitable theoretical prediction is available for that ob- of the procedure to compute the average and its
servable. The following considerations are used to as- uncertainty;
sess if a particular observable is suitable for use in the 4. a specification of the manner in which the different
determination of the strong coupling constant: sub-averages and their uncertainties are combined
to determine the final value of αs (MZ2 ) and its un-
– The observable’s sensitivity to αs as compared to
the experimental precision. For example, for the e+ e−
cross section to hadrons (e.g. the R ratio), QCD ef-
Details of the PDG averaging procedure
fects are only a small correction, since the pertur-
In the following, we summarize the procedure adopted
bative series starts at order αs0 , but the experimen-
in the last edition of the PDG [278]. There, the selection
tal precision is high. Three-jet production, or event
of results from which to determine the world average
shapes, in e+ e− annihilation are directly sensitive
value of αs (MZ2 ) is restricted to those that satisfy a well
to αs since they start at order αs . Four- and five-jet
defined set of criteria. These are that the fit should be
cross-sections start at αs2 and αs3 respectively, and
hence are very sensitive to αs . However, the preci- 1. accompanied by reliable estimates of all experimen-
sion of the measurements deteriorates as the number tal and theoretical uncertainties;
of jets involved increases. 2. based on the most complete perturbative QCD predic-
– The accuracy of the perturbative prediction, or equiv- tions of at least next-to-next-to leading order (NNLO)
alently of the relation between αs and the value of accuracy;
the observable. The minimal requirement is gener- 3. published in a peer-reviewed journal at the time of
ally considered to be an NLO prediction. The PDG writing of the PDG report.
imposes now that at least NNLO accurate predic-
Note that the second condition to some extent follows
tions be available. In certain cases where phase space
from the first. In fact, determinations of the strong
restrictions require it, fixed-order predictions are sup-
coupling from observables in e+ e− involving e.g. five
plemented with resummation. An improved pertur-
or more jets are very sensitive to αs , and could pro-
bative accuracy is necessary to guarantee that the
vide additional constraints. However, these observables
theoretical uncertainty is assessed in a robust way.
are currently described only at leading order (LO) or
– The size of non-perturbative effects. Sufficiently in-
next-to-leading order (NLO), and the determination of
clusive quantities, like the e+ e− cross section to
the theoretical uncertainty is thus considered not suf-
hadrons, have small non-perturbative contributions
ficiently robust. It is also important to note that some
∼ Λ4 /Q4 . Other quantities, such as event-shape dis-
determinations are included in the PDG, but the uncer-
tributions, typically have contributions ∼ Λ/Q. All
tainty quoted in the relevant publications is increased
other aspects being equivalent, observables with smal-
by the PDG authors to fulfill the first condition. Simi-
ler non-perturbative corrections are preferable.
larly, in some cases the central value used in the PDG
– The scale at which the measurement is performed.
differs from the one quoted in some publications, but
An uncertainty δ on a measurement of αs (Q2 ), at a
can be extracted from the analysis performed in that
scale Q, translates to an uncertainty δ 0 = αs2 (MZ2 )/
αs2 (Q2 ) × δ on αs (MZ2 ). For example, this enhances
the already important impact of precise low-Q mea-
Categories of observables
surements, such as from τ decays, in combinations
All observables used in the determination of αs (MZ2 )
performed at the MZ scale.
in the PDG averaging procedure are classified in the
The PDG determination of αs first separates mea- following categories
surements into a number of different categories, then
– “Hadronic τ decays and low Q2 continuum” (τ de-
calculates an average for each category. This average is
cays and low Q2 ): the coupling constant is here de-
then used as an input to the world average. The PDG
termined at the τ mass, therefore once it is evolved
procedure requires:
up to the Z mass the uncertainty shrink. Perturba-
1. a specification of the conditions that a determina- tive calculations for τ decays are available at N3 LO,
tion of αs should fulfill in order be included in the however there are different approaches to treat the
average; perturbative and non-perturbative contributions, which
2. a specification of the separations of the different ex- result in significant differences. These discrepancies
tractions of αs (MZ2 ) into the separate categories; are currently the limiting factor in reducing the un-
certianty in this category.
3.2 The strong-interaction coupling constant 49

– “Heavy quarkonia decays” (QQ̄ bound states): cal- from e+ e− jets & shapes of αs (MZ2 ) = 0.1155 ± 0.0006,
culations are available at NNLO and N3 LO. which is not compatible with the current world aver-
– “PDF fits” (PDF fits): this category include both age. This would, in fact, considerably change the world
global PDF fits and analyses of singlet and non- average because of the very small uncertainties. The
singlet structure functions. To quantify the theory current procedure is instead robust against αs (MZ2 ) de-
uncertainty, half of the difference between results terminations that are outliers with small uncertainties
obtained with NNLO and NLO predictions is added as compared to the other determinations in the same
in quadrature. category. For the “Lattice QCD” (lattice) sub-field, the
– “Hadronic final states of e+ e− annihilations” (e+ e− PDG adopts the LAG2019 average value and uncer-
jets & shapes): these fits use measurements at PE- tainty for this sub-field [279]. FLAG2019 also requires
TRA and LEP. Non-perturbative corrections are im- strict conditions on its own for a determination to be
portant, going as Λ/Q and can be estimated either included in their average, which are in line with those
via Monte Carlo simulations or analytic modeling. used in the PDG. The results of the averages of the
– “Observables from hadron-induced collisions” (hadron categories are given in table 3.2.1. From the table, it
colliders): NNLO calculations for tt̄ or jet produc- is clear that determinations from different categories
tion at both the LHC and HERA, and Z+jet pro- are compatible with each other and accordingly can be
duction at the LHC have allowed measurements for combined to give rise to a final average.
these processes to be used in αs determinations. An
important open question is whether a simultaneous Final average
PDF and αs fit has to be carried out in order to Since the six sub-fields (excluding lattice) are largely
avoid a potential bias. independent of each other, the PDG determines a non-
– “Electroweak precision fit” (electroweak): αs deter- lattice world average value using a standard ‘χ2 aver-
minations are averaged from electroweak fits to data aging’ method. This result in the final average of the
from the Tevatron, LHC, LEP and the SLC. These six categories of
fits rely on the strict validity of the Standard Model.
αs (MZ2 ) = 0.1175 ± 0.0010 , (without lattice),
– ”Lattice”: the average determined by the FLAG group
in 2019 [279] from an input of 8 determinations was (3.2.1)
used in the last PDG determination; the subsequent which is fully compatible with the lattice determina-
2021 αs average is very consistent with that of 2019. tion. In a last step the PDG performs an unweighted
Detailed information about which observables are in- average of the values and uncertainties of αs (MZ2 ) from
cluded in the different categories can be found in Ref. [278]. the non-lattice result and the lattice result presented in
the FLAG2019 report,which results in the final average
Average and uncertainty in each category of
In order to calculate the world average value of αs (MZ ),
αs (MZ2 ) = 0.1179 ± 0.0009 , (final average). (3.2.2)
a preliminary step of pre-averaging results within the
each category listed in Sec. 3.2.1 is carried out. For Performing a weighted average of all seven cate-
each sub-field, except for the ”Lattice” category, the gories would instead give rise to αs (MZ2 ) = 0.1180 ±
unweighted average of all selected results is taken as 0.0006. The PDG uncertainty is instead more conser-
the pre-average value of αs (MZ ), and the unweighted
2 vative and about 50% larger. These final results are
average of the quoted uncertainties is assigned to be summarized in Fig. 3.2.2.
the respective overall error of this pre-average. An un-
weighted average is used to avoid the situation in which category αs (MZ2
individual measurements, which may be in tension with
τ decays and low Q 2
0.1178 ± 0.0019
other measurements and may have underestimated un-
QQ̄ bound states) 0.1181 ± 0.0037
certainties, can considerably affect the determination
of the strong coupling in a given category. As an ex- PDF fits 0.1162 ± 0.0020
ample, the determination of αs (MZ ) from e e jets
2 + − e e jets & shapes
+ −
0.1171 ± 0.0031
& shapes currently averages ten determinations and hadron colliders 0.1165 ± 0.0028
arrives at αs (MZ2 ) = 0.1171 ± 0.0031. Since two de- electroweak 0.1208 ± 0.0028
terminations [280, 281], both based on a similar the-
lattice 0.1182 ± 0.0008
oretical framework, arrive at a small value of αs (MZ2 )
Table 3.2.1 PDG average of the categories of observables.
and have a very small uncertainty, if one were to per-
These are the final input to the world average of αs .
form a weighted average one would arrive at αs (MZ2 )

BDP 2008-16 As far as the category “τ decays and low Q2 mea-

τ decays
Boito 2018
& surements” are concerned, it is important to mention
PDG 2020
Boito 2021
low Q 2 that the uncertainty quoted in the latter category in-
cludes the difference in the extractions that are ob-
Mateu 2018
Peset 2018
tained using contour improved perturbation theory (CIPT)
Narison 2018 (cc)̄ QQ and fixed order perturbation theory (FOPT). Recent
Narison 2018 (bb)̄
BM19 (cc)̄
states arguments suggest that FOPT are to be preferred, see
BM20 (bb)̄ also dedicated discussions on this point in Ref. [282]. If
this is confirmed, the value of αs (MZ2 ) in this category
would shift slightly to lower values, and would allow one
PDF fits
to quote a reduced theoretical uncertainty since this ad-
ditional source of uncertainty would be completely re-
MSHT20 moved. Further improvements could also come from a
better understanding of non-perturbative effects.
ALEPH (j&s)
OPAL (j&s) Important progress is also expected in the category
JADE (j&s) “e+ e− jets & shapes”, where the calculation of power
corrections in the 3-jet region [161, 283] could have a
Dissertori (3j)
JADE (3j) jets
Verbytskyi (2j) & sizeable impact, and improve fits of the coupling from
Kardos (EEC)
Abbate (T)
event shapes. In fact, in current determinations that
Gehrmann (T) rely on an analytic computation of non-perturbative
Hoang (C) power corrections, these calculations are performed in
Klijnsma (tt)̄ the two-jet limit and applied to the kinematic region
CMS (tt)̄
used in the fits where events typically have an addi-
H1 (jets)*
d'Enterria (W/Z)
collider tional hard emission, i.e. to three-jet configurations. A
HERA (jets) treatment of these corrections in the three-jet region
is now possible, at least for some observables and the
PDG 2020
Gfitter 2018
electroweak impact of this improved treatment of non-perturbative
effects on αs (MZ2 ) in this category is eagerly awaited.
FLAG2019 lattice
As far as the hadron collider category is concerned,
0.110 0.115 0.120 0.125 0.130
it is an open question if it is always preferred to fit
August 2021 αs (MZ2 ) and the parton distribution functions simul-
Fig. 3.2.2 Summary of the determinations of αs (MZ 2
) from taneously and how to best deal with correlations be-
the seven sub-fields used in the PDG [278], as discussed in the tween the parton distribution function parameters and
text. The yellow (light shaded) bands and dotted lines indi-
cate the pre-average values of each sub-field. The dashed line
αs (MZ2 ) in the cases where the fit is not performed si-
and blue (dark shaded) band represent the final world average multaneously. In view of many more NNLO results to
value of αs (MZ2
). The ’*’ symbol within the “hadron colliders” come and many more data from the LHC, we can expect
sub-field indicates a determination including a simultaneous fit theoretical work and advances in addressing this ques-
of parton distribution functions. All other “hadron collider” de-
terminations instead use a set of parton distribution function
tion. Ratios of cross sections are less sensitive to parton
as input to the fit. Figure taken from Ref. [278]. distribution functions and therefore could be considered
more suitable to extract αs . For instance, NNLO pre-
dictions for 3-jet production will enable to perform fits
3.2.2 Outlook of αs (MZ2 ) from ratios with at least partial cancellation
of some uncertainties. It is not clear whether this reduc-
Despite the numerous determinations of the strong cou- tion in uncertainty also holds for the PDF dependence
pling constant, it remains to date the least well-known of such ratio predictions. Moreover, for predictions of
gauge coupling, with an uncertainty of about 1%. Still it ratios of cross sections, the natural central scale choice
is a remarkable success that all determinations from all in numerator and denominator are in general not the
categories agree well with each other, all within about same. Data from the “hadron collider category” at high
one sigma. Future improvements are likely to be driven Q2 will also be crucial to test the running of the cou-
by those categories which today have the smallest un- pling to highest energy scales. Such tests are important
certainties, i.e. lattice determinations, τ decays and low since heavy states that couple strongly could modify
Q2 measurements. the running of αs at high Q2 .
4.1 Lattice field theory 51

Finally, it is important to mention that the recent as well as the computational limitations imposed by fi-
years have seen remarkable advances in the determina- nite volume and lattice spacing made it clear that com-
tion of αs (MZ2 ) from lattice calculations, also thanks to putational power alone will not be enough. Therefore,
the the FLAG effort which imposes strict quality cri- intense theoretical research to develop methods and al-
teria for lattice determinations to be included in the gorithms started in the ’80s. Together with that effort,
FLAG average. This is now the single most precise re- many groups devoted efforts to designing custom-made
sult of all categories included in the PDG and agrees supercomputers that were best suited for the problem
remarkably well (both in terms of central value and un- at hand. The idea of a massively parallel computer to
certainty) with the PDG world average of αs without solve scientific problems seemed at odds at the time
lattice data. Further improvements from lattice calcu- with the vector machines that defined the commercially
lations are also expected in the coming decade. Given available high-performance computers. Yet in the ’90s
all the progress to be expected in the coming years in the rise of massively parallel computers, commercial or
various aspects and categories, a determination of αs custom-made, led to major advances in LQCD. The
with sub-percent precision seems finally within reach. new century brought a combination of powerful super-
computers, sophisticated numerical techniques, and ad-
vanced theoretical approaches that allowed for the first
4 Lattice QCD time to compute physical quantities at phenomenolog-
ically relevant accuracy.
Conveners: Lattice QCD is now an established field that can
Kostas Orginos and Franz Gross provide results at unprecedented accuracy and can help
move forward our fundamental understanding of parti-
In 1974, shortly after Quantum Chromodynamics was cle physics. The impact of lattice QCD computations
established, Kenneth Wilson published a seminal pa- on strong interaction physics is evident throughout this
per in which he formulated the theory on a space-time volume. Nearly every section contains references to land-
lattice. This formulation had profound implications. It mark lattice QCD computations. In this section, a brief
preserved the gauge invariance of the theory while regu- introduction to the formulation of lattice QCD is given
lating ultraviolet divergences and providing a definition by Gottlieb, followed by De Tar’s review of the ba-
of QCD as the continuum limit of the lattice theory. sic LQCD algorithms. Leinweber discusses the struc-
However, one may argue that the most crucial impli- ture of the QCD vacuum as it emerges from numerical
cation was the fact that it offered a pathway to non- experiments. Karsch reviews computations at non-zero
perturbative computations. Quantities such as the spec- temperatures and densities relevant to understanding
trum of stable hadrons, decay constants, and Parton quark-gluon plasma physics.
distribution functions to name a few, could now in prin- The discussion then continues with a focus on appli-
ciple be computed from the fundamental theory with- cations. Dudek reviews hadron spectroscopy with em-
out the need for uncontrolled approximations. In the phasis on finite volume methods that allow for the ex-
beginning, however, this formulation of QCD lent itself traction of scattering amplitudes from Euclidean time
to a different type of analytic computations such as the correlation functions. Constantinou/Orginos discuss com-
strong coupling expansion where Wilson showed that putations of the nucleon structure including modern ap-
color charges are indeed confined in the strong coupling proaches that allow for the extraction of momentum-
limit. fraction-dependent distributions from Euclidean time
Numerical investigations of Lattice QCD (LQCD) computations. Finally, Davies reviews computations for
started a few years later with the pioneering work of Weak matrix element computations which play a cen-
Michael Creutz in 1980. There for the first time, the tral role in the experimental program for probing physics
SU(2) pure Yang-Mills theory was investigated using beyond the standard model (BSM).
Monte Carlo methods. Subsequently, many groups aro-
und the world started studying Lattice QCD, developed
methods and algorithms, and investigated the efficacy 4.1 Lattice field theory
of the available computer hardware for numerical cal-
culations in LQCD. Although the fundamental princi- Steve Gottlieb
ples of such calculations were clear, it was evident from
the beginning that the computational cost for achieving 4.1.1 Introduction
phenomenologically relevant results was enormous. In
addition, the limitations of Euclidean time formulation In perturbative quantum field theories loop integrals
lead to infinities. To deal with these infinities, a reg-

ularization scheme must be introduced. Examples of and the action

regularization schemes are Pauli-Villars modification of Z Z Z
particle propagators and dimensional regularization in S = dtL = dt d3 xL(x) (4.1.2)
which the number of space-time dimensions of the sys- Z
tem becomes a variable. After regularization, calcula- = d4 x [∂µ φ(x)∂ µ φ(x) − m2 φ(x)2 ]
tions no longer suffer from infinities, but they do de- Z
pend on a new parameter specific to the regularization = d4 x [∂t φ(x)∂t φ(x)
scheme, e.g., Λ a large mass in the Pauli-Villars scheme,
or  = 4 − d in the case of dimensional regularization. − ∇φ(x) · ∇φ(x) − m2 φ(x)2 ]
Since physical results should be independent of the reg- where φ(x) is the scalar field and m is its mass. The
ularization scheme, a renormalization procedure is in- Feynman path integral is defined as
troduced so that the so-called bare parameters of the Z
theory depend on Λ or  in such a way that physical Z = [dφ] exp{iS}, (4.1.3)
observables do not as there is a cancellation between
the regularization dependence of the bare parameters where [dφ] denotes the integration measure of all possi-
and those of the loop integrals. ble fields φ(x). To Euclideanize the theory let t → −iτ
In lattice field theories (LFTs), the theory is mod- which changes the sign of the time derivative term in
ified so that (in finite volume) there are no longer an the Lagrangian density. It also adds a factor −i because
infinite number of degrees of freedom. For instance, in of the change of integration variable in the action. So,
a scalar field theory instead of a real or complex value the Euclidean action is defined to be
of the field at each of the infinite points of space time, Z
there are only a finite number of real or complex de- SE = d3 xdτ [∂τ φ(x)∂τ φ(x)
grees of freedom defined on a hypercubic grid of space
+ ∇φ(x) · ∇φ(x) + m2 φ(x)2 ], (4.1.4)
time points. In this case, the parameter that charac-
terizes the regulator is the distance between the space and the path integral becomes
time points called the lattice spacing, usually denoted Z
a. Usually, periodic boundary conditions in space and Z = [dφ] exp{−SE }. (4.1.5)
anti-periodic boundary conditions in time are used. As
we will see in more detail below, the field can be Fourier At this point, it is traditional to rename τ to t, the time
transformed and in momentum space there is a maxi- variable with which we started, or let τ = x4 . In any
mum momentum as each component of the momentum case, the field φ is defined on a 4-dimension Euclidean
is in the range −π/a < pi ≤ π/a. In a finite volume, domain, SE is positive definite, and this looks like a
there is also a minimum spacing between allowable mo- partition function of a statistical mechanical system.
menta components that serves as an infrared regulator. The transformation to Euclidean time allows us to use
To summarize, the lattice field theory regularizes the the importance sampling techniques of statistical me-
theory by introducing a maximum momentum, and the chanics (Monte Carlo methods) introduced in the next
renormalization program is implemented by requiring section.
that physical quantities be independent of the lattice To convert to a lattice theory, introduce a spac-
spacing as a → 0. Also, since the lattice theory only ing a between the points of a hypercubic grid, so the
has hypercubic and not full rotational symmetry, we lattice field φn is defined on a discrete set of points
must demonstrate that the latter is restored for dis- n = (n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 ) in R4 and x = an. Typically, work
tances much larger than a. is done in a finite volume so that ni is an integer be-
tween 0 and Ni − 1, where Ni is the extent of the lattice
Actions for a free scalar theory in the i-th direction. The derivatives must be replaced
To see how LFTs work, let’s start with a free scalar field by a finite difference approximation. There is more than
theory in the continuum, transform it to a Euclidean one way to do this. Pretending for the moment that φ
field theory and then put it on a lattice. Start with the depends only on a single variable x, a forward difference
Lagrangian density is defined by
φ(x + a) − φ(x)
L(x) =
[∂µ φ(x)∂ µ φ(x) − m2 φ(x)2 ] (4.1.1) ∆+ φ(x) = . (4.1.6)
2 a
Taylor expanding φ(x + a) gives
∆+ φ(x) = φ0 (x) + φ00 (x) + · · · . (4.1.7)
4.1 Lattice field theory 53

Note that the symmetric finite difference operator This derivation has preserved the order of the terms,
φ(x + a) − φ(x − a) so that this equation will hold even for non-Abelian
∆S φ(x) = (4.1.8) theories in which Ω is a matrix. Solving for A0µ in this
a2 most general case gives
= φ0 (x) + φ000 (x) + · · · (4.1.9) i
6 A0µ = ΩAµ Ω −1 + (∂µ Ω)Ω −1 . (4.1.17)
is a much better approximation of the continuum deriva- e
tive since the correction is second order in the small For the Abelian theory, this reduces to
lattice spacing a. 1
A0µ = Aµ − ∂µ θ. (4.1.18)
Actions for a gauge invariant scalar theory with a φ4 -
This all works out very nicely in the continuum the-
type interaction
ory. Wilson’s brilliant insight [80] was to define the lat-
To introduce gauge invariance, change the real scalar
tice theory not with variables from the gauge algebra,
field to a complex field, and introduce a φ4 -type inter-
but with variables that are elements of the gauge group,
action term
denoted U (n, m). These are called link variables. or par-
allel transporters because they allow the comparison of
S = d4 x[∂µ φ∗ (x)∂ µ φ(x) − m2 φ∗ (x)φ(x) (4.1.10)
a field at one point on the lattice with a neighboring
− λ(φ∗ (x)φ(x))2 ]. (4.1.11) point in a gauge covariant way. If U (n, m) is associated
with the link connecting nearest neighbor points n and
A global gauge transformation is just a change φ → m, then
φ0 = Ωφ where Ω is complex phase factor, Ω = exp{iθ},
with θ a real number independent of x. The action is U (m, n) = U † (n, m) = U −1 (n, m) (4.1.19)
clearly invariant under this gauge transformation since where the second identity follows from the fact that U
(φ0 )∗ = Ω ∗ φ∗ and for every factor of Ω coming from is a unitary matrix. So, defining Unµ = U (n, n + µ̂),
transforming φ, there is a corresponding factor of Ω ∗ Eqn. (4.1.19) shows that U (n + µ̂, n) = Unµ

from transforming φ∗ . A cubic term in the action would We want the product Unµ φn+µ̂ to transform under a
break this gauge invariance. gauge transformation the same way that the field does
To generalize to local gauge invariance, allow θ to at the point n. In other words, under a gauge trans-
become a function of x. The mass and interaction terms formation U → U 0 and φn → φ0n = Ωn φn , so we must
are clearly still invariant because they only depend on have
x. However, the first term with derivatives transforms
in a non-trivial way.
Unµ φ0n+µ̂ = Ωn Unµ φn+µ̂ . (4.1.20)

∂µ φ0 (x) = ∂µ (Ω(x)φ(x)) Since φ0n+µ̂ = Ωn+µ̂ φn+µ̂ , this implies

= (∂µ Ω(x))φ(x) + Ω(x)(∂µ φ(x)) . (4.1.12) 0
Unµ −1
= Ωn Unµ Ωn+µ̂ . (4.1.21)
To handle the extra term depending on ∂µ Ω(x), define Hence, the products of link variables along a path trans-
a covariant derivative Dµ that has the property form as Ωn if the left-most point is n and Ωm −1
, if the
right-most point is m. With suitable products of link
Dµ0 φ0 (x) = Ω(x)Dµ φ(x), (4.1.13)
variables, we can transport a field as far as we wish
so that the covariant derivative Dµ φ(x) transforms un- and have it transform as a variable that ‘lives’ at the
der a gauge transformation the same way that φ(x) left-most point in the product.
does. To accomplish this, introduce a vector field Aµ (x), The difference Unµ φn+µ̂ − φn transforms in a gauge
and define the covariant derivative to be covariant way, since under a gauge transformation it
picks up a factor of Ωn . The relationship between the
Dµ = ∂µ + ieAµ . (4.1.14)
group element Unµ and the gauge field Aµ (x) that takes
Using this definition in (4.1.13) gives the constraint a value in the Lie algebra is
( Z )
(∂µ + ieA0µ )(Ω(x)φ(x)) = Ω(x)(∂µ + ieAµ )φ(x) . Unµ = P exp ie dyν Aν (y)
(4.1.15) (
h a2
Requiring that this hold for any field φ(x) gives the = exp iea Aµ (an + aµ̂/2) + ∂µ2 Aµ (an + aµ̂/2)
gauge transformation for the field Aµ )
i +... = 1 + iaeAµ (an + aµ̂/2) + . . . .(4.1.22)
A0µ Ω = ΩAµ + ∂µ Ω. (4.1.16)

the difference between the product of the two two-link

paths connecting sites n and n + µ̂ + ν̂. In one path we
move in the µ direction first and in the other we move
in the ν direction first. Also, the field strength tensor
is gauge covariant as the common endpoints of the two
paths determine how Fnµν transforms:
Fnµν −1
= Ωn Fnµν Ωn+µ̂+ν̂ . (4.1.25)

In the continuum the gauge action is proportional

to Fµν2
, and is gauge invariant. Having just determined
that Fµν can be expressed in terms of a two-link path,
we might expect that a four-link path would yield Fµν 2
It is easy to construct gauge invariant products of links.
If we take the trace of the product of links along any
closed path, it will be gauge invariant. The only closed
four-link paths are those around the elementary squares
of the lattice. The term plaquette is sometimes used to
refer to the elementary squares of a hypercubic lattice.
The plaquette is also used to refer to the product of the
Fig. 4.1.1 Top: The two paths that contribute to [Dµ , Dν ]. four link matrices around the square, or to the trace of
The µ-direction is the horizontal axis, and ν is vertical. On the this matrix. The context should make clear whether the
left, we have Dµ Dν , on the right Dν Dµ Bottom: The links of a
author is referring to a shape, a matrix, or a number.
plaquette whose lower-left corner is site n, with directions same
as in top figure. Here the plaquette Unµν will be the trace of the product
of the four links

where the lattice spacing a is shown explicitly, and it is

Unµν = Tr(Unµ U(n+µ̂)ν U(n+ν̂)µ †
Unν ) (4.1.26)
natural to relate the link variable U to the (continuum)
The Wilson plaquette gauge action is defined as
gauge field at the midpoint of the link. Note that in
Wilson’s original work, the lattice gauge field variables 1 XX
SW = 2 (3 − Re Unµν ) . (4.1.27)
are Anµ , i.e., they are labeled by the left-hand site of g n
the link.
Having defined the covariant derivative, the field Actions for fermions
strength tensor can be calculated. In the continuum: In the continuum, the free fermion action SF is given
Fµν = ie[Dµ , Dν ] (4.1.23)
SF = d4 xψ̄(x)(iγ µ ∂µ − m)ψ(x), (4.1.28)
where the square brackets denote the commutator. This
formula also holds in the case of non-Abelian gauge where the gamma matrices obey {γ µ , γ ν } = 2g µν . Go-
theory for which Aµ (x) is a matrix in the Lie algebra ing through the transformation to Euclidean space time,
of the gauge group. we introduce the Euclidean gamma matrices γ4E = γ 0
On the lattice, the covariant derivative involves par- and γiE = −iγ i . These gamma matrices obey {γµE , γνE } =
allel transport from a neighboring site. Since there are 2δµν . The Euclidean action is given by
two covariant derivatives a field is transported from two Z
sites away: SF = d4 xψ̄(x)(γµE ∂µ + m)ψ(x).
Dµ Dν φn = Unµ (U(n+µ̂)ν φn+µ̂+ν̂
We simplify notation below by dropping the superscript
−φn+µ̂ ) − Unν φn+ν̂ − φn E on the Euclidean gamma matrices. To include the
= Unµ U(n+µ̂)ν φn+µ̂+ν̂ interaction with the gauge field, the ordinary partial
−Unµ φn+µ̂ − Unν φn+ν̂ − φn . (4.1.24) derivative in Eq. 4.1.28 is replaced by the covariant
derivative. For SFE , a gauge covariant finite difference
The last three terms are symmetric under the inter- approximation is used
change of µ and ν, so only the first term contributes
to the commutator. Thus, the field strength tensor is ∂µ ψ(x) →
1 †
(Unµ ψn+µ̂ − U(n−µ̂)µ ψn−µ̂ ) (4.1.30)
4.1 Lattice field theory 55

which is the analog of ∆S introduced in Eq. 4.1.8. This just like the one at the origin. Since any component
action is called the naive fermion action, and we are of p can be near zero, or at the edge of the Brillouin
about to see that it suffers from the so-called “fermion zone there are 24 regions in momentum space where the
doubling problem.” action takes the form of a free action. We wanted one
To explore this, consider the case of a free fermion, fermion and we would up with 16! This is the crux of
so the link variables may be replaced by the unit matrix. the doubling problem.
Going to momentum space, let In his Erice lectures, Wilson provided a fix [284].
He added to the action a higher dimensional term, the
ψn = e(iap·n) ψ(p). lattice Laplacian, multiplied by the lattice spacing. This
term vanishes as a → 0. The covariant version of the
On the lattice there is maximum value for each momen- second derivative ∇2µ is defined
tum component because if apµ = 2π then the exponen- 1 †
tial will always be always be the same as for pµ = 0. ∇2µ ψn = 2 Unµ ψn+µ̂ + U(n−µ̂)µ ψn−µ̂
Thus, the momentum components can be restricted to 
−2ψn . (4.1.35)
be less than (2π)/a or more symmetrically,
π π The Wilson fermion action is therefore
− < pµ ≤ . (4.1.32) ar X
a a
SW = Snaive − ψ̄(x) ∇2µ ψ(x)
2 x
Because of the periodic boundary conditions on a lattice µ
of finite extent, say L in each direction, there is another = ψ̄MW (m)ψ , (4.1.36)
restriction that apµ L = 2πj for some integer j. Thus
where r is a free parameter, usually set to r = 1, and
the allowable momentum components are restricted to
Snaive is given by Eq.4.1.29 after substituting Eq. 4.1.30.
(2πj)/(aL), so for finite L the lattice provides an in-
Fourier transforming, the free inverse propagator now
frared as well as an ultraviolet cutoff. However, as L
goes to infinity, the momentum becomes a continuous
variable, and in this case Eq. 4.1.31 becomes X X
aS −1 (p) = i γµ sin(apµ )+am−r (cos(apµ ) − 1) .
Z π/a µ µ
ψn = d4 p e(iap·n) ψ(p). (4.1.33) (4.1.37)

The fact that ψ̄ and ψ are displaced from each other on The last term, proportional to r, vanishes near p =
the lattice results in factors of exp{±ipµ a}. The final 0, but near the edge of the Brillouin zone cos(apµ ) =
result for the Euclidean action, written in momentum −1 and the doublers, with n momentum components
space, is pµ = ±π/a, now attain masses m + 2nr/a, and only
" # one fermion, with p ≈ 0, remains light. The Wilson
term cures the doubling problem, but the action with
i X
SFE = d4 p ψ̄(p)γµ sin(pµ a)ψ(p) + mψ̄(p)ψ(p)
a µ m = 0 no longer has a chiral symmetry so there is an
Z additive mass renormalization, and we must fine tune
= d4 p ψ̄(p) S −1 (p) ψ(p) , (4.1.34) the parameters to determine where the fermion mass
vanishes. The Wilson fermion action has errors O(a).
An important property of the Wilson Dirac operator
The fermion doubling problem
is its γ5 Hermiticity. That is
At this point, most authors go on to solve for the free
quark propagator and examine the pole structure. Let’s †
MW (m) = γ5 MW (m)γ5 . (4.1.38)
just look at the current expression and compare with
the continuum. When pµ a is small, we may approxi- We will see in the next section that det MW (m), the
mate sin(pµ a) → pµ a so the factor of a−1 before the fermion determinant, arises from integrating over the
sum is cancelled and this looks a lot like ip
/ + m. As pµ fermion fields. A consequence of γ5 Hermiticity is that
continues to grow toward π/(2a), the sin function flat- det MW†
(m) = det MW (m). If a theory has two equal
tens out and then starts to return to zero at pµ = π/a. mass fermions, the fermion determinant will be positive
That means at the end of the Brillouin zone, there is (semi-) definite as
again a region were there is linear dependence on the
momentum. More concretely, let pµ = π/a − k and note

det(MW (m)MW (m)) = det MW (m)MW (m) .
that sin(pµ a) = sin(ka). We also need the region where
pµ = −π/a + k to have a region in momentum space

In addition to the dimension-5 operator Wilson in- 4.1.3 Staggered quarks

troduced, there is a second operator introduced by Sheik-
holeslami and Wohlert [285] that can be adjusted to Staggered quarks are an alternative to Wilson quarks
reduce the error to O(a2 ). The operator is the lattice that reduce the degree of doubling and retain some of
analog of ψ̄(x)σµν Fµν (x)ψ(x) where σµν = 2i [γµ , γν ] the chiral properties of the continuum theory [81, 294–
is the commutator of the γ matrices and Fµν (x) is 296]. One must be careful in reading the literature since
the field strength tensor defined in Eq. 4.1.23. Previ- some authors use x0 for the time coordinate and oth-
ously, we were considering electromagnetism, but the ers use x4 . This can have consequences for the field
same formula applies to non-Abelian theories if we re- redefinition essential to the reduction in the number of
place e by g, the coupling constant for the non-Abelian fermions. Here we adopt the conventions in Refs. [297]
group. A lattice expression for the field strength tensor and [298] rather than those in Ref. [299]. The key sim-
can be constructed from four suitably oriented (uncon- plification is to rearrange the Dirac components at each
tracted) plaquettes surrounding site n. This has come site of the lattice in such a way that the action can be
to be known as the clover action because the four pla- seen as comprised of four non-interacting fields. In this
quettes look like a four-leaf clover and clover is easy to way, we may retain a single field component at each site
spell. Thus, the Sheikholeslami-Wohlert or clover term and the doubling is reduced from 16 to 4. Initially, it was
in the action is thought that this could be interpreted at four flavors or
quarks, say, u, d, s, and c, but the modern interpreta-
(4.1.40) tion is that each flavor has four ‘tastes.’ Tastes are not
SSW = cSW ψ̄n σµν Fnµν ψn ,
4 n,µ,ν physical, so we must take a fourth root of the fermion
where Fnµν is the clover-like term discussed above. The determinant for each quark, and must be careful in con-
coefficient cSW can be tuned either perturbatively [286, structing hadron operators to avoid mixing tastes as
287], or better yet, non-perturbatively [288, 289]. The physical operators should really be constructed from
addition of the clover term is an example of an improve- a single taste. In the continuum limit, taste breaking
ment program introduced by Symanzik [290, 291]. vanishes so operators with mixed tastes should become
degenerate with single taste operators.
Define a local redefinition of the Dirac components
4.1.2 Twisted mass quarks
of the quark field by ψn = Ωn ψn0 and ψ̄n = ψ̄n0 Ωn† . The
One issue with the Wilson formulation is that for small 4 × 4 matrix Ωn is defined as
mass, it is possible to encounter so-called ‘exceptional Ωn = γ0n0 γ1n1 γ2n2 γ3n3 . (4.1.42)
configurations’ for which it is very difficult, if not im-
possible, to construct the quark propagator [292]. This This may appear more complicated than it really is.
was particularly an issue in the quenched approxima- Note that as γµ2 = 1, each gamma matrix appears in Ωn
tion in which the fermion determinant is neglected. It only when the corresponding coordinate is odd. There
can also slow down generation of configurations with are only 16 distinct values for Ωn , and if we translate
dynamical quarks. For a theory with two light flavors, two sites in any direction, we have the same matrix. We
such as u and d, the twisted mass operator was invented will see that staggered quarks are naturally defined on
to ensure that the fermion determinant is positive def- 24 sub-hypercubes of the lattice. The gamma matrices
inite [293]. If the lattice Dirac operator is D + m, then are unitary and Hermitian, so

Ωn† γµ Ωn+µ̂ = (−1)n0 +···+nµ−1 ≡ αµ (n). (4.1.43)

Dtwist = D + m + iµγ5 τ3 , (4.1.41)
The hopping term in the naive fermion action
where τ3 operates on the two flavors of quarks. Then
det Dtwist = det (D + m)† (D + m) + µ2 . So, as long ψ̄n γµ Unµ ψn+µ̂ (4.1.44)
as µ is non-zero, det Dtwist is positive and exceptional is transformed into
configurations are avoided. This action has been used
by the European Twisted Mass Collaboration for over ψ̄n0 Ωn† γµ Unµ Ωn+µ̂ ψn+µ̂ = ψ̄n0 αµ (n)Unµ ψn+µ̂ . (4.1.45)
15 years. The collaboration is now the Extended Twisted
Mass Collaboration as there are non-European mem- The same factor appears in the hopping term that in-
bers. volves ψn−µ̂ since Ωn+µ̂ = Ωn−µ̂ as the two sites differ
by two units in the µ-direction. The gamma matrices
have disappeared, and we are left with a unit matrix
4.1 Lattice field theory 57

in Dirac index space, so there are four equivalent non-

interacting components ψn0 . We may discard three of
the four components and write the staggered action in
terms of a single component field χ.
1 X †
Sstag = χ̄n αµ (n)[Unµ χn+µ̂ − U(n−µ̂)µ χn−µ̂ ]
2a n,µ

+m χ̄n χn .
Fig. 4.1.2 Top: Loops that are included in the gauge action
As mentioned above, because αµ (n) is periodic in each for asqtad and HISQ quarks. Bottom: For the asqtad action,
direction with period two, it is possible, perhaps natu- the one-link hopping term in the naive staggered quark action
is replaced by a combination of 1-, 3-, 5-, and 7-link smearings.
ral, to interpret the 16 components on the sites of each The right-most 5-link term is known as the Lepage term. This
24 as the components of four Dirac spinors, i.e., the four figure is adopted from Ref. [307]. There is also a straight 3-link
tastes. term known as the Naik term. For the HISQ action, there are
For the free theory, the four tastes can be expressed two levels of smearing, but no additional paths are involved.
in the following way. Let y be a 4-component integer
valued vector labeling the hypercubes. Let η be a four and HISQ actions and provides many physics results us-
component vector whose components may only take the ing the former action. The MILC Collaboration gener-
value 0 or 1. That is, η labels the 16 sites of a hypercube. ates HISQ ensembles that are also used by the Fermilab
For each hypercube y, the sites of the original lattice Lattice and HPQCD Collaborations, and others. These
take the values 2y + η for one of the 16 values of η. Let improvements make the coding more complicated and
α be a Dirac component index and a be a taste label. require more floating point operations on a fixed grid
Both α and a range between 1 and 4. We have size, but the payoffs can be enormous as the errors for
1 X αa the same lattice spacing are significantly reduced with
ψyαa = Ω χ2y+η . (4.1.47) the improved actions. If, say, an improvement would al-
8 η η
low one to work at twice the lattice spacing as without
This is not gauge covariant since we are adding together the improvement there would be a significant reduc-
χ values from different lattice sites, so in the interact- tion in computer time as halving the lattice spacing
ing case, χ at each site must be multiplied by suitable increases the work by a factor of 32 or more.
parallel transporter to move it to the origin of the hy-
percube. In practice, one really does not have to worry 4.1.4 Improving chiral symmetry
about this.
For Wilson quarks the action was improved by adding When the quark mass vanishes, the theory contains an
the clover term. For staggered quarks there have been important continuous symmetry known as chiral sym-
similar advances by improving the action. For the most metry. The dynamical breaking of this symmetry is re-
simple staggered action, the errors are O(a2 ). Naik [300] sponsible for the pions being so light. The Wilson action
introduced a 3-link hopping term. The gauge action explicitly breaks this symmetry, and the staggered ac-
was also improved by adding 2 × 1 rectangles, and 6- tions discussed above only maintain some of the symme-
link terms that circle a 3-dimensional cube, sometimes try. However, there are other lattice actions that have
called the bent chair diagram, known as the Lüscher- much better chiral symmetry. These include the domain
Weisz gauge action [301, 302]. These terms are depicted wall and overlap actions.
in the top of Fig. 4.1.2. Essential benefits come from In the continuum, chiral symmetry follows from the
averaging or smearing the gauge fields in the 1-link fact that γ5 anticommutes with the kinetic operator
hopping terms. These smearings are designed to reduce D = D./ In 1982, Ginsparg and Wilson [312] considered
taste symmetry breaking. There have been two major the consequences of a generalized lattice chiral symme-
rounds of these improvements, the first is known as the try which is currently expressed as
asqtad action [303–307] and the second is known as the
highly improved staggered quark or HISQ action [308]. Dγ5 + γ5 D = aDγ5 D. (4.1.48)
The paths for the fermion link smearings are shown in Note the factor of the lattice spacing a on the RHS. As
the bottom of Fig. 4.1.2. The HISQ action employs two a → 0, we restore chiral symmetry; however, even at
levels of smearing. Reference [299] details the asqtad non-zero a there is a more complicated chiral symmetry
for operators that obey Eqn. 4.1.48.

Fig. 4.1.3 Left: We show how taste breaking of pseudoscalar mesons decreases as the lattice spacing is reduced for two types of
improved staggered quarks asqtad (blue) and HISQ (red). Different symbols denote different taste mesons. The quantity plotted is
the difference of squared mesons masses for the plotted meson mass (ξ) and the Goldstone taste combination (γ5 ). The horizontal
axis is the α2s a2 in units determined by the heavy quark potential r1 . Taste symmetry is restored in the continuum limit and
taste breaking is much smaller for HISQ than for asqtad. See Ref. [309] for details. Right; The ρ meson mass as a function of
lattice spacing for multiple actions shows a common continuum limit, but some actions have much more gentle lattice spacing
dependence than others. Red octagons are unimproved staggered fermions with Wilson gauge action, diamonds are unimproved
staggered fermions with Symanzik improved gauge action, crosses are Naik fermions and blue squares are asqtad fermions, both
with Symanzik improved gauge action. For comparison we also show in light blue tadpole clover improved Wilson fermions with
Wilson gauge action [310] (fancy squares) and with Symanzik improved gauge action [311] (fancy diamonds). (See Ref. [299] for

In 1992, Kaplan introduced domain wall fermions

 a  in which chiral modes are bound to a defect in a 5-
ψ → ψ 0 = exp iαγ5 (1 − D) ψ (4.1.49) dimenensional (5D) theory [318]. The theory was fur-
ther developed by Shamir [319, 320], and Furman and
with a similar expression for ψ̄. As a → 0, Eqn. 4.1.49 Shamir [321]. We adapt here the notation of Ref. [322].
approaches the usual expression for a chiral rotation, Points in the five dimensional lattice are labeled by m
but at non-zero lattice spacing the transformation is in the four dimensional space and r in the 5th dimen-
more complicated as D is a finite difference operator. sion, with r = 0, . . . , N5 − 1. The 5D fermion field is
Reference [312] was not heavily cited until 1998 when Ψ (m, s). The 5D Dirac operator consists of two parts:
the overlap operator that was developed by Narayanan
and Neuberger [313–316] was shown to obey Eq. 4.1.48 [317].D (n, s; m, r) = δs,r D(n; m)+δn,m D5 (s, r). (4.1.52)
dw dw

If A obeys γ5 Hermiticity, let H = γ5 A, then

The first term can be an ordinary Wilson operator with
1 a modified mass:
Dov = (1 + γ5 sign[H]) (4.1.50)
a ±4
1 X
defines the overlap operator. An alternative expression D(n; m) = (4 − M5 )δn,m − (1 − γµ )Un;m δn+µ̂,m
2 µ=±1
1 (4.1.53)
Dov = (1 + γ5 H(HH)−1/2 ). (4.1.51)
a where we use notation Un;m to avoid having to spec-
A suitable choice for A is DW (0) − r, with 0 < r < 2. ify hermitian conjugation for negative directions. Using
Numerically, it is difficult to compute the sign function P± = (1 ± γ5 )/2,
or the inverse square root of a matrix. The χQCD Col- D5dw (s; r) = δs,r − (1 − δs,N5 −1 )P− δs+1,r
laboration uses overlap fermions.
−(1 − δs,0 )P+ δs−1,r + m(P− δs,N5 −1 δ0,r
+P+ δs,0 δN5 −1,r ). (4.1.54)
4.2 Monte-Carlo methods 59

The physical 4D fields come from the boundaries of the 4.1.7 Personal remarks
5D field:
In 1975, I had the opportunity to take my first Eu-
ψ(n) = P− Ψ (n, 0) + P+ Ψ (n, N5 − 1). (4.1.55) ropean physics trip when I attended the Erice sum-
mer school in Sicily. Little did I know as I listened to
Domain wall fermions are used extensively for dynami-
Ken Wilson lecture on quark confinement and lattice
cal quarks, especially by the RBC/UKQCD and JLQCD
gauge theory how profoundly his work would impact
my own. (As an undergraduate, I only remember talk-
ing to Wilson once when he kindly gave me advice on
4.1.5 Continuum limit
which graduate schools I should apply to.) I recall being
quite friendly with Michael Creutz during the school.
To control systematic errors it is crucial to tune the
Claudio Rebbi was one of the lecturers. I have had many
quark masses to their physical value, to have a volume
great interactions with both of them. I was in awe of
that is large enough to avoid finite volume errors, and
seeing Paul Dirac walking quietly around the school.
to take the limit a → 0. In the early days, it was too
Tom De Grand would later become a collaborator. Sid-
expensive to use physically light u and d quarks, so one
ney Coleman, of course, gave a great series of lectures.
also had to use chiral perturbation theory to extrapo-
During my postdoc at Argonne, Creutz was kind
late to those quark masses. Because QCD has the prop-
enough to send me a printed copy of his code. I had a
erty of asymptotic freedom, the coupling constant goes
great title for a paper: “Looking for Glue in SU(2).” Un-
to zero as the cutoff goes to infinity. On the lattice, the
fortunately, I didn’t really know anything about glue-
inverse lattice spacing plays the role of the cutoff. By
balls, so I did not pursue that. While at Fermilab, I was
dimensional transmutation, instead of expressing phys-
looking for something new and worked on the Migdal-
ical results in terms of the coupling, we do it in terms
Kadanoff recursion relations with Khalil Bitar and Cos-
of the lattice spacing. In the left panel of Fig. 4.1.3,
mas Zachos (who I had known when he was an under-
we show how taste breaking decreases as a → 0 in ac-
grad and I was in graduate school). Don Weingarten
cord with expected behavior for both asqtad and HISQ
visited and I started my career of Monte Carlo lattice
quarks. This also clearly shows that taste breaking is
calculations (using SU(3) not SU(2)). Hank Thaker,
much smaller for HISQ (as it was designed with that
Paul Mackenzie, Weingarten and I used some of the
in mind). In the right panel, we show how the ρ me-
VAX computers at Fermilab for our calculations to ex-
son mass depends on the lattice spacing. Some of these
amine ρ decay. We worked on a 62 × 12 × 18 lattice and
results are rather old, and some are in the quenched
had so few configurations we joked that we knew each
approximation; however, the point to be made is that
one by name. For no good reason, I still have some of
different ways of putting quarks on the lattice have the
the magnetic tapes on which we stored the configura-
same continuum limit, although the rate at which they
tions. This project continued when I moved to UC San
approach that limit will vary.
Diego. A year later, my grad school housemate Doug
Toussaint arrived as an assistant professor. I started
4.1.6 Further Reading
working with him, and more senior people such as Bob
Sugar and Julius Kuti. A few years later the MILC Col-
I have made no attempt at a historically accurate ac-
laboration started, and I would like to mention fellow
count of lattice QCD, and due to space limitations much
founding members Claude Bernard and Carleton De-
has been left out. Here I list some books on the topic. As
Tar. Lattice gauge theory has been my life ever since
far as I know, “Quarks, gluons and lattices” by Creutz
is the first monograph[323]. Creutz also edited “Quan-
tum Fields on the Computer,” which covers scalar and
Yukawa theories in addition to QCD [324]. Proceedings
4.2 Monte-Carlo methods
from the 1989 TASI summer school edited by DeGrand
and Toussaint [325] was an early essential reference. Carleton DeTar
Books by Rothe [326] and by Montvay and Munster
[327] appeared in the early 1990s. The former is now in 4.2.1 Introduction
its fourth edition and is available online via open access.
Since 2000, at least three books have been published. In 1980, Michael Creutz pioneered the numerical sim-
Authors are Smit [298]; DeGrand and DeTar [297]; and ulation of lattice QCD [328, 329] with studies of Wil-
Gattringer and Lang [322]. son’s lattice formulation of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory.
This feasibility study started a vast enterprise devoted

to “solving” QCD in the nonperturbative regime. Later Grassman calculus

on, as computing power grew, it became possible to in- We need three important identities from the Grassmann
clude quarks, thus bringing simulations in contact with calculus:
reality. This subsection introduces basic methods for

carrying out the numerical simulation of lattice QCD [dψdψ] exp −ψM ψ = det M
using Monte Carlo methods. It concludes with a men- Z
[dψdψ]ψ c,α (n)ψc0 ,α0 (n0 ) exp −ψM ψ

tion of ongoing improvements.
= Mc,α;c 0
0 ,α0 (n, n ) det M (4.2.5)
4.2.2 Lattice path integration Z
[dψdψ]ψc,α (n)ψ c0 ,α0 (n0 )ψ d,β (m)ψd0 ,β 0 (m0 )
Partition function
The most widely used strategy for numerical simulation
−1 0 −1 0

exp −ψM ψ = [Mc,α;c 0 ,α0 (n, n )Md,β;d0 ,β 0 (m, m )

of QCD starts from a Feynman path integral formula- −1

−Mc,α;d 0 −1 0
0 ,β 0 (n, m )Md,β;c0 ,α0 (m, n )] det M (4.2.6)
tion [330], which is based on the partition function
The inverse of the fermion matrix M is the fermion
propagator. We see that each ψ, ψ pair in the integrand
Z = [dU dψdψ] exp −S(U, ψ, ψ)
contributes a fermion propagator. All pairings can oc-
where cur, as in the last example. The minus sign there arises
from the anticommuting property of the fields.
S(U, ψ, ψ) = SW + ψM ψ (4.2.2)
is the Euclidean action for the lattice SU(3) gauge field Physical quantities are defined in terms of observables
U and quark field ψ, as defined in Sec. 4.1 For simplic- O(U, ψ, ψ) constructed from the variables U , ψ, and ψ.
ity here, we treat only one quark flavor, and we sup- To obtain the expectation value of the observable, we
press the color (c), vector (µ), and spatial (n) indices calculate
on Ucc0 ,µ (n) and the color, spin (α), and spatial indices
on ψc,α (n). Note that for lattice volume V (number of
hOi = Z [dU dψdψ]O(U, ψ, ψ) exp −S(U, ψ, ψ
sites) there are 4V SU(3) matrices denoted by U and
V spin/color vector fields denoted by ψ. (4.2.7)
The integration over the gauge links U is done over
the classical SU(3) gauge field Uµ (n) on each lattice Meson propagator
link. We use the invariant Haar measure dUµ (n) on For example, we might want to determine the mass of
each link. (We won’t need it, but there is an Euler- a pseudoscalar meson. To do so we work with an “op-
angle representation of the measure [331].) The inte- erator” that “creates” or “destroys” the meson:
gration is done without gauge fixing. Since the action
S is gauge invariant and the gauge group is compact, OP S (p, t) = exp(ip · r)ψ(r, t)γ5 ψ(r, t) ,
the integral over gauge choices is finite. In the Feyn-

man formulation, fermion fields, in particular ψ, must where p is the momentum. Note that if we replace the
be anticommuting Grassmann variables. This assures Grassmann field with a quantum field, the same oper-
that they obey Fermi-Dirac statistics. It would be chal- ator in quantum field theory would create or destroy
lenging to treat them directly in a computer simulation, the meson. The sum over spatial sites r = (x, y, z) for
but, fortunately, they can be integrated out using only fixed t and p gives a meson of momentum p at Eu-
the identities listed below and their analogs, leaving ex- clidean time t. To obtain the mass, we calculate at zero
pressions involving only the classical gauge field. For a momentum and large |t0 − t|
few more details, see Ref. [297]. CP S (t0 , t) = hOP S (0, t0 )OP S (0, t)i
In a Euclidean spacetime with finite time extent T ,
= zP2 S exp[−MP S |t0 − t|] (4.2.9)
the quantity Z in Eq. (4.2.1) is the thermal partition
function for the theory defined by the action S with where zP S is the amplitude and MP S is the meson
hamiltonian H at inverse temperature β = T . Thus mass. In effect, we are creating the meson at time t
and destroying it at time t0 . The meson propagates
Z(β) = Tr exp(−βH) . (4.2.3) between these times. In Minkowski space the meson
The zero temperature limit corresponds to an infinite propagator would be proportional to the phase factor
time extent. exp[−iMP S |t0 − t|]. In Euclidean space here, it falls ex-
ponentially in the time separation at a rate controlled
4.2 Monte-Carlo methods 61

10 1

10 2
Fig. 4.2.1 Quark line connected and disconnected diagrams.

10 3
by the mass MP S . This expression is strictly valid only 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
for large time separations |t0 −t|. At smaller separations, t/a
we would get additional, higher-mass contributions.
Fig. 4.2.2 Zero momentum pion propagator at lattice spacing
The meson interpolating operators are sometimes a = 0.06 fm as a function of Euclidean time expressed in units
called “source” and “sink”. Which is which depends on of the lattice spacing (courtesy William Jay). The source is at
the point of view, since they can serve a dual purpose. t = 0. In this case T = 192a.

Integrating out the fermion fields another contribution as the meson propagates in the
Let’s examine the expectation value in Eq. (4.2.6) in opposite direction from the source, exploiting the peri-
more detail. Note that we can integrate out the fermion odic/antiperiodic boundary condition, and arriving again
fields exactly by making use of the identities in Eqs (4.2.4) at the sink. The distance traveled in Euclidean time is
and (4.2.6). When we insert the product of two inter- now T − |t0 − t|. Thus we have
polating operators from Eq. (4.2.8) into Eq. (4.2.6) we
get a product of two Grassmann fields ψ and two Grass- CP S (t0 , t) = zP2 S exp[−MP S |t0 − t|]
mann fields ψ. According to Eq. (4.2.6), we get + zP2 S exp[−MP S (T − |t0 − t|)] . (4.2.12)
CP S (t , t) = Figure 4.2.2 illustrates the result of a calculation of the
pion propagator showing both forward and backward
{Trcs γ5 M −1 (r, t; , r0 , t0 )γ5 M −1 (r0 , t0 ; r, t))

Decay Constant
−1 −1 0 0 0 0
− Trcs γ5 M (r, t; r, t) Trcs γ5 M (r , t ); r , t )} The amplitude zP S is proportional to the meson decay
G constant fP S :
zP S = Z P S fP S (4.2.13)
where Trcs denotes a trace over color and spin indices
and we have defined, for any function E of the gauge where ZP S is a renormalization constant (“matching
field, factor”) that relates the lattice interpolating operator
Z to a physical continuum interpolating operator.
hEiG = Z −1 [dU ]E exp[−SW ] det M . (4.2.11)
Form factor
With the fermion fields integrated out, the Feynman Form factors give information about hadron structure
path integrals now involve only integration over the and decay. Here we illustrate the construction of the
classical gauge field, which is amenable to numeric in- electromagnetic form factor for the meson illustrated
tegration. The meson propagator in Eq. (4.2.10) has above. We calculate the three-point function
two terms that are represented diagrammatically in the
two panels of Fig. 4.2.1. We call the two contributions Cµ (t, q, t0 , t00 ) = hOP S (t, q)Jµ (q, t0 )OP S (t00 , 0)i ,
quark-line “connected” and quark-line “disconnected”. (4.2.14)
The loop in the disconnected diagram represents the
annihilation of the quark and antiquark in the inter- where Jµ (t0 , q) is the current density projected onto
polating operator. It contributes only if the meson is a spatial three momentum q and 0 denotes zero momen-
flavor singlet. With the addition of flavor we would find tum. For simplicity we have chosen zero momentum for
that the pion does not have this term. the meson interpolating operator at time t00 , and we
have enforced three-momentum conservation. (In Eu-
Form of the meson propagator clidean space-time, we don’t have energy conservation,
On a finite lattice with Euclidean time extent T and but the meson propagators are on shell.)
the usualperiodic/antiperiodic boundary conditions on
the fields, the mesoncorrelation function CP S (t0 , t) gets

Form of the three-point function Of course, the weight factor must be positive definite
For t  t0  t00 the three-point function has the form in order to be treated as a probability density. This
is usually the case, but there are important exceptions.
One can use the same path-integral formalism to treat a
Cµ (t, q, t0 , t00 ) = zP S (q)ZV zP S (0) exp(−MP S |t0 − t|)
grand-canonical ensemble of fermions at nonzero fermion
Fµ (q) exp(−MP S |t00 − t0 |) (4.2.15) number (or flavor) density; see Sec. 4.4. In this case
where Fµ (q) is the desired form factor. The current the fermion determinant acquires a complex phase (the
renormalization constant ZV matches the lattice cur- so-called “sign problem”) that obviates a probabilistic
rent Jµ to the continuum current. treatment.

Integrating out the fermion fields Markov chain

There are a variety of choices for the current density. We There are various methods for generating such an en-
could work with the conserved lattice Noether current. semble. They all involve creating a Markov chain of
Or we could work with a “local” current gauge configurations Ui , i.e., a sequence generated by
a stochastic rule that takes the previous configuration
Jµ (r, t) = Qψ(r, t)γµ ψ(r, t) . (4.2.16) U and produces a new configuration U 0 . The Markov
chain proceeds from an arbitrary starting configura-
where Q is the charge. This current is not conserved
tion. With a properly devised stochastic rule, after a
at nonzero lattice spacing, but with suitable renormal-
sufficient number of steps the probability distribution
ization, it should give the same result as the conserved
approaches the desired distribution of Eq. (4.2.18). We
current in the continuum limit. We use the local current
say that the distribution has “reached equilibrium”. Of
here for simplicity.
course we must also take care that the distribution is
We integrate out the fermion fields following the
“ergodic” in the sense that all important regions of the
same steps as for the meson propagator. We display,
integrand are included in the ensemble – that the dis-
here, only the quark-line-connected contribution:
tribution isn’t “frozen” around one local minimum of
the effective action at the expense of other equally im-
Cµ (t, q, t0 , t00 ) = exp(−ir · q) exp(ir0 · q)
r,r0 ,r00 portant minima.
(r, t; , r0 , t0 )γµ M −1 (r0 , t0 ; r00 , t00 ))

Trcs γ5 M
Heatbath algorithm
γ5 M −1 (r00 , t00 , r, t) G (4.2.17)

The heatbath algorithm runs through the lattice updat-
The quark-line structure is the closed loop diagrammed ing each gauge link, one at a time. For the gauge link
in the left panel of Fig. 4.2.1. matrix Uµ (n), the integrand weight is regarded as defin-
ing a probability distribution R[Uµ (n)] for the gauge
4.2.3 Monte Carlo Methods link being updated. One choses a new gauge link Uµ (n)0
from that distribution and then moves on to the next
Importance Sampling gauge link. The name “heat bath” comes from early
The path integral in Eq. (4.2.11) involves integration studies of SU (2) pure gauge theory in which the effec-
over so many variables that Monte-Carlo importance tive action was proportional to a coupling constant that
sampling becomes the only method of choice. A single could be interpreted as an inverse Monte-Carlo temper-
point in the domain of integration is specified by the ature (not to be confused with the temperature of the
gauge field values U on each link – called a gauge field partition function). So the update was analogous to ex-
configuration. The integrand is sampled over random posing each link to a heat bath of that temperature.
gauge-field configurations with probability density P of The heat bath method has fallen into disuse in lattice
encountering a given configuration U . If the sampling QCD now that more calculations include fermions, be-
is designed so that P is proportional to the integrand cause the fermion determinant has a nontrivial depen-
weight factor dence on the gauge links, which makes selecting a new
P ∝ exp[−SW ] det M ] , (4.2.18) link matrix Uµ (n) from a local probability distribution
R[Uµ (n)] too expensive to implement.
then in an ensemble of such gauge configurations Ui for
i = 1, . . . , N , the expectation value of an observable E Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
is simply the ensemble average in the limit N → ∞. A classic method for generating the desired Markov
chain uses the algorithm of Metropolis et al. and Hast-
hEi = lim
1 X
E(Ui ) . (4.2.19) ings [332], usually abbreviated as the ”Metropolis” al-
N →∞ N
gorithm. It works with a general class of stochastic rules
4.2 Monte-Carlo methods 63

for proposing a new gauge configuration U 0 and then ei- nontrivial, the classical motion of the system will lead
ther accepts or rejects the new configuration based on a to a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution in the coordinates
criterion designed to lead asymptotically to the desired φ given by
P (φ) ∝ exp[−S(φ)] . (4.2.26)
– Propose a new configuration U 0 with probability
Q(U 0 ← U ). The transition must satisfy the re- In standard practice, one chooses an arbitrary starting
versibility condition: field configuration φ and sets the initial momenta ac-
cording to the Gaussian distribution exp −p2 /2 . Using

Q(U ← U 0 ) = Q(U 0 ← U ) . (4.2.20) a numerical integrator, one integrates the equations of
Also, it must be possible after some number of steps motion over some time interval ∆τ , at which time one
to reach any configuration with nonzero probability. saves an “updated” configuration φi . Thus the Markov
– Choose a random number λ distributed uniformly chain is defined by the values of φ at a series of time
on [0, 1]. intervals or a series of what are called “molecular dy-
– If the proposed change decreases the effective ac- namics trajectories”.
tion ∆Seff = Seff (U 0 ) − Seff (U ) < 0 then accept the
change. Refreshed and hybrid Monte Carlo
– Otherwise, accept the change if exp[−∆Seff ] > λ. The total energy Etot is constant over a given trajec-
Otherwise, reject it. tory. But it has no particular physical significance. To
improve coverage of phase space it is common, at the
The transition process defined by Q(U 0 ← U ) is quite beginning of each trajectory, to “refresh” the momenta
general, which makes the algorithm particularly useful. p by drawing new values from their Gaussian distri-
bution. Thus each trajectory starts in a new direction
4.2.4 Molecular dynamics with a new total energy, but the coordinates φ are kept
By far the most common present-day method for gen- Another common variation of the method combines
erating the Markov chain uses a “molecular dynamics” refreshed molecular dynamics with the Metropolis et
method. We illustrate it for a scalar field φ with path- al. method. This combination is called “hybrid Monte
integral partition function Carlo” [333]. That is, one starts a trajectory with co-
Z ordinates p, φ. At the end of the trajectory, one has
Z = [dφ] exp[−S(φ)] . (4.2.21) coordinates p0 , φ0 . The transition φ0 ← φ is taken as
a Metropolis move. The randomness in the refreshed
We pair a dummy “momentum” p(n) with the field φ(n) initial momentum p makes the move stochastic. Time-
on each site of the lattice and rewrite the partition func- reversal invariance in τ assures detailed balance. If a
tion as trajectory is rejected, one reverts to the coordinate φ at
the beginning of the trajectory, selects a new stochastic
Z 0 = [dp][dφ] exp −p2 /2 − S(φ) . (4.2.22)
momentum, and tries again. The hybrid scheme helps
compensate for possible inaccuracies in the numerical
The momentum integral is trivial and results in an im- integration scheme, since it absolves many sins.
material constant factor. We then take a lesson from
classical statistical mechanics and observe that this par-
tition function describes a statistical ensemble of “par-
Markov chains have inherent correlations between suc-
ticles” of unit mass, one per lattice site, and unit tem-
cessive members. These “autocorrelations” are undesir-
perature kT = 1 moving in an interacting “potential”
able, because they reduce the statistical independence
S(φ). The ensemble is microcanonical with total energy
of terms in the ensemble averages of Eq. (4.2.19) that
give expectation values of physical observables. Auto-
Etot = p2 /2 + S(φ) . (4.2.23) correlation is especially a concern with methods that
make a series of small changes in the field configura-
The Hamilton equations of motion are, as usual, tion. With refreshed molecular dynamics one can adjust
dφ(n)/dτ = p(n) (4.2.24) the trajectory length ∆τ to help reduce correlations be-
tween successive terms φi . One might expect that longer
dp(n)/dτ = −∂S/∂φ(n) , (4.2.25)
trajectories are better in this regard, but the “molecular
where τ is a fictitious “Monte Carlo time”. We then ob- motion” can contain cycles that bring parts of the sys-
serve that if the system is large and the interactions are tem close to their original values. With hybrid schemes,

longer trajectories can lead to lower Metropolis accep-

tance, which impedes progress. Shorter trajectories suf-
fer from greater autocorrelation. Thus there is usually
an optimum choice for the trajectory length that needs
to be found empirically.

Molecular dynamics for the gauge field

The methods described above for a scalar field carry
over to the SU(3) gauge field U . The gauge momentum,
actually associated with the vector potential, Aµ (n), is
given by a traceless antihermitian 3x3 matrix Hµ (n)
for each Uµ (n). The molecular dynamics hamiltonian
is, then,
Fig. 4.2.3 The spectrum of the free Wilson Dirac operator for
1X a massless quark [335]
H= Tr Hµ (n)2 + Seff (4.2.27)
2 n,µ .

where we recall that Eigenvalues, 242 , β = 10.0, m = 0.05, Ls = 8

Seff = SW + ln det[M ] (4.2.28) 1.5

To remain an SU(3) matrix, the equation of motion for 1

Uµ (n) must be 0.5


dUµ (n)/dτ = iHµ (n)Uµ (n) . (4.2.29) −0.5

The equation of motion for Hµ (n) can be found by re- −1

quiring that the molecular dynamics Hamiltonian H re- −1.5

main constant in molecular-dynamics time [334]. For −2
the sake of pedagogy, we first ignore the fermion de- −1 0 1 2 3 4 5
terminant and consider the unimproved SU(3) gauge
theory; see Sec. 4.1: Fig. 4.2.4 The spectrum of the domain wall operator at quark
mass 0.05. [336].
β X
SW = [3 − Re Tr Uµν (n)] (4.2.30)
n,µ6=ν or
where Uµν (n) is the plaquette product in the µν plane (4.2.34)
0= Tr Hµ (n)[Ḣµ (n) + iFµ (n)]
with corner at site n. The plaquette can also be written n,µ
where the gauge force is
Re Uµν (n) = Uµ (n)Vµ (n) + Vµ (n)† Uµ (n)† (4.2.31)
ν Fµ (n) = − (Uµ (n)Vµ (n) − h.c.) . (4.2.35)
where Vµ (n) is the sum of all “staples” attached to the
Since Hµ (n) in Eq. (4.2.34) is traceless the expression
link Uµ (n). Armed with this notation, we can write
in brackets must be proportional to the identity matrix
 cI. But if it is to remain traceless, we must have c = 0.
So, finally, we get

0 = Ḣ = Tr Ḣµ (n)Hµ (n) + U̇µ (n)Vµ (n) + h.c. ,
(4.2.32) β
iḢµ (n) = Fµ (n) = − Uµ (n)Vµ (n)|TA , (4.2.36)
and, using Eq. (4.2.29), we get where TA denotes the traceless, antihermitian part. The
X  equations (4.2.29) and (4.2.36) form the basis for molec-
0= Tr Ḣµ (n)Hµ (n)
ular dynamics evolution of the pure gauge theory.


+ iHµ (n)Uµ (n)Vµ (n) − h.c ,
4.2 Monte-Carlo methods 65

Spectrum of the Dirac matrix so

The Dirac matrix has the form (see Sec. 4.1) Z
det M 2 = dΦdΦ∗ exp{−Φ∗ [M † M ]−1 Φ} . (4.2.43)
M (U ) = m + D(U ) . (4.2.37)
Now the integral is always well defined for nonzero
where m is the quark mass. For all fermion formulations
quark mass, but the square doubles the number of fermions.
in common use today, the operator D satisfies ”γ5 her-
That could be acceptable if we are simulating up and
miticity”, namely
down quarks in the isospin symmetric limit (mu = md ),
D† = γ5 Dγ5 (4.2.38) but it would be a bad approximation for the other
quarks. Remedies are discussed below. We continue with
for some definition of γ5 . (For brevity, we drop the (U ) this form.
dependence of M and D in the following.) This implies
that the complex eigenvalues of D appear in complex Molecular dynamics with fermions
conjugate pairs. Thus we can write the fermion deter- To simulate Eq. (4.2.43), we note that the integrand
minant as has the form exp −R R for R = M Φ, so if we draw
† −1

R from a Gaussian distribution, then Φ = M R is dis-

(m2 + |λi |2 ) . (4.2.39)
det M = (m + λi )
Im λi =0,i Im λi >0
tributed according to the desired weight.
The Φ algorithm begins a short trajectory by con-
In order for det M to serve as a probability weight, it structing Φ = M R for a given starting gauge field U .
must be real and positive definite. Indeed, for all but the The gauge field is then evolved with Φ fixed. The force
Wilson and clover actions, the real parts of the eigen- exerted on the gauge field in Eq. (4.2.36) acquires a new
values are nonnegative. For domain-wall and Wilson contribution, namely, the fermion force:
fermions, the eigenvalues λi populate an ellipse in the ∂
right-half plane with voids, as illustrated in Figs. 4.2.3 iFF,µn = Φ∗ [M † M ]−1 Φ
and 4.2.4. For staggered fermions, they lie entirely on

the imaginary axis (not shown). For overlap fermions, = X∗ (M † M )X , (4.2.44)
they lie on a circle in the right-half complex plane tan- i∂Aµ,n
gent to the imaginary axis (also not shown). For Wilson where M † M X = Φ. Typically, one refreshes the gauge
and clover fermions, they appear mostly in the right- momentum, evolves the gauge field at the initial fixed
half plane, but real, negative eigenvalues are possible, value of Φ, and then repeats.
depending on the gauge configuration U . The eigenval-
ues of M are m + λi , so negative λi usually causes trou- Rational function approximation
ble for M only for light quarks. As the lattice spacing As we saw above, working with the normal operator
is decreased, negative real parts become less frequent. M † M doubles the number of fermion species. To√elimi-
Twisted-mass fermions (see Sec. 4.1) do not have this nate the doubling, we should replace M † M with M † M .
problem at maximal twist [337]. Similarly, for staggered fermions, we start with four
tastes per flavor, which suggests (M † M )1/8 . With stag-
The Φ algorithm gered fermions, the normal operator is checkerboard
The fermion determinant in Eq. (4.2.11) can be cast in block-diagonal, so restricting the calculation to even
a form compatible with the molecular-dynamics treat- lattice sites eliminates the normal-operator doubling.
ment of the gauge field. Perhaps the simplest approach We then want (M † M )1/4 |even .
is the ”Φ algorithm”. We introduce a complex lattice Such fractional powers are difficult to implement.
scalar field Φ, often called a pseudofermion field, and A now commonly used remedy introduces a rational-
first try function approximation for the fractional power [338].
Z Expanded in terms of its poles, the rational function
det M = dΦdΦ∗ exp −Φ∗ M −1 Φ . (4.2.40) approximation for a real function f (x) of real x has the

This works as long as the eigenvalues of M have posi- N
tive definite real parts. However, this form is awkward f (x) ≈ r(x) =
X αi
., (4.2.45)
to implement. A more convenient form works with the i=1
x − βi
normal operator M † M . From γ5 hermiticity we have
where αi and βi are parameters of the rational function,
det M = det γ5 M † γ5 (4.2.41)
and N is a suitably high order. The approximation de-
(4.2.42) teriorates for small x. It is designed to work over an
det M = det M M

interval [xmin , xmax ]. The smaller xmin or the finer the However, we can also simulate it using just one pseud-
desired accuracy, the larger the needed order N . The ofermion field:
Zolotarev method [339] is widely used to obtain an ef- Z
ficient set of parameters αn and βn . dΦdΦ∗ exp{−Φ∗ (Ml† Ml )−1 (Ms† Ms )−1/2 Φ} (4.2.53)
We note that M † M = D† D + m2 for mass m. It is
convenient to treat this expression as a function of x = We construct a rational function that approximates the
D† D. So to apply the rational function approximation, entire product.
we write
(Ml† Ml )−1 (Ms† Ms )−1/2 = r−1,−1/2 (D† D) , (4.2.54)
(4.2.46) where we have added more labels to r(x). The Φ al-
(M † M )h ≈ rh (D† D) = †
D D − βh,i
i=1 gorithm is otherwise similar to that of the single-flavor
where we have labeled the coefficients of the expansion case.
with the desired power h. So, finally, we have
Z 4.2.5 Improvements
det M M ≈ dΦdΦ∗ exp −Φ∗ rh (D† D) Φ]

Hasenbusch term
(4.2.47) One popular and effective improvement [340] introduces
a “preconditioning” determinant, a ”Hasenbusch term”,
To implement the Φ algorithm with fractional power h,
with moderately large mass mx together with its com-
Z pensating inverse, for example, as
dΦdΦ∗ exp{−Φ∗ (M † M )h Φ} , (4.2.48)
(Ml† Ml )−1 (Ms† Ms )−1/2 (Mx† Mx )3/2 (Mx† Mx )−3/2 .
we choose Gaussian random R and calculate (4.2.55)

Φ = [M † M ]−h/2 R (4.2.49) The first three factors are then assigned a single pseud-
ofermion field and approximated with a single ratio-
using a rational function approximation r−h/2 (D† D). nal function, and the fourth factor is assigned a sepa-
Then we calculate the fermion force with rate pseudofermion field with a separate rational func-
iFF,µn =

Φ∗ (M † M )h Φ tion. The Hasenbusch term tends to reduce the condi-
i∂Aµ,n tion number of the product operator, thus reducing the
∂ needed rational function order and the associated com-
= Φ∗ rh (D† D)Φ (4.2.50)
i∂Aµ,n putation time. The last (compensating) factor also has
∂ a lower condition number because of the larger mass.
= Xi∗ αh,i [M † M ]Xi ,
i∂A µ,n
Multigrid solvers

where Xi = [D† D−βh,i ]−1 Φ. Here the rational function To evaluate the rational function in Eq. (4.2.51) re-
parameters are appropriate for rh . The Xi are obtained quires solving a large linear system. As the lattice spac-
using a multishift conjugate-gradient solver. ing decreases, the condition number of the linear system
grows, making the conventional conjugate-gradient cal-
Multiple flavors culation more costly. This “critical slowing down” can
The rational function approximation can be extended be mitigated by using an adaptive geometric multigrid
to handle the products of determinants that arise with solver instead [341, 342]. So far the benefits of using
multiple flavors. For example, suppose we are simulat- multigrid solvers for gauge-field evolution have been
ing two degenerate light quarks (up and down) ml = demonstrated only for the Wilson-clover action [343].
mu = md and one strange quark ms . We use f to dis- Algorithms for multigrid solvers for staggered fermions
tinguish the flavors in the fermion matrix Mf . After [344] and domain-wall fermions [336, 345] are newer,
integrating out the Grassmann fields, the fermion inte- so it remains to be seen whether they will lead to im-
grand becomes provements in molecular dynamics evolution for those
  1/2 fermion formulations as well.
det Ml† Ml det Ms† Ms . (4.2.52)

We could simulate this product by introducing a sep-

arate pseudofermion field for each flavor and proceed-
ing as we did for a single flavor for each contribution.
4.3 Vacuum structure and confinement 67

Accelerating molecular dynamics law for Wilson loops, emerged in the strong-coupling
As the lattice spacing decreases, the gauge-field evolu- regime. But I wasn’t as brave or savvy as Creutz in
tion slows, and it gets trapped in a subset of gauge con- proceeding to develop numerical methods for working
figurations with the same total topological charge. Thus out the nonperturbative consequences of Wilson’s for-
it takes more computational time to obtain a new, sta- mulation. I didn’t turn to numerical lattice calculations
tistically uncorrelated gauge configuration. Long-distance until shortly after Creutz’s seminal papers. For the rest
decorrelation is slower than short-distance. This obser- of my career, I have enjoyed participating in and con-
vation suggests Fourier transforming Hamilton’s equa- tributing to the remarkable progress in this field. As a
tion for the gauge momentum, graduate student schooled in the analytic S-matrix and
bootstrap, I was pleased when I could make a strong-
idHµ (n) = Fµ (n)dτ (4.2.56) interaction prediction to an accuracy of 25%, based on
to (coordinate) momentum space, and, instead of using phenomenological considerations. There was always the
a common time step dτ for each momentum component, inevitable doubt about the validity of the methods. To-
consider using a larger time step for the low-momentum day, in some cases, we are able to obtain per mille
modes [346] to move them farther. This method never accuracy for aome hadronic properties. Furthermore,
proved effective enough to use in full-scale simulation. we have little doubt that our results are a correct pre-
Modern versions of the Fourier acceleration scheme are diction of the Standard Model, since our methods are
under investigation. See, for example, [347]. grounded in first-principles. That has been enormously
Trivializing map
If we can find an invertible map of the gauge field U to
4.3 Vacuum structure and confinement
a new field V ,
Derek Leinweber
U = F(V ) , (4.2.57)

such that the Jacobian of the transformation cancels 4.3.1 Introduction

the gauge action:
The self interactions of gluons make the empty vacuum
det[∂Uµ (n)(V )/∂Vν (m)] exp[−S(U )] = 1 , (4.2.58) unstable to the formation of quark and gluon field con-
figurations which permeate spacetime. These ground-
then the path integral becomes trivial [348–350]. Lüscher state QCD-vacuum field configurations form the foun-
describes this as a “map to the strong-coupling limit” dation of matter. Lattice QCD simulations enable first
and discusses possible maps for the pure gauge action. principles explorations of this nontrivial vacuum field
Of course, finding such a map is entirely nontrivial, but structure.
if one can at least find one that moves the action par- These gluon field configurations form the foundation
tially toward strong coupling, then one could construct of every lattice QCD calculation. Each field configura-
a hybrid Monte Carlo scheme that updates the gauge tion on its own contains a rich diversity of emergent
field according to the recipe nonperturbative structure. It is the process of averag-
U → V → V 0 → U0 (4.2.59) ing over thousands of field configurations that restores
the translational invariance of the vacuum. Each field
where the V → V 0 step uses standard gauge evolution configuration with its own rich structure is uncorrelated
for the transformed gauge field V . This stronger cou- with other configurations considered in the averaging
pling evolution would suffer less from critical slowing process.
down. Recently, there have been efforts to find such a Deep insight into the mechanisms giving rise to the
map using machine-learning methods. See, for example, observed quantum phenomena can be obtained through
Ref. [351]. the visualization of these complex scientific data sets
constructed in Lattice QCD simulations, insights that
4.2.6 Personal remarks would otherwise remain hidden in the typical gigabyte
data sets of modern quantum field theory.
I first learned about the lattice formulation of QCD and The essential, fundamentally-important, nonpertur-
its virtues when Ken Wilson gave a seminar at the MIT bative features of the QCD vacuum fields are: the dy-
Center for Theoretical Physics around the time he was namical generation of mass through chiral symmetry
developing his lattice formulation. I was quite impressed breaking, and the confinement of quarks. But what are
with how easily confinement, in the form of an area the fundamental mechanisms of QCD that underpin

Fig. 4.3.1 Frames from the animation of Ref. [352] illustrating the Euclidean action density or energy density of Eq. (4.3.2) (left)
and the corresponding topological charge density of Eq. (4.3.4) (right) at an instant in time. The spatial volume is approximately
2.4 by 2.4 by 3.6 fm.

Fig. 4.3.2 Stereoscopic image of one of the eight chromo-magnetic fields composing the nontrivial vacuum of QCD. Hints for
stereoscopic viewing are provided in the text.

these phenomena? What aspect of the QCD vacuum where Fµν

is the Euclidean field strength tensor
causes quarks to be confined? Which aspect is respon-
sible for dynamical mass generation? Do the underlying
Fµν = ∂µ Aab ab ab ba
ν − ∂ν Aµ + ig[Aµ , Aν ] , (4.3.3)
mechanisms share a common origin?
with color indices a, b = 1, 2, 3. The corresponding
In this brief review, we will address these questions
topological charge density proportional to E(~
~ x, t)·B
~ ( ~x, t)
in a chronological manner to convey the progress in de-
veloping an understanding of the essential mechanisms
underpinning the phenomena of QCD. g2
q(~x, t) = ab
µνρσ Fµν ba
(~x, t) Fρσ (~x, t) , (4.3.4)
32 π 2
4.3.2 Nonperturbative vacuum structure is also of interest as it characterizes the profile of in-
stantons, nontrivial solutions of the classical Yang-Mills
Among the earliest of vacuum-structure visualizations equations, discussed in further detail in Sec. 5.11.4.
are images of the Euclidean action density, or energy Ref. [353] provides one of the earliest observations
density of instanton-like objects in lattice gauge-field configu-
1 ab rations. Here cooling with the standard Wilson action
SE (~x, t) = F (~x, t) Fµν ba
(~x, t) , (4.3.1)
2 µν was used to suppress short-distance field fluctuations
enabling the observation of long-distance structures.

= Tr E~ 2 (~x, t) + B~ 2 (~x, t) , (4.3.2)
4.3 Vacuum structure and confinement 69

However a problem with the use of the standard To see the 3D image of Figs. 4.3.2 and 4.3.9, try the
Wilson action or even the O(a2 )-improved plaquette following:
plus rectangle action is that the lattice action of an 1. If you are viewing the image on a monitor, ensure
instanton can be reduced by shrinking the size of an the image width is 12 to 13 cm.
instanton [354] through lattice-spacing errors. Instan- 2. Bring your eyes very close to one of the image pairs.
tons shrink under cooling with these lattice actions and 3. Close your eyes and relax.
“fall through the lattice.” This led to the development 4. Open your eyes and allow the (blurry) images to line
of highly-improved actions [355, 356] eliminating errors up. Tilting your head from side to side will move the
to O(a4 ) or even over-improved actions where improve- images vertically.
ment terms are tuned to stabilize instantons, ensuring 5. Move back slowly until your eyes are able to focus.
their stability under smoothing algorithms [354, 357]. There’s no need to cross your eyes!
The results presented in this section are based on
pure SU(3) gluon fields created with the standard Wil- With its lattice implementation of chiral symmetry,
son action at β = 6.0 on a 243 × 36 lattice with a the overlap-Dirac operator provided a new approach
lattice spacing, a ' 0.1 fm. The first coordinate of the to the exploration of the nonperturbative structure of
Euclidean lattice was used for the time axis creating the vacuum without resorting to smoothing algorithms
a 242 × 36 spatial volume. It is these calculations [358] [368]. Here low-lying Dirac eigenmode densities could
that captured the attention of Prof Frank Wilczek as he be used to construct the topological charge density with
prepared his 2004 Nobel Prize lecture. Ref. [359] pro- the level of smoothness inversely related to the num-
vides a link to the QCD Lava Lamp animation that ber of low-lying modes one considers [369]. Strong cor-
appeared in his Nobel Lecture [360]. In support of the relation with the instanton-like objects observed via
Nobel Lecture a web page incorporating the best algo- smoothing algorithms was observed. The zero modes
rithms and visualization techniques of the time was cre- are chiral and are distributed across topological charge
ated [361]. Parallel spatially-uniform O(a4 )-improved regions of a unique sign. Low-lying eigenmode densities
smoothing algorithms [362] and an O(a4 )-improved lat- are also highly correlated with the topological struc-
tice field strength tensor [355] were formulated to ac- tures revealed under smoothing [369]. These correla-
curately retain and present the long-distance nonper- tions between gluonic and fermionic structures expose
turbative properties of the ground-state vacuum fields. the dynamics underpinning dynamical chiral symmetry
These images and animations [352, 361] have since ap- breaking and the origin of mass.
peared in popular-science publications, leading YouTube The manner in which the topological charge density
channels [363, 364], etc. [365]. is rendered can lead to rather different views on the
Figure 4.3.1 displays two frames from the animation nature of how topological charge is distributed in the
of Ref. [352]. Here 25 sweeps of three-loop, mean-field, vacuum. Figure 4.3.3 illustrates two different render-
O(a4 )-improved cooling has been applied. Areas of high ings of the same topological charge density. The sheet-
energy density are rendered in red and regions of mod- like structure associated with the sign-changing nature
erate energy density are rendered in blue. The lowest of the topological charge density correlator h q(0) q(x) i
energy densities are not rendered such that one can [370, 371] is manifest when all magnitudes of the topo-
see into the volume. Similarly the topological charge logical charge density are rendered down to zero. This
density has regions of positive density rendered in red is the celebrated sheet-like structure of the topological
through yellow and regions of negative density rendered charge density [372]. However, when the rendering is
blue through cyan. While instanton-like objects are man- restricted to larger values, one reveals a more lumpy
ifest, current research is examining the extent to which structure with regions of significant coherent topologi-
instanton-dyon degrees of freedom [366], i.e. fraction- cal charge density.
ally charged regions, can be observed within these field More recently explorations of correlations between
configurations. QCD phenomena and QED phenomena have commenced
To directly view the the eight chromo-electric and drawing on QCD+QED lattice simulations [373, 374].
eight chromo-magnetic gluon fields composing the vac- First results and links to associated animations are re-
uum, one must select a gauge. Figure 4.3.2 presents a ported in Ref. [365].
stereoscopic illustration of one of the chromo-magnetic
4.3.3 Center cluster structure of QCD vacuum
fields in Landau gauge [367]. Here the color and length
of the arrows describe the magnitude of the vector fields.
Animations of the fields are also available [352].
Further insight into the structure of QCD vacuum fields,
their temperature dependence, and their evolution un-

scale noise is removed from the visualization by per-

forming four sweeps of stout-link smearing [377] prior
to calculating the Polyakov loops.
In Fig. 4.3.4, clusters are rendered where the phase
φ(~x) is within a small window around each center phase,
and the rest of the volume is rendered transparent.
Within these coherent center domains, color-singlet quark-
antiquark pairs or three-quark triplets have a finite en-
ergy and are spatially correlated. Thus, these funda-
Fig. 4.3.3 The short-distance sheet-like structure of the vac- mental domains govern the size of the quark cores of
uum is made apparent in the left-hand illustration by rendering hadrons. As one domain dominates the vacuum above
all magnitudes of the topological charge density down to zero.
the critical temperature, the correlation length diverges
Negative charge density is rendered green to blue, and positive
charge density is yellow to red. The same data is rendered in and quarks become deconfined.
the right-hand plot, this time only rendering the regions having The evolution of these clusters with HMC simula-
large topological charge density, revealing a structure of topo- tion time is presented in Ref. [379], showing how cen-
logical lumps.
ter clusters are slowly moving with correlations in the
center clusters persisting for approximately 5 seconds
der Monte-Carlo evolution can be obtained through the corresponding to 25 HMC trajectories. The tempera-
consideration of the local Polyakov loop. The expecta- ture dependence of the center-cluster structure is also
tion value of the Polyakov loop is related to the finite explored in these animations where a single phase even-
temperature phase transition in QCD. It has an expec- tually dominates above the critical temperature, as il-
tation value of zero in the confined phase and becomes lustrated in Fig. 4.3.4.
nonzero in the deconfined phase.
The local Polyakov loop is the traced gauge-invariant 4.3.4 Flux tubes in QCD ground-state vacuum
product of time-oriented gauge links around the time fields
extent of the lattice at each spatial point
Flux tubes in the QCD vacuum are revealed by exam-
ining the correlation between ground-state field proper-
L(~x) = Tr U4 (t, ~x) = ρ(~x) eiφ(~x) ,
ties and the positions of static quarks within the fields.
One begins with the standard approach of connect-
Here, U4 is the time-oriented link variable on a lattice ing static quark propagators by spatial-link paths in
with lattice spacing a, given by a gauge invariant manner. For mesonic systems, this is
Z x+µ̂a ! the standard Wilson loop. However, for baryonic sys-
Uµ (x) = P exp ig µ
dx Aµ (x) . (4.3.6) tems one needs the structure illustrated in Fig. 4.3.5.
x The spatial link paths are typically broadened through
a smearing algorithm to approximate the shape of the
Center clusters [375, 376] are defined in terms of
flux tube and thus obtain better overlap with the ground
L(~x). They are regions of space where the local Polyakov
state potential of interest. While early calculations tuned
loop prefers a single complex phase associated with the
the amount of smearing to provide optimal overlap with
center of SU(3). The deconfinement transition occurs
the ground state, more modern approaches create a ba-
through the growth of a center cluster.
sis of smeared sources and solve the generalized eigen-
In the final expression of Eq. (4.3.5), the local Polyakov
value problem to obtain the optimal combination of
loop is decomposed into a phase, φ(~x) and a magni-
sources. The static quark propagators are constructed
tude, ρ(~x). Both the proximity of the phase to one of
from time
Q directed link products at fixed spatial coor-
the cube-roots of one and the magnitude are considered
dinate, i Ut (~x, ti ), using the untouched “thin” links of
in visualizing the structure of the center domains of the
the gauge configuration.
gluon field. In either case, the most proximal cube root
The correlation of the gluon field with the static
of one to the phase is indicated by the use of color.
quark positions is characterized by the gauge-invariant
In Ref. [376] an anisotropic gauge action was used
Euclidean action density SE (~y , t) observed at spatial
to explore the evolution of coherent center domains in
coordinate ~y and Euclidean time t measured relative
the gluon field under both temperature and the Hy-
to the origin of the three-quark Wilson loop. For the
brid Monte Carlo (HMC) update algorithm. To inves-
results presented herein, the action density is calculated
tigate the larger-scale behavior of the clusters, small
using the highly-improved O(a4 ) three-loop improved
4.3 Vacuum structure and confinement 71

Fig. 4.3.4 Center clusters on a gauge field configuration at T = 0.89(1) TC (left), T = 1.14(2) TC (middle), and T = 1.36(2) TC
(right), This rendering from Ref. [376] is based on the proximity of the local Polyakov loop phase, φ(~ x), to one of the three center
phases of SU(3). The length of each side of the cubic volume is 2.4 fm. The percolation of the red phase in the middle and right-hand
plots illustrate the deconfinement of quarks above TC .

lattice field-strength tensor [355] on four-sweep APE- state form. For fixed quark positions and Euclidean
smeared gauge links [378]. time, C is a scalar field in three dimensions.
Defining the quark positions as ~r1 , ~r2 and ~r3 rela- This measure has the advantage of being positive
tive to the origin of the three-quark Wilson loop, and definite, eliminating any sign ambiguity on whether vac-
denoting the Euclidean time extent of the loop by τ , uum field fluctuations are enhanced or suppressed in the
one evaluates the following correlation function presence of static quarks. The correlation, C, is gener-
ally less than 1, signaling the expulsion of vacuum fluc-
C(~y ; ~r1 , ~r2 , ~r3 ; τ ) =

tuations from the interior of heavy-quark hadrons. In
W3Q (~r1 , ~r2 , ~r3 ; τ ) SE (~y , τ /2)
, (4.3.7) other words, flux tubes represent the suppression of the
vacuum field fluctuations that form the foundation of

W3Q (~r1 , ~r2 , ~r3 ; τ ) SE (~y , τ /2)

where h· · · i denotes averaging over configurations and matter.
translational/reflection/rotational lattice symmetries [378]. Figure 4.3.6 provides an illustration of the correla-
Note that the correlation is examined at the midpoint tion C(~y ). For values of ~y well away from the quark po-
in the time evolution of the static quark propagation to sitions ~ri , there are no correlations and C → 1. As the
ensure the three quark state has relaxed to its ground separation between the quark-antiquark pair changes,
the flux tube of Fig. 4.3.6 (top) gets longer, but the
diameter of the tube and the depth of the expulsion
remain approximately constant. As it costs energy to
expel the vacuum field fluctuations, the confinement po-
tential grows linearly as the quark separation increases.
Of historical significance was the endeavor to de-
termine whether baryon flux tubes are Y-shape or ∆-
shape (empty triangle) in nature. For the latter, the
expectation was two-body tube-like structures around
the edge of the three-quark system would dominate.
Quantitative analyses of the static quark potential and
the distribution of flux tubes led to a consensus [380]
that the distribution is Y shape for large quark separa-
tions more than ∼ 0.5 fm from the system center with
the observation of filled ∆ shapes at shorter-distance
separations. The Y-shape ground state localizes at the
Fig. 4.3.5 Gauge-link paths for three static quark propagators, Steiner point which minimizes the total string length.
U1 , U2 , and U3 , are connected in a gauge-invariant manner
The characteristic sizes of the flux-tube and node
via spatially smeared link paths. εabc and εa b c provide color
0 0 0

anti-symmetrisation at the source and sink respectively, while were quantified in Ref. [378]. The ground state flux-
τ indicates evolution of the three-quark system in Euclidean tube radius is ∼ 0.4 fm with vacuum-field fluctuations
time [378]. suppressed by 7%. The node connecting the flux tubes

Fig. 4.3.6 The suppression of QCD vacuum fields, as represented by the energy density, from the region between a quark-antiquark
meson (top) or three-quark baryon (bottom). Quark positions are illustrated by the colored spheres. The separation of the quarks
in the meson are 0.50 fm (left), 1.00 fm (middle), and 1.50 fm (right). The baryon frames illustrate the spherical cavity (or bag)
observed at small quark separations of 0.27 fm from the center (left), the development of a filled-∆ shape at moderate separations
of 0.42 fm (middle) and finally the emergence of a Y-shape flux tube (right) at large quark separations of 0.72 fm from the system
center [378]. The surface plot illustrates the reduction of the vacuum energy density in a plane passing through the centers of the
quarks. The vector field illustrates the gradient of this reduction. The tube joining the quarks reveals the positions in space where
the vacuum energy density is maximally expelled and corresponds to the “flux tube” of QCD.

is larger at 0.5 fm with a suppression of the vacuum In the absence of implicit string breaking, Bali et al.
action at 8%. [383] led the breakthrough in observing string break-
ing in QCD via a variational method with explicit B-
4.3.5 Flux tube string breaking in QCD meson operators. These interpolating fields mix with
the traditional flux-tube operators in a matrix of cor-
With the advent of numerical simulations incorporat- relation functions. Upon solving for the energy eigen-
ing the dynamics of light fermion loops in the QCD states, mixed states with their associated avoided level
vacuum, the observation of flux-tube breaking or string crossings are observed.
breaking was keenly anticipated. The idea is that for in- Following the notation of Ref. [383], the calculation
creasing quark separations, eventually there would be proceeds as follows. The QQ static quark operator con-
enough energy in the flux tube joining the two static b nected with an optimized spatially smeared flux-tube
quarks that it would become energetically favorable to operator Vt (r, 0) from position 0 to r at Euclidean time
break the string through the creation of a light quark- t is
antiquark pair and the formation of two B mesons. γ·r
Even to this day, this implicit form of string break- Q(r,t) Vt (r, 0) Q(0,t) , (4.3.8)
ing has yet to be observed. The difficulty lies in the
where γ · r/r selects the spin-symmetric state to be
extraordinarily poor overlap of the two-B meson state
combined with the symmetric gluonic string Vt (r, 0),
with the spatial flux-tube operators used to create the
enabling mixing with two pseudoscalar B mesons. Note,
string state.
the anti-symmetric spin-combination is obtained via
This situation is in contrast to explorations of the
γ · r/r → γ5 and yields the same energy levels, as both
structure of the Λ(1405) baryon, where lattice-QCD
spin cases are calculated from the same Wilson loop.
calculations of the quark-sector contributions to the
Similarly, the BB meson interpolating field for a
baryon magnetic moment indicate a molecular meson-
pseudoscalar B meson at r and a B meson at 0 at
baryon structure [381, 382]. Here a three-quark opera-
Euclidean time t is
tor carrying the quantum numbers of the Λ(1405) have
implicitly excited quark-antiquark pairs to form the five- i
Q(r,t) γ5 q(r,t) i
q̄(0,t) γ5 Q(0,t) , (4.3.9)
quark molecule.
4.3 Vacuum structure and confinement 73

0.2 t and the trace is over color indices. This is the stan-
dard Wilson loop depicted by the r (horizontally) by t
0 (vertically) rectangle in Eq. (4.3.10).
Similarly, contracting out the quark field operators
in the mixed correlator provides
[E(r) - 2 mB]a

i i γ·r
Q(0,t) γ5 q(0,t) q̄(r,t) γ5 Q(r,t) Q(r,0) V0 (r, 0) Q(0,0)
≡ = (4.3.11)

-0.6 where the wavy line depicts a light quark operator. Fi-
state |1> nally, contraction of the quark operators in the BB cor-
state |2> relator provides
i i j j
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Q(0,t) γ5 q(0,t) q̄(r,t) γ5 Q(r,t) Q(r,0) γ5 q(r,0) q̄(0,0) γ5 Q(0,0)
0.2 ≡ δij − . (4.3.12)
Considering nf fermion flavors, one finally arrives at
0.1 the correlation matrix
 

[E(r) - 2 mB]a

0.05 nf
 
 
0 C(t) = 

√ 
-0.05 nf −nf +

-0.1 Calculation of the light-quark propagators demands

state |1> the use of all-to-all techniques. Ref. [383] used a trun-
-0.15 state |2> cated eigenmode approach, complemented by a stochas-
-0.2 tic estimator technique, improved by hopping parame-
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ter acceleration. Through the use of a tuned flux-tube
-r/a operator and tuned smeared-local quark propagators in
Fig. 4.3.7 From Ref. [383], the two energy levels obtained the meson operators, the correlation matrix is parame-
in the variational analysis are plotted as a function of the terized in terms of two low lying energy eigenstates and
static quark-antiquark separation r/a with lattice spacing a ≈
0.083 fm. Energy values are relative to twice the mass of
the B-meson, 2 mB (horizontal line). The curve corresponds Figure 4.3.7 illustrates the two energy levels ob-
to the three parameter fit of E1 (r) = V0 + σr − e/r, for tained in the nf = 2 analysis of Ref. [383]. Remark-
0.2 fm ≤ r ≤ 0.9 fm < rc with rc ≈ 15 a ≈ 1.25 fm.. The ably, the region of mixing is small and the energy asso-
bottom plot zooms into the avoided level crossing.
ciated with the mixing is subtle. The analysis has since
been extended to 2 + 1 light+strange fermion flavors in
where q(r,t)
annihilates the light-quark flavor, i. The Ref. [384] where both B and Bs mesons participate in
four elements of the correlation matrix are obtained the mixing.
from the four combinations of these two operators. These results reflect the diverse nature of these two
Contracting the heavy-quark operators in the stan- states. Indeed with so little overlap between the two
dard flux-tube operators provides states away from the avoided crossing region, a string-
h γ·r i† γ·r oriented system may evolve such that it maintains the
Q(r,t) Vt (r, 0)Q(0,t) Q(r,0) V0 (r, 0)Q(0,0) string structure at very large separations [385]. In this
r r
n o “sudden approximation,” the system evolves along the
= 2 tr Vt† (r, 0) Ur (t, 0) V0 (r, 0) U0† (t, 0) ≡ red lines of Fig. 4.3.7 providing a pathway to extraordi-
narily high energy excitations. The subsequent decay is
considered “adiabatic” [385] where hadrons then follow
where the heavy-quark mass dependence has been sup- the energy-eigenstate curves and split into fragments.
pressed for simplicity. Here Ur (t, 0) denotes the product
of time-oriented links at the position r from time 0 to

topological objects act to suppress the fermion determi-

nant, such that the top configuration is improbable in
full QCD. In the full-QCD simulations, the topological
objects grow in size and number [371] to suppress the
zero modes.

4.3.7 Center vortex structure of QCD vacuum


The essential, fundamentally-important, nonperturba-

tive features of the QCD vacuum fields are the dynami-
cal generation of mass through chiral symmetry break-
ing, and the confinement of quarks. But what is the
Fig. 4.3.8 The topological charge density from Ref. [371] for fundamental mechanism of QCD that underpins these
the quenched (top) and the light-quark dynamical ensemble phenomena?
from the MILC Collaboration [386, 387], with dynamical masses
One of the most promising candidates is the center
of amu,d = 0.0062, am= 0.031.
vortex perspective of QCD vacuum structure. While
the ideas of a center-vortex dominated vacuum were
4.3.6 Impact of dynamical fermions on vacuum laid down long ago [388–390], it wasn’t until 1997 when
field structure Jeff Greensite, Manfried Faber, et al. demonstrated that
lattice QCD techniques could be used to explore the
With the advent of full QCD simulations incorporat- importance of these ideas [391–396]. Indeed by the end
ing the effects of light dynamical-fermion flavors, atten- of the millennium, the field had attracted broad interest
tion turned to understanding how these light fermion with a comprehensive review in 2003 [397].
loops in the vacuum changed the QCD ground-state This perspective describes the nature of the non-
structure. Drawing on gauge fields from the MILC col- trivial vacuum in terms of the most fundamental center
laboration [386, 387], advances in instanton-preserving of the gauge group. Herein our focus is on the SU (3)
smoothing algorithms [357] were deployed to reveal the gauge group where center√vortices are characterized by
impact of dynamical fermions on the topological charge the three center phases, 3 1.
density of the gauge fields [371]. By identifying center vortices within the ground-
The MILC simulations were performed using a one- state fields and then removing them, a deep under-
loop Symanzik improved gauge action and an improved standing of their contributions can been developed. Re-
Kogut-Susskind quark action. Using the static quark moval of center vortices from the ground-state fields re-
potential, the lattice spacings were determined and tuned sults in a loss of dynamical mass generation and restora-
to be the same in all the runs to better expose differ- tion of chiral symmetry [398–400], a loss of the string
ences due to dynamical fermions. At large distances, tension [401–404], a suppression of the infrared enhance-
screening of the string tension was observed for light ment in the Landau-gauge gluon propagator [402, 405–
dynamical flavors [386, 387]. 407], and the possibility that gluons are no longer con-
Figure 4.3.8 illustrates the topological-charge den- fined [407].
sities revealed following four sweeps of over-improved One can also examine the role of the center vortices
stout-link smearing [371]. The top illustration from quenchedalone. Remarkably, center vortices produce both a lin-
QCD, is qualitatively different from the lower illustra- ear static quark potential [401, 403, 404, 408, 409] and
tion for a 2 + 1 flavor dynamical-fermion configura- infrared enhancement in the Landau-gauge gluon prop-
tion10 . The zero modes associated with well-separated agator [406, 407]. The planar vortex density of center-
10 vortex degrees of freedom scales with the lattice spacing
In the top illustration, one can see through the bulk of
the topological charge distribution and observe the white back- providing a well defined continuum limit [401]. These
ground and the dotted lattice grid lines. This is not the case results elucidate strong connections between center vor-
in the lower illustration where the topological charge fills out tices and confinement.
the space. Only a sprinkling of white space is observed. The
quark-mass dependence of the dynamical-fermion illustration is further apart, a statistical analysis indicates there are fewer
subtle [371] indicating that the qualitative differences in the dis- objects and the objects themselves are smaller in size when
tributions comes about through the introduction of dynamical compared with the dynamical fermion distributions [371]. The
fermions in generating the configurations through Monte-Carlo physics underpinning these differences in the topological charge
methods. Not only are the objects in the quenched simulation density distributions can be understood in terms of the modes
of the Dirac operator generated by these distributions.
4.3 Vacuum structure and confinement 75

A connection between center vortices and instantons mations Ω such that,

was identified through gauge-field smoothing [409]. An
tr UµΩ (x) 2 → (4.3.15)
understanding of the phenomena linking these degrees max ,
of freedom was illustrated in Ref. [410]. In addition, x,µ

center vortices have been shown to give rise to mass and then projects the link variables to the center
splitting in the low-lying hadron spectrum [398, 399,
Uµ (x) → Zµ (x) where Zµ (x) = exp nµ (x) I .
Still, the picture in pure SU (3) gauge theory is not 3
perfect. The vortex-only string tension obtained from (4.3.16)
pure Yang-Mills lattice studies has been consistently
shown to be about ∼ 60% of the full string tension. Here, n has been promoted to a field, nµ (x), taking a
Moreover, upon removal of center vortices the gluon value of −1, 0, or 1 for each link variable on the lat-
propagator showed a remnant of infrared enhancement [406].tice. In this way, the gluon field, Uµ (x), is characterized
In short, within the pure gauge sector, the removal of by the most fundamental aspect of the SU (3) link vari-
long-distance non-perturbative effects via center-vortex able, the center, Zµ (x). In the projection step, eight de-
removal is not perfect. grees of freedom are reduced to one of the three center
Understanding the impact of dynamical fermions on phases. This “vortex-only” field, Zµ (x), can be exam-
the center-vortex structure of QCD ground-state fields ined to learn the extent to which center vortices alone
is a contemporary focus of the center-vortex field [400, capture the essence of nonperturbative QCD.
403, 404, 407, 412, 413]. Herein, changes in the micro- The product of these center-projected links, Zµ (x),
scopic structure of the vortex fields associated with the around an elementary 1 × 1 square (plaquette) on the
inclusion of dynamical fermions are illustrated. The in- lattice also produces a centre element of SU (3). The
troduction of dynamical fermions brings the phenomenol- value describes the center charge associated with that
ogy of center vortices much closer to a perfect encap- plaquette
sulation of the salient features of QCD, confinement
and dynamical mass generation through chiral symme-

, m = −1, 0, or 1 .
z= Zµ (x) = exp 2πi
try breaking. 2
As such, it is interesting to ask, what do these center- (4.3.17)
vortex structures look like? To this end, we present vi-
sualizations of center vortices as identified on lattice The most common value observed has m = 0 indicating
gauge-field configurations. Some of these visualizations that no centre charge pierces the plaquette. However,
are presented as stereoscopic images. See the instruc- values of m = ±1 indicate that the center line of an
tions provided in Sec. 4.3.2 for help in viewing these extended three-dimensional vortex pierces that plaque-
images. tte.
The complete center-line of an extended vortex is
identified by tracing the presence of nontrivial center
Center Vortex Identification
charge, m = ±1, through the spatial lattice. Figure 4.3.9
Center vortices are identified through a gauge fixing
exhibits rich emergent structure in the nonperturbative
procedure designed to bring the lattice link variables as
QCD ground-state fields in a stereoscopic image. Here a
close as possible to the identity matrix multiplied by a
3D slice of the 4D space-time lattice is being considered
phase equal to one of the three cube-roots of 1. Here, the
at fixed time. Features include:
original Monte-Carlo generated configurations are con-
sidered. They are gauge transformed directly to Maxi-
mal Center Gauge [401, 414, 415]. This brings the lat- Vortex Lines:
tice link variables Uµ (x) close to the center elements of The plaquettes with nontrivial center charge, charac-
SU (3), terized by m = +1 or −1, are plotted as jets piercing
the center of the plaquette. Both the orientation and
color of the jets reflect the value of the non-trivial cen-
Z = exp n I, (4.3.14)
3 ter charge. Using a right-hand rule for the direction,
plaquettes with m = +1 are illustrated by blue jets in
with n = −1, 0, or 1 enumerating the three cube roots
the forward direction, and plaquettes with m = −1 are
of 1 such that the special property of SU (3) matrices,
illustrated by red jets in the backward direction. Thus,
det(Z) = 1, is satisfied. One considers gauge transfor-
the jets show the directed flow of m = +1 center charge,

Fig. 4.3.9 Stereoscopic image of center vortices as identified on the lattice from Ref. [412]. Vortex features including vortex lines
(jets), branching points (3-jet combinations), crossing points (4 jets), indicator links (arrows) and singular points (spheres) are
described in the text.

z = e2πi/3 , through spatial plaquettes. They are analo- structure of QCD ground-state fields. There matched
gous to the line running down the center of a vortex in lattices were considered, one in pure-gauge and the other
a fluid. a 2+1-flavor dynamical-fermion lattice from the PACS-
Vortices are somewhat correlated with the positions CS Collaboration [419]. These 323 × 64 lattice ensem-
of significant topological charge density, but not in a bles employ a renormalisation-group improved Iwasaki
strong manner [410]. However, the percolation of vortex gauge action and non-perturbatively O(a)-improved Wil-
structure is significant and the removal of these vortices son quarks, with CSW = 1.715.
destroys most instanton-like objects. The lightest u- and d-quark-mass ensemble iden-
tified by a pion mass of 156 MeV [419] is presented
Branching Points or Monopoles: here. The scale is set using the Sommer parameter with
In SU (3) gauge theory, three vortex lines can merge into r0 = 0.4921 fm providing a lattice spacing of a = 0.0933
or emerge from a single point. Their prevalence is sur- fm [419]. A matched 323 × 64 pure-gauge ensemble us-
prising, as is their correlation with topological charge ing the same improved Iwasaki gauge action with a
density [410]. Sommer-scale spacing of a = 0.100 fm was created [413]
to enable comparisons with the PACS-CS ensembles.
Vortex Sheet Indicator Links: The center-vortex structure of pure-gauge and dy-
As the vortex line moves through time, it creates a namical fermion ground-state vacuum fields is illustrated
vortex sheet in 4D spacetime. This movement is illus- in Fig. 4.3.10 from Ref. [413], where interactive 3D
trated by arrows along the links of the lattice (shown plots of this structure which can be activated in Adobe
as cyan and orange arrows in Fig. 4.3.9) indicating cen- Reader. The impact of dynamical fermions on the center-
ter charge flowing through space-time plaquettes in the vortex structure is much more significant than that dis-
suppressed time direction. cussed in Sec. 4.3.6.
In both illustrations, the vortex structure is domi-
Singular Points: nated by a single large percolating structure. Whereas
When the vortex sheet spans all four space-time dimen- small loops will tend to pierce a Wilson loop twice with
sions, it can generate topological charge. Lattice sites zero effect, it is this extended structure that gives rise
with this property are called singular points [396, 416– to a net vortex piercing of a Wilson loop and the gener-
418] and are illustrated by spheres. The sphere color ation of an area law associated with confinement. These
indicates the number of times the sheet adjacent to two illustrations are representative of the ensemble in
a point can generate a topological charge contribution that the vortex structure is typically dominated by a
[410]. single large percolating cluster.
Ref. [413] presents the first results demonstrating Closer inspection reveals a continuous flow of center
the impact of dynamical fermions on the center-vortex charge, often emerging or converging to monopole or
4.3 Vacuum structure and confinement 77

Fig. 4.3.10 From Ref. [413], the center-vortex structure of a ground-state vacuum field configuration in pure SU(3) gauge theory
(left) is compared with a field configuration in dynamical 2+1 flavor QCD corresponding to mπ = 156 MeV (right). The flow of
+1 center charge through the gauge fields is illustrated by the jets. Blue jets are used to illustrate the single percolating vortex
structure, while other colors illustrate smaller structures.

anti-monopole vertices where three jets emerge from or 2.00


converge to a point. These are referred to as branching

1.50 VO
points, as a +1 center charge flowing out of a vertex is 1.25
equivalent to +2 center charge flowing into the vertex
aV (r)


and subsequently branching to two +1 jets flowing out 0.75

of the vertex. 0.50

With the introduction of dynamical fermions, the 0.25

structure becomes more complex, both in the abun-


dance of vortices and branching points. The average 0.100

number of vortices composing the primary cluster in 0.075

these 322 × 64 spatial slices roughly doubles from ∼ 0.050

a2 σ

3, 000 vortices in the pure gauge theory to ∼ 6, 000 in 0.025

full QCD. Still, there are 322 × 64 × 3 = 196, 608 spatial 0.000

plaquettes on these lattices and thus the presence of a 0 2 4 6 8

10 12 14 16

vortex is a relatively rare occurrence.

Fig. 4.3.11 The static quark potential, as presented in
By counting the number of vortices between branch- Ref. [403], calculated on the vortex-modified dynamical-fermion
ing points one discovers the distribution is exponential, ensemble, corresponding to a pion mass of 156 MeV. The lower
indicating a constant branching probability. This prob- plot shows the local slope from linear fits of the potentials in
ability is higher in full QCD by a ratio of ∼ 3/2. the upper plot over a forward-looking window from r to r + 4a.
With an understanding of the impact of dynamical-
fermion degrees of freedom on the center-vortex struc- As center vortices are anticipated to encapsulate the
ture of ground-state vacuum fields, attention has turned non-perturbative long-range physics, the vortex-only re-
to understanding the impact on confinement. In a vari- sults should give rise to a linearly rising potential. On
ational analysis of standard Wilson loops composed of the other hand, the vortex-removed results are expected
several spatially-smeared sources to isolate the ground to capture the short-range Coulomb behavior. Figure 4.3.11
state potential, the static quark potential has been cal- from Ref. [407] illustrates the static quark potentials
culated on three ensembles including the original un- obtained from these three ensembles for the dynamical
touched links, Uµ (x), the vortex-only links, Zµ (x), and 2+1-flavor ensemble with a pion mass of 156 MeV [419].
vortex-removed links, Zµ† (x) Uµ (x) [407] where the mul- Qualitatively, center vortices account for the long-
tiplication of the conjugate of the centre-projected field distance physics. The removal of center vortices com-
ensure all plaquettes have z = 0. pletely removes the confinement potential. And while
For the original untouched configurations, the static the vortex-only string tension is typically 60 % of the
quark potential is expected to follow a Cornell potential original string tension in the pure gauge sector, the
introduction of dynamical fermions has improved the
V (r) = V0 −
+σr. (4.3.18) vortex-only phenomenology significantly. Vortices alone
r capture both the screening of the pure-gauge string ten-

sion and the full string tension of the original untouched developed to explain the salient features of this nontriv-
ensemble. This result is associated with the significant ial vacuum and their exploration continues. Numerical
modification of the center-vortex structure of ground- experiments within the realm of lattice QCD have been
state vacuum fields induced by dynamical fermions. particularly useful in testing the veracity of the theoret-
The improved separation of perturbative and non- ical ideas proposed. Today, these numerical experiments
perturbative physics through the consideration of vortex- are exploring the ideas of instanton-dyons and center-
removed and vortex-only ensembles in full QCD is also vortices as the essential features of QCD vacuum struc-
manifest in the nonperturbative gluon propagator [407]. ture, confining color and dynamically generating mass
This time vortex removal removes the infrared enhance- through dynamical chiral symmetry breaking. The re-
ment of the gluon propagator, leaving a tree-level struc- sults are fascinating, and encourage further exploration
ture. Indeed the vortex-removed Euclidean correlator of the essence of QCD vacuum structure.
remains positive definite, admitting the possibility of
a positive-definite spectral density associated with free
gluons. The vortex-only ensembles capture the infrared 4.4 QCD at non-zero temperature and den-
enhancement of the gluon propagator and the screening sity
of this enhancement in full QCD [407].
Frithjof Karsch
Similarly, dynamical mass generation in the non-
perturbative quark propagator is suppressed under vor- 4.4.1 QCD Thermodynamics on Euclidean lat-
tex removal in full QCD while the vortex-only ensem- tices
ble provides dynamical mass generation [400]. While
explicit chiral symmetry breaking through the quark The path integral formulation of QCD can easily be
mass, leaves a remnant of dynamical mass generation, applied to cases of non-vanishing temperature (T ) and
it is anticipated that for sufficiently light current quark other external control parameters, e.g. the chemical po-
masses, chiral symmetry will be restored [399] and dy- tentials (µf ) that couple to the conserved currents of
namical mass generation will be completely eliminated quark-flavor number.
in the vortex-removed theory. Using the lattice regularization scheme of QCD, in-
In summary, center-vortex structure is complex. Each troduced by K. Wilson [80], QCD thermodynamics is
ground-state configuration is dominated by a long-distance formulated on Euclidean space-time lattices of size Nσ3 Nτ
percolating center-vortex structure. In SU (3) gauge field where, for a given lattice spacing (a), the lattice extent
theory, a proliferation of branching points is observed, in Euclidean time controls the temperature T = 1/Nτ a
with further enhancement as light dynamical fermion and the spatial extent is related to the volume of the
degrees of freedom are introduced in simulating QCD. thermodynamic system, V = (Nσ a)3 . The chemical
There is an approximate doubling in the number of non- potentials enter directly in the fermion matrices, Mf ,
trivial center charges in the percolating vortex structure which arise from the QCD Lagrangian after integrating
as one goes from the pure-gauge theory to full QCD. In- out the fermion fields.
creased complexity in the vortex paths is also observed Bulk thermodynamics can then be derived from the
as the number of branching points is significantly in- lattice regularized partition function,
creased with the introduction of dynamical fermions. Z YNτ Y Nσ Y 3
In short, dynamical-fermion degrees of freedom radi- Z= DUx,ν̂ e−SG
cally alter the center-vortex structure of the ground- x0 =1 xi =1 ν=0
state vacuum fields. This change in structure acts to
det Mf (mf , µf ) , (4.4.1)
improve the phenomenology of center vortices better
f =u,d,s..
reproducing the string tension, dynamical mass gen-
where x = (x0 , ~x) labels the sites of the 4-dimensional
eration and better removing nonperturbative physics
lattice, SG denotes the gluonic part of the Euclidean
under vortex removal. This represents a significant ad-
action, which is expressed in terms of SU (3) matrices
vance in the ability of center vortices to capture the
Ux,ν̂ and Mf is the fermion matrix for quark flavor f .
salient nonperturbative features of QCD.
It is a function of quark mass, mf and flavor chemical
potential µ̂f ≡ µf /T . Basic bulk thermodynamic ob-
4.3.8 Summary
servables (equation of state, susceptibilities, etc.) can
then be obtained from the logarithm of the partition
In the 50 years following the advent of QCD, the com-
function, Z, which defines the pressure, P , as
plexity of the nontrivial QCD vacuum has been ex-
posed. Many theoretical ideas have been created and 1
P/T = ln Z(T, V, µ ~ , m)
~ . (4.4.2)
4.4 QCD at non-zero temperature and density 79

Applying standard thermodynamic relations one ob- In order to probe the restoration of the global chiral
tains other observables of interest; e.g. the energy den- symmetries one analyzes the chiral condensate and its
sity is related to the trace anomaly of the energy-momen- susceptibilities,
tum tensor, Θµµ , T ∂ T
hχ̄χif = ln Z = hTrMf−1 i , (4.4.7)
Θµµ  − 3P ∂P/T 4 V ∂mf V
= 4
≡T , (4.4.3) ∂hχ̄χif ∂hχ̄χif
T T ∂T χfmg = , χft = T . (4.4.8)
∂mg ∂T
and the conserved charge densities are obtained as,
The former is an order parameter for the restoration
nX ∂P/T 4 of the SU (nf )L × SU (nf )R chiral flavor symmetry of
= , X = B, Q, S . (4.4.4)
T3 ∂ µ̂X QCD and distinguishes, in the limit of vanishing quark
While the framework of lattice QCD provides easy masses, a symmetry broken phase at low temperature
access to QCD thermodynamics at vanishing values from a chiral symmetry restored phase at high temper-
of the chemical potentials, major difficulties arise at ature,
µf 6= 0. The fermion determinants, detMf (mf , µf ), are (
> 0 T < Tχ
no longer positive definite when the real part of the lim hχ̄χi` . (4.4.9)
chemical potential is non-zero, Reµ̂f 6= 0. This includes
m` →0 = 0 T ≥ Tχ
the physically relevant case of strictly real chemical po- Similarly one considers the Polyakov loop hLi and its
tentials. The presence of a complex valued integrand susceptibility χL ,
in the path integral makes the application of standard
Monte Carlo techniques, which rely on a probabilistic
interpretation of integration measures, impossible. The

1 X Y
hLi = h TrL i , L = U(x0 ,~x),0̂ ,
two most common approaches to circumvent this prob- Nσ3
~x ~x
x0 =1
lem are to either (i) perform numerical calculations at

χL = Nσ3 hL2 i − hLi2 , (4.4.10)

imaginary values of the chemical potential, µ̂2f < 0 [420,
421], or to (ii) perform Taylor series expansions around to probe the breaking and restoration of the global
µ̂f = 0 [422, 423]. In the former case numerical results Z(Nc ) center symmetry of pure SU (Nc ) gauge theo-
need to be analytically continued to real values of µf . ries; i.e. SU (Nc ) gauge theories at finite temperature,
In the latter case the QCD partition function is written formulated on Euclidean lattices, are invariant under
as, global rotation of all temporal gauge field variables,
U~x,0̂ → zU~x,0̂ , with z ∈ Z(Nc ). The Polyakov loop

ijk expectation value vanishes as long as this center sym-
P/T 4 = ln Z(T, V, µ
~ ) = µ̂i µ̂j µ̂k ,
V T3 i!j!k! B Q S
metry is not spontaneously broken.
(4.4.5) The Polyakov loop expectation value also reflects
the long distance behavior of Polyakov loop correlation
with χBQS
000 ≡ P (T, V, 0)/T and expansion coefficients,
~ 4 functions,
= 0 ⇔ Fq = ∞ , T ≤ Td
|hLi| ≡ lim GL (~x)
∂P/T 4 |~
x|→∞ > 0 ⇔ Fq < ∞ , T > T d
ijk (T ) = , (4.4.6)

i j k

∂ µ̂B ∂ µ̂Q ∂ µ̂S µ̂=0 where
can be determined in Monte Carlo simulations per- GL (~x) = e−Fq̄q (~x,T ) = hTrL~0 TrL~†0 i (4.4.12)
formed at µ̂X = 0. is the correlation function of two Polyakov loops. It de-
The phase structure of QCD can be explored using notes the change in free energy (excess free energy, Fq̄q ),
suitable observables that are sensitive to the sponta- that is due to the presence of two static quark sources
neous breaking and the eventual restoration of global introduced in a thermal medium. At zero temperature
symmetries. They can act as order parameters in cer- this free energy reduces to the potential between static
tain limits of the parameter space spanned by the quark quark sources.
masses. In QCD exact symmetries exist either in the At least in the case of pure gauge theories this pro-
chiral limit, i.e. at vanishing values of nf quark masses, vides a connection between the confinement-deconfine-
or for infinitely heavy quarks, i.e. in pure SU (Nc ) gauge ment phase transition and the breaking of a global sym-
theories, with Nc denoting the number of colors. metry, the Z(Nc ) center symmetry of the SU (Nc ) gauge
group. This symmetry, however, is explicitly broken in

Fig. 4.4.1 First evidence for the existence of a deconfinement phase transition in SU (2) gauge theories using the Polyakov
loop expectation value as an order parameter (left) [424] and a first extrapolation of the phase transition temperature to the
continuum limit (middle) [425] . The right hand figure shows a first comparison of the temperature dependence of the Polyakov
loop (W ≡ h|L|i) and chiral condensate (hψ̄ψi) order parameters in a SU(3) gauge theory [426] .

the presence of dynamical quarks with mass mf < ∞. 1000

Unlike chiral symmetry restoration, deconfinement thus
Fav [MeV]

is not expected to be related to a phase transition in

QCD with physical quark masses. Nonetheless, the con- 500 0.76
sequences of deconfinement, related to the dissolution of 0.81
hadronic bound states, becomes clearly visible in many 0.96
thermodynamic observables.
0 1.02
4.4.2 Early lattice QCD calculations at non-zero 1.50
temperature r [fm]
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Almost immediately after the formulation of QCD as
the theory of strong interaction physics, its consequences Fig. 4.4.2 The so-called color averaged, heavy quark free en-
for strong interaction matter at non-zero temperature ergy (Fav ≡ Fq̄q ) in the vicinity of the pseudo-critical transition
temperature (Tpc ) in 2-flavor QCD [436]. Results shown cover
were examined [427, 428]. It rapidly became obvious
a temperature range from T /Tpc ' 0.75 to T /Tpc ' 2.
that fundamental properties of QCD, confinement and
asymptotic freedom on the one hand [428, 429], and
chiral symmetry breaking on the other hand [430], are metry restoration on the other hand also was studied
likely to trigger a phase transition in strong interac- [426] early on and the question whether or not these two
tion matter that separates a phase being dominated by aspects of QCD may lead to two distinct phase tran-
hadrons as the relevant degrees of freedom from that of sitions in QCD has been considered ever since. Some
almost free quarks and gluons. The notion of a quark- results from these first lattice QCD studies of the ther-
gluon plasma was coined at that time [431]. modynamics of strong interaction matter are shown in
Soon after these early, conceptually important de- Fig. 4.4.1.
velopments it was realized that the formulation of QCD At physical values of the quark masses, neither de-
on discrete space-time lattices, which was introduced confinement nor the effective restoration of chiral sym-
by K. Wilson as a regularization scheme in QCD [80], metry leads to a true phase transition. Still the tran-
also provides a powerful framework for the analysis of sition from the low temperature hadronic to the high
non-perturbative properties of strong interaction mat- temperature partonic phase of QCD is clearly visible
ter through Monte-Carlo simulations [328]. This led to in the pseudo-critical behavior of the heavy quark free
a first determination of a phase transition temperature energy and the chiral condensate respectively. Some re-
in SU (2) [424, 425] and SU (3) [426, 432, 433] gauge cent results on these observables, obtained in simula-
theories, and a first determination of the equation of tions of QCD with light, dynamical quark degrees of
state of purely gluonic matter [434, 435]. The interplay freedom, are shown in Figs. 4.4.2 and 4.4.3.
between deconfinement on the one hand and chiral sym-
4.4 QCD at non-zero temperature and density 81

4.4.3 Global symmetries and the QCD phase di- 25

M ms/ml mπ [MeV]

20 20 160

The early studies of QCD thermodynamics made it

27 140
40 110
clear that universality arguments and renormalization 15 80 80

group techniques, successfully developed in condensed 160 55

matter physics and applied in statistical physics to the 10 Nτ=8

analysis of phase transitions, also can be carried over

to the analysis of the phase structure of quantum field

theories [437, 438]. The renormalization group based ar- 0

T [MeV]

guments for the existence of a second order phase tran- 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180
sition in the universality class of the 3-d Ising model in a Fig. 4.4.3 Quark mass dependence of chiral order parameter,
SU (2) gauge theory, and a first order transition for the M , defined in Eq. 4.4.14 for QCD with two degenerate light
SU (3) color group of QCD [439] have been confirmed quark masses and a strange quark mass tuned to its physical
by detailed lattice QCD calculations [440, 441]. value. Shown are results from calculations on lattices with tem-
poral extent Nτ = 8 performed for several values of the light
In the presence of nf light, dynamical quarks, dis- quark masses [442, 443]. The light quark masses, m` , are ex-
tinguished by a flavor quantum number, it is the chiral pressed in units of the strange quark mass, H = m` /ms . In the
symmetry of QCD that triggers the occurrence of phase figure we give 1/H = ms /m` together with the corresponding
transitions [430]. In addition to a global U (1) symmetry values of the Goldstone pion mass.
that reflects the conservation of baryon number and is
unbroken at all temperatures and densities, the mass- the chiral phase transition is second order for all nf ≤ 6
less QCD Lagrangian is invariant under the symmetry [444].
group In Fig. 4.4.4 (top) we show the original version of
the QCD phase diagram in the plane of two degenerate
U (1)A × SU (nf )L × SU (nf )R . (4.4.13)
light (m` ) and strange (ms ) quark masses, proposed
The SU (nf )L ×SU (nf )R symmetry corresponds to chi- in 1990 [445], together with an updated version from
ral rotations of nf massless quark fields in flavor space. 2021 [444]. Here m` denotes the two degenerate up and
This symmetry is spontaneously broken at low temper- down quark masses, m` ≡ mu = md . This sketch of
atures, giving rise to n2f − 1 massless Goldstone modes, our current understanding of the 3-flavor phase diagram
which for nf = 2 are the three light pions of QCD. They also is supported by the increasing evidence for a non-
have a non-vanishing mass only because of the explicit singular crossover transition in QCD with physical light
breaking of chiral symmetry by a mass term in the QCD and strange quark masses and the absence of any evi-
Lagrangian that couples to the chiral order parameter dence for a first order phase transition at lighter-than-
field χ̄f χf . The axial U (1)A group corresponds to global physical values of the light and strange quark masses
rotations of quark fields for a given flavor f . Although [444, 446]. In the chiral limit, i.e. for vanishing up and
it is an exact symmetry of the classical Lagrangian, it is down quark masses11 , a second order phase transition
explicitly broken in the quantized theory. This explicit will then occur.
breaking of a global symmetry, arising from fluctuations
on the quantum level, is known as the U (1)A anomaly. 4.4.4 The chiral phase transition at non-vanishing
The renormalization group based analysis of the chi- chemical potential
ral phase transition, performed by Pisarski and Wilczek
[430], made it clear that the chiral phase transition is The occurrence of the chiral phase transition is signaled
sensitive to the number of light quark flavors that be- by the vanishing of the light quark chiral condensate. In
come massless. Furthermore, it has been argued in [430] order to remove multiplicative and additive divergences
that the order of the transition may be sensitive to the in hχ̄χi` one considers instead the order parameter M
magnitude of the axial anomaly at non-zero tempera- which is a combination of light and strange quark con-
ture, which is closely related to the temperature depen- densates,
dence of topological non-trivial field configurations.  4
M = 2 ms hψ̄ψi` − m` hψ̄ψis /fK , (4.4.14)
Although it was generally expected that the chiral
phase transition in 3-flavor QCD becomes a first or- 11
Lattice QCD studies of the (2+1)-flavor phase diagram
der phase transition in the chiral limit [430], there is generally are performed with degenerate up and down quark
currently no direct evidence for this from lattice QCD
calculations. In fact, the current understanding is that

χM ms/ml mπ [MeV]
600 20 160
27 140
500 Nτ=8
40 110
400 80 80
160 55


T [MeV]
130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180

Fig. 4.4.5 same as Fig. 4.4.3 but for the chiral susceptibility.

values of the temperature, T ≤ Tc0 . This is a conse-

quence of the breaking of a continuous rather than a
discrete symmetry. The former gives rise to Goldstone
modes, the pions in QCD, which contribute to the chi-
ral condensate and as such to the order parameter M ,

M ∼ a(T ) m` , T < Tc0 . (4.4.18)

As a consequence the chiral susceptibility diverges be-

low Tc0 , χM ∼ 1/ m` , while at Tc0 its divergence is
controlled by the critical exponent δ = 1 + γ/β,
H −1/2 T < Tχ
Fig. 4.4.4 Sketch of the phase diagram of QCD in the plane χM ∼ , (4.4.19)
of degenerate, light up and down quark masses and a strange H 1/δ−1 T = Tχ
quark mass (Columbia plot). The figure shows the original ver-
sion from 1990 [445] (top) and an updated version from 2021 with H = m` /ms . As 1 − 1/δ > 1/2 in all relevant
[444] (bottom). universality classes χM develops a pronounced peak at
small, but non-zero values of the quark masses,
and its derivative with respect to the light quark masses,
i.e. the chiral susceptibility χM χpeak
M ≡ χM (Tpc (H)) ∼ H 1/δ−1 , H = m` /ms .
∂M ∂M
χM = m s + . (4.4.15)
∂mu ∂md mu =md ≡m` The location of such a peak in either χM or similarly in
√ T ∂M/∂T , defines pseudo-critical temperatures, Tpc (H),
Here the kaon decay constant fK = 156.1(9)/ 2 MeV,
which converge to the unique chiral phase transition,
has been used to introduce a dimensionless order pa-
Tc0 , at H = 0. Some results on the quark mass de-
rameter. The scaling behavior of M and χM , have been
pendence of M and χM are shown in Figs. 4.4.3 and
used to characterize the chiral phase transition,
4.4.5, respectively. A scaling analysis of these observ-
ables, performed in [442], led to the determination of
  β
Tc0 −T
A , T < Tc0

M m∼ ` → 0
(4.4.16) the chiral phase transition temperature [442],
 0 , T ≥ Tc0
Tc0 = 132+3
−6 MeV . (4.4.21)

 ∞ , T ≤ Tc0 Similar results have also been obtained in [447] where
χM m∼
` →0
−γ (4.4.17)
a quite different discretization scheme for the fermion

C T −T0 c , T > Tc0
sector of QCD has been used.

where β, γ are critical exponents. For physical light and strange quark masses, corre-
We note that the low temperature behavior of the sponding to H ' 1/27, one finds as a pseudo-critical
order parameter susceptibility, χM , is quite different temperature [448],
from that known, for instance, in the 3-d Ising model.
The susceptibility diverges in the massless limit at all Tpc = 156.5(1.5) MeV , (4.4.22)
4.4 QCD at non-zero temperature and density 83

which is in good agreement with other determinations

octet (spin 1/2) S=−1
of pseudo-critical temperatures in (2 + 1)-flavor QCD
The chiral symmetry group SU (2)L ×SU (2)R is iso- 1.2 N(−) Σ(−)

morphic to the rotation group O(4). It thus is expected

N(+) Σ(+)

that the chiral phase transition for two vanishing light
quark masses is in the same universality class as 3-d, S=−1

O(4) symmetric spin models. In fact, the rapid rise of 1.4

χM , shown in Fig. 4.4.5, is consistent with a critical 1.2 Λ(−) Ξ(−)

exponent in this universality class, δ = 4.824 [452]. Λ(+) Ξ(+)

However, a precise determination of this exponent in 1

2-flavor QCD is not yet possible. This leaves open the 0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150

possibility for other symmetry breaking patterns and T [MeV]

other universality classes playing a role in the chiral Fig. 4.4.6 Temperature dependence of masses of parity part-
limit of 2-flavor QCD [453]. In fact, the discussion of ners in the baryon octet [455].
such possibilities is closely related to the yet unsettled
question concerning the influence of the axial U (1)A 850 mscr. [MeV] ūd
symmetry on the chiral phase transition. For a recent 800
review on this question see, for instance [454]. 700
Thermal masses and screening masses 500
ms /ml
The restoration of symmetries is reflected also in the 450 a0
400 27 π
modification of the hadron spectrum at non-zero tem- 350 40 a0
300 40
perature. Interactions in a thermal medium lead to mod-
250 80 a0
ifications of resonance peaks that can modify the loca- 200
80 π

tion of maxima and the width of spectral functions that 100 T /Tpc,cont. (ms /ml )

control properties of hadron correlation functions. This 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35

gives rise to so-called thermal masses as well as thermal

m2s (χπ − χa0 )/fK
screening masses that control the long-distance behav- 900 ūd
ior of hadron correlation functions in Euclidean time
and spatial directions, respectively.
600 ms /ml
A consequence of U (1)A breaking in the vacuum or 500

at low temperature is that masses of hadronic states 400

that are related to each other through a U (1)A trans- 300
formation differ, while they become identical, or close 200
to each other, when the U (1)A symmetry is effectively 100

restored. This is easily seen to happen at high temper- 0

T /Tpc,cont. (ms /ml )
ature. The crucial question, of relevance for the QCD 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35
phase transition, however, is to which extent U (1)A
symmetry breaking is reduced, or already disappeared Fig. 4.4.7 Screening masses (top) and the related susceptibil-
at the chiral phase transition temperature. Settling this ities (bottom) of scalar and pseudo-scalar mesons [456, 457].
question requires the analysis of observables sensitive
to U (1)A breaking close to Tc0 and for smaller-than- changes. At Tpc the masses of parity partners are al-
physical light quark masses. most degenerate.
The calculation of in-medium modifactions of hadron More easily accessible are so-called screening masses,
masses is difficult, but has been attempted for quark which also are obtained from ordinary hadron correla-
masses close to their physical values [455]. Results for tion functions and can be analyzed close to the chiral
the temperature dependence of the mass-splitting of limit. Rather than analyzing the long-distance behav-
parity partners in the baryon octet [455] are shown in ior of hadron correlation functions in Euclidean time,
Fig. 4.4.6. These results suggest a strong temperature one extracts a so-called screening mass from the long-
dependence of the negative parity states while the pos- distance behavior in one of the spatial directions [458,
itive parity partners are not sensitive to temperature 459]. Finite temperature meson screening correlators,
projected onto lowest Matsubara frequency of a bosonic

state, p0 ≡ ω0 = 0, and zero transverse momentum, lying eigenvalues is quite sensitive to the fermion dis-
p⊥ ≡ (px , py ) = 0, are defined by cretization scheme. Using fermions with good chirality
Z β Z even at non-zero lattice spacing seems to be advanta-
geous, although after having performed the extrapola-
GΓ (z, T ) = dτ dxdy MΓ (~r, τ )MΓ (~0, 0)
0 tion to the chiral limit, they should lead to results iden-

z→∞ e
−mΓ (T )z
, ~r ≡ (x, y, z) , (4.4.23) tical with those obtained, e.g. within the staggered dis-
where MΓ ≡ ψ̄Γ ψ is a meson operator that projects cretization scheme. Current results are ambiguous. We
onto a quantum number channel that is selected through show in Fig. 4.4.8 results from a calculation of eigen-
an appropriate choice of Γ -matrices [456, 458]. At large value distributions obtained from calculations with dy-
distances this permits the extraction of the screening namical overlap fermions [460, 461]. These calculations
mass, mΓ , in the quantum number channel selected by provide evidence for a large density of near-zero eigen-
Γ from the exponential fall-off of these correlation func- values and a non-zero eigenvalue density, possibly build-
tions. In Fig. 4.4.7 (left) we show results for the scalar ing up at λ = 0. This is in contrast to calculations
and pseudo-scalar screening masses obtained in (2 + 1)- performed with domain wall fermions [462] as well as
flavor QCD calculations for different values of the light so-called partially quenched calculations that use the
to strange quark mass ratio. The integrated correlation overlap fermion operator to calculate eigenvalue distri-
functions define susceptibilities in these quantum num- butions on gauge field configurations generated with dy-
ber channels, which also should be degenerate, if U (1)A namical staggered fermions [463]. Obviously this subtle
is effectively restored. Both observables seem to sug- aspect of the chiral phase transition is not yet resolved
gest that there remains a significant remnant of U (1)A and the analysis of U (1)A restoration will remain to be
breaking at the chiral phase transition temperature, Tc0 , a central topic in finite temperature QCD in the years
which however reduces quickly above the chiral transi- to come.
tion and gives rise to an effective restoration of U (1)A
at T ' 1.1Tc0 . 4.4.5 The chiral phase transition at vanishing chem-
In the region T > Tc0 the difference between pseudo- ical potential
scalar and scalar susceptibilities is related to the so-
called disconnected part, χdis , of the chiral susceptibil- In the studies of QCD at non-vanishing baryon chemical
ity, χM = χdis + χcon , with potential the search for the existence of a second order
phase transition at physical values of the quark masses,
h(TrM`−1 )2 i − hTrM`−1 i2 , (4.4.24) the critical end point (CEP), finds particular attention.

χdis = 3
4Nτ Nσ It separates the crossover regime at small values of the
χcon =
hTrM`−2 i . (4.4.25) chemical potential from a region of first order phase
2Nτ Nσ3 transitions, which is predicted in many phenomenologi-
The disconnected chiral susceptibility can be expressed
by an integral over the eigenvalue density, ρ(λ), of the
fermion matrix Mf ,
Z ∞
χdis = dλ ρ(λ) 2 ` 2 2 . (4.4.26)
0 (λ + m` )
In the chiral symmetric phase the density of vanish-
ing eigenvalues, ρ(0), vanishes. In order for χdis to be
nonetheless non-zero in the chiral limit, the density of
near-zero eigenvalues needs to converge to a non-vanish-
ing value (δ-function) at λ = 0 in the limit m` → 0 and
V → ∞. Controlling the various limits involved and
also taking into account that the pseudo-critical tran-
sition temperature, Tpc (H), has a sizeable quark mass
dependence is difficult. Nonetheless, studies of the tem-
perature dependence of the eigenvalue density of the
Dirac matrix are crucial for a detailed understanding of
the influence of the U (1)A anomaly on the QCD phase
Fig. 4.4.8 Eigenvalue density of the overlap fermion matrix
transition. Not surprisingly, it turns out that at non- obtained in calculations with dynamical overlap fermions [460].
zero values of the lattice spacing the spectrum of low
4.4 QCD at non-zero temperature and density 85

diagram in the m` -T -µB space (see Fig. 4.4.9) suggests

that a possible CEP in the phase diagram may exist
<latexit sha1_base64="PtEdR2YNBuJ641EKAYHk1feyhLk=">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</latexit>
only at a temperature,
T CEP (µCEP ) < 130 MeV , µCEP > 400 MeV .
<latexit sha1_base64="epkqTGtzueEokMDNXIlZJjFcdbI=">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</latexit>

<latexit sha1_base64="tSi3arq9fEomPp9L+m5Zx5ORIqQ=">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</latexit>


Tcep d
Reaching the region µB /T > 3 is a major challenge for
<latexit sha1_base64="5agHLtX5NpAhmxNrbbP8FBCZBXo=">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</latexit>

u, any of the currently used approaches in lattice QCD

calculations as well as for collider based heavy ion ex-

periments that search for the CEP.

µB 4.4.6 Equation of state of strongly interacting

Fig. 4.4.9 Sketch of a possible QCD phase diagram in the
space of temperature (T ), baryon chemical potential (µB ) and The equation of state (EoS) of strongly interacting mat-
light quark masses (mu,d ).
ter, i.e. the pressure and its derivatives with respect to
temperature and chemical potentials provides the ba-
cal models to exist at high density. The CEP is searched sic information on the phase structure of QCD. It is of
for extensively in heavy ion experiments and, if con- central importance not only for the analysis of critical
firmed, would provide a solid prediction for the exis- behavior in QCD but also for the analysis of experimen-
tence of first order phase transitions in dense stellar tal results on strong interaction thermodynamics that
matter, e.g. in neutron stars. are obtained in relativistic heavy ion collision experi-
The dependence of the transition temperature on ments.
the chemical potentials, e.g. Tpc (µB ), can be deduced At vanishing values of the chemical potentials the
from the µB -dependent shift of the peak in the chiral QCD EoS is well controlled and consistent results for
susceptibility. At non-vanishing values of the baryon pressure, energy and entropy densities, as well as de-
chemical potential, µB , the QCD phase transition tem- rived observables such as the speed of sound or spe-
perature in the chiral limit as well as the region of cific heat, have been obtained by several groups [466,
pseudo-critical behavior in QCD with its physical quark 467]. We show results for some of these observables in
mass values shifts to smaller values of the temperature. Fig. 4.4.10. The figure on the right shows the square
This shift has been determined in calculations with of the speed of sound, c2s , as function of the energy
imaginary values of the chemical potentials as well as density. It can be seen that c2s has a minimum in the
from Taylor series expansions of the order parameter M transition region, sometimes called the softest point of
and its susceptibility χM . Using a Taylor series ansatz the QCD EoS [469]. The energy density in the vicinity
for Tpc (µB ), of the pseudo-critical temperature (Tpc ' 155 MeV) is
found to be,
 2  4 !
µB µB
Tc (µB ) = Tc 1 − κ2 B
− κ4B
(4.4.27) c ' (350 ± 150) MeV/fm3 , (4.4.29)
Tc0 Tc0
which is compatible with the energy density of the nu-
one finds for the curvature coefficients κB
2 ' 0.012 while cleon, mN /(4πrN 3
/3) for nucleon radii in the range rN =
the next correction is consistent with zero in all cur- (0.8 − 1) fm. Also shown in the top figure is the trace
rent studies, e.g. κB
4 = 0.00032(67) [451]. The pseudo- of the energy-momentum tensor, ( − 3P )/T 4 . Its de-
critical temperature Tpc at physical values of the light viation from zero gives some hint to the relevance of
and strange quark masses thus drops to about 150 MeV interactions in the medium (for an ideal gas as well as
at µB ' 2Tpc . This is still considerably larger than to leading order in high temperature perturbation the-
the chiral phase transition temperature, Tc0 , determined ory one has  = 3P ). Not unexpected this is largest
at µB = 0. As various model calculations [464, 465] close to the transition region and decreases only slowly
suggest that the CEP at non-zero µB is located at a in the high temperature regime. This large deviations
temperature below Tc0 one thus needs to get access to from ideal gas or perturbative behavior is seen in many
thermodynamics at large chemical potentials. Assum- observables at temperature Tpc < T < 2Tpc .
ing that the curvature of the pseudo-critical line does Calculations of the equation of state as a function
not change drastically at large values of the chemical of T and µB have been performed using direct simula-
potentials, our current understanding of the QCD phase tions at imaginary chemical potentials, which then get


4 non-int. limit


2 εc
stout HISQ 0.20
1 0.15
s/4T4 HRG

T [MeV] ε [GeV/fm3]
0 0.10
130 170 210 250 290 330 370 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 40

Fig. 4.4.10 Left: Pressure, energy and entropy densities in (2+1)-flavor QCD at vanishing chemical potential. The figure is taken
from [466]. Also shown in the figure are results obtained with the stout discretization scheme for staggered fermions [467]. Right:
The speed of sound as function of energy density.

µQ = 0, nS=0
Δ P /T4 nB /T3
0.4 0.3
Pd[4,4] Pd[3,4]
O(µB / T)8
0.25 O(µB / T)7
0.2 0.15
T [MeV] T [MeV]
0 0
135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175
Fig. 4.4.11 µB -dependent contribution to the pressure (left) and net baryon number density (right) in (2+1)-flavor QCD at
several values of the baryon chemical potential chemical potential, µ/TB = 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, (bottom to top) and for µ̂B = 2.0.
Shown are results from Taylor expansion up to eighth order in µ̂B in the pressure series for isospin symmetric (µQ = 0) strangeness
neutral (nS = 0) matter and corresponding Padé approximants obtained from these Taylor expansion coefficients. The figures are
taken from [468].

analytically continued to real values of the chemical po- In the context of Taylor expansions a natural way to
tentials [470], as well as calculations using up to eighth proceed is to use Padé approximants, which provide a
order Taylor expansions in µB [468]. Results of such cal- resummation of the Taylor series and reproduce this
culations agree well for µB /T ≤ (2 − 2.5). In Fig. 4.4.11 series, when expanded for small µB [468, 475]. Results
we show results for the µB -dependent contribution to from [4,4] and [3,4] Padé approximants for the pressure
the pressure and net baryon number density. Compar- and number density series, respectively, are also shown
ing Fig. 4.4.11 (left) with Fig. 4.4.10 (left) shows that in Fig. 4.4.11. The good agreement with the Taylor se-
at µB /T ' 2 and T ' Tpc the pressure increases by ries for µB /T ≤ 2.5 gives confidence in the validity of
about 30%, which is due to the increase in number of the Taylor series results and once more seems to rule
baryons in the medium. out the occurrence of a CEP in this parameter range.
At larger values of the baryon chemical potential
the Taylor series will not convergence due to the pres- 4.4.7 Outlook
ence of either poles in the complex µB -plane or a real
pole, that may correspond to the searched for CEP. Achieving better control over the influence of the ax-
The occurrence of poles in the complex plane also gen- ial anomaly on the QCD phase transition in the chi-
erates problems for the analytic continuation of results ral limit at vanishing chemical potentials and getting
obtained in simulations at imaginary values of µB as a better control over the dependence of the QCD phase
suitable ansatz for the continuation needs to be found. diagram at large non-zero values of the chemical poten-
Many approaches to improve over straightforward Tay- tials certainly are the two largest challenges in studies
lor series approaches or simulations at imaginary chem- of QCD thermodynamics for the next decade.
ical potential are currently being discussed [471–474].
4.5 Spectrum computations 87

4.5 Spectrum computations

* *
H Hs Hs Bc Bc
© 2012 Andreas Kronfeld/Fermi Natl Accelerator Lab.

Jozef Dudek



4.5.1 Motivation for hadron spectroscopy 1600


Many decades of experimental data collection has lead 1200

to a compendium of observed hadrons[476], most of 1000

which are short-lived resonances. The job of hadron 800

spectroscopy is to understand the patterns in the spec-


trum, such as the distribution of states by spin, par-


ity and flavor, and which decays are preferred by which 0
π ρ η ω
states. These patterns are typically interpreted in terms
K ∗ η′ φ N Λ Σ Ξ ∆ ∗ ∗ Ω

of models or ‘pictures’ of hadron structure in which e.g. Fig. 4.5.1 Summary of hadron spectrum calculations taken
from Ref. [478]. Different symbol shapes indicate different quark
certain mesons are assigned status as q q̄, as glueballs, discretizations, while the colors (red, orange, green, blue) indi-
as hybrids, as higher quark Fock states, or as molecular cate an increasing level of systematic control in the calculation.
states of lighter hadrons[477]. b-flavored meson masses are shifted down by 4000 MeV.
For a long time, simplified dynamical models whose
connection to QCD is often obscure have dominated the
4.5.3 Expanding the scope of lattice spectroscopy
field, and through these significant intuition has been
developed, but in recent years lattice QCD has matured
There are relatively few calculations in which hadron
to the level where it can address the physics of excited
masses have been determined with a somewhat com-
hadrons directly. Using this tool we aim to build an
plete study of systematics, and they have been largely
understanding of how QCD binds quarks and gluons
restricted to those situations where only a single comple-
into hadrons from first principles.
tely-connected Wick contraction features in the rele-
vant correlation function, and where the state of inter-
4.5.2 Precise mass determination for stable hadrons est is the lightest with a given quantum number.
Examples which require something beyond this in-
As described in Sec. 4.2, hadron masses can be deter- clude isoscalar mesons in which quark-antiquark annhi-
mined from the large time behavior of two-point corre- lation diagrams must be computed. Conventional prop-
lation functions utilizing operators with the quantum agator techniques cannot handle these diagrams, and
numbers of hadrons constructed from quark and gluon while various stochastic techniques have been used, it
fields. These correlation functions are calculated using was the introduction of the distillation approach [483]
quark propagators computed with a particular choice which not only opened up isoscalar meson spectroscopy
of discretization of the QCD action, and particular val- but also the determination of multiple excited states.
ues of parameters which set the lattice spacing and the Distillation is in essence a quark-field smearing im-
quark masses. When seeking precise determination of plementation, where the smearing operator,
hadron masses, one can calculate with several quark
masses and lattice spacings, and attempt to extrapo- N
vi (x) vi† (y),
late to the physical limit where the quark mass takes 2(x, y) =
its true value and where the lattice spacing becomes i=1

zero. is constructed from a limited number of low-lying eigen-

Figure 4.5.1 (taken from Ref. [478]) summarizes a vectors of the gauge-covariant spatial Laplacian,
number of efforts in this direction, showing the masses
for low-lying mesons and baryons constructed from light, −∇2 vi (x) = λi vi (x).
strange, charm and bottom quarks, comparing the com-
All quark fields in hadron interpolating operators are
puted values to measured values. Clear agreement is ob-
smeared by this operator, enhancing overlap with low-
served for many stable or nearly-stable hadrons. With
lying states. The unique advantage of this approach
increasing levels of precision on the mass estimates,
though is the way that the outer-product nature of the
the role of small effects like QED become important,
smearing operator allows a factorization of correlation
and in recent years, these too have been estimated (e.g.
functions into objects describing hadron operators, in-
Refs [479–482]) .
dependent of objects called “permabulators” describing

quark propagation, cubic symmetry. Using a basis like this, with the vari-
X † ational analysis approach presented above, can lead to
τij (t, t0 ) = vi (x)M −1 (x, t; y, t0 )vj (y). results like those shown in Figure 4.5.2. The extracted
spectrum shows many of the systematics of the exper-
Annihilation contributions can be handled straightfor- imental meson spectrum such as the J P C ordering of
wardly using timeslice-to-timeslice perambulators, τij (t, t). states and the presence of an “OZI-rule” in the hidden-
The factorization within distillation allows for mas- light/hidden-strange composition of isoscalar mesons
sive re-use of the propagation objects, so that the in- (dominantly ideal flavor mixing except for a few notable
version time cost of building a set of permabulators is exceptions like 0−+ ). Also present in these extracted
amortized over a huge number of subsequent calcula- spectra are mesons with exotic J P C = 1−+ , 0+− , 2+− ,
tions12 . In the context of determining excited states, it i.e. those not accessible to just a q q̄ pair. Examining
allows for the computation of many correlation func- which interpolating operators are the largest compo-
tions using a large basis of interpolating operators. nents in the optimal operators for these states, we ob-
While in principle any single correlation function serve the presence of non-trivial gluonic structures, and
it is natural to interpret these states as hybrid mesons.
Non-exotic J P C states high in the spectrum are also ob-
C(t, 0) = an e−Mn t
n served to have these gluonic operator overlaps (states
contains information about the entire excited spectrum, outlined in orange in Fig 4.5.2), and this leads to an
{Mn }, in practice determining the spectrum by fitting identification of the lightest supermultiplet of hybrid
subleading time-dependence is highly unstable. It is ob- mesons [493], ruling out certain previously reasonable
vious for example, that degenerate or near-degenerate models.
states cannot be distinguished by their time-dependence A closely related calculation using a large basis of
alone. A much more powerful approach makes use of operators with baryon quantum numbers appeared in
orthogonality – if one considers a large basis of hadron Refs. [494, 495], with the spectra for N ? (isospin-1/2)
interpolating operators all with the same overall quan- and ∆ (isospin-3/2) excitations shown in Figure 4.5.3.

tum numbers, we expect there to be one linear combi- The calculation presented in Figure 4.5.2 was per-
nation that most effectively produces the ground state, formed with a light quark mass heavier than physical,
another that produces the first-excited state and so on. and at a single lattice spacing, and as such the results
It is straightforward to show that if one forms the ma- cannot be treated as precise, or suitable for direct com-
trix of two-point correlation functions parison to experiment. But in the case of excited spec-
troscopy, precision is not the main aim, rather the in-
Cij (t) = h0|Oi (t) Oj† (0)|0i, tent is to build an understanding of the systematics
of the hadron spectrum having a direct connection to
with a basis of operators {Oi }i=1...N , the optimal com- QCD. In fact there is a more relevant problem with
binations correspond to the eigenvectors of the gener- these results – they do not reflect the complete physics
alized eigenvalue problem, of excited states which lie above hadronic decay thresh-
C(t) vn = λn (t, t0 ) C(t0 ) vn , olds – these states should be unstable resonances, and
resonances are not simply characterized by a mass.
where the eigenvalues give access to the corresponding
mass or energy spectrum, λn (t, t0 ) ∼ e−En (t−t0 ) . This 4.5.4 Resonances and the finite-volume approach
approach is typically referred to as variational analy- to scattering
sis [486–488].
An example of a large basis of operators with the The simplest context in which resonances appear is
quantum numbers of mesons is the one presented in elastic hadron-hadron scattering in which the initial
Ref [484], where smeared quark field bilinears featuring and final states are identical, and the amplitude can
up to three gauge-covariant derivatives are used [489– be expanded in partial-waves. Resonances of definite
492]. In order to respect the reduced rotational sym- spin appear as enhancements in a single partial-wave
metry of the cubic lattice, operators of definite J P are in the continuous energy spectrum, and formally may
subduced into irreducible representations (irreps) of the be associated with pole singularities at complex values
of the scattering energy.
There is also a stochastic implementation of distilla-
tion [485], which is argued to have a better cost-scaling with
In a finite spatial volume, such as that provided by
the volume of the lattice, but at the cost of somewhat less flex- the lattice, there can be no continuous energy spectrum,
ibility in re-use. and instead only a discrete spectrum, but it is easy
4.5 Spectrum computations 89






Fig. 4.5.2 Spectrum of excited mesons extracted from lattice QCD calculation with heavier that physical light quarks. States
labelled by their J P C . Vertical height of each box represents the statistical uncertainty. Isoscalar meson boxes show the hidden-
light (black) versus hidden-strange (green) composition. States with orange outlines have large overlap with operators featuring
the chromomagnetic field, suggesting an identification as the lightest supermultiplet of hybrid mesons. Taken from Ref. [484].






Fig. 4.5.3 Spectrum of excited baryons extracted from lattice QCD calculation with heavier than physical light quarks. States
labelled by their J P . Vertical height of each box represents the statistical uncertainty. States colored orange have large overlap
with operators featuring the chromomagnetic field, suggesting an identification as the lightest supermultiplet of hybrid baryons.
Taken from Refs. [494, 495].

to see that this spectrum should be volume-dependent 497], and has been extended many times to now be in a
and sensitive to the infinite-volume scattering ampli- form that is applicable to any number of coupled chan-
tudes. This can be illustrated in one-dimensional quan- nels of two-body scattering (see the review, Ref [498]).
tum mechanics [297] – a finite-length of L can be imple- One way of writing this quantization condition is
mented by applying periodic boundary conditions to a
det 1 + iρ(E) t(E) 1 + iM(E, L) = 0 ,
scattering wavefunction and its derivative. This leads to
a quantization condition on possible allowed momenta, where the scattering t-matrix is a dense matrix in the
pn = 2πL n− L δ(pn ), where δ(p) is the elastic phase-shift space of scattering channels, but block diagonal in an-

that describes scattering. gular momentum, `, while the matrix M, which fea-
This observation is the core principle behind the lat- tures known functions (of essentially kinematic origin)
tice QCD approach to scattering. If the discrete spec- of energy and box-size, is block-diagonal in channels,
trum of states in the finite spatial volume defined by the but dense in `.
lattice can be obtained, it can be used to provide a set The presence of multiple ` in the quantization con-
of constraints on the energy dependence of scattering dition is an important complicating factor that reflects
amplitudes. the fact that the basis of partial waves of definite `,
The analogous formalism for relativistic scattering in which one naturally expands scattering, is not re-
in three spatial dimensions was derived in Refs [496, spected by the reduced rotational symmetry of the cu-

bic boundary of the lattice. The angular momentum non-interacting energy far above the energy region un-
barrier at low energies ensures that in practice only a der consideration will not need to be included.
small finite number of ` values need to be considered. Adding “meson-meson-like” operators to the basis
Eqn. 4.5.1 can be interpreted as follows: if one knew increases the variety of Wick diagrams that need to
the scattering amplitudes t(E), one would seek to find be evaluated, and in general diagrams including quark-
all the zero-crossings of the determinant function for a antiquark annihilation are present. Distillation is a very
fixed value of L, and these would determine the finite- powerful tool to evaluate these diagrams using previ-
volume spectrum, En (L), corresponding to this scatter- ously computed perambulators, without the need to
ing amplitude. Of course in practice, lattice QCD will make further approximations, or to introduce noise through
supply the discrete finite-volume spectra and one must stochastic approaches.
work backwards to find the corresponding t(E).
One situation in which this is relatively straightfor- 4.5.5 Elastic meson-meson scattering
ward is when we are in an energy region where only
elastic scattering is kinematically allowed, and where An example of the approach described in the previous
one partial wave, `, is dominant. In this case Eqn. 4.5.1 section is presented in Fig 4.5.4 which shows the P -
reduces to the simple form cot δ` (E) = M`,` (E, L). In wave of ππ scattering with isospin–1. The calculation,
this case, given a lattice QCD determined finite-volume done with light-quark masses such that the pion mass is
energy E, one simply plugs into the right-hand-side to 391 MeV, computed the finite-volume spectrum in three
obtain a value of the scattering phase-shift at that en- lattice volumes. The panels on the left show the spec-
ergy. If enough finite-volume energies are determined, tra in the rest frame ([000]) and several frames in which
in one or more lattice volumes, the energy dependence the ππ system has a net momentum P = 2π L [nx ny nz ].
of δ` (E) can be mapped out. Each discrete energy is used to obtain a value of δ1
So the job of lattice QCD computation in studies of at the same energy, and these are plotted in the right
resonances is to provide accurate discrete finite-volume panel, where the behavior is clearly that of a narrow
spectra. In order for calculations to resolve the full dis- resonance. The energy dependence can then be fitted
crete spectrum of states (as opposed to the limited set using a Breit-Wigner or other suitable amplitude pa-
described in the previous section) it proves necessary to rameterization from which the mass and width of the ρ
include in the basis of operators a set which resemble resonance can be determined.
pairs of mesons. These “meson-meson-like” operators Calculations like this one, of the ρ resonance, have
are typically constructed from a product of two quark- become mainstream within the lattice community [499,
bilinears, with each one being projected into a definite 501–512]13 , and the vector K ∗ resonance in Kπ scatter-
momentum. The important difference with respect to ing is similar (although in this case one has to deal with
the single quark-bilinear operators described in the pre- the effect of S-wave scattering in moving frames) [507,
vious section, is that the “meson-meson-like” operators 513–517]. The elastic scattering amplitudes do not need
sample the entire spatial volume, causing them to have to be resonant for this approach to be used, an exam-
a much enhanced overlap with finite-volume eigenstates ple is ππ scattering with isospin–2 where the relatively
resembling a pair of mesons. weak effects can be resolved [500, 508, 518–522].
A basis of “meson-meson-like” operators can be con- Pion-pion scattering with isospin–0 has received less
structed [499–501] and a natural guide to which are attention [522–524]. In order to evaluate the relevant
required in any given calculation comes from a non- correlation functions, many diagrams featuring q q̄ an-
interacting energy associated with each such operator. nihilation are required. One example calculation [523]
For example, operators resembling
P a pair of pions with that made use of distillation to evaluate all these di-
` = 0 can be constructed as p̂ Oπ (p)Oπ (−p) where agrams is summarized in Fig 4.5.5, where a function
Oπ (p) is a quark bilinear with the quantum numbers of of the phase-shift as a function of energy is shown for
a pion, and where the sum is over directions of momen- calculations at two different light quark masses. The
tum allowed on a cubic lattice. These operatorsp natu- behavior at the heavier quark mass is that of a system
rally have a non-interacting energy En.r. = 2 m2π + p2 featuring a stable bound state, while at the lower quark
associated with them that corresponds to the energy a mass, which much more closely resembles the experi-
state interpolated by this operator would have if there mental data, there appears to be a broad resonance.
were no residual pion-pion interactions. Because there 13
One calculation has considered the ρ in ππ scattering us-
are interactions, the actual energy spectrum will differ ing two lattice spacings [510], finding no statistically significant
from this, but it should be clear that operators with differences.
4.5 Spectrum computations 91





900 60

800 850 900 950 1000 1050




























Fig. 4.5.4 Isospin–1 ππ scattering with J P = 1− from lattice QCD with mπ = 391 MeV taken from Ref. [499]. Left five panels
show discrete spectrum of states in three lattice volumes, for five values of total ππ momentum. Red curves indicate the non-
interacting ππ energies, and the green dashed line shows the K K̄ threshold where scattering ceases to be elastic. Rightmost panel
shows the P -wave elastic scattering phase-shift determined using the discrete spectrum points which is observed to correspond to
a narrow ρ resonance.

These results provide the first signs within QCD of the particular partial wave) can be described by a t-matrix,
quark mass evolution of the σ meson. tij (E), where the indices i, j run over hadronic chan-
Scattering of mesons featuring charm or bottom quarks nels, e.g. ππ, K K̄ . . ..
can be studied using the same technology [526–538]. Eqn. 4.5.1 controls how the discrete spectrum in a
Relatively few calculations have so far attempted to finite volume is related to the t-matrix, but practical
determine meson-baryon scattering and the baryonic use of this equation when lattice QCD-obtained finite-
resonances therein [539–541], largely because of the in- volume spectra are in hand requires some thought. It is
creased computational cost of such efforts above what is not possible to work energy-level by energy-level as we
required for meson-meson scattering, and the fact that did for elastic scattering, as the t-matrix contains mul-
the lowest-lying resonance, the ∆(1232), only becomes tiple unknowns at each energy. Rather, a successful ap-
unstable for decay to N π at relatively low light-quark proach has been to parameterize the energy-dependence
masses. of t(E), and to attempt to describe the entire finite-
volume spectrum using this parameterization. A χ2 can
4.5.6 Coupled-channel scattering be defined which quantifies the difference between the
finite-volume spectrum obtained from solving Eqn. 4.5.1
The bulk of experimentally observed hadron resonances for a particular parameterization and the lattice QCD
can decay into more than one hadronic final state, and obtained spectrum. This χ2 can be minimized by vary-
as such can be considered to be resonances in coupled- ing the free parameters to obtain a best fit.
channel scattering. Coupled-channel scattering (in a In order to carry this out, it is necessary to construct
appropriate parameterizations of t(E) which must in-
clude all kinematically open channels in the energy re-
1 gion being considered. They must also exactly respect
two-body unitarity which is implicit in Eqn. 4.5.1. A
0.5 rather general framework to achieve this is to use pa-
rameterizations of the K-matrix, which is flexible enough
0 to handle both resonant and non-resonant cases in any
number of channels.
-0.5 The first lattice QCD calculation of coupled-channel
scattering considered the πK, ηK system which was
-1 found to be almost decoupled, with resonances appear-
-0.06 -0.03 0 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 ing coupled only to πK [542, 543]. Since then there has
been a steady stream of calculations of meson-meson
Fig. 4.5.5 Isospin–0 ππ scattering with J P = 0+ from lattice
scattering of gradually increasing complexity [501, 525,
QCD at two pion masses taken from Ref. [523]. Intersection of 531, 544–549].
p cot δ0 with −|p| indicates the presence of a bound-state σ at An example of what can be extracted from lattice
the heavier pion mass which is not present at the lower pion QCD for coupled-channel scattering is shown in Fig-
mass, or in experiment, where a broad resonance is believed to
be present.
ure 4.5.6, taken from Ref. [525]. In this calculation of

1 1
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2

800 1000 1200 1400 800 1000 1200 1400 1600

100 50
200 150
300 200

Fig. 4.5.6 Coupled ππ, K K̄ scattering (also ηη, not shown) computed on three lattice volumes with mπ = 391 MeV. Taken
from Ref. [525]. Lower panels show resonance pole locations found by analytically continuing into the complex energy plane. In
J P = 0+ case, ratio of couplings of f0 resonance to ππ, K K̄ given. In J P = 2+ case, branching fractions of two resonances to
ππ, K K̄ final states are given.

coupled ππ, K K̄, ηη scattering, performed with 391 MeV same total J P can be constructed by more than one
pions, the finite volume spectrum was found in three hadron-spin, orbital angular momentum combination.
lattice volumes and several moving frames, leading to For example, if one scatters a vector ω meson from a
57 energy levels to constrain the S-wave t-matrix and pion, J P = 1+ can be constructed from ` = 0 or from
36 levels to constrain the D-wave. ` = 2, or using the spectroscopic notation, 3S 1 , 3D1 .
We observe a highly non-trivial energy-dependence In this case, even if πω is the only channel accessible,
in the S-wave where a broad enhancement at low en- one still has a system of coupled-partial-waves, and a
ergies is followed by a dip in the ππ → ππ amplitude two-dimensional t-matrix.
at the K K̄ threshold, while amplitudes leading to a A version of Eqn. 4.5.1 still holds in such situa-
K K̄ final state turn on rapidly at threshold. While this tions, and once again, provided enough energy levels
energy dependence does not “by-eye” immediately sug- can be computed in lattice QCD to provide sufficient
gest a simple resonance interpretation, the t-matrix can constraint, the t-matrix can be determined. An exam-
be analytically continued to complex energies, and two ple is shown in Figure 4.5.7 where coupled πω, πφ scat-
poles are found: one lies below ππ threshold and corre- tering was studied with pions of mass 391 MeV. With
sponds to the stable σ discussed earlier, while the sec- light quarks as heavy as this, the ω and φ mesons are
ond lies close to the K K̄ threshold, and might be asso- absolutely stable. A clear resonant behavior is observed
ciated with the experimental f0 (980) resonance (which which can be associated with the experimental b1 (1235)
also appears as a sharp dip in ππ scattering). This res- state, and the couplings at the pole yield a value for the
onance pole has large couplings to both ππ and K K̄. D/S amplitude ratio, a quantity that has been mea-
These results prove to be robust to variations in the sured previously (references are listed in Ref. [476]).
detailed form of the amplitude parameterization. The coupled channel technology has also been ap-
The D-wave result reflects more closely our intu- plied to scattering systems with charmed mesons [531,
itive picture of resonances, with two bumps appearing, 549], and recently, for the first time to a scattering sys-
associated to two pole singularities. The lighter state tem housing an exotic J P C resonance believed to be a
dominantly couples to ππ, and a heavier narrower state hybrid meson [547]. For meson resonances having de-
is dominantly coupled to K K̄, a situation that is very cays only to one or more two-body final states, rigor-
similar to the experimental f2 (1270), f20 (1525) states. ous study within lattice QCD is today a reality, with
The selective final state couplings reflect the ‘OZI-rule’ observables being the mass and width of the resonance,
emerging dynamically from a non-perturbative calcu- as well as the couplings to decay channels, all of which
lation if we interpret the lighter state as dominantly follow from scattering amplitudes. Going beyond this,
uū + dd¯ and the heavier as dominantly ss̄. more information about resonances can be obtained if
A different complication can occur when the scat- we generalize away from scattering to also consider pro-
tering hadrons have non-zero spin. In this case, the cesses in which an external current probes the system.
4.5 Spectrum computations 93



0.6 2.0

2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5
2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5
Fig. 4.5.8 Upper panel shows the transition amplitude for
0.002 πγ → ππ with J P = 1− computed from a lattice QCD calcu-
lation with mπ = 391 MeV for two sample values of the photon
1250 1300 1350 1400 1450 1500 virtuality. The lower panel shows the corresponding ππ → ππ
elastic scattering amplitude. Taken from Ref. [551].

1250 1300 1350 1400 1450 1500

As well as computation of experimentally measur-
-50 able processes (such as the heavy flavor decays), this



-100 approach also allows us to compute in lattice QCD

-150 quantities that cannot be easily accessed in experiment.
For example, analytically continuing the transition am-
plitude obtained above to the ρ resonance pole, one
Fig. 4.5.7 Coupled πω, πφ scattering, with πω in coupled obtains a resonance transition form-factor ρ → πγ ∗ ,
partial waves, 3S 1 , 3D1 , computed on three lattice volumes with whose virtuality dependence can be used to infer struc-
mπ = 391 MeV. Taken from Ref. [546]. b1 resonance pole and
tural information about the ρ. A recent extension of
coupling to channels shown in bottom panel.
the finite-volume formalism [557] to be able to handle
processes like ππγ → ππ will allow us to compute the
4.5.7 Beyond scattering true resonance form-factors.

An extension of the finite-volume formalism allows us to 4.5.8 The three-hadron frontier and other chal-
study systems in which a stable hadron emits or absorbs lenges
an electroweak current and transitions into a pair of
strongly-interacting hadrons which may resonate. Ap- The progress reported above in the two-hadron sector
plications include semileptonic heavy flavor decays with has opened up the world of hadron resonance spec-
resonances in the final state, e.g. B → `+ `− K ∗ where troscopy to first principles study using lattice QCD, but
the K ∗ decays to Kπ. To date the only application of to go further an extension in formalism is required. The
this technology has been to a simpler reaction, γπ → applicability of Eqn. 4.5.1 is limited to energies below
ππ, where the final state features the ρ resonance [550– the lowest three-hadron threshold, and this is particu-
552]. The approach requires first the determination of larly constraining as the light quark mass is decreased
the ππ elastic scattering amplitude as described ear- and the threshold for πππ becomes very low, lower than
lier, followed by computations of three-point correla- the mass of most interesting resonances.
tion functions, from which transition matrix elements Development of finite-volume formalism to extend
are extracted. The effect of the finite-volume is en- into the three-body sector has been underway for some
coded in a correction to the normalization of the ππ time, making use of several approaches to three-body
state [553–555] that requires knowledge of the scatter- scattering, and they are now converging to a consensus,
ing amplitude. Figure 4.5.8 illustrates one result of such as reviewed in Ref. [558]. The resulting formalism is, as
a calculation, showing the transition matrix element for one might expect, significantly more complicated than
πγ → ππ (for two sample values of photon virtuality) in the two-body case, but the essential idea is still the
along with the elastic ππ scattering amplitude – the same – the input from lattice is a set of discrete energy
clear ρ resonance is present in both.

Fig. 4.5.9 A lattice QCD determination of the spectra in two volumes of isospin–2 ππ and isospin–3 πππ with mπ = 391 MeV.
Orange curves show a description of these spectra using two-body and three-body finite-volume formalism with the amplitudes
shown on the right. Taken from Ref. [556].

levels, now computed in channels with the quantum 4.5.9 Summary

numbers of a three-hadron system.
The lattice QCD determinations of the finite-volume The progress in applying lattice to problems in hadron
spectra follow a similar pattern to those described above, spectroscopy, as illustrated in this volume, suggests we
including now operators resembling systems of three- have the beginnings of a rigorous foundation for the
hadrons, but these are relatively straightforward to com- subfield, grounding it in first-principles QCD. The ex-
pute. The first investigations have focussed mostly on perimental hadron spectrum is already well studied,
systems of maximal isospin [556, 559–562], e.g. πππ and there is a considerable corpus of model-based un-
with isospin–3, where there are no resonances either derstanding, with which the lattice effort has to catch
in the three-hadron system, nor in the two-hadron sub- up. But already, with examples like the hybrid me-
systems. son spectrum, lattice calculations are resolving long-
An example is presented in Figure 4.5.9 where we standing conflicts. The ability to resolve excited hadrons
see discrete lattice QCD energy levels in two volumes as they truly are, as unstable resonances, makes a more
for the ππ isospin–2 system and the πππ isospin–3 sys- direct connection to experiment possible, and the fact
tem. These spectra can be described by two-body and that calculations are possible of quantities which cannot
three-body scattering amplitudes propagated through be easily reached in experiments, like resonance form-
the finite-volume formalism, as shown by the orange factors, provides an opportunity to explore the inter-
curves. The amplitudes, as shown on the right of the nal structure of states that are otherwise poorly under-
figure (see the paper for the definition of the quanti- stood.
ties plotted), are essentially structureless as expected in
this non-resonant system. With proof-of-principle cal-
culations like this one now done, the field is moving 4.6 Hadron structure
towards cases in which there are resonances, either in
Martha Constantinou and K. Orginos
two-body subchannels, or in the three-body system, or
The structure of the nucleon has been a central com-
ponent to the development of QCD. Fundamental prop-
4.6 Hadron structure 95

erties of strong interactions, such as asymptotic free- Typical nucleon interpolating fields can be written as
dom, were discovered while trying to unravel the nature abc,ijk abc Cijk qi qj qk with Cijk appropriate weights.
s a b c s
of the nucleon. Hofstadter’s elastic electron scattering For a discussion of how these weights are obtained, see
experiments [563] discovered the first indications of a Ref. [564]. In the limit of t  t0  0 the above correla-
complex structure inside the proton. Later on, Deep tor can be written as
Inelastic Scattering (DIS) discovered that partons, the 0
s,s 0
CΓ,τ (t0 , t) = z s (z s )∗ hs|OΓ,τ |s0 ie−MN t
constituents of the nucleon, are nearly free at short dis-
tances and led to the discovery of asymptotic freedom. where hs|OΓ,τ |s0 i is the desired nucleon matrix element
Confinement, the fact that partons cannot break free and MN is the nucleon mass and z s is the overlap factor
from a hadron, is also a property of strong interactions h0|N s |si. Using appropriate fitting procedure together
that emerges from the study of hadronic structure. It with a nucleon two-point function
was asymptotic freedom that eventually convinced the-
orists that QCD can describe the rich phenomenology C(t) = hN s (t)N (0)i = z s (z s )∗ e−MN t
of strong interactions. one obtains the desired matrix element. In general, these
Since its first exploration more than half a cen- matrix elements require renormalization to obtain the
tury ago, hadronic structure continues to be studied matrix element at a given scale µ in a particular renor-
intensely both experimentally and theoretically. Theo- malization scheme. For a review of various methods
retical studies include computations of various hadronic used in lattice QCD to renormalize quark bi-linear op-
properties using lattice QCD, which offers a powerful erators, we refer the reader to Ref. [565]. Following
non-perturbative, and systematically improvable way this procedure, the nucleon charges have been obtained
of computing fundamental properties of hadrons. This from lattice QCD. The isovector and flavor diagonal
section summarizes the current status of lattice QCD charges are essential quantities that, together with ex-
calculations relevant to hadron structure. We start from perimental observation, can constrain Beyond the Stan-
simple observables such as nucleon charges which are dard Model (BSM) theories. Therefore a significant ef-
important matrix elements for searches for physics be- fort in lattice QCD has been devoted to precise compu-
yond the standard model. We then proceed to a review tations of the nucleon charges.
of computations of nucleon form factors which are ob- Establishing the lattice formulation of QCD requires
servables that give us information about the low en- that experimentally well-known quantities are correctly
ergy structure of the hadron. Finally, we discuss mod- reproduced from numerical simulations. The axial charge
ern methods for obtaining distribution functions from of the nucleon, gA , falls under this category and has
lattice QCD. Parton distribution functions are the sim- been under investigation for several years. The field ex-
plest of such observables, which are relevant to under- hibits tremendous progress and among the highlights is
standing high-energy scattering experiments and give
us a one-dimensional picture of the hadron. General-
ized parton distribution functions (GPDs) and Trans-
verse Momentum dependent distributions (TMDs) and FLAG average for = + +
= + +

their determination from lattice QCD will also be dis- CalLat

cussed. CalLat
CalLat 18
4.6.1 Nucleon Charges FLAG average for = +
Nucleon matrix elements of local quark bi-linear opera- PACS 18
= +

QCD 18
tors of the form OΓ,τ (t) = q̄(t)Γ τ q(t) define the nucleon LHPC 12A
charges. Here Γ is a general spin matrix and τ a flavor RBC/UKQCD
LHPC 05 08B
matrix. Isovector charges are obtained when τ = τ3 Mainz 17
the diagonal flavor Pauli matrix, while flavor diagonal ETM
RQCD 1413
charges are defined with an appropriate choice of τ that QCDSF

RBC 12
08 06
selects individual flavors. Nuclear matrix elements are QCDSF
obtained through computations of three-point functions PDG

of the form 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

s,s0 0 s0
CΓ,τ (t , t) s 0
= hN (t)OΓ,τ (t )N (0)i , (4.6.1) Fig. 4.6.1 Lattice QCD determinations of the isovector axial
charge compared to the experimental world average is taken
where N s (t) is a nucleon interpolating field at time from PDG. Figure from Ref. [63], and reprinted based on the
t, with helicity s and projected to zero momentum. arXiv distribution license.

the calculation of gA with controlled statistical uncer- where E(p) is the energy of the nucleon with momen-
tainties. The Flavour Lattice Averaging Group (FLAG) tum p and z s is the overlap factor h0|N s (~ p)|s, p~i. The
periodically reviews lattice results on several quanti- matrix element hs, p~|OΓ,τ |s , p~ i is related to the appro-
0 0

ties, including gA , and produces the FLAG averages. priate form factor for the operator OΓ,τ and is extracted
In Fig. 4.6.1, we provide a summary plot of lattice cal- with appropriate fitting methodology (see Refs. [569–
culations [63] demonstrating that lattice results have 571] for details of some of these methods).
improved in accuracy over the years and recent calcula- In the case of the electromagnetic form factor where
tions at the physical point agree with the experimental Γ = γµ and the flavor matrix combines the flavors of
average. quarks with their appropriate charges, the matrix ele-
The overall progress stimulated an intense activity ment is
in the field of hadron structure with the study of a large hs, p~|
ef q̄f γµ qf |s0 , p~0 i
class of observables, some of which are known experi- f
mentally, but many that are still unexplored or difficult  
iσµν ν
to measure [63, 566]. The investigations include nucleon = Ū (~ 2
p) F1 (Q ) + 2
p0 )
q F2 (Q ) U (~ (4.6.6)
charges such as the tensor and scalar and form factors
for mesons and baryons. Selected results with simula- where U (~p) is the spinor associated with the nucleon,
tions at physical quark masses can be found in Refs. [63, qµ = pµ − p0µ , Q2 = −q 2 , and F1 , F2 the two Lorentz
566]. invariant Dirac and Pauli form factors. The electric and
magnetic form factors are defined as
4.6.2 Nucleon Form factors Q2
GE (Q2 ) = F1 (Q2 ) − F2 (Q2 )
4M 2
The Nucleon form factors are important properties of GM (Q2 ) = F1 (Q2 ) + F2 (Q2 ) . (4.6.7)
the nucleons that are essential for understanding their
interactions in low-energy scattering experiments. They With these form factors we can define the charge radius
convey information about the internal structure of the hrE2
i and the magnetic radius hrM
i of the nucleon as
hadron and their response to external probes, such as dGE (Q2 )

electromagnetic and weak currents. Properties such as hrE i = −6
dQ2 Q2 =0
the internal distribution of electric currents and charge
6 dGM (Q2 )

and the size of the hadron can be deduced from elec- 2
hrM i = − . (4.6.8)
tromagnetic form factors. Axial form factors describe GM (0) dQ2 2 Q =0
the response of the hadron to external weak interaction Because of the finite volume in lattice QCD com-
probes. Future experiments, such as DUNE at Fermi- putations, the form factors are only known on a set of
lab [567] and Hyper-Kamiokande [568], that aim to un- discrete points. The full Q2 dependence is recovered by
derstand the properties of neutrinos, will require precise fitting the data points to particular phenomenologically
knowledge of the Nucleon axial form factors in order motivated forms. The simplest such form is the dipole:
to achieve the precision they aim for. Therefore, lat-
tice QCD computations of the Nucleon form factors are Fdipole (Q2 ) =  2 , (4.6.9)
deemed essential and are vigorously pursued by several Q2
1 + M2
groups at this point. Advances in lattice QCD methods

and computer hardware make such computations pos- where rF is the residue and MF2 is a mass parameter
sible with sufficient precision to impact phenomenol- associated with the form factor at hand. This simple
ogy [569]. parametrization works well for the lattice calculations
Nucleon form factors are matrix element computa- that are typically restricted to low Q2 . Recently the
tions that require 3-point function computations z-expansion [572] given by
0 s0 ∞
(t0 , t; p~, p~0 ) = hN s (~
p, t)OΓ,τ (t0 )N (~
p0 , 0)i , (4.6.4) (4.6.10)
CΓ,τ F (Q2 ) = ak z(Q2 )k ,
where p~ , p~ are the initial and final momenta of the
0 k=0

hadrons. In the limit of t  t0  0, the above cor- with

relator can be written as the matrix element associated p √
tcut + Q2 − tcut − t0
with the form factor, which emerges as:
z(Q ) = p √ , (4.6.11)
tcut + Q2 + tcut − t0
s,s 0 0∗ 0
CΓ,τ (t0 , t; p~, p~0 ) = z(p)s z(p0 )s e−E(p)(t−t )
has been employed for a more flexible parametrization.
(4.6.5) The position of the cut, tcut , is the time-like kinematic
0 0
×hs, p~|OΓ,τ |s0 , p~0 ie−E(p )t
4.6 Hadron structure 97

1.0 Mainz21
0.9 PNDME20
Mainz21 NME21
0.8 ETMC18
0.7 PNDME20
GE(Q 2)

0.4 ETM18
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Q 2 [GeV2] PACS18
Fig. 4.6.2 Status of recent lattice QCD results for the isovec-
tor nucleon electric form factor in comparison with the Kelly LHPC17
parametrization of experimental results (figure from Ref. [573]). 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.6 0.8 1.0
Reprinted under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribu- < rE2 > fm < rM2 > fm
tion 4.0 International license.
Fig. 4.6.3 Lattice results for charge magnetic radii of the nu-
cleon. The vertical bands are the estimates from experiment
(see text for details).
threshold for particle production associated with the
current whose form factor is discussed. The parameter
t0 is the point in Q2 that is mapped to z = 0 and is radii also exist. Lattice QCD calculation results for the
chosen for convenience. magnetic and the charge isovector radius of the nucleon
Multiple lattice QCD collaborations have recently are presented in Fig 4.6.3. In this figure, the magenta
computed the nucleon vector form factors. Several lat- right triangles are PNDME20 [571] using the mixed ac-
tice collaborations have recently computed the isovec- tions with Clover on HISQ, and the green triangles are
tor electric form factor (i.e., the difference between the from ETM18/20 [576, 578] using the twisted-mass ac-
proton and the neutron form factors). After many years tion. Calculations using the Clover fermion action are
of study of various systematics involved, we now have represented by the maroon octagons [575] from Mainz21,
computations with physical quark masses, careful anal- the blue diamonds from PACS18/20 [577, 579], the red
ysis of excited state contamination of the ground state circle is from LHPC17, and the magenta left triangles
matrix element, and large enough volumes to avoid fi- from NME21 [570]. Note that results from [578, 579]
nite volume effects. In Fig. 4.6.2, the lattice data to- are obtained with methods that directly estimate the
gether with the Kelly parametrization [574] of experi- slope of the form factor at Q2 = 0. The vertical bands
mental results are presented. The lattice data of PND- represent the phenomenological values for the radii ob-
ME20 [571] are plotted as blue circles, the Mainz21 [575] tained from the experiment by combining data from
data are the orange triangles, the ETMC18 [576] data the proton and the neutron. In particular the isovector
are the green diamonds, and the PACS18 [577] data are charge rE iv
and magnetic rM iv
radii are given by
the red triangles. All these calculations are performed
with different methodologies and approaches in treat-
2 2
µp rM p − µn rM n
iv iv
ing excited state effects and varying fermion actions in rE = rEp 2 − r2 , r = ,
En M
µp − µn
both the sea and the valence sectors. PNDME20 uses
the HISQ action in the sea sector and smeared Clover
action in the valence sector. The ETMC18 calculations where rEp 2
, rEn
are the proton and neutron charge radii,
use the twisted mass action. Both the Mainz21 and 2
rM p , r 2
Mn are the proton and neutron magnetic radii,
the PACS18 collaborations use Clover fermion actions. and µp , µn are the proton and neutron magnetic mo-
Clearly, there are some tensions between various col- ments. By combining results exclusively from the par-
laborations that will be resolved in future, more refined ticle data group (PDG) [278] we obtain the red bands.
calculations. However, it should be noted that there is a For the charge radius, the cyan band is obtained by
fairly good agreement between the state-of-the-art cal- using the CODATA2018 value for the proton charge
culations and experiment. radius and the neutron charge radius from the recent
Lattice QCD computations of the form factors can work in [580]. The cyan band for the magnetic radius
lead to the determination of the radii of the nucleon. was obtained using the proton radius obtained by [581]
In addition, direct methods of determining the nucleon and the rest of the needed quantities from PDG.

In the case of the isovector axial form factors, one distribution functions, which provide partial informa-
can take τ + as the flavor matrix and Γ = iγ5 γµ and tion on distribution functions.
the resulting matrix element is Lattice QCD calculations have focused on proton
charges, vector, and axial form factors, that are, the
hs, p~|q̄(iγ5 γµ τ + )q|s0 , p~0 i
first Mellin moments of PDFs and GPDs, respectively.
h qµ i
p) FA (Q2 ) +
= Ū (~ p0 ) , (4.6.13)
γ5 FP (Q2 ) U (~ There are also limited studies of the scalar and tensor
charges, as well as the second Mellin moments of PDFs
with FA and FP being the corresponding invariant form and GPDs.
factors. In Fig 4.6.4, recent lattice QCD computations In theory, one can use a large number of Mellin
moments to reconstruct the parton distributions us-
ing an operator product expansion (OPE). Practically,
a proper and exact reconstruction is not possible due
NME 21 PACS 21 to the challenges of calculating reliably high moments;
1.2 RQCD 20
Mainz 21
PACS 18 erratum
the signal-to-noise rapidly decreases, and an unavoid-
1.0 CalLat 21 LHPC 17 able power-law mixing occurs beyond the fourth mo-
ment [588–592]. Therefore, alternative methods are needed
FA (Q2 )

0.8 νD
to obtain the x dependence of distribution functions
from a Euclidean formulation. The realization that ma-
trix elements of momentum-boosted hadrons coupled
with bilinear non-local operators can be related to light-
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 cone distributions has transformed the field of PDF,
Q2 /GeV2
GPDs, and TMDs calculations. The pioneering method
Fig. 4.6.4 Lattice QCD results for the nucleon axial form of Large-Momentum Effective Theory (LaMET) that
factor compared to the experimental results from neutrino uses the aforementioned non-local operators has renewed
deuteron scattering. Figure from Ref. [569] and reprinted under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Interna- the interest of the community to access the x depen-
tional license. dence of parton distributions. Over the years, there
have been several methods proposed: a technique based
on the hadronic tensor [593–595], auxiliary quark field
of the axial form factor are presented. The red band de-
approaches [596–598], a method to obtain high Mellin
notes the parametrized experimental results from neu-
moments using smeared operators [599], LaMET [600,
trino deuteron scattering [582]. The purple band are re-
601], pseudo-ITD [602], current-current correlators [603–
sults from NME21 [570], and the green band are results
605], and a method based on OPE [606].
from RQCD20 [583], where continuum, chiral and finite
In this review, we highlight selected results demon-
volume extrapolations have been performed. The rest
strating the field’s progress. More details can be found
contain results [577, 579, 584–587] from a few ensembles
in the recent reviews [607–611].
and are presented as points without the interpolating
curves. It is clear that although there is tension between
Isovector PDFs
lattice QCD results and experiment, lattice QCD cal-
The isovector leading-twist PDFs have been the most
culations are consistent with each other. As it is argued
well-studied and serve as a benchmark of the various
in Ref. [569] that lattice QCD calculations of axial nu-
methodologies to extract x dependence from lattice data.
cleon form factors may play an essential role in future
Results with ensembles at physical quark masses have
experiments and thus help us better understand neu-
already been obtained for the unpolarized [612–615],
trino physics.
helicity [612, 613, 616] and transversity [613, 617, 618]
PDFs for the proton. Here we focus on the unpolarized
4.6.3 Partonic Structure case that has the most results allowing comparison be-
tween different methods and lattice formulations. The
Information on the internal structure of hadrons is ob-
work of Ref. [613] uses a twisted-mass fermions ensem-
tained through their partonic content, particularly par-
ble with physical pion mass and employs the quasi-
ton PDFs, GPDs, and TMDs (see Sec. 10). These quan-
PDFs method. The lattice spacing is about 0.09 fm,
tities are light-cone correlation functions and cannot be
and the nucleon momentum boost is up to 1.4 GeV.
calculated using the Euclidean formulation of lattice
The unpolarized PDF of Ref. [614] has been obtained
QCD due to the rotation t → iτ . The most common
using the pseudo-ITD framework on three clover Wil-
avenue to proceed is to calculate Mellin moments of
son ensembles with pion mass 172, 278, and 358 MeV;
4.6 Hadron structure 99

a chiral extrapolation has been performed to get the also employs Jacobi polynomials to reconstruct the x
physical point. The pseudo-ITD methodology computes dependence of the distribution [625]. The main results
the Lorentz invariant amplitudes that contribute to the are shown in Fig. 4.6.6. The work of Ref. [623] presents
non-local matrix element and isolates the amplitude a calculation of the gluon PDF for the pion using two
that contains the leading twist contribution. This am- HISQ coarse ensembles (a = 0.12, 0.15 fm) and pion
plitude is a function of the so-called Ioffe time ν, which masses mπ = 220, 310, 690 MeV. While the current sta-
is the Fourier-dual of the momentum fraction x [619– tus of gluon PDFs is exploratory, the available results
621]. The analysis of [614] includes lattice data up to are promising.
Ioffe time ν = 8 for the near-physical mass ensemble.
Finally, the work of Ref. [615] extends and reanalyzes Individual quark PDFs
the data of Ref. [613] within the pseudo-ITD framework Calculations of individual-quark PDFs are challenging
with up to ν = 8. Having three independent calcula- due to the involvement of disconnected diagrams that
tions of the unpolarized PDF allows one to compare increases the statistical fluctuations of the correlators.
them and understand potentially systematic effects re- The flavor decomposition of quark PDFs is interesting
lated to the method and computational setup. Such a in its own right but is also needed to form the flavor-
comparison can be found in Ref. [614], which we include singlet combination to eliminate mixing with the gluon
in Fig. 4.6.5. A good agreement is observed between PDF. The mixing holds only for the unpolarized and
the different calculations, which is very encouraging, as helicity cases; there is no gluon transversity. Further-
each methodology may suffer from different systematic more, the strange and charm quark PDFs are more
effects. susceptible to mixing as they enter the sea sector from
gluon splitting. The effect of mixing is expected to be
Gluon PDFs smaller for the light quarks that appear in the valence
In general, gluon contributions are limitedly studied sector of the proton. The individual light quark un-
due to the enhanced gauge noise, the involvement of polarized, helicity, and transversity PDFs were calcu-
disconnected diagrams, and the challenges in the non- lated in Refs. [629, 630] using an ensemble of twisted
perturbative renormalization. In the case of x-dependent mass fermions at mπ = 260 MeV. The work shows
gluon PDFs, the renormalization cancels out using the that disconnected contributions to the unpolarized and
pseudo-ITD method, which is a significant advantage. transversity PDFs are tiny and can be neglected. How-
Recently, there have been calculations of the gluon PDF ever, calculations at the physical value of the quark
for the proton and the pion using the pseudo-ITD method [622, masses are needed to confirm this. Refs. [629, 630] in-
623]. Ref. [622] presents a calculation using clover fermions clude the strange quark contributions, which may have
at a pion mass mπ = 358 MeV. One novelty of the cal- increased systematic effects due to the mixing with the
culation is the use of the momentum-smeared distilla- gluon PDFs. The same holds for Ref. [631] (clover on
tion technique [624] to suppress gauge noise. The work HISQ, mπ = 220, 310, 690 MeV), which calculates the
strange and charm quark PDFs for the proton.
HadStruc ’20 4.0
ETMC ’18 2 - param(Q)
4 NNPDF3.1
ETMC ’20
3.0 CT18
qv (x)




0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x
Fig. 4.6.6 Lattice QCD results on the gluon PDF from
Fig. 4.6.5 Lattice results for the unpolarized PDF using
Ref. [622] (cyan band) compared to estimates from global anal-
quasi-PDFs [613] (red band) and pseudo-ITDs from Ref. [614]
yses [626–628]. Reprinted under the terms of the Creative Com-
(gray band) and Ref. [615] (blue band). Plot from Ref. [614].
mons Attribution 4.0 International license.
Reprinted under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribu-
tion 4.0 International license.

H(x; 0; !0:69 GeV2 )
0.0 ◆
H(x; 0; !0:69 GeV2 ) △ ◇◆ ◇◆
○ ▲ ◇
3 HT (x; 0; !0:69 GeV2 ) ● ▽ ▽
○ ○● △ ○● ▲● ◆
● ○
▽ ▽▽ △ ○●
□ ▽ ▽ ▲ ○● ◇◆○●
△ ▽ ▽▲ ▽ ○●
-0.5 □ △
□ □
-1.0 ◇
1 ○ ▽ □
△ ◇
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Fig. 4.6.8 Lattice QCD determinations of the Collins-Soper
H(x; 1=3; !1:02 GeV2 )
H(x; 1=3; !1:02 GeV2 ) evolution kernel obtained from Ref. [635] (SWZ 20), Ref. [636]
(LPC 20), Ref. [637] (Regensburg/NMSU 21), and Ref. [638]
HT (x; 1=3; !1:02 GeV2 )
(ETMC/PKU 21), and Ref. [639] (SWZ 21). Figure adapted
from Ref. [639] and reprinted under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
x 4
Fig. 4.6.7 Top: H, H, e HT GPDs t = −0.69 GeV2 , ξ = 0.
Bottom: H, H,e HT GPDs t = −1.02 GeV2 , ξ = 1/3. The un-
polarized, helicity, and transversity data are shown with red, 2
yellow, and purple bands, respectively. Figure from Ref. [633] 1
and reprinted under the terms of the Creative Commons Attri-
bution 4.0 International license. 0

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Fig. 4.6.9 The Wandzura-Wilczek approximation for gT . Fig-
Another progress for lattice QCD is related to calcu- ure from Ref. [640] and reprinted under the terms of the Cre-
lating x-dependent GPDs. These are computationally ative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
more expensive than PDFs due to the momentum trans-
fer between the initial and final hadronic states. The
momentum transfer must be equally split between the
Unlike PDFs and GPDs, TMDs contain, in addition, ra-
initial and final states, as the GPDs are defined in
pidity divergences that require regularization. The reg-
the symmetric frame; such a frame is computationally
ulator is encapsulated within the so-called soft func-
costly, preventing the extraction of GPDs for a dense
tion. The evolution in rapidity of the soft function can
set of values of t. A novel approach that related light-
be studied separately through the Collins-Soper (CS)
cone GPDs to Lorentz-invariant amplitudes has been
kernel. Aspects of the soft function are actively studied
recently proposed [632]. First results on the proton un-
in lattice QCD [631, 635–639, 641], which is the ideal
polarized and helicity GPDs have been obtained us-
formulation as the soft-function is a non-perturbative
ing the quasi-distribution approach [629]. The calcula-
quantity. A summary plot for the CS kernel is shown in
tion is performed on a 260 MeV pion mass ensemble of
Fig. 4.6.8.
twisted mass fermions. The work was extended for the
chiral odd twist-2 GPDs in Ref. [633]. In Fig. 4.6.7, we
compare the three types of GPDs for zero and nonzero
One of the latest developments in extracting x-dependent
skewness. As can be seen, the introduction of nonzero
distribution functions is the exploration of twist-3 PDFs
skewness leads to the appearance of a nontrivial ERBL
and GPDs that contain information on quark-gluon-
region. Another calculation of the unpolarized GPDs
quark correlations [642]. They are also related to the
can be found in Ref. [634], which was originally reported
transverse force acting on transversely polarized quarks
in a non-symmetric frame similar to the one used for
[643] and to the nuclear electric dipole moments [644].
frame-independent form factors.
First exploratory studies of twist-3 PDFs e(x), gT (x),
and hL (x) can be found in Refs. [640, 645–647], with
4.7 Weak matrix elements 101

numerical results for gT (x) and hL (x). An interesting beyond the Standard Model. However, quarks are not
investigation of twist-3 PDFs is the Wandzura-Wilczek free particles when they emit W bosons. The experi-
(WW) approximation [648] according to which the twist- mental measurement of appropriate hadronic weak de-
3 gT can be fully determined by its twist-2 counterpart, cay rates allows us to determine CKM elements but
g1 . The WW approximation can also be studied for hL . only if, as discussed above, we have understood the
In Fig. 4.6.9 one can see gTWW , demonstrating that the strong interaction physics that confines the quarks thro-
approximation holds in some regions of x, but an over- ugh calculation of the appropriate hadronic matrix ele-
all violation of up to 40% is permitted. Note that the ments of the weak current. As we will see below, some of
2-parton twist-3 PDFs mix with quark-gluon-quark cor- the experimental information for weak (and electromag-
relations and the mixing should be addressed within the netic) decay rates is very accurate and correspondingly
matching kernel [649, 650]. accurate theoretical calculations in QCD are needed to
make the most of it. These have always been a high
4.6.4 Outlook priority for lattice QCD. Results have improved over
time to the point where uncertainties are now below
Since the early days of lattice QCD in the 1980s, hadron 1% in some cases. We will discuss the current status
structure calculations have been pursued vigorously. Over below, and briefly mention developments that will lead
the years, the methods used to perform these calcu- to improvements in future.
lations have improved steadily, and the Monte Carlo
methods for sampling the QCD vacuum have reached 4.7.1 Decay constants
the degree of efficiency required for such computations.
Furthermore, computer hardware has now reached the Decay constants are the hadronic parameters that en-
Exaflop era. As a result, calculations for hadron struc- code the amplitude for finding the valence quark and
ture are now achieving unprecedented precision in some anti-quark of a meson at the same point. This is then
cases (ex., nucleon charges). In other cases, new hori- the parameter that is needed to determine the rate of
zons open up, such as the ability to compute the mo- annihilation of mesons with appropriate flavour quan-
mentum fraction x-dependence of distribution functions. tum numbers to a W or γ (see Fig. 4.7.1). For a pseu-
In the future, lattice QCD computations of hadronic doscalar meson the decay constant, f , is defined from
structure will continue to improve and provide us with the vacuum to meson matrix element of the axial cur-
the theoretical input needed to understand strong in- rent. For meson P of quark content ab
teraction physics better.
h0|aγµ γ5 b|P (p)i ≡ fP pµ . (4.7.1)

For a meson at rest, applying the partially-conserved

4.7 Weak matrix elements
axial current (PCAC) relation ∂µ Aµ = (ma + mb )Ps to
Christine Davies relate axial-vector and pseudoscalar currents gives

p = 0)i = fP MP2 ,
(ma + mb )h0|aγ5 b|P (~ (4.7.2)
Quarks have the special property that they experience
all of the fundamental forces in the Standard Model. As where MP is the meson mass.
well as exchanging the gluons that keep them confined In lattice QCD the matrix element on the l.h.s. of
into hadrons, quarks can also occasionally emit weak in- Eqs. 4.7.1 or 4.7.2 is obtained from the two-point cor-
teraction W bosons or QED photons. Because W and relation function between source and sink ab currents
γ have no colour charge they escape cleanly from the (Sec. 4.2) with Euclidean time separation, t, between
hadron, carrying valuable information about the struc- them. The two-point function has contributions, expo-
ture of the bound state. This structure is determined by nential in t, from a tower of ab mesons. The exponential
strong interaction physics and so predictions from QCD corresponding to the ground-state (lowest mass) meson
can be tested against experimental information on these dominates at large t and this is the meson for which the
processes. The number of different quark flavours, and parameters of the fit, the amplitude and mass, are most
hadrons constructed from them, makes a rich mine for precisely determined. This mirrors experiment, where
lattice QCD to work in. accurate meson weak or electromagnetic annihilation
In the bigger picture of the Standard Model we need rates are possible when strong-interaction decay chan-
to determine accurately the couplings between quarks nels are heavily suppressed (not usually true for excited
and the W boson given by the elements of the CKM ma- states). Note, however, that lattice QCD can determine
trix ([651], Sec. 13.2). This programme is a crucial in- f for mesons which do not have the flavour quantum
gredient in constraining the possibilities for new physics

Fig. 4.7.1 Schematic diagram of a meson annihilation to lep-

tons via the coupling of the valence quark-antiquark pair to a
W or γ. The decay constant parameterises the amplitude to Fig. 4.7.2 The decay constant of the heavy-strange pseu-
find the quark and antiquark at a point, the key hadronic in- doscalar meson as a function of its mass from lattice QCD cal-
formation needed to determine the annihilation rate. culations [654] using the HISQ action [308]. Points with differ-
ent colours are results for different lattice spacing values, with
smaller lattice spacings having more reach to heavier masses.
numbers to annihilate to W or γ – these results are still The grey curve is the continuum limit of an HQET-inspired fit
to the results including discretisation effects. The result for fBs
useful in other contexts.
can be read off at the mass of the Bs meson.
The fit to the two-point function C(t) gives both the
ground-state meson mass and its decay constant. The
contribution of the ground-state to C(t) is is used to fix the average u/d quark mass (u and d are
taken to be degenerate in almost all calculations) and
C(t) = a0 (e−M0 t + e−M0 (T −t) ) + . . . . (4.7.3) the physical value appropriate to a calculation in which
the quark electric charges are ignored is the experimen-
Here T is the lattice time extent and . . . represents con-
tal value of the π 0 mass. MK fixes the s quark mass
tributions from higher mass states. M0 is the ground-
and the physical value used is an average of the masses
state meson mass and the amplitude a0 is given by
of K 0 and K + with an allowance for QED effects [652].
a0 = (h0|J|P0 i)2 /(2M0 ) (4.7.4) For decay constants a further important consider-
ation is the normalisation of the axial vector current
where J is the current used at the source and sink of that appears in Eq. 4.7.1 so that it matches that of the
C(t). The decay constant for P0 can then be obtained continuum QCD current. For lattice QCD actions that
from a0 using Eqs. 4.7.1 or 4.7.2 as appropriate for J. have an exact PCAC relation (such as asqtad staggered
Decay constants for light pseudoscalar mesons (fπ quarks used in [652]) no renormalisation is needed. Rather
and fK ) have been calculable in lattice QCD with er- than use the partially conserved axial current (which is
rors at the few percent level since 2004 [652]. This was a complicated point-split construction) it is easiest to
one of the first calculations to be done once ensem- use the pseudoscalar current, which is local, and cal-
bles of gluon field configurations were available (from culate the decay constant directly from Eq. 4.7.2. The
the MILC collaboration) that included u, d and s sea quark masses that appear in this expression are then
quarks with multiple values of the lattice spacing and the bare lattice quark masses being used in the calcu-
light enough u/d quarks for a reasonably well-controlled lation.
extrapolation to the physical continuum limit. The key physics importance of the lattice QCD cal-
To achieve a small uncertainty in the result for the culations of fπ and fK is in determining the rate for
ground-state meson mass and decay constant it is im- π + /K + annihilation to a W boson, which can be mea-
portant to have a large sample of correlators (to achieve sured accurately in experiment. The annihilation rate
small statistical errors) at multiple values of the lattice for meson P with appropriate quark flavour quantum
spacing using a discretisation of the QCD action with numbers is
small discretisation errors (Secs. 4.2,4.1). An accurate 2
determination of the lattice spacing (to convert C(t)’s G2 |Vab |2 2 2 m2

Γ (P → `ν) = F fP m` MP 1 − `2 (4.7.5)
fit parameters from lattice units to GeV) is needed. At- 8π MP
tention must also be paid to the effect of the finite- up to well-studied QED corrections. Only the A of the
volume of the lattice on the π and K. Finite-volume V − A weak interaction contributes in this case, so that
(and discretisation) effects are incorporated into the Γ ∝ fP2 . Vab is the appropriate CKM element; this can
chiral perturbation theory [653] used to fit the results be determined from the experimental measurement of
as a function of u/d quark mass (or Mπ ) to extrapolate Γ given a value for fP from lattice QCD.
to the continuum limit with physical quark masses. Mπ
4.7 Weak matrix elements 103

1.23 in the values of Vcs and Vcd from meson leptonic decay
1.22 is then from the experimental decay rate [278].
1.21 For b quarks discretisation errors are even more of
fK + /fπ+
1.2 fBs /fB +
a headache. During the 1990s methods were developed
1.19 that exploited the nonrelativistic nature of the b quark
fDs /fD+
1.18 in its bound states, thus removing the b quark mass as
1.17 a dynamical scale (so that discretisation errors instead
1.16 depend on the much smaller scales of the b quark kinetic
energy and momentum). These approaches are based
Fig. 4.7.3 SU(3)-isospin breaking ratios of decay constants
from lattice QCD. fK /fπ is from Eq. 4.7.6 [63], other results
on the discretisation onto a lattice of Heavy Quark Ef-
from Ref. [655]. fective theory (HQET) [667] (for ‘heavy-light’ hadrons)
and of non-relativistic QCD (NRQCD) [268] (applica-
ble also to heavyonium). It was also shown that the
Several systematic errors are reduced in an analysis large-mass limit of the clover-improved Wilson quark
of the ratio of widths for K and π [656]. This enables action [285] could be interpreted as a nonrelativistic ef-
the ratio |Vus |/|Vud | to be determined and converted to fective theory [668]. A limitation of these formalisms is
a result for |Vus | using accurate |Vud | values from super- the need to normalise the weak current to match that
allowed nuclear β decay [278]. Lattice QCD calculations of continuum QCD; this requires challenging calcula-
have then largely concentrated on determining the ratio tions in lattice QCD perturbation theory and has only
fK /fπ , equivalent to fixing the lattice spacing from fπ . been done through O(αs ) [669–671]. The ETM collab-
Following a great deal of work by the lattice community, oration developed a ratio approach [672] to interpolate
current day results have improved to the point where between results for quark masses around c using the
the uncertainty on fK + /fπ+ is reduced to 0.2%. The twisted mass quark formalism [293] and the infinite-
recent FLAG review [63] quotes an average of mass (static) limit. These methods have been able to
achieve a 2% uncertainty on B decay constants [672,
fK + /fπ+ = 1.1932(21) , nf = 2 + 1 + 1 (4.7.6)
from lattice QCD results that include u, d, s and c As increased computational power could be exploited
quarks in the sea obtained in Ref. [655, 657–659]. The to generate gluon field configurations with finer val-
average is dominated by the result from the Fermilab ues of the lattice spacing, alternative methods became
Lattice/MILC collaborations [655]. The lattice calcula- available. The MILC collaboration led the way includ-
tions now include an analysis of the impact of the u/d ing 2 + 1 flavours of asqtad sea quarks with a range of
mass difference; work is ongoing to analyse QED effects lattice spacing values down to a = 0.044 fm. On these
on the lattice [660]. lattices the HPQCD collaboration showed that b quarks
Heavier pseudoscalar mesons also annihilate to W s, could be treated with the relativistic HISQ formalism
giving access to other CKM elements. For example, the (with its absolute current normalisation) if calculations
rate for B → `ν depends on |Vub | and fB . The experi- were done for a range of quark masses > mc and a range
mental determination of the decay rates is harder and of lattice spacing values [654]. Fig. 4.7.2 shows the lat-
they currently have larger uncertainties than for K and tice results for the heavy-strange meson along with the
π [278]. On the lattice QCD side the heavier masses of joint fit of the dependence on the heavy meson mass
the c and b quarks increase discretisation errors, since and the lattice spacing. This enables a curve for the
they take the form of powers of ma for quark mass dependence of the decay constant on the heavy meson
m. To counteract this lattice QCD theorists must im- mass to be obtained in the continuum limit, from which
prove the discretisation of the QCD (Dirac) action to the decay constant for the Bs meson can be read. At
increase the power of ma (for ma < 1) with which these the same time the dependence on heavy meson mass
errors first appear. A very successful action in this re- becomes clear; fDs > fBs but only by about 10%,
gard is the Highly Improved Staggered Quark (HISQ) rather
√ less than the leading order result from HQET,
action [308] developed by the HPQCD collaboration, fP MP = constant [674] would suggest. The Fermilab
with tree-level discretisation errors starting at (ma)4 . Lattice/MILC collaborations have now extended this to
This discretisation allowed the first 1% accurate cal- B mesons and including 2 + 1 + 1 flavours of HISQ sea
culations for charmed meson decay constants [666]. The quarks for uncertainties on fB and fBs below 1% [655].
current state-of-the-art results are from the Fermilab The SU(3)-isospin-breaking ratio of decay constants,
Lattice/MILC collaborations using HISQ quarks and fPs /fP , is calculated to better than 0.4% in Ref. [655]
have 0.3% uncertainties [655]. The dominant uncertainty with results summarised in Fig. 4.7.3. The ratios are

Lattice QCD : weak decays
0.7 : em decays


: other
0.6 Experiment : weak decays
: em decays




π +K + B ∗B +D+D∗Bs∗ Bs φ Ds Ds∗ ψ 0 ηc ψ Bc∗ Bc Υ0 Υ ηb

Fig. 4.7.4 Summary of meson decay constant values calculated in lattice QCD and arranged in order of their size. Points with
error bars use different symbols for values needed to determine weak or QED leptonic decay rates or those not linked to any simple
decay mode. The decay constants inferred from experimental values for QED leptonic decay are given by blue bands. For weak
decays, experimental results must be combined with lattice QCD to obtain CKM elements; fπ can be inferred from the π + leptonic
rate taking |Vud | from nuclear β decay [278] and is shown by a purple band at 130.56(14) MeV. The lattice QCD result for fπ
comes from RBC/UKQCD [264], using the Ω baryon mass to fix the lattice spacing. Other results shown use fπ to determine the
lattice spacing, and so do not give a value for that quantity. fK is taken from Eq. 4.7.6; fB , fD , fDs from Ref. [655]; fBc [661],
∗ /fD
and fB(s)
∗ /fB
[662]; fBc∗ /fBc [663]; fφ [664] and charmonium and bottomonium results [258, 260, 665].

all close to 1.2 but there are small and significant dif- free from CKM elements since
ferences as the mesons increase in mass from K/π to
4πα2 e2q fV2
Bs /B. Γ (V → `+ `− ) = , (4.7.7)
3 MV
Vector mesons with appropriate quark flavour quan-
tum numbers can also annihilate to leptons via a W with eq the valence quark electric charge in units of
boson. Although the decay rate is not suppressed by e. Results for fJ/ψ [258] and fΥ [665] calculated with
lepton masses in that case (because of the meson spin) HISQ quarks, normalised via an SMOM scheme [678,
it is nevertheless hard to see experimentally because it 679] show good agreement with values inferred from
is overwhelmed by the QED radiative decay V → P γ; the experimental decay rates, providing a solid under-
it may be possible in future for the Ds∗ [675]. The vector pinning for the other decay constants being discussed
leptonic decay proceeds through the vector piece of the here.
weak current and is determined by the corresponding Fig. 4.7.4 summarises the values of meson decay
vector decay constant. The lattice QCD vector current constants that are well-determined in lattice QCD, ar-
must again be normalised to match continuum QCD. ranged by value order. It does not include values for
Although in principle a conserved vector current can mesons, such as the ρ or K ∗ , that have a large decay
be used, it is easier to use a local vector current and width from a strong-interaction decay mode (Sec. 4.5).
renormalise it. There are a number of techniques to Notice that the range of decay constant values, from
this (Sec. 4.2). The ratio of vector to pseudoscalar de- fπ+ = 130.2(9) MeV [264] to fηb = 724(12) MeV [665]
cay constants for heavy-light mesons has been calcu- is much smaller than the range of meson masses. As
lated using NRQCD [663] (with perturbative renormal- discussed above, decay constants reflect meson inter-
isation [676]) and using twisted-mass quarks [662] (us- nal structure set by momenta inside the bound state
ing a MOM scheme [677]). Interestingly it is found that rather than quark masses. For mesons containing u/d
the ratio of fV /fP is larger than 1 for D mesons and quarks the range of variation is even smaller, less than
less than 1 for B mesons. Ref. [662] gives 1.078(36) for a factor of two from fπ to fD+ = 212.7(6) MeV [655],
fD∗ /fD and 0.958(22) for fB ∗ /fB . and the ordering is not intuitively obvious. Results are
Vector qq mesons can annihilate to `` via a γ, and shown for decay constants relevant to weak leptonic de-
such decay rates have been determined experimentally cays (where comparison to experimental results yields
to better than 2% for heavyonium mesons [278]. This a determination of the relevant CKM element) as well
provides an excellent opportunity for accurate compar- as those relevant to QED leptonic decays (where direct
ison of lattice QCD and experiment for a decay rate comparison to experimental rates is possible). It also
includes decay constants that cannot be simply related
4.7 Weak matrix elements 105

to a decay process, but which nevertheless help to fill

in the ‘big picture’ that we now have from lattice QCD
for these simple matrix elements. t t ⌘

4.7.2 Mixing matrix elements and bag parame-
ters Fig. 4.7.5 Schematic diagram of the short-distance contribu-
tion to neutral meson mixing via the ‘box diagram’ (left) involv-
A fascinating phenomenon for neutral K and B mesons ing W bosons and top quarks. The matrix element that must
is that of ‘oscillations’, induced by the tiny weak inter- be calculated in lattice QCD is that of the equivalent 4-quark
operator (right).
action coupling between the mesons and their antipar-
ticles. For exact CP invariance the eigenstates of the
Hamiltonian are then +/− combinations of the strong- 1.3
interaction P 0 and P states, analogous to the eigen-
0 B̂D
states of two weakly coupled pendulums. An initial P 0 1.1
beam, created by a strong-interaction process, is equiva- 1 B̂B B̂Bs
lent to setting one pendulum swinging. At later times it 0.9 B̂K
becomes clear that the other pendulum is swinging/P
is present (from interrogating the beam via suitable de- 0.6
cay processes). The oscillation frequency is set by the
eigenstate mass difference ∆MP and can be measured Fig. 4.7.6 A comparison of RGI bag parameters from lattice
QCD for K 0 , D0 , B 0 and Bs , showing significant deviations
very precisely in experiment. The coupling is a second-
from the naive vacuum saturation approximation estimates of
order weak process with the short-distance contribution 1 and a trend with meson mass.
given by the ‘box diagram’ of Fig. 4.7.5. As such it is
sensitive to new physics that can be tested with accu-
rate matrix elements for the box diagram between P 0 scale-dependence. Historically the assumption was then
made that B ≈ 1 but lattice QCD can achieve a much
and P , calculated in lattice QCD.
better result than this.
At the hadronic mass scales of the lattice the box
The bag parameter is often converted from B (1) (µ)
diagram shrinks to an effective 4-quark operator (mul-
to its renormalisation-group-invariant (RGI) value,
tiplied by a Wilson coefficient). For the SM case, the
‘left-left’ operator is B̂ (1) = cRGI B (1) (µ) (4.7.10)
h α ih β i
O(1) = h γµ (1 − γ5 )`α h γµ (1 − γ5 )`β . (4.7.8) where cRGI is calculated to two-loops in perturbative
QCD [63] and takes values 1.369 for BK (when µ = 2
h is either s or b and α/β are colour indices. Matrix GeV) and 1.516 for BB (when µ = mb )).
elements of further (BSM) 4-quark operators have also Ref. [63] quotes an average for B̂K = 0.7625(97)

been calculated, see Ref. [63]. as an average of several lattice QCD results [264, 681–
The matrix element of Eq. 4.7.8 between P 0 and 683] using different lattice QCD actions and renormali-
P , having a hadron on either end, is much harder to
sation approaches with nf = 2+1 sea quarks; Ref. [684]
determine in lattice QCD than a decay constant, so gives an nf = 2 + 1 + 1 result. B meson results are less
results are not as mature and have larger uncertainties. accurate, because of a significantly worse signal/noise
The renormalisation of the 4-quark operator to match problem in the determination of the correlation func-
continuum QCD is also more challenging. Results are tions [685]; direct determination of BB rather than O(1)
most usefully presented in terms of ‘bag parameters’ by matrix elements cancels discretisation and light quark
removing factors of masses and decay constants from mass effects, however. Results including nf = 2 + 1 + 1
the matrix elements that would appear in the ‘vacuum sea quarks are available from HPQCD using NRQCD b
saturation approximation’, i.e. inserting |0ih0| between quarks (with O(αs ) renormalisation [686]), giving B̂Bd =

the two halves of the 4-quark operator. For O(1) this

1.222(61) and B̂Bs = 1.232(53)) [685]; nf = 2 + 1 re-
gives [680]
sults using other lattice QCD actions are given in [687–
8 2 2 (1) 689]. Note that B̂Bs /B̂Bd is consistent with 1 (1.008(25)
hP 0 |O(1) |P i = f M B (µ)
3 P P P from [685]), showing that the SU(3)-breaking in the 4-
quark matrix elements is entirely that of the decay con-
where the leftover ‘fudge factor’, BP , is the bag param-
eter. It is normally quoted in the MS scheme; note its

Fig. 4.7.6 compares the results for B̂, including a

value for B̂D [684] that lies between B̂K and B̂B . The
D0 box diagram is mediated by down-type quarks and
is expected to contribute only a small part of ∆MD ,
dominated by long-distance contributions. The short-
distance results can be used to constrain new physics,
however see Ref. [690].
For B/Bs mesons the box diagram with top quarks
of Fig. 4.7.5 dominates mixing (since Vtb ≈ 1) so that Fig. 4.7.7 Schematic diagram of a meson to meson semilep-
tonic decay. The hadronic information needed to determine the
M Bq 2 (1) rate is parameterised by form factors.
S0 (xt )η2B Vtq∗ Vtb fB2 q B̂Bq ,

∆Mq = 2

Future improvements here require improved renor-
and lattice QCD results for the bag parameters can malisation techniques for lattice 4-quark operators. Gra-
be combined with (the very accurate) experimental re- dient flow methods look promising here, see e.g. Ref. [695].
sults for the oscillation frequency to determine CKM
elements |Vts | and |Vtd | that multiply the effective 4- 4.7.3 Form factors
quark operator. Agreement is seen within 2σ with CKM
values from tree-level weak decays and unitarity [685]. Semileptonic weak decays of hadrons in which one of
For K oscillations the situation is more complicated the constituent quarks changes flavour and the virtual
because of sizeable long-distance contributions to ∆MK W boson emitted is seen as a `ν l pair (see Fig. 4.7.7)
involving u- and c-mediated contributions. At the same provide a huge range of possibilities for determining
time analysis of K → ππ amplitudes [63] is also needed CKM elements and understanding hadron structure.
to determine the direct and indirect CP-violation pa- The hadronic parameters that control the rate of these
rameters, 0 and  that describe the CP-properties of processes are known as form factors and they are func-
the mass eigenstates and their decays. These are very tions of q 2 , the squared 4-momentum transfer from par-
hard calculations that have required the development ent hadron, %, to child, χ. The kinematic range of q 2 is
of new techniques, and results are still at a fairly early from qmax2
= (M% − Mχ )2 (where ` and ν ` have maxi-
stage, e.g. often only available at one value of the lat- mum back-to-back momentum in the % rest-frame) to 0
tice spacing. The RBC/UKQCD collaboration has led (where χ and the `ν ` pair are back-to-back). The form
the way here, exploiting the excellent chiral properties factors are largest at qmax
and fall towards q 2 = 0, re-
of the domain-wall quark action. They have calculated flecting the internal momentum transfer via gluon ex-
the amplitude A2 to the isospin 2 two-pion state (the change necessary to achieve the final state configura-
∆I = 3/2 amplitude) [691] and the amplitude A0 to the tion.
isospin 0 state (∆I = 1/2) [692]. This enables a result Form factors are defined from matrix elements be-
of Ref. [692] tween % and χ of weak currents. The simplest situation
is when both % and χ are pseudoscalar mesons. In that
0 / = 21.7(8.4) × 10−4 (4.7.12)
case only the vector current and vector form factor,
in good agreement with experiment (16.6(2.3)×10−4 ), f+ (q 2 ), contribute to the the decay rate for % → χ`ν for
suggesting no violation of the CKM paradigm at this zero lepton mass, with m` -dependent corrections from
level of accuracy. At the same time the lattice QCD re- the scalar form factor, f0 (q 2 ). We have
sults provide some insight into the observed ∆I = 1/2
dΓ G2F 
rule by which A0 exceeds A2 by a factor of 20. A fac- |Vab |2 (1 − )2 × |~pχ |3 (1 + )|f+ (q 2 )|2 +

= 3
dq 24π 2
tor of 2 is provided by perturbative QCD corrections !2
to the coefficients of the appropriate 4-quark opera- M 2
pχ |M%2 1 − 2 |f0 (q 2 )|2

tors; lattice QCD shows that the other factor of 10 M% 8
arises from the fact that, contrary to naive expecta-
tions, the contributions from different colour contrac- for quark transition a → b,  = m2` /q 2 , and p~χ is the 3-
tions of the dominant operator tend to cancel in A2 momentum of child χ in %’s rest frame. The form factors
and reinforce each other in A0 [692, 693]. The develop-
ment of methods to determine the long-distance contri-
butions to ∆MK [694] are also aimed at long-distance
contributions to K + → π + νν and K → π`+ `− .
4.7 Weak matrix elements 107

f0 f+
1.6 physical quark masses is needed. Modern calculations
1.4 1.4 (see, for example, Ref. [697]) transform q 2 into a region
within the unit circle in z-space and then apply a poly-
1.2 1.2
nomial fit in z that allows for discretisation effects and
1.0 1.0
mistuning of quark masses.
0.8 0.8 The channek K → π`ν is a key for the determina-
0.6 0.6
tion of Vus . The q 2 range for this decay is very small
−0.5 0.0 0.5
q 2[GeV2]
1.0 1.5 2.0 and so conventionally experiment accounts for the q 2
dependence of Eq. 4.7.13 and gives the final result as
1.10 1.10
CLEO ’09 (D0)
BES ’15A
BaBar ’06
a value for |Vus |f+ (0). Combining charged and neu-
1.05 CLEO ’09 (D+) 1.05 tral meson decay rates with QED radiative and strong-
1.00 1.00 isospin-breaking corrections gives a result with 0.2%
accuracy : Vus f+ (0) = 0.21635(39)(3) [698], where the

first, dominant, error is from the experiment and 0.2%

0.95 0.95

0.90 0.90 accuracy is also now available from lattice QCD with
2+1+1 flavours. Ref. [63] gives f+ (0) = 0.9698(17) from
averaging [699, 700]. The two lattice QCD calculations
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
q 2[GeV2]

take contrasting approaches. Ref. [699] determines f+ (q 2 )

Fig. 4.7.8 (Upper) Data points show lattice QCD results at
multiple values of q 2 and multiple lattice spacings. Blue and red and f0 (q 2 ), interpolating to q 2 = 0 and testing q 2 de-
curves show the final determination of f0 and f+ in the contin- pendence against experiment; Ref. [700] tunes to q 2 = 0
uum limit at physical quark masses. (Lower) Bin-by-bin values using twisted boundary conditions [701] and calculates
of Vcs from combining these form factors with experimental
f0 (0) since this needs no renormalisation. The result for
data. The constancy of Vcs shows that the q 2 dependence pre-
dicted by QCD matches that of experiment [697]. Vus from K → π`ν then shows an intriguing 3σ tension
with CKM first row unitarity [698] and 2.5σ tension
with Vus from K → `ν [278].
are defined from matrix elements D meson decays (to K or π) have a larger q 2 range
and experimental data is available in bins of q 2 . This
" #
%→χ 2 M%2 − Mχ2 µ
hχ|V µ |%i = f+ (q ) pµ% + pµχ − q provides the opportunity to test the q 2 -dependence pre-
dicted by QCD against experiment as well as to deter-
M%2 − Mχ2 µ mine Vcs and Vcd . Fig. 4.7.8 shows how this is done [697].
+f0%→χ (q 2 ) q , (4.7.14)
q2 The upper plot shows the determination of the f+ and
M%2 − Mχ2 %→χ 2 f0 form factors and the lower plot shows the result of de-
hχ|S|%i = f (q ), (4.7.15) termining Vcs bin-by-bin in q 2 using Eq. 4.7.13. A good
ma − mb 0
fit is obtained to a constant with Vcs = 0.9663(80), with
with kinematic constraint f+ (0) = f0 (0). Eq. 4.7.15
errors from lattice QCD, experiment and QED correc-
makes use of the partially conserved vector current rela-
tions making similar contributions to the total uncer-
tion ∂µ V µ = (ma −mb )S that means f0 is correctly nor-
tainty. See Ref. [702] for a determination of Vcd using
malised in lattice QCD [696]. The renormalisation fac-
lattice QCD D → π form factors.
tor, ZV , for the vector current can then be determined
The semileptonic decays of B mesons have a huge
by, for example, matching f0 (qmax 2
) from Eqs. 4.7.14
potential in searches for new physics as well as in giving
and 4.7.15 (see Ref. [697]).
access to key CKM elements Vub and Vcb . Form factors
To determine the form factors in lattice QCD re-
for these decays are challenging for lattice QCD, how-
quires the calculation of three-point correlation func-
ever, because the large b quark mass means a large q 2
tions with appropriate source and sink operators for
range. To reach q 2 = 0 the child spatial momentum
parent and child hadrons, and a current insertion at
must approximate MB /2. Large values of a|~ p| induce
an intermediate time between them. Usually the parent
poor signal/noise in correlation functions as well as
hadron is taken to be at rest on the lattice and different
discretisation effects, so early lattice QCD calculations
spatial momenta are given to the child to map out the
worked close to qmax2
with nonrelativistic formalisms for
q 2 range. Fitting the three-point correlation function si-
the b quark.
multaneously with the two-point correlation functions
To determine Vub from B → π`ν, Ref. [63] performs
for parent and child allows the parent-to-child matrix
a joint fit to lattice form factor results from Refs. [704,
elements to be determined and Eqs. 4.7.14 and 4.7.15
705] (which use different variants of the improved Wil-
applied. To obtain form factors in the continuum limit,
son action for the b quark and different light quarks)
interpolation in q 2 and extrapolation to a = 0 and

f0 B → K f 0 B s → ηs f0 B c → D s
3.0 similar way to that for decay constants in Fig. 4.7.2.
2.5 f+ B → K f + B s → ηs f+ B c → D s
2.5 Calculations include HPQCD’s form factors for Bs →
2.0 2.0 Ds [709], Bs → Ds∗ [710] and B → K [703] using HISQ
1.5 1.5 quarks and JLQCD’s form factors for B → π using
1.0 1.0 domain-wall quarks [711]. This is likely to be the way
0.5 0.5 forward for the future.
0.0 0.0
It is important to remember that QCD provides a
0 5 10
q 2[GeV2]
15 20 smooth connection between different form factors as we
change the mass for one or other of the participating
3.0 3.0
f0/+(0) 2
) 2
fT (qmax , µ) quarks. In this way lattice QCD can provide ‘a big pic-
ture’ for form factors. Fig. 4.7.9 shows this connection
fT (0, µ) f+(qmax )
2.5 2.5

2.0 2.0
for different spectator (not part of the weak current)
1.5 1.5 quarks for the b → s transition. It also shows results
1.0 1.0 for H → K decay where H is a meson containing a
0.5 0.5 heavy quark with mass varying from c to b [703].
0.0 0.0 Future calculations will improve B form factor un-
2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
MD MH [GeV] MB certainties to the 1% level [712] for the increased datasets
planned from LHC and Belle II. New developments in-
Fig. 4.7.9 (Upper) Comparison of b → s form factors for me-
son transitions with different spectator quarks. Increasing the clude techniques for inclusive B decays [713] and for
spectator mass to that of c quarks reduces the form factors at handling final-state mesons that decay strongly (e.g.
low q 2 values [703]. (Lower) The dependence on heavy meson for B → K ∗ `ν analysis) [554]. An important focus will
mass, MH , of the form factors for H → K decay at qmax 2
be improving lattice calculations needed to understand
q 2 = 0. Notice the slow downward drift at q 2 = 0 and for
f0 (qmax as H varies from D to B, but much stronger variation ‘B anomalies’ seen, for example in ratios of branching
for f+ and fT (the tensor form factor) at qmax
(remembering fractions to different flavours of leptons and differential
that qmax depends on MH ).
rates for flavour-changing neutral current b → s transi-
tions (e.g. B → K`+ `− ) that proceed through loops in
the SM.
and experimental data from BaBar and Belle, leaving
The lattice QCD calculation of form factors for weak
Vub as a parameter. Such a fit allows experimental in-
decays of baryons is still in its infancy, because of the
formation on q 2 -dependence to constrain the lattice re-
extra challenges provided by the poorer signal-noise.
sults. The value for Vub obtained, 3.74(17) × 10−3 is
The nucleon axial coupling, gA , has been a particular
1.7σ lower than that obtained from inclusive b → u de-
focus of attention and is discussed in Sec. 4.6. A notable
terminations that do not specify the final state hadron.
success has been the use of lattice QCD form factors
The transitions b → c have also shown a persistent
for Λb → Λc and Λb → Λ [714] to determine Vub /Vcb
tension between inclusive and exclusive results. Here
by LHCb [715]. This is clearly a developing area for the
the preferred exclusive method is to use B → D∗ decay.
Although a pseudoscalar to vector transition is more
complicated, with 4 form factors, only the axial vec-
tor A1 form factor contributes at qmax 2
. Lattice QCD
therefore initially concentrated on this point [706, 707]. 5 Approximate QCD
Now it has become clear that the q 2 -dependence of the Conveners:
differential rate must be understood from the lattice Stan Brodsky and Franz Gross
QCD side and form factors have been calculated by the
Fermilab Lattice/MILC collaboration [708] that cover The next two sections of this volume discus theoretical
more of the q 2 range using their improved-Wilson action ways to model QCD. At the heart of all modern models
for both b and c. This does not resolve the inclusive/ex- are quarks, treated as elementary particles that interact
clusive Vcb tension but points the way to improved fu- both with single gluons and with a complex QCD vac-
ture analyses. uum containing condensates. Since numerical Lattice
Recent B form factors have been calculated using Gauge calculations discussed in the previous section are
relativistic formalisms that can make use of nonpertur- the only way known to treat these interactions exactly,
bative current normalisation techniques discussed for all of these analytical methods are approximations.
Eqs 4.7.14 and 4.7.15. They obtain results for multiple Starting from a description of quarks (Sec. 5.1) and
heavy quark masses and lattice spacings and fit to ob- new virtual colored degrees of freedom multiple quark
tain results for B mesons in the continuum limit in a
5.1 Quark models 109

states could occupy at short distances (hidden color theoretical tool box developed to ”solve” a theory based
states discussed in Sec. 5.2), the section moves on to on a Lagrangian that can be written in one line!
a discussion of the Bethe Salpeter (BS) and Dyson
Schwinger (DS) equations (Sec. 5.3), where quark-gluon
interactions are treated microscopically, much as pion- 5.1 Quark models
nucleon interactions were described in an earlier era. Eric Swanson
Here the multiple interactions make it impossible to
treat them all systematically, and the equations must “It is more important to have the right degrees
be truncated, introducing approximations with an accu- of freedom moving at the wrong speed, than the
racy that is sometimes hard to estimate. Light front co- wrong degrees of freedom moving at the right
ordinates are the preferred way to describe multi-quark speed.”
systems, and Sec. 5.4 describes methods for expanding — Gabriel Karl, as frequently quoted by Nathan
multi-quark quark wave functions in a light front basis Isgur.
that avoids some of the issues with the microscopic de-
5.1.1 Early Quark Models
scription, but also requires truncations of the expansion
to a finite number of basis functions.
The phrase “quark model” originally meant something
These methods handle the confinement of quarks
like the “quark idea”, referring to the introduction of
in different ways with very different assumptions. In
quarks as the elements of the fundamental representa-
Sec. 5.5, recent developments based on superconformal
tion of SUF (3) by Gell-Mann and Zweig in 1964 [716–
quantum mechanics, light-front quantization, and its
718]. Gell-Mann initially avoided attributing physical
holographic embedding in a higher dimension classi-
reality to the quark concept, and it was others, such as
cal gravity theory, known as AdS/QCD, have led to
Dalitz [719], Becchi, Morpugo [720], Rubinstein, Scheck
new analytic insights into the nonperturbative struc-
[721], and Lipkin [722] who developed the idea into a
ture and dynamics of hadrons in physical spacetime,
viable and predictive model in the sense we use now.
such as color confinement and chiral symmetry break-
That this was not a simple task is illustrated by a fa-
ing. This contribution is followed by a short discussion
mous line from Kokkedee’s review of the quark model,
(Sec. 5.6) of the model dependence of predictions of the
“The quark model should ... not be taken for more than
behavior of the strong fine structure constant, αs (Q2 )
it is, namely, the tentative and simplistic expression of
at small Q, where it becomes large. This discussion
an as yet obscure dynamics underlying the hadronic
complements and completes the discussions of αs (Q2 )
in Sec. 3. Next, the interesting features that can be
Kokkedee’s pessimism was not misplaced. The in-
drawn from the study of QCD with a large number of
ability to observe free quarks was originally explained
colors, and the solvable ’t Hooft model, are reviewed in
by assuming that they had very high masses. The ex-
Sec. 5.7.
istence of relatively light hadrons then implied that
The next three contributions in this section dis-
the interquark binding force was “ultra-strong”, which
cuss approximations that treat specific issues: the use
in turn requires relativistic and nonperturbative tech-
of sum rules based on the operator product expansion
niques. These technical problems were further exacer-
(OPE) to explain properties of mesons and other phys-
bated by the “statistics problem”, wherein bound states
ical quantities (Sec. 5.8); approximations that work for
of fermions must be antisymmetric. Thus, for example,
high energy reactions which can be factorized into re-
the ∆++ requires an antisymmetric spatial wavefunc-
action specific high energy parts that can be computed
tion, in contrast with expectations for a low lying state.
perturbatively and low energy, reaction independent
No satisfactory solution to the problem was found, in
parts expressed in terms of unknown functions that are
spite of the great contortions theorists invented.
extracted from many experiments (Sec. 5.9); and the
Nevertheless, a few determined individuals persisted
power counting rules that describe the behavior of ex-
with the notion that quarks are “real”. Early computa-
clusive processes at high energy (Se. 5.10).
tions drew from long tradition in nuclear physics[720,
The section concludes with Sec. 5.11 where a theo-
724, 725] and tended to focus on electroweak transi-
retical discussion of the complexity of the QCD vacuum
tions since the couplings are weak and the effects of
needed to understand confinement and chiral symmetry
unknown spatial wavefunctions can be ignored (in mag-
breaking is presented. This discussion is complementary
netic dipole transitions) or simply modelled (in electric
to the Lattice discussion of the same topic, Sec. 4.3.
dipole transitions). These computations typically as-
Section 5 covers a very wide range of topics, but
sumed nonrelativistic dynamics, factorized spatial wave-
as you will see from what follows, is only part of the
functions, and electroweak currents coupling directly to

quarks. The state of the art was formalized in a clas- spectrum and its properties caused a sensation, as it
sic paper from 1967 by van Royen and Weisskopf, which was realized that comprehensive and quantitative com-
placed the topic on firm footing (even though the quark putations of hadronic properties were possible. How-
model problems remained unresolved)[726]. By 1969, ever, there was a price to be paid: the good results were
Copely, Karl, and Obryk had brought the quark model obtained only upon neglecting the spin-orbit interaction
to a high level of predictiveness, introducing explicit arising from one gluon exchange. It is, of course, diffi-
simple harmonic oscillator wavefunctions and a “con- cult to argue in favor of one aspect of perturbative QCD
stituent” quark mass of roughly one third the proton while neglecting another! By way of defense, Isgur and
mass, in line with its modern value[727]. Karl noted that the confinement interaction should con-
tribute Thomas precession spin-orbit interactions, even
5.1.2 QCD-improved Quark Models though it is spin-independent, and that the long range
spin-orbit interaction tends to cancel that due to one
It is no surprise that the advent of QCD revolution- gluon exchange.
ized the conceptualization and application of the quark The issue of the spin-dependence of the long range
model, releasing a flood of research. QCD, of course, (confinement) interaction reappeared in a nearly con-
is the theory of hadrons; thus the quark model was no temporary and seemingly disconnected area. At issue
longer the first and final word for hadronic properties, was the Dirac structure of a (presumed) relativistic long
and it quickly evolved into its current role as a computa- range two-body interaction for quarks,
tionally feasible model for QCD in the strong coupling ZZ
regime. 1/2 J(x)K(x − y)J(y),
Already by 1975 (November 1974), Appelquist and
Politzer famously applied QCD to the R ratio (pro- where the current is written as J = ψ̄Γ ψ, ψ is a quark
portional to the cross section for e+ e− to hadrons) and field, and Γ is a four-by-four Dirac matrix. In 1978,
noted that ladder exchanges of gluons should give rise to Schnitzer realized that the masses of several newly dis-
“orthocharmonium” (the J/ψ) and “paracharmonium” covered charmonia and bottomonia permitted settling
(the ηc ) states[74]. This was the time of the “Novem- the issue in favor of a scalar (Γ = 1) confinement inter-
ber revolution” described in Sec. 2.1 above. These no- action[730, 731].
tions were greatly expanded by De Rujula, Georgi, and Of course assuming that the interaction between
Glashow, who argued that one gluon exchange should quarks is specified by a current-current operator yields
dominate the short distance quark interaction and that more than spin-dependence – it also gives the amplitude
it explained a wealth of experimental data, concluding for quark pair creation, and therefore opens the field of
that “The naive quark model, supplemented by color strong hadronic transitions to investigation. (Such in-
gauge theory, asymptotic freedom, and infrared slav- vestigations actually date to the beginnings of the quark
ery, is turning out to be not so naive, and more than model, starting with Micu’s hypothesis that quark pairs
just a model.”[728]. In fact the results were successful are produced in a spin triplet, angular momentum one,
enough that the authors initiated and ended the field state[732, 733].)
in the same paper, declaring, In 1978, Eichten et al. produced the most famous
version of such a model, the “Cornell model” (first in-
Not until many of these predicted charmed states
troduced in 1975), in an ambitious attempt to under-
are discovered and measured can the subject of
stand the properties of charmonia, including their cou-
hadron spectroscopy join its distinguished col-
pling to the open charm continuum[734]. Pragmatism
leagues, atomic and nuclear spectroscopy, as sub-
forced compromise: the Cornell group had to assume a
jects certainly worthy of continued study, but
color density current to obtain agreement with the, by
understood (at some level) in principle.
now well-established, one gluon exchange short range
Needless to say, such proclamations seem premature to structure of the quark interaction, and in disagreement
modern eyes! with the decay model of Micu (which is admittedly a
Amongst the first to join the fray were Isgur and guess) and Schnitzer’s scalar confinement. Nevertheless,
Karl, who wrote a complete model Hamiltonian for the model is well-constrained and does admirably well
baryons, assuming nonrelativistic dynamics, a quadratic in predicting a wealth of charmonium properties.
confinement potential, and short distance spin-dependence By 1985 the field had progressed enough that com-
as given by one gluon exchange[729]. (For a full discus- prehensive models capable of describing all mesons and
sion of baryon quark models, see Sec. 9.1) The resulting baryons were being attempted. The most famous of
reasonably complete description of the low lying baryon these is that due to Godfrey and Isgur (mesons) and
5.1 Quark models 111

Capstick and Isgur (baryons)[735, 736]. The model has boundary conditions, which can be obtained by sum-
much in common with earlier ones such as Ref. [737]. ming cavity modes.
The model assumes relativistic quark kinematics, the Almost simultaneously, similar ideas were being ex-
full one gluon exchange short range interaction, and a plored at Stanford, giving rise to the “SLAC bag model”
scalar confinement interaction (including its spin-orbit [739]. In this case a scalar field played a role simi-
relativistic correction). All interactions were convoluted lar to the bag. Symmetry breaking in the scalar vac-
over a Gaussian to ameliorate the strength of the short uum served to confine quarks to a small region where
range terms (which are not legal operators in quantum the scalar field exhibits soliton-like behavior. However,
mechanics). this implies that quarks are confined to a spherical
A model of the running strong coupling was used be- shell, which contradicts experiment[740]. A subsequent
cause there is strong evidence that weaker spin-dependent model, called the “soliton bag model”, is able to avoid
interactions are required for heavier quarks. The possi- this feature while interpolating the MIT and SLAC
bility of quark annihilation in isoscalar channels was al- bag models[741]. Many variant bag models have been
lowed by including a phenomenological term. The model developed over the years that seek to address various
was “relativized” by including factors of (m/E)ν , where shortcomings. For example, the MIT, SLAC, and soli-
ν is a model parameter, in various matrix elements. ton models all violate chiral symmetry. This can be
Finally, additional factors of meson and quark mass overcome by explicitly introducing pion fields[742, 743]
were introduced to certain rates to bring their form or topological features[744]. Other models will be dis-
into alignment with low energy theorems. The result- cussed below.
ing masses, strong decays, and electroweak transitions A number of advantages of bag models are appar-
have served as a benchmark in hadronic physics over ent: hadrons are bound systems of relativistic quarks
the intervening 37 years. and gluons, obey asymptotic freedom automatically,
are confined to regions of order 1 fm in size, and re-
5.1.3 Bag Models spect color gauge invariance. These benefits spurred a
large theoretical effort in hadronic modelling that lasted
The advent of QCD raised the possibility of invent- through the 1980s, and continues at a reduced level
ing field-theoretic models of hadrons. The opportunity to the present. Unfortunately, the complexity of the
was seized first by Ken Johnson, who drew an analogy model introduces a number of conceptual and techni-
to bubble nucleation in first order phase transitions to cal difficulties. The cavity approximation, for example,
imagine a hadron as perturbative fields confined to a is not translationally invariant and no projection onto
vacuum bubble of size about 1 fm. The resulting model, momentum eigenstates exits. This has the practical de-
developed with colleagues in 1974, became known as merit of introducing undesired center of mass degrees
the “MIT bag model”[738]. The starting point is a pos- of freedom to the problem. Quark and gluon propaga-
tulated nontrivial QCD vacuum that exerts a pressure tors can be formed by summing over appropriate cavity
(described by the constant B) on a region of trivial modes, but in practice this is difficult, and evaluating
space-time (called the “bag”). The model Hamiltonian Feynman diagrams is technically cumbersome[740]. For
is example, self-energy diagrams are difficult to evaluate
and are often ignored. Similarly, the expectation value
of the bag Hamiltonian has a sum over zero point ener-
Lbag = (LQCD − B) θ(bag) (5.1.1) gies that diverges. Renormalizing this quantity is sub-
where θ is zero outside the bag region. Because the ac- tle, and the zero point energy is often replaced with a
tion involves an integration over a finite region of space, simple model. Lastly, the rigid cavity gives rise to spu-
the location of the bag surface is itself a dynamical field, rious states that must be identified.
related through the Euler-Lagrange equations to the Early MIT bag model computations contained three
quark and gluon fields by a complicated, nonlinear ex- parameters, the bag constant, the gauge coupling, and
pression. As a result quantization is very difficult and a zero-point energy parameter. Fits to the ρ, N , and
semiclassical approximations are used to study the sys- ∆ masses then fixed these constants. Unfortunately the
tem. In particular, the “static bag approximation” is resulting value for the strong coupling was αS ≈ 2.2,
made, wherein quarks and gluons are presumed to be which gives spin splittings that are too large in other
confined to a region of a given radius (it is possible to hadrons. The resulting phenomenology is often of poor
make more complicated models where small oscillations quality; for example, an early calculation of P-wave
in the bag surface are permitted). The resulting equa- masses gives disappointing results[745]. Bag model phe-
tions of motion describe free fields subject to cavity nomenology is clearly geared toward light hadrons. Heavy

JP color flavor consider this quark-quark state as a compact object,

0+ 3̄ 3̄ called a diquark. More generally, a diquark is any sys-
1+ 3̄ 6
tem of two quarks considered collectively. The idea is
0− 3̄ 6
1− 3̄ 3̄ already mentioned by Gell-Mann in 1964[716] and was
Table 5.1.1 Diquark quantum numbers
introduced in Refs. [754] and [755] as a way to reduce
three-body dynamics to the computationally simpler
two-body dynamics.
quark states, on the other hand, are surely described In general a pair of quarks, denoted [qq] in the fol-
by nonrelativistic kinematics, a string-like confinement lowing, can form 3̄ and 6 color states, with the former
mechanism, and a value of the strong coupling that is being antisymmetric and the latter being symmetric un-
set by αS (mQ ). These features can be incorporated by der quark interchange. Because a pair of quarks in the
allowing the bag to distort into a tube shape (in prac- 6 representation has a (perturbative) repulsive interac-
tice the distortion is small) and refitting the model pa- tion ( +αS /(6r)), diquarks are only considered in the
rameters[746]. The resulting model does a reasonable 3̄ representation. In this case, possible quantum num-
job with the low lying charmonium and bottomonium bers for [qq 0 ] are as listed in Table 5.1.3. The first two
vectors, predicts a J/ψ − ηc splitting of 180 MeV (the of these entries are often called “good” and “bad” di-
measured value is 113 MeV), and J P C = 1−± charmo- quarks respectively[753].
nium (bottomonium) hybrids at mass of approximately An early application of diquarks was to the descrip-
4.0 (10.49) GeV. tion of light baryons[756]. The primary effect is a re-
One of the great advantages of bag models is that duction in the number of degrees of freedom compared
they made it clear that states incorporating gluonic to a “symmetric” quark model, with commensurate de-
degrees of freedom (glueballs and hybrids) should be crease in the complexity of the excitation spectrum.
considered seriously. Early contributions to the theory For example, a symmetric quark model will feature or-
of glueballs include Jaffe and Johnson[747], who exam- bital excitations in two relative coordinates (often taken
ined many novel states in the model, and Barnes, Close, to be the Jacobi coordinates ρ ~ and ~λ) while a quark-
and Monaghan, who computed spin-dependent mass diquark bound state can only have orbital excitations in
shifts in the glueball spectrum[748]. These shifts are a single relative coordinate. It is telling that this simple
very large when common model parameters are used, diagnostic is difficult to apply since so little is known
giving glueball masses of m(0++ ) = 100 MeV, m(0−+ ) = of the excited baryon spectrum (but see Sec. Baryons).
400 MeV, and m(2++ ) = 1300 MeV, all of which are in Light baryons do experience flavor-dependent cor-
strong disagreement with modern lattice values[745]. relations, which might be attributed to diquarks. For
Studies of hybrid (q q̄g) mesons originated in the example, a neutron will have a negative charge radius
MIT bag model[749] only a few years after the advent because the d quarks are in a spin-one state and are re-
of both QCD and bag models, thereby raising interest pelled via the hyperfine interaction, leaving the positive
in these novel states and highlighting the unusual (“ex- u quark in the center (on average). Similarly, diquark
otic”) quantum numbers that are available to these sys- overlaps (denoted by I) affect static observables like the
tems. Early computations in the MIT bag model worked ratio of magnetic moments and the ratio of axial and
to first order and focussed on light hybrid mesons[750, vector couplings:
751], obtaining, for example, a J P C = 1−+ light hybrid
mass of 1300 MeV[752].

µp 4 + 5I GA 2 + 3I
=− , GV = 2 + I . (5.1.2)
Problems with complexity and fidelity have caused

µn 2 + 4I
bag models to largely fall out of favor as descriptions
of hadrons. They do, however, continue to find applica- Unfortunately, the additional freedom (represented by
tions in models of strongly interacting matter or other I) does not permit a simultaneous fit to the experimen-
complex hadronic systems. tal values of -1.46 and 1.25, respectively[756].
At a more formal level, the similarity of light quarks
makes it difficult to separate one quark from the other
two. In the extreme case of identical quarks, antisym-
5.1.4 Diquark Models
metrization of the state implies that such a separation
Two quarks in a baryon experience a (perturbative) mu- is not feasible. This was noted long ago by Lichten-
tual attraction that is one half of the strength of that berg[757], who suggested including exchange forces to
between a quark and an antiquark in a meson. If the accommodate transitions of the form q[qq] → [qq]q. Of
third quark is isolated in some sense, it is fruitful to course this implies that the diquark can no longer be
5.1 Quark models 113

Fig. 5.1.1 (a) Quark content of a diquark-antidiquark nonet. (b) Mass levels of ideally mixed q q̄ nonet and diquark-antidiquark
nonet. (c) Light scalar mesons. The shaded region indicates large widths. Figure from Ref. [753].

thought of a simple quasiparticle, but is rather some- In spite of the explanatory power of the model, and
thing with internal structure that can be modified and reasonable agreement with properties of the X(3872),
excited. none of these additional states have been observed. (For
Perhaps the most famous application of light di- a complete discussion of this issue, see Sec. 8.5.2.)
quarks is as a model of the scalar mesons. In the 1970’s Notwithstanding the checkered history of the di-
Jaffe noted that a good diquark and a good antidiquark quark model, it must become relevant as quark masses
naturally make a scalar nonet of states, as shown in become much greater than the QCD scale, Λ. In this
Fig. 5.1.1(a). This nonet forms a spectrum as shown case the quarks will sit deeply in a Coulombic well, are
in panel (b) with counting that contrasts strongly with compact, and are described well by perturbative gluon
the “normal” q q̄ scheme, shown at the top of panel (b). exchange. It is widely believed that bottom quarks are
Remarkably this scheme agrees with the observed spec- sufficiently heavy for these phenomena to occur. If a
trum, as shown in panel (c)[753]. This ostensibly simple pair of bottom quarks forms a hadron with light de-
observation has a long and somewhat controversial his- grees of freedom (such as light quarks or gluons), then
tory, as general acceptance of the existence of the light it is reasonable to model the bottom quarks as a [bb]
scalar mesons f0 (600) and κ has waxed and waned over diquark, and this expectation becomes rigorous as the
the years. heavy quark mass becomes very large.
More recently, the diquark simplification has been A consequence of this concerns spin splittings in
applied to Bethe-Salpeter approaches to the baryon spec- heavy-light mesons and baryons, as first observed by
trum with some success[758]. The concept has also found Savage and Wise[761]. In the following Q represents a
support in lattice computations that see evidence for quark with mass larger than the QCD scale, Λ (thus b,
the good light diquark[759]. c), while q represents a quark with mass much less than
The discovery of the X(3872) prompted a surge Λ. The latter then refers to u and d quarks. The strange
in modelling of exotic hadronics, and led to renewed quark is ambiguous in this classification, and is some-
interest in diquarks. A prominent model, due to Ma- times grouped with the light quarks, and sometimes
iani and collaborators[760], advocated that the X(3872) with heavy quarks. In practice heavy quark symmetries
is a J P = 1+ double diquark state with composition only become clear at the bottom mass and higher, while
[cq]1 [c̄q̄]0 + [cq]0 [c̄q̄]1 . This assignment sets the mass of light quark (chiral) symmetry applies well to u and d
the open charm diquark, m[cq] = 1933 MeV, and im- quarks, and fairly well to s quarks.
plies a rich spectrum of exotic states. A novel predic- Heavy quark spin degrees of freedom interact via
tion of the model is that two neutral vector exotic states their color dipole moments, which permits relating spin
should exist with a mass difference of approximately splittings in QQq baryons and Q̄0 q states, with a rela-
8 MeV. Focussing on flavor quantum numbers, these tionship given by
are mixtures of [cu][c̄ū] and [cd][c̄d]. ¯ Amongst others,
scalar states are predicted at 3723 MeV and 3832 MeV.

f′ K** A2
3 mQ0 αS (mQ )
mΣ ∗ (Q) − mΣ(Q) = 3 χb χc
2 mQ αS (mQ0 ) 1 P2

× mV (Q0 ) − mP (Q0 ) .

Here V and P refer to vector and pseudoscalar mesons,

while Σ ∗ and Σ refer to ground state and spin-excited 13S1 Υ J/ψ ϕ K* ρ
QQq baryons. 11S0 ηb ηC
A slightly more model-dependent application estab- η, η′
lishes that the heavy J P = 1+ udb̄b̄ tetraquark state K
must be strongly bound. The argument relies on the
spin splittings, Σb − Λb and Ξb0 − Ξb , which indicate π
that the (3̄F , 0, 3̄c ) light diquark lies approximately 100
MeV below the spin-averaged light diquark mass. This
diquark interacts with a b meson with quantum num- Fig. 5.1.2 “A graphic illustration of the universality of meson
dynamics”. Figure taken from the original[763].
bers (1F , 12 , 3c ) to produce the relevant baryons. As ar-
gued above, and verified by small B ∗ − B and Σb∗ − Σb
mass splittings, the heavy (di)quark spin must decouple models are developed. Finally, field-theoretic nonper-

from the light degrees of freedom. Thus a light diquark turbative methods, such as those based on the Schwinger-
has a similar mass when coupled to a heavy [b̄b̄] di- Dyson and Bethe-Salpeter methods, have served to ex-
quark. Since the heavy diquark has quantum numbers pand the understanding and purview of quark models.
(3F , 0, 3c ), the [ud][b̄b̄] tetraquark has quantum num- These new tools have helped to clarify several long-
bers I = 0, 1/2 and J P = 1+ . Recent lattice field the- standing issues in the field. For example, it is well-
ory computations have proven these expectations cor- known that the pion is anomalously light because it
rect[762]. is the pseudo-Goldstone boson of QCD, reflecting the
Diquarks continue to find application in a variety (broken) near chiral symmetry of the theory. Alterna-
of areas: reducing the daunting complexity that arises tively, the pion is light in quark models because the
in Bethe-Salpeter equations for many-quark systems, hyperfine interaction drives its mass well below that of
Sec. 5.3, the operator-product expansion, Sec. 5.8, in- the rho meson. The size of this mass splitting is infinite
stanton vacuum modelling, Sec. 5.11, heavy quark ef- according to the one gluon exchange interaction (be-
fective field theory, Sec. 6.1, models of quark matter, cause it is proportional to δ(r))! In practice the hyper-
Sec. 7.2, tetraquark models, Sec. 8.5, baryons, Secs. 9.1, fine operator is smeared, which introduces a smearing
9.2, 9.4, and models of hadronization, Sec. 11.4. parameter that can be fit to obtain the pion mass. This
is hardly a satisfactory situation! In spite of this, Isgur
5.1.5 Current Developments has argued that the smooth evolution of hyperfine split-
ting from bottomonium to light quarks (Fig. 5.1.2) is a
The advent of new theoretical tools and the discov- sign that the formalism is correct[763]. How these views
ery of many novel hadrons have fueled the continued can be made consistent is demonstrated in a specific
development of the constituent quark model. Amongst model in Ref. [764], wherein it is shown how chiral sym-
the latter are the X(3872) that strongly hints at qq q̄ q̄ metry breaking induced by a nontrivial vacuum and an
structure and the importance of coupling mesons to effective hyperfine interaction mesh in a smooth fash-
the meson-meson continuum. Strong evidence for states ion. Further insight is gained from the Schwinger-Dyson
consisting of qqqq q̄, called “pentaquarks”, also exists. At formalism, which convincingly demonstrates that chiral
the same time, the maturation of lattice field theory has symmetry breaking gives rise to both a light pion and
permitted the theoretical exploration of many nonper- a dynamical quark mass that can be interpreted as the
turbative hadronic properties and novel states involv- constituent quark[765].
ing glue, such as glueballs and hybrids. Such studies Recent results from the lattice and other theoreti-
also inform the development of refined quark models cal analyses indicate that long-held notions are likely
that are capable of describing an ever greater range of incorrect. For example, scalar confinement cannot be
phenomena. The development of effective field theory correct–it has been known since the 1980s that a con-
and its application to hadronic physics has also greatly fining scalar q q̄ interaction implies an anti-confining qqq
expanded and strengthened the base upon which quark interaction because of the lack of an antiquark line.
5.1 Quark models 115

(This disaster was avoided in, for example, the Godfrey- 3̄12334
Isgur and Capstick-Isgur models by simply applying an V(X)

extra sign.) The problem appears again in attempts at 813824

inducing chiral symmetry breaking in model field the- 814823

ories, where it is learned that scalar confinement inter- 113124 113124

actions do not lead to a stable BCS-like vacuum[766].

In fact, it is not clear at all that the long range quark 114123
interaction need be described by a two-body interaction X X
(a) (b)
of the sort given above; QCD is much more complicated
than this simple model[767]. Fig. 5.1.3 “The adiabatic potentials of the flux tube model (a)
Recent computations in lattice field theory have es- and of the F ~j potential model (b) for two qq q̄ q̄ geometries.”
~i · F
sentially settled the matter. This work relies on the Figure taken from the original[763].
model-independent expansion of the quark interaction
in terms of nonperturbative matrix elements of gluonic
color source) spectrum[486, 773–775], and properties
operators[767, 768], which are evaluated numerically.
of charmonium hybrids[776–778]. Of particular inter-
The results disagree strongly with an assumed scalar
est is the confirmation that the heavy quark multiplet
long range interaction. They do agree in large part with
structure anticipated in Ref. [772] is reflected in the
a Dirac vector interaction, with the exceptions that the
charmonium spectrum[776]. It is interesting, and very
hyperfine interaction resembles a smeared delta func-
suggestive, that this multiplet structure can be repro-
tion and the spin orbit interactions have effective string
duced by degrees of freedom consisting of a quark, an
tensions that are reduced by a factor of approximately
antiquark, and an effective axial gluon with quantum
77%[769]. The picture emerging is that perturbative
numbers J P C = 1+− [493], pointing the way to possible
gluon exchange dominates the interaction at very short
future models.
distances (less than 0.1 fm) and an effective vector-
The advent of compelling experimental evidence for
like interaction dominates at intermediate ranges. At
tetra- and pentaquark states has heightened interest
long range (greater than 1 fm), one must saturate gluon
in modelling multiquark hadrons. This is an old field,
exchange with a sum over hybrid intermediate states.
which in the past suffered from sufficiently poor compu-
This brings in the nonperturbative matrix elements of
tations that Isgur dubbed it the “multiquark fiasco”[763].
chromoelectric and chromomagnetic fields (mentioned
Many technical problems were present in these calcula-
above) that give rise to the nontrivial structure seen in
tions, but the chief physics problem is the nature of
lattice field theory. It is somewhat ironic that early en-
the quark interaction when more than three quarks
thusiasm for perturbative gluon exchange has evolved
are present. The issue, for example, is that a qq q̄ q̄ can
in this fashion!
separate into two meson-meson channels and that the
Other quark model lore from the 1980s has been
gluonic degrees of freedom should experience adiabatic
swept away in a similar fashion. For example, the Godfrey-
surface crossing when transitioning between these con-
Isgur computation of meson decay to γγ employed a
figurations (see Fig. 5.1.3). Thus new gluonic interac-
perturbative amplitude with a “mock meson” correc-
tions are necessarily introduced in multiquark states. Of
tion factor involving the meson mass. More sophisti-
course, one could always model these as a sum of two-
cated computations where the amplitude is computed
body interactions with a perturbative color structure,
with relativistic quark currents and a sum over interme-
but this seems unlikely to be viable. A widely accepted
diate states is made reveal good agreement with data
model of multiquark gluodynamics does not exist yet,
and no need for artificial factors[770].
and is urgently needed.
Multiquark states necessarily couple to systems of
5.1.6 Open Problems
mesons and baryons, which makes it incumbent on mod-
ellers to understand the effects of coupled channels on
One of the major goals in modern quark modelling is
hadronic properties. This requires knowing the effec-
incorporating the effects of nonperturbative gluonic de-
tive quark pair operator. A common model, dating to
grees of freedom, which, of course, permits modelling
1969, has already been mentioned[732], but this can
glueballs and hybrid hadrons. Outright guesses from
surely be improved. As a result, existing models of Fock
the past have been superseded by a body of lattice ex-
sector mixing remain speculative. The problem is not
plorations of gluonic properties. Among these are the
amenable to effective field theory, so progress will likely
spectrum of adiabatic gluonic excitations[771, 772], the
rely on input from lattice field theory. Progress is ur-
gluelump (bound states of gluons and a static adjoint

gent since channel coupling effects are expected to be nuclear states not describable with usual hadronic d.o.f
important in many sectors of the spectrum, including but with multiquark wavefunctions, e.g., 6-quark sin-
the perpetually enigmatic light scalars mesons, and all glet states, or singlet systems made of Cc . The latter
states near thresholds, such as the X(3872), the Pc pen- perspective renders intuitive that HC states are short-
taquarks, and the Zc and Zb states. distance binding configurations.
It is perhaps a surprise that a model dating back For example, in a hadronic basis of nucleon N , ∆
nearly 60 years remains an active field of research. Such and Cc d.o.f (for simplicity we ignore other N ∗ isobars
are the mysteries of QCD. On thing is certain: the quark contributions), the deuteron is a sum of N N , ∆∆ and
model remains the de facto standard by which hadrons Cc Cc components, the latter dominating at short dis-
are interpreted. tance, viz, large Q2 [785]:
|Di = |N N i + |∆∆i + |Cc Cc i
5.2 Hidden Color with
Alexandre Deur |N N i = 13 |[6]{33}i + 23 |[42]{33}i − 23 |[42]{51}i ,
Nuclear physics is one of the first rungs of the com-
plexity ladder rising from our current fundamental un-
q q q
|∆∆i = 4
45 |[6]{33}i+ 16
45 |[42]{33}i+ 25
45 |[42]{51}i ,
derstanding of Nature in terms of the Standard Model. (5.2.2)
The effective degrees of freedom (d.o.f) that emerge (5.2.3)
q q
|Cc Cc i = 4
|[6]{33}i − 1
|[42]{33}i ,
in nuclear physics are the hadrons, namely nucleons,
5 5

mesons and their excited states. Yet, effective theories where [ ] and { } label respectively the orbital and
are intrinsically limited, their effective d.o.f being insuf- spin-isospin symmetries which are characterized by the
ficient to account for peculiar phenomena, e.g., diffrac- bracketed number in the usual Young tableau way, e.g.,
tion for geometrical optics. Then, more fundamental [6] ≡
d.o.f are necessary. Likewise, certain nuclear phenom-
ena are not reducible to hadronic d.o.f and either par- signifies 6 quarks in s-shell, or
tonic d.o.f or new effective d.o.f are necessary. Hidden
[42] ≡
color (HC) is such a phenomenon. In conventional nu-
clear physics, a nucleus – such as the deuteron14 – is
is for 4 quarks in s-shell and 2 in p-shell [786]. For
effectively a bound state of individual nucleons. How-
Q2 → ∞, [6] dominates over [42]. Thus, the deuteron
ever, at the more fundamental level of QCD, the nu-
state is [6]{33} symmetric (and totally antisymmetric
clear eigenstate can also have additional multi-quark
overall), from which 4/5 comes from the HC component,
Fock states which have zero color overall, but do not
Eq. (5.2.3). The 80% dominance of HC at large Q2 is
cluster as a collection of nucleons. These Fock states
therefore expected to control elastic scattering off the
represent the HC d.o.f of nuclei.
deuteron in this limit. In fact, the ratio of the reduced
The possibility of HC d.o.f [779–784] arises from
deuteron form factor (i.e., normalized to the nucleon
observing that the representation of color singlet mul-
form factor squared) to that of the pion is about 15%
tihadron systems allows for colored cluster (Cc , col-
for Q2 of a few GeV2 , indicating 15% of HC in |Di at
ored “hadrons”) components, e.g., a red-red-blue clus-
this scale [785]. That |N N i and |∆∆i nearly vanish at
ter bound to a green-green-blue cluster contributing to
large Q2 means that two singlet hadrons tend to not
the deuteron wavefunction. Such a configuration can
be found close to each others, i.e., the traditional (viz,
equivalently be reexpressed as a sum of singlet com-
between singlet hadrons) nuclear force is repulsive at
ponents, but without well-defined clustering properties
short distance. The rise with Q2 of [6] over [42] tells
since a given valence quark has a substantial probability
us that the components of |Di behave differently with
to belong to any of the singlet states. Therefore, regard-
Q2 . Their evolutions come from gluon exchange and
less of what (equivalent) representation is preferred, it
were calculated in Refs. [787–789]. It was shown that
cannot be expressed with singlet hadronic clusters, i.e.,
the singlet pn state of the deuteron prevalent at small
colorless hadronic d.o.f. This is HC. Clearly, HC goes
Q2 evolves into 5 states: itself and 4 HC states.
beyond traditional nuclear physics but is a natural ex-
The number of HC states quickly increases with the
pectation of the underlying theory, QCD. HC predicts
mass number A of the system. For A = 1 there is 1
Throughout this section, deuteron is used as example of singlet state and no HC state:
nuclear system, but the discussion is generic to multi-nucleon
systems. 3 ⊗ 3 ⊗ 3 = 10 ⊕ 8 ⊕ 8 ⊕ 1,
5.2 Hidden Color 117

the last being the color singlet, the nucleon. For the pn over pp pairs was found to be 5 times larger than
deuteron, A = 2 and the standard hadronic expectation [795, 796]. This may
stem from the repulsive core of the 2-nucleon poten-
tial. Furthermore, the measurement of the strength of
= 28 ⊕ 5(35) ⊕ 9(27) ⊕ 15(10) 3-nucleon correlations in A > 2 nuclei indicates that
⊕ 16(8) ⊕ 5(10∗ ) ⊕ 5(1), their contribution is larger in heavy nuclei than initially
expected, suggestive of the rapid increase of number of
with the 5 last states 5(1) being the singlet states.
HC states with A. A challenge with SRC measurements
Since there can be only one singlet state made of col-
is the fast Q2 fall-off of form factors, so one may alterna-
orless 3-quark clusters –the traditional pn (or isobars)
tively study, also at large Q2 and high x, the behavior
state– the four remaining singlet states are HC states.
of inclusive structure functions which should obey in
For A = 3, there are 41 HC states [790]. Calculating
that regime the QCD dimensional counting rules based
strictly within QCD the Q2 -evolution of nuclear am-
on the number ns of spectator partons [134] (see Sec-
plitudes is presently not possible: Just |Di at lead-
tion 5.10),
ing order involves millions of Feynman graphs. Using
xF (x) ∼ (1 − x/2)2ns −1 .
a hadronic effective QFT is not helpful because adding
the HC d.o.f negates the theory predicability [790]. A In the maximum x → 2 limit for the deuteron, ns = 5
solution is to use the reduced nuclear amplitude tech- for HC (6-quark system) but ns = 2 without a domi-
nique [779, 791]. Based on LF QCD [792, 793], it models nant HC state. HC evidence may come from indirect ob-
nuclear scattering amplitudes that obey QCD counting servations: without HC, the only process binding hadrons
rules [134] (Section 5.10) and gauge invariance. The not sharing covalent quarks is glueball exchange. HC
method neglects nuclear binding so that a nucleus is provides additional processes [787] which may be nec-
modeled as a cluster of collinear hadrons. Thus, the essary to explain the structure of neutron stars [797,
nuclear LFWF factorizes as a product of LFWF of nu- 798].
cleons in theQnucleus times those of quarks in a nucleon: HC may have already been observed. We mentioned
ψA = ψN/A N ψq/N , with the convenient LFWF prob- the SRC observations and that the deuteron form fac-
abilistic interpretation of the Fock states retained. tor normalized to the nucleon form factor squared is
What are the possible signals for HC? An intuitive 15% that of the pion. The I(J P ) = 0(3+ ) of the well-
one is the yield ratio (γd → ∆++ ∆− )/(γd → pn); if |Di con- established d∗ (2380) (or D03 ) p-n resonance [799–807]
tained only a state of two weakly bound singlet hadrons, compellingly suggests that it is a 6-quark system with
dominant HC [808–813]. Furthermore, while its dynam-

dd ,
u ical decay properties can also be explained by a ∆∆
it would not break into a state, the narrow 70 MeV width of the d∗ is 3 times
smaller than expected for the ∆∆ but agrees with a HC
d d = ∆++ ∆− .
u u
u d state. Refs. [814, 815] reviewed recently the d∗ (2380)
properties. Similarly, the narrow de-excitation of 4 He∗
However, a 6-quark |uuudddi state can well split into through e+ e− emission seen at ATOMKI [816] can be
∆++ and ∆− . understood as the 4 He nucleus being excited into a 12-
There are other possible HC signatures [785]: the quark HC state made of 5 colored ud pairs (hexadi-
dominance of HC at short distances makes large an- quark) [817]: it was shown that the ATMOKI anomaly
gle Compton scattering and pion photoproduction off cannot be accounted for by standard electromagnetic
the deuteron prime channels to search for HC. In elec- decay without producing first a HC state [818]. The
tron scattering, the deuteron form factor at large Q2 latter also explains the unusually strong binding of the
should not be explainable with hadronic d.o.f. Likewise, 4
He nucleus. Another possible observation of HC comes
the deuteron inclusive tensor spin structure function b1 , the b1 data from HERMES [819]. They are positive for
a leading-twist quantity, is expected to be especially x < 0.1 but appear to become negative around x ' 0.3,
sensitive to HC [794]. Short range correlation (SRC) which is expected of a 6-quark HC state [794].
measurements can also provide a signal for HC as they These signals each hint at the existence of hidden-
probe the 2-nucleon potential at short distance. Thus, color degrees of freedom. By reaching higher x and Q2 ,
SRC data should be sensitive to the repulsion expected the 12 GeV upgrade of JLab and the future EIC [820]
by HC and signaled by the vanishing of the |N N i and will provide the opportunity to confirm this fundamen-
|∆∆i components. The quasi-elastic reaction (to access tal feature of QCD.
large x) at high Q2 resolves the nucleons of a nucleus
and provides the SRC of nucleon pairs. The ratio of

-1 -1 -1
G4 = K + K K + K K K +…
= + ~
~ + +
g2, g4 g4

G4 = K + K G4 𝚪
= + K = + G4
g g

Fig. 5.3.1 Top row: The exact DSE for the inverse dressed
fermion propagator (in the dotted box), and its approximation
Fig. 5.3.2 Diagrammatic representation of the BSE propaga-
to 4th order in QED. Bottom row: two versions of the exact
tor for two unequal mass particles m1 > m2 . The first line rep-
DSE for the dressed QED vertex Γµ (green diamond): Diagram
resents the iteration of an irreducible kernel K, which is summed
(A) in terms of the q q̄ irreducible kernel K, and (B) in terms
by the BSE (first part of the second line). If the propagator has
of the full scattering amplitude G4 . The thick green (dashed
a pole, then the BSE vertex function satisfies the homogeneous
red) lines are the fermion (photon), solid green (red) circles
BSE shown in the last line.
are the fermion (photon) self energies so that a fully dressed
propagator is a green (red) line with a green (red) circle; and
small red dots label the point coupling γµ and have no structure
(renormalization constants are ignored here). K ~
~ + + + +

(1) (2) (3) (3) (3)

5.3 DS/BS equations + +

+ +
Franz Gross and Pieter Maris

Fig. 5.3.3 Diagrammatic representation of the BSE kernel up

to 6th order in g. Diagram (2) is the dressed xbox diagram and
5.3.1 Introduction diagrams (3) are irreducible photon dressings of the box and
In this section we look at two closely related approaches
to treating the strong interactions that existed before
1972, and remained very useful, even after the onset The fermion-antifermion scattering amplitude G4 of
of QCD. One of these originated with papers by Dyson the two different fermions can be written as a series of
(1949) [821] and Schwinger (1951) [822, 823], referred to interactions shown in the upper line of Fig. 5.3.2. Here
as the Dyson-Schwinger equations (DSEs), and the sec- the kernel K is the sum of irreducible contributions to
ond is the well known Bethe-Salpeter equation (BSE) the off-shell scattering (i.e. diagrams that cannot be re-
[824], introduced in 195115 . duced by drawing an internal line through the diagram
In general, the DSEs form an infinite set of coupled that intersects only the two fermions). The infinite se-
integral equations for the Green’s functions Gn of a ries of iterations of the irreducible diagrams (each re-
quantum field theory. 16 These equations are exact, but ferred to as reducible because it can be cut into two
in practical calculations this set has to be truncated. pieces by an internal line which intersects only the two
The equations can be derived formally from the matrix particles), connected by dressed propagators, is then
elements of the Lagrangian density (as was done in the summed by the equation shown in the LHS of the mid-
original papers), or in the path-integral formalism using dle line. This is the DSE18 . for the scattering amplitude
functional derivatives [831], but Feynman diagrams can G4 . If a bound state exists, it shows up as pole in this
be used to provide a simple, pictorial way to understand scattering amplitude, as illustrated in the RHS of the
them. Using QED as an example 17 , Fig. 5.3.1 shows second line of Fig. 5.3.2. The BSE for the Bound State
the exact DSEs needed to describe the self-energy of Amplitude (BSA) or vertex function, Γ (shown in the
each fermion, and the dressed ψ i γ µ ψi Aµ vertex Γiµ . bottom line), has the same kernel as G4 . Figure 5.3.3
shows contributions to the QED kernel up to order g 6 .
Although the BSE can be used to describe scattering, this There is no known way to sum these contributions in
seminal paper was entitled A relativistic equation for bound closed form.
state problems, particularly serendipitous for applications to
QCD, where all physical states are bound states of quarks, an- 18
For two particle scattering, DSE and BSE are used inter-
tiquarks and gluons. changeably.
For recent reviews of the DSEs in the context of QCD and
hadron physics, see Refs. [765, 825–830]
When applied to QCD, with the photon replaced by a gluon,
additional terms, such as the 3-gluon vertex, must be added.
5.3 DS/BS equations 119

The bound state BSE • All applications of the BSE are therefore approxima-
As an example, the BSE for a q Q̄ bound state in QED tions using an approximate kernel and self-energies.
is • In addition to Eq. 5.3.1, which is a homogeneous
d4 k equation, there is also a canonical normalization
ΓMB (p; Pb) =
Kij (p, k; Pb)Oi χMB (k; Pb)Oj condition for the BSA; one should not normalize
the BSA to a convenient observable.
d4 k
→ 4πα Dνµ (p, k; Pb)γ ν χMB (k; Pb)γ µ , (5.3.1)
Methods to solve the BSE in Minkowski metric
where χMB (k; Pb) is the BS wave function Due to the presence of poles in both the constituent
propagators and in the kernel (coming from the ex-
χMB (k; Pb) = S2 (k2 )ΓMB (k; Pb)S1 (k1 ) , (5.3.2)
changed bosons), it is highly nontrivial to solve the BSE
with Si (ki ) the dressed propagator for particle i and numerically in Minkowski metric, even in ladder trun-
Pb2 = MB2 . The first line is exact, with the kernel written cation. There are two methods to investigate the BSE
in the general form K = Kij Oi ⊗ Oj 19 ; the second line directly in Minkowski metric, both dating back to the
is the ladder truncation with the kernel describing one late 60s: the Covariant Spectator Theory (CST) which
photon exchange only, so K → 4παDνµ γ ν ⊗ γ ν . Dirac we discuss in Sec. 5.3.2, and use of the Nakanishi repre-
indices have been suppressed, and the four-momentum sentation (also known as Perturbation Theory Integral
of the incoming Q is p1 = p − (1 − η)Pb and of the out- Representation) [835].
going q is p2 = p + η Pb, reflecting the fact that the to- The Nakanishi representation for the BSA is a spec-
tal momentum Pb is conserved in relativistic equations. tral representation in which the singularities that arise
The physical observables do not depend on the choice from the poles in the propagators are isolated, allowing
of η, and the natural choice for mesons with equal-mass the BSE to be reduced to an integral equation for the
constituents (like a pion) is η = 12 . The canonical nor- (non singular) spectral function. This has been done
malization condition for the BSE bound state vertex initially for scalar field theory [836], and subsequently
function can be derived directly from the inhomoge- for fermion-antifermion bound states [837–839]. The ob-
neous BSE (see e.g. Refs. [831, 832]). tained BSAs have been benchmarked against direct nu-
Very soon after the BSE was introduced, Wick [833] merical solutions of the ladder BSE for Euclidean (space-
showed that the equation could be transformed from like) relative momenta.
Minkowski space to Euclidean space by rotating the Recently, the scalar BSE in ladder truncation has
time component to the imaginary axis {t, r} → {iτ, r} also been investigated in Minkowski metric by starting
(now referred to as a Wick rotation). Building on Wick’s in the Euclidean formulation and rotating the p4 axis to
results, Cutkosky [834] found all the exact solutions to ip0 (i.e. undoing the Wick rotation numerically) [840],
the bound state BSE in ladder truncation for a scalar and by using contour deformations in order to avoid sin-
theory of the χ2 φ type where the exchange particle gularities [841]. These methods give, within numerical
φ is massless. The solutions are symmetric under the precision, the same results for the BSA in the timelike
O(4) symmetry group, and hence have the same de- region as the Nakanishi representation.
generacy as the nonrelativistic hydrogen atom. Some of
the solutions correspond to excitations in the time di- Connection to the Light-Front wavefunction
rection that have no nonrelativistic analogues. Further- The use of the light-front (LF, first referred to as the
more, these solutions have a negative norm (at least in infinite momentum frame) was introduced by Weinberg
QED and QCD), and are therefore unphysical. As far as in 1966 [842], and the technique was developed very ex-
we know, no other analytic solutions have been found, tensively in the 1980’s by Lepage and Brodsky [207] and
but in the last 25 years accurate solutions of the BSE in many others. It is now a standard method for describ-
ladder truncation have been obtained numerically for ing the structure of hadrons and calculating a range of
both scalar and fermionic systems, discussed below. observables. Application of this technique will be ex-
Several facts about the BSE are sometimes over- tensively discussed in Sec. 5.4. Use of the LF is not
looked: manifestly rotationally invariant, but this can be han-
dled by imposing the so-called angular conditions; see,
• The equation shown in Fig. 5.3.2 is exact, but only
for example, Ref. [843].
if the exact kernel and self energies are known.
The LF wave function can be obtained from χ(p; P )
Each of the operators Oi describes the structure of the by integrating over p− = p0 −p3 , leaving p0 +p3 ≡ xP +
dressed vertices, including possibilities like those illustrated in and p⊥ = {px , py } as independent variables. It turns
diagrams (2) and (3) of Fig. 5.3.3
out that the LF wave function, ψ(x, p⊥ ), is only nonzero

for 0 < x < 1, and vanishes outside this range, even (the generalized ladder sum) is given by the solution
though p+ runs from minus infinity to plus infinity. This of the CST equation with only the one-boson-exchange
has been confirmed numerically for scalar theories in (OBE) kernel (see Refs. [832] and [847]) 22 . This is re-
ladder truncation. ferred to as the cancellation theorem.
Instead of solving the BSE in Minkowski metric, and While the complete cancellation holds only in an
then projecting onto the light-front, one can also recon- exceptional case, partial cancellations occur for other
struct the LF wave function (or e.g. parton distribu- cases. Using the Feynman-Schwinger representation [848],
tions) from their moments, which can be evaluated di- it is possible to calculate the exact result for the gen-
rectly from the BS wave function [844–846]. One caveat eralized ladder sum without vertex or self-energy cor-
to keep in mind is that the BSE is typically solved in co- rections. For scalar theories where m1 = m2 6= ∞ and
variant gauges; the most commonly used gauge in the the exchanged mass µ = 0.15 m [849], the BSE in lad-
literature is the Landau gauge, though other gauges der approximation gives only about one-quarter of the
such as Feynman gauge are also used. On the other correct binding energy (at large coupling), while the
hand, the LF wave function is usually investigated in one-channel CST equation, also in ladder approxima-
LF gauge. This makes it nontrivial to compare LF wave tion, gives a little more that half the correct result. The
functions obtained from the explicitly covariant BSE to OBE approximation in the light-front approach gives
LF wavefuctions obtained within a LF approach. the same result as the BSE in ladder approximation
[850]23 . Another approach, the equal-time (ET) favored
5.3.2 The Covariant Spectator Theory (CST) by Tjon[852] is slightly better than the CST, but only
the CST (to our knowledge) uses the same two-body
The CST, which is related, but not identical, to the scattering amplitude in both the two-body and three-
BSE, can be obtained from the BSE if the internal loop body systems. In a later paper [853], it was shown that
energy is evaluated keeping only the pole contribution the contributions of all self-energies and vertex correc-
from the heaviest particle [847].20 If m+ = m1 > m2 = tions for scalar QED are very small, so that in this case
m− , η = 12 , treating particle 1 as outgoing, and working the generalized ladders dominate (and are well approx-
in the rest frame where P = {W, 0}, then p1 = 12 P − imated by the CST and ET). These remarkable results
p, and the one-channel CST equation can be obtained apply only to scalar theories, so the main justification
from (5.3.1) using the prescription 21 for the use of the CST must rest on its simple nonrela-
tivistic limit.
d4 k F (p, k; P )
Γ (p; P ) = −i It turns out that the one-body CST prescription
(2π)4 d+ (k)d− (k)
" # (5.3.3) must be generalized if it is to be used for all cases
d3 k including m− = m+ and W → 0. To treat these lim-
F (p, b
k; P )
→ ,(5.3.3)
(2π)3 2Ek+ δm 2 + W (2E + − W )
k its successfully, all four k0 poles from the two fermion
propagators must be included. There are two poles in
where d± (k) = m2± − (k ∓ 12 P )2 − i, F is any covariant the upper half k0 plane (r = −) and two in the lower
function, bk1 = 12 W − bk = {Ek+ , k}, (Ek+ )2 = m2+ + k2 , half (r = +), and if s = ± denotes the poles from
so that (bk+ ) = m+ , and δm
2 2 2
= m2− − m2+ . The CST particles m± , then they can all be denoted by k0r s
equation is covariant in three dimensional space, and, rEk + 2 sW − ir. Since the contour can be closed in
s 1

unlike the LF, is rotationally invariant. The major mo- either half plane (but not both), we average over the
tivation for the use of CST equations is that they have two choices. This gives the new prescription
a smooth nonrelativistic limit, and in a few cases their
" #
d3 k krs ; P )
1X F (p, b
ladder approximation is more accurate than the ladder Γ (p; P ) → ,
2 s,r (2π)3 2Eks sδm 2 − W (2rsE s + W )
approximation to the BSE. Their major disadvantage is k

that their kernels can be singular, and the treatment of (5.3.4)

these introduces an additional level of phenomenology where kr = {k0r , k} with (Ek ) = m± + k .
bs s ± 2 2 2
(see below). The sum on the RHS of this equation has four terms,
In scalar field theories when m1 → ∞, it has been and substituting the four values p → pbsr into the LHS
shown that the sum of all ladders and crossed ladders 22
In other words, when m1 → ∞, the CST in OBE approxi-
This is sometimes referred to as “restricting the particle to mation gives the same result as the BSE for a kernel containing
its mass shell.” all irreducible crossed ladders.
With our choice of momenta, this is obtained by closing 23
This is not true for three-body systems, due to contribu-
the k0 contour in the upper half plane and keeping only the tions with two (or more) exchange bosons in flight, which are
positive energy pole of particle 1, at k0 = 12 W − Ek+ . included in the ladder BSE, but not in the OBE approximation
on the light-front [851].
5.3 DS/BS equations 121

gives four coupled equations.24 As discussed above, only

one channel is needed when m+ → ∞. When the parti-
cles are identical, symmetry under interchange requires
that the equation transform into itself when p1 ↔ p2 ,
or k1 ↔ k2 , and looking at k0r s
shows that this re-
quires (if P is not small) at least the channels where
{r, s} = {+, +} and {−.−}, so that rs = + in both
cases. Looking at (5.3.4, it is clear that it is symmetric
under this transformation, remembering that for iden-
tical particles, δm
= 0 and Ek+ − Ek− . Finally, when W
is small, there will be a singularity at W = 0 unless all
four channels are kept.
Unfortunately, when a OBE kernel connects the chan- Fig. 5.3.4 The red line (left-hand scale) shows how χ2 varies
nel with particle 1 on-shell to the channel with particle with νσ , with the best fit at νσ ' −2.6. The blue line (right-
hand scale) shows the (linear) variation of the triton binding
2 is on-shell, the kernel will develop singularities. These energy with νσ , with the best fit also at νσ ' −2.6. (From
are discussed in detail in Ref. [854], but the preferred Ref. [860].)
way to remove them was only developed recently25 .
The three-body CST equation given in Ref. [861]
Nuclear physics applications of the CST was used to compute the triton binding energy [862],
The two-channel CST has been used to give a high and the three-nucleon form factor [863, 864]. During
precision fit to the np scattering data below 350 MeV these studies a remarkable discovery was made: the best
(χ2 = 1.12 using only 15 parameters [854]), to explain fits to the np data require νσ 6= 0 26 , and the same
the deuteron form factors (giving a quadrupole moment value of νσ also gives the best fit to the triton bind-
within 1% of its experimental value [856]), and to study ing energy! This shows that three body-forces are not
the three nucleon system. All of these studies were done needed to explain this observable. This discovery, first
with two models. The simplest and most successful one found in 1996 [862], is shown with the latest (and best)
uses a covariant OBE kernel consisting of the exchange fits in Fig. 5.3.4. It is a robust result that has contin-
of 6 mesons: π, η, σ0 and σ1 (scalar mesons with isospin ued to hold as the fits were improved, and is still not
0 and 1), and ρ and ω. An interesting feature of these understood.
OBE models is that they include an off-shell coupling
for the σ mesons of the form Meson spectrum in the CST
/ + k/ i
p In the CST treatment, mesons are qq bound states with
Λσ (p, k) = gσ − νσ 1 − , (5.3.5)
2m one quark confined to its mass-shell. States like the
where the term proportional to νσ will give zero when ρ, where mρ > 2mq , could have both the quark and
the nucleons are on shell (with p / → m ← k/). As it turns anti-quark on-shell at the same time unless the inter-
out (see below), this off-shell coupling is very important action forbids it. Fortunately, the structure of the CST
to the success of the model. equations permits an attractive relativistic generaliza-
In the early days before the advent of QCD and tion of linear confinement. This definition of confine-
powerful computers, the study of three nucleon systems ment was first introduced in 1991 [865], and in 1999
posed special problems. The Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas it was shown explicitly that the confining interaction
equations [857], developed in 1967, introduced a sys- does indeed guarantee that meson vertex functions are
tematic procedure for finding the solutions of n-body zero when both quark and antiquark are on shell [866].
problems from the solution of the n − 1 body prob- Subsequently, an improved definition [867] was found.
lem. Examples of early papers working directly with For any smooth S-state function φ(p) the action of the
the the three nucleon equation are found in Ref. [858], linear confinement kernel is
which presents solutions with realistic potentials, and
k1 ) − φ(b
D E m 8πσ[φ(b pR )]
Ref. [859], which solves the 3-body BSE with separable VL φ (p1 ) = − (5.3.6)
E (p1 − k1 ) 4
kernels. k k b
This should be considered the correct form for the CST in FG: Originally we (Stadler and I) tried to fit the np data
all cases, but often some of the channels can be ignored. without the off-shell coupling, and got the very high χ2 that an
FG: These singularities troubled me for years. They are extrapolation of the curve shown in Fig. 5.3.4 suggests. Only
integrable, giving finite results, but only with the method de- after a frantic attempt to do better did we discover the impor-
scribed in Ref. [855] do I feel the problem is fully under theo- tance of νσ . Later, we were surprised to realize that the same
retical control. mechanism also gave the correct triton binding energy.

P+ P+ the realization that the form factor was dominated by

p+ q X p+ q a large number of meson-exchange processes, the first
X + ^k
X four of which are shown in the left panel of Fig. 5.3.528 ,
and that these were best calculated by introducing a
p- P+
X p-
𝚪 p+
new equation that would sum these contributions – the
P- (1) P- (3) q
k X
P+ P+
one-channel CST equation.
X p+ q p+ q P-
If the internal propagators in the triangle diagram
+ ^k
X + ^k
X (right panel of Fig. 5.3.5) are dressed by form factors,

X p-
then the off-shell nucleon current must also be dressed
in order to ensure gauge invariance29 .
(2a) (2b)

Fig. 5.3.5 The form factor of a bound state (meson or

deuteron). Left panel: the four diagrams that give the lowest 5.3.3 DSE for the quark propagator
anomalous thresholds for the dispersion integrals, with disper-
sion cuts shown by the dashed lines. Note the multiple spec-
tators on shell. The dashed red line represents the exchanged
We now turn to a discussion of the DSE for the quark
particles that bind the state. Right panel: diagram showing the propagator. The exact equation for the quark propaga-
triangle (or impulse) contribution expressed in terms of the BS tor is shown in the upper left-hand box in Fig. 5.3.1.
vertex function Γ and dressed current (large red dot), needed In Euclidean metric ({γµ , γν } = 2δµν , 㵆 = γµ and
to ensure gauge invariance (only in a CST calculation is the
a · b = i=1 ai bi .) it is given by
spectator on-shell).
S(p)−1 = i 6 p Z2 + mq (µ) Z4
where the spin dependence, and the form factors that
Z 4
d k λi λi
+ Z1 g 2
D (q) γ S(k) Γν (k, p)(5.3.7)
provide convergence at large momenta have been omit-
µν µ
(2π)4 2 2
ted, σ is the string tension, p1 and b k1 are the momenta where Dµν (q = k − p) is the renormalized dressed gluon
of particle 1, bk12 = m21 is on-shell, and pbR is chosen propagator, and Γν (k, p) is the renormalized dressed
to reduce the singularity at (p1 − b k1 )4 = 0 to an inte- quark-gluon vertex. The solution of Eq. (5.3.7) can be
grable principal value (for details see Ref. [867]). Ex- written as
tension of this definition to states with non-zero an-
gular momentum is discussed in Ref. [868]. Using this 1 Z(p2 )
S(p) = = , (5.3.8)
confining kernel, together with a phenomenological con- /A(p2 ) + B(p2 )
ip / + M (p2 )
stant plus a one-gluon-exchange (OGE) contribution in renormalized according to S(p)−1 = i /p + mq (µ) at
a 1-channel CST equation, gives a good account of the a sufficiently large spacelike µ2 , with mq (µ) the cur-
spectrum of heavy-heavy and heavy-light mesons [869, rent quark mass at the scale µ. For divergent integrals
870], as shown in Fig. 5.4.3 27 . The 4-channel CST equa- a translationally-invariant regularization is necessary.
tion also provides a good description of the pion con- Note that in the chiral limit, the current quark mass
sistent with the axial-vector Ward–Takahashi identity mq (µ) is absent from Eq. (5.3.7) and there is no mass
(AV-WTI) [867]. renormalization.
The most commonly used truncation is the rainbow
The origin of the CST – FG truncation (analogous to the ladder truncation to the
My involvement with this subject began in 1960 when
nucleons and pions were thought to be fundamental A novel feature of the dispersion integrals describing these
processes is the presence of anomalous thresholds starting at
particles and S-matrix theory was believed to be the si < 4m2 . The imaginary part of the dispersion integral in
best way to tackle the strong interactions. For my Ph.D. the anomalous region (from si to 4m2 ) is given entirely by the
it was suggested that I look at the deuteron electro- contributions from these diagrams when the four-momentum of
magnetic form factor. The upshot of my study lead to all the spectators are on shell. For diagram (1) this threshold
is at
27 M2
Since both the light front and CST are relativistic wave s0 = B 4m2 − MB 2

u 16m
functions depending on only three variables, it has long been m 2

thought that, perhaps, they can be transformed into one other. where  = 2m − MB is the binding energy[872]. For diagrams
The basis for such a comparison might be based on a connection (2a) and (2b), one additional spectator is on shell, and for dia-
between one of the components of the CST internal momentum gram (3), two additional spectators are on shell. The thresholds
(take pz for example) and the LF momentum fraction x, and a for these diagrams are larger than s0 but still much less than
good candidate is Ep + pz = yD0 , where D0 is the energy of the normal threshold of 4m2 .
the bound state, and y = x. This transformation suggests an 29
D. O. Riska and I constructed such a current [873], which is
equivalence in some cases [871], but since 0 ≤ y ≤ ∞, it is clear used in all CST calculations. This current plays a role analogous
that y 6= x. Our conclusion is that CST and LF wave functions to the BC or CP currents discussed below.
seem to describe the physics differently.
5.3 DS/BS equations 123

with the anomalous mass dimension, γm , in agreement
with perturbation theory. In the chiral limit this model

gives a nontrivial solution for the mass function that
falls off like a power-law, modified by logarithmic cor-
M(p ) [GeV]

rections [882]
2π 2 γm − hq̄qi0

Mchiral (p2 ) ' , (5.3.11)

-3 c-quark 3 p2 (ln [p/ΛQCD ])1−γm
u/d-quark with hq̄qi0 the quark condensate, in agreement with the
chiral limit Operator Product Expansion [883].
-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Of course, quantitative details of the quark propa-
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
[GeV ] 2 gator functions in the infrared region do depend on the
0 truncation. The bottom panel of Fig. 5.3.6 shows the
quark mass function M (p2 ) of the quark propagator
-1 in the chiral limit, obtained from the coupled quark,
ghost, and gluon DSEs using the Curtis-Pennington
(CP) vertex30 suitably generalized for use in a non-
M(p ) [GeV]

mR≈95 MeV Abelian QFT [878]. Qualitatively, these results agree
with the quark mass functions shown in the top panel

(both in the chiral limit, and with a nonzero current
DSE, Nf=0
DSE, Nf=3 quark mass), though quantitatively they clearly do de-
DSE, Nf=0, mR≈4.5 MeV pend on both the details of the effective interaction and
bare vertex the vertex Ansatz.
10 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
10 10 10
10 10
Do real quark mass poles exist?
p [GeV ]
Knowledge of the behavior of the quark propagator in
Fig. 5.3.6 Dynamical quark mass function M (p2 ) for spacelike the complex momentum plane is necessary not only to
momenta: using the rainbow truncation with the Maris–Tandy
model [876] (top, adapted from [877]), and from quenched solve the BSE at the bound state mass pole, but also be-
(Nf = 0) and unquenched (Nf = 3 chiral quarks) DSEs us- cause of possible connections to confinement, the CST,
ing the CP vertex [878], as well as results obtained with a bare and the LF wave function. In QED, we know that real
quark-gluon vertex, compared to quenched lattice data in the mass-poles must exist on the time-like axis, but early
overlap [879] and Asqtad [880] formulations (bottom, adapted
from [881]) DSE studies of the fermion propagator in ladder trun-
cation suggested the existence of complex “mass-like”
singularities instead of real mass-poles at timelike mo-
BSE discussed above), in which the dressed gluon prop- menta [885–887]. The absence of a mass-pole in the
agator and the quark-gluon vertex are replaced by their fermion propagator on the timelike axis would prevent
bare counter-parts, with a model effective running cou- the fermion from being on-shell, and could be an indi-
pling cation of confinement [888, 889].31 More recently how-
Z1 g 2 Dµν (q)γµ ⊗ Γν (k, p) → 4π α(q 2 ) Dµν
(q)γµ ⊗ γν . 30
The CP vertex [884] is a nonperturbative Ansatz for the
(5.3.9) electron-photon vertex that satifsies the Ward–Takahashi Iden-
This truncation is the first term in a systematic expan- 31
PM: My interest in the fermion DSE started with my Mas-
sion [874, 875]; furthermore, the preferred gauge for the ters research in the late 80s, with the question whether or not
there was a dynamical mass generation in (2+1)-dimensional
fermion DSE is Landau gauge, which has the advantage QED. In addition to dynamical chiral symmetry breaking,
that asymptotically, Z(p2 ) → 1. QED3 also exhibits confinement; these two features make it
By choosing a suitable model for the effective run- an illustrative toy model for QCD. Consistent treatment of the
ning coupling α that reduces asymptotically to leading- photon propagator turns out to be crucial in QED3 : in the
quenched approximation (no fermion loops, and hence no vac-
order perturbation theory, realistic quark mass func- uum polatization), there is a logarithmically rising potential
tions, as shown in Fig. 5.3.6, are obtained. In particu- between a fermion and anti-fermion. This logarithmically con-
lar, with a nonzero current quark mass, the dynamical fining potential persist in the presence of massive fermion loops
mass function behaves at large p2 like in the vacuum polarization, but with massless fermions, this
confining potential disappears. With the coupled DSEs for the
m 12 fermion and photon propagator, it was found that there is a
M (p2 ) ' (5.3.10)
γ , γm = , critical number of fermion flavors of about Nf ∼ 3 to 4, below
(ln [p/ΛQCD ]) m 11Nc − 2Nf

ever, is has been shown that, with proper regulariza- extracted from the Schwinger function. Whether or not
tion of potentially divergent integrals (e.g. using Pauli– confinement is realized through the absence of mass-
Villars), that at least in weak-coupling quenched QED, like singularities on the real timelike axis remains to be
the DSE for the electron propagator has the expected seen. Note that these results are not inconsistent with
analytic structure, namely a mass-pole in the timelike the CST, which assumes the existence of real quark
region. This was obtained both in Feynman gauge and mass poles.
in Landau gauge; and using two independent numeri-
cal methods, explicitly rotating the spacelike region to 5.3.4 Pions: Goldstone bosons of QCD
the timelike region and using the Nakanishi formalism
[890]. Pions, and to some extent also kaons, are the pseudo-
In QCD however, quarks (and gluons) are confined, Goldstone bosons of QCD: in the chiral limit, mq = 0,
and the quark propagator need not have a mass-pole at chiral symmetry is broken dynamically, which implies
timelike momenta. A convenient way to study this is to the existence of massless Goldstone bosons. In the flavor
use the Schwinger function, ∆(t), defined by SU(2) chiral limit, there are three Goldstone bosons
d4 p i(tp4 +~x·~p) (three pions); and in the flavor SU(3) chiral limit, there
∆s,v (t) = d3 x e σs,v (p2 ) would be eight Goldstone bosons. In the real world,
the up, down, and strange quarks are not massless, but
1 ∞
= dp4 cos(t p4 )σs,v (p24 ) ≥ 0 (5.3.12) have a small current quark masses; in addition, one of
π 0 the eight ‘would-be’ Goldstone bosons mixes with the
where σs,v (p2 ) is the scalar or vector part of the dressed isoscalar pseudoscalar meson (which is massive due to
quark propagator, the axial anomaly) to form the η and η 0 . This explains
qualitatively why the three pions and four kaons are so
S(p) = i p 2 2
/ σv (p ) + σs (p ) . (5.3.13)
much lighter than all other mesons, among other things.
For a propagator with a real mass-pole in the timelike Therefore, in order to describe pions (and kaons), any
region, this Schwinger function falls off like an exponen- truncation has to respect all constraints coming from
tial. In contrast, a propagator with a pair of complex- chiral symmetry. Furthermore, it implies that the pion
conjugate mass-like singularities, the Schwinger func- BSA is closely related to the (dynamically generated)
tion is not positive-definite and exhibits an oscillatory scalar part of the quark self-energy, which can be made
behavior explicit by using the AV-WTI [892].
The axial-vector vertex Γ5µ satisfies a DSE as illus-
∆(t) ∼ e−a t cos(bt + δ) . (5.3.14)
trated in the second row of Fig. 5.3.1, with an inhomo-
In Ref. [881] a striking qualitative difference between geneus term γ 5 γ µ . But even without solving the DSE,
the use of a bare quark-gluon vertex and the BC [891] or one can relate this vertex directly to the dressed quark
CP vertex was found: with a bare vertex, the Schwinger propagators via the AV-WTI
function behaves like a pair of complex-conjugate mass-
Pµ Γ5µ (p; P ) = S −1 (p2 )γ5 + γ5 S −1 (p1 )
like poles for the quark propagator, whereas the results
with the BC and the CP vertex behave like a real mass- − 2 mq (µ) Γ5 (p; P ) , (5.3.15)
pole in the timelike region. Qualitatively similar results where Γ5 (p; P ) is the pseudoscalar vertex, which also
were found employing different models for the effective satisfies a DSE as shown in Fig. 5.3.1, with inhomoge-
running coupling, including (3+1) dimensional QED. neous term γ 5 . This can be compared to the more fa-
The existence of a pair of complex-conjugate mass-like miliar vector WTI for the quark-photon vertex (which
singularities in the DSE solutions of the dressed quark satisfies the same DSE with inhomogeneous term γ µ ),
propagator in rainbow truncation was also confirmed
by direct analytic continuation of the quark DSE into Pµ Γ µ (p; P ) = S −1 (p2 ) − S −1 (p1 ) (5.3.16)
the complex-momentum plane; the obtained real and which ensures electromagnetic current conservation.
imaginary parts of these singularities agree with those Meson poles in the quark-antiquark scattering am-
which there is both dynamical mass generation and a confin-
plitude, G4 , also appear in these vertices, depending on
ing potential. Furthermore, it was found that in the presence of their quantum numbers. For the quark-photon vertex
the logarithmically confining potential, the fermion propagator this automatically leads to Vector Meson Dominance
exhibits a pair of ’mass-like’ singularities at complex conjugate (VMD), a model for the coupling of photons to hadrons
momenta in the complex momentum plane, whereas in the ab-
sence of this logarithmically confining potential, the fermion
that predates QCD [893] (see below). In the case of the
propagator appears to have a real mass-pole at timelike mo- axial-vector vertex, near a pseudoscalar meson pole at
memta, as one would expect based on perturbation theory.
5.3 DS/BS equations 125

Pb2 = −MPS
, we have32 nonzero current quark masses; as well as for excited
pseudoscalar mesons.
d4 k
ΓPS (p; Pb)
Γ5µ (p; P ) ≈ 2 Z 2 N c Tr[χPS (k; Pb) γ5 γµ ] Finally, with the definition of rPS implicitly given in
P 2 + MPS (2π)4 Eq. (5.3.18, and the relation (5.3.21), we arrive at the
ΓPS (p; Pb) well-known Gell-Mann–Oakes–Renner relation
= 2 2 fPS P
bµ (5.3.17)
P + MPS fπ2 m2π = 2 mq (µ) hq̄qiµchiral , (5.3.22)
with fPS the pseudoscalar decay constant, which gov-
with the chiral condensate
erns the coupling of a pseudoscalar meson to the axial-
vector current. d4 k 4 Bchiral (k 2 )
hq̄qiµchiral = Z4 Nc (5.3.23)
Similarly, pseudoscalar mesons appear as poles in
2 2 2
(2π) k A (k 2 ) + Bchiral
4 (k 2 )
the pseudoscalar vertex, and near Pb2 = −MPS 2
this Note that the renormalization scale dependence of the
vertex behaves as current quark mass, mq (µ), exactly cancels that of the
ΓPS (p; Pb)
d4 k chiral condensate.
Γ5 (p; P ) ≈ 2 2 Z4 Nc Tr[χPS (k; Pb) γ5 ]
P + MPS (2π)4
5.3.5 Mesons in Rainbow-Ladder (RL) trunca-
ΓPS (p; Pb)
= 2 2 rPS (µ) (5.3.18) tion
with rPS (µ) the (renormalization-scale dependent) residue Different types of mesons, such as pseudoscalar (pions,
in the pseudoscalar channel. The AV-WTI relates the kaons) or vector mesons (ρ, φ), are obtained by consid-
residues at these poles ering the most general Dirac and flavor (isospin) struc-
ture for the meson of interest, and solving the BSE,
= −2 mq (µ) rPS (µ) , (5.3.19)
Eq. 5.3.1, at the bound state pole 34 .
which holds for any pseudoscalar meson. Therefore, in To obtain practical solutions from the exact BSE,
the chiral limit, mq (µ) = 0, either fPS or MPS must be Eq. 5.3.1, the kernel K must be truncated; furthermore,
zero. (If they are both zero, chiral symmetry will not one needs to approximate the dressed quark propaga-
be dynamically broken; see below.) tors. The most commonly used truncation is the ladder
Furthermore, expanding the AV-WTI in powers of truncation, in which the BSE kernel K in Eq. (5.3.1) is
in the chiral limit, mq (µ) = 0, and using the most replaced by an one-gluon exchange (or, in the case of
general Dirac decomposition of ΓPS 33 QED, a one-photon exchange)
/b F + k/ G + σµν kµ Pbν H (5.3.20)
ΓPS (k; Pb) = γ5 iE + P Kij (p, k; Pb) Oi ⊗ Oj →
one finds, to leading order in MPS , 4π α(q 2 ) Dµν
(q) λ2 γµ ⊗ 2 γν ,
fPS E(p; 0) = B(p ) 2
(5.3.21) with a model for the effective running coupling α(q 2 ).
Here we use the ladder truncation, in combination with
where B(p) is the scalar part of the quark self-energy.
quark propagators that are the solution of the DSE
Thus, if chiral symmetry is dynamically broken, that
in rainbow truncation – hence we refer to it as the
is, if mq (µ) = 0 but B(p2 ) 6= 0, fPS is nonzero, see
Rainbow-Ladder (RL) truncation.
Eq. (5.3.21), and pions necessarily emerge as massless
The resulting approximate BSE is solved numeri-
Goldstone bosons, see Eq. (5.3.19). Furthermore, the
cally, starting from the Euclidean metric, and analyt-
pseudoscalar component of the pion BSA is proportion-
ically continuing Pb2 to negative values while keeping
ally to the (dynamically generated) scalar self-energy of
the integration variable Euclidean. This leads to com-
the quarks. In addition, the AV-WTI implies that the
plex momenta for the quark propagators, which is triv-
decay constant of excited pions (which necessarily have
ial with bare constituent propagators; it is also well-
nonzero mass) has to vanish in the chiral limit.
defined and straightforward to implement for (nonper-
These relations are exact, and the asymptotic be-
turbatively) dressed propagators as long as there are no
havior of the canonical pion BSA component can be ob-
singularities in either the (dressed) propagators or the
tained from the asymptotic behavior of the mass func-
model for the effective interaction over a well-defined
tions shown in Fig. 5.3.6. The same asymptotic behav-
domain in the complex momentum plane, depending
ior of the canonical BSA component also holds with
The bound state mass is not known a priori; therefore one
Remember we are using Euclidean metric here. has to vary Pb 2 until one finds a solution. This is most conve-
Here E, F , G, and H scalar functions of k2 and k · Pb ; for niently done by introducing a fictitious eigenvalue λ in front of
equal-mass mesons with η = 12 , the functions E, F , and H are the LHS of Eq. 5.3.1 to turn it into an eigenvalue problem, and
even in k · Pb , whereas G is odd in k · Pb . search for a solution with λ = 1 by varying Pb 2 .

on the meson mass, choice of η, and choice of frame35

– though one may have to solve the quark DSE numer- 0.5
ically over this domain.
In the previous section we showed in detail that the

) (GeV2)
pion is the Goldstone boson associated with chiral sym-
metry breaking; it becomes massless in the chiral limit; 0.3 CERN
and its canonical BSA component is given by the scalar


Q Fπ(Q
JLab Fπ (1, 2007)
self-energy of the quark. The ladder truncation by it- 0.2
JLab Fπ (2, 2006)

self, in combination with bare propagators, does not VMD ρ monopole
preserve these features of the pion. However, the RL 0.1 DSE-MT (2000)
truncation with consistent dressed quark propagators BLFQ (2021)
does preserve the Goldstone nature of the pion, which 0
0 1 2 3 4
one can prove analytically using Eq. 5.3.15 and per- 2 2
Q (GeV )
forming a shift in integration variables.36
The RL truncation has been used extensively over Fig. 5.3.7 Spacelike pion form factor: Comparison between
experiment and a VMD model, DSE in RL truncation [877,
the past 25 years, not only for pions, but also for other 895], and a recent LF calculation [896]. For the experimental
quantum numbers, and both for light systems, heavy data, see Refs. [897, 898] and references therein.
systems, and heavy-light systems. A commonly used
model for the interaction is the Maris–Tandy model [876].
This model is finite in the infrared region, with sufficient troweak decay constant, but more interesting are pro-
strength for dynamical chiral symmetry breaking, and cesses with three external probes such as mesons and/or
agrees perfectly with pQCD for q 2 > 25 GeV2 . The dy- photons. Consider the elastic form factor of a meson:
namical mass function of the up/down quarks, strange the right panel of Fig. 5.3.5 shows the coupling of a pho-
quarks, and charm quarks were shown in Fig. 5.3.6. ton to a meson in impulse approximation. One can show
For the light pseudoscalar and vector mesons, con- analytically that if one considers the dressed quark-
sisting of u, d, and s quarks, we find excellent agree- photon vertex as the solution of its inhomogeneous BSE
ment with the experimental data, not only for the spec- using the same RL kernel as for the quark propagators
trum, but also for the decay constants. For the charmed and the meson BSE, current conservation is automat-
mesons (both charmonium, and heavy-light systems) ically guaranteed. Another advantage of using such a
we also find agreement with experiment, within our nu- dressed quark-photon vertex, instead of a bare vertex,
merical precision which is dominated by the need to is that vector meson poles will automatically appear as
solve the quark propagator over a large domain in the poles at Q2 = −MV2 in the dressed vertex; thus, VMD
complex momentum plane. Results for axial-vector and is unambiguously included in this approach [895].
scalar mesons are much less in agreement with experi- A practical challenge is that at least one of the
ment, but it is known that leading-order corrections to mesons in Fig. 5.3.5 has to be in a moving frame. For
the RL truncation are significantly larger in the axial- small values of Q2 one can use a Taylor expansion of
vector and scalar channels than in the pseudoscalar and the BSA in the rest frame, but explicitly solving the
vector channels. Furthermore, the scalar mesons are no- BSE in a moving frame greatly improves the accessi-
toriously difficult to describe, and are likely to have a ble domain in Q2 and reduces numerical uncertainties
significant 4-quark content (in particular the broad σ associated with e.g. a Taylor expansion. Figure 5.3.7
meson, if it can be called a meson). shows the predictions from the Maris–Tandy model in
RL truncation for the pion elastic form factor, which
Meson form factors and scattering are in perfect agreement with the data. For compari-
With the BSA we can evaluate a range of other phys- son, we also include a simple VMD model, as well as a
ical observables. We have already mentioned the elec- recent LF calculation [896] discussed in more detail in
Sec. 5.4.
The BSA is frame independent, but in Euclidean metric, Similar diagrams can and have also been used for
k · P is purely imaginary in the restframe (remember Pb 2 is electroweak transition form factors and the anomalous
negative), and becomes generally complex in a moving frame.
It has been shown that physical observables are indeed frame π 0 → 2γ process [899]. One finds generally good agree-
independent by solving the BSE in RL truncation explicitly in ment with experimental data, thanks to the fact that
a moving frame [894]. this approach satisfies all constraints coming from elec-
Hence the need for translationally-invariant regularization tromagnetic current conservation, chiral symmetry, and
of potentially divergent integrals – this is also necessary for
ensuring current conservation in electromagnetic interactions.
dynamical chiral symmetry breaking; furthermore, it
5.3 DS/BS equations 127

݉ [‫]ܸ݁ܩ‬ ߨҞ(1600)

ߩ(1450) ܽҝ(1450)
+ + + + ߨ(1300) ܾҞ(1235) ܽҞ(1260)
1.5 ߨҞ(1400)

+ + + +
Fig. 5.3.8 RL truncation for γ 3π consistent with chiral sym-
metry and electromagnetic current conservations: quark propa- 0.0
gators, vertices and box-diagram all dressed with the same RL 0−+ 1−− 0++ 1+− 1++ 0−− 0+− 1−+
kernel (adapted from [900]).
Fig. 5.3.9 Light meson spectrum beyond RL truncation (Fig-
ure adapted from [904]).
includes unambigously VMD effects, and it also agrees
with perturbative QCD at large momenta. This is not
to say that there are no short-comings in this approach:
obviously there is physics beyond the RL truncation
that is important, some of which are discussed below. 6

More challenging are scattering observables involv- 5

ing four external mesons and/or electroweak probes. 4
Based on the success of describing form factors in im-
pulse approximation, one might consider just the box
diagram with dressed vertices and propagators for such 2

processes. However, it turns out that this is insufficient, 1

and does not reproduce the expected results for e.g. 0
ππ scattering or γ 3π coupling – which are both con- −0.6 −0.5 −0.4 −0.3 −0.2 −0.1 0

strained by chiral symmetry. For a consistent descrip-

Fig. 5.3.10 Pion form factor with pion loops in the timelike
tion of scattering observables involving four external region (Figure adapted from [905]).
probes, one needs to include the same RL kernel in-
side the box diagram as well, resummed to all orders,
as indicated in Fig. 5.3.8. With these ladder diagrams constants are in such good agreement with data, but at
added to the box diagram, it has been shown explicitly the same time an accurate description of mesons with
that both the anomalous γ 3π process [900] and ππ scat- other quantum numbers requires going beyond RL.
tering [901] are in perfect agreement with chiral sym- One of the more promising methods to go beyond
metry and electromagnetic current conservation. The the RL truncation is based on the n-Particle Irreducible
same approach can in principle also be used for other (n-PI) effective action, in particular the 2-PI and 3-PI
processes, involving other mesons, and it would be very effective action up to 3 loops [830, 904]. This gener-
interesting to extend this approach in the future to e.g. ally leads to coupled integral equations for the quark,
Compton scattering on hadrons, as well as pion-nucleon gluon, and ghost propagators, the quark-gluon vertex
scattering. (and possibly other vertices), and possibly higher n-
point functions. Computationally, solving these coupled
5.3.6 Beyond the RL approximation sets of integral equations in multiple variables is signif-
icantly more complicated and time consuming than the
Over the past two decades significant progress has been RL truncation, but with current (and future) compu-
made in improving the RL truncation while preserving tational resources, the resulting integral equations can
the relevant vector and axial-vector WTIs [875, 902, be solved for selected cases. The spectrum obtained for
903]. Although the details of these investigations differ, the light mesons (including the axial-vector mesons) is
the general conclusion is that corrections beyond RL in good agreement with available data, see Fig. 5.3.9;
are relatively small in the pseudoscalar and vector chan- the only obvious disagreement is in the scalar channel,
nels, but can be significantly larger in the axial-vectors where pion loops play an important role.
and scalar channels. This makes it understandable why
the pseudoscalar and vector meson masses and decay

Higher Fock components 𝑀 [𝐺𝑒𝑉] 𝑁 𝛥

Although the RL truncation appears to be quite suc- 2.0

cessful for a range of meson observables, it has its limi-

tations. Consider the pion form factor: Fig. 5.3.7 shows 1.8

this form factor in the spacelike region, but we can also

extend these calculations to the timelike region. In the 1.6

timelike region, we find a pole at Q2 = −Mρ2 ; exactly

as one would expect, because we already know that the 1.4

homogeneous BSE for the vector channel has a solu-

tion at Pb2 = −Mρ2 . However, this pole is above the 2π 1.2 qqq

threshold – in the real world, this pole is shifted to the q-dq

second Reimann sheet, and there is a resonance peak

PDG **
1.0 PDG ***

with non-zero width at Q2 = −Mρ2 . Indeed, incorpo-

PDG ****

rating pion loops in the dressed quark-photon vertex 0.8

1+ 1− 3+ 3− 3+ 3− 1+ 1−
in the timelike region changes the vector-meson pole 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

to a resonance peak, and the resulting form factor is Fig. 5.3.11 Baryon spectrum in RL truncation in the quark-
in good agreement with the data [905], see Fig. 5.3.10. diquark picture (blue bars) and as three-quark bound state
Although the center of the peak is slightly shifted com- (open boxes), compared to experimental spectrum (Figure
adapted from [907]).
pared to the data, the peak height and width are in
good agreement with the data in the timelike region
Similarly, pion loops are likely to be important for tions, are in good agreement with experiment, both in
the scalar mesons, which can be included by incorporat- the quark-diquark and the three-quark bound state pic-
ing configurations with two quarks and two anti-quarks tures. For the other quantum numbers we see noticable
in the BSE. This leads to a set of coupled equations be- differences between the quark-diquark and three-quark
tween the usual quark-antiquark components, as well bound state results (and note that not all quantum
as ’meson-meson’ contributions and ’diquark-diquark’ numbers have been done as a three-quark bound state).
contributions. This has recently been implemented for The obtained bound state amplitudes can be used for
the scalar channel [906], which reveals that the σ meson the evaluation of nucleon form factors, see e.g. [907] and
is indeed dominated by two-pion contributions, as one references therein, analogous to the calculation of the
might expect. This approach will also be very useful to pion form factor discussed earlier.
investigate exotic mesons, tetraquarks, and in the fu-
ture also pentaquarks, all within the same framework. 5.3.8 Conclusions

5.3.7 Baryons At the energy scales of mesons and barons, nonpertur-

bative methods are needed, and the DSEs and BSE
The notion of diquarks has been around for almost as (or the CST) work very well. The main shortcoming of
long as QCD; see e.g. Ref. [756]. Initial DSE studies of these methods is that the kernels needed to solve for the
baryons were therefore formulated in terms of bound self energies of wave functions are unknown, and must
states of a quark and a diquark; specifically a scalar be modeled. The combination of the ladder (L) trun-
and an axialvector diquark. cation of the BSE with the closely related rainbow (R)
However, as described in Sec. 5.3.2, three fermion truncation of the DSE for self energies are reasonably
states can also be described by a 3-body BSE, and in re- successful, in particular in describing chiral symmetry
cent years there has been significant progress in describ- breaking and the role of the pion as the Goldstone boson
ing and understanding baryons as three-quark bound of QCD. The few calculations beyond the RL trunca-
states using the DSE with essentially the same RL ap- tion that exist show that the additional effects are not
proximations as used for the mesons. An effective in- large, except in particular spin-isospin channels.
teraction is modeled using the Dirac structure of a one- We expect this technique to develop in the years
gluon exchange between two quarks, see Eq. 5.3.24, in ahead and to remain an attractive method for theoret-
combination with consistent nonperturbatively dressed ical study of QCD.
quark propagators. Figure 5.3.11 shows the calculated
spectrum for nucleons and delta resonances together
with the experimental spectrum. The results for the
ground state nucleons, as well as their radial excita-
5.4 Light-front quantization 129

5.4 Light-front quantization Here, the sum is over all partons and mi is the mass
of the ith parton. The role of the Lagrange multiplier
James Vary, Yang Li, Chandan Mondal term ensures factorization of the state vector’s trans-
and Xingbo Zhao verse component into an internal, boost invariant, com-
ponent times a center of mass (CM) component [911].
In this section, we discuss non-perturbative light-front We note that this eigenvalue problem applies to sys-
Hamiltonian quantization methods. We primarily focus tems with arbitrary baryon number so that, for exam-
on introducing the Hamiltonians for QED and QCD ple, it applies to atomic nuclei as well. An eigenstate
derived in the light-cone gauge (for extensive reviews, of a system can be written in terms of a Fock-space
see Refs [792, 908]). We introduce methods of solution expansion over sectors with N -partons as
and results for mesons and baryons. We focus on the
Discretized Light Cone Quantization (DLCQ) and Ba- N
X X Z QN ⊥
i=1 dxi dpi
sis Light Front Quantization (BLFQ) methods due to |P, Λi = 2√ δ(1 − xi )
[2(2π)N ] x1 xN
their ability to include gluons and sea quarks dynami-
N λ1 ,...,λN i=1

× δ2 ( p⊥ Λ
i )ψ{λi }N ({pi }N ) |{λi , pi }N i ,
Light-front quantization is the natural language for
describing the partonic degrees of freedom of QCD at

high energies. This connection has been extensively ex- where ψλΛ1 ,...,λN (p1 , . . . , pN ) is the light-front helicity
ploited in phenomenological approaches to hard inclu- amplitude for each component. Each of the multi-parton
sive and exclusive processes (see Secs. 5.9,5.10). In these basis states |{λi , pi }N i is defined as a properly nor-
approaches, instead of solving the QCD dynamics, the malized string of N fermion, anti-fermion and gluon
symmetries and properties of QCD are employed to creation operators acting on the vacuum. Eq. 5.4.3 is
construct phenomenological partonic amplitudes or den- schematic since, for fixed N , there can be many sub-
sities on the light front. cases with the same net fermion number. We note that
Before introducing specific light-front Hamiltonian the kinetic term in Eq. 5.4.2 is diagonal in this multi-
methods of solution, let us recap the key concepts of parton basis. In the following sections, we introduce the
the light-front Hamiltonian approach that spring from discretized and basis function alternatives to Eq. 5.4.3.
Dirac’s formulation of Poincare’ invariant quantum frame- For gauge theories, a traditional approach is to adopt
works [909]. Our choice of light-front variables can be the light-front gauge, A+ = 0, and to reduce the Hamil-
summarized in relation to equal-time variables by in- tonian to the minimum number of dynamical degrees of
troducing freedom using constraint equations. For QED and QCD
this produces the Hint term of Eq. 5.4.2 expressed in
M 2 + (P ⊥ )2 ⊥
P = (P 0 +P 3 , P 0 −P 3 , P ⊥ ) = (P + , , P ), terms of Pauli spinors with the boson-fermion vertices
(QED and QCD) as well as boson-boson vertices (QCD
where P and M represent the 4-momentum and mass of only). In addition to these vertices, the gauge-fixing
the hadron, respectively. For the hadron’s constituents and reduction procedures lead to higher-order instan-
(quarks, antiquarks, gluons), which we refer to as par- taneous interactions which manifest divergences. The
tons, we adopt p⊥
i as the transverse momentum of the resulting 3(7) vertices for QED [72](QCD [912, 913])
ith parton, xi = Pi+ is its longitudinal momentum frac- are deceptively simple and are shown in Fig. 5.4.1
tion, λi is its light-front helicity [910], and roman alpha- Like its Lagrangian counterpart, Hamiltonian field
bet subscripts run through the partons of the hadron. theory needs to be regularized and renormalized. Di-
The Hamiltonian eigenvalue problem for the mass- mensional regularization is only available for pertur-
squared eigenstates and their associated light-front wave bative calculations. In non-perturbative solutions, the
functions (LFWFs) begins with defining the light-front invariant mass cutoff and the Pauli-Villars regulariza-
Schrödinger equation for the system’s eigenstates. Tak- tion are often adopted. Since non-perturbative eigen-
ing P ⊥ = 0 and H = P − (using dimensionless units for value problems have to be solved numerically, finite
the conserved P + ) discretization schemes are also needed. One can choose
H |P, Λi = M 2 |P, Λi (5.4.1) to use the discretization to define the regularization.
DLCQ and BLFQ are such schemes. Alternatively, the
where Λ is the hadron’s light-front helicity and H con- discretization can be used purely as the numerical method.
tains kinetic, interaction and Lagrange multiplier terms The problem remains to take the continuum limit. Thanks
to the kinematical nature of the light-front boosts, clus-
X p⊥2 + m2
i i
+ Hint + λCM HCM . (5.4.2) ter decomposition remains available in the continuum
xi scheme. Hence perturbative type renormalization can

Light Front (LF) Hamiltonian Defined by its [921]. LFTDA can be systematically renormalized us-
Elementary Vertices in LF Gauge
ing the Fock sector dependent renormalization [914].
This was used to investigate various theories within
few-body truncation (see Ref. [908] for a review). Typ-
ically, the convergence of the Fock sector expansion
can be checked numerically [922], although the numeri-
QED & QCD cal complexity increases dramatically as the number of
Fock sectors increases. The light-front coupled cluster
method was proposed to improve the convergence and
pathology associated the hard Fock sector truncation
by adopting a coherent basis [923].
Another major development in light-front quanti-
zation is the discovery of the remarkable connection
between light-front dynamics, its holographic mapping
to gravity in a higher-dimensional anti-de Sitter (AdS)
QCD space, and conformal quantum mechanics, known as
Fig. 5.4.1 Vertices appearing in the LF Hamiltonian term light-front holography (LFH). This approach introduces
Hint of Eq. 5.4.2 upon choosing the LF gauge A+ = 0 for a remarkably simple yet universal confining potential,
QED [72] and additional vertices for QCD [912, 913]. See [792] which underlines the various phenomenological appli-
for a recent review. Solid lines represent fermions (vertices with
antifermions are obtained by reversing a fermion line) and wavy cations in light-front QCD. See Sec. 5.5 for details.
lines represent gauge bosons. A graph that includes a fermion
or boson with a horizontal line through it represents an in- 5.4.1 Discretized Light-Cone Quantization
stantaneous interaction term. Though one LF time ordering is
pictured (increasing LF time flows to the right), all allowed LF
time orderings are included in Hint . Thus, for example, an in- While lattice calculations (see Sec. 4) solve QCD in
coming line can be switched to an outgoing line at any vertex Euclidean spacetime, DLCQ formulates the problem di-
and vice-versa. rectly in Minkowski spacetime using a discretized mo-
mentum basis (see Ref [792] and references therein).
be extended to this scheme, as realized in Fock sector In DLCQ, one defines a mesh in momentum space
dependent renormalization [914]. that corresponds to standing waves in a box of length L
The similarity renormalization group (SRG) approach in each transverse direction and a similar set of modes
is another non-perturbative approach based on Wil- in the longitudinal direction. Either periodic or anti-
son’s renormalization group evolution [915, 916]. Thanks periodic boundary conditions are applied. Early ap-
to asymptotic freedom, the SRG transformation can be plications of DLCQ to gauge theories included solv-
evaluated perturbatively up to some scale, say, a few ing QED for positronium at strong coupling [924].Sim-
GeV. Different schemes were designed for implement- ilarly, early successes include solving QCD in 1+1 di-
ing SRG, notably the Bloch-Wilson formulation [917] mensions [925]. Moving to QCD in 3+1 dimensions with
and the renormalization group procedure for effective DLCQ revealed formal and numerical challenges but
particles (RGPEP [918]). An RGPEP effective Hamil- produced many valuable results as reviewed in Ref. [908].
tonian for heavy flavor hadrons is derived using a gluon A hybrid light-front DLCQ/lattice formulation was
mass ansatz [919]. In the gluon sector, it successfully introduced and employed to evaluate parton distribu-
reproduces asymptotic freedom in the 3-gluon effective tion functions for a sample set of meson states over a
vertex [920]. range of coupling strengths [926, 927]. These applica-
The Fock space expansion (Eq. 5.4.3) provides the tions of DLCQ motivated the quest for an approach
most straightforward representation of the eigenvalue that both preserves the LF kinematic symmetries and
problem Eq. 5.4.1. Within this basis, the eigenvalue provides a computational path with improved numeri-
equation becomes an infinite tower of coupled integral cal efficiency.
equations. The integrations can be evaluated using stan-
dard numerical techniques; however, truncation is needed 5.4.2 Basis Light Front Quantization
to obtain numerical solutions. The situation is similar
to the Dyson-Schwinger/Bethe-Salpeter equations ap- The quest to develop LF Hamiltonian approaches in
proach in the covariant formulation (see Sec. 5.3). The Minkowski-space that retain all available kinematic sym-
light-front Tamm-Dancoff approximation (LFTDA) trun- metries began with adoption of basis function methods
cates the Fock sections in terms of the particle number for solving light front wave equations [928]. Later, the
5.4 Light-front quantization 131

BLFQ approach [929] was introduced to treat gauge applied to maintain normalization when bosons occupy
theory Hamiltonians using basis-functions that satisfied the same mode.
very general mathematical conditions and respected the Up to this point, the Hamiltonian eigenvalue prob-
LF kinematic symmetries. In addition, the BLFQ frame- lem of Eq. 5.4.1 is infinite dimensional in both the num-
work is well-suited for a longer-term goal of developing ber of single-parton modes and the number of Fock
basis functions that approximated anticipated dynam- sectors. With a well-chosen BLFQ single-parton basis
ical features of QCD such as confinement and chiral (see Sec. 5.4.7 for recent advances) and the vertices
symmetry breaking for applications to hadron spectra. of QCD from Fig. 5.4.1, one hopes to achieve reason-
Such basis functions have the promise of facilitating able bound state properties with practical cutoffs in
convergence in non-perturbative LF QCD calculations. these sums suitable for low-resolution applications of
In BLFQ, one introduces an alternative to the mo- QCD for spectra, electoweak transitions, form factors
mentum space representation of the LF eigenstate pre- at low-Q2 , etc.
sented in Eq. 5.4.3. Instead of working with LF plane
waves, BLFQ introduces a superposition of orthonor- 5.4.3 BLFQ with QED applications
mal N-parton Fock space states expressed as indepen-
dent partons in some convenient orthonormal single- Early applications of BLFQ aimed at solving strong
parton basis. That is, we replace the conventional quan- coupling QED problems in order to establish compu-
tization in terms of LF plane waves with LF quantiza- tational techniques and validate BLFQ for achieving
tion in modes of a solvable single-parton LF Schrödinger converged results in agreement with other methods.
equation akin to Eq. 5.4.1. Thus, the LF many-parton These test cases were demanding since they employed
basis states can be written as strings of fermion, an- the transverse 2D harmonic oscillator and DLCQ for
tifermion and boson creation operators that populate the longitudinal direction to form a basis space that,
independent modes of the single-parton LF Schrödinger while suitable for bound state problems in QCD, is far
equation. All applications described below elect the 2D from ideal for these QED applications.
Harmonic Oscillator for the transverse modes owing to The first application successfully solved for the elec-
the ability to preserve transverse boost invariance. This tron anomalous magnetic moment in an external 2D
choice is further motivated by holographic light-front harmonic trap and took the limit of removing the trap
QCD (see Sec. 5.5 for details) and has been our default to verify agreement with the well-known Schwinger re-
choice for practical calculations. For the longitudinal sult [930]. For this application, the first and second ver-
modes there have been a number of choices including tices in Fig. 5.4.1 are included and sector-dependent
DLCQ. In principle, the basis is arbitrary within gen- renormalization [914] was successfully employed.
eral mathematical restrictions so convenience and nu- The next major advance successfully calculated the
merical efficiency are the key drivers for the choices electron anomalous magnetic moment directly in free
represented in applications to date. space and at the physical coupling [931, 932] using the
Let us label the set of quantum numbers for each same LF Hamilonian and renormalization procedures
single-parton mode with a lower-case Greek letter. This as Ref. [930] except that the instantaneous vertex was
Greek label symbolizes the collection of all space-spin- omitted. The demands on the numerical procedures in-
color-flavor degrees of freedom of a single parton in creased dramatically due, in large part, to the slow con-
QCD. Fermion and boson single-parton states are or- vergence rate with increasing basis cutoff. The extrap-
thonormal and complete. Their creation operators sat- olated result agrees with the Schwinger result to within
isfy the conventional anti-commutation (commutation) 0.06% which approximately corresponds to the level of
relations for fermions (bosons). agreement expected between a non-perturbative and a
In BLFQ, an eigenstate of a system can then be perturbative calculation.
written in terms of a Fock-space expansion over sectors Moving ahead from these early applications, the goals
with N -partons as of BLFQ were extended to evaluate additional observ-
X X ables familiar to hadronic physics using the resulting
|P, Λi = ψ{αi }N
|{αi }N , Λi . (5.4.4) LFWFs. In particular, the BLFQ approach was ap-
N {αi }N
plied to evaluate the GPDs [933] and the TMDs of the
where the inner sum includes all allowed configurations dressed electron [934]. In all cases, the non-perturbative
of N -partons satisfying global symmetry constraints such BLFQ results compared favorably with results from
as baryon number, charge, total helicity projection on perturbation theory at weak coupling.
the x− direction, total LF momentum, flavor, etc. For The next major application was to solve for the
states with two or more bosons, an additional factor is low-lying spectrum of positronium at strong coupling

α = 0.3 4.2
ψ(4230) Zc(4200) χc1(4274)
2 1
J 1 1 1 1 1
4.0 ψ(4040)
χc0(3915) χc2(3930)
ψ(3770) Zc(3900) ψ2(3823)
1.995 χc1(3872)
23P2 1 3.8 ψ3(3842)
1 1
J χc0(3860)
DD threshold
ηc(2S) χc2(1P)

1.99 hc(1P) χc1(1P)

J 3.4
1.985 13S1 1
J 3.2 BLFQ

1.98 J
1 ηc(1S) J/ψ(1S) CST
1 J
1 11S0
0-+ 1-- 1+- 0++ 1++ 2++ 2-+ 2-- 3--
1.975 1

1.97 10.8
Υ(10753) Zb(10650)
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 Υ(4S) BB threshold
µ /m Zb(10610)
χb1(3P) χb2(3P)
f 10.4
Fig. 5.4.2 Positronium spectrum extracted from a BLFQ cal-
χb1(2P) χb2(2P) Υ2(1D)
culation of QED with an unphysically large coupling α = 0.3 ηb(2S)
[935]. The positronium masses are expressed in terms of the 10.0 Υ(2S) hb(1P) χb1(1P) χb2(1P)
electron mass mf . The photon mass, µ, serves as an infrared

regulator. The positronium states are labeled by the spectro- PDG

scopic notation N 2S+1LJ . The O(α4 ) perturbative results are 9.6
marked by red crosses on the vertical axis [936]. The blue crosses Υ(1S) CST
are obtained from extrapolating Nmax → ∞ at fixed and suffi- ηb(1S)
ciently large K. For comparison, the results with extrapolated 9.2 -+ -- +- ++ ++ ++ -+ --
0 1 1 0 1 2 2 2 3--
K are shown in solid red disks. The blue and red curves are
second order polynomials used to fit and extrapolate the regu- Fig. 5.4.3 Charmonium (upper panel) and bottomonium
lator µ to zero. (lower panel) spectra obtained from BLFQ [937], CST [869]
and DSE/BSE [938] and compared with the PDG data [939].
See also Sec. 5.3. The vertical axis is the hadron mass in GeV.
(α = 0.3) in the valence space of the electron and the The horizontal axis is the quantum numbers J P C , where J is
positron using a derived effective interaction [940]. The the total spin, P , C are the parity and charge conjugation, re-
application of BLFQ to positronium adopted the LF
effective one-photon exchange interaction of Ref. [941],
where they achieved a delicate cancellation of the in- the Hamiltonian eigenvalue problem of Eq. 5.4.1. The
stantaneous photon interaction term through a suitable basis space is defined as for the positronium applica-
choice of energy denominators in second order pertur- tion above with the addition of the Fock sector for the
bation theory. These calculations were performed in the photon as a single-particle state. Factorization of the
fermion single-particle basis with the 2D transverse har- CM motion from the LFWFs is addressed using the La-
monic oscillator and DLCQ for the longitudinal basis. grange multiplier term in Eq. 5.4.2 as was accomplished
Convergence was achieved directly in K and by extrap- in Ref. [935]. Using sector-dependent renormalization,
olation in Nmax , the regulators introduced above. The one achieves the real photon eigenstate to be massless
results for the lowest bound states of positronium as a as desired.
function of the photon regulator mass are shown in Fig. The LFWFs obtained for the massless photon are
5.4.2. At zero regulator mass, one obtains good agree- therefore a superposition of a bare photon and an electron-
ment with results from perturbation theory. The result- positron pair. These LFWFs provide non-trivial Trans-
ing LFWFs were employed to demonstrate methods of verse Momentum Distributions (TMDs) and Parton Dis-
calculating GPDs [942] and reveal relativistic effects in tribution Functions (PDFs) which are, in principle, ex-
strongly-coupled positronium. perimentally measureable. Ref [943] provides BLFQ re-
More recently, the BLFQ approach has been suc- sults for TMDs and PDFs in addition to comparisons
cessfully applied to solve for the structure of the pho- with results from perturbation theory showing reason-
ton [943]. The basis space consists of the photon sector able agreement is obtained as expected.
and the electron-positron sector so that only the first
interaction term from Fig. 5.4.1 is retained in solving
5.4 Light-front quantization 133

PDG 2020 ����
3.8 BLFQ (this work)
′ ����/��
ψ 0.06

|�η� γ(��)| (���-�)

Lattice QCD ���/���
3.6 ′
χc2 ηc
����� ����
Hadron mass (GeV)

��� ����

χc1 χc0 0.02

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
�� (����)
ηc Fig. 5.4.5 The singly-virtual two-photon transition form fac-
tors of ηc from BLFQ as compared with the BABAR measure-
2.8 ment [945] and the predictions from DSE/BSE. The BLFQ/DA
result is obtained from pQCD predictions with LCDA obtained
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 from the BLFQ light-front wave functions. The TFF at Q2 = 0
Γee or Γγγ (keV) is extracted from the diphoton width. See Ref. [944] and the
references therein.
Fig. 5.4.4 The BLFQ predictions of the charmonium dilepton
(for the vectors) or diphoton (for the rest) widths in combina-
tion with the mass spectrum. The experimental data as com-
charmonium dilepton (for vector mesons, e.g. J/ψ) or
piled by the PDG are shown in stars. Lattice and DSE/BSE
diphoton (for the rest) widths in combination with the
predictions are shown for comparison (see Ref. [944] and ther
references therein) masses [944], and compared with the available exper-
iments as well as other theoretical approaches when-
ever available. Fig. 5.4.5 shows the diphoton transition
5.4.4 BLFQ for QCD with effective interactions
form factor of ηc from BLFQ, and compared with the
BABAR measurement. The M1 widths of the radiative
The high-precision results from the BLFQ treatment of
transitions across the heavy quarkonium systems are
QED problems (Sec. 5.4.3) provide an avenue to treat
shown in Fig. 5.4.6, and compared with the PDG val-
the one-gluon-exchange interaction between fermions in
ues. The PDF of the hadron at the initial scale µ0 can
QCD (HOGE ), which is the dominant short-distance
be obtained by integrating out the transverse momen-
physics for hadrons. The confining interaction from Light-
tum. The PDFs of ηc obtained from BLFQ are shown
Front Holography (Sec. 5.5), supplemented by a conve-
in Fig. 5.4.7.
nient form for confinement in the longitudinal direction,
Applications to heavy-light quarkonia have also been
form the long-distance part of the physics (Hcon ). The
achieved [953–956]. Here, the bottomonia and charmo-
short distance and long distance terms then lead to the
nia results were used to determine the quark masses
total LF effective interaction, Hint = Hcon + HOGE .
and the confining strength was calculated using the re-
Similar to the nuclear Shell Model, the solvable part of
lationship of heavy-quark effective theory as the r.m.s.
the Hamiltonian can be chosen to be the kinetic energy
of the strengths from the corresponding pure flavor sys-
plus the confining interaction, H0 = Hkin + Hcon , to
tems. This led to successful applications to the spectra,
implement LFH, augmented with longitudinal confine-
decay constants and other properties of mixed flavor
ment, in the zero-th order.
heavy quarkonia without adjustable parameters.
The first application was to compute the spectra
A major step forward was to apply BLFQ with effec-
and wave functions of heavy quarkonia [937, 950]. Fig-
tive interactions to light mesons [957–960]. In addition
ure 5.4.3 shows the charmonium and bottomonium spec-
to the confining interactions as well as the one-gluon-
tra obtained from BLFQ. Two parameters, the quark
exchange interaction, a Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) in-
mass and the confining strength, were tuned to fit the
teraction was incorporated to generate the well-known
available experimental measurements, resulting an r.m.s.
ρ-π splitting [957]. The obtained LFWFs were used to
deviation of the masses about 40 MeV in each system.
investigate the partonic structures of the pion. The pion
The obtained LFWFs were used to evaluate a wide
PDF from BLFQ with the effective interactions includ-
range of observables, including the decay constants [937,
ing the NJL interaction is shown in the top panel of
950], light-cone distribution amplitudes [937], form fac-
Fig. 5.4.8 where the PDF is compared with the PDF
tors [951], radiative transitions [944, 946, 952], semi-
from BLFQ calculations that include one dynamical
leptonic transitions [953], parton distributions [947] and
gluon (see Sec. 5.4.5).
GPDs [951]. Fig. 5.4.4 shows the BLFQ results of the

η′� →�/ψ ψ′ →η′� ψ(��) →η′� η′� →Υ Υ′ →η� η″� →Υ′ Υ(��) →η′� Υ″ →η� Υ″ →η″� Υ(��) →η′�
10 ��� ����(� � =�) ������� ��� �� �����

heavy quark limit for nS→nS

� (�)



�/ψ→η� ψ′ →η� ψ(��) →η� Υ→η� η″� →Υ Υ′ →η′� Υ(��) →η� Υ(��) →η″� Υ″ →η′� Υ(��) →η� Υ(��) →η″�
Fig. 5.4.6 M1 transition form factor at Q2 = 0 for charmonia and bottomonia obtained from BLFQ and compared with several
theoretical predictions as well as the experimental data (see Ref. [946] and the references therein)

More recently, the BLFQ formalism has been suc- ment of the nucleon is related to the nucleon magnetic
cessfully applied to solving for the structure of the nu- form factor at Q2 = 0. We obtained the magnetic mo-
cleon [949, 962, 963] as well as Λ, Λc , and their isospin ment of the nucleon close to the recent lattice QCD
triplet baryons, i.e, Σ 0 , Σ + , Σ − and Σc0 , Σc+ , Σc++ [964]. results as shown in Table 5.4.1. From the electromag-
The investigated observables include the electromag- netic form factors, one can also compute the electro-
netic and axial form factors, transverse densities, PDFs, magnetic radii of the nucleon. We summarize our pre-
GPDs, radii, axial and tensor charges of the baryons. dictions in Table 5.4.1. These results are in reasonable
The electromagnetic form factors of the nucleons are agreement with experiment (see Sec. 10.1). Figure 5.4.9
compared with the experimental data as well as other shows the nucleon axial form factor (see Sec. 10 for
approaches in Fig. 10.1.9 in Sec. 10.1. Overall, the the- details), GA = GuA − GdA as a function of Q2 , while
oretical predictions are in good agreement with the the contributions from up and down quarks to GA (Q2 )
experimental measurement for the proton, while the are also displayed. Our results are compared with the
neutron results somewhat deviate from experimental available data from (anti)neutrino scattering off pro-
data. The neutron’s charge form factor falls well be- tons or nuclei and charged pion electroproduction ex-
low the data at low Q2 , where both experimental and periments and the lattice QCD simulations. Consider-
theoretical uncertainties are large. The magnetic mo- ing the experimental uncertainties and our treatment
of the BLFQ uncertainties, we found good agreement
with experiment.
V(c) µ
ηc (1S) 0
G µ
µ 0 = 2.80 GeV S(u/d/s/c) µ
Table 5.4.1 The electromagnetic properties (magnetic mo-
ments in units of nuclear magnetons and radii in units of fm),
S(b) 2
10 µ
axial charge, axial radius, tensor charge, and the first moment
S(t) 3
Gluon Valence
of transversity PDFs. The BLFQ results are compared with the
x f(x)

data extracted from experiments and the lattice QCD simula-
10−1 tions (see Ref. [949] and the references therein).
10−2 Quantity BLFQ Experiments Lattice
µp 2.44(3) 2.79 2.43(9)
10−3 Sea µn −1.40(3) −1.91 −1.54(6)
−4 rE 0.802(40) 0.833(10) 0.742(13)
10 p
10−3 10−2 10−1 1 rM 0.834(29) 0.851(26) 0.710(26)
n 2
x (rE
) −0.033(198) −0.116(2) −0.074(16)
rE 0.861(20) 0.864(9) 0.716(29)
Fig. 5.4.7 The PDFs of ηc (1S) obtained from BLFQ [947]. gAu
1.16(4) 0.82(7) 0.830(26)
The bands represent the range of the distributions for the ini- gAd
−0.248(27) −0.45(7) −0.386(16)
tial scales µ0 = mq to 2µh . The lines with different color u−d
gA 1.41(6) 1.2723(23) 1.237(74)
correspond to the different final scales: µ1 = 20 GeV (blue), rA 0.680(70) 0.667(12) 0.512(34)
µ2 = 80 GeV (green), and µ3 = 1500 GeV (red). The solid, gT u
0.94(15) 0.39(15) 0.784(28)
thick long-dashed, dashed, dashed-dot, and dashed double-dot gT d
−0.20(4) −0.25(20) −0.204(11)
lines represent the x-PDFs of the valence quark, gluon, sea hxiTu−d
0.229(48) − 0.203(24)
quark (u/d/s/c), sea quark (b), and sea quark (t), respectively.
5.4 Light-front quantization 135

At Q2 = 0, the axial form factor is identified as the 1.5

GdA in BLFQ Lattice I
axial charge, gA = GA (0). Our prediction, presented Lattice II
in Table 5.4.1, is somewhat higher than the extracted 1.0 Experimental data
data. This discrepancy suggests the need to incorpo- Dipole fit

GA(Q2 )
rate higher Fock sectors, which have a significant ef-
fect on the quark contribution to the nucleon spin. The 0.5
corresponding axial radius rA is in excellent agreement
with the extracted data from the analysis of neutrino- 0.0
nucleon scattering experiments [582, 965].
At leading twist, the complete spin structure of the
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
nucleon is explained in terms of three independent PDFs,
Q2 (GeV2 )
namely, the unpolarized, the helicity, and the transver-
sity. The obtained LFWFs were also used to evaluate Fig. 5.4.9 The axial form factors GA = Gu A − GA and GA ,
d u

these leading twist quark PDFs. Figure 5.4.10 (pink Gd A as the function of Q from BLFQ. The blue band (GA ),

pink band (Gu A ), and orange band (GA ) are the BLFQ results,
bands) shows the unpolarized PDFs of the valence quarks which are compared with the experimental measurements as
at µ2 = 10 GeV2 for valence-only space results [949] well as the lattice results. The black line represents the dipole
compared with the global fits. The error bands in our fit of the experimental data. See Ref. [949] and the references
PDFs are due to the 10% uncertainties in the initial therein.
scale µ20 = 0.195 ± 0.020 and the coupling constant αs .
Our unpolarized valence PDFs for both the up and the 2.0 μ2 =10.0 GeV2 0.6
down quarks agree well with the global fits. According d v /uv
to the Drell-Yan-West relation [966, 967], at large scale 1.5
the valence quark distributions fall off at large x as

0. 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

1.0 xg/10 BLFQ with DG BLFQ without DG
0.6 MMHT 14 NNPDFunpol3.1
This work (black) BLFQ-NJL (red)
0.5 xuv
0.5 Valence
0.4 Gluon
E-0615 data
x f π (x)

0.3 E-0615 Mod-data 0.001 0.005 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.5 1
µ 2 = 16 GeV2
Fig. 5.4.10 The unpolarized valence quark and gluon PDFs
0.1 of the proton. The BLFQ results (blue bands: obtained with
one dynamical gluon; pink bands: obtained from a light-front
x effective Hamiltonian based on only a valence Fock represen-
tation [949]) are compared with the NNPDF3.1 and MMHT
This work global fits. (The inset) the ratio of the valence quark PDFs is
JAM 18' compared with the extracted data from JLab MARATHON ex-
0.6 periment. See Ref. [961] and the references therein.
x g π (x)

xFitter 20'
µ 2 = 4 GeV2
(1 − x)p , where p denotes the number of valence quarks
0.2 and for the nucleon p = 3. In our BLFQ approach, we
observed that the up quark unpolarized PDF falls off
0 0.2 0.4
0.6 0.8 1 at large x as (1 − x)2.99 , whereas for the down quark
the PDF goes as (1 − x)3.24 . These are in accord with
Fig. 5.4.8 The PDFs of the pion from BLFQ including one
the Drell-Yan-West relation and favour the perturba-
dynamical gluon labeled as “This work” [896]. Upper panel:
the black lines are the BLFQ results evolved from the initial tive QCD prediction [968].
scale (0.34 ± 0.03 GeV2 ) using the NNLO DGLAP equations The helicity PDFs are displayed in Fig. 5.4.11 (up-
to the experimental scale of 16 GeV2 . The red lines correspond per panel: pink bands), at the scale µ2 = 3 GeV2 , for
to BLFQ-NJL predictions [948]. Results are compared with the
the up and down quarks in the proton. Our BLFQ pre-
original analysis of the FNAL-E615 experiment data and with
its reanalysis (E615 Mod-data). Lower panel: the BLFQ result dictions are compared with the measured data from
for the pion gluon PDF at µ2 = 4 GeV2 is compared with the COMPASS [969]. We found that our down quark he-
global fits, JAM and xFitter. See Ref. [896] and the references licity PDF agrees reasonably well with the experimen-
therein for details.
tal data from COMPASS [969]. For the up quark, the

side the proton [971]. The helicity non-flip unpolarized

BLFQ without DG
0.4 GPD in impact parameter space, Hq (x, b⊥ ), can be in-
BLFQ with DG
terpreted as the number density of quarks with lon-
COMPASS u Δu gitudinal momentum fraction x at a given transverse

distance b⊥ in the nucleon [972]. One can then define
the x dependent squared radius of the quark density in
0.0 the transverse plane as [970]:
μ2 =3.0 GeV2
d ~b⊥ b2⊥ Hq (x, b⊥ )
R 2
-0.2 2 q
hb⊥ i (x) = R . (5.4.5)
0.001 0.01 0.1 0.5 1 d2~b⊥ Hq (x, b⊥ )
1.0 Figure 5.4.12 shows the x-dependent squared radius of
JAM 0.2 the proton, hb2⊥ i(x) = 2eu hb2⊥ iu (x) + ed hb2⊥ id (x) and
NNPDFpol1.1 0.1 compares the BLFQ prediction with the available ex-
0.5 BLFQ with DG
tracted data within the range 0.05 . x . 0.2 from the
DVCS process [970]. As can be seen from Fig. 5.4.12,

0. 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

the BLFQ prediction for hb2⊥ i(x) is consistent with the

0.0 extracted data. We also evaluated the proton’s trans-
verse squared radius [970]

-0.5 μ2 =1.0 GeV2 X Z 1

hb2⊥ i = eq dx f q (x) hb2⊥ iq (x). (5.4.6)
0.001 0.0050.01 0.05 0.1 0.5 1 0
Fig. 5.4.11 Upper panel: the helicity PDFs for the valence In our BLFQ approach, we obtained the squared ra-
quarks and the gluon in the proton. We compare BLFQ pre- dius of the proton, hb2⊥ i = 0.40 ± 0.04 fm2 , close to the
dictions (blue bands: obtained with one dynamical gluon [961]; experimental data [970]: hb2⊥ iexp = 0.43 ± 0.01 fm2 .
pink bands: obtained from a light-front effective Hamiltonian
based on only a valence Fock representation [949]) with data
BLFQ has been recently applied to investigate the
from COMPASS Collaboration [969]. Lower panel: the gluon all-charm tetraquark system [973]. The results suggest
helicity PDF in the proton. We compare the BLFQ prediction that the lowest two-charm-two-anticharm state is not
(blue bands) with global analyses by JAM (gray band) and a tightly bound tetraquark. In particular, the lowest
NNPDFpol1.1 (magenta band). The inset shows the gluon he-
licity PDF on a linear scale. See Ref. [961] and the reference
tetraquark mass extrapolated to the continuum limit
therein. in longitudinal resolution K lies above the extrapolated
threshold for two separated mesons.
g1 (x) solved in the valence-only space is however over-
5.4.5 BLFQ beyond the valence Fock sector
estimated at low x, whereas it tends to agree with the
data above x ∼ 0.25 regime.
In this section, we review more recent applications of
The obtained LFWFs were also employed to com-
BLFQ with the inclusion of dynamical gauge degrees of
pute the valence quark GPDs for zero skewness [949]
freedom: to positronium at strong coupling (α = 0.3)
and to study quark angular momentum densities in-
with one dynamical photon earlier in DLCQ [974] and
now in BLFQ [975, 976]; to mesons with one dynami-
0.8 cal gluon [896] and to the proton with one dynamical
BLFQ gluon [961].
0.6 JLab/CLAS
For the BLFQ application to QED, the positronium
〈b2⊥〉(x) (fm2 )

system with one dynamical photon presents valuable
challenges with respect to non-perturbative renormal-
0.2 ization [975–977]. The dynamics of the single fermion
system must first be obtained and then embedded in
0.05 0.10 0.50 1 the positronium system with consistent counting of the
x basis space quanta. That is, within a given Fock sector
Fig. 5.4.12 x-dependence of hb2⊥ i for quarks in the proton of positronium and within a given configuration, the
from BLFQ [949]. The line corresponds to the BLFQ predictions distribution of quanta for that configuration dictates
and the band indicates its uncertainty. The data points are the renormalized mass of the fermion to be applied and
taken from Ref. [970] the basis space in which that mass was determined.
5.4 Light-front quantization 137

With this dynamical approach, the leading self-energy scale, µ20 = 0.23 ∼ 0.25 GeV2 , to the relevant ex-
divergence is taken into account which opens a path to perimental scales. The blue bands in Figures 5.4.10
proceed to larger basis spaces. and 5.4.11 show our results for the proton unpolar-
Going beyond the leading Fock component for QCD, ized and polarized PDFs, respectively. We obtained a
BLFQ has been successfully employed to solve the un- good consistency between our prediction for the valence
flavored light mesons and nucleon with one dynamical quark PDFs and the global fits. The ratio dv (x)/uv (x)
gluon [896, 961]. In particular, we adopted an effective reasonably agrees with the extracted data from the
light-front Hamiltonian and solved for their mass eigen- MARATHON experiment at JLab [980]. At the end-
values and eigenstates at the scales suitable for low- point, we predicted that limx→1 dv /uv = 0.225 ± 0.025.
resolution probes. Our Hamiltonian incorporates light- We found that the down quark unpolarized PDF
front QCD interactions [792] relevant to constituent falls off at large x as (1 − x)3.5±0.1 , whereas for the
|q q̄i and |q q̄gi Fock sectors of the mesons and |qqqi up quark PDF exhibits (1 − x)3.2±0.1 . These findings
and |qqqgi Fock sectors of the nucleon with a comple- support the perturbative QCD prediction [968]. We ob-
mentary 3D confinement [950]. By solving this Hamil- served that the gluon PDF is suppressed at small-x and
tonian in the leading two Fock components and fitting shifts towards the global fits [627, 981] with the addition
the constituent parton masses and coupling constants of a dynamical gluon, whereas the PDF for x > 0.05
as the model parameters [896], we obtained a good qual- agrees with the global fits.
ity description of light meson mass spectroscopy[896]. Our helicity PDFs for both the up and down quarks
We computed the pion electromagnetic form fac- (Fig. 5.4.11: upper panel) are reasonably consistent with
tor and the PDFs from our Hamiltonian’s LFWFs. The the experimental data from COMPASS [969]. We no-
BLFQ prediction of the electromagnetic form factor of ticed that the up quark polarized PDF improves signif-
the charged pion is compared with the experimental icantly at small-x region with the treatment for the nu-
data in Fig. 5.3.7 in Sec. 5.3. Figure 5.4.8 shows our cleon with dynamical gluon. We observed a fair agree-
results for the pion PDFs and compares the valence ment between our prediction for the gluon helicity PDF
quark distribution after QCD evolution with the data (Fig. 5.4.11: lower panel) and the global analyses by
from the E615 experiment as well as the reanalysis of the JAM [982] and the NNPDF Collaborations [983].
the E615 experiment. The pion PDFs previously ob- Note that there still remain huge uncertainties both in
tained in BLFQ-NJL model [948, 957, 959] based on a the large-x region and especially in the small-x region,
valence Fock representation have also been included for where even the sign is uncertain. [984]. The partonic
comparison. The error bands in our evolved PDFs are spin contributions to the proton spin are given by the
manifested from an adopted 10% uncertainty in our ini- first moment of the polarized PDFs. We found that the
tial scale, µ20 = 0.34 ± 0.03 GeV2 , which we determined gluon carries 26% of the proton spin [961], which is
by requiring the result after evolution to generate the likely to increase when more dynamical gluons are in-
total first moments of the valence quark and the valence cluded.
antiquark distributions from the global QCD analysis,
hxivalence = 0.48 ± 0.01 at µ2 = 5 GeV2 [978]. We found 5.4.6 Full BLFQ
a good agreement between our prediction for the pion
valence quark PDF and the reanalyzed E615 data, while The applications of BLFQ to hadron structures demon-
the BLFQ-NJL model favours the original E615 data. strated so far have adopted explicit Fock sector trun-
The lower panel of Fig. 5.4.8 shows the gluon PDF cations. The incorporation of a dynamical gauge boson
in the pion. Including one dynamical gluon, the gluon (Sec. 5.4.5) has shown promising improvements in com-
density in the pion significantly increases compared to parison with valence Fock sector only. A major next
that in the BLFQ-NJL model as well as to the global step is the full BLFQ [929], in which the Hamiltoni-
fits [979]. The BLFQ-NJL model is based on the pion ans are solved non-perturbatively with basis regulators
valence Fock component and gluons are produced solely only and without additional Fock space truncation. The
from the scale evolution. However, the model, which elimination of the additional Fock space truncation po-
includes a dynamical gluon at the initial scale, results sitions BLFQ on the path to a genuine ab initio ap-
in a larger gluon PDF at large-x (> 0.2) after scale proach to QCD. Initial applications which qualify as
evolution. full BLFQ include solving scalar 1+1 D field theories
We produced the unpolarized and polarized valence without Fock space truncation [985].
quark and gluon distributions in the proton using the The full BLFQ is posed as a quantum many-body
resulting LFWFs for the proton with one dynamical problem while the number of partons is not fixed. The
gluon. We evolved our initial PDFs from the model single-particle harmonic oscillator basis with the lon-

gitudinal discretized momentum basis is the preferred the condensate of quark-antiquark, viz. hq̄qi 6= 0. The
choice of basis, together with the Nmax -K regulariza- light-front vacuum is trivial due to the positivity of the
tion, longitudinal momenta. Therefore, the vacuum conden-
X sate on the light front can only happen through the zero
2ni + |mi | + 1] ≤ Nmax , modes. Indeed, the wee parton condensate is long con-
(5.4.7) jectured to be the mechanism for symmetry breaking
+ 2πK on the light front, which is supported by 1+1D theories
pi = .
L and has shown to be a useful starting point for BLFQ
applications [989].
As such, all kinematical symmetries of the LFQCD Hamil-
On the other hand, the axial charge on the light
tonian, including the the factorization of the center-of-
front annihilates the light-front vacuum, Q5 |0i = 0,
mass motion, are preserved in the many-body Hilbert
which suggests that the chiral condensate should be en-
space. This basis corresponds to a pair of soft IR & UV
coded within the hadron LFWFs [990]. One of the traces
resolutions and a collinear resolution,
of the chiral symmetry breaking in the pion LFWFs is
X k2 the chiral sum rule [987]. Taking advantage of light-
b2 /(Nmax − 1) . i⊥
. b2 (Nmax − 1), (5.4.8) front holography, this sum rule has been shown to be
also consistent with the chiral symmetry breaking in
∆x & K −1 . (5.4.9) AdS/QCD.

Here, b = P + Ω. P + is the longitudinal momentum
of the bound state. Ω is the scale parameter of the 5.4.8 Nonperturbative reactions in BLFQ
transverse harmonic oscillator functions. Note that, if
One major advantage of the Hamiltonian formalism of
zero modes are omitted as is conventional, the Nmax -K
quantum field theory is that it allows for tracking time
regularization renders the number of partons finite, and
evolution of quantum field configurations in real time.
no further Fock sector truncation is needed.
As an extension of BLFQ, the time-dependent Ba-
A fundamental challenge of the full BLFQ is the ex-
sis Light-front Quantization (tBLFQ) has been devel-
ponential increase of the dimensionality of the Hilbert
oped as a time-dependent nonperturbative approach to
space, dim H = N dN , (N = max{Nmax , K}), a prop-
quantum field theory [991]. In tBLFQ the light-front
erty shared by all strong coupling non-perturbative quan-
Schrödinger equation is solved to simulate the time evo-
tum many-body problems. Nevertheless, meaningful re-
lution of quantum field configurations:
sults may be achievable with continuing advances in
high-performance computers at and beyond exascale ∂ 1
i + ψ; x+ = P − (x+ ) ψ; x+ , (5.4.10)

(1018 floating point operations per second). On the other ∂x 2
hand, future quantum computers offer the promise to
where |ψ; x+ i represents the quantum field system un-
provide supremacy over even the best high-performance
der consideration and P − (x+ ) is the light-front Hamil-
computers, in particular for non-perturbative quantum
tonian, which includes the interactions among the fields
many-body problems such as posed by full BLFQ [986].
under consideration. The tBLFQ approach is suitable
for studying particle evolution in a strong and possibly
5.4.7 BLFQ with chiral symmetry breaking
time-dependent background field. The tBLFQ approach
motivated a nonperturbative approach simulating nu-
Due to the light quark mass, m{u,d}  Λqcd , chiral
clear reactions in low energy nuclear physics, named
symmetry plays an important role on the light me-
time-dependent Basis Function (tBF) [992].
son spectrum and structures. In particular, the pion is
One of the major goals of tBLFQ is to understand
the Goldstone boson of the spontaneously broken chi-
the nonperturbative dynamics in QCD, as in hadron
ral symmetry. Formally, chiral symmetry implies a par-
scattering. The investigations of quark scattering with
tially conserved axial-vector current (PCAC). In BSE,
a nucleus constitute a first step toward this goal. In
this relation leads to a set of relations between the pion
Ref. [993], tBLFQ is employed to simulate the scat-
Bethe-Salpeter amplitudes and the quark self-energy
tering of an ultrarelativistic quark off a heavy nucleus
(see Sec. 5.3). Recently, it was revealed that PCAC also
at high energies. The color glass condensate, a classi-
leads to a chiral sum rule for the pion LFWFs [987].
cal effective theory of QCD, is adopted as a model for
It was long pointed out that chiral symmetry break-
the color field of the heavy nucleus. The results can
ing in LFQCD is manifested in a different way from
significantly reduce the theoretical uncertainties in the
the instant form (see Ref. [988] for a recent review). In
small p⊥ region of the differential cross section which
the instant form, chiral symmetry breaking is due to
5.5 AdS/QCD and light-front holography 139

Fig. 5.4.13 The evolution of the transverse density of a quark

within a classical color field of a heavy nucleus at different light-
front time x+ . The four “snapshots” are from Ref. [993]

has important implications for the phenomenology of

the hadron-nucleus and deep inelastic scattering at high
energies. One important feature of tBLFQ is that it al-
lows one to take “snapshots” of the system at inter-
mediate times of the evolution, which provide physical
insights into the nonperturbative mechanism in time-
dependent processes. For example, Fig. 5.4.13 shows
the evolution of the probability distribution of a quark
in the transverse direction at different light-front times
x+ . In Ref. [995] a calculation is performed in an ex-
tended Fock space where one dynamical gluon is in-
cluded, which paves the way for studying partons’ ra-
diational energy loss in nuclear matter. Fig. 5.4.14 Comparison of selected LFWFs of hb obtained
In addition to the applications in QCD, tBLFQ has from BLFQ and CST [870]. The latter were converted from
also been employed to study various nonperturbative the BSA with the Brodsky-Huang-Lepage prescription [994].
The non-relativistic dominant spin components from both ap-
processes in strong field QED [991, 996–999]. proaches (top panels) are qualitatively the same. However, sub-
The tBLFQ approach can be further improved in dominant LFWFs may appear dramatically different, some of
three directions: i) increase in the level of complexity which are in leading twist (bottom panels). This can be tested
and realism of the background field: ii) expansion to in high-energy exclusive processes. The discrepancy stems from
the different implementation of the discrete symmetries on the
reaction processes of a wider class; iii) the expansion light cone in BLFQ and CST.
of the Fock space in the description of quantum field
configurations. While this can lead to more accurate
simulation of dynamical processes, it will dramatically pute physical observables. Fig. 5.4.14 compares the axial-
increase the required computational resources. There- vector LFWFs obtained from BLFQ and CST. The
fore, it is desirable to explore numerical algorithms for Brodsky-Huang-Lepage prescription [994] was used to
tBLFQ on next-generation advanced computational plat- convert the CST amplitude to the LFWFs [870]. Qual-
forms. itatively, the wavefunctions are similar. However, some
spin components show different characteristics due to
5.4.9 Comparisons between BLFQ and BSE the different implementation of discrete symmetries, which
can be discerned in high-energy exclusive processes.
The similarities and differences of the light-front and
the BSE (see Sec. 5.3) approaches motivate a direct
comparison of the amplitudes obtained from these two 5.5 AdS/QCD and light-front holography
approaches [870]. Fig. 5.4.3 shows the comparison of
Stanley J. Brodsky, Guy F. de Téramond,
quarkonia spectra obtained from BLFQ and CST. In
and Hans Güenter Dosch
both approaches, the model parameters were fixed by
fitting to the experimentally measured quarkonia masses.
Then, the obtained wave functions were used to com-

5.5.1 Introduction

In spite of the important progress of Euclidean lattice

QCD [80] and other nonperturbative approaches, a ba-
sic understanding of fundamental features of hadron
physics from first principles, such as the mechanism of
color confinement and the origin of the hadron mass
scale, as well as general features of hadron structure,
spectroscopy and dynamics, have remained among the
most important unsolved challenges of the last 50 years
in particle physics. Furthermore, other essential prop-
erties of the strong interactions, which were manifest in
dual models and developed before QCD, are also not
explicit properties of the QCD Lagrangian. Fig. 5.5.1 Different values of the AdS radius z correspond
Recent theoretical developments for understanding to different scales at which the proton is examined. The inner
features of hadronic physics are based on AdS/CFT – sphere (where AdS space terminates) is represented by the red
the correspondence between classical gravity in a higher- sphere. The green “cone” represents the warping of AdS space
(Its negative curvature characteristic of a hyperbolic space).
dimensional anti-de Sitter (AdS) space and conformal Therefore a proton “the small blue ball” appears as a smaller
field theories (CFT) in physical space-time [1000–1002]. object near the boundary of AdS as perceived by an observer
AdS/CFT has provided a semiclassical approximation in physical Minkowski space.
for strongly-coupled quantum field theories, giving phys-
ical insights into nonperturbative dynamics. In prac-
in the boundary theory and therefore no discrete spec-
tice, the AdS/CFT duality provides an effective weakly
coupled description in a (d + 1)-dimensional AdSd+1
The relation between the dilatation symmetry and
space in terms of a flat d-dimensional superconformal,
the symmetries in AdS5 can be seen directly from the
strongly coupled, quantum field theory defined on the
AdS metric since (5.5.1) is invariant under a dilatation
AdS asymptotic boundary, the physical four-dimensional
of all coordinates: A dilatation of the Minkowski coordi-
Minkowski spacetime, where boundary conditions are
nates xµ → eσ xµ is compensated by a dilatation of the
imposed [1003]. This is illustrated in Fig. 5.5.1 for d =
holographic variable z → eσ z. Therefore, the variable z
4, where the asymptotic surface of the 5-dimensional
acts like a scaling variable in Minkowski space: differ-
AdS5 space is the physical four-dimensional Minkowski
ent values of z correspond to different energy scales at
which a measurement is made. As a result, short space-
Anti-de Sitter AdSd+1 is the maximally symmetric
time intervals map to the boundary in AdS space-time
d + 1 space with negative constant curvature and a d-
near z = 0. This corresponds to the ultraviolet (UV)
dimensional flat spacetime boundary. In Poincaré coor-
region of AdS space. On the other hand, a large four-
dinates xM = x0 , x1 , · · · , xd , z , where the asymptotic

dimensional object of confinement dimensions 1/Λ2QCD
border of AdS space is given by z = 0, the line element
maps to the large IR region of AdS space z ∼ 1/ΛQCD .
Thus, in order to incorporate confinement in the gravity
ds2 = gM N dxM dxN dual the conformal invariance must be broken by modi-
fying AdS space in the large z IR region. For example, a
ηµν dxµ dxν − dz 2 , (5.5.1) simple way to obtain confinement and discrete normal-

= 2
izable modes (Fig. 5.5.1) is to introduce a sharp cut-off
where ηµν is the usual Minkowski metric in d dimen- at the IR border z0 ∼ 1/ΛQCD , as in the “hard-wall’’
sions, and R is the AdS radius. The group of transfor- model of Ref. [1005].
mations leaving the AdSd+1 metric invariant, the isom- In general, one can deform the original AdS back-
etry group SO(2, d), has dimension (d + 1)(d + 2)/2. ground geometry, giving rise to a less symmetric gravity
Five-dimensional anti-de Sitter space AdS5 has thus 15 dual. This approach provides useful tools for construct-
isometries, which induce in the Minkowski-space bound- ing dual gravity models in higher dimensions which in-
ary the symmetry under the conformal group with 15 corporates confinement and basic QCD properties in
generators in four dimensions: 6 Lorentz transforma- physical spacetime. The resulting gauge/gravity duality
tions plus 4 spacetime translations plus 4 special con- is broadly known as the AdS/QCD correspondence, or
formal transformations plus 1 dilatation [1004]. This simply holographic QCD, which has become an exten-
conformal symmetry implies that there can be no scale sive field of research. The extent to which the full theory
5.5 AdS/QCD and light-front holography 141

of QCD can be described in such a framework remains trivial interconnections between the dynamics of form
unclear. However, it is clear that holographic models factors and quark and gluon distributions [1026–1028]
motivated by the AdS/CFT correspondence can cap- with pre-QCD nonperturbative approaches such as Regge
ture essential features of QCD and may give important theory and the Veneziano model.
insights into how QCD works. Different models can be In this section we give an overview of relevant as-
derived via a top-down approach from brane configura- pects of the holographic embedding of QCD quantized
tions in string theory, as well as from more phenomeno- in the light front, with an emphasis on the underly-
logical bottom-up models, which are not constrained by ing superconformal structure for hadron spectroscopy
string theory, and are therefore more flexible for incor- and hadron duality for amplitude dynamics. Introduc-
porating key aspects of QCD. The best known exam- tory reviews are given in Refs. [1010, 1029–1031]. Other
ple of the first category is the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto reviews describing distinct approaches and aspects of
model [1006], which contains vector mesons and pions holographic QCD in the context of the gauge/grav-
in its spectrum arising from the breaking of chiral sym- ity correspondence in addition to Refs. [1003, 1006],
metry. Conversely, in the bottom-up hard-wall model of are given in Refs. [1032–1034] and in the book [1035],
Refs. [1007, 1008], the global SU (2)×SU (2) chiral sym- with applications to other topics such as holographic
metry of QCD becomes a gauge invariant symmetry on renormalization group flows, QCD at finite tempera-
the gravity side. The AdS/QCD model of Refs. [1007, ture and density, hydrodynamics and strongly coupled
1008] has also been extended by using the “soft-wall’’ condensed matter systems.
model introduced in Ref. [1009] in order to reproduce
the observed linearity of Regge trajectories. 5.5.2 Semiclassical approximation to light-front
A third approach to AdS/QCD, holographic light- QCD
front QCD (HLFQCD) [1010], is based on the holo-
graphic embedding of Dirac’s relativistic front form of A semiclassical approximation to QCD has been ob-
dynamics [909] into AdS space. In the front form, the tained using light-front (LF) physics, where the quanti-
initial surface is the tangent plane to the light cone zation surface is the null plane, x+ = x0 + x3 = 0 [909].
x0 + x3 = 0, the null plane, thus without reference to Evolution in LF time x+ is given by the Hamiltonian
a specific Lorentz frame, in contrast with the usual in- equation [792]
stant form where quantization is defined at x0 = 0.
This precise mapping between semiclassical LF Hamil- ∂ P2⊥ + M 2
i |ψi = P − |ψi, P − |ψi = |ψi, (5.5.2)
tonian equations in QCD and wave equations in AdS ∂x+ P+
space, [1011] leads to relativistic wave equations in phys- for a hadron with 4-momentum P = (P + , P − , P⊥ ),
ical space-time (similar to the Schrödinger or Dirac P ± = P 0 ± P 3 , where P − is a dynamical generator
wave equations in atomic physics) and provides an ef- and P + and P⊥ are kinematical. The simple structure
fective computational framework of hadron structure of the LF vacuum allows a quantum-mechanical prob-
and dynamics [1010] 37 abilistic interpretation of hadron states in terms of the
A remarkable property of HLFQCD is the embod- eigenfunctions of the LF Hamiltonian equation (5.5.2)
iment of a superconformal algebraic structure which in a constituent particle basis, |ψi = n ψn |ni, simi-
not only introduces a mass scale within the algebra, lar to usual Schrödinger equation. The LF wave func-
but also determines the interaction completely [1017– tions (LFWFs), ψn underly the physical properties of
1022].38 Further extensions of HLFQCD provides non- hadrons in terms of their quark and gluon degrees of
37 freedom. For a q q̄ bound state we factor out the longi-
The origins of the light-front holographic approach can
be traced back to the original article of Polchinski and tudinal X(x) and orbital eiLθ dependence from ψ,
Strassler [1005], where the exclusive hard-scattering counting
rules [134, 1012], a property of hadrons in physical spacetime, φ(ζ)
ψ(x, ζ, θ) = eiLθ X(x) √ ,
can be derived from the warped geometry of five-dimensional 2πζ
AdS5 space. Indeed, one can show that a precise mapping be-
tween the hadron form factors in AdS space [1013] and physical where ζ 2 = x(1 − x)b2⊥ is the invariant transverse sep-
spacetime [966, 967] can be carried out for an arbitrary number aration between two quarks, with b⊥ , the relative im-
of quark constituents [1014–1016]. The key holographic feature
is the identification of the invariant transverse impact variable
pact variable, conjugate to the relative transverse mo-
ζ for the n-parton bound state in physical 3+1 spacetime with mentum k⊥ with longitudinal momentum fraction x.
the holographic variable z, the fifth dimension of AdS.
The idea to apply an effective supersymmetry to hadron proach, the zero-energy eigenmode of the superconformal quan-
physics is certainly not new [1023–1025], but failed to account tum mechanical equations is identified with the lightest meson
for the special role of the pion. In contrast, in the HLFQCD ap- which has no baryonic supersymmetric partner.

In the ultra-relativistic zero-quark mass limit the in- incorporate confinement [1010], while keeping the the-
variant LF Hamiltonian Pµ P µ |ψi = M 2 |ψi, with P 2 = ory conformal invariant in the ultraviolet boundary of
P + P − − P2⊥ can be systematically reduced to the wave AdS, namely ϕ(z) → 0 for z → 0. The separation of
equation [1011]: kinematic and dynamic components, allows us to de-
termine the mass function in the AdS action in terms
d2 1 − 4L2
− 2− + U (ζ) φ(ζ) = M 2 φ(ζ), (5.5.3) of physical kinematic quantities with the AdS mass-
dζ 4ζ 2 radius (µR)2 = L2 − (d/2 − J)2 and d, the number of
where the effective potential U comprises all interac- transverse coordinates [1011, 1036], consistent with the
tions, including those from higher Fock states. The crit- AdS stability bound [1037].
ical value of the LF orbital angular momentum L = 0
corresponds to the lowest possible solution. The LF 5.5.4 Higher half-integer-spin wave equations in
equation (5.5.3) is relativistic and frame-independent; AdS
It has a similar structure to wave equations in AdS
provided that one identifies ζ = z, the holographic vari- A similar derivation follows from the Rarita-Schwinger
able [1011]. action for a spinor field ΨJ ≡ ΨN1 ...NJ−1/2 in AdS [1036]
for half-integral spin J. In this case, however, the dila-
ton term does not lead to an interaction [1038], and an
5.5.3 Higher integer-spin wave equations in AdS
effective Yukawa-type coupling to a potential V in the
We start with the AdS action for a tensor-J field ΦJ = action has to be introduced instead [1039–1041]:
ΦN1 ...NJ in the presence of a dilaton profile ϕ(z) respon- √
Z  z 
sible for the confinement dynamics S= d4 x dz g Ψ̄J iΓ A eM
A DM − µ + V (z) ΨJ ,
√ (5.5.7)
S = d4 x dz g eϕ(z) DM ΦJ DM ΦJ − µ2 Φ2J , (5.5.4)

where eM A is the vielbein and the covariant derivative
where g is the determinant of the metric tensor gM N DM on a spinor field includes the affine connection and
and DM is the covariant derivative which includes the the spin connection. The tangent space Dirac matrices
affine connection. 3940 The variation of the AdS action obey the usual anticommutation relations {Γ A , Γ B } =
leads to the wave equation 2η AB . The variation of the AdS action leads to a system
 d−1−2J  ϕ(z)  (µ R)2  of linear differential equations which is equivalent to the
z e
− ϕ(z) ∂z d−1−2J ∂z + ΦJ (z) second order equations [1036]
e z z2
d2 1 − 4L2
= M 2 ΦJ (z), (5.5.5) − 2− + U +
(ζ) ψ+ = M 2 ψ+ ,
dζ 4ζ 2
after a redefinition of the AdS mass µ, plus kinematical (5.5.8)
constraints to eliminate lower spin from the symmetric  2 2

d 1 − 4(L + 1)
tensor ΦN1 ...NJ [1036]. By substituting − 2− + U − (ζ) ψ− = M 2 ψ− ,
dζ 4ζ 2
ΦJ (z) = z (d−1)/2−J e−ϕ(z)/2 φJ (z) (5.5.9)

in (5.5.5), we find the semiclassical light-front wave with R =2 L + 1/2 and equal probability
ζ = z, |µR|
dζ ψ+ (ζ) = dζ ψ− (ζ). The semiclassical LF wave
2 2
equation (5.5.3) with
equations for ψ+ and ψ− correspond to LF orbital an-
UJ (ζ) =
1 00 1
ϕ (ζ) + ϕ0 (ζ)2 +
2J − d + 1
ϕ(ζ), (5.5.6) gular momentum L and L + 1 with
2 4 2ζ
1 + 2L
as long as ζ = z. The precise mapping allows us to write U ± (ζ) = V 2 (ζ) ± V 0 (ζ) + V (ζ), (5.5.10)
the LF confinement potential U in terms of the dilaton
a J-independent potential, in agreement with the ob-
profile which modifies the IR region of AdS space to
served degeneracy in the baryon spectrum.
The affine connection, the vielbein and the spin connection
are important elements in curved spaces, particularly if higher 5.5.5 Superconformal algebraic structure and emer-
spins are involved. A brief introduction, useful for actual com-
putations in AdS space, is given in Appendix A of Ref. [1010]. gence of a mass scale
In the present holographic approach the gluon field emerges
as a constituent of a spin-2 field in AdS dual to the Pomeron Embedding light-front physics in a higher dimension
in the 4-dimensional physical space (see Sec. 5.5.15). gravity theory leads to important insights into the non-
perturbative structure of bound state equations in QCD
5.5 AdS/QCD and light-front holography 143

for arbitrary spin, but it does not answer the question of 6

how the effective confinement dynamics is actually de- n3 n2 n1 n0
termined, and how it can be related to the symmetries 5
of QCD itself. An important clue, however, comes from N(2220)
the realization that the potential V (ζ) in Eq. (5.5.10)

M 2 GeV2 
plays the role of the superpotential in supersymmetric N(1900)
(SUSY) quantum mechanics (QM) [1042].
Supersymmetric QM is based on a graded Lie al- N(1720)
gebra consisting of two anticommuting supercharges Q N(1680)
and Q† , {Q, Q} = {Q† , Q† } = 0, which commute with
the Hamiltonian H = 12 {Q, Q† }, [Q, H] = [Q† , H] = 0. λ  0.485 GeV
If the state |Ei is an eigenstate with energy E, H|Ei =
E|Ei, then, it follows from the commutation relations 0 1 2 3 4
that the state Q† |Ei is degenerate with the state |Ei for L .
E 6= 0, but for E = 0 we have Q† |E = 0i = 0, namely 7
n1 n0
the zero mode has no supersymmetric partner [1042]; a 6
key result for deriving the supermultiplet structure and
the pattern of the hadron spectrum. 5 Δ(2420)
Following Ref. [1018] we consider the scale-deformed M 2 GeV2  Δ(1930) ●

supercharge operator Rλ = Q + λS, with K = 12 {S, S † }
Δ(1900) Δ(2200)

the generator of special conformal transformations. The 3 Δ(1600)

generator Rλ is also nilpotent, {Rλ , Rλ } = {Rλ† , Rλ† } =

0, and gives rise to a new scale-dependent Hamiltonian 2 Δ(1700) Δ(1910)
G, G = 12 {Rλ , Rλ† }, which also closes under the graded Δ(1620)
1 Δ(1232)
algebra, [Rλ , G] = [Rλ† , G] = 0. The new supercharge λ  0.498 GeV
Rλ has the matrix representation 0
0 1 2 3 4
0 rλ 0 0 L
Rλ = , Rλ† = , (5.5.11)
0 0 rλ† 0
Fig. 5.5.2 Model predictions for the orbital and radial
with rλ = −∂x + fx + λx, rλ† = ∂x + fx + λx. The positive-parity nucleons (up) and positive and negative parity
parameter f is dimensionless and λ has the dimension ∆ families√(down)√compared with the data from Ref.√[476]. The
of [M 2 ], and thus, a mass scale is introduced in the values of λ are λ = 0.485 GeV for nucleons and λ = 0.498
GeV for the deltas.
Hamiltonian without leaving the conformal group. The
Hamiltonian equation G|Ei = E|Ei leads to the wave
equations substitutions x 7→ ζ, E 7→ M 2 , f 7→ L + 12 , φ+ 7→
ψ− and φ− 7→ ψ+ , we find the expression U + = λ2 ζ 2 +
" #
d2 1 − 4(f + 12 )2
2λ(L + 1) and U − = λ2 ζ 2 + 2λL for the confine-
2 2 1

− 2 − + λ x + 2λ f − 2 φ+
dx 4x2
ment potential for baryons [1021]. The solution of the
= Eφ+ , (5.5.12) LF wave equations for this potential gives the eigen-
" #
2 1 2
d 1 − 4(f − 2)
+ λ2 x2 + 2λ f + 1

− 2
− 2 φ−
dx 4x2
1 2
ψ+ (ζ) ∼ζ 2 +L e−λζ /2
LL 2
n (λζ )
= Eφ− , (5.5.13) −λζ 2 /2
ψ− (ζ) ∼ζ 2 +L e LL+1 (λζ 2 )
which have the same structure as the Euler-Lagrange

equations obtained from the AdS/CFT correspondence, with eigenvalues M 2 = 4λ(n + L + 1). The polynomi-
but here, the form of the LF confinement potential, als LL
n (x) are associated Laguerre polynomials, where
λ2 x2 , as well as the constant terms in the potential are the radial quantum number n counts the number of
completely fixed by the superconformal symmetry [1021, nodes in the wave function. We compare in Fig. 5.5.2
1022]. the model predictions with the measured
√ values for the
positive parity nucleons [476] for λ = 0.485 GeV.
5.5.6 Light-front mapping and baryons

Upon mapping (5.5.12) and (5.5.13) to the semiclas-

sical LF wave equations (5.5.8) and (5.5.9) using the

5.5.7 Superconformal meson-baryon symmetry

Superconformal quantum mechanics also leads to a con-
nection between mesons and baryons [1022] underlying 11+

the SU (3)C representation properties, since a diquark a4,f4

M2 (GeV2)
cluster can be in the same color representation as an 4
antiquark, namely 3̄ ∈ 3×3. The specific connection fol- ρ3,ω3
1+ 3+ 5+ 7+
– – – –
lows from the substitution x 7→ ζ, E 7→ M 2 , λ 7→ λB = Δ 2 ,Δ 2 ,Δ 2 ,Δ 2
λM , f 7→ LM − 12 = LB + 12 , φ+ 7→ φM and φ2 7→ φB 1- 3-
2 a2,f2 – –
Δ 2 ,Δ 2
in the superconformal equations (5.5.12) and (5.5.13).
We find the LF meson (M) – baryon (B) bound-state ρ,ω

d2 1 − 4L2M
− 2− + UM φM = M 2 φM , (5.5.16) 1-2015
0 2 4
dζ 4ζ 2 8872A3 LM = LB + 1
d2 1 − 4L2B
− 2− + U B φB = M 2 φB , (5.5.17)
dζ 4ζ 2 Fig. 5.5.3 Supersymmetric vector meson and ∆ partners from
Ref. [1022]. The experimental values
√ of M from Ref. [476]
with the confinement potentials UM = λ2M 2
ζ +2λM (LM − are plotted vs LM = LB + 1 for λ ' 0.5 GeV. The ρ and
1) and UB = λ2B ζ 2 + 2λB (LB + 1). ω mesons have no baryonic partner, since it would imply a
The superconformal structure imposes the condition negative value of LB .
λ = λM = λB and the remarkable relation LM = LB +
1, where LM is the LF angular momentum between the leads to the additional term 2λS in the LF Hamiltonian
quark and antiquark in the meson, and LB between for mesons and baryons, G = 12 {Rλ , Rλ† } + 2λS, which
the active quark and spectator cluster in the baryon. maintains the meson-baryon supersymmetry [1044]. The
Likewise, the equality of the Regge slopes embodies the spin S = 0, 1, is the total internal spin of the meson,
equivalence of the 3C − 3̄C color interaction in the q q̄ or the spin of the diquark cluster of the baryon part-
meson with the 3C − 3̄C interaction between the quark ner. The effect of the spin term is an overall shift of the
and diquark cluster in the baryon. The mass spectrum quadratic mass,
from (5.5.16) and (5.5.17) is 2
MM = 4λ(n + LM ) + 2λS, (5.5.19)
MM = 4λ(n + LM ) and MB2 = 4λ(n + LB + 1). MB2 = 4λ(n + LB + 1) + 2λS, (5.5.20)
as depicted in Fig. 5.5.3 for the spectra of the ρ mesons
The pion has a special role as the unique state of zero and ∆ baryons by shifting one unit the value of LB [1022].
mass and, since LM = 0, it does not have a baryon This shift leads to a degeneracy of meson and baryons
partner. states, a property known as the MacDowell symme-
AdS space is effectively modified in the IR by the try [1045, 1046].
dilaton profile in Eq. (5.5.5), while retaining confor- For the ∆ baryons the total internal spin S is re-
mal invariance in the UV (near the boundary of AdS lated to the diquark cluster spin S by S = S + 12 (−1)L ,
space): It leads to the effective confinement potential and therefore, positive and negative ∆ baryons have
U (z) in Eq. (5.5.6). The dilaton profile can be deter- the same diquark spin, S = 1. As a result, all the ∆
mined from the superconformal algebra by integrating baryons lie, for a given n, on the same Regge trajec-
Eq. (5.5.6) for the effective potential U in (5.5.16), tory, as shown in Fig. 5.5.2. Plus parity nucleons are
U (z) = λ2 z 2 + 2λ(L − 1). We obtain ϕ(z) = λz 2 . assigned S = 0 and are well described by the holo-
The dilaton is uniquely determined, provided that it graphic model as shown in Fig. 5.5.2. For negative par-
depends only on the modification of AdS space [1043]. ity nucleons both S = 0 and S = 1 are possible, but
their precise comparison with data is not as successful
5.5.8 Spin interaction and diquark clusters as for the ∆ baryons and positive parity nucleons.

Embedding the LF bound-state equations in AdS space 5.5.9 Inclusion of quark masses and longitudinal
allows us to extend the superconformal Hamiltonian to dynamics
include the spin-spin interaction, a problem not defined
in the chiral limit by standard procedures. Since the Finite quark masses break conformal invariance and
dilaton profile ϕ(z) = λz 2 is valid for arbitrary J, it pose a special challenge for all AdS/CFT approaches
5.5 AdS/QCD and light-front holography 145

Table 5.5.1 Predicted masses for double heavy bosons from

Ref. [1054]. Exotics which are predicted to be stable under
strong interactions are marked by (!) .

quark JP predicted strong threshold

content Mass [MeV] decay [MeV]
cqcq 0+ 3660 ηc ππ 3270
ccqq (!) 1+ 3870 D∗ D 3880
bqbq 0+ 10020 ηb ππ 9680
bbqq (!) 1+ 10230 B∗B 10800
bcqq (!) 0+ 6810 BD 7150

baryon partner, conforming to the SUSY mechanism.

Fig. 5.5.4 The K ∗ and Σ ∗ trajectories
√ from supersymmetric Compatibility with heavy quark symmetry [1043, 1048,
HLFQCD in Ref. [1048] with λ = 0.51 GeV. The error bars
are smaller that the symbols in the figure and were not included.
1050–1054] predicts a dependence of the holographic
mass scale λ on the quark mass.41
The extension of the LF holographic framework to
since the dual quantum field theory is inherently con- incorporate longitudinal dynamics and chiral symmetry
formal. In the usual formulation of bottom-up holo- breaking, inspired in the original work of ’t Hooft [1057],
graphic models one identifies quark mass and chiral has recently attracted much interest [950, 989, 1055,
condensates as coefficients of a scalar background field 1058–1068]; however, in contrast with the transverse
X0 (z) in AdS space [1007, 1008]. A heuristic way to dynamics, the longitudinal confinement potential is not
take into account the occurrence of quark mass terms, uniquely determined by the symmetries of the model.
is to include the quark mass dependence in the invari-
ant mass (IM) squared which controls the off-shell de- 5.5.10 Completing the supersymmetric hadron
pendence of Pthe LF  wave function [1010, 1047]: χIM = multiplet
N exp − 2λ i xi , where N is a normalization factor.

This simple procedure leads, to a factorization of the Besides the mesons and the baryons, the supersym-
transverse, φ(ζ), and the longitudinal, χ(x), wave func- metric multiplet Φ = {φM , φ+ B , φB , φT } contains a fur-

tions with the quadratic mass correction [1010, 1044, ther bosonic partner, a tetraquark, which, follows from
P m2 the action of the SUSY operator Rλ† on the negative-
1047] ∆M 2 = hχ| i xii |χi.
chirality component of a baryon [1044]. A clear example
The effective quark masses can be obtained by com-
is the SUSY positive parity J P multiplet 2+ , 32 , 1+ of
paring the holographic results with the observed pseu-
doscalar masses. One obtains mq = 0.046 GeV for the states f2 (1270), ∆(1232), a1 (1260) where the a1 is in-
light quark mass and ms = 0.350 GeV for the strange terpreted as a tetraquark.
mass, with values between the Lagrangian and the con- Unfortunately, it is difficult to disentangle conven-
stituent masses [1010, 1044, 1047]. The analysis has tional hadronic quark states from exotic ones and, there-
been consistently applied to the radial and orbital ex- fore, no clear-cut identification of tetraquarks for light
citation spectra of the hadrons, or hadrons with hidden charm or beauty, is
√ light meson and baryon fami- possible [1044, 1053, 1069]. The situation is, however,
lies, giving the value λ = 0.523 ± 0.024 GeV [1044].
The comparison of the predicted K ∗ and Σ ∗ trajec- more favorable for tetraquarks with open charm and
tories with experiment shown in Fig. 5.5.4 is a clear beauty which may be stable under strong interactions
example of the validity of the supersymmetric meson- and therefore easily identified [1070]. In Table 5.5.1, the
baryon connection including light quark masses. Start- computed masses from Ref. [1054] are presented. Our
ing with Ref. [1049], the application of the light-front prediction [1054] for a doubly charmed stable boson
holographic wave functions to diffraction physics has Tcc with a mass of 3870 MeV (second row) has been
also been successful. observed at LHCb a year later at 3875 MeV [1071],
For heavy quarks the mass breaking effects are large. and it is a member of the positive parity J P multiplet
2+ , 32 , 1+ of states χc2 (3565), Ξcc (3770), Tcc (3875).
The underlying hadronic supersymmetry, however, is
still compatible with the holographic approach and gives The occurrence of stable doubly beautiful tetraquarks
remarkable connections across the entire spectrum of and those with charm and beauty is well established,
light and heavy-light hadrons [1043, 1048]. In partic- see also Ref. [1070].
ular, the lowest mass meson of every family has no 41
For a relation with linear confinement see Refs. [1055, 1056].

5.5.11 Holographic QCD and Veneziano Ampli- It is written as the overlap of a normalizable mode
tudes Φ(z), representing a bound-state wave function in AdS
for the initial and final states, with a non-normalizable
The hadronic mass spectrum (5.5.18), which follows solution V (Q2 , z) of the wave equation (5.5.5) for a spin
from the scale deformed superconformal equations (5.5.12) one conserved current in AdS, with µ = 0 and M 2 →
and (5.5.13), shows remarkable features which were es- −Q2 . The bulk-to boundary propagator, V (Q2 , z) car-
sential ingredients to the pre-QCD physics of strong in- ries momentum Q2 = −t > 0 from the external EM
teractions. Starting from the S-matrix, Chew and Frautschi current. A precise mapping can be carried out to phys-
[1072] proposed to extend the concept of Regge trajec- ical spacetime provided that the invariant transverse
tories [1073], α(t) = α0 + α0 t, also to positive t-values. impact variable ζ for an arbitrary number of quarks is
It led to a quadratic mass spectra, linear in the an- identified with the holographic variable z [1014].
gular momentum, just as the spectra of Eq. (5.5.18). For the soft-wall model (SWM) of Ref. [1009] Φτ (z) ∼
The analogy goes further: Veneziano [7] constructed a z τ e−λz /2 , and V (Q2 , z) is given in terms of the Tricomi

hadronic scattering amplitude function, V (Q2 , z) ∼ U (Q2 /4λ, 0, λz 2 ). It corresponds

to a conserved vector current with vanishing mass µ = 0
A(s, t) ∼ B(1 − α(s), 1 − α(t)), (5.5.21)
in AdS. The result for the FF [1010] can be brought into
the form of an Euler Beta function
based on Euler’s Beta function B(u, v) = Γ (u+v) , which
Γ (u)Γ (v)

incorporates the duality in strong interactions [1074] FτSW M (t) ∼ B(τ − 1, 1 − t/4λ). (5.5.23)
and linear Regge trajectories. It is easy to see that
this amplitude leads to particle poles at masses ex- It generates a series of poles located at Mn2 = 4λ(n+1),
actly matching Eq. (5.5.18), if one identifies the slope and thus to the Regge intercept α0 = 0 [1076]. There-
of the trajectory with the scale λ: α0 = 4λ 1
. In fact, fore, one has to perform a pole shift [1010, 1026, 1027,
from the analytic structure of the Beta function, par- 1077] in the expression (5.5.23) in order to bring the an-
ticle poles appear at each value where α(t) is a neg- alytical structure of the FF in accordance with the spec-
ative integer. This leads to “Regge-daughter trajecto- tra predicted by HLFQCD, which is in perfect agree-
ries”, which are identified with the radial excitations ment with observations. This shift leads to [1026]
numbered by the integer n in (5.5.18). But there is
FτHLF (t) ∼ B τ − 1, 1/2 − t/4λ , (5.5.24)

an important difference in the theoretical foundation:
in the Veneziano approach, linear trajectories were as- for the EM form factors in HLFQCD.
sumed to exist, whereas here they are a consequence
of the model, especially of the superconformal model, 5.5.13 Form factors in dual models and holo-
where the Regge intercept α0 is also determined, and graphic QCD
expressed in terms of quark masses.
In a model extending the duality concept incorporated
5.5.12 Electromagnetic form factors in holographic in Eq. (5.5.21) to reactions involving external currents,
QCD Ademollo and Del Giudice [1078], and Landshoff and
Polkinghorne [1079], proposed a a Veneziano-like am-
Holographic QCD incorporates important elements for plitude
the study of hadronic form factors, such as the connec-
tion between the twist of the hadron to the fall-off of its (5.5.25)

Fγ (t) ∼ B γ, 1 − αρ (t) ,
current matrix elements for large Q , and important as-
in order to describe the electromagnetic FF; here αρ (t)
pects of vector meson dominance which are relevant at
is the Regge trajectory of the ρ meson which couples
lower energies. The expression for the electromagnetic
to the quark current in the hadron, and the parame-
(EM) form factor (FF) in AdS space has been given by
ter γ controls the rate of decrease of the FF. In fact,
Polchinski and Strassler [1013]
from Stirling’s
 formula we find the asymptotic behavior
for large Q2 = −t.
dz 2
Fγ (Q ) ∼ Q2 1
F (Q ) = 2 2
V (Q , z) Φ (z), (5.5.22)
z3 In LF QCD the parameter γ has a well defined inter-
in their influential article describing deep inelastic scat- pretation. To see this, we compare the asymptotic ex-
tering (DIS) using the gauge / gravity correspondence . 42 pression for Fγ (Q2 ) with the result from hard scattering
 τ −1
For recent DIS studies examining various holographic QCD counting rules at large Q2 [134], Fτ (Q2 ) ∼ Q12 ,
models see Ref [1075] and references therein. where the twist τ is the number of constituents N in a
5.5 AdS/QCD and light-front holography 147

given Fock component of the hadron. Thus, one has to �

choose in Eq. (5.5.25) γ = τ − 1, in order to incorporate �����

the scaling counting rule. This brings us to our final re-

sult for the analytical expression of the electromagnetic �����

FF in the extended duality model [1026] 5

�� � (� � )
����� a4 (2040)
1 ρ3 (1690)
Fτ (t) = B (τ − 1, 1 − α(t)) , (5.5.26) 3

a2 (1320)
Nτ ����� 2

with Nτ = B(τ − 1, 1 − α(0)), a remarkable expression ����� 1

which incorporates, at tree level, both the nonpertur- 0

0 1 2 3 4 5
bative pole structure of the form factor and the hard �����
t GeV2 
scattering behavior. ���� ���� ����
� � ��

For τ = N , the number of constituents, the FF

(5.5.26) is an N − 1 product of poles located at [1010] Fig. 5.5.5 The LFHQCD prediction for the I = 0, 1 isospin
combinations of nucleon factors compared with the z-expansion
1 data analysis of Ye et al. [1080] (grey band): (blue line) va-
−Q2 = t = Mn2 =

n + 1 − α(0) > 0 . lence contribution only, (red line) including uū and dd¯ pairs.
The inset from Ref.
√ [1081] represents the ρ Regge trajectory in
It generates the radial excitation spectrum of the ex- Eq. (5.5.26) for λ = 0.534 GeV and αρ (0) = 0.483.
changed vector mesons in the t-channel. For example,
the ρ trajectory has Regge intercept α0 = 1/2 and slope
predictions with the analysis of Ye et al. [1080]. Detailed
α ≡ 1/4λ, with λ ' (0.5 GeV)2 . Thus Mn2 = 4λ(n + 12 ),
studies show the importance of higher (large distance
corresponding to the ρ vector meson and its radial ex-
meson cloud) Fock components for the spin-flip Pauli
citations for n = 0, 1, 2, . . . , τ − 2 in agreement with
FF [1077].
Eq. (5.5.19). In general, the hadron wave function is
a superposition of an infinite number of Fock compo-
5.5.14 Quark distribution functions and the exclusive-
nents, and thus the full form factor P should be writ-
inclusive connection
ten as a superposition F (Q 2
) = C
τ τ τF (Q 2
), with
if all possible states are included. In prac-
C = 1,
τ τ The mathematical structure of the Veneziano-type FFs
tice, one expects a rapid convergence in the number of
(5.5.26), not only incorporates the hard scattering am-
poles, with a dominant contribution from the ρ vector
plitude’s dependence on twist, but it also gives impor-
meson plus contributions from the higher resonances ρ0 ,
tant insights into the structure of the parton distribu-
ρ00 , …, etc.
tions since it becomes possible to include the Regge
As a simple example, consider the valence contri-
behavior at small values of x, as well as the exclusive-
bution to the nucleon EM (spin non-flip) Dirac form
inclusive connection [966, 1082] at large values of the
factors by writing the flavor FFs as
longitudinal momentum x [1026]. In fact, the relation
r r between the behavior of the structure function near

F u (t) = 2 − F3 (t) + F4 (t), (5.5.27)
3  3 x = 1 with the falloff of the FF at large t, described
in the article of Landshoff and Polkinghorne [1079], is

2r 2r
F d (t) = 1 − F3 (t) + F4 (t), (5.5.28)
3 3 very close to the Drell-Yan “exclusive-inclusive” con-
nection, also formulated in 1970 [966].
where Fτ (Q2 ) is given by (5.5.26). The holographic con-
Using the integral representation of the Beta func-
straint of equal probability for nucleon states with LF
tion, the FF (5.5.26) can be expressed in a reparametriza-
orbital angular momentum L and L + 1 (Sec. 5.5.4)
tion invariant form
determines the value r = 3/2, since the probability Z 1
of the total quark spin along the plus z-direction for F (t)τ =
dx w(x)w(x)−α(t) [1 − w(x)]
τ −2
L = 0 (twist 3) should be identical to the probability of Nτ 0
having total quark spin along the minus z-direction for (5.5.29)
L = 1. Actually, the values found in the recent analysis
The trajectory α(t) of the vector current can be com-
in Ref. [1027] deviate by 10 ∼ 15 % for the u-flavor
puted within the superconformal LF holographic frame-
FF and remain almost identical for the d quark in the
work, and the intercept, α(0), incorporates the quark
valence approximation. This leads to the results show
masses [1021, 1022]. The function w(x) is a flavor-inde-
in Fig. 5.5.5 for the nucleon isospin FF combination,
pendent function with w(0) = 0, w(1) = 1 and w0 (x) ≥
F I=0,1 = Fp (t) ± Fn (t), where we compare the model

The flavor FF can be written in terms of its general-

ized parton distribution (GPD) [1083–1085], H q (x, t) ≡ 0.6
NNPDF3.0 uv
H q (x, ξ = 0, t), at zero skewness, ξ, CT14

F q (t) = dx H q (x, t) 0.4
µ2 = 10 GeV2
0 dv
Z 1
= dx q(x) exp [tf (x)] , (5.5.30) 0.2

with the profile function, f (x), and the particle dis-

tribution function (PDF), qτ (x), both determined by 0.0 −4
10 10−3 10−2 10−1 100
w(x): x
1  1 
f (x) = log , (5.5.31) 0.5
4λ w(x)
1 0 0.4 Conway et al .
qτ (x) = w (x)w(x)−α(0) [1 − w(x)]τ −2 , (5.5.32)
Nτ µ2 = 27 GeV2

with α = 1/4λ. Boundary conditions follow from the
Regge behavior at x → 0, w(x) ∼ x, and at x → 1 0.2
from the exclusive-inclusive counting rule [966, 1082],
qτ (x) ∼ (1 − x)2τ −3 , which fixes w0 (1) = 0. A simple 0.1
ansatz for w(x), w(x) = x1−x exp −a(1 − x)2 , fulfills
all conditions mentioned above. The flavor independent 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
parameter a has the value a ' 0.5 [1026]. x
Using the expression (5.5.30) at t = 0 and Eqs. (5.5.27-5.5.28),
we obtain for the unpolarized quark distributions in the Fig. 5.5.6 Comparison for xq(x) in HLFQCD with global
fits from [1026]. Up: proton valence approximation (red band).
valence approximation Data analysis from MMHT2014 (blue bands) [981], CT14 [1086]
 r r (cyan bands), and NNPDF3.0 (grey bands) [1087]. Down: pion
uv (x) = 2 − q3 (x) + q4 (x), (5.5.33) results (red and light blue bands). NLO global fits from [1088,
 3  3 1089] (gray band and green curve) and the LO data extrac-
2r 2r tion [1090]. HLFQCD results are evolved from the initial scale
dv (x) = 1 − q3 (x) + q4 (x), (5.5.34)
3 3 µ0 ' 1 GeV at NLO and NNLO.

with normalization dx uv (x) = 2 and dx dv (x) = 1.

The PDF qτ (x) is given by (5.5.32) and r = 3/2. Our
PDF results for the nucleon, Eqs. (5.5.33-5.5.34), and ∆u+/u+
for the pion [1026], are compared with the global data 0.5

analysis in Fig. 5.5.6. If the reparametrization function

w(x) is fixed by the nucleon PDFs, then the pion PDF 0.0 This work (I)

is a prediction. pQCD evolution is performed from an This work (II)

This work (III)
initial scale determined from µ0 ' 1 GeV from the soft- E06-014/EG1
−0.5 ∆d+/d+
hard matching procedure described in Ref. [1091]. Our E99-117/EG1
result for the pion PDF in Fig. 5.5.6 is in good agree- 2
µ = 5 GeV 2
ment with the data analysis in Ref. [1088] and con- −1.0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
sistent with the nucleon global fit through the GPD
universality introduced in [1026]. It leads to a 1 − x
falloff, in contrast with the (1 − x)2 pQCD result at Fig. 5.5.7 HLFQCD predictions from Ref. [1027] for the quark
large-x [1089, 1092], an issue much debated recently [845, helicity asymmetry ratio ∆q+ /q+ , q+ = q + q̄, are compared
1093, 1094]. with existing data. The blue band is the valence contribution,
the red band includes q q̄ components and the dashed green
An analysis of the polarized quark distribution in band also includes the intrinsic sea contribution.
the proton has been performed in Ref. [1027], assum-
ing the Veneziano-type FF (5.5.26), with the separation
of chiralities from the axial current. The model predic-
tions for the ratio of polarized to unpolarized quark
5.5 AdS/QCD and light-front holography 149

distribution functions is compared with available data Lattice 2019

in Fig. 5.5.7. Lattice 2021
Another application of the LF holographic ideas is This work
the computation of the intrinsic charm-anticharm asym-
metry in the proton [1095], c(x)−c̄(x) = τ cτ qτ (x)−
µ = 2 GeV

Ag (Q2)
qτ +1 (x) , with 0 dx[c(x) − c̄(x)] = 0. The normaliza-

tion of the charm form factor was computed using lat- pion
tice QCD [1095], and the J/Ψ trajectory in the GPDs
from HLFQCD and heavy quark effective theory [1053]. 0.2
A similar procedure was used to determine the intrinsic proton
strange-antistrange asymmetry in the proton with the
Regge trajectory in the holographic expressions corre- 0.0 0 1 2 3
sponding to the φ meson current [1081], and most re- Q2 (GeV2)
cently to study color transparency in nuclei [1096] (see
Sec. 5.10), and to model the EMC effect in various nu- Fig. 5.5.8 Gluon gravitational form factor Ag (Q2 ) of the pro-
clei [1097]. ton (blue) and the pion (red) in comparison with lattice QCD
computations [1108, 1109]. The value Ag (0) corresponds to the
momentum fraction carried by gluons at the scale µ = 2 GeV.
5.5.15 Gravitational form factors, gluon distri- The bands indicate the uncertainty of λg by ±5% and the nor-
butions and the Pomeron trajectory malization from the momentum sum rule.

Gravitational form factors (GFFs) are the hadronic ma- the wave function Φgτ (z) ∼ z τ e−λg z
. Our final result
trix elements of the energy momentum tensor (EMT) is [1028]
and describe the coupling of a hadron to the gravi-
ton, thus providing key information on the dynamics Agτ (Q2 ) =
B τ − 1, 2 − αP (Q2 ) ,

of quarks and gluons within hadrons. In holographic Nτ
QCD Pomeron exchange is identified as the graviton of with Nτ = B (τ − 1, 2 − αP (0)). As for the EM FF, in
the dual AdS theory [1098–1103]. The Pomeron couples writing (5.5.36) we have also shifted the Pomeron in-
as a rank-two tensor to hadrons and interacts strongly tercept to its physical value αP (0) ≈ 1, since the holo-
with gluons. Since we are interested in obtaining the in- graphic result (5.5.35) leads to a zero intercept. For in-
trinsic gluon distribution in the nucleon, we use the soft teger twist, the GFF (5.5.36) is expressed as a product
Pomeron of Donnachie and Landshoff [1104] with the of τ − 1 timelike poles located at
Regge trajectory αP (t) = αP (0) + αP 0
t, with intercept
αP (0) ' 1.08 and slope αP ' 0.25 GeV−2 [476]. −Q2 = Mn2 =
0 (n + 2 − αP (0)) ,
To actually compute the GFF one considers the per- αP
turbation of the gravity action by an arbitrary external the radial excitation spectrum of the spin-two Pomeron.
source at the AdS asymptotic boundary which propa- The lowest state in this trajectory, the 2++ , has the
gates inside AdS space and couples to the EMT [1016, mass M ' 1.92 GeV, compared with the lattice re-
1105]. In analogy to the EM FF (5.5.22), the spin non- sults M ' (2.15 − 2.4) GeV [476] 43 . We notice that
flip GFF A(t) is written as the overlap of a normalizable Eq. (5.5.36) is the Veneziano amplitude of the FF for a
mode Φ(z), representing a bound-state wave, with a spin-two current [1078, 1079].
non-normalizable mode H(Q2 , z), the bulk-to-boundary The lowest twist contributions to the GFF corre-
propagator, corresponding to the gravitational current sponds to the τ = 4 Fock state |uudgi in the proton and
in AdS. We obtain [1016, 1105] the τ = 3 component |udgi ¯ in the pion, both containing
dz an intrinsic gluon. The results for Ag (t) are compared
A(t) = H(Q2 , z) Φ2 (z). (5.5.35) in Fig. 5.5.8 with recent lattice computations. We find
for the gluon mass squared radius hrg2 ip = 2.93/λg =
For the soft-wall profile introduced in Ref. [1009], (0.34 fm)2 for the proton and hrg2 iπ = 2.41/λg = (0.31 fm)2
the propagator in AdS, H(Q , z), is also given by a Tri-
 the pion. The model predictions in Fig. 5.5.8 have
comi function [1010, 1105], H(Q2 , z) ∼ U Q2 /4λg , −1, λg z 2no. free parameters [1028].
The effective physical scale λg is the scale of the Pomeron,
' 1 GeV2 , which couples There exist many computations of glueballs in top-down
p to the constituent
λg = 1/4αP
√ holographic models, see for example, [1106]; and also in bottom-
gluon over a distance ∼ 1/ αP ∼ 4λg , described by up models. For a recent computation, see for example [1107],
and references therein.

The intrinsic gluon distributions in the proton and 5.6 The nonperturbative strong coupling
the pion can be determined from the gravitational form
factor (5.5.36) following the same procedure used in Alexandre Deur
Sec. 5.5.14. The results are given in [1028] and agree
very well with the data analysis from [626, 627, 979, The perturbative framework of QCD (pQCD) has been
1110, 1111]. The model uncertainties for large x-values remarkably successful in describing the interactions be-
are smaller than those from the phenomenological anal- tween the fundamental constituents of hadrons in high
ysis. energy experiments, thus establishing QCD as the the-
By using the gauge/gravity a simultaneous descrip- ory of the strong force at small distances [278]. Most
tion of the BFKL hard Pomeron [140, 218, 1112] and of nature’s strong force phenomena, however, are gov-
the soft Regge domain has been proposed in Ref. [1098]. erned by large-distance, nonperturbative physics [748,
This model, however, did not solve the problem of the 1118–1122] where the methods of pQCD are not appli-
large difference of intercept values between both Pomerons. cable. The Landau pole at low-energies in the running
Using the scale dependence of the gluon distribution of the QCD coupling is an example of the expected fail-
functions, our results give strong support to a single ure of perturbation theory as the coupling increases. A
Pomeron with a scale dependent intercept [1113], which nonperturbative treatment is necessary and allows us
was proposed in Ref. [1114] in order to explain the to define renormalization scheme dependent coupling
diffractive scattering data at LHC energies [1115, 1116]. constants.
Studying αs (µ) at low energy has been challenging:
not only do nonperturbative calculations represent a
difficult problem to solve, but more generally, we only
5.5.16 Summary
know in the pQCD framework how to relate the αs
Holographic light front QCD is a nonperturbative an- calculated in different schemes. Worst, there is no ob-
alytic approach to hadron physics. It originates from vious prescription of how to define the coupling. One
the precise mapping of light front expressions of form reason why a variety of definitions is possible is that
factors in AdS space for an arbitrary number of par- αs (µ) need not be an observable. In fact, in most ap-
tons [1014]. The holographic embedding in AdS also proaches –including the standard pQCD treatment– it
leads to semiclassical relativistic wave equations, simi- is not an observable. For example αspQCD depends on
lar to the Schrödinger equation in atomic physics, for the choice of renormalization scheme, generally taken
arbitrary integer or half-integer spin [1011, 1036]. The to be MS. Such arbitrary dependence on a human con-
model embodies an underlying superconformal algebraic vention shows that αs (µ) is not an observable. In addi-
structure responsible for the introduction of a mass tion, the quark-gluon, 3-gluon, 4-gluon or ghost-gluon
scale within the superconformal group, and determines vertices may have different couplings 44 i.e., several
the effective confinement potential: It is not SUSY QCD. couplings, with distinct magnitudes and µ-dependence,
There is a zero eigenmode which is identified with the may be necessary to characterize QCD. This happens
pion: It is massless in the chiral limit. The new frame- because the Slavnov-Taylor Identities (STI) [1123, 1124],
work leads to relations between the Regge trajectories the QCD equivalent of QED’s Ward-Takahashi rela-
of mesons, baryons, and tetraquarks. It also incorpo- tion [1125, 1126], may not hold under certain choices of
rates features of pre QCD, such as Veneziano model gauges and renormalization schemes, such as the MOM
and Regge theory. Further extensions incorporate the scheme. With the oft-used MS scheme, the STI hold,
exclusive-inclusive connection in QCD and provide non- viz,
trivial relations between hadron form factors and quark αsqg,MS = αs3g,MS = αs4g,MS = αsgh,MS
and gluon distributions. Measurements of the strong but MS is not practical for nonperturbative methods
coupling in the nonperturbative domain [1117] are re- such as Lattice QCD and in the nonperturbative do-
markably consistent with the predicted form in holo- main, the difference between
graphic QCD [158], a relevant issue in QCD which is
discussed in the next section 5.6. Holographic light front αsqg,MOM , αs3g,MOM , αs4g,MOM , αsgh,MOM
QCD has led to significant advances in understand- 44
When needed, we will use superscripts to qualify the cou-
ing hadron phenomena by incorporating emerging QCD pling. For examples, αpQCD,MS is the perturbative coupling
properties in an effective computational framework of
in the MS scheme, or αqg,MOM
s , α3g,MOM
s , α4g,MOM
s and
hadron structure. αsgh,MOM
are the couplings for the quark-gluon, 3-gluon, 4-
gluon or ghost-gluon vertices, respectively, computed in the
MOM scheme.
5.6 The nonperturbative strong coupling 151

is conspicuous. A wholly different approach is to define and renormalization scheme; 45 or the existence of mul-
αs (µ) to be an observable [146], in analogy with the tiple solutions to the QCD equations providing αs (µ)
observable QED coupling α [1127], but while this cir- without a decisive argument on which one is realized in
cumvents the issues of breaking the STI and of scheme nature. A prominent example is the decoupling [1135]
and gauge dependence, the prescription is rarely used and the scaling [1138] solutions that yield a vanishing
in pQCD. or a freezing αsgh,MOM , respectively. Functional meth-
Many definitions of αs have been considered, result- ods and lattice QCD have produced both solutions, al-
ing in a range of values of αs (µ  Λs ) from 0 to ∞, beit well-controlled lattice calculations appear to yield
generating much confusion. Adding to this is the fact only the decoupling solution. In these calculations αsgh ,
that, unlike the high-energy domain where pQCD rules, called the Taylor coupling [1123], is most often used be-
there is no obviously superior method to study the non- cause it is the simplest coupling that can be computed
perturbative behavior of αs (µ). This is, of course, due from QCD correlation functions.
to the challenge of solving QCD nonperturbatively. All It is generally believed, after much discussion, that
major non-perturbative approaches, See Secs. 4, 5.3, 5.5 the decoupling solution is the one realized in nature,
have been used (with the conspicuous exception of chi- which simply means that in the particular gauges where
ral effective field theory, Sec. 6.2, since its hadronic de- ghost fields appear, the gluon and ghost fields decou-
grees of freedom do not couple with αs ) as well as many ple at low µ. This is an important finding regarding the
models. These methods using different type of approx- behavior of gluons and ghosts but it does not directly il-
imations, and the models being not directly based on luminate the strength of the strong force at low energy.
QCD’s Lagrangian or its symmetries, results have often Besides using correlation functions, other prevalent ap-
differed. Yet a number of studies have converged toward proaches to define αs (µ) are effective charges [146] and
a fruitful definition of αs (µ) which allows us to account analytic approaches [160, 1134] –both methods promote
for low energy phenomenology [1128]. Before describing αs (µ) to an observable quantity– or direct use of phe-
it, we will first recall in broad brushstrokes the history nomenology, for example, using constituent quark mod-
of this endeavor, referring only to pioneering attempts els, the Q–Q potential or the hadronic spectrum [82,
and not the important body of subsequent works that 735, 1133, 1139–1142]. Like the DSE that must choose
clarified and refined these attempts. a truncation prescription, and lattice QCD with finite
Soon after the advent of QCD, it was realized that size lattices, discretization or pion mass approxima-
αs (µ) may display a plateau when µ → 0 (it is said tions, the other methods also use approximations or/and
to freeze at low µ) [1129–1131], viz, the β function include model-dependencies whose effects are often not
of QCD, Eq. (1.2.6) may obey β(µ → 0) → 0. The well controlled. The synergy arising from methods with
actual freezing value αs (0) was debated and ranged very distinct approximations allowed for a better un-
from typically 0.5 to 5 [1128]. A pioneering and influ- derstanding of the latter.
ential work in this context is due to Cornwall [1132] After many studies and developments, of which the
who used the Dyson-Schwinger equations (DSE), the aforesaid narrative is too a laconic cartoon, a coupling
gluon self-energy and initiated a method (the Pinch was identified and computed using a formalism guar-
technique, PT) that allows to obtain gauge-independent antying that the STI hold in the nonperturbative do-
results. The ensuing coupling αsgse,PT displays a freezing main [1143]. Therefore, QCD is here characterized by a
behavior in qualitative agreement with quark models single coupling, independent of the choice of vertex or
(e.g., Ref. [735] and Sec. 5.1) and quarkonium spectrum process used to define it (process-independent, PI). In
models (e.g., Ref. [82]). addition, the Pinch technique [1132] is used to guaranty
A freezing of αs (µ) was by no mean the only pro- gauge-independence. The calculation, using either the
posal: others reasoned that it should diverge as 1/µ2 DSE or lattice QCD results on correlation functions,
[1133], that it should monotonically increase with 1/µ, yields a coupling αsPI,Pinch in agreement with the phe-
but without diverging [1134], or that it should vanish nomenological coupling [1117, 1145, 1146] derived from
as µ → 0 [153, 1135]. In all these case, β(µ → 0) 6= 0. the Bjorken sum rule [23] using the effective charge
As we alluded to, multiple reasons caused these widely (EC) method [146], αsEC,g1 , and with αs
varying expectations [1128]: differences in the basic def- tained using AdS/QCD [158, 1091], See Sec. 5.5.
inition of αs (µ); choice of vertex used to compute it; cal- The latter is derived starting from the observation
culation artifacts from approximations (e.g., discretiza- that for strongly coupled systems with a gravity dual,
tion in lattice QCD or truncation prescription for the
This issue has become negligible with the developments
DSE and other functional methods); choice of gauge
of methods removing renormalization scale ambiguities [1136,

and the log behavior expected from pQCD is deter-


mined from the matching of the perturbative and√non-
perturbative couplings and their derivatives for λ =
0.534 GeV. The specific matching allows us to deter-
mine the perturbative √ QCD scale Λ in terms of the
hadronic mass scale λ [1150] for any choice of renor-
2 malization scheme, including the M S scheme [1091].
The couplings αs , αsPI,Pinch and αsEC,g1 are

shown in Fig. 5.6.1. When compared in the same renor-

1.5 malization scheme, they agree reasonably well with ear-
αsAdS/QCD lier determinations, such as αsgse,PT or that of the Godfrey-
αsPI,Pinch Isgur quark model [735], see Sec. 5.1 and Refs. [1091,
αsEC,g1 (GDH limit) 1128]. The couplings in Fig. 5.6.1 are in close agreement
αsEC,g1 (Bjorken sum rule) and have been used in the derivation of many crucial
αsEC,g1, CERN, DESY, nonperturbative quantities, including the QCD scale
s [1151], as well as elastic and transition form fac-
tors [1152–1154], parton distributions (including gen-
0 -1 eralized ones) [844, 1026, 1155–1158], the hadron mass
10 1 spectrum [1150, 1159], or the pion decay constant [1159].
µ (GeV) In summary, several definitions of the strong cou-
pling in the nonperturbative domain are possible. Most
Fig. 5.6.1 Nonperturbative strong couplings calculated with
are scheme and gauge dependent. They tend to van-
the holographic QCD framework (αs
, red line) [158], ish as µ → 0 in a non-freezing behavior, viz the QCD
and Dyson-Schwinger formalism using the lattice determina- β-function itself does not vanish. This informs us on
tions of correlations functions (αPI,Pinch
s , magenta band) [1143, how quark, gluon and ghost fields interact at low en-
1144]. The experimental extractions of αEC,g s
[1117, 1145, ergy in the chosen scheme, but does not directly pro-
1146] following the effective charge definition [146] are shown by
vide a universal parameter reflecting QCD’s strength.
the symbols. The green band and the dashed line is αEC,g 1
In contrast, a set of calculations [158, 1143] and phe-
duced from the Bjorken [23] and Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn [1147,
1148] sum rules, respectively. nomenological extractions [1117, 1145, 1146] based on
the effective charge prescription [146], following that of
QED [1127], provide observable couplings that agree
the radial direction in the bulk can be associated with which each other. The consistency of these various ap-
the energy scale of the boundary theory [1149]: Large proaches in determining a single coupling
values of µ correspond to small values of z near the
high-momentum conformal boundary of AdS, µ ∼ 1/z. αsSE,g1 ' αsAdS/QCD ' αsPI,Pinch
Conversely, large-z distances in the low-momentum re- and its success in computing a wide range of nonper-
gion of AdS correspond to low energy scales in the phys- turbative quantities suggest that a compelling candi-
ical theory. The dilaton factor exp(ϕ(z)) is a measure date for a canonical nonperturbative QCD coupling has
of the departure from conformality at the asymptotic been identified. It freezes at low energy, a satisfactory
AdS boundary, z → 0, and should grow for large val- behavior since in the nonperturbative domain, the cou-
ues of z, signaling confinement: It acts as an effective pling should be finite and non-vanishing, determined by
coupling in AdS space. We can use the procedure intro- the physics of color confinement and its scale parameter
duced in [158] to obtain the µ dependence αs
should be set by a typical hadronic mass, e.g., that of
from the Hankel transform of the dilaton factor [158] the nucleon. An infrared fixed point is in fact a natural
Z ∞
2 2
consequence of color confinement: since the propaga-
αsAdS/QCD (µ) ∼ zdzJ0 (zµ)e−λz ∼ e−µ /4λ , tors of the colored fields have a maximum wavelength,
all loop integrals in the computation of the gluon self-
energy should decouple at Q2 → 0 [1160].
where the overall normalization is not provided within
AdS/QCD. The freezing value of the effective coupling
αsEC,g1 (0) = π is used. The dilaton profile λz 2 is deter- 5.7 The ’t Hooft model and large N QCD
mined by the superconformal structure (Sec. 5.5.7). The Tom Cohen
transition between the predicted Gaussian form (5.6.1)
5.7 The ’t Hooft model and large N QCD 153

In 1973 the QCD Lagrangian was first written down[50]. perturbation theory. However, it does not: color fac-
In the same year, the one-loop function was calculated tors in loops grow with Nc and can compensate for the
[48, 49, 1161, 1162] indicating that that the theory was small coupling. The second key insight was related to
asymptotically free, but also implying that the cou- the color factors in loops. ’t Hooft developed a clever
pling constant grew at low momenta. This meant that double line notation for gluons that allows one to easily
perturbation theory in the coupling à la QED is in- analyze the scaling behavior of Feynman diagrams. The
applicable for low momentum observables such hadron notation exploits the fact that that gluona are in the
masses, charge radii and the like. The following year ’t adjoint representation: they are associated with color
Hooft[1163] proposed an entirely new expansion for the matrices with two indices–one carrying one fundamen-
theory — an expansion in 1/Nc where Nc is the num- tal color and the other anti-fundamental color. Thus if
ber of colors—which, it was hoped, would allow for a one ignores the fact that the matrices are traceless (a
systematic computation of these observables. 1/Nc2 effect), the color carried by a gluon propagator
While the dream of using the 1/Nc expansion to is identical to that of a quark line side-by side with an
compute these quantities directly for QCD in 3+1 di- anti-quark line. For the purposes of counting color fac-
mensions has been elusive, the 1/Nc expansion and the tors at leading order in 1/Nc — and for that purpose
associated large Nc limit has played a significant role only — it is legitimate to replace gluon propagators in
during the past half century in at least three ways: it has Feynman diagrams with parallel quark-antiquark lines.
provided a tool for the theoretical exploration of models A closed loop of fundamental or antifundamental color
beyond QCD, including most famously, the AdS/CFT in a diagram corresponds to one factor of Nc since there
connection[1000, 1003] for N = 4 super Yang-Mills; it are Nc fundamental colors.
has has provided a qualitative and occasionally semi- Armed with this, it is straightforward to deduce the
quantitative tool to understand a significant amount following asymptotic scaling behavior for connected di-
of phenomenology (for example in Ref. [1164]); and, it agrams with no external lines:
has provided an organizing principle for deciding which – Planar connected diagrams of gluons (diagrams in
terms should be large in phenomenological models or ef- which, except at vertices gluon lines do not cross
fective field theory treatments (for example in Ref. [1165]). when written in a plane ) and with no external lines
The underlying idea of the 1/Nc expansion is that grow asymptotically with Nc as Nc2 .
three is sufficiently large so that a multicolored world – A diagram containing a non-planar gluon line re-
with arbitrarily many colors is sufficiently close to the duces the asymptotic Nc scaling of a planar diagram
physical world — at least for some observables of in- by a factor of Nc−2 . Multiple non-planar gluons re-
terest — that the Nc → ∞ world is a good starting duce the Nc counting by a factor of at least Nc−2
point for an expansion and that systematic 1/Nc cor- per non-planar gluon.
rections are controllable. This section will provide an – A planar diagram that contains quark loops that
elementary introduction to the large Nc limit and 1/Nc form the boundary of the diagram, reduces the asymp-
expansion with an emphasis on the underlying founda- totic Nc scaling by a factor of Nc−1 per quark loop
tional ideas of the subject. An excellent review of these relative to a purely gluonic diagram. Quark loops
foundational ideas can be found in Sidney Coleman’s that cannot be written in this form reduce the Nc
Erice lectures[1166]; a more modern review of the large scaling by larger amounts.
Nc limit and 1/Nc expansion for field theories with an
Note that planar diagrams containing gluons can
emphasis on lattice results can be found in Ref. [1167],
still be very complicated and can contain arbitrarily
while a review of large Nc baryon spectroscopy can be
many gluon propagators. The fact that planar diagrams
found in Ref. [1168].
of gluons generically scale as Nc2 can be understood in
the following way: a closed loop consisting of a single
5.7.1 Large Nc scaling gluon line scales as Nc2 : in double line form, it has two
loops. Any planar diagram of gluons can be constructed
The key to ’t Hooft’s analysis [1163] were two related
starting from this single gluon loop: simply add planar
insights. The first is that a smooth large Nc limit de-
gluons to it one-by-one until one has the diagram of
pends on the QCD coupling, g, scaling with Nc as
interest. It is easy to see that any planar gluon added
g 2 = λ/Nc (5.7.1) to a previous planar diagram in this construction adds
one additional color loop (for a factor of Nc ) but also
where λ is independent of Nc . Superficially, this might two factors of the coupling constant g at the vertices
seem like a weak coupling limit that justifies standard where the new gluons couple to the old diagram; since
g 2 ∼ 1/Nc this cancels the additional color loop factor

preserving the asymptotic scaling as Nc2 . By induction is easy to see that no matter where the diagrams are
all diagrams of this class scale asymptotically as Nc2 . cut between the sources, at leading order in 1/Nc all of
The fact that adding a non-planar diagram reduces the quark and gluons indices contract into a single color
the scaling by a factor of Nc−2 can be understood in singlet combination — i.e. one that cannot be broken
a similar way. If one starts with a planar diagram of into multiple color singlet combinations.
gluons and adds a non-planar gluon to it, the number If additionally one assumes confinement in the most
of color loop factors decreases by one for a suppression basic sense that all asymptotic states are color singlets,
factor of 1/Nc while two additional factors of g must this means that at leading order in the 1/Nc expan-
be added for another factor of 1/Nc . Thus for exam- sion, the operator J creates single hadron states. By
ple a diagram with a single non-planar gluon will scale matching the Nc counting of the leading diagram to
asymptotically as Nc0 . the propagation of a single hadron one sees that
Similarly the scaling of diagrams containing quark
loops that form the boundary of the diagram can be hmeson|Jmeson |vaci ∼ Nc
understood by noting that such diagrams can always hglueball|Jglueball |vaci ∼ Nc2
be obtained starting from a planar diagram of gluons
With this one can deduce numerous properties[1163,
and then inserting a quark loop into a gluon propaga-
1169] of QCD as a theory of hadrons by matching cor-
tor. Doing so does not change the number of color loop
relators at the quark-gluon level to descriptions at the
factors but adds two coupling coupling constants for
hadronic level. One finds:
each quark loop which together scale as Nc−1 per quark
loop. – The masses of mesons and glueballs become inde-
The scaling rules for diagrams allow one to deduce pendent of Nc as Nc → ∞.
the asymptotic scaling for the properties of glueballs – Mesons and glueballs become stable as Nc → ∞.
and mesons[1163, 1169]. This can be done via the study – The physics of mesons and glueballs can be described
of correlators of local gauge-invariant operators, J, that by an effective tree-level theory with vertices that
carry the quantum numbers of the glueballs or mesons 2−n − 1 n
scale at leading order as Nc g 2 m , where nm and
of interest. For concreteness, consider J to be a quark ng are the number of meson lines and gluon lines
bilinear such as J = qq for the case of mesons (where respectively at the vertex. This implies that
for simplicity spin and flavor will be neglected in the 1. Interactions between these hadrons are weak.
discussion as they do not affect the Nc scaling) and an 2. Meson decay amplitudes scale asymptotically as
operator such as J = Fµν a
F a µν for the case of glue- Nc
and their widths as Nc−1 . Glueball de-
balls. The correlator can be obtained by inserting these cay amplitudes scale as Nc−1 and their widths as
operators into closed loop diagrams. Doing so does not Nc−2
alter the leading Nc scaling of the diagram. Thus if one 3. Meson-meson scattering amplitudes scale as 1/Nc .
is studying correlators carrying glueball quantum num- Glueball-glueball scattering amplitudes scale as
bers, then the leading diagrams scale as Nc2 ; similarly 1/Nc2 , while meson-glueball scattering amplitudes
if one is studying a correlator carrying meson quantum scales as 1/Nc .
numbers, then one needs to have a quark loop in the 4. In decays of hadrons into mesons, when all else
diagram and the leading diagram scales as Nc . is equal, processes with fewer mesons as decay
Consider the two-point correlation function: products are favored by powers of Nc . Thus for
example the partial decay width of a meson into
ΠJ (q 2 ) = −i d4 xe−iqµ x hT (J(x)J(0))i a ρ-meson and a pion scales as 1/Nc while the
Z (5.7.2) rate into three pions directly scales as 1/Nc2 .
= ds 2 – There are an infinite number of distinct mesons for
q − s + i
each quantum number. This can be seen by match-
where up to an overall factor ρ(s), the spectral den- ing the correlator to one at large space-like q 2 which
sity, is given by the imaginary part of the correlator. It can be computed perturbatively [1169].
scales with Nc in the same way as the correlator. The – Quantum number exotic hybrid mesons (states whose
contributions to the spectral density from a given dia- quantum numbers cannot be obtained as a quark-
gram can be extracted from its imaginary part. More- antiquark state in a simple quark model but require
over, cutting a diagram at various points between the at least one additional gluon) behave like ordinary
sources reveals the gluon and quark contributions to the mesons in Nc scaling[1170]. At large Nc they are
imaginary part, which by construction will form color narrow, there are an infinite number of them for any
singlet combinations. Using the double line notation, it quantum number and their interactions with each
5.7 The ’t Hooft model and large N QCD 155

other and with other mesons and glueballs scale ac- physical of world of Nc = 3 there are comparatively
cording to the same rules as ordinary mesons. few glueball candidates[278] and the evidence for such
– The OZI rule[18, 1171, 1172] becomes exact in the states is typically somewhat murky, either because the
large Nc limit. This implies glueball-meson mixing evidence of the resonance is weak or because of mix-
is suppressed. ing with ordinary mesons makes their “glueball” status
– Tetraquark states do not exist at large Nc [1169, unclear. Indeed, the identification of a resonance as a
1173]. glueball may depend on there being an “extra” isoscalar
state compared to what one expects from a naive quark
These properties can be viewed as predictions of
model. Nevertheless, large Nc analysis of glueballs is of
QCD: they specify which quantities are dominant as-
value at a theoretical level and to a limited extent also
suming that the large Nc world is a reasonable proxy
acts to inform phenomenology: by providing a regime in
for our world. But, at best they make qualitative pre-
which narrow, weakly mixed glueballs must exist, mini-
dictions since the coefficients multiplying the leading
mally it demonstrates that there is nothing in the basic
terms in the expansion are not specified by this anal-
structure of gauge theories containing both light quark
ysis. Moreover in the physical world Nc is only three
and gluon degrees of freedom that forbids the existence
so one might expect that assuming dominance of the
of glueball states.
leading-order predictions of the 1/Nc expansion would
In a a similar way, the spectrum of quantum num-
at best be a crude description of the phenomenology.
ber exotic hybrid mesons in nature look quite differ-
In addition, the extent to which the phenomenology is
ent than in a large Nc world: there are few candidates
qualitatively described by the leading-order behavior
for such hadrons carrying light quarks quantum num-
depends on the observable in question.
bers[278]. Moreover, the evidence for those candidates
In the meson sector the large Nc world might well
is also typically murky due to inconclusive evidence for
be considered as a crude but recognizable caricature
a resonance. Again the large Nc analysis demonstrates
of much of the observed Nc = 3 phenomenology, at
that there is nothing in the basic structure of gauge
least for meson constructed from light quarks. There
theories forbidding hybrid mesons. Large Nc also pre-
are numerous mesons that are comparative narrow —
dicts that there should not be resonances in tetraquark
with widths much smaller than masses. There are often
channels. However, a clear signal for a quantum number
several identified mesons in a single spin-isospin-parity
exotic tetraquark has recently been found[1071]. As it
channels; presumably the number of identifiable meson
happens this state is associated with heavy quarks — it
would increase if Nc were made larger. The OZI rule
is a doubly charmed state — and it is easy to see that
is typically well satisfied phenomenologically; indeed it
heavy quark limit and the large Nc limits are not ex-
was proposed based on phenomenological grounds be-
pected to commute for these channels. If one increased
fore the formulation of QCD[18, 1171, 1172].
Nc while keeping the quark masses fixed, it is expected
While many qualitative aspects aspects of meson
that this state would disappear.
physics can be deduced from the behavior of the theory
at large Nc , there are observables in the meson sector
for which subleading effects are sufficiently large that 5.7.2 The ’t Hooft model
the leading behavior in a 1/Nc expansion does not de-
The Nc scaling rules presented above can be thought
scribe the physical world even qualitatively. For exam-
of as predictions about the physical world, but only in
ple, the would-be nonet of pseduo-Goldstone bosons; a
a qualitative sense — and they fail, even qualitatively,
nonet would exist if the OZI-rule held — as it does at
for many observables. Initially it was hoped that the
large Nc . However experimentally there is an octet split
1/Nc expansion could be used as the basis of a quan-
from a much heavier η 0 meson. Of course this splitting
titative treatment that was largely analytic at low or-
is related to topology and the axial anomaly[1174], but
der, in much the same as a expansion in α provided a
in a large Nc world these effects would be suppressed
quantitative treatment of QED. However, for QCD in
by an overall factor of Nc−2 [1175]. The fact that in the
3+1 dimensions this has not worked out: even at low-
physical world the splitting is large shows that the large
est order in the expansion, the theory has proved to
Nc world is quite different from ours for this observable
be intractable. Interestingly, however, QCD in 1+1 di-
mension, the so-called ’t Hooft model[1057] was solved
In fact, there are large classes of observables for
(initially for one flavor) at leading order in the expan-
which the the large Nc world appears to be quite dif-
sion in the early 1970s.
ferent from the Nc = 3 world. At large Nc there should
Note that the large Nc scaling arguments given above
be a very large number of species of narrow glueballs
did not depend on QCD being in 3+1 dimensions; they
that are weakly mixed with mesons. However, in the

should hold in 1+1 dimension as well. Thus, one can use and has a metric given by g +− = g −+ = 1 and g ++ =
the explicit solutions of the ’t Hooft model as a way to g −− = 0. The light cone gauge condition is
check the self-consistency of these rules.
The ’t Hooft model has a critical property in com- A− = A+ = 0 ; (5.7.5)
mon with QCD — confinement. It is useful to recall, among other things it has the virtue of being Lorentz
however, that the mechanism of confinement in 1+1 di- invariant.
mensions is very different than in 3+1 dimensions. It At leading order in large Nc the spectral function
occurs for a rather trivial reason — electric flux lines for this correlator is expected to be saturated by ar-
cannot spread out and thus even electrodynamics is bitrarily narrow meson states. Since the explicit form
confining in 1+1 dimension. The physics of gauge fields of the correlator is calculable, one can develop a light-
in 1+1 dimensions is also very simple: the field strength cone Bethe-Salpeter type eigenvalue equation for µ2 the
tensor, Fµν , has an electric component E = F01 = −F10 meson mass, and ψ(K), the light-cone Bethe-Salpeter
but no magnetic component. Thus in 1+1 dimensional amplitude for the meson. It is given in terms of a light-
QED, the gauge field is not associated with a propagat- cone momentum, K appropriately scaled so that ψ(K)
ing photon; the Euler-Lagrange equation for the gauge vanishes at K = 0 and K = 1 and ψ(K) is only defined
field is not dynamical, but simply an equation of con- for 0 ≤ K ≤ 1. It is given by the following integral
straint fixing the electric field from the charge density equation
j0 = ψγ0 ψ. This is because the Gauss law (plus some
conditions at infinity) fully determines the electric field.
m2 − gπ
Something completely analogous occurs in the ’t Hooft µ2n ψn (K) = ψn (K)
K(1 − K)
model. (5.7.6)
g2 1 P
While the color electric field in QCD in 1+1 dimen- − dK 0 ψn (K 0 )
π 0 (K − K 0 )2
sion can be fixed given the color charge density of the
quarks, the gauge field, Aµ , itself depends on making a where P indicates principal value, µn is the meson mass
gauge choice. Certain gauges, such as the axial gauge for the nth meson, ψn (K) is the Bethe-Salpeter ampli-
of A1 = 0 or the light-cone gauge have a particular use- tude for that state, m is the quark mass and g is the
ful property: they automatically suppress gluon-gluon coupling constant (which has dimensions of mass in 1+1
couplings. In the axial gauge this is clear since all of dimensions).
the nonlinear terms involve products of A1 and A0 . While there is no analytic solution to this integral
Gluon-gluon couplings vanish in the light-cone gauge eigenvalue equation, it can easily be solved numeri-
for similar reasons. Since it is these non-linear couplings cally to give the meson spectrum for the model. Note
that make QCD complicated, QCD in 1+1 dimensions that Nc is not present in this expression showing self-
greatly simplifies. consistently that meson masses are independent of Nc
The ’t Hooft model simplifies further at leading or- at large Nc as deduced from general scaling rules.
der in the 1/Nc expansion. The leading diagrams for the The fact that ψ(K) vanishes at the K = 0 and K =
jµ correlator (which carries meson quantum numbers) 1 implies that the spectrum will be discrete — there
are planar with a single quark loop bounding the dia- are no solutions corresponding to two free quarks; the
gram. This means that no gluon lines can either cross model correctly incorporates confinement. It is easy to
(due to the large Nc constraint ) nor interact (due to show that for all values of m and g, µ2 is real. This
the lack of gluon-gluon interactions. Accordingly the shows self-consistently that mesons are stable at large
correlator is given by the so-called rainbow-ladder ap- Nc and verifies the general analysis discussed above.
proximation: each quark propagator has a self-energy Moreover it can be shown that µ2 is always positive,
given by the sum of rainbow diagrams, while the in- showing that no matter how large the coupling, g, there
teractions between quark lines is the the sum of ladder are no tachyonic states that would signal an instability.
diagrams. The sum of these diagrams can be reduced For asymptotically large values of n, it is easy to
analytically to integral equation between spinor-valued find the eigenvectors and Bethe-Salpeter amplitudes:
These simplify further into simple integral equations µn = g 2 πn , ψ(K) = sin(nπK) . (5.7.7)
if one uses the light-cone gauge, which is based on light-
This asymptomatic form shows that solutions exist for
cone coordinates:
arbitrarily high n, indicating the self-consistency of the
x0 ± x1 large Nc analysis, which predicted that there are an
x± = √ (5.7.4)
2 infinite number of mesons at large Nc .
5.7 The ’t Hooft model and large N QCD 157

The limit of zero quark mass in the ’t Hooft model 5.7.3 Baryons
at large Nc is interesting as it provides an opportunity
to study chiral symmetry and its spontaneous break- Of course mesons, glueballs and hybrids are not the
ing[1176]. The regime in which chiral symmetry break- only hadrons, there are also baryons. Unfortunately,
ing takes place requires that care be taken in the or- the direct study of correlation functions via diagram-
dering of limits. One must take the limit of Nc → ∞ matic methods as was done for meson and glueballs
(with the ’t Hooft coupling, g 2 Nc , held fixed), prior to does not work for baryons. This is for an obvious rea-
the m → 0 limit. This limiting procedure insures that son: a baryon contains (at least) Nc quarks so that the
the ratio mg
goes to zero in the combined limit. In this number of quark lines in diagrams must grow with Nc .
limit, it can be shown[1176], that chiral condensate is Among other things, this destroys the dominance of
given by planar diagrams.
r Witten argued that one can deduce the correct scal-
hqqi = −Nc
g 2 Nc
. (5.7.8) ing behavior of large Nc baryons by first considering the
12π case in which all of the quarks are heavy (with masses
Thus the ’t Hooft model provides a simple illustration much larger than the QCD scale) [1169]. In that sit-
of how chiral symmetry breaking can work in a gauge uation, quark-antiquark pairs are suppressed and the
theory. propagation of quarks is non-relativistic. At the most
However, the nature of spontaneous chiral symme- trivial level, it ought to be apparent that in this regime
try breaking in the ’t Hooft model is rather subtle. Note Mbaryon ≈ Nc MQ where MQ is the mass of a heavy
that the spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry is a quark: the dominant term in the mass of a nonrela-
violation of Coleman’s theorem[1177] which rules out tivistic system is the mass of the constituents and the
spontaneous symmetry breaking of a continuous sym- baryon contains Nc quarks. Thus the mass of the baryon
metry for theories in 1+1 dimensions. Thus, sponta- scaling of the baryon mass with Nc is
neous chiral symmetry breaking seems paradoxical.
Mbaryon ∼ Nc . (5.7.10)
The resolution of the paradox was provided by Wit-
ten[1178] in his analysis of an analogous problem: spon- Of course this result is from the leading term in
taneous chiral symmetry breaking in the Thirring model a combined expansion built around the heavy quark
at large Nc . It turns out that that the spontaneous chi- and large Nc limits with the heavy quark limit taken
ral symmetry breaking is an artifact of working at in- first; one might worry that the limits do not commute
finitely large Nc from the outset; it is absent for any fi- for the baryon mass. However, it is straightforward to
nite Nc , no matter how large. Thus, as the large Nc limit see that subleading terms in a 1/MQ expansion of the
is approached the condensate is always strictly zero and baryon mass also have a leading-order term in the Nc
there are no Goldstone bosons. However, the theory is expansion that scales like Nc . This suggests that this
in a Berezinski-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase[1179, 1180] in scaling could be general and hold independently of the
which the symmetry is “almost broken” and correlation quark mass. To see how this comes about, recall that
functions of qq behave in a nontrival way. For space-like in a heavy quark expansion for the baryon mass, the
separations leading term — the direct quark mass contribution —
is essentially not dynamical; the dominant subleading
hT [qq(x, t)qq(0, 0)]i ∼ (x2 − t2 ) .
terms overall are the leading dynamical ones. The ef-

One sees that for any finite Nc correlation functions fective heavy quark lagrangian includes a nonrelativis-
qq fall off at large distance and thus do not saturate tic kinetic energy for the quarks and a color-Coulomb
as they would if a condensate had formed. However, interaction between them. Witten[1169] demonstrated
they also do not fall off exponentially as they would that at large Nc , the Hartree mean-field approximation
if qq created massive particles. Instead, there are long- to the non-relativistic color Coulomb problem becomes
range correlations: the correlation functions fall as a exact. In the Hartree approximation, correlations are
power law with distance. Moreover, the power depends neglected and each quark sits in an effective 1-body po-
on Nc in such a way that it goes to zero at infinite Nc . tential derived from interactions with the other Nc − 1
Thus if one takes Nc to be infinite at the outset, the quarks (which sit in the ground state of the same po-
systems acts as though spontaneous symmetry breaking tential).
had occurred. Since the color-Coulomb interaction between two
The large Nc properties of glueballs deduced ear- quarks has two factors of the coupling constant g, it
lier cannot be checked in the ’t Hooft model for a very scales as 1/Nc . The mean-field Hamiltonian between
simple reason: in 1+1 dimension there are no glueballs.

one quark and the remainder has that quark interact- are related to derivatives of form factors) such as
ing with Nc − 1 quarks and interactions add coherently. hr2 i, hr4 i are independent of Nc at large Nc .
Thus, the mean-field Hamiltonian scales as (Nc − 1)/Nc – Generic couplings between a ground state baryon
and at asymptotically large Nc becomes independent of and n mesons scale as Nc
. Among other things
Nc . The one-body equation for a single quark is then this means that
independent of Nc at large Nc and the quark’s ground 1. Meson-baryon couplings scale generically as Nc .

state wave function is also independent of Nc . This 2. Meson-baryon scattering amplitudes are generi-
means that the spatial extent of the Hartree potential is cally independent of Nc for large Nc
itself independent of Nc . The contribution of the kinetic – Couplings between a meson, a ground state baryon
energy to the mass scales as is Nc since there are Nc and an excited baryon are generically independent
quarks. The potential energy contributes 12 Nc hVHartree i, of Nc and excited baryons have widths that are in-
where hVHartree i is the expectation value of the mean- dependent of Nc . Unlike in the glueball and meson
field potential for a single quark; the factor of 12 is be- sectors, these states are not narrow at large Nc , nor
cause the interaction energy in a pair of quarks is split can you can conclude that there an infinite number
between them. Thus the direct quark mass term, the of them.
kinetic energy term and interaction term all scale lin-
Witten observed[1169] an interesting pattern to the
early with Nc , strongly suggesting that Mbaryon ∼ Nc
scaling properties for baryons given above. They scale
independent of the quark mass.
asymptotically with 1/Nc in the same way as analo-
Moreover there is a very powerful argument from
gous properties of solitons scale a with coupling con-
Witten[1169] that the results deduced from this mean-
stants squared. This insight lead to a renaissance of in-
field behavior should persist when the quarks are light.
terest[1181–1183] in the Skyrme model[1184] as a model
Formally one would need to start with a relativistic
as baryons
many-body equation for bound states — a type of Bethe-
The scaling laws given above are generic. Spin and
Salpeter equation generalized to many particles — and
flavor considerations may act to suppress certain cou-
show that the analog of the Hartree approximation be-
plings below these generic results. Moreover, for the
comes exact in the large Nc limit. While that would be
case of two or more degenerate flavors, the notion of
technically quite complicated, it seems apparent that all
“ground state baryon” becomes a bit involved. Both
of the scaling from the Hartree approximation for heavy
of these issues are related to an emergent spin-flavor
quarks should go through provided that irreducible n-
symmetry — a symmetry that is not manifest in the
body interactions between quarks scales as Ncn−1 . If this
QCD langrangian but emerges at large Nc . In general,
is true it is easy to see that the analog of the Hartree
this symmetry is a contracted SU (2Nf ) where Nf is
potential will be independent of Nc : at asympotically
the number of degenerate light flavors — it reduces to
large Nc : there are Nc 2-body interactions that each
SU (4) if one considers the up and down quarks to be ef-
scale as 1/Nc , Nc2 three-body interactions that each
fectively degenerate and the strange quark much heav-
scale as 1/Nc2 , Nc3 four body-interactions that each scale
as 1/Nc3 and so forth. Each of these has a net contribu-
An initial hint that a new symmetry beyond mere
tion that is independent of Nc indicating that this gen-
isospin symmetry was emergent at large Nc could be
eralized mean-field interaction for a single quark is in-
seen in the 2-flavor Skyrme model[1181], treated clas-
dependent of Nc . Moreover demonstrating that n-body
sically (with requanitzed collective coordinates to re-
interactions between quarks scales as Ncn−1 is straight-
store broken symmetries). This treatment corresponds
forward using diagrammatic arguments similar to those
to leading order in the 1/Nc expansion. It was found
used for the glueball and meson sectors.
that rather than having the nucleon as the sole ground
Using this Hartree picture it is possible to deduce
state, one had a tower of states with I = J (the first
[1169] the asymptotic scaling of numerous baryon prop-
two being the nucleon (I = 12 , J = 12 ) and the ∆
(I = 32 , J = 32 ) with the levels in the tower degener-
– Ground state baryon masses scale asymptotically as ate at leading order in 1/Nc [1181]; the splittings can
Nc . be shown to be O(Nc−1 ). Moreover, it was found that
– The size of ground state baryons generically is inde- the ratios of the values of certain observables held in-
pendent of Nc . Explicitly this means that form fac- dependently of the parameters of the model or even the
tors of external currents for baryons (such as electric precise form of the Skyrme Lagrangian[1185]. It was re-
factors) generically scale as Nc0 f (q 2 /Nc0 ); for q 2 of alized that this behavior was not a property of Skyrme
order Nc0 the form factor is independent of Nc . This models per se but rather reflected an underlying sym-
in turn means the moments of distributions (which metry of baryons[1186–1188].
5.7 The ’t Hooft model and large N QCD 159

The symmetry can be seen to be required for the 5.7.4 Nucleon-nucleon interactions and nuclear
consistency[1187] of large Nc scaling provided that the physics
pion-nucleon coupling scales with Nc generically—i.e.
as Nc . With this scaling, the Born approximation
1/2 The study of nucleon-nucleon interactions is compli-
for pion-nucleon nucleon would scale linearly with Nc . cated for kinematical reasons associated with the large
However, unitarity constrains the scattering amplitudes nucleon mass. There are two kinematic regimes of in-
to scale no faster than Nc0 . Clearly, something must terest: one in which the momentum transfers are inde-
cancel the Born amplitude in any channel where the pendent of Nc and the other in which the momentum
meson-baryon coupling scales generically. In the case transfers are of order Nc — i.e. in which the veloci-
of scalar-isoscalar mesons, it is easy to show that the ties are independent of Nc . Physical observables asso-
heavy mass of the baryon at large Nc implies that at ciated with nucleon-nucleon scattering do not have a
leading order, the contribution of the cross-Born di- smooth large Nc in the regime in which momentum
agram cancels the contribution of the Born diagram. transfers are of order Nc0 , but an analysis based on
However, pions are derivatively coupled and hence cou- a time-dependent Hartree picture suggests that some
ple to the spin of the nucleon and are isovector so they scattering observables will have smooth large Nc lim-
also couple to the isospin. The various components of its[1169] in the regime of momentum transfers of order
spin do not commute with each other and similarly with Nc . These observables do not include many standard
the various components of isospin and as a result, the scattering observables such as phase shifts; the ones
cancellation between the Born and cross-Born contribu- that have smooth limits appear to be those in which
tions to π − N scattering appears to be spoiled. How- one follows the bulk flow of quantities of interest[1190].
ever, the cancellation between the Born and cross-Born Presumably the total cross-section also has a smooth
contributions at the level of pion-nucleon scattering will limit[1191]. There is some predictive power for the spin
be restored provided that the ∆ is treated as being de- and flavor dependence of such observables owing to the
generate (at this order) with the nucleon and the ratio contracted SU (4) symmetry[1190, 1191].
of gπN ∆ (the transition coupling between the pion the In the regime in which momentum transfers are of
nucleon and the ∆ ) is taken to be a prescribed number order unity — the regime of relevance to nuclear struc-
times gπN N [1187]. Applying the same logic to the pro- ture — the logic of Ref. [1169] implies that the nucleon-
cess π+N → π+∆, requires gπ∆∆ to be a fixed multiple nucleon interaction strength is of order Nc , which is
of gπN ∆ . At this order in 1/Nc , the ∆ and the nucleon formally of the same order as the nucleon mass, while
are degenerate and the ∆ should be treated as stable. its range is independent of Nc . This implies that nu-
Thus one can legitimately consider π − ∆ scattering. clear matter would be crystalline at large Nc , with nu-
Applying the same logic, one deduces the existence of cleons constrained to be near the minimum of the po-
a degenerate I = 52 , J = 52 baryon and so forth gener- tential from other nucleons. This is radically different
ating a tower of states that become degenerate at large from what is seen nature, suggesting that a 1/Nc ex-
Nc . Presumably the the nucleon and ∆ correspond ap- pansion around the large Nc limit is not a useful ap-
proximately to the observed states in the N = 3 world, proach to nuclear structure. Interestingly, however, if
while the I = 52 , J = 52 is a large Nc artifact. one focuses solely on the spin-flavor structure of the
It is possible to show that the structure described nucleon-nucleon potential — a quantity that is not di-
above is encoded in a contracted SU (4) Lie algebra for rectly physical — there is a hierarchy in the strength
two-flavor QCD. The fixed ratio of the coupling con- of various spin-flavor contributions. This hierarchy is
stants are given by the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients of qualitatively similar to what one would obtain from
the group. The same logic that gives rise to the con- the contracted SU (4) spin-flavor symmetry of large Nc
tracted SU (4) symmetry, gives a contracted SU (6) for QCD[1192, 1193]. This behavior is consistent with what
3-flavor QCD to the extent that one can approximate one would expect if the nucleon-nucleon force was de-
the strange quark as being nearly degenerate with the scribed via meson exchanges, as has been typically done
up and down quarks[1188]. Moreover, it is possible to in nuclear physics. Since the overall potential strength
show that for certain observables the leading correc- at the one-meson exchange level is large in some chan-
tions to the the contracted SU (2Nf ) symmetry is of nels, consistency requires subtle cancellations when mul-
order 1/Nc2 rather than 1/Nc [1189]. This fact allows tiple-meson exchange are included. Such cancellations
one to make some semi-quantitative predictions based naturally occur due to the contracted SU (4) symme-
on the emergent symmetry encoded in the large Nc limit try[1194].
for baryons. A good example of this are the mass rela-
tions of Ref. [1164].

5.7.5 Other large Nc limits its sequel [46] (issued in December of 1971) always come
to my mind. For me, psychologically this was the be-
The large Nc limit of QCD is an extrapolation from ginning of the QCD era.
our world at Nc = 3 to a large Nc world. However, that To give an idea of the scientific atmosphere at that
extrapolation is not unique. The standard approach dis- time (1972) I looked through the Proceedings of the
cussed above involves keeping the number of flavors 1972 International Conference On High-Energy Physics
fixed while letting Nc go to infinity. However, there is [1202]. Theoretical talks were devoted to dual models
an alternative, the Venziano limit[1195] in which the (a precursor to string theory), deep inelastic scattering
ratio of the number of colors to the number of flavors and Bjorken scaling, current algebra, e+ e− → hadrons,
is held fixed as Nc → ∞. The large Nc world for these etc. In three talks – by Zumino, Bjorken and Ben Lee –
two limits are quite different. the Weinberg-Salam model (a precursor to the present-
There is yet another large Nc limit that exploits day Standard Model) was reviewed.46 Ben Lee was the
the fact that at Nc = 3, the representation for fun- only person to refer to ’t Hooft’s publications [46, 47].
damental color and for the antisymmetric combination The last talk of the conference summarizing its major
of two antifundamental colors are √ identical (i.e. r is topics was delivered by Murray Gell-Mann. In this talk
indistinguishable from gb − bg / 2). However quarks Gell-Mann discusses, in particular, whether quarks are
with fundamental color and with two-index antisym- physical objects or abstract mathematical constructs.
metric color extrapolate to large Nc quite differently — Most interesting for us is his analysis of the π 0 → 2γ
there are Nc distinct quark colors for the former and decay. Gell-Mann notes that if quarks are fermions then
Nc (Nc − 1)/2 ∼ Nc2 for the latter. the theoretically predicted amplitude is a factor of 3
Large Nc QCD(AS), the limit based on quarks in the lower than the corresponding experimental result, but
two-index antisymmetric representation has remarkable makes no statement of the inevitability of the quark
formal connections supersymmetric QCD[1196–1198]. color.47
Phenomenologically, QCD(AS) has scaling of meson prop- In October 1972 I was accepted to the ITEP grad-
erties with Nc similar to those of glueballs; one im- uate school. My first paper on deep inelastic scatter-
portant difference between QCD(AS) at large Nc and ing in the Weinberg-Salam model was completed in
the conventional large Nc limit is that in QCD(AS) early 1973; simultaneously, I started studying Yang-
quantum number exotic tetraquarks are not forbidden; Mills theories (in particular, the Faddeev-Popov quan-
indeed, they are required [1199]. The description of tization [1203] 48 ) in earnest. At the same time, some-
baryons for QCD(AS) is in analogy to Witten’s but where far away, behind the Iron Curtain, Callan and
a somewhat new type of analysis is required [1200]. Gross searched for a theory with an ultraviolet fixed
Formally, the predictions for baryon spectroscopy are point at zero. In July of 1973 Coleman and Gross sub-
distinct in QCD(AS) and QCD with quarks in the fun- mitted to PRL a paper asserting that “no renormal-
damental[1201], but phenomenological predictions for izable field theory that consisted of theories with ar-
both expansions work to the order expected in describ- bitrary Yukawa, scalar or Abelian gauge interactions
ing real world data. could be asymptotically free” [1204]. Damn Iron Cur-
tain! If Gross asked anyone from the ITEP Theory
Department he would have obtained the answer right
5.8 OPE-based sum rules: 46
There is a curious anecdote I heard later: In December
SVZ sum rules, 1
expansion and all that 1979, after the Glashow-Weinberg-Salam Nobel Prize ceremony,
a program was aired on Swedish radio. At some point, Wein-
Mikhail Shifman berg quoted a phrase from the Bible. Salam remarked that it
exists in the Quran too, to which Weinberg reacted: “Yes, but
we published it earlier!”
5.8.1 Preamble 47
For me personally the following remark in his talk was a
good lesson for the rest of my career: “Last year the rate of
Rewind to autumn of 1971. I am a student at ITEP in KL 0
→ µ+ µ− decay was reported to be lower than allowed
Moscow, working on my Masters degree. The famous by unitarity unless fantastic hypotheses are concocted. Now
the matter has become experimentally controversial.” Alas...
paper of Gerhard ’t Hooft [47] was published in Nu- concocting fantastic hypotheses was the core of my Masters
clear Physics in October, but neither myself nor any- thesis.
body else in ITEP immediately noticed this ground- 48
A longer and more comprehensible version appeared in Rus-
breaking publication. At that time I did not even know sian as Kiev preprint ITP 67-36. In the beginning of the 1970s,
what Yang-Mills theories meant. Now, when I think of it was translated in English by B. Lee (NAL-THY-57, 1972).
Apparently, in [47], [46] ’t Hooft used the short version while I
the inception of QCD, the memories of this paper and could use the longer one.
5.8 OPE-based sum rules 161

away. The above theorem was known to the ITEP theo- 1973 we submitted a paper [1207] explaining why the
rists from the Landau time. For brevity I will refer to it Landau theorem in four dimensions fails only in Yang-
as the Landau theorem, although it was established by Mills theory.
his students rather than Landau himself. The general QCD and its relatives are special because QCD is
reason why this theorem holds was also known – the the theory of nature. QCD is strongly coupled in the
Källen-Lehman (KL) representation of the polarization infrared domain where it is impossible to treat it qua-
operator plus unitarity. siclassically – perturbation theory fails even qualita-
An explanatory remark concerning the Landau the- tively. It does not capture the drastic rearrangement
orem might be helpful here. For asymptotic freedom to of the vacuum structure related to confinement. The
take place the first coefficient of the β function must be Lagrangian is defined at short distances in terms of glu-
negative. The sign of the one-loop graphs which deter- ons and quarks, while at large distances of the order of
mine the coupling constant renormalization is in one- & Λ−1QCD (where ΛQCD is the dynamical scale of QCD,
to-one correspondence with the sign of their imaginary which I will refer to as Λ below) we deal with hadrons,
parts (this is due to the dispersion KL representation e.g. pions, ρ mesons, protons, etc. Certainly, the latter
for these graphs). Unitarity implies the positivity of are connected with quarks and gluons in a divine way,
the imaginary parts which inevitably leads to the pos- but this connection is highly nonlinear and non-local;
itive first coefficients in the β functions in renormaliz- even now, 50 years later, the full analytic solution of
able four-dimensional field theories based on arbitrary QCD is absent.
Yukawa, scalar or Abelian gauge interactions. This sit- Non-perturbative methods were desperately needed.
uation is that of the Landau zero charge in the infrared
rather than asymptotic freedom. In Yang-Mills theories 5.8.2 Inception of non-perturbative methods
in physical ghost-free gauges some graphs have no imag-
inary parts which paves the way to asymptotic freedom Four years before QCD Ken Wilson published a break-
(see e.g. [1205]). through paper [25] on the operator product expansion
In fact, it is quite incomprehensible why asymp- (OPE) whose pivotal role in the subsequent develop-
totic freedom had not been discovered at ITEP after ment of HEP theory was not fully appreciated until
’t Hooft’s 1971 publication. In Ref. [1205] the reader much later. What is now usually referred to as Wilso-
can find a narrative about this historical curiosity. nian renormalization group (RG), or Wilsonian RG flow,
May 1973 should be viewed as the discovery of asymp- grew from this paper. The Wilsonian paradigm of sep-
toric freedom [48, 49]. That’s when the breakthrough aration of scales in quantum theory was especially suit-
papers of Gross, Wilczek and Politzer were submitted – able for asymptotically free theories. Wilson’s formula-
simultaneously – to PRL. David Gross recollects [1204]: tion makes no reference to perturbation theory, it has a
general nature and is applicable in the non-perturbative
We completed the calculation in a spurt of activ-
regime too. The focus of Wilson’s work was on statis-
ity. At one point a sign error in one term con-
tical physics, where the program is also known as the
vinced us that [Yang-Mills] theory was, as ex-
block-spin approach. Starting from microscopic degrees
pected, non-asymptotically free. As I sat down
of freedom at the shortest distances a, one “roughens”
to put it together and to write up our results, I
them, step by step, by constructing a sequence of effec-
caught the error. At almost the same time Politzer
tive (composite) degrees of freedom at distances 2a, 4a,
finished his calculation and we compared, through
8a, and so on. At each given step i one constructs an ef-
Sidney, our results. The agreement was satisfy-
fective Hamiltonian, which fully accounts for dynamics
at distances shorter than ai in the coefficient functions.
It took a few extra months for QCD to take off as the QCD required a number of specifications and ad-
theory of strong interactions. The events of the summer justments. Indeed, the UV fixed point in QCD is at
of 1973 that led to the birth of QCD are described by αs = 0; hence, the approach to this fixed point at short
H. Leutwyler in Sec. 1.1 of this Volume. To my mind, distances is very slow, logarithmic rather than power-
the final acceptance came with the November Revolu- like, characteristic for the αs 6= 0 fixed point. In fact, it
tion of 1974 – the discovery of J/ψ and its theoreti- is not the critical regime at the UV fixed point per se
cal interpretation as ortho-charmonium.49 In the fall of we are interested in but rather the regime of approach
49 to this critical point. Moreover, it was not realized that
I should also mention a highly motivating argument due
to S. Weinberg who proved [1206] that√(in the absence of the (in addition to the dynamical scale Λ) the heavy quarks
U(1) current gluon anomaly) mη0 ≤ 3mπ . This argument provide an extra scale – the heavy quark mass mQ –
seemingly was discussed during ICHEP 74 in July 1974. which must be included in OPE where necessary.

Table 5.8.1 The lowest-dimension operators in OPE. Γ is a generic notation for combinations of the Dirac γ matrices.

Normal dim 3 4 5 6 6

Operator Oq = q̄q OG = G2µν OqG = q̄σ µν Gµν q O4q = (q̄Γ q)2 O3G = GGG

Surprisingly, in high-energy physics of the 1970s the motion the operator Openg reduces to a four-quark op-
framework of OPE was narrowed down to a very lim- erator but its chiral structure is different from conven-
ited setting. On the theoretical side, it was discussed tional, namely, it contains both left-handed and right-
almost exclusively in perturbation theory. On the prac- handed quark fields since Dν Gµν ∼ q q̄γ q. Com-
tical side, its applications were mostly narrowed down bined with another revolutionary finding of QCD, the
to deep inelastic scattering, where it was customary to extraordinary smallness of the u and d quark masses,
work in the leading-twist approximation. mu,d ∼ 5 MeV (see Sec. 1.1.15), the mixed chiral struc-
The fact that the UV fixed point is at zero makes ture of the emerging four-fermion operator provides
OPE both more simple and more complicated than in the desired enhancement of the ∆I = 12 amplitude. It
the general case. On one hand, the anomalous dimen- took us over two years to fight a succession of referees
sions of all composite local operators which might be for publication of Ref. [1209]. One after another, they
relevant in the given problem scale only logarithmically. would repeat that mixed-chirality four-fermion opera-
On the other hand, slow (logarithmic) fall off of “tails” tor in the considered theory was complete nonsense.
instead of desired power-like – makes analytic separa- Currently, the penguin mechanism in flavor changing
tion of scales technically difficult. weak transitions is a basic theoretic element for a large
I believe that we – Arkady Vainshtein, Valentin Za- variety of such decays. As Vainshtein put it [1210],
kharov and myself – were the first to start constructing “Penguins spread out but have not yet landed.”
a QCD version of OPE. The first step in this direction Systematic studies of Wilsonian OPE in QCD can
was undertaken in 1974 in the problem of strangeness- be traced back to the summer of 1977 – that is when the
changing weak decays [1208, 1209] (currently known as gluon condensate OG (see Table 5.8.1) was first intro-
the penguin mechanism in flavor-changing decays). A duced [1213]. Vacuum expectation values of other gluon
mystery of ∆I = 12 enhancement in K decays had been and quark operators were introduced in Ref. [126], which
known for years (for a review see [1210]). A suggestion allowed one to analyze a large number of vacuum two-
of how one could apply OPE to solve this puzzle was al- and three-point functions, with quite nontrivial results
ready present in Wilson’s paper [25]. Wilson naturally for masses, coupling constants, magnetic moments and
lacked particular details of QCD. The first attempt to other static characteristics of practically all low-lying
implement Wilson’s idea in QCD was made in [1211, hadronic states of mesons and baryons. A consistent
1212]. Although these papers were inspirational, they Wilsonian approach requires an auxiliary normalization
missed the issue of a “new” OPE needed for QCD real- point µ which plays the role of a regulating parameter
ities. Seemingly, we were the first to address this chal- separating hard contributions included in the coefficient
lenge, more exactly two of its features: mixed quark- functions and soft contributions residing in local opera-
gluon operators (in [1208, 1209] we introduced tors occurring in the expansion. The degree of locality is
regulated by the same parameter. “Hard” versus “soft”
Openg = s̄L γ µ (Dν Gµν ) dL means coming from the distances shorter than µ−1 in
which is purely ∆I = 12 ) and coefficients logarithmically the former case and larger than µ−1 in the latter.
depending on the charmed (i.e. heavy at that time) After setting the foundation of OPE in QCD [126]
quark mass. Currently, c, b, t quark masses appear in we were repeatedly returning to elaboration of various
the penguin operators (illustrated in Fig. 5.8.1), the issues, in particluar, in the following works: [1214],[1215],
latter two being genuinely heavy. Through equations of and [1216].

5.8.3 SVZ sum rules. Concepts

The 1998 review [1215] summarizes for the reader foun-

dations of the Shifman-Vainshtein-Zakharov (SVZ) sum
rules in a pedagogical manner. At short distances QCD
is the theory of quarks and gluons. Yang-Mills the-
ory of gluons confines. This means that if you have a
Fig. 5.8.1 The penguin mechanism in flavor-changing decays.
Any of three heavy quarks c, b or t can appear in the loop. heavy probe quark and an antiquark at a large sep-
aration, a flux tube with a constant tension develops
5.8 OPE-based sum rules 163

between them, preventing their “individual” existence.

In the absence of the probe quarks, the flux tube can
form closed contours interpreted as glueballs. This phe-
nomenon is also referred to in the literature as the area
law or the dual Meißner effect. Until 1994 the above
picture was the statement of faith. In 1994 Seiberg
Fig. 5.8.2 A two-point correlation function in the QCD vac-
and Witten found an analytic proof [1217, 1218] of uum. The left side is the OPE sum with a finite number of the
the dual Meißner effect in N = 2 super-Yang-Mills.50 lowest-dimension operators ordered according to their normal
The Seiberg-Witten solution does not apply to QCD, dimensions. The right side is the sum over mesons with the
appropriate quantum numbers. The ground state in the given
rather to its distant relative. The real world QCD, with
channel is singled out. The excited states are accounted for in
quarks, in fact has no area law (the genuine confine- the quasiclassical approximation. We define a positive variable
ment is absent) since the flux tubes break through the Q2 = −q 2 and a sliding µ2 parameter used as a separation pa-
quark-antiquark pair creation. Moreover, light quarks rameter in OPE. For better convergence a Borel transformation
is applied as explained below.
are condensed, leading to a spontaneous breaking of
chiral symmetry, a phenomenon shaping the properties
of the low-lying hadronic states, both mesonic and bary- ical side, an appropriate n-point function is calculated
onic. The need to analytically understand these prop- as an OPE expansion truncated at a certain order. In
erties from first principles led us to the development of most problems only condensates up to dimension 6 (Ta-
the SVZ method. ble 5.8.1) are retained. In the “experimental” part the
The quarks comprising the low-lying hadronic states, lowest-lying meson (or baryon) is singled out, while all
e.g. classical mesons or baryons, are not that far from higher states are represented in the quasiclassical ap-
each other, on average. The distance between them is of proximation. Above an effective “threshold” s0 , where
order of Λ−1 . Under the circumstances, the string-like the spectral density becomes smooth, we apply quark-
chromoelectric flux tubes, connecting well-separated co- hadron duality to replace it by perturbative. Then the
lor charges, do not develop and details of their struc- parameter s0 is fitted along with the parameters of the
ture are not relevant. Furthermore, the valence quark lowest lying state – its mass and residue.
pair injected in the vacuum – or three quarks in the Acting in this way, one can determine the parame-
case of baryons – perturb it only slightly. Then we do ters f0 and m0 defined in Fig. 5.8.2 and their analogs in
not need the full machinery of the QCD strings 51 to other problems. Of course, without invoking the entire
approximately describe the properties of the low-lying infinite set of condensates one can only expect to obtain
states. Their basic parameters depend on how the va- the hadronic parameters in an admittedly approximate
lence quarks of which they are built interact with typ- manner.
ical vacuum field fluctuations.
We endowed the QCD vacuum with various con- 5.8.4 Borelization
densates – approximately a half-dozen of them – in
the hope that this set would be sufficient to describe Analyzing the sum rules displayed in Fig. 5.8.2 we re-
a huge variety of the low-lying hadrons, mesons and alized that their predictive power was limited – sum-
baryons. The original set included 52 the gluon conden- mation on both sides of the equation does not converge
sate G2µν , the quark condensate q̄q, the mixed conden- fast enough. On the right-hand side the contribution of
sate q̄σ µν Gµν q, various four-quark condensates q̄Γ q q̄Γ q, high excitations is too large – the lowest lying states are
and a few others (see Table 5.8.1). Later this set had “screened” – because the weight factors fall off rather
to be expanded to address such problems as, say, the slowly. Likewise, to achieve reasonable accuracy on the
magnetic moments of baryons. left-hand side one would need to add operators other
Our task was to determine the regularities and pa- than those collected in Table 5.8.1. At that time we
rameters of the classical mesons and baryons from a lim- knew next to nothing about higher-dimension opera-
ited set of the vacuum condensates. Figure 5.8.2 graph- tors, of dimension & 7. The Borel transform came to
ically demonstrates the SVZ concept. On the theoret- the rescue.
More exactly, confinement through the flux tube formation
The Borel transformation is a device well-known in
was proven in the low-energy limit of this theory upon adding mathematics. If one has a function f (x) expandable in
a small deformation term breaking N = 2 down to N = 1. the Taylor series, f (x) = x n an xn with the coeffi-
Still unknown. cients an which do not fall off sufficiently fast, one can
A meticulous writer would have used the notation G2µν ,

etc. but I will omit bra and ket symbols where there is no
menace of confusion.

scale separation in the Wilsonian OPE. It was gener-

ally believed that the coefficients are fully determined
by perturbation theory while non-perturbative effects
appear only in the OPE operators.54 This belief led
to inconsistencies which revealed themselves e.g. in the
issue of renormalons (see below). A set of graphs rep-
Fig. 5.8.3 Graph showing four loops renormalizing a gluon resented by renormalons is constructed from a single
line (represented by the dotted line). A renormalon is the sum gluon exchange by inserting any number of loops in the
over n of such diagrams with n loops.
gluon line like beads in a necklace ([Ref. [1222]). Being
treated formally this contribution, shown in Fig. 5.8.3,
instead introduce its Borel transform diverges factorially at high orders. I vividly remember
Bf = x
X an
xn (5.8.1) that after the first seminar on SVZ in 1978 Eugene Bo-
n! gomol’nyi asked me each time we met: “Look, how can
you speak of power corrections in the n-point functions
and then, if needed, reconstruct f .53
at large Q2 if even the perturbative expansion (i.e. the
If we apply this procedure to the sum rule in Fig. 2
expansion in 1/ log Q2 /Λ2 ) is not well defined? Isn’t

we obtain for a given hadronic state i
it inconsistent?” I must admit that at that time my
f2 f2 X answer to Eugene was somewhat evasive.
h m2 in
B 2 i 2 = B i2 (−1)n 2i
mi + Q Q n Q The basic principle of Wilson’s OPE – the scale sep-
f 2 X (−1)n m2i in
h aration principle – is “soft versus hard” rather than
→ i2
Q n n! Q2 “perturbative versus non-perturbative.” Being defined
in this way the condensates are explicitly µ dependent.
f2 m2 All physical quantities are certainly µ independent; the
= i2 exp − 2i
Q Q normalization point dependence of the condensates is
fi2 m2 compensated by that of the coefficient functions – see
→ 2 exp − i2 (5.8.2) Fig. 5.8.2.
The problem of renormalons disappears once we in-
where, in the final step (for historical reasons), I re-
troduce the normalization point µ. With µ  Λ, there
placed Q2 by a Borel parameter M 2 . If M 2 can be
is no factorial divergence in high orders of perturbations
chosen sufficiently small, higher excitations are expo-
theory. Renormalons conspire with the gluon conden-
nentially suppressed.
sates to produce, taken together, a well-defined OPE.
Simultaneously, we improve the convergence of OPE
The modern construction goes under the name of the
on the left-hand side by applying the same operator B.
“renormalon conspiracy”; it is explained in detail in my
If the operator hOn i has dimension 2dn , then the Borell
review [1216]. I hasten to add, though, that the renor-
transformation of the left hand side yields
malons acquire a life of their own in those cases in which
X 1 X 1 1 OPE does not exist. Qualitatively, they can shed light
B 2 )dn
hOn i → 2 )dn
hOn i ,(5.8.3)
(Q n
(d n − 1)! (M on scaling dimensions of non-perturbative effects. The
where I have again replaced Q2 by the Borel parameter most clear-cut example of this type is the so-called “pole
M 2 . Since the expansion (5.8.3) goes in inverse pow- mass of the heavy quarks” [1223, 1224] and its relation
ers of M 2 , it is necessary to keep M 2 large enough. to a theoretically well-defined mass parameter [1225].
The two requirements on M 2 seem contradictory. How- In some two-dimensional solvable models exact OPE
ever, for all “typical” resonances, such as say ρ mesons, can be constructed which explicitly demonstrates the µ
they can be met simultaneously [126, 1219, 1220] in a dependence of both the coefficient functions and the
certain “window.” The only exception is the J P = 0± condensates in the Wilsonian paradigm and its cancel-
channel. There are special reasons why 0± mesons are lation in the physical quantities (for a recent study see
exceptional, see [1221]. e.g. [1226]). Needless to say, if QCD was exactly solved
we would have no need in the SVZ sum rules.
5.8.5 Practical version of OPE We had to settle for a reasonable compromise, known
as the practical version of OPE. In the practical version
At the early stages of the SVZ program the QCD prac- we calculate the coefficient functions perturbatively keep-
titioners often did not fully understood the concept of ing a limited number of loop corrections. The conden-
The Borel transform is closely related to the Laplace trans- Unfortunately, this misconception lasted through the 1980s
form. and was visible in the literature even in the 1990s and later.
5.8 OPE-based sum rules 165

sate series is truncated too. The condensates are not this work. The episode may have been funny were it
calculated from first principles; rather a limited set is not so nerve-wracking. When we decided that the cal-
determined from independent data. culational stage of the work was over, I collected all
The practical version is useful in applications only my drafts (hundreds of sheets of paper with derivations
provided µ2 can be made small enough to ensure that and math expressions), I organized them in proper or-
the “perturbative” contributions to the condensates are der, selected all expressions we might have needed for
much smaller than their genuine (mostly non-perturba- the final draft of the paper and the future work, metic-
tive) values. At the same time, αs (µ2 )/π must be small ulously rewrote them in a voluminous notebook (re-
enough for the expansion in the coefficients to make member, we had no access to photocopying machines),
sense. The existence of such “µ2 window” is not granted destroyed the original drafts, put the notebook in my
a priori and is a very fortunate feature of QCD. We did briefcase and went home. It was about midnight, and I
observe this feature empirically in almost all low-lying was so exhausted that I fell asleep while on the metro
hadrons [1227, 1228] 55 . At the same time, we identi- train. A loud voice announcing my stop awoke me, and
fied certain exceptional channels revealing unforeseen I jumped out of the train, leaving the briefcase were it
nuances in hadronic physics [1221]. was, on the seat. By the time I realized what had hap-
5.8.6 Implementation of the idea and results pened the train was gone, and gone with it forever my
calculations ... I have never recovered my briefcase with
After the strategic idea of quark and gluon interaction the precious notebook... After a few agonizing days it
with the vacuum medium became clear we delved into became clear that the necessary formulas and expres-
the uncharted waters of microscopic hadronic physics. sions had to be recovered anew. Fortunately, Vainshtein
Remember, in 1977 nobody could imagine that basic and Zakharov had kept many of their own derivations.
hadronic parameters for at least some hadrons could Vainshtein never throws away anything as a matter of
be analytically calculated, at least approximately. As a principle. Therefore, the problem was to dig out “in-
show-case example we chose the most typical mesons, formative” sheets of paper from the “noise” (this was
ρ and φ, to calculate their couplings to the electromag- hindered by the fact that Vainshtein was in Novosibirsk
netic current and masses. The agreement of our results while we were in Moscow). Part of my drafts survived
with experiment was better than we could a priori ex- in the drawers of a huge desk that I had inherited from
pect. At first we were discouraged by a wrong sign of the V. Sudakov. Better still, many crucial calculations were
gluon condensate term in the theoretical part of the ap- discussed so many times by us, over and over again, that
propriate SVZ sum rule. We suddenly understood that I remembered them by heart. Nevertheless, I think it
this sign could be compensated by the four-quark con- took a couple of uneasy weeks to reconstruct in full the
densate – a real breakthrough. In November of 1977 contents of the lost notebook.
we published a short letter [1213] which still missed a The SVZ method was further developed by many
number of elements (e.g. Borelization) developed and followers (e.g. the so-called light-cone sum rules for form-
incorporated later, one by one. We worked at a fever- factors), see [1229] and [1230]. A broad picture of the
ish pace for the entire academic year, accumulating a hadronic world was obtained by the 1980s and later
large number of results for the hadronic parameters. [1231]. Today the pioneering SVZ paper is cited 6000+
All low-lying meson resonances built from the u, d, s times. Until 1990s, when lattice QCD based on numeric
quarks and gluons were studied and their static proper- calculations, started approaching its maturity, the SVZ
ties determined from SVZ: masses, coupling constants, method was the main tool for analyzing static hadronic
charge radii, ρ-ω mixing, and so on, with unprecedented properties.
success. In summer of 1978, inspired by our progress, 5.8.7 Reliability and predictive power
we prepared a number of preprints (I think, eight of
them simultaneously 56 ) and submitted to ICHEP-78 The SVZ method is admittedly approximate. Yet, it is
in Tokyo. Clearly none of us were allowed to travel to not a model in the sense that it cannot be arbitrarily
Tokyo to present our results. bent to accommodate “wrong” data. It is instructive to
I cannot help mentioning an incident that occurred narrate here the story of an alleged discovery of an al-
in the spring of 1978 when we were mostly done with leged “paracharmonium” referred to as X(2.83) in Jan-
uary of 1977 [1232]. It was widely believed then that
Theoretical understanding of the roots of this phenomenon
remains unclear. Seemingly, it has no known analogues in two- X(2.83) was the 0− ground sate of c̄c quarks, ηc . If this
dimensional models. was the case the mass difference between J/ψ and ηc
In the journal publication they were combined in three arti- would be close to 270 MeV. Shortly after, the interpre-
cles occupying the whole issue of Nucl. Phys. B147, N o 5, 1979. tation of X(2.83) as ηc was categorically ruled out by

the SVZ analysis [1233] which predicted that the above

mass difference must be 100± 30 MeV. Two years later,
a new experiment [1234] negated the existence of the
X(2.83) state. In the very same experiment the gen-
uine paracharmonium was observed at 2.98 ± 0.01 GeV,
in perfect agreement with [1233]. For us this was a tri-
umph and a lesson – if one believes in a theory one
should stand for it!
Fig. 5.8.4 1/mQ expansion for a HQ weak inclusive decay
5.8.8 OPE-based construction of heavy quark mass rate (see Eq. (5.8.5)). Depicted are two operators, the leading
expansion Q̄Q and a subleading (Q̄q3 )(q̄3 Q). Both are sandwiched be-
tween the heavy hadron states hHQ | and |HQ i and the decay
rate is determined by the imaginary part. The grey area depicts
In the 1980s and early 1990s OPE was generalized to
the soft quark-gluon cloud. Adapted from Ref. [1235, 1236].
cover theoretical studies of mixed heavy-light hadrons,
i.e. those built from light, q, and heavy, Q, flavors. In lated, Q(x) = exp(−imQ t)Q̃(x). The reduced bispinor
the 1990s those who used 1/mQ expansion in theoret- field Q̃(x) describes a residual heavy quark motion in-
ical analysis of Qq̄ and Qqq systems numbered in the side the soft cloud; the heavy quark mass appears only
hundreds. A large range of practical physics problem re- in the form of powers of 1/mQ (first noted in 1982).
lated to Qq̄ and Qqq systems were solved. Lattice anal- Comprehensive reviews on the OPE-based heavy
yses of such systems even now remain hindered, and in quark theory exist [1225], [1237],[1238], [674]. There the
many instances the 1/mQ expansion remains the only reader will find exhaustive lists of references to original
reliable theoretical method. publications. Therefore, in my presentation below I will
As I have mentioned in the second paragraph of Sec. be brief, with a focus on a historical aspect, as I remem-
5.8.2, heavy quarks in QCD introduce an extra scale, ber it, and limit myself to a few selected references.
mQ . To qualify as a heavy quark Q the correspond- In the early 1980s abundant data on the meson and
ing mass term mQ must be much larger than ΛQCD . baryon HQ states started to appear. Theoretical under-
The charmed quark c can be considered as heavy only standing of the total decay rates beyond the free-quark
with some reservations while b and t are bona fide heavy calculations became a major goal. This challenge paved
quarks. The hadrons composed from one heavy quark the way to the beginning of the 1/mQ expansion in HQ
Q, a light antiquark q̄, or a “diquark” qq, plus a gluon hadron physics in the mid 1980s. The decay rate into
cloud (which also contains light quark-antiquark pairs) an inclusive final state f can be written in terms of the
– let us call them HQ – can be treated in the framework imaginary part of a forward scattering operator (the so-
of OPE. The role of the cloud is, of course, to keep all called transition operator) evaluated to second order in
the above objects together, in a colorless bound state. the weak interactions [1235, 1236],
The light component of HQ , its light cloud, has a com-
plicated structure; the soft modes of the light fields are
strongly coupled and strongly fluctuate. Basically, the ImT̂ (Q → f → Q) = Im d4 x i T LW (x)L†W (0)
only fact which we know for sure is that the light cloud (5.8.4)
is indeed light; typical excitation frequencies are of or-
der of Λ. One can try to visualize the light cloud as a where T denotes the time ordered product and LW
soft medium.57 The heavy quark Q is then submerged is the relevant weak Lagrangian at the normalization
in this medium. The latter circumstance allows one to point µ ∼ mQ . The factor exp(−imQ t) mentioned above
develop a formalism similar to SVZ in which the soft is implicit in Eq. (5.8.4). Descending to µ  mQ one
QCD vacuum medium is replaced by that of the light
cloud. As a result, an OPE-based expansion in powers of
1/mQ emerges (see Fig. 5.8.4). When heavy quarks are
in soft medium the heavy quark-antiquark pair creation
does not occur and the field-theoretic description of the
heavy quark becomes redundant. A large “mechanical”
part in the x dependence of Q(x) can be a priori iso-
Hard gluons do play a role too. They have to be taken into
account in the coefficient functions as will be mentioned In Sec.
5.8 OPE-based sum rules 167

arrives at the OPE expansion [1241], the first determination of the Darwin coefficient
for non-leptonic decays [1242, 1243], etc. Comparison
Γ (HQ → f ) = G2F |VCKM |2 m5Q
with the current set of data on τ (Hc ) can be found
hHQ |Oi |HQ iµ in [1244]. In this context I should also mention an im-
X (f )
× c̃i (µ)
2MHQ pressive publication [1245] (see also references therein)
which, in addition to a comprehensive review of the
hHQ |Q̄Q|HQ i(µ)

(f )
∝ c3 (µ) OPE-based analysis of the Hc lifetimes, acquaints the
2MHQ reader with a dramatic story of the singly charmed
(f ) hHQ |Q̄ 2i σGQ|HQ i(µ) baryon hierarchy. Indeed, according to PDG-2018 the
+c5 (µ)m−2
Q lifetime of Ωc0 is 69±12 fs while PDG-2020 yields τ (Ωc0 ) =
268±24±10 fs! The jump in the Ωc0 lifetime by a factor
(f ) hHQ |(Q̄Γi q)(q̄Γi Q)|HQ i(µ) of 3 to 4 compared to the previous measurements was
+ c6,i (µ)m−3
reported by LHCb [1246–1248].58 With these new data
the observed hierarchy of lifetimes changes: Ωc0 moves
+O(1/m4Q ) + ... , (5.8.5)

from the first place (the shortest living Hc baryon) to
where Γi represent various combinations of the Dirac γ the third. The question arises whether the OPE-based
matrices, see also Table 5.8.1. In SVZ we dealt with the theory can explain the current experimental situation
vacuum expectation values of relevant operators while c ) < τ (Ωc ) < τ (Ξ ). In [1245] it is ar-
τ (Ξ 0 ) < τ (Λ+ 0 +

in the heavy quark physics the relevant operators are gued that the answer is “yes, it is possible” (see Fig. 5
sandwiched between HQ states. in [1245]) provided one takes into account 1/m4c contri-
butions due to four-quark operators and αs corrections
5.8.9 Applications in the appropriate coefficient functions.59
I should emphasize that the theoretical accuracy in
The expansion (5.8.5) allowed us to obtain [1235, 1236] the Hc family is limited by the fact that the expan-
the first quantitative predictions for the hierarchies of sion parameter ΛQCD /mc is not small enough. Even
the lifetimes of Qq̄ mesons and Qqq baryons (Q was including sub-leading contributions will hardly provide
either c or b quark) in the mid-1980s – another spec- us with high-precision theoretical predictions. For Hc
tacular success of the OPE-based methods. The dra- states IHQME at best provides us with a semi-quantita-
matic story of ηc narrated in Sec. 5.8.7 repeated itself. tive guide. On the other hand, in the theory of Hb de-
With the advancement of experiment in the late 1990s, cays one expects much better precision.
a drastic disagreement was allegedly detected in the
ratio τ (Λb )/τ (Bd )exp = 0.77 ± 0.05 compared to the 5.8.10 Around 1990s and beyond
theoretical prediction
(1) Heavy quark symmetry when mQ → ∞
τ (Λb )/τ (Bd )theor = 0.9 ± 0.03
The light-cloud interpretation as in Fig. 5.8.4 imme-
(e.g. [1225]). In the 2010s the Λb lifetime was remea- diately implies that at zero recoil the (appropriately
sured shifting the above experimental ratio up to 0.93± normalized) B → D formfactors reduce to unity. This
0.05. Hurrah! is called the “small velocity (SV) limit theorem” [1250],
In the mid-1980s, at the time of the initial theoreti- [1251]. The above“unification” is similar to the vector
cal studies of the Hc and Hb lifetime hierarchies [1235, charge non-renormalization theorem at zero momentum
1236], next to nothing was known about heavy baryons. transfer, say, for the ūγ µ d current. The D and B masses
Since then enormous efforts were invested in improv- are very far from each other. One has to subtract the
ing theoretical accuracy both in mesons and baryons mechanical part of the heavy quark mass in order to
in particular by including higher-dimension operators see that all dynamical parameters are insensitive to the
in the inverse heavy quark mass expansion and higher- substitution Q1 ↔ Q2 in the limit mQ1,2 → ∞, with
order αs terms in the OPE coefficients. The status of 58
Of course, this could happen only because (presumably)
the Inverse Heavy Quark Mass Expansion (IHQME) statistical and/or systematic errors in the previous measure-
for HQ lifetimes as of 2014 was presented in the review ments were grossly underestimated. It is also curious to note
[1239]. The advances reported there and in more recent that 30 years ago Blok and I argued [1249] (Secs. 4.2 and 6)
years cover more precise determination of the matrix that Ωc0 could be the longest living singly charmed baryon due
to its ss spin-1 diquark structure.
elements of four-quark operators via HQET sum rules 59
The four-quark operators introduced in [1235, 1236] respon-
[1240], calculations of the higher αs corrections, in par- sible for the Pauli interference yield corrections O(1/m3c ), see
ticular, αs3 corrections to the semileptonic b quark decay Eq. (5.8.5). The authors of [1245] go beyond this set.

the SV limit ensuing at zero recoil. Perhaps, this is the Up to order 1/m2Q all inclusive decay widths of the HQ
reason why it was discovered so late. The next step was mesons coincide with the parton model results for the
made by Isgur and Wise who generalized this symme- Q decay [1255], [1256],
try of the zero-recoil point by virtue of the Isgur-Wise !
function [1252, 1253]. µ2π 1
Γ = Γ0 1 − , µ2π = hHQ |Q̄~π 2 Q|HQ i
2m2Q 2MHQ
(2) HQET
Heavy quark effective theory which emerged in the 1990s
[667, 1254] formalizes and automates a number of as- where Γ0 is the parton model result. There are no cor-
pects of the generic 1/mQ expansion. In fact, it imme- rections O(1/mQ ). This is known as the CGG/BUV
diately follows from the construction similar to (5.8.5). theorem.
Simplified rules of behavior proved to be very helpful (4) Spectra and line shapes
for QCD practitioners in the subsequent development
Lepton spectra in semileptonic HQ decays were derived
of various applications. In HQET the reduced field Q̃ is
in [1257]. The leading corrections arising at the 1/mQ
treated quantum-mechanically, its non-relativistic na-
level were completely expressed in terms of the differ-
ture is built in, and the normalization point µ is  mQ
ence in the mass of HQ and Q. Nontrivial effects ap-
from the very beginning.60 Applying the Dirac equation
pearing at the order 1/m2Q were shown to affect mainly
to eliminate small (lower) components in favor of the
the endpoint region; they are different for meson and
large components it is easy to derive the expansion of
baryon decays as well as for beauty and charm decays.
L0heavy , up to terms 1/m2Q ,
The theory of the line shape in HQ decays, such
L0heavy = Q̄(i D
6 − mQ )Q as B → Xs γ where Xs denotes the inclusive hadronic
! state with the s quark, resembles that of the Mössbauer
1 + γ0 (σπ)2 1 effect. It is absolutely remarkable that for 10 years there
= Q̄ 1+ π0 − (πσ)2 −
2 8mQ2 2mQ were no attempts to treat the spectra and line shapes
# along essentially the same lines as it had been done in
1  ~~ deep inelastic scattering (DIS) in the 1970s. Realization

− ~
−(DE) + 2σ · E × π
8m2Q of this fact came only in 1994; technical implementation
! ! of the idea was carried out in [1258], [1259], and [1260].
(σπ)2 1 + γ0 1
× 1+ Q+ O , (5.8.6) (5) Hard gluons
8m2Q 2 m3Q
Hard-gluon contributions special for the heavy quark
where σ denote the Pauli matrices and theory result in powers of the logarithms αs log (mQ /µ).
~, They determine the coefficients ci in Eq. (5.8.5) through
(πσ)2 = π 2 + σ B
the anomalous dimensions of the corresponding opera-
~ and B
E ~ denote the background chromoelectric and tors. They were discovered in [1261, 1262] and were
chromomagnetic fields, respectively. Moreover, the op- called the hybrid logarithms. In HQET they are referred
erator πµ is defined through to as matching logarithms.

iDµ Q(x) = e−imQ vµ xµ (mQ vµ + iDµ ) Q̃(x) (6) In conclusion

≡ e−imQ vµ xµ (mQ vµ + πµ ) Q̃(x) (5.8.7) Concluding the heavy quark portion I should add that
Kolya Uraltsev (1957-2013), one of the major contribu-
where vµ is the heavy quark four-velocity. The set of tors in heavy quark theory died in 2013 at the peak of
operators presented in (5.8.6) plays the same basic role his creative abilities (see [1222]).
in 1/mQ expansion as the set in Table 5.8.1 in SVZ sum Concerning the OPE-based methods in QCD in gen-
rules. eral, I would like to make an apology to the many au-
In the remainder of this section I will briefly mention thors whose works have not been directly cited. The
some classic problems with heavy quarks which were size limitations are severe. The appropriate references
successfully solved in the given paradigm. are given in the review papers listed in the text above.
(3) CGG/BUV theorem Just for the record, a couple of reviews which are
tangentially connected to the topic of the present article
I personally prefer to consider the heavy quark expansions are given in Refs. [1263] and [1264].
directly in full QCD in the framework of the Wilson OPE by-
passing the intermediate stage of HQET.
5.9 Factorization and spin asymmetries 169

5.8.11 Recent developments unrelated to the OPE- 5.9 Factorization and spin asymmetries
based methods
Jianwei Qiu
Quantum field theories from the same class as QCD
are now experiencing dramatic changes and rapid ad-
vances in a deeper understanding of anomalies. I want 5.9.1 QCD Factorization
to mention two crucial papers: [1265] and [1266]. The
latter demonstrates that at θ = π there is a discrete ’t Hadrons, such as the proton, neutron and pion, are rela-
Hooft anomaly involving time reversal and the center tivistic bound states of strongly interacting quarks and
symmetry. It follows that at θ = π the vacuum cannot gluons of QCD. Without being able to see any quark or
be a trivial non-degenerate gapped state. gluon directly in isolation, owing to the color confine-
ment of QCD, it has been an unprecedented intellectual
challenge to explore and quantify internal structure of
hadrons in terms of their constituents, quarks and glu-
ons, and the emergence of hadrons from quarks or glu-
ons. Actually, the QCD color interaction is so strong
at a typical hadronic scale O(1/R) with a hadron ra-
dius R ∼ 1 fm that any scattering cross section with
identified hadron(s) cannot be calculated fully in QCD
perturbation theory.
QCD factorization [224] has been developed to de-
scribe high energy hadronic scattering with a large mo-
mentum transfer Q  1/R ∼ ΛQCD by taking the ad-
vantage of the asymptotic freedom of QCD by which the
color interaction becomes weaker and calculable pertur-
batively at short distances. QCD factorization provides
a controllable and consistent way to approximate QCD
contributions to good or factorizable hadronic cross sec-
tions by demonstrating
– all process-dependent nonperturbative contributions
to these good cross sections are suppressed by pow-
ers of ΛQCD /Q, which could be neglected if the hard
scale Q is sufficiently large,
– all factorizable nonperturbative contributions are pro-
cess independent, representing the characteristics of
identified hadron(s), and
– the process dependence of factorizable contributions
is perturbatively calculable from partonic scattering
at the short-distance.
With our ability to calculate the process-dependent short
distance partonic scatterings perturbatively at the hard
scale Q, the prediction of QCD factorization follows
when cross sections with different hard scatterings but
the same nonperturbative long-distance effect of identi-
fied hadron are compared. QCD Factorization also sup-
plies physical content to these perturbatively uncalcu-
lable, but universal long-distance effects of identified
hadrons by matching them to hadronic matrix elements
of active quark and/or gluon operators, which could be
interpreted as parton distribution or correlation func-
tions of the identified hadrons, and allows them to be
measured experimentally or by numerical simulation.

e(l) e(l) e(l) e(l) e(l) e(l)

e(l') e(l') e(l') e(l') e(l') e(l')
e(l) e(l') q q q q q q
q H H

h(p) k k k k
X h(p)
h(p) h(p) h(p)
J(k,p) J(k,p)
(a) (b) h(p) h(p)
S J(k,p)

Fig. 5.9.1 (a) Sketch for scattering amplitude of inclusive DIS. (a) (b)
(b) Leading order contribution to inclusive DIS cross section in
its cut diagram notation. Fig. 5.9.2 (a) Pinch surface for inclusive DIS with collinear
and longitudinally polarized gluons (curly lines) and soft glu-
ons (dashed lines). (b) Leading power factorized contribution
Inclusive scattering with one identified hadron to inclusive DIS with all collinear and longitudinally polarized
The deeply inelastic scattering (DIS) between a lep- gluons detached from the hard part H and reconnected to the
ton e of momentum l and a hadron h of momentum gauge links.
p, e(l) + h(p) → e(l0 ) + X, as shown in Fig. 5.9.1(a)
where l0 is scattered lepton momentum and X repre- naturally satisfied for the LO contribution in Fig. 5.9.1(b),
sents all possible final states, is an inclusive scatter- Z 
1 1

ing with one identified hadron. Withp a large momen-
σDIS ∝ d k σ̂ (Q, k) 2
k + iε
J(k, p) 2
k − iε
tum transfer, q = l − l0 and Q ≡ −q 2  ΛQCD , the
dk + 2
DIS experiment at SLAC in 1969 discovered the point- ≈ d kT σ̂ LO (Q, k̂) (5.9.1)
2k +
like spin-1/2 partons/quarks inside a proton [93], which " #
helped the discovery and formulation of QCD. Λ2QCD
2 1 1
× dk 2 J(k, p) 2 +O
For inclusive DIS with two characteristic scales: Q  k + iε k − iε Q2
ΛQCD , QCD factorization is to consistently separate
where light-quark mass was neglected, and active quark
QCD dynamics taking place at these two distinctive
of momentum k is perturbatively pinched to be on-shell,
scales by examining scattering amplitudes in terms of
k 2 ≈ k̂ 2 = 0 with
general properties of Feynman diagrams in QCD per-
turbation theory, leading to a factorization formalism, kT2 ~
k̂ = (k + , , kT )
which is an approximation up to corrections suppressed 2k +
in powers of ΛQCD /Q. For example, considering the in the notation of light-cone coordinates, leading to a
leading order (LO) contribution to the inclusive DIS, as factorization formalism in Eq. (5.9.1) with all perturba-
presented in Fig. 5.9.1(b) in its cut diagram notation, tively pinched poles absorbed into the nonperturbative
in which graphical contributions to the cross sections function of the identified hadron.
are represented by the scattering amplitude to the left However, beyond the LO inclusive DIS, all inter-
of the final state cut (the red thin line) and the com- nal loop momentum integrals to any scattering am-
plex conjugate amplitude to the right, the scattering plitude are defined by contours in complex momen-
between the lepton of momentum l and a quark (or a tum space, and it is only at momentum configurations
parton) of momentum k, σ̂ LO (Q, k), is taken place at where some subset of loop momenta are pinched that
the hard scale Q, while the dynamics describing the the contours are forced to or near mass-shell poles that
quark inside the hadron, J(k, p), is at the hadronic correspond to long-distance behavior. The importance
scale 1/R ∼ ΛQCD . The validity of such perturbative of such pinched surfaces in multidimensional momen-
QCD factorization requires the suppression of quan- tum space was identified in the Libby-Sterman analy-
tum interference between the dynamics taking place at sis [1267, 1268] that categorized all loop momenta into
these two different momentum scales, which requires three groups: hard, collinear, and soft, along with the
that the dominant contributions to the factorized for- reduced diagrams by contracting off-shell lines to points,
malism should necessarily come from the phase space from which factorization formalisms can be derived. As
where the active parton(s) linking the dynamics at two shown in Fig. 5.9.2(a) for inclusive DIS, the identified
different scales are forced onto their mass shells, and hadron is associated with a group of collinear parton
are consequently long-lived compared to the time scale lines, and at the leading power, one physically polarized
of the hard collision at the scale Q. This requirement is collinear parton plus infinite longitudinally polarized
collinear gluons (curly lines) link the identified hadron
to the hard part, H, in which all parton lines are off-
shell by the hard scale Q. At the same time, the soft
gluon lines (dashed lines in Fig. 5.9.2(a)) can attach
5.9 Factorization and spin asymmetries 171

to both the hard and collinear lines of the identified partonic scattering, E 0 dσ̂ef →eX /d3 l0 , in QCD perturba-
hadron. Since all parton propagators in H are off-shell tion theory. By applying the factorization formalism in
by Q, a soft gluon attachment to any of these lines in H Eq. (5.9.2) to a parton state of flavor f , |h(p)i → |f (p)i,
is necessarily to increase the number of off-shell propa- we can use perturbation theory to calculate the short
gators in H, and effectively suppresses the hard part by distance partonic scattering order-by-order in powers of
an inverse power of Q, making the contribution power the strong coupling constant αs by perturbatively cal-
suppressed. Therefore, we do not need to consider soft culating the DIS cross section on a parton of flavor f
contributions to the inclusive DIS cross section at the on the left of Eq. (5.9.2), and PDFs of the same parton
leading power in 1/Q expansion. on the right, with the collinear divergence regularized.
The collinear and longitudinally polarized gluons This leads to
have their polarization vectors proportional to their (n)
dσ̂ef →eX
dσef →eX
momenta in a covariant gauge. By applying the Ward E0 3 0
= E0 3 l0
(l, p; l0 )
d l d
Identity, all attachments of collinear and longitudinally 

polarized gluons to the hard part H can be detached X X dσ̂ 0
ef →eX (n−m)
− E0 ⊗ φf 0 /f (x, µ2 )
and reconnected to the gauge link pointing to the “−”

d 3 l0
m=0 0
f =q,q̄,g
light-cone direction if the identified hadron is moving
in the “+” light-cone direction [224, 1269], as sketched (5.9.4)
in Fig. 5.9.2(b). After taking the leading power contri- where superscripts, n and m, indicate the order in power
bution from the spinor trace of the active quark line in of αs . QCD factorization ensures that the collinear sen-
Fig. 5.9.2(b) [1269, 1270], the inclusive DIS cross sec- sitivities from scattering off a parton on the left of
tion at the leading power can be factorized as [1271– Eq. (5.9.2) to be exactly cancelled by the same sensi-
1273] tivities from the PDFs of the same parton on the right
DIS X Z [1269]. That is, the subtraction term in Eq. (5.9.4) can-
0 dσeh→eX
E 0
(l, p; l ) = dx φf /h (x, µ2 ) (5.9.2) cels all long-distance physics of the partonic scattering
d3 l 0
f =q,q̄,g cross section on a parton state of flavor |f (p)i.
The inclusive DIS cross section can be physically
" #
dσ̂ ef →eX ΛQCD
× E0 (l, k̂; l0 , µ2 ) + O measured in experiments and should not depend on how
d3 l0 Q2
we describe it in terms of QCD factorization, or the
where k̂ ≡ xp+ , lT0 ∼ Q  ΛQCD , and E 0 dσ̂ef →eX /d3 l0 choice of factorization scale µ. That is, we require
is the short-distance part of DIS cross section on a par- dσeh→eX /d log µ2 = 0,
ton state of flavor f and collinear momentum fraction x
of the colliding hadron, with its long-distance contribu- which implies evolution equations of PDFs, known as
tions to the cross section systematically absorbed into the DGLAP equations [211, 215]
the non-perturbative functions φf /h (x, µ2 ), which are dφf /h (x, µ2 ) X 1 dx0
Z x 
defined in terms of hadronic matrix elements of active
= 0
Pf /f 0 , α s (µ )
d log µ2 x x x0
parton operators [1274]. For example, for an unpolar- 0 f

ized active quark, × φf 0 /h (x0 , µ2 ) (5.9.5)

dξ − ixp+ ξ− where the evolution kernels Pf /f 0 (x/x , αs (µ )) are cal-
0 2
φq/h (x, µ ) = e
2π culable in perturbative QCD when the strong coupling
γ+ constant αs (µ) is sufficiently small [216, 217]. Although
× hh(p)|ψ q (0) W[0,ξ− ] ψq (ξ − )|h(p)i , (5.9.3) PDFs are nonperturbative, their factorization scale de-
h R − i pendence is a QCD prediction, which has been con-
where W[0,ξ− ] = Pexp ig 0 dη − A+ (η − ) is the gauge
firmed to great accuracy [626, 627].
link. The φf /h (x, µ2 ) carries nonperturbative informa- Another example of factorizable inclusive cross sec-
tion of the identified hadron, and is referred as an uni- tion with one identified hadron is single inclusive hadron
versal parton distribution function (PDF) for finding a production in high energy electron-positron collision,
parton of flavor f inside a colliding hadron h, carrying e− (l) + e+ (l0 ) → h(p) + X with the observed hadron
its momentum fraction x, probed at a hard factoriza- energy Ep  ΛQCD , as sketched in Fig. 5.9.3(a). Like
tion scale µ ∼ Q. PDFs are discussed in more detail in the inclusive DIS in Eq. (5.9.1), the active parton mo-
Sec. 10.2. mentum k, in Fig. 5.9.3(b), linking the hard e+ e− anni-
With the precise definition of φf /h (x, µ2 ), the QCD hilation that produces this active parton, and describes
factorization formalism, such as the one in Eq. (5.9.2), how it hadronizes into the observed hadron, is pertur-
provides a systematic way to calculate the short-distance batively pinched to its mass-shell, which is necessary

l h(p) h(p) sketched in Fig. 5.9.4(a), is an ideal example of the

l k
k study of QCD factorization for inclusive observables
with two identified hadrons [224].
l' X l' From the LO contribution in Fig. 5.9.4(b), both ac-
(a) (b) tive partons (quark or antiquark) of momentum k and
Fig. 5.9.3 (a) Sketch for scattering amplitude of inclusive k 0 coming from colliding hadrons A(p) and B(p0 ), re-
single hadron production in high energy e+ e− collisions. (b) spectively, are perturbatively pinched to their mass-
Leading order contribution to inclusive single hadron produc-
tion in its cut diagram notation.
shell, which is necessary for being able to factorize the
nonperturbative hadronic information of colliding hadrons
for the factorization. For the leading power contribu- from the hard collision to produce the massive lepton
tion beyond the LO in Fig. 5.9.3(b), similar to inclu- pairs. Beyond the LO, each colliding hadron is associ-
sive DIS, we do not need to worry about soft interaction ated with a group of collinear partons, and for the lead-
between the hard part and the collinear partons along ing power contribution, only one physically polarized
the direction of the produced hadron. By applying the active parton plus infinite collinear and longitudinally
Ward Identity, in the same way as in the factorization polarized gluons from each hadron should attach to
of inclusive DIS, the attachment of collinear and lon- the hard part, H, with the remaining collinear partons
gitudinally polarized gluons from the observed hadron forming a (spectator) jet function, which is the same as
to the hard part, H, can be detached and reconnected the inclusive scattering with one identified hadron. The
to the gauge link to become a part of the nonpertur- key difference for QCD factorization of inclusive scat-
bative, but universal, fragmentation functions (FFs) of tering with two identified hadrons from that with one
the identified hadron, leading to the factorization for- hadron, according to the Libby-Sterman analysis [1267,
malism, 1268], is the soft interaction between the collinear par-
X Z dz tons of two different hadrons, as shown by the dashed
dσ + −
Ep e e3 →hX (s, p) = Dh/f (z, µ2 ) (5.9.6) lines in Fig. 5.9.5(a). Still the soft interaction between
d p z2 the collinear partons and the hard part can be ne-
# glected when calculating the leading power contribu-
dσ̂e+ e− →k̂X
× Ek 2
(s, k̂, µ ) + O tions. However, these long-distance soft interactions be-
d3 k̂ Q2
tween hadrons have the potential to break the univer-
where active parton momentum is k̂ = p/z, sality of the factorizable nonperturbative contribution
√ from each identified hadron, and invalidate the predic-
tive power of the QCD factorization approach for study-
s = (l + l0 )2
ing hadronic cross sections with identified hadrons.
is the collision energy, and Dh/f (z, µ2 ) is the FF to
When the colliding hadrons A(p) and B(p0 ) are mov-
find a hadron h emerged from a produced parton of fla-
ing in the +z and −z direction, respectively, the factor-
vor f while carrying the parton’s momentum fraction
ization of collinear and longitudinally polarized gluons
z [1274]. The fact that such a physical cross section
from the hard part H is effectively the same as what
should not depend on how we factorized it implies evo-
was done for the case of single identified hadron. Since
lution equations for the FFs, like DGLAP for PDFs.
collinear and longitudinally polarized gluons have their
From the QCD factorization formalisms involving
polarization vectors proportional to their momenta in
one identified hadron in Eqs. (5.9.2) and (5.9.6), ex-
a covariant gauge, by applying the Ward Identity all
tracting the universal PDFs and FFs from experimen-
collinear and longitudinally polarized gluons from hadron
tal data is a challenging inverse problem. Although the
A(p) can be detached from the hard part and recon-
scale dependence of PDFs and FFs is a prediction of
nected to the gauge link in the “−” light-cone direc-
QCD dynamics, measurements of such cross sections
with one identified hadron are not sufficient to disentan-
gle the flavor and momentum fraction dependence of all
l J(k,p)
PDFs and FFs, which are necessary for the predictive l' k l k

power of the QCD factorization approach to describe

k' q k'

high energy hadronic cross sections.

X B(p')
B(p') J(k',p')

(a) (b)
Inclusive scattering with two identified hadrons
The Drell-Yan (DY) production of lepton pairs via a Fig. 5.9.4 (a) Sketch for scattering amplitude of Drell-Yan
production of a massive lepton pair. (b) Leading order contri-
vector boson in hadron-hadron collisions, A(p)+B(p0 ) → bution to the Drell-Yan cross section in its cut diagram nota-
V (q) + X with V (q)[= γ ∗ , W/Z, H 0 , ...] → l + l0 , as tion.
5.9 Factorization and spin asymmetries 173

compared to their transverse components, i.e. ls± /lsT ∼

A(p) A(p)
J(k,p) J(k,p)

Q l
l O(λ), so that we cannot neglect the transverse compo-
nents, keeping only one “+” or “−” components [224].
k l' k l'
H(Q) H(Q)
k' k'
It is the soft gluon interaction between the spectators of
J(k',p') two colliding hadrons that can trap the ± components
of the soft gluon momenta in the Glauber region. For
example, in Fig. 5.9.7, the pair of propagators of mo-
(a) (b)
menta, p − k − l and k + l, pinches the “−” component
Fig. 5.9.5 (a) Sketch for the leading QCD pinch surface for of l to be, l− ∝ lT2 , while the pair of propagators of mo-
Drelll-Yan production of lepton pair with collinear and lon- menta, p0 − k 0 + l and k 0 − l, pinches the “+” component
gitudinally polarized gluons in curly lines and soft gluons in
dashed lines. (b) QCD contribution to Drell-Yan process with of l to be, l+ ∝ lT2 , such that the soft gluon interaction
all collinear and longitudinally polarized gluons detached from between two jets of collinear partons from the colliding
the hard part and reconnected to the gauge lines. hadrons is pinched in the Glauber region; in this case
the leading soft gluon interactions could break the uni-
tion, while those from hadron B(p0 ) can be reconnected versality of PDFs and the predictive power of the QCD
to the gauge link in the “+” light-cone direction, as factorization approach.
sketched in Fig. 5.9.5(b). Removal of the trapped Glauber gluons might be
In order to achieve the factorization, we need to get the most difficult part of the QCD factorization proof
rid of the soft gluon interactions, the dashed lines in [224]. It was achieved by three key steps: (1) all poles in
Fig. 5.9.5(b). If we scale collinear parton momenta from one-half plane cancel after summing over all final-states
colliding hadron A, ki = (ki+ , ki− , kiT ) ∼ (1, λ2 , λ)Q (no more pinched poles), (2) all ls± -type integrations can
with λ ∼ O(ΛQCD /Q), we maintain ki2 ∼ O(λ2 Q2 ) → 0 be deformed out of the trapped soft region, and (3) all
as the loop momenta approach to the pinch surface. If leading power spectator interactions can be factorized
we can choose soft gluon loop momenta to have the and summed into an overall unitary soft factor of gauge
scaling behavior, ls ∼ (λs , λs , λs )Q, where λs ∼ λ2 links (or eikonal lines) as argued above and shown in
(or λ) to have all components vanishing at the same Fig. 5.9.6. The soft factor is process independent and
rate, we have (ki + ls )2 ∼ 2ki+ ls− ∼ O(λ2 /Q2 ). That is, made of four gauge links, along the light-cone directions
we only need to keep the “−” component of soft gluon conjugated to the directions of two incoming hadrons
momenta to flow into the jet of collinear partons from in the scattering amplitude, and the two in the com-
the colliding hadron A, whose leading components of plex conjugate scattering amplitude, respectively. For
Lorentz indices that interact with the soft gluons are the collinear factorization, the soft factor = 1 due to
in the “+” direction in a covariant gauge. Therefore, the unitarity, and we have the corresponding factoriza-
we can use the Ward Identity to detach the soft gluons tion formalism for inclusive Drell-Yan production at the
from the jet of collinear partons from colliding hadron leading power,
A and reconnect them into a gauge link or an eikonal (DY)
dσA+B→ll0 +X XZ
line. Applying the same reasoning with the role of the = dx dx0 φf /A (x, µ) φf 0 /B (x0 , µ)
“±” components switched, we can detach all soft gluon dQ2 dy 0
interactions to the jet of collinear partons from collid- "
dσ̂f +f 0 →ll0 +X (x, x0 , µ, αs )
ing hadron B, and to factorize all soft gluon interactions × +O , (5.9.7)
dQ2 dy Q2
with two colliding hadrons into an overall soft factor,
as shown in Fig. 5.9.6. where f f 0 runs over all parton flavors including quark
However, this factorization can fail if the soft gluon and antiquark, as well as gluon.
momenta are trapped in the Glauber region. In this re- To help separate the flavor dependence of PDFs, the
gion the “±” components of the soft gluons are small lepton-hadron semi-inclusive DIS (SIDIS), e(l)+h(p) →

J(k,p) A(p) p-k-l

Q l
k l'
× S k+l Q Q
k'-l l
J(k',p') B(p')

Fig. 5.9.6 Sketch for factorized Drell-Yan production of a
massive lepton pair at the leading power with all soft gluon Fig. 5.9.7 Sample diagram responsible for soft gluon interac-
interactions factorized into a multiplicative soft factor. tion to have its momentum pinched in the Glauber region.

e(l0 ) + h0 (p0 ) + X, as shown in Fig. 5.9.8(a), is an-

other example of QCD factorization with two identi-
fied hadrons. From the LO contribution in Fig. 5.9.8(b),
both active partons of momentum k and k 0 are pertur-
batively pinched to their mass-shell, leading to a po- (a) (b)
tential factorization of PDF from colliding hadron and Fig. 5.9.9 (a) Sketch for scattering amplitude of hadronic
FF of the fragmenting parton to the observed hadron. production of single hadron at large transverse momentum. (b)
Beyond the LO, like the Drell-Yan process, there could Its contribution to the cross section in the cut diagram notation.
be soft interactions between the jet of collinear partons
of the hadron h and the jet of collinear partons along by corresponding short-distance hard part, σ̂f f 0 →Jet [1275].
the direction of observed hadron h0 . (Jet)
dσA+B→Jet+X XZ
Integrating over the transverse momentum of the = dx dx0 φf /A (x, µ) φf 0 /B (x0 , µ)
dpT dy
observed final-state hadron to keep the SIDIS as a pro- 0 ff
cess with a single hard scale Q, and following the same dσ̂f +f 0 →Jet+X (x, x0 , µ, αs )
factorization arguments for inclusive Drell-Yan processes, ×
dpT dy
the SIDIS cross section can be factorized as XZ
SIDIS = dx dx0 φf /A (x, µ) φf 0 /B (x0 , µ)
dσeh→eh 0X
E0 (l, p; l0 , z) ff0
d3 l0 dz Z " #
X X Z dz dσ̂f +f 0 →c+X
= dz 0 dx Dh0 /f 0 (z 0 , µ2 ) φf /h (x, µ2 ) × Jc (z, pT R, µ) + σ̃(pT , y)
z dpcT dyc
f,f 0 =q,q̄,g
# (5.9.9)
dσ̂ Λ
ef →ef 0X QCD
×E 0 (l, k̂; l0 , z 0 , µ2 ) + O where pT and y are the transverse momentum and ra-
d3 l0 dz 0 Q2
pidity of the observed jet, respectively. Like all pertur-
where k̂ = xp, z 0 = p0 /k 0 and z = p · p0 /p · q. batively calculable hard parts of QCD factorization, the
Pjet production in hadronic collisions: A(p)+ hard part for the jet production, σ̂f f 0 →Jet is process-
B(p0 ) → j Jj (pj ) + X is another observable with dependent, depending on whether the jet is produced
two identified hadrons although many hadrons were in hadron-hadron or lepton-hadron collisions, as well
measured in the final-state when jets were constructed. as the choice of the jet algorithms. In Eq. (5.9.9), the
When final-state jets are well-separated, the cross sec- process-dependent short-distance hard part for the jet
tion for jets with large transverse energy has the same production was reorganized into a process-independent
factorized formula as that in Eq. (5.9.7) except the per- jet function, Jc from a single parton of flavor c, leaving
turbatively calculated hard part, σ̂f f 0 →ll0 X is replaced all process-dependence into the production of this par-
ton, σ̂f +f 0 →c+X and σ̃(pT , y) which might be neglected
h'(p') h'(p') if logarithms of the jet production dominates [1276].
e(l') J(k',p') e(l')
Inclusive scattering with three identified hadrons
e(l) e(l')
h'(p') q q
Inclusive single hadron production at large transverse
q e(l) k' k' e(l)
k k momentum pT in hadronic collisions: A(p) + B(p0 ) →
h(ph )+X is a well-measured observable involving three
h(p) h(p)

(a) (b) identified hadrons, as shown in Fig. 5.9.9. Due to the

additional identified hadron in the final-state, the uni-
Fig. 5.9.8 (a) Sketch for scattering amplitude of lepton-
hadron SIDIS. (b) Leading order contribution to SIDIS cross tarity sum of final-state hadrons used to prove the fac-
section in its cut diagram notation. torization of DY-type two-hadron observables needs to
be modified.
Luckily, because of the large pT of the observed
final-state hadron, the potentially dangerous gluon in-
teractions between the observed hadron and the specta-
tors of colliding hadrons are suppressed by the power of
1/pT , and the leading power pQCD factorization does
5.9 Factorization and spin asymmetries 175

hold [1277], able for two-scale observables with a hard scale Q to

dσAB→hX (p, p, ph ) X Z dz localize the collision to probe the partonic nature of
= dx dx0 Dh/c (z, µ2 ) quarks and gluons along with a soft scale to be sensi-
dy dp2T z 2
0 f,f ,c tive to the dynamics taking place at O(1/R). At the
× φf /A (x, µ2 ) φf 0 /B (x0 , µ2 ) same time, theory has made major progresses in the
dσ̂f f 0 →cX (x, x0 , pc = ph /z) development of QCD factorization formalism for two
× . (5.9.10) types of two-scale observables, distinguished by their in-
dyc dp2cT
clusive or exclusive nature, which enables quantitative
With proper PDFs and FFs, the NLO pQCD calcu-
matching between the measurements of such two-scale
lations for single hadron production gave an excellent
observables and the 3D internal partonic structure of a
description of RHIC data [1278]. However, the same
colliding hadron.
formalism consistently underestimates the production
For inclusive two-scale observables, one well-studied
rate at the fixed target energies [1279]. It was shown
example is the Drell-Yan production of a massive boson
that high order corrections at the fixed target energies
that decays into a pair of measured leptons in hadron-
are very important, and the threshold resummation sig-
hadron collisions as a function of the pair’s invariant
nificantly improves the comparison between the theory
mass Q and transverse momentum qT in the Lab frame
and experimental data [1280].
[1282]. When Q  qT & 1/R, the measured transverse
momentum of the pair is sensitive to the transverse mo-
QCD global analysis and predictive power
menta of the two colliding partons before they annihi-
Much of the predictive power of QCD factorization for
late into the massive boson, providing the opportunity
cross sections involving identified hadron(s) relies on
to extract the information on the active parton’s trans-
the universality of the PDFs and/or FFs and our ability
verse motion at the hard collision, which is encoded
to solve the inverse problem to demonstrate the exis-
in transverse momentum dependent (TMD) PDFs (or
tence of one set of PDFs and FFs that are capable of
simply, TMDs), φf /h (x, kT , µ2 ) [1282].
describing all data of good (e.g. factorizable) cross sec-
Like PDFs, TMDs are universal distribution func-
tions with properly calculated short-distance partonic
tions describing how a quark (or gluon) with a mo-
scattering cross sections in QCD perturbation theory.
mentum fraction x and transverse momentum kT in-
The QCD global analysis is a program to test the
teracts with a colliding hadron of momentum p with
consistency of QCD factorization by fitting all exist-
xp ∼ µ ∼ Q  kT . Another well-studied example is
ing data from high energy scatterings with universal
the SIDIS when the produced hadron is almost back-
PDFs and/or FFs and corresponding factorization for-
to-back to the scattered lepton in the Lab frame, or in
malisms, from which the best set of PDFs and/or FFs
the Breit frame, the transverse momentum of the pro-
will be extracted. The QCD factorization formalism has
duced hadron phT is much smaller than the hard scale
been extremely successful in interpreting high energy
Q [1283, 1284].
experimental data from all facilities around the world,
A necessary condition for QCD factorization of ob-
covering many orders in kinematic reach in both par-
servables with identified hadron(s) is that the active
ton momentum fraction x and momentum transfer of
parton linking the process-dependent short-distance dy-
the hard collision Q, and as large as 15 orders of mag-
namics and the process-independent nonperturbative
nitude in difference in the size of observed scattering
physics of identified hadron(s) is perturbatively pinched
cross sections, which is a great success story of QCD
to its mass-shell so that it is long-lived compared to the
and the Standard Model at high energy. It has given
time scale of the hard collision. In this case the quan-
us the confidence and the tools to discover the Higgs
tum interference between the perturbatively calculable
particle in proton-proton collisions [120, 121], and to
hard collisions at the hard scale Q and the process-
search for new physics [1281].
independent part of leading nonperturbative informa-
tion of the identified hadron(s) is strongly suppressed
QCD factorization for two-scale observables
by the power of ΛQCD /Q. The pinch does not require
The hard probe with a single large momentum transfer
the active parton’s momentum to be collinear to the
Q ( 1/R) is so localized in space that it is not very
hadron momentum. The necessary condition is satis-
sensitive to the details of confined three-dimensional
fied if the active parton momentum has a transverse
(3D) internal structure of the colliding hadron, in which
component with hkT i  Q; the same condition that
a confined parton should have a characteristic trans-
should be satisfied by the TMD factorization of Drell-
verse momentum scale hkT i ∼ 1/R  Q and an un-
Yan and SIDIS process for the leading power contri-
certainty in transverse position hbT i ∼ R  1/Q. Re-
bution in qT /Q or phT /Q, respectively. Although this
cently, new and more precise data are becoming avail-

condition is not necessarily sufficient, the TMD factor- particle, is sensitive to the active parton’s helicity dis-
ization for Drell-Yan process at the leading power of tribution inside a polarized colliding hadron. The dou-
qT /Q → 0 was justified [1269, 1282], and the same for ble longitudinal spin-dependent cross sections, ∆σ is
the SIDIS at leading power of phT /Q [1285–1287]. More given by the same factorization formalisms introduced
discussion on the impact of TMD factorization for the in the Sec. 5.9.1 with the spin-averaged collinear PDFs
spin asymmetries will be given in Sec. 5.9.2. replaced by corresponding helicity distributions,
Without breaking the colliding hadron, the exclu-
φf /h (x, µ2 ) → ∆φf /h (x, µ2 )
sive observables could provide different aspects of the  
hadron’s internal structure. Exclusive lepton-nucleon =
φ+/+ (x, µ2 ) − φ−/+ (x, µ2 ) .
scattering with a virtual photon of invariant mass Q  2
1/R could provide various two-scale observables, such The same leading power collinear factorization for-
as the deeply virtual Compton scattering (DVCS) [1288], malisms introduced in the Sec. 5.9.1 can also apply to
where the hard scale ispQ and the soft scale is t ≡ parity violating single longitudinal spin asymmetries of
(p − p0 )2 . When Q  |t|, such two-scale exclusive cross sections between one unpolarized and one longi-
processes are dominated by the exchange of an active tudinally polarized particles,
q q̄ or gg pair and can be systematically treated using
the QCD factorization approach; factorized in terms σ(+) − σ(−)
AL ≡ . (5.9.12)
of generalized PDFs or GPDs [1289–1292]. Recently, a σ(+) + σ(−)
new class of single diffractive hard exclusive processes The single longitudinal spin-dependent cross section,
(SDHEP) was introduced [1293, 1294]. This approach ∆σ = σ(+) − σ(−) with spin direction of the polar-
is not only sufficiently generic to cover all known pro- ized parton flipped is also given by the same factoriza-
cesses for extracting GPDs, but also well-motivated for tion formalisms by replacing one of the spin-averaged
the search of new processes for the study of GPDs. It collinear PDFs, corresponding to the hadron that is re-
was demonstrated that many of those new processes placed by a polarized colliding particle, by correspond-
can be factorized in terms of GPDs and could provide ing helicity distribution. With the flavor sensitivities of
better sensitivity to the parton momentum fraction x the weak interaction, the single longitudinal spin asym-
dependence of GPDs. metries measured by the RHIC spin program have pro-
vided important information on the flavor separation of
5.9.2 Spin Asymmetries quark helicity distributions [820, 1278].
The double and single longitudinal spin asymme-
A measured cross section is always a positive and clas- tries, defined in Eqs. (5.9.11) and (5.9.12), respectively,
sical probability even though its underlying dynamics have been studied in both hadron-hadron collisions at
could be sensitive to quantum effects. On the other RHIC [1278] and lepton-hadron collisions [1295, 1296],
hand, a spin asymmetry, defined to be proportional to a and will be a major program at the future EIC [820].
difference of two cross sections with one (or more) spin After over 30 years since the discovery of EMC col-
vector(s) flipped, can probe QCD dynamics that a spin- laboration, and many experiments carried out world-
averaged cross section is not sensitive to, and provide a wide, the RHIC spin program in particular, we learned
better chance to explore the dynamics of quantum ef- from the momentum fractions x that these experiments
fects. It also provides opportunities to explore the origin could access, that the proton spin gets about 30% from
of proton spin by carrying out scattering experiments quark helicity and 40% from gluon helicity, and the rest
with polarized protons. could come from the region of x that we have not been
able to explore and/or orbital or transverse motion of
Quark and gluon contributions to proton spin quarks and gluons inside the bound proton [820]. (See
The leading power collinear factorization formalisms the discussion in Sec. 10.2.)
can also apply to asymmetries of cross sections between
two longitudinally polarized particles [1269]. Instead of Double transverse-spin asymmetries
measuring nonperturbative PDFs of a hadron, the dou- The double transverse spin asymmetries are,
ble longitudinal spin asymmetry
σ(↑, ↑) − σ(↑, ↓)
∆σ σ(++) − σ(+, −) AN N = ,
ALL ≡ = , (5.9.11) σ(↑, ↑) + σ(↑, ↓)
σ σ(+, +) + σ(+, −)
where ↑ and ↓ indicate the direction of spin vectors
where ± indicates the helicity of the active parton com- transverse to the momentum direction of the colliding
pared to the longitudinal spin direction of the colliding
5.9 Factorization and spin asymmetries 177

particles. Since QCD factorization requires that the fac- γ ± γ ⊥ γ5 spin projection for transversely polarized quarks.
torized short-distance dynamics is not sensitive to the The collinear transversity distribution has the same def-
details of hadronic physics, the spin asymmetries are inition as the quark distribution in Eq. (5.9.3) with the
proportional to the difference of hadronic matrix ele- quark operator replaced by ψ q (0)γ + γ ⊥ γ5 W[0,ξ− ] ψq (ξ − )/2
ments of parton fields with the hadron spin flipped, and the unpolarized hadron state |h(p)i is replaced by
a transversely polarized hadron state |h(p), ~s⊥ i.
A ∝ σ(Q, ~s) − σ(Q, −~s)
∝ hp, ~s|O(ψq , Aµg )|p, ~si − hp, −~s|O(ψq , Aµg )|p, −~si. Single transverse-spin asymmetries
(5.9.13) The transverse single-spin asymmetry (SSA),
The parity and time-reversal invariance of QCD re- σ(sT ) − σ(−sT )
quires AN ≡
σ(sT ) + σ(−sT )

hp, ~s|O(ψq , Aµg )|p, ~si is defined as the ratio of the difference and the sum of
= hp, −~s|PT O †
(ψq , Aµg )T −1 P −1 |p, −~si. (5.9.14) the cross sections when the spin of one of the identified
hadron sT is flipped. Two complementary QCD-based
Therefore, only partonic operators O(ψq , Aµg ) satisfying
approaches have been proposed to analyze the physics
hp, −~s|PT O† (ψq , Aµg )T −1 P −1 |p, −~si behind the measured SSAs: (1) the TMD factorization
= ±hp, −~s|O(ψq , Aµg )|p, −~si (5.9.15) approach [1283, 1284, 1297–1300], and (2) the collinear
factorization approach [1301–1309].
or In the TMD factorization approach, the asymmetry
hp, ~s|O(ψq , Aµg )|p, ~si = ±hp, −~s|O(ψq , Aµg )|p, −~si(5.9.16) was attributed to the spin and transverse momentum
correlation between the identified hadron and the ac-
contribute to the factorizable spin asymmetries. Those tive parton, and represented by the TMD parton dis-
operators that lead to a “+” sign should contribute tribution or fragmentation function. For example, the
to spin-averaged cross sections, while those lead to a Sivers effect [1283] describes how hadron spin influ-
“−” sign should contribute to spin asymmetries. Only ences the parton’s transverse motion inside a trans-
the leading twist quark operator that defines the quark versely polarized hadron, while the Collins effect [1284]
transversity distribution δq(x, µ2 ) describes how the parton’s transverse spin affects its
δq(x, µ2 ) = ψ q (0)γ + γ ⊥ γ5 ψq (ξ − ),
The TMD factorization approach is more suitable
(or h1 (x, µ2 )), is relevant to the double transverse spin for evaluating the SSAs of scattering processes with two
asymmetries of observables with a single large momen- observed and very different momentum scales: Q1 
tum transfer Q in proton-proton collisions of trans- Q2 & ΛQCD where Q1 is the hard scale while Q2 is a
versely polarized protons. soft scale sensitive to the active parton’s transverse mo-
The QCD factorization for the leading power con- tion or momentum. For example, the Drell-Yan lepton
tribution to the Drell-Yan production of a massive lep- pair production when Q  qT is a process that can
ton pair in a collision with two transversely polarized be studied in terms of the TMD factorization [1269].
protons should follow the same arguments that led to In addition, the SIDIS when the transverse momentum
that in Fig. 5.9.6. Here all collinear and longitudinally of observed final-state hadron ph  Q in the photon-
polarized gluons factorized into gauge links, and soft hadron Breit frame is an ideal observable for study-
gluon interactions are factorized into an overall soft- ing AN , since the leading power contribution to the
factor. The factorization of spinor traces of the Fermion TMD factorization of SIDIS is known to be valid [1269,
lines needs to be modified to reflect the transverse-spin 1285]. Although the AN in SIDIS can receive contri-
projector γ ± γ ⊥ γ5 (where ± indicates the two possi- bution from various sources, including the Sivers effect
bilities due to two colliding hadrons) instead of the (Sivers function f1T⊥
) and Collins effect (Collins func-
γ ± and γ ± γ5 for unpolarized and longitudinally po- tion H1 ), as well as contribution from the pretzelosity

larized active quarks. Therefore, the QCD factorization distribution h⊥1T [1286], it is the choice of angular mod-
formalism for the numerator of the double transverse- ulation that allows us to separate these three sources of
spin asymmetries is the same as that in Eq. (5.9.7), contributions in SIDIS,
except the unpolarized PDFs are replaced by the quark ASivers ⊥
∝ hsin(φh − φs )iU T ∝ f1T ⊗D (5.9.17)
transversity distributions of various flavors (no gluon
ACollins ∝ hsin(φh + φs )iU T ∝ h1 ⊗ H1⊥ (5.9.18)
transversity distribution in a spin-1/2 transversely po- N

larized proton), and the hard part is calculated with APretzelosity

N ∝ hsin(3φh − φs )iU T ∝ h⊥
1T ⊗ H1⊥ (5.9.19)

where D is the normal unpolarized FF, the subscript the spin flip was made possible by QCD color Lorentz
“UT” stands for unpolarized lepton and transversely force [1302, 1303]. The collinear factorization approach
polarized hadron, φh is an angle between the leptonic is more relevant to the SSAs of scattering cross sec-
plane and the hadronic plane in SIDIS and φs is the tions with a single hard scale Q  ΛQCD . The validity
angle between the hadron transverse spin vector and of QCD factorization for SSA in the collinear factoriza-
the leptonic plane. tion approach requires study of the collinear factoriza-
The predictive power of TMD factorization leads tion beyond the leading power (or twist-2) contribution.
one to expect that the TMDs will be process-indepen- It was demonstrated that QCD factorization works
dent. However, it was found that the Sivers function for the first sub-leading power contribution to the ha-
measured in SIDIS and that in Drell-Yan process could dronic cross section, but, not beyond [1312]. That is,
differ by a sign. Such simple and generalized universal- QCD factorization should work for the 1/Q2 power
ity should preserve the predictive power of TMD factor- correction to inclusive and unpolarized Drell-Yan cross
ization approach. Theoretically, such sign change can section [1313], 1/p2T corrections to unpolarized single
be better verified from the operator definition of the high-pT particle production in hadron-hadron collisions
Sivers function. The quark Sivers function is defined as [1314], and 1/pT power correction to single high-pT par-
the spin-dependent part of the TMD parton distribu- ticle production in hadron-hadron collisions with one
tions [1298, 1310], of them transversely polarized [1302–1304, 1315]. It is
dy − d2 y⊥ ixp+ y− −i~k⊥ ·~y⊥ the QCD factorization for the 1/pT power correction to
fq/h↑ (x, k⊥ , s⊥ ) = e e single high transverse momentum pT particle produc-
tion in hadron-hadron collisions with one of them trans-
×hp, s⊥ |ψ̄(0)W[0,y] ψ(y)|p, s⊥ i|y+ =0 , versely polarized that enables the systematic collinear
(5.9.20) factorization approach to study AN . For example, the
where W[0,y] is the gauge link for the leading power SSA of single high-pT hadron production in hadronic
initial- and final-state interactions between the struck collisions, A(p, sT ) + B(p0 ) → h(Ph ) + X, can be fac-
parton and the spectators or the remnant of the po- torized [1302, 1304]
larized hadron. The form of the gauge links includ- AN (sT ) ∝ T (3) (x, x, sT ) ⊗ σ̂ ⊗ Df (z)
ing the phase of the interactions depends on the color
+δq(x, sT ) ⊗ σ̂D ⊗ D(3) (z, z) + . . . , (5.9.22)
flow of the scattering process and is process depen-
dent. Luckily, the parity and time-reversal invariance where T (3) and D(3) are twist-3 three-parton corre-
of QCD removes almost all process dependence of the lation functions and fragmentation functions, respec-
TMDs. By applying Eq. (5.9.14) to the matrix element tively, and δq (or h1 ) is the leading power transversity
in Eq. (5.9.20), we have distribution, with “. . . ” representing a small contribu-
tions [1316]. Various extractions of T (3) and D(3) from
fq/h↑ DY
(x, k⊥ , S⊥ ) = fq/h↑ (x, k⊥ , −S⊥ ) . (5.9.21) experimental data have been carried out [1305, 1317].
Therefore, the Sivers function has an opposite sign in The SSA is a physically measured quantity and should
SIDIS and DY [1308, 1311]. Experimentally, it is im- not depend on how we describe it from QCD factor-
portant to verify such relationship. ization or the choice of factorization scheme or scale,
In the collinear factorization approach, all active which leads to evolution equations of factorized non-
partons’ transverse momenta are integrated into the perturbative distributions or twist-3 quark-gluon corre-
collinear distributions, and the explicit spin-transverse lation functions relevant to the SSA [1318]. A complete
momentum correlation in the TMD approach is now in- set of the correlation functions R was  generated +by −in-
cluded in the high twist collinear parton distributions serting (1) the field operator dy1− iST ρ iρσ T Fσ (y1 )
or fragmentation functions. Since the massless quark into the matrix element of twist-2 PDFs, and (2) the
operator dy1− iSTσ Fσ+ (y1− ) into the matrix element
in short-distance hard collisions cannot flip the spin in
QCD, the SSAs in the collinear factorization approach of twist-2 helicity distributions [1318]. A close set of
are generated by quantum interference between a scat- evolution equations of these twist-3 correlation func-
tering amplitude with one active parton and an ampli- tions as well as the leading order evolution kernels were
tude with two active partons. The necessary spin-flip for derived [1318–1320].
SSAs is achieved by angular momentum flip between Although the two approaches each have their own
single active parton state and the state of two active kinematic domain of validity, they are consistent with
partons. Such nonperturbative effect is represented by each other in the perturbative regime to which they
twist-3 collinear parton distributions or fragmentation both apply[1321, 1322].
functions, which has no probability interpretation, and
5.10 Exclusive processes in QCD 179

5.10 Exclusive processes in QCD continue to shape contemporary theoretical and exper-
imental programs.
George Sterman
Hadrons in the language of partons.
Hadrons are bound states, whose fine-grained proper-
5.10.1 Exclusive amplitudes for hadrons: geom- ties are nonperturbative, yet based in the interactions
etry and counting rules of the quarks and gluons that appear in the Lagrangian
density of QCD. To describe how partons can mediate
The analysis of exclusive reactions played a role in the
the scattering of hadrons, we introduce a Fock space
development of quantum chromodynamics, and became
picture of the hadronic
√ state0 with3 on-shell momentum,
a subject of ongoing research within QCD. This section
in terms of P = (1/ 2)(P + P ), mass mH and spin
reviews some of the early history, landmark develop-
sH , as [792]
ments and ongoing research in this lively topic, concen-
trating on wide-angle scattering. The reader is referred cF | {fi , xi , ki,⊥ , λi } FH i , (5.10.1)
|H, P + , sH i =
especially to the preceding contribution on factoriza- FH
tion in cross sections, to Sec. 10 on the structure of the where the infinite sum is over partonic Fock states, FH ,
nucleon and Sec. 11 on QCD at high energy for closely each consisting of a set of constituents, {fi . . . }, labelled
related subject matter. by flavors, fi , by the fraction xi of P~H , transverse mo-
menta ki,⊥ and helicity λi . In QCD, the Fock states are
Prehistory labelled as well by the manner in which the colors of
For many years, exclusive reactions were the language constituents combine to form color singlets. From these
of experimental strong interaction physics at accelera- states, in principle, we can construct any of the univer-
tors. In such reactions, up to low GeV energies (BeV at sal quantities of perturbative QCD that can be written
the time), new resonances were found, whose quantum as expectation values of the hadronic state, including
numbers were revealed in the analysis of their decays. collinear and transverse momentum parton distribu-
As energies increased, the analysis of exclusive reac- tions. Here, however, we will for the most part make use
tions gave rise to theoretical advances like Regge theory, of only the valence state, Fval , with three constituents
and the Veneziano amplitude [7], resulting eventually in for a nucleon, two for a meson. Of course, we assume
string theory. Around the same time, the quark model that cFval is nonzero in Eq. (5.10.1). The Fock state
for hadron spectroscopy was developed. formalism puts this approximation in context, pointing
With the advent of multi-GeV hadronic and lep- the way to systematic expansions.
tonic accelerators, any nonforward exclusive final state
became a small part of the cross section. Nevertheless, Constituent counting.
if we assume that elastic scattering results directly from Influenced by the success of the parton model applied
pairwise scattering amplitudes for constituent quarks, to quarks, and assuming a constituent expansion like
simple counting combined with the optical theorem leads the one just described, Brodsky and Farrar [1326], and
to successful predictions on the ratios of total cross sec- Matveev, Muradian and Tavkhelidze [1012] realized that
tions [1323]. Other pioneering concepts introduce a ge- under broad assumptions on the strong interactions, the
ometrical picture of colliding hadrons, whose interac- behavior in momentum transfer of a wide range of ex-
tions extend over their entire overlap during the scat- clusive processes can be summarized by a simple rule,
tering [1324]. This picture is agnostic on the dynamical which goes under the name of quark, or more gener-
nature of the strong interactions that mediate momen- ally constituent, counting. We can see how this works
tum transfer. The dual amplitudes of Ref. [7] are expo- by considering the very high-energy elastic scattering
nentially suppressed for fixed-angle scattering, and in- of two hadrons, in the first instance assumed to con-
deed, exponential fall-off in |t| is characteristic of near- sist of a fixed set of “valence” partons, specified by the
forward cross sections at high energy [1325]. For |t| in quark model ([uud] for the proton, for example), mov-
the range of a few GeV, however, this decrease mod- ing within a limited region of space, which we can think
erates to a power. This, along with the observation of a sphere of radius RH for hadron H.
of power-law fall-off for form factors [563] suggested Following the intuitive analysis of partons in deep-
that fixed-angle amplitudes might, indeed must, reflect inelastic scattering, we imagine that hadrons can be
a point-like substructure for nucleons and mesons. This thought of as Lorentz contracted and time dilated. Large
section will review some of the guiding developments momentum transfer requires all ni valence (anti-)quarks
in this area, which grew along with QCD, and which of the initial-state hadrons i to arrive within a region of

damental consequences of this picture. First, assuming

that the integrals over fractional momenta are insensi-
tive to the endpoints, the rules of quark counting follow
immediately by dimensional counting in the (in prin-
ciple) calculable partonic scattering amplitudes. The
picture is quite general, and applies as well to lepton-
hadron elastic scattering. The constituent rules then
determine the power behavior of hadronic form factors
in momentum transfer, Q: Q−2 for mesons and Q−4 for
baryons. In all processes, any scattering mediated by
larger numbers of constituents is power-suppressed.
In the scattering of hadrons, there are generally
Just before
Just after many ways in which quarks can flow from the initial to
the final state. Almost all of these describe quark ex-
Fig. 5.10.1 The geometry of constituent counting for π − π change, whether in elastic scattering like π + p → π + p,
scattering (ni = 2). The top represents the pion in a valence but especially for charge-exchange exclusive processes,
state that can contribute to an exclusive reaction, as seen along
the collision axis by an oncoming hadron. From Ref. [1327].
like π − p → π 0 n. The valence Fock states described
above, considered as functions of the transverse mo-
menta of the constituents, can be used to construct a
area 1/Q2 , where Q is the momentumm transfer. Now picture of 2 → 2 exclusive amplitudes based on the
the hadrons don’t know they are going to collide, so we overlaps of incoming and outgoing states. These con-
assume their partons are more or less randomly scat- siderations lead to a variety of quite successful predic-
tered about within the areas of their Lorentz-contracted tions for dependence on momentum transfer [1329]. A
wave functions. Then the likelihood for them all to be particularly striking example is the difference between
within this small area is of order proton-proton and antiproton-proton scattering, where

1 1
ni −1 the latter provides no opportunity for quark exchange.
πRH 2 The ratio of these cross sections is about forty to one
for each hadron of radius RH . But this must also be For hadrons with light-quark valence structure (pi-
true of both incoming and outgoing states, so that their ons, nucleons) we anticipate that the scatterings will be
wave functions may overlap. computed with zero quark masses. Then, in any theory
At the moment of collision, we don’t have to make based on the exchange of vector gluons, the helicities
an assumption on the details of the hard scattering that of the quarks are conserved, and since the scattering
redirects the partons, but we assume that otherwise the is in valence states at small transverse sizes, the helici-
amplitude is a function only of the scattering angle. ties of the valence states directly determine the spins
Then, at fixed t/s (that is fixed center of mass scat- of the external hadrons. This feature leads to many
tering angle), we find the quark counting rules of Refs. predictions for amplitudes in which spins are prepared
[1012] and [1326], and measured [1328]. Unlike constituent counting rules,
dσ f (t/s)

P4i=1 (ni − 1) however, predictions for spin more often fail; for the ex-
= 2 . (5.10.2) ample of proton-proton scattering, see Ref. [785].
dt s2 s πRH
Finally, specializing to color-singlet hadrons in a
Figure 5.10.1 illustrates the scales involved, and the sys-
theory with colored quarks, another fundamental pre-
tem just before and after the hard scattering. This re-
diction of this picture is transparency [1330], which refers
lation provides a set of predictions for power-behavior,
to predictions for exclusive hard-scattering in nuclei.
for example dσpp→pp /dt ∝ s−10 , which are generally
On the one hand, exclusive scattering emerges only
successful [1328]. The determination of normalizations
from valence parton configurations, with all partons in
would require, of course, control over the short-distance
a small regions of coordinate space. On the other hand,
interactions of the constituents, to which we will re-
at high energies, the lifetime of such a virtual state is di-
turn below. For applications of these ideas to nuclei,
lated by a large factor. Thus we anticipate that both the
see Sec. 5.2.
incoming and outgoing hadrons in an exclusive reaction
propagate as effectively point-like particles through the
Quark exchange, spin and transparency.
surrounding medium, in particular, through a nucleus.
Before going further into the technical status of exclu-
For proton-nucleon elastic scattering with momentum
sive amplitudes, it is natural to observe several fun-
5.10 Exclusive processes in QCD 181

transfer Q, the incoming proton must be in a state of ef- Two independent scatterings for meson-meson scattering

fective area 1/Q2 on its way into the nucleus, and will
be invisible to the color fields of nucleons it encoun- overlap of outgoing
ters, whose partons are typically spread out over scales wave functions
of the order of the proton’s radius. Only when it en- b
counters a constituent nucleon that happens to be in a
corresponding tiny valence state can it undergo elastic overlap of incoming
wave functions
scattering, producing again a pair of “stealth” nucle-
ons that are just as invisible on the way out. While the Fig. 5.10.2 Geometric enhancement in the Landshoff mecha-
amplitude for this to happen remains just as small as nism. The pairs of colliding partons (within each pair, one from
for free proton-proton or proton-neutron scattering, it each colliding hadron) are separated by distance b. Within each
is not suppressed by initial- or final-state interactions, pair, partons are separated by a much smaller distance of order
1/Q. From Ref. [1327].
in contrast to most cross sections on nuclei. These con-
siderations are summarized in the elegant prediction for
scattering on a nucleus of atomic number Z, for each hard scattering, and we find

dσ f (0) 1
[p + Z → p + p + (Z − 1)] = 2 2 . (5.10.5)
dt t t πRH
s→∞, t/s fixed dσ
→ Z [p + p → p + p] . (5.10.3) Experimentally, at wide angles, data appear to prefer
the direct counting behavior of Eq. (5.10.2), but at large
This is the case, at least asymptotically, and the man- t and even higher s, a behavior like Eq. (5.10.5) is ob-
ner in which asymptotic behavior is reached for varied served [1335, 1336].
elastic reactions is a subject of ongoing experimental
(see for example, Refs. [210, 1331]) and theoretical in-
5.10.2 Computing hard exclusive amplitudes in
vestigation [1332, 1333].

Splitting the hard scattering: Landshoff mechanism. The considerations described above are based in the
Without further assumptions, the same geometric - par- parton model, although they are a significant step be-
tonic considerations sketched above can lead to an al- yond the classical parton model results, because the
ternative picture and prediction for asymptotic behav- hard scattering is itself a strong interaction. With these
ior, first formulated by Landshoff [1334]. To be spe- concepts in hand, the next great step was to apply
cific, let’s consider meson-meson elastic scattering (ni = field theoretic analysis to elastic scattering, relying on
nf = 2). Then, instead of a single short-distance scat- asymptotic freedom to calculate short distance inter-
tering involving all four incoming and outgoing partons, actions where large momenta are exchanged, and on
we imagine two independent hard scatterings of parton ideas of factorization to separate the dynamics bind-
pairs, each resulting in two pairs of partons travelling in ing each hadron from the short distance scattering and
the same direction, and forming the outgoing mesons. from each other. Before we review this landmark anal-
The geometric picture is shown in Fig. 5.10.2. We as- ysis for exclusive processes with hadrons, it is useful
sume that the separation b between the short-distance to touch on elastic scattering amplitudes for partons.
collisions of individual pairs of partons is generically of These, of course, are not directly physical, but they
order RH , the hadronic radius61 Relative to the strict play an important role in the factorized hadronic anal-
short-distance picture of Fig. 5.10.1, this reaction is en- ysis that follows, and also in other areas, particularly
hanced by the ratio RH /(1/Q) = RH Q in the ampli- jet cross sections.
tude for mesons, which is the ratio of the scale of the
hard scattering to the size of the overlap between the Partons: exclusive amplitudes in QCD.
hadrons, as shown in the figure. Similarly, there is an We consider partonic scattering amplitudes at “wide
enhancement of (RH Q)2 for baryons, for which angles”, labelling the combination of incoming and out-
dσ f (t/s)

6 going (massless) partons and their momenta as f ,
= 2 . (5.10.4)
dt s2 s πRH
f : f1 (p1 )+f2 (p2 ) → f3 (p3 )+f4 (p4 )+· · ·+fn+2 (pn+2 ) .
In the forward region with a still-large momentum trans- (5.10.6)
fer, s  −t  ΛQCD , we anticipate a factor 1/Q2 ∼ 1/t
To define such an amplitude in perturbation theory re-
We will come back to this assumption below.
quires the regulation of infrared singularities associated

with the virtual states that include zero-momentum infrared poles and contain all dependence on momen-
lines and/or lines collinear to the external particles. tum transfers.
This is conventionally done by dimensional regulariza-
tion, that is, by treating the number of dimensions as Hadrons: Factorization and evolution for form factors
a parameter, d = 4 − 2ε, and continuing ε away from and exclusive amplitudes.
zero. Starting at one loop, infrared singularities man- Historically, the analysis of hadronic exclusive ampli-
ifest themselves as poles in ε, generally two per loop. tudes in QCD predated that for partonic amplitudes
Despite the growing order of the poles, the amplitude just discussed. This was possible because in these am-
can be written in a factorized form, [1337–1339] plitudes external particles are, by construction, color
[f ]
 Q2  Y  Q02  singlets. We assume that the picture given above for
ML vi , 2 , αs (µ2 ), ε = J [i] , α s (µ 2
), ε quark counting still applies, that the elastic amplitudes
µ µ2
result from redirecting valence quarks and antiquarks
into collinear configurations in the final state, and that
 Q2   Q2 
×SLI vi , 2 , αs (µ2 ), ε HI βi , 2 , αs (µ2 ), s (5.10.7)
[f ] [f ]
µ µ those configurations are color singlets. Then purely soft,
In this expression, the functions J [i] contain all poles as opposed to collinear, singularities disappear. Com-
in ε due to virtual lines collinear to the velocities, de- paring to the partonic amplitude, Eq. (5.10.7), we de-
noted vi (vi2 = 0) of the massless external partons i. rive an expression for the hadronic amplitude without a
These infrared poles are universal among the ampli- soft matrix, and with dimensionally-regularized jet fuc-
tudes of different partonic scattering processes. That is, tions replaced by hadronic wave functions [206, 207,
they only depend on the whether the external parton 1272]. A short-distance, hard-scattering function de-
is an (anti)quark or gluon. The infrared factors diverge noted H describes the short-distance scattering of ni
very rapidly as ε → 0, that is, in four dimensions. Many valence quarks/antiquarks from each external hadron,
details can be found in Ref. [1340], but to get an idea i. The general form, in this case for 2 → 2 scattering,
of the strength of the infrared singularities, it is suffi- is
cient to see leading poles of the two-loop exponent of Z Y4

a jet function, given in terms of its expansion in terms M(s, t; λi ) = [dxi ] φi (xi,m , λi , µ)
anomalous dimensions γK ,
[i] i=1
xi,n xj,m pi · pj
×H ; λi .
 2  α  1 
Q s [i] (1)
J [i]
, α s (µ 2
), ε ∼ exp − γ µ2
µ2 8π ε2 K
In contrast to partonic scattering, which describes the
short-distance scattering of a single physical parton for
" !# )
 α 2 β 1 3 [i](2)
s 0 [i](1) 1 γK
+ γ − + ... .
π 8 ε2 4ε K 2 4ε2 each direction, hadronic wave functions, φi (xi,m , λi , µ),
depend on how their valence partons share the momen-
tum of their external hadron, labelled by fractions xi,m ,
Here is the coefficient of the
[i] [i](n)
m xi,m = 1. Hadronic helicities, labelled by λi , deter-
(αs /π)n
γK = n γK
1/[1−x]+ term of the DGLAP evolution kernel for par- mine spin projections for the quark constituents of the
ton i, often denoted Ai (αs ), with γK = CF , and β0 is valence state. The integrals over fractional momenta are

the lowest-order coefficient of the QCD beta function. denoted (here, for baryons) by the notation,
The analysis that leads to the exponentiation of double 3
infrared poles for partonic amplitudes relies on enhance- (5.10.10)
[dxi ] = dxi,1 dxi,2 dxi,3 δ 1 − xi,n .
ments of radiation by accelerated massless charged par- n=1
ticles at low angle and energy in gauge theories. The The factorization requires the choice of a factorization
systematic treatment of these effects often goes by the scale, µ, which is naturally of the order of the renor-
name “Sudakov resummation”, a term we will encounter malization scale for the matrix element that defines the
below when we return to the Landshoff mechanism. wave functions φ(xi , λi , µ). A representative example is
In Eq. (5.10.7), SL is a matrix in the space of
[f ]
for π + , whose wave function is the matrix element of the
color exchanges, labelled by color tensor L (for example, valence quark operators that absorb an up quark and an
octet or singlet exchange), which contains the remain- anti-down quark, between the single-pion state and the
ing poles, all due to virtual lines with vanishing mo- QCD vacuum. In this case, defining x1 = 1 − x2 ≡ x
menta. The soft matrix, SL also has an expression in
[f ]
as the fraction of the up quark, the expression (in a
terms of calculable “soft” anomalous dimensions, which
have wide uses in inclusive as well as exclusive cross sec-
tions. The remaining set of functions, Hl are free of
[f ]
5.10 Exclusive processes in QCD 183

physical gauge) is approaches unity and the others vanish, a configuration

Z ∞
dλ i(xp)·(λn) for elastic scattering often referred to as the Feynman
φπ (x, µ) = p · n e mechanism (see Lecture 29 of Ref. [1341]). Noting the
−∞ 4π
example of Eq. (5.10.13), we generally expect, and in
n · γ γ5 case of pions in the valence state can prove, that wave
×h0|d(0) √ u(λn)|π + (p)i , (5.10.11)
2 2nc functions vanish sufficiently rapidly in these limits to
where the vector nµ is light-like and oppositely directed preserve the stability of the factorized amplitude in Eq.
to the pion’s momentum pµ , and nc is the number of (5.10.9). The onset of this limit is not easy to deter-
colors. The matrix element requires renormalization be- mine, however, and has been the subject of discussion
cause its fields are separated by a light-like distance, in the literature. For form factors particularly, alterna-
proportional to nµ . tive treatments based on dispersion relations and QCD
We note the many similarities between the exclusive sum rules, provide an alternative picture for currently
amplitudes Eq. (5.10.9) and factorized forms of inclu- accessible momentum transfers [1342]. The situation for
sive cross sections in deep-inelastic and hadron-hadron baryonic wave functions is even more complex, because
scattering. The role of wave functions here is played by the Feynman mechanism is not suppressed at fixed or-
parton distributions there, and in both cases there is a ders [1343]. At high momentum transfers, this may be
convolution in partonic momentum fraction(s). In both resolved by higher-order corrections [1344] (see below),
cases also, the presence of a factorization scale, µ, im- but phenomenological analyses based on the Feynman
plies evolution equations, there for parton distributions mechanism are also of interest [1345].
and here for wave functions, Another point of concern is the Landshoff mecha-
nism identified above, in which subsets of the partons
Z 1

µ φ(x, µ) = dy V (x, y, αs (µ)) φ(y, µ) . (5.10.12)
∂µ 0
scatter elastically at different points in the space trans-
The evolution kernel V (x, y, αs ) incorporates cancella- verse to the beam directions, as in Fig. 5.10.2. This
tions between constituent self-energies and diagrams process is actually lower order in αs , but more impor-
with gluons exchanged between constituents. In gen- tantly it is sensitive to the transverse structure of the
eral, the factorization scale is proportional to the mo- external hadrons, that is, on information that is not
mentum transfer, and these evolution equations make included in the wave functions discussed above. How-
it possible to extrapolate wave functions (and parton ever, the resummation of higher-order QCD corrections
distributions) from one scale to another. While space shows that large transverse separations are suppressed,
does not allow a review of the kernel and the solu- returning us to expectations very similar to those of Eq.
tions of these equations here, an especially beautiful (5.10.9).
consequence of the particular evolution equations for
pion wave functions is that at asymptotically large µ Sudakov resummation and asymptotic behavior.
the wave functions approach known, fixed, finite ex- As we have seen in Fig. 5.10.2 and Eq. (5.10.4), the
pressions, Landshoff enhancement to inclusive amplitudes is due
3fπ to the assumed possibility of separating hard scatter-
lim φπ (x, µ) = √ x(1 − x) , (5.10.13) ings between subsets of valence partons. As noted above,
µ→∞ nc
to estimate the enhancement we assume that the sep-
where fπ is the pion decay constant and again nc the
aration is generically of the order of the hadronic ra-
number of colors (3 for QCD of course). Again, this
dius. The analysis through Sudakov resummation fol-
is a consequence of the detailed nature of the kernel
lows from the observation that the separation of par-
in the evolution equation, (5.10.12), which follows in
tonic hard scatterings in an overall hadronic exclusive
turn from the underlying factorization for hard exclu-
amplitude requires the scattering of isolated non-singlet
sive processes, Eq. (5.10.9).
color charges without radiation. In isolation, these ac-
celerated charges would result in infrared singularities,
Exceptional momentum configurations.
as in Eq. (5.10.8) above, which would make the am-
In their original form, the factorized amplitudes of Eq.
plitude vanish in four dimensions. In our case, how-
(5.10.9) apply to a very wide set of processes, including
ever, the outgoing configurations of the scattered par-
elastic form factors for pions and mesons, for which the
tons are almost collinear, and the divergences (infrared
external leptons can be counted as if they were hadrons
poles) cancel. The larger the separation b between the
with a single parton. Like any such factorized expres-
hard scatterings, however, the larger the finite remain-
sion, however, its predictive power depends on its sta-
der. The result is that any process with separated hard
bility under higher-order corrections. Of particular in-
scatterings is suppressed relative to the acceleration of
terest are the limits where one fractional momenta xi

P1 P3 fer Q by [1346]
1 XZ 1
M(s, t) = dxdy θ(1 − x − y)
x 2π 2 sin2 θ f 0
× db1 db2 Trcolor U (bi Q)H 1 H 2 H 3

× Ri (x, y, b1 , b2 ) ,
x b2 where the color Trace U (bi Q)H 1 H 2 H 3 ties color to-
gether and includes abc for colors of three quarks, with
1-x-y possible color exchange in each hard scattering,
P2 P4 H i (xi p1 , xi p2 , xi p3 , xi p4 ) ∼ 1/(xi Q)2 .
Fig. 5.10.3 Transverse separations in a multiple hard scatter- In Eq. (5.10.14) we may define x1 = x, x2 = y and
ing. Note that the eight potentially independent integrals over x3 = 1 − x − y.
momentum fractions are replaced by only two integrals, the
same for each external hadron. From Ref. [1327]. The wave functions, R(x, y, b1 , b2 ) drive the sup-
pression of large bi , and behave as
Ri (x, y, bi ) ∼ φi (x, y, b1 , b2 , µ ∼ 1/hbi)
locally singlet charge configurations, which shows that
the assumption of separated hard scatterings among
" 3  #
αs [q][1] X 2 1
× exp − γK ln , (5.10.15)
pairs of partons made in our analysis of the Landshoff π xa Qba
mechanism was not in fact warranted.

The observations above, which are the basis of trans- where γK is the same anomalous dimension as for the

parency, can be quantified, by treating the distance be- quark jets in the partonic amplitude, Eq. (5.10.8). The
tween the hard scatterings in Fig. 5.10.2 as an impact φi (x, y, 1/hbi) are normal partonic wave functions of the
factor, b, conjugate to transverse momentum. An anal- form encountered above, now evaluated at a renormal-
ysis treating both transverse and longitudinal momenta ization scale set by the inverse of the average impact
of quarks leads to a factorized expression for hadronic parameter spacing between the hard scatterings. The
scattering amplitude in terms of a wave function that exponential suppression by double logarithms of b in
depends on both the quark transverse momentum and Eq. (5.10.15) is the result of the systematic treatment
longitudinal momentum fraction. As with the classic of states with soft and collinear virtual radiation, and
form, Eq. (5.10.9), there is a close analogy to parton is thus an example of Sudakov resummation [1347]. It
distributions encountered in inclusive cross sections, in forces the impact parameters to vanish, on √ a scale that
this case transverse momentum distributions (TMDs). is for all intents and purposes of order 1/ −t. Com-
The necessary wave functions generalize the light-cone bined with the 1/t behaviors of the three partonic hard
matrix elements like Eq. (5.10.11) by displacing the scatterings, the full amplitude behaves as nearly 1/t4 ,
fields in transverse (impact parameter) directions rel- consistent with the original constituent counting rules
ative to the opposite-moving light cone. of Eq. (5.10.2). The momentum transfer at which this
This factorization in impact parameter space re- behavior sets in, however, may be quite large, especially
quires a soft matrix, which ties together soft radiation given the factors of x and y, which are always less than
from the two (or three) separated hard scatterings in unity, in the arguments of logarithms.
Fig. 5.10.2. Referring to the diagram in Fig. 5.10.3 for
a baryonic exclusive process, we anticipate a perturba- 5.10.3 Toward the future
tive suppression whenever the distances between hard
scatterings, b1 and b2 in the figure, increase beyond the The true asymptotic behavior of many exclusive reac-
scale of the momentum transfer. For this process, we tions in QCD is by now well characterized, but much
note that all four partons external to each hard scat- remains to be understood. In particular, it is not fully
tering must carry the same momentum fraction. So the clear to what extent the success of constituent count-
eight integrals over momentum fractions are reduced to ing rules provides us with a quantitative understand-
two, which we label x and y here. ing of the normalizations of amplitudes at accessible
The form of factorization corresponding to Fig. 5.10.3 momentum transfers, and when to expect predictions
is then given at scattering angle θ and momentum trans-
5.11 Color confinement, chiral symmetry breaking, and gauge topology 185

based on helicity conservation and transparency to ap- “electric flux tubes” (also known as ”QCD strings”).
ply. Progress in these directions will be part of the fu- Their “tension” (energy per length) is σ ≈ 1 GeV /fm.
ture of QCD, a future in which the gap between par- In QCD with dynamical quarks, a new q q̄ pair can be
tonic and hadronic degrees of freedom is bridged. created, breaking the flux tube into two. Yet it is still
true that any objects with nonzero color charge – such
as quarks and gluons – do not exist as independent
5.11 Color confinement, chiral symmetry physical objects in the QCD vacuum. This is one of the
breaking, and gauge topology definitions of “color confinement.”
This attractive picture of course needed to be tested.
Edward Shuryak K. Wilson [80] promoted the statement about a linear
potential to a more abstract mathematical form: the
vacuum expectation value of the Wilson line
5.11.1 Overview  Z E
D 1
W = T rP exp i dxµ Aaµ T a , (5.11.1)
Nontrivial topological structures of non-Abelian gauge Nc C
fields were discovered in the 1970’s, starting with the
over some contour C of sufficiently large size with color
’t Hooft-Polyakov monopole [1348, 1349] and Belavin-
gauge fields. Here T a are color algebra generators, and
Polyakov-Schwartz-Tyupkin (BPST) instanton [1350].
P exp means products of exponents along a given con-
These two sets of objects were soon related to two main
tour C. Wilson’s criterium states that in confining the-
nonperturbative phenomena – confinement and chiral
symmetry breaking. Confinement was connected to the
so called “dual superconductor” model [1348, 1351] mag- W = exp[−σ ∗ Area(C)] (5.11.2)
netically charged monopole condensate expelling color-
electric fields into flux tubes. Instantons, describing vac- falls exponentially with the area of a surface inclosed
uum tunneling between topological barriers, have fermionic by the contour C. If it is a rectangular contour T ∗ L
bound states – technically called zero modes – and in in 0 - 1 plane, the area = T ∗ L and σ is then iden-
the QCD vacuum are “collectivised” into quark con- tified with the string tension. The very first numerical
densates which break the SU (Nf )A and U (1)A chiral studies of non-Abelian gauge theory on the lattice, by
symmetries of massless QCD. For decades, theory and M.Creutz [329] indeed found that the area law holds
phenomenology of monopoles and instantons were de- for large enough loops, and that σ is indeed physical,
veloped separately, but in the last two decades, follow- that is it has correct dependence on the coupling as dic-
ing a breakthrough paper by Kraan and van Baal [1352] tated by asymptotic freedom. (Needless to say, numeri-
studies of deconf inement and chiral symmetry restora- cal evidence is not taken for a proof by mathematically
tion phase transitions, based on new semiclassical ob- inclined folks, and an analytic proof is still missing. A
jects, called instanton-monopoles or instanton - dyons million dollar prize for such a proof still waits to be
lead to a united quantitative description of both phase awarded.)
transitions, in QCD and even in its “deformed” ver- In Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) charge renor-
sions. malization makes the coupling larger at small distances
(large momenta transfers or UV limit), but small at
5.11.2 Color confinement and deconfinement large distances, which is explained by very intuitive
“vacuum polarization” picture, in which virtual e+ e−
Discovery of QCD 50 years ago put into motion many pairs screen the charges. Screening of the charges by a
important developments in the 1970’s. Asymptotic free- QED medium – e.g. plasma of the Sun – is well known
dom led to a weak coupling regime at small distances and tested.
and a flourishing “perturbative QCD” describing hard One may now ask what happens in a “QCD medium”.
processes. Going in the opposite direction (small mo- Asymptotic freedom tells us that, contrary to QED, at
menta or large distance, also called “infrared” or IR), small distances the coupling decreases. But what would
one finds growing QCD coupling. In pure gauge the- happen at large distances? Calculation of the polariza-
ories the potential energy of a static quark and anti- tion tensor [1353] had shown that, like in QED, the
quark pair grows linearly with increasing separation, medium screens the charges. Therefore, at high enough
V (Rqq̄ ) ∼ σRqq̄ . Therefore, with a finite amount of en- temperature the interaction becomes weak at all dis-
ergy one cannot separate color charges: they are “con- tances. Therefore hot/dense QCD matter must be in a
fined”. Furthermore, all electric fields are expelled from phase called a Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). It is the
the vacuum and get confined as well, into so called “normal phase” of QCD in which fields in the QCD

Lagrangian – quarks and gluons – correspond to quasi- ∇·B ~ equation? An interesting motion for a set of elec-
particles which move relatively freely. It must be dis- tric and magnetic charges was predicted by J.J.Thom-
tinct from the QCD vacuum and low-T hadronic phase, son and H.Poincare. With discovery of quantum me-
as there is no place for confinement, chiral condensate chanics, Dirac [1356] famously observed that if they
and other nonperturbative phenomena there. The “con- exist, then consistency of the theory requires that the
fining” QCD vacuum and the QGP must therefore be product f electric and magnetic coupling to be quan-
separated by a phase transition: and it is indeed seen tized. As he emphasized, the existence of one monopole
in experiment and lattice studies, which now put the in the Universe would be enough to demand quantiza-
critical temperature at Tdeconfinement ≈ 155 M eV . tion of all electric charges, an empirical fact to which
As discussed in detail in section on symmetries of no other explanation existed. QED magnetic monopoles
QCD, at vanishing quark masses it has additional chi- have been looked for in exceedingly more sensitive ex-
ral symmetries . Without mass terms, in the Lagrangian periments, but so far none have been found.
the left and right-polarized components do not directly Yet certain Non-Abelian gauge theories with ad-
interact with each other and independent flavor rota- joint scalars do possess solitonic magnetic monopole
tions become possible. Such doubled flavor symmetry solutions of the equations of motion, as discovered in-
can be decomposed into a vector (the sum) and the ax- dependently by 0 t Hooft and Polyakov [1348, 1349] .
ial (the L-R difference) symmetries. One of them, called Their prominent feature is that their magnetic charges
axial SU (Nf )A symmetry (Nf = 3 is the number of comply with earlier ideas by Dirac about special con-
light quark flavors, u, d, s), is spontaneously broken in ditions, making “invisible” Dirac strings and allowing
the QCD vacuum, which possesses a nonzero quark con- coexistence of magnetic and electric charges in quan-
densate hq̄qi 6= 0. The melting (disappearance) of this tum settings. Here we cannot give justice to the explicit
condensate should happen at another transition T > solution and its properties: the interested reader can
Tchiral . Although in various settings Tdeconfinement 6= find a detailed pedagogical description in books such as
Tchiral , in QCD they seem to coincide, again based on [1357]. Now, monopoles made of glue and scalars are
numerical lattice evidence. bosons, so at low enough temperature their ensemble
Another chiral symmetry called U (1)A is broken by should undergo Bose-Einstein Condensation (BEC). If
the quantum anomaly and is not actually a symmetry that happens, a “magnetically charged” monopole con-
at all. (“Anomaly” means that while it is a symmetry densate would expel the (color)electric field into electric
of the Lagrangian, it is not a symmetry of the quantum confining flux tubes, and explain confinement!
partition function.) Seiberg and Witten [1217] have given an analytic
proof in theories with more than one supersymmetry
5.11.3 Electric-magnetic duality and monopoles (which possess the needed adjoint scalars). They were
able to get the exact dependence of the effective elec-
Already our brief discussion above should have con- tric coupling on the vacuum expectation value (VEV)
vinced the reader that the QCD vacuum is quite com- of the scalar g 2 (hφi). When the VEV is large, the theory
plicated, with one outstanding feature being the expul- is similar to electroweak theory, with gluons and gluinos
sion of color-electric fields into the flux tube. Already, being light and weakly interacting, and monopoles very
in the 1970’s [1351, 1354, 1355], an analogy between heavy. When the VEV decreases, the coupling increases
this phenomenon and an expulsion of magnetic fields to O(1), and magnetic monopoles and dyons (particles
from superconductors lead to the so called “dual super- with both electric and magnetic charges) have masses
conductor” model of confinement. comparable to that of gluons and gluinos. Finally, near
In superconductors of the second kind there exist certain singular points the electric coupling goes in-
the so called magnetic flux tubes or f luxons. Magnetic finitely strong, with gluons and gluinos much heavier
fields are confined inside the tubes because of solenoidal than monopoles. An effective desciption in this regime
(super)current of Cooper pairs on their surface. QCD is dual QED describing magnetic interactions of light
flux tubes transfer flux of electric field instead. The monopoles. The remarkable fact is that opposite motion
word “dual” is used indicating that one has to inter- of electric and magnetic couplings follows exactly the
change electric and magnetic fields. If so, the current “consistency condition” of QED gelectric · gmagnetic =
in the solenoid needs to be magnetic. What can it be const pointed out by Dirac [1356] nearly a century ago!
made of? All this is very beautiful, creating significant theo-
The apparent asymmetry of Maxwellian electrody- retical activity at the turn of the century, but we need to
namics bothered theorists since late 1800’s: can one al- return to QCD. It does not have adjoint scalar fields, so
low magnetic charges, by adding a nonzero r.h.s. to the one cannot directly build ’t Hooft- Polyakov monopoles.
5.11 Color confinement, chiral symmetry breaking, and gauge topology 187

charges “running” in the direction opposite to that of

(m) electric charges [1361], exactly as predicted by Dirac!
It has been shown [1362] that monopoles also play im-
portant role in deconfined QGP phase at T > Tc : in
particular they dominate jet quenching in quark-gluon
(ee) plasmas created in heavy ion collisions, and explain un-
usually small viscosities observed.

Fig. 5.11.1 Upper panel: QCD electric flux tube in QCD vac-
uum (upper) and magnetic flux tube in superconductor (lower).
The current rotated around is made of monopoles (upper) and
Cooper pairs (lower), respectively. Lower panel: plot shows the
lattice data on the distribution of the electric field strength
(squares) and the monopole Bose condensate (discs) in cylin-
drical coordinates versus the distance in the transverse plane.
As one can see, the field is maximal at the center where the
monopole condensate vanishes. The flux tube is generated by
two static quark-antiquark external sources (not shown). The
lines correspond to a solution to (dual) Ginzburg-Landau equa-

However, by special procedures, it was possible to iden-

tify monopoles on the lattice, and locate their paths
and correlations. It was observed, in particular, that
these monopoles do indeed rotate around the confin-
ing flux tubes, producing solenoidal magnetic currents
needed to stabilize them. The picture turns out to be
a dual copy (meaning interchange electric ↔ magnetic)
to well known magnetic flux tubes in superconductors.
Fig.5.11.1 (displaying the result of lattice simulations
summarized in the review [1358]) shows the distribu-
tion of the electric field and magnetic monopole con-
densate in a plane transverse to the electric flux tube.
Furthermore, it has been shown[1359] that BEC phase
transition of monopoles does coincide with the deconfin- Fig. 5.11.2 (top) Example of paths of 7 identical particles
ment transition at finite temperature Tc of (pure gauge) which undergo a permutation made up of a 1-cycle, a 2-cycle
theories. and a 4-cycle. (middle) Normalized densities ρk /T 3 as a func-
Ensembles of monopoles in QCD were studied, with tion of T /Tc . (bottom) Effective chemical potential µeff (T ) is
versus temperature, vanishes at the critical temperature.
important applications. Monopole correlations reveal
Coulomb-like forces between monopoles [1360], with their
Terminology of the topological landscape

The idea of Bose-clusters is explained in the top energy Sphaleron Sphaleron

pane of Fig.5.11.2: identical bosons may have “peri- Sphaleron path

odic paths” in which some number k of them exchange

instanton-sphaleron process
places. Such clusters are widely known to the commu-
nity doing many body path integral simulations for 0 1 2 Chern-Simons number is integer at the “valleys”

bosons, e.g. liquid He4 . Feynman argued that in or-

Instanton is
Fig. 5.11.3
Tunneling atThe Sphaleron
“topological landscape”:
is static minimal
purely magnetic object potential
der for the statistical sum to be singular at Tc , the energy Umin (in units
Zero energy The 2name in Greek means
of 1/g ρ) versus the Chern-Simons num-
“ready to fall” (Klinkhamer and Manton)
sum over k must diverge. In other words, one may see ber NCS . Valleys at integer values are separated by barriers.
terminology and arrows
path consists are described We
of configurations in the text.analytic results for
do have
how the probability to observe k-clusters Pk grows as Which are minima in all directions in Hilbert space
All of them
except one
T → Tc from above. In Fig.5.11.2(middle) from [1359] Like streams going from mountain tops In pure gauge theory
one sees the corresponding data for the cluster density. to the bottom of the valley Which is not widely known
Their dependence on k was fitted by two expressions, this barrier in parametric form
ρk ∼ exp (−kµeff (T )) /k 5/2 or the same without the 3π 2
k −5/2 factor, to show that the critical T is not sen- Umin (κ, ρ) = (1 − κ2 )2 ,
g2 ρ
sitive to these details of the fit. The effective chemi- 1
cal potential µeff (T ) plotted versus temperature in the NCS (κ) = sign(κ)(1 − |κ|)2 (2 + |κ|) . (5.11.4)
bottom panel of Fig. 5.11.2. vanishes exactly at the de- Here κ = 0 corresponds to the top of the barrier: this
confinement temperature T = Tc (defined by different configuration is called the “sphaleron” (which in Greek
methods). This means that monopoles indeed undergo means “ready to fall”). It is a solution of the classical
Bose-Einstein condensation at exactly T = Tc . equations of motion, a magnetic ball in which field lines
of B
~ a (a = 1, 2, 3 since it is restricted to the SU(2) sub-
5.11.4 Topological landscape group of SU(3)) rotate around the x, y, z axes. Since it
corresponds to an energy maximum (rather than mini-
Magnetic monopoles were only the first of the solitons mum), a small perturbation would force it to fall down
(solutions to nonlinear classical equations of motion, the barrier profile: this process (also studied analyti-
stable in the sector with fixed topology). In fact there cally and numerically) is called “the sphaleron explo-
exist a whole zoo of them, even in pure gauge theory sion”. (We indicated it on the right side of Fig. 5.11.3
without any scalar fields. by red downward arrow.)
Gauge symmetry of QCD allow transformations of Sphalerons were originally discovered in electroweak
fields with arbitrary SU (3) matrices Ω(x), with arbi- theory [1365, 1366]: in this case the sphaleron energy
trary dependence on space-time point x. Those matri- is very large, about 8 TeV. There were long debates
ces can be divided into topologically distinct classes. whether those can be produced at LHC or future col-
Introducing the Chern-Simons number NCS [1363] for liders: so far not a single event of this kind has been
the gauge potentials observed. Production of sphaleron-like hadronic clus-
ters with various sizes and masses, in pp collisions at
1 abc a b c
NCS ≡ 3
d x Aaα ∂β Aaγ +  Aα Aβ Aγ , RHIC and LHC, are under consideration, see more in
16π 2 3
review [1367]. Green arrows on the r.h.s. of Fig. 5.11.3
(5.11.3) indicate the instanton-sphaleron process in which vac-
one may prove that if it is an integer, then the gauge uum is excited to a “turning point” magnetic configu-
configuration with minimal energy is “pure gauge”, the ration at the side of the barrier, from which it explodes
field strength Gaµν =0 and the minimal energy is zero. (rolls downward).
Thus the values of NCS numerate “classical vacua” with Quantum mechanics allows potential barriers to be
different topologies. penetrable due to “tunneling”. So, at any energy, even
Yet when NCS is in between these integers, the field zero, tunneling events occur, changing NCS spontaneously.
strength and the minimal energy is nonzero. This cre- Under the barrier the potential energy is larger than the
ates a “topological landscape”, an infinite sequence of total, and the kinetic energy is negative E−U = K < 0.
classical vacua separated by barriers, see Fig. 5.11.3. By Since it is proportional to momentum squared K ∼ π 2 ,
minimizing the energy at fixed NCS (and r.m.s. size ρ) the motion should occur with imaginary momentum.
of the configurations, one can find [1364] the shape of That lead to the idea to describe this motion in imag-
inary time τ = it, or Euclidean space-time. Explicit
solutions describing tunneling have been found [1350],
and are known as the BPST instantons (indicated by
the horizontal blue line on the left of Fig. 5.11.3). To
5.11 Color confinement, chiral symmetry breaking, and gauge topology 189

find them one assumes the solution is spherically sym-

metric in 4-d, and can be described by scalar trial radial
function f , with
Z ξ(y)
gAaµ = ηaµν ∂ν F (y), F (y) = 2 dξ 0 f (ξ 0 ) (5.11.5)

with ξ = ln x /ρ and η the ’t Hooft symbol defined

2 2


 aµν µ, ν = 1, 2, 3,
ηaµν = δaµ ν = 4, (5.11.6)
−δaν µ = 4.

We also define η aµν by changing the sign of the last

two equations. Putting this expression into the gauge
Lagrangian one finds that it takes the form
Fig. 5.11.4 QCD lattice configuration under “deep cooling”:
blue and yellow regions are locations of instantons and anti-
" #
Leff = dξ 2
+ 2f (1 − f ) 2
(5.11.7) instantons. One can also see a few magnetic flux tubes.

where the dot is the derivative with respect to ξ. This

corresponds to the motion of a particle in a double- femionic zero modes. The Pauli principle applies, and
well potential. Note that, since L = K − U , the sign in each instanton (a gauge field ball) binds one of each
front of the potential is inverted, giving two maxima light quark, u, d, s. Therefore an “instanton liquid” con-
rather than minima. The instanton solution is the one tains “collectivized” light quark states. It is analogous
“sliding” from one maximum, at ξ = 0, to the other at to a ensemble of atoms: while each has its own electrons,
ξ = 1. at a finite density of atoms, these electrons can be in
As an individual instanton is basically a 4d ball of different phases, e.g. ”insulating” or “conducting,” de-
Gaµν fields, the gauge field vacuum (in Euclidean time) pending on whether collective electron states do or do
can be described by an ensemble of instantons and an- not have nonzero density of states on the Fermi surface.
tiinstantons (those with η̄µν
). The so called instanton Similarly, an ensemble of instantons can have a spec-
liquid model (ILM) [1368] concluded that the instanton trum of Dirac eigenvalues λ, either with or without a
size and density gap at λ = 0: in the latter case (analogous to a con-
ductor) the chiral symmetry is spontaneously broken.
fm, nI+I¯ =
= 1 fm−4 (5.11.8) With the ILM parameters mentioned above, one can
3 R4 prove that this is indeed the case in the QCD vac-
led to chiral symmetry breaking, reproducing parame- uum, and in fact it correctly reproduces the density
ters of chiral perturbation theory and pion properties. of Dirac eigenvalues at zero (proportional to “vacuum
Note that the 4d ball volume is π 2 ρ4 /2, and the di- quark condensate”) hq̄qi ≈ −(240 M eV )3 known from
luteness nI+I¯ π 2 ρ4 /2 ∼ 1/20  1 of the ensemble is phenomenology.
quite small. Yet, they are interacting with each other This physics can be described in different, simpler
strongly, thus the use of the word “liquid” in the name. terms. Massless quark fields in QCD have left and right-
Many years later, numerical simulations on the lattice polarized components which, according to the QCD La-
have shown what it looks like, see Fig.5.11.4 from [1369] grangian, have independent flavor symmetries. Yet, as
. Technically, this is a lattice gauge field “deeply cooled” quarks get dressed by nontrivial vacuum fields they
(with the action minimized) which removes gluons but may get mixed together so that the quarks develop
keeps the gauge topology intact. One can find more on nonzero “constituent quark masses” Meff ∼ 350-400
lattice topology in section 4.3.2. MeV. The nucleon mass is about 3Meff : so the phe-
nomenon of chiral symmetry breaking explains the “mys-
5.11.5 Instantons bind quarks, and by this gen- tery of our mass”.
erates chiral dynamics Furthermore, gauge theory in Euclidean time can
naturally describe the properties at finite temperature
G. ‘t Hooft [1370] has found that instantons bind mass- T : just define τ to be on a circle with a circumfer-
less fermions at zero energy. Technically, these are solu- ence ~/T (known as Matsubara time). Then the in-
tions of the Dirac equation in the instanton field, called stanton solution can easily be made periodic. Although

zero fermionic modes are still there at any T , the spec- in dense quark matter; see [1377] for a review on “color
trum changes at T > Tχ and the Dirac eigenvalue spec- superconductivity”.
trum contains a nonzero gap, and chiral symmetry gets
unbroken at high T . For a review on the chiral dynam- 5.11.7 instanton - dyons lead to semiclassical the-
ics induced by an interacting ensemble of instantons ory of the deconfinement and chiral tran-
see [1371]. sitions

5.11.6 QCD correlation functions: from quarks We have described monopoles and instantons, and have
to mesons and baryons shown how they can help us understand such important
nonpertubative properties as conf inement and chiral
Physics of QCD correlation functions using the so called symmetry breaking, respectively. Yet neither of them
QCD sum rule method and lattice numerical simula- were able to describe both of them in a natural way.
tions is described in other sections. For a general ped- This was achieved only during the last decade, us-
agogical review see e.g. Ref. [1372]. At small distances ing what are called instanton − dyons (kind of a hy-
between the operators the natural description is pro- brid of these two topological animals, also known as
vided by perturbative diagrams, defined in terms of instanton-monopoles). Technically, if they are far from
quarks and gluons. At large distances they are described each other, they can be described as monopoles, which
in terms of the lowest hadrons with appropriate quan- use the A0 component of the gauge field instead of the
tum numbers. adjoint scalar of the Georgi-Glashow model, involved in
Of great interest however is their behavior at inter- ’t Hooft-Polyakov monopole construction. When they
mediate distances, at which a transition from one lan- overlap, they can still be followed analytically. When
guage to another takes place. As summarized in Ref. [1372], their centers happen to be at the same spatial point,
using diagrams with a single instanton one can explain their superposition turns out to be nothing else but the
the scale of this transition in “problematic” channels. well known instanton [1352, 1378]!
In particular, it is attraction in the pion channel and A hybrid often inherits good properties of both par-
repulsion in η 0 , attraction for scalar glueball and repul- ents – but maybe some bad properties as well. In order
sion for pseudoscalar one, etc. to sort these out, we need to start explaining from spe-
Furthermore, experimentally known correlation func- cial role of A0 in the finite-temperature theory. We have
tions were quantitatively reproduced by the interacting mentioned that finite temperature theory is defined on
instanton liquid model even at large distances, first for a circle τ ∈ C 1 with the Matsubara period. In such
many mesonic channels [1373, 1374] and subsequently cases there exist a phenomenon known in mathemat-
for baryonic correlators [1375]. As a result, the predic- ics as “holonomy”: there are non-contractable contours.
tive power of the model has been explored in substan- The so called Polyakov line
tial depth. Many of the coupling constants and hadronic  Z 
masses were calculated, with good agreement with ex- P = P exp i a a
dτ A0 T (5.11.9)
periment and lattice. (This was shown to be the case, in C

spite of the fact that instanton models did not explain (T a is a color generator) is a gauge invariant opera-
confinement.) tor. (Because A0 must be periodic on (Euclidean time
Subsequent calculations of baryonic correlators [1375] circle) C 1 , its gauge factors cancel out.) Therefore, if
have revealed further surprising facts. In the instanton it has certain values, it cannot be undone and thus,
vacuum the nucleon was shown to be made of a “con- at finite T , one cannot use the A0 = 0 gauge. And
stituent quark” plus a deeply bound diquark, with a indeed, the average of P has some well defined expec-
mass nearly the same as that of constituent quarks. On tation value hP (T )i, extensively studied on the lattice
the other hand, decuplet baryons (like ∆++ ) had shown (see Fig. 5.11.5). Since it is a unitary SU (3) matrix, it
no such diquarks, remaining weakly bound set of three can be defined by three eigenvalues exp(iµi ), i = 1, 2, 3.
constituent quarks. To my knowledge, this was the first The phases µi are called holonomies µi (T ): they pre-
dynamical explanation of deeply bound scalar diquarks. scribe the magnitude of the fields Aa0 (T ). Physically
Deeply bound scalar diquarks are a direct consequence hP (T )i ∼ exp[−FQ /T ] is related to the free energy of a
of the ‘t Hooft Lagrangian, a mechanism that is also static quark: in the confining phase the latter is infinite
shared by the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio interaction [1376], and hP (T )i = 0 while in quark-gluon plasma phase it
but ignored for a long time. This subsequently lead to is finite and hP (T )i 6= 0: so it is the order parameter of
the realization that diquarks can become Cooper pairs deconfinement.
5.11 Color confinement, chiral symmetry breaking, and gauge topology 191

nection undoes the topological classification theorems

which require that the fields be smooth at infinities.)
They are called “dyons” because a magnetic charge plus
a selfduality implies also presence of an electric charge
(although real only in the Eucldean world and thus not
quite physical).
Before we can proceed, we need to clarify one more
puzzle related to fermionic zero modes of instanton -
dyons . An instanton has one fermionic zero mode, and
if it gets split into three instanton - dyons , one may ask
how this zero mode be shared between them. The an-
swer, also due to van Baal and collaborators, is that the
zero mode is centered near one of the three: which one
depends on the interrelation between holonomy phases
µi and quark periodicity phases called zf where index
f means flavor, u, d, s.... Further details on instanton-
dyons, their interaction and fermionic zero modes can
be found in references mentioned.
Fig. 5.11.5 Temperature dependence of the mean Polyakov This information should be sufficient to understand
line in pure SU (3) gauge theory, from lattice and instanton-
dyon statistical simulations, displays a clear first order phase
how one can “hunt” for these objects on the lattice.
transition in which hP i jumps from zero below Tc to a finite One method is “cooling” of vacuum fields, like that used
value in the quark-gluon plasma phase at high T . in Fig.5.11.4. Better still is “constrained minimization”
[1379] preserving the value of hP i: it revealed selfdual
clusters of topological charges which integrate to non-
Recognizing that A0 may have a nonzero constant integer values. But the best is the “fermionic filter”,
value all over the system, which cannot be gauged away developed by Gattringer et. al. and Ilgenfritz et. al.,
and is thus physical, one has to look for solutions of based on the zero modes of the quark Dirac operator.
the YM equations at finite temperatures which at dis- In Fig.5.11.6 we show an example from [1380, 1381]
tance ~r → ∞ go to such values of A0 . (Rather compli- in which it was used. QCD simulations with realistic
cated) solutios of this type [1352] for instantons were masses, performed by large collaborations on super-
found, and it was recognized (only after its actions computers, provide a set of configurations to these au-
were plotted) that it describes a continuous deforma- thors. These calculations are especially expensive since
tion, from one spherical instanton into Nc independent they use the so called domain wall fermions provid-
bumps. If Nc = 3, one can follow how the triplet of ing very accurate chiral symmetry of lattice fermions.
instanton − dyons is born! Yet Larsen et. al. used even better ones, called over-
Now let us summarize their properties. Like instan- lap fermions, for which chiral symmetry is exact even
tons, they are (anti) selfdual E = ±B and live in Eu-
~ ~ for finite lattices (without the continuum limit a → 0
clidean space time. So, they are not really particles, taken). Those possess exact zero modes λ = 0 and con-
since they do not exist in the Minkowski world. Like figurations have exactly integer topological charges.
instantons, they have nonzero topological charges Q ∼ Fig.5.11.6 shows a typical landscape of the zero mode
~ Unlike instantons, however, those charges
~ · B). densities |ψ0 (x)|2 in two spatial dimensions. Red, blue
R 4
d x(E
are not quantized to integers: Qi , i = 1, 2, 3 can take and green colors show those for three different fermionic
any values, except that their sum is still | 1 Qi | = 1. periodicity phases, identifying three instanton - dyon
These Qi (equal to their actions Si ) are proportional types (for Nc = 3) that they want to locate. The peaks
to differences νi = µi+1 − µi of the eigenvalues of the correspond to locations and sizes of the individual zero
Polyakov line (the holonomies). So, Si = νi S where the modes in these field configurations. One can be con-
coefficient is the “instanton action” vinced that the peaks are instanton - dyons because
their shapes are well described by analytic formulae as
8π 2
11 2 T
S= = N c − N f log derived by van Baal and collaborators, within a few
g(T )2 3 3 ΛQCD percent accuracy. Furthermore, this is true not only for
Non-integer Qi is only possible because they inher- well separated ones, but also for overlapping ones! The
ited properties of another parent, the magnetic monopoles. gauge field configurations are for T a little bit above
These objects are connected by Dirac strings (this con- deconfinement Tc , in a quark-gluon plasma possessing

zillions of thermal quarks and gluons: and yet, the in- then with them [1383, 1384]. In Fig.5.11.5 we have shown
stanton - dyons are apparently undisturbed by them! one example of a comparison between a semiclassical
(For clarity: we do not mean here the values of the instanton-dyon ensemble and lattice simulations. We
topological charge Q or number of zero modes, protected cannot present here other results of these works but
by certain mathematical theorems. The observed space- just state that they compare well with the location
time shapes of the Dirac eigenmodes are not protected and properties of QCD phase transitions which we now
by any theorems known to us.) know from lattice simulations. Note that those works
Previous works however have not analyzed the “topo- were done on laptops or ordinary PCs, not supercom-
logical clusters”, the situations in which two or three puters, and yet the number of topological objects in
dyons overlap strongly. The Kraan-van Baal solution them are counted by hundreds, while very expensive
allows to study these cases, and good agreement was lattice simulations have only few of them (as one can
also found in the numerical analysis of instanton-dyon see7from the example above).
ensembles in [1380, 1381]. The semiclassical descrip- Furthermore, in such studies people used not just
tio of zero and near-zero Dirac modes on the lattice QCD, but also two types of “QCD deformations”. One
is quite accurate, at least in terms of the zero mode of them adds extra operators with powers of the Polyakov
shapes. While the very existence of zero modes was re- line to the gauge action. By changing their strength one
quired by topological theorems, good correspondence of can affect the location and strength of the deconfine-
their shapes (in physical thermal vacuum versus pure ment phase transition. Another type of QCD deforma-
semiclassical dyons) was a good unexpected news. tion makes quarks obeying modified periodicity condi-
This (and many similar plots) extracted from simu- tion on the Matsubara circle, making quark statistics
lations of the QCD vacuum should convince the reader to be intermediate between fermions and bosons. This
that instanton - dyons are well identified objects, in deformation affects the location and strength of the chi-
terms of which one can try to describe the underlying ral phase transition. What these deformations tell us is
gauge field configurations. If so, perhaps a dream being that these two phase transitions should not generically
alive for half a century since 1970’s to develop consi- be coincident, as they are in QCD. Again, one can ap-
tent semiclassical theory of deconfinement and chiral ply such deformations on the lattice or in the instanton
transitions can still be realized. - dyon semiclassical theory, and compare the results. So
• Phys.Lett.B 794 (2019) 14-18 • e-Print: 1811.07914 [hep-lat]
Following this idea, ensembles of instanton - dyons
were studied by a number of methods, including the
far, the agreement between them is quite good, which
is encouraging.
• Phys.Rev.D 102 (2020) 3, 034501 • e-Print: 1912.09141
FIG. 16:
mean field⇢(x, y) ofcertain
(solving the zero mode
“gap of conf.or2000
= ⇡(red), = ⇡/3(blue), = ⇡/3(green). Peak height
at T = Tc .
forward statistical Monte-Carlo simulations. Those were 5.11.8 Conclusions and discussion
08Tc .
has correlations
performed with
scaled to be similar
first for the SU(2)
to local
that of Polyakov
gauge theory [1382], then loop, in progress
= ⇡.
for the SU(3) [366], first without dynamical fermions, The main thrust of this section is to convince the reader
• Rasmus N. Larsen, Sayantan thatSharma, Edward
topological solitons play anShuryak
important role in the
understanding of such nonperturbative phenomena in
QCD as confinement and chiral symmetry breaking in
vacuum, as well as deconfinement and chiral symme-
try restoration at high temperatures. A wider view on
15. that should include the deformed versions of QCD, or
with extracting
even other gauge theories,the shape
electroweak of
or supersymmet-
spac- ric theories.
the fermonic zero mode
It would be nice to have just one type of those: but
of the and
in fact the modyfying
history of the field the phase
we followed in this sec-
hifted tion included (at least) three: the particle-monopoles,
one can find all 3 dyons
instantons and instanton - dyons. All of those were
found on the lattice, by different “filters”, and were
peaks shown to be strongly correlated with certain physical
ming phenomena we would like to understand.
ways The particle−monopole behavior convincingly shows
pical that confinement is a Bose-Einstein condensation, ex-
Fig. 5.11.6 Space slice of density of an exact zero mode from plaining both the confining flux tubes and their disap-
QCD simulaiton at T = Tc . The three colors refer to dyons of
FIG. 17: ⇢(x, y) of the zero mode of conf. 2660 at T = pearance
three different types.
Tc . at high T .
= ⇡(red), = ⇡/3(blue), = ⇡/3(green). Peak height
has been scaled to be similar to that of = ⇡.

We found that their fields

interfere with each other
the interaction between them

The instantons have fermionic clouds bound to them, stationary states, or using Lagrangian and periodic Eu-
and their “collectivization” into a “conductor” without clidean paths. Further elucidation of this duality re-
a gap explains how a “quark condensate” is formed, garding QCD monopoles [1386] shed light on their den-
the physics of massless pions, and (unlike earlier theo- sity and the long-known absence of classical solutions
ries) why η 0 is so heavy. They explain the value of the for them. All of these hint that the different faces of
“constituent quark mass” as well as that of the nucleon “gauge topology” we discussed will “asymptotically”
(and thus ourselves). While instanton ensembles do not converge into a single semiclassical theory.
explain confinement, they do have most of the lowest
mesons and baryons (nucleon included) as bound states.
The instanton − dyons (being a hybrid of the first 6 Effective field theories
two) connect topology with holonomy (the Polyakov
line, or nonzero A0 VEV, in Euclidean formulation) in
Franz Gross and Mike Strickland
a way, which produces a nice semiclassical theory of
both deconfinement and chiral transition. It was shown
In this second section on approximate methods, we dis-
to work quantitatively, not only for QCD, but for its
cuss effective field theories (EFTs), a powerful tech-
deformations as well.
nique that can be used when there are widely sepa-
Taken together, those facts and observations are im-
rated energy scales appearing in a problem. A clas-
pressive. The reader is reminded that they constitute
sic example of this is non-relativistic QCD (NRQCD),
the result of five decades of work by multiple theorists.
which emerges in the limit of a large quark mass M
But still, the reader is perhaps a bit confused by the
(Sec. 6.1). For v = p/M  1, there is a large separa-
very richness of the story told. One would probably
tion between ‘hard’ modes, with energy on the order of
prefer a simpler and more uniform picture.
M ; soft modes, with energy on the order of M v; and
Such feelings are shared by some active participants
ulrasoft (potential) modes, with energy/momentum on
in this process, and some light at the end of the tunnel
the order M v 2 . Using EFT methods, one can write an
is, in fact, now showing. At the end of the section, let
effective NRQCD Lagrangian that includes all terms al-
us briefly describe these later developments.
lowed by QCD symmetries. The coefficients in this ef-
It started with Ref. [1385], using the well controlled
fective Lagrangian can be computed systematically by a
setting of the most-supersymmetric gauge theory, with
matching procedure, which ensures that quantities cal-
N =4 supersymmetries. This theory has adjoint scalars
culated in the EFT are the same as those computed in
and ’t Hooft-Polyakov monopoles as classical solutions,
QCD itself up to a given order in v. The NRQCD EFT
and the partition function in terms of these monopoles
can be extended by further integrating out the soft scale
can be calculated. The same theory in a R3 C 1 setting
to obtain an effective theory called potential NRQCD
(preserving supersymmetries) also has holonomies and
(pNRQCD), which is written entirely in terms of singlet
instanton - dyons, and the partition function written
and octet quark-antiquark pairs. As a result, at leading
in terms of these was calculated as well. The two ex-
order in pNRQCD, the physics of heavy quarkonium re-
pressions are completely different, one better converges
duces to solving a Schrödinger equation for bound state
at small and another at large radius of the circle C 1 .
wave functions.
Nevertheless, as Dorey et. al. observed, using Poisson
This is but one example. The use of EFTs applied to
summation formula, both produce the same answer for
QCD has allowed systematic progress on many fronts in
the statistical sum! This unexpected result was called
the last decades. These include a systematically extend-
“the Poisson duality”. The importance of this paper was
able model of low-energy hadronic physics called chiral
not noticed promptly. Indeed, such duality is very non-
perturbation theory (Sec. 6.2), which can be used as a
trivial: it is enough to remember that monopoles are
foundation for nuclear physcs (Sec. 6.3) giving both a
particles moving in Minkowskian space-times, while in-
successful description of the NN interaction up to 200
stanton - dyons can only be defined in Euclidean pe-
MeV, and the properties of light nuclei up to A ≤ 12.
riodic formulation. And yet, they apparently describe
In the realm of jets, soft-collinear effective theory im-
the same dynamics!
plements power counting in the transverse momentum
In fact this phenomenon has nothing to do with
of gluon radiation (Sec. 6.4).
supersymmetry or gauge theories, and is present in a
EFT methods have also been used to understand
much broader domain. In Ref. [1386], the existence of
high-temperature QCD thermodynamics, in which case
the Poisson duality was demonstrated for a simple quan-
the hard, soft, and ultrasoft scales are T , gT , and g 2 T ,
tum mechanical rotator. The duality means that a par-
respectively (Sec. 6.5). The resulting EFTs, called elec-
tition sum can either be written using Hamiltonian and
trostatic QCD (EQCD) and magnetostatic QCD (MQCD)

allow one to systematically calculate the equation of for any observable, high-energy from low-energy contri-
state of a high-temperature quark-gluon plasma. To- butions. The Wilson coefficients of the EFT Lagrangian
gether with other finite-temperature resummation sche- are fixed by matching to the fundamental theory, i.e., by
mes such as hard-thermal-loop perturbation theory these requiring that the EFT and the fundamental theory de-
methods have provided a way to calculate the QCD scribe the same physics (observables, Green functions,
equation state that agrees well with lattice calculations scattering matrices, ...) at any given order in the ex-
down to temperatures just above the quark-gluon plasma pansion parameter Λ` /Λh .
phase transition temperature. Finally, Sec. 6.6 describes The advantage of dealing with heavy quarks is that
how EFTs have recently been applied to non-equilibrium the matching coefficients associated with the heavy qu-
QCD physics such as the quantum transport of bot- ark mass scale are guaranteed to be computable in per-
tomonium through the quark-gluon plasma. turbative QCD, i.e., order by order in αs (mh ), as a
consequence of asymptotic freedom. This is not the case
for matching coefficients associated with lower energy
6.1 Nonrelativistic effective theory scales or for the low-energy constants that need to be
computed either numerically in lattice QCD or fixed on
Antonio Vairo
experimental data.
To allow for controlled calculations based on the ef-
In QCD, quarks may be divided into two fundamental
fective Lagrangian, operators, as well as the quantum
sets: heavy quarks (charm, bottom, top) whose masses
corrections, are organized according to their expected
mh are much larger than the typical hadronic scale
importance. Operators in the Lagrangian are counted
ΛQCD and light quarks (up, down, strange) whose masses
in powers of the small expansion parameter Λ` /Λh ,
m` are much smaller than ΛQCD . Both the hierarchies,
whereas quantum corrections are either computed ex-
mh  ΛQCD and m`  ΛQCD , allow for an effective
actly or counted in powers of the coupling constant. For
field theory (EFT) treatment of hadrons that exploits
example, a strict expansion in terms of the coupling is
the symmetries that the hadrons manifest in the large
possible, as remarked above, when integrating out the
and small mass limits. Because these symmetries are
heavy quark mass.
not manifest in QCD, the EFT is typically simpler and
EFTs are renormalizable at each order in the expan-
more predictive than the full QCD treatment, at least at
sion parameter. Hence, the EFT produces finite and
the lowest orders in the effective expansion. At higher
controlled expansions for any observable of the effec-
orders in the effective expansion the original symme-
tive degrees of freedom that may be computed respect-
tries of QCD are restored. We discuss EFTs for heavy
ing the energy scale hierarchy upon which the EFT is
quarks in this section, while EFTs for light quarks, i.e.,
based. The power counting of the EFT, i.e., the way
chiral EFTs, are reviewed in the following sections.
to assess the size of the different terms in the effec-
In general, an effective field theory of QCD is con-
tive expansion, may or may not be obvious. The power
structed as an expansion in the ratio Λ` /Λh of a low
counting turns out to be obvious if the system is char-
energy scale Λ` , e.g. ΛQCD , and a high energy scale
acterized by just one dynamical energy scale. Reducing
Λh , e.g. mh . Each term in the expansion is made of
the description of a system to that one of an effective
the fields describing the system at the low-energy scale;
one scale system is the ultimate goal of any effective
these terms may have any form consistent with the sym-
field theory.
metries of QCD. The low-energy fields are the effective
In this section, we restrict ourself to EFTs for heavy
degrees of freedom. The resulting scattering matrix is
quarks, where the heavy quark mass is the largest scale.
the most general one consistent with analyticity, pertur-
These EFTs are called nonrelativistic EFTs, because re-
bative unitarity, cluster decomposition and the symme-
quiring the heavy quark mass to be the largest scale im-
try principles [1387].
plies that it is also larger than the momentum p of the
It is said that the large energy scale “has been inte-
heavy quark in the hadron reference frame: the con-
grated out” from QCD. Analytic terms in the expansion
dition mh  p qualifies the quark as nonrelativistic.
parameter Λ` /Λh are accounted for by the operators
The presentation of this section follows the one of Ref.
of the EFT. Non-analytic terms, carrying the contri-
butions of the high-energy modes in QCD, which are
For hadrons made of one heavy quark, like heavy-
no longer dynamical in the EFT, are encoded in the
light mesons and baryons, the proper nonrelativistic
parameters multiplying the EFT operators. These pa-
EFT is called Heavy Quark Effective Theory (HQET).
rameters are the Wilson coefficients of the EFT, also
Heavy-light hadrons are systems characterized by just
called matching coefficients, or low-energy constants in
two relevant energy scales, mh and ΛQCD . HQET fol-
the chiral EFT. Hence, EFTs automatically factorize,
6.1 Nonrelativistic effective theory 195

lows from QCD by integrating out modes associated valence quarks and sea quarks, where the first ones are
with the heavy quark mass and exploiting the hierar- those that establish, together with the heavy degrees
chy mh  ΛQCD . In the context of HQET one deals of freedom, the quantum numbers of the heavy-light
with heavy-light hadrons made of either a charm or a hadron.
bottom quark (the top quark has no time to form a The HQET Lagrangian is made of low-energy de-
bound state before decaying weakly into a b quark). grees of freedom living at the low-energy scale ΛQCD .
HQET is discussed in section 6.1.1. These are the low-energy modes of the heavy quark
Systems made of more than one heavy quark, like (antiquark), described by a Pauli spinor ψ (χ) that
quarkonia (e.g. charmonium and bottomonium) or quar- annihilates (creates) the heavy quark (antiquark), and
konium-like states or doubly-heavy baryons are char- low-energy gluons and light quarks. The HQET is con-
acterized by more energy scales. The typical distance structed as an expansion in 1/mh : the heavy quark ex-
between the heavy quarks is of the order of 1/(mh v), pansion. Matrix elements of operators of dimension d
v  1 being the relative velocity of the heavy quark, are of order ΛdQCD , hence the higher the dimension of
which implies that the typical momentum transfer be- the operator the higher the suppression in ΛQCD /mh .
tween the heavy quarks is of order mh v, and the typ- In the rest frame of the heavy-light hadron, the HQET
ical binding and kinetic energy is of order mh v 2 . The Lagrangian density for a heavy quark reads up to order
inverse of mh v 2 sets the time scale of the bound state. 1/m2h and including the 1/m3h kinetic operator (HQET
These systems are to some extent the QCD equivalent up to order 1/m4h can be found in Refs. [1392, 1393])
of positronium in QED. In a positronium, an electron
LHQET =Lψ + L` , (6.1.1)
and a positron move with a relative velocity v ∼ α,
where α is the fine structure constant, at a typical dis- with
tance given by the Bohr radius, which is proportional (
to 1/(mα), and are bound with the energy given by the D2 D4 σ · gB
Lψ =ψ † iD0 + + − cF
Bohr levels, which are proportional to mα2 . 2mh 8m3h 2mh
At each of the energy scales one can construct an )
[D·, gE] σ · [D×, gE]
EFT, specifically, nonrelativistic QCD (NRQCD) at the − cD − icS ψ,
8m2h 8m2h
scale mh v, which is discussed in Sec. 6.1.2, and poten-
tial NRQCD (pNRQCD) at the scale mh v 2 , which is (6.1.2)
discussed in Sec. 6.1.3. 1 A A µν d2 A 2 A µν
L` = − Fµν F + 2 Fµν D F
4 mh
6.1.1 Heavy Quark Effective Theory d3 A B C
− 2 gfABC Fµν Fµα Fνα
Heavy Quark Effective Theory was the first nonrela- n
tivistic EFT of QCD with a fully developed nonrela- (6.1.3)
+ / − m` q` ,
q̄` iD
tivistic expansion, computation of higher-order radia- `=1
tive corrections, renormalization group equations, and
where [D·, gE] = D · gE − gE · D and [D×, gE] =
a wide range of physical applications [667, 1051, 1252,
D × gE − gE × D, E i = F i0 is the chromoelectric
1389] (for an early review see, for instance, Ref. [1390],
field, B i = −ijk F jk /2 the chromomagnetic field, and
for a textbook see Ref. [674]). This despite the fact that
σ are the Pauli matrices. The fields q` are n` light-quark
nonrelativistic QCD and QED, the EFTs for two non-
fields. The heavy-quark mass, mh , has to be understood
relativistic particles that we discuss in section 6.1.2,
as the heavy quark pole mass, hence not the mass that is
were suggested before [1391].
in the QCD Lagrangian. The coefficients cF , cD , cS , d2 ,
In a sense, HQET describes QCD in the opposite
and d3 are Wilson coefficients of the EFT. They encode
limit of the chiral EFT, however, it is important to
the contributions of the high-energy modes that have
realize that HQET is not the large mass limit of QCD,
been integrated out from QCD. Since the high-energy
but the EFT suited to describe heavy-light hadrons, i.e.,
scale, mh , is larger than ΛQCD , the Wilson coefficients
hadrons made of one heavy particle and light degrees
may be computed in perturbation theory and organized
of freedom. The heavy particle may be taken to be a
as an expansion in αs at a typical scale of order mh .
heavy quark, but also a composite particle made by
The coefficients cF , cD , and cS are 1 at leading order,
more than one heavy quark when the internal modes of
while the perturbative series of the coefficients d2 and
the composite heavy particle can be ignored. The light
d3 starts at order αs . The one-loop expression of the
degrees of freedom are made by light quarks and gluons.
coefficients may be found in Ref. [1394]. Some of the co-
Among the light quarks we may distinguish between
efficients are known far beyond one loop. For instance,

the Fermi coefficient cF , which plays a crucial role in where MH (∗) is the spin singlet (triplet) meson mass,
the spin splittings, is known up to three loops [1395]. mh the heavy quark pole mass, Λ̄ the binding energy
In Eq. (6.1.3) we have not considered 1/m2h suppressed in the static limit, of order ΛQCD , µ2π /2mh the kinetic
operators involving light quarks [1396, 1397] since their energy of the heavy quark (µ2π is the matrix element
impact is negligible in most hadronic observables. The of ψ † D 2 ψ), of order Λ2QCD /mh , dH (∗) is 1 for H and
HQET Lagrangian for a heavy antiquark may be ob- −1/3 for H ∗ , and dH (∗) µ2G (mh )/2mh is the matrix ele-
tained from Eqs. (6.1.1) and (6.1.2) by charge conjuga- ment of cF ψ † σ · gB/(2mh )ψ, of order Λ2QCD /mh . The
tion. heavy quark symmetry manifests itself through the uni-
The HQET Lagrangian provides a description of versality of the leading term MH (∗) − mh ≈ Λ̄, and of
heavy-light hadrons that is the same as QCD order by the matrix elements µ2π and µ2G (mh )/cF (mh ), which de-
order in ΛQCD /mh . Because QCD is a Lorentz invariant pend neither on the heavy quark flavor nor on the heavy
theory, this symmetry must be somehow maintained in quark spin. The flavor dependence of µ2G (mh ) comes en-
HQET, although HQET breaks manifest Lorentz in- tirely from the Wilson coefficient cF , which depends on
variance by the nonrelativistic expansion. Indeed, Lor- mh through the running of the strong coupling. Equa-
entz invariance is realized in HQET by constraining tion (6.1.5) can be used to extract the heavy quark
the Wilson coefficients [1394, 1398–1400]. For instance, masses from the measured meson masses. One can also
Lorentz invariance relates cF and the spin-orbit coef- use lattice QCD data to determine meson masses for
ficient cS : cS = 2cF − 1. This relation is exact, which fictitious heavy quarks of any mass mh , so to recon-
means that it holds to any order in αs . struct MH (∗) as a function of mh . One general difficulty
The impact of HQET on the physics involving heavy- in this kind of study is that the relation between the
light hadrons and, in particular, their weak decays has MS mass, which is the short distance quantity that ap-
been enormous. The reason is that the leading-order pears in the renormalized QCD Lagrangian, and the
HQET Lagrangian, pole mass, which is the quantity that appears in the
n HQET Lagrangian, is plagued by a poorly convergent
(0) 1 A A µν X̀
LHQET = ψ † iD0 ψ − Fµν F + q̄` iD

/ − m` q` , perturbative series (at present, the relation between
`=1 the MS mass and the pole mass is known up to four
(6.1.4) loops [1402, 1403]). The large terms in the perturba-
tive series trace back to a renormalon singularity in the
makes manifest a hidden symmetry of heavy-light had- Borel plane of order ΛQCD . This singularity may be sub-
rons. This symmetry is the heavy-quark symmetry and tracted from the pole mass and reabsorbed into a redefi-
stands for invariance with respect to the heavy-quark nition of the other nonperturbative parameters appear-
flavor and spin. A consequence of the heavy-quark sym- ing in Eq. (6.1.5). There are many possible subtraction
metry is that electroweak transitions in the heavy-light schemes [1404–1409]. For illustration, we present the
meson sector depend on only one form factor, the Isgur– heavy quark masses and matrix elements appearing in
Wise function ξ(w), whose absolute normalization is (6.1.5) obtained from lattice QCD data set to reproduce
ξ(0) = 1 [1252, 1389]. Moreover, the leading-order the physical Ds and Bs masses in Ref. [269]:
HQET Lagrangian is exactly renormalizable.
Higher-order operators in Eq. (6.1.1) break the heavy- mc = 1273(10) MeV,
quark symmetry (and exact renormalizability), how- mb = 4195(14) MeV,
ever, they do it in a perturbative way controlled by Λ̄ = 555(31) MeV,
powers of ΛQCD /mh . Hence, observables computed up
to some order in the HQET expansion depend on fewer µ2π = 0.05(22) GeV2 ,
and more universal nonperturbative matrix elements µ2G (mb ) = 0.38(2) GeV2 ,
than they would in a full QCD calculation. This makes
the heavy quark expansion more predictive than a full where mh is the MS mass of the quark h at the scale of
QCD calculation. its MS mass, Λ̄ is in the renormalon subtraction scheme
As an application, let us consider the heavy-light adopted in Ref. [269, 1409] and the quantity µ2G has
meson masses. Expressed in the HQET as an expansion been evaluated for the b quark. Note the approximate
up to order 1/mh , they read [1401] scaling of the nonperturbative parameters according to
the power counting of HQET (with a somewhat smaller
µ2π µ2 (mh ) µ2π ).
MH (∗) = mh + Λ̄ + − dH (∗) G +O , Equation (6.1.5) can be immediately extended to
2mh 2mh m2h
(6.1.5) heavy-light baryons. What changes is the explicit value
of the nonperturbative matrix elements, as the light
6.1 Nonrelativistic effective theory 197

degrees of freedom are different from the mesonic case. non relativistic scales EFTs
Also doubly-heavy baryons may be described by the
same mass formula if the typical distance between the m h QCD
two heavy quarks is much smaller than the typical size
of a heavy-light meson, which is of order 1/ΛQCD . In
this case, at a distance of order 1/ΛQCD one cannot mv h NRQCD
resolve the inner structure of the heavy diquark sys-
tem, which effectively behaves as a pointlike particle
in an antitriplet color configuration, i.e., as a heavy m v2 h pNRQCD
antiquark of mass 2mh ; under some conditions, effects
due to the heavy quark-quark interaction my be added
perturbatively in the framework of the nonrelativistic
EFTs developed in the following sections [761, 1410– Fig. 6.1.1 Hierarchy of energy scales and EFTs for systems
1419]. Finally, the heavy quark symmetry may be also made of a heavy quark and (anti)quark pair near threshold.
applied to link doubly-heavy tetraquarks (tetraquarks
made of two heavy and two light quarks) with heavy-
light baryons sharing the same light-quark content [1415, As a consequence, the power counting of NRQCD must
1420, 1421]. Many of the new charmonium- and bottomonium- be such that the leading-order NRQCD Lagrangian in-
like states observed at colliders in the last decades have cludes the kinetic energy operators, ψ † ∇2 /(2mh ) ψ −
a doubly-heavy tetraquark content [1388]. χ† ∇2 /(2mh )χ, making the NRQCD Lagrangian, even
at leading order, non renormalizable. This is different
6.1.2 Nonrelativistic QCD from HQET.
NRQCD posed initially also some difficulties in find-
Hadrons made of two or more nonrelativistic particles, ing a computational scheme to integrate consistently
like two heavy quarks or a heavy quark and a heavy an- over the different momentum and energy regions in di-
tiquark, or more generally just heavy quark-antiquark mensional regularization. NRQCD or its QED equiva-
pairs near threshold, are multiscale systems character- lent were therefore used for a long time either for an-
ized by a hierarchy of dynamically generated scales: alytical calculations in QED with a hard cut off [1427,
1428] or for lattice QCD calculations involving heavy
mh  mh v  mh v 2 . (6.1.6) quarks [268, 1429]. The advantage for lattice NRQCD
We discussed the origin of these energy scales at the be- calculations is that, once the heavy quark mass has been
ginning of the section. The nonrelativistic energy scales integrated out, the lattice spacing, a, is not constrained,
are correlated. To reach a situation like in HQET, i.e. as in full lattice QCD calculations, to be smaller than
an EFT with just one dynamical low-energy scale, we 1/mh , which would amount to requiring a very fine lat-
need to construct at least two nonrelativistic EFTs: one tice if the quark is heavy. In lattice NRQCD the con-
following from integrating out from QCD modes asso- straint is relaxed to a < 1/(mh v). Since at the same
ciated with the energy scale mh and one following from time the lattice size has to be large enough to include
integrating out modes associated with the energy scale distances of the order of 1/ΛQCD for quenched cal-
mh v, ending up with an ultimate EFT at the energy culations and 1/Mπ for full calculations, simulations
scale mh v [1422]. An illustration of the tower of en-
2 with heavy quarks in full QCD are computationally
ergy scales and corresponding EFTs is in Fig. 6.1.1. In quite demanding. Lattice NRQCD has been, for a long
the last twenty years, the development of such nonrel- time, the sole way to compute nonperturbatively ob-
ativistic EFTs of QCD has been the major theoreti- servables involving bottom quarks in full QCD (see, for
cal breakthrough in the description of quarkonium and instance, Refs. [260, 1430–1433]). Only recently the first
quarkonium-like systems [1423–1425]. For a more his- full lattice QCD calculations of bottomonium-like sys-
torical perspective, see Ref. [1426]. tems have become available [1434].
NRQCD is the EFT suited to describe systems made After the development of HQET, NRQCD became
of a heavy quark and (anti)quark pair near threshold a systematic tool for analytical calculations of quarko-
that follows from QCD by integrating out the energy nium observables. NRQCD is well suited to the descrip-
scale associated with the heavy quark mass, mh [1391]. tion of heavy quark-antiquark annihilation, because this
In a heavy quark-antiquark bound state, the virial the- happens at the scale m h , which is the energy scale
orem constrains the kinetic energy of the heavy par- that has been integrated out from QCD to construct
ticles to be of the same order as the binding energy. NRQCD. In NRQCD, the information about annihi-

lation goes into the (imaginary part) of the Wilson tively, L` is the Lagrangian density (6.1.3) for the light
coefficients associated with the four-fermion operators. degrees of freedom, and Lψχ is the four-fermion sector,
These four fermion operators, a novel feature of NRQCD which up to order 1/m2h reads
with respect to HQET, are not only essential to the
f1 (1 S0 ) † † f1 (3 S1 ) †
description of the annihilation processes, but also to Lψχ = ψ χχ ψ + ψ σχ · χ† σψ
the correct description of all short-distance interactions m2h m2h
between the heavy particles. In NRQCD, annihilation +
f8 (1 S0 ) † A † A
ψ T χχ T ψ +
f8 (3 S1 ) † A
ψ T σχ · χ† TA σψ .
processes factorize therefore into a short-distance part, mh 2 m2h
which may be computed in perturbative QCD and is (6.1.8)
encoded in the Wilson coefficients, and into matrix el-
As in the HQET case, mh is the pole mass. The four-
ements of the NRQCD operators that encode the low-
fermion Lagrangian in Eq. (6.1.8) is made of all possible
energy dynamics of the heavy quark-antiquark bound
four-fermion operators of dimension 6. The correspond-
state. Processes involving heavy quark-antiquark anni-
ing Wilson coefficients are f1 (1 S0 ), f1 (3 S1 ), f8 (1 S0 ),
hilations are quarkonium inclusive and electromagnetic
and f8 (3 S1 ). The the first (second) four-fermion op-
decay [1435, 1436] and quarkonium production [1436].
erator projects on a heavy quark-antiquark pair in a
The large amount of data on quarkonium production
color singlet configuration with quantum numbers 1 S0
in hadron and lepton colliders, together with the pre-
(3 S1 ), whereas the third (fourth) four-fermion opera-
dictive power of NRQCD and its success in most of
tor projects on a heavy quark-antiquark pair in a color
the predictions, has established NRQCD as a standard
octet configuration with quantum numbers 1 S0 (3 S1 ).
tool for studying quarkonium annihilation [1423–1425,
The matrices TA are the SU(3) generators λA /2. The
four-fermion Wilson coefficients have been computed in
Because four-fermion operators projecting onto color
Refs. [1436, 1443]. They have a real part that starts at
octet quark-antiquark states are possible, NRQCD nat-
order αs for f8 (3 S1 ) and at order αs2 for the other coef-
urally allows for production and decay of quark-antiqu-
ficients, and they have an imaginary part, coming from
ark states in a color octet configuration. These states
one loop or higher annihilation diagrams, which is of or-
constitute a suppressed, in v, component of the Fock
der αs2 for Im f1 (1 S0 ), Im f8 (1 S0 ), and Im f8 (3 S1 ), and
state describing a physical quarkonium, but are nec-
of order αs3 for Im f1 (3 S1 ). A list of imaginary parts of
essary in the quarkonium phenomenology [1423–1425].
four-fermion Wilson coefficients in NRQCD and related
They are also necessary for the consistency of the the-
bibliography can be found in Ref. [1444].
ory, as they cancel infrared divergences in quarkonium
The four-fermion sector of the NRQCD Lagrangian
decay and production observables and eventually pro-
has been derived up to order 1/m4h (complete) and or-
vide finite, physical results [1435, 1436]. It should be
ders 1/m5h and 1/m6h (partial) in Refs. [1445–1447]. Like
noted, however, that the NRQCD factorization has been
for the Wilson coefficients in the two-fermion sector,
rigorously proved only for quarkonium decay but not for
also the coefficients in the four-fermion sector are not
quarkonium production [1277, 1314, 1440–1442].
all independent: some are related by Poincaré invari-
A last crucial progress in establishing NRQCD as a
ance [1446, 1447].
valuable tool for analytical calculations came when it
Sometimes it is useful to isolate the electromagnetic
was shown that the computation of the Wilson coeffi-
component of the four-fermion operator and its corre-
cients of NRQCD in dimensional regularization requires
sponding Wilson coefficient. This is the case when com-
expanding in the heavy quark mass to avoid integrating
puting electromagnetic decay widths and photoproduc-
over the high momentum region. This means that, even
tion cross sections in NRQCD. The electromagnetic op-
if the power countings of NRQCD and HQET are dif-
erators are obtained by projecting on an intermediate
ferent, the matching to QCD proceeds in the same way,
QCD vacuum state, |0i, e.g., ψ † χχ† ψ → ψ † χ |0ih0| χ† ψ.
leading to the same operators and Wilson coefficients
Unlike in HQET, the power counting of NRQCD
in the two-fermion and gauge sectors [1394].
is not unique. The reason is that, while HQET is a
The NRQCD Lagrangian density for systems made
one-scale EFT, its only dynamical scale being ΛQCD ,
of a heavy quark and a heavy antiquark of equal masses
NRQCD is still a multiscale EFT. The dynamical scales
mh up to order 1/m2h , and including the 1/m3h kinetic
of NRQCD are, at least, mh v, mh v 2 , and ΛQCD . In more
operator, is given by
complicated settings even more scales may be relevant.
LNRQCD =Lψ + Lχ + Lψχ + L` , (6.1.7) Hence, one can imagine different power countings: some
more conservative, like assuming that the matrix ele-
where Lψ and Lχ are the HQET Lagrangian densities ments all scale according to the largest dynamical scale,
for the quark (see Eq. (6.1.2)) and antiquark, respec- i.e., mh v, [1448], and some less conservative or closer to
6.1 Nonrelativistic effective theory 199

a perturbative counting [1436]. All the power countings Since the scales mh v and mh v 2 are hierarchically or-
have in common that the kinetic energy scales like the dered, they may be disentangled by systematically in-
binding energy and that therefore ψ † i∂0 ψ is of the same tegrating out modes associated with scales larger than
order as ψ † ∇2 /(2mh )ψ, and analogously for the anti- the smallest scale, mh v 2 , and matching to a lower en-
quark. As we have mentioned above, this reflects the ergy EFT, where only degrees of freedom resolved at
virial theorem, an unavoidable consequence of the dy- distances of order 1/(mh v 2 ) are left dynamical [1422].
namics of a nonrelativistic bound state. This EFT is pNRQCD [1449, 1450]. Because the scale
The leading-order NRQCD Lagrangian reads in Cou- mh v has been integrated out, the power counting of
lomb gauge [1436] pNRQCD is less ambiguous than the one of NRQCD.
In situations where we can neglect the hadronic scale
∇2 ∇2
ΛQCD , the power counting of pNRQCD is indeed unique,
LNRQCD =ψ † iD0 + ψ + χ† iD0 − χ
2mh 2mh
as its only dynamical scale is mh v 2 .
1 A A µν X̀
/ − m` q` . (6.1.9)
 Having integrated out the scale mh v associated with
− Fµν F + q̄` iD
the inverse of the distance r between the heavy quark
and antiquark, implies that pNRQCD is constructed
Note that this Lagrangian contains the heavy quark as an expansion in r, with Wilson coefficients encod-
mass, and therefore violates the heavy-quark flavor sym- ing non-analytic contributions in r. This is analogous
metry; hence the bottomonium binding energy is differ- to how HQET and NRQCD are constructed; there the
ent, even at leading order, from the charmonium one. In heavy quark mass, mh , is integrated out and the EFTs
the power counting of Ref. [1436] one further assumes: are organized as expansions in 1/mh , with Wilson coef-
D0 ∼ mh v 2 (when acting on ψ or χ), D ∼ mh v (when ficients encoding the non-analytic contributions in the
acting on ψ or χ), gE ∼ m2h v 3 , and gB ∼ m2h v 4 . A form of logarithms of mh . Some of the Wilson coeffi-
consequence is that the heavy-quark spin symmetry is cients of pNRQCD may be identified with the poten-
a symmetry of the leading-order NRQCD Lagrangian. tials in the Schrödinger equation of quarkonium.
Another consequence is that the order 1/m3h kinetic The specific form of pNRQCD depends on the scale
energy operator ψ † D 4 /(8m3h )ψ and its charge conju- ΛQCD . If ΛQCD . mh v 2 , then one deals with weakly-
gated are of the same order as the 1/mh and 1/m2h coupled bound states and the EFT is called weakly-
operators in Lψ and Lχ . Matrix elements of octet op- coupled pNRQCD. At distances of the order of or smaller
erators on quarkonium states are further suppressed than 1/(mh v 2 ), one may still resolve colored degrees
by the fact that they project on subleading compo- of freedom (gluons, quarks, and antiquarks), as color
nents of the quarkonium Fock state, the ones made of confinement has not yet set in. Hence gluons, quarks,
a heavy quark-antiquark pair in a color octet configu- and antiquarks are the degrees of freedom of weakly-
ration and gluons. The amount of suppression depends coupled pNRQCD. Weakly-coupled pNRQCD is well
on the adopted power counting. suited to describe tightly bound quarkonia, like bot-
tomonium and (to a less extent) charmonium ground
6.1.3 potential Nonrelativistic QCD
states, the Bc ground state, and threshold effects in
tt̄ production. If ΛQCD & mh v 2 , then one deals with
Nonrelativistic bound states involve energy scales, mh v,
strongly-coupled bound states and the EFT is called
mh v 2 , and ΛQCD , that are still dynamical and entan-
strongly-coupled pNRQCD. At distances of the order
gled in NRQCD. A consequence of this is that, although
of 1/(mh v 2 ), confinement has set in and the only avail-
the equations of motion that follow from the NRQCD
able degrees of freedom are color singlets. These are, in
Lagrangian (6.1.9) resemble a Schrödinger equation for
principle, all, ordinary and exotic, heavy, heavy-light
nonrelativistic bound states, they are not quite that.
and light hadrons that we might have in the spectrum.
They involve gauge fields and do not supply a field
Strongly-coupled pNRQCD is suited to describe higher
theoretical definition and derivation of the potential
states in the bottomonium and charmonium spectra, as
that would appear in a Schrödinger equation. Never-
well as quarkonium exotica. If mh v  ΛQCD  mh v 2 ,
theless, we expect that, in some nonrelativistic limit, a
the matching to pNRQCD may be done in two steps,
Schrödinger equation describing the quantum mechan-
first integrating out (perturbatively) mh v then (nonper-
ics of the nonrelativistic bound state should emerge
turbatively) ΛQCD . Contributions coming from these
from field theory, since field theory may be understood
two scales will be automatically factorized in pNRQCD
as an extension of quantum mechanics that includes
relativistic and radiative corrections. Another conse-
quence already remarked in the previous section is that
the power counting of NRQCD is not unique.

Weakly-coupled pNRQCD The Lagrangian L` is the Lagrangian of the light de-

The degrees of freedom of weakly-coupled pNRQCD are grees of freedom (6.1.3) inherited from NRQCD.
heavy quarks and antiquarks of momentum mh v and The quantities Vs , Vo , VA , and VB are Wilson coeffi-
energy mh v 2 , gluons of momentum and energy mh v 2 cients of pNRQCD. They encode contributions from the
(sometimes called ultrasoft gluons), and light quarks of soft degrees of freedom that have been integrated out
momentum and energy mh v 2 ; these remain after gluons from NRQCD. Because (under the hierarchy of weakly-
(sometimes called soft gluons) and light quarks of en- coupled pNRQCD) the soft scale, mh v, is larger than
ergy or momentum mh v have been integrated out from ΛQCD , the Wilson coefficients may be computed in per-
NRQCD. Because a single heavy quark and antiquark turbation theory, order by order in αs . They are, in
cannot be resolved at the scale mh v 2 , it is useful to cast general, functions of r, as well as of the spin and mo-
heavy quark and antiquark fields into bilocal fields that mentum. At leading order, VA and VB are 1; they get
depend on time, t, the center of mass coordinate, R, possible corrections at order αs2 [1451]. The coefficients
and the relative coordinate, r. We call the color singlet Vs and Vo may be identified with the color singlet and
component of the quark and antiquark field S, and √ its octet potentials, respectively. To leading order Vs =

color octet√ component O, normalized to S = 1 3×3 S/ 3 −4αs /(3r) and Vo = αs /(6r), which are the Coulomb

and O = 2OA T A . The distance r scales like 1/(mh v), potentials in the color SU(3) fundamental and adjoint
while the center of mass coordinate, R, and the time, t, representation, respectively. The potentials Vs and Vo
scale like 1/(mh v 2 ), because the quark-antiquark pair contain, however, also momentum- and spin-dependent
may only recoil against ultrasoft gluons. To ensure that corrections. For the singlet case (the octet case is anal-
gluons are ultrasoft in the pNRQCD Lagrangian, gauge ogous) we can write, up to order 1/m2h :
fields are multipole expanded in r. Hence gauge fields in
the pNRQCD Lagrangian only depend on time and the
(1) (2) (2)
Vs (r) VSI V
Vs = Vs(0) (r) + + 2 + SD , (6.1.14)
center of mass coordinate. The pNRQCD Lagrangian mh mh m2h
is organized as a double expansion in 1/mh and r. At
order r in the multipole expansion, the weakly-coupled where, at order 1/m2h we have distinguished between
pNRQCD Lagrangian density has the form [1449, 1450] spin-independent (SI) and spin-dependent (SD) terms.
In turn, they can be organized as
+ L` , (6.1.10)
(2) 1 (2) 1 VL2 ,CM (r)
with VSI =Vr(2) (r) + Vp2 ,CM (r)P 2 +
4 4 r2
(r × P )2
1 n (2) o V (2) (r)
LS,O = d3 r Tr S† (i∂0 − hs )S + O† (iD0 O − ho )O

+ Vp2 (r), p2 + L 2 L2 ,
2 r
− VA Tr O† r · gE S + S† r · gE O

(2) 1 (2) (2)
VSD = VLS,CM (r) (r × P ) · (S1 − S2 ) + VLS (r) L · S
VB  † 2
Tr O r · gE O + O† Or · gE ,

(2) (2)
2 + VS 2 (r) S 2 + VS12 (r) S12 ,
where { , } stands for the anticommutator,
where, up to order 1/m2h , and including the 1/m3h terms
in the kinetic energies, S = S1 + S2 = (σ1 + σ2 )/2

p2 P2 p4 is the total spin (Si = σi /2 is the spin of the particle

hs = + − + · · · + Vs , (6.1.12) i), L = r × p is the relative orbital angular momentum,
mh 4mh 4m3h
p2 P2 p4
ho = + − + · · · + Vo . (6.1.13) S12 = 3(r̂ · σ1 )(r̂ · σ2 ) − σ1 · σ2 .
mh 4mh 4m3h
The potential Vs is the static potential, the potential
The covariant derivative acting on the octet field is de-
proportional to VLS may be identified with the spin-
fined as iD0 O = i∂0 O + g[A0 (R, t), O], P = −iDR is
orbit potential, the potential proportional to VS 2 with
the (gauge covariant) center of mass momentum, p =
−i∇r is the relative momentum, and hs and ho may be the spin-spin potential and the potential proportional
to VS12 with the spin tensor potential. The potentials
interpreted as the Hamiltonians of the color singlet and
color octet heavy quark-antiquark fields. The dots in that contribute in the center of mass reference frame
Eqs. (6.1.12) and (6.1.13) stand for higher-order terms are, at leading (non-vanishing) order in perturbation
in the nonrelativistic expansion of the kinetic energy.
The trace in Eq. (6.1.11) is in spin and in color space.
6.1 Nonrelativistic effective theory 201

theory (see, e.g., Ref. [1422]): the Lagrangian density are the time t and the coor-
dinate R, which, in the case of the fields S and O, is
V (1) (r) = − , (6.1.17) the center of mass coordinate. Having written the La-
r2 grangian in terms of singlet and octet fields has made
4 4αs
(6.1.18) each term in Eq. (6.1.11) explicitly gauge invariant.
Vr(2) (r) = παs δ (3) (r ) , Vp2 (r) = − ,
3 3r
2αs 2αs The power counting of weakly-coupled pNRQCD
(6.1.19) is straightforward. We have already found that r ∼
(2) (2)
VL2 (r) = , VLS (r) = 3 ,
3r r
16παs (3) αs 1/(mh v) and t, R ∼ 1/(mh v 2 ). Momenta scale like
(2) (2)
VS 2 (r) =
δ (r ) , VS12 (r) = 3 .
3r p ∼ mh v and P ∼ mh v 2 . Gluon fields and light quark
fields are ultrasoft and scale like mh v 2 or ΛQCD to
Potentials that depend on the center of mass momen- their dimension. The leading-order singlet Hamiltonian,
tum are relevant only if the quarkonium is recoiling,
p2 /mh + Vs , scales like mh v 2 (and analogously in the
like in hadronic and electromagnetic transitions.
octet case), which is the order of the Bohr levels. The
Beyond leading order, the static potential is known
potentials listed in Eqs. (6.1.17)-(6.1.20) contribute to
up to three-loop accuracy [1452–1454], and also sub-
Vs at order mh v 4 , as αs ∼ v.
leading logarithms showing up at four loops have been
The first correction to a pure potential picture of
computed [1455]; the 1/mh potential is known up to or-
the quarkonium interaction comes from the chromo-
der αs3 [1456], and 1/m2h potentials up to order αs2 (these
electric dipole interaction terms in the second line of
potentials have a long history, see Ref. [1457] and refer-
Eq. (6.1.11). These operators are of order g(mh v 2 )2
ences therein). We have assumed that the heavy quark
/(mh v) ∼ gmh v 3 . In order to project on color singlet
and antiquark have equal masses; for the case of a quark
states, the chromoelectric dipole interaction may enter
and an antiquark of different masses, we refer, for in-
only in loop diagrams, which at leading order is a self-
stance, to Refs. [1399, 1422, 1458–1460].
energy diagram with two chromoelectric dipole vertices.
The Wilson coefficients of pNRQCD inherit the Wil-
Such a self-energy diagram is of order g 2 (mh v 2 )3 /(mh v)2 ∼
son coefficients of NRQCD. Hence, some of the cou-
g 2 mh v 4 . The coupling g 2 is computed at the ultrasoft
plings appearing in the expansion of the Wilson coeffi-
scale. Hence, if ΛQCD  mh v 2 , the coupling is pertur-
cients are naturally computed at the scale of NRQCD,
bative and the self-energy diagram with two chromo-
mh , while others, encoding the soft contributions, are
electric dipole vertices is suppressed with respect to the
naturally computed at the soft scale, mh v. In weakly-
contributions coming from the potentials in Eqs. (6.1.17)-(6.1.20).
coupled pNRQCD, because the leading potential is the
Elsewhere, if ΛQCD ∼ mh v 2 , it is of the same order.
Coulomb potential, the Bohr radius is proportional to
At leading order in the multipole expansion, the
1/(mh αs ) and v ∼ αs . Finally, like in any non relativis-
equation of motion for the singlet field is
tic EFT, also the Wilson coefficients of pNRQCD are
related through constraints imposed by the Poincaré i∂0 S = hs S, (6.1.21)
invariance of QCD, as we have seen at work in HQET
and NRQCD. These constraints set the coefficients of which is the Schrödinger equation that in quantum me-
the kinetic terms appearing in Eqs. (6.1.12) and (6.1.13) chanics describes the evolution of a nonrelativistic bo-
to be the ones coming from expanding the relativistic und state. Potential NRQCD provides therefore a field
kinetic energies of a free quark and antiquark. Further- theoretical foundation of the Schrödinger equation, a
more they fix the potentials depending on the center rigorous QCD definition and derivation of its potential,
of mass momentum by expressing them in terms of the and the range of validity of the quantum mechanical
static potential, picture. Ultrasoft gluons start contributing, and there-
(0) (0) fore correcting the potential picture, at order mh v 4 (for
1 dVs r dVs ΛQCD ∼ mh v 2 ) or mh v 5 (for ΛQCD  mh v 2 ) in the
VLS,CM = − , VL2 ,CM = − ,
2r dr 2 dr spectrum.
r dVs 1 Not only the static potential is derived from first
Vp2 ,CM = − Vs(0) .
2 dr 2 principles in pNRQCD, but all higher-order corrections
These and other constraints have been derived in Refs. in the nonrelativistic expansion, including the spin-orbit,
[1399, 1447, 1459, 1461, 1462]. These relations are ex- spin-spin and Darwin term as well. In general, the po-
act, i.e., valid at any order in perturbation theory and, tentials factorize soft contributions from radiative cor-
when applicable, also nonperturbatively. rections at the scale mh . These last ones are encoded in
In the pNRQCD Lagrangian the relative coordinate the matching coefficients inherited from NRQCD, e.g.,
r plays the role of a continuous parameter labeling dif- all 1/m2h spin-dependent potentials contain the Fermi
ferent fields. The dynamical spacetime coordinates of

coefficient cF . Since the potentials are Wilson coeffi- racy in Ref. [1490], similarly for the Bc∗ -Bc hyperfine
cients of an EFT, they are regularized, undergo renor- splitting in Ref. [1491]. After more than one decade of
malization and satisfy renormalization group equations work the whole perturbative heavy quarkonium spec-
that allow to resum potentially large logarithms in their trum has been computed at N3 LO [1464, 1492–1497].
expressions [1451, 1452, 1463–1469]. The scale depen- Recently, this result has been further improved reach-
dence of the Wilson coefficients cancels in physical ob- ing N3 LL accuracy up to a missing contribution of the
servables. For instance, the QCD static potential is in- two-loop soft running [1468, 1469]. The N3 LL order rep-
frared sensitive at three loops [1470], a sensitivity that resents the presently achievable precision of these cal-
stems from the fact that a static quark-antiquark pair culations. Going beyond this precision will require a
may change its color status by emitting an ultrasoft major computational effort, like the four-loop determi-
gluon. The infrared sensitivity of the static potential nation of the static potential. Electromagnetic decays
cancels in the computation of the static energy against of the bottomonium lowest levels have been computed
the self-energy diagram with two chromoelectric dipole including N2 LL corrections in Refs. [1473, 1498]. A dif-
vertices considered above, in a sort of non-Abelian Lamb ferent power counting that includes at leading order
shift mechanism [1452]. the exact static potential has been used for these quan-
Weakly-coupled pNRQCD requires the fulfillment of tities in Ref. [1499]. Corrections to the wave function
the condition ΛQCD . mh v 2 . The condition ΛQCD  and leptonic decay width of the Υ (1S) at N3 LO have
mt v 2 is certainly fulfilled by top-antitop quark pairs been computed in Refs. [1500, 1501]. Nonperturbative
near threshold. The production of tt̄ pairs near thresh- corrections in the form of condensates have been in-
old is expected to be measured with precision at future cluded in Refs. [1502, 1503]. Radiative quarkonium de-
linear colliders, providing, among others, a determina- cays have been analyzed in Refs. [1504–1509]. Radiative
tion of the top mass with an uncertainty well below and inclusive decays of the Υ (1S) may also serve as a
100 MeV, which is a crucial input to test the Standard determination of αs at the bottom mass scale [1510].
Model. This requires a comparable theoretical accuracy, Radiative transitions, M1 and E1, at relative order v 2
which has led in the last decades to several high-order in the velocity expansion have been computed in Refs.
calculations of the near threshold cross section in the [1511–1514]; noteworthily, pNRQCD may explain the
framework of nonrelativistic EFTs of QCD [1471–1477]. observed tiny Υ (2S) → γ ηb (1S) branching fraction. Fi-
The condition ΛQCD . mh v 2 is also fulfilled by com- nally, the photon line shape in the radiative transition
pact and Coulombic quarkonia. Examples are the bot- J/ψ → γ ηc (1S) has been studied in Ref. [1515].
tomonium ground state, the ground state of the Bc sys-
tem, and, to a somewhat lesser extent, the charmonium Strongly-coupled pNRQCD
ground state, and the first bottomonium excited states. When the hierarchy of scales is ΛQCD  mh v 2 , pN-
We recall that in a Coulombic system the size is pro- RQCD is a strongly-coupled theory. This condition may
portional to the inverse of the mass and to the principal be appropriate to describe higher quarkonium states,
quantum number. A review on applications of weakly- and quarkonium exotica. Strongly-coupled pNRQCD is
coupled pNRQCD to several tightly bound quarkonia obtained by integrating out the hadronic scale ΛQCD ,
can be found in Ref. [1478]. which means that all colored degrees of freedom are
Weak-coupling determinations of the bottomonium absent [1422, 1448, 1516–1519].
ground state masses are typically used to extract the Let us consider the case of strongly-coupled pN-
charm and bottom masses [1407, 1479–1487]. Hence, RQCD for ordinary quarkonia. Lattice QCD shows ev-
they provide alternative observables for the extraction idence that the quarkonium static energy is separated
of the heavy quark masses to the heavy-light meson by a gap of order ΛQCD from the energies of the glu-
masses discussed in Sec. 6.1.1. The results are consistent onic excitations between the static quark-antiquark pair
with the ones presented in Sec. 6.1.1. The present pre- [1520]. If, in addition, the binding energies of the states
cision is N3 LO; the determination of the bottom mass that can be constructed out of the quarkonium static
includes the effects due to the charm mass at two loops. energy are also separated by a gap of order ΛQCD from
Once the heavy quark masses have been established for the binding energies of the states that can be con-
one set of spectroscopy observables, they can be used structed out of the static energies of the gluonic ex-
for others like the Bc mass or the Bc spectrum (see Ref. citations, and from open-flavor states, then one can in-
[1458] for an early work and Ref. [1460] for a state of the tegrate out all these latter states. The resulting EFT
art calculation at N3 LO). Fine and hyperfine splittings is made of a quark-antiquark color singlet field, whose
of charmonium and bottomonium have been computed modes are the quarkonium states, and light hadrons.
perturbatively in Refs. [1488, 1489] and to NLL accu- The coupling of quarkonia with light hadrons has been
6.1 Nonrelativistic effective theory 203

considered in the framework of pNRQCD in Ref. [1521]. The low-energy contributions to the imaginary parts
It impacts very mildly spectral properties (masses, widths) of the potential are matrix elements of the NRQCD
of quarkonia that lie well below the open-flavor thresh- four-fermion operators. Hence they are local terms pro-
old. For such quarkonia we may neglect their couplings portional to δ 3 (r) or derivatives of it. Nonperturbative
with light hadrons and the pNRQCD Lagrangian den- contributions are encoded into constants that may be
sity assumes the particularly simple form: expressed in terms of momenta of correlators of chro-
Z moelectric and/or chromomagnetic fields [1448, 1518],
Lstrong d3 r Tr S† (i∂0 − hs ) S . (6.1.22) and eventually fixed on data or computed with lattice

The Hamiltonian, hs , has the same form as in Eqs. (6.1.12) (iv) Finally, pNRQCD is renormalizable order by
and (6.1.14)-(6.1.16). The equation of motion is the order in the expansion parameters in both its weak-
Schrödinger equation (6.1.21). coupling and strong-coupling versions. In particular,
The nonperturbative dynamics is encoded in the po- quantum-mechanical perturbation theory can be im-
tentials, which at order 1/mh is Vs and at order 1/m2h
plemented at any order without incurring uncanceled
are the spin-independent and spin-dependent terms iden- divergences like in purely phenomenological potential
tified in Eqs. (6.1.15) and (6.1.16). What distinguishes models.
the EFT from phenomenological potential models can Strongly-coupled pNRQCD has been used to com-
be summarized as follows: pute quarkonium inclusive and electromagnetic decay
(i) The potentials are products of Wilson coeffi- widths [1423, 1448, 1518, 1519], and hadronic and elec-
cients, factorizing contributions from the high-energy tromagnetic production cross sections [1532–1536]. The
scale, mh , and low-energy matrix elements, encoding advantage with respect to the NRQCD approach is that,
contributions coming from the scales mh v and ΛQCD . while the NRQCD four-fermion matrix elements de-
The exact expressions follow from matching pNRQCD pend on the quarkonium state, their pNRQCD expres-
with its high-energy completion, which is NRQCD. sion factorizes all the quarkonium dependence into the
(ii) The high-energy Wilson coefficients of pNRQCD wave function at the origin (or its derivatives) squared.
are inherited from NRQCD. These are the Wilson coef- The wave function at the origin squared gets multi-
ficients in the NRQCD Lagrangian (6.1.7). Because the plied by momenta of correlators of field-strength ten-
NRQCD Wilson coefficients have a real and an imagi- sors, F , that are universal, quarkonium independent,
nary part, also the pNRQCD potentials develop a real constants. Schematically, one obtains for the expres-
part, responsible for the quarkonium binding, and an sion of a generic NRQCD four-fermion matrix element
imaginary part, responsible for the quarkonium annihi- in pNRQCD, entering either quarkonium production or
lation. Atp higher orders, also contributions coming from decay, that
the scale mh ΛQCD may become relevant [1519].
(iii) The low-energy matrix elements are nonpertur- h4-fermioni ∼|wave-function(0)|2
bative. Their field-theoretical expressions, relevant for
× dt · · · hF (t) · · · F (0)i. (6.1.23)
potentials up to order 1/m2h , are known.
The static potential is equal to lim i ln W/T , where This leads to a significant reduction in the number of
T →∞
W is the expectation value of a rectangular Wilson loop nonperturbative parameters and allows to use infor-
of spatial extension r and temporal extension T [80, mation gained in the charmonium sector to make pre-
1522–1524]. Similarly, the low-energy real parts of the dictions in the bottomonium sector. Finally, pNRQCD
other potentials can be expressed in terms of Wilson conbined with the multipole expansion has been used
loops and field insertions on them [768, 1516, 1517]. to compute quarkonium hadronic transitions in Ref.
These Wilson loops may be computed in weakly-coupled [1537].
QCD giving back the weak-coupling potentials listed at
leading order in Eqs. (6.1.17)-(6.1.20) [1525] or nonper- pNRQCD for systems other than quarkonia
turbatively via lattice QCD. Indeed, the computation of Potential NRQCD can be used to describe systems with
these potentials has a long history that begins with the three valence quarks, two of them heavy [1411, 1412,
inception of lattice QCD. Their most recent determina- 1418, 1419, 1538, 1539]. This is because the nonrela-
tions can be found in Refs. [769, 1526, 1527], see also tivistic hierarchy of scales given in Eq. (6.1.6) is pre-
Ref. [1528]. Noteworthily the long-distance behaviour served, which allows to systematically integrate out these
of the potentials agrees with the expectations of the scales to describe eventually the baryon with a suitable
effective string theory [1525, 1529–1531]. EFT. If the heavy quark-quark distance is of the or-
der of 1/ΛQCD , then the valence light-quark affects the

quark-quark potential. Elsewhere, if the heavy quark- imation that may be implemented in a suitable ver-
quark distance is smaller than 1/ΛQCD , then we may sion of pNRQCD called Born–Oppenheimer effective
disentangle the quark-quark dynamics, described by a field theory (BOEFT) [772, 1546, 1547]. This frame-
perturbative quark-quark potential, from the coupling work has been applied to quarkonium hybrids, quarko-
of the heavy-quark pair with the light quark. Since in nium tetraquarks and to heavy-meson threshold effects
this last case, the light quark sees the heavy-quark pair [1421, 1548–1551]. Finally, nonrelativistic EFTs like pN-
as a pointlike particle, its interaction with the heavy- RQCD are also advantageous in describing the propa-
quark pair is described by HQET. gation of quarkonium in a thermal medium either in
One can devise EFTs for describing low-energy mo- equilibrium [1552–1557] or out of equilibrium [1558–
des of baryons made of three heavy quarks. These states 1562]; see also Sec. 6.6.
have not been discovered yet in experiments, but they
offer a unique tool to study confinement and the transi-
tion region from the Coulombic regime to the confined 6.2 Chiral perturbation theory
one in non-trivial geometrical settings [1538], using, for Stefan Scherer and Matthias Schindler
instance the three-quark static potential computed in
lattice QCD [1540–1542]. Chiral perturbation theory (ChPT) is an effective field
Possible bound states made of two quarkonia or of theory that describes the properties of strongly-interacting
a quarkonium and a nucleon (hadroquarkonium) may systems at energies far below typical hadron masses.
be characterized by even lower energy scales than those The degrees of freedom are hadrons instead of the un-
characterizing the binding in quarkonia or baryons made derlying quarks and gluons. ChPT is a systematic and
of at least two heavy quarks. These lower energy scales model-independent approximation method based on an
are those associated with pion exchanges responsible for expansion of amplitudes in terms of light-quark masses
the long-range interaction. One can treat these systems and momenta. The following is a brief overview of ChPT
in an EFT framework by starting from the pNRQCD that is largely based on Ref. [1563], which can be re-
description of the quarkonium and the heavy-baryon ferred to for a more detailed introduction.
chiral effective theory description of the nucleon. The
long-range pion exchange interaction sets the scale of 6.2.1 QCD and chiral symmetry
the typical size of the system to be of the order of 1/Mπ ,
i.e., much larger than the size of the quarkonium and The QCD Lagrangian—obtained by applying the gauge
even larger than its typical time scale, which is of the principle with respect to the SU(3) color group to the
order of the inverse of the binding energy. free Lagrangians of six quark flavors with masses mf —reads
Once modes associated with the quarkonium bind-
ing energy and Mπ have been integrated out, the quar-
konium-quarkonium or the quarkonium-nucleon inter- / − mf qf − Trc (Fµν Fµν ) .
LQCD = q̄f iD
action is described by a potential that, in this way, has f =u,...,t
been systematically computed from QCD. The coupling (6.2.1)
of quarkonium with the pions is encoded in a Wilson
For each quark flavor f , the quark field qf is a color
coefficient that may be identified with the quarkonium
triplet, transforming in the triplet representation,
chromoelectric polarizability [1543]. In the quarkonium-
quarkonium system, the lowest energy EFT describing qf (x) 7→ U (x)qf (x), (6.2.2)
modes of energy and momentum of order Mπ2 /(2mh ) where U (x) denotes a smooth space-time-dependent
is called van der Waals EFT (WEFT) [1521, 1544]. SU(3) matrix. Using the Gell-Mann matrices [1564],
The resulting potential is, in fact, the van der Waals the eight gluon fields AA
µ are collected in a traceless,
potential. In the quarkonium-nucleon system, the low- Hermitian, 3 × 3 matrix Aµ = λA AA µ /2 (summation
est energy EFT describing modes of energy and mo- over repeated indices implied), transforming inhomo-
mentum of order Mπ2 /(2Λχ ) has been dubbed poten- geneously under a gauge transformation,
tial quarkonium-nucleon EFT (pQNEFT) [1545]. Such
frameworks may be relevant to describe heavy pen- i
Aµ (x) 7→ U (x)Aµ (x)U † (x) + ∂µ U (x)U † (x), (6.2.3)
taquarks. gs
Quarkonium-like multiparticle systems, where the where gs denotes the SU(3) gauge coupling constant.
light degrees of freedom remain adiabatically in a sta- In terms of Aµ , the covariant derivative of the quark
tionary state with respect to the heavy quark motion, fields is defined as
can be studied within the Born–Oppenheimer approx-
Dµ qf = (∂µ + igs Aµ ) qf . (6.2.4)
6.2 Chiral perturbation theory 205

Finally, the field strength tensor is given by in the chiral limit has a global U(3)L × U(3)R sym-
metry, i.e. , it is invariant under independent unitary
Fµν = ∂µ Aν − ∂ν Aµ + igs [Aµ , Aν ]. (6.2.5) flavor transformations of the left-handed and the right-
By construction, the Lagrangian of Eq. (6.2.1) is invari- handed quark fields,
ant under the combined transformations of Eqs. (6.2.2) qL 7→ UL qL , qR 7→ UR qR .
and (6.2.3). From the point of view of gauge invariance,
the strong-interaction Lagrangian could also involve a At the classical level, this chiral symmetry results in
term of the type (c.f. Eq. (1.1.6) from Sec. 1.1) 2 × (8 + 1) = 18 conserved currents:
gs2 θ̄ λa λa
Lθ = µνρσ Trc (Fµν Fρσ ) , 0123 = 1, (6.2.6) Lµa = q̄L γ µ qL , Raµ = q̄R γ µ qR , a = 1, . . . , 8,
32π 2 2 2
where µνρσ denotes the totally antisymmetric Levi- Vµ = q̄R γ qR + q̄L γ qL , A = q̄R γ µ qR − q̄L γ µ qL .
µ µ µ

Civita tensor. The so-called θ term of Eq. (6.2.6) implies Here, the Gell-Mann matrices act in flavor space, since
an explicit P and CP violation of the strong interac- qR and qL are flavor triplets.62 Because of quantum
tions. The present empirical information on the neutron effects the singlet axial-vector current Aµ = q̄γ µ γ5 q de-
electric dipole moment [1565] indicates that the θ term velops a so-called anomaly, resulting in the divergence
is small and, in the following, we will omit Eq. (6.2.6) equation
from our discussion.
Since the covariant derivative of the quark fields is 3gs2
∂ µ Aµ = µνρσ Trc (Fµν Fρσ ) . (6.2.9)
flavor independent, the Lagrangian of Eq. (6.2.1) has 16π 2
additional, accidental, and in this case global, symme- The factor of three originates from the number of fla-
tries aside from the gauge symmetry. Both the dynam- vors. In the large Nc (number of colors) limit of Ref. [1163]
ics of the theory (via spontaneous symmetry breaking) the singlet axial-vector current is conserved, because
and the values of the quark masses impact how these the strong coupling constant behaves as gs2 ∼ Nc−1 .
symmetries are (approximately) realized in nature. Dy- In the quantized theory, the spatial integrals over
namical chiral symmetry breaking introduces the scale the charge densities of the symmetry currents give rise
Λχ = 4πF0 (see below) of the order of 1 GeV [1566]. In to the charge operators QLa , QRa (a = 1, . . . , 8), and
this context it is common to divide the six quark flavors QV . They are generators of the group SU(3)L ×SU(3)R ×
into the three light quarks u, d, and s with ml < Λχ U(1)V , acting on the Hilbert space of QCD, and satisfy
and the three heavy flavors c, b, and t with mh > Λχ the commutation relations
(as discussed in the previous subsection). As a theoreti-
cal starting point, one may consider two limits, namely, [QLa , QLb ] = ifabc QLc , (6.2.10a)
sending the light-quark masses to zero (chiral limit) and [QRa , QRb ] = ifabc QRc , (6.2.10b)
the heavy-quark masses to infinity. In Ref. [1567], this
[QLa , QRb ] = 0, (6.2.10c)
situation is referred to as a “theoretician’s paradise.” In
the following, we exclusively concentrate on the chiral [QLa , QV ] = [QRa , QV ] = 0, (6.2.10d)
limit for either two (u, d) or three (u, d, s) light quarks
where the fabc are the totally antisymmetric structure
and omit the heavy quarks from our discussion. Intro-
constants of the Lie algebra of SU(3) [1564]. In the chi-
ducing left-handed and right-handed quark fields (color
ral limit, these operators are time independent, i.e. ,
and flavor indices omitted) as
they commute with the Hamiltonian in the chiral limit,
1 1
qL = (1 − γ5 ) q, qR = (1 + γ5 ) q, γ5 = iγ 0 γ 1 γ 2 γ 3 ,
2 2 0 0 0
(6.2.7) [QLa , HQCD ] = [QRa , HQCD ] = [QV , HQCD ] = 0.
the QCD Lagrangian in the chiral limit decomposes into
X It is convenient to consider the linear combinations QAa ≡

/ L,l + q̄R,l iDq
q̄L,l iDq / L,R QRa − QLa and QV a ≡ QRa + QLa , which transform
as QAa 7→ −QAa and QV a 7→ QV a under parity. The
− Trc (Fµν Fµν ) . (6.2.8) hadron spectrum can be organized in multiplets be-
2 longing to irreducible representations of SU(3)V with a
In the massless limit, the helicity of a quark is a good given baryon number. If not only the vector subgroup,
quantum number which is conserved in the interac-
Lower case Roman letters denote SU(3) flavor indices.
tion with gluons. Moreover, the classical Lagrangian

but the full group were realized linearly by the spec- 2. For any values of quark masses, the individual flavor
trum of the hadrons, one would expect a so-called par- currents ūγ µ u, dγ
¯ µ d, and s̄γ µ s are always conserved
ity doubling of mass-degenerate states. The absence of in the strong interactions reflecting the flavor inde-
such a doubling in the low-energy spectrum is an in- pendence of the strong coupling and the diagonal
dication that the SU(3)L × SU(3)R chiral symmetry is form of the quark-mass matrix. Of course, the sin-
dynamically broken in the ground state. One then as- glet vector current V µ , being the sum of the three
sumes that the axial generators QAa do not annihilate flavor currents, is always conserved.
the ground state of QCD, 3. In addition to the anomaly, the singlet axial-vector
current has an explicit divergence due to the quark
QAa |0i 6= 0. (6.2.12)
As a consequence of the Goldstone theorem [12], each 3gs2
axial generator QAa not annihilating the ground state ∂µ Aµ = 2iq̄γ5 Mq + µνρσ Trc (Fµν Fρσ ) .
16π 2
corresponds to a massless Goldstone-boson field φa with
spin 0, whose symmetry properties are tightly connected 4. For equal quark masses, mu = md = ms , the eight
to the generator in question. The Goldstone bosons vector currents Vaµ are conserved, because [λa , 1] =
have the same transformation behavior under parity as 0. Such a scenario is the origin of the SU(3) symme-
the axial generators, try originally proposed by Gell-Mann and Ne’eman
[1568]. The eight axial-vector currents Aµa are not
φa (t, ~x) 7→ −φa (t, −~x), (6.2.13) conserved. The divergences of the octet axial-vector
currents of Eq. (6.2.15) are proportional to pseu-
i.e. , they are pseudoscalars. From Eqs. (6.2.10a) and doscalar quadratic forms. This can be interpreted
(6.2.10b) one obtains [QV a , QAb ] = ifabc QAc and thus as the microscopic origin of the PCAC relation (par-
the Goldstone bosons transform under the subgroup tially conserved axial-vector current) [19, 1569] which
SU(3)V , which leaves the vacuum invariant, as an octet: states that the divergences of the axial-vector cur-
rents are proportional to renormalized field opera-
[QV a , φb (x)] = ifabc φc (x). (6.2.14) tors representing the lowest-lying pseudoscalar octet.
5. Taking mu = md 6= ms reduces SU(3) flavor symme-
The members of the pseudoscalar octet (π, K, η) of the try to SU(2) isospin symmetry.
real world are identified as the Goldstone bosons of 6. Taking mu 6= md leads to isospin-symmetry break-
QCD and would be massless for massless quarks. ing.
After turning on the quark masses in terms of the
mass term Besides the conservation properties of the currents, one
may also calculate their commutators (current alge-
LM = −q̄Mq = − q̄R MqL + q̄L M† qR , bra), which may then be used to derive certain relations

M = diag(mu , md , ms ), among QCD Green functions analogous to the Ward

identities of Quantum Electrodynamics. The set of all
the Goldstone bosons will no longer be massless (see QCD Green functions involving color-neutral quark bi-
below). Moreover, the symmetry currents are no longer linears is very efficiently collected in a generating func-
conserved. In terms of the vector currents Vaµ = Raµ − tional,
Lµa and the axial-vector currents Aµa = Raµ − Lµa , the
corresponding divergences read
    exp (iZQCD [v, a, s, p]) = h0|T exp i d x Lext (x) |0i0 ,
λa λa
∂µ Vaµ = iq̄ M, q, ∂µ Aµa = iq̄γ5 , M q. (6.2.16)
2 2
(6.2.15) where [64, 1570]:
The properties of the currents corresponding to the 8 8
approximate chiral symmetry of QCD can be summar- λa µ 1 λa
Lext = vaµ q̄γµ q + v(s) q̄γµ q + aµa q̄γµ γ5 q
ized as follows: a=1
2 3 a=1
1. In the limit of massless quarks, the sixteen currents 8
X 8
Lµa and Raµ or, alternatively, Vaµ = Raµ + Lµa and − sa q̄λa q + pa iq̄γ5 λa q
Aµa = Raµ − Lµa are conserved. The same is true a=0


for the singlet vector current V µ , whereas the sin- µ1 µ µ
= q̄γµ v + v(s) + γ5 a q − q̄(s − iγ5 p)q,
glet axial-vector current Aµ has an anomaly (see 3
Eq. (6.2.9)). (6.2.17)
6.2 Chiral perturbation theory 207

In the present context, we want to describe the low-

where λ0 = 23 1. A particular Green function is then
obtained through a partial functional derivative with energy dynamics of QCD in terms of its Goldstone
respect to the corresponding external fields. Note that bosons as effective degrees of freedom rather than in
both the quark field operators q in Lext and the ground terms of quarks and gluons. The resulting low-energy
state |0i refer to the chiral limit, indicated by the sub- approximation is called (mesonic) chiral perturbation
script 0 in Eq. (6.2.16). The quark fields are operators in theory (ChPT). Its foundations are discussed in Ref.
the Heisenberg picture and have to satisfy the equation [1571]. Since the interaction strength of the Goldstone
of motion and the canonical anticommutation relations. bosons vanishes in the zero-energy limit and the quark
From the generating functional, we can even obtain masses are regarded as small perturbations around the
Green functions of the “real world,” where the quark chiral limit, the mesonic Lagrangian is organized in a
fields and the ground state are those with finite quark simultaneous derivative and a quark-mass expansion.
masses. To that end one needs to evaluate the functional This Lagrangian is expected to have exactly eight pseudo-
derivative of Eq. (6.2.16) at s = diag(mu , md , ms ). The scalar degrees of freedom transforming as an octet un-
chiral Ward identities result from an invariance of the der flavor SU(3)V . Moreover, taking account of spon-
generating functional of Eq. (6.2.16) under a local trans- taneous symmetry breaking, the ground state should
formation of the quark fields and a simultaneous trans- only be invariant under SU(3)V × U(1)V . Finally, in
formation of the external fields [64, 1570], the chiral limit, we want the effective Lagrangian to be
invariant under SU(3)L × SU(3)R × U(1)V .
Our goal is to approximate the “true” generating
qL 7→ exp −i VL (x)qL , (6.2.18a)
3 functional ZQCD [v, a, s, p] of Eq. (6.2.16) by a sequence
qR 7→ exp −i VR (x)qR , (6.2.18b) (2) (4)
Zeff [v, a, s, p] + Zeff [v, a, s, p] + . . . ,
where VL (x) and VR (x) are independent space-time- where the effective generating functionals are obtained
dependent SU(3) matrices, provided the external fields using the effective field theory. The rationale underlying
are subject to the transformations this approach is the assumption that including all of the
infinite number of effective functionals Zeff [v, a, s, p]
lµ 7→ VL lµ VL† + iVL ∂µ VL† , (6.2.19a)
will, at least in the low-energy region, generate a result
rµ 7→ VR rµ VR† + iVR ∂µ VR† , (6.2.19b) which is equivalent to that obtained from ZQCD [v, a, s, p].
vµ(s) 7→ vµ(s) − ∂µ Θ, (6.2.19c) Because of spontaneous symmetry breaking, the chi-
ral group SU(3)L × SU(3)R is realized nonlinearly on
s + ip 7→ VR (s + ip)VL† , (6.2.19d) the Goldstone-boson fields [1387, 1572]. We define the
s − ip 7→ VL (s − ip)VR† . (6.2.19e) SU(3) matrix

The derivative terms in Eqs. (6.2.19a)-(6.2.19c) serve

U (x) = exp i , (6.2.20)
the same purpose as in the construction of gauge theo- F0
ries, i.e. , they cancel analogous terms originating from
where the field matrix φ is a Hermitian, traceless 3 × 3
the kinetic part of the quark Lagrangian.
6.2.2 Chiral perturbation theory for mesons √ + √ +
π + √13 η
 0
8 2π 2K
X √ − 0 1
√ 0
Effective field theory (EFT) is a powerful tool for de- φ(x) = φa λ a ≡  2π −π + √ η 2K  ,

√ − √ 03
scribing the strong interactions at low energies. The a=1 2K 2K̄ − √23 η
essential idea behind EFT was formulated by Weinberg (6.2.21)
in Ref. [1387] as follows:
and the parameter F0 is the chiral limit of the pion-
“... if one writes down the most general possible
decay constant. Under local chiral transformations, U (x)
Lagrangian, including all terms consistent with
transforms as [64]
assumed symmetry principles, and then calcu-
lates matrix elements with this Lagrangian to U (x) 7→ VR (x)U (x)VL† (x). (6.2.22)
any given order of perturbation theory, the re-
sult will simply be the most general possible In particular, Eq. (6.2.22) implies for the field matrix
S–matrix consistent with analyticity, perturba- φ the transformation behavior φ(x) 7→ V φ(x)V † under
tive unitarity, cluster decomposition and the as- global flavor SU(3)V , i.e. , the Goldstone bosons indeed
sumed symmetry principles.”

form an SU(3) octet [see Eq. (6.2.14)]. The most gen- transformations. Inserting Lext = LM corresponds to
eral Lagrangian with the smallest (nonzero) number of s = diag(mu , md , ms ) and it is the same s that is to be
external fields is given by [64] used in the effective Lagrangian. The expansion of the
χ term gives rise to
F02 F2
L2 = Tr[Dµ U (Dµ U )† ]+ 0 Tr(χU † +U χ† ), (6.2.23)
4 4 B0
F02 B0 (mu +md +ms )− Tr φ2 M +2B0 Tr Mφ4 +. . .
where 2
Dµ U ≡ ∂µ U − irµ U + iU lµ 7→ VR Dµ U VL† , (6.2.24a)
Even though the first term of Eq. (6.2.29) is of no
χ ≡ 2B0 (s + ip) 7→ VR χVL† . (6.2.24b) dynamical significance for the interaction among the
Goldstone bosons, it represents an interesting effect. Its
If we denote a small four momentum as of O(q), the
negative is the energy density of the vacuum, hHeff imin ,
covariant derivative counts as O(q) and χ as O(q 2 )
which is shifted relative to the chiral limit because of the
(see below), such that the lowest-order Lagrangian is
nonzero quark masses. We compare the partial deriva-
of O(q 2 ), indicated by the subscript 2. Using the cyclic
tive of hHeff imin with respect to (any of) the light-quark
property of the trace, L2 is easily seen to be invariant
masses ml with the corresponding quantity in QCD,
under the transformations of Eqs. (6.2.19a)-(6.2.19e)
and (6.2.22). Moreover, L2 is invariant under the simul-

∂h0|HQCD |0i 1 1
taneous replacements U ↔ U † , lµ ↔ rµ , and χ ↔ χ† . = h0|q̄q|0i0 = hq̄qi0 ,
mu =md =ms =0 3 3
It is said to be of even intrinsic parity.
At lowest order, the effective field theory contains
two parameters F0 and B0 . In order to pin down the where hq̄qi0 is the scalar singlet quark condensate. With-
meaning of F0 , we consider the axial-vector current JAa
in the framework of the lowest-order effective Lagrangian,
associated with L2 : the constant B0 is thus related to the scalar singlet
quark condensate by
Tr λa {U, ∂ µ U † } . (6.2.25)

JAa = −i
4 3F02 B0 = −hq̄qi0 . (6.2.31)
Expanding U in terms of the field matrix φ, and using For an overview of recent lattice QCD determinations
Tr(λa λb ) = 2δab results in of hq̄qi0 see Ref. [1573]. Because of the second term
of Eq. (6.2.29), the Goldstone bosons are no longer
JAa = −F0 ∂ µ φa + O(φ3 ), (6.2.26)
massless. If, for the sake of simplicity, we consider the
from which we conclude that the axial-vector current isospin-symmetric limit mu = md = m̂ (so that there
has a nonvanishing matrix element when evaluated be- is no π 0 -η mixing), we obtain for the masses of the
tween the vacuum and a one-Goldstone-boson state: Goldstone bosons, to lowest order in the quark masses
(O(q 2 ), denoted by the subscript 2),
h0|JAa (x)|φb (p)i = ipµ F0 exp(−ip · x)δab . (6.2.27)
Mπ,2 = 2B0 m̂, (6.2.32a)
Equation (6.2.27) holds at leading order (LO) in ChPT. 2
MK,2 = B0 (m̂ + ms ), (6.2.32b)
It is the current-density analog of Eq. (6.2.12), i.e. , a
nonvanishing value of F0 is a necessary and sufficient 2
Mη,2 = B0 (m̂ + 2ms ) . (6.2.32c)
criterion for spontaneous symmetry breaking in QCD. 3
The expansion of the first term of Eq. (6.2.23) in These results, in combination with Eq. (6.2.31), cor-
the field matrix φ yields respond to relations obtained in Ref. [1574] and are
referred to as the Gell-Mann, Oakes, and Renner re-
Tr (∂µ φ∂ µ φ) +
Tr ([φ, ∂µ φ][φ, ∂ µ φ]) + . . . . lations. Because of the on-shell condition p2 = M 2 ,
4 48F 2 Eqs. (6.2.32a)-(6.2.32c) justify the assignment χ = O(q 2 ).
(6.2.28) Inserting the empirical values Mπ = 135 MeV, MK =
496 MeV, and Mη = 548 MeV for the lowest-order pre-
The first term of Eq. (6.2.28) describes the kinetic term
dictions provides a first estimate for the ratio of the
of the eight Goldstone bosons and the second term con-
quark masses,
tributes to the scattering of Goldstone bosons. The sec-
ond term of Eq. (6.2.23) is an example how the ex- MK
m̂ + ms

= 25.9, (6.2.33a)
plicit symmetry breaking by the quark masses is trans- Mπ2 2m̂ m̂
ferred from the QCD level to the EFT level. Both, Mη2 2ms + m̂ ms
L0QCD + Lext and L2 are invariant under local chiral = ⇒ = 24.3. (6.2.33b)
Mπ2 3m̂ m̂
6.2 Chiral perturbation theory 209

A remarkable feature of Eq. (6.2.23) is the fact that,

once F0 is known (from pion decay), chiral symme-
try allows us to make absolute predictions about other
processes. For example, the lowest-order results for the
scattering of Goldstone bosons can be derived straight- 4 2
forwardly from the O(φ4 ) contributions of Eqs. (6.2.28) Fig. 6.2.1 Self-energy diagrams at O(q 4 ). Vertices derived
and (6.2.29). In particular, the s-wave ππ-scattering from L2n are denoted by 2n in the interaction blobs.
lengths for the isospin channels I = 0 and I = 2 are
obtained as [1570]
M(pi , ml ) is defined by
7Mπ2 Mπ2
a00 = = 0.160, a20 =− = −0.0456, M(tpi , t2 ml ) = tD M(pi , ml ), (6.2.35)
32πFπ2 16πFπ2
(6.2.34) where, in n dimensions,
where we replaced F0 by the physical pion-decay con- ∞
stant and made use of the numerical values Fπ = 92.2 (6.2.36)
D = nNL − 2NI + 2kN2k
MeV and Mπ = Mπ+ = 139.57 MeV. These results are k=1

identical with the current-algebra predictions of Ref. [22].

= 2 + (n − 2)NL + 2(k − 1)N2k
Actually, they serve as an illustration of the fact that
the results of current algebra can (more easily) be repro-

duced from lowest-order perturbation theory in terms ≥ 2 in 4 dimensions.

of an effective Lagrangian [1575]—in the present case Here, NL is the number of independent loops, NI the
the lowest-order mesonic ChPT Lagrangian. number of internal Goldsone-boson lines, and N2k the
However, ChPT is much more powerful than the number of vertices originating from L2k . A diagram
effective Lagrangians of the 1960s, which, by defini- with chiral dimension D is said to be of order O(q D ).
tion, were meant to be applied only in lowest-order Clearly, for small enough momenta and masses, dia-
perturbation theory (see, e.g., the second footnote in grams with small D, such as D = 2 or D = 4, should
Ref. [1576]). In ChPT, a systematic improvement be- dominate. Of course, the re-scaling of Eq. (6.2.35) must
yond the tree-level of the lowest-order Lagrangian of be viewed as a mathematical tool. While external three-
Eq. (6.2.23) is accomplished by calculating loop correc- momenta can, to a certain extent, be made arbitrarily
tions in combination with tree-level contributions from small, the re-scaling of the quark masses is a theoretical
Lagrangians of higher order. For a long time it was be- instrument only. Note that, for n = 4, loop diagrams are
lieved that performing loop calculations using the La- always suppressed due to the term 2NL in Eq. (6.2.37).
grangian of Eq. (6.2.23) would make no sense, because In other words, we have a perturbative scheme in terms
it is not renormalizable (in the traditional sense [821]). of external momenta and masses which are small com-
However, as emphasized by Weinberg [1387, 1577], the pared to some scale (here 4πF0 ≈ 1 GeV).
cancellation of ultraviolet divergences does not really The most general Lagrangian at O(q 4 ) was con-
depend on renormalizability; as long as one includes ev- structed by Gasser and Leutwyler [64] and contains
ery one of the infinite number of interactions allowed by twelve low-energy constants (LECs) (L1 , . . . , L10 , H1 H2 ),
symmetries, the so-called non-renormalizable theories
are actually just as renormalizable as renormalizable
L4 = L1 Tr[Dµ U (Dµ U )† ] + . . . + H2 Tr χχ† .
theories [1577]. This still leaves open the question of (6.2.38)
how to organize a perturbative description of observ-
ables. For that purpose, one needs a power-counting The numerical values of the low-energy constants Li
scheme to assess the importance of various diagrams are not determined by chiral symmetry. In analogy to
calculated from the most general effective Lagrangian. F0 and B0 of L2 they are parameters containing infor-
Using Weinberg’s power counting scheme [1387], one mation on the underlying dynamics. For an extensive
may analyze the behavior of a given diagram of mesonic review of the status of these coupling constants, see
ChPT under a linear re-scaling of all external momenta, Refs. [1578] as well as [1573].
pi 7→ tpi , and a quadratic re-scaling of the light-quark As an example of a one-loop calculation let us con-
masses, ml 7→ t2 ml , which, in terms of the Goldstone- sider the O(q 4 ) corrections to the masses of the Gold-
boson masses, corresponds to M 2 7→ t2 M 2 . The chi- stone bosons. For that purpose one needs to evaluate
ral dimension D of a given diagram with amplitude the self-energy diagrams shown in Fig. 6.2.1. The cor-
responding expressions for the masses were first given

in Ref. [64], of which we show the squared pion mass as The Lagrangians discussed so far are of even intrin-
a representative example: sic parity. At O(q 4 ), they are incomplete, because they
do not describe processes such as K + K − → π + π − π 0
Mπ,4 = or π 0 → γγ. The missing piece is the effective Wess-
Zumino-Witten (WZW) action [1580, 1581], which ac-
( ! !
2 2 2 2
Mπ,2 Mπ,2 Mη,2 Mη,2
Mπ,2 1+
32π 2 F02

96π 2 F02
µ2 counts for the chiral anomaly. The chiral anomaly re-
) sults in the so-called anomalous Ward identities that
16 r r r r give a particular form to the variation of the gener-
+ 2 [(2m̂ + ms )B0 (2L6 − L4 ) + m̂B0 (2L8 − L5 )] .
F0 ating functional [1570, 1580]. At leading order, O(q 4 ),
(6.2.39) and in the absence of external fields, the WZW action
reads [1580, 1581],
Because of the overall factor Mπ,2
, the pion stays mass- 0 0
Sano = Nc SWZW ,
less as ml → 0. This is, of course, what we expected Z 1
from QCD in the chiral limit, but it is comforting to see
SWZW = − dα d4 xijklm Tr(UiL UjL UkL UlL Um
that the self interaction in L2 (in the absence of quark 240π 2 0
masses) does not generate Goldstone-boson masses at (6.2.40)
higher order. The ultraviolet divergences generated by For the construction of the WZW action, the domain of
the loop diagram of Fig. 6.2.1 are cancelled by a suit- definition of U needs to be extended to a (hypothetical)
able adjustment of the parameters of L4 . This is Wein- fifth dimension,
berg’s argument on renormalizability at work; as long  
as one works with the most general Lagrangian all ul- U (y) = exp iα , (6.2.41)
traviolet divergences can be absorbed in the parameters F0
of the theory. At O(q 4 ), the squared Goldstone-boson where y i = (xµ , α), i = 0, . . . , 4, and 0 ≤ α ≤ 1.
masses contain terms which are analytic in the quark Minkowski space is defined as the surface of the five-
masses, namely, of the form m2l multiplied by the renor- dimensional space for α = 1. The indices i, . . . , m in
malized low-energy constants Lri . However, there are Eq. (6.2.40) run from 0 to 4, y4 = y 4 = α, ijklm is
also nonanalytic terms of the type m2l ln(ml )—so-called the completely antisymmetric (five-dimensional) tensor
chiral logarithms—which do not involve new parame- with 01234 = −01234 = 1, and UiL = U † ∂U/∂y i .
ters. Such a behavior is an illustration of the mecha- In contrast to L2 and L4 , Sano 0
is of odd intrinsic
nism found by Li and Pagels [1579], who noticed that a parity, i.e. , it changes sign under φ → −φ. Expanding
perturbation theory around a symmetry, which is real- the SU(3) matrix U (y) in terms of the Goldstone-boson
ized in the Nambu-Goldstone mode, results in both an- fields, U (y) = 1 + iαφ(x)/F0 + O(φ2 ), one obtains an
alytic as well as nonanalytic expressions in the pertur- infinite series of terms, each involving an odd number of
bation. Finally, by construction, the scale dependence Goldstone bosons. For example, after some rearrange-
of the renormalized coefficients Lri entering Eq. (6.2.39) ments, the term with the smallest number of Goldstone
is such that it cancels the scale dependence of the chi- bosons reads
ral logarithms [64]. Thus, physical observables do not 1
depend on the scale µ.

SWZW = d4x µνρσ Tr(φ∂µ φ∂ν φ∂ρ φ∂σ φ).
240π 2 F05
In terms of Fig. 6.2.1 and the result of Eq. (6.2.39),
we can also comment on the so-called chiral-symmetry-
breaking scale Λχ to be Λχ = 4πF0 [1566]. In a loop cor- In particular, the WZW action without external fields
rection, every endpoint of an internal Goldstone-boson involves at least five Goldstone bosons [1580]. Again,
line is multiplied by a factor of 1/F0 , since the SU(3) once F0 is known, after inserting Nc = 3 one obtains a
matrix of Eq. (6.2.20) contains the Goldstone-boson parameter-free prediction for, e.g., the process K + K − →
fields in the combination φ/F0 . On the other hand, ex- π+ π− π0 .
ternal momenta q or Goldstone-boson masses produce In the presence of external fields, the anomalous ac-
factors of q 2 or M 2 (see Eqs. (6.2.28) and (6.2.29)). tion receives an additional term [1581–1583]
Together with a factor 1/(16π 2 ) remaining after inte- 0
Sano = Nc (SWZW ext
+ SWZW ) (6.2.43)
gration in four dimensions they combine to corrections
of the order of [q/(4πF0 )]2 for each independent loop. given by
Strictly speaking, this particular integral generates an
ext i
SWZW =− d4 xµνρσ Tr [Zµνρσ (U, l, r)
additional factor of 2, and the factor of 1/(16π 2 ) should 48π 2
be considered an estimate. −Zµνρσ (1, l, r)] . (6.2.44)
6.2 Chiral perturbation theory 211

where the explicit form of Zµνρσ (U, l, r) can be found in where u2 = U , and the isoscalar vector field vµ . Fur-

[1582, 1583]. At leading order, the action of Eq. (6.2.44) ther, it is convenient to define
is responsible for the two-photon decays of the π 0 or the
uµ = i u† (∂µ − irµ )u − u(∂µ − ilµ )u† . (6.2.50)
η. Quantum corrections to the WZW classical action
do not renormalize the coefficient of the WZW term.
The LO Lagrangian can be written as [1586]
The counter terms needed to renormalize the one-loop
singularities at O(q 6 ) are of a conventional chirally in- g
/ − m + A γ µ γ5 uµ Ψ. (6.2.51)
LπN = Ψ̄ iD
variant structure. In the three-flavor sector, the most 2
general odd-intrinsic-parity Lagrangian at O(q 6 ) con- It contains two LECs: m and gA . These correspond to
tains 23 independent terms [1584, 1585]. For an overview the nucleon mass (m) and the nucleon axial-vector coup-
of applications in the odd-intrinsic-parity sector, we re- ling constant (gA ), both taken in the chiral limit. The
fer to Ref. [1583]. corresponding physical values will be denoted as mN
and gA in the following. The superscript (1) in Eq. (6.2.51)
6.2.3 ChPT for baryons denotes that the Lagrangian is of first order in the
power counting. While neither the nucleon energy nor
ChPT was first extended to the baryon sector in Ref. [1586], the chiral-limit nucleon mass are small parameters, the
which considered a variety of matrix elements with single- combination iD / − m can be assumed to be a small quan-
nucleon incoming and outgoing states. While the gen- tity as long as the nucleon three-momentum is O(q).
eral approach is analogous to that in the mesonic sector, This Lagrangian can be used to calculate the first
i.e. , one considers the most general Lagrangian consis- loop contribution to the nucleon mass. The power count-
tent with the symmetries of QCD and expands observ- ing predicts this contribution to be O(q 3 ). However, the
ables in a quark-mass and low-momentum expansion, application of dimensional regularization and the min-
the baryon sector exhibits some new features. In par- imal subtraction scheme of ChPT (MS) g as used in the
ticular, unlike the Goldstone-boson masses, the baryon meson sector results in terms that are of lower order
masses do not vanish in the chiral limit. This has impor- than predicted by the power counting. Analogous is-
tant consequences for obtaining a proper power count- sues also arise for other observables and higher-order
ing of diagrams containing baryon lines and for the contributions. The authors of Ref. [1586] pointed out
regularization and renormalization of loop diagrams. that the failure of the power counting is related to the
In the following we restrict the discussion to SU(2)L × regularization and renormalization schemes and that
SU(2)R chiral symmetry; for the extension to SU(3)L × the “same phenomenon would occur in the meson sec-
SU(3)R see, e.g., the reviews of Refs. [1587, 1588] and tor, if one did not make use of dimensional regulariza-
references therein. To construct the pion-nucleon La- tion.” Several methods to address the power counting
grangian, the proton (p) and neutron (n) fields are com- issue have been proposed [1590–1595].
bined into an SU(2) doublet Ψ , One commonly used method is Heavy Baryon ChPT
(HBChPT) [1590], which was inspired by Heavy Quark
Ψ= . (6.2.45) Effective Theory [667, 1254] (see the discussion in Sec. 6.1).
Because the nucleon mass is large compared to the pion
The nucleon fields are chosen to transform under local mass, an additional expansion of the pion-nucleon La-
SU(2)L × SU(2)R transformations as grangian is performed in inverse powers of the nucleon
Ψ → K(VL , VR , U )Ψ, (6.2.46) mass. In this formalism, application of dimensional reg-
ularization in combination with MS g to loop diagrams,
where the SU(2) matrix K depends on the left- and as in the meson sector, leads to a consistent power
right-handed transformations as well as on the pion counting, connecting the chiral to the loop expansion.
fields collected in U , The heavy-baryon Lagrangian up to and including or-
q −1 √ der q 4 is given in Ref. [1596]. For an introduction to,
K(VL , VR , U ) = VR U VL† VR U . (6.2.47) and applications of, this method see, e.g., Refs. [1587,
The baryon Lagrangian also contains the covariant de- 1597].
rivative of the nucleon field given by While the heavy-baryon formalism makes it possi-
ble to use techniques from the meson sector, the addi-
Dµ Ψ = (∂µ + Γµ − ivµ(s) )Ψ, (6.2.48) tional expansion in powers of the inverse nucleon mass
with the connection [1586, 1589] results in a large number of terms in the higher-order
Lagrangians. Some of the higher-order terms are related
1 † to those at lower orders by Lorentz invariance [1398].
u (∂µ − irµ )u + u(∂µ − ilµ )u† , (6.2.49)

Γµ =

Calculated amplitudes can be expressed in Lorentz- even powers in the small parameter q like the meson sec-
invariant forms, but Lorentz invariance is not manifest tor, but also odd powers. As a result, the convergence of
throughout intermediate steps of the calculations. Fur- chiral expansions is expected to be slower in the baryon
ther, issues with analyticity arise in some specific cases sector. The second-order contribution is proportional to
because the heavy-baryon expansion results in a shift the LEC c1 from the second-order Lagrangian. On the
of the poles in the nucleon propagator [1592]. other hand, the coefficient of the nonanalytic term pro-
A manifestly Lorentz-invariant approach to baryon portional to M 3 is given entirely in terms of the LO
ChPT that addresses these issues was formulated in LEC gA and F . Similar features also appear at higher
Ref. [1592], referred to as infrared regularization. While orders. The general form of the chiral expansion of the
infrared regularization also uses dimensional regular- nucleon mass to higher orders is given by
ization, the renormalization procedure is different from
minimal subtraction. Loop integrals are separated into
mN = m + k1 M 2 + k2 M 3 + k3 M 4 ln + k4 M 4
infrared-singular and infrared-regular parts. The infra- µ
red-singular parts contain the same infrared singulari-
+ k5 M 5 ln + k6 M 5
ties as the original integral and they satisfy the power µ
counting. The infrared-regular parts are analytic in small  
parameters for arbitrary spacetime dimensions and con- + k7 M 6 ln2 + k8 M 6 ln + k9 M 6 + . . . ,
µ µ
tain the power-counting-violating terms. Since the infra-
red-regular parts are analytic, they can be absorbed in
the LECs of the baryon Lagrangian. Infrared regular- where µ is the renormalization scale and the ellipsis de-
ization in its original formulation was applicable to one- notes higher-order terms. The coefficients ki are linear
loop diagrams. It has been widely used in the calcula- combinations of various LECs. k1 through k4 can be
tion of baryon properties, see, e.g., Ref. [1598] for a determined by considering at most one-loop diagrams,
review. while k5 through k9 receive contributions from two-loop
The expansion of the infrared-regular parts in small diagrams. Using estimates of the LECs entering the ki ,
parameters contains not only the terms violating the Ref. [1604] estimated the nucleon mass in the chiral
power counting, but also an infinite set of terms that limit from an EOMS calculation to order q 4 to be
satisfy the power counting. The extended on-mass-shell
m = [938.3 − 74.8 + 15.3 + 4.7 − 0.7] MeV
(EOMS) scheme [1595] provides a method to isolate (6.2.54)
the terms that violate the power counting and to ab- = 882.8 MeV.
sorb only these terms in the LECs of the Lagrangian.
Two-loop contributions to order q 5 were considered in
The EOMS scheme was also shown to be applicable
Ref. [1605], while Refs. [1606, 1607] determined mN to
to multi-loop diagrams [1599] and diagrams containing
order q 6 . Because several currently undetermined LECs
particles other than pions and nucleons [1600]. By re-
enter the expressions for several of the higher-order ki ,
formulating infrared regularization analogously to the
no reliable estimate of the complete two-loop contribu-
EOMS scheme [1601], it can be applied beyond one-
tions is possible. However, the coefficient k5 of the lead-
loop pion-nucleon diagrams [1599]; see also Ref. [1602]
ing nonanalytic contribution at order q 5 only depends
for a different extension of infrared regularization.
on gA and the pion-decay constant F and can therefore
The nucleon mass presents an example of the appli-
be compared to lower-order terms. At the physical pion
cation of baryon ChPT. It has been determined to one-
mass and with µ = mN , k5 M 5 ln(M/mN ) = −4.8 MeV.
loop order in several approaches, including HBChPT
Chiral expansions like that of Eq. (6.2.53) are also
[1603], infrared regularization [1592], and the EOMS
important at nonphysical pion masses in the extrapo-
scheme [1595]. Up to and including order q 3 , the chiral
lation of lattice QCD results (for an introduction see,
expansion of the nucleon mass is given by
e.g., Ref. [1608]). The fifth-order term k5 M 5 ln(M/mN )
3g2A becomes as large as the third-order term k2 M 3 , where
mN = m − 4c1 M 2 − M3 + . . . , (6.2.52) k2 also only depends on gA and F , for a pion mass of
32πF 2
about 360 MeV. While this comparison includes only
where F denotes the pion-decay constant in the two-
one part of the two-loop contributions, it indicates a
flavor chiral limit, Fπ = F [1 + O(m̂)] = 92.2 MeV
limit to the applicability of the power counting. This
and M 2 = 2B m̂ is the lowest-order expression for the
estimate agrees with others found using different meth-
squared pion mass.
ods in Refs. [1609, 1610].
The result of Eq. (6.2.52) exhibits some general fea-
Even though the nucleon mass is a static quantity,
tures of baryon ChPT: The expansion contains not just
it is not entirely surprising that a combined chiral and
6.3 Chiral EFT and nuclear physics 213

momentum expansion in the baryon sector does not ChPT has played an important role in interpreting lat-
converge well for energies beyond about 300 MeV. This tice QCD calculations performed at unphysical pion
roughly corresponds to the mass gap between the nu- masses. It has also served as a prototype for semi-
cleon and the ∆(1232) resonance. At the physical point, phenomenological approaches in other systems. The
treating the ∆ as an explicit degree of freedom has lim- application of ChPT methods to the interactions be-
ited impact on the nucleon mass [1611, 1612]. How- tween two and more nucleons is discussed in the contri-
ever, the ∆(1232) also couples strongly to the πN chan- bution by Epelbaum and Pastore.
nel and has relatively large photon decay amplitudes,
resulting in important contributions to processes such
as pion-nucleon scattering, Compton scattering, and 6.3 Chiral EFT and nuclear physics
electromagnetic pion production. These issues were
Evgeny Epelbaum and Saori Pastore
already pointed out in Ref. [1590], which advocated for
treating ∆ degrees of freedom as dynamic. In baryon
As explained in the previous section, ChPT allows one
ChPT with only pions and nucleons as degrees of free-
to describe the low-energy interactions between hadrons
dom, effects of the ∆(1232) enter implicitly through the
in the Goldstone-boson and single-baryon sectors by
values of the LECs. However, these contributions can be
means of a perturbative expansion in light-quark masses
proportional to powers of M/δ, where δ = (m∆ − m).
and particle momenta in line with the symmetries of
This ratio is small as the quark masses approach the
QCD. In this section we briefly review the extension and
chiral limit, but it is a rather large expansion param-
application of this systematic and model-independent
eter at the physical values, especially when combined
method to systems with several baryons, focusing on
with the strong coupling of the ∆. By formulating a
the non-strange sector. This extension goes beyond strict
theory that also includes the ∆ as an active degree of
perturbation theory and is commonly referred to as chi-
freedom, one hopes to improve the convergence of the
ral effective field theory, or ChEFT, in order to make
perturbative expansion and potentially to increase the
the distinction with ChPT clear.
kinematic range of applicability.
The inclusion of ∆ degrees of freedom poses addi-
tional challenges to the construction of the most gen- 6.3.1 The foundations of ChEFT
eral Lagrangian and to the power counting. The co-
EFT methods enjoy increasing popularity in nuclear
variant description of spin- 32 , isospin- 32 fields introduces
physics63 . A unified description of few-nucleon systems,
unphysical degrees of freedom [1613, 1614]. For the free
medium mass and heavy nuclei as well as nuclear matter
Lagrangian, these can be eliminated by subsidiary equa-
up to the saturation density calls for an EFT applicable
tions and projection operators. The correct number of
at nucleon momenta p ∼ Mπ , which must include pi-
degrees of freedom also has to be preserved when in-
ons as dynamical DoF. The corresponding framework,
cluding interactions with pions, nucleons, and external
commonly referred to as chiral EFT (ChEFT), was pi-
fields. Various approaches addressing this issue have
oneered by Weinberg [1626, 1627] and represents the
been considered, see, e.g., Refs. [1615–1620].
The main issue for the power counting is how to 63
In the past decades, a variety of EFTs utilizing different
count the ∆-nucleon mass difference δ. In one version degrees of freedom (DoF) have been developed to describe phe-
of the power counting [1617], it is a small quantity of the nomena characterized by specific energy scales. For example,
an EFT description of rotational bands of deformed heavy nu-
same order as the pion mass, δ ∼ O(q). In a different clei with excitation energies E  1 MeV can be efficiently
approach [1621], it is argued that (for physical quark achieved in terms of collective coordinates with no need to re-
masses) Mπ < δ and that Mπ /δ ∼ δ/Λ, where Λ ∼ solve the internal structure of a nucleus under consideration
1 GeV is the breakdown scale of the EFT. Denoting [1622]. Low-energy properties of nuclei consisting of a dense
core, surrounded by weakly bound nucleons, have been stud-
δ̄ ≡ δ/Λ implies that Mπ /Λ ∼ δ̄ 2 , i.e. , the pion mass ied in halo-EFT [1623]. This framework treats the core nucleus
is of higher order than the ∆-nucleon mass difference as a point-like particle and utilizes the expansion in powers
in this power counting. of p/pcore , with p and pcore denoting the binding momenta
of the nucleons and of the core nucleus, respectively. Another
EFT approach, the so-called pion-less EFT, is formulated in
6.2.4 Conclusions terms of nucleons as the only dynamical DoF and is well suited
to describe the dynamics of few-nucleon systems at momenta
Over the last few decades, ChPT has developed into a p  Mπ . This framework has proven to be particularly efficient
mature and comprehensive approach to the low-energy for uncovering universal features of few-body systems around
the unitary limit [1624, 1625].
interactions between Goldstone bosons, nucleons, and
external fields, with numerous successful applications.

most widely used EFT approach in nuclear physics ap- that determines the importance of renormalized contri-
plications. The method relies on the spontaneously bro- butions to the scattering amplitude. The power count-
ken approximate chiral symmetry of QCD and makes ing of mesonic ChPT was already given in Eqs. (6.2.35)-
use of the effective Lagrangian for pions and nucleons (6.2.37). Using the HB framework to avoid the appear-
already introduced in the previous section. Specifically, ance of positive powers of the nucleon mass in renormal-
the O(q 2 ) and O(q 4 ) mesonic Lagrangians are given ized expressions as explained in the previous section,
in Eqs. (6.2.23) and (6.2.38), respectively, while the LO the power counting can be straightforwardly extended
pion-nucleon (πN) Lagrangian is written in Eq. (6.2.51). to single- and few-nucleon scattering amplitudes. A con-
Most of the applications to few-nucleon systems are car- nected contribution to the scattering amplitude for N
ried out using the heavy-baryon (HB) Lagrangian for nucleons with generic momenta |~ p | ∼ Mπ involving NL
the velocity-dependent nucleon field N (x) = eimv·x Pv+ Ψ (x),independent loop integrals is found to scale as M ∼ q D ,
with Pv+ = (1 + v · γ)/2 being the velocity projection where q ∈ {|~ p |/Λb , Mπ /Λb } with Λb being the break-
operator [1590]. The LO HB πN Lagrangian obtained down scale of ChEFT. In four space-time dimensions,
from the covariant expression in Eq. (6.2.51) takes the the power D is given by [1626, 1627]
D = 2 − N + 2N L + Vi ∆ i ,
LπN = N † (iv · D + gA S · u)N , i

where Sµ = −γ5 [γµ , γν ]v ν /4 is the covariant spin-ope- where Vi denotes the number of vertices of type i, whose
rator that is given by the usual Pauli matrices S µ = dimension ∆i is given by
(0, ~σ /2) in the rest-frame system of the nucleon with
vµ = (1, ~0 ). Higher-order terms in the HB πN La- 1
∆i = −2 + ni + di . (6.3.4)
grangian can be found in Refs. [1587, 1596]. Finally, one 2
also needs to include in the effective Lagrangian terms Here, ni is the number of nucleon fields while di refers to
with more than two nucleon fields. The corresponding the number of derivatives and/or insertions of Mπ . Us-
LO Lagrangian has the form [1626, 1627] ing Eq. (6.3.3), one can draw the relevant Feynman dia-
1 grams contributing to the multi-nucleon scattering am-
LN N = − CS (N † N )2 + 2CT N † Sµ N N † S µ N , (6.3.2)
2 plitude at increasing orders in chiral EFT, see Fig. 6.3.1.
The terms LO, NLO, N2 LO, N3 LO and N4 LO refer to
with CS , CT being low-energy constants (LECs).
the ChEFT orders q 0 , q 2 , q 3 , q 4 and q 5 , respectively.
While both ChPT and ChEFT rely on the same ef-
Notice that contributions at order q 1 are forbidden by
fective Lagrangian, the two frameworks are applied to
parity conservation. However, the above classification
describe rather different phenomenological situations.
of Feynman diagrams implies a perturbative nature of
Contrary to the meson and single-baryon sectors, the
multi-nucleon scattering amplitudes, which is in con-
scattering amplitudes for few-nucleon systems exhibit
tradiction with the empirical evidence. The key insight
low-lying poles corresponding to bound (and virtual)
of Weinberg was the observation that certain contri-
states, which signal the breakdown of perturbation the-
butions to the amplitude are enhanced beyond what
ory at very low momenta. For example, in the 3 S1 and
is expected based on Eq. (6.3.3) [1626, 1627]. Consider,
S0 channels of neutron-proton scattering, the poles are
for example, the two-pion exchange planar box diagram
located at pcms ∼ 45i MeV and pcms ∼ −8i MeV, re-
(the last diagram in the second line of Fig. 6.3.1):
spectively, which is well within the validity domain of
chiral (and even pion-less) EFT. This is in strong con- d4 l1 i j k l
i i
M=i l l l l Ôijkl 2
trast to pion-pion scattering, where the lowest-lying res- (2π)4 1 1 2 2 l1 − Mπ2 + i l22 − Mπ2 + i
onances reside at momenta of the order of the break- 2im 2im
down scale of ChPT, and the scattering amplitude ad- × , (6.3.5)
(p1 − l1 )2 − m2 + i (p2 + l1 )2 − m2 + i
mits a perturbative expansion in powers of momenta
where pµ1 = ( p~ 2 + m2 , p~ ) and pµ2 = ( p~ 2 + m2 , −~
p p
for p ∼ Mπ . It is worth emphasizing that while the p)
spontaneously broken chiral symmetry of QCD leads to are the initial four-momenta of the nucleons, l1 and
a strong suppression of the interactions between Gold- l2 = p01 − p1 + l1 are pion momenta and we have used
stone bosons (pions) at low energy, which is at the heart the relativistic rather than the strict HB expressions for
of ChPT, it does not constrain the strength of the inter- the nucleon propagators for reasons to be given below.
action between the nucleons for |~
p | → 0, see Eq. (6.3.2). The spin-isospin operator Ôijkl with i, j, k, l = 1, . . . , 3
So how can ChEFT be reconciled with the nonper- emerges from four πN vertices ∝ gA with ∆ = 0. As-
turbative nature of the two-nucleon interaction? To an- suming |~ p |, l1 , l2 ∼ Mπ  m and applying naive dimen-
swer this question one needs a power-counting scheme sional analysis (NDA) to the integrand in Eq. (6.3.5),
6.3 Chiral EFT and nuclear physics 215

Two-nucleon force Three-nucleon force Four-nucleon force

LO ⏤ ⏤

NLO ⏤ ⏤

N2LO ⏤

N3LO … … …

N4LO … … ⏤ (preliminary)

Fig. 6.3.1 Diagrams contributing to the two-, three- and four-nucleon forces up to fifth order O(q 5 ) in ChEFT. Solid and dashed
lines denote nucleons and pions, respectively. Solid dots, filled circles, filled squares, crossed circles and filled diamonds denote
vertices with ∆ = 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively.

the renormalized amplitude for the box diagram is ex- in Eq. (6.3.6) stems from two-nucleon-reducible TOPT
pected to be of the order of M ∼ Mπ2 in agreement diagrams which have an intermediate state involving
with the power counting formula in Eq. (6.3.3). On the two nucleons and no pions. Energy denominators asso-
other hand, performing the integration over l10 using the ciated with such purely nucleonic intermediate states of
residue theorem, one obtains TOPT diagrams involve only nucleon kinetic energies
 i j ∼Mπ2 /m  Mπ and are smaller than what is expected
d3 l1 l2k l2l
l1 l1 m
M= 3
Ô ijkl 2 2
from NDA. This leads to the enhancement of reducible-
(2π) ω1 p~ 2 − (~ p − ~l1 )2 + i ω2 type diagrams beyond the power counting estimation
ω 2 + ω1 ω2 + ω22 i j k l in Eq. (6.3.3)65 . In contrast, the second term in the
+ 13 3 l1 l1 l2 l2 + O , (6.3.6)
2ω1 ω2 (ω1 + ω2 ) m square brackets of Eq. (6.3.6) emerges from irreducible
q two-pion exchange diagrams with intermediate states
where ωi = ~li2 + Mπ2 are the energies of the exchanged involving at least one pion and results in the contribu-
pions. Remarkably, the first term in the square brack- tion M ∼ Mπ2 in agreement with Eq. (6.3.3).
ets is enhanced by the factor m/Mπ compared to the In his seminal work [1626, 1627], Weinberg has ar-
power counting estimation. The origin of this enhance- gued that the breakdown of perturbation theory for
ment can be traced back to the pinch singularity in the the scattering amplitude in the few-nucleon sector of
m → ∞ limit [1626, 1627], which is why we used the ChEFT can be traced back to the enhancement of re-
relativistic expressions for the nucleon propagators64 . ducible diagrams, which need to be resummed to all or-
Notice that infrared divergences of this kind do not ap- ders. He also noticed that ladder-type reducible TOPT
pear in the single-baryon sector of ChPT. diagrams automatically get resummed by solving the
To identify all enhanced types of contributions to Lippmann-Schwinger-type integral equations for the am-
the amplitude it is useful to recall that performing the plitude
integration over l0 leads to a decomposition of Feyn-
man diagrams into a sum of diagrams emerging in old- M = V + V G0 M = V + V G 0 V + V G 0 V G 0 V + . . . .
fashioned time-ordered perturbation theory (TOPT). Indeed, the terms on the right-hand side of Eq. (6.3.6)
Indeed, the first (enhanced) term in the square brackets can be easily identified with the iterated one-pion ex-
This singularity is the basis of the covariant spectator the- 65
Reducible and irreducible diagrams also play a central role
ory discussed in Sec. 5.3. in the derivation of the Bethe-Salpeter equation; see Sec. 5.3.

change potential (OPEP) and the leading two-pion ex- Notice that the existence of shallow bound states
change potential (TPEP), M = V1π G0 V1π + V2π + . . .. alone does not necessarily imply a nonperturbative na-
Thus, low-energy processes involving several nucleons ture of the OPEP, but merely indicates a fine tuning of
can be calculated in a systematically improvable way by the LECs CS,T [1627, 1631]. An alternative approach
applying ChPT to the kernel of the dynamical equation, based on a perturbative treatment of the OPEP was
defined as a sum of all possible few-nucleon-irreducible proposed by Kaplan, Savage and Wise (KSW) in the
time-ordered diagrams, rather than to the scattering late nineties of the last century [1632, 1633]. This frame-
amplitude. The contributions to the nuclear forces de- work allows one to compute the NN scattering ampli-
picted in Fig. 6.3.1 are to be understood as (sums of) tude analytically and to implement the renormaliza-
the corresponding few-nucleon-irreducible time-ordered- tion program in a straightforward way with no need
like graphs rather than Feynman diagrams. Switching to introduce a finite cutoff. However, extensive calcu-
on external classical sources in the effective Lagrangian lations performed in the KSW approach have revealed
as explained in the previous section, the same frame- poor convergence (at least) in certain spin-triplet chan-
work can be used to derive nuclear current operators nels [1634, 1635], see also [1636–1638] for a related dis-
and to analyze low-energy electroweak processes (see cussion, indicating that the OPEP should indeed be
the discussion below). treated nonperturbatively in low partial waves.
It is worth emphasizing that the enhancement of The most advanced applications of chiral EFT to
reducible diagrams mentioned above is insufficient to nuclear systems are carried out utilizing the finite-cutoff
justify the need for a non-perturbative resummation of formulation of Ref. [1639]. In essence, it amounts to
the amplitude if one counts m ∼ Λb as done in ChPT. solving the quantum-mechanical A-body problem us-
For example, the iterated OPEP contributes at order ing the nuclear potentials calculated in ChPT and reg-
V1π G0 V1π ∼ mMπ /Λ2b (assuming that all intermediate ularized with some finite cutoff Λ taken of the order of
momenta are ∼ Mπ after renormalization) and is thus Λ ∼ Λb . The calculated scattering amplitudes are im-
suppressed relative to the tree-level term V1π = O(1). plicitly renormalized by tuning the bare LECs CS (Λ),
To have a self-consistent non-perturbative approach, CT (Λ), etc., of multi-nucleon vertices to low-energy ob-
Weinberg proposed an alternative counting scheme for servables. The resulting (renormalized) scattering am-
the nucleon mass by assigning m ∼ Λ2b /Mπ  Λb , plitudes depend on the physical parameters and the
which is supported by the large-Nc arguments given cutoff Λ. The residual Λ-dependence of the calculated
that Λb ∼ Mρ = O(1) while m = O(Nc ). On the other observables is expected to introduce an uncertainty be-
hand, it is shown in Ref. [1628] that Weinberg’s power yond the order one is working at and offers a non-
counting can be realized via a suitable choice of renor- trivial a posteriori consistency check. For more details
malization conditions with no need to depart from the on the foundations and applications of the finite-cutoff
standard ChPT counting for the nucleon mass, see also formulation of chiral EFT see Refs. [1639, 1640]. Fi-
Ref. [1629] for a related discussion. nally, a first step towards a formal renormalizability
Weinberg’s power counting suggests that the LO po- proof of the finite-cutoff scheme to all orders in the
tential stemming from the derivativeless contact inter- iterated OPEP using the Bogoliubov-Parasiuk-Hepp-
actions ∝ CS,T , see Eq. (6.3.2), and the OPEP as shown Zimmermann (BPHZ) subtraction technique can be fo-
in Fig. 6.3.1 has to be iterated to all orders. For the con- und in Ref. [1641].
tact interactions alone, the scattering amplitude result-
ing from solving the Lippmann-Schwinger (LS) equa- 6.3.2 Nuclear interactions from ChEFT
tion can be calculated analytically and is renormaliz-
able in the usual sense66 . In contrast, iterations of the In ChPT, the S-matrix is usually obtained by apply-
OPEP in spin-triplet channels lead to ultraviolet diver- ing the Feynman graph technique to the effective chiral
gences whose cancellation requires counterterms with Lagrangian. To derive nuclear forces, it is more natural
an increasing power of momenta. This feature, along and convenient to employ non-covariant old-fashioned
with the numerical nature of the calculations in the perturbation theory as already mentioned above. This
presence of the OPEP, make renormalization of chiral approach is based on the Hamiltonian rather than La-
EFT a complicated matter; see Ref. [1630] for a collec- grangian, so the first step amounts to using the canon-
tion of perspectives. ical formalism for constructing the Hamiltonian H =
H0 + HI for interacting pions and nucleons from the
That is, all ultraviolet divergences emerging from the iter-
ations of the LS equation can be absorbed into a redefinition of effective chiral Lagrangian [1626, 1627]. The NN scat-
CS,T . tering amplitude between the initial and final states |ii
6.3 Chiral EFT and nuclear physics 217

and |f i, respectively, can be written as in Ref. [1650]. The method of unitary transformation
∞  n (MUT) to derive nuclear forces and currents was ap-
(6.3.7) plied e.g. in Refs [1651–1659]. A pedagogical discussion
hf |M|ii = hf |HI HI |ii ,
Ei − H0 + i of methods outlined above can be found in Ref. [1660].
So far, we have left out renormalization of nuclear
where Ei is the energy of the nucleons in the state |ii. potentials. In contrast to the scattering amplitude, renor-
Notice that the intermediate states in the above equa- malizability of nuclear forces and currents derived in
tion include both pions and nucleons. Let η and λ de- ChPT is not guaranteed by construction and was shown
note the projection operators on the purely nucleonic to impose severe constraints on their off-shell behavior
subspace and the rest of the Fock space, respectively. starting from N3 LO [1650, 1655, 1657–1659, 1661].
Eq. (6.3.7) can be cast into the form of the LS equation Having introduced various methods to derive nu-
clear potentials from the effective chiral Lagrangian, we
n are now in the position to discuss the ChEFT expan-
hf |M|ii = hf |V
Ei − H0 + i
V |ii , sion of the long-range NN force. The one- and two-pion
exchange contributions up to N2 LO depend solely on
where the potential V can e.g. be chosen in the energy- the momentum transfer ~q and are, therefore, local. The
dependent form as done in Refs. [1626, 1627, 1642, resulting potentials have a clear and intuitive interpre-
1643]: tation in coordinate space. Using the decomposition
n V (~r ) = VC (r) + VS (r)~σ1 · ~σ2 + VT (r)S12 (6.3.11)
V (Ei ) = ηHI HI η .  
+ WC (r) + WS (r)~σ1 · ~σ2 + WT (r)S12 ~τ1 · ~τ2 ,
Ei − H0 + i
where S12 = 3~σ1 · r̂~σ2 · r̂ − ~σ1 · ~σ2 is the tensor operator
The explicit energy dependence of V is a higher-order
while ~τi refer to the isospin Pauli matrices of the nu-
effect, see e.g. Eq. (6.3.6), and can be eliminated yield-
cleon i, the LO contribution due to the OPEP is given
ing an energy independent hermitian NN potential. The
method can be applied to many-body forces and has
also been used to derive nuclear currents starting from e−x
(0) gA
WT, 1π (r) = (3 + 3x + x2 ) ,
the effective Lagrangian with external sources. 48πFπ2 r3
It is important to keep in mind that nuclear poten- g 2 M 2 e−x
tials, in contrast to the on-shell amplitude hf |M|ii, are WS, 1π (r) = A π2 ,
48πFπ r
not directly observable and represent scheme-dependent
where the superscript of the potentials gives the ChEFT
quantities. This intrinsic ambiguity reflects the arbi-
order. Further, x ≡ Mπ r while gA and Fπ denote the
trariness in making off-shell extensions of the scatter-
physical values of the nucleon axial-vector coupling and
ing amplitude. Clearly, such off-shell ambiguities can-
pion decay constant, respectively. Notice that only the
not lead to measurable effects. Being a quantum-field-
WT, 1π (r) ∝ r−3 part of the tensor potential survives
theory-based method, chiral EFT by construction main-
in the chiral limit of Mπ → 0. It is precisely this sin-
tains consistency between many-body interactions and
gular interaction that leads to the already mentioned
current operators and ensures that calculated observ-
non-renormalizability of the OPEP in all spin-triplet
ables are independent of the off-shell ambiguities (up
channels of NN scattering. The NLO contributions to
to higher-order corrections).
the long-range NN interaction stem from the TPEP and
The method of deriving nuclear forces and currents
are given by [1642, 1644, 1649, 1662]:
by matching to the scattering amplitude as outlined
above was used e.g. in Refs. [1644–1648] and is usu- (2)
WC, 2π (r) =
Mπ 1
K1 (2x)
ally referred to as TOPT. Another closely related ap- 128π Fπ r4
3 4

proach amounts to block-diagonalizing the pion-nucle- 2

(5 + 2x2 ) − gA
(23 + 12x2 )
× 1 + 2gA
on Hamiltonian via a suitable unitary transformation 
+ xK0 (2x) 1 + 10gA 2 4
− gA (23 + 4x2 ) ,

[1649] 4
(2) gA Mπ 1
 ηH 0 η VT, 2π (r) = −
128π 3 Fπ4 r4
H → H 0 = U † HU = . (6.3.10)
0 λH 0 λ × 12xK0 (2x) + (15 + 4x2 )K1 (2x) ,

Both the unitary operator U and the nuclear poten- (2)

gA Mπ 1
VS, 2π (r) =
tial V = η(H 0 − H0 )η are calculated perturbatively us- 32π 3 Fπ4 r4
ing the standard power counting of ChPT as explained × 3xK0 (2x) + (3 + 2x2 )K1 (2x) , (6.3.13)


where K0,1 (x) denote the modified Bessel functions. – Eqs. (6.3.12)-(6.3.14) also point towards some lim-
To arrive at these expressions, one first needs to eval- itations of ChPT, which relies on NDA and can-
uate the three-dimensional loop integrals for the cor- not capture possible enhancements due to large di-
responding TOPT diagrams67 using e.g. dimensional mensionless prefactors. In the NN sector, this espe-
regularization. The resulting p-space potentials cannot cially affects the N2 LO contributions to the TPEP.
be Fourier transformed to r-space directly since the The corresponding triangle diagram, see Fig. 6.3.1,
Fourier integrals diverge at high momenta. Eq. (6.3.13) leads to the contribution enhanced by a factor of
is obtained by Fourier transforming the regularized mo- 4π relative to what is expected based on the power
mentum-space potentials and subsequently removing counting, √ so that Λχ is in this case better estimated
the regulator. as Λχ ∼ 4πFπ than Λχ ∼ 4πFπ . Enhancements
Similarly, at N2 LO, the TPEP receives contribu- of this kind are also not uncommon in the single-
tions given by [1644, 1649] nucleon sector of ChPT. For the subleading central
potential VC, 2π (r), this enhancement combines with
2 −2x 
(3) 3gA e
the large numerical coefficients and a large value of
2 2
VC, 2π (r) = 2c1 x (1 + x)
32π 2 Fπ4 r6
the LEC c3 driven by the intermediate ∆(1232) ex-
+ c3 (6 + 12x + 10x2 + 4x3 + x4 ) ,

citation [1667]. Altogether, this results in VC, 2π (r)
2 −2x
(3) g c4 e
WT, 2π (r) = − A2 4 6 (1 + x)(3 + 3x + x2 ), being by far the dominant TPE component, whose
48π Fπ r strength is comparable to that of the OPEP even
gA c4 e−2x at r ∼ 2 fm. The strongly attractive nature of the
(1 + x)(3 + 3x + 2x2 ),(6.3.14)
WS, 2π (r) =
48π 2 Fπ4 r6 isoscalar central potential at intermediate distances
is supported by phenomenology and often attributed
where ci are LECs accompanying the subleading ππNN
to the σ-meson exchange in traditional nuclear phy-
vertices with ∆ = 1.
sics jargon. The chiral expansion of the TPEP has
The expressions for the OPEP and TPEP, Eqs. (6.3.12)
been extended to N4 LO [1668–1670] and even be-
to (6.3.14), illustrate the general features of the chiral
yond and was shown to yield converged results [1671,
expansion of the long-range nuclear interactions:
– The chiral expansion of the N -pion exchange poten-
The current status of the derivation of nuclear po-
tial generally corresponds to the expansion in pow-
tentials in ChEFT is visualized in Fig. 6.3.168 , see Refs.
ers of Mπ /Λχ , where the chiral symmetry breaking
[1673, 1674] for comprehensive review articles. On the
scale Λχ is given by 4πFπ and/or the scale that
qualitative level, ChEFT provides a justification of the
governs the πN LECs starting from the sublead-
observed hierarchy of nuclear forces with V2N  V3N 
ing ones. The expansion pattern is the same as for
V4N  . . . [1626, 1627].
ChPT in the meson and single-baryon sectors. The
The leading contributions to the three-nucleon force
chiral expansion for V (~r ) is expected to converge at
(3NF) at N2 LO have been known for a long time [1675,
distances r & 1/Mπ and larger. In contrast, at short
1676]. The expressions for the N3 LO and (most of the)
distances r  1/Mπ , the expansion diverges yield-
N4 LO corrections have been worked out in Refs. [1651–
ing highly singular van der Waals-like behaviour
1654, 1677–1679]. The four-nucleon force is further sup-
VN π (~r ) ∼ 1/r3+s ; see also Ref. [1663] for further
pressed relative to the 3NF and appears first at N3 LO
insights and examples. In the finite-cutoff formula-
[1650, 1661]. Isospin-breaking as well as parity- and
tion of chiral EFT, this unphysical short-distance
time-reversal-violating nuclear potentials have also been
behavior is removed by the regulator.
worked out, see Refs. [1673, 1680] and references therein.
– Since all relevant πN LECs can nowadays be re-
The first application of ChEFT to study nuclear cur-
liably determined from the pion-nucleon scattering
rent operators goes back to the pioneering papers by
amplitude in the subthreshold region, obtained from
Park et al. [1681, 1682]. In the past decade, the vector
the dispersive Roy-Steiner-equation analysis [1664–
[1645–1647, 1655, 1656, 1658], axial-vector [1648, 1657],
1666], ChEFT yields parameter-free predictions for
pseudoscalar [1657] and scalar [1659, 1683] current op-
the long-range behavior of the nuclear forces and
erators have been worked out to the leading one-loop-
currents. These predictions are model-independent
order accuracy for the two-body contributions (i.e., to
and represent non-trivial manifestations of the spon-
N3 LO using the counting scheme with m ∼ Λ2b /Mπ ).
taneously broken chiral symmetry of QCD.
As an example, the ChEFT expansion of the electro-
E.g., the second term in the square brackets in Eq. (6.3.6) 68
gives the TPEP ∝ gA 4
stemming from the last diagram in the In some approaches, NN contact interactions are promoted
second row of Fig. 6.3.1 (planar box diagram). to orders different than those derived by NDA.
6.3 Chiral EFT and nuclear physics 219

Single-nucleon current Two-nucleon current Three-nucleon current

LO ⏤ ⏤

NLO … … ⏤

N2LO … ⏤ ⏤

N3LO … … …

… …

Fig. 6.3.2 Diagrams contributing to the single-, two- and three-nucleon electromagnetic current operators at lowest orders of chiral
EFT using the counting scheme with m ∼ Λ2b /Mπ . Wiggly lines denote photons. Blue and red diagrams depict the contributions
to the current and charge densities, respectively. An open circle shows an insertion of the kinetic energy term with ∆ = 2. For
remaining notations see Fig. 6.3.1.

magnetic nuclear currents is shown in Fig. 6.3.2. Simi- ral numerical values [1666]. These results indeed sup-
larly to the case of the nuclear forces, the chiral power port the expected better convergence pattern of ChEFT
counting leads, in general, to a suppression of many- with explicit ∆ DoF.
body operators. On the other hand, the leading contri- Last but not least, ChEFT has also been extended
butions to the single- and two-nucleon current density to the SU(3) sector and applied to study the inter-
both appear at NLO. In contrast, the exchange charge actions between nucleons and hyperons, see e.g. Refs.
density contributions are strongly suppressed relative to [1689–1691] and Ref. [1692] for a recent review article.
the LO term (the charge operator of the nucleon), with
both two- and three-nucleon contributions appearing at 6.3.3 Applications
N3 LO. A comprehensive review of nuclear currents in
ChEFT, including a detailed comparison of results ob- As already pointed out, nuclear interactions derived in
tained by different groups and a thorough discussion ChEFT are singular at short distances and need to be
of the differences between them, can be found in Ref. regularized prior to solving the dynamical equation. A
[1684]. broad range of regulators featuring different functional
All results described above are based on the effec- dependence on momenta and relative distances have
tive chiral Lagrangian involving pions and nucleons as been proposed in the literature, see Refs. [1672, 1693–
the only explicit DoF. As already emphasized in the 1697] for some examples and Ref. [1698] for a related
previous section, given the low excitation energy of the discussion. For the long-range OPEP and TPEP, it is
∆-resonance and its strong coupling to the πN system, advantageous to use a local regularization in order to
it might be advantageous to also treat the ∆ DoF as dy- preserve the analytic structure of the amplitude [1672,
namic. This formulation of ChEFT was already applied 1696]. For short-range terms, angle-independent non-
to derive the NN force and most of the 3NF contribu- local regulators maintain a one-to-one correspondence
tions up through N3 LO [1643, 1685–1688]. The explicit between the plane-wave and partial-wave bases, which
treatment of the ∆ leads to a reshuffling of certain con- simplifies the determination of the corresponding LECs.
tributions to lower orders in the EFT expansion. In par- This choice is utilized in both available N4 LO imple-
ticular, a part of the unnaturally strong N2 LO TPEP mentations of the NN potentials [1672, 1699] which,
is shifted to NLO, and the LECs c3,4 take more natu- however, differ in their way of regularizing the long-

range terms. In both cases, the LECs accompanying The spontaneously broken approximate chiral sym-
the NN short-range interactions were determined solely metry of QCD, together with the experimental informa-
from the neutron-proton and proton-proton data. Al- tion about the πN system, allow one to predict the long-
ternative fitting strategies, which include information range behavior of the nuclear forces. In the NN sector,
about light and medium-mass nuclei and even nuclear these predictions have been verified from experimental
matter, are also being explored [1700]. data. For example, the only order-q 3 contribution to
The very accurate and precise NN potentials of [1672, the NN force comes from the TPEP in Eqs. (6.3.14)
1701], derived in chiral EFT with pions and nucleons (since the contact interactions contribute at orders q 2i ,
as the only active DoF, provide an outstanding descrip- i = 0, 1, 2, . . .). Adding these parameter-free contribu-
tion of NN data up to the pion production threshold69 . tions to the potential was demonstrated to very signifi-
In fact, the results of Ref. [1701] comprise a full-fledged cantly improve the description of the data [1696, 1710,
partial wave analysis of NN scattering data based solely 1711]. A similar improvement is observed by adding the
on chiral EFT. For more details and comparison be- order-q 5 TPEP [1670, 1672, 1712]. It is also worth men-
tween different NN potentials see Ref. [1702]. tioning that the potentials of [1672] achieve a compara-
To give an impression about the convergence pat- ble precision to that of the available high-precision phe-
tern of ChEFT consider the total cross section for neut- nomenological potentials while having a much smaller
ron-proton scattering at Elab = 100 MeV as a represen- number of adjustable parameters70 This is yet another
tative example. Using the potentials from Ref. [1701] evidence of the important role played by chiral symme-
one obtains for the cutoff Λ = 450 MeV (in mb) try. Finally, the convergence of the chiral EFT expan-
sion can be further improved by the inclusion of ∆’s as
σtot = 84.0[q0 ] −10.2[q2 ] +0.4[q3 ] −0.4[q4 ] +0.6[q5 ] −0.0[q6 ] , explicit DoF of the theory. This is supported by the re-
where the last term gives the contribution of the order-q 6 cently developed Norfolk chiral many-body interactions
F-wave contact interactions. Given that the expansion [1713]; see also Ref. [1714] for a related discussion.
parameter is q = pcms /Λb ∼ 1/3, where we have used Beyond the two-nucleon system, the results are pre-
Λb = 650 MeV [1696, 1703, 1704], one observes that sently limited to the N2 LO accuracy level due to the
the order-q 3 and q 4 contributions appear to be smaller, lack of consistently regularized many-body interactions
while the order-q 5 correction is somewhat larger than and exchange currents starting from N3 LO. As dis-
naively expected. The truncation error of the calculated cussed in Refs. [1640, 1684, 1702], using dimensional
value can be estimated using a Bayesian approach by regularization in the derivation of nuclear interactions
inferring the information about the convergence pattern in combination with a cutoff regularization of the Schrö-
of the ChEFT from the results at all available orders dinger equation leads, in general, to violations of chiral
[1703]; see also Ref. [1696] for a related earlier work. symmetry. This issue affects all loop contributions to
Using the Bayesian model from Ref. [1705], the N LO 4 the 3NF and exchange current operators, which there-
truncation error for the case at hand is estimated to be fore need to be re-derived using symmetry-preserving
δσtot = 0.14 mb at 68% confidence level. The final re- cutoff regularization.
sult then reads σtot = 74.35(14)(17)(1) mb, where the At the N2 LO level, the results for three-nucleon
last two errors refer to the statistical error and uncer- scattering observables [1705, 1715–1717] and the spec-
tainty in the πN LECs. tra of light- and medium-mass nuclei [1715, 1717–1724]
The sub-percent accuracy level of ChEFT has also are mostly consistent with experimental data within er-
been reached for other low-energy observables in the rors; see also Refs. [1725, 1726] for review articles. As a
NN sector [1702]. In particular, the charge and quadrupole representative example, we show in Fig. 6.3.3 the cal-
form factors of the deuteron were analyzed to N4 LO in culated ground state energies of p-shell nuclei from Ref.
Refs. [1706, 1707]. The predicted value for the deuteron [1715].
structure radius, rstr = 1.9729−0.0012 fm, was used,
+0.0015 ChEFT interactions and associated currents have
in combination with the very precise measurement of been vigorously utilized in the past ten years to study
the charge radius difference between 2 H and the proton both static and dynamical electroweak properties of nu-
[1708], to determine the neutron radius. The obtained clei, including electromagnetic form factors[860, 1707,
value of the quadrupole moment Qd = 0.2854−0.0017 fm +0.0038 2 1728], electromagnetic moments[1728–1730], electrowe-
[1707] is in a very good agreement with the spectroscopy ak decays[1731, 1732], and low-energy reactions such as
determination Qd = 0.285699(15)(18) fm [1709]. 2 electroweak captures[1733, 1734]. ChEFT currents were
69 The N4 LO potentials of [1672] depend on 27 LECs fitted to
This requires the inclusion of four order-q 6 contact interac-
NN data, while the realistic potentials typically involve 40-50
tions that contribute to F-waves [1672, 1699].
adjustable parameters.
6.3 Chiral EFT and nuclear physics 221

-20 0.96 1 1.04 0.96 1 1.04 0.96 1 1.04 0.96 1 1.04

(0+, 1)
NLO, 68% DoB 3
H β-decay 6
He β-decay 7
Be ε-cap(gs) Be ε-cap(ex)

-30 N2LO, 95% DoB

(2+, 1)
(0+, 0)
(0+, 2) N2LO, 68% DoB
Ground state energy (MeV)

(1+, 0)

(3/2-, 1/2)
(0+, 1)
(3+, 0) 8
Li β-decay 8
B β-decay He β-decay
8 10
C β-decay

-70 (JP, T) (1+, 1) NV2+3-Ia

N2LO without 3N forces (0+, 0) 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1 1.1

N2LO including 3N forces Fig. 6.3.5 Ratios of Green’s function Monte Carlo calcula-
tions to experimental values of the Gamow-Teller reduced ma-
Experimental values
trix elements in the 3 H, 6 He, 7 Be, 8 B, 8 Be, 8 He and 10 C weak
-100 transitions from Refs. [1732, 1737]. Theory predictions corre-
4He 6He 6Li 7Li 8He 8Li 10Be 10B 12B 12C
spond to the ChEFT axial current at LO (empty symbols) and
Fig. 6.3.3 Predictions for ground state energies of selected p- up to N3LO (filled symbols).
shell nuclei at NLO and N2 LO using the chiral EFT NN poten-
tials from Ref. [1672] together with the consistently regularized
3NF for Λ = 450 MeV. Black error bars indicate the uncertain- lations. For example, a long standing under-prediction
ties from the employed many-body method, while shaded bars [1736] of the measured 9 C magnetic moment by less so-
refer to the EFT truncation errors (not shown for incomplete
N2 LO calculations based on the NN force only). Figure adapted
phisticated theoretical calculations is explained by the
from Ref. [1715]. ∼ 40% correction generated by two-body electromag-
netic currents in Ref. [1735]. This enhancement can
be appreciated in Fig. 6.3.4 by comparing blue dots
(representing calculations based on the single nucleon
paradigm) and red diamonds (representing calculations
with two-body electromagnetic currents).
Axial currents are tested primarily in beta decays
and electron capture processes for which data are read-
ily available and known for the most part with great
accuracy. The long-standing problem of the systematic
over-prediction of Gamow-Teller beta decay matrix el-
ements [1738] in simplified nuclear calculations, also
known as the ‘gA problem’, has been recently addressed
by several groups [1732, 1737, 1739]. The authors of
Refs. [1732, 1737] calculated the Gamow-Teller matrix
elements in A = 6−10 nuclei accounting systematically
Fig. 6.3.4 Magnetic moments in nuclear magnetons for A ≤ 9 for many-body effects in nuclear interactions and cou-
nuclei from Ref. [1727]. Black stars indicate the experimen- pling to the axial current, both derived in ChEFT. The
tal values while blue dots (red diamonds) represent Green’s agreement of the calculations with the data is excellent
Function Monte Carlo calculations which include the LO one-
body currents (one-body plus two-body currents at N3LO) for A = 3, 6 and 7 systems, with two-body currents
from ChEFT. For more details and references to the experi- providing a small (∼ 2%) contribution to the matrix
mental data see [1727]. elements. Decays in the A = 8 and 10 systems, instead,
require further developments of the nuclear wave func-
tions [1737, 1739]. The ‘gA -problem’ can be resolved in
first used in calculations of nuclei with A > 3 in Ref.
light nuclei largely by correlation effects in the nuclear
[1735] where they are used to study magnetic moments
wave functions. A summary of these calculations is re-
and electromagnetic transitions in A ≤ 10 systems.
ported in Fig. 6.3.5. Similar results for these light nuclei
Two-body currents were found to improve the agree-
obtained using the No-core shell model are reported in
ment between experimental data and theoretical calcu-
Ref. [1739].

3 19
Ne1/2 !19 F1/2 pushed3 to higher orders, we have entered the
Ne 1/2 !
bare ⌧ this work
K3/2 !37 Ar5/2 era of this powerful framework.
shell model
K3/2 !37 Ar5/2
Al5/2 !25 Mg5/2 25
Al5/2 !25 Mg5/2
⌧ + 2BC
6.3.42Connections to lattice QCD
37 37 37
K3/2 ! Ar3/2 K3/2 !37 Ar3/2
|MGT | Experiment

|MGT | Experiment
q=1 q=1
2 26
Na3 ! 26
Mg2 26
Na3 !26 Mg2
q = 0.80(3) q = 0.90(4)
30 30 30 30
Mg0 ! Al1
Lattice QCD (LQCD) offers a first-principles28 Mgapproach
0 ! Al1
q = 0.89(4) q = 0.80(2)
q = 0.96(6) 28 28
Al3 !28 Si2
to study hadronic and nuclear systems. Several LQCD
Al3 ! Si2
Ne0 !24 Na1 24
Ne0 !24 Na1
1 34
groups 1 have studied baryon-baryon systems34as well as
P1 !34 S0 P1 !34 S0
light (hyper-) nuclei at unphysically heavy pion masses
P1/2 !33 S3/2 33
P1/2 !33 S3/2
Na4 !24 Mg4
using different methods. For non-strange nuclear
24 sys-
Na4 !24 Mg4
P1 !34 S0
tems, the current status of LQCD remains34controver-
P1 !34 S0
3 42
Sc7 !42 Ca6
sial, see
3 [1740] for a review. On the EFT side,
42 efforts
Sc7 !42 Ca6
bare ⌧
concentrated this
on work
extrapolating lattice QCD42results as
Ti0 !42 Sc1 Ti0 !42 Sc1
⌧ (SRG+IMSRG) follows: shell model
⌧ + 2BC V7/2 !45 Ti7/2 45
V7/2 !45 Ti7/2
– Chiral extrapolations of few-nucleon observables have
|MGT | Experiment

|MGT | Experiment
q=1 45 q=1
2 Ti7/2 !45 Sc7/2 2 45
Ti7/2 !45 Sc7/2
q = 0.78(3)
been studied using a variety of ChEFT formulations,
q = 0.91(4)
Sc7/2 !43 Ca5/2 43
Sc7/2 !43 Ca5/2
see e.g. Refs. [1741–1746]. Currently, the main lim-
q = 0.85(3) q = 0.75(3)
q = 0.92(4)
iting factor for constraining the quark mass depen-
V7/2 !45 Ti5/2 45
V7/2 !45 Ti5/2

V3/2 !47 Ti5/2 dence
1 of the nuclear interactions is the lack 47
V3/2of reli-
!47 Ti5/2
Sc7/2 !47 Ti7/2 able LQCD results for not-too-heavy quark 47
Sc7/2 47
! Ti7/2
Ti7/2 !45 Sc7/2 within the applicability domain of ChEFT. 45
Ti7/2 !45 Sc7/2
Sc4 !46 Ti4 – Extrapolations of the NN scattering amplitude 46
Sc4 !in
46 en-
0 1 2 3 ergy
0 at fixed values
1 of the
2 quark masses
3 were per-
|MGT | Theory (unquenched) formed [1747,|MGT | 1748] by exploiting the knowledge of
Theory (unquenched)

Fig. 6.3.6 Comparison of experimental (y-axis) and theoret- the longest-range interaction due to the OPEP.
ical (x-axis)
FIG. 10. Gamow-Teller
Comparison matrix elements forand
of experimental medium-mass
theoretical –FIG.
11. Same as Fig. extrapolations
3, except thatof we
LQCD results
employ the NNLOfor sat
nuclei. The theoretical
Gamow-Teller results were
matrix elements obtained usingnuclei
for medium-mass (i) a bare
in the heavy pion
interaction in masses were carried
the VS-IMSRG out in both pion-less
sd-shell one-body
(top panel) and operator, (ii) Gamow-Teller
lower pf -shell (bottom panel)one-body
for the [1749–1751] and chiral [1752] EFT.
operator4 consistently evolved with the Hamiltonian [1739], and
NN-N LO+3Nlnl interaction. The theoretical results were ob- – Finally, extrapolations of LQCD results to heavier
(iii) a Gamow-Teller operator
using (i) a bare Gamow-Teller operator that
⌧ includes
(no SRG
both one- and two-body currents. See Ref. [1739] for details. systemsII.were
TABLE Gamow considered in Ref.
Teller (GT) [1753]strength
transition using the in 8 He
evolution), (ii) a ⌧ operator consistently evolved with the the first 1+
toframework 8 4
1of pion-less EFT and in Ref. [1754]
in Li for the NN-N LO +3N lnl uti-
Hamiltonian by SRG and IMSRG, and (iii) a consistently- calculated in the EOM-CCSDT-1, VS-IMSRG(2), and NCSM
evolved Gamow-Teller operator including 2BC. All expecation lizing a discretized formulation of ChEFT.
valuesTheareChEFT approach
taken between is also
the same being implemented
wave functions.
These studies demonstrate remarkable synergy between
The linear fits show the resulting quenching factor q given in
studies of medium-mass nuclei [1739]. As a represen-
the panels. LQCD and EFT. In the future,
Method |MGT LQCD
( ⌧ )| is|Mexpected
GT | to
tative of this class of electroweak calculations we show provide valuable input for EFT calculations
EOM-CCSD 0.45 of systems
the results of Ref. [1739] on beta decay matrix elements and processes EOM-CCSDT-1
where scarce experimental 0.42 data0.45exist such
in 34
P thatinisFig. 6.3.6. Here,
di↵erently the authors
accounted for in demonstrate
the CCSDT-1 as e.g. strangeVS-IMSRG(2)
multi-baryon systems 0.54and nuclear
0.58 matrix
that VS-IMSRG(2)
and the quenching inapproaches.
the nuclear matrix elements
To mitigate thisarises
e↵ect elements for BSM NCSM searches [1740].0.41 0.46
we considerfromthe ChEFT axialoftwo-body
square root the sum of currents and
the squared
strong correlations
Gamow-Teller in the
strengths to nucleus.
P Nuclei
the first two 1+from statesA in= 343 P 6.3.5 Challenges and outlook
to 100e.g.
(see Sn [16,
are calculated
P and based
obtainon [ ChEFT
MGT ( in
⌧ )]agreement
= 1.28
with experimental data.
2 1/2
and 1.18, and [ M GT ] = 1.0 and 0.89 for CCSDT-1 Tothree-hole
summarize, ChEFT has
excitations revolutionized the
in EOM-CCSDT-1 for field
Nmaxof= 8
and To summarize, there
VS-IMSRG(2), has been exceptional progress
respectively. nuclear
for thephysics
1.8/2.0 over
(EM)the past three
interaction. Bydecades
comparing by with
pro- the
in studying nuclear physics using ChEFT. In the last viding a systematically
converged Nmax = 10,improvable
Ẽ3max = 11 and theoretically
result we see that
two decades this framework, rooted in the symmetries well
thefounded approach
Gamow-Teller to low-energy
transitions nuclearwith
is converged interac-
Convergence of excited states and Gamow-Teller
of QCD and their breaking pattern,
transitions has allowed for tions, which relies on the symmetries of QCD
to both the model-space truncation N max (and their
and the active
the calculation of many low-energy nuclear processes, breaking pattern). The
space truncation Ẽ pqr method has proven to be phe- ac-
. This new truncation allows for
such as electromagnetic reactions and β decays in both
Gamow-Teller decays often involve excited states of the nomenologically successful and has led to new research
celerated convergence with minimal configurations both
light and medium-mass nuclei, has reached a remark-
daughter nucleus. For this reason we present deatils re- directions such as e.g. nuclear lattice simulations [1755–
in ground- and excited-state calculations. Even for the
able agreement with experiment, and has contributed
garding the quality of our calculations of excited states. 1757]. In the two-nucleon sector, ChEFT has the
hardest interaction, NNLO sat we
, find that result is
to solving
Figure 12long-standing anomalies inofnuclear
shows the convergence theory. As
the Gamow-Teller reached maturity to become a precision tool.
converged at the 1% level for Gamow-Teller transitions
chiral interactions
transition of 100 and currents are being refined
Sn with respect to the active space trun- and for truncation Nmax = 10, Ẽ3max = 11.
cation Ẽpqr = ẽp + ẽq + ẽr < Ẽ3max in the three-particle- Figure 13 shows the convergence of the 7 Be!7 Li 3 and
6.4 Soft collinear effective theory 223

One of the most pressing remaining challenges is the Theory (SCET) [1761–1764]. Traditional QCD meth-
development of accurate and precise three-nucleon in- ods, outside the framework of EFT, have a long tradi-
teractions needed to shed light onto the long-standing tion for describing the physics of hard processes, includ-
discrepancies in the three-nucleon continuum [1725]. ing the Brodsky-Lepage/Efremov-Radyushkin formal-
Pushing the ChEFT expansion for many-body forces ism [206, 207, 1765] for exclusive hadronic processes,
and exchange currents to N3 LO and beyond calls for a and the Collins-Soper-Sterman formalism [224, 1282,
symmetry preserving regularization [1702], and it will 1347, 1766] for inclusive cross sections. SCET builds
also require new ideas to overcome computational chal- naturally on this foundation.
lenges related to the determination of LECs; see Refs. SCET is an effective theory which systematically de-
[1758–1760] for recent steps along these lines. Other scribes the infrared QCD dynamics in hard collisions,
frontiers include the derivation of consistently regu- including the associated dynamics of soft and collinear
larized electroweak currents, better understanding of degrees of freedom. Its popularity stems in part from
renormalization in ChEFT, precision studies of nuclear the fact that it enables the description of a huge variety
structure, reactions and the equation of state of nu- of collider processes [1767]. This includes processes that
clear matter as well as applications to searches for BSM involve energetic hadrons such as large Q2 form factors
physics in processes involving nuclear systems. γ ∗ γ → π 0 , γ ∗ π + → π + , or fragmentation to one or
more hadrons hi in processes like e+ e− → h1 h2 X and
pp → h1 X. Other examples include energetic hadronic
6.4 Soft collinear effective theory collisions like at the Large Hadron Collider, includ-
ing Higgs production pp → HX and Drell-Yan pp →
Iain Stewart
X`+ `− , Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) e− p → e− X or
e− -ion → e− X, and Semi-Inclusive DIS e− p → e− hX
6.4.1 Introduction
(for the latter see Ref. [1768]). SCET also describes pro-
cesses that produce energetic jets instead of (or in addi-
Effective field theory is a powerful tool which enables
tion to) energetic hadrons, such as e+ e− → 2-jets [280,
the organization of QCD dynamics at different momen-
1769–1772], pp → H + 1-jet [1773, 1774], or pp →
tum scales. The most well known examples of EFTs in-
2-jets [1775, 1776]. In addition it can be used to describe
volve the dynamics of massive particles, like integrating
jet-substructure, the dynamics of particles and sub-jets
out the heavy electroweak W and Z bosons to obtain
inside an identified jet [1777–1790]. Finally, it can also
the Electroweak Hamiltonian, or systematically treat-
be used to describe the dynamics of heavy particle pro-
ing the mass scale of heavy quarks like the t, b, and c
duction and decay. Indeed some of the original applica-
in HQET or NRQCD. On the other hand, much of our
tions of SCET were to processes like B → π`ν [1762,
knowledge about strong interactions comes from hard
1791–1793], B → Dπ [1794, 1795], B → ππ [1792,
scattering interactions of light quarks and gluons, which
1796], and B → Xs γ [1761, 1763, 1797–1801] (where
are the most important processes in pp, e− p, or e+ e−
SCET is combined with HQET), as well as e+ e− →
colliders. Such processes are the way we search for new
J/Ψ X [1802–1805] and Υ → Xγ [1505, 1506, 1806–
particles or fundamental interactions at short distances,
1809] (where SCET is combined with NRQCD). Recent
and indeed were key to the discovery of the c, b, and
applications of SCET include its extension to forward
t quarks, the W and Z bosons, and the Higgs H. In
scattering and Regge phenomena [1810–1813], heavy-
these processes we must simultaneously deal with per-
ion collisions [1814–1819], gravitational effects [1820–
turbative QCD dynamics at the hard interaction scale
1825], the resummation of large electroweak logarithms
Q governing the dynamics of the high energy collision,
[1826–1832], large logs in dark matter annihilation cross
as well as nonperturbative physics at the scale Λ  Q,
sections [1833–1837], and radiative corrections in neutrino-
which is responsible for the confinement and hadroniza-
nucleon scattering [1838, 1839].
tion of partons. Many processes studied at colliders also
Features of SCET that people find useful include:
have additional important intermediate scales ∆, with
the universal steps in deriving factorization, whereby
Λ  ∆  Q. Examples of ∆ include the transverse
observables split themselves into independent functions
momentum of particles inside an energetic jet produced
governing the hard, collinear and soft dynamics of a
from the collimated shower of a high energy quark or
process, the transparency in carrying out higher order
gluon, or the measurement of differential distributions
resummation of large logarithms, the ability to gener-
of a kinematic variable ∆, where the largest cross sec-
alize factorization to more complicated processes and
tion contributions typically arise from the Λ  ∆  Q
multiscale observables, and the capability to systemat-
kinematic situation. The appropriate effective field the-
ically study power corrections.
ory for these processes is the Soft Collinear Effective

nμ and associated to measurements made on the jets. For

π example, if a hemisphere jet mass mJ is measured, then
n -collinear ∆ = mJ , while if thrust 1 − τ is measured, ∆2 = Q2 τ .
To ensure that collinear directions ni and nj are
distinct, we must have ni · nj  λ2 for i 6= j. Since
soft modes soft modes
distinct reference vectors, ni and n0i , with ni · n0i ∼ λ2
both describe the same collinear physics, one can la-
bel a collinear sector by any member of an equivalence
B D class of vectors, {ni }. This freedom manifests as a sym-
metry of the effective theory known as reparametriza-
a b tion invariance (RPI) [1840, 1841]. Three classes of RPI
transformations are
nμ nμ
niµ → niµ +∆⊥
µ niµ → niµ niµ → eα niµ
n -collinear n -collinear
jet jet
n̄iµ → n̄iµ n̄iµ → n̄iµ +⊥
µ n̄iµ → e−α n̄iµ ,
ultrasoft particles
Fig. 6.4.1 Example processes B → Dπ and e+ e− → 2-jets.
where α ∼ λ0 and infinitesimal parameters ∆⊥ ∼ λ and
⊥ ∼ λ0 . These parameters satisfy ni · ∆⊥ = n̄i · ∆⊥ =
ni · ⊥ = n̄i · ⊥ = 0.
6.4.2 Degrees of Freedom
The effective theory is constructed by separating
SCET describes collinear particles that are constituents collinear momenta into large (label) p̃ and small (resid-
of energetic hadrons or jets and have a large momen- ual) pr components
tum along a particular light-like direction nµi . For each nµi
collinear direction we have two reference vectors nµi and pµ = p̃µ + pµr = n̄i · p̃ + p̃µni ⊥ + pµr , (6.4.3)
n̄µi such that n2i = n̄2i = 0 and ni · n̄i = 2. A common
choice is nµi = (1, n̂i ) and n̄µi = (1, −n̂i ), with n̂i a with n̄i · p̃ ∼ Q, p̃ni ⊥ ∼ λQ. The small pµr ∼ λ2 Q
unit three-vector in the collinear direction. Any four- describes fluctuations about the label momentum. To
momentum p can be decomposed in terms of these as simultaneously describe different regions of momentum
space with operators that have manifest power count-
ing, it is necessary to have multiple fields for the same
nµi n̄µ fundamental particle. Namely, for each collinear direc-
pµ = n̄i ·p + ni ·p i + pµni ⊥ . (6.4.1)
2 2 tion we have collinear quark fields ξni ∼ λ and collinear
Particles with pµ close to nµi are referred to as ni - gluon fields Aµni ∼ (λ2 , λ0 , λ), as well as soft quark qs ∼
collinear and have (ni · p, n̄i · p, pni ⊥ ) = (p+ , p− , p⊥ ) λ3/2 and soft gluon Aµs ∼ λ fields, and/or usoft quark
∼ Q (λ2 , 1, λ), where λ  1 is the small SCET power qus ∼ λ3 and usoft gluon Aµus ∼ λ2 fields. These power
counting parameter, determined by scales and kinemat- counting assignments ensure that the corresponding ki-
ics or by measurements restricting QCD radiation. SCET netic terms in the action are O(λ0 ).
also describes particles with soft momenta The precise degrees of freedom depend on the pro-
cess. Often only usoft or soft fields are present, in which
pµ ∼ Q(λ, λ, λ) case the theories are referred to as SCETI and SCETII
respectively [1792]. SCETI is relevant for measurements
and with ultrasoft (usoft) pµ ∼ Q(λ2 , λ2 , λ2 ).
sensitive to the small ni · p ∼ Qλ2 momentum, such
Examples are shown in Fig. 6.4.1. In the B → Dπ
as jet mass in e+ e− → 2-jets, see Fig. 6.4.2; while
process, Q = {mb , mc , mb −mc } and λ = Λ/Q, with the
SCETII is relevant for measurements that involve trans-
B and D composed of a heavy quark, light soft quarks,
verse momenta or collinear and soft modes with the
and soft gluons. The pion has Eπ = 2.3 GeV = Q  Λ,
same invariant mass. Examples also exist that require
and has collinear quark and gluon constituents. In the
mixed soft-collinear modes with pµ ∼ Q0 (λ2 , 1, λ) where
e+ e− → 2-jets process, we have back-to-back jets with
Q0  Q, in which case the theory is referred to as
energy Q, where Q2 is the invariant mass of the e+ e−
SCET+ ; see Ref. [1787]. Independent collinear, soft,
pair, and λ = ∆/Q with Λ  ∆  Q. Here ∆ is a
and usoft gauge symmetries are also enforced for each
scale that characterizes the transverse size of the jet,
set of fields [1764]. A general SCET λ power counting
6.4 Soft collinear effective theory 225

p- cn
the hard short distance interactions are encoded in Lhard

with only one of these appearing in each amplitude (un-

Q λ0

less we study multiple hard scatterings). They contain
multiple types of collinear (and soft) fields. The dy-
p2 = Q 2 namic Lagrangians Ldyn describe the evolution and in-

Qλ teractions of collinear and (u)soft particles. We have

us cn singled out the so-called Glauber Lagrangian LG for

Q λ2 p 2 = Δ2 special treatment since it is the only term that violates

p 2 = Δ4 / Q 2 factorization of collinear and (u)soft modes [1810].
Λ p 2 = Λ2 At leading power the dynamic SCETI and SCETII
Lagrangians are [1764]
Λ Q λ2 Q λ Q λ0 p+ I(0)
Ldyn = L(0) (0)
n + Lus ,
Fig. 6.4.2 Degrees of freedom for jet mass in e+ e− → 2-jets. n

Ldyn = L(0) (0)
n + Ls ,
formula can be used to determine the order of any di-
where the first terms sum over all needed independent
agram entirely from operators inserted at its vertices
collinear sectors. In SCETII each of Ln and Ls only
(0) (0)
plus topological factors [1810, 1842].
involves collinear or soft fields, so the sectors are imme-
To fully expand in λ one must carry out a multipole
diately factorized by the power expansion. In SCETI
expansion for the fields in SCET. There are two equiv-
the n · Aus fields still interact with collinear fields since
alent ways that this expansion has been constructed in
they are O(λ2 ) just like n · ∂ and n · An , and do not
the literature, either in a combination with momentum
knock the collinear particles offshell (meaning that ini-
space for large label momenta and position space for the
tial and final particles have momenta satisfying the
residuals, with fields written as ξni ,p̃ (x) [1763], or with
collinear power counting). These n · Aus interactions
the multipole expansion carried out entirely in position
can be decoupled by the BPS field redefinition [1764]
space [1791]. We will use the former, and facilitate the
expansion by defining two derivative operators, a la- ξn (x) → Yn (x)ξn (x), Aµn (x) → Yn (x)Aµn (x)Yn† (x),
bel momentum operator Pnµi giving large momentum (6.4.7)
components, such as Pnµi ξni ,p̃ = p̃µ ξni ,p̃ , and a resid-
ual momentum operator giving residual small compo- where Yn is an ultrasoft Wilson line
nents, such as i∂ µ ξni ,p̃ (x) ∼ Qλ2 ξni ,p̃ (x). The short-  Z 0 
hand P̄ = n̄i · Pni is used for the largest O(λ0 ) label Yn (x; −∞, 0) = P exp ig ds n·Aus (x + ns) ,
momentum. Useful covariant derivatives include
in̄ · Dn = P̄ + gn̄ · An , iDµn⊥ = P⊥
+ gAµn⊥
and P is path ordering of color matrices with s. This
in · Dn = in · ∂ + gn · An , iDµus = i∂ µ + gAµus transformation moves usoft interactions into the hard
in · D = in · ∂ + gn · Aus + gn · An , (6.4.4) scattering operators, and leaves factorized Lagrangians
Ln and Lus , which only depend on collinear or usoft
(0) (0)
where Aµn ≡ AAµ n T
and igFnAµν T A = [iDµn , iDνn ] =
igFn . This is the standard sign convention for g used in
µν fields respectively. For example, for collinear quarks in
the SCET literature. It differs from the QCD summary SCETI we have
above (g → −g). I(0)
 1 n/̄
Lnξ = e−ix·P ξ¯n in·D + iD / n⊥ / n⊥
iD ξn
in̄·Dn 2
6.4.3 SCET Lagrangian and Factorization  1 n /̄
→ e−ix·P ξ¯n in·Dn + iD / n⊥ / n⊥
iD ξn .
in̄·Dn 2
The SCET Lagrangian is (6.4.9)
X (i) (i)

LSCET = Lhard +Ldyn = Lhard +Ldyn +LG , The first few Feynman rules prior to the field redef-
i≥0 inition are shown in Fig. 6.4.3, and the one in the
(6.4.5) second line is removed from Lnξ after implementing

Eq.(6.4.7). After the transformation the Ln Lagrangian

where the superscript (i) indicates terms suppressed by
O(λi ) relative to the leading power Lagrangian. Here has the same form in SCETI and SCETII .

Operator µ
χni P⊥µ
qus Dµ

= i
/ n̄ · p Power Counting λ λ λ λ3 λ2
p 2 n · p n̄ · p + p2⊥ + i0
Table 6.4.1 Power counting for building block operators in

= ig T A nµ

μ,A Hard interactions involving collinear fermions pro-

vide a frame of reference that allows us to simplify

γµ /⊥ p/0⊥ γµ
p ⊥
p/0⊥ p
A /⊥ n̄µ n̄ /
= igT nµ + + −
n̄ · p n̄ · p 0 n̄ · p n̄ · p 0 2the Dirac structures that appear, since so-called good
fermion components dominate over bad components in
p pɂ
the λ expansion. In SCET this is encoded by the pro-
Fig. 6.4.3 O(λ0 ) Feynman rules for collinear quarks (dashed)
interacting with a soft gluon (spring) or collinear gluon (spring jection relations (n/i n̄/i /4)ξni = ξni , which also implies n/
with a line through it). Rules with more collinear gluons are i ξni = 0. The same formulae also hold for χni . Only the
not shown. good components are needed to construct operators in
SCET at any order in the power expansion, and indeed
The construction of SCET hard scattering Lagrangians we have already written Lnξ in Eq.(6.4.9) using them.

Note that on its own, Eq.(6.4.9) is equivalent to a QCD

Lhard requires integrating out offshell fields, which have
Lagrangian for collinear quarks (indeed it has the same
larger p than the collinear and (u)soft fields (see Fig.
form as the light-cone QCD Lagrangian [1843]), with
6.4.2 for example). When collinear particles in two dif-
a distinction made only by which fermion components
ferent sectors interact, the resulting particles are hard
are sourced in the path integral.
and offshell with p2 ∼ Q2 . Likewise when collinear
Integrating out offshell fluctations also results in
and soft particles interact this results in offshell hard-
Wilson coefficients that depend on the large O(λ0 ) mo-
collinear particles with p2 ∼ Q2 λ. Systematically in-
menta of collinear fields. It is straightforward to see why
tegrating out the corresponding offshell fields results
this is the case, since if we annihilate or produce two
in collinear and soft Wilson lines appearing in opera-
collinear particles with pµn = ω1 nµ /2 and pµn̄ = ω2 n̄µ /2,
tors [1762–1764]. This involves an infinite number of
then q = pn + pn̄ has q 2 = ω1 ω2 ∼ Q2 . Thus offshell
gluon attachments and can be carried out analytically
fluctuations that depend on Q2 also depend on the
with background field techniques [1764, 1767]. In label
large momenta ωi ∼ λ0 of collinear fields. Two other
momentum space the resulting collinear Wilson lines
constraints on the form of hard operators are SCET
are defined as
gauge invariance and the ability to use the equations
of motion to reduce the operators basis to a minimal
 X  g 
Wni (x) = exp − n̄·Ani (x) . (6.4.10)
P̄ set. This is summarized by the fact that all operators
can be constructed out of a minimal set of building
Note that it is the n̄i · An ∼ λ0 component of the gluon blocks, formed from combinations of fields and Wilson
field that appears in these Wilson lines. In general all lines [1762, 1763, 1844]. The collinearly gauge-invariant
O(λ0 ) gluon components can be traded for Wilson lines quark and gluon building block fields are defined as
using in̄i ·Dni = Wni P̄Wn†i . Unlike Yn , the subscript on h i
Wni refers to the collinear fields it is built out of, not χni ,ω (x) = δ(ω − P̄ni ) Wn†i (x) ξni (x) , (6.4.12)
the Wilson line direction (which is n̄i ). For zero residual 1 h i
momentum x = (0, x− , x⊥ ), the Wn (x) is simply the Bnµi ⊥,ω (x) = δ(ω + P̄ni ) Wn†i (x) iDµni ⊥ Wni (x) .
Fourier transform (b+ ↔ p− ) of a standard position-
space Wilson line ending at b = (b+ , x− , x⊥ ): The Wilson lines Wni (x) are localized with respect to
 Z 0 the position x, and we can therefore treat χni ,ω (x) and
Bnµi ,ω (x) as local quark and gluon fields from the per-

Wn (b; −∞, 0) = P exp ig ds n̄·An (b + n̄s) .
−∞ spective of ultrasoft derivatives ∂ µ that act on x. Our
(6.4.11) conventions for χni ,ω have ω > 0 for an incoming quark
and ω < 0 for an outgoing antiquark at lowest order.
Since the construction of hard-collinear interactions in
For Bni ⊥,ω , ω > 0 (ω < 0) corresponds to outgoing
SCETII can be facilitated by matching QCD→SCETI
(incoming) gluons at lowest order.
→SCETII [1792], it suffices to primarily focus on match-
For SCETI the complete set of building blocks and
ing for SCETI . The definition for the soft Wilson line
their power counting is summarized in Table 6.4.1. Both
Sn (x; −∞, 0) appearing in SCETII is identical to Eq.
the χn and Bn⊥ building block fields scale as O(λ). For
(6.4.8) with Aus → As .
6.4 Soft collinear effective theory 227

the majority of jet processes there is a single collinear der by order, and implies it encodes hard effects. For
field operator for each collinear sector at leading power. the particular example in Eq.(6.4.13), Cf is related to

For exclusive processes that directly produce energetic the IR finite part of the MS massless quark form fac-
hadrons at the hard interaction (rather than by frag- tor with Q2  Λ2 . (In general when carrying out loop
mentation) there are multiple building blocks from the calculations in SCET with both (u)soft and collinear
same sector in the leading power operators, since we loops, one must include 0-bin subtractions which en-
must form a color singlet in each sector in order to di- sure there is not double counting of IR regions [1850].
rectly produce a color singlet hadron. The P⊥ ∼ λ is For some choices of IR regulators these subtractions are
not typically present at leading power. At subleading scaleless in dimensional regularization, and hence can
power, operators for all processes can involve multiple be dropped, up to interpreting the divergence struc-
collinear fields in the same collinear sector, as well as ture.)
P⊥ operator insertions. The power counting for an op- For SCETII processes like the broadening event shape
erator is obtained by simply adding up the powers for for e+ e− → 2-jets, or transverse momentum dependent
the building blocks it contains. To ensure consistency (TMD) distributions for Drell-Yan, SIDIS, or e+ e− →
under renormalization group evolution the operator ba- h1 h2 X, the leading hard scattering Lagrangian is
sis in SCET must be complete, namely all operators
consistent with the symmetries of the problem must ie2 µ
II(0) (0)
Lhard (0) = 2 J`` dω1 dω2 Cf (ω1 ω2 , µ)
be included. The counting of subleading power opera- Q ¯
tors is greatly facilitated by spinor-helicity SCET tech- × (χ̄fn̄,ω2 ) (Sn̄† Sn )γµ⊥ (χfn,ω1 ) µ , (6.4.14)
niques [1845–1849].
A few examples of hard scattering operators can with the same Wilson coefficient Cf as Eq.(6.4.13).

help clarify the above points. For SCETI processes like The only difference is the appearance of soft Wilson
thrust, jet mass, or other dijet event shapes in e+ e− lines S instead of usoft Y . This operator can be ob-
collisions, or for threshold resummation in Drell-Yan or tained immediately from Eq.(6.4.13) by matching SCETI
DIS, the leading power Lagrangian from the electro- →SCETII .
magnetic current is As a final example we consider B̄ 0 → D+ π − medi-
ated by the weak W -boson flavor changing transition
ie2 µ
Lhard (0) = 2 J``
dω1 dω2 Cf (ω1 ω2 , µ) b → cūd. Here the matching √ is from
P the electroweak
Q ¯
Hamiltonian HW = 2 2GF Vud ∗
Vcb i=0,8 CiF Oi , with
× (χ̄fn̄,ω2 ) (Yn̄† Yn )γµ⊥ (χfn,ω1 ) µ , (6.4.13)
4-quark operators O0 = [c̄γ µ PL b][dγ ¯ µ PL u] and O8 =
¯ µ PL T A u], onto coefficients and opera-
[c̄γ µ T A PL b][dγ
where Cf is the Wilson coefficient encoding virtual
tors in SCET. The heavy quark fields are matched onto
hard interactions at any order in αs , and renormaliza- HQET fields hv for Q = b, c, while the light quarks

tion is carried out in the MS scheme, inducing depen- become collinear. The leading power hard scattering
dence on the renormalization scale µ. In Eq.(6.4.13) Lagrangian in SCET is [1794]
the usoft Wilson lines Yn̄† Yn appear from the BPS field
redefinition in Eq.(6.4.7). Also, the leptonic vector cur-
II(0) j(0)
Lhard = dω1 dω2 CBDπ (ω1 , ω2 , mb , mc , µ)
rent is J``
¯ = (−1)`γ `, and we sum over quark flavors
µ ¯ µ
(χ̄n,ω2 ) Γξ (χun,ω1 ) µ , (6.4.15)
 (c)  d¯
f . At any order in αs the Wilson coefficient Cf (ω1 ω2 ) × h̄v0 Γjh h(b)

encodes virtual corrections from the hard scale ω1 ω2 ∼
Q2 . For hard Lagrangians with only a single field in a where we sum over j = 1, 5 with Dirac structures Γ1,5
h =
given collinear direction, the large collinear momentum n/{1, γ5 }/2 and Γξ = n̄/(1 − γ5 )/4. Here the hard co-
factors ωi are fixed by the overall kinematics of the hard efficients CBDπ depend on multiple hard scales as in

process, and thus remain unchanged by perturbative Eq.(6.4.15). There are no soft Wilson lines because the
corrections. For example, ω1 = ω2 = Q for e+ e− → 2- n-collinear quark pair is a color singlet and Sn† Sn =
jets. At tree level Cf = Qf + O(αs ), where the quarks
1. An analogous SCET operator with color structure
have charge Qf |e|. To calculate Cf at higher orders
(0) T A ⊗T A exists and does involve soft Wilson lines. Since
we carry out loop level matching calculations, compar- it can be factorized into a product of soft and collinear
ing hard scattering Feynman diagrams separately com- octet operators, it does not contribute to the physical
puted and renormalized in full QCD and in SCETI , process: a factorized octet collinear bilinear operator
while using the same states and infrared (IR) regula- can not produce a color singlet pion.
tors. Since SCET captures all the IR physics, the dif- Let us return to the leading power Glauber La-
ference between these calculations determines Cf or-
(0) grangian. It involves interactions between soft and collinear

modes in the form of potentials, and has the form [1810] with time ordered products of operators. For a gauge
invariant description of power suppressed SCETI oper-
1 BC 1 jC X iB 1 jn B
ators see Refs. [1861, 1862]. Many of these observations
LG = OniB 2 Os 2 On̄ + On 2 Os ,
P⊥ P⊥ P⊥
n,n̄ n go back to the beginnings of SCET, since the processes
(6.4.16) that people focused on at the time involved exclusive B
decays that only start at subleading power [1791–1793,
in both SCETI and SCETII . Further details and the def-
1795–1797, 1863–1867], primarily because the soft spec-
initions for the operators O can be found in Ref. [1810].
tator quark in the B had to be converted into a collinear
Many of the steps involved in deriving factorization at
quark, a subleading power process.
leading power are manifest in the construction of SCET;
Finally, we remark that LG is interesting in its own
in particular we arrive at hard scattering Lagrangians
right, because for processes involving forward scatter-
Lhard that can be written as products of gauge invariant
ing rather than hard scattering, it does not cancel but
collinear and soft operators, and we have a direct sum
instead provides the dominant contributions, yielding
of independent Lagrangians for soft and collinear fields
Reggeization, BFKL evolution, and the shockwave pic-
in Ldyn . With just these terms the SCET Hilbert space
ture. For more work in this direction see Refs. [1810–
of states factorizes as direct products, and matrix ele- 1813]. It is also worth noting that this implies that
ments of collinear and soft operators with their Wilson SCET can potentially provide a framework to param-
coefficients define independent collinear, soft and hard eterize and describe spectator factorization violating
functions (examples given below). Since LG can be in-
contributions to certain hard scattering processes from
serted any number of times without power suppression, first principles, though so far very little work has been
and couples different sectors, it breaks factorization. done in this direction.
Thus proving factorization reduces to demonstrat-
ing that contributions from LG either cancel out, or
6.4.4 Examples of Factorization
can be absorbed into other interactions. Both of these
occur. For example, in e+ e− → 2-jets the non-trivial To connect theory and experiment, consider a few ex-
interactions from LG can be absorbed into the direc-
amples of factorization formulae that have been derived
tion of the (u)soft and collinear Wilson lines, which in or studied with SCET. A key attribute of these formu-
that case then run from [0, ∞) rather than (−∞, 0], see las is that they are determined using only the SCET
Ref. [1810]. The same absorption is true for the exclu- power expansion, and do not rely on any αs expansion.
sive B → Dπ process, with the common feature being First consider e+ e− → 2-jets, with a measurement of
that these processes involve only active partons and do τ = 1 − T where T is thrust, working in the dijet limit
not involve forward scattering configurations (see also τ  1. We can relate τ to the sum of the two hemi-
Refs. [1851, 1852]). In a process like Drell-Yan the can- sphere jet masses, τ = (m2Ja + m2Jb )/Q2 , where m2Ja
cellation of LG is much more complicated due to in-
and m2Jb are each determined by the particles on one
teractions involving spectator partons in the initial pro- side of the plane perpendicular to the thrust axis. Thus
tons, but these still cancel out. Low order demonstra- τ  1 restricts the invariant mass of the radiation in
tions can be found in Refs. [1810, 1853, 1854], while the both hemispheres and forces us into a dijet configu-
all order statement was made in the classic CSS proof ration. Squaring the SCETI leading power amplitudes
of Glauber region cancellations in Ref. [1766]. For cases obtained from Lhard in Eq.(6.4.13), Fierzing the fields

where factorization is known to be violated [1852, 1855– of distinct types into independent matrix elements, in-
1859], it is not possible to absorb or cancel the effects of tegrating over phase space with the measurement func-
LG in this manner. The factorization of Glauber effects tion, and renormalizing the resulting factorized func-

in SCET can also be used to sum so-called superleading tions, gives [280, 1769–1772]
logarithms [1860]. Z

It is worth noting that in SCET the proof of fac- = σ0 H(Q, µ)Q d`d`0 JT (Q2 τ − Q`, µ)
torization for cross sections and decay rates at sublead- dτ
ing power follows the same steps as at leading power. × ST (` − `0 , µ)F (`0 , Λ) . (6.4.17)
Higher power Lhard simply involve more complicated
Here H(Q, µ) = |C (0) (Q, µ)|2 is a hard function en-
products of factorized soft and collinear operators. While coding virtual corrections (magenta line in Fig. 6.4.2),
terms in Ldyn also involve products of soft and collinear
the thrust jet function JT = J ⊗ J combines two jet
fields, they are always inserted only a finite number of functions J obtained from the n-collinear or n̄-collinear
times at any given order in the power counting, and matrix elements (dots on the blue line in Fig. 6.4.2),
hence still lead to factorized matrix elements, albeit and the full soft function is defined from a vacuum
6.4 Soft collinear effective theory 229

matrix element of usoft Wilson lines. This soft func- X. It can involve collinear and soft particles which in-
tion can be further factorized into two parts, ST ⊗ F , dividually have pT ∼ Qλ, but can no longer involve
where ST is perturbative (green line in Fig. 6.4.2) and hard particles. Due to this restriction, the hard match-
F is nonperturbative (brown line in Fig. 6.4.2) [1800, ing takes place at the amplitude level in this case, giv-
1868]. Renormalization group evolution of HT , JT , and ing Lhard ∝ CH (ωi , µ)tr[Bn⊥,ω
(0) (0) ν
S T Sn̄ Bn̄⊥,ω2 ν ]µ , where
1 n
ST enables a summation of large Sudakov double loga- S are soft Wilson lines in the adjoint representation.
rithms, αs ln2 τ . The state-of-the-art for this resumma- Since this only involves one field of each collinear type,
tion is next-to-next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic or- the ωi momenta are fixed by Q and the Higgs rapidity Y
der (N3 LL), and was first achieved with SCET [1772]. to be ω1 = QeY and ω2 = Qe−Y . Here the factorization
For Λ  Qτ  Q the nonperturbative effects from F is simplest in Fourier space
are power corrections, so the spectrum is dominated by Z

perturbation theory, and is used to obtain high preci- ~ H

2 H
= 2H ggH (Q, µ) d2~bT eibT ·~pT SH (bT , µ, ν)
sion fits for αs (MZ ) [280, 281, 1869]. dQdY d p~T
DIS, e− p → e− X, provides another useful SCET αβ
× Bg/p (xa , ~bT , µ, ζa /ν 2 )Bg/pαβ (xb , ~bT , µ, ζb /ν 2 )
factorization example [1767]. It is simplest to consider Z
~ H
in the Breit frame where the virtual photon has q µ = = HggH (Q, µ) d2~bT eibT ·~pT
(0, 0, 0, Q). Here the factorization theorem is between 
× f1g/p (xa , bT , µ, ζa )f1g/p (xb , bT , µ, ζb )
hard and collinear modes with λ = Λ/Q, and soft con-
+ h⊥ 1g/p (xa , bT , µ, ζa )h1g/p (xb , bT , µ, ζb ) , (6.4.19)

tributions cancel out. A feature of this process is that

the hard contributions come from both virtual effects √ √

as well as real radiation in X. Therefore matching onto where xa = QeY / s, xb = Qe−Y / s, s is the invariant
mass of the colliding protons, and ζa,b are Collins-Soper
Wilson coefficients CjDIS (ωi , Q, µ) takes place at the
parameters satisfying ζa ζb = Q4 . Here the hard func-
level of the amplitude squared, and so does the con-
tion is HggH ∝ |CH |2 (leaving out simple kinematic
struction of the appropriate SCET operators. These
operators involve collinear quarks in χ̄qn,ω1 n̄/χqn,ω2 with prefactors), the squared hp| · · · |pi matrix element of n-
flavor q, or collinear gluons in Bn⊥,ω
Bn⊥,ω2 ν . The pro- collinear fields yields the beam function Bg/pαβ
(and like-
wise for n̄), and the squared vacuum matrix element
ton matrix elements hp| · · · |pi of these operators de-
fine the well known quark parton distribution functions of soft Wilson lines yields the soft function SH . In the
(PDFs) fq/p (ξ, µ) and gluon PDFs fg/p (ξ, µ), respec- final line of Eq.(6.4.19)
√ we did two things in one step:
tively. Carrying out the same steps listed above to ar- i) grouped a SH together with each beam function to
rive at Eq.(6.4.17) now gives factorization theorems for absorb the soft function symmetrically, and ii) decom-
DIS structure functions. For example posed the Lorentz indices αβ into two possible struc-
tures, gTαβ f1g/p and (bα T bT + bT gT /2)h1g/p . This yields
β ~ 2 αβ ⊥

−1 1 definitions for the TMD PDFs f1g/p (unpolarized gluon

2 (i)
W1 (x, Q ) = dξ H1 (ξ/x, Q, µ) fi/p (ξ, µ2 ) ,
x x TMD PDF) and h⊥ 1g/p (linearly polarized gluon TMD
(6.4.18) PDF).
A novel feature of this factorization theorem is the
where we sum over parton types i, and the hard func-
appearance of the rapidity scale ν in the collinear and
tion H1 = (1/π) Im C1DIS . There is a similar formula
(i) i(0)
soft functions, which is associated to the need to regu-
for W2 (x, Q2 ). Eq.(6.4.18) factorizes perturbative short
late rapidity divergences in many SCETII processes [1850,
distance contributions in H1 at the scale Q from the
1870–1873], and the presence of the associated rapidity
nonperturbative PDFs fi/p at the scale Λ. Here the renormalization group equations [1872, 1874]. The re-
renormalization group evolution (RGE) sums up single sult in the first line of Eq.(6.4.19) is presented with the
logs αs ln(Q/µ0 ), for a hadronic scale µ0 ' 1 GeV > Λ. rapidity regulator defined in [1872] and may look some-
Thus SCET reproduces classic DIS results in a very sim- what different with other choices of the rapidity regula-
ple manner. For example, the fact that χ̄qn,ω1 n̄/χqn,ω2 ∼ tor, such as in the original Collins construction [1269].
λ2 is related to the PDFs being built from twist-2 oper- However the result in the final line will be the same.
ators. The operator with Wilson lines in SCET captures Evolution in both µ and ν is needed to sum the large
the full tower of twist-2 operators simultaneously. logs, αs ln2 (Q/qT ), in this process, and the state of the
To provide a SCETII example, we consider the Higgs art is resummation at N3 LL. This resummation may
transverse momentum qT in pp → H + X in the region also be done at the level of the TMD PDFs, where the
where Q = mH  qT  Λ. Due to the measurement rapidity RGE is replaced by the Collins-Soper evolution
of qT ∼ Qλ there is a restriction on the final state in ζa,b [1347].

As our final example, we consider the measurement work in the field. Let me close by giving a brief overview
of jet mass in inclusive jet production, pp →jet+X, of some of the interesting centers of activity currently
where the jet has radius R and is defined with the going on with SCET, with an eye to the future.
anti-kT algorithm. To make this example more inter- SCET continues to have a significant impact on the
esting (and more phenomenologically relevant) we also field of high precision calculations for collider cross sec-
carry out jet grooming to remove soft contaminating ra- tions, in particular for the resummation of large log-
diation in the jet, using the soft drop algorithm [1875, arithms. This activity is motivated by the clear uni-
1876]. Examples of contaminating radiation in the jet versality of anomalous dimensions and factorized func-
include initial state radiation from the protons, under- tions in SCET, giving results of broad utility. Below I
lying event effects due to radiation from spectator par- summarize the highest order results achieved to date
tons, and pileup effects due to radiation from the inter- for various processes which exploit these perturbative
action among other protons in the colliding beams. The achievements, referring to references therein for further
soft-drop grooming is defined by iteratively applying a background and details. This list includes: e+ e− thrust
test on transverse momentum pT and angular separa- to N3 LL0 [280, 1772] and massive thrust to N3 LL [1894],
tions ∆R of branches i and j in an angular ordered tree e+ e− heavy jet mass to N3 LL [1895], e+ e− C-parameter
formed from particles in the jet: min(pT i , pT j )/(pT i + to N3 LL0 [1896], e+ e− Energy-Energy-Correlator (EEC)
pT j ) > zcut (∆Rij /R0 )β where zcut , β, and R0 are soft to N3 LL0 [1897], e+ e− oriented event shapes to N3 LL
drop parameters. Branches that fail this test are re- [1898], e+ e− groomed jet mass to N3 LL [1899], e+ e− →
moved from the tree, thus grooming soft radiation. This tt̄ thrust to N3 LL [1900], e− p DIS thrust to N3 LL [1901–
causes the soft function for this process to split itself 1904], the Drell-Yan p``T spectrum to N LL [1905, 1906],
3 0

into two parts [1786]: a global soft function sensitive to the pp Higgs pT spectrum [1907–1909] and rapidity

the scale Qzcut associated with the groomed soft radi- spectrum [1910] to N3 LL0 , and LHC processes with a
ation, and a collinear-soft function, Scκ , that describes jet-veto [1773, 1911–1916]. Recently the first N4 LL re-
soft radiation that is collimated enough with the jet axis summed calculation has been carried out for the EEC
to have been retained by the grooming. The groomed [1917] (with an approximation for the 5-loop cusp anoma-
jet mass cross section can be factorized as [1786, 1877, lous dimension). Key ingredients are the four-loop hard
1878] (collinear) anomalous dimensions [1918, 1919], the four-
Z loop rapidity anomalous dimension for TMDs [1917,
dσ 1
= Nκ (ΦJ , R, zcut , β, µ)Qcut d` 1920], the four-loop cusp anomalous dimension [1921]
dm2J dΦJ and five-loop approximation [1922], and calculations
of three loop boundary conditions [1923–1926]. Many
h 1 i
× Jκ (m2J − Q`, µ)Scκ `Qcut 1+β
, β, µ ,
more processes have been resummed to NNLL or NNLL0
order with SCET; for example in Refs. [1474, 1774,
with a sum on κ = q, g for quark and gluon jets and 1775, 1778, 1878, 1891, 1923, 1927–1959]. Factorized
Qcut = pT Rzcut (R/R0 )β . Here Jκ is the usual jet func- functions remain important targets for future pertur-
tion since the collinear radiation is not affected by the bative calculations, with the anticipated reward of si-
grooming. The normalization factor Nκ is a short hand multaneously impacting multiple processes.
for a combination of terms that include PDFs, a hard- Power corrections are another lively topic in SCET,
collinear function describing the production of the par- from the continued activity around B-decays, to recent
ton κ, and the global soft function. This is an example significant results for collider physics. A key strength of
of a SCET+ factorization formula due to the presence SCET is its systematic nature, ensuring one can target
of soft-collinear modes that make up the Wilson lines the desired terms without missing contributions. Recent
that appear in Scκ . Groomed observables have become collider physics literature on subleading power results
widely used in predictions at hadron colliders due to the in SCET includes: formalism such as enumerating op-
fact that they are much more robust to contamination, erator bases [1846–1848, 1960, 1961], hard renormaliza-
and have reduced hadronization corrections. Other ex- tion and evolution [1960, 1962–1964], collinear and soft
amples of soft drop groomed calculations with SCET renormalization and evolution [1965–1968], subleading
are found in Refs. [1788, 1790, 1878–1893]. power factorization [1768, 1969–1973], and resumma-
tion for collider observables, including for event shapes
6.4.5 State-of-the-Art and Attractive Directions [1965, 1974, 1975], for threshold resummation [1976–
1978], and for the EEC [1979]. These results provide
The nature of a short review is that key ideas can be bright prospects for the future, with the ultimate goal
highlighted, but it is hard to do credit to the depth of of building a complete story for the structure of gauge
6.5 Hard thermal loop effective theory 231

theories like QCD beyond leading power, and thus gen- 6.5 Hard thermal loop effective theory
eralizing the leading power picture of collinear splittings
and soft eikonal radiation. Michael Strickland
One popular method for carrying out fixed order
calculations at higher orders, is that of slicing, whereby In this section we review progress in understanding
a resolution variable is used to act as a physical reg- QCD at finite temperature and density. Unlike QCD
ulator for infrared divergences, enabling analytic and in vacuum new classes of physical infrared divergences
numerical calculations to be combined in a systematic appear which cause naive perturbation theory to break
way. SCET has contributed to this program with the down. Luckily, at least at leading order in the coupling
invention of N-jettiness subtractions [1980, 1981] based constant, it is possible to identify a class of diagrams
on the N-jettiness event shape variable [1776]. It has that must be resummed in order to cure these diver-
also been used to calculate power suppressed large log- gences.
arithms, enabling order-of-magnitude improvements to
slicing techniques [1849, 1966, 1982–1989]. Further im- 6.5.1 The breakdown of naive perturbation the-
provements to such techniques will be important as the- ory at finite temperature
orists continue to move towards calculating experimen-
tally accessible fiducial cross sections. There are two fundamental formalisms for computing
Other interesting applications of SCET include: the the properties of QCD at high temperature: (1) the
generalization of threshold factorization formulae to in- real-time formalism and (2) the imaginary-time formal-
clude collinear limits [1990, 1991], the computation of ism [2050–2052]. The former is necessary when consid-
non-global logarithms and associated effects [1784, 1992– ering systems that are out of equilibrium, while the sec-
2005], the parametrization of hadronization corrections ond is more convenient for computing bulk thermody-
with field theory matrix elements [2006–2008], study- namic quantities. Here we will focus on the imaginary-
ing fragmentation inside a jet [1881, 1885, 1957, 2009– time formalism and progress that has been made in
2021], and to studying double parton distributions and understanding how to reorganize the perturbative ex-
fragmentation [2022–2025]. A particularly interesting pansion of finite temperature QCD in order to deal
direction with many connections to other fields is the with infrared singularities which emerge in this case
study of EECs. Results from SCET include deriving fac- using self-consistent inclusion of Debye screening and
torization for the back-to-back limit [2026], and collinear Landau damping. This is accomplished through an all-
limit [2027, 2028], jet analyses with charged tracks [2029], orders resummation of a class of diagrams referred to
generalizing factorization to the back-to-back limit at as the hard-thermal-loop (HTL) diagrams. For an in-
hadron colliders [2030], and deriving factorization for- troduction to the real-time formalism and applications
mula for jet substructure applications of the EEC [2031]. to real-world calculations we refer the reader to Sec. 6.6
The prospects for new applications of SCET technology and Ref. [2051].
remain bright. In thermal and chemical equilibrium with temper-
A final hallmark of SCET is the use of the physical ature T and quark chemical potentials µi with πT 
picture it provides to construct novel observables. Past µi , one finds that the naive loop expansion of physi-
examples of this type include: beam thrust and func- cal quantities is ill-defined and diverges beyond a given
tions [1804, 2032, 2033], N-jettiness [1776], N-subjettiness loop order, which depends on the quantity under con-
[2034], jet substructure for disentangling color and spin sideration. In the calculation of QCD thermodynamics,
in J/Ψ production [2014, 2035], D2 and related jet- this stems from uncanceled infrared (IR) divergences
substructure observables [1781, 2036–2038], the winner- that enter the expansion of the partition function at
takes-all-axis for jets [1889, 2039–2041], track functions three-loop order. These IR divergences are due to long-
[2042–2045], the XCone jet algorithm [2046], collinear distance interactions mediated by static gluon fields and
drop [1887, 2047], an EEC probe of top mass [2048], result in contributions that are non-analytic in αs =
g 2 /4π, e.g., αs and log(αs ), unlike vacuum perturba-
and measuring initial state tomography with a Nuclear
EEC [2049]. I look forward to many more examples of tion expansions which involve only powers of αs .
such new observables in the future. A simple way to understand at which perturbative
orders terms non-analytic in αs appear is to start from
the contribution of non-interacting static gluons to a
given quantity. R For the pressure of a gas of gluons one
has Pgluons ∼ d3 p p nB (Ep ), where nB denotes a Bose-
Einstein distribution function and Ep is the energy of

the in-medium gluons. The contributions from the mo- perturbation theory (HTLpt) resummation. This makes
mentum scales πT , gT and g 2 T can be expressed as use of the HTL effective action to reorganize the per-
turbative expansion of finite temperature and density
Pgluons ∼ T 4 nB (πT ) ∼ T 4 + O(g 2 ) , (6.5.1)
QCD [2080].
Pgluons ∼ (gT )4 nB (gT ) ∼ g 3 T 4 + O(g 4 ) , (6.5.2)
2 6.5.2 Dimensional reduction and QCD EFT
p∼g T
Pgluons 2 4 2
∼ (g T ) nB (g T ) ∼ g T ,6 4
where we have using the fact that nB (E) ∼ T /E if The method of dimensional reduction is based on the
E  T . This fact is of fundamental importance since it fact that, at weak-coupling, there is a hierarchy of scales
implies that when the energy/momentum are soft, cor- between the three energy scales (hard, soft, and ultra-
responding to electrostatic contributions, psoft ∼ gT , soft or, equivalently, hard, electric, and magnetic) which
one receives an enhancement of 1/g compared to con- contribute to bulk thermodynamic observables. Specif-
tributions from hard momenta, phard ∼ T , due to the ically, if g  1, one has
bosonic nature of the gluon. For ultrasoft (magneto-
static) momenta, pultrasoft ∼ g 2 T , the contributions are mmagnetic ∼ g 2 T  melectric ∼ gT  mhard ∼ πT .
enhanced by 1/g 2 compared to the naive perturbative (6.5.4)
order. As the Eqs. (6.5.1)-(6.5.3) demonstrate, it is pos-
Above we have denoted the magnetostatic and electro-
sible to generate contributions of the order g 3 ∼ αs
static screening scales by mmagnetic and melectric , re-
from soft momenta and, in the case of the pressure, spectively, and the hard or thermal one, corresponding
although perturbatively enhanced, ultrasoft momenta to the lowest non-zero Matsubara frequency, by mhard .
only start to play a role at order g 6 ∼ αs3 . To leading order, the electrostatic screening mass can
Note that the expansion parameters in Eqs. (6.5.1) be computed from the IR limit of the A0 one-loop self
to (6.5.3) are of order g 2 nB (πT ) ∼ g 2 , g 2 nB (gT ) ∼ g, energy, however, the magnetic screening mass cannot
and g 2 nB (g 2 T ) ∼ 1, implying in particular that the be computed perturbatively [2064, 2065]. In the high
contribution of magnetostatic gluons to the pressure temperature limit with πT  µi , mi , ΛQCD , the above
is fundamentally non-perturbative in nature at O(αs3 ), three scales are the only ones appearing and the two
which for the pressure corresponds to four-loop order. non-trivial scales mmagnetic and melectric are connected
This complete breakdown of the loop expansion at the to the static sector corresponding to the zero Matsubara
ultrasoft scale is called the Linde problem [2053, 2054]. mode (n = 0). As a result, in the effective field theory
The specific order at which the expansion breaks down language it is natural to integrate out the hard scale,
depends on the quantity under consideration and is yielding a three-dimensional effective field theory which
not universal. For example, in Ref. [2055], the authors is valid for long-distance static field modes. Another
demonstrated that a certain second-order transport co- way to see this is recognize that, in four-dimensional
efficient, λ1 , receives a leading-order contribution from Euclidean space, a system in thermal equilibrium has
the ultrasoft scale. We also note that, in the case of the its time direction compactified to a circle of radius 1/T
O(αs3 ) contribution to the pressure it is possible to iso- [2050]. In the high-temperature limit, the Euclidean
late the purely non-perturbative contribution and com- time direction has zero extent and the parent field the-
pute this numerically using a three-dimensional lattice ory becomes effectively three dimensional. Since fermionic
calculation [2056]. Paradoxically, the difficult part then modes have odd Matsubara frequencies, they become
becomes computing the perturbative contributions at super massive and decouple from the theory in this
this order [2057]. Beyond four-loop order, all contribu- limit, as do all non-zero gluonic Matsubara modes.
tions are once again perturbatively computable. The construction of dimensionally reduced effective
As a result of the infrared enhancement of electro- theories for high-temperature field theory began with
static contributions it was shown that a class of di- the work of Ginsparg [2081] and was quickly followed
agrams called hard-thermal-loop (HTL) graphs which by Appelquist and Pisarski [2082]. In the mid-1990s,
have soft external and hard internal momenta need to Kajantie et al. were the first to apply this formalism
be resummed to all orders in the strong coupling cou- to the study of the electroweak phase transition [2083].
pling [2058–2060]. In the high temperature limit, there Around the same time Braaten and Nieto demonstrated
exist several schemes for carrying out such resumma- how to apply these ideas to thermal QCD [2064, 2065].
tions, see e.g. [2061–2079]. Here we will briefly review Recently, these methods have been extended to the
the method of dimensionally reduced effective theories computation of the thermodynamics of N = 4 super-
(EFTs), which take advantage of the scale hierarchies symmetric Yang-Mills theory to order λ2 , where λ =
and the manifestly gauge-invariant hard thermal loop g 2 Nc is the t‘Hooft coupling [2084].
6.5 Hard thermal loop effective theory 233

In the EFT technique, the Lagrangian densities of

the three- and four-dimensional theories can be ob-
tained by writing down the most general local Lagrangians
respecting all necessary symmetries. One then orders all
operators in terms of their dimensionality and truncates
the Lagrangians at the desired order. For electrostatic
QCD (EQCD), this procedure results in [2064, 2065]
LE = TrF2ij + Tr[Di , A0 ]2 + m2E TrA20
+λE (TrA20 )2 + λE TrA40
(1) (2)

+iλE TrA30 + · · · , (6.5.5)


where the adjoint fields Ai ≡ AA i T , A 0 ≡ A0 T

three dimensional, Fij = ∂i Aj −∂j Ai +gE f
Ai Aj ,

Fij ≡ FijA T A , and Di = ∂i − igE Ai . Integrating out the

temporal gauge field, one can obtain the magnetostatic Fig. 6.5.1 Naive weak-coupling expansion of the scaled QCD
effective theory (MQCD) with LM = 12 TrF2ij + · · · and pressure for Nf = 3. Shaded bands show the result of varying
FijA = ∂i AA A
Ai Aj [2064, 2065].
ABC B C the renormalization scale Λ by a factor of 2 around the central
j − ∂j Ai + gM f
renormalization scale Λ = 2πT .
At leading order in g, the degrees of freedom in
the above effective theories are the n = 0 Matsub- μB = 0 MeV
ara modes of the four-dimensional Ai and A0 fields.
The former transforms as a three-dimensional adjoint
gauge field and the latter as a scalar in the adjoint ���
representation of SU(Nc ). By computing the contribu-
tions from the hard scale in the four-dimensional the- ���
ory (non-resummed), the massless two-loop self-energy

in the four-dimensional theory, and the massive three-

loop vacuum graphs and matching the two theories, one ���
obtains the following result for the QCD free energy
through O(αs )
FQCD 15 αs  α 3/2
= 1− + 30
Fideal 4 π π ���
   ��� ��� ��� ��� ���� ����
135 αs 11 Λ αs 2 T [MeV]
+ log − log + 3.51
2 π 36 2πT π Fig. 6.5.2 The resummed QCD pressure for µB = 0. We com-
5/2 pare the three-loop EQCD and HTLpt results with lattice data
495 Λ αs from the Wuppertal-Budapest (WB) collaboration [2085].
+ log − 3.23 + O(αs3 log αs ) ,
2 2πT π
the perturbative truncation order is increased. The rea-
where Fideal = −(8π 2 /45)T 4 is the free energy of an son for this poor convergence is that one is expanding
ideal gas of massless gluons and αs = αs (Λ) is the run- around the T = 0 QCD vacuum, which does not in-
ning coupling constant in the MS scheme. Note, impor- clude the effects of Debye screening and Landau damp-
tantly, the appearance of non-analytic terms in αs . Log- ing. In order to improve the convergence of this series,
arithms of αs appear as ratios of the electric screening HTLpt was introduced to reorganize the calculation in-
scale over the temperature. In order to avoid notational stead around the T → ∞ limit. We will discuss this
overlap with the chemical potential µ, here Λ is used to reorganization in the next subsection.
indicate the renormalization scale. There is also a resid-
ual dependence on the renormalization scale Λ at orders
6.5.3 Hard-thermal loop perturbation theory
αs2 and αs . The result obtained when this expression

is truncated at various orders in the coupling constant Hard-thermal-loop perturbation theory is a reorgani-
is shown in Fig. 6.5.1. As can be seen from this figure, at zation of perturbative QCD. The HTLpt Lagrangian
phenomenologically relevant temperatures the resulting density is written as [2074, 2075]
weak coupling expansion shows poor convergence and
an increasing sensitivity to the renormalization scale as L = (LQCD + LHTL )|g→√δg + ∆LHTL , (6.5.7)

��� �����
��� ��� ��
χ�� (�)/ χ��

����� ��� �� �����
�� - � χ��
�� - χ�� ���
���� - χ��
��� ���
��� ��� ��� ��� ���� ���� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ���
� [���] � [���]
Fig. 6.5.3 The second-order light quark (and baryon) number Fig. 6.5.5 The 4th light quark number susceptibility. Lattice
susceptibilities. Lattice data are from the Wuppertal-Budapest data sources are the same as Fig. 6.5.3.
(WB) [2086, 2087] and BNLB collaborations [2088].


���� �����
���� ��


����� ����� ����� ����� ����� ����� �����

��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ���
Fig. 6.5.6 Filled circles are lattice calculations of κ2 [449–
� [���] 451, 2089, 2090], from top to bottom, respectively. Red filled
Fig. 6.5.4 The 4th baryon number susceptibility. Lattice data circles are results obtained using the imaginary chemical po-
sources are the same as Fig. 6.5.3. tential method and blue filled circles are results obtained using
Taylor expansions around µB = 0. Black open circles are the
NNLO HTLpt predictions. The error bars associated with the
where ∆LHTL collects all necessary renormalization coun- HTLpt predictions result from variation of the assumed renor-
malization scale.
terterms and δ is a formal expansion parameter, which
will be taken to be unity in the end of the calculation.
The HTL improvement term appearing above is massive quasiparticles. This shift dramatically improves

 the convergence of the successive loop approximations
LHTL = (1 − δ)im2q ψ̄γ µ
y ·D ŷ
ψ to QCD thermodynamics [2067–2069, 2074–2079].
" # The HTLpt Lagrangian (6.5.7) reduces to the QCD
Lagrangian when δ = 1. Physical observables are cal-
1 y yβ
− (1 − δ)mD Tr Fµα F µβ
. (6.5.8)
2 (y ·D)2 ŷ culated in HTLpt by expanding in powers of δ, trun-
cating at some specified order in δ, and then setting
Above y µ = (1, ŷ) is a light-like four-vector with ŷ
δ = 1. This defines a reorganization of the perturba-
being a three-dimensional unit vector and the angu-
tive series in which the effects of m2D and m2q terms in
lar bracket indicates an average over the direction of ŷ.
(6.5.8) are included to leading order but then system-
The parameters mD and mq can be identified with the
atically subtracted out at higher orders in perturbation
gluonic screening mass and the thermal quark mass. In
theory by the δm2D and δm2q terms in (6.5.8). To ob-
HTLpt one treats δ as a formal expansion parameter.
tain leading order (LO), next-to-leading order (NLO),
By including the HTL improvement term (6.5.8) HTLpt
and next-to-next-leading order (NNLO) results for the
shifts the perturbative expansion from being around an
QCD pressure, one expands to orders δ 0 , δ 1 , δ 2 , respec-
ideal gas of massless particles to being around a gas of
6.6 EFT methods for nonequilibrium systems 235

within the scale uncertainties. Finally, in Figs. 6.5.6 and

6.5.7 we present results recently presented in Ref. [2091]
for the second- and fourth-order curvatures of the QCD
phase transition line obtained from the analytical NNLO
HTLpt result and the world’s compiled lattice QCD
data. We display three different physical cases which
correspond to (1) equal quark chemical potentials, (2)
zero strange quark chemical potential, and (3) the case
hSi = 0 and Q/B = 0.4, which corresponds to the case
appropriate to heavy-ion collisions. As can be seen from
these figures, NNLO HTLpt agrees quite well with the
-����� -����� ����� ����� ����� existing lattice data in each case. The horizontal error
bars (which are sometimes not even visible) indicate the
Fig. 6.5.7 Filled circles are lattice calculations of κ4 from renormalization scale dependence of these curvatures.
Refs. [451, 2090], from top to bottom, respectively. The color To close this section, we have demonstrated that al-
coding etc. for the symbols is the same as in Fig. 6.5.6. though naive perturbative expansions applied to QCD
thermodynamics fail dramatically, it is possible reorga-
tively. Note, importantly, that HTLpt is gauge invariant nize the calculation of the QCD free energy in such a
order-by-order in the δ expansion. way as to achieve improved convergence at phenomeno-
In order to obtain analytically tractable sum-integrals, logically relevant temperatures. Interestingly, we find
in addition to the δ expansion, one must also make excellent agreement between the resummed approaches
a Taylor expansion in the mass parameters scaled by and lattice data down to rather low temperatures and
the temperature, mD /T and mq /T . The final result ob- are even able to predict the curvature of the QCD phase
tained at NNLO is completely analytic, however, it is transition line using perturbation theory.
too lengthy to list here, instead we refer the reader to
the most recent works using HTLpt, which apply this
6.6 EFT methods for nonequilibrium sys-
technique at finite temperature and quark chemical po-
tentials [2078, 2079, 2091]. In Fig. 6.5.2 we compare the tems
NNLO EQCD and HTLpt results for the scaled pres- Miguel Escobedo
sure (negative of the free energy). As can be seen from
this figure, for the central choice of the renormalization 6.6.1 Introduction
scale, namely Λg = 2πT and Λq = πT , there is excellent
agreement between HTLpt and the lattice data. The There are many situations in which we are interested
same is true to a lesser extent for EQCD. Both, how- in describing non-equilibrium phenomena that involve
ever, have a large uncertainty related to the variation the strong interaction. An example is the study of the
with respect to the renormalization scale. This sensi- medium created when colliding heavy ions at ultrarel-
tivity is particularly large for the free energy; however ativistic speeds. This kind of experiment is nowadays
other quantities show much less renormalization scale performed at facilities like the Large Hadron Collider
dependence. From the NNLO results, one can obtain (LHC) in Geneva and the Relativistic Heavy Ion Col-
predictions for various quark and baryon number sus- lider (RHIC) in Brookhaven. The motivation is to study
ceptibilities. a new state of matter that appears at high temperatures
In Figs. 6.5.3-6.5.5 we present the NNLO resummed and densities, the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP). More
perturbative predictions for the second-order baryon details are given in section 4.4. The medium created
number susceptibility, the fourth-order baryon number in heavy ion collisions can be regarded as an out-of-
susceptibility, and the fourth-order light quark suscepti- equilibrium system. Soft particles in the medium are
bility, respectively. As these figures demonstrate HTLpt able to approximately thermalize [2092, 2093]; however,
and EQCD to a only slightly lesser extent, have reason- this thermalization is only local. Looking at length and
able agreement with lattice extractions of these suscep- time scales much larger than the inverse of the tem-
tibilities down to temperatures on the order of T ∼ perature the bulk properties of the medium are well
250 MeV which is only slightly higher than the QCD described by relativistic hydrodynamics [2094–2096].
phase transition temperature of Tc ∼ 155 MeV. The One important way to obtain information about the
lone exception is χ2 where EQCD seems to perform
QGP created in heavy ion collisions is by studying its
better than HTLpt, although the results are consistent effects on hard probes, for example, heavy quarkonium

Im t cally (anti-chronologically) ordered and are customary

labelled fields of type 1 (2).71
The doubling of degrees of freedom discussed in the
previous paragraph can affect the construction and use
of an EFT in two different ways depending on whether
or not medium degrees of freedom are integrated out
Re t when going from the full theory to the EFT. If the
matching is not affected by the medium, then we can
apply the real time formalism in exactly the same way
as it is done for a normal QFT. However, if the matching
is affected by the medium, we can not assume that the
EFT does not contain terms mixing the two branches of
Fig. 6.6.1 Schwinger-Keldysh contour of the real time formal- the Schwinger-Keldysh contour. Recently, this issue has
ism been discussed in detail in the context of the construc-
tion of an EFT for hydrodynamics [2101–2104]. How-
ever, regarding the study of hard probes, the compli-
suppression and jet quenching [1561, 2097]. We can re- cations arising from the doubling of degrees of freedom
gard these particles as out-of-equilibrium probes inter- are substantially diminished when we take into account
acting with a thermal equilibrium environment of soft that only few of them are created in each heavy ion col-
particles. Precisely because they do not have time to lision. We will discuss in detail how the dilute nature
thermalize inside of the medium, they allow us to char- of heavy quarks and high-energy partons simplify their
acterize the QGP in a way that would not be possible study in the real time formalism.
otherwise. For example, they are sensitive to transport Lastly, there is another aspect of the application of
properties of the medium such as the heavy quark diffu- EFTs to the study of hard probes out of equilibrium
sion coefficient [2098] and the jet broadening parameter that we would like to highlight. This is the connec-
q̂ [2097]. Note also that the problem of a hard probe in- tion that naturally appears with the formalism of open
teracting with a soft medium is one in which a hierarchy quantum systems (OQSs) [2105]. The OQS formalism
of well-separated energy scales appear. This is precisely studies the evolution of quantum systems interacting
the situation in which EFTs are useful. In summary, the with an environment, that at the same time is also a
study of hard probes in heavy ion collisions provides a quantum system. The central object of study is the re-
clear motivation to study EFTs far from equilibrium. duced density matrix, obtained from the density matrix
The theoretical description of a QFT out of equilib- of the combination of the system plus the environment
rium requires the use of the real-time formalism [2099]. after performing a trace over the degrees of freedom
When dealing with T = 0 scattering process, we are of the environment. The evolution of the reduced den-
used to assuming that the system is in the ground state sity matrix is not necessarily of the quantum Liouville
both at the remote past and in the distant future. This type as there might appear terms that increase its von
is what is done to obtain the LSZ reduction formula Neumann entropy. It happens that, when studying hard
[2100]. The consequence of this is that, when comput- probes interacting with a medium using EFTs, one typ-
ing amplitudes, all field insertions are chronologically ically finds equations that are well known in the context
ordered. The situation is completely different when the of OQSs. This is not surprising since when we compute
initial state of the system is described by a given den- how thermal propagators influence the evolution of a
sity matrix. In this case, the state of the system in hard probe we are actually making a trace over envi-
the distant future is unknown, so we have to average ronment degrees of freedom.
over all the possible outcomes imposing that the sys- In summary, in this section we are going to discuss
tem is described by the initial density matrix in the the application of EFTs to study nonequilibrium phe-
remote past. For this reason, the real-time formalism is nomena. In particular, we will focus on interesting prob-
sometimes called an in-in formalism while the formal- lems that appear in the study of heavy ion collisions in
ism leading to the LSZ reduction formula is called an which a large separation of energy scales appear. First,
in-out formalism. As a consequence, the path integral we will review the open quantum system formalism.
needs to go from the remote past to the distant future This will allow us to discuss the Lindblad equation,
and back again around a path called the Schwinger- which will play a key role in the later discussion. Then,
Keldysh contour (see Fig. 6.6.1) [2099]. Fields in the 71
From a complementary point of view, fields of type 1 (2)
upper (lower) branch of the contour are chronologi- act on the left (right) of the density matrix.
6.6 EFT methods for nonequilibrium systems 237

we will discuss the application of EFTs to the study (6.6.6)

of quarkonium suppression. More specifically, we will
where Ci are the collapse or Lindblad operators. They
study the evolution of the reduced density matrix of
are operators that encode the dissipative part of the
heavy quarks using pNRQCD. In another subsection,
Lindblad equation and will depend on the problem we
we will review the description of jet broadening based
are studying. Let us note that it is very computationally
on the study of the reduced density matrix using SCET.
expensive to solve the GKSL equation, as it is gener-
Finally, we will review applications of the EFT to study
ally the case for any master equation. The reason is
hydrodynamics and the interesting structure regarding
that the cost scales with N 2 , where N is the dimen-
the doubling of degrees of freedom that have been dis-
sion of the Hilbert space. This means that, if we dis-
covered in this context.
cretize the QCD system in a lattice, doubling the lattice
size multiplies the numerical cost by four. This problem
6.6.2 Open quantum systems
can be solved by using techniques called unravelling of
Let us consider a universe formed by a system plus an the master equation. Examples of unravellings used to
environment. Let us assume that at some initial time study quarkonium suppression are the Quantum State
the density matrix of the universe ρU (t0 ) fulfils Diffusion [2108] and the Quantum Trajectories method
[1562, 2109–2111].
ρU (t0 ) = ρS (t0 ) ⊗ ρE (t0 ) , (6.6.1)
6.6.3 EFTs for quarkonium suppression
where S corresponds to the system and E to the envi-
ronment. The motivation for this assumption is twofold.
Quarkonium suppression was proposed as a probe of
On one hand, when studying a dilute hard probe inter-
the formation of a QGP in the pioneering work of Mat-
acting with a medium, it is natural to assume that the
sui and Satz [2112]. The original proposal was based
medium acts as a thermal reservoir that is not affected
on the phenomenon of colour screening. Chromoelec-
by the probe. On the other hand, even if the assumption
tric fields are screened at large distances in the pres-
is not true, any density matrix for the universe can be
ence of a QGP. This modifies the heavy quarkonium
decomposed as a sum of density matrices that do fulfil
potential and, if the screening length is smaller than
this structure. The reduced density matrix at time t0 is
the size of the bound state, inhibits bound state forma-
also ρS (t0 ).
tion. Later on, it was realized that the potential devel-
ρS (t0 ) = TrE (ρU (t0 )) . (6.6.2) ops an imaginary part in the presence of a QGP [2113].
This is related to the appearance of a thermal induced
Let us now look at what happens at t > t0 . If U (t, t0 ) decay width which can dissociate quarkonium in many
is the time evolution operator of the universe, then cases more efficiently than screening. However, before
ρU (t) = U (t, t0 )ρU (t0 )U † (t, t0 ) , (6.6.3) asking which phenomenon more substantially modifies
the heavy quarkonium potential, we should understand
and it follows that whether quarkonium’s evolution follows a Schrödinger
equation at all in the presence of a medium and what
ρS (t) = TrE (U (t, t0 )ρU (t0 )U † (t, t0 )) . (6.6.4)
is the definition of the potential. In Sec. 6.1, we have
However, in general it is not true that seen that similar issues can be addressed using non-
relativistic EFTs such as NRQCD and pNRQCD at
ρS (t) 6= US (t, t0 )ρS (t0 )US† (t, t0 ) , (6.6.5)
T = 0. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that the
so in this sense we can say that the evolution is non- finite temperature versions of these EFTs will allow us
unitary. to answer the previous questions.
The equation that describes the time evolution of ρS In order to construct an EFT, we should first discuss
is called a master equation. In general, it is not trivial the energy scales and the symmetries of the problem. In
to determine the form of this equation. However, an im- addition to the hard, soft and ultrasoft scales that al-
portant result of the OQS formalism is that the master ready appear when studying quarkonium at T = 0, we
equation of a Markovian evolution that preserves the should also consider the energy scales induced by the
fundamental properties of a density matrix (Hermitian presence of the medium. One of the energy scales that
positive-definite operator with trace equal to 1) takes obviously appears is the temperature itself. However,
the form of a GKSL or Lindblad equation [2106, 2107] in a weakly-coupled plasma (g  1), other dynamically
generated energy scales appear. For example, the Debye
X mass (of order gT ) and the non-perturbative magnetic

dρS † 1 †
= −i[H, ρS ] + Ci ρS Ci − {Ci Ci , ρS } ,
dt i
2 mass (of order g 2 T ). More details about these scales

can be found in Sec. 6.5. Depending on the relation be- This is what we will do for the moment. Later on, we
tween the medium induce energy scales and those that will discuss the evolution of reduced density matrix of
already appear at T = 0, we will find different physi- quarkonium that involves discussing the 12 propagator.
cal situations. For example, if the Debye mass is much The first applications of NRQCD and pNRQCD at
larger than the inverse of the Bohr radius, there would finite temperature can be found in Reds. [1552, 1553].
be no bound state formation due to screening. On the Ref. [1552] considers the infinite mass limit while Ref.
other hand, if the temperature is smaller than the in- [1553] discusses the Abelian analogue of quarkonium,
verse of the Bohr radius, thermal effects are a pertur- the hydrogen atom. In both works the issue of the dou-
bation compared with the binding energy because the bling of degrees of freedom is discussed in detail. Later
medium sees quarkonium as a small colour dipole. on, the results were generalized to the case of real quarko-
Regarding the symmetries of the problem, we will nium [2119]. Let us summarize the main results found
focus on the scenario in which quarkonium is co-moving by studying quarkonium spectroscopy at finite temper-
with the medium. Note, however, that there are EFT ature using EFTs
studies considering the finite velocity case [2114, 2115].
– The leading thermal effect can only be encoded as a
In the co-moving case, the medium only breaks Lorentz
modification of the potential when the Debye mass
symmetry. Note that in T = 0 NRQCD and pNRQCD,
mD is much larger than E. In the EFT framework,
Lorentz symmetry is not explicit. It manifests through
we only talk about a potential when we are dealing
relations between the Wilson coefficients of different op-
with an interaction that is non-local in space but
erators [1398, 1399]. These relations are broken in the
local in time. When the condition mD  E is not
presence of a medium [2116].
fulfilled, thermal corrections are sensitive to E in a
Now, let us discuss how the doubling of degrees
non-polynomial way and this signals that the inter-
of freedom influences the use of non-relativistic EFTs.
action is non-local in time. In summary, potential
First, consider the thermal equilibrium case. Since the
models are suitable when mD  E.
mass of the heavy quark M is much larger than the tem-
– We can consider thermal effects a perturbation if
perature T , it follows that the thermal modifications of
1/r  T (where r is the radius). In this case, the
the heavy quark propagator in NRQCD or the singlet
medium does not modify the matchings from QCD
propagator in pNRQCD are suppressed by the Boltz-
to NRQCD and from NRQCD to pNRQCD. The
mann factor e−M/T . This reflects the fact that physi-
medium sees quarkonium as a small color dipole.
cally heavy particles are dilute in a thermal equilibrium
This manifests in the pNRQCD Lagrangian in the
medium that has a temperature much lower than M .
following way. The coupling between the singlet fields
We are interested in the more general case in which the
and the ultrasoft gluons of the medium is propor-
heavy particles are not in thermal equilibrium. How-
tional to r. This implies that thermal effects are al-
ever, we will still consider that heavy particles are di-
ways multiplied by a factor of rT .
lute. This is clearly the case for bottom quarks at LHC
– In a qualitative way, we can say that quarkonium
since only a few of them are produced in each heavy
dissociates at the temperature at which thermal ef-
ion collision.72 . A direct consequence of the dilute limit
fects are of the same order of magnitude as the
is that the 12 propagator of a heavy particle is sup-
binding energy. The logic behind this statement is
pressed. This corresponds to a propagator involving a
the following. If thermal effects are smaller than
field of type 1 (upper branch of the Schwinger-Keldysh
the binding energy, then they are a perturbation.
contour) and a field of type 2 (lower branch). Therefore,
If thermal effects are much larger than the binding
if we are interested in Green’s functions involving only
energy it is impossible for a bound state to exist.
heavy quark fields of type 1, we can ignore the doubling
Therefore, the transition between these two regimes
of degrees of freedom and proceed in the same way as
must be found when the thermal effects and E are
we would do at T = 0 (the doubling of degrees of free-
of the same size. In the weakly-coupled scenario,
dom still affects the propagators of light particles). The
the imaginary part of the potential is larger than
reason is that, in any Green’s function in which they ap-
the screening corrections to the real part. There-
pear at the same time heavy fields of type 1 and 2, there
fore, dissociation occurs when T ∼ M g 4/3 . At this
will appear at least one 12 propagator. In conclusion,
temperature, screening is a perturbation as it only
if we are interested in spectroscopy at finite tempera-
becomes important when T ∼ mg. This is at odds
ture, we can ignore the doubling of degrees of freedom.
with the original proposal of Matsui and Satz [2112]
The situation could be different for charm quarks. For pN- in which the mechanism responsible for quarkonium
RQCD studies of the non-dilute limit for charmonium see [2117, suppression was believed to be color screening.
6.6 EFT methods for nonequilibrium systems 239

– There are two processes that contribute to the ther- are the ones that have been studied up to now in phe-
mal decay width of quarkonium: gluo-dissociation nomenological applications.
and inelastic scattering with medium partons. Gluo- In the limit 1/r  T, mD  E, we obtain a Lind-
dissociation is the process in which a singlet state blad equation in which all of the information about the
absorbs a medium gluon and becomes an octet state. medium is encoded in two non-perturbative parame-
It was first computed in Ref. [2120] using the Op- ters, κ and γ. This equation has been used to pre-
erator Product Expansions and the large-Nc limit. dict the nuclear modification factor in heavy ion col-
Within pNRQCD, this process was studied in detail lisions using as additional input the initial distribution
in Ref. [1555], where the expression of Ref. [2120] of heavy quarkonium previous to the formation of the
was generalized to a finite number of colors. Inelas- QGP and how the temperature evolves with time. How-
tic scattering with medium partons is a process in ever, early studies were limited due to the high compu-
which a singlet scatters with a medium quark or tational cost. This problem was solved by the applica-
gluon through the exchange of an off-shell gluon tion of the Monte Carlo wave function method [2109].
[1556]. Gluo-dissociation is a leading-order process Thanks to this, it was possible to combine the solution
in the coupling constant expansion but it has a smaller of the master equation with state-of-the-art modelling
phase space since the gluon is required to be on- of the time evolution of the medium to obtain results
shell. The pNRQCD power counting correctly pre- compatible with the observations at LHC [1562, 2109].
dicts that gluo-dissociation is the dominant process Another interesting limit is the one in which ther-
if E  mD . On the contrary, if mD  E, it is mal effects are much smaller than the binding energy.
inelastic parton scattering that dominates. In this case, we can use the rotating wave approxima-
tion,which assumes only the diagonal elements of the
6.6.4 The master equation in pNRQCD density matrix in the basis that diagonalizes the lead-
ing order Hamiltonian need be considered. Using this,
Previously, we have discussed the information that can the master equation simplifies into a Boltzmann equa-
be obtained from the time-ordered propagator of quarko- tion [2117, 2118]. Moreover, using the molecular chaos
nium. This includes the values of the binding energies assumption, it is possible to use the derived formulas
and decay widths. However, since we were using the outside of the dilute limit. Thanks to this, the authors
dilute limit, we did not obtain any information about of Refs. [2117, 2118] were able to successfully reproduce
how the density of heavy quarkonium evolves inside of a experimental data for charmonium suppression at LHC.
medium. This is needed in order to compute the prob- The application of pNRQCD to the computation of
ability that a bound state is detected in a heavy-ion the nuclear modification factor has been a very active
collision. and successful approach in recent years. However, at
The information about the density of heavy quarko- the moment, all of the studies have focused on the case
nium is contained in the 12 singlet propagator of pN- 1/r  T for the reasons discussed in the introduction.
RQCD. This is zero at leading order in the dilute limit; This limits the applicability of the approach to excited
therefore, we need to go to next-to-leading order in this states that are expected to be of larger size. In subsec-
expansion; i.e. we need to consider all diagrams in which tion 6.6.6 we are going to discuss some recent develop-
the 12 propagator appears only once. ments that might be used to improve the situation.
Until now, all of the studies concerning the evolution
of the density of heavy quarkonium inside a medium us- 6.6.5 EFT description of jet broadening
ing non-relativistic EFTs have focused on the 1/r  T
regime. In this case, we can use the T = 0 pNRQCD La- A jet is a collimated ensemble of particles with a large
grangian as a starting point. It has been demonstrated momentum and a small opening angle. They are use-
that computing the evolution of the 12 singlet and octet ful in the context of QCD because the definition of a
propagator gives a system of coupled equations that re- jet is constructed in such a way that the sensitivity
sembles very closely the master equations that appear to non-perturbative low-energy physics is minimized.
in the OQS framework [1559, 1560]. This is not surpris- More details can be found in Secs. 6.4 and 11. The
ing, because we can regard hS1 (t, r1 )S2† (t, r2 )i as the interest in jets in heavy-ion collisions is due to a phe-
reduced density matrix of heavy quarks projected into nomenon called jet quenching [2097]. Jets lose energy
the sub-space in which there is a singlet state. In gen- when traversing a QGP. Therefore, by observing how
eral, the master equation is a complex non-Markovian opaque the medium is to high-energy particles allows
equation. However, there are two limits in which sim- us to infer some of its properties.
pler Markovian equations can be obtained. These limits

Jets might lose energy due to two different mecha- tant because it allows one to compute q̂ using non-
nisms: collisional and radiative energy loss. In the first perturbative approaches such as lattice QCD.
case, the jet loses energy because it collides with the – The use of SCET including Glauber gluons made it
particles forming the medium. In the case of radia- possible to derive a medium-modified parton shower
tive energy loss, the collisions in the medium provide in a model in which the medium is approximated as
the high energy parton with additional transverse mo- an ensemble of static scattering centers [1815, 2121].
mentum and virtuality (a process called jet broaden-
In recent years, SCET has been combined with the OQS
ing). Due to this increase, the high energy parton is
approach to study jet quenching [1818, 2123] similarly
more likely to radiate energy outside of the jet cone.
to how pNRQCD was combined with OQS to study
The amount of virtuality that a parton gains while
quarkonium suppression. In this case, one considers a
traversing a given length in the medium is controlled by
high-energy particle (system) that is interacting with
the transport coefficient q̂. At the moment, it is gener-
the soft particles that comprise the medium (environ-
ally believed that radiative energy loss is the dominant
ment). The interaction between the two is mediated by
mechanism at high momentum while at low momentum
the Glauber part of the SCET Hamiltonian [1810]. The
both processes have to be taken into account.
evolution of the reduced density matrix of the system
The problem of a high-energy parton traversing a
(high-energy particle) has been studied first ignoring all
medium is one in which widely separated energy scales
radiation (only considering jet broadening) [1818] and,
appear. First, we have the energy Q of the high energy
later on, incorporating the leading-order radiative cor-
particle. This is the highest energy scale that appears
rections [2123]. In both cases, a master equation of the
in the problem. Additionally, we have the transverse
Lindblad type is found. The advantages of proceeding
momentum of the particle p⊥ . If√we use light-cone co-
in this way is that the information about the medium
ordinates, with p± = (p0 ± p3 )/ 2, and we choose the
is encoded in expectation values of gauge invariant op-
3 direction such that p+ ∼ Q, then an on-shell particle
erators of soft fields. This allows separating the physics
must have p− ∼ p2⊥ /Q  p⊥ . On top of this, we have
of jet-medium interaction from the way in which the
to consider the energy scales induced by the presence
medium is modeled. In addition, it opens the way for
of the medium, which by construction are always much
future determinations of the influence of the medium
smaller than Q. The EFT that is suitable to study this
using lattice QCD.
problem is SCET (see Sec. 6.4). Note that Glauber glu-
ons (those with momentum p = (p+ , p− , p⊥ ) of order
6.6.6 EFTs for hydrodynamics
(T, T 2 /Q, T )) play a prominent role in the physics of
a jet traversing a medium. Inclusion of Glauber gluons
We have previously discussed the difficulties encoun-
in the SCET formalism was discussed in Refs. [1815,
tered when constructing an EFT in which medium de-
2121]. A more recent and extended discussion can be
grees of freedom are integrated out. In a few words,
found in Ref. [1810].
terms that mix the two branches of the Schwinger-
There have been many studies of jet quenching us-
Keldysh contour appear and this changes the properties
ing SCET [2122] and jet broadening [1814, 1817]. In
of the EFT in a profound way in comparison with the
contrast to the case of quarkonium suppression, at the
EFT at T = 0. Let us summarize how this challenge
moment all applications use SCET as a starting point,
has been avoided until now in the study of hard probes
without constructing an EFT in which medium de-
of the QGP:
grees of freedom have been integrated out. This may
be due to the fact that there is no information relevant – In the case of quarkonium we could use the dilute
to jet quenching in the time ordered propagator of a limit and focus on the time-ordered propagator. In
high energy particle. Instead, we need to focus on the this case, we know that the terms that mix the two
distribution of high-energy particles that requires an branches of the SK contour give a small contribu-
approach similar to the study of the 12 propagator of tion and proceed as it is done at T = 0. The problem
heavy quarkonium. Some of the results that have been with this is that there is valuable information that
obtained from the application of SCET to the study of can not be obtained from the time-ordered propa-
jet quenching are the following: gator in the dilute limit, as for example, the nuclear
modification factor.
– The non-perturbative expression of q̂ in terms of an
– We can choose to integrate out only the energy scales
expectation value of gauge fields was re-obtained in
higher than the temperature. This is what has been
Ref. [1814] for the case of a Feynman or Coulomb
done to study quarkonium suppression in the limit
gauge and generalized to a gauge invariant expec-
1/r  T and jet quenching using SCET. However,
tation value in Ref. [1817]. This result is impor-

this limits the applicability of the approach. More- We note that, apart from the theoretical importance
over, many of the simplifications introduced by the as an example of an EFT in which medium degrees of
EFT framework come from being able to threat each freedom are integrated out, hydrodynamics is also very
energy scale separately from the others. This can important in the field of heavy ion collisions. Among
not always be done if we are unable to integrate out other important predictions, it describes the evolution
medium-induced energy scales. of the soft medium in which the hard probes discussed
in this subsection evolve [2094–2096].
Recently, this issue has been addressed in the con-
text of the construction of an EFT for hydrodynamics
[2101–2104]. Going from a T = 0 EFT to an EFT liv-
ing in the SK contour implies a doubling of degrees 7 QCD under extreme conditions
of freedom, but this is compensated by the fact that Conveners:
additional symmetries must be fulfilled. There are two Eberhard Klempt and Johanna Stachel
symmetries that have been largely discussed:
– The SK symmetry. This symmetry must be fulfilled In nucleus-nucleus collisions at ultra-relativistic ener-
by any system, in or far from thermal equilibrium. gies a new kind of matter is created, the Quark-Gluon
It implies that the largest time equation [2124] must Plasma. Peter Braun-Munzinger, Anar Rustamov and
be fulfilled. This means that the difference of two Johanna Stachel report on the phase diagram of hadronic
Green’s functions that only differ in the SK sub- matter at high temperature and low net baryon den-
index of the field evaluated at the latest time must sity. A connection is made between the experimentally
be zero. It is obvious that this must be the case determined chemical freeze-out points and the pseudo-
because the trace of a commutator is zero. For ex- critical temperature for the chiral cross over transition
ample, in the case of a two-point Green’s function computed in lattice QCD. The role of fluctuations giv-
ing experimental access to the nature of the chiral phase
transition will be summarized. Azimuthal anisotropies
hφ1 (t)φ1 (0)i − hφ2 (t)φ1 (0)i = Tr([φ(t), φ(0)ρ]) = 0 . of hadron distributions show that the Quark-Gluon
(6.6.7) Plasma formed in high energy collisions is strongly cou-
pled, allowing to deduce bulk and shear viscosities. In
One consequence of this symmetry is that in the the hot and dense plasma partons lose a large fraction
limit of exactly classical fields (φ1 = φ2 ) the action of their energy and this observation leads to the deter-
of the EFT must be zero [2101]. mination of another medium parameter, a jet transport
– The KMS symmetry. This is a symmetry that must coefficient. Quarkonia and their role as a probe of de-
be fulfilled by system in thermal equilibrium. A well- confinement form the final topic of their contribution.
known consequence of this symmetry is the fluctuation- The phase structure of strongly interacting matter a
dissipation theorem. It is akin to an earliest time low temperature and high density is discussed by Kenji
equation in which, if t is the earliest time, a Green’s Fukushima. In this region of the phase diagram that is
function in which the operator that appears just at probed e.g. in neutron stars, different phases and phase
the right of the density matrix is evaluated at time transitions are expected on theoretical grounds. Astro-
t − i/T is equal to another Green’s function that physical observations and the observation of gravita-
is equal except that the operator appears now just tional waves lead to important constraints for calcula-
at the right of the density matrix and evaluated at tions modeling the transitions into a quarkyonic regime,
time t. For the case of a two-point Green’s function into quark matter or color-superconducting states. The
theoretical challenges to locate a conjectured critical
hφ1 (t2 )φ1 (t)i − hφ1 (t2 )φ2 (t − i/T )i = end point in the QCD phase diagram are discussed.
Tr (φ(t2 ) (φ(t)ρ − ρφ (t − i/T ))) = 0 .

Note that the previous equation is only valid if ρ = 7.1 QGP

e−H/T . Peter Braun-Munzinger, Anar Rustamov
At tree level it is relatively easy to write an EFT that and Johanna Stachel
fulfills these conditions. However, it is more difficult
to ensure them when higher-order quantum loops are The infrared slavery and asymptotic freedom properties
involved. A solution to this is to expand the theory by of QCD, discussed in previous sections, form the the-
introducing ghost fields and using the BRST formalism. oretical basis that strongly interacting matter at finite

200 and/or density exists in different thermo- 300
dynamic phases.C0χ This was realized [427, 428] Nτ already
= 16 χΣ Nτ = 16
shortly after these properties of QCD were introduced. 12 250 12
150 quark-gluon plasma (QGP) was coined soon
The term 8 8
T [MeV] after by Shuryak [1353] for the high temperature/den- 6 6
155 165
sity phase
100 where confinement is lifted and a global sym- 150
metry of QCD, the chiral symmetry, is restored. The
first lattice
50 QCD (lQCD) calculations of the equation
of state were performed soon thereafter [434]. Already 50
in early lQCD calculations aT close [MeV]link between de- T [MeV]
confinement and restoration of chiral symmetry was
65 175 135 145 155 165 175 135 145 155 165 175
found [426].
meter C0Σ (T )For deconfinement
= Σ(T, µB,Q,S = there
0). isThe
an order
inset parameter for
shows derivative Fig.
of 7.1.1
C0Σ withSusceptibility
respectofto thetemperature
chiral u,d- and Ts-quark
. Middle: con-
χ the phase transition, the so-called Polyakov loop, inΣthe densate
C0 (T ) ≡ χ(T, µB,Q,S = 0). Right: Susceptibility, χ (T, µB,Q,S = 0), of the chiral order parameter. as a function of temperature computed in 2+1 flavor
limit without dynamical quarks. For chiral symmetry lQCD (Fig. from [448]).
restoration the chiral condensate hψ̄ψi forms an order
parameter for vanishing but also for cretization
finite quark masses. errors are5 of the type a2 ∝ 1/Nτ2 . Extrapola- 6
Indeed, recent numerical lQCD calculations [442] pro-
vide, in the limitχof Σ massless u and tions to the
d quarks, strongcontinuum 4
limit a → 0 wereNt carried =8 10 12 out 16 by 5
indications for a genuine second-order chiral transition
fitting data at different N to a function 4 stout
in 1/N 2
τ τ
between a hadron C0χgas and a QGPand at a extrapolating
critical tem- it to N → ∞ limit. The error on

3 τ

perature of Tc ≈ 132
C0Σ −6 MeV. For realistic u,d,s-quark

masses, chiral symmetry

each continuum-extrapolated result was obtained using the
is restored in a crossover tran- 3
sition at vanishing
C2 net-baryon density above and adescribed
precisely 2
bootstrap method. For all observables
determined pseudo-critical
χ temperature of T = 156.5
we found that 1/Nτ2 -fits were satisfactory. To check the
±1.5 MeV [448]. Consistent with this result, a tran-
continuum limit
1.5) MeVof 158.0 ± 0.6systematics
(156.5 MeV was recently
of our continuum
extrapolations, we used fits
reported in [451]. This pseudo-critical including
temperature higher
is order 1/Nτ corrections, as well as car-
0 0
found as a maximum in the susceptibility ried out (derivative
the extrapolation procedure 200 300
using an400alternative 500
1/Nτ with respect to mass) of the chiral condensate as dis- T[MeV]
T -scale
played in Fig 7.1.1. Contrary to early ideas, the system
determined using the Sommer parameter r1 ; all
Fig. 7.1.2 The interaction measure or trace anomaly normal-
remains strongly coupled over a rather resultslarge were
tempera-foundizedtoto be consistent
power of within our as errors [10].

the fourth the temperature a function of

ture range above Tpc . This is reflected in the interac-Figure temperature, computed in 2+1 flavor lQCD (Fig. from [467]).

3: Left: the trace anomaly as a function of the

tion measure computed in lQCD as the difference be-lattices. The continuum extrapolated result including all sy

tween the energy density and three4. times the pressure,

ns of pseudo-critical temperatures nucleiband.
shaded at high energy.
Using Ita was conjectured
different actionalready
(seein text),
[431] we perfor
I = −3P , which by definition vanishes for an ideal gas
sing criteria listed in Eq. (7). The that, in such hadronic collisions, after some time local
of massless quarks and gluons. Fig. 7.1.2 shows that thisfixed temperature value of 214 MeV, indicated here with a sm
nuum-extrapolated result T (0) = 4.1. Zero chemical thermal equilibrium
potential: T c is
(0) established and all properties of
interaction measure, normalized
c to the fourth power ofresult serves as a crosscheck on the peak’s hight (also on r.h.s
tails). the temperature, peaks at about 20% In the system (fireball) are determined by a single param-
above Figs.Tpc and
1 and 3, the
effort all
the eter,
parallel using Tobservables
the HISQ
, depending usedandfor
on action
time by thehotQCD co
falls off only slowly towards higher determination
temperature values.Lattice of coordinates.
pseudo-critical This is exactly
2012 conference [28],thewith
temperatures regime fKprobed by col- and the r
as defined
scale setting)
The lQCD calculations have been extended into the
figurations lisions of nuclei at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC),
regionwere separated by quantified
in Eq. by(7) for A lattices
of finite net baryon density a baryon
comparison withtoNthe τ =6, Hadron8, 12,Resonance
and 16. Gas Themodel’s re- predict
as will
2010”) is be outlined
also shown. in the following. The region of finite
chemical potential
lo trajectories B [448, 451]. Current
of unitµlength. sults lQCD of the expan-
temperature interpolations, obtained following
to large µB is accessed by nuclear collisions at lower
sion techniques
e calculated using the stan- are valid in the regime of
the procedureµ /T ≤ 3. described
energies. in Sec. 3, are shown by the cor-
The so obtained line of pseudo-critical temperatures is
chnique;shown more details about responding solid bands. In the following,
temperature Using of Twe /2describe
the the
of Texperimental
instead i.e. (εef-− 3p)|T − (ε
=0), results,
in the QCD phase diagram displayed in Fig 7.1.9
forts, principally at the LHC and at RHIC (Relativistic
und in below.
Ref. [10].Because of the sign problem, andtheapplying
lQCD tech- the definitions
value of the trace in Eq. anomaly (7), atweT /2obtained
Heavy Ion Collider), to provide from analysis of rela-
and the same 5 Nt , we g
nique cannotofbeTapplied
determinations for still larger
X valuesof ofTcµ(0)
B, half-temperature subtractions we generated ensembles on 4
c (0), κ2 values for Nτnuclear
tivistic =6, 8,collision
and data 12. quantitative
These results information are
see e.g. [2125], and one has to resort to models of QCD with matching parameters and statisticsΣ topro- their finite tem
erivatives of the basic chiral
for theoretical guidance in the highshown net baryon Fig. 2. onSince
indensity the QCD
we phase
not by studying hadron
extrapolated trace
2 and is shown i
duction as a function of the nucleon-nucleon center of
region. with respect to C2χ for Nτ =16, we mass
only show
investigations √
energy sNN .the
We hotQCD
for the
can only touchgroupaother
3 def-
fractiona similar stra
is pursuing
ute these derivatives, we in- this regime of the QCD phase tran-
initions of Tc (0). ofOn coarser lattices, different definitions
the physics
trapolated ofequation
the quark-gluon
of state plasma
using (QGP)
the HISQin this action. As of t
sitions is accessible by investigating collisions of heavy
bles in T between the com- resulted in different brief review.toExcellent
appear summaries
c (0). These ofdifferences
[28]. theThemany other
situation pro-in-might improv
procedure. For each observ- becomes
gressively reduce with complete with
increasingly physical
finer latticequark masses, a continu
proximants were used for N Results of Tc (0) forerror
of the definitions were separately
The apparent discrepancy in Figure 3 is strongest in th
and N was varied by leaving extrapolated to theMeV, continuum (see Sec. 3 for details).
thus we have selected a temperature (T ≈ 214 MeV)
sover region. Statistical error The continuum-extrapolated
to demonstrateresults for all scaling
the continuum 5 definitions
for our action. On th
as estimated using the boot- of Tc (0) were all consistent with
anomaly both each
with andother
withoutwithin errors.
tree level improvement. T
7.1 QGP 243

teresting topics can be found in recent review articles sN N dEt /dη BJ T
[2126–2129]. [GeV] [GeV] [GeV/f m ] 3
In the early phase of the collision, the incoming nu- AGS 4.8 200 1.9 0.180
clei lose a large fraction of their energy leading to the SPS 17.2 400 3.5 0.212
creation of a hot fireball characterized by an energy RHIC 200 600 5.5 0.239
density  and a temperature T . This stopping is charac- LHC 2760 2000 14.5 0.307
terized by the average rapidity shift of the incident nu-
cleons, with ∆y = -ln(E/E0 ). Quantitative information Table 7.1.1 Collision energy, measured transverse energy
pseudo-rapidity density at mid-rapidity [2136–2139], energy
is contained in the experimentally measured net-proton
density, and initial temperature estimated as described in the
rapidity distributions (i.e. the difference between pro- text for central Pb–Pb and Au–Au collisions at different accel-
ton and anti-proton rapidity distributions). These dis- erators.
tributions are presented for different collision energies
from the SPS to RHIC energy range in [2130]. There it
can be seen that the rapidity shift saturates at approxi- ter of the fireball. These initial energy densities can
√ be estimated, after fixing the kinetic equilibration time
mately two units from sN N ≈ 17.3 GeV upwards, im-
plying a fractional energy loss of 1 − exp(−∆y) ≈ 86%. scale τ0 , using the Bjorken model [2135]:
In fact, the same rapidity shift was already determined 1 dη dET
for p–nucleus collisions at Fermilab for 200 GeV/c pro- BJ = , (7.1.1)
Aτ0 dy dη
ton momentum [2131]. With increasing collision energy,
the target and projectile rapidity ranges are well sepa- where A = πr2 is the overlap area of two nuclei. Eq. 7.1.1
rated, leaving at central rapidity a net-baryon depleted is evaluated at a time τ0 = 1 fm and the resulting en-
or even free high energy density region. Fig. 7.1.3 shows ergy densities are displayed in Table 7.1.1 for central
the distribution of slowed down beam nucleons, after Au–Au and Pb–Pb collisions. For central Pb–Pb colli-

subtracting the tail of the target distribution and plot- sions (A = 150 fm2 ) at sN N = 2.76 TeV this yields an
ted against rapidity minus beam rapidity. It is apparent energy density of about 14 GeV/fm3 [2136], more than

that up to sN N = 62.4 GeV the concept of limiting a factor of 30 above the critical energy density for the
fragmentation [2132] is well realized. At higher energies, chiral phase transition as determined in lQCD calcula-
this rapidity region is very hard to reach experimentally tions. In fact, for all collision energies shown the initial
for identified particles. energy density significally exceeds the energy density
The rapidity shift of the incident nucleons leads to computed in lQCD at the pseudo-critical temperature,
high energy densities at central rapidity, i.e., in the cen- indicating that the matter in the fireball is to be de-
scribed with quark and gluon degrees of freedom rather
than as hadronic matter. The corresponding initial tem-
peratures can be computed using the energy density
1/<NW/2> dN(B-B)/dy

of a gas of quarks and gluons with two quark flavors,
 = 37 π30 T 4 , yielding T ≈ 307 MeV. Temperature val-

ues for lower collision energies are also quoted in the

Table73 . It can be seen that already at AGS energies
the estimated values of  and T are significantly above
the values for the chiral cross over transition.
Depending on energy, collisions of heavy ions pop-
0.2 ulate different regimes falling into two categories: (i)
the stopping or high baryon density region reached at

sN N ≈ 3-20 GeV and (ii) the transparency or baryon-

free region reached at sN N >100 GeV. The net-baryon-
free QGP presumably existed in the early Universe after
−6 −4 −2 0 2 73
The values reported in the table are all for vanishing chemi-
y cal potentials. We have evaluated the differences if one assumes
values for chemical potentials as determined at chemical freeze-
Fig. 7.1.3 Normalized net-baryon rapidity densities for out, see below. The resulting temperature values differ by less

sN N = 17.3 GeV [2133] and 62.4 GeV [2134] after subtract- than 5% from those reported in Table 7.1.1. Owing to the pro-
ing the corresponding target contributions using the limiting portionality of energy density to the fourth power of tempera-
fragmentation concept. Here ysh = y − yb with yb the beam ture, inclusion of a bag pressure only mildly changes the calcu-
rapidity. lated temperature values.
Flow coefficient v2

0.22 ALICE data, Pb-Pb s NN = 2.76 TeV, 10-20 %

0.18 p

0.16 Λ

0.14 Ω

Hydro model
0.08 VISHNU (Phys. Rev. C 84 (2011) 044903)

π+ Fig. 7.1.5 Temperature dependence of the shear (left panel)
and bulk (right panel) viscosity to entropy density ratios. Figure

taken from [2143].

0.04 Λ
0.02 Ω

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
p (GeV/c )
elliptic flow coefficient. This modulation has been pre-
dicted to arise from the anisotropy of the gradient of the
Fig. 7.1.4 Elliptic flow coefficient v2 for identified hadrons pressure P in the early phase of the collision due to the
as a function of transverse momentum measured by ALICE
and compared to results from viscous hydrodynamics calcula-
geometry of the nuclear overlap region, leading to cor-
tions [2142]. respondingly larger expansion velocities in the reaction
plane and hence large v2 coefficients.
The strength of the coupling can be quantified by
the electro-weak phase transition and up to a few mi- introducing transport parameters for the QGP such as
croseconds after the Big Bang74 . On the other hand, the shear viscosity η, which is related to the mean free
a baryon-rich QGP could be populated in neutron star path of quarks and gluons inside the QGP, and the
mergers or could exist, at very low temperatures, in the bulk viscosity ζ, with its connection to QGP expansion
center of neutron stars[2140, 2141]. dynamics and speed of sound. The smaller the transport
For the system considered to come into local ther- coefficients the stronger the coupling. Larger values of
mal equilibrium and, more importantly, for the devel- the shear viscosity, e.g., suppress the magnitude of the
opment of a phase transition, the presence of interac- elliptic flow.
tions is necessary. In fact, close to the phase transition, For a strongly coupled system with small enough
the system has to be strongly coupled. As mentioned values of mean free path (comparable to or lower than
above, quarks and gluons under the extreme conditions the corresponding de Broglie wavelength of particles),
reached in nuclear collisions are indeed strongly cou- treatment as a fluid is more appropriate. One then de-
pled. The large values of the interaction measure from scribes its properties by solving hydrodynamic equa-
lQCD calculations ( − 3P )/T 4 , introduced above in tions. The shear viscosity enters the hydrodynamic equa-
Fig. 7.1.2, lend support to the strong coupling scenario. tions as η/( + P ) = η/(T s), hence the quantity charac-
Further, the energy and entropy densities /T 4 and terizing the medium is η/s. By comparing flow observ-
s/T 3 , as calculated in lQCD, fall significantly short (by ables measured in experiments at RHIC [2144, 2145]
about 20 %) of the Stefan-Boltzmann limit for an ideal and LHC [2146] to the corresponding calculations in
gas of quarks and gluons up to a few times the pseudo- viscous hydrodynamics, accompanied with converting
critical temperature. The conclusion about a strongly the fluid into thermal distributions of hadrons at the
coupled QGP close to Tpc also follows from experimen- freeze-out hyper-surface, remarkably low values for η/s
tal results at the colliders, and even at the SPS, on the are obtained. Fig. 7.1.4 shows as an example the ellip-
coefficients of azimuthal anisotropies of hadron distri- tic flow coefficients v2 for different identified hadrons at
butions in combination with a viscous hydrodynamic the LHC. A mass ordering characteristic for a hydrody-
description. namically expanding medium is observed very clearly.
For non-central nuclear collisions the distributions And indeed, the mass ordering and its pT dependence
in transverse momentum pT of hadrons exhibit modula- are described quantitatively by a relativistic viscous hy-
tions with respect to the azimuthal angle φ in the reac- drodynamic calculation [2142] as indicated by the lines
tion plane. These anisotropies can be characterized by in Fig. 7.1.4 employing a small ratio of η/s.
pT dependent Fourier coefficients. The dominant term In fact, a lower bound of η/s = 1/(4π) (in units of
is the 2nd order Fourier coefficient v2 , also called the ~ = kB = 1) can be obtained for a large class of strongly
In the QGP of the early universe, particles interacting via coupled field theories from the quantum mechanical
the strong and electro-weak force are part of the system, while uncertainty principle [2147] and using the AdS/CFT
an accelerator-made QGP only contains strongly interacting correspondence [2055, 2148, 2149]. Recently, the values
7.1 QGP 245

and the temperature dependence of the shear and bulk

viscosities employed in hydrodynamic codes were ex-
tracted by fitting spectra and azimuthal anisotropies of
hadrons measured at the LHC and RHIC using Bayesian
estimation methods [2143, 2150]. An example is shown
in Fig. 7.1.5. Inspection of this figure indicates that,
at Tpc , the estimated value of η/s is close to the lower
bound of 1/(4π) , indicating that the observed matter
is a nearly perfect fluid. Above the transition temper-
ature, the extracted band for η/s is rising, reflecting
a weakening of the coupling, although even at twice
Tpc the medium is still strongly coupled. On the other
hand, as presented in Fig. 7.1.2, near the phase transi-
tion the lQCD results exhibit a maximum in the inter-
action measure, which is an indication for interactions
in the system. In the hydrodynamic calculations the
breaking of scale invariance is accounted for by intro-
ducing a bulk viscosity ζ along with the shear viscosity.
While increasing sheer viscosity reduces the momentum Fig. 7.1.6 Evolution of the transverse momentum dependence
anisotropy, hence lowering the elliptic flow coefficients, of RAA for leading particles for central nuclear collisions with
collision energy[2152].
the bulk viscosity reduces the overall rate of the radial
expansion. The right panel of Fig. 7.1.5 shows the tem-
perature dependence of ζ/s, which exhibits a peak just increasing with pT since soft particle production scales
above the transition temperature [2143]. This location with the number of participating nucleons and not the
of the maximum is consistent with the temperature de- number of binary collisions. For RHIC and LHC ener-
pendence of the interaction measure from lQCD. gies the jet quenching is born out by a decreasing trend
Important information on the structure of the QGP observed for pT > 2.5 GeV/c reaching a broad mini-
is also obtained by studying the interaction of high- mum near pT = 7 GeV/c of RAA = 0.1 − 0.2: high mo-
momentum partons with the thermalized quarks and mentum hadrons are quenched by about a factor of 5 or
gluons in the QGP. A strongly coupled QGP is opaque more. At LHC energies RAA increases again for higher
to high momentum partons, leading to the phenomenon pT values until a plateau is reached above pT ≈ 100
of ’jet quenching’ [2129]. In fact, the theoretical founda- GeV/c. Measurements for fully reconstructed jets have
tion for strong jet quenching by QCD bremsstrahlung been performed by the ATLAS collaboration. The re-
was laid by [2151]. There it was shown that, for suffi- sults demonstrate [2153] that the quenching by about a
ciently energetic quarks and gluons, such that the ra- factor of 2 persists to the highest available jet pT values
diation does not decohere, the radiative energy loss of 1 TeV/c.
scales quadratically with the length traversed, leading The data on jet quenching have been modeled in
to very large values. An important experimental observ- terms of elastic and inelastic collisions of partons in the
able linked to jet quenching is the observed suppression dense QGP, taking into account important coherence
(’quenching’) of high-momentum hadrons in central nu- effects [2154, 2155]. For a recent summary see [2156]
clear collisions at high collision energy. This suppression and ref. cited there.
is quantified by the pT dependence of the ratio RAA of To model experimental data with QCD-based jet
inclusive hadron production in collisions of nuclei with quenching calculations one has to take into account that
mass number A to that in proton-proton collisions, tak- the jet is created as a product of an initial hard parton-
ing into account the collision geometry by scaling to the parton collision with large momentum transfer Q. That
number of binary collisions [2129]. implies that the parton initiating the jet is highly vir-
In Fig. 7.1.6 we present the evolution with cm en- tual. The magnitude of its 4-momentum Q as reflected
ergy of the transverse momentum dependence of RAA in the total jet energy E can be hundreds of GeV (or
for leading particles as obtained from measurements at even a few TeV at the LHC) while, for a real parton,
the SPS, RHIC, and LHC accelerators. Note that, by Q2 ≈ 0. The highly virtual parton will evolve into a
construction, RAA = 1 for hard binary collisions in the parton shower which eventually hadronizes to form a
absence of nuclear effect such as jet quenching. At very collimated jet of hadrons. During the entire evolution
low pT one observes RAA values less than unity and the highly virtual initial parton and the parton shower

of q̂ < 0.03 GeV2 /fm over a wide range of (xB , Q2 ) val-

ues (here, xB is the Bjorken x parameter). We conclude
that, for high energy partons, the stopping power of
a QGP formed at RHIC or LHC energy is increased
by more than a factor of 40 compared to that for cold
nuclear matter. The dramatic jet quenching observed
experimentally as displayed in Fig. 7.1.6 finds its nat-
ural explanation in the large values of the transport
coefficient q̂ of the QGP.
Direct experimental access to the QCD phase dia-
gram is obtained from the measurement of the yields
of hadrons produced in (central) high energy nuclear
collisions. Analysis of these data in terms of the Statis-
tical Hadronization Model (SHM), see [2159] and refs.
given there, established that, at hadronization, the fire-
Fig. 7.1.7 QGP jet transport parameter q̂/T 3 obtained by the
JETSCAPE collaboration[2156]. ball formed in the collision is very close to a state in full
(hadro-)chemical equilibrium.
The essential idea in the SHM is to approximate the
components lose energy by interactions with the QGP partition function of the system by that of an ideal gas
constituents, resulting in a medium-modification of the composed of all stable hadrons and resonances, hence
entire parton fragmentation pattern, i.e. the jet [2154]. also referred to as the Hadron Resonance Gas (HRG)
The most modern jet quenching analyses take into ac- model, see [2159]. From this partition function one can
count the different regimes of parton virtuality as de- calculate the first moments (mean values) of densities
scribed in [2156]. The calculations have as leading of hadrons as a function of a pair of thermodynamic pa-
input parameter a jet transport coefficient q̂ that is rameters, the temperature Tchem and the baryon chem-
determined by the differential mean squared momen- ical potential µB at chemical freeze-out. To go beyond
tum transfer hkt2 i between jet parton and the QGP the ideal gas approximation, attractive and repulsive in-
constituents with respect to the length traversed, i.e. teractions between hadrons can be taken into account in
q̂ = dhkt2 i/dL. the S-matrix formulation of statistical mechanics [2160]
The recent analysis by the JETSCAPE collabora- by including the first term in the virial expansion. Ide-
tion [2156] uses data on inclusive hadron suppression ally, the relevant coefficients are obtained from mea-
from central Au-Au collisions at RHIC and Pb-Pb col- sured phase shifts. For the pion-nucleon interaction this
lisions at LHC, applying a Bayesian parameter esti- was implemented in [2161] and the proton yield for LHC
mation to determine the temperature dependence of energy was corrected accordingly [2162]. The predic-
the dimensionless, renormalized jet transport parame- tions of the SHM for hadron yields are compared to ex-
ter q̂/T 3 . The calculations are based on two different perimental data at LHC energy for Tchem = 156.5 MeV
models for parton energy loss, called MATTER and in Fig. 7.1.8. The agreement is excellent for the yields
LBT, to effectively cover the large range of parton vir- of all measured hadrons, nuclei and hyper-nuclei and
tualities. A switch-over between the virtuality-ordered their anti-particles, with yields varying over 9 orders of
splitting dominated regime and the time-ordered trans- magnitude. Remarkably, the description works equally
port dominated regime happens at low virtualities of well for loosely bound states. This has led to the con-
Q0 = 2 − 2.7 GeV. The results are shown in Fig. 7.1.7. jecture of hadronization into compact multi-quark bags
Note that the plot is for a parton momentum of 100 with the right quantum numbers evolving into the fi-
GeV/c, but as demonstrated in [2156] the momentum nal nuclear wave functions in accordance with quantum
dependence is rather mild. To put the results into con- mechanics [2159].
text, a value of q̂/T 3 = 4 implies that, at temperature The values of the hadro-chemical freeze-out param-
T = 0.4 GeV, q̂ ≈ 1.3 GeV2 /fm. This value should be eters at lower collisions energies are similarly obtained
compared to what was determined for parton energy by fitting the SHM results to the measured hadron
loss in cold nuclear matter. Analysis of data for deep yields. The extracted freeze-out parameters Tchem and
inelastic scattering off large nuclei [2157] yielded a value µB [2159, 2163] are presented as red symbols in the
of q̂ = 0.024 ± 0.008 GeV2 /fm. A global analysis of the QCD phase diagram shown in Fig. 7.1.9. Also included
jet transport coefficient for cold nuclear matter was per- is a freeze-out point from the HADES collaboration in
formed recently in [2158]. These authors obtain values √
Au-Au collisions at sNN ≈ 2.4 GeV [2164]. They can
7.1 QGP 247

11.5 that it4.85
is a narrow
2.4 charmonium-like
𝑠"" [GeV]
Yield per spin d.o.f.

π+ Pb-Pb s NN=2.76 TeV 250

103 + resonance
T [MeV] and the close vicinity of the particle mass to
K LQCD (crossover)
p Λ
central collisions the D0 D̄∗0 production threshold suggests
that the parti-
10 cle couldQuark Gluon Plasma
be a charm meson molecule with(model)
First order a very small
binding energy [18]. At the LHC, the
Crossover (conjecture)
state X(3872) was
1 - CEP (conjecture)
Ω first observed by the LHCb collaboration [19], which
10 d J/ ψ
=156 also determined [20, 21] its quantum numbers,
= 1++ .
Data (|y |<0.5), ALICE
particles 3
He 3 H
In addition to the X(3872), the CEP ψ(2S) is a natural
10−4 antiparticles choice
100 when expanding the studies on the SHMC mech-
10−5 Statistical Hadronization (T =156.5 MeV) anism beyond the J/ψ.
In this Hadron
total (+decays; +initial charm) He we present calculations for the yields
primordial (thermal) and50 transverse momentum spectra of the charmonium
10−70 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 states J/ψ, ψ(2S), and X(3872) for heavy-ion collisions

Mass (GeV) at 20sNN = 5 TeV. Results willNuclear CEP
be presented for the cur-
Fig. 7.1.8 Primordial and total (anti-)particle yields, nor- rent0collision system Pb–Pb and, in the case of X(3872),
Figure 1: to the spin
Primordial and degeneracy, as calculated
total (anti-)particle within tothe
yields, normalized the 00 200 200 400
400 600600 800
800 1000 1000 1200
also for Kr–Kr collisions where much larger𝜇luminosi- ! [MeV]
SHMc [2159]. as a√function of mass calculated with the SHMC for
spin degeneracy,
ties are possible at the LHC.
Pb–Pb collisions at sNN = 2.76 TeV and compared to data. See text Fig. 7.1.9 Phase diagram of strongly interacting matter. The
for details. red symbols correspond to chemical-freezeout parameters, tem-
be compared to the crossover chiral phase transition perature Tchem and baryon chemical potential µB determined
2. experimental
from Heavy quarkshadroninyields
the [2159,
statistical hadronization
2163, 2164]. The blue
line as computed in lQCD (blue band). From LHC en- band represents
model the results of lQCD computations of the chiral
ergies downquarks
of charm to aboutleads√to sNNa = 12 GeV,
fugacity in i.e.,
the SHMover the for phase boundary [448, 451]. Also shown are a conjectured line
entire range covered by lQCD, there is a remarkable
charmed hadrons [4] which is, however, not a free pa- of firstInorder phase transition
the SHMC with a critical
it is assumed end point
that charm as well
quarks 2
rameter butbetween determined
Tchemby andthethe pseudo-critical
measured charm crosstem- as the nuclear liquid-gas phase boundary.
produced in initial hard scatterings and that during the
perature for the chiral cross over transition Tpc . the
section. Charm quarks are not confined inside WeQGP,
note QGP phase the number of (anti-)charm quarks is con-
that, along within
thermalize this phase
the QGP boundary, the energy
and hadronize at the density
QCD of served,
the CEPi.e. is most likely inproduction
the thermal the regionor > 470 MeV,are
phase boundary (for 2 quark
into openflavors)andfromhiddenthe charm
values of hadrons.
Tchem based mostlyatonLHC
negligible results from lQCD.
energies [5]. The Searching for the of
color charge
ThisµBSHM exhibits a nearly hadrons
for charmed constant(SHMC)value of provides
crit ≈ 0.46 an CEP is the
charm subject
quarks is ofscreened
a very active by theresearch
color-dense program, at
excellent .
3 description of charmonium production [5–7]
for Tand& the
T CF future
= 156.5 FAIR MeVfacility
and they at GSI.
do not The impor-
form color-
The finding
without any new that the hadro-chemical
parameters and represents freeze-out tem-
compelling tance
less of this states
bound research in theis underlined
fireball volume by the V,realization
where µB is
perature is very close to Tpc has a fundamental
evidence, as demonstrated in Figure 1, for this new con-
pro- that we have currently no experimental
consistent with zero for LHC energies, as determined evidence for
sequence: because of the
duction mechanism. A morevery rapid
detailed temperature
account ofand the thebyorder
thermal fits, see [2]. The quarks thermalize inofthe
of the chiral phase transition at any value
SHMC change
is givenacross
below.the phase transition and the re- baryon
QGP chemical
before the potential.
hadronization and rapid freeze-out at
sulting low hadron
Furthermore, densities
a large degreeinofthe fireball combined
thermalization is ob- Important further information on the phase struc-
the phase boundary.
with its size, the produced hadrons cease
served in the spectra and the elliptic flow of D-mesons to interact in- ture The
of QCD matter is expected by measuring, in ad- in
(anti-)charm hadron densities computed
elastically within a narrow temperature
and their decay electrons [8, 9]. A number of re- interval [2165] dition to the first moments of hadron th production data,
canonical statistical mechanics, nX , are anchored to the
after hadron formation. also higherofmoments
cent measurements have established the SHMC process number producedascc̄such data
pairs, Ncc̄ ,can
by abebalancedirectly con-
(sometimes is very different
dubbed from particle freeze-out
‘(re)generation’) as the dominantin the nected to the QCD partition function via conserved
early universe
production where for of
mechanism temperatures
J/ψ in heavy-ion T > 10 MeV even
collisions at charge number susceptibilities
1 X th in the

Grand  Canonical

the mean free path for neutrinos is much
LHC energies [10–13]. It is therefore appealing and im- smaller than Ncc̄ = [2166,
Ensemble (GCE) gc V  2167]. + nΛai +
nDi For th
· · ·  system of
its size, to
portant seeextend
sectionthe22.3 of [476].
intriguing results of J/ψ production volume V and temperature i T the susceptibilities in the
For large values of baryon chemical potential, ex- GCE are defined as2 the  coefficients th in the
 Maclaurin
 
beyond yields to particle spectra and to more complex
+gc V  nψ + nχ + · · ·  + · · ·4,
 th
perimental data for hadron-chemical freeze-out exist series of the reduced pressure iP̂ = P
i (T, V, µ
~ )/T
charmonium as well as open charm states to further in-
but the phase structure of strongly interacting matter i
vestigate the SHMC mechanism. In the present publica-
remains uncertain; various model calculations suggest n
∂ P̂the quantity
1 ∂ lnZ(V, n
T, µ
~) κn (N
viaq )FONLL
tion we focus on charmonium states. Predictions for the χqnwhere
≡ = Ncc̄ is interpolated
= , (7.1.2)
the appearance of a line of first order phase transition, ∂ µ̂
23] from
n V T 3 ∂ µ̂ n
q charm cross-section
q V T 3
measurements [24–27] in
open charm sector will be the subject of a future publi-
which in combination with the crossover transition at
smaller values of µB , would imply the existence of a where
the corresponding
µ S } is the chemical potential vec-
~ = {µB , µQ , µrapidity region. Shadowing is taken
critical end bound states in
point (CEP) suchtheasQCDψ(2S) and,diagram
phase more dra- as tor that is introduced to conserve,
into account when calculating Ncc̄onfor
average, baryon
matically, the potential tetra-quark
indicated in Fig. 7.1.9. The experimental discovery charmonium state
of number, electric charge and strangeness. Here, µ̂q =
the CEP would
X(3872) are ofmark a major
particular break-through
interest. in our un-
Its observation by µq /T 2 is the reduced chemical potential for the con-
In this letter we focus on charmonium, although the studies can
derstanding of the QCD[14]
the Belle collaboration phase andstructure. The location
the subsequent confir- served charges
be extended to any ∈ {B,species
q hadron Q, S}. The partition
including charm and/orfunction
beauty con-
mation by the CDF [15], D0 [16], and BaBar [17] col- Z(V, ~ ) encodes the Equation of State (EoS) of the
tent.T, µ


system under consideration. Eq. 7.1.2 establishes a di-

< np+np >

rect link between susceptibilities and fluctuations of ALICE, Pb−Pb sNN = 2.76 TeV

conserved charge numbers. By measuring cumulants κn (Nq ) 0.6 < p < 1.5 GeV/c , centrality 0−5%
of net-charge number (Nq ) distributions one can, using ρ=0.10 ↔ ∆ ycorr = 12.0
ρ=0.80 ↔ ∆ ycorr = 5.6
Eq. 7.1.2, further probe and quantify the nature of the ρ=0.98 ↔ ∆ ycorr = 1.7
QCD phase transition. Hijing
Important at this point is to define a non-critical
baseline, which is done by using the ideal gas EoS, ex- 1
tended such as to account for event-by-event charge
conservation and correlations in rapidity space [2130,
2168, 2169], see also [2170]. In addition, non-critical
contributions arising, e.g., from fluctuations of wounded 0.9
nucleons [2171, 2172] need to be corrected for. Devia-
tions from this non-critical baseline, for example leading
0.5 1 1.5
to negative values of κ6 for net-baryons would arise due ∆η
to the closeness of the cross over transition to the O(4)
2nd order critical phase transition for vanishing light
Fig. 7.1.10 Scaled second order cumulants of the net-proton
quark masses [2173]. distribution as a function of the pseudo-rapidity acceptance
In Fig. 7.1.10 the ALICE results on the normal- measured by the ALICE experiment (black symbols) [2175].
ized second order cumulants of net-proton distributions The colored lines correspond to calculations accounting for
baryon number conservation with different correlation length
are presented as function of the experimental accep-
in rapidity space [2169]. The results of the HIJING event gen-
tance. The acceptance is quantified via the pseudo- erator are presented with the black solid line.
rapidity coverage around mid-rapidity ∆η [2174–2176].
The measured cumulant values approach unity at small
values of ∆η, essentially driven by small number Pois- All predicted signals are of generic nature and mostly
son statistics. With increasing acceptance, the data pro- based on searching for non-monotonic behavior in the
gressively decrease from unity. For small but finite ac- excitation function of fourth order cumulants of, e.g.,
ceptance the decrease can be fully accounted for by net-protons [2178]. A compilation of the respective mea-
overall baryon number conservation in full phase space. surements [2179, 2180] is presented in Fig. 7.1.11. The
Hence, after correcting for baryon number conservation, search for non-monotonic behaviour needs a starting
the experimental data would be consistent with unity point. In Fig. 7.1.11 two possibilities are presented,
over the range of the experimental acceptance. one corresponding to calculations in HRG within GCE
This observation has three important consequences. (dashed line at unity) and the other the non-critical
(i) It shows that, up to second order, cumulants of the baseline introduced above where baryon number conser-
baryon number distribution functions follow a poisso- vation is explicitly accounted for (red solid line or blue
nian distribution, a posteriori justifying the assump- symbols). With respect to unity the data indeed exhibit
tions underlying the construction of the partition func- an indication for non-monotonic behaviour with a sig-
tion used in the SHM. (ii) This is the first experi- nificance corresponding to 3.1 standard deviations [2180].
mental verification of lQCD results which also predict However, a significant part of this deviation from unity
unity for the second order scaled cumulants of baryon is induced by non-critical effects, such as baryon num-
distributions. (iii) Compared to the different calcula- ber conservation. Therefore, one must search for non-
tions, the data imply long range correlations in rapid- monotonic behaviour with respect to the red solid line.
ity space, calling into question the baryon production Analysis of the data shows that there are no significant
mechanism implemented in string fragmentation mod- deviations from a statistical ensemble with event-by-
els. Indeed, the results from the HIJING event gener- event baryon number conservation, i.e, within the cur-
ator based on the Lund String Fragmentation model rent precision of the data there is not yet evidence for
shown in Fig. 7.1.10, due to the typical correlation over the presence of a critical end point [2130, 2168]. The
about one unit of rapidity, grossly overpredict the sup- analysis of fourth order cumulants from a much higher
pression due to baryon number conservation [2177]. statistics data set has just started and will be essential
Contrary to the detailed predictions for signals in for a possible discovery of the critical point.
the cross-over region of the transition covered by lQCD, The current status on experimental verification of
no quantitative signals are available for the existence the nature of the chiral cross-over transition at vanish-
of a possible critical end point in the phase diagram. ing or moderate µB is still rather open. Within QCD
7.1 QGP 249

4 high statistics measurement campaigns by the STAR


STAR (0-5%) and ALICE collaborations will elucidate the situation.

HADES (0-10%)
CE generator
There is now significant experimental information,
CE analytical from relativistic nuclear collisions, not only on the pro-
duction of hadrons composed of light (u,d,s) quarks, but

2 also of open and hidden charm and beauty hadrons. In

particular, there is good evidence, mainly from results
obtained at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
[2186–2188], that charm quarks reach a large degree
0 of thermal equilibrium, although charm quarks in the
system are chemically far out of equilibrium. This is
supported by heavy quark diffusion coefficients from
lQCD [2189]. A strong indication for equilibration is
−2 the fact that J/ψ mesons participate in the collective,
1 10 102 anisotropic hydrodynamic expansion [2190, 2191].
sNN [GeV] To microscopically understand the production me-
chanism of charmed hadrons for systems ranging from
Fig. 7.1.11 Collision energy dependence of the fourth to sec-
ond order cumulants of net-proton distributions as measured pp to Pb–Pb, various forms of quark coalescence models
by experiments. The STAR data are for |y| < 0.5 and pt = have been developed [2192–2196]. This provides a nat-
0.4 - 2 GeV/c, the HADES data for |y| < 0.4 and pt = 0.4 - ural way to study the dependence of production yields
1.6 GeV/c. The non-critical baseline induced by global baryon
on hadron size and, hence, may help to settle the still
number conservation is indicated by the blue circles and the
red line. open question whether the many exotic hadrons that
have been observed recently are compact multi-quark
states or hadronic molecules (see [2197, 2198] and refs.
inspired model calculations [2181, 2182], based on O(4) cited there). Conceptual difficulties with this approach
scaling functions the predicted sixth order cumulants are that energy is not conserved in the coalescence pro-
for net-baryon distributions exhibit negative values at cess and that color neutralization at hadronization re-
Tpc due to a singular term in the pressure. Similarly, quires additional assumptions about quark correlations
the sixth order susceptibilities of baryon number re- in the QGP [2199].
sulting from lQCD calculations are also negative [2173, Another approach, named SHMc, has been made
2183] and this sign change (relative to the HRG base- possible by the extension of the SHM to also incorpo-
line in GCE) has been linked to the critical component rate charm quarks. This was first proposed in [2200]
in the pressure present as a residue of the 2nd order chi- and developed further in [2159, 2187, 2201–2204] to
ral phase transition for vanishing (u,d) quark masses, include all hadrons with hidden and open charm. The
due to the smallness of the physical masses. First ex- key idea is based on the recognition that, contrary to
perimental results on sixth order net-proton cumulants what happens in the (u,d,s) sector, the heavy (mass
were reported by the STAR collaboration [2184] for ∼ 1.2 GeV) charm quarks are not thermally produced.
Au–Au collisions, albeit with sizeable statistical uncer- Rather, production takes place in initial hard collisions.
tainties since the data analysis to determine high order The produced charm quarks then thermalize in the hot
cumulants is extremely statistics hungry. Qualitatively, fireball, but the total number of charm quarks is con-

the STAR results at sNN = 200 GeV are indeed con- served during the evolution of the fireball [2204] since
sistent with the expectations for the crossover transi- charm quark annihilation is very small. In essence, this
tion. At the same time, the experimentally measured implies that charm quarks can be treated like impu-
energy dependence of κ6 [2184] is at odds with both rities. Their thermal description then requires the in-
model and lQCD calculations. For a quantitative con- troduction of a charm fugacity gc [2187, 2200]. The
clusion, in any case, the effects of baryon number con- value of gc is not a free parameter but experimentally
servation [2130] and transformation from net-protons determined by measurement of the total charm cross
(experiment) to net-baryons (theory) [2185] are still to section. For central Pb–Pb collisions at LHC energy,
be performed. So far, experimental insight into the na- gc ≈ 30 [2187]. The charmed hadrons are, in the SHMc,
ture of the chiral cross-over transition and the devel- all formed at the phase boundary, i.e. at hadronization,
opment towards low net-baryon densities remains in- in the same way as all (u,d,s) hadrons.
conclusive. It can be expected that ongoing and future In Fig. 7.1.8 it can be seen that, with that choice, the
measured yield for J/ψ mesons is very well reproduced,

150 ary. A more extensive comparison between SHMc and

D0/J/ ψ

Pb-Pb, sNN = 5.02 TeV
data for open charm hadrons is shown in [2187].
Inclusive J/ψ, |y | < 0.9, 0.15 < p <15 GeV/c From the successful comparison of measured yields
for the production of (u,d,s) as well as open and hidden
Inclusive D0, |y | < 0.5, 0 < p < 50 GeV/c
charm hadrons obtained from the SHM or SHMc with

100 Data
SHM (A.Andronic et al.) essentially only the temperature as a free parameter at
LHC energies, one may draw a number of important
– First, we note that hadron production in relativistic
nuclear collisions is described quantitatively by the
chemical freeze-out parameters (Tchem , µB ). Note
0-10% 30-50% that the fireball volume appearing in the partition
Centrality function is determined by normalization to the mea-
Fig. 7.1.12 D0 to J/ψ yield ratio measured in Pb–Pb colli- sured number of charged particles. At least for en-
sions at the LHC and predicted by the Statistical Hadronization √
ergies sN N ≥ 10 GeV these freeze-out parame-
Model with charm SHMc. Figure from [2205].
ters agree with good precision with the results from
lQCD for the location of the chiral cross over transi-
the uncertainty in the prediction is mainly caused by tion. Under these conditions, hadronization is inde-
the uncertainty in the total charm cross section in Pb– pendent of particle species and only dependent on
Pb collisions. We note here that, because of the forma- the values of T and µB at the phase boundary. At
tion from deconfined charm quarks at the phase bound- LHC energy, the chemical potential vanishes, and
ary, charmonia are unbound inside the QGP but their only T = Tpc is needed to describe hadronization.
final yield exhibits enhancement compared to expecta- – The mechanism implemented in the SHMc for the
tions using collision scaling from pp collisions, contrary production of charmed hadrons implies that these
to the original predictions based on [2112]. For a de- particles are produced from uncorrelated, thermal-
tailed discussion see [2159]. ized charm quarks as is expected for a strongly cou-
For the description of yields of charmonia, feeding pled, deconfined QGP (see also the discussion in
from excited charmonia is very small because of their [2187]). At LHC energy, where chemical freeze-out
strong Boltzmann suppression. For open charm mesons takes place for central Pb–Pb collisions in a volume
and baryons, this is not the case and feeding from ex- per unit rapidity of V ≈ 4000 fm3 , this implies that
cited D∗ and Λ∗c is an essential ingredient for the de- charm quarks can travel over linear distances of or-
scription of open charm hadrons [2187]. Even though der 10 fm (see [2159, 2187] for more detail).
the experimental delineation of the mass spectrum of One may ask whether there is a possible contribu-
excited open charm mesons and baryons is currently tion to the production of charmed hadrons (in partic-
far from complete, the prediction of yields for D-mesons ular of J/ψ) from the hadronic phase. At the phase
and Λc baryons compares very well with the measure- boundary, assembly of J/ψ from deconfined charm quarks
ments75 , both concerning transverse momentum and or from all possible charmed hadrons is indistinguish-
centrality dependence. able, as discussed in detail in [2159]. In fact, in [2165] it
A particularly transparent way to look at the data was demonstrated that multi-hadron collisions lead to
for Pb–Pb collisions is obtained by analyzing the cen- very rapid thermal population, while within very few
trality dependence of the yield ratio D0 /(J/ψ) and com- MeV below the phase boundary, the system falls out of
paring the results to the predictions of the SHMc. Re- equilibrium. Both is driven by the rapid drop of entropy
cently, both the D0 and J/ψ production cross sections and thereby particle density in the vicinity of Tpc . In
have been well measured down to pt = 0. The yield the confined hadronic phase, i.e. for temperatures lower
ratio D0 /(J/ψ) is reproduced with very good preci- than Tpc , the hadron gas is off-equilibrium, and any cal-
sion for both measured centralities, as demonstrated culation via reactions of the type DD̄∗ ↔ nπJ/ψ has to
in Fig. 7.1.12. This result lends strong support to the implement the back-reaction [2206]. Since predictions
assumption that open and hidden charm states are both with the SHMc agree very well with the data for J/ψ
produced by statistical hadronization at the phase bound- production at an accuracy of about 10%, and since any
For Λc baryons on has to augment the currently measured possible hadronic contribution has to be added to the
charm baryon spectrum with additional states to achieve com- SHMc value, we estimate any contribution to J/ψ pro-
plete agreement with experimental data [2187]. duction from the confined phase to be less than 10%.
7.2 QCD at high density 251

Future measurement campaigns at the LHC will weight. The density of states associated with degener-
yield detailed information on the production cross sec- acy is increasing for larger eigen-energies, and so ρM (m)
tions of hadrons with multiple charm quarks as well as is an increasing function of m. It is empirically known
excited charmonia. The predictions from the SHMc for that ρM (m) ∼ em/TH with a phenomenological param-
the relevant cross sections exhibit a rather dramatic hie- eter TH called the Hagedorn temperature. Because the
rarchy of enhancements [2187] for such processes. Expe- logarithm of the combinatorial factor for a given energy
rimental tests of these predictions would lead to a fun- is nothing but the entropy, this exponentially increas-
damental understanding of confinement/deconfinement ing ρM (m) means that the entropy grows linearly with
and hadronization. m. As seen from Eq. (7.2.1), the m integration in ZM
blows up for T > TH for which the entropy enhance-
ment overwhelms the energy suppression and the free
7.2 QCD at high density energy is bottomlessly pushed down with increasing m.
Kenji Fukushima Hagedorn proposed that TH is interpreted as the upper
bound of the physically possible temperature. Later on,
7.2.1 QCD Phase Diagram a physically sensible interpretation was clarified that
the singularity in ZM should be overridden by a phase
The QCD vacuum has rich contents, very different from transition, possibly the one to a state with more fun-
an empty “vacuum” but rather close to a medium. The damental degrees of freedom. The critical temperature
relevant physical degrees of freedom can change accord- from mesonic matter to deconfined matter with quarks
ing to the probe resolution to the medium. As long and gluons is thus Tc = TH .
as the typical momentum scale in physical processes is The above mentioned argument can be generalized
large compared to the QCD scale, i.e., ΛQCD ∼ 200 MeV, to the case at finite baryon density. Then, the partition
observed particles – all hadrons including mesons and function is
baryons – are only color-singlet composites. The typical Z
scale of hadronic masses and radii is characterized by ZB = dm ρB (m) e−(m−µB )/T , (7.2.2)
ΛQCD or Λ−1QCD ∼ 1 fm. Therefore, if hadronic matter is
compressed so that the interparticle distance becomes where the Boltzmann factor depends on the baryon
comparable to Λ−1 QCD , wavefunctions of hadrons overlap
chemical potential µB . The experimental data imply
each other. Then, hadrons are no longer isolated and that the baryonic spectrum exhibits ρB (m) ∝ em/TH

more elementary particles should take over the physi- with the baryonic Hagedorn temperature, TH0 , that is
cal degrees of freedom. slightly different from TH . The critical temperature for
High compression of QCD matter is achieved by in- baryons is deduced from the singularity as Tc = TH0 −
creasing the particle number density. Actually, if matter (TH0 /m0 )µB , which is derived from an approximation
is heated up, the density of massless thermal excitations that the Boltzmann factor is replaced by e−m(1−µB /m0 )/T
increases as ∼ T 3 which corresponds to the scaling of with a phenomenological parameter, m0 (see Ref. [2207]
interparticle distance ∝ T −1 . If the baryon density, nB , for detailed discussions).
is increased in the same way, the average distance be- Now, supposing that TH0 > TH , the critical temper-
tween baryons should scale as ∝ nB . It is hence nat-
−1/3 ature for the deconfinement transition is dominantly
ural to expect a phase boundary in the plane of T and characterized by mesonic Tc in the low density re-
nB from hadronic matter to a new state of matter com- gion at µB  T . With increasing µB , the two lines
(M) (B)
posed of quarks and gluons, which portrays the QCD of constant Tc and decreasing Tc cross eventually.
phase diagram. This consideration leads us to a picture of the phase
The idea of the QCD phase diagram was first cast diagram on the plane of the baryon density (along the
into a concrete shape by Cabibbo and Parisi [428] based horizontal axis) and the temperature (along the verti-
on the conjecture of Hagedorn’s limiting temperature. cal axis) as illustrated in Fig. 7.2.1. This QCD phase
Let us briefly look over the theory foundations accord- diagram handwritten by Gordon Baym (see Ref. [2208]
ing to explanations in Ref. [2207]. The thermal partition for more historical backgrounds) has played a role of
function at finite T but zero density reads: prototype of the contemporary QCD phase diagram.
Z So far, we addressed only the deconfinement phase
ZM = dm ρM (m) e−m/T , (7.2.1) transition associated with the liberation of quarks and
gluons in hot and dense media. The theoretical de-
where dmρM (m) represents the number of mesonic states
scription of deconfinement in the presence of dynamical
within the mass window, m ∼ m + dm. The last ex-
quarks is subtle, however. One may think that each
ponential factor appears from the thermal Boltzmann

Fig. 7.2.2 The QCD string extends between a pair of test

quark and antiquark (upper figure). The string breaking occurs
once the fluxtube energy exceeds the meson mass (lower figure).

Wilson line), see Ref. [1265] for generalized higher-form

In reality with dynamical quarks, fq would never
diverge. The reason is easy to understand. A single test
quark is a source to which a color fluxtube is attached.
The color field energy is proportional to the squeezed
fluxtube length. Thus, in a purely gluonic medium, a
test quark cannot be screened and the fluxtube goes
to spatial infinity, yielding fq → ∞ and thus L → 0
Fig. 7.2.1 A prototype of the QCD phase diagram. The hand- if confined. Fluctuations of dynamical quarks allow for
written phase diagram recaptured in Ref. [2208] was adapted
the creation of a quark and an antiquark pair once the
and colorized here.
fluxtube energy exceeds the mesonic mass threshold as
illustrated in Fig. 7.2.2. Then, the color field energy
phase separated by phase boundaries should be dis- stored between a test quark and a test antiquark can-
tinctly defined by a different realization of some global not become greater than twice the mesonic mass MV .
symmetry but for the deconfinement phenomenon, the That is, the clustering decomposition property indi-
symmetry corresponding to quark confinement/decon- cates L(0)L† (x) ∼ e−2MV /T for sufficiently large |x|,
finement (known as center symmetry [439] that is a 1- and so L ∼ e−MV /T > 0 even in the confined hadronic
form symmetry in finite-T quantum field theory [1265]) phase.
is not exact but approximate. Still, as long as the ap- This argument implies that the QCD string is fur-
proximate symmetry is barely broken, an approximate ther breached by fluctuations of surrounding quarks
value of critical temperature called the pseudo-critical and holes at finite density. In other words the explicit
temperature can be prescribed. Therefore, the temper- breaking of center symmetry is enlarged in high-density
ature at which the deconfinement takes place is not matter and the mathematical concept of quark confine-
uniquely defined but the pseudo-critical temperature is ment would be obscure. Not that we do not yet find
inevitably scheme dependent. This is why some theo- a better order parameter. The absence of the decon-
retical QCD phase diagrams show the phase boundary finement order parameter could be attributed to the
with an uncertainty band associated with non-unique profound nature of dense QCD matter; namely, duality
pseudo-critical temperatures. from hadronic to quark matter.
The deconfined phase of gluons corresponds to the Now, let us shift gear to another aspect of the QCD
vacuum with spontaneous breaking of center symme- vacuum and the QCD phase transition. The QCD La-
try, while quarks explicitly break this symmetry. Here, grangian contains quark mass parameters mq . The bare
we shall avoid cumbersome mathematics and limit our- values of up and down (i.e., u and d) quark masses are
selves to pedagogical explanations about center sym- only a few MeV, accounting for an only small fraction
metry. Let us consider a free energy gain, fq (x), in re- of the nucleon mass composed of u and d quarks. This
sponse to a test quark placed at x, and then construct huge discrepancy in the masses of quarks and baryons is
a quantity called the Polyakov loop: explained by spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry.
Its order parameter is the chiral condensate hq̄qi that
L(x) = e−fq (x)/T . (7.2.3)
gives rise to the dynamical mass, Mq ∼ ΛQCD  mq .
If the gluonic medium confines quarks, on the one hand, Almost all textbooks on quantum field theory affirm
fq → ∞ leads to L → 0. Here we note that in a homoge- that the divergent zero-point oscillation energy is harm-
neous system the x dependence of the expectation value lessly discarded, but this common assertion is not valid
can be safely dropped. On the other hand, L remains for QCD because the mass is not a physical constant but
nonvanishing in the deconfined phase with fq < ∞. is dynamically rooted in the QCD interactions. That is,
Thus, L serves as an order parameter for quark con- the zero-point oscillation of quarks and antiquarks with
finement, and in quantum field theory L is expressed
by an expectation value of a 1-form line operator (i.e.,
7.2 QCD at high density 253

Nc colors and Nf flavors gives [54] 1.0

Z Λ 3 q
d p N t =16
Ezero = −2Nf Nc p2 + Mq2 0.8
N t =12

Order Parameters
N t =10
Λ4  0.6 N t =8
' −Nf Nc 2 2 + ξ 2 + O(ξ 4 ) , (7.2.4)


where Λ is a ultraviolet (UV) cutoff and the dimen- 0.4 Polyakov Loop
sionless parameter, ξ = Mq /Λ, is assumed to be small.
We see that the UV divergent term ∝ Λ4 is irrelevant 0.2
to the dynamics, but we cannot drop another UV di-
vergent term ∼ Mq2 Λ2 ∼ Λ4 ξ 2 . Because Mq is related 0.0
100 150 200 250 300 350
to the chiral condensate in the QCD vacuum, hq̄qi, the
value of Mq is dynamically determined to minimize the T [MeV]
vacuum energy. The coefficient of the quadratic term, Fig. 7.2.3 Two order parameters as functions of the tempera-
ξ 2 , is negative in Eq. (7.2.4), so that Ezero energetically ture at zero density as measured in the lattice-QCD simulation.
Nt represents the site number along the temporal direction and
favors larger Mq . It is the condensation energy, Econd , the extrapolation to Nt → ∞ defines the continuum limit. The
that competes the zero-point oscillation energy. Let us figure and the lattice data are adapted from Ref. [2211].
postulate that gluon mediation induces a four-fermionic
interaction term ∼ λq̄q q̄q in the low-energy Lagrangian
where the mass dimension of the coupling constant, λ, We can expect, as elaborated below, that hq̄qi should
is −2. Thus, a dimensionless coupling, λ̂ = Λ2 λ, is use- melt at high density and chiral symmetry should be
ful, and the dimensional analysis hints at a relation restored then, which is commonly referred to as the
Mq = −2λhq̄qi. (In QCD hq̄qi is known to take a neg- chiral phase transition. It is the zero-point oscillation
ative value.) Then, the condensation energy from the energy (7.2.4) that favors the symmetry breaking, and
interaction term is parametrically written as its expression involves the phase-space integration. At
finite quark chemical potential µq which takes a larger
Mq2 Λ4 value with increasing quark number density, the Fermi
Econd = Nf Nc λhq̄qi2 = Nf Nc = Nf Nc ξ 2 .
4λ 4λ̂ sphere is excluded from the phase-space integration due
(7.2.5) to the Pauli exclusion principle. Accordingly the sym-
metry breaking effect is diminished at finite µq . There-
Now, the balance between two energies gives a condition fore, it is a reasonable educated guess that the chi-
for the spontaneous generation of Mq 6= 0; that is, λ̂ > ral phase transition makes a boundary curve on the
2π 2 , as first derived by Nambu and Jona-Lasinio [54, density-temperature plane just like the deconfinement
2209]. For the four-fermionic interaction stronger than phase transition, as already depicted in Fig. 7.2.1.
this threshold, the QCD vacuum accommodates a non- The exact relation between the deconfinement phase
vanishing chiral condensate. transition with an approximate order parameter L and
From the Dirac mass term mq q̄q in the Lagrangian the chiral phase transition with another approximate
we see that the mass and the chiral condensate are con- order parameter hq̄qi is a longstanding problem in QCD,
jugate to each other. It is thus evident that a nonzero and the satisfactory answer has not been found espe-
hq̄qi is a source to generate Mq even from a massless cially at finite density. As a function of mq , actually,
theory with mq = 0. The massless Dirac fermions are the deconfinement phase transition is exact only in the
split into the right-handed and the left-handed com- limit of mq → ∞, while the chiral phase transition is
ponents and they do not communicate. Therefore, for exact only in the opposite limit of mq → 0. The lattice-
the theory with Nf flavors of massless quarks, a uni- QCD data at finite T suggest that these two concep-
tary rotation in flavor space is a symmetry in each of tually distinct phase transitions at opposite limits be
the right-handed and the left-handed sectors, i.e., the interpolated by a single line for arbitrary mq [2210].
system enjoys the symmetry of UR (Nf ) × UL (Nf ). Ac- Figure 7.2.3 shows the Polyakov loop and the chiral
tually, the chiral condensate is decomposed as hq̄qi = condensate as functions of T , normalized by the T = 0
qL + qL† qR i and it breaks the symmetry down to the values. We clearly notice that chiral symmetry is re-
vectorial one only, UV (Nf ). Among these symmetries, stored around Tc ∼ 150 MeV, and at the same time the
conventionally, SUR (Nf )×SUL (Nf ) is called chiral sym- Polyakov loop starts increasing from nearly zero, indi-
metry that is spontaneously broken so as to generate cating a simultaneous deconfinement crossover. Thus,
the dynamical mass, Mq ∼ ΛQCD , out from the bare the lattice-QCD simulation at finite T has led us to a
mass, mq  ΛQCD .

of free massless quarks, were considered:

Nc X
P(0) = µ4 . (7.2.6)
12π 2 i=1 i

The next-to-leading order (NLO) diagrams add correc-

tions of O(αs ), i.e.,
αs Ng X
P(2) = − µ4 , (7.2.7)
π 16π 2 i=1 i
Nuclear Superfluid Chemical Potential μ B

Fig. 7.2.4 A modern phase diagram of QCD with blurred de- where the adjoint color factor, Ng = Nc2 − 1, was intro-
confinement at higher density represented by the color grada- duced. The next-to-next leading order (N2 LO) calcula-
tion. Unfortunately we are still unable to remove a big question tions produce a logarithmic term with µq dependence
in the argument. All the terms are not listed up here
(see Ref. [2213] for the formulation and Ref. [2214] for
conclusion that two phase transitions of chiral restora- the QCD application); the logarithmic term looks like
tion and deconfinement are somehow locked together.
Actually, the prototype phase diagram in Fig. 7.2.1 as- Nf

αs Ng β 0 X
sumes such tight locking of two transitions on the entire P(4) =+ µ 4
i ln + (non-log terms) ,
π 64π 2 i=1 µ20
plane. However, as mentioned earlier, the barrier for the
QCD string breaking would be eased by the density ef- (7.2.8)
fect and the deconfinement would be more and more where β0 = (11Nc − 2Nf )/3. Non-logarithmic terms are
blurred at higher density, which implies a modernized omitted. Even if αs is sufficiently small, αs ln µ2i /µ20
version of the phase diagram as shown in Fig. 7.2.4. may become large, and then the perturbative expansion
Here, as compared to the prototype in Fig. 7.2.1, there breaks down. A remedy for this problem of the singu-
are three new ingredients added to Fig. 7.2.4; namely, lar logarithm is the resummation over the leading-log
the color superconductivity, the quarkyonic regime, and terms. For simplicity let us assume that all the quark
the QCD Critical Point (QCP). Moreover, Fig. 7.2.4 chemical potentials are identical. (More generally one
shows a new label, “sQGP” at high T and zero density, can introduce a flavor averaged value of the chemical
that refers to strongly correlated quark-gluon plasma. potential.) Actually, it is easy to confirm that, if αs is
We will address only high-density aspects of QCD in upgraded to the running one, i.e.,
this section, and for the physical interpretation of sQGP
and the experimental characterization, see the previous  −1
αs (µq ) αs αs β0
= 1+ 2 2
ln µq /µ0 , (7.2.9)
section. π π π 4
an expansion of Eq. (7.2.7) can reproduce Eq. (7.2.8).
7.2.2 Quark Matter
In other words, such dangerous logarithmic terms are
absorbed into the density-dependent running coupling,
There is no clear definition that distinguishes nuclear
αs (µq ) (see Ref. [2214] for more details). In this way
and quark matter. In one working definition, quark
the perturbative calculation is justified at high enough
matter is a state of matter whose properties are reason-
ably approximated by perturbative QCD (pQCD) cal-
From this construction of the running coupling con-
culations. The presence of quark matter in the neutron
stant, one can easily imagine that the resummation is
star (NS) has been proposed by Collins and Perry [427]
not free from an arbitrary choice of irrelevant constants.
based on the asymptotic freedom at high baryon density
Instead of ln µ2q /µ , one could try
 to make a resumma-

(see also Ref. [2212] for a preceding hypothesis on quark  0
tion of ln µ2q /µ20 +C = ln µ2q /µ21 with µ21 = µ20 e−C . In
matter). If the momentum scale associated with the
principle, an optimal choice of C could exist to reduce
running strong coupling constant, αs , is characterized
higher-order corrections. If C is close to the optimal
by the baryon chemical potential µB or the quark chem-
point, the results are expected to be flat against changes
ical potential µq = µB /3, asymptotically free quarks
of C, and it is customary to check the stability of the
should be liberated from hadrons as the density goes
results by changing X of αs (Xµq ). Here,the logarith-
above a certain threshold. In Ref. [427] the leading or- 
der (LO) contributions, i.e., thermodynamic quantities mic term in αs (Xµq ) takes the form of ln X 2 µ2q /Λ2MS
in the MS scheme [2215]. It is then found that such
7.2 QCD at high density 255

variation of X = 1 ∼ 4 leads to huge uncertainty un- symmetry of the system. Then, it is possible to choose
less µq becomes unphysically large. This is sometimes the flavor and the color bases to diagonalize Φiα . With-
referred to as the slow-convergence problem. The next out loss of generality we can parametrize the diquark
correction, i.e., the N3 LO contribution is expected to condensate as
stabilize the results better, and indeed the soft N3 LO
part has been shown to cure the slow-convergence prob- hΦiα i = δiα ∆i . (7.2.12)
lem partially [2216, 2217]. Under the identification of i = 1, α = 1 for up (u)
and red (r), i = 2, α = 2 for down (d) and green
7.2.3 Color-Superconducting Phases (g), and i = 3, α = 3 for strange (s) and blue (b),
for example, ∆1 involves pairings of gd-bs and gs-bd
The pQCD calculation is not capable of describing dy- quarks. A state of quark matter with ∆1 6= 0, ∆2 6= 0,
namical generation of hq̄qi, which is apparently con- and ∆3 6= 0 is known as the color-flavor locking (CFL)
sistent with melting chiral condensate at high density. phase. The CFL phase is considered to be the ground
However, even at high density, high enough to validate state as long as the strange quark mass is ignored. In the
pQCD, the chiral condensate is not simply gone. opposite limit of infinitely heavy strange quark mass,
Quarks carry a fundamental charge in color SU(3), we can regard quark matter as composed from only
and so two charges of a pair of quarks (i.e., a diquark) light flavors. In this case only ∆3 (involving ru-gd and
connected by one-gluon exchange are coupled via rd-gu quark pairings) can take a nonzero value, while
∆1 = ∆2 = 0 due to suppression of strange quarks.
(ta )ij (ta )kl
Such a state of ∆1 = ∆2 = 0 and ∆3 6= 0 is called the
Nc + 1 Nc − 1 two-flavor color-superconducting (2SC) phase.
=− (δij δkl − δil δkj ) + (δij δkl + δil δkj )
4Nc 4Nc Which symmetry should spontaneously be broken
(7.2.10) by the diquark condensate is a nontrivial question. Let
us first consider the 2SC phase. We note that the lo-
corresponding to 3 ⊗ 3 = 3̄ ⊕ 6 in the group theoretical
cal gauge symmetry is never broken. Then, the baryon
language. Interestingly, as implied from the sign of each
UV (1) symmetry is not broken in the 2SC phase since
term in the above decomposition, the inter-quark inter-
its rotation on ∆3 can be always canceled by unbro-
action in the 3̄ channel is attractive, while the 6 channel
ken electromagnetic transformation. The same argu-
interaction is repulsive. This attractive nature is intu-
ment concludes that flavor (chiral) symmetry is not
itively understood as follows: Suppose that two quarks
broken, either. Therefore, in the 2SC phase, all global
are infinitely separate (in the deconfined phase), then
symmetries are unbroken, only modified with a mix-
the total field energy is just twice of the field energy
ture of local symmetry. One might think that color-
associated with a single quark. If two quarks approach
superconducting phases assume deconfined quark mat-
and make a composite of 3̄, the total field energy is the
ter, but as shown in Ref. [2218], the low-energy physics
same as that of a single quark, that is, a half of the
in the 2SC phase is governed by ungapped gluons in the
original total energy. So, the energy decreases as two
unbroken SU (2) sector and color confinement persists.
quarks touch. Consequently two quarks in the 3̄ chan-
Theoretically speaking, there is no gauge-invariant or-
nel should feel an attractive force to minimize the total
der parameter to define the 2SC phase.
In reality, however, the 2SC phase is anyway taken
The most favored diquark channel is color anti-triplet
over by the CFL phase at high density where the strange
(anti-symmetric) and spin singlet (anti-symmetric) and
quark mass is negligible. The Nf = 3 world is drastically
thus the flavor must be anti-symmetric. The diquarks
different from the 2SC phase. The UV (1) symmetry can
generally carry two color indices and two flavor indices,
no longer be restored by the electromagnetic symme-
but the diquark matrix in the most favored color-flavor
try because ∆1 and ∆2,3 are differently charged. Thus,
channel simplifies to
the CFL phase has a superfluid, and a vortex configu-
Φiα = ijk αβγ qjβ Cγ5 qkγ . (7.2.11) ration is topologically stabilized. Also, chiral symmetry
is spontaneously broken. We note that the diquark con-
Here, C = iγ 0 γ 2 is the charge conjugation matrix nec- densate has both the left-handed and the right-handed
essary to make the diquark a Lorentz scalar. The Latin components; that is, hqqi = hqR qR i + hqL qL i 6= 0, and
and the Greek letters represent the indices in flavor and hqR,L qR,L i breaks SUR,L (3). The vectorial rotation in
color space, respectively. flavor space can still be canceled by unbroken color ro-
In the three-flavor symmetric limit with mu = md = tation, so the symmetry breaking pattern in the CFL
ms , the flavor rotation as well as the color rotation is a

phase turns out to be: SUR (3) × SUL (3) → SUV (3). In- Neutron superfluid Color superconductor
terestingly, this is identical to the symmetry breaking u d
in the hadronic phase. Actually the gauge-invariant or- u d u d
d d d
der parameter of the CFL phase is, h(q̄ q̄)(qq)i ∼ h(q̄q)2 i d
that induces hq̄qi 6= 0 unless the anomalous UA (1) is re- d
d u d u d
stored. The observation of exactly the same symmetry u
properties has led to a conjecture of continuity between nB
the hadronic phase (i.e., the confined phase) with super- ∼ n0 ∼ 5 n0 ∼ 10 n0
fluidity and the CFL phase (i.e., the Higgs phase) [2219]. Fig. 7.2.5 An illustration of the two-flavor continuity scenario
We can develop an intuitive understanding of the between nuclear matter and 2SC+d quark matter in the NS
environment in β equilibrium. Figure taken from Ref. [2220].
continuity. In the case of electron superconductivity,
there is no gauge-invariant order parameter, and one
might think that the theoretical characterization is as vortex [2221] that carries both the global phase as well
problematic. In this case, however, the solution has al- as the chromo-magnetic flux. From the explicit expres-
ready been known. Because the Cooper pairs have twice sion of the non-Abelian CFL vortex, it has been shown
the elementary charge, they cannot completely screen a in Ref. [2222] that a Z3 symmetry emerges (see also
single elementary charge. This would lead to an emer- Ref. [2223] for more mathematical discussions). The ha-
gent Z2 symmetry and the superconducting state is un- dronic phase presumably confines any color degrees of
ambiguously defined by the symmetry. freedom, and it is a natural anticipation (but not proven
This argument makes it clear why the CFL phase is yet) that this Z3 symmetry operation is merely trivial
so special. As mentioned earlier, the most favored di- in the confined phase. If so, the spontaneous breaking
quark is found in the color triplet (and the anti-triplet) of emergent Z3 symmetry should result in a phase tran-
channel made from 3 ⊗ 3 → 3̄. So, the Cooper pairs sition from nuclear to quark matter. It is not yet set-
(i.e, the diquarks) are charged just like the fundamen- tled theoretically whether a phase transition really sep-
tal (anti-)charge. Thus, a fundamental charge can be arates nuclear and quark matter. The symmetry argu-
screened by Cooper pairs and the definition of the CFL ments are convincing, but the calculations are feasible
phase is obscured, which underlies the continuity sce- only at high enough density, not at intermediate density
nario between hypernuclear matter and CFL quark mat- where a transitional change may occur. As we will argue
ter. later, astrophysical observations constrain the strength
The continuity scenario cannot be applied to the of first-order phase transition for the neutron-rich NS
2SC phase as it is, but it was pointed out in Ref. [2220] matter, and for the moment it disfavors the first-order
that the NS environment can realize continuity within phase transition.
the two-flavor sector only. The idea is that the electric
neutrality requires twice more d-quarks than u-quarks, 7.2.4 Quarkyonic Regime
and free d-quarks (not paired with u-quarks) may form
a condensate of hddi. In this exotic phase that may be In the large-Nc limit the duality between nuclear and
called the 2SC+d phase, the electromagnetic rotation quark matter has been recognized by McLerran and Pis-
cannot cancel rotations in ∆3 and hddi simultaneously, arski [2224] and they named the dual regime of matter
and so it is a superfluid with UV (1) breaking, and also, Quarkyonic Matter after a combination of “quark” and
it spontaneously breaks chiral symmetry. In this way, “baryonic”. It should be noted that Quarkyonic Matter
as illustrated in Fig. 7.2.5, the continuity can be formu- is not a novel phase of matter but it refers to a regime
lated. in which the duality is manifested.
Recently, the quark-hadron continuity scenario is The conjectured duality is based on the large-Nc
encountering a fatal challenge. As mentioned, the emer- counting of the pressure. Along the temperature axis
gent Z2 symmetry characterizes ordinary electron su- at zero baryon density, the pressure jumps from O(1)
perconductivity, and to see it mathematically, a Wilson in the confined phase to O(Nc2 ) in the deconfined glu-
loop as a symmetry generator is acted on a magnetic onic phase, which defines a first-order phase transition
vortex operator. The magnetic flux in a superconduct- even with dynamical quarks. Then, along the axis of
ing cylinder is quantized in units not of 2π~c/e but of the baryon/quark chemical potential at zero tempera-
π~c/e due to doubly charged Cooper pairs. The sym- ture, one might also think of a phase transition from
metry operation with the Wilson loop, hence, results O(1) in confined nuclear matter to O(Nc ) in decon-
in a Z2 phase. The same exercise in the CFL phase re- fined quark matter. This naïve order counting implicitly
places the magnetic vortex with the non-Abelian CFL neglects the contribution from interactions that could
7.2 QCD at high density 257

confinement is represented by smooth gradation over

Quarkyonic Regime in Fig. 7.2.4. It is quite suggestive
¼ that both the CFL phase and Quarkyonic Regime favor
smooth continuity between nuclear and quark matter
in parallel, even though the diquark condensate is sup-
pressed in the large-Nc limit and color-superconducting
matter and Quarkyonic Matter seem not to coexist.
Fig. 7.2.6 A quark description of two-body N N interaction.
7.2.5 Critical Point vs. Inhomogeneous States

be dropped in the dilute/dense limits, but not in the So far, we have focused on deconfinement, and we shall
intermediate density region. Actually, in the large-Nc now turn to the chiral phase transition at finite den-
limit, the amplitude of meson scattering is suppressed sity. It has been established that the chiral phase tran-
so that mesons can be regarded as non-interacting par- sition at physical quark masses is a smooth crossover
ticles, while baryons interact strongly. It is immedi- if the chiral restoration is induced by the tempera-
ately understood why the strength of baryon interac- ture effect [2226]. Most chiral models predict that, as
tion scales as O(Nc ). The one pion exchange process the baryon density increases, the behavior of the chi-
for the two-body nucleon-nucleon (N N ) interaction can ral condensate as a function of increasing T becomes
be viewed microscopically as a quark hopping from one steeper. Eventually, in some chiral models, the chiral
to the other baryon as shown in a schematic picture restoration occurs with a discontinuous jump in the
in Fig. 7.2.6. There are Nc2 combinations of quark ex- chiral condensate, and the separation point between
changes, among which color singlets are of O(Nc ). In the smooth crossover and the first-order phase tran-
contrast, the n-point interaction vertices of mesons scale sition corresponds to the exact second-order critical
as O(Nc
) that goes to zero as Nc → ∞ for n ≥ 3. point, which is commonly called the QCD Critical Point
All the multi-body interactions of nucleons turn out to (QCP). It is sometimes referred to as the critical end
scale as O(Nc ) which coincides with the scaling prop- point (CEP) of QCD matter as well. The presence of the
erty peculiar to quark matter. In this way, in Quarky- QCP was first recognized in the Nambu–Jona-Lasinio
onic Regime, the system is still in the confined phase model by Asakawa, Yazaki [2227], and in a QCD-like
and the relevant degrees of freedom are baryons, but model by Barducci, Casalbuoni, De Crutis, Gatto, Pet-
the pressure is sensitive to quark degrees of freedom tini [2228], independently. For a comprehensive review
through inter-baryonic interactions. on the order of chiral restoration at the early stage, see
Now, we see that the deconfinement phenomenon Ref. [2229].
induced by baryons at high density is far more non- In the language of the Ginzburg-Landau theory, the
trivial than the high temperature situation dominated grand potential has an expansion,
by mesons. For weakly interacting mesons the onset of α2 2 α4 4 α6 6
Ω= M + M + M + O(M 8 ) , (7.2.13)
deconfinement can be approximated as an overlap of 2 4 6
wavefunctions, that agrees with a picture of site per- with respect to an order parameter M ∼ hq̄qi (propor-
colation. For baryons, however, the onset of deconfine- tional to the constituent quark mass). For simplicity
ment would be rather located at the density where the the bare quark mass effect that induces a symmetry-
N N , N N N , and arbitrary multi-body interactions be- breaking term ∝ M is dropped. The coefficients, αi ,
come comparably strong, building a connected network are functions of T and µB . If α2 changes its sign while
of interacting bonds. In the language of percolation, α4 > 0 is kept, a second-order phase transition is de-
hence, it would not be the site percolation but the bond rived. If α2 = 0 and α4 changes its sign for α6 > 0, a
percolation that is appropriate for high-density decon- tricritical point appears.
finement. It has also been speculated that the decon- Interestingly, the QCP has nothing to do with the
finement onset could be delayed toward higher density original chiral symmetry of QCD, and the universality
by quantum fluctuations as suggested in a quantum per- class belongs to the same as the three-dimensional Ising
colation picture [2225]. model. Only when the bare quark mass is vanishing,
In Quarkyonc Regime the state of matter is not as mentioned above, the QCP is located on the chiral
simply quark-like nor baryon-like, but something that phase transition, which exhibits tricriticality. At finite
shares both features. It is unlikely that there is any bare quark mass that explicitly breaks chiral symme-
sharp deconfinement boundary in the phase diagram as try, the QCP is identified as the Z2 liquid-gas transition
drawn in the prototype in Fig. 7.2.1. This is why de- whose order parameter is the density, i.e., a conserved

quantity coupled with the energy-momentum tensor,

resulting in the dynamical universality class of the model

Temperature T
Quark-Gluon Plasma
H [2230].

The QCP can be an unambiguous landmark, if ex-

perimentally confirmed, on the QCD phase diagram. It
is, however, quite nontrivial what plays a role of a signa-
ture. The most well-investigated quantity in the search Hadronic Phase Quarkyonic
for the QCP is the fluctuation observable. Because the

correlation functions scale with the correlation length

Color Superconductors
ξ, that ideally diverges near the critical point but does Chemical Potential μ B
not in reality due to the critical slowing down, one can
Fig. 7.2.7 Another phase diagram of QCD matter without the
make a robust prediction for the critical behavior char- QCD Critical Point, which may be the case in the neutron star
acterized by ξ to the power of critical exponent. Al- matter in β equilibrium for which the nuclear liquid-gas critical
though the time evolution away from the QCP may point is known to disappear.
wash out the critical signature, the fluctuation of the
conserved quantities such as the baryon number, the
One subtlety remains. The grand potential, Ω, can
electric charge, and the strangeness (within the time
be generally expressed as a functional of the order pa-
scale of the strong interaction) could retain a trace of
rameter, which is denoted by M (x) here. If the spa-
criticality if its value is frozen inside the critical region.
tial variation is smaller than other scales, the deriva-
This means that, to probe the QCP in a heavy-ion colli-
tive expansion makes sense and the spatial profile of
sion experiment, the created hot and dense matter must
M (x) is optimized to minimize the energy locally. It
cool down along the trajectory hitting the critical re-
was Nickel [2233] who first recognized that in a typical
gion of the QCP, and the chemical freezeout (that fixes
chiral model in the mean-field approximation the local
the ratio of the particle species) must be located suffi-
energy takes the following structured form:
ciently near the QCP. Such requirements may hold or
may not. α2 α4 
M (x)2 + M (x)4 + (∇M (x))2

There is no reliable QCD-based prediction for the 2 4
location of the QCP due to the sign problem, but the +
α6  1
M (x)6 + 5(∇M (x))2 M (x)2 + (∆M (x))2 .

virtue of the QCP search is that the critical theory 6 2
provides us with unique theoretical prediction once its (7.2.14)
location on the phase diagram is experimentally con-
This is a striking result. At the tricritical point (and
strained. We have already learnt a lot about fluctu-
near the QCP also) α4 should change its sign. For α4 <
ations from nearly zero baryon density (at high col-
√ 0, the coefficient of the first derivative correction turns
lision energy sN N & 100 GeV) to high density (at
√ out to be negative too, which means that ∇M (x) 6= 0
sN N ∼ 3 GeV) from the heavy-ion collision experi-
would lower the local energy. Therefore, the above form
ments. See discussions in the previous section and the
of the expanded energy indicates that the ground state
figure to show the data of κ4 /κ2 . For a review includ-
should be spatially inhomogeneous.
ing related topics, especially the kurtosis (fourth or-
The onset of inhomogeneity is called the Lifshitz
der fluctuation of the proton number) and the skewness
point and Nickel’s calculation was the first clarification
(third order fluctuation), see Ref. [2231] and references
for an explicit relation between the QCP and the Lif-
shitz point, though there were preceding works to hint
It is also mentioned that constructing an effective
at the possibility of inhomogeneous ground states [2234].
description of low-energy dynamics near the critical point
Whether the QCP and the Lifshitz point exactly coin-
is an intriguing theoretical challenge. Typically the time
cide or not depends on the model choice and the ap-
evolution of locally equilibrated matter is governed by
proximation, and in more realistic model studies the
undamped zero modes associated with conservation laws,
QCP is overridden by the inhomogeneous states (see
which constitutes the hydrodynamic description based
Ref. [2235] for a comprehensive review). Interestingly,
on the derivative expansion. In the vicinity of the crit-
such an inhomogeneous state is favored also in Quarky-
ical point, the critical slowing down breaks the clear
onic Regime; the large-Nc limit justifies an approxima-
scale separation. Then, the correlation of the diffusive
tion of nuclear matter by a Skyrme crystal that in-
mode, that is the slowest one, should be coupled in the
evitably gives rise to inhomogeneous chiral condensate.
hydrodynamic equations, and such a generalized frame-
Therefore, another view of the QCD phase diagram
work – called the “Hydro+” – has been proposed [2232].
may look like Fig. 7.2.7 on which the QCP is taken
7.2 QCD at high density 259

over by an approximate triple point where the hadronic a function of the energy density, p = p(ε), which is
phase, the quark-gluon plasma, and Quarkyonic Regime referred to as the equation of state (EOS).
(or the inhomogeneous state) meet [2207]. Once the There is no first-principles derivation of the EOS
large-Nc approximation is relaxed, however, the ther- except for the zero-density and the high-density limits
mal fluctuations of phonons and pions should be taken and the EOS is the most crucial source of uncertainty
into account. It is known by now that inhomogeneous in NS phenomenology. For a given ε, the EOS with
condensates are unstable and the quasi-long-range or- larger p (and smaller p) is called “stiff” (and “soft”, re-
der (i.e., not exponential but algebraic decay of the or- spectively). Generally speaking, stiffer EOSs can sup-
der parameter correlation) could survive there [2236, port heavier NSs, and so the heaviest NS can give us
2237]. In contrast to the QCP on Fig. 7.2.4, it is a the information about the EOS stiffness. If an assumed
demanding question what can be an experimental sig- model cannot predict a stiff EOS enough to explain the
nature to detect Quarkyonic Regime (or the quasi-long- experimentally confirmed largest NS mass, this model
range order) if the genuine phase diagram is like Fig. 7.2.7. is falsified. In the presence of the first-order phase tran-
Even without inhomogeneous condensates, for exam- sition, p = p(ε) should have a plateau, i.e., a window of
ple for the theory proposal, the order parameter modes ε with a constant p, in the mixed-phase region, which
could be modified nontrivially to have a damped disper- generally makes the EOS softer.
sion relation similar to the roton, which was discussed In 2010 the mass measurement in a binary system
as a candidate for the observable signature [2238]. (an NS and a white dwarf) by means of the Shapiro time
delay established the existence of a two-solar-mass NS
7.2.6 Astrophysical Constraints (PSR J1614-2230 [2239]). Later, similar massive NSs
(PSR J0348+0432 [2240] and PSR J0740+6620 [2241])
Figure 7.2.7 looks like one variant of conjectured phase have been discovered. These observations are extremely
diagrams, but a special realization of dense matter in useful to make strict constraints and to exclude some
accord to Fig. 7.2.7 is known. That is, the state of of soft EOSs. In particular, the first-order phase tran-
dense matter in deep cores of a neutron star (NS) sat- sition is disfavored; it should be weak if the first-order
isfies the β equilibrium condition and contains more phase transition takes place at moderate density reach-
neutrons than protons due to the Coulomb interaction. able in the NS environment, or the first-order phase
This makes a sharp contrast to the heavy-ion collision transition can occur only at large density beyond the
whose time scale is shorter than the weak interaction, NS region [2242]. In principle, a very rapid stiffening
and flavor changing processes are negligible. It is im- before/after the first-order phase transition could also
portant to note that the isospin contents would signifi- yield an EOS that supports the massive NSs, but jus-
cantly affect the phase structure of QCD matter. A well- tification of the underlying mechanism needs further
known example is that the first-order liquid-gas phase investigations. Actually, the ab initio estimates based
transition of symmetric nuclear matter in Fig. 7.2.4 on the chiral effective theory (χEFT) and the pQCD
does not exist any more in the NS matter; that is, suggest that the nuclear EOS near the saturation den-
pure neutron matter is not a self-bound fermionic sys- sity n0 and quark EOS for high density & 5n0 are both
tem unlike symmetric nuclear matter. Then, it would softer than empirically adopted EOSs, and the stiffen-
be conceivable that the β equilibrium condition sim- ing should occur around 1.5-1.8 times n0 [2243].
plifies the phase diagram from the conventional one as It is quite suggestive that such behavior of rapid
in Fig. 7.2.4 into a smoother shape without any solid stiffening from a low-density soft EOS is inferred from
phase boundary as in Fig. 7.2.7. the experimental data, irrespective of any theoretical
In fact, as we saw already before, the quark-hadron conjecture. The distribution of masses and radii of the
continuity scenario of the color-superconducting phase observed NSs can be analyzed by probabilistic meth-
and the large-Nc Quarkyonic Regime supports a pic- ods and the preferred EOS can be constructed from
ture of smooth crossover from nuclear to quark matter. the observational data only. Figure 7.2.8 shows a spe-
Here, we discuss astrophysical constraints about the cific combination of the EOS, i.e., 1/3 − p/ε, as a func-
phase transition of QCD matter. The internal struc- tion of dimensionless energy density ε/ε0 with ε0 =
ture of the NS follows from the hydrostatic condition 150 MeV/fm3 , that approaches zero in the conformal
(called the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation) be- limit at high density. In Fig. 7.2.8 the orange, the green,
tween the inward gravitational force and the outward and the red lines represent the results from the Bayesian
pressure gradient. To this end, the calculation of the analyses of the observational data in Ref. [2244], Ref. [2245],
pressure gradient needs the relation of the pressure as and Ref. [2246], respectively. The blue line represents
a function of the baryon density, i.e., p = p(ρ), or as the results from the neural network analysis in Ref. [2220].
260 8 MESONS

0 .3
8 Mesons
0 .2
Eberhard Klempt and Curtis Meyer
Conformality Indicator

0 .1
The Particle Data Group lists 78 light mesons with u
and d quarks, 50 of them are “established”, with 3* or
0 .0
4* ratings. 25 mesons carry strangeness, 16 of them are
established. Most mesons show a regular pattern, their
0 .1
masses are mostly compatible with a Regge behavior
in L and N . Curtis Meyer introduces the meson quan-
0 .2
10 0 10 1 10 2 tum numbers and their regularities. The scalar mesons
Energy Density of lowest mass have resisted for a long time an undis-
Fig. 7.2.8 Conformality indicator deduced from the neutron
puted acceptance with proper poles in the complex en-
star data as a function of the energy density normalized by ε0 = ergy plane. José Pelaez shows how unitarity, analyticity
150 MeV/fm3 . Bands with different colors refer to the results and dispersion relations are exploited to determine the
from Refs. [2220, 2244–2246]. Figure adapted from Ref. [2247]. scalar partial wave and to extract the poles with high
precision. A driving force in meson spectroscopy is since
An intriguing finding is that the system seems to re- long the quest for hybrids, in particular those with ex-
store the conformality quite rapidly as first quantified otic quantum numbers, and for glueballs. Boris Grube
in Ref. [2247]. The pQCD results at asymptotically high and Eberhard Klempt present old and recent evidence
density as indicated in Fig. 7.2.8 are nearly confor- for these states. 12 (7) established (candidate) charmed
mal because the density scale is sufficiently larger than mesons are known at present, 7 (5) mesons with a bot-
ΛQCD and the system is weakly interacting. Thus, the tom and a light quark, 6 (5) with a strange and 2 with a
NS experimental data imply the realization of strongly charm quark. Charmonium (and bottomonium) played
correlated conformal matter far earlier at not asymp- a crucial role for the general acceptance of the quark
totically high but just intermediate density. The micro- model. Nowadays, 39 cc̄ states are known, 25 of them es-
scopic origin of early conformality is to be identified by tablished. The so-called XYZ states, unexpected states
future studies. or states with unexpected properties, play an impor-
Finally, let us briefly mention the impact of the tant role to understand the richness of QCD. Marco
gravitational wave signal from the NS merger. So far, Pappagallo reports on the crime story of X(3872) with
the LIGO-Virgo collaboration reported two events of its dual nature, on the unexpected Y (4260) and the
GW170817 and GW190425 as candidates of the NS-NS discovery of Zc+ (4430) and Tcc (3875), both with min-
merger. In particular the former happened at a short imal four-quark content. Nora Brambilla outlines the
distance of only 40 Mpc, and the electromagnetic coun- different approaches to identify the degrees of freedom
terpart (called the “kilonova”) was also detected. For driving the exotic states.
the moment only the signal from the inspiral stage be-
fore the merger has led to an EOS constraint in terms
of the tidal deformability coefficient [2248, 2249], which 8.1 The meson mass spectrum, a survey
turned out to be consistent with preceding constraints Curtis Meyer
from the symmetry energy measurement [2250] as well
as the NS mass-radius distributions. In the future the 8.1.1 Introduction
post-merger stage after the merger might be detected,
and if so, an extremely dense state of matter, even In the quark model, mesons are states containing quarks,
denser than the largest density in the central core of antiquarks and gluons such that the net baryon number
the NS, could be probed, which will eventually clarify of the state is zero. Conventional mesons are described
the nature of Quarkyonic Regime, quark matter, and as bound states of a quarks and an antiquark (q q̄) and
hopefully color-superconducting states. can be viewed as similar to positronium (e+ e− ). Exotic
mesons can include hybrids, which are q q̄g states with
valence glue, four-quark states containing two quarks
and two antiquarks, and glueballs containing only glue.
These more exotic forms will be discussed in later sec-
tions, this section will deal with the ordinary mesons,
8.1 The meson mass spectrum, a survey 261

referred to here as simply mesons. Mesons containing Table 8.1.1 The allowed J P C quantum numbers for light-
only u, d and s quarks are known as light-quark mesons. quark mesons with L up to 4.
Given three quarks and three antiquarks, nine possible L S JPC L S JPC
q q̄ combinations can be made. These nine mesons form
0 0 0−+ 3 0 3+−
a so-called nonet where the members have the same
0 1 1−− 3 1 2++
well-defined quantum numbers: total spin J, parity P ,
1 0 1+− 3 1 3++
and C-parity C, represented as J P C .
1 1 0++ 3 1 4++
1 1 1++ 4 0 4+−
8.1.2 Meson Quantum Numbers 1 1 2++ 4 1 3−−
0 2 2−+ 4 1 4−−
The J P C quantum numbers of quark-antiquark systems 1 2 1−− 4 1 5−−
are functions of the total spin, S, and the relative or- 1 2 2−−
bital angular momentum, L. The spin S and angular 1 2 3−−
momentum L combine to yield the total spin J,
J~ = L
~ ⊕S
~, (8.1.1)
In Table 8.1.1 are shown the J P C s and the possible
where L and S add as two angular momenta. values of L and S up to L of 3. From the list, the J P C
Parity is the result of a mirror reflection of the wave values of 0−− , 0+− , 1−+ , 2+− and 3+− are missing.
function, taking ~r into −~r. It can be written as These missing J P C are referred to as exotic.
P [ψ(~r)] = ψ(−~r) = ηP ψ(~r) , (8.1.2) Because C-parity is only defined for neutral meson,
we define G-parity to extend this to all non-strange
where ηP is the eigenvalue of parity. As application of
q q̄ states, independent of charge. For isovector states
parity twice must return the original state, ηP = ±1.
(I = 1), C would transform a charged member into the
In spherical coordinates, the parity operation reduces
oppositely charged state (e.g. π + → π − ). In order to
to the reflection of a YLM function,
transform this back to the original charge, we would
YLM (π − θ, π + φ) = (−1)L YLM (θ, φ) . (8.1.3) need to perform a rotation in isospin (π − → π + ). For
a state of whose neutral partner has C-parity C, and
From this, we conclude that ηP = (−1)L . For a q q̄ sys-
whose total isospin is I, the G-parity is defined to be
tem, the intrinsic parity of the antiquark is opposite to
that of the quark, which yields the total parity of a q q̄ G = C · (−1)I , (8.1.7)
system as which can be generalized to
P (q q̄) = −(−1)L . (8.1.4) G(q q̄) = (−1)L+S+I . (8.1.8)
Charge conjugation, C, is the result of a transfor- The latter is valid for all of the I = 0 and I = 1 non-
mation that takes a particle into its antiparticle. For a strange members of a nonet. In the limit of exact SU(3)
q q̄ system, only electrically-neutral states can be eigen- symmetry, G is conserved. Mesons with G = +1 decay
states of C. In order to determine the eigenvalues of C into an even number of pions while mesons with G = −1
(ηC ), we need to consider a wave function that includes decay into an odd number of pions. From this, mesons
both spatial and spin information have the following well defined quantum numbers: total
Ψ (~r, ~s) = R(r)Ylm (θ, φ)χ(~s) . (8.1.5) angular momentum J, isospin I, parity P , C-parity C,
and G-parity G. These are represented as (I G )J P C , or
If we consider a uū system, the C operator reverses the
simply J P C for short. For the case of L = 0 and S = 0,
meaning of u and ū which has the effect of mapping
we have J P C = 0−+ , while for L = 0 and S = 1,
the vector ~r to the u quark into −~r. Thus, following
J P C = 1−− .
the arguments for parity, the spatial part of C yields a
factor of (−1)L . The C operator also reverses the two
8.1.3 Light-quark meson names
individual spins. For a symmetric χ, we get a factor of 1,
while for an antisymmetric χ, we get a factor of −1. For
Prior to 1986, there was no systematic naming scheme
two spin- 12 particles, the S = 0 singlet is antisymmetric,
for mesons. Those who discovered new states often pro-
while the S = 1 triplet is symmetric. Finally, there is
posed what those states would be called. In 1986, the
an additional factor of −1 when we interchange two
Particle Data Group [2251] proposed a naming scheme
fermions. Combining all of this, we find that the C-
for mesons that is still in use today. This scheme is
parity of (a neutral) q q̄ system is
based on the total spin J, parity P and charge conju-
C(q q̄) = (−1)L+S . (8.1.6) gation C of the nonet, and then the isospin of the nonet
262 8 MESONS

Table 8.1.2 The naming scheme for light-quark mesons [939]. Table 8.1.3 The nonet mixing angles as reported in refer-
ence [939]. The linear formula is given by Eq. 8.1.12 while the
L S JPC I=1 G I=0 G K quadratic angle is given by Eq. 8.1.13.
−+ 0
0 0 0 π −1 η η +1 K JPC θlin θquad
0 1 1−− ρ +1 ω φ −1 K∗
0−+ −24.5◦ −11.3◦
1 0 1+− b1 +1 h1 h01 −1 K1
1−− 36.5◦ 39.2◦
1 1 0++ a0 −1 f0 f00 +1 K0∗
2++ 28.0◦ 29.6◦
1 1 1++ a1 −1 f1 f10 +1 K1
3−− 30.8◦ 31.8◦
1 1 2++ a2 −1 f2 f20 +1 K2∗
2 0 2−+ π2 −1 η2 η20 +1 K2
2 1 1−− ρ1 +1 ω1 φ1 −1 K1∗ glet. Figure 8.1.1 shows these q q̄ combinations plotted
2 1 2−− ρ2 +1 ω2 φ2 −1 K2 on a graph where the strangeness S is plotted against
2 1 3−− ρ3 +1 ω3 φ3 −1 K3∗ the third component of isospin, I3 . There are four mesons
3+− h03
3 0 b3 +1 h3 −1 K3
with S = 0, three with isospin 1 and one with isospin
2++ −1 f20 K2∗
0. The SU(3) singlet state also has I = 0. The SU(3)
3 1 a2 f2 +1
3 1 3++ a3 −1 f3 f30 +1 K3
singlet state with I = 0 is
3 1 4++ a4 −1 f4 f40 +1 K4∗
4−+ η40 1
4 0 π4 −1 η4 +1 K4 | 1i = √ uū + dd¯ + ss̄ , (8.1.9)

4 1 3−− ρ3 +1 ω3 φ3 −1 K3∗ 3
4 1 4−− ρ4 +1 ω4 φ4 −1 K4 while the SU(3) octet state with I = 0 is
4 1 5−− ρ5 +1 ω5 φ5 −1 K5∗
| 8i = √ uū + dd¯ − 2 ss̄ . (8.1.10)

S Octet
6 The two physical I = 0 states are mixtures of the two
ds̄ t t us̄ SU(3) states. Following the Particle Data Group [939]
 A notation with nonet mixing angle θn , the physical isospin-
 A S Singlet zero states are
 A 6     
| 1i

f cos θn sin θn
√ d̄ Iz Iz = .
t t`j 2
At - t - f0 − sin θn cos θn | 8i
Many of the known nonets have physical states that
A uū+d√d̄−2ss̄
dū A
ud¯ uū+d
6 3
separate the light-quark states, uū + dd,
¯ and the states

A  with hidden strangeness, ss̄. This is known as ideal mix-
ing and corresponds to tan θn = √12 , or θn ≈ 35.26◦ .
At t

us̄ sd¯ Contrary to this, the ground state mesons are almost
pure SU(3) states. The η 0 is nearly pure singlet and the
η is the octet state. The nonet mixing angles can be
Fig. 8.1.1 The SU(3) quark structure of the light-quark
mesons. The mesons are plotted against strangeness S on the determined from masses of the member states. In the
vertical axis and the z component of isospin, Iz on the horizon- following, ma is the mass of the isospin 1 state, mK
tal axis The left-hand plot shows the octet mesons, while the is the mass of the isospin- 12 , and mf and mf 0 are the
right-hand plot shows the singlet meson. masses of the two isospin-0 states. θ in equation 8.1.12
is known as the linear mixing angle,
members. The base name is the same for all mesons of 4mK − ma − 3mf 0
tan θ = √ (8.1.12)
a given I and P C, where there is a subscript denoting 2 2 (ma − mK )
the total spin J. For the kaons, (I = 12 ), those with
while equation 8.1.13 is known to define the quadratic
J P = 0− , 1+ , 2− , · · · are named KJ , while those with
mixing angle.
J P = 0+ , 1− , 2+ , · · · are named KJ∗ . Table 8.1.2 lists
the names of the light-quark mesons up to L = 3. tan2 θ =
4mK − ma − 3mf 0
−4mK + ma + 3mf
8.1.4 SU(3) flavor and light-quark mesons The Particle Data Group quotes mixing angles for four
nonets which are listed in Table 8.1.3. With exception of
Given three flavors of light quarks, there are nine possi- the pseudoscalar J P C = 0−+ nonet, the others nonets
ble q q̄ combinations. SU(3) flavor groups these mesons are all fairly close to being ideally mixed.
into eight members of an SU(3) octet and one SU(3) sin-
8.1 The meson mass spectrum, a survey 263

Table 8.1.4 The nonet mixing angles for mesons with orbital Table 8.1.5 The pseudoscalar mesons.
angular momentum less than 4. The lattice results are reported
in reference [484], while the references for the decay rate deter- Isospin State(s) Mass Width or
minations are given in the table. MeV Lifetime
1 π0 134.9768 8.52 × 10−17 s
JPC θn θn
1 π± 139.57039 2.6033 × 10−8 s
Lattice Decays 1
K± 493.677 1.238 × 10−8 s
−9.3◦ [2253]
0−+ −11◦ 1
K 0 /K̄ 0 497.611
1−− 33◦ 0 η 547.862 0.00131 M eV
1+− 35◦ 0 η0 957.78 8.49 M eV
1++ 8◦
Table 8.1.6 The radially excited pseudoscalar mesons accord-
2++ 28◦ 32.1◦ [2254]
ing to reference [939].
2−+ 33◦ −6.7◦ [2255]
1−− 30◦ Isospin State(s) Mass Width
2−− 33◦ MeV MeV
3−− 33◦ 31.8◦ [2256] 1 π(1300) 1300 200 to 600
3−+ 34◦ 0 η(1295) 1294 55
2++ 26◦ 0 η(1475) 1475 90
3++ 33◦
K(1460) 1482 335
4++ 29◦ Table 8.1.7 A possible third nonet of pseudoscalar mesons.
Isospin State(s) Mass Width
The most comprehensive predictions for nonet mix- MeV MeV
ing angles comes from lattice QCD [484]. Those pre- 1 π(1800) 1810 215
dictions are in good agreement with the known values. 0 η(1760) 1751 240
The mixing angles can also be determined using relative 0
decay rates for the physical isospin 0 states to pairs of 2
K(1830) 1874 168

mesons in the same nonets, to two pseudoscalar mesons,

or to a pseudoscalar and a vector J P C = 1−− meson. the first radial excitation. The Particle Data Group [939]
Determinations exploiting decay rates exist for several identifies the states listed in Table 8.1.6 as the nonet of
nonets [2252]. In Table 8.1.4 are listed the lattice QCD radially excited pseudoscalar mesons. One could also
predictions as well as several determinations of mixing associate the π(1800), η(1760) and K(1830) together
angles from decay measurements. The one discrepancy as a third nonet as listed in Table 8.1.7. However in
between lattice and decay rate predictions are in the additon to the second radial excitation, there is a pre-
2−+ nonet; this may be due to incorrect assignments dicted pseudoscalar glueball (see Section 8.4) as well as
and is discussed later. a nonet of J P C = 0−+ hybrid mesons (see Section 8.3).
With regard to the η(1295) state, we believe that its
8.1.5 Light-quark mesons status deserves some scrutiny and that the η(1405) and
η(1475) should be the two I = 0 members of the radially
The pseudoscalar mesons excited pseudoscalar mesons. For the η(1295), there is
The J P C = 0−+ mesons are spin singlets with 0 orbital a single report in radiative J/ψ decays [2257, 2258], but
angular momentum and are known as the pseudoscalar there is ambiguity about whether the signal is η(1295)
mesons. They are listed in Table 8.1.5. These are the or f1 (1285). It has not been reported in other J/ψ mea-
lightest mesons, and with the exception of the η 0 , all surements since then, while there has been extensive
their decays are either weak or electromagnetic. In ad- results of the η 0 , η(1405) and η(1475). The majority of
dition, the mixing of this nonet is quite different from the observations have been in pion production [2259–
other nonets in that the mixing angle is small, and the 2263] where there are generally contributions from both
η and η 0 are very close to being SU(3) octet and singlet the η(1295) and the f1 (1285). In pp̄ annihilation, both
states respectively. the η(1405) [2264] and the η(1475) [2265] have been
In addition to the ground state pseudoscalar mesons, observed, but no observation of the η(1295) has been
there can also be radially excited states. Both excited reported.
πs, the π(1300) and π(1800), and ηs, the η(1295), the
η(1405), the η(1475), η(1760) and the η(2225) have The vector mesons
been observed. The K(1460) and K(1830) are the ob- A spin triplet system with L = 0 forms the J P C = 1−−
served J P = 0− states. The lighter is consistent with nonet, its members are known as vector mesons. These
264 8 MESONS

Table 8.1.8 The vector mesons. Table 8.1.11 The pseudo vector mesons.
Isospin State(s) Mass Width Isospin State(s) Mass Width
1 ρ(770) 775.26 149.1 1 b1 (1235) 1229.5 142
0 ω(782) 782.65 8.49 0 h1 (1170) 1166 375
0 φ(1020) 1019.461 4.249 0 h1 (1415) 1416 90
K ∗± (892) 891.66 50.8 1
K ∗0 (892) 895.5 47.3
Table 8.1.12 The axial vector mesons.
Table 8.1.9 The radially excited vector mesons.
Isospin State(s) Mass Width
Isospin State(s) Mass Width MeV MeV
MeV MeV 1 a1 (1260) 1230 250 to 600
1 ρ(1450) 1465 400
0 f1 (1285) 1281.9 22, 7
0 ω(1420) 1410 290
0 φ(1680) 1680 150 0 f1 (1420) 1426.3 54.5
1 1
K ∗ (1410) 1414 232 2
Table 8.1.10 A possible fourth nonet of vector mesons.
Isospin State(s) Mass Width strangeness have J P = 1+ which is the same as those
1 ρ(1900)
in the J P C = 1++ axial vector mesons. Because of
0 this, the two states can mix, and it is believed that the
0 φ(2170) 2162 100 physical states, K1 (1270) and K1 (1400), are mixtures
of the SU(3) states, K1A and K1B , with a mixing angle
θK1 = −(33.6 ± 4.3)◦ [2267] conventionally defined by
mesons are shown in Table 8.1.8. The dominant decay 
| K1 (1270)i
sin θK1 cos θK1

| K1A i

modes of the vector mesons are through the strong in- | K1 (1400)i
cos θK1 − sin θK1 | K1B i
teraction to two or three pseudoscalar mesons and the
states are nearly ideally mixed with the ω nearly all uū
and dd, ¯ while the φ is nearly all ss̄. The scalar mesons
In addition to the expected radial excitations of the A spin triplet with L = 1 can form three possible J P C s:
vector mesons, the L = 2, S = 1 q q̄ system can also 0++ , 1++ and 2++ . The 0++ states are known as scalar
have J P C = 1−− . Finally, there is a nonet of hybrid mesons and are discussed in Section 8.2 because there
mesons expected with the same J P C . Thus, we expect are added complications which make it difficult to dis-
disentangling of the excited vector meson spectrum to cuss them with the other mesons. There is also signif-
be tricky. The reported states in I = 1 are ρ(1450), icant discussion of the scalar states and their relation
ρ(1570), ρ(1700), ρ(1900) and ρ(2150). In the I = 0 to the scalar glueball, see Section 8.4).
system, ω(1420), ω(1680), φ(1680) and φ(2170) have
been reported. Finally, for I = 12 , the K ∗ (1410) and The axial vector mesons
K ∗ (1680) are known. The Particle Data Group iden- The L = 1 J P C = 1++ mesons are known as the ax-
tifies the radially excited states as in Table 8.1.9. The ial vector mesons and are listed in Table 8.1.12. As
states identified with the D-wave nonet are listed in Ta- noted earlier in the discussion of the pseudo vector
ble 8.1.16 and discussed later. Finally, the ρ(1900) and mesons, the SU(3) K1B state is a mixture of the phys-
φ(2170) could be part of another nonet; either the hy- ical K1 (1270) and K1 (1400) states. In addition to the
brid nonet or the second radial excitation of the ground- states listed, two additional states have been reported.
state vector mesons (Table 8.1.10). The f1 (1510) has been seen in kaon production [2268,
2269] as well as pion production [2270] decaying to
The pseudo vector mesons K ∗ K. These productions and decay would favor an ss̄
Spin singlet states with L = 1 form the J P C = 1+− interpretation of the f1 (1510), but it is probably too
nonet, and are known as the pseudo vector mesons. light to be the radial excitation. A second state, the
These mesons are listed in Table 8.1.11. There is one a1 (1640) is identified as the radial excitation of the
known state beyond those listed in the table, the h1 (1595) a1 (1270). This has been observed in pion production
which has been reported in pion production [2266]. There with the most significant observation in reference [2271].
is also an interesting complication with the kaonic states It has also been reported in D decays [2272].
where C-parity is not defined. The states with open
8.1 The meson mass spectrum, a survey 265

Table 8.1.13 The tensor mesons. Table 8.1.15 The pseudo tensor mesons.
Isospin State(s) Mass Width Isospin State(s) Mass Width
1 a2 (1320) 1316.9 107 to 600 1 π2 (1670) 1670.6 258
0 f2 (1270) 1275.5 186.7 0 η2 (1645) 1617 181
0 f20 (1525) 1517.4 86 0 η2 (1870) 1842 225
K2∗ (1430) 1427 100 1
K2 (1770) 1773 186

Table 8.1.14 The radial excitations of the tensor mesons. Table 8.1.16 The L = 2 1−− vector mesons.
Isospin State(s) Mass Width Isospin State(s) Mass Width
1 a2 (1700) 1698 265 to 600 1 ρ(1700) 1720 250
0 f2 (1640) 1639 99 0 ω(1650) 1670 315
0 f2 (1950) 1936 464 0
K2∗ (1980) 1995 349 1
K ∗ (1680) 1718 322

The tensor mesons tion π − p → φφn [2284] and were discussed as one or
The last L = 1 nonet contains the J P C = 2++ tensor three glueballs. This interpretation is supported by a
mesons, where the states are listed in Table 8.1.13. This recent analysis of BESIII data on radiative J/ψ decays
well-established nonet is close to ideally mixed as noted (see Section 8.4). In any case, a careful examination of
in Table 8.1.3. As with the vector mesons, there is a sec- the I = 0 J P C = 2++ data with high statistics experi-
ond L, S combination that can exist for J P C = 2++ , ments is merited.
L = 3 and S = 1. In addition, one of the lightest glue-
balls is also expected to have these quantum numbers, The pseudo tensor mesons
and of course radial excitations should be present. Mesons formed with S = 0 and L = 2 have J P C = 2−+
With regard to excited states, there is a second a2 and are known as the pseudo tensor mesons. The known
state, the a2 (1700), which the Particle Data Group as- states are listed in Table 8.1.15. In addition to the ra-
sociates with the radial excitation of the tensor mesons. dial excitations of these states, there is also a nonet of
This assignment is based on mass, where we would ex- hybrid mesons expected. The latter are likely slightly
pect the radial a2 state to be close in mass to the heavier than the mesons in Table 8.1.15. There are three
a1 (1640), the radial excitation of the a1 . The L = 3 known states beyond those in the table, the π2 (1880),
state is expected to have similar mass to other L = 3 π2 (2005) and the π2 (2100). It is also interesting that
states, where here the a4 (1970) anchors these nonet the decay patterns of the η2 (1645) and the η2 (1870)
around 2 GeV. The a2 (1700) has been observed in many both look like those for a uū/dd¯ state and not an ss̄
production mechanisms including pion production [2271, state [2285]. This suggests that the η2 (1870) might be
2273–2276], pp̄ annihilation [2277–2280], two-photon pro- paired with the π2 (1880) in a third nonet. However,
duction [2281, 2282] and ψ 0 radiative decays [2283]. studies of the axial anomaly [2252] favor the assignment
For the isospin 0 states, there is an overpopula- in Table 8.1.15, but with an unusual mixing angle that
tion of f2 states, with 10 additional states beyond the is inconsistent with lattice, as shown in Table 8.1.4.
two ground state tensors reported. These include the
f2 (1430), f2 (1565), f2 (1640), f2 (1810), f2 (1910), f2 (1950), The D-state vector mesons
f2 (2010), f2 (2150), f2 (2300) and f2 (2340). For I = 12 , The mesons formed from an S = 1, L = 2 q q̄ system can
there is a single state, the K2∗ (1980). The Particle Data have J P C = 1−− , 2−− and 3−− and are referred to as
Group identifies the radially excited states as listed in vector mesons. The Particle Data Group identifies the
Table 8.1.14. With the radial states accounting for 2 of states listed in Table 8.1.16 with the 1−− states, where
the 10 extra states, a second pair in the L = 4 mesons, there is no candidate for the φ state which is probably
probably above 2 GeV in mass, and a glueball state, expected with a mass in the 1.8 to 1.9 GeV mass region.
there are still 5 states. Presumably several of the re- For the J P C = 2−− states, very little is known with
ported states are all the same state, with low statis- the only assignment made by the Particle Data Group
tics and differences in production mechanisms account- being the K2 (1820). However, similar to the K1A and
ing for the differences. Three of the isoscalar tensor K1B of the 1+− and 1++ nonets, the kaonic states from
states were observed in the OZI rule suppressed reac- the 2−+ and 2−− nonets can also mix.
266 8 MESONS

Table 8.1.17 The L = 2 3−− vector mesons.

Isospin State(s) Mass Width
1 ρ3 (1690) 1688.8 161
0 ω3 (1670) 1677 168
0 φ3 (1850) 1854 87
K3∗ (1780) 1776 159

Table 8.1.18 The L = 3 4++ mesons.

Isospin State(s) Mass Width
1 a4 (1970) 1967 324
0 f4 (2050) 2018 237
0 f4 (2300) 2320 260
Fig. 8.1.2 The pseudoscalar meson Regge trajectories as
K4∗ (2045) 2048 199 a function of the orbital angular momentum l. The isospin
Table 8.1.19 The L = 4 5−− vector mesons. 0 trajectory has been shifted by 12 unit in l to the right.
The established states, π, b1 (1235), π2 (1670), η, h1 (1170)
Isospin State(s) Mass Width and η2 (1645) are shown in blue. The states shown in green,
MeV MeV b3 (2030), π4 (2250), h3 (2025) and η4 (2330), need confirmation.
1 ρ5 (2350) 2350 400 The fitted slopes are consistent with 1.20 GeV2 for I = 1 and
0 1.37 GeV2 for I = 0 as in reference [2289].
K5∗ (2380) 2382 178

The J P C = 3−− nonet is one of the well estab-

lished nonets where a mixing angle is also reported.
These states are listed in Table 8.1.17. In addition to
the listed states, there are two additional ρ3 states re-
ported in literature. The ρ3 (1990) is reported in pp̄ an-
nihilation [2286, 2287], and the ρ3 (2250) reported in
both p̄p annihilation and in ψ 0 decays [2286, 2288]. The
lighter state could be a radial excitation of the L = 2
ρ3 (1690). The higher mass state is of similar mass to
the ρ5 (2350) and could be an L = 4 meson.

Fig. 8.1.3 The vector meson Regge trajectories as a func-

Higher excitations tion of the orbital angular momentum l. The isospin 0 trajec-
Going beyond the L = 2 mesons, less is known, with the tory has been shifted by 12 unit in l to the right. The estab-
most information tending to be on the nonets with the lished states, ρ(770), a2 (1320), ρ3 (1690), a4 (1970), ρ5 (2350),
largest J. For the case of L = 3, there are candidates ω(781), f2 (1270), ω3 (1670) and f4 (2050) are shown in blue.
The states shown in green, a6 (2540) and ω5 (2250) need con-
for the J P C = 4++ mesons as shown in Table 8.1.18. firmation. The fitted slopes are consistent with 1.10 GeV2 for
There should also be a 2++ and 3++ nonet as well as I = 1 and 1.09 GeV2 for I = 0 as in reference [2289].
a J P C = 3+− nonet. While as noted in the tensor me-
son section, there are a large number of reported f2
states, in particular the f2 (2010), f2 (2150), f2 (2300) member of either of the J = 4 nonets. There are also
and f2 (2340), assigning any of these to an L = 3 nonet two ρ3 states reported, the ρ3 (1990) and the ρ3 (2250).
is not clear. There is also a J P = 3+ kaonic state, the The latter state is of similar mass to the ρ5 (2350) and
K3 (2320) which could be a member of either of the spin could be an L = 4 meson. The lighter state could be a
3 nonets. radial excitation of the L = 2 ρ3 (1690).
For the L = 4 mesons, the highest spin is J P C =
5 , and a few states with these quantum numbers are

known, as listed in Table 8.1.19. There should also be

a 3−− , 4−− and 4−+ nonet for which a few states are
reported. For I = 12 the K4 (2500) which could be a
8.2 The light scalars 267

8.1.6 The leading Regge trajectories 8.2 The light scalars

The original meson Regge trajectories76 described a José R. Peláez
linear relation between the mass squared and the or-
bital angular momentum of mesons [1072, 2290], where 8.2.1 Introduction
the trajectories include J P C = 0−+ , 1+− , 2−+ , 3+− , · · ·
Light scalar mesons are treated in a separate subsection
and 1−− , 2++ , 3−− , 4++ , 5−− , · · · . In reality, the trajec-
because, on the one hand, both their existence and na-
tories are often more complicated than the simple linear
ture have been the subject of a six-decade-long debate
form. In a simplified picture when the quarks can be re-
that predates QCD. On the other hand, they are par-
garded as ultrarelativistic, a linear confining potential
ticularly interesting because they play a very relevant
leads to linear Regge trajectories, while in the nonrela-
role in several aspects, gathered below in seven items
tivistic regime, the trajectories would be nonlinear, and
for concreteness, some of them already present before
the intermediate regime would lead to a transition in
QCD, some others after.
the slope of the Regge trajectories. In the ultrarela-
First of all, in 1955, well before QCD was formu-
tivistic regime, the Regge slope depends on the string
lated, Johnson and Teller [2291] proposed the existence
tension, while more generally it depends on both the
of a light scalar-isoscalar field to explain the attractive
quark masses and the tension. See reference [2289] for
part of the nucleon-nucleon interaction. Two years later,
a more detailed discussion on this. In addition to the
Schwinger suggested that such a field, which he named
trajectories in orbital angular momentum l, there are
σ, could be an isospin singlet, difficult to observe due
also trajectories in the radial excitation quantum num-
to its huge width caused by its most likely very strong
ber, n. From a simple linear confining potential with
coupling to two pions.
string tension σ, the orbital trajectory is given in equa-
Second, in the early sixties, Gell-Mann and Levy
tion 8.1.14 and the radial as in equation 8.1.15, where
[2292] considered this field as the fourth member of a
one would expect universal slopes in both cases, with
multiplet together with the three pions to build the
the slopes related by a factor of π2 .
popular “Linear sigma model” (LσM). Such a state
M 2 = 8σl + c1 , (8.1.14) could also be generated dynamically in the Nambu and
M = 4πσn + c2 . (8.1.15) Jona-Lasinio (NJL) models [54, 2209]. These relatively
simple models were able to explain the light masses of
For light-quark mesons, the slopes are similar, but the pions, kaons and eta, and their mass gap with re-
not universal. The orbital trajectories starting with the spect to the other hadrons, since they are the Nambu-
pseudoscalar mesons are shown in Fig. 8.1.2. The slopes Goldstone Bosons (NGB) of a spontaneous chiral sym-
for the two are found to be 1.20 GeV2 and 1.37 GeV2 metry breaking observed in the spectrum. Actually, they
respectively. The orbital trajectories starting with the are pseudo-NGB, because they are not strictly massless.
vector mesons are shown in Fig. 8.1.3. In these cases, The masses of light-scalar mesons are closely related
the slopes are found to be 1.10 GeV2 and 1.09 GeV2 to the size of the non-zero vacuum expectation value,
respectively. particularly those that share its same quantum num-
bers. Details of their interactions are also related to the
specifics of the spontaneous breaking mechanism. The
consequences of chiral symmetry were initially worked
out with current-algebra methods as described in Sec-
tion 1. Of particular interest for us will be the deriva-
tive interactions of NGB among themselves and the re-
quirement of an Adler-zero below threshold in the NGB
scattering amplitudes [20]. The leading order at low en-
ergies of those amplitudes was obtained by Weinberg in
Third, since light scalars are the lightest states in
the QCD spectrum that are not pseudo-NGB, we may
expect them to fit as ordinary quark-antiquark mesons
within the Quark Model that was proposed in the mid
60’s [17, 18]. However, they do not, as we will see re-
See paragraph The Regge approach and QCD in Section 12.6 peatedly below. Moreover, within the Quark Model, an-
for an introduction to Regge phenomenolgy other scalar strange state, relatively similar to the σ
268 8 MESONS

and called κ, was proposed by Dalitz in 1965 [2293], 𝐾𝐾0∗0 (700) 𝐾𝐾0∗+ (700)
with a quark-antiquark assignment in a simple poten-
tial model, or more generally “simply on the basis of JP= 0+
SU(3) symmetry”. The existence of these two states,
the σ and κ, nowadays known as f0 (500) and K0∗ (700), 𝑎𝑎0− (980) 𝑎𝑎00 (980) 𝑎𝑎0+ (980)
has been very controversial until very recently, because 𝑓𝑓0 (500) 𝑓𝑓0 (980)
they are extremely wide and difficult to observe. Actu-
ally, since they were first proposed, there were many ex-
perimental and phenomenological claims of such states,
sometimes narrow, sometimes wide, sometimes lighter 𝐾𝐾0∗− (700) 𝐾𝐾0∗0 (700)
than 1 GeV, sometimes heavier and sometimes absent.
The list of references is huge and we refer the reader Fig. 8.2.1 Light scalar nonet. Note the inverted hierarchy with
to the Review of Particle Properties (RPP) [939] and respect to the naive q q̄ assignment in Fig. 8.1.1, according to
the evolution of its “Note on Light Scalars” over the which the a0 (980) should be ∼ 200 MeV lighter than the
K0∗ (700).
years, as well as the historical accounts in relatively re-
cent reviews [2294, 2295]. An additional pair of scalar
mesons, sitting very close to the K K̄ threshold at 980
MeV, were soon identified, presently known as f0 (980) Sixth, given the quark constituent masses, tetraquarks
and a0 (980). These are narrower and their existence has would be naively expected to appear naturally around
not been controversial, although their mass and width 1.4 GeV, if they appear at all. However, based on the
values have changed slightly over the years. All in all dominance of the magnetic contribution of gluon in-
they form the lightest scalar SU(3) nonet in Fig. 8.2.1. teractions, Jaffe [2299] was able to build, within the
Note the largely broken flavor symmetry since the dif- ”bag”model, tetraquarks well below 1 GeV. This sug-
ference in the nominal masses is as large as 480 MeV. In gests the existence of two 0+ nonets, one made of such
addition, the mass hierarchy is inverted with respect to tetraquarks, below 1 GeV, that on a first approxima-
the naive expectations for an ordinary nonet of quark- tion could be identified with the nonet in Fig. 8.2.1
antiquark states as in Fig. 8.1.1. For example, since in and another one made of ordinary q q̄ above 1 GeV.
such a scheme the a0 (980) would contain no strange This is how light scalars became the first non-ordinary-
valence quarks or antiquarks it should be about 200 meson candidates, in the form of tetraquarks, or meson
MeV lighter than the K0∗ (700), with one valence strange molecules. Still, they are not usually considered “ex-
quark or antiquark. But this is precisely the opposite otics”, but “crypto-exotics”, since their quantum num-
of what is found for the lightest scalars. bers can also be built with ordinary quark-antiquark
Fourth, light scalars, and particularly the σ and κ, configurations, with which they will necessarily mix,
are difficult to include in the linear Regge trajectories thus complicating this simple picture.
that the other ordinary mesons follow [2296–2298] . Seventh and final, despite QCD being non pertur-
These linear trajectories are related to the confinement bative at low energies, its symmetries, and particularly
mechanism. This difficulty became clear only around the spontaneous symmetry breaking of chiral symmetry
the time when the existence of the lightest scalars was leading to a mass gap between NGB and other hadrons,
being settled, and although QCD had already been for- allow for a systematic low-energy (and low-mass) ex-
mulated, it played no direct role in this discussion. pansion of amplitudes involving pions, kaons and the
With the advent of QCD new interesting perspec- eta. The mathematical formulation in terms of an Ef-
tives arose. In particular: fective Theory [1387] in the meson sector, has been pre-
Fifth, one of the most attractive possibilities of a sented in Section 6.2 and is called Chiral Perturbation
non-abelian gauge theory like QCD is the existence Theory (ChPT) [64, 1570]. Being the next less mas-
of glueballs, discussed in Section 8.4. The lightest one sive states after the NGB, one would naively expect
is expected to have scalar-isoscalar quantum numbers, the lightest scalars to saturate the ChPT parameters at
and to appear as an “extra state” beyond the quark NLO discussed in Section 6.2. Once again, they do not,
SU(3) multiplets. It is therefore important to identify but the vector mesons do instead. This suggests once
all states within some light-scalar meson SU(3) nonets. again that the dynamics that govern the formation of
For this, strange states are important, since they do not light scalars might be different from that of ordinary
mix with glueballs and count how many quark nonets mesons like the vectors. With all those pieces of moti-
exist. vation in mind, the rest of the section is divided in two
parts. First we will describe the light-scalars present
8.2 The light scalars 269

Isospin State(s) Mass Width width of most of these resonances, there must be some
(MeV) (MeV) mixing between states with the same quantum num-
0 f0 (500) 400-550 400-700 bers in different nonets. This mixing most likely dis-
1/2 K0∗ (700) 630-730 520-680 torts the mass hierarchies expected if they were nar-
0 f0 (980) 980-1010 40-70 row. Many mixing schemes have been proposed, but
1 a0 (980) 960-1030 40-140 they only make sense for the flavor part of the wave
0 f0 (1370) 1200-1500 200-500 function. We will see below one such treatment. Unfor-
1/2 K0∗ (1430) 1425 ± 50 270 ± 80 tunately, they are often used for the spatial or momen-
1 a0 (1450) 1474 ± 19 265 ± 13 tum part, which would only make sense in the narrow
0 f0 (1500) 1506 ± 6 112 ± 9 width approximation for almost stable mesons, which
0 f0 (1710) 1704 ± 12 123 ± 18 is not the case of any pair of light scalars with the same
quantum numbers, and should be avoided (see Section
Table 8.2.1 Scalar light mesons below 1.9 GeV as listed in the
4.6.2 in [2294] and references therein).
RPP[278]. Note that for the first nonet we have taken the “T -
matrix pole” parameters, not available for the rest. Also, there In general, light-scalar-meson parameters have much
seems to be one f0 state too many to form a second nonet. bigger uncertainties than those of other mesons. This
is because their large widths make them often overlap
one another as well as with other analytic features like
status, paying attention to the dispersive and analytic thresholds. As a consequence, in many analyses they
methods used to settle the controversy about their ex- do not show up as clean resonance peaks and their ob-
istence, and other dispersive applications that are of served shapes can vary strongly, depending on specific
relevance for the next part. Since the purpose of this features of their production, becoming dips or or be-
work is to celebrate the 50th anniversary of QCD, we ing even completely masked. It is therefore essential to
apologize for discussing in the second part only the most determine light-scalar-meson parameters from process-
direct connections with it. Namely, their description in independent quantities. In particular, resonances are
terms of (unitarized) ChPT and their dependence on rigorously defined through their associated poles in the
the number of colors and quark masses. We will then complex plane, that we briefly describe next.
discuss what can we conclude from these results.
8.2.2 Resonance poles and dispersive determina-
Present status tions
As it is customary, and given the present precision, we
consider the isospin limit. At present, 19 well-established Resonance poles
scalar mesons are identified in the RPP [278] below 1.9 These are poles appearing in the complex s-plane of
GeV, which we list in Table 8.2.1 with their present any T -matrix element describing a process where a res-
names. We have already classified 9 of them in the onance R is produced as an intermediate state. As a
lightest scalar nonet in Fig. 8.2.1. The other 10 are technical remark, these poles appear in conjugated pairs
3 isoscalars, f0 (1370), f0 (1500), f0 (1710), the a0 (1450) in the Riemann sheet that is reached when crossing con-
isovectors with their 3 different charges, and the K0∗ (1430) tinuously from above the square-root cuts associated to
in 4 different combinations of strangeness amd charge. the center-of-mass (CM) momenta of the particles in
There are more scalar mesons, but they all lie nomi- the physically available intermediate states. This sheet
nally at or above 1.95 GeV. Hence, given the amount is sometimes called “adjacent”, ”proximal” and in the
of strange scalars and isovectors, there must be two elastic case ”second” sheet. Out of the conjugate pair, it
nonets below 1.75 GeV. Looking at their masses, one is the pole in the lower-half plane that most influences
lies below 1 GeV and the other one around 1.4 GeV. the behavior of the amplitude on the real axis. Then, its
Note, however, that above 1 GeV there seems to be one position sR is related to the resonance mass and width

scalar state too many. This agrees with the expectation as sR ≡ M − iΓ/2. The familiar peak shape in the
for the lightest QCD glueball, that will be discussed in modulus squared of the amplitude is clearly observed
Section 8.4. for real-physical values of s only when the resonance is
Comparing with other mesons made of light quarks narrow and well isolated from other singularities. Only
discussed in Section 8.1, we see that, for similar masses, in such cases the simple Breit-Wigner (BW) approxi-
they tend to have larger widths. The exception are the mation, or models like K-matrices or isobar sums, etc...
f0 (980) and a0 (980), which are narrower than the rest may be justified. However, this is not the case for most
because their decay into K K̄ is suppressed due to their scalars and definitely not for the f0 (500) and K0∗ (700),
proximity to the K K̄ threshold. Given the O(100) MeV which have been the most controversial and latest states
270 8 MESONS

to be accepted as well established in the RPP. This which in turn imposes the following unitarity bounds:
is the reason why in Table 8.2.1 we provide the “T -
|f`I (s)| ≤ 1/σ(s). (8.2.5)
matrix pole” mass and widths, avoiding ”Breit-Wigner”
parameters. Knowing the imaginary part of f`I on the cut allows us
Let us then briefly comment on how the poles of to write a very simple relation between the S-matrix in
those states are determined by means of model inde- the first (I) and second (II) sheet:
pendent dispersive and analytic techniques, although
we first need to define partial waves. 1 f (I)
S` = (I)
, f (II) (s) = ,
S` 1 + 2iσ(s)f (I)
Partial waves
where the isospin and angular-momentum indices have
Resonances and their quantum numbers are most eas-
been momentarily suppressed for convenience. Note that
ily identified using partial waves of definite isospin and
in the second sheet σ(s∗ ) = −σ(s)∗ .
angular momentum `. For rigorous determinations of
Nevertheless, in the σ and κ case we still need to
the lightest scalar mesons, the most relevant process
know the value of f`I in the first Riemann sheet, but
is meson-meson scattering, whose partial waves are de-
very deep in the complex plane. Unfortunately, the con-
fined as follows:
tinuation to the complex plane is a hard and unstable
mathematical problem. Different parameterizations or
Z 1
f`I (s) = dzs P` (zs )F I (s, t(zs )), (8.2.1)
32πK −1 models, seemingly equivalent when describing data in
a given region, may lead to different analytic continua-
where F I (s, t) are the amplitudes, or elements of the T - tions and different poles. The rigorous way of extending
matrix, of definite isospin I; s, t are the usual Mandel- the amplitudes to the complex plane is through disper-
stamm variables, P` the Legendre polynomials and zs sion relations, if available, and analytic continuation
the scattering angle in the s channel. Note that K = 1, 2 techniques.
for Kπ and ππ, respectively, because, for hadron inter-
actions, pions are identical particles in the isospin limit Analyticity and dispersion relations
that we will use. Relativistic causality implies that the amplitude F (s, t),
It is convenient to recast partial waves in terms of for fixed t, must be analytic in the first Riemann sheet
the phase shift δ`I and elasticity η`I as follows: of the complex s-plane except for the real axis. In the
I absence of bound states in meson-meson scattering, only
η I (s)ei2δ` (s) − 1 2q(s) singularity cuts are present on the real axis. First of
f`I (s) = ` , σ(s) = √ , (8.2.2)
2iσ(s) s all, a right-hand-cut (RHC) appears from threshold to
where q is the CM momentum of the scattering par- +∞. Crossing this RHC continuously leads to the adja-
ticles. In the elastic regime η`I = 1 and we can write: cent Riemann sheet, where resonance poles may exist.
In turn, crossing symmetry implies that there is a left-
hand-cut (LHC) from −∞ to s = −t due to cuts in
f`I (s) =
eiδ` (s) sin δ`I (s)
. (8.2.3) the u channels. In particular, the LHC extends up to
σ(s) s = 0 for forward scattering (t = 0) and for partial-wave
amplitudes. Finally, for scattering of two particles with
For later purposes it is important to recall that we are
different masses, the P` (cos θ) integration in the partial
interested in poles in the second Riemann sheet. Let us
wave definition yields a circular cut of radius |m21 − m22 |
illustrate the elastic case, where the analytic continu-
centered at s = 0. Then, Cauchy’s integral formula re-
ation to the second sheet through the physical cut is
lates the amplitude at any s in the first Riemann sheet
very simple. Moreover, it is the most relevant for the
with integrals over the amplitude imaginary part along
σ/f0 (500) and κ/K0∗ (700), since they appear in elas-
the cuts. These are called dispersion relations.
tic ππ and πK scattering, respectively, well below the
Since Cauchy’s Integral formula applies to functions
next open threshold. For elastic partial waves, the fol-
that depend on one variable, say s, the other variables
lowing relation holds: S` = 1 + 2iσ(s)f` . Note that,
have to be fixed or integrated over. Of particular in-
in the partial-wave context, the T -matrix is actually
terest are forward dispersion relations (FDRs), which
called f . In addition, above threshold, the unitarity of
correspond to the fixed-t case with t = 0. Also of in-
the S-matrix implies
terest for our discussion below are hyperbolic disper-
Im f`I (s) = σ(s)|f`I (s)|2 , Im f`I (s)−1 = −σ(s), sion relations, obtained when s, t, u are fixed to lie on
an hyperbola (s − a)(u − a) = b. Any of these rela-
tions can also be integrated in t as in Eq. (8.2.1) to
8.2 The light scalars 271

obtain a partial-wave dispersion relation. In principle, σ/f0 (500) and κ/K0∗ and their resulting parameters
forward dispersion relations are applicable at any s, but were provided in [2308] and [2309], respectively.
for different fixed-t and hyperbolic cases the applicabil- – Data driven approach. Here Roy-like equations are
ity is reduced. These applicability domains affect those used as constraints on fits to the S and P partial-
of the partial waves, depending on how they have been wave data [2310]. Data sets that are largely incon-
obtained (see the appendix in [2295] for details). sistent with these constraints are discarded. Addi-
Generically, the most complicated part of the calcu- tional contributions from higher energies and partial
lation are the left and circular cuts. Within the context waves are constrained with forward dispersion rela-
of light scalars, partial-wave dispersion relations are the tions and sum rules. Simple parameterizations are
most relevant and we can crudely group their most fre- then fitted to the remaining data, but constrained
quent uses into two categories precision dispersive ap- to satisfy Roy-like equations in different versions
proaches and unitarization techniques. and/or number of subtractions, as well as forward
Before discussing these two uses in detail, let us dispersion relations up to 1.42 GeV for ππ [2304]
just mention that dispersive approaches also constrain and up to 1.6 GeV for πK [2311]. The latter was
Regge trajectories and they hence can be used to calcu- later coupled to ππ → K K̄ and studied in [2295]
late, not fit, the Regge parameters of resonances using with Roy-Steiner equations. With this approach the
their poles as input. While the resulting trajectories σ/f0 (500) and κ/K0∗ (700) poles were obtained in
for ordinary mesons like the ρ(770), K ∗ (892), f20 (1525), [2310] and [2295, 2312], respectively.
f20 (1525) come out [2297, 2300] with a rather small
Recall that dispersion relations are written in the
imaginary part and a dominant real part, whose s de-
first Riemann sheet. However, in both approaches above,
pendence is almost a straight line, as expected, those
poles can be determined within a fully dispersive ap-
for the f0 (500) and κ come at odds with the ordinary
proach, because the second sheet can be easily obtained
behavior [2297, 2298]. This explains why the latter do
using Eq. (8.2.6). In contrast, accessing the “contigu-
not fit well in the usual phenomenological Regge plots.
ous” sheet in the inelastic regime requires additional
analytic continuation methods. Detailed reports on the
Precision dispersive approaches:
dispersive determinations of the σ/f0 (500) and κ/K0∗ (700)
We aim at mathematical rigor to establish the exis-
poles can be found in [2294] and [2295], respectively.
tence of the σ and κ poles and at precision to deter-
For convenience we have gathered their resulting poles
mine their parameters. Note that these are the poles
in Tables 8.2.2 and 8.2.3. We also provide the mod-
closest to the left and circular cuts. Therefore, those
ulus of the coupling to the dominant decay channel.
cuts can be rewritten using the partial-wave expan-
Note that the uncertainty and spread of the disper-
sion of the crossed channels. This complicates the inte-
sive results is much smaller than the RPP estimates in
grands, and the new relations then couple different par-
Table 8.2.1. This is because other non-dispersive and
tial waves and channels. These relations are generically
model-dependent determinations are included in the
called Roy-like equations [2301]. There are variations
RPP estimate. However, the existence of two indepen-
like Roy-Steiner ([2302, 2303] for different masses and
dent dispersive approaches was decisive to consider both
hyperbolic relations), GKPY ([2304] with minimal sub-
resonances as well established in the RPP 2012 and
tractions), etc. Their applicability is reduced in prac-
2020 editions, respectively, changing their nominal masses
tice to energies around 1.1 GeV for ππ [2305, 2306]
in their names to be closer to their pole values.
and πK scattering [2307]. The inelastic, higher-energy,
Note that the f0 (980) pole was obtained simulta-
and higher-wave contributions are calculated from phe-
neously within the same framework [2304, 2308]. How-
nomenological fits. They have been used with two ap-
ever, being a narrow resonance and further away from
left cuts, its pole is more similar to those obtained with
– Solving the equations for the lowest partial waves ` = other methods. Finally, some of these analytic continu-
0, 1, in the region of interest, without using any data ation methods — using dispersively constrained input
in that region. All other contributions come from — have been applied to determine the poles of further
phenomenological fits. Sometimes these are supple- mesons in the inelastic regime, including the scalars
mented with ChPT constraints, which reduce con- K0 (1430) [2315], f0 (1370) and f0 (1500) [2316]. In such
siderably the uncertainties. Thus, poles and results case Eqs. (8.2.3), (8.2.4) and (8.2.6) do not hold and the
in the resonance region could be considered as pre- use of analytic continuation methods is unavoidable to
dictions from the equations and the other terms suppress any model dependence.
(and ChPT if used). The proof of the applicability
of this approach to determine the existence of the
272 8 MESONS

8.2.3 Light scalars and QCD waves in the scalar channel with lowest isospin are:
2s − Mπ2
In the previous section, we have discussed how the rig- f00 (s) = , (8.2.7)
orous dispersive approach was instrumental in settling
the controversy about the existence and parameters of 1/2 5s2 − 2(MK 2
+ Mπ2 )s − 3(MK
− Mπ2 )2
f0 (s) = .
the σ and κ. Once this is settled, we now concentrate 128πFπ s2

on light scalars within the context of QCD, which is the ChPT amplitudes are an expansion in powers of p
subject of this volume. and cannot satisfy the unitarity condition in Eq. (8.2.4)
exactly, but just perturbatively:
Unitarized Chiral Perturbation Theory (UChPT)
Being so light, these resonances lie in the non pertur- Imf2 (s) = 0, Imf4 (s) = σ(s)f2 (s)2 , ... (8.2.8)
bative region of QCD, and thus an effective treatment
When p/Λχ is very small, this is not a problem, but the
with ChPT seems appropriate. However, the ChPT se-
violation of unitarity grows with momenta or energy.
ries by itself cannot generate poles and also violates
This violation then becomes a severe caveat to describe
unitarity as the energy reaches the resonance region.
resonances, since in the typical cases, resonant effects
The most successful approach is thus a combination of
saturate the unitarity bound in Eq. 8.2.5. Even worse,
Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) with dispersion re-
the ChPT series cannot generate poles in s and thus,
lation. This is generically known as unitarized ChPT.
in principle cannot generate resonances.
ChPT, which is the low-energy theory of QCD, and
Therefore, if we want to describe resonances, we
is formulated as an expansion in momenta or masses
need to implement unitarity, but also analyticity if we
of the NGB, has been introduced for the meson sector
want to study their associated poles. Let us now provide
in section 6.2.2. Meson-meson scattering partial waves
a simple, but formal, derivation of ChPT unitarization
are then expanded as f (s) = f2 (s) + f4 (s) + ..., where
methods. The elastic unitarity condition in Eq. 8.2.4
f2n (s) = O(p2 /Fπ2 )×O(p/Λχ )2n−2 , where p are the me-
fixes the imaginary part of the inverse partial wave.
son CM momenta or masses, Λχ = 4πF0 and F0 is the
Hence, naively, we just have to use ChPT to calcu-
NGB decay constant at LO, common to all mesons at
late the real part of the inverse amplitude, and write:
that order. Up to higher orders F0 can be approximated
Re(1/f ) = Re 1/(f2 +f4 +...) ' (1/f2 )(1−Ref4 /f2 +...),
by Fπ , FK .... Note that we have suppressed momentar-
since f2 is real from Eq. (8.2.7). Then we write a uni-
ily the isospin and angular momentum indices I, `. As
tarized elastic partial wave at different orders as:
an example, the O(p2 ) or LO ππ and πK elastic partial
fLO (s) = , (8.2.9)
1/f2 (s) − iσ(s)
Table 8.2.2 σ/f0 (500) pole determinations using Roy-Steiner 1
equations and the conservative dispersive estimate [2294] which
fN LO (s) = , ...(8.2.10)
covers them. For the latter we have corrected a typo in the error 1/f2 (s) − Ref4 (s)/f2 (s)2 − iσ(s)

of Im spole which read ±12 MeV instead of ±15 MeV. and similar expressions for NNLO, etc... Note that the
. ChPT series is recovered if re-expanding again. These

σ/f0 (500) spole (MeV) |g| (GeV) expressions are unitary and can be recast in explicitly
Refs. [2308, 2313] (441+16 +9
−8 ) − i(272−12.5 ) 3.31+0.35
−0.15 analytic forms. For instance, using Eqs. 8.2.8, the sec-
Ref. [2314] (442−8 ) − i(274+6
−5 ) - ond one is fN U
LO = f2 /(f2 − f4 ), which is known as

Ref. [2310] (457+14 the NLO Inverse Amplitude Method (IAM). Similar
−13 ) − i(279−7 ) 3.59+0.11
Conservative Dispersive Estimate analytic formulas for higher orders exist [2317–2319].
Ref. [2294] (449+22
−16 ) − i(275 ± 15) 3.45+0.25
Thus these methods can be analytically continued to
the complex plane and the second sheet using Eq. (8.2.6).
Table 8.2.3 κ/K0∗ (700) dispersive pole determinations using This derivation is formal, because strictly speaking we
Roy-Steiner equations. could still not use the expansion of the real part beyond
κ/K0∗ (700)

spole (MeV) |g| (GeV)
the applicability realm of ChPT into the resonance re-
gion. However, there are derivations [2320–2322] from
Ref. [2309] (658 ± 13) − i(279 ± 12)
partial-wave dispersion relations for the inverse partial
Ref. [2295] (648 ± 7) − i(280 ± 16) 3.81 ± 0.09 wave and ChPT is only used in the subtraction con-
stants at s = 0 or in the left and circular cuts. The use of
several subtractions makes those cuts to be dominated
by the low energies, where ChPT is applicable, thus
justifying the use of the Inverse Amplitude Method.
8.2 The light scalars 273

Interestingly, with the simplest possible calculation, Many variations of ChPT unitarization techniques
i.e. using just the LO in Eqs. (8.2.9) and (8.2.7) in the exist in the literature of which, together with the IAM,
chiral limit Mπ , MK → 0, we find the following poles in the simplest and most popular is the Chiral Unitary Ap-
the second Riemann sheets of the partial waves where proach [2326, 2327] (for other variations, see the reports
the σ/f0 (500) and κ/K0∗ (700) are seen: [2294, 2328–2330]), which usually raises the caveat about
√ √ some arbitrariness. However, all unitarization methods
f00 : sσ = (1 − i) 8πF0 ' (463 − i463) MeV,(8.2.11)
√ just correspond to finer or more crude approximations
f0 : sκ = (1 − i)8 π/5F0 ' (638 − i638) MeV, to Re(1/f ) and its ChPT series or to different treat-
where for the numerical values of F02 we have taken ments of the left cut, or even including some additional
Fπ2 ' 92.3 MeV for ππ and Fπ FK for πK scattering, heavier states. But as long as they contain the basic
with FK = 1.19Fπ [278]. Taking into account that this information about the chiral scale, or are equivalent to
is the most naive LO unitarized calculation, with no free the ChPT LO, they all obtain a similar description of
parameters, the lightest scalar masses come remarkably light scalars, whereas vectors or other resonances can
close to their actual values and their widths about a fac- be accommodated only when including enough NLO
tor of 2 too wide. Note that the only dynamical infor- information.
mation is the scale of the spontaneous chiral symmetry Of course, since unitarization methods involve some
breaking, given by F0 . In contrast, if the same proce- truncation of ChPT and approximations, they are not
dure is followed with the vector ` = 1 channels, the re- competitive in precision and rigor with the precise dis-
sulting poles for the ρ(770) and K ∗ (892) come almost persive approaches discussed before. They have, how-
twice too heavy and their widths more than 16 times ever, another advantage, which is that we can study
too wide. This is already an indication that the LO low- the dependence of the resonances on QCD parameters,
energy chiral dynamics plays a predominant role in the which we will describe next.
formation of light scalar resonances, and very little for
other ordinary mesons. Leading QCD 1/Nc behavior
The description of meson-meson scattering at NLO At leading order in the 1/Nc expansion [1163, 2331],
in UChPT is very succesful for both scalar and vector ordinary q q̄ mesons behave as M ∼ O(1) and Γ ∼
partial waves in all isospin combinations (tensor waves O(1/Nc ). Genuine tetraquark states [2332, 2333] have
start at NNLO). In particular, now not only the pole- at least that same Nc behavior, which is even more
width of the scalars comes right, but also the vector suppressed for glueballs.
meson poles and their parameters. Recall that, as ex- First of all, using meson-meson scattering and the
plained in Section 6.2, the NLO ChPT calculations con- light-resonance pole parameters it is possible to build
tain several Low Energy Constants Li (µ), which multi- observables whose sub-dominant Nc corrections are highly
ply the terms in the NLO Lagrangian allowed by sym- suppressed [2334]. When evaluated for the f0 (500) and
metry. They are scale dependent because they absorb, K0∗ (700) the resulting values are at odds with the or-
through renormalization, the loop divergences at pre- dinary meson or glueball behavior by several orders of
vious orders. In addition, they contain the informa- magnitude.
tion about the underlying quark and gluon dynamics, Next, using the effective theory approach, the 1/Nc
namely, QCD. Only when these Li are taken into ac- leading order of the NLO ChPT parameters is known
count it is possible to describe the “ordinary” quark- from √a model-independent analysis: Mπ , MK ∼ O(1),
antiquark vector mesons with UChPT. However, the F0 ∼ Nc and the Li behavior is either O(1) or O(Nc )
Li combinations that appear in the scalar channels are [64, 2335]. If in the UChPT amplitudes we then call
much less relevant numerically and that is why scalar p a parameter whose behavior is O(Nck ) and change
poles come out fairly decent with just the LO UChPT its value to p → p(Nc /3)k , we will obtain the leading
and just information on the chiral breaking scale. 1/Nc behavior of resonances following their associated
So far we have only discussed elastic unitarization. poles as Nc is increased. Thus, already with the sub-
stitution F0 → F0 Nc /3 in the LO UChPT results
But exactly the same naive derivation can be followed
in matrix form to obtain a coupled channel T -matrix in Eqs. (8.2.11), we obtain a non-ordinary behavior
√ for
formalism [2323–2325], only slightly more complicated. both the σ and κ. Namely, their M, Γ ∼ O( Nc ).
When this is done, besides the f0 (500) and K0∗ (700) That was just the naive LO estimate, but the lead-
poles, those associated to the a0 (980) and f0 (980) res- ing 1/Nc dependence within UChPT has been stud-
onances also appear in the Inverse Amplitude Method ied to NLO in [2325, 2336] and NNLO in [2337]. It is
[2325], completing the lightest scalar nonet, as well as then possible to study the light vectors as well, and
those of the ρ(770) and K ∗ (892) vectors. they come remarkably compatible with the expected
274 8 MESONS

ordinary behavior. This is shown for the ρ(770) in the 0

top panel of Fig. 8.2.2. However, the σ and κ poles, Nc=9

shown in the center and bottom panels of Fig. 8.2.2, -40 Nc=6

respectively, 26,
November display
2004again a non-ordinary
14:14 WSPC/146-MPLAbehavior, at 01616 Nc=3
least near the physical value of Nc = 3. This is a ro-

−Γρ/2 (MeV)

bust result also found in other approaches. Of course if

Nc is made very large, the dominance of meson loops -120

governed just by F0 , which are suppressed by 1/Nc ,

fades away. Then, even the tiniest mixture with an or- -160 one-loop SU3 ρ Pole trayectory
dinary meson could dominate at sufficiently large Nc .
We should remark that there is some uncertainty, that -200
400 600 800 1000 1200
grows with Nc due to the scale dependence of the Li ,
Light Scalars as Tetraquarks or Two-Meson States from Large-Nc 2889
Mρ (MeV)

illustrated for the σ in Fig. 8.2.2. Indeed, Fig. 8.2.2

Nc=3 one-loop SU3 σ pole trajectory
shows that the sigma pole could turn back [2338] to
-300 K H892L
0 0
the real axis, well
-10 above 1 GeV. This could be a small
pole movement pole movement
6 Nc
Nc =20 -5 Nc =20
mixture with an -20“ordinary” state around or above 1 6
GeV. This is also-30found in NNLO UChPT Nc =10 [2337]. Sim-

-Γσ/2 (MeV)
-400 6
-10 N12c =10
-i Gê2

ilarly, in other phenomenological

-40 approaches the σ and -i Gê2 Nc

κ only appear when

-50 the unitarizedNmeson-meson
c =5
inter- -15-500
action is included, Nc =5
-60 showing up as an additional pole due 12
to unitarization,-70
in addition to ordinary states above 1 12 µ=770 MeV
µ=1000 MeV
GeV that are present even if meson-mesonNc =3 interactions Nc =3 µ=500 MeV
are turned off (this was400first proposed
600 in800
[2339], 1000
for ad- 1200 -700 700
0 200 800 400 900
600 1000 10001100
800 1200 1200
M MσM(MeV)
ditional references see[2294]). Back to UChPT, the or-
or f0 H600L
0 0
dinary subdominant component restores the ssemi-local
pole movement
duality sum-rules -200[2338] that would be violated if the
Nc =3 -200 Nc =3
light scalars just-400 N =5
disappearedc from the spectrum by be- Nc =5
coming too massive and wide. However, other analyses
-i Gê2

-i Gê2

-600 Nc =10 -600 Nc =10

[2340, 2341], challenged in [2342], yield a σ behavior
closer to the one-800
of the opposite side of the scale uncer- -800
Nc =20
tainty in Fig. 8.2.2,
-1000reaching the third quadrant at very -1000 k pole movement
large Nc , which lacks a clear interpretation. One should
nevertheless recall that the 400 large-N
600 c regime,
800 although
1000 1200 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
of mathematical interest, is not the oneMof relevance for M

the observed Fig.

2. but the leading
Large-N 1/Ncofbehavior
c behavior poles innear Fig.half
the lower 8.2.2of theTrajectories
second of the ρ(770)
Riemann (top),ofσ/f
sheet 0 (500)
the unita- (center)
Nc = 3. rized one-loop meson–meson scattering amplitude and κ/K ∗
from0 (700)
ChPT. (bottom)
For each poles in theofcomplex
value N c theplanepole asis Nc is
represented by a dot, in different meson–meson varied away from 3 within NLO ChPT unitarized with the IAM.
scattering channel. Note that the σ and κ behavior
The lighter curves∗ in the center plot indicate the uncertainties
Quark-mass dependence and light-scalar multiplets
is opposite to that of well-known vector states as the ρ and K regularization
when varying the . scale µ in the usual range, as
The study of quark-mass dependence is of interest to recalculated in [2338]. In the case of the ρ(770) the three lines
understand the dynamics of their formation, to provide almost overlap and are not plotted. Top and center figures taken
Not only can we see that vectors from [2338]
become boundand bottom
and from [2325].
scalars do not, but
a guideline for lattice studies, and to check that the
we can also determine what
light scalar states that we have grouped in an octet is the precise N c dependence. Before doing that, we
are degenerate when the
should strange andrecall
nevertheless non-strange
that itquark
is not known at what scale µ to apply the large-N c
masses are equal. the two-pion threshold, and their pole-widths decreases.
to the Li . Certainly, the logarithmic part in Eq. (1) is subleading, but it has been
We have seen in Section 32 6.2 the relation between When the pion mass is 2-3 times its physical value,
pointed out that it can be rather large thefor
2π N c = 3, is
threshold which
aboveisthe our startingof point
pole-mass these reso-
quark and meson masses. This allows us to study the
for the N evolution. In
quark mass dependence of the σ at NLO [2343] and
c addition, the nances.
scale Then,
dependence their behavior
is differs
suppressed dramatically
by 1/N c for from
NNLO [2344] and
L i = κ at
, L 3 [2345].
, L 5 , L 8 A slight IAM mod-
, but not for 2L 1 − L that
2 , L 4 of
, L the
6 and L
7 . and
The K ∗
(892) (the
µ, or, latter
in shown in
ification is used to deal
words, thewith
of “initialAdler zerosis a systematic uncertainty typical of the large-would
values”, Fig. 8.2.3). The width of these non-scalar mesons
[2346]. Figure tend to zero, and their conjugated pair of poles would
Nc8.2.3 thus shows
approach. the resulting
Customarily, σ and
the κ
uncertainty in the µ where the Nc scaling applies is
pion mass dependence. Note4 that beyond 300-350 MeV meet at threshold [2343, 2349]. Right after that, one
estimated varying µ between 0.5 and 1ofGeV. We will
their poles wouldcheckjumpthat thisfirst
to the estimate is
sheet, whereas
the results are at most qualitative. With increasing pion
correct with the vector mesons,
mass, the meson masses grow, although slower than firmly the other would remain at a symmetric position in the
established as q̄q states. In addition, and in
order to show that the choice of IAM sets in Table 1 is irrelevant for our analysis,
we change now to set III. The behavior is exactly that already found in Fig. 2 and
in previous works.1,2
Let us then look back at vector mesons. In Fig. 3 we show, for increasing Nc , the
modulus of the (I, J) = (1, 1) and (1/2, 1) amplitudes with the Breit–Wigner shape
of the ρ and K ∗ (892), respectively. There is always a peak at an almost constant
K K 0 K
mη (λ) = mη + λ(m0 − mη ) ,
fK (λ) = fK + λ(fπ − fK ) ,
fη (λ) = fη + λ(fπ − fη ) . (2.3)
So, for λ = 0 one has the physical limit while for λ = 1 one ends with a SU(3) symmetric point.
The interesting point for us is to note the continuous movement of the pole locations of the κ,
a0 (980), σ and f0 (980) from their physical positions (λ = 0) to a degenerate octet plus a singlet
as shown in fig.2, for a common SU(3) mass m0 = 350 MeV and a step in λ of 0.1. This clearly
shows that an octet and a singlet of resonances in the SU(3) limit evolve and give rise to the

8.2 The light scalars 275

physical poles of the lightest scalars so that these resonances must be considered as the lightest
nonet of scalar resonances. Thus, the κ and a0 (980) are pure octet states while the σ and f0 (980)
are a mixture of the singlet and octet I = 0 states.

second sheet, both below threshold. This is a bound 0

state. In contrast, the σ and κ conjugated poles meet -50


in the second sheet below threshold. The two branches -100

Im s (MeV)
observed in Fig. 8.2.3 correspond to these two poles -150 I=0

in the second sheet, where at first one moves towards


threshold and the other away form it. The closest one to

threshold, influencing the most the physical region, is -250

known as a “virtual” or quasi-bound state. Eventually, -300

it reaches threshold and jumps to the first sheet, becom-


ing a bound state. However, its second-sheet counter- -400

part lies in a rather different position. The more asym-

300 400 500 600√ 700 800 900 1000 1100
Re s (MeV)

metric their positions, the more predominant is their Fig. 2:8.2.4

Figure ContinuousTrajectories of the
movement of the octet poles
and singlet polesthat
from a appear in coupled-
SU(3) symmetric point to the
“molecular” or “meson cloud” nature. Hence, UChPT channel unitarized amplitudes of different isospin as the pion,
physical limit. The different isospin channels are indicated in the figure and the step in the λ parameter
is 0.1.
suggests that, at high pion masses, both the f0 (500) kaon We now and eta amasses
perform are varied
standard SU(3) analysis offrom theirconstants
the coupling physical of thevalues to a
lightest scalar
and K0∗ (700) are closer to two-meson states than to or- common
resonances value
to pairs of 350 MeV
of pseudoscalars within[2354]. This shows
the aforementioned that the
SU(3) assignment. Thelightest
scalars actually belong to a nonet in the SU(3) limit. The two
constants are obtained by determining the residues at the pole positions of the resonances through
dinary mesons. the expression:
trajectories with I = 0T correspond , to the singlet and octet
gg i j
= lim − (2.4)
Quark masses can be changed on the lattice. Actu-

states, not directly to the poles of the σ or f0 (980) resonances,

s→sR R

ally, calculations
OF LIGHT done at physical
... whichPHYSICAL are aREVIEW
mixture D 82,of114002
Figure taken from [2354].
which are expensive numerically. Note
Let us remark that the appearance of two branches is not also that ana-
double branch is a general feature. In contrast, all nonscalar
lytic continuation
an artifact of the IAM,to reach polesfeature
but is a general would be required,
of scattering wavesal- have centrifugal p2J factors relevant around thresh-
theory of scalar amplitudes with poles close to threshold old, that force their second sheet poles to reach the real axis
though models
[43], also seenare often
in other used[44].
contexts to reach
It is justpoles.
the wayThere areat threshold
precisely results [43] are
one of them jumps withintoa pole now in the second
poles approach forto the σ [2350,
threshold 2351], the
as one changes supporting Riemann
the first sheet whereas the othersheet,
stays inalso consistent
the second, as it with UChPT. A virtual
features of the interaction. Namely, there are no restrictions
its molecular
on where a picture
scalar pole at very large pion axis masses, where
happens here with the ð770Þ.
should be on the real below The IAM, ofstate course, was not onlyfound for κthisingeneral
reproduces πK scattering on the lattice
it is athreshold
boundonstate. The
the second σ is sheet,
Riemann also except
found thatat moderately
poles feature, but also [516,provides542], again
an estimate in qualitative
of the pion mass agreement with UChPT.
large axis
pion masses [523, 2352]case, qualitatively
they obviously haveconsistent
appear in conjugate pairs out of the real axis, or on the real where this apparent splitting occurs, which is not generic,
below threshold. In the first However,
but a specific value due to theas QCD the pion underlying
dynamics mass becomes lighter, the σ and
with UChPT.
the same ‘‘mass’’ Forbut,mifπthis=pair236 MeV
reaches [523,
the real 524] the
axis, the lattice
properties ofκthe poles
lightestare plagued
scalar meson. again with instabilities [517, 524,
two poles no longer have to be conjugated and hence the
each other for 525]. In [2353], Adler zeros, for the i.e. chiral symmetry, were
Let us remark that all our fits are very consistent with
the , despite their differences
900 foundabove,
behavior. As explained to bethisveryis duerelevant in inthe κ determination. A dis-
to the fact that
persive “data driven” approach of the kind explained
2mπ the generation of the  the chiral loops play a dominant
fit A
role. At NLO these are independent of the LECs, and at
NNLO they onlyabove may be relevant for a robust extraction of light
800 fit B
fit C depend on the Oðp 4 Þ LECs, but not on the
fit D
700 scalar poles from lattice-QCD.
ri . Therefore the  avoids most of the largest uncertainties
that affect the  and, as a consequence, the results for the 
We refer to Section 4 for
Mσ (MeV)

600 are much more further

robust. Theredetails.
are however some quantita-
The strange-quark mass can also be varied [2345],
tive differences with the one-loop results in [1]: for in-
stance, the point where the two conjugate poles of the 
meet on the realbut not much for m since it is 20already
MeV quite high, and thus the
axis occurs masses about
400 lower, namely, observed
at m ¼ 280–310 changes MeV for on thescalars
differentare very smooth. However,
two-loop fits versus 300–330 MeV for the one-loop de-
300 scription. This iswhena ratherchanging
small correction both to thequark
one-loopmasses one can reach the
0 100 200 300 400 500
result and confirms the robustness pion-kaon
of our results massfor the ,limit. Fig. 8.2.4 shows that
mπ (MeV) even under higher loop corrections, at least up to m ’
2 the trajectories of
300–350 MeV, depending on the observable. However, for the κ pole, and a combination of
thetheσ quantitative
and f0 (980) spread become degenerate with the a0 (980)
fit A
fit B higher pion masses is much larger,

for the poles inpole inbranches.

that limit. CloselyThis relatedresult
to the has been obtained [2354]
fit C although the four fits yield the same qualitative predictions
fit D
1.5 the two
within point’’
decrease of the ‘‘splitting the Unitary
is the fact thatChiral
the pole Approach,
of where the left cut
|gσππ| / |gσππ |

1 is neglected and the

the ‘‘upper branch’’ reaches the threshold faster than in the
one-loop case as the pion mass grows. Note that, in the effect of the L i are mimicked by
a mass-independent
upper panel of Fig. 7, the threshold variation cutoff. corresponds Still, this provides a strong
0.5 support for the assignment
to the line labeled 2m , and that the upper branches of all
fits touch it very soon after the two branch splitting, around
of these states to the same
m ’ 290–350 lightest
MeV, versusscalar m ’ 460 octet.
MeV for the one-
loop calculation in [1].
0 The relevance of these results is that, when the upper
0 100 200 300 400 500
mπ (MeV)
branch pole reaches it jumps into the first
Fig. 8.2.3 Top: Dependence of the sigma mass Mσ Riemann on the sheet, and becomes a usual bound state. (One
pion mass,
FIG. 7. from the NNLOfor the (two-loops)
from the IAMIAM [2337].
fits Different
might wonder if the dispersion relation for the IAM applies
now that there isDespite their relevant role
but in
notenumerous aspects of hadron
Predictions two-loop
a pole on the first Riemann sheet,
curves despite
represent different fits on [2337]. The thin continuous
described in the text and Fig. 4. Note they are remarkably stable

line shows
the differences between fits for the . We show as a gray
theregion threshold.
that the IAM derivation is and QCD,
obtained the controversy
from dispersion rela- about the existence
area the 2mπwhere m > 350 Bottom:
MeV, whichm π dependence
marks the appli- of theforκthe inverse amplitude, so that this pole on the first
masses sheet and the for
parameters of the andlightest scalar nonet, partic-
(solid line)
bound ∗
Kof (892) (dashed
the approach. line)
Top: we showmasses [2345].
the predicted pion AllRiemann is a zero the inverse amplitude
and widths are defined from the pole positions
mass dependence for the  pole mass. Note the appearance of
two branches around 300 MeV, as explained in the text. Bottom:
obtained from
therefore ularly
does not for
alter the the
analytic σ/f (500)
0 Ourand
two- κ/K ∗ (700), predated the
NLO IAM we showfits.
dependencetaken from
of the  [2347]
coupling to two(top)
pions, and
which,[2348] (bot- establishment of QCD.
loop results seem to indicate that a conventional bound
The settling of this controversy
tom). as explained in the text, is rather strong particularly as the pion state—not a virtual one—might be found for pion masses
mass approaches the value where the two conjugate poles on the higher than 290–350 MeV, contrary to the 460 MeV we
second Riemann sheet reach the real axis. For each fit, the thick found at one loop, which as we have seen was for sure
line corresponds to the upper branch and the thin one to the outside the region where our approach is reliable. This is in
lower branch. qualitative agreement with some recent lattice results in

276 8 MESONS

was hindered by the conflicting available data sets and (ii) flavor-exotic states, which have flavor quantum num-
the by the use of models. We have provided here a brief bers, such as isospin and/or strangeness, that are not
account on how it has been settled recently by using possible for q q̄ states, and (iii) crypto-exotic states, which
rigorous dispersive techniques to constrain data analy- have quantum numbers of ordinary q q̄ states and are
ses and to determine the poles associated to the light- therefore able to mix with them.
scalar resonances. Many phenomenological approaches Possible exotic mesonic configurations beyond q q̄
were able to describe to different degrees of accuracy are four-quark combinations such as tightly bound qq q̄ q̄
these states. Here, we have focused on those most di- tetraquark states, where the constituents are bound di-
rectly linked to QCD through the unitarization of Chi- rectly by the strong force, or more loosely bound (q q̄)(q q̄)
ral Perturbation Theory, the 1/Nc behavior and the molecular states, which consist of a pair of mesons bound
dependence on the quark masses. The general picture by nuclear forces. Also, the gluon fields are expected to
that arises is that there is one light scalar nonet below 1 manifest themselves in the meson spectrum either in
GeV. Their non-ordinary Nc behavior, quark mass de- the form of hybrid states, where, in addition to a q q̄
pendence, Regge trajectories, and the fact that they do pair, excited gluonic field configurations contribute to
not saturate the ChPT constants strongly support that the quantum numbers of the meson, or in the form of
these mesons are not of the ordinary quark-antiquark glueballs, which are color-singlet bound states of glu-
type. Rather their predominant component would be ons (see Sec. 8.4). However, in general, physical mesons
of the meson-meson type (molecule, meson cloud, etc). are not pure realizations of single configurations but
Still they are most likely mixed with some companion are instead mixtures of all possible configurations that
bare or preexistent quark-antiquark state above 1 GeV. are allowed for the given quantum numbers. Disentan-
Indeed, a second scalar multiplet can be identified be- gling these different contributions is a highly difficult
tween 1.2 and 1.8 GeV. There is still ample room for experimental and theoretical problem.
refining this picture and a high expectation on further Crypto-exotic states will manifest themselves as su-
experiments and developments from lattice-QCD. pernumerary states compared to the spectrum expected
from the quark model. This makes them rather diffi-
cult to establish. And even if experimental data unam-
8.3 Exotic mesons biguously show an overpopulation of states in a cer-
Boris Grube tain mass range, the determination of the internal con-
figuration of these states is an even harder problem.
8.3.1 Introduction The prime example for such a situation is the sector of
isoscalar scalar mesons discussed in Secs. 8.2 and 8.4.
Already when Gell-Mann [17] and Zweig [18] formu- Therefore, the cleanest way to unambiguously estab-
lated the constituent quark model they presumed that lish the existence of exotic mesons is to search for spin-
additional states beyond the baryonic qqq and the mesonic and/or flavor-exotic states. Presently, the clearest evi-
q q̄ combinations exist.77 For a long time, the search dence for the existence of such states comes from the
for such states was unsuccessful and hence all hadronic heavy-quark sector (see Secs. 8.5 and 8.6), where ex-
states going beyond the constituent quark model were periments have found several flavor-exotic states with
labelled exotic. However, rather recently experiments a minimum quark content of four, for example, the
have found compelling evidence that exotic states in- charged charmonium and bottomonium states, Zc± and
deed exist. Here, we will focus on exotic mesons, which Zb± [1388, 2355], or the doubly-charmed state, Tcc +
can be divided into three categories: (i) spin-exotic states, Although mesons from the light-quark sector, i.e.
which have J P C quantum number combinations that mesons composed of up, down, or strange quarks, are
are not possible for ordinary q q̄ states (cf. Tab. 8.1.1), 78 usually easier to produce in experiments, the picture
is less clear in this sector. This is mainly because light
In Ref. [17], Gell-Mann writes: “Baryons can now be con-
structed from quarks by using the combinations (qqq), (qqqq q̄),
mesons have relatively large decay widths compared to
etc., while mesons are made out of (q q̄), (qq q̄ q̄), etc.” Similarly, their masses. As a consequence, these mesons usually
Zweig writes in a footnote in Ref. [18]: “In general, we would do not appear as isolated and narrow peaks in the in-
expect that baryons are built not only from the product of three variant mass spectra of their decay products. Instead,
aces, AAA, but also from ĀAAAA, ĀĀAAAAA, etc., where
Ā denotes an anti-ace. Similarly, mesons could be formed from
they often overlap and interfere with neighboring states,
ĀA, ĀĀAA etc.” which makes their extraction from experimental data
More correctly, these states have forbidden J P G quantum challenging. In addition, in most analyses models are
numbers. However, here we use the common convention that required in order to extract resonances from the data
the C-parity of a charged meson in an isospin triplet is given and the results therefore depend on the employed model
by the C-parity of its neutral partner state.
8.3 Exotic mesons 277

assumptions and approximations. In the following, we that decays into multi-body hadronic final states, which
will confine the discussion to spin-exotic light mesons. for most excited states are the dominant decay modes,
More details on exotic light mesons can be found in the cannot yet be calculated on the lattice. By setting the
reviews in Refs. [385, 2356–2362]. quark masses to sufficiently high values and neglect-
ing multi-hadron operators, the excited states become
8.3.2 Predictions quasi stable and can be extracted from the simulation.
Consequently, such calculations cannot predict widths
Model predictions and decay modes and also cannot take into account
Various models have been employed to study the light- coupled-channel effects. Despite these limitations, lat-
meson spectrum. Some of these model approaches are tice calculations have already provided important in-
discussed in more detail in Sec. 5. Further discussions sights by making predictions for light-meson spectra
can be found, e.g., in Refs. [385, 2362]. Most of the and for two-body scattering processes [477, 498].
models that include exotic mesons predict the lightest For example, the seminal calculation performed by
spin-exotic state to be a hybrid meson with J P C = 1−+ the Hadron Spectrum collaboration [484] showed for the
quantum numbers. first time a nearly complete spectrum of isoscalar and
The first detailed studies of hybrid light mesons isovector mesons covering a wide range of J P C quan-
were based on the bag model [750–752, 2363, 2364]. tum numbers up to J = 4 (see Fig. 4.5.2 on page 89).
In this model, quarks and gluons are described by cav- The lattice spectrum is qualitatively similar to the one
ity modes in a confining vacuum bubble (see Sec. 5.1.3). obtained from quark-model calculations. However, the
Detailed predictions for the decays of hybrid light mesons lattice calculation in addition revealed a whole super-
were obtained using, for example, the fluxtube model multiplet of extra states [493] that lie about 1.3 GeV
[2365–2371]. This model extends the conventional quark above the lightest J P C = 1−− state and that have
model by explicitly modeling the gluonic fields in form quantum numbers of 0−+ , 1−− , 2−+ , and 1−+ , where
of an oscillating flux tube described by single-phonon the latter one is spin-exotic. Studying the overlap of
excitations. Decays of hybrid mesons were also studied these states with various operators used in the calcula-
in constituent-glue models [2372–2375], where one as- tion allowed to probe their internal structure. All states
sumes that a massless gluon with J P = 1− interacts in the supermultiplet have large overlaps with operators
with quarks via potentials that depend linearly on the that correspond to a chromomagnetic gluonic excitation
distance of the constituents. Recently, also the Dyson- coupled to a color-octet q q̄ pair in an S-wave and were
Schwinger/Bethe-Salpeter approach (see, e.g., Refs. [904, therefore identified as hybrid states. Intriguingly, the
2376, 2377] and also Sec. 5.3), basis light-front quanti- spin-exotic 1−+ state was predicted to be the lightest
zation (see, e.g., Ref. [958] and also Sec. 5.4), as well hybrid state confirming many model calculations (see
as the AdS/QCD correspondence (see, e.g., Ref. [1010] Sec. 8.3.2).
and also Sec. 5.5) were applied to study hybrid light Recently, the Hadron Spectrum collaboration pub-
mesons. lished results of the first lattice QCD calculation of the
The models predict the mass of the lightest 1−+ hadronic decays of the lightest 1−+ resonance using
state to be in the range from about 1.3 to 2.2 GeV a two-body approximation for the decay [547]. They
and most model calculations find that f1 (1285)π and performed this calculation at the SU(3)flavor symmetric
b1 (1235)π are the dominant decay modes for the light- point, where up, down, and strange-quark masses are
est isovector 1−+ state. However, for the ηπ, η 0 π, and chosen to approximately match the physical strange-
ρ(770)π decay modes, discussed in Sec. 8.3.4 below, the quark mass, corresponding to a large unphysical pion
model predictions diverge. mass of about 700 MeV. Using a coupled-channel ap-
proach, the Hadron Spectrum collaboration studied the
Lattice QCD calculations scattering amplitudes of eight meson-meson systems and
In recent years, lattice QCD calculations of the hadron extrapolated the extracted 1−+ resonance pole and its
excitation spectrum have made tremendous progress couplings to the physical light-quark masses. Doing so
(see Sec. 4, in particular Sec. 4.5). Currently, calcula- and assuming a 1−+ resonance mass of 1564 MeV (value
tions that study the excitation spectrum of light mesons taken from Ref [2276]), they found a broad π1 res-
still have to be performed in an unphysical world, where onance with a total width ranging between 139 and
the up and down quarks are much heavier in the sim- 590 MeV. The dominant decay mode of this resonance is
ulation than in nature.79 The main reason for this is b1 (1235)π (partial width ranging from 139 to 529 MeV),
79 in qualitative agreement with most model calculations
This is often expressed in terms of an unphysically large
pion mass. (see Sec. 8.3.2). Compared to the b1 (1235)π channel,
278 8 MESONS

the partial widths for the decays into f1 (1285)π, ρ(770)π,

η 0 π, and ηπ are much smaller. Although these results

still have large uncertainties, they provide important
guidance for experiments.
The next great leap for lattice QCD is the calcula-
tion of three-body systems, which is already looming on
the horizon (see Sec. 4.5.8 and Ref. [558]). First proof-

of-principle calculations of three-body systems that do

not contain any resonances (see, e.g., Fig. 4.5.9 on page 94)
demonstrate the feasibility of the approach and are
paving the way towards calculations of more interest- 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
ing systems that contain two- and/or three-body reso- mX [GeV/c2]

Phase [deg]
8.3.3 Experimental methods 150

Excited light mesons can be studied in many reactions.

They are copiously produced in high-energy scatter-

ing reactions of meson beams on nucleon or nuclear

targets, such as diffractive dissociation or charge ex- 50
change, as well as in central-production reactions in
hadron-hadron scattering. Also, antiproton-nucleon an-
nihilations are a source of light mesons. Complementary 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
to these purely strong-interaction processes are photo- mX [GeV/c2]
production reactions, which are induced by photon or Fig. 8.3.1 Example of a relativistic Breit-Wigner amplitude
lepton beams, and e+ e− scattering reactions such as an- with constant width for a fictitious resonance with a mass of
m0 = 1200 MeV and a total width of Γ0 = 200 MeV. (Top) in-
nihilation, initial-state radiation, or two-photon fusion.
tensity, i.e., absolute value squared of the amplitude, (bot-
Finally, also multi-body decays of heavy particles, such tom) phase of the amplitude.
as τ , J/ψ, or D, are good laboratories to study light
mesons. Conservation laws, couplings, and the avail-
able energy impose constraints that determine which of m2 and the resonance parameters are defined by the
excited states are allowed to be produced from the var- position of pole singularities of this amplitude in the
ious initial states in these reactions. The study of the complex m2 plane (see, e.g., Ref. [2378] for more de-
light-meson spectrum is a world-wide effort with exper- tails).
iments performed at all major particle-accelerator labs Depending on its mass and quantum numbers, a res-
covering all the above reactions. onance may have several decay modes, which for highly
Excited light mesons decay via the strong interac- excited states often lead to multi-body hadronic final
tion and are hence extremely short-lived. This is why states consisting mostly of π, K, η, and/or η 0 . Due to
these states are usually referred to as resonances, which their short-lived nature, any information about reso-
are characterized by their nominal mass m0 , their to- nances has to be inferred from the kinematic distribu-
tal width Γ0 , and their quantum numbers. In the sim- tion of their decay products. To this end, partial-wave
plest case of an isolated resonance, its experimental analysis (PWA) techniques are often employed, which
signature is a peak at m0 in the distribution of the take into account possible interferences of all the inter-
invariant mass m of the system of daughter particles mediate resonances produced in the reaction and ex-
that the resonance decays into. This peak is accompa- ploit the full kinematic information contained in the
nied by a phase motion, i.e. an increase of the phase data. For an n-body final state with given mass m, a
of the quantum mechanical amplitude of the studied set τ of 3n − 4 kinematic variables is needed to com-
process by 180◦ with increasing m, reaching 90◦ at m0 pletely define the decay kinematics. In a simplified pic-
(see Fig. 8.3.1). If the resonance is in addition narrow ture, a PWA model describes the measured intensity
and m0 is far away from kinematical thresholds, the distribution I(m, τ ), i.e. the density distribution of the
resonance amplitude is well approximated by a Breit- events in the (3n − 4)-dimensional phase space of the
Wigner amplitude. However, in general resonances are final-state particles, in terms of partial-wave amplitudes
described by amplitudes that are analytical functions Ti (m), which describe the strength and phase with which
8.3 Exotic mesons 279

an intermediate state with given quantum numbers i = to revert to empirical models. More details on the PWA
{J P C M } and mass m is produced, and decay ampli- procedure and the involved model assumptions can be
tudes Ψi (m, τ ), which describe the decay of this inter- found, e.g., in Ref. [2380].
mediate state into the observed final state. Here, M is
the projection of the spin J along the chosen quanti- 8.3.4 Experimental evidence
zation axis. High-energy scattering reactions, for which
examples will be discussed below, are known to be dom- More than three decades ago the GAMS experiment
inated by natural-parity exchange.80 When analyzing claimed the first observation of a spin-exotic resonance
data from these reactions, it is hence advantageous to with J P C = 1−+ [2381]. Since then, many other ex-
perform the PWA in the reflectivity basis [2379], where periments reported such signals. Currently, the Particle
the spin state of a resonance is characterized by M  Data Group (PDG) lists three spin-exotic light-meson
with M ≥ 0 and  = ±1 such that the multiplicity of states: the π1 (1400), the π1 (1600), and the π1 (2015)
2J + 1 of the spin state remains unchanged. Here,  cor- [476]. However, despite the seemingly large body of evi-
responds to the naturality of the exchange particle in dence, which includes data from pion diffraction, antiproton-
the scattering reaction. By performing the PWA in this nucleon annihilation, photoproduction, and charmonium
basis, it is therefore possible to separate the contribu- decays covering several decay channels, the experimen-
tions from natural- and unnatural-parity exchange to tal situation is still puzzling and the interpretation of
the scattering reaction. many of the observed signals is controversial.
Since production and decay of a resonance are in- The π1 (1400) was observed nearly exclusively in the
dependent of each other, the total amplitude for an in- ηπ decay channel produced in pion diffraction and anti-
termediate state i is given by Ti (m) Ψi (m, τ ). In the proton-nucleon annihilation [2280, 2381–2387]. Only the
simplest case, the amplitudes of the various allowed in- OBELIX and Crystal Barrel experiments claimed to see
termediate states i are assumed to be fully coherent so the π1 (1400) also in the ρ(770)π decay channel in their
that antiproton-nucleon annihilation data [2388, 2389]. Sur-
X 2 prisingly, the signal in the ρ(770)π channel arises from
I(m, τ ) = Ti (m) Ψi (m, τ ) , (8.3.1) antiproton-nucleon initial states with different quantum

i numbers than the signal in the ηπ channel.81 Since pro-
where the sum runs over all allowed states. It is impor- duction and decay of a resonance are independent, the
tant to note that in the above equation, the intensity is ρ(770)π resonance claimed by OBELIX and Crystal
given by the sum of the contributing amplitudes, i.e. all Barrel cannot be the same π1 (1400) state that is ob-
intermediate states may interfere with each other. The served in ηπ—a puzzling result. The π1 (1400) masses
decay amplitudes can be calculated using first princi- quoted by the various experiments are in fair agree-
ples and models. The analyses that will be discussed ment; the width values, however, scatter over a larger
in Sec. 8.3.4 below use a two-stage procedure, where in range. The PDG estimates for the π1 (1400) mass and
the first stage the known decay amplitudes Ψi are used width are m0 = (1354 ± 25) MeV and Γ0 = (330 ±
to determine the partial-wave amplitudes Ti in narrow 35) MeV [476].
m bins by fitting the PWA model in Eqn. (8.3.1) to the Compared to the π1 (1400), the π1 (1600) was seen
measured τ distributions. At this stage, no assumptions in a much wider range of decay channels produced in
are made about the resonance content in the studied n- pion diffraction, antiproton-nucleon annihilation, and
body system. In a second stage, a resonance model is χc1 decays. Signals were reported in the ρ(770)π [2271,
fit to the m dependence of selected partial-wave am- 2390–2393], η 0 π [2394–2398], f1 (1285)π [2397, 2399],
plitudes in order to extract the resonances and their and b1 (1235)π [2274, 2386, 2395–2397, 2400] decay chan-
parameters. For high-energy scattering data, the res- nels. As for the π1 (1400), the measured π1 (1600) mass
onance model also has to take into account contribu- values are in better agreement with each other than
tions from non-resonant processes, i.e. processes where the measured width values. The PDG estimates for the
the measured n-body final state is produced without π1 (1600) mass and width are m0 = (1661+15 −11 ) MeV and
going through an intermediate n-body resonance. Un- Γ0 = (240 ± 50) MeV [476].
fortunately, in most cases no detailed theoretical models The π1 (2015) was so far only observed by the BNL
exist for these non-resonant contributions and one has E852 experiment in the decay modes f1 (1285)π [2399]
80 81
The naturality is defined as  = P (−1)J , i.e.  = +1 corre- In the ρ(770)π channel, the π1 (1400) is seen predominantly
sponds to the natural-parity series with J P = 0+ , 1− , 2+ , . . . in P -wave antiproton-nucleon initial states, whereas in the ηπ
and, correspondingly,  = −1 corresponds to the unnatural- channel it is seen mainly in the 3 S1 initial state.
parity series with J P = 0− , 1+ , 2− , . . ..
280 8 MESONS

and b1 (1235) π [2274]. It hence still needs to be con-

firmed by other experiments and is listed as a “further 1500 1− +
state” by the PDG.

Although on first sight there seems to be strong ex-
perimental evidence for the π1 (1400) and the π1 (1600), 1000
some analyses have issues and some experimental re-
sults are disputed. From a phenomenological standpoint,
the properties of the π1 (1400) are problematic. Com-
pared to most of the predictions (see Sec. 8.3.2), it is
too light. Also, the π1 (1600) is too close in mass to the
π1 (1400) in order to be an excitation of the latter. Ad- 1.0 1.5 2.0
ditionally, the fact that the π1 (1400) seems to decay Mass (GeV/c 2 )
only to ηπ is hard to explain.82
Fig. 8.3.2 Intensity of the ρ(770)π P -wave with spin-exotic
The analyses of some channels also face technical J P C = 1−+ quantum numbers produced in natural-parity ex-
issues. For example, in order to extract the π1 (1400) change (points with statistical uncertainties) as a function of
in the ηπ channel and the π1 (1600) in the η 0 π chan- the π − π − π + mass obtained by the BNL E852 collaboration.
nel, the phase motions of the P -wave amplitudes need (Adapted from Fig. 3(b) in Ref. [2390])
to be measured. Often, this can be done only relative
to the D-wave amplitudes. However, in the mass re- motion with respect to other partial waves (see Fig. 19
gion of interest the D-waves contain contributions from in Ref. [2391]).83 Based on a simultaneous resonance-
the a2 (1700), which is the first radial excitation of the model fit of the intensities of the 1−+ wave and of the
a2 (1320) ground state. Unfortunately, the a2 (1700) is a f2 (1270)π S-wave with J P C = 2−+ and their relative
rather broad state and its resonance parameters are not phase, the authors of Refs. [2390, 2391] claimed the ob-
well known. For the widely used simple Breit-Wigner servation of the π1 (1600). However, they also observed
based resonance models, this may lead to systematic a strong dependence of the shape and strength of the
uncertainties that are hard to control. π1 (1600) signal on the PWA model.
The analysis of the data of the BNL E852 exper- Surprisingly, an analysis of a more than 20 times
iment yielded inconsistent results on the production larger data sample (2.6 × 106 π − p → π − π − π + p events
properties of the π1 (1600). Whereas in the η 0 π [2394] plus 3.0 × 106 π − p → π − π 0 π 0 p events) from the same
and f1 (1285)π [2399] channels the π1 (1600) is observed experiment performed by Dzierba et al. came to a com-
to be produced only via natural-parity exchange, i.e. pletely different conclusion [2401]. They performed the
with M  = 1+ , it appeared in the ρ(770)π [2390, 2391] partial-wave analysis independently in 12 bins of the
and b1 (1235)π [2274] channels also in unnatural-parity reduced four-momentum squared t0 that is transferred
exchange, i.e. in waves with M  = 0− and 1− , with from the beam to the target recoil particle84 in the
similar strength as in the M  = 1+ wave. This is hard range from 0.08 to 0.53 GeV2 using a larger PWA model
to explain as production and decay of a resonance are of 36 waves. The observed intensity distribution of the
independent processes. 1−+ wave exhibits a broad and structureless enhance-
One of the deepest puzzles, however, concerns the ment (see black points in Fig. 8.3.3; cf. Fig. 8.3.2). The
seemingly contradictory conclusions on the existence of shape of this enhancement was found to change strongly
the π1 (1600) in the ρ(770)π decay channel that were with t0 with intensity moving from the 1.2 GeV region
drawn from similar analyses. The BNL E852 experi- towards higher masses with increasing t0 . However, the
ment was the first to claim the observation of π1 (1600) → peak at 1.6 GeV, which in Refs. [2390, 2391] was at-
ρ(770)π based on a sample of about 250 000 π − p → tributed to the π1 (1600), had disappeared. By apply-
π − π − π + p events and using a PWA model with 21 waves ing the 21-wave PWA model from Refs. [2390, 2391],
[2390, 2391]. The measured intensity distribution of the
spin-exotic wave with J P C = 1−+ quantum numbers is 83
The second peak at about 1.2 GeV was explained as an anal-
shown in Fig. 8.3.2. It exhibits a pronounced peak at ysis artifact caused by intensity leaking from the dominant 1++
wave into the spin-exotic wave because of a non-uniform de-
about 1.6 GeV that is accompanied by significant phase tector acceptance in combination with the finite experimental
82 resolution. The gray-shaded histogram in Fig. 8.3.2 represents
If one would take the π1 (1400) → ρ(770)π claims of
an estimate of this effect from Monte Carlo simulations.
OBELIX and Crystal Barrel [2388, 2389] at face value, then 84
Here, t0 ≡ |t| − |t|min with t = (pbeam − pX )2 being the
even two mass-degenerate π1 (1400) states would exist, one de-
Mandelstam variable, pbeam the four-momentum of the beam
caying to ηπ the other to ρ(770)π—an even more puzzling sce-
pion, and pX the total four-momentum of the produced 3π
8.3 Exotic mesons 281


Fig. 8.3.4 Intensity distribution of the ρ(770)π P -wave with

spin-exotic J P C = 1−+ quantum numbers produced in
natural-parity exchange as obtained by the COMPASS experi-
ment using data on π − Pb → π − π − π + Pb (points with statis-
tical uncertainties). The red curve represents the result of a fit
with a resonance model, which is the coherent sum of a Breit-
Fig. 8.3.3 Intensity distribution of the ρ(770)π P -wave with Wigner amplitude for the π1 (1600) (blue) and a non-resonant
spin-exotic J P C = 1−+ quantum numbers produced in amplitude (magenta). (Taken from Fig. 2(d) in Ref. [2392])
natural-parity exchange as obtained by Dzierba et al. using
BNL E852 data on π − p → π − π − π + p in the kinematic range
0.18 < t0 < 0.23 GeV2 . The open gray points (“low wave”) cor-
the performed resonance-model fit, which describes the
respond to the 21-wave PWA model from Refs. [2390, 2391]
(cf. Fig. 8.3.2), the solid black points (“high wave”) corre- intensities and mutual interference terms of six waves
spond to the 36-wave PWA model from Ref. [2401]. (Taken simultaneously, the 1−+ amplitude is well described by
from Fig. 25(a) in Ref. [2401]) a coherent sum of a non-resonant and a Breit-Wigner
amplitude for the π1 (1600) (see curves in Fig. 8.3.4)
and the resulting resonance parameters are compatible
Dzierba et al. were able to reproduce the results from
with the previous measurements of the π1 (1600). Hence,
Refs. [2390, 2391] (see gray points in Fig. 8.3.3; cf.
COMPASS claimed the observation π1 (1600) → ρ(770)π.
Fig. 8.3.2). They also showed that the omission of im-
These puzzling experimental findings were recon-
portant 2−+ waves in the 21-wave PWA model causes
ciled only recently by the results of a comprehensive
leakage from the π2 (1670) producing an artificial peak
partial-wave analysis performed on a highly precise sam-
at 1.6 GeV in the 1−+ wave. Based on these findings,
ple of 46×106 π − p → π − π − π + p events obtained by the
Dzierba et al. concluded that the BNL E852 data pro-
COMPASS experiment [2271, 2393, 2402]. The PWA
vide no evidence for the existence of the π1 (1600) in
was performed independently in 11 t0 bins in the range
the ρ(770)π decay channel and that the signal reported
0.1 < t0 < 1.0 GeV2 using the so far largest PWA model
in Refs. [2390, 2391] was an artifact of a too restricted
with 88 waves. The intensity distribution of the 1−+
PWA model. However, this conclusion was not based on
wave summed over the 11 t0 bins exhibits a broad en-
a resonance-model fit and did not take into account the
hancement from about 1.0 to 1.8 GeV but no peak at
phase motions of the 1−+ wave that were still present
1.6 GeV. This is consistent with the distribution ob-
in the analysis of Dzierba et al.. In addition, Dzierba et
served by the VES experiment in a similar t0 range
al. only considered the kinematic region t0 < 0.53 GeV2 ,
[2403]. The shape of the intensity distribution changes
which will become important in the discussion below.
strongly with t0 confirming a similar observation made
The first results from the COMPASS experiment
by Dzierba et al. in the BNL E852 data [2401]. At
only added to the confusion. The authors of Ref. [2392]
low t0 , COMPASS observes a broad structure in the
performed a partial-wave analysis of 420 000 events for
mass range from about 1.0 to 1.7 GeV (see Fig. 8.3.5(left)).85
the reaction π − Pb → π − π − π + Pb in the kinematic
As t0 increases, this structure becomes narrower and its
range 0.1 < t0 < 1.0 GeV2 using an even larger PWA
maximum moves to about 1.6 GeV so that it becomes
model than Dzierba et al. consisting of 42 waves. This
similar to the distribution observed in the first COM-
model is similar to the 36-wave PWA model used in
Ref. [2401] and includes in particular the 2−+ waves 85
The distribution also exhibits a narrow peak at about
that were found to cause leakage from the π2 (1670) into 1.1 GeV, which, however, has no associated phase motion and
depends on the PWA model. According to Refs. [2271, 2393]
the 1−+ wave. However, in contrast to Dzierba et al., this peak is likely an artifact induced by imperfections of the
COMPASS observed an enhancement at 1.6 GeV in the analysis method.
intensity distribution of the 1−+ wave (see data points
in Fig. 8.3.4; cf. black data points in Fig. 8.3.3). In
282 8 MESONS

×103 1− +1+ ρ (770) π P ×103 1− +1+ ρ (770) π P [1− +1+ ρ (770) π P ] − [1+ +0+ ρ (770) π S ]
0.100 < t' < 0.113 (GeV/c)2 1 0.724 < t' < 1.000 (GeV/c)2 0.724 < t' < 1.000 (GeV/c)2
Model curve Model curve 100
Resonances Resonances
Intensity / (20 MeV/ c2)

Intensity / (20 MeV/ c2)

4 Nonres. comp. Nonres. comp.

∆φ [deg]


0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
m3π [GeV/c2] m3π [GeV/c2] m3π [GeV/c2]

Fig. 8.3.5 (Left) and (center) Intensity distribution of the ρ(770)π P -wave with spin-exotic J P C = 1−+ quantum numbers
produced in natural-parity exchange as obtained by the COMPASS experiment using data on π − p → π − π − π + p at low and
high t0 . (Right) Phase of the 1−+ wave relative to the ρ(770)π S-wave with J P C = 1++ at high t0 . In the three diagrams, the
points with statistical uncertainties represent the measured values. The red curves represent the results of fits with two resonance
models. The continuous red curve corresponds to the coherent sum of a Breit-Wigner amplitude for the π1 (1600) (blue) and a
non-resonant amplitude (green). The dashed red curve corresponds to a model that contains only the non-resonant amplitude.
(Taken from Figs. 48(b), (c), and (d) in Ref. [2271])

PASS data on the Pb target (see Fig. 8.3.5(center); cf. 2391] as an artifact caused by leakage. In addition,
Fig. 8.3.4). the t0 -resolved analysis of the COMPASS data shows
Since resonance parameters are independent of t0 , that for t0 . 0.5 GeV2 the π1 (1600) signal is masked by
the observed strong modulation of the intensity distri- the dominant non-resonant contribution. This explains
bution with t0 hints at large contributions from non- why Dzierba et al., who considered only the range t0 <
resonant processes. This was confirmed by the resonance- 0.53 GeV2 , reported a non-observation of the π1 (1600).
model fit, which simultaneously describes the ampli- However, in the kinematic range t0 & 0.5 GeV2 COM-
tudes of 14 selected partial waves. The large wave set PASS observes a clear π1 (1600) → ρ(770)π signal and
provides tight constraints for the 1−+ amplitude via the a π1 (1600) resonance is indeed required to explain the
mutual interference terms between the amplitudes. In COMPASS data. This is demonstrated by the dashed
addition, for the first time all 11 t0 bins were fit simul- red curve in Fig. 8.3.5, which represents the result of
taneously, forcing the resonance parameters to be the a resonance-model fit, where the 1−+ amplitude was
same across the t0 bins. This t0 -resolved approach leads described using only the non-resonant component. At
to a much better disentanglement of the resonant and low t0 , this model is able to describe the data fairly well
the non-resonant contributions, which have in general (see Fig. 8.3.5(left)), but clearly fails at high t0 (see
different dependences on t0 . For t0 . 0.5 GeV2 , the fit Fig. 8.3.5(center) and (right)). The t0 -resolved COM-
finds that the 1−+ intensity is almost saturated by the PASS results in Refs. [2271, 2392, 2393] therefore es-
non-resonant component (green curve in Fig. 8.3.5(left)) tablish unambiguously the ρ(770)π decay mode of the
with only a small π1 (1600) contribution (blue curve). π1 (1600) and in addition resolve a long-standing contro-
With increasing t0 the strength of the non-resonant com- versy by showing that the data of previous experiments
ponent decreases relative to that of the π1 (1600), so are indeed consistent and that the BNL E852 puzzle
that for t0 & 0.5 GeV2 the π1 (1600) becomes the domi- was caused by a too restricted PWA model on the one
nant component (see Fig. 8.3.5(center)). hand [2390, 2391] and a too restricted t0 range on the
Applying the 21- and 36-wave PWA models from other hand [2401].
the two analyses of BNL E852 data [2393] to the COM- Another big step towards a better understanding
PASS data yields results consistent with those reported of the π1 states was the coupled-channel analysis of the
in Refs. [2390, 2391, 2401] confirming the observations ηπ and η 0 π P - and D-wave amplitudes measured by the
by Dzierba et al. that the 21-wave model produces an COMPASS experiment [2405], which was performed by
artificial peak at 1.6 GeV in the 1−+ waves for natural- the JPAC collaboration [2276]. Using a unitary model
as well as unnatural-parity exchange due to leakage based on S-matrix principles they find in the D-wave
from the π2 (1670). This explains the puzzling obser- amplitudes two resonance poles, the a2 (1320) and the
vation of a π1 (1600) → ρ(770)π signal in unnatural- a2 (1700) and in the P -wave amplitudes a single res-
parity exchange by the BNL E852 experiment [2390, onance pole. The parameters of the P -wave resonance
8.3 Exotic mesons 283

close to each other. If interpreted in terms of hybrid
states, this would also remove the discrepancy with lat-
tice QCD and most model calculations, which predict
η0 π−
the lightest hybrid state to have a mass substantially
4 π− π− π+
higher than that of the π1 (1400) (see Sec. 8.3.2).
Intensity [a. u.]

Up to now only isovector spin-exotic states were ob-

served in the light-meson sector. However, models and
lattice QCD predict that SU(3)flavor partner states of
the π1 , i.e. η1 and η10 as well as K ∗ states,86 should
exist. In order to establish exotic resonances it is there-
fore important to find these states. A first sign that
0 they indeed exist is the very recent first observation
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
of a spin-exotic isocalar η1 (1855) state in the ηη 0 de-
Mass [GeV/c2 ]
cay channel produced in J/ψ → γηη 087 reported by the
BESIII experiment [2409, 2410]. The challenge is now
Fig. 8.3.6 Intensity distributions of spin-exotic waves with
J P C = 1−+ from COMPASS data. (Green points) ηπ P -wave,
to confirm this state in other experiments.
(blue points) η 0 π P -wave, both for 0.1 < t0 < 1.0 GeV2 . (Red
points) ρ(770)π P -wave for 0.449 < t0 < 0.724 GeV2 . The 8.3.5 Summary and outlook
curves represent the results of the resonance-model fits from
Refs. [2271, 2276]. (Taken from Fig. 2 in Ref. [2404])
The dust of more than three decades of research on spin-
exotic light mesons is starting to settle. For a long time,
pole are m0 = (1564+24 −86 ) MeV and Γ0 = (492−102 ) MeV,
+ 54 the experimental data were confusing leading to contra-
consistent with the π1 (1600). Apart from determining dictory conclusions on the existence and properties of
the π1 (1600) pole position for the first time using an π1 mesons. Recently, high-precision data and more ad-
analytic and unitary model, this result is in so far re- vanced theory models helped to resolve many of these
markable as only a single resonance pole is required puzzles and a more coherent picture seems to be emerg-
to simultaneously describe the ηπ and the η 0 π P -wave ing, where instead of two low-lying states, π1 (1400)
amplitudes despite their rather different intensity dis- and π1 (1600), with hard to explain properties only the
tributions (see green and blue points and curves in π1 (1600) remains. However, there are at least two puz-
Fig. 8.3.6). This is in contrast to most previous anal- zles to be solved. The first is the unexpected production
yses, which considered two different resonance com- of the π1 (1600) in unnatural-parity exchange claimed
ponents in their models: a π1 (1400) to describe the by the BNL E852 experiment in the b1 (1235)π chan-
broad peak at 1.4 GeV in the ηπ P -wave intensity and nel [2274]. This can be clarified by the COMPASS ex-
a π1 (1600) to describe the narrower peak at 1.6 GeV in periment using data on the same reaction at higher
the η 0 π P -wave intensity. It is interesting to note that in energy. The second remaining puzzle is the seeming
the COMPASS data the latter peak is nearly identical non-observation of the π1 (1600) in photon-induced re-
to the one observed in the 1−+ intensity in the high-t0 actions. Since the π1 (1600) is observed to decay into
region of the π − π − π + data (cf. blue and red points ρ(770)π, it should couple to γπ via vector-meson dom-
and curves in Fig. 8.3.6). Since the COMPASS partial- inance. However, in the γ + π ± → π ± π − π + reaction
wave data are consistent with previous experiments, the studied by the CLAS and the COMPASS experiments88
JPAC analysis raises serious doubts about the existence 86
As kaons are neither eigenstates of C nor of G parity, there
of the π1 (1400) as a separate resonance. Recently, the are no spin-exotic kaon states. Hence, the exotic K ∗ states
JPAC results were confirmed by Kopf et al., who per- can be identified only as supernumerary states and via their
formed a coupled-channel analysis that in addition to couplings.
the COMPASS ηπ and η 0 π P - and D-wave amplitudes This is an example for a radiative J/ψ decay. Such decays
are “gluon-rich” processes because in lowest order the cc̄ pair
also includes Crystal Barrel data on p̄p → π 0 π 0 η, π 0 ηη, in the J/ψ annihilates into the measured photon and a pair
and K + K − π 0 as well as ππ scattering data [2406]. of gluons that hadronize into the measured final state, here
Both coupled-channel analyses favor a much simpler the ηη 0 system. The production of mesons with explicit gluonic
and more plausible picture with only one π1 state below degrees of freedom, i.e. hybrids and glueballs, is expected to be
enhanced in these decays.
2 GeV, the π1 (1600), decaying into (at least) ηπ, η 0 π, 88
CLAS measured the photoproduction reaction γ + p →
ρ(770)π, f1 (1285)π, and b1 (1235)π. This scenario re- π + π − π + + (n)miss , where a pion is exchanged between the
solves the longstanding puzzle of two spin-exotic states target and the beam photon producing the 3π final state. In
having peculiar decay modes and lying unexpectedly COMPASS data, the γπ → 3π reaction is embedded into the
284 8 MESONS


Intensity / (40 MeV/c2)

1-+1+ ρπ P COMPASS 2004
1.8 π-Pb → π-π-π+Pb
1.6 t' < 0.001 GeV2/c2

re l imin
0.6 p
0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4
Mass of π-π-π+ System (GeV/c2)
Fig. 8.3.7 Intensity distributions of the ρ(770)π P -wave with spin-exotic J P C = 1−+ quantum numbers produced in γ + π ± →
π ± π − π + reactions. (Left) Result from the CLAS experiment [2407], where the process is embedded into γ+p → π + π − π + +(n)miss .
(Right) Result from the COMPASS experiment [2361, 2408], where the process is embedded into π − + Pb → π − π − π + + Pb.
(Taken from Fig. 5(d) of Ref. [2407] and Fig. 7(a) of Ref. [2361])

nearly vanishing intensity was observed in the J P C = more advanced theoretical models and in particular a
1−+ wave in the mass range where a π1 (1600) signal more accurate understanding of the dynamics of hadrons.
would be expected (see Fig. 8.3.7). The nearly vanish- Close collaboration of theorists and experimentalists
ing intensity could be the result of a destructive inter- will help us to formulate, test, and apply detailed mod-
ference of the π1 (1600) amplitude with the one of non- els for production reactions and for the interactions of
resonant contributions. However, no resonance-model final-state hadrons in order to overcome limitations of
fits have been performed yet to test this hypothesis. the currently available analysis approaches. Together
In the future, much more precise photoproduction data with refined statistical tools and novel approaches such
from the GlueX experiment at JLab will help to clarify as Machine Learning, this will enable us to leverage the
the situation. full potential of the data.
Having established that spin-exotic 1−+ light-meson
states do exist is, of course, only the starting point. The
next goal is to study their properties in detail, in par- 8.4 Glueballs, a fulfilled promise of QCD?
ticular their couplings, by measuring them in various
Eberhard Klempt
production and decay modes. Another goal is to find
their excitations. A first step in this direction would be
the confirmation of the π1 (2015) signal in the f1 (1285)π 8.4.1 Introduction
and b1 (1235)π decay channels. In addition, it is impor-
At the Workshop on QCD: 20 Years Later [2411] held
tant to search for the exotic SU(3)flavor partner states
in 1992 in Aachen, Heusch [2412] reported on searches
of the π1 . Here, the result by the BESIII experiment of
for glueballs, gluonium, or glue states as Fritzsch and
a possible observation of an η1 (1855) state could be a
Gell-Mann [30, 50] had called this new form of mat-
breakthrough. Last but not least, the search for states
ter. Glueballs are colorless bound states of gluons and
with other spin-exotic J P C quantum numbers such as
should exist when their newly proposed quark-gluon
0+− and 2+− continues. These searches will also yield
field theory yields a correct description of the strong
a more complete picture of the spectrum of states with
interaction. The title of Heusch’s talk Gluonium: An
ordinary quantum numbers, which not only helps to
unfulfilled promise of QCD? expressed the disappoint-
identify supernumerary states, but is also an important
ment of a glueball hunter: At that time there was some
input to theory in order to improve our understanding
- rather weak - evidence for glueball candidates but
of the non-perturbative regime of QCD.
there was no convincing case. In 1973, the e+ e− storage
In turn, the analysis of the extremely high-precision
ring SPEAR at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
data from running and upcoming experiments requires
had come into operation and one year later, the J/ψ
reaction π − + Pb → π − π − π + + Pb, which was measured at resonance was discovered [75] - this was the very first
very low squared four-momentum transfer, where the beam pion SPEAR publication on physics. The J/ψ resonance and
predominantly scatters off quasi-real photons from the Coulomb
field of the Pb target nucleus.
8.4 Glueballs, a fulfilled promise of QCD? 285

its radiative decay became and still is the prime reac- electric and transverse magnetic gluons were introduced
tion for glueball searches. populating the bag. The lowest excitation modes were
One of the first glueball candidates was the ι(1440) predicted to have quantum numbers J P C = 0++ and
[2413, 2414]. The name ι stood for the “number one” of 2++ and to be degenerate in mass with M = 960 MeV
all glueballs to be discovered. It was observed as very [747, 2421]. A very early review can be found in Ref. [2422].
strong signal with pseudoscalar quantum numbers in The bag model is obsolete nowadays. Most reliable
the reaction J/ψ → γK K̄π. Its mass was not too are presumably simulation of QCD an a lattice (see
far from the bag-model prediction (1290 MeV) [747]. Section 4 and Ref. [2423] for an introduction). In lattice
Now the ι(1440) is supposed to be split into two states, gauge theory, the spacetime is rotated into an Euclidean
η(1405) and η(1475), where the lower-mass meson is space by the transformation t → i t and then discretized
still discussed as glueball candidate even though its into a lattice with sites separated by a distance in space
mass is incompatible with lattice gauge calculations. and time. The gauge fields are defined as links between
They find the mass of the pseudoscalar glueball above neighboring lattice points, closed loops of the link vari-
2 GeV. ables (Wilson loops) allow for the calculation of the ac-
A second candidate was a resonance called Θ(1640) tion density. Technically, gluons on a space-time lattice
[2415, 2416]. It was seen in the reaction J/ψ → γηη and struggle against large vacuum fluctuations of the cor-
confirmed - as G(1590) - by the GAMS collaboration in relation functions of their operators, the signal-to-noise
π − p → ηηn [2417]. Its quantum numbers shifted from ratio falls extremely rapidly as the separation between
J P C = 2++ to 0++ , and its mass changed to 1710 MeV. the source and sink is increased. These difficulties can
This resonance still plays an important role in the glue- be overcome by anisotropic space-times with coarser
ball discussion. space and narrow time intervals [2424, 2425]. Fermion
A third candidate, or better three candidates, were fields are defined at lattice sites. Different techniques
observed in the OZI rule violating process π − p → φφn have been developed to include fermions in lattice cal-
[2284, 2418]. Three φφ resonances at 2050, 2300 and culations [2426]. The effect of see quarks on glueball
2350 MeV were reported. I remember Armenteros say- masses seems to be small [2427].
ing: When you have found one glueball, you have made Recently, a number of different approaches were cho-
a discovery. When you find three, you have a problem. sen to approximate QCD by a model that is solvable an-
Now I believe that this was a very early manifestation alytically. Szczepaniak and Swanson [2428] constructed
of the tensor glueball. a quasi-particle gluon basis for a QCD Hamiltonian in
The situation was not that easy at that time as de- Coulomb gauge that was solved analytically. A full glue-
scribed here. Nearly for each observation, there were ball spectrum was calculated with no free parameter.
contradicting facts, and Heusch concluded his talk at The authors of Ref. [2429] constructed relativistic two-
the QCD workshop with the statement: there is no and three-gluon glueball currents and applied them to
smoking-gun candidate for gluonium · · · . At this work- perform QCD sum rule analyses of the glueball spec-
shop, I had the honor to present the results of the Crys- trum. The Gießen group calculated masses of ground
tal Barrel experiment at LEAR and to report the dis- and excited glueball states using a Yang-Mills theory
covery of two new scalar mesons, f0 (1370) and f0 (1500), and a functional approach based on a truncation of
and I was convinced, Heusch was wrong: f0 (1500) was Dyson-Schwinger equations and a set of Bethe-Salpeter
the glueball! And I turned down my internal critical equations derived from a three-particle-irreducible ef-
voice which told me that in my understanding of p̄N fective action [2430, 2431].
annihilation, this process is not particularly suited to AdS/QCD relies on a correspondence between a five
produce glueballs [2419, 2420]. Our glueball f0 (1500) dimensional classical theory with an AdS metric and a
was not seen in radiative J/ψ decays where a glue- supersymmetric conformal quantum field theory in four
ball should stick out like a tower in the landscape. The dimensions. In the bottom-up approach, models with
f0 (1500) as scalar glueball? That could not be the full appropiate operators are constructed in the classical
truth! AdS theory with the aim of resembling QCD as much as
possible. Confinement is generated by a hard wall cut-
8.4.2 QCD predictions ting off AdS space in the infrared region, or spacetime is
capped off smoothly by a soft wall to break the confor-
Glueball masses mal invariance. Rinaldi and Vento [1107] calculated the
First estimates of the masses of glueballs were based glueball mass spectrum within AdS/QCD. The results
on bag models. The color-carrying gluon fields were re- on glueball masses are summarized in Table 8.4.1.
quired to vanish on the surface of the bag. Transverse
286 8 MESONS

Table 8.4.1 Masses of low-mass glueballs, in units of MeV. Lattice QCD results are taken from Refs. [2424, 2426] (quenched)
and Ref. [2427] (unquenched). Szczepaniak and Swanson [2428] construct of a quasiparticle gluon basis for a QCD Hamiltonian.
Results from QCD sum rule results are given in Ref. [2429], from using Dyson-Schwinger equations in [2430, 2431], and from a
graviton-soft-wall model in Ref. [1107].

Glueball Ref. [2424] Ref. [2426] Ref. [2427] Ref. [2428] Ref. [2429] Ref. [2430] Ref. [1107]

|0++ i 1710 ± 50 ± 80 1653 ± 26 1795 ± 60 1980 1780+140

−170 1850 ± 130 1920
|2 ++
i 2390 ± 30 ± 120 2376 ± 32 2620 ± 50 2420 1860+140
−170 2610 ± 180 2371
|0 −+
i 2560 ± 40 ± 120 2561 ± 40 – 2220 2170 ± 110 2580 ± 180

The width of glueballs The tensor glueball is expected [2437] to be observed

Glueballs are often assumed to be narrow. φ decays with a branching ratio
into ρπ are suppressed since the primary ss̄ pair needs BRJ/ψ→γG2++ (T H) = (11 ± 2) · 10−3 . (8.4.2)
to annihilate and a new q q̄ pair needs to be created. In
Production of the pseudoscalar glueball seems to be
glueball decays, there is no pair to be annihilated but a
considerably smaller. For a mass of 2395 (or 2560) MeV,
q q̄ pair needs to be created. If the OZI rule suppresses
the authors of Ref. [2438] find
the decay by a factor 10 to 100, we might expect the
width of glueballs to be suppressed by a factor 3 to BRJ/ψ→γG0−+ (T H) = (0.231 ± 0.080) · 10−3
10. Assuming a “normal” width of 150 MeV, a glueball or = (0.107 ± 0.037) · 10−3 . (8.4.3)
at 1600 MeV could have a width of 15 to 50 MeV. This These are very significant yields, and the glueballs must
argument is supported by arguments based on the 1/Nc be found provided they can be identified convincingly
expansion (see, e.g., Ref. [2338]). as glueballs amidst their q q̄ companions.
Narison applied QCD sum rules [2432]. Assuming
a mass of 1600 MeV, he calculated the 4π width of 8.4.3 How to identify a glueball
the scalar glueball to 60 to 138 MeV while the partial
decay width of the tensor glueball at 2 GeV to pseu- Figure 8.4.1 shows the prime reactions in which glue-
doscalar mesons should be less than 155 MeV. Calcu- balls have been searched for.
lations on the lattice gave a partial decay width for
decays into pseudoscalar mesons of 108±29 MeV for N N̄ annihilation
a scalar glueball mass of 1700 MeV [2433]. In a semi- A decisive step forward in the search for glueballs was
phenomenological model, Burakovsky and Page find that the discovery of two scalar isoscalar states in p̄p anni-
the width of the scalar glueball (at 1700 MeV) should hilation at rest. With the large statistics available at
exceed 250 to 390 MeV. A flux tube model predicted the Low Energy Anitiproton Ring (LEAR) at CERN,
the mass of the glueball of lowest mass to 1680 MeV f0 (1370) and f0 (1500) were identified in several final
and its width to 300 MeV [2434]. In a field theoretical states. A large fraction of the data taken at LEAR is
approach with an effective Coulomb gauge the glueball still used jointly with data on radiative J/ψ decays in
width was estimated to 100 MeV [2435]. a coupled-channel analysis. Glueballs decay via q q̄ pair
creation. Hence they can be produced via q q̄ annihila-
Radiative yields tion. Meson production in p̄p annihilation was studied
The study of radiative decays of the J/ψ meson is the by the ASTERIX, OBELIX and Crystal Barrel experi-
prime path to search for glueballs with masses of less ments at LEAR and is a major objective of the PANDA
than ∼2500 MeV. collaboration at the GSI.
Gui et al. [2436] calculated the yield of a scalar glue-
ball having a mass of 1710 MeV on lattice and found
BRJ/ψ→γG0++ (T H) = (3.8 ± 0.9) · 10−3 . (8.4.1)
For higher glueball masses the yield increases.
Narison gave a mass dependent formula derived from
sum rules. For a mass of 1865 MeV, a yield of about Fig. 8.4.1 Reactions most relevant for glueball searches. Left:
10−3 is predicted [2432]. p̄p annihilation; middle: Pomeron-Pomeron fusion; right: radia-
tive J/ψ decays. The glueball is supposed to decay into K 0 K̄ 0 .
8.4 Glueballs, a fulfilled promise of QCD? 287

Central production interpret these three states as the result of mixing of the
In central production, two hadrons (e.g. two protons) two expected isoscalar states with the scalar glueball.
scatter in forward direction via the exchange of Pomerons.     
Pomerons are supposed to be glue-rich, hence glueballs f0 (1370) x11 x12 x13 |nn̄i
can be formed in Pomeron-Pomeron fusion. This pro-
 f0 (1500)  =  x21 x22 x23   |ss̄i  (8.4.7)
cess was studied extensively at CERN by the WA76 f0 (1710) x31 x32 x33 |ggi
and WA102 collaborations and is now investigated with These papers led to a large number of follow-up pa-
the STAR detector at BNL. In the WA102 experiment, pers, references can be found in Ref. [2439]. In all these
f0 (1370) and f0 (1500) were confirmed and f0 (1710) was papers,
added to the number of scalar resonances. P 2 these three mesons contain the full glueball,
j xij = 1 is imposed. Note that the squared mass dif-
ference between f0 (1370) and f0 (1710) is slightly above
radiative J/ψ decays 1 GeV2 , the f0 (1710) could also be a radial excitation
In radiative J/ψ decays, the primary cc̄ pair converts (and is interpreted as radial excitation below).
into two gluons and a photon. The two gluons are mainly
produced in S-wave, the two gluons can form scalar and Conclusions
tensor glueballs which should be produced abundantely. Identifying a glueball is a difficult task. The main argu-
The large statistics available from BESIII at Beijing ment in favor of a glueball interpretation is an anoma-
makes this reaction the most favorable one for glueball lously large production rate in J/ψ decays. It turns
searches. Radiative decays of heavy mesons is the only out that scalar mesons are organized like pseudoscalar
process for which glueball yields have been calculated. mesons, into mainly singlet and mainly octet mesons. A
The data will be discussed below in more detail. large production rate of a mainly-octet scalar isoscalar
meson in radiative J/ψ decays directly points to a sig-
Decay analysis nificant glueball content in its wave function. A sec-
The decay of mesons into two pseudoscalar mesons is ond argument relies an meson decays into pseudoscalar
governed by SU(3)F . In a meson nonet, there are two mesons. In presence of a glueball, a pair of mesons as-
isoscalar mesons, one lower in mass the other
√ one higher, signed to the same multiplet should have a decay pat-
which both contain a nn̄ = (uū + dd)/ 2 and a ss̄
tern that is incompatible with a q q̄ interpretation for
component and are mixed with the mixing angle ϕ. Fig- any mixing angle. Supernumery is a weak argument.
ure 8.4.2 shows the SU(3)F squared matrix elements for It requires a full understanding of the regular excita-
meson decays into two pseudoscalar mesons as a func- tion spectrum. Further studies are required to learn if
tion of the scalar mixing angle. central production is gluon-rich. The large production
 H  rates of f0 (1500), f0 (1710) and f0 (2100) in p̄p anni-
cos ϕs − sin ϕs
f |nn̄ >
= (6) hilation at collision energies above 3 GeV encourages
fL sin ϕs cos ϕs |ss̄ >
glueball searches at the FAIR facility with the PANDA
detector (see Section 14.5).
The three scalar isoscalar mesons f0 (1370), f0 (1500)
and f0 (1710) played an important role in the glueball 8.4.4 Evidence for glueballs from coupled-channel
discussion. Amsler and Close [2440, 2441] suggested to analysis

We have performed a coupled-channel partial wave anal-

ysis of radiative J/ψ decays into π 0 π 0 , Ks0 Ks0 , ηη, and
ωφ, constrained by the CERN-Munich data on πN scat-
tering, data from the GAMS collaboration at CERN,
data from BNL on ππ → Ks0 Ks0 , and 15 Dalitz plots
on p̄p annihilation at rest from LEAR. Data on Ke4
decays constrain the low-energy region. Fitting details
and references to the data can be found in Ref. [2442]
Figure 8.4.3 shows the data on radiative J/ψ decays
Fig. 8.4.2 Decay probabilities of mesons for decays into two 89
The BESIII data were fitted by Rodas et al. [2443] with
pseudoscalar mesons as a function of the scalar mixing an- four scalar and three tensor resonances only. I have several ob-
gle [2439]. jections against the fit. i) It uses an amplitude in which the J/ψ
converts into three gluons which hadronize. A final-state me-
son radiates off the photon. Since the photon is not an isospin
288 8 MESONS

into π 0 π 0 , Ks0 Ks0 and the fit. Ten scalar isoscalar reso-
nances were included in the fit. Oller [2354] has shown
that f0 (500) is singlet-like, the f0 (980) octet-like (see
also [2444]). The f0 (1500) is seen in Figure 8.4.3 as
a dip. This pattern was reproduced in Ref. [2442] as-
suming that f0 (1370) is a singlet state and f0 (1500)
an octet state. Hence we assumed that the ten mesons
can be divided into two series of states, mainly-singlet
states with lower masses and mainly-octet states with
higher masses.
In a (M 2 , n) plot, the masses of singlet and octet
states follow two linear trajectories (see Fig. 8.4.4). Re-
markably, the slope (1.1 GeV−2 ) is close to the slope
of standard Regge trajectories. The separation between
the two trajectories is given by the mass square differ-
ence between η 0 and η-meson as suggested by instanton-
induced interactions [2448]. The figure includes a meson Fig. 8.4.3 The squared S-wave tranisition amplitudes for
reported by the BESIII collaboration studying J/ψ → J/ψ → π 0 π 0 (a) and J/ψ → Ks0 Ks0 (b). The data points are
from an energy-independent partial-wave analysis [2445, 2446],
γη 0 η 0 [2447]. As η 0 η 0 resonance, f0 (2480) is very likely
the curve represents our fit [2442].
a SU(3) singlet state. Indeed, its mass is compatible
with the “mainly-singlet” trajectory. The figure gives
the pole positions of the eleven resonances as small in-
The total yields of scalar mesons in radiative J/ψ
decays - including decay modes not reported by the
BESIII collaboration - was determined from the coupled-
channel analysis [2442] that included also other data.
The yield of mainly-octet and mainly-singlet mesons as
a function of their mass is shown in Fig. 8.4.5. Mainly-
octet mesons should not be produced (or at most weakly)
in radiative J/ψ decays. However, they are produced
abundantly, in a limited mass range centered at about Fig. 8.4.4 M 2 , n trajectories for mainly-singlet and mainly-
1865 MeV. Mainly-singlet mesons are produced over the octet scalar isoscalar resonances. The red dot at high masses
full mass range but show a peak structure at the same represents a scalar state from J/ψ → γη 0 η 0 [2447]. Adapted
mass. This enhancement must be due to the scalar glue- from Ref. [2442].
ball mixing into the wave functions of scalar mainly-
octet and mainly-singlet mesons. A Breit-Wigner fit to
J/Ψ decay rate 10

these distributions gives mass and width 200

MG = (1865 ± 25 +10
−30 ) MeV ΓG = (370 ± 50 +30
−20 ) MeV ,

(8.4.8) 100
and the (observed) yield is determined to
YJ/ψ→γG = (5.8 ± 1.0) 10−3 . (8.4.9)
eigenstate, this amplitude can produce isovector mesons. This 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
process is highly suppressed and experimentally absent. ii) the Mres (MeV)
f0 (1370) − f0 (1500) interference region is not well described,
Fig. 8.4.5 Yield of scalar isoscalar mesons in radiative J/ψ de-
neither in the mass distribution nor in the S − D phase differ-
cays into mainly-octet (open circles) and mainly-singlet mesons
ence. iii) The fit is neither constrained by the ππ S-wave from
(full squares) as a function of their mass [2442].
the CERN-Munich data nor by the data on Ke4 decays. A fit
with the seven resonances used in Ref. [2443] without an isospin
breaking amplitude leads to a ππ S-wave that is extremely in-
compatible with the known ππ S-wave (A.V. Sarantsev, private
communication, October 2021.)
8.4 Glueballs, a fulfilled promise of QCD? 289

8.4.6 Comparison with LHCb data

Most striking is the mountain landscape above 1500 MeV

in the data on radiative J/ψ decays. In these decays
a cc̄ pair converts into gluons which hadronize (see
Fig. 8.4.7, left). The huge peak in the K K̄ mass spec-
trum at 1750 MeV and the smaller one at 2100 MeV
decay are produced with two gluons in the initial state.
This is to be contrasted with data on Bs0 and B̄s0 decays
into J/ψ+π + π − [2449] and K K̄ [2450]. In this reaction,
Fig. 8.4.6 The glueball content of scalar mesons. Black a primary ss̄ pair – recoiling against the J/ψ – con-
squares: sin2 ϕsn , solid curve: Breit-Wigner resonance with area
verts into the final state mesons (see Fig. 8.4.7, right).
1 [2439].
We have included the spherical harmonic moments in
the coupled channel analysis that describes the radia-
8.4.5 Meson-glueball mixing tive J/ψ decays [2451]. High-mass scalar mesons are
only weakly produced in Bs0 decays with ss̄ in the ini-
Earlier attempts to identify the glueball have in com- tial state. The strong peak in the K K̄ invariant mass
mon that the full glueball is distributed among the at 1750 MeV in Fig. 8.4.3 is nearly absent in Bs0 →
three states f0 (1370), f0 (1500) and f0 (1710). Inspecting J/ψ K K̄ !
Fig. 8.4.3, this seems not to be obvious: Above 1 GeV, Figure 8.4.8 shows the ratio of the decay frequencies
four peaks with three valleys are seen, and there is no of J/ψ → γ f0 and Bs0 → J/ψ f0 with f0 decaying into
reason why one particular region should be more gluish ππ or K K̄. The f0 (980) is likely a mainly-octet state,
than the other ones. The yield of scalar mesons sees little produced in radiative J/ψ decays but strongly
the glueball contribution distributed over several reso- with ss̄ in the initial state. On the contrary, f0 (1770)
nances. is seen as strong peak in radiative J/ψ but very weakly
We did not impose that the full glueball should be only in Bs0 decays. The uncertainties are large, but the
seen in these three states nor that we must see the full ratio of the decay frequencies is fully compatible with
glueball at all. We fitted the decay modes of pairs of the shape of the glueball derived above.
scalar mesons, one mainly-singlet one mainly-octet, and This is highly remarkable: the two gluons in the
allowed for a glueball component [2439]. initial state must be responsible for the production of
f0nH (xxx) = (nn̄ cos ϕsn − ss̄ sin ϕsn ) cos φG G resonances that decay strongly into K K̄ but are nearly
nH + G sin φnH
absent when ss̄ pairs are in the initial state. Also, there
f0nL (xxx) = (nn̄ sin ϕsn + ss̄ cos ϕsn ) cos φG G
nL + G sin φnL is a rich structure in the ππ mass spectrum produced
(8.4.10) in radiative J/ψ decays but little activity only when
ϕsn is the scalar mixing angle, φG nH and φnL are the
G the initial state is an ss̄ pair: The rich structure stems
meson-glueball mixing angles of the high-mass state H from gluon-gluon dynamics. Similar conclusions can be
and of the low-mass state L in the nth nonet. The frac- drawn [2444] from a comparison of the invariant mass
tional glueball content of a meson is given by sin2 φG nH
distributions from radiative J/ψ decays with the pion
or sin2 φG
nL . and kaon form factors [2452]. Their square is propor-
With this mixing scheme and the SU(3) coupling tional to the cross sections. The f0 (980) resonance dom-
constant (see Fig. 8.4.2), we have fitted the meson decay inates both formfactors but is nearly absent in radiative
modes and have thus determined the glueball content of J/ψ decays: The f0 (980) has large nn̄ and ss̄ compo-
the eight high-mass scalar mesons. Figure 8.4.6 shows nents mixed to a dominant SU(3) octet component. The
the glueball fraction in the scalar mesons. large intensity above 1500 MeV in radiative J/ψ decays
The glueball fractions derived from the decay anal-
ysis of pairs of scalar mesons add up to a sum that
is compatible with 1. The distribution of the glueball
fraction in Fig. 8.4.6 is identical to the distribution of
yields in Fig. 8.4.5. This is a remarkable confirmation
that the scalar glueball of lowest mass has been iden-
tified and has mass and width as given in Eqn. (8.4.8)
Fig. 8.4.7 In radiative J/ψ decays two gluons, in B̄s0 → J/ψ+
and a yield as given in Eqn. (8.4.9). ss̄, a ss̄ pair may convert into a scalar meson.
290 8 MESONS

a d
lE1l2 4 Phase(E0-E1)

20 2


b lM2l2 4
e Phase(M2-E1)

Events/15 MeV

Φ (rad)

6 c lE3l2 4

f Phase(E3-E1)


2 -2

Fig. 8.4.8 The ratio Rgg/ss̄ of the frequencies for J/ψ → γ f0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

and Bs0 → J/ψ f0 with f0 decaying into ππ or K K̄.

Mπ0π0 (GeV) Mπ0π0 (GeV)

a d
20 lE1l2 Phase(E0-E1)

is absent when not two gluons but an ss̄ pair is in the

10 0

initial state: the mountainous structure in radiative J/ψ


decays is produced by gluons and not by q q̄ pairs: The 6 b lM2l2

4 e Phase(M2-E1)

structure is due to the scalar glueball.

Φ (rad)
Events/15 MeV


2 -2

8.4.7 A trace of the tensor glueball


4 c lE3l2
4 f Phase(E3-E1)

The tensor glueball is predicted with an even higher 2 0

yield [2437]:
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

MΚsΚs (GeV) MΚsΚs (GeV)
ΓJ/ψ→γ/G2++ /Γtot = (11 ± 2)10 .
The yield of f2 (1270) in radiative J/ψ decays is (1.64 ±
Fig. 8.4.9 D-wave intensities and phases for radiative J/ψ de-
0.12)10−3 , about six times weaker than the predicted cays into π 0 π 0 (top subfigures) and Ks Ks (bottom subfigures)
rate for the tensor glueball! Bose symmetry implies that from Ref. [2445, 2446]. The subfigures show the E1 (a), M 2 (b)
the π 0 π 0 or Ks Ks pairs are limited to even angular mo- and E3 (c) squared amplitudes and the phase differences be-
menta, practically, only S and D-waves contribute. The tween the E0 and E1 (d) amplitudes, the M 2 and E1 (e) am-
plitudes, and the E3 and E1 (f) amplitudes as functions of the
scalar intensity originates from the electric dipole tran- meson-meson invariant mass. The phase of the E0 amplitude
sition E0. Three electromagnetic amplitudes E1, M 2, is set to zero. The curve represents our best fit.
and E3 excite tensor mesons. Figure 8.4.9 shows these
three amplitudes and the relative phases.
Two fits were performed [2453]. One fit describes – distruted over several tensor mesons. Adding up all
the mass distribution only. Apart from the well known contributions from tensor states above 1900 MeV seen
f2 (1270) and f20 (1525) the fit needs one high-mass res- in radiative J/ψ decays, one obtains
onance with M =2.5
YJ/ψ→γf2 = (3.1 ± 0.6) 10−3 , (8.4.13)
M = (2210 ± 60) MeV; Γ = (360 ± 120) MeV , (8.4.12)
M =1.9 GeV

where the error includes systematic studies with or with- which is a large yield even though still below the pre-
out additional low-yield resonances. The enhancement dicted yield.
was called X2 (2210). In this fit, the phases are not
well described. Figure 8.4.9 shows a fit in which the 8.4.8 How to find the pseudoscalar glueball
2200 MeV region is described by three tensor resonances
with masses and widths of about (M, Γ ) = (2010, 200), The BESIII collaboration has studied the reaction J/ψ →
(2300, 150), and (2340, 320) MeV. These resonances had π + π − η 0 [2454]. The top panel of Fig. 8.4.10 shows the
been observed by Etkin et al. [2284] in the reaction π + π − η 0 invariant mass distributions with a series of
π − p → φφn. The unusual production characteristics peaks. Assuming that these are all pseudoscalar mesons,
were interpreted in Ref. [2284] as evidence that these two trajectories can be drawn (bottom panel of Fig. 8.4.10).
states are produced by 1 − 3 glueballs. The figure suggests that the higher-mass structures could
The total observed yield of X2 (2210) in ππ and K K̄ house two mesons, possibly singlet and octet states in
is (0.35 ± 0.15) 10−3 , far below the expected glueball SU(3). If this is true, a cut in the π + π − invariant mass
yield. We assume the glueball is – like the scalar glueball
8.4 Glueballs, a fulfilled promise of QCD? 291

at about 1480 MeV would partly separate the two iso-

bars, X(2600)→f0 (1370)η 0 and X(2600) →f0 (1500)η 0 .
We may expect a slight mass shift in the two π + π − η 0
invariant mass distributions. The two mesons f0 (1370)
and η 0 are both mainly singlet. The f0 (1370)η 0 isobar as
singlet meson in the X(2600) complex should be slightly
higher in mass than the f0 (1500)η 0 mainly octet meson.
The total yields of the high-mass structures – in-
cluding unseen decay modes – are not known. Nev-
ertheless, their appearance above a comparatively low Fig. 8.4.11 π + π − (left) and K + K − (right) invariant mass
background is surprising. Personally, I suppose that the distributions from radiative deacys of ψ(2S). The red curves
represent the S-wave contributions. Adapted from [2455].
pseudoscalar glueball is rather wide, and that the struc-
tures are seen so clearly because of a small glueball
content. More studies of theses data and of different
channels are required to substantiate this conjecture.

8.4.9 Outlook

The data of the BESIII collaboration presented above

are based on 1.3·109 events taken at the J/ψ. Presently
available are 1010 events. Based on this large statis- Fig. 8.4.12 π + π − (left) and K + K − (right) invariant mass
tics, rare radiative decays like J/ψ → γηη 0 [2409, 2410] distributions from radiative deacys of Υ (1S). The Υ (1S) is ob-
and J/ψ → γη 0 η 0 [2447] have been analysed. Data on served in Υ (2S)/Υ (3S) → π + π − Υ (1S). The red curves repre-
sent the S-wave contributions, the grey area the ρ(770) contri-
the different charge mode of J/ψ → γ4π would be ex- bution. Adapted from [2456].
tremely important. In an ideal world, these data would
be publicly available after publication and would be in-
cluded in different coupled-channel partial-wave analy- used the data of the CLEO collaboration on radiative
ses. ψ(2S) decays into π + π − and K + K − . The data are
Radiative decays of ψ(2S) and of Υ (1S) open a shown in Fig. 8.4.11. The data are fit with known res-
wider range in invariant mass. The authors of Ref. [2455] onances, no partial-wave analysis was performed. The
BaBar collaboration studied radiative Υ (1S) decays into
π + π − and K + K − [2456]. The results are shown in
Fig. 8.4.12. In all four distributions, there is not a sin-
gle prominent peak in the S-wave contribution which
would stick out as glueball candidate. The S-waves rather
resembles the distributions observed in radiative J/ψ:
three major enhancement in the 1500, 1750 and 2200 MeV
region separated by dips. (With the larger statistics
in J/ψ decays, a fourth enhancement is seen at about
2350 MeV.) In Fig. 8.4.11, a peak is found at 1447 MeV
and assigned to f0 (1500). At 1500 MeV, there is the
dip. The wrong mass is due to the neglect of inter-
ference: The phase between f0 (1500) and the “back-
ground” (due to the wider f0 (1370)) is 180◦ [2442].
This phase difference and the significant f0 (1500) →
ηη 0 branching ratio identify f0 (1500) as mainly SU(3)F
octet state. The different masses for the high-mass state
in the π + π − and K + K − invariant mass distributions
point again to the neglect of interference between the
prominent octet states and the singlet “background”.
Inspecting Figs. 8.4.11 and 8.4.12 shows: there is no
Fig. 8.4.10 Top: The π + π − η 0 mass distribution from radia- striking isolated peak which could be interpreted as
tive J/ψ decays [2454]. The quantum numbers are not known.
Bottom: M 2 versus n trajectories.
292 8 MESONS

Table 8.4.2 Radiative yields expected for ψ(2S) and Υ (1S) J/ψ meson in 1974 and the success, to predict the elec-
radiative decays into the scalar glueball. tromagnetic and hadronic transitions among the narrow
“Exp.” Theory Ref.
quarkonium states, established the potential models as
ψ(2S) → γG0 (1865) ∼ 5 · 10 −4 +3.4
(5.9−1.4 ) · 10−4
[2457] a tool to unravel the complicated QCD dynamics.
Υ (1S) → γG0 (1865) ∼ 3 · 10 −4 +0.7
(1.3−0.3 ) · 10−4
[2457] Starting from 2003, new states with masses above
(1 − 2) · 10 −3
[2458] the DD̄(∗) and B B̄ (∗) thresholds were observed. A com-
mon feature is the presence of a heavy quark Q and
anti-quark Q̄ pair in the decay products. As a conse-
“the glueball”. The glueball content must be distributed quence, the constituent-quark content of the decaying
over a large number of states. meson has to include a heavy quark and a heavy anti-
In ψ(2S) radiative decays, the f0 (1710) → K K̄ is quark. However, the properties of many of these states
observed with a branching fraction of (6.7±0.9)·10 , −5 did not match to those of any conventional quarkonium
in Υ (1S) radiative decays, the f0 (1710) → K + K − is state. So, what are they?
seen with a branching ratio of (2.02±0.51±0.35)·10−5 . In addition to the conventional q q̄ mesons and qqq
The comparison with the yield observed in Ref. [2442] baryons, models based on QCD predict hadrons with
allows us to calculated the branching ratio expected for different combinations of quarks q and gluons g, such as:
ψ(2S) and Υ (1S) decays when the full scalar glueball pentaquarks (q q̄qqq), tetraquarks (q q̄q q̄), six-quark H-
is covered, i.e. for Υ (1S) → γG0 (1865). The values are dibaryons (q q̄q q̄q q̄), hydrids (q q̄g) and glueballs (ggg),
given in Table 8.4.2. see Sections 8.3 and 8.4. The existence of such “ex-
Clearly, a significant increase in statistics is required otic” hadrons has been debated for several years with-
when these reactions should make in independent im- out reaching a general consensus. In the early 2000s new
pact. The advantage of ψ(2S) and Υ (1S) radiative de- hadrons with unexpected features were observed, in
cays is of course that phase space limitations play no particular the Ds0 ∗
(2317)+ [2459] and χc1 (3872) [2460]
role any more. This is particularly important for the mesons and the Θ baryon [2461]. While the first two

search for the tensor and pseudoscalar glueball. The candidates are still consistent with being conventional
scalar glueball seems to be confirmed: there is not much cs̄ and cc̄ states, the latter one is manifestly exotic with
intensity above 2500 MeV. a minimal quark content uddus̄ since it was observed
At the end I would like to give an answer to the ques- in the nK + and pKS0 final states. However, while the
tion posed in the title: yes, I am convinced, the scalar existence of the Ds0 ∗
(2317)+ and χc1 (3872) mesons has
glueball is identified, and the tensor glueball seems to been extensively confirmed by many experiments, the
have left first traces in the data. evidence of the Θ+ baryon has faded away with time
[2462]. The discovery of the χc1 (3872) drew a lot of
attention due to the narrowness of the signal and the
8.5 Heavy quark-antiquark sector: exper- proximity of the mass to the m(D0 )+m(D̄∗0 ) threshold.
iment Soon after many other charmonium-like and bottomo-
nium-like states were observed. While it is still not pos-
Marco Pappagallo sible to rule out firmly a conventional nature for the
majority of them, the observation of the Zc (4430)+ me-
8.5.1 Introduction son, an electrically charged charmonium-like state, and
of the Tcc
state, a meson containing two charm quarks,
The term “quarkonium” is a collective name to de- established definitively the existence of QCD exotics.
note heavy quark-antiquark bound states QQ̄0 (Q, Q0 = Many models have been proposed to explain the ex-
c, b) where the masses of heavy (anti-)quarks are much otic nature of such a states: hadronic molecules [2463],
larger than ΛQCD , the scale of non-perturbative physics. whose constituents are color-singlet mesons bound by
Therefore the velocities of the heavy (anti-)quark in residual nuclear forces, tetraquarks [2464], bound states
quarkonium systems are small and a nonrelativistic po- between a diquark and diantiquark, hadro-quarkonium
tential between the heavy quark-antiquark can be em- [2465], a cloud of light quarks and gluons bound to a
ployed to predict the properties of the quarkonium states. heavy QQ̄ core state via van-der-Waals forces, threshold
The spectra of the charmonium and bottomonium states, effects, enhancements caused by threshold cusps [2466]
with quark content cc̄ and bb̄ respectively, have been ex- or rescattering processes [2467].
tensively studied in the past years. All excited quarko- The spectra of the conventional and exotic charmonium-
nium states below the open-flavor DD̄(∗) or B B̄ (∗) thresh- like and bottomonium-like states are shown in Fig. 8.5.1.
olds were predicted to be narrow. The observation of the Many of them have been named X, Y and Z in the cor-
8.5 Heavy quark-antiquark sector: experiment 293

4.8 11.2

Mass [GeV/ c2]

Mass [GeV/ c2]

χ (4700)

ψ (4660) X(4630)
χ (4685)
4.6 11 Υ (11020)
Z c (4430)
ψ (4415)
χ (4500) Υ (10860)
4.4 c0
X(4350) 10.8
ψ (4360)
Υ (10753) Z b (10650)
B sB s
ψ (4230) χ (4274) Z cs(4220)
4.2 ψ (4160)
R c0 (4240)
Z c (4200)
X(4160) 10.6 Z b (10610) BB
X(4100)+ Υ (4S)
χ (4140)
c1 X(4055)+ χ (3P) χ (3P)
Z cs(4000) b1
4 ψ (4040) χ (3915)
χ (3930)
c2 X(4020)+
X(3960) 10.4
D sD s Υ (3S)
ψ (3842) X(3940)
ψ (3770) χ (3860) χ (3872) Z c (3900)
h b (2P) χ (2P) χ (2P)
3.8 c0 c1
ψ (3823)
10.2 χ (2P)
b1 c2

DD Υ 2 (1D)
ψ (2S)
3.6 η (2S) 10
η (2S) Υ (2S)
χ (1P) b

χ (1P) χ (1P)
h c (1P)
c1 h b (1P) χ (1P) c2
χ (1P) b1

3.4 χ (1P)
9.8 b0

3.2 9.6
J/ ψ (1S)
Υ (1S)
3 η (1S)
9.4 η (1S)

0− + 1− − 1+ − 0+ + 1+ + 2+ + 2− − 3− − 0 1+ ?? 0− + 1− − 1+ − 0+ + 1+ + 2+ + 2− − 1+

Fig. 8.5.1 The spectrum of charmonium(-like) (left) and bottomonium(-like) (right) states. States are labeled according to the
PDG naming scheme. Dashed horizontal lines show some relevant open-charm or open-bottom thresholds. The states shown in the
right columns are manifestly exotic, i.e. the quark content can not be only cc̄ or bb̄ given their non-zero electrical charge.

responding discovery papers without a consistent crite- branching ratios. Later on, further decay modes have
rion as a consequence of their uncertain nature. With been reported: D0 D̄0 π 0 [2484], D̄0 D∗0 [2485], χc1 π 0
the number of X, Y, Z states growing, the need of an [2486], J/ψγ [2487] and ψ(2S)γ. The current branching-
adequate naming scheme emerged. The current naming fraction measurements of the ψ(2S)γ radiative decay
scheme in Particle Data Group extends the convention [2487–2490] are, however, not fully consistent and fur-
used for ordinary quarkonia by taking in account the ther studies are needed to solve the emerging tension.
isospin, spin and parity of the state [476]. The names Solving this puzzle will help to understand the nature of
are not related to the internal structure of the states the X(3872) meson, given that the predicted branching
given their nature is controversial. However, even the fractions span over a broad range of values depending
current scheme presents some limitation for the mani- if the X(3872) state is a D∗0 D̄0 molecule [2491, 2492]
festly exotic states and a new scheme has been proposed or a pure charmonium state [2493, 2494].
recently [2468]. A study of the angular correlations among the final
state particles from X(3872) → J/ψπ + π − decays con-
8.5.2 χc1 (3872): The renaissance of the exotic spec- strained the possible J P C assignments for the X(3872)
troscopy to J P C = 1++ and 2−+ [2495]. The latter, disfavoured
by the observation of the radiative decays, was defini-
In 2003, the Belle collaboration, while studying the tively ruled out by the LHCb experiment [2496, 2497].
B + → J/ψπ − π + K + decays, observed two peaking struc- Once the quantum numbers J P C = 1++ have been
tures in the J/ψπ − π + mass projection (Fig. 8.5.2): the firmly established, the name of X(3872) turned into
well known ψ(2S) meson and a new state, originally χc1 (3872) according to the PDG naming scheme [476].
dubbed X(3872) [2460]. The new meson has been con- The identification of the X(3872) with the the 23 P1 cc̄
firmed by many experiments [2469–2475] and observed state is disfavoured by the large branching fraction of
in prompt production in pp, pp̄, pPb [2476] and PbPb X(3872) → J/ψρ0 and the large mass splitting with
[2477] collisions as well as in B and Λ0b hadron de- respect to the 23 P2 state, identified with χc2 (3930).
cays [2478, 2479]. The invariant mass distribution of An intriguing feature of the χc1 (3872) meson is the
the dipion system is consistent with originating from proximity of its mass to the m(D∗0 ) + m(D0 ) thresh-
ρ(770)0 → π + π − decays [2473, 2480]. Recently using old. This characteristic has led to speculate that the
a larger dataset the presence of a sizeable contribu- χc1 (3872) is a molecular state [2498] where the D∗0 and
tion of ω(782) → π + π − decays has been established D̄0 mesons are bound by residual nuclear forces, sim-
as well [2481]. For a pure charmonium state, the decays ilarly to a proton and a neutron in the nucleus of the
to J/ψω [2482, 2483] and J/ψρ0 are isospin conserving deuterium. An important input for such an interpreta-
and violating, respectively. Therefore the latter should tion is the binding energy Eb ≡ mD0 +mD∗0 −mχc1 (3872)
be strongly suppressed, in contrast to the measured which is still consistent with zero despite being mea-
294 8 MESONS

sured with a precision of O(100) keV [2499, 2500]. The

analyses also reported a measurement of the natural
width ΓχBWc1 (3872
= (1.39 ± 0.24 ± 0.10) MeV by using a
Breit-Wigner lineshape for the χc1 (3872) signal. How-
ever, since the |Eb | < ΓχBW
c1 (3872)
, coupled channel effects
might distort the lineshape. Indeed a Flatté-inspired
model returned a significantly smaller full width at half-
maximum FWHM = (0.22 ±0.07 0.06 ±0.13 ) MeV, highlight-

ing the relevance of a physically well-motivated line-

shape parameterization (see Section 14.5).
The smallness of the binding energy Eb = (0.07 ±
0.12) MeV [2499, 2500] implies a size of O(10) fm in
a molecular scenario. The production of a large and
weakly bound molecule is expected to be suppressed
due to the interactions with comoving hadrons pro-
duced in the underlying event [2501]. The ratio of χc1 (3872)
Fig. 8.5.2 Distribution of the mass difference
to ψ(2S) cross-sections for promptly produced parti- M (π + π − `+ `− ) − M (`+ `− ), where ` = e, µ and the in-
cles has been measured at LHC [2502] and has been variant mass of the dilepton system is within a range around
found to decrease with multiplicity. However the slope the J/ψ mass. The two signals correspond to the ψ(2S) and
would seem not to agree with the expectations for a χc1 (3872) mesons, respectively [2460].
molecular state [2503]. In addition no enhancement of
the χc1 (3872) production has been observed in associ-
ation to a pion [2504] as expected for a molecular state the quark mass difference ms −mu [2513]. The χc1 (3872)
produced via the formation of a D∗ D̄∗ pair at short meson could belong to the same flavor multiplet of the
distance followed by the rescattering of the charmed X(4140) given both states have J P C = 1++ , where the
mesons into χc1 (3872)π [2505]. Finally, the relative pro- two mesons are interpreted as [c̄q̄][cq] (q = u or d) and
duction of χc1 (3872) to ψ(2S) mesons as a function [c̄s̄][cs] bound states, respectively. As a consequence,
of the transverse momentum and rapidity has shown a [cs][c̄q̄] state with mass (mX(4140) + mχc1 (3872 )/2 =
a mild (or null) dependence for χc1 (3872) (or ψ(2S)) 4009 MeV should exist. Two exotic states, Zcs (3985)
mesons produced in prompt pp collisions and from b- [2514] and Zcs (4000) [2515] have been observed in Ds+ D̄∗0
hadron decays, respectively [2473, 2506]. The CMS col- and J/ψK + mass spectra, respectively, with masses
laboration has measured a large production rate of the close to 4000 MeV, making them potential candidates
χc1 (3872) mesons also at large transverse momenta while to complete the J P C = 1++ tetraquark nonet, where
a suppression is expected for hadronic molecules [2507], C = +1 refers to the sign of charge conjugation of the
as measured for the deuteron [2508]. neutral-non-strange members.
In order to reconcile the molecular picture to the A C-odd partner of the χc1 (3872) state, dubbed
production measurements, it has been suggested that X̃(3872), is expected as well [2464, 2516]. Several exper-
the physical χc1 (3872) might be a quantum mechanical iments searched for a X̃(3872) candidate in the J/ψη
mixture of a D D̄ molecule and the 2 P1 cc̄ charmo-
∗0 0 3 and χc1 γ mass spectra in B + → J/ψη/χc1 γK + decays
nium state [2509], where the production is dominated but no signal was reported [2517–2520], even though
by the charmonium component. Alternatively, an in- many other charmonium states were observed. The COM-
terpretation has been proposed where the χc1 (3872) PASS collaboration searched for muo-production of char-
meson is a tightly bound diquark-diantiquark system monia in the process µ+ N → µ+ X 0 π ± N 0 with X 0 →
[2464] with a size of a few fermis. In this scenario, J/ψπ + π − where N denotes the target nucleon, N 0 the
isospin partner states are expected to exist. A search unobserved recoil system and X 0 an intermediate char-
for charged X − states has been carried out by study- monium state [2521]. In addition to the observation of
ing the decays B → X K and B → X KS , where
0 − + − − 0 the ψ(2S) meson, evidence of a narrow structure, peak-
X → J/ψπ π [2510, 2511]. No charged X has been
− − 0 − ing at about 3872 MeV in the J/ψπ + π − spectrum, was
reported. Moreover no X → D D signal has been
− 0 ∗− reported. While the measured mass and width pointed
observed in the D0 D̄0 π − mass spectrum [2512]. An- to an interpretation of the signal as χc1 (3872) meson,
other firm prediction of the compact tetraquark models the π + π − mass spectrum showed a rather flat distri-
is that hidden charm states must form complete flavor- bution instead of the expected ρ0 -like shape thus dis-
SU(3) multiplets with mass differences determined by agreeing significantly with previous experimental re-
8.5 Heavy quark-antiquark sector: experiment 295

sults. This surprising result led the authors to specu-

late that the observed state might be the C-odd partner
X̃(3872) decaying to the J/ψf0 (500) final state. 30

Assuming heavy flavor symmetry, a bottomonium

counterpart Xb of the χc1 (3872) meson is expected.
Searches for Xb , carried out by the CMS [2522] and

Events/0.01 GeV

ATLAS [2523] collaborations by studying the Υ π + π −

final state, have not been successful. This result does
not rule out the existence of an Xb state since, con-
trary to the χc1 (3872) case, the Υ π + π − decay mode is

expected to be suppressed due to the smaller isospin

breaking effect: the mass difference between the neu-
tral and charged B mesons is very small. Most likely, 0

the Xb state would decay into the Υ ω and χb π + π − fi-

3.8 4.05 4.3 4.55 4.8
+ ι
M(π ψ ) (GeV)

nal states. The former decay has been recently studied

Fig. 8.5.3 Observation of the Zc (4430)+ meson in the
by the Belle-II collaboration. No Xb meson has been m(ψ(2S)π + ) distribution of the B̄ 0 → ψ(2S)K − π + and
observed [2524]. B + → ψ(2S)KS π decays after applying a veto on the
0 +

K ∗ (892) and K0/2

(1430) states in the Kπ + systems [2525].
8.5.3 Zc (4430)+ and the charmonium-like states

The observation of manifestly exotic candidates was a Table 8.5.1 Measurements of mass and natural width of the
Zc (4430)+ meson. The last column reports the number of di-
turning point in the discussion about the existence of mensions considered in the corresponding amplitude analysis.
non-conventional hadrons. Indeed, a peculiar character-
istic of charmonium-like states is the possibility to ob- Zc (4430)+
serve states with non-zero electrical charge and quark Mass [MeV/c2 ] Width [MeV]
content cc̄ud.
¯ Belle [2525] 4433 ± 4 ± 2 45+18+30
−13−13 1D
Belle [2527] +15+19
107+86+74 2D
The first-ever candidate, the Zc (4430) meson, was
+ 4443−12−13 −43−56
Belle [2528] 4485+22+28 200+41+26 4D
observed by the Belle collaboration in the ψ(2S)π + pro- −22−11 −46−35
LHCb [2529] 4475 ± 7+15 172 ± 13+37 4D
jection of B̄ 0 → ψ(2S)K − π + and B + → ψ(2S)KS0 π + −25 −34

decays [2525]. The m2 (Kπ + ) versus m2 (ψ(2S)π + ) Dalitz-

plot distributions show a continuous band (and a peak pansion. The combinations of the first N = 2Jmax +1 =
in the m2 (ψ(2S)π + ) projection) together with two bands 7 terms reproduces adequately the ψ(2S)π + mass dis-
in the m2 (Kπ + ) mass distributions corresponding to tribution where Jmax = 3 is the maximum spin of the
the K ∗ (892) and K0/2∗
(1430) resonances. After apply- excited K ∗ resonances expected in the Kπ + spectrum.
ing a veto on the K ∗ regions, a one-dimensional fit to This result provided a hint that an exotic contribution
the ψ(2S)π + projection returned the mass and width may not be needed, but it cannot rule out the pres-
(Table 8.5.1) of a signal that was interpreted as the first ence of the Zc (4430)+ meson either. Later on, the Belle
charmonium-like state with non-zero electrical charge collaboration performed a fit to the m2 (Kπ + ) versus
(Fig. 8.5.3). Given that the decay modes have four de- m2 (ψ(2S)π + ) Dalitz-plot [2527] and finally a complete
grees of freedom, the claim of a new exotic state based four-dimensional amplitude analysis [2528], both con-
on the study of a one-dimensional projection received firming the observation of an exotic state. The latter
some criticism. In addition, excluding regions in the analysis quotes a natural width for the Zc (4430)+ much
Kπ + invariant mass does not imply that interference larger than the one reported in the discovery paper (Ta-
effects are removed which could lead to peaking struc- ble 8.5.1) which highlights the relevance of performing
tures in other projections. full amplitude analyses to measure the physical param-
A model-independent approach was pursued by the eters.
BaBar collaboration which investigated the extent to The existence of the Zc (4430)+ exotic state was de-
which the reflections of mass and angular distribution of bated for many years until the LHCb collaboration also
structures in the Kπ + system might describe the associ- studied the B̄ 0 → ψ(2S)K − π + decays [2529]. The ten-
ated ψ(2S)π + mass distributions in B̄ 0 → ψ(2S)K − π + fold increase in signal yield over the previous measure-
and B + → ψ(2S)KS0 π + decays [2526]. For this pur- ments allowed the collaboration to confirm the Zc (4430)+
pose, the Kπ + angular distribution was represented, at state firmly with an improved measurement of mass and
a given m(Kπ + ), in terms of a Legendre polynomial ex-
296 8 MESONS

Table 8.5.2 Decay modes and quantum numbers of manifestly

exotic charmonium-like states.


0.2 LHCb
State Decay modes I G (J P C )
Zc (3900)+ J/ψπ + [2534–2536] 1+ (1+− )
0 D̄0 D∗+ , D̄∗0 D+ [2537, 2538]
X(4020)+ hc π + [2539], D∗+ D̄∗0 [2540] 1+ (??− )
X(4050)+ χc1 (1P )π + [2541] 1− (??+ )
-0.2 X(4055)+ ψ(2S)π + [2542] 1+ (??− )
X(4100)+ ηc (1S)π + [2543] 1− (??? )
Zc (4200)+ J/ψπ + [2531] 1+ (1+− )
-0.4 Rc0 (4240)+ ψ(2S)π + [2529] 1+ (0−− )
X(4250)+ χc1 (1P )π + [2541] 1− (??+ )
X(3985)+ Ds D̄ , Ds∗+ D̄0 [2514]
+ ∗0
1/2(?? )
-0.6 Zcs (4000)+ J/ψK + [2515] 1/2(1+ )
-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 −
Zcs (4220)+ J/ψK + [2515] 1/2(1? )

Fig. 8.5.4 Argand diagram of the Zc (4430)+ meson by Table 8.5.3 Branching fractions for the Zb (10610)+ and
a Dalitz analysis of the B̄ 0 → ψ(2S)K − π + decays Zb (10650)+ decays. The first uncertainty is statistical while
where the Zc (4430)+ amplitude is fitted in six independent the second is systematic [2546].
m2 (ψ(2S)π + ) bins. The red curve is the expected shape ac-
cording to a Breit-Wigner function with a resonance mass Channel Fraction (%)
(width) of 4475 (172) MeV. Units are arbitrary [2529]. Zb (10610)+ Zb (10650)+
Υ (1S)π + 0.60 ± 0.17 ± 0.07 0.17 ± 0.06 ± 0.02
Υ (2S)π + 4.05 ± 0.81 ± 0.58 1.38 ± 0.45 ± 0.21
width (Table 8.5.1) and to establish its spin and parity Υ (3S)π + 2.40 ± 0.58 ± 0.36 1.62 ± 0.50 ± 0.24
to J P = 1+ . hb (1P)π + 4.26 ± 1.28 ± 1.10 9.23 ± 2.88 ± 2.28
hb (2P)π +
In addition, the resonant character of a charged 6.08 ± 2.15 ± 1.63 17.0 ± 3.74 ± 4.1
B + B̄ ∗0 + B̄ 0 B ∗+ 82.6 ± 2.9 ± 2.3 −
four-quark state is demonstrated for the first time by
B ∗+ B̄ ∗0 − 70.6 ± 4.9 ± 4.4
representing the Zc (4430)+ amplitude as the combina-
tion of independent complex amplitudes at six equidis-
tant points in the m2 (ψ(2S)π + ) spectrum. The result- √
= 1, 2) with data collected at the collision energy s =
ing Argand diagram, shown in Fig. 8.5.4, is consistent 10.865 GeV [2544], the Υ (5S) mass. Amplitude anal-
with a rapid change of the Zc (4430)+ phase when its yses of the three-body Υ (nS)π + π − decays were per-
magnitude reaches the maximum, a behavior charac- formed by means of unbinned maximum likelihood fits
teristic of a resonance. Finally, an analysis of the data, to two-dimensional m2 (Υ (nS)π + ) versus m2 (Υ (nS)π − )
using the model-independent approach developed by Dalitz distributions. Two narrow structures appear in
the BaBar collaboration, shows significant inconsisten- the m(Υ (nS)π ± ) spectrum (e.g. Fig. 8.5.5). The analyses
cies in the Zc (4430)+ region between the data and a of the hb (mP )π ± spectra returned compatible results.
model introducing K ∗ states with J ≤ 3 [2530]. Ev- Weighted averages of mass and width measurements
idence of the Zc (4430)+ → J/ψπ + is also reported over all five channels yield for the Zb (10610)+
by an amplitude analysis of the B̄ 0 → J/ψK − π + de-
cays [2531]. After the discovery of the Zc (4430)+ me- m = (10607.2 ± 2.0) MeV, Γ = (18.4 ± 2.4) MeV,
son, many further charged charmonium-like states have and for the Zb (10650)+
been reported (Table 8.5.2), including candidates with m = (10652.2 ± 1.5) MeV, Γ = (11.5 ± 2.2) MeV.
strangeness and isospin partners [2532, 2533]. Later on a six-dimensional amplitude analysis of the
Υ (nS)π + π − (n = 1, 2, 3) three-body final states con-
8.5.4 The bottomonium-like Zb+ states firmed the existence of the two Zb+ states and strongly
favored I G (J P ) = 1+ (1+ ) quantum-number assignments
Few years after the discovery of the Zc (4430)+ meson, for both of them [2545]. Finally the Zb (10610)+ and
the Belle collaboration claimed the observation of two Zb (10650)+ mesons have been observed in the B + B̄ ∗0
bottomonium-like states Zb (10610)+ and Zb (10650)+ and B ∗+ B̄ ∗0 mass spectrum, respectively [2546]. Ta-
in the Υ (nS)π + (n=1, 2, 3) and hb (mP )π + (m =1, ble 8.5.3 summarizes the branching fractions of Zb (10610)+
2) spectra by studying the exclusive processes e+ e− → and Zb (10650)+ states by assuming that their sum is
Υ (nS)π + π − (n = 1, 2, 3) and e+ e− → hb (mP )π + π − (m equal to one.
8.5 Heavy quark-antiquark sector: experiment 297

100 CMS Data

L = 143 fb-1 Fit result
(c) s = 13 TeV Signal
(Events/5 MeV/c2)

Bc (J/ψ K ) π +π −
+ +

Events / 10 MeV
50 Comb. backg.

60 40

40 30

10.4 10.45 10.5 10.55 10.6 10.65 10.7 10.75 0
6.7 6.8 6.9 7.0 7.1
M(Y(2S)π)max, (GeV/c2) M (B+c π +π - ) − M (B+c) + m B+c (GeV)
Fig. 8.5.5 The maximum invariant mass of the two Υ (2S)π

combinations of the e+ e− → Υ (2S)π + π − process at s = Fig. 8.5.6 Observation of the Bc∗ (2S)+ (left-most peak) and
10.865 GeV. The two peaking structures are interpreted as the Bc (2S)+ (right-most peak) states in the M (Bc+ π + π − ) −
Zb (10610)+ and Zb (10650)+ bottomonium-like states. [2544]. M (Bc+ ) + mBc+ mass distribution [2557].

The large branching fractions of the B (∗) B̄ ∗ decay production cross sections of the Bc+ mesons and the
modes and the measured quantum numbers are consis- small branching ratios of the reconstructed decay chains.
tent with the interpretation of the two states as B B̄ ∗ In 2014 the ATLAS collaboration reported the first ob-
and B ∗ B̄ ∗ loosely bound molecular hadrons. However servation of an excited Bc+ state decaying to Bc+ π + π −
the measured mass for the Zb (10610)+ and Zb (10650)+ final state [2556]. Few years later the same mass spec-
are both above the nearby open-flavor thresholds. This trum was investigated by other LHC experiments [2557,
might be the result of using Breit-Wigner functions 2558] and it turned out that the ATLAS structure was
to parameterize the amplitudes of very near-threshold very likely the result of a superimposition of two nar-
states. Indeed, when amplitudes consistent with unitar- rower signals (Fig. 8.5.6), interpreted as the Bc (2S)+
ity and analyticity are used instead, lower masses are and Bc∗ (2S)+ states. The latter appears in the mass
measured, typically below the thresholds [2547]. spectrum as a partially reconstructed decay Bc∗ (2S)+ →
Bc∗+ π + π − , where the photon of the Bc∗+ → Bc+ γ re-
8.5.5 The Bc+ mesons action is not reconstructed. Since the Bc∗+ meson has
not been observed yet, the mass of the Bc∗ (2S)+ state
Contrary to charmonium and bottomonium states, the can not be measured and it is not listed in the PDG.
Bc+ mesons can not annihilate into gluons and thus In the next years the upgraded LHC experiments will
these states are more stable. Indeed, apart from the probe the largely unexplored spectrum of the excited
ground state which decays weakly, all the excited states, Bc+ mesons below and above the B (∗) D(∗) thresholds
with masses below the lowest strong decay B (∗) D(∗) with the intriguing possibility to observe exotic states
thresholds, are predicted to have narrow widths [2548, as for the other quarkonium systems [2559].
Before the start of LHC, only the ground Bc+ state 8.5.6 The doubly charmed Tcc (3875)+ state
was observed [2550] via few decays modes: Bc+ → J/ψπ +
and Bc+ → J/ψ`+ ν. The LHCb and CMS experiments All the exotic mesons described so far are featured by
have observed 15 new decays modes and have largely a heavy quark-antiquark pair QQ̄ and a light quark-
improved the precision of the Bc+ mass [2551] and life- antiquark pair q q̄. The observation of several QQ̄q q̄
time [2552–2554]. The production of the Bc+ meson has state has revived the discussion on the existence of of
been observed in pp̄, pp as well as in PbPb collisions QQq̄ q̄ states with two heavy quarks and two light an-
[2555], where the measurement of the nuclear modifica- tiquarks. In the limit of a large heavy-quark mass, the
tion factor hints that effects of the hot and dense nu- two heavy quarks QQ form a heavy point-like color-
clear matter created in heavy ion collisions contribute antitriplet object, that behaves like an antiquark, and
to its production. the corresponding four-quark state should be bound.
Despite the large number of expected excited states, The argument that such a state should exist, if the mass
only a few have been observed so far due to the small of the charm quark is enough, has been discussed ex-
298 8 MESONS

70 Table 8.5.4 Mass difference δm ≡ m − mD∗+ − mD0 and the

Yield/(500 keV/c2)

full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the Tcc (3875)+ state

Yield/(200 keV/c2 )
LHCb 35
by fitting the D0 D0 π + mass spectrum with the FBW and FU
60 30
9 fb−1 25 models. The uncertainties are statistical only. See Refs. [1071,
2512] for a complete set of results.
40 5
Tcc (3875)+
• Data
3.874 3.876 δm [keV/c2 ] FWHM [keV/c2 ]
T+ 0 0 +
cc → D D π mD0 D0 π+ [GeV/c2 ]
30 Background FBW −279 ± 59 409 ± 163
D∗+ D0 threshold
FU −359 ± 40 47.8 ± 1.9
20 D∗0 D+ threshold

Wigner function is sufficient to reveal the existence of
0 a state, it does not take in account the proximity to
D∗ D thresholds. A more advanced parameterization is
3.87 3.88 3.89 3.9
needed to probe the physical properties of the reso-
mD0D0π+ GeV/c2
Fig. 8.5.7 Distribution of D0 D0 π + mass where the contri-
nance. An unitarized Breit-Wigner profile FU is con-
bution of the non-D0 background has been statistically sub- sidered as an alternative model for the Tcc (3875)+ sig-
tracted. The D∗+ D0 and D∗0 D+ thresholds are indicated with nal, where the energy-dependent width accounts for the
the vertical dashed lines. Inset shows a zoomed signal region +
Tcc → D0 D0 π + , Tcc+
→ D0 D+ π 0 and Tcc+
→ D0 D+ γ
with fine binning scheme [1071, 2512].
decays. The resulting mass, relative to D D thresh-
∗+ 0

old, and the FWHM of the signal are shown in Ta-

ble 8.5.4 and compared to the results of the FBW model.
tensively, but a consensus was not reached. Even lattice The narrowness of the Tcc +
state varies substantially
QCD calculations had not provided a definite conclu- highlighting the relevance of accounting for the D∗ D
sion [2560]. The ccūd¯ ground state, hereafter denoted thresholds. Despite the difference in results, both mod-
as Tcc+
, is predicted with spin-parity quantum numbers els can describe the data adequately given the mass
J = 1+ and isospin I = 0. The only known hadron
resolution of about 400 keV/c2 . The Tcc (3875)+ state is
with a similar quark content is the Ξcc ++
baryon [2561– the narrowest exotic state observed to date.
2563], a bound state of two c quarks and one u quark. The D0 D0 π + events with a mass below the D∗+ D0
Its measured mass [2564] implies that the mass of the threshold (Fig. 8.5.7) are selected to study the D0 π +
Tcc is close to the sum of masses of D0 and D∗+ mesons mass distribution which indicates that the Tcc +
→ D0 D0 π+
[1070]. decay proceeds via an intermediate off-shell D meson.
The LHCb experiment reported the observation of The peak in the D0 D0 π + could be interpreted as
a narrow state in the D0 D0 π + mass spectrum near the the I3 = 0 component of an isotriplet (T̂cc 0 +
, T̂cc +
, T̂cc +)
D∗+ D0 mass threshold compatible with being a Tcc +
with ccūū, ccūd and ccdd quark content, respectively. A
¯ ¯ ¯
tetraquark state [1071, 2512]. The D D π final state
0 0 +
search for a T̂cc++
state in the D+ D0 π + mass spectrum
is reconstructed by selecting events with two D0 mesons reports no signal. All the observed properties strongly
and a positively charged pion, all produced at the same support the interpretation of the new state as the isoscalar
proton-proton interaction point. Both D0 mesons are J P = 1+ ccūd¯ tetraquark ground state.
reconstructed in the D0 → K − π + decay channel. The Using the FU model, the scattering length a, the
mass distribution of the selected D0 D0 π + candidates effective range r [2568], and the compositeness Z [2569]
is shown in Fig. 8.5.7. A narrow peak near the D∗+ D0 are determined:
mass threshold is clearly visible. h i
An extended unbinned maximum-likelihood fit to a = − (7.16 ± 0.51) + i (1.85 ± 0.28) fm , (8.5.1)
the D0 D0 π + mass spectrum is performed by modelling −r < 11.9 (16.9) fm at 90 (95)% CL , (8.5.2)
the signal with a Breit-Wigner function FBW . The mea- Z < 0.52 (0.58) at 90 (95)% CL . (8.5.3)
sured mass δm and the full width at half maximum
(FWHM) of the Tcc +
state are reported in Table 8.5.4, The real part of the scattering length a can be in-
where the uncertainties are statistical. The mass pa- terpreted as the characteristic size of the state Ra ≡
rameter δm is defined relative to the D∗+ D0 mass thresh- −Re[a] = 7.16 ± 0.51 fm which corresponds to a spa-
old as δm ≡ m−mD∗+ −mD0 , where mD∗+ and mD0 de- tial extension as large as expected for molecular states.
note the known masses of the D∗+ and D0 mesons. The Within the FU model the resonance pole is found to be
measured δm value corresponds to a mass of approxi- located on the second Riemann sheet at ŝ = mpole −
mately 3875 MeV. Though the use of a standard Breit-
8.5 Heavy quark-antiquark sector: experiment 299

magnetic interactions: its mass is expected to fall below

the B ∗− B 0 and B − B 0 mass thresholds. The observa-
tion of a long-lived exotic state will be an intriguing
goal for future experiments.

8.5.7 The fully charmed tetraquark X(6900)

Many QCD-motivted phenomenological models [2570,

2571] have predicted the existence of states consisting of
four heavy quarks TQQQ̄Q̄ . In 2020 the LHCb collabora-
tion reported the study of the invariant mass spectrum
of the J/ψ pairs where both J/ψ mesons are recon-
structed via the µ+ µ− decay [2565]. As a result, the
reconstruction efficiency is large due to the presence of
muons only in the final state. A pair of J/ψ mesons can
be produced in proton-proton collisions at LHC via sin-
gle (SPS) or double (DPS) parton scattering processes,
where the two J/ψ are produced in a single or two sepa-
rated interactions of gluons or quarks, respectively. The
SPS process includes both resonant production via in-
termediate states, such as Tcc̄cc̄ , and nonresonant pro-
The J/ψJ/ψ mass distribution (Fig. 8.5.8) shows a
broad structure just above the kinematic threshold and
a narrower peak at about 6.9 GeV, dubbed X(6900).
An unusual dip also appears between them. The broad
structure can be modelled as a superimposition of two
Breit-Wigner structures or as an interference between a
Breit-Wigner function and the background. The latter
model successes to describe also the dip adequately. The
presence of the X(6900) state is established in both
models, though the natural width is twice larger in the
Recently the CMS [2566] and ATLAS [2567] col-
laborations have presented preliminary studies of the
J/ψJ/ψ spectrum (Fig. 8.5.8). While the X(6900) state
is confirmed, there is no consensus on the fit model.
Common features are the presence of dips in the spec-
trum and the need of interference terms to describe
Fig. 8.5.8 Invariant mass spectra of J/ψ pair candidates by it properly. Interestingly the CMS collaboration also
using data recorded bu the LHCb [2565] (top), CMS [2566]
(middle) and ATLAS [2567] (bottom) experiments. The three
claimed the observation and the evidence of two new
spectra have been aligned for an easier comparison. states X(6600) and X(7300), respectively. A hint of the
latter structure was also pointed out by the LHCb col-
Given no single light hadron can mediate the inter-
2 Γpole , where
action between charmonia to generate a loosely bound
δmpole = −360 ± 40 + 4
− 0 keV/c , molecule, the X(6900) meson seems likely to be a com-
Γpole = 48 ± 2+ 0
− 14 keV . (8.5.5) pact tetraquark [2572]. The LHC experiments will profit
of larger datasets in a near future which will help to in-
All exotic hadrons observed so far predominantly
vestigate further the resonant nature of the peaks and
decay via the strong interaction; their decay widths
eventually to measure their spins and parities [2573] in
vary from a few to a few hundred MeV. The discovery
the J/ψJ/ψ and ψ(2S)J/ψ spectra.
of the Tcc (3875)+ meson implies the existence of a bbūd¯
state that should be stable against strong and electro-
300 8 MESONS

Tetraquarks states containing only bottom quarks, The 1974 discovery of the J/ψ [75, 76], the char-
Tbbb̄b̄ , have been also searched for by the LHCb and monium ground state, drastically changed and shaped
CMS collaborations in the Υ µ+ µ− decay [2574, 2575] the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics: termed
but no signal have been observed. the November revolution, it represented the confirma-
tion of the quark model, the discovery of the charm
8.5.8 Conclusions quark, the confirmation of the GIM mechanism [78] (the
mechanism through which flavor-changing neutral cur-
The existence of exotic hadronic states with more than rents are suppressed in loop diagrams), and the first
minimal quark content (q q̄ or qqq) was proposed since discovery of a quark of large mass moving nonrelativis-
the birth of the quark model [17, 18]. In the last decades tically. It was also the confirmation of QCD in its most
samples of quarkonia larger and larger have been ex- peculiar properties of high-energy asymptotic freedom
ploited to study their transition and production pro- and low-energy confinement [80]. The small width can
cesses. New and fascinating exotic X, Y, Z states have be explained by the fact that J/ψ is the lowest cc̄ en-
been observed at a large number of facilities and in dif- ergy level and can decay only via annihilation, which
ferent production processes: at tau-charm (BES exper- makes available in the process a large energy, of or-
iment) and B factories (BaBar and Belle experiments), der of twice the mass of the charm quark (about 2
in hadroproduction at Fermilab Tevatron and the Large GeV). The annihilation width is then proportional to
Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, in photon-gluon fu- αs2 (2mc ) which is small due to asymptotic freedom,
sion at DESY, photoproduction at JLab, and in heavy- since mc is bigger than ΛQCD . Confinement becomes
ion production and suppression at RHIC, NA60, and also manifest in the case of quarkonium, where the
LHC. In the upcoming years an unprecedented amount color-singlet static quark-antiquark interaction poten-
of data will be available from the upgraded experi- tial can be written in terms of a Wilson loop (see e.g.
ments CMS, ATLAS, LHCb, ALICE, Belle II and BE- [2584, 2585]). Confinement emerges as an area law in
SIII [1424, 2576–2580] and more data will come in fu- the Wilson loop [80] , cf. Fig. 8.6.1, and correspond-
ture from Panda at FAIR and the Electron Ion Collider ingly a linear potential grows with the distance be-
(EIC) [2581, 2582]. The measurements of the quan- tween the quarks [2586] Has V0 = limT →∞ (i/T ) ln W ,
tum numbers and classification of the exotic hadrons where W = Tr P exp{igs Γ0 dzµ Aµ (z)}, see Fig. 8.6.2
in SU (3) flavour multiplets will be an important step and Section 6.1.
to understand the nature of the observed exotic states. The energy scales involved in quarkonium span from
In addition it will be important to identify observables the hard region, where an expansion in the coupling
which can discriminate between different models. For constant is possible and precision studies may be done,
instance the measurement of the effective range has to the low-energy region, dominated by confinement
been suggested as a physical quantity able to determine and the many manifestations of nonperturbative dy-
if the χc1 (3872) is a compact tetraquark or a loosely- namics. This property underlies its uniqueness and is
bound molecular state [2583]. the reason for which quarkonium plays a crucial role
for a number of problems at the frontier of our research,

8.6 Heavy quark-antiquark sector: theory

Nora Brambilla
x1 x2

8.6.1 Introduction r
Heavy quarks have been instrumental in accessing the
strong interactions as they provide a mass scale mh y1 y2
which is bigger than LQCD: at such scale perturbation t=0
theory is valid and scale factorization is useful. Among
Fig. 8.6.1 The static Wilson loop along the circuit Γ0 : it con-
the systems with heavy quarks, systems with two (or tains the interaction of a static quark-antiquark pair created at
more) heavy quarks are very special, being endowed a time t = 0 (respectively at space points y1 and y2 ) annihi-
with a pattern of separated energy scales. Quarkonium lated at a subsequent large time T (at space points x1 and x2 )
Initial and final states are made gauge invariant by the pres-
in particular, a bound state of a heavy quark and a
ence of the Schwinger line. The Wilson area law says that the
heavy anti-quark, provides a special tool to study strong Wilson loop behavior at large distances is exponential in the
interactions. area of the loop weighted by the string tension σ.
8.6 Heavy quark-antiquark sector: theory 301

freedom. The string tension σ corresponds to a con-

stant energy density related to confinement and gener-

ates a potential growing with the interquark distance r

at large distances. A fit to the states gave κ = 0.52 and

σ = 0.182 GeV2 . In order to describe the fine and hy-
perfine characteristics of the spectrum, relativistic cor-
rections to the static potential have been introduced
E0 [GeV]


to account for effects of order v 2 , i.e. 20% to 30% for

−1.5 the charmonium and up to 10% for the bottomonium
spectrum. They appear at the order 1/m2h in the expan-
β 7.28 M iii β 6.30 M i
sion, involving both spin dependent (spin-spin, tensor
and spin-orbit couplings) and purely velocity depen-
β 7.00 M i β 6.30 M ii
β 7.00 M iii β 6.30 M iii
β 6.72 M i β 6.00 M i

dent terms. They were derived in the eighties, either

β 6.72 M ii β 6.00 M ii
β 6.72 M iii β 5.80 M i
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

from the semirelativistic reduction of a Bethe–Salpeter

r [fm]

Fig. 8.6.2 Results for the static potential in physical units equation [824] for the quark-antiquark Green functions
for 2+1+1 dynamical quark flavors. The data are from twelve (or, equivalently at this level, from the reduction of the
ensembles of varying lattice spacing (keyed by β) and three
choices of light quark mass (denoted “M i”, “M ii”, “M iii”).
quark-antiquark scattering amplitude with an effective
Lattice units are eliminated via the r0 /a scale setting, and an exchange) or in some model description like the flux-
unphysical constant is eliminated by setting V0 (r0 ) = 0. For tube model [2366], for a review see [2584, 2585, 2589].
details see [2587]. This is the first ever determination of the The problem of these approaches is the lack of a pre-
potential with 4 dynamical fermions.
cise connection to QCD. Taking advantage of NREFTs,
quarkonium can be described directly in QCD, and in
from the investigation of the confinement dynamics in this way it becomes a probe of strong interactions.
QCD to the study of deconfinement and the phase dia- The spectrum of quarkonium, see Fig. 8.1.1, clearly
gram of nuclear matter, from the precise determination states that it is a nonrelativistic system: the difference
of Standard Model parameters up to the emergence of in the orbital energy levels is much smaller than the
exotics X, Y, Z states of an unprecedented nature [1424, quark mass. Defining v as the heavy quark velocity in
1425, 2576–2578, 2585], as we will summarize in the the rest frame of the meson in units of c (with v 2 ∼ 0.1
next sections. It is also the reason for which quarkonium for the bb̄, v 2 ∼ 0.3 for cc̄ systems) the energy lev-
should be addressed with effective field-theory methods els scales like mh v 2 , while fine and hyperfine separa-
to take advantage of the scales separation. tions scale like mh v 4 . This is the same scaling as for
the hydrogen atom (identifying v with the fine struc-
8.6.2 Scales and Effective Field Theories ture constant αem ). This scaling is the signature of a
nonrelativistic system. Being nonrelativistic, quarkonia
The multiscale nature of quarkonium has made a de- are characterized by a hierarchy of energy scales: the
scription within Quantum Field Theory particularly dif- mass mh of the heavy quark (hard scale), the typical
ficult until the advent of non-relativistic effective field relative momentum p ∼ mh v (in the meson rest frame)
theories (NREFTs), cf. Sec. 6.1. When in the eighties corresponding to the inverse Bohr radius r ∼ 1/(mh v)
of last century, theorists set up to investigate the struc- (soft scale), and the typical binding energy E ∼ mh v 2
ture of the energy levels of charmonium and bottomo- (ultrasoft scale). Of course, for quarkonium there is an-
nium, they noticed that it can be reproduced by using a other scale that can never be switched off in QCD, i.e.
Schrödinger equation with a static potential composed ΛQCD , the scale at which nonperturbative effects be-
of an attractive Coulomb contribution (with the appro- come dominant. A similar pattern of scales emerge in
priate SU (3) color factor for a singlet QQ̄) and a term the case of baryons composed of two or three heavy
linear in the distance: the famous Cornell potential (see quarks [1411, 1412] and for the just discovered state
Section 2.1 and Ref. [734, 2588]: X(6900) made by two charm and two anticharm quarks.
The pattern of nonrelativistic scales makes all the differ-
V0 (r) = − + σr + const. (8.6.1) ence between heavy quarkonia and heavy-light mesons,
which are characterized by just two scales: mh and
This was the quark model description with the poten- ΛQCD .
tial inspired by QCD. The parameter κ was identified The correct zero-order problem is thus the Schrödin-
with 43 αs , corresponding to a one-gluon exchange that ger equation with potentials. These should, however, be
should dominate at small distances due to asymptotic defined and calculated directly in QCD, and nonpoten-
302 8 MESONS

tial corrections that should be accounted for. As ex- the dynamics is controlled by the Schrödinger equation
plained in Sec. 6.1 using the EFT method to integrate and ultrasoft corrections are carried only by pions. The
out in QCD (in the sector with one heavy quark and potentials, however, are calculated from QCD and they
one heavy antiquark) the hard scale mh and the soft have a structure that is different from what one gets in
scale mh v, give origin to the NREFT called pNRQCD models, especially for terms related to momentum de-
(potential Nonrelativistic QCD) [1422, 1450, 1452]. The pendent contributions. This EFT description allows for
pNRQCD description directly addresses the bound state modifications that could be used to describe X, Y, Z ex-
dynamics, implements the Schrödinger equation as zero- otics and (combining with finite temperature QCD and
order problem, properly defines the potentials as match- open quantum system) the nonequilibrium evolution of
ing coefficients, and allows to systematically calculate quarkonium in medium, as it will summarized later.
relativistic and retardation corrections. Each correction
has a size determined by the power counting in v and in 8.6.3 The quarkonium potential and confinement
αs . The EFT allows us to make model-independent pre-
dictions and we can use the power counting to attach The lattice QCD evaluation of the static Wilson loop
an error to the theoretical predictions. clearly displays an area law which is the sign for con-
When mv  ΛQCD , we speak about weakly-coupled finement. Still, it is relevant to investigate the nature
pNRQCD because the soft scale is perturbative and the of the confinement mechanism. Quarkonium is a golden
potentials can be calculated in perturbation theory. The tool for this aim. Stron/-gly-coupled pNRQCD realizes
lowest levels of quarkonium, like J/ψ, Υ (1S), Υ (2S) . . . , a scale factorization encoding the low-energy physics in
may be described by weakly coupled pNRQCD, while the Wilson loop and its generalized versions, i.e. Wil-
the radii of the excited states are larger and presumably son loops with insertions of chromoelectric and chro-
need to be described by strongly coupled pNRQCD. momagnetic fields. All the potentials, static ones and
All this is valid for states away from the strong-decay spin and velocity-dependent ones, are given in terms of
threshold, i.e. the threshold for a decay into two heavy- these gauge invariant nonperturbative objects that no
light hadrons. In the first case the dynamical degrees longer depend on the heavy quark degrees of freedom
of freedom are QQ̄ pairs in color singlet or color octet and on the quark flavor. This turns out to be a system-
configuration and ultrasoft gluons, in the second case atic method to study the QCD confinement properties
just QQ̄ pairs in color singlet. The details of the two and put them directly in relation to the quarkonium
theories have been presented in Section 6.1. The non- phenomenology.
perturbative physics in pNRQCD is encoded in a few The area law emerging in the static Wilson loop at
low-energy correlators that depend only on the gluons large distance corresponds to the formation of a chro-
and are gauge invariant: these are objects in princi- molectric flux tube between the quark and the anti-
ple ideal for lattice calculations. Strongly coupled pN- quark that sweeps the area of the loop: this has been di-
RQCD allows us to obtain a definition of the potentials rectly observed on the lattice, see Fig. 8.6.3. The effects
that are given in terms of Wilson loops also in gen- originates from the nonperturbative QCD vacuum that
eralized form (i.e. with the insertion of chromoelectric can be imagined as a disordered medium with whirl-
and chromomagnetic field in the static loop). The static pools of color on different scales, thus densely populated
potential is given by the static Wilson loop described by fluctuating fields whose amplitude is so large that
before that was calculated on the lattice since the in- they cannot be described by perturbation theory [404].
ception of QCD [80, 326, 1528, 2586, 2590], up to the A QCD vacuum model can be established by making
present state of the art that includes four dynamical an assumption on the behavior of the Wilson loop in
quarks in the calculation, see Fig. 8.6.2. Some of these the low energy. The relativistic corrections that involve
potentials have been obtained before the advent of the insertions of gluonic fields in the Wilson loop follow via
EFT in the so-called Wilson-loop approach [80, 768, functional derivative with respect to the quark path see
1461, 1462, 2591, 2592], but they were missing the con- [2584, 2592]. One may notice that the part proportional
tribution of the hard scale. Moreover in the EFT, new to the square of the angular momentum in the velocity
(spin-independent) contributions appear at the order dependent potential at order 1/m2h takes into account
1/mh and at the order 1/m2h [1516, 1517]. The results the energy and the angular momentum of the flux tube,
of strongly coupled pNRQCD – which are valid in the which is something that could not be obtained e.g. in
regime in which mh v is of order ΛQCD and where strong any Bethe Salpeter approach with a confining inter-
decay thresholds are far away – justify the success of the action represented by a scalar convolution kernel. The
quark model from the QCD perspective. In fact in this action density or the energy density structure between
regime the only degree of freedom is the QQ̄ singlet, the static quark and the static antiquark is currently
8.6 Heavy quark-antiquark sector: theory 303

tials calculated at high order in perturbation theory

(see Sec. 6.1) and retardation effects carried by local
or non-local condensates. For states with larger radii,
the potentials obtained in strongly-coupled pNRQCD
(see Sec. 6.1) have been calculated on the lattice [769,
1526, 1528, 2607–2609], and the full quarkonium phe-
nomenology may be obtained using such potentials in
the Schrödinger equation. The imaginary parts of the
potentials control the decays.
On the other hand, direct lattice calculations of
quarkonium properties along the years have reached
realistic values for the dynamical quark flavors, solid
continuum limits and have been extended to the ex-
Fig. 8.6.3 The origin of the linear potential between the static cited states, reaching a comprehensive and precise de-
quark and antiquark may be traced back to a flux tube: a string scription [1434, 2610–2614]. Electromagnetic M1 and
of gluon energy between the quark pair. Here we present the
E1 transitions have been calculated in pNRQCD, see
hystorical picture of the action density distribution between a
static quark antiquark couple in SU(2) at a physical distance e.g. [1511–1514]. There are so many results that it is
of 1.2 fm, from [2606]. impossible to discuss all of them here and we refer to
some reviews [1422, 1424, 1425, 1478, 2576].
Summarizing: today we understand in a precise way,
studied both in the lowest energy configuration as well
on the basis of QCD, most of the properties of the
as in the hybrid configurations with excited glue [2593–
quarkonium states lying below the strong decay thresh-
2595]. The mechanism underlying confinement and flux
old. This has a great impact for the physics of quarko-
tube formation has been investigated since long on the
nium, as we explain with examples in the next para-
lattice [397] using Wilson loops and the ’t Hooft abelian
projection, to identify the roles of magnetic monopoles
[2596, 2597] and center vortices [403], see e.g. the review
Precise determination of SM parameters
In the regime in which the soft scale is perturbative,
In the continuum, several models of low-energy QCD
pNRQCD enables precise and systematic higher order
have been introduced to explain the flux-tube forma-
calculations of bound states allowing us to extract pre-
tion. The models vary from the dual Meissner effect and
cisely standard-model parameters like the quark masses
a dual-abelian Higgs-model picture, from dual QCD
and αs . For example, it has been possible to extract a
[2598] to the stochastic vacuum [2599], to the flux tube
precise value of αs at rather low energy by comparing
model [2366] and an effective low energy string descrip-
a short-distance lattice calculation with 2+1 flavors of
tion. Each of these models can be used to obtain ana-
the static energy and a next-to-next-to-next leading or-
lytic estimates of the behavior of the generalized Wilson
der (NNNLO, αs4 ) perturbative pNRQCD calculation of
loops for large distance, which in turn give the static
the same quantity, including also ultrasoft logs resum-
potential and the relativistic corrections as function of
mation. When αs is extrapolated to the mass of the Z,
r, see e.g. [1531, 2600–2603]. Similar nonperturbative
−0.00056 is obtained. This is a com-
αs (MZ ) = 0.11660+0.00110
configurations leading to confinement can be studied
petitive extraction made at a pretty high order of the
analyzing the Wilson loop in case of baryons with three
perturbative expansion [2615, 2616]. This method of αs
or two heavy quarks [2604, 2605].
extraction is now used by several groups, see e.g. [2617,
2618]. The QCD static force, defined in terms of a sin-
8.6.4 States below threshold:quarkonium
gle chromolectric insertion in the Wilson loop could be
used as well to the same scope [2619, 2620].
On the basis of EFTs and lattice calculations we have
In the same way precise values of the bottom and
reached today a comprehensive understanding of the
charm masses can be extracted from measurements of
properties of quarkonium below the strong decay thresh-
the masses of the lowest states and by comparing them
to the formula for the energies in pNRQCD at NNNLO.
The renormalon ambiguity between the mass and the
Spectra, transition and decays
static potential cancels and a pretty good determina-
The power counting of the EFT allows us to attach
tion is possible, see e.g. [1478, 1487, 1497] and references
an error to each prediction. For states with a small ra-
therein. Similar methods [1477, 1497] can be used to
dius one can use weakly-coupled pNRQCD with poten-
304 8 MESONS

describe the top anti-top S-wave pair-production cross The NRQCD approach has brought a great progress
section near threshold in e+ e− annihilation and to study into the field even though not all experimental data
the possible achievable accuracy of top-quark mass mea- are understood coherently, and the extraction of the
surement expected at a future linear collider. A precise LDMEs remains a complex enterprise [2621–2627]. Re-
determination of the top quark mass is very important cently, it has been possible to factorize the quarkonium
for precision tests of the SM, and also due to its crucial production-cross sections at lower energy in pNRQCD
role in the vacuum stability of the SM at a very high [1533–1535], rewriting the octet NRQCD LDMEs, which
energy scale. Hence, progress in our understanding of are the nonperturbative unknowns, in terms of prod-
heavy quarkonia leads to an access to key aspects of the ucts of wave functions and gauge invariant low energy
SM. correlators depending only on the glue and not the on
flavor quantum numbers. This allows to reduce by half
8.6.5 Production the number of LDMEs, opens up the possibility of their
lattice evaluation and may lead to further progress of
Production of heavy quarkonium has been extensively the field.
studied along the years at the Tevatron collider at Fer-
milab, at Hera at DESY, at B factories and in particular 8.6.6 Nonequilibrium evolution in medium
at the LHC where quarkonium production with high
statistics at unprecedented values of pT is measured The properties of production and absorption of quarko-
[1424, 1425, 1437, 1438, 2576–2578]. This is a complex nium in a nuclear and hot medium are crucial inputs
problem encompassing many physical scales still not for the study of QCD at high density and temperature
fully understood, and it can be used to test and extend (see Sec.7), reaching out to cosmology.
our understanding of factorization theorems, which are Heavy ions experiments at the LHC at CERN and
the foundation for all the perturbative calculations in at the RHIC at BNL aim at producing the Quark Gluon
QCD. New theoretical concepts that have been devel- Plasma (QGP): heavy quarks are good probes of this
oped here, e.g. arising from kinematic enhancements hot QCD medium. They are produced at the begin-
and from large endpoint logarithms, could have wider ning of the collision and remain up to the end. As we
applicability in the calculation of high-energy cross sec- discussed, quarkonia are special hard probes as they
tions. Quarkonium production is also relevant to BSM, are multi-scale systems. In the medium besides the en-
as certain quarkonium production processes can be used ergy scales of quarkonium, also the thermal scales of
to measure Higgs couplings. the QGP have to be considered (cf Sec. 6.5): the scale
The standard method for calculating quarkonium πT related to the temperature, the Debye mass mD ∼
production rates is the NRQCD [1436] (see Sec. 6.1) fac- gT , with αs = g 2 /4π, related to the (chromo) electric
torization approach, where production rates are expres- screening and the scale g 2 T related to the (chromo)
sed as perturbatively calculable partonic cross sections magnetic screening. In a weakly-coupled plasma, the
multiplied by nonperturbative constants called NRQCD scales are separated and hierarchically ordered, in a
long-distance matrix elements (LDMEs) which are uni- strongly coupled plasma, mD ∼ T . To calculate QCD
versal. The NRQCD factorization approach is a con- at finite T in real time, Hard Thermal Loop EFT can
jecture that has not been proven to all orders in αs . be used to integrate out the temperature scale. Heavy
Another important theoretical development is the next- quarkonium dissociation has been proposed a long time
to-leading-power (NLP) fragmentation approach [1277, ago as a clear probe of QGP formation through the
2023], in which quarkonium production rates are ex- measurement of the dilepton decay-rate [2112]. The dis-
pressed as perturbatively calculable partonic cross sec- sociation was related to the screening of the quark-
tions convolved with fragmentation functions, up to antiquark interaction due to the Debye mass and it
corrections suppressed by a factor m4h /p4T . The NLP was suggested that dissociation would manifest itself in
fragmentation approach becomes more predictive if NR- an exponential screening term exp(−mD r) in the static
QCD factorization is used to express the fragmentation potential. One of the key quantities measured in experi-
functions in terms of NRQCD matrix elements. This ments is the nuclear modification factor RAA , a measure
organizes the NRQCD factorization expression for the for the difference of quarkonium production in pp and in
cross section according to powers of m2h /p2T , which sim- nucleus-nucleus collisions. Since higher excited quarko-
plifies the calculation of higher-order corrections and nium states have larger radii, the expectation was that,
the resummation of large logarithms. NRQCD factor- as the temperature increases, quarkonium would disso-
ization predictions have now been computed at NLO in ciate first for the higher-mass and then for lower-mass
αs for many production processes. states giving origin to sequential melting [2112].
8.6 Heavy quark-antiquark sector: theory 305

In the last decades, using pNRQCD at finite T [1552, decades, cf. Sec 8.5 and Fig. 8.5.1. Many of these states
2119], it has been possible to actually define and cal- are surprisingly narrow, and some have electric charge.
culate the QQ̄ potential in medium. In perturbative The observations of these charged quarkonium states
calculations it was found that the thermal part of the are the first definitive discoveries of manifestly exotic
static potential has a real part (roughly described by hadrons. These results challenge our understanding of
the free energy) and an imaginary part. The imagi- the QCD spectrum. The X, Y, Z offer us a unique op-
nary part comes from two effects: the Landau damping portunity to investigate the dynamical properties of
[1552, 1553, 2113], an effect existing also in QED, and strongly correlated systems in QCD.
the singlet to octet transition, existing only in QCD As mentioned in Sec. 8.5, These states have been
[1552]. Which one dominates depends on the ratio be- termed X, Y, Z in the discovery publications, without
tween mD and E. In the EFT one could show that the any special criterion. Meanwhile, the Particle Data Group
imaginary part of the potential related to the Landau (PDG) has proposed a new naming scheme [2632], that
damping comes from inelastic parton scattering [1556] extends the scheme used for ordinary quarkonia, in which
and the singlet to octet transition from gluon dissocia- the new names carry information on the J P C quantum
tion [1555]. The existence of the imaginary part, first re- numbers, see [1388] for more details. Since the situation
alized in Ref. [2113], changed our paradigm for quarko- is still in evolution we will stick to X, Y, Z names. The
nium suppression: it has become clear that the state field is in enormous and very fast development both ex-
dissociates well before the conventional screening be- perimentally and theoretically, with a continuous flux
comes active [1553, 2113]. A similar pattern emerges of new papers: we refer to reviews to account for this
in lattice nonperturbative calculations of the potential development [1388, 1424, 2576, 2633–2638]. The X, Y, Z
[2628, 2629]. states offer us unique possibilities for the investigation
So far, we have discussed an equilibrium description. of the dynamical properties of strongly correlated sys-
However, the evolution of quarkonium in the QGP is an tems: we should develop the tools to gain a solid inter-
out-of-equilibrium process in which many effects enter: pretation from the underlying field theory, QCD. This
the hydrodynamical evolution of the plasma and the is a very significant problem with trade off to other
production, dissociation and regeneration of quarko- fields featuring strong correlations and pretty interest-
nium in the medium, to quote the most prominent ones. ing connections to heavy ion physics, as propagation of
It is necessary therefore to introduce an appropriate these states in medium may help us to scrutinize their
framework to describe the real-time nonequilibrium evo- structure and composition.
lution. Recently, using the formalism of open quantum
system (see Sec. 6.6) and pNRQCD, it has been possible 8.6.8 X, Y, Z models and degrees of freedom
to describe the nonequilibrium evolution of bottomo-
nium inside a strongly coupled QGP, in a way that in- Since the X(3872) discovery in 2003, a wealth of the-
corporates the quantum effects, conserves the number oretical papers appeared to investigate the character-
of heavy quarks and considers both color singlet and istics of the exotics. Most papers are based on mod-
color octet quarkonium degrees of freedom as well as els, which involve a choice of some dominant degrees of
their recombination [1559, 1560]. The results not only freedom and an assumption on their interaction hamil-
describe well the RAA s measured at LHC [1562, 2110] tonian. In the case of states particularly close to their
(see also [2118, 2630]), but they allow also to establish heavy-light threshold, with a very small binding energy
a connection with QCD, since the quarkonium evolu- and a large scattering length, a more universal picture
tion depends only on two transport coefficients given based on an effective-field-theory molecular description
in terms of QCD gluonic correlators characterizing the has been put forward [2638–2642] and along the years
QGP [1559, 1560]. For a review of open quantum sys- it has been refined arriving at detailed calculations of
tem approaches for quarkonium, see [1561, 2631]. the line shapes and the production properties.
A priori the simplest system consisting of only two
8.6.7 States at and above threshold: X, Y, Z Ex- quarks and two antiquarks (generically called tetraquarks)
otics: intro is already a complicated object and it is unclear whether
or not any kind of clustering occurs in it. To simplify
As explained in Sec. 8.5, the spectroscopy of charmo- the problem, models focus on certain substructures and
nium and bottomonium states at or above the open- investigate their implications: in hadroquarkonia the
heavy-flavor thresholds have reserved us several sur- heavy quark and antiquark form a compact core sur-
prises. Experiments at e+ e− and hadron colliders have rounded by a light-quark cloud; in compact tetraquarks
discovered many new, unexpected states in the last the relevant degrees of freedom are compact diquarks
H2+ -like molecule spectrum

In H2+ -like molecules excitations of the electronic cloud are separated from each other
306 8 MESONS
by a gap of order mα2 , while vibrational modes of the nucleus have an energy of order
mα2 m/M , which is much smaller than mα2 ; m = mass of e, M = mass of nucleus.

and antidiquarks; in the molecular picture two color

singlet mesons are interacting at some typical distance:
we have no chance here to illustrate all these mod-
els and we refer to some recent reviews [1388, 2634,
2636, 2638]. Discussions about exotics therefore often
concentrate on the “pictures” of the states, for exam-
ple the tetraquark interpretation against the molecular
one (of which both several different realizations exist).
However, as a matter of fact, all the light degrees of
freedom (light quarks, glue, in different configurations)
should be there in QCD close or above the strong decay Fig. 8.6.4 Pictorial view of electronic static energies in QED,
threshold: it is a result of the strong dynamics which labelled by a collective quantum number κ.
one sets in, and when, and which configuration domi-
nates in a given regime. with K ~ the angular momentum of the gluons (or in
Even in an ordinary quarkonium, which has a dom- general the nonperturbative collective degrees of free-
inant QQ̄, subleading contributions of the Fock space dom), that corresponds to Λ = Σ, Π, ∆, . . . ; η is the
may contribute, which have additional quark-antiquark CP eigenvalue (+1 ≡ g (gerade) and −1 ≡ u (unger-
pairs and active gluons. However, in the most inter- ade)); σ is the eigenvalue of reflection with respect to a
esting region, close or above the strong decay thresh- plane passing through the QQ̄ axis. The quantum num-
old, where the X, Y, Z have been discovered, the situa- ber σ is relevant only for Σ states. In general there can
tion is more complicated: there is no mass gap between be more than one state for each irreducible representa-
quarkonium and the creation of a pair of heavy-light tion of D∞ h : higher states are denoted by primes, e.g.,
mesons, nor to gluon excitations, therefore many addi- Πu , Πu0 , Πu00 , . . . . In presence of a light quark that takes
tional states appear and are dynamical degrees of free- part in the binding, isospin quantum numbers should be
dom to be considered [2633]. Still, mh is a large scale, added. The QCD static energies, EΓ in Fig. 8.6.7, have
and a scale factorization is applicable so that nonrela- been calculated on the lattice in NRQCD more than 20
tivistic QCD is still valid. There is still another scale years ago [2643], Γ representing a choice for Λση or in
separation that can be used to introduce a description short for the collective quantum number κ. These lat-
of the bound state similar to what is done in pNRQCD, tice calculations uses Wilson loops with initial and final
in which the zero order problem is the Schrödinger states encoding the given quantum numbers, to select
equation. Let us consider bound states of two nonrela- a given symmetry. The Born Oppenheimer approxima-
tivistic particles and some light-quark degrees of free- tion idea has been first exploited in phenomenological
dom, e.g. molecules in QED or quarkonium hybrids applications by [1546, 1548]. This picture may be made
(QQ̄g states) or tetraquarks (QQ̄q q̄ states) in QCD: precise inside QCD using NREFTs and has the possi-
electrons, gluon fields or light quarks fields change adi- bility to subdue many different models and pictures. In
abatically in the presence of heavy quarks or nuclei. In the next section the content of BOEFT and its impli-
this situation the interaction between the heavy quarks cations will be presented.
or the one between nuclei due to the electron cloud
may be described at leading order of a nonrelativistic 8.6.9 BO Effective Field Theory
expansion by an effective static energy (or potential)
Eκ between the static sources where κ labels different Starting from pNRQED/pNRQCD the BO approxima-
excitations of the light degrees of freedom. A plethora tion can be made rigorous and cast into a suitable EFT
of states can be built on each of the static energies called Born-Oppenheimer EFT (BOEFT) [1388, 1421,
Eκ by solving the corresponding Schrödinger equation, 1547, 1549, 2644–2646] which exploits the hierarchy of
see Fig. 8.6.4 and 8.6.5. Based on this scale separa- scales ΛQCD  mh v 2 .
tion one may describe hybrids and tetraquarks using a In Ref. [1549] the BOEFT that describes hybrids has
Born-Oppenheimer (BO) description, similarly to what been obtained. In particular, the static potentials and a
is done in molecular systems. On the basis of this, the set of coupled Schrödinger equations were derived and
QCD static energies in presence of a static quark and solved to produce the hybrids multiplets for the two
a static antiquark can be classified according to repre- first static energies Σu− and Πu . Such static energies
sentations of the symmetry group D∞ h , typical of di- are degenerated at short distance where the cylindri-
atomic molecules, and labeled by Λση (see Fig. 8.6.6): Λ cal symmetry gets subdue to a O(3) symmetry and are
is the rotational quantum number |~r̂ · K|~ = 0, 1, 2, . . . , then labelled by the quantum number of a gluonic oper-
8.6 Heavy quark-antiquark sector: theory 307

ator 1+− called a gluelump. The hybrid static energies nK Q

are described by a repulsive octet potential plus the
gluelump mass in the short distance limit. The O(3)
symmetry is broken at order r2 of the multipole expan-
sion. In the long distance regime the static energies dis-
play a behavior linear in r , cf. Fig. 8.6.7. The gluelump
correlator can be calculated on the lattice to determine
the gluelump mass. It depends on the scheme used (the
scheme dependence cancels against the analogous de-
pendence in the quark mass and in the octet static po-
tential) but it is of the order of 800 MeV. The hybrid
multiplets Hi are constructed from the solution of the
Schrödinger equations in correspondence to their J P C
quantum numbers. The coupling between the different
Schrödinger equations is induced by a non-adiabatic Q
term, known in the Born-Oppenheimer description of
diatomic molecules, induced by the non-commutation Fig. 8.6.6 Symmetries of a system with a static quark and
a static antiquark and a nonperturbative cloud (gluonic, light
between the kinetic term and a projector of the cylin- quarks) and respective quantum numbers.
drical symmetry in the BOEFT lagrangian. The degen-
eracy of the static energies at small distance induces
a phenomenon called Λ doubling, removing the degen- Exotic spin structures, decays
eration between multiplets of opposite parity. This phe- In Refs. [2645, 2646] the spin-dependent potential of
nomenon is known in molecular physics but with smaller hybrids has been obtained at order 1/mh and 1/m2h in
size. This and the structure of the multiplets differ from the quark mass expansion. The potential turned out to
what is obtained in models for the hybrids, cf. [1549]. be rather different from the spin potential known from
The BOEFT hybrid multiplets can be compared to neu- standard quarkonium. In fact, a 1/mh contribution ap-
tral exotic states measured in the bottomonium and pears due to the coupling of the angular momentum
charmonium sector [1388]: there are many experimental of the gluonic excitation (which is not suppressed in
candidates and to make clear identifications one should mh ) with the total spin of the heavy-quark-antiquark
study also the decay and production properties in the pair. Among the 1/m2h operators are the standard spin-
same framework. orbit, total spin squared, and tensor spin operators re-
The picture can be generalized to tetraquarks by spectively, which appear for standard quarkonia. But
considering static energies classified by the D∞ quan- now three novel operators appear in addition. So inter-
tum numbers and isospin quantum numbers, extracted estingly and differently from the quarkonium case, the
from lattice evaluation of the static energies of system of hybrid potential gets a first contribution already at or-
a heavy quark, a heavy antiquark and two light quarks der Λ2QCD /m. Hence, spin splittings are remarkably less
EFT for quarkonium hybrids Hybrid spectrum Spin-dependent potential EFT for tetraquarks Summary and outlook
suppressed in heavy quarkonium hybrids than in heavy
BOEFT quarkonia: this will have a notable impact on the phe-
nomenology of exotics. The nonperturbative low-energy
E ⇧g correlators appearing in the factorization can be ex-
1 tracted by fixing them using lattice data on the masses
g of charmonium hybrids [2613], Then, all bottomonium-
hybrid spin-multiplets (more difficult to evaluate on the
lattice [1434]) can be predicted. The BOEFT is there-
1+ ⌃u
fore able to predict all spin hybrid multiplets, including
mv 2 their decays and transitions [1388].

Avoided Level Crossing

In the BOEFT the information is carried by the QCD
Fig. 8.6.5 Pictorial view of the QCD static energies, EΓ , in
static energies and a few purely gluonic low-energy cor-
QCD. The collective quantum number κ has been detailed 8/29
Λση as explained in the text. It corresponds to the actual lattice relators. The information is relevant, however to de-
results in Fig. 8.6.7. scribe the static energies in the region close to the thresh-
old of two heavy-light mesons. A phenomenological de-
308 8 MESONS

molecular picture would emerge. QCD would then dic-

tate, through the lattice correlators and the BOEFT
0.9 characteristics and power counting, which structure pre-
atEΓ β=2.5 N=4 vails and in which precise way. In addition production
as~0.2 fm and suppression in medium may be described in the
Gluon excitations N=3
same approach [1534, 2109].
string ordering 8.6.10 X, Y, Z Lattice
Lattice QCD plays a key role for the description of ex-
N=0 otics [2612, 2650]. For what concerns BOEFT, nonper-
turbative input from the lattice is needed in the form
0.6 Δu
of static energies, gluelumps correlators, insertions of
Π’uΣu chromoelectric fields on hybrids states, for a full list see
Σ-g g [2633]. Lattice groups have started to calculate some of
Πg as/at = z*5
0.5 Δg these crucial quantities [2651–2654].
g’ Direct lattice calculations of the spectrum and prop-
erties of exotic states at and above thresholds are ex-
0.4 Πu tremely challenging. These states are resonances in the
pertinent multi-hadron channels and to obtain their
short distance

R/as properties, scattering amplitudes in the relevant kine-

0.3 matic range should be calculated on the lattice. The
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
approach is based on Lüscher’s work. Later generaliza-
tions give access to scattering amplitudes of two-hadron
elastic channels, of multiple coupled two-hadron inelas-
Fig. 8.6.7 Hybrid static energies labeled by the D∞ group
quantum number, EΓ , in lattice units, from the historical Ref.
tic channels, and of three-hadron channels. While the
[2643]. For updated calculations see [2647]. Lüscher method for a single two-hadron elastic channel
provides a straightforward mapping between scattering
amplitudes and finite-volume energies, this connection
scription has been put forward recently [2648, 2649] in- is lost for the multi-channel case, and a parameteriza-
spired by lattice calculation in which the avoided-level- tion of the amplitude is needed. Abundant and precise
crossing-effect is exploited to construct a set of coupled energy eigenvalues in a given kinematic range should
Schrödinger equations and a procedure for the calcu- be obtained to constrain these multi-parameter forms,
lation of open-flavor meson-meson scattering cross sec- with solid systematic uncertainties. As the calculations
tions from diabatic potentials. In this framework, the move toward physical values of the light-quark masses,
X(3872) naturally emerges [2648]. Such a description the multi-hadron thresholds move towards lower ener-
can be carried over to BOEFT. gies and the number of kinematically allowed hadronic
The BOEFT may be used to describe also tetraquarks, channels that need to be included in the determination
double heavy baryons and pentaquarks [1421, 1547]. of scattering amplitudes increases, making everything
In the case of tetraquarks, a necessary input of the more challenging. Still interesting information about
theory is the calculation on the lattice of the gener- some exotics mesons could be obtained in these direct
alized Wilson loops with appropriate symmetry and lattice calculations, see e.g. [549, 2655].
light quark operators. Note that besides the quantum
number κ also the isospin quantum numbers I = 0, 1 8.6.11 Summary
have to be considered. It is interesting to note that the
BOEFT approach reconciles the different pictures of Quarkonium has been at the origin of QCD. It has been
exotics based on tetraquarks, molecules, hadroquarko- a long way to arrive at describing quarkonium within
nium…In fact in the plot of the static energy as a func- QCD. It has payed off, making quarkonium a special
tion of r for a state with QQ̄q q̄ or QQ̄g we will have probe of strong interactions at zero and at finite tem-
different regions: for short distance a hadroquarkonium perature. We are now in the process to attack the next
picture would emerge, then a tetraquark (or hybrid) one frontier, i.e. to develop a coherent, field-theory-based
and, when passing the heavy-light mesons line, avoided- description of exotic quarkonium states. Notice, that if
cross-level effects should be taken into account and a new physics involves nonrelativistic bound states, then
9.1 Theoretical overview of the baryon spectrum 309

the techniques that have been developed for under- been of particular significance during the early phases of
standing quarkonia will be directly applicable. This holds the its history, such as the quark-gluon plasma of non-
for example for studies of pairs of heavy dark matter in interacting colored quarks and gluons, and the forming
the evolution in the early universe, that well match the of protons and neutrons. During this transition dra-
studies of the nonequilibrium evolution of quarkonium matic events occur - chiral symmetry is broken, quarks
in medium, or for the production and the spectroscopy acquire mass dynamically, baryon resonances occur abun-
of heavy particles of BSM. dantly, and colored quarks and gluons are confined.
This crossover process is governed by the excited hadrons.
During this period strong QCD (sQCD) emerges as the
9 Baryons process describing the interaction of colored quarks and
Conveners: These are the phenomena that we are exploring with
electron and hadron accelerators - the full discovery of
Volker Burkert and Franz Gross the baryon (and meson) spectrum, the role of chiral
symmetry breaking and the generation of dynamical
As we are trying to make progress in the complex world quark mass in confinement. While we can not recreate
of physical sciences, we should not lose sight of what the exact condition in the laboratory, with existing ac-
physics is all about: understanding the origin and the celerators we can explore these processes in isolation.
history of our universe, and the laws underlying the With electron machines and high energy photon beams
observations. In this section we also address how ex- in the few GeV energy range we search for undiscovered
cited states of the nucleon fit in to our understanding excitation of nucleons and other baryons.
of the forces and the dynamics of matter in the history In this section, Capstick and Crede give an overview
of the universe. On the internet we find beautiful rep- over the spectrum of light-quark baryons, followed by
resentations of the phases through which the universe a review o the present experimental status by Burk-
evolved from the Big Bang (BB) to our times as shown ert, Klempt and Thoma. The structure of baryon res-
in Fig. 9.0.1. onances is explored in electroproduction experiments
(Burkert). The section ends with a review of baryons
with heavy quarks.

9.1 Theoretical overview of the baryon

Simon Capstick and Volker Crede

9.1.1 Overview

This contribution examines the constraints on the baryon

spectrum imposed by general considerations of flavor,
rotational, parity, and particle-exchange symmetries,
which lead to a classification scheme for excited baryons.
Theoretical approaches to a description of the baryon
spectrum based on constituent quark models with vari-
ous methods for treating the short-range range interac-
Fig. 9.0.1 The evolution of the Universe. The line denoted tions between quarks are described, and are contrasted
as Quark-hadron transition, is where protons and neutrons are to investigations of the spectrum based on lattice and
Dyson-Schwinger equation approaches to QCD. Mod-
els predict more excited states than are present in the
Existing electron accelerators as CEBAF, ELSA, spectrum extracted from data; considerations of how
and MAMI, and colliders as BES III have sufficient en- these missing states decay point to alternative ways to
ergy reach to access this region and study processes in produce them, and how to detect their presence once
isolation that occurred during this transition in the mi- produced. Finally, hybrid baryons with explicit gluonic
crosecond old universe and resulted in the freeze out excitations and the prospect for their discovery are dis-
of baryons. There are some marked events that have cussed. More detail is given in, for example, reviews

of the theoretical approach to the baryon spectrum in

Refs. [2656–2658], and reviews of recent experimental
developments in Refs. [2659, 2660].

9.1.2 Symmetry, group theory, and constraints

on the baryon spectrum

Exchange symmetry, baryons, and the color degrees of

The development of SU (3)f and its isospin subgroup in
order to understand the proliferation of what are now
known as ground-state baryons led to an understand-
ing that there are states with flavor wave functions that
are totally symmetric under exchange of up and down
quarks, which are identical in the isospin-symmetric
limit. An example is the isospin-3/2 baryon, ∆, with
the four charge states ∆++ , ∆+ , ∆0 , and ∆− , three Fig. 9.1.1 The ground-state baryon decuplet, with strangeness
of which were discovered in early πN elastic scattering (Y − B) plotted vs. the third component of isospin I3 .
experiments with charged pion beams, and shown by
examining their strong decays to have spin and parity
J P = 3/2+ . This led to a paradox: Ground states of
few-body systems made up of identical particles usu-
ally have spatial wave functions with orbital angular
momentum and parity LP = 0+ , and are exchange
symmetric. This implies a total quark spin S = 3/2,
which is also totally symmetric under exchange of the
spin-1/2 quarks. However, as fermions, the Pauli prin-
ciple requires that the wave function of these baryons
in the product flavor, spatial, and spin space is totally
The solution is to assign to the quarks an additional
degree of freedom, and a wave function in this degree of
Fig. 9.1.2 The ground-state baryon octet, with strangeness
freedom which is totally antisymmetric under exchange plotted vs. the third component of isospin.
of the quarks. The simplest way to do this is with a
three-valued degree of freedom, now called color. QCD
was developed when it was realized that this would re- SU (3)f that can be simultaneously diagonalized. These
sult from an SU (3)c symmetry, where the strong in- generators are the third component of isospin I3 , and
teractions are independent of rotations of the quarks the hypercharge Y = B + S, where B is baryon number
in the color space, with baryons as automatically to- and S is strangeness (S = −1 for a strange quark, for
tally antisymmetric color singlets. This naturally led to historical reasons). Hypercharge is represented by the
a gauge theory which could be the basis for the strong diagonal matrix (1, 1, −2) in the {u, d, s} flavor space.
interactions between quarks, and by extension, between The Gell-Mann-Okubo mass formula ascribes the break-
all hadrons. ing of symmetry in hadrons to differences in the hyper-
charge, now understood to be due to the larger mass
Flavor symmetry in baryons of the strange quark. It is realized in the ground-state
There is an approximate SU (3)f symmetry of the strong octet baryons as
interactions under exchange of the quarks u, d, and s,
(MN + MΞ )/2 = (3MΛ + MΣ )/4,
which is broken by the higher mass of the strange quark.
Gell-Mann [1564] and Okubo [15] were able to write a which holds to a fraction of a percent accuracy, and in
mass formula for ground-state decuplet (J P = 3/2+ ), ground-state decuplet baryons as the equal-spacing rule
shown in Fig. 9.1.1, and separately for octet (J P =
1/2+ ) baryons, shown in Fig. 9.1.2, in terms of the

eigenvalues of the two generators of the Lie algebra of MΣ − M∆ = MΞ∗ − MΣ

= MΩ − MΞ∗ ,
9.1 Theoretical overview of the baryon spectrum 311

each approximately 147 MeV, which can be thought of Rotational and parity symmetries
as the difference in the strange and average light (u, d) Ignoring for now interactions that couple the orbital
quark masses. The latter led to the prediction by Gell- and spin angular momenta of the quarks, rotational
Mann [2661] of the existence at around 1680 MeV of the symmetry and the conservation of angular momentum
decuplet Ω baryon, made up of three strange quarks. also imply that ground and excited-state baryons should
Although the formula is phenomenological, it is now lie in multiplets with a given orbital angular momentum
understood in the context of chiral perturbation theory. L and total quark spin S, with the overall angular mo-
De Rujula, Georgi and Glashow [728] were able to mentum of a baryon given by J~ = L ~ The confining
~ + S.
explain the above results in the context of a model and spin-independent part of the short-range interac-
of hadrons which confined the quarks with a flavor tion will cause splittings between and within multiplets
and spin-independent interaction, and used a short- of states with different orbital angular momentum L,
distance interaction between the quarks that results and the short distance interactions between the quarks,
from asymptotic freedom. This is the result of one- for example those in the work of De Rujula, Georgi and
gluon exchange, and led to a short-distance potential Glashow, will further split those multiplets into groups
between two quarks that was Coulomb in nature, and of states with the same total quark spin S.
could be interpreted of as due to interactions between It is always possible to describe the orbital angular
two colored spin-1/2 quarks. The mass dependence of momentum of a basis state used to describe the wave
the color-magnetic moments of the quarks led naturally function of a baryon in terms of the angular momentum
to spin- and flavor-dependent interactions between the of the orbital wave functions in the two vectors required
quarks, which to describe the relative positions of the quarks. These
could also explain the mass differences between octet can be conveniently chosen to be the Jacobi coordinates
and decuplet baryons of the same flavor, and allow a
qualitative understanding of the sign and size of the 1
difference Σ 0 − Λ0 between the masses of the I = 1 and ~ = √ (~r1 − ~r2 ) ,
I = 0 neutral strange baryons. (9.1.1)
One consequence of this simple (additive) quark mo- ~λ = √ (~r1 + ~r2 − 2~r3 )
del description of baryons is an understanding of the
magnetic moments of the nucleons p, n and other octet shown in Fig. 9.1.3, where the ~ri are the vector positions
and decuplet ground-state baryons. Using the total quark- of the three quarks. The total orbital angular momen-
spin S = 1/2 wave function and octet flavor wave func- tum is then L~ = ~lρ + ~lλ , and the parity of the resulting
tions for the three quarks in nucleons yields state is P = (−1) ρ λ . It is simple to show that all val-
l +l

4 1 ues of baryon spin and parity can be attained by various

µp = µu − µd , choices of the eigenvalues for quarks moving in a static
3 3
potential; in contrast to the situation in mesons, there
and, since the proton can be turned into the neutron are no baryons with ‘exotic’ quantum numbers. Exotic
by the transformation u ↔ d, we have quantum numbers in mesons require degrees of freedom
4 1 like those of the glue binding the hadrons together to
µn =
µd − µu .
3 be in other than their J P = 0+ ground state.
This situation is complicated in the presence of spin-
Fitting this to the measured moments gives quark mag- orbit (vector in spin and vector in space coupled to a
netic moments in the ratio of the quark charges to a scalar) and tensor (S = 2 and L = 2 coupled to a scalar)
good approximation, if we assume the quark masses are interactions between the quarks. These are present in
identical, and that this light quark mass is around one models which have short-distance interactions between
third of the mass of nucleons. This approach also leads the quarks based on the exchange of a vector boson,
to a qualitative understanding of the magnetic moments such as those due to one-gluon exchange. The evidence
of other ground-state octet and decuplet baryons, and
the transition moment that affects the rate of the decay
Σ 0 → Λ0 γ. Isgur and Karl [2662] added small contri-
butions to baryon magnetic moments, due to configu-
ration mixing, relativistic corrections, and violations of
isospin symmetry, to refine these non-relativistic quark
model estimates. The result was better agreement with
the moments extracted from experimental data.
Fig. 9.1.3 The three-body Jacobi coordinate vectors ρ
~ and ~λ.

for the presence of such interactions in the spectrum of vor (φ) wave functions are combined to the symmetric
baryons is weaker than that for the presence of interac- linear combination
tions which are simultaneous spin and orbital angular 1
momentum scalars; this is discussed in what follows. √ χMρ φMρ + χMλ φMλ .

The dominance in the baryon spectrum of simulta-
neous quark spin and orbital angular momentum scalar The wave functions of baryons with a given flavor and
interactions, when combined with the observation that spin-parity J P can be expanded in a basis of states
states assigned quark spin S = 3/2 are more massive that satisfy the requirements of antisymmetry under
than those with S = 1/2, allowed Klempt [2663] to exchange of identical (or nearly identical, for u ↔ d)
fit the spectrum of baryons made of {u, d, s} quarks quarks. A convenient choice is to use a harmonic oscil-
with a mass formula. The squares of the masses of lator (HO) basis, which has the useful feature of being
baryons are proportional to their orbital angular mo- form invariant under Fourier transformation; another is
menta L, as in Regge theory and, approximately, the the Sturmian basis, which has improved large momen-
spectrum of a linear confining potential. For a given tum behavior useful for calculating decay form factors,
flavor of baryon, more massive recurrences of the same but is harder to use in both coordinate and momentum
J P quantum numbers were assigned the same gap in space. Configuration mixing due to the confining po-
mass-squared as orbital excitations. tential and the short-range interactions between quarks
can be implemented by diagonalization of the Hamilto-
Symmetry under particle exchange nian matrix calculated in this basis.
The requirement of Pauli symmetry implies, in the isospin The rules for combining representations of the ex-
symmetric limit, that the wave functions of baryons are change group S3 are used to construct this basis from
totally symmetric under the exchange of light quarks, states with given values of radial {nρ , nλ }, orbital {L, lρ ,
since the color wave function is totally antisymmetric lλ }, and spin S quantum numbers (magnetic quantum
in the absence of excitation of the gluon fields. For non- numbers have been suppressed, and the sums and Clebsch-
strange baryons made up of three light quarks, this Gordan coefficients required to form states of definite
means that each component of the wave function must {L, S, J} are assumed). It is often convenient to expand
be a basis function for a representation of the exchange the wave function up to a given energy, or equivalently
group S3 . These basis functions are either totally sym- polynomial order, which in the HO basis is
metric (S) under particle exchange, totally antisymmet-
E = (2nρ + lρ + 3/2)~ωρ + (2nλ + lλ + 3/2)~ωλ , (9.1.2)
ric (A), or one of a pair with mixed symmetry {Mρ , Mλ }
that transform into each other under the elements of S3 where ωρ and ωλ are oscillator energies related by αρ,λ 2
in a predictable way. The rules for this transformation mρ,λ ωρ,λ to the scale α at which the radial wave func-
can be found, for example, by examining the result of tions fall with distance and the reduced masses, equal
the various exchanges on the relative position vectors ρ ~ when all three quark masses are the same. Karl and
and ~λ. Obryk [2664] give the general procedure up to fourth-
The rules of combining the spin angular momentum order polynomials. Examples of how to construct these
of three S = 1/2 particles require that the overall spin bases can be found in [729, 2665, 2666]; for a pedagog-
wave function of the quarks for all values of the total ical overview see, for example, Ref. [2667].
quark spin projection MS be either totally symmetric, It is not necessary to antisymmetrize the wave func-
when S = 3/2, or be one of a pair of states of mixed tions of baryons under the exchanges u ↔ s or d ↔ s.
symmetry when S = 1/2. The same rules apply for the It is convenient to use the ‘uds’ basis [729] for baryons
isospin wave functions for baryons made up of three with S = −1 or −2, which uses basis states that have ei-
light quarks, ∆-flavor baryons with I = 3/2 and N - ther symmetry or antisymmetry under these exchanges.
flavor baryons with I = 1/2.
The lowest lying basis state for the spatial wave Baryon resonance classification scheme
functions of ground-state baryons made up only of light The quantum numbers of the total orbital angular mo-
quarks have LP = 0+ , and are totally symmetric un- mentum L ~ = ~lρ + ~lλ and spin S
~ = P ~si are not good
der quark exchange. Overall exchange symmetry then
quantum numbers in a relativistic theory. The parity
requires that the flavor and spin wave functions be com- of such states is given by P = (−1)lρ +lλ . It is always
bined by using the rules for combining two representa- possible to use a basis of states with specific values of
tions of S3 . For ∆ baryons this is trivial, since both the L and S which can couple to the total angular mo-
spin and flavor wave functions are totally symmetric. mentum J of the baryon being described. These are
For N baryons, the mixed-symmetry spin (χ) and fla-
9.1 Theoretical overview of the baryon spectrum 313

then mixed in the eigenstates of a Hamiltonian that in- Negative-parity states

cludes interactions that are not simultaneous scalars in The low lying (dominantly N = 1) negative-parity non-
P spin and space, but are overall scalars of the form strange excitations are made up of a triplet of S = 3/2
q Ckq Rk,q Sk,−q , where Rk and Sk are tensor opera- N states and a doublet of S = 1/2 N states with mixed
tors of rank k acting on the spatial and spin bases, and flavor symmetry
the Ckq are the coefficients required to make the result
an overall scalar. Examples are the tensor (k = 2) inter- |N 4 PM (1/2− , 3/2− , 5/2− )i, |N 2 PM (1/2− , 3/2− )i.
actions which occur in models of the short-range inter- Their spatial wave functions necessarily have mixed ex-
actions between quarks, and spin-orbit (k = 1) interac- change symmetry, since they are proportional to Y1m (Ωρ )
tions. To the extent that these interactions are small, a ∝ ρm , where ρm is a spherical component of the vec-
classification scheme based on the {L, S} values of the tor ρ
~, or Y1m (Ωλ ) ∝ λm . There is also a a doublet of
dominant component of a configuration-mixed eigen- S = 1/2 ∆ states with S flavor symmetry,
state is useful.
It may also be useful to further break down sets |∆2 PM (1/2− , 3/2− )i.
of states with the same {L, S} values into those with
specific spatial symmetries. As an example, consider ex- These negative-parity resonances are members of the
citations of N and ∆ flavored baryons, which are made SU (6) multiplet [70, 1− ], with two flavor octets of S =
up of only {u, d} quarks. It is useful to enumerate basis {1/2, 3/2} states and a decuplet of S = 1/2 states
states in a harmonic-oscillator basis. Because of isospin [symmetric under SU (3)f ], plus a flavor singlet state
symmetry, this basis has ωρ = ωλ in Eq. 9.1.2, so that Λ, with S = 1/2. References [729, 2664, 2667] show
how the rules for combining representations of the ex-
E = [2(nρ + nλ ) + lρ + lλ + 3] ~ω = [N + 3]~ω. change group S3 can be applied to yield properly anti-
symmetrized basis state wave functions. Basis states
Ground states with the same flavor, spin, and parity can and will un-
Baryon states can be classified according to the flavor- dergo configuration mixing when a model Hamiltonian
spin SU (6) multiplet in which they predominantly lie. is diagonalized.
This would be an exact symmetry of the Hamitonian if
it was simultaneously invariant under both rotations Positive-parity excited states
of quark flavors in the SU (3)f space, and indepen- This scheme can be extended to, for example, positive-
dent of the spin projections of the quarks. Although parity non-strange excitations, dominantly described
useful as a classification scheme, this is clearly only a by N = 2 basis states. This is complicated by the pres-
very approximate symmetry: In addition to the flavor- ence of both radial and orbital excitations. There are
symmetry breaking effect of the larger strange quark three radial excitations that have nρ = 1 or nλ = 1,
mass, the measured mass difference M∆ − MN ' 300 and, in a three-body system, lρ = lλ = 1 coupled to
MeV shows that interactions between quarks are not L = 0; linear combinations form L = 0 states with
independent of their spin. In this scheme the ground- definite (S or M ) exchange symmetry. There are also
state nucleon lies in an SU (3)f octet of ground-state orbital excitations with lρ = 2 or lλ = 2, or lρ = lλ = 1.
baryons with J = S = 1/2, which are, in order of Since they have positive parity, these baryons must be
increasing strangeness, {n, p, Λ0 , Σ +,0,− , Ξ 0,− }, giving described by basis states with even lρ + lλ .
(2S +1)·8 = 16 states. The ground-state ∆ is a member After forming linear combinations of spatial basis
of an SU (3)f decuplet of baryons with J = S = 3/2, states to form anti-symmetrized basis state wave func-
which are {∆, Σ ∗ , Ξ ∗ , Ω}, giving (2S + 1) · 10 = 40 tions, we have a total of 21 basis states that contribute
states. Collectively, these dominantly LP = 0+ states at N = 2 to the wave functions of N and ∆ states.
make up the SU (6) multiplet, labeled [56, 0+ ]. These are radial excitations
Following the notation of Isgur and Karl [2666], we
2 + 4 +
can label harmonic-oscillator basis states by |X 2S+1 Lπ J P i, |N SS 0 1/2 i, |∆ SS 0 3/2 i
where X is the flavor, L is given in {S, P, D...} notation,
in the SU (6) multiplet [560 , 0+ ], and
and π is the spatial exchange symmetry, either totally
symmetric (S), mixed symmetry (M ), or totally anti- |N 4 SM 3/2+ i, |∆2 SM 1/2+ }i, |N 2 SM 1/2+ i
symmetric (A). In this notation, the dominant N = 0
components of the ground state non-strange baryons in the SU (6) multiplet [70, 0+ ]; L = 2 orbital excita-
are tions that are admixtures of lρ = 2 and lλ = 2,

|N 2 SS 1/2+ i, |∆4 SS 3/2+ i. |∆4 DS (1/2+ , 3/2+ , 5/2+ , 7/2+ )i, |N 2 DS (3/2+ , 5/2+ )i

in the SU (6) multiplet [56, 2+ ], and relative coordinate wave functions are specified sepa-
rately. It is always possible to convert from the uds
|N 4 DM (1/2+ , 3/2+ , 5/2+ , 7/2+ )i, |∆2 DM (3/2+ , 5/2+ )i,
basis back to a basis with definite SU (3)f symmetry
|N 2 DM (3/2+ , 5/2+ )i, when that is convenient, for example when calculating
in the SU (6) multiplet [70, 2+ ], and L = 1 orbital exci- strong decays [2668].
tations formed from lρ = 1 and lλ = 1
9.1.3 Constituent quark models
|N 2 PA (1/2+ , 3/2+ )i (9.1.3)
Constituent quark models treat a baryon as made up
in the SU (6) multiplet [20, 1+ ].
of three ‘valence’ quark degrees of freedom, with the
The J P = 1/2+ nucleon and the J P =3/2+ , isospin
gluon fields providing a static potential in which the
I=3/2 ∆ ground states have dominant components with
quarks move. In flux-tube models [2366, 2669, 2670]
N =0, L=0 and S=1/2 and S=3/2, respectively. Spin-
this is treated as the lowest energy state of a system
independent and spin-scalar (contact) interactions be-
of three strings that meet at a junction, whose en-
tween the quarks (arising from their short-distance in-
ergy is proportional to their length. There are several
teractions and confinement) allow mixing between three
approaches to the treatment of the short-range inter-
basis states: the N = 0 ground state |N 2 SS 1/2+ i, and
actions between the quarks, which are responsible for
the L=0, S=1/2 states |N 2 SS 0 1/2+ i and |N 2 SM 1/2+ i.
splitting groups of states which would otherwise be de-
Tensor (or spin-orbit) interactions cause mixings with
generate or have their flavor dependence explained by
the L=2, S=3/2 state |N 4 DM 1/2+ i, and the L=1,
violations of SU (3)f symmetry due to the additional
S=1/2 state |N 2 PA 1/2+ i. The situation is simpler for
mass of the strange quark. These approaches are briefly
the N =0 ground state |∆4 SS 3/2+ i, which mixes with
outlined here.
the L=0, S=3/2 radial excitation |∆4 SS 0 3/2+ i, and
the L=2, S = 3/2 orbital excitations |∆4 DS 3/2+ i and
One-gluon exchange models
|∆2 DM 3/2+ i. The resulting D-wave components in both
The earliest constituent quark models had short-distance
the N and ∆ wave functions can lead to measurable
interactions based on the exchange of a single gluon [728],
consequences in the photo- and electro-production am-
which postulate that asymptotic freedom implies that
plitudes for the transition γ (∗) N → ∆. For details, see
high momentum transfer interactions between quarks
the review on N and ∆ resonance electro-production in
are dominated by the exchange of a gluon. The result
the 2022 RPP [476].
can be written as the interaction between two color-
magnetic dipoles, with a ~λi · ~λj dependence on the col-
ors of quarks i and j, and spatial dependence given by
If we use a basis of states that imposes SU (6) symmetry
the Fourier transform of the vector gluon propagator.
despite the larger strange quark mass, this classification
Here the λi are the generators of SU (3)c realized in
scheme extends to the hyperons Λ and Σ, Ξ, and Ω. As
the quark triplet basis. This naturally leads to a spin-
an example, the notation of Isgur and Karl [2666] for
independent Coulomb interaction at short range, and,
the ground state SU (3)f singlet Λ is |Λ1 2 S M 1/2+ i. The
with the assumption of point-like constituent quarks, a
SU (3)f singlet wave function is totally antisymmetric
‘contact’ interaction proportional to
under quark exchange, and so is included in the wave
function of the radial excitation |Λ1 2 P A 1/2+ i, with its 2αs X
~si · ~sj δ 3 (~rij ), (9.1.4)
antisymmetric spatial wave function; other radial re- 3mi mj i<j
currences such as |Λ8 2 S S 1/2+ i necessarily involve the
SU (3)f octet flavor wave functions, so the notation is where ~rij = ~ri − ~rj is the relative coordinate of quarks
supplemented by the SU (3)f multiplet (singlet, octet, i and j. This approach also results in tensor (S = 2
or decuplet) in which the state lies. The total num- and L = 2 coupled to a scalar) and spin-orbit (vector
ber of basis states at each harmonic oscillator level for in spin and vector in space coupled to a scalar) inter-
Ξ baryons, containing two identical strange quarks, is actions between the quarks. There is some evidence for
the sum of the number of N and ∆ states at that same the former in the spectrum of J P = 1/2− , 3/2− nu-
level. There is a one-to-one correspondence between ba- cleon resonances, and from patterns of strong decays
sis states for Ω baryons and those of the ∆ states. of negative-parity excited baryons [2671], for example
Constructing the wave functions is made simpler by the N η decays of the lightest non-strange I = 1/2
use of the uds basis [729], which requires overall anti- (N ∗ ) resonances with J P = 1/2− , nominally at 1535
symmetry only under exchange of equal mass quarks. and 1650 MeV. Isgur and Karl [729] noted a partial
In this basis, the exchange symmetry of the ρ ~ and ~λ cancellation between spin-orbit interactions resulting
9.1 Theoretical overview of the baryon spectrum 315

from one-gluon exchange and from Thomas precession the same behavior holds for the Λ baryons, as seen
of the quarks in the confining potential, but the agree- in extractions from experimental data. There are no
ment with the spectrum of low-lying negative-parity spin-orbit interactions that arise from pseudoscalar me-
baryons extracted from data and their one-gluon ex- son exchange; those from other sources are neglected,
change model was best when they were left out alto- along with tensor forces that accompany the contact
gether. interaction. The calculation of the N and ∆ spectra
The Coulomb, contact and tensor interactions re- was refined by performing three-body Faddeev calcula-
sulting from one gluon exchange were evaluated in low- tions with a Goldstone-boson-exchange interaction plus
lying negative parity excited baryons made up of {u, d, s} linear confinement between the constituent quarks in
quarks by Isgur and Karl [729]. This was extended to Ref [2674].
positive-parity excited baryons [2666], where the ef- Dziembowski, Fabre de la Ripelle, and Miller [2675]
fects of the difference of the confining potential from put these two approaches together by including the ef-
that defining the harmonic oscillator basis were also fects of pseudoscalar meson exchange and of one gluon
evaluated using perturbation theory. The resulting pa- exchange between quarks, neglecting the complexity in-
rameters were fit to the spectrum extracted from data troduced by tensor and spin-orbit interactions, in a
without needing to specify the form of the anharmonic- hyper-spherical
ities. In this work and a treatment of ground state method calculation that goes beyond wave function per-
baryons [2665], the effects of configuration mixing by turbation theory. They showed that it is possible to de-
the various potentials were taken into account by diag- scribe the non-strange baryon spectrum using a quark-
onalization of the Hamiltonian matrix, independently meson coupling constant that reproduces the measured
for each sector with N = 2(nρ + nλ ) + lρ + lλ = 0 for pion-nucleon coupling constant, and a reasonably small
the ground states, N = 1 for the low-lying negative- value of the strong-coupling constant, which governs
parity excited states, and N = 2 for the positive-parity the strength of the one-gluon exchange terms.
excited states.
While diagonalization independently by sector has Instanton-induced interactions
the advantage of simply describing the important physics, Instantons are topologically nontrivial gauge-field con-
the parameters fit to each sector’s spectrum may be in- figurations in 4-dimensional Euclidean space, with field
consistent. Systems of light quarks are also relativistic, strengths that vanish at large spatial distances. These
with p/m ' 1 when using constituent-quarks, which are configurations are localized in both space and (Euclidean)
effective degrees of freedom with masses that include time, and so are instantanous interactions, which gives
the effects of sea quark and gluons. These theoretical rise to their name. They are crucial to understanding
problems can be solved by simultaneously diagonaliz- the formation of condensates in the QCD vacuum, and
ing the Hamiltonian in a large basis, using a relativistic how the axial current anomaly gives mass to the η 0
kinetic energy and allowing for other relativistic effects, meson; their presence in QCD also yields short-range
and using a consistent set of parameters for all baryon interactions between the quarks. Löring, Kretzschmar,
excitations [736]. Metsch and Petry [2676, 2677] investigated the spec-
trum of baryons in a relativistic model by solving the
Pseudoscalar-meson exchange models three-body Bethe-Salpeter equation. This model uses
Glozman and Riska [2672, 2673] emphasize the role of instantaneous pairwise linear confinement, with the Dirac
chiral symmetry in determining the baryon spectrum structure required to make the confining potential spin-
by using a short-range interaction between quarks sim- independent, and an instantaneous two-body interac-
ilar to that of tion based on 0 t Hooft’s residual interaction, which arises
Eq. 9.1.4, but with the exchange of the ‘chiral’ octet from QCD-instanton effects. This model was able to ex-
of pseudoscalar mesons between quarks. This leads to plain salient features of the non-strange baryon spec-
a contact interaction between quarks i and j similar trum, such as the low mass of the Roper resonance
in form to that of Eq. 9.1.4, but proportional to the |N 2 SS 0 1/2+ i, and the presence of approximate parity
expectation of the product ~λfi · ~λfj of SU (3)f genera- doublets. This study was extended [2678] to the study
tors. A fit to the spectrum of low-lying negative and of excited Λ and Σ hyperons, where the equivalent fea-
positive-parity baryons made up of u, d, and s quarks tures of these spectra were also explained, and later to
with harmonic confinement allows first radial recur- charmed baryons in Ref. [2679].
rence of the nucleon, corresponding to the Roper res-
The Dyson-Schwinger Bethe-Salpeter approach
onance N (1440), to be lighter than the lightest J P =
There has been significant recent progress in under-
1/2− orbital excitation, corresponding to N (1535), and
standing the physics of baryons [830, 2680] by using the

Dyson-Schwinger equations of QCD and Bethe-Salpeter parity excited states, more states are predicted by mod-
equations [828, 2681]. In this approach baryons are rel- els that treat three quarks symmetrically than are present
ativistic bound states of three quarks, and the treat- in analyses of the data. This is called the ‘missing res-
ment of their interactions arising from QCD is non- onance’ problem. One possible explanation is to pos-
perturbative, incorporating aspects of confinement and tulate that they contain static, tightly-bound ud di-
dynamical symmetry breaking. Two paths to solving quarks, which reduces the effective number of degrees
the three-body problem are taken; direct solution of of freedom and so the number of excitations in the spec-
the three-body Faddeev equation, and decomposition trum [756]. However, lattice QCD calculations of nu-
of baryons into quark-diquark systems, with all quark cleon stucture [2682], and of the entire excited baryon
pairs able to constitute the diquark. The latter path spectrum using a broad spread of operators [495, 2683]
requires the calculation of diquark Bethe-Salpeter am- do not show the reduced number of states expected if
plitudes, and diquark propagators. These depend on the only ‘good’ di-quarks prevail, and recent experimental
quark and gluon propagators and quark-gluon vertex, evidence for the existence of states that are ruled out
which are consistent with those used for the Bethe- in such models is described below.
Salpeter equation for mesons, and with chiral symme- A solution to this problem is that, unlike those states
try. Due to the complexity of the three-body system, seen in partial-wave analyses of elastic πN and K̄N
baryon calculations are performed using the rainbow- scattering data, these missing positive-parity excited
ladder approximation, where the q − q kernel has the states have weak couplings to the corresponding strong-
form of a single gluon exchange with a momentum- interaction production channel [2684, 2685]. In any case,
dependent vertex strength, summed by the Bethe-Sal- in order to make a detailed and exhaustive comparison
peter equation into Feynman diagrams that take the between predictions of any model and the experimental
form of a ladder, or rainbow. This construction pre- spectrum of excited baryons, a model of the strong de-
serves chiral symmetry. cay B ∗ → BM of baryons into a ground-state baryon
Using this dynamical quark-diquark approach, the and meson is required. For a detailed, comparative re-
ground state nucleon, ∆(1232) 32 , and Roper N (1440) 12 view of such models see Ref. [2656].
+ +

resonances are described well [907], as their configu- One approach is to couple point-like pseudoscalar
rations are dominated by scalar and axial vector di- mesons to the quarks in the decaying baryon, an elemen-
quarks. However, other baryons are sensitive to other tary-meson emission model [2668, 2686, 2687]. As an
diquark channels, which are known to be too strongly example, Koniuk and Isgur [2668] modeled such de-
bound in this approximation, as are the correspond- cays, by coupling point-like pseudoscalar mesons to the
ing scalar and axial-vector mesons. The result is that quarks in the decaying baryon, and evaluating the tran-
the other excited baryon masses come out too low. Re- sition amplitudes using the configuration-mixed wave
ducing the strength of the attraction in the pseudo- functions resulting from the one-gluon exchange model
scalar and vector di-quark kernels simulates effects be- of Isgur and Karl [2666]. They also examined baryon
yond the rainbow-ladder approximation, and the result electromagnetic transition amplitudes that can be ex-
is good agreement between the calculated spectrum for tracted from meson photo-production experiments. Many
excited N , ∆, Λ, Σ, Ξ and Ω baryons with J P = states were observed to have small πN or K̄N am-
1/2± , 3/2± , with the exception of the Λ(1405)1/2− , plitudes, which would lead to them decoupling from
Λ(1520)3/2− , and to a lesser extent the Roper reso- elastic-scattering partial-wave analyses, and the masses
nance N (1440)1/2+ . The authors of Ref. [907] point and decay amplitudes of those that did not corresponded
out that this is likely due to the lack of a consistent to those of the observed states.
treatment of baryon-meson coupled channel effects. The internal structure of mesons can be taken into
account if strong decays of excited baryons proceed
9.1.4 Missing states in the baryon spectrum via an operator that creates a q q̄ pair with vacuum,
LJ = 3 P 0 , quantum numbers. The operator is
Models of strong decays assumed SU (3)f symmetric; the additional energy re-
For ground-state and low-lying negative-parity excited quired to produce a strange quark pair is taken into
state baryons made up of {u, d} and a single s quark, account by the kinematics. Strong decay amplitudes
the spectrum of states extracted from experimental data are formed by evaluating the required spin and flavor
can be matched to model predictions without ambigu- overlaps, forming the expectation value of this opera-
ity. (There is little experimental information about the tor between wave functions for the final state baryon
spectrum of the excited Ξ, strangeness S = −2, and and meson, and that of the initial excited baryon, and
Ω, strangeness S = −3 states.) However, for positive- integrating over the relative momentum of the q q̄ pair.
9.1 Theoretical overview of the baryon spectrum 317

9.1.5 Decay-channel couplings new resonances, or consolidating the existence of those

previously poorly known.
Models for the baryon spectrum that do not take into The experimental spectroscopy efforts to address
account decay-channel couplings effectively assume that the missing resonance problem have concentrated, for
baryons are infinitely long-lived bound states. In prac- the most part, on the N = 2 positive-parity non-strange
tice, excited baryons decay strongly, with decay widths excitations, and on the N = 1 negative-parity singly-
that are significant fraction of their masses. Excited and doubly-strange states. While only one negative-
baryons can have large couplings to continuum states, parity Λ state has yet to be identified to complete the
which can and will affect the positions of the poles in first excitation band with many more positive-parity
scattering amplitudes that describe these resonances. candidates known for the second excitation band, over-
This can be due to their proximity to decay-channel all as many Σ and Ξ states are expected as N ∗ and
thresholds, or unusually large couplings to a decay chan- ∆ states combined, and of these, many negative-parity
nel, or both. Examples include the low-lying negative- states are still missing. The situation is worse for Ξ
parity resonances Λ(1405)1/2− , which has a nominal and Ω resonances, since their spins and parities have
mass below the N K̄ threshold, and N (1535)1/2− , which been measured for very few states; speculative J P as-
couples strongly to the N η final state, for which it is signments based on quark model predictions are listed
just above threshold. The authors of Ref. [2688] were by the PDG for the majority of the observed states.
among the first to suggest that these states could be The potential for new discoveries remains high in the
dynamically generated resonances. Hyodo and Meiss- hyperon sector.
ner review the interesting physics of the Λ(1405) state Of particular interest in the non-strange sector are
in the 2022 RPP [476]. There is also evidence of these those multiplets of the second excitation band where
effects from lattice QCD [2683] for states like the Roper both oscillators have a single orbital excitation, lρ =
resonance; its mass changes rapidly as pion mass in the lλ = 1, which combine to either L = 0, 1, or 2. Since
calculation approaches the physical pion mass, due to both relative coordinate vectors must be excited in or-
strong N ππ channel coupling. der to have the necessary exchange symmetry, their
presence would rule out tightly-bound, static di-quarks.
Beyond elastic meson scattering In fact, a quartet of S = 3/2 states
The observation that baryon resonances could be miss-
ing due to weak couplings for both their strong-interaction |N 4 DM (1/2+ , 3/2+ , 5/2+ , 7/2+ )i ,
production and decay in elastic meson-nucleon scatter- has been proposed [2690] for the 70-plet (70, 2+ ) largely
ing led to the idea that γN photo-production experi- based on the photo-produced double-pion final state.
ments could excite missing resonances that had appre- These states were expected to be seen in double-
ciable photo-couplings, which could be discovered via meson reactions since each oscillator can de-excite via
their strong decays to final states with more than one the emission of a meson. There is a new J P = 1/2+
pseudoscalar meson. For example, missing N and ∆- state, N (1880)1/2+ , and the state N (1900)3/2+ has
flavored baryons could be searched for in proton-target had its likely existence upgraded from 2 to 4 stars in the
photo-production experiments examining two or three Review of Particle Properties (RPP) by the PDG [476].
pion final states resulting from the intermediate vector- Evidence for two other states in the quartet, N (2000)5/2+
mesons ρ(770) and ω(782). In particular, certain miss- and N (1990)7/2+ , is strong in some partial wave analy-
ing, positive-parity resonances can be expected to decay ses but requires additional confirmation, and so remains
to two-pion final states by simultaneous de-excitation listed with weak evidence (two stars) in the RPP. Such
of both lρ = 1 and lλ = 1 excitations. double-meson reactions had been under-explored until
recently, which would explain why these states escaped
Recent developments from photo-production experiments
detection in the past. Another previously one-star reso-
The Particle Data Group in its bi-annual updates of
nance, N (2100)1/2+ , has been upgraded to three stars,
the Review of Particle Physics (RPP) lists the known
and can be tentatively assigned to the doublet of states
baryon resonances, their properties, and the experimen-
with S = 1/2 forming the SU(6) multiplet [20, 1+ ] of
tal evidence for their existence in terms of star assign-
Eq. 9.1.3, where lρ = lλ = 1 combine to L = 1. There
ments ranging from one star (poor evidence) to four
remains at best weak evidence for the second state in
stars (evidence is strong). Since the 2010 edition of the
this doublet. Although the assignment of experimental
RPP [2689], much new information about N and ∆-
N ∗ candidates to these multiplets is speculative, some
flavored baryons has been added based on recent photo-
optimism persists that the goal of completely mapping
production experiments. In particular, various polariza-
the second excitation band for non-strange baryons is
tion observables have played a crucial role in identifying

within reach once all currently available (polarization) The flux-tube model developed to examine hybrid
data have been analyzed. meson structure and decays by Isgur and Paton [2366]
There is also an interesting pattern of parity dou- was applied to hybrid baryons in Refs. [2670, 2697].
blets of N ∗ baryons with masses around 2 GeV, which An adiabatic approximation is employed, where a Y-
might indicate the restoration of the chiral symmetry shaped flux tube is allowed to move with the three
at higher energies [2691, 2692]. A similar pattern was quark positions fixed, except for center of mass correc-
observed for ∆ resonances in the same mass region: tions. This defines a potential in which the quarks move,
∆(1910)1/2+ ∆(1900)1/2− for both conventional (glue in its ground state) and hy-
∆(1920)3/2+ ∆(1940)3/2− brid (glue in its lowest-lying excited state) baryons. The
∆(1905)5/2+ ∆(1930)5/2− flux-tube dynamical problem can be reduced to the in-
∆(1950)7/2+ dependent motion of the junction and the strings con-
necting the junction to the quarks. The seven low-lying
A detailed study has not yet revealed the missing 7/2− hybrid baryons are found to be two doublets of N 2 1/2+
state [2693]. Closest in mass is a previously poorly- and N 2 3/2+ states with quark spin S = 1/2, and three
known state, ∆(2200)7/2− , which has since been up- states
graded from one to three stars based on photo-production
data. Interestingly, the corresponding mass difference is 4
∆(1/2+ , 3/2+ , 5/2+ )
observed in the nucleon spectrum between N (1990)7/2+
(two stars) and N (2190)7/2− (four stars). with quark spin S = 3/2. Baryon masses are found by
The result is that, based on photo-production data, using a variational method to solve for the quark ener-
six completely new N ∗ resonances have been proposed gies in these string potentials. Including the hyperfine
with contact spin-spin term in Eq. 9.1.4 lowers the mass of
masses around 2 GeV, and three additional states have the quark-spin 1/2 hybrid states by 110 MeV to 1865
been upgraded. No new ∆ state has been proposed, but MeV, and raises the mass of the quark-spin 3/2 hybrid
four states have had their status upgraded by the PDG. states, which coincide with the lightest ∆ flavored hy-
brids, by a similar amount.
9.1.6 Baryons with excited glue Lattice QCD approaches to describing the spectrum
of conventional and hybrid baryons assuming isolated
In a strongly-coupled system, hybrid baryons with ex- bound states [495, 2683] are able to determine the spec-
cited gluon degrees of freedom must exist. Unlike in the trum of baryon states up to J P = 7/2± . The results
spectrum of mesons, all J P quantum numbers are acces- show the same number of states as non-relativistic mod-
sible via spatial excitation for a given flavor of baryon, els based on three-quark degrees of freedom [2683], with
as explained in Sec. 9.1.2. In the absence of exotic quan- no signs of the reduced number of excitations predicted
tum numbers, another approach to the discovery of hy- by di-quark models, or parity doubling. States in this
brid baryons might be to search for an over-population, spectrum can be grouped into SU (6) × O(3) multiplets,
relative to the expectations of constituent quark mod- with weak mixing. Using many composite QCD inter-
els, of states with a given flavor, spin, and parity quan- polating fields, hybrid baryons of N and ∆ flavor were
tum numbers. However, it is expected that the lowest- identified in Ref. [495] by searching for states with a
lying states with excited gluon degrees of freedom are substantial overlap with operators containing gluonic
positive-parity states that overlap in mass the region in excitations. This led to doublets of N 1/2+ and N 3/2+
the spectrum where there are already several missing hybrids, and N 5/2+ , ∆1/2+ and ∆3/2+ states at en-
conventional states. ergies above the center of the first band of conventional
Early approaches to the physics of hybrid baryons positive-parity excitations. This suggests that exciting
include those based on the MIT bag model [2694], large-Nc the glue adds a color-octet effective degree of freedom,
QCD [2695], and QCD sum rules [2696]. As an exam- with roughly the same additional energy in mesons and
ple, the calculation of Ref. [2694] confined a constituent baryons, that has J P = 1+ , unlike the vector nature
gluon and three quarks to an MIT bag, and used O(αs ) of this excitation in the flux-tube model. A J P = 1+
interactions between the constituents. In these studies, excitation is expected in the bag model of Ref. [2694],
the lightest hybrid baryons were found to have N flavor as these are the quantum numbers of the lowest energy,
and J P = {1/2+ , 3/2+ }, with the lightest of these hav- transverse electric mode of a gluon in a spherical bag.
ing J P = 1/2+ and a mass of approximately 1500 MeV, This approach is extended to all baryons made from
between those of the two lightest radial excitations of u, d, and s quarks in Ref. [2683], using operators that
the nucleon, the Roper resonance at 1440 MeV, and the lie in irreducible representations of SU (3)f symmetry,
N(1710). in addition to SU (4) symmetry for the Dirac spins
9.2 Light-quark baryons 319

and O(3) symmetry for the orbital state. The spectra FAIR to study the phase diagram of strongly interact-
that result for non-hybrid states are again consistent ing matter, e.g. by varying the collision energy.
with quark model expectations based on weakly broken Second, nucleons are the simplest system in which
SU (6)⊗O(3) symmetry. States with strong hybrid con- the non-abelian character of QCD is manifest. The pro-
tent are usually at about 1 GeV above the correspond- ton consists of three (constituent) quarks since the num-
ing conventional excited states, and the quantum num- ber of colors is three.
bers and multiplicity of the positive-parity hybrid states Third, baryons are sufficiently complex to reveal
can be roughly predicted by combining a J P = 1+ physics to us hidden in the mesons. Gell-Mann and
gluonic excitation with non-relativistic quark spins, al- Zweig did not develop their quark model along mesons,
though some of the expected states are not found in their simple structure allowed for different interpreta-
the calculation performed at the lowest pion mass. The tions. Three quarks resulted in a baryon structure that
use of multi-hadron operators will allow the exploration gave - within SU(3) symmetry - the octet and the de-
of the energy dependence of and resonances in hadron cuplet containing the famous Ω − .
scattering amplitudes. Isgur made many important contributions to the
A recent proposal prepared by the CLAS12 Col- development of the quark model. With Karl he devel-
laboration and presented to the Jefferson Lab Physi- oped the idea that gluon-mediated interactions between
cal Advisory Committee aims to experimentally search quarks bind them into hadrons and constructed a quark
for hybrid baryon states in electro-produced KY and model of baryons [2699]. This was a non-relativistic
pπ + π − final states by focusing on measurements for model, hardly justifiable. With Capstick he relativized
Q2 < 1.0 GeV2 . Since the spin and parity of hybrid the model [736], but surprisingly, the pattern of pre-
baryons are expected to be the same as those for con- dicted resonances remained rather similar. Isgur always
ventional states, the experimental signature of hybrid defended the basic principles: hadrons have to be un-
baryons is the distinctively different low-Q2 evolution derstood in terms of constituent quarks bound in a con-
of their electro-couplings that originate from the addi- fining potential and additionally interacting via the ex-
tional gluonic component of their wave function. More change of “effective” gluons.
details are discussed in the contribution by V. Burkert. Nearly 20 years later, Meißner ended his contribu-
tion [2700] to the N ∗ 2019 conference held in Bonn, Ger-
many, by stating: “Forget the quark model”. We need
9.2 Light-quark baryons to ask: What has happened in these two decades? What
did we know before? What have we learned?
Volker Burkert, Eberhard Klempt,
Mapping the excitation spectrum of the nucleon (pro-
Ulrike Thoma
tons and neutrons) and understanding the effective de-
grees of freedom are important and most challenging
9.2.1 Why N ∗ ’s ?
tasks of hadron physics. A quantitative description of
the spectrum and properties of excited nucleons must
This was the question with which Nathan Isgur opened
eventually involve solving QCD for a complex strongly
his talk at N ∗ 2000 [2698] held at the Thomas Jefferson
interacting multi-particle system. The experimental N ∗
National Accelerator Facility in Newport News, VA, one
program currently focuses on the search for new excited
year before he passed away, much too early. He gave
states in the mass range just below and above 2 GeV us-
three answers:
ing energy-tagged photon beams in the few GeV range,
First, nucleons are the stuff of which our world is
and on the study of resonances, their properties, and
made. In the Introduction to this Section, two of us
their internal structure, e.g. in cascade decays and in
have outlined the importance of N ∗ ’s and ∆∗ ’s in the
meson electro-production.
development of the Universe 9, when hadrons materi-
alized from a soup of quarks and gluons at some 10 µs
after the big bang. The full spectrum of excited baryon 9.2.2 N ∗ ’s: how?
states including those carrying strangeness must be in-
In the previous contribution by Capstick and Crede 9.1
cluded in hadron gas models that simulate the freeze-
we have seen the complexity of the expected spectrum
out behavior observed in hot-QCD calculations. These
of nucleon and ∆ excitations. Even in the lowest exci-
simulations aim at finding the underlying processes, to
tation mode with lρ = 1 or lλ = 1, we expect five N ∗
pin-point the ”critical point” of the phase transition
and two ∆∗ states; they are all well established. But al-
that is expected to occur between the QGP phase and
ready in the second excitation mode, the quark model
the hadron phase at a temperature near 155 MeV. Ex-
predicts 13 N ∗ and 8 ∆∗ states The resonances have
periments are ongoing at CERN, RHIC and planned at

quantum numbers J P = 1/2+ , · · · , 7/2+ and isospin close to the pη 0 threshold. It also clearly demonstrates
I = 1/2 or 3/2, respectively. All these 21 resonances the advantage of investigating different final states and
are expected to fall into a mass range of, let’s say, production mechanisms. In contrast to the πN -S11 scat-
1600 - 2100 MeV. This complexity of the light-quark tering amplitude, here, already in the total η-photoproduction
(u & d quarks) baryon excitation spectrum complicates cross section, a structure relating to N (1895)1/2− be-
the experimental search for individual states, especially comes visible. Furthermore, in Fig. 9.2.1d, the result
since, as a result of the strong interaction, these states of a fit with Legendre moments to the so-called Σ po-
are broad, the typical width being 150-300 MeV. They larization observable for γp → η p is compared to two
overlap, interfere, and often several resonances show energy-dependent solutions of the BnGa coupled-channel
up in the same partial wave. Grube in his contribu- analysis. Plotted is the coefficient (a4 )Σ
4 of the Legendre
tion 8.3 has convincingly demonstrated the difficulties expansion which receives (among others) a contribution
of extracting the existence and properties of mesonic from the interference of the S-wave with the G-wave.
resonances from ππ scattering experiments. With nu- Data from different experiments are given with their
cleon resonances, additional complications due to the error bars. The curves represent BnGa fits with (solid
nucleon spin emerge: in πN elastic scattering there are curve) and without (dashed curve) inclusion of data on
two complex amplitudes to be determined, for spin-flip γp → η 0 p. The N (2190)7/2− (G-wave) was included
and spin-non-flip scattering. in both fits. From 1750 MeV to the pη 0 -threshold the
Pion scattering off nucleons was mostly performed coefficient is approximately constant, then at the pη 0 -
in the pre-QCD era. Nearly all excited nucleon states threshold, the fit result shows an almost linear rise to-
listed in the Review of Particle Physics (RPP) prior wards positive values. This change of the coefficient at
to 2012 have been observed in elastic pion scattering about 1.9 GeV indicates the presence of a cusp. The
πN → πN . However there are important limitations in strong cusp is an effect of the pη 0 threshold [Eγ =
the sensitivity to the higher-mass nucleon states. These 1447 MeV (W = 1896 MeV)], the N η 0 amplitude must
may have very small ΓπN decay widths, and their iden- be strongly rising above threshold. Indeed, the inclusion
tification becomes exceedingly difficult in elastic scat- of the full data set on γp → pη 0 (cross sections, polariza-
tering. Three groups extracted the real and imaginary tion observables) into the BnGa data base had already
parts of the πN partial-wave amplitude from the data confirmed the existence of a new N (1895)1/2− reso-
[2701–2703]. Their results are still used as constraints nance with a significant coupling to pη and pη 0 [2710,
in all modern analyses of photo-induced reactions. 2711], first observed in [2712].
Figure 9.2.1a,b shows the real and imaginary part This resonance was not seen in classical analyses
of the S11 amplitude for πN scattering. The imaginary of πN elastic scattering data90 . The example shows the
part peaks at 1500 MeV and just below 1700 MeV in- importance of inelastic channels and of coupled-channel
dicating the presence of two resonances, N (1535)1/2− analyses. Thresholds can be identified by the missing
and N (1650)1/2− . These are known since long and es- intensity in other channels, cusp effects can show up,
tablished. Above, there is no clearly visible sign for any all these effects need to be considered and finally con-
additional resonance. Higher-mass resonances – if they tribute to find the correct solution. High-precison and
exist – must have very small ΓπN decay widths. high-statistics data are required as well as a large body
Estimates for alternative decay channels have been of different polarization data.
made in quark model calculations [2709]. This has led
to major experimental efforts at Jefferson Lab, ELSA 9.2.3 Photoproduction of exclusive final states
and MAMI to determine differential cross sections and
(double) polarization observables for a variety of meson In the photoproduction of a single pseudoscalar meson
photoproduction channels. Spring-8 at Sayo in Japan like γp → η p, not only the proton has two spin states
and the ESRF in Grenoble, France, made further con- but also the photon has two possible spin orientations.
tributions to the field. In electroproduction, discussed by Burkert in the subse-
Figure 9.2.1c,d shows an example. In Fig. 9.2.1c, the quent section 9.3, the virtual photon can also be polar-
total cross section for η photoproduction off protons ized longitudinally. But even for experiments with real
and off neutrons is shown [2704, 2705]. They are domi- photons, there are four complex amplitudes to be de-
nated by N (1535)1/2− → N η interfering with N (1650)1/2−termined.
. There is a large number of observables: the
The opening of important channels is indicated by ver- target nucleon can be polarized longitudinally, i.e. in
tical lines. At the η 0 threshold, the intensity suddenly beam direction, or transversely, the photon can carry
drops: significant intensity goes into the N η 0 channel. 90
Höhler and Manley had claimed a similar state that had
This is a strong argument in favor of a resonance at or been combined with Cutkovsky’s result to N (2090).
9.2 Light-quark baryons 321
Re T

Im T
(a) (b)
0.4 0.8


0.1 0.4


−0.2 0

1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2
W [GeV] W [GeV]

Fig. 9.2.1 (a),(b): Real and imaginary part of the S11 πN scattering amplitude. Resonances in this partial wave have quantum
numbers J P = 1/2− . Clearly seen are N (1535)1/2− and N (1650)1/2− . There is no convincing evidence for any resonance above
1700 MeV. Data points are from [2701], errors are estimates, the curve represents a recent Bonn-Gatchina (BnGa) fit. (c): Total
cross sections for γp → η p and γn → η n. Important thresholds are marked by lines. The inset shows the η 0 threshold region for
η-photoproduction off the proton (picture adapted from [2704, 2705]). (d): The Legendre coefficient of the polarization observable
4 exhibits a cusp at the η threshold [2706]. The data stems from GRAAL (black), CBELSA/TAPS (blue) and CLAS
Σ (a4 )Σ
(green) Picture taken from [2706]. (c),(d): see publications[2704, 2705, 2707] for references to the data.

E ticular those with polarized photon beam and polar-

ized target nucleons, were decisive to reduce ambigui-
1 1

0.5 0.5 0.5 ties of the solutions. The double polarisation observ-
able E is one of the beam-target-observables; it re-
0 0 0
quires a circularly polarized photon beam and a lon-
−0.5 −0.5 1660 MeV < W < 1716 MeV −0.5 1770 MeV < W < 1822 MeV gitudinaly polarized target. Examples of E for selected
1 −1
−0.5 0 0.5 −11
−0.5 0 0.5 1
W-bins are shown in Fig. 9.2.2 for γp → pη [2707].
The data are compared to the predictions of differ-
ent PWA solutions (colored curves). The curves scat-
0.5 0.5

0 0 0
ter over a wide range indicating the high sensitivity of
−0.5 −0.5 −0.5
the polarisation observable on differences in the con-
tributing amplitudes. A new BnGa fit returned masses
−1 1873 MeV < W < 1922 MeV 2018 MeV < W < 2109 MeV
and widths of N ∗ -resonances and their N η-branching
−1 −1

−0.5 −0.5
−1 −0.5 0 0.5 −11 −0.5 0 0.5 1

fractions [2707], several of them unknown before. In-

0 0.5 0 0.5
cos θη
terestingly a N (1650)1/2− → N η-branching fraction of
Fig. 9.2.2 The double polarization observable E as a func- 0.33 ± 0.04 was found while in the RPP’2010, a value
tion of cos θη in the cms for selected energy bins, black:
of only 0.023 ± 0.022 was given. Recently, also within
CBELSA/TAPS [2707], blue: CLAS data [2708] (due to dif-
ferent binning, the energies differ by up to half of the bin size). the Jülich-Bonn dynamical coupled channel approach,
Colored curves: Predictions from different PWAs (see publica- a N η-residue for N (1650)1/2− was found, larger by al-
tion for references), black: BnGa-fit including the data shown most a factor of two compared to earlier analyses, after
here and further new polarization data. Figure adapted from
inclusion of the new polarisation data [2721]. Histori-
cally, the large N (1535)1/2− → N η branching fraction
and the small one for N (1650)1/2− → N η has played a
linear or circular polarization. The final-state nucleon significant role in the development of the quark model
can carry polarization along its flight direction or per- [729], of theories based on coupled-channel chiral ef-
pendicular to the scattering plane. There is an intense fective dynamics [2688] and led to several interesting
discussion in the literature on how many independent interpretations of the low mass 1/2− -resonances (for
measurements have to be performed to determine the references see [2707]). The old values from 2010 were
four complex amplitudes, see Ref. [2660]. In practice, obtained without the constraints provided by the new
energy-independent analyses in bins of the invariant high quality (double) polarization data covering almost
mass were only done for the very low energy region the complete solid angle. The impact of polarization ob-
[2716, 2717] or with additional assumptions (see [2718– servables on the convergence of different PWA-solutions
2720] and references therein). was e.g. also very clearly demonstrated in a common
In most cases, energy-dependent analyses have been study of pion-photoproduction [2722].
performed to extract the information hidden in the pho- In hyperon decays, the polarization of the Λ or Σ ◦
toproduction data. Here the polarization data, in par- can be determined by analyzing the parity violating

Fig. 9.2.3 Invariant mass dependence of the γp → K + Λ [2713] (a) and γp → K + Σ [2714] (b) differential cross sections for
selected bins in the polar angle. (c) Examples for polarization observables determined for γp → K + Λ (only selected bins shown)
[2715]. Curves: PWA-predictions from ANL-Osaka (red) and BnGa 2014 (green). Blue: BnGa 2014-refit including the data shown.
(a)-(c): For references to the data and the PWAs see [2713–2715], Picture adapted from [2713–2715]

decay Λ → pπ − . Thus the spin orientation of the final than the KΣ channel, as the iso-scalar nature of the
state baryon (recoil polarization) can be determined. Λ selects isospin-1/2 states to contribute to the KΛ fi-
Kaon-hyperon production using a spin-polarized pho- nal state, while both isospin-1/2 and isospin-3/2 states
ton beam provides access to the beam-, recoil-, target-91 can contribute to the KΣ final state. Of course, here,
and to beam-recoil polarization observables. The data as well as for other final states, only a full partial wave
had a significant impact on the determination of the analysis can determine the underlying resonances, their
resonance amplitudes in the mass range above 1.7 GeV. masses and spin-parity. Polarization data are required
Precision cross section and polarization data, examples to disentangle the different amplitudes.
of which are shown in Figure 9.2.3, span the K + Λ and Energy-dependent analyses have been performed e.g.
K + Σ invariant mass range from threshold to 2.9 GeV, at GWU [2723] as SAID, in Mainz as MAID [2705], at
hence covering the interesting domain where new states Kent [2724], at JLab [2725], by the BnGa [2712, 2726],
could be discovered. Clear resonance-like structures at the Jülich-Bonn (JüBo) [2721], the ANL-Osaka [2727]
1.7 GeV and 1.9 GeV are seen in the K + Λ-differential and by other groups. A short description of the differ-
cross section that are particularly prominent and well- ent methods can be found in Ref. [2660]. Here we em-
separated from other structures at backward angles. At phasize that the energy-dependence of a partial-wave
more forward angles (not shown) t-channel processes amplitude for one particular channel is influenced by
become prominent and dominate the cross section. The other reaction channels due to unitarity constraints. To
broad enhancement at 2.2 GeV may also indicate reso- fully describe the energy-dependence of a production
nant behavior although it is less visible at more central amplitude, all (or at least the most significant) reac-
angles with larger background contributions. Similar tion channels must be included in a coupled-channel ap-
resonance-like structures are observed in the KΣ chan- proach. Many different final states have been measured
nel (Figure 9.2.3(b)). Examples for different polarisa- with high precision off protons and partly also off neu-
tion observables determined for the reaction γp → K + Λ trons (bound in a deuteron with a quasi-free proton in
are shown in the lower row of Figure 9.2.3 for selected the final state). Polarization data for meson photopro-
bins in the K + -scattering angle in the γp center-of-mass duction off neutrons are, however, still scarce. A fairly
frame. They are compared to predictions from ANL- complete list of references can be found in [2660]. Most
Osaka, BnGa-2014 and to a refit from the BnGa-PWA. data are now included in single- and in multi-channel
The large differences between the curves demonstrate analyses 92 .
the sensitivity of the data to the underlying dynam- The photoproduction data had a strong impact on
ics. The KΛ channel is somewhat easier to understand the discovery of several new baryon states or provided
The target polarisation observable can also be accessed by
new evidence for candidate states that had been ob-
performing a double polarization experiment using a linearly 92
A list of data on photoproduction reactions including po-
polarised photon beam and measuring the baryon polarisation larization and double-polarization observables can be found at
in the final state. the BnGa web page:
9.2 Light-quark baryons 323

served previously but lacked confirmation (e.g. [2693, momentum L. In the case of ∆∗ , the leading trajectory
2705, 2712]). Many new decay modes were discovered, consists of ∆(1232)3/2+ , ∆(1950)7/2+ , ∆(2420)11/2+ ,
in particular in the photoproduction of 2π and π η, 0 0
∆(2950)15/2+ . In the quark model, these have intrin-
[2726, 2728, 2729] and references therein. At the NSTAR’2000 sic orbital angular momenta L = 0, 2, 4, 6. Figure 9.2.4
worskhop, 12 N ∗ and 8 ∆∗ were considered to be es- shows the squared ∆∗ -masses as a function of L+Nradial ,
tablished (4*,3*) by the Particle Data Group . These where Nradial indicates the intrinsic radial excitation.
numbers increased to 19 N ∗ and 10 ∆∗ two decades The resonances ∆(1910)1/2+ , ∆(1920)3/2+ , ∆(1905)5/2+
later. Table 9.2.1 lists the new resonances below 2300 MeV have intrinsic L = 2 like ∆(1950)7/2+ , and fit onto
and those that had not a four-star status in 2010. Reso- the trajectory. Also, there are three positive-parity res-
nances which had four stars in 2010 are well established onances that likely have L = 4 with the 5/2+ state
and kept their status. These are: missing. The two L = 1 resonances ∆(1620)1/2− and
∆(1700)3/2− also have masses close to the linear tra-
N (1440)1/2+, N (1520)3/2−, N (1535)1/2−, N (1650)1/2−, jectory. Further, there are resonances in which the ρ
− + +
N (1675)5/2 , N (1680)5/2 , N (1720)3/2 , N (2190)7/2 , − or λ oscillator is excited radially to nρ = 1 or nλ = 1
(Nradial = 1). Quark models with a harmonic oscilla-
N (2220)9/2+N (2250)9/2−, ∆(1620)1/2−∆(1700)3/2−, tor as confining potential predict that resonances be-
+ +
∆(1905)5/2 , ∆(1910)1/2 , ∆(1950)7/2 . + long to shells. Radial excitations are predicted in the
shell L + 2 Nradial . This is not what we find experi-
A few resonances were removed from the RPP tables. mentally: the masses are approximately proportional to
They often had wide-spread mass values, and the old L+Nradial if Nradial = 1 is assigned to ∆(1600)3/2+ , the
results were redistributed according to their masses and first radial excitation of ∆(1232)3/2+ , as well as to the
the new findings. Even more impressive is the number ∆(1900)1/2− , ∆(1940)3/2− , ∆(1930)5/2− triplet, to
of reported decay modes. Our knowledge on N ∗ and ∆∗ the two members of a partly unseen quartet ∆(2350)5/2−
decays has at least been doubled. and ∆(2400)9/2− , and to ∆(2750)13/2− (with L=5,
S=3/2 and Nradial =1).
9.2.4 Regge trajectories Clearly, this is a very simplified picture of the ∆∗
spectrum. The picture is that of the non-relativistic
Like mesons, baryons fall onto linear Regge trajectories quark model – nobody understands why it works94 .
when their squared masses are plotted as a function Resonances – assumed to have the same mass if spin
of their total spin J or their intrinsic orbital angular orbit-coupling is neglected– have indeed somewhat dif-
In PDG notation: 4* Existence certain, 3* almost certain, ferent masses. But the gross features of the spectrum
2* evidence fair, 1* poor of ∆∗ resonances are well reproduced.
The nucleon spectrum is more complicated. First,
there are more resonances, and second, there are two-
Table 9.2.1 Baryon resonances above the ∆(1232) and below quark configurations which are antisymmetric in spin
2300 MeV given in the RPP’2022 in comparison to the reso-
nances considered in the RPP’2010. Resonances with 4∗ in 2010 and flavor95 . Due to instanton induced interactions, the
are not listed here. See text for further discussion. relativistic quark model [2677], expects a lowering of
states with the respective symmetry. Indeed baryons
with two-quark configurations which are antisymmetric
2010 2022 2010 2022
in spin and flavor (good diquarks) seem to have lower
N (1700)3/2− *** *** ∆(1600)3/2+ *** ****
masses than those having bad diquarks only. Attempts
N (1710)1/2+ *** **** ∆(1750)1/2+ * *
to include good-diquark effects were rather successful
N (1860)5/2+ – ** ∆(1900)1/2− ** ***
[2663, 2730]. The χ2 for the model-data comparison
N (1875)3/2− – *** ∆(1920)3/2+ *** ***
was twice better for the 2-parameter fit than for quark
N (1880)1/2+ – *** ∆(1930)5/2− *** ***
models [2731] when the same mass-uncertainties are as-
N (1895)1/2− – **** ∆(1940)3/2− * **
N (1900)3/2+ ** **** ∆(2000)5/2+ ** **
N (1990)7/2+ ** ** ∆(2150)1/2− * * In addition, we neglect the possible configuration mixing of
states in our discussion.
N (2000)5/2+ ** ** ∆(2200)7/2− * *** 95
These two-quark configurations are often called good di-
N (2040)3/2+ – * quarks. They may carry orbital-angular momenta, these are not
N (2060)5/2− – *** N(2080)3/2− ** – frozen diquarks.
N (2100)1/2+ * *** N(2090)1/2− * –
N (2120)3/2− – *** N(2200)5/2− ** –

Very little is known about excited Cascade baryons.

A few structures in invariant mass spectra were ob-
served, nearly no spin-parities have been determined.
The hope is that at FAIR, JLab and J-PARC (see Sec-
tion 14) new Ξ’s and Ω’s will be observed and their
quantum numbers be determined.

9.2.6 QCD expectations

Fig. 9.2.4 Regge-like trajectory of ∆∗ -resonances. Taken from

The spectrum of excited nucleons has been calculated
[2732] in different approaches. We list a few here: QCD on a
lattice has been used to calculate the spectrum of light-
quark baryons including hybrid states (see Section 4.5
9.2.5 Hyperons and [494]). In the Dyson-Schwinger/Bethe-Salpeter ap-
proach (see Section 5.3 and [2680]) the covariant three-
Nearly no new data on K̄N scattering have become body Fadeev-equation is solved in a rainbow-ladder ap-
available for several decades except some new data from proximation. The spectra of baryon resonances have
BNL at very low energy (see Ref. [2733] and references been calculated for J = 1/2± and J = 3/2± , reaching
therein). The reaction γp → K + Σπ was studied at for the N ∗ - and ∆∗ -resonances to masses up to about
JLab and helped to understand the low-energy region 2000 MeV. AdS/QCD (see Section 5.5 and [1010]) pre-
[2734]. However, four groups have re-analyzed K − p re- dicts a spectrum of N ∗ and ∆∗ that is proportional
actions using extensive collections of the old data. The to L + Nradial . Using chiral unitary approaches for the
new analysis progress was pioneered by the Kent group meson-baryon interactions, certain baryon resonances
which performed a comprehensive partial wave analysis can be generated dynamically (see Section 6.2). Various
[2735, 2736]. Energy-independent amplitudes were con- quark models have been developed that treat baryons as
structed by starting from an energy-dependent fit and bound states of three quarks with constituent masses,
by freezing or releasing sets of amplitudes. The resulting a confinement potential and residual quark-quark in-
amplitudes were then fit in a coupled-channel approach. teractions. The models are discussed in Section 9.1. At
The JPAC group performed coupled-channel fits to the present, they are still best suited to discuss what has
partial waves of the Kent group. The fit described the been learned from recent results in the spectroscopy of
Kent partial waves well while significant discrepancies light baryons.
showed up between data and the observables calculated
from their partial-wave amplitudes [2737]. The ANL-
9.2.7 What did we learn within the quark model?
Osaka group used the data set collected by the Kent
group and derived energy-dependent amplitudes based SU(6)⊗O(3) classification
on a phenomenological SU(3) Lagrangian. Two models Table 9.2.2 lists the observed N ∗ -, ∆∗ -, Λ∗ - and Σ ∗ -
were presented which agreed for the leading contribu- baryons in a SU(6)⊗O(3) classification. This classifica-
tions but which showed strong deviations for weaker tion assumes non-relativistic constituent quarks. It has
contributions [2738, 2739]. The BnGa group added fur- been a miracle since the early times of the quark model
ther data and tested systematically the inclusion of ad- that this scheme works so well. But baryon resonances
ditional states with any set of quantum numbers. Only often have a leading component in the wave function
small improvements in the fit were found [2740, 2741]. corresponding to the SU(6)⊗O(3) classification even in
The new studies of old data did not change the sit- relativistic calculations.
uation significantly. Some new decay modes were re- The first excitation shell (N =1) is fairly complete.
ported, some new but faint signals were found, some As expected, there are five N ∗ ’s and two ∆∗ ’s with
were confirmed by one group and missed by others. negative parity. Of the Λ and Σ octet states with neg-
Several bumps were removed from the RPP Tables (for ative parity, only the J P = 3/2− states are missing96 .
details see [2742]). As a result, our picture of hyper- The two states Λ(1800)1/2− and Σ(1750)1/2− are in-
ons (with strangeness S = −1) remains unclear. Not terpreted as states with intrinsic spin 3/2: they seem
even all states expected in the first Λ and Σ excitation to be spin partners of Λ(1830)5/2− and Σ(1775)5/2− .
shell have been seen. In Table 9.2.2 all candidates are
included. 96
The N (1700)3/2− is wider than its spin partners and more
difficult to identify. This may also be the reason for the absence
of the J P = 3/2− Λ and Σ states.
9.2 Light-quark baryons 325
m2pπ / GeV2


2.5 20

∆(1232) 10

1 0
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
m2pπ / GeV2

Fig. 9.2.5 Left: γp → pπ 0 π 0 -Dalitz plot for a selected Eγ -bin of 1900-2100 MeV (CBELSA/TAPS) [2743], Middle: Cascade decays
of resonances via an immediate state. Right: Classical orbits of nucleon excitations with L = 2 (upper row) and L = 1 (middle
row). Taken from [2729]. The first two pictures in the upper row show excitations of the ρ and λ oscillators, in the third picture
both, ρ and λ are excited. When both oscillators are excited, de-excitation leads to an excited intermediate state (middle row).

The doublet of negative-parity decuplet Σ states is not are not yet “established”, i.e. have not (yet?) a 3* or 4*
uniquely identified. Expected is this doublet at about status.
1750 MeV, and in the (56,1− 3 )-configuration a second In the third shell, only few resonances are known,
doublet at about 2050 MeV and, finally, a triplet at but the number of expected resonances is quite large
about the same mass. The analysis found (poor) evi- and the analysis challenging: 45 N ∗ and ∆∗ , likely with
dence for two doublets, marked a in Table 9.2.2. The widths often exceeding 300 MeV, are expected to pop-
singlet states Λ(1405)1/2− and Λ(1520)3/2− deserve a ulate an about 400 MeV wide mass range.
more detailed discussion.
1. shell 2. shell 3. shell
At higher masses, some choices are a bit arbitrary:
JP 1/2, 3/2, 5/2− 1/2 3/2 5/2 7/2+ 1/2− − 9/2−
Because of its mass, N (1900)3/2+ belongs to the second Masses 1500 - 1750 1700 - 2100 1900 - 2300
excitation shell. It may have intrinsic quark spin 1/2 or N 5: 2 2 1 13: 4 5 3 1 30: 7 9 8 5 1
3/2, both with L = 2. Further, there should be a 3/2+ ∆ 2: 1 1 - 8: 2 3 2 1 15: 3 5 4 2 1
radially excited state with L = 0. These three states
can mix. Only one of the states is clearly identified. In Three-quark dynamics in cascade decays
any case, quark models predict three resonances with The CBELSA/TAPS collaboration studied cascade de-
J P = 3/2+ in this mass range while only one is found. cays of high mass resonances via an intermediate res-
Also missing is a doublet of states with L = 1 belong- onance down to the ground state nucleon. The analy-
ing to the 20plet in SU(6)⊗O(3).97 The production of ses were based on a large data base of photoproduction
this doublet is expected to be strongly suppressed for data including final states such as γp → pπ 0 π 0 and pπ 0 η
reasons to be discussed below. (see [2726, 2728] and Refs. therein). The Dalitz plot of
Only few hyperons are known that can be assigned Fig. 9.2.5, shows very clearly band-like structures due
to the second excitation shell. The interpretation of to the occurrence of baryon resonances in the interme-
some Λ resonances as SU(3) singlet configuration is diate state. It was observed that the positive parity N ∗ -
plausible but not at all compelling. and ∆∗ -resonances at a mass of about 1900 MeV show
a very different decay pattern. The four N ∗ -resonances:
Missing resonances
In the spectrum of N ∗ and ∆∗ , the first excitation shell N (1880)1/2+, N (1900)3/2+, N (2000)5/2+, N (1990)7/2+,
is complete, in the second shell, 21 states are expected decay with an average branching fraction of (34 ± 6)%
(two of them likely not observable in πN -elastic scatter- into N π and ∆π and with a branching fraction of (21 ±
ing or in single/double meson photoproduction), 16 are 5)% into the orbitally excited states N (1520)3/2− π,
seen, three are missing. To a large extend, the missing- N (1535)1/2− π, and N σ. The four ∆∗ -states:
resonance problem is solved for N ∗ and ∆∗ : there are
no frozen diquarks. Admittedly, five of the resonances ∆(1910)1/2+, ∆(1920)3/2+, ∆(1905)5/2+, ∆(1950)7/2+,

The RPP lists three more N ∗ /∆∗ -resonances:
have an average decay branching fraction into N π/∆π
N (2040)3/2+ , ∆(2150)1/2− , which need confirmation of (44 ± 7)% while their branching fraction into the ex-
and N (2100)1/2+ which we assign to the 4th shell. cited states mentioned above is almost negligible, only
(5±2)% [2726]. At the first sight, this is very surprising.

Table 9.2.2 The spectrum of N , ∆, Λ and Σ excitations. The 2* 1*


first row shows the quantum numbers of the SU(6)⊗O(3) sym- 2.2 4*

metry group. D is the dimensionality of the SU(6) group, L the

3* 3* 4* 3*
total internal quark orbital angular momentum, P the parity,
1* 2*

N a shell index, S the total quark spin, J the total angular mo-
2 2* 2
4* 4*
mentum. The assignment of particles to SU(6)⊗O(3) is an edu-
3* 3*
3* 3* 4*
3* 4*
cated guess. In the first and second excitation band, all expected 4*

M [GeV]

M [GeV]
1.8 1.8

states are listed, missing resonances are indicated by a − sign. 4*

The third band lists only bands for which at least one candidate
4* 4* 4*

exists. The states with an index are special: above 1700 MeV,
1.6 1.6
4* 4* 4*
one pair of Σ states is expected at about 1750 to 1800 MeV,
two pairs at about 2000 to 2050 MeV. Two pairs markeda are 1.4 4* 1.4

found only. The pairs are shown with the three possible assign-
ments. Likewise, N (2060) and N (2190) markedb could form a 1/2+ 1/2
3/2+ 3/2
5/2+ 5/2
7/2+ 7/2
9/2+ 9/2
1/2+ 1/2
3/2+ 3/2
5/2+ 5/2
7/2+ 7/2
9/2+ 9/2

spin-doublet or be members of a spin-quartet. Likely, the ob-

served pairs of states are mixtures of these allowed configura- Fig. 9.2.6 N∗ - (left) and ∆∗ -resonances (right) above
tions (Adapted from [2742]). ∆(1232) for different spin and parities J p . For each resonance,
the real part of the pole position Re(MR ) is given together
with a box of length ±Im(MR ), using the PDG estimates.
2 · Im(MR ) corresponds to the total width of the resonance.
RPP star ratings are also indicated. If no pole positions are
given in the RPP (above the line), the RPP Breit-Wigner es-
timates for masses and widths are used instead. This is in-
dicated by dashed resonance-mass lines and dashed lines sur-
rounding the boxes. If no RPP-estimates are given, the values
above the line have been averaged and the states are shown as
gray boxes. This may indicate one measurement above the line
only. ∆(1750)1/2+ is not included, as there is no RPP-value
given above the line.

The four N ∗ -states have a spatial wave function

with mixed symmetry. Thus the spatial wave function
has one part which is mixed-symmetric and one part
which is mixed anti-symmetric. In the latter one, both
oscillators are excited simultaneously (`ρ = `λ = 1).
If this state decays, one of the excitations remains in
the decay product as illustrated in Fig. 9.2.5. A simi-
lar argument has been used by Hey and Kelly [2744] to
explain why the 20’plet in the second excitation shell
of Fig. 9.2.2 cannot be formed in a πN scattering ex-
periment. For the 20’plet the spacial wave function is
entirely antisymmetric, both oscillators are excited si-
multaneously, and there is no other component in the
wave function. A single-step excitation is suppressed.

Parity doublets?
The difference can be traced to the different wave The spontaneous breaking of the chiral symmetry leads
functions. The spin and the flavor wave functions of the to the large mass gap observed between chiral part-
four ∆∗ -states are both symmetric with respect to the ners: the masses of the ρ(770) meson with spin-parity
exchange of any two quarks, the spatial wave function J P = 1− and its chiral partner a1 (1260) with J P = 1+
needs to be symmetric as well. This means that - having differ by about 500 MeV, those of the J P = 1/2+ nu-
a three-quark-picture in mind - that either the ρ- or cleon and N (1535)1/2− by about 600 MeV. In contrast
the λ-oscillator is excited to ` = 2, the other one is to quark-models expectations and lattice QCD calcu-
not excited. (There is a mixture of the two possibilities lations [494] higher-mass baryons are often observed in
`ρ = 2, `λ = 0 or `λ = 2, `ρ = 0). If this state decays, parity doublets (see Fig. 9.2.6), in pairs of resonances
the orbital angular momentum is carried away and the having about the same mass, the same total spin J and
decay products are found preferentially in their ground opposite parities.
state. This observation and similar observations in meson
spectrum has led to the suggestion that chiral sym-
9.2 Light-quark baryons 327

Δχ2 total
1000 one unit of radial excitation. The four positive-parity
∆-states belong to the 2~ω shell and the negative-parity
states to the 3~ω shell. With masses considered to be
proportional to L + Nradial , these seven states are ex-
0 0
Δχ2 π0p
200 pected to have about the same mass. ∆(2200)7/2− has
0 0
L = 3, S = 1/2 and its expected mass is higher. We note
Δχ2 π+n 200 that ∆(2400)9/2− has L = 3, S = 3/2, and we assume
2000 100 Nradial = 1 for this state (as well as for ∆(2750)13/2− ,
0 0 see Fig. 9.2.4).
Δχ2 KΣ 50

9.2.8 Dynamically generated resonances


0 0

Δχ2 π0π0p 200 N ∗ ’s and ∆∗ ’s
100 Apart from Λ(1405)1/2− that will be discussed below,
0 0 the first dynamically generated resonance was the nega-
Δχ2 π0ηp
10 tive-parity N (1535)1/2− [2688]. At the 1995 Interna-
tional Conference on the Structure of Baryons, Santa
1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300
0 Fe, New Mexico, there was a heated discussion between
M, MeV Weise, defending his new approach, and Isgur who ar-
Fig. 9.2.7 Left: The new polarization observables T and E gued that N (1535)1/2− is well understood within the
shown for selected mass bins (see [2693] for refs. to the data). quark model and no new approach is needed. For some
The fit curves represent the best fits with (solid) and with- time, there was even the idea that there could be two
out (dashed) inclusion of ∆(2200)7/2− . Right: The increase in overlapping states but this is excluded by data. Later,
pseudo-χ2 of the fit to a large body of pion- and photo-produced
reactions when the mass of ∆(1950)7/2+ (solid points) or in Refs. [2746, 2747], N (1535)1/2− and N (1650)1/2− ,
∆(2200)7/2− (open circles) is scanned. The scale on the left were both shown to be generated dynamically. How-
(right) abscissa refers to the 7/2+ (7/2− ) partial wave. The ever, ∆(1620)1/2− was not98 . An important question
curves are to guide the eye. Adapted/taken from [2693]. remains: Are (qqq)-resonance poles and dynamically
generated poles different descriptions of the same ob-
metry might be effectively restored in highly excited ject or do they present different (orthogonal) states?
hadrons [2691, 2745]. Then, all high-mass resonances
should have a parity partner. This is a testable predic- The Λ(1405)1/2−
tion. The Λ(1405)1/2− mass is very close to the N K̄ thresh-
In the mass region of 1900 MeV a quartet of well old. Kaiser, Waas and Weise [2748] proved that the res-
known positive parity ∆∗ states exists, consisting of onance can be generated dynamically from N K̄ − Σπ
coupled-channel dynamics. Oller and Meissner [2749]
∆(1910)1/2+, ∆(1920)3/2+, ∆(1905)5/2+, ∆(1950)7/2+.
studied the S-wave N K̄ interactions in a relativistic chi-
Figure 9.2.6 shows the parity partners of the first ral unitary approach based on a chiral Lagrangian ob-
three states: tained from the interaction of the octet of pseudoscalar
mesons and the ground state baryon octet and found
∆(1900)1/2− , ∆(1940)3/2− , ∆(1930)5/2− . two isoscalar resonances in the Λ(1405)1/2− mass re-
gion and one isovector state. In a subsequent paper
However, the four-star ∆(1950)7/2+ has no close-by
[2750], Jido et al. studied the the effects of SU(3) break-
∆(xxx)7/2− -state that could serve as parity partner.
ing on the results in detail. These two papers had an
Where is the closest ∆∗ with J P = 7/2− ? Figure 9.2.7
immense impact on the further development. It is the
shows a resonance scan over the mass region of in-
only result in light-baryon spectroscopy that is in clear
terest [2693]. There is clear evidence for ∆(2200)7/2−
contradiction to the quark model. It introduces a new
(which was upgraded from 1∗ to 3∗ based on this re-
state Λ(1380)1/2− , that has no role in a quark model,
sult). But its mass difference to ∆(1950)7/2+ is too
large. These two states are no parity partners! Within 98
It should be mentioned that not only the SU(6)⊗O(3)-
the quark model and the SU(6)⊗O(3)-systematics, the systematics in the spectrum seems to indicate a 3-quark-nature
four positive-parity ∆∗ ’s have L = 2, S = 3/2 that cou- of N (1535)1/2− and N (1650)1/2− but also the electropro-
duction results discussed in the following section 9.3 indicate
ple to J P = 1/2+ ,· · · , 7/2+ . The natural assignment that N (1535)1/2− is a 3-quark state with little meson-baryon
for the three negative-parity ∆∗ ’s is that they form a contribution only (Q2 dependence of the transition form factor
triplet with L = 1 and S = 3/2. Then, they must have A1/2 ).

it enforces an interpretation of Λ(1405)1/2− as mainly ψ 0 -decays will also contribute to improve our under-
SU(3) octet resonance, and it interprets Λ(1670)1/2− as standing of the bound states of the strong interaction.
high-mass partner of Λ(1405)1/2− . The Λ(1405)1/2−
and Λ(1670)1/2− would then be the strange partners
of the N (1535)1/2− and the N (1650)1/2− . In quark 9.3 Nucleon Resonances and Transition
models, Λ(1405) is a mainly SU(3) singlet resonance Form Factors
and the octet states Λ(1670)1/2− and Λ(1800)1/2− are
the strange partners of N (1535)1/2− and N (1650)1/2− Volker D. Burkert
(see Table 9.2.2). In the quark-model interpretation,
the hyperon states Λ(1405)1/2− and Λ(1670)1/2− have Meson photoproduction has become an essential tool
close-by J P = 3/2− partners (the J P = 3/2− -partner in the search for new excited light-quark baryon states.
of Λ(1800)1/2− is missing but there is Λ(1830)5/2− ). As discussed in the previous section, many new excited
The masses of the mainly octet states are about 130 MeV states have been discovered thanks to high precision
above their non-strange partners. photoproduction data in different final states [2718],
This conflict initiated an attempt to fit (nearly) all and are now included in recent editions of the Review
existing data relevant for Λ(1405)1/2− in the BnGa ap- of Particle Physics (RPP) [476]. The exploration of the
proach [2751]. The data could be fit with one single internal structure of excited states and the effective de-
resonance in the Λ(1405)1/2− region but were also grees of freedom contributing to s-channel resonance
compatible, with a slightly worsened χ2 , with a descrip- excitation requires the use of electron beams, which
tion using two resonances with properties as obtained is the subject of this contribution, where the virtu-
in the chiral unitary approach. ality (Q2 ) of the exchanged photon can be varied to
pierce through the peripheral meson cloud and probe
the quark core and its spatial structure. Electropro-
9.2.9 Outlook
duction can thus say something about if a resonance
There is not yet a unified picture of baryons. Regge- is generated through short distance photon interaction
like trajectories (M 2 ∝ L + Nradial ) are best described with the small quark core, or through interaction with
by AdS/QCD. Unitary effective field theories describe a more extended hadronic system.
consistently meson-baryon interactions and some res- The experimental exploration of resonance transi-
onances are generated dynamically from their inter- tion form factors reaches over 60 years with many re-
action. The quark model is useful to understand cas- view articles describing this history. Here we refer to
cade decays of highly excited states and is indispens- a few recent ones [2752–2755]. A review of recent elec-
able to discuss the full spectrum including missing res- troproduction experiments in hadron physics and their
onances.The symmetry of quark pairs, symmetric or interpretation within modern approaches of strong in-
anti-symmetric with respect to their exchange, has a teraction physics can be found in Ref. [2756].
significant impact on baryon masses. They could be Electroproduction of final states with pseudoscalar
due to effective gluon exchange. More likely seems an mesons (e.g. N π, pη, KΛ) have been employed at Jeffer-
interpretation by quark and gluon condensates, e.g. by son Laboratory mostly with the CEBAF Large Accep-
instanton-induced interactions. Based on the new high tance Spectrometer (CLAS) operating at an instanta-
quality (polarized) photoproduction data, new baryon neous luminosity of 1034 sec−1 cm−2 . In Hall A and Hall
resonances were discovered and our knowledge of prop- C, pairs of individual well-shielded focusing magnetic
erties of existing resonances has increased considerably. spectrometers are employed with more specialized aims
Yet, our understanding is still unsatisfactory mirroring and limited acceptance, but operating at much higher
the complexity of QCD in the non-perturbative regime. luminosity. This experimental program led to new in-
New results from lattice QCD are eagerly awaited and sights into the scale dependence of effective degrees of
new experiments are needed to understand the spec- freedom, e.g. meson-baryon, constituent quarks, and
trum and the properties of baryon resonances in further dressed quark contributions. Several excited states, shown
detail. Those include further precise photoproduction in Fig. 9.3.1 assigned to their primary SU (6) ⊗ O(3) su-
experiments measuring polarisation observables not only permultiplets, have been studied this way, mostly with
off the proton but also off the neutron as well as multi- CLAS in Hall B. Most of the resonance couplings have
meson final states. Strange baryon resonances need to been extracted from single pseudoscalar meson produc-
be addressed. Other production processes such as elec- tion. In electroproduction, there are 6 complex helic-
troproduction, p̄p-annihilation, experiments with π- or ity amplitudes, requiring a minimum of 11 independent
K-beams and baryon resonances produced in J/ψ or
9.3 Nucleon Resonances and Transition Form Factors 329

Fig. 9.3.2 The kinematics of single π + electro-production off

Fig. 9.3.1 Excited states of the proton that have been stud- protons in the laboratory system.
ied in electroproduction to determine their resonance transi-
tion amplitudes or form factors. States highlighted in red are
discussed in this subsection. Graphics from Ref. [2757]. degrees of freedom relevant in the resonance excitation
as a function of the distance scale probed. This is the
measurements for a complete 99 model-independent de- topic we will elucidate in the following sections and the
termination of the amplitudes. In addition, measure- relevance to (approximations to) QCD. First we briefly
ments of isospin amplitudes require additional measure- discuss the formalism needed for a quantitative analysis
ments. Following this, the complex amplitudes would of the single pseudoscalar meson electroproduction.
need to be subjected to analyses of their phase motions
to determine resonance masses on the (real) energy axis, 9.3.1 Formalism in the analysis of electroproduc-
or poles in the (complex) energy plane. Fortunately, in tion of single pseudoscalar mesons
the lower mass range a variety of constraints can be ap-
plied to limit the number of unknowns when fitting the The simplest process used in the study of resonance
cross section data. These include the masses of states transition amplitudes is single pion or kaon production,
quite well known from hadronic processes or from me- e.g. ep → eπ + n. Single π + and π 0 production are most
son photoproduction. Also, the number of possible an- suitable for the study of the lower-mass excited states
gular momenta is limited to lπ ≤ 2 in the examples as they couple dominantly to the excited states with
discussed in the following. Additional constraints come masses up to ≈ 1.7 GeV. It may then be useful to de-
from the Watson theorem [2758] that relates the elec- scribe in more detail the analysis techniques and the
tromagnetic phases to the hadronic ones, and the use formalism used. The unpolarized differential cross sec-
of dispersion relations, assuming the imaginary parts of tion for single pseudoscalar meson production can be
the amplitude are given by the resonance contribution, written in the one-photon exchange approximation as:
and the real parts determined through dispersion inte- dσ dσ
=Γ , (9.3.1)
grals and additional pole terms. Other approaches use dEf dΩe dΩπ dΩπ
unitary isobar models that parameterize all known res- where Γ is the virtual photon flux,
onances and background terms, and unitarize the full
amplitudes in a K-matrix procedure. In the following, αem (W 2 − M 2 )Ef 1
Γ = , (9.3.2)
we show results based on both approaches, where addi- 2π 2 Q2 2M Ei 1−
tional systematic uncertainties have been derived from where M is the proton mass, W the mass of the hadronic
the differences in the two procedures. final state,  is the photon polarization parameter, Q2
The availability of electron accelerators with the the photon virtuality, Ei and Ef represent the initial
possibility of generating high beam currents at CEBAF and the final electron energies, respectively. Moreover,
at Jefferson Lab in the US and MAMI at Mainz in Ger- −1
many, has enabled precise studies of the internal struc-  = 1 + 2 1 + 2 tan2 (9.3.3)
ture of excited states in the N ∗ and the ∆∗ sectors em- Q 2
ploying s-channel resonance excitations in large ranges and
of photon virtuality Q2 . This has enabled probing the dσ
= σT + σL + σT T cos 2φπ
With the exception of an overall phase that cannot be de-
+ 2(1 + )σLT cos φπ .

The kinematics for single π + production is shown in data on the N ∆(1232) transition, linear combinations
Fig. 9.3.2. of partial wave helicity elements are expressed in terms
The observables of the process γv p → πN 0 can be ex- of electromagnetic multipoles:
pressed in terms of six parity-conserving helicity ampli- 1
tudes [2754, 2759, 2760] : Ml+ = [2Al+ − (l + 2)Bl+ ] (9.3.11)
2(l + 1)
Hi = hλπ ; λN |T |λγν ; λp i , (9.3.4) 1
El+ = (2Al+ + lBl+ ) (9.3.12)
2(l + 1)
where λ denotes the helicity of the respective particle,
λπ = 0, λN = ± 12 , λγv = ±1, 0, and λp = ± 12 , and Hi Ml+1,− = (2Al+1,− − lBl+1,− ) (9.3.13)
are complex functions of Q2 , W , and θπ∗ . 2(l + 1)
El+1,− = [−2Al+1,− + (l + 2)Bl+1,− ] (9.3.14)
9.3.2 Multipoles and partial wave decompositions 2(l + 1)
The response functions in (1) are given by:
1 Q~∗
Sl+ = Cl+ (9.3.15)
~pπ W l+1 Q2
σT = (|H1 |2 + |H2 |2 + |H3 |2 + |H4 |2 ), (9.3.5) s
2KM 2
1 Q~∗
~pπ W Sl+1,− = Cl+1,− , (9.3.16)
σL = (|H5 |2 + |H6 |2 ), (9.3.6) l+1 Q2
σT T =
~pπ W
Re(H2 H3∗ − H1 H4∗ ), (9.3.7) where Q ~ ∗ is the photon 3-momentum in the hadronic
2KM rest frame. The electromagnetic multipoles are often
σLT =
~pπ W
Re[H5∗ (H1 − H4 ) + H6∗ (H2 + H3 )] ,(9.3.8) used to describe the transition from the nucleon ground
2KM state to the ∆(1232), which is dominantly described as
where ~pπ is the pion 3-momentum in the hadronic center- a magnetic dipole transition M1+ . The electromagnetic
of-mass system, and K is the equivalent real photon lab multipoles as well as the partial wave helicity elements
energy needed to generate a state with mass W : are complex quantities and contain both non-resonant
W2 − M2 and resonant contributions. In order to compare the
K= . (9.3.9) results to model predictions and LQCD, an additional
analysis must be performed to separate the resonant
The helicity amplitudes Hi , i = 1–6, can be expanded
parts ± , B̂± , etc., from the non-resonant parts of the
into Legendre polynomials:
amplitudes. In a final step, the known hadronic prop-
1 θX

erties of a given resonance can be used to determine
H1 = √ sin θ cos (Bl+ − B(l+1)− )(Pl00 − Pl+1
) photocoupling helicity amplitudes that characterize the
2 2
electromagnetic vertex:


√ θX I
Âl± = ∓F CπN A1/2 ,
H2 = 2 cos (Al+ − A(l+1)− )(Pl0 − Pl+1
l=1 16
∞ B̂l± = ±F C I A3/2 , (9.3.18)
1 θX (2j − 1)(2j + 3) πN
H3 = √ sin θ sin (Bl+ + B(l+1)− )(Pl00 + Pl+1
) √
2 2 2 2 I
Ŝl± = −F C S1/2 ,
√ θX
∞ 2J + 1 πN
H4 = 2 sin (Al+ + A(l+1)− )(Pl0 + Pl+1
) s
2 1 K Γπ
l=1 F = π
√ ∞ (2j + 1) pπ Γ 2
θ X
H5 = 2 cos (Cl+ − C(l+1)− )(Pl0 − Pl+1
where the CπNI
are isospin coefficients. The total trans-
√ ∞ verse absorption cross section for the transition into a
) , (9.3.10) specific resonance is given by:
H6 = 2 sin (Cl+ + C(l+1)− )(Pl0 + Pl+1
l=1 2M
σT = (A2 + A23/2 ). (9.3.20)
where the Al+ and Bl+ etc., are the transverse par- WR Γ 1/2
tial wave helicity elements for λγp = 12 and λγp = 32 ,
Experiments in the region of the ∆(1232) 32 resonance
and C± the longitudinal partial wave helicity elements.
In the subscript, l+ and (l + 1)− define the π orbital often determine the electric quadrupole ratio REM
angular momenta, and the sign ± is related to the to- Im(E1+ )
tal angular momentum J = lπ ± 12 . In the analysis of REM = (9.3.21)
Im(M1+ )
9.3 Nucleon Resonances and Transition Form Factors 331

and the scalar quadrupole ratio RSM quadrupole ratios are included in Fig. 9.3.4 among other
data. They coincide very well with results of other ex-
Im(S1+ )
RSM = (9.3.22) periments [2764–2767] using different analysis techniques
Im(M1+ ) that may be also applied to broader kinematic condi-
where E1+ , S1+ , and M1+ are the electromagnetic tran- tions, especially higher mass resonances. Details of the
sition multipoles at the mass of the ∆(1232) 32 reso-
+ latter are discussed in [2754, 2768]. We briefly summa-
nance. rize them here:
– Dispersion Relations have been employed in two ways:
9.3.3 Resonance analysis tools One is based on fixed-t dispersion relations for the
invariant amplitudes and was successfully used thr-
A model-independent determination of the amplitudes oughout the nucleon resonance region. Another way
contributing to the electro-excitation of resonances in is based on DR for the mulipole amplitudes of the
single pseudoscalar pion production ep → e0 N π (see ∆(1232) resonance, and allows getting functional
kinematics of single pion production in Fig. 9.3.2) re- forms of these amplitudes with one free parameter
quires a large number of independent measurements for each of them. It was employed for the analysis
at each value of the electron kinematics W , Q2 , the of the more recent data.
hadronic cms angle cos θπ , and the azimuthal angle – The Unitary Isobar Model (UIM) was developed in
φπ describing the angle between the electron scatter- [2774] from the effective Lagrangian approach for
ing plane and the hadronic decay plane. Such a mea- pion photoproduction [2775]. Background contribu-
surement requires full exclusivity of the final state and tions from t-channel ρ and ω exchanges are intro-
employing both polarized electron beams and the mea- duced and the overall amplitude is unitarized in a
surements of the nucleon recoil polarization. K-matrix approximation.
– Dynamical Models have been developed, as SAID
from pion photoproduction data [2776], the Sato-
Lee model was developed in [2777]. Its essential fea-
ture is the consistent description of πN scattering
and the pion electroproduction from nucleons. It
was utilized in the study of ∆(1232) excitations in
the ep → epπ 0 channel [2763]. The Dubna-Mainz-
Taipei model [2778] builds unitarity via direct inclu-
sion of the πN final state in the T-matrix of photo-
and electroproduction.

9.3.4 Models for light-quark resonance electro-

Fig. 9.3.3 JLab/Hall A data for ~ep → e~ pπ 0 response func-
tions at W=1.232 GeV and Q2 = 1.0 [2761]. Notations refer to
In order to learn from the meson electroproduction data
transverse (t), normal (n) and longitudinal (l) components of about the internal spin and spatial electromagnetic struc-
the proton recoil polarization. The curves correspond to results ture, it is essential to have advanced models available
obtained using SAID (short dashed), MAID (dashed-dotted), with links to the fundamentals of QCD.
and the dynamical models DMT [2762] (dotted), and SL [2763]
(long-dashed/green). The other curves correspond to Legendre
While most of the analyses have focused on single
and multipole fits performed by the authors. pseudoscalar meson production, such as

γv p → N π, pη, KΛ, KΣ,

Such measurements would in general require full 4π
coverage for the hadronic final state. The only mea- more recent work included the pπ + π − final state both
surement that could claim to be complete was carried in real photoproduction [2780] as well as in electropro-
out at Jefferson Lab in Hall A [2761] employing a lim- duction [2781]. The 2-pion final state has more sensi-
ited kinematics centered at resonance for ~ep → e0 p~π 0 tivity to excited N ∗ and ∆∗ states in the mass range
at W = 1.232 GeV, and Q2 ≈ 1 GeV2 . Figure 9.3.3 above 1.6 GeV, with several states dominantly coupling
shows the 16 response functions extracted from this to N ππ final states, enabling the study of their electro-
measurement. The results of this measurement in terms magnetic transition form factors in the future.
of the magnetic N ∆ transition form factor and the

GM,Ash /3GD


0.6 CLAS
Hall C
Hall A

0.2 LF RQM

0 2 4 6 8 10
Q2 (GeV2)

Fig. 9.3.4 The N ∆(1232) transition amplitudes. Left: The magnetic N∆ transition form factor normalized to the dipole form
factor and compared with the Light-Front Relativistic Quark Model (LFRQM)[2769, 2770] with running quark mass, and with
results using the Dyson-Schwinger Equation [2771]. Both predictions are close to the data at high Q2 . At Q2 < 3GeV2 meson-
baryon contributions are significant. Middle: The electric (top) and scalar (bottom) quadrupole/magnetic-dipole ratios REM and
RSM . Right: REM and RSM from Lattice QCD [2772, 2773] compared to data in the low Q2 domain.

ever, a problem; while the existence of the ∆+,0,− could

be explained within the model, the existence of the
∆(1232)++ , which within the quark model would cor-
respond to a state |u↑u↑u↑i, was forbidden as it would
have an overall symmetric wave function. It took the
introduction of para Fermi statistics [26] what later be-
came ”color” (see Section 1.2), to make the overall wave
function anti-symmetric. In this way the ∆++ (1232)
resonance may be considered a harbinger of the devel-
opment of QCD.
The nucleon to ∆(1232) 32 transition is now well

measured in a large range of Q2 [2765–2767]. At the real

photon point, it is explained by a dominant magnetic
transition from the nucleon ground state to the ∆(1232)
excited state. Additional contributions are related to
small D-wave components in both the nucleon and the
Fig. 9.3.5 Sample of results of an analysis by the JLab group ∆(1232) wave functions leading to electric quadrupole
of the Legendre moments of ~ep → eπ + n structure functions in
comparison with experimental data [2779] at Q2 = 2.44 GeV2 . and scalar quadrupole transitions. These remain in the
The solid (dashed) curves correspond to results obtained using few % ranges at small Q2 . The magnetic transition is to
the DR (UIM) approach. ≈ 65% given by a simple spin flip of one of the valence
quarks as seen in Fig. 9.3.4. The remaining 35% of the
magnetic dipole strength is attributed to meson-baryon
9.3.5 The N ∆(1232) 32 transition
The electric quadrupole ratio REM was found as:
The ∆++ isobar was first observed 70 years ago in En-
rico Fermi’s experiment that used a π + meson beam REM ≈ −0.02. (9.3.23)
scattered off the protons in a hydrogen target [2782]. There has been a longstanding prediction of asymp-
The cross section showed a sharp rise above threshold totic pQCD, that REM → +1 at Q2 → ∞. Results on
towards a mass near 1200 MeV. While the energy of the the magnetic transition form factor GMn,Ash , defined
pion beam was not high enough to see the maximum in the Ash convention [2783], and on the quadrupole
and the fall-off following the peak, a strong indication transition ratios are shown in Fig. 9.3.4. GMn,Ash is
of the first baryon resonance was observed. It took 12 shown normalized to the dipole form factor, but shows a
more years and the development of the underlying sym- much faster Q2 fall-off compared to that. In comparison
metry in the quark model before a microscopic explana- to the advanced LF RQM with momentum-dependent
tion of this observation could emerge. There was, how- constituent quark mass, and with the Dyson-Schwinger
9.3 Nucleon Resonances and Transition Form Factors 333

80 + +
N(1440)1/2 A1/2 60 N(1440)1/2 S1/2




MB contributions 0
MB contributions
p + - N
-60 DSE* DSE
p + -

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5

Q2 (GeV2) Q2 (GeV2)

Fig. 9.3.6 Helicity transition amplitudes for the proton to Roper N (1440) 12 excitation compared to model calculations in

LFRQM, DSE, and EFT; see text. Left: Transverse A1/2 amplitude. Middle: Scalar S1/2 amplitude. Right: Helicity amplitudes
of the Roper resonance N (1440) 12 at low Q2 . Data are compared to calculations within Effective Field Theory [2784], shown in

solid black lines. The other broken lines are parts of the full calculations. The data are from [2764, 2785, 2786]. The open red
circle at Q2 ≈ 0.1GeV2 is the result of an analysis of ep → epπ 0 data from MAMI [2787].

Equation (DSE-QCD) results, there is good agreement first radial excitation of the nucleon ground state with
at the high-Q2 end of the data. The discrepancy at a mass expected around 1750 MeV, much higher than
small Q2 = 0 is likely due to the meson-baryon contri- the measured Breit-Wigner mass of ≈ 1440 MeV. This
butions at small Q2 , which are not modeled in either of discrepancy is now understood as the consequence of a
the calculations. dynamical coupled channel effect that shifts the mass
The quadrupole ratio REM shows no sign of de- below the mass of the N (1535)1/2 state, the negative-

parting significantly from its value at Q2 = 0, even at parity partner of the nucleon [2790]. Another problem
the highest Q2 ≈ 6.5 GeV2 . Both calculations barely with the quark model was the sign of the transition
depart from REM = 0, and remain near zero at all form factor A1/2 (Q2 = 0), predicted in the nrQM as
Q2 > 2 GeV2 . This indicates that the negative con- large and positive, while experimental analyses showed
stant value shown by the data is likely due to meson- a negative value.
baryon contributions that are not included in the the- These discrepancies resulted in different interpreta-
oretical models. For the scalar quadrupole ratio RSM tions of the state that could only be resolved with elec-
the asymptotic prediction in holographic QCD (hQCD) troproduction data from CLAS at Jefferson Lab, the
[2788] is: development of continuous QCD approximations in the
ImS1+ Dyson-Schwinger equation approach [2791] and Light
RSM = → −1, at Q2 → ∞, (9.3.24) Front Relativistic QM with momentum-dependent quark
masses [2769] shown in Fig. 9.3.6, and Lattice data [2792,
while REM in hQCD is predicted to approach +1 asymp- 2793]. A recent review of the history and current status
totically. The RSM data show indeed a strong trend of the Roper resonance, is presented in a colloquium-
towards increasing negative values at larger Q2 , semi- style article published in Review of Modern Physics [2794].
quantitatively described by both calculations at Q2 < Descriptions of the baryon resonance transitions form
4 GeV2 . The Dyson-Schwinger equation approach pre- factors, including the Roper resonance N (1440) 12 , have

dicts a flattening of RSM at Q2 > 4 GeV2 , while the also been carried out within holographic models [2795,
Light Front relativistic Quark Model predicts a near 2796]. In the range Q2 < 0.6 GeV2 , calculations based
constant negative slope of RSM (Q2 ) also at higher Q2 . on meson-baryon degrees of freedom and effective field
theory [2784] have been successfully performed, as may
9.3.6 The Roper resonance N (1440) 12
be seen in Fig. 9.3.6. Earlier model descriptions, such
as the Isgur-Karl model that describe the nucleon as
The Roper resonance, discovered in 1964 [2789] in a a system of 3 constituent quarks in a confining poten-
phase shift analysis of elastic πN scattering data, has tial and a one-gluon exchange contribution leading to a
been differently interpreted for half a century. In the magnetic hyperfine splitting of states [729, 2699], and
non-relativistic quark model (nrQM), the state is the the relativized version of Capstick [736] have popular-

ized the model that became the basis for many fur- nitude with that of the dressed quark core, but van-
ther developments and variations, e.g. the light front ishes rapidly as Q2 is increased beyond m2N .
relativistic quark model, and the hypercentral quark
As stated in the conclusions of [2794]: ”The fifty years
model [2797]. Other models were developed in parallel.
of experience with the Roper resonance have delivered
The cloudy bag model [742] describes the nucleon as a
lessons that cannot be emphasized too strongly. Namely,
bag of 3 constituent quarks surrounded by a cloud of
in attempting to predict and explain the QCD spec-
pions. It has been mostly applied to nucleon resonance
trum, one must fully consider the impact of meson-
excitations in real photoproduction, Q2 = 0 [742, 2798],
baryon final state interactions and the coupling between
with some success in the description of the ∆(1232) 32
channels and states that they generate, and look be-
and the Roper resonance transitions. yond merely locating the poles in the S-matrix, which
There is agreement with the data at Q2 > 1.5 GeV2 themselves reveal little structural information, to also
for these two states, while the meson-baryon contribu- consider the Q2 dependencies of the residues, which
tions for the ∆(1232) are more extended, and agreement serve as a penetrating scale-dependent probe of reso-
with the quark based calculations is reached at Q2 > nance composition.”
4 GeV2 . The calculations deviate significantly from the
data at lower Q2 , which indicates the presence of non-
9.3.7 Transition Form Factors of N (1535) 12 - A

quark core effects. For the Roper resonance such contri-
state with a hard quark core.
butions have been described successfully in dynamical
meson-baryon models [2799] and in effective field the- This state is the parity partner state to the ground state
ory [2784]. Calculations on the Lattice for the N-Roper nucleon, with the same spin 1/2 but with opposite par-
transition form factors F1pR and F2pR , which are com- ity, its quark content requires an orbital L=1 excitation
binations of the transition amplitudes A1/2 and S1/2 , in the transition from the proton. In the SU (6) ⊗ O(3)
have been carried out with dynamical quarks [2793]. symmetry scheme, the state is a member of the [70, 1− ]
The results agree well with the data in the range Q2 < super multiplet. This state couples equally to N π and
1.0 GeV2 , where data and calculations overlap Fig. 9.3.7. to N η final state. It has therefore be probed using both
New electroproduction data on the Roper [2787] and decay channels ep → epη and ep → eN π +,0 . Because of
on several higher mass states have been obtained in the isospin I = 1/2 for nucleon states, the coupling to the
2-pion channel, specifically in ep → e0 pπ + π − [2800]. charged π + n channel is preferred over π 0 p owing to the
The mass of the Roper state has been computed on Clebsch-Gordon coefficients.
the Lattice and extrapolated to the physical pion mass, The A1/2 helicity amplitude for the γpN (1535) 12

showing good agreement with the physical value mea- resonance excitation shown in Fig. 9.3.7 represents the
sured with a Breit-Wigner parametrization. It should largest range in Q2 of all nucleon states for which res-
be noted that the Roper mass measured at the pole onance transition form factors have been measured as
in the complex plane is significantly different from the part of the broad experimental program at JLab.
value obtained using the BW ansatz. Supported by an For this state, as well as for the N (1440) 12 state,
extensive amount of single pion electroproduction data, advanced relativistic quark model calculations [2803],
covering the full phase space in the pion polar and az- DSE-QCD calculations [2791] and Light Cone sum rule
imuthal center-of-mass angles, and accompanied by sev- results [2804] are available, employing QCD-based mod-
eral theoretical modeling, we can summarize our cur- eling of the excitation of the quark core for the first
rent understanding of the N (1440) 12 state as follows:
– The Roper resonance is, at heart, the first radial The transverse transition amplitude A1/2 of N (1535) 12

excitation of the nucleon. is a prime example of the power of meson electropro-

– It consists of a well-defined dressed-quark core, which duction to unravel the internal structure of the reso-
plays a role in determining the system’s properties nance transition. In the previous section 9.2, the na-
at all length scales, but exerts a dominant influence ture of this state is discussed as a possible example of
on probes with Q2 > m2N , where mN is the nucleon a dynamically generated resonance. The electroproduc-
mass. tion data shown here reveal structural aspects of the
– The core is augmented by a meson cloud, which both state and its nature that require a different interpre-
reduces the Roper’s core mass by ≈ 20%, thereby tation. The transition form factor A1/2 of the state,
solving the mass problem that was such a puzzle shown in Fig. 9.3.7, is quantitatively reproduced over
in constituent quark model treatments, and, at low a large range in Q2 by two alternative approaches, the
Q2 , contributes an amount to the electroproduction LFRQM and the LCSR. Both calculations are based on
transition form factors that is comparable in mag- the assumptions of the presence of a 3-quark core. Note
9.3 Nucleon Resonances and Transition Form Factors 335

125 -
N(1535)1/2 A1/2




-25 MB contributions N CLAS

LF RQM p Hall C

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Q2 (GeV2)

Fig. 9.3.7 Left & middle: Dirac and Pauli transition form factors F1 and F2 for the proton to N (1440)1/2+ transition compared to
Lattice QCD calculations [2793] with pion masses (in GeV): 0.39 (red squares), 0.45 (orange triangles), and 0.875 (green circles) on
the Nf = 2 + 1 anisotropic lattices, compared to CLAS results (black circles). The F1 and F2 form factors are linear combinations
of the A1/2 and S1/2 amplitudes. Right: The transverse transition helicity amplitude A1/2 versus Q2 . At Q2 > 2GeV2 the data
are well described by the light-cone sum rules LCSR [2801]. The light front relativistic quark model (LFRQM) [2802] describes
that data at Q2 > 1GeV2 .

that there is a deviation from the quark calculations The helicity asymmetry
at Q2 < 1 − 2 GeV2 , highlighted as the shaded area A21/2 − A23/2
in Fig. 9.3.7, which may be assigned to the presence Ahel = , (9.3.26)
A21/2 + A23/2
of non-quark contributions. Attempts to compute the
transition form factors within strictly dynamical mod- shown in Fig. 9.3.8, illustrates this rapid change in the
helicity structure of the γv pN (1520)3/2 transition. At

els have not succeeded in explaining the data [2805].
The discrepancy could be resolved if the character of Q > 2 GeV , A1/2 fully dominates the process.
2 2

the probe, meson (pion) in the case of hadron inter-

9.3.9 The helicity transition amplitudes to the
action and short range photon interaction in the case

of electroproduction, probe different parts of the reso- N (1535) 12
nance’s spatial structure: peripheral in case of meson
The Roper N (1440) 12 resonance, at the core, is a ra-
scattering and short distance behavior in electropro-
dial excitation. Its parity partner, the N (1535) 12 , in

duction. The peripheral meson scattering and low Q2
meson photoproduction reveal the dynamical features the quark model, is an orbitally excited quark state of
of the state, whereas high Q2 electroproduction reveals the nucleon. It is then interesting to compare the tran-
sition amplitude to the N (1535) 12 with the amplitude

the structure of the quark core.
to the Roper resonance. The N (1535) 12 is, together

9.3.8 The helicity structure of the N (1520) 32

with the ∆(1232) 32 , the best measured state, and both

its transverse and longitudinal (scalar) amplitudes are

The N (1520) 32 state corresponds to the lowest excited

well measured [2754]. Figure 9.3.9 shows the transverse
nucleon resonance with J P = 32 . Its helicity structure

amplitude A1/2 versus Q2 . They reveal a very differ-
is defined by the Q2 dependence of the two transverse ent behavior at low Q2 , where N (1535) 12 indicates

transition amplitudes A1/2 and A3/2 . They are both only small effects from meson-baryon contributions be-
shown in Fig. 9.3.8. A particularly interesting feature low Q2 ≈ 1GeV2 , while the N (1440) 12 changes sign at

of this state is that at the real photon point, A3/2 is small Q2 and reveals a much more prominent impact
strongly dominant, while A1/2 is very small. However, of meson-baryon contributions. The Q2 dependence of
at high Q2 , A1/2 is becoming dominant, while A3/2 the N (1535) 12 is well reproduced by LC SR in LO

drops rapidly. This behavior is qualitatively consistent and NLO. There have been attempts to explain the
with the expectation of asymptotic QCD, which pre- transition form factor of the N (1535) 12 as a dynami-

dicts the transition helicity amplitudes to behave like: cally generated resonance [2805] that does not achieve
a b quantitative agreement with experiment and concludes
A1/2 ∝ , A3/2 ∝ 5 . (9.3.25) that admixture with a genuine three-quark state is de-
Q3 Q
manded that could help to better reproduce the mag-
nitude or the Q2 falloff of the A1/2 helicity amplitude.

Fig. 9.3.8 The transverse helicity transition amplitudes of N (1520) 32 versus Q2 , compared to the LFRQM, A1/2 (left), A3/2

(middle). The shaded area indicates the contribution from non-quark contributions as estimated from the difference of the measured
data points and the LF RQM contribution, likely due to hadronic contributions. Right: Helicity asymmetry Ahel , as defined in
Eq. 9.3.26. Graphics from Ref. [2754]

9.3.10 The N (1675) 52 state - revealing the meson- DCC calculation and the measured data for the case

baryon contributions when quark contributions are nearly absent, supports

the phenomenological description of the helicity ampli-
In previous discussions we have concluded that meson- tudes in terms of a 3-quark core that dominate at high
baryon degrees of freedom provide significant strength Q2 and meson-baryon contributions that can make im-
to the resonance excitation in the low-Q2 domain where portant contributions at lower Q2 .
quark based approaches LF RQM, DSE/QCD, and LC
SR calculations fail to reproduce the transition ampli- 9.3.11 Resonance lightfront transition charge den-
tudes quantitatively. Our conclusion rests, in part, with sities.
this assumption. But, how can we be certain of the va-
lidity of this conclusion? Knowledge of the helicity amplitudes in a large Q2 al-
The N (1675) 52 resonance allows us to test this as-
− lows for the determination of the transition charge den-
sumption, quantitatively. Figure 9.3.9 shows our cur- sities on the light cone in transverse impact parameter
rent knowledge of the transverse helicity amplitudes space (bx , by ) [2809]. The relations between the helic-
A1/2 (Q2 ) and A3/2 (Q2 ), for proton target compared ity transition amplitudes and the Dirac and Pauli res-
to RQM [2802] and hypercentral CQM [2807] calcu- onance transition form factors are given by:
lations. The specific quark transition for a J P = 52
− Q−
{F1N N + F2N N } (9.3.27)
∗ ∗
A1/2 = e √
state belonging to the [SU (6) ⊗ O(3)] = [70, 1− ] su- K(4MN M ) ∗ 1/2

permultiplet configuration, in non-relativistic approx- Q+ Q− (M ∗ + MN )

S1/2 = e √
imation prohibits the transition from the proton in a K(4MN M ∗ )1/2 2M ∗ Q2
single quark transition. This suppression, known as the Q2
F N N } , (9.3.28)
∗ ∗
Moorhouse selection rule [725], is valid for the trans- ×{F1N N −
(M ∗ + MN )2 2
verse transition amplitudes A1/2 and A3/2 at all Q2 .
where M ∗ is the mass of the excited state N ∗ , K =
It should be noted that this selection rule does apply M ∗ 2 −MN 2
is the equivalent photon energy, Q+ and Q−
to the transition from a proton target, it does not ap- 2M ∗
are short hands for Q± ≡ M ∗ ± MN )2 + Q2 . The
ply to the transition from the neutron, which is con-
sistent with the data. Modern quark models that go charge and magnetic lightfront transition densities ρN 0

and ρN , respectively, are given as:

beyond single quark transitions, confirm quantitatively T
Z ∞
the suppression resulting in very small amplitudes from NN ~ ∗
ρ0 (b) =
dQ ∗
J0 (bQ)F1N N (Q2 ) (9.3.29)
protons but large ones from neutrons. Furthermore, 0 2π
a direct computation of the hadronic contribution to ρN
N∗ ~
(b) = ρN0
N∗ ~
(b) + sin(φb − φs ) ×
the transition from protons confirms this (Fig. 9.3.9). Z ∞
dQ Q 2

The measured helicity amplitudes off the protons are ∗+M ) 1
J (bQ)F2N N (Q2 ) .
2π (M N
almost exclusively due to meson-baryon contributions
Similar transverse charge transition densities can be
as the dynamical coupled channel (DCC) calculation defined for J P = 32 states such as the ∆(1232) 32 . This
+ +

indicates (dashed line). The close correlation of the has been studied in [2810] and is shown in Fig. 9.3.11.
9.3 Nucleon Resonances and Transition Form Factors 337

- -
N(1675)5/2 A1/2 (p) N(1675)5/2 A3/2 (p)
20 20



CLAS -10

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5

Q2 (GeV2) Q2 (GeV2)

Fig. 9.3.9 The transverse amplitudes of the proton to N (1675) 52 transition compared to the LF RQM [2806], hypercentral

QM [2807], and contributions from meson-baryon (MB) coupled channel dynamics [2808]. Left: A1/2 , Middle:A3/2 . Both quark
models predict very small amplitudes for the proton, while the meson-baryon contributions estimate is large and is close to the
data. Right: A1/2 for neutron target (only photoproduction data available) compared to the LFRQM and hCQM. Both quark
models predict large amplitudes for neutrons, more than factor 10 compared to protons at Q2 = 0. Assuming similar meson-baryon
contributions as in the proton case with opposite sign could quantitatively explain the single measured value at the photon point.

A comparison of N (1440) 12 and N (1535) 12 is shown 9.3.12 Single Quark Transition Model
+ −

in Figure 9.3.10. There are clear differences in the charge

transition densities between the two states. The Roper Many of the exited states for which there is informa-
state has a softer positive core and a wider negative tion about the transition form factors available have
outer cloud than N (1535) 12 and develops a larger shift

been assigned as members of the [SU (6), LP ] = [70, 1− ]
in by when the proton is polarized along the bx axis. super multiplet of the [SU (6) ⊗ O(3)] symmetry group.
In a model, where only single quark transitions to the
excited states are considered [2812–2814], only 3 of the
amplitudes need to be known to determine the remain-
ing 16 transverse helicity amplitudes for all states in
[70, 1− ] including on neutrons. However, the picture is
now more complicated due to the strong admixture of
meson-baryon components to the single quark transi-
tion especially in the lower Q2 range. This requires a
model to separate the single quark contributions from
the hadronic part before projections for other states can
be made [2815].

9.3.13 Higher mass baryons and hybrid baryons

The existence of baryons containing significant active

gluonic components in the wave function has been pre-
dicted some decade ago [495] employing Lattice QCD
simulations. The lowest such ”hybrid” state is expected
to be a J P = 12 nucleon state. LQCD projects a mass

of 1.3 GeV above the nucleon mass, i.e. approximately

2.2-2.3 GeV, and several other states should appear
Fig. 9.3.10 Left panels: N (1440), top: projection of charge close by in J P = 12 and J P = 32 , as seen in Fig. 9.3.12.
+ +
densities on by , bottom: transition charge densities when the
proton is spin polarized along bx . Right panels: same for
How do we identify these states? Hybrid baryons
N (1535). Note that the densities are scaled with b2 to em- have same spin-parity as other ordinary baryons. In
phasize the outer wings. Color code:negative charge is blue, contrast to hybrid mesons, there are no hybrid baryons
positive charge is red. Note that all scales are the same for ease with ”exotic” quantum numbers. One possibility is to
of comparison [2811]. Graphics credit: F.X. Girod.
search for more states than the quark model predicts in
some mass range. The other possibility is to study the

transition form factors of excited states. Hybrid states 9.3.14 Conclusions and Outlook
may be identified as states with a different Q2 behavior
than what is expected from a 3-quark state. The sen- In this contribution we have focused on more recent
sitivity [2816] is demonstrated for the Roper resonance results of nucleon resonance transition amplitudes and
that projected a very rapid drop of the A1/2 (Q2 ) with their interpretation within LQCD and within most ad-
Q2 , and S1/2 (Q2 ) ∼ 0 prediction. Both are incompat- vanced approaches, e.g. in light front relativistic quark
ible with what we know today about the Roper res- models and approaches with traceable links to first prin-
onance. Precision electroproduction data in the mass ciple QCD such as Dyson-Schwinger Equations [2818]
range above 2 GeV will be needed to test high mass and light cone sum rules [2801]. These calculations de-
states for their potential hybrid character, e.g. from ex- scribe the transition form factors at Q2 ≥ 2 GeV2 , while
periments at CLAS12 [2817]. at lower Q2 values hadronic degrees of freedom must be
included and could even dominate contributions of the
quark core.
For the lowest mass states, ∆(1232) 32 and the Roper

N (1440) 12 , LQCD calculations have been carried out


that are consistent with the data within large uncer-

tainties. These calculations are about one decade old,
and new data, with higher precision in more extended
kinematic range have been added to the database that
warrant new Lattice calculations at the physical pion
mass to be carried out.
Over the past decade, eight baryon states in the
mass range from 1.85 to 2.15 GeV have been either
discovered or evidence for the existence of states has
been significantly strengthened. Some of these states
are in the mass range and have J P C quantum num-
bers that could have significant contributions of glu-
onic components. Such ”hybrid” states are in fact pre-
dicted in LQCD [495]. These states appear with the
same quantum numbers as ordinary quark excitations,
and can only be isolated from ordinary states due to
the Q2 dependence of their helicity amplitudes [2816],
which is expected to be quite different from ordinary
3-quark excitation. The study of hybrid baryon exci-
tations then requires new electroproduction data espe-
cially at low Q2 [2817] with different final states and
with masses above 2 GeV. Despite the very significant
progress made in recent years to further establish the
light-quark baryon spectrum and explore the internal
structure of excited states and the relationship to QCD [2756,
2819], much remains to be done. A vast amount of pre-
cision data already collected needs to be included in
the multi-channel analysis frameworks, and polariza-
tion data are still to be analyzed. There are approved
proposals to study resonance excitation at much higher
Q2 and with higher precision at Jefferson Lab with
CLAS12 [2820, 2821], which may begin to reveal the
Fig. 9.3.11 Quark transverse transition charge density cor- transition to the bare quark core contributions at short
responding to the p → ∆+ transition. Light color indicates
positive charge, dark color indicates negative charge. Top: p distances.
and ∆ are unpolarized. Middle: p and ∆ are polarized along A new avenue of experimental research has recently
bx axis generating an electric dipole along the by axis. Bot- been opened up with the first data-based extraction of
tom: Quadrupole contribution to transition density. Graphics a gravitational property of the proton, its internal pres-
adapted from [2810].
sure distribution, which is represented by the gravita-
9.4 Heavy-flavor baryons 339

9.4 Heavy-flavor baryons

Eberhard Klempt and Sebastian Neubert

9.4.1 Introduction

Baryons with one heavy quark Q and a light diquark

qq provide an ideal place to study diquark correlations
and the dynamics of the light quarks in the environ-
ment of a heavy quark. The heavy quark is almost static
and provides the color source to the light quarks. Here,
we attempt to understand the dynamics leading to the
spectrum of baryons with one heavy quark.
The Review of Particle Physics [939] lists 28 charmed
baryons (16 with known spin-parity) and 22 bottom
baryons (15 with known spin-parity). One doubly charmed
state has been detected, the ground state Ξcc ++
. (Its
isospin partner Ξcc is known as well, with poor evidence

and one star in RPP, but we do not count isospin part-

Fig. 9.3.12 Projections of excited baryons with dominant ners separately.) In the decays of the lightest bottom
gluonic components (marked in blue shades) in LQCD with baryon, exotic J/ψp states, incompatible with a three-
400MeV pions. The lowest hybrid baryon is projected with mass quark configuration, have been have been reported in
1.3 GeV above the nucleon mass. The 1/2+ and 3/2+ states
are clustered in a narrow mass range of about 200 MeV.
studies of the reaction Λb → J/ψpK − [2828, 2829].
The search for further states and attempts to under-
stand the underlying dynamics of heavy baryons are
tional form factor Dq (t). It is one of the form factors of active fields in particle physics. New information can
the QCD matrix element of the energy-momentum ten- be expected from the upgrades of LHC, BELLE and
sor, its internal pressure and shear stress distribution J-PARC, and from the new FAIR facility at GSI (see
in space [2822, 2823]. These properties, as well as the Section 14).
distribution of mass and angular momentum, and are
accessible directly in gravitational interaction, which is 9.4.2 Ground states of heavy baryons
highly impractical. However the relevant gravitational
form factor Dq (t) for the ground state nucleon can be Masses and lifetimes
accessed indirectly through the process of deeply virtual Table 9.4.1 presents masses and life times of the ground
Compton scattering and in time-like Compton scatter- states of heavy baryons containing a b-quark. Naively,
ing [1288, 2824]. Both processes, having a J = 1 photon one could expect all these life times to represent the
in the initial state as well as in the final state, contain life time of the b quark, that they all agree with the life
components of J = 2 that couple to the proton through time of the B 0 meson. This life time is τB 0 =(1519±4) fs.
a tensor interaction, as gravity does [2825]. Indeed, all life times agree within ∼ 10% percent.
Mechanical properties of resonance transitions have This is not at all the case when the b-quark is re-
recently been explored for the N (1535) 12 → N (938)

placed by a c-quark (see Table 9.4.2). The D0 has a
gravitational transition form factors calculations in [2826] life time τD0 = (410.3 ± 1.0) fs, the D+ has τD+ =
and in [2827]. In order to access these novel gravita- (1033 ± 5) fs. The life times of charmed baryons are
tional transition form factors experimentally, the nu- spread over a wide range and do not agree with the
cleon to resonance transition generalized parton distri- life times of D mesons. In addition to the decay of
butions must be studied. The framework for studying
the N → N (1535) transition GPDs, which would en-
able experimental access to these mechanical proper- Table 9.4.1 Masses and lifetimes of baryon ground states with
one b-quark. The second line gives the mass in MeV, the third
ties, remains to be developed. The required effort is line the life time in fs.
quite worthwhile as a new avenue of hadron physics
has opened up that remains to be fully explored. Λ0b Ξb− Ξb0 Ωb−
5619.60±0.17 5797.0±0.6 5791.9±0.5 6045.2±1.2
1464±11 1572±40 1480±0.030 1640+180

Table 9.4.2 Masses and lifetimes of baryon ground states withThe light diquark in the 6-plet is symmetric, in the 3̄-
one c-quark. The second line gives the mass in MeV, the thirdplet antisymmetric.
line the life time in fs.
Figure 9.4.1a shows the symmetric 20-plet, which
Λ0c Ξc+ Ξc0 Ωc− contains the well-known baryon decuplet and a sextet
2286.46±0.14 2467.71±0.23 2470.44±0.2 2695.2±1.7 of charmed baryons. In addition to Ξcc +
and Ξcc
, a
Ωcc (with two charmed and one strange quarks) and a
201.5±2.7 453±5 151.9±2.4 268±26 ++
Ωccc are expected but not yet observed. All baryons in
the symmetric 20-plet in the ground state have a total
the c-quark, the cd¯ pair in a D0 meson can annihi- spin J = 3/2. The three quark pairs are symmetric
late into a W , a process forbidden for the D . In
+ + with respect to (w.r.t.) their exchange, in particular the
B decays, the corresponding CKM matrix element is pair of light quarks is symmetric w.r.t. their exchange,
small, and this effect is suppressed. Further significant they have SUF (3) multiplicity 6. Baryons with three
corrections are required to arrive at a consistent pic- charmed quarks have not yet been discovered.
ture for the decays of charmed mesons and baryons. Figure 9.4.1b shows the mixed symmetry 20-plet of
The authors of Ref. [1245] have performed an exten- heavy baryons. In the ground state they have J = 1/2.
sive study of the lifetimes within the heavy quark ex- Baryons with one heavy quark occupy the second layer.
pansion, and have included all known corrections. The The 6-plet and the 3̄-plet are indicated. The sextet in
impact of the charmed-quark mass and of the wave- the first floor has a a symmetric light-quark pair, the
functions of charmed hadrons were carefully studied. two light-heavy quark pairs are then antisymmetric in
Then, qualitative agreement between their calculations flavor. The 3-plet in the first floor has an antisymmetric
and the experimental data was achieved. For a more light-quark pair, the light-heavy quark pairs are then
detailed discussion, see Section 5.8. symmetric in flavor.
The first state with two charmed quarks, the Ξcc + Finally, there is a fully anti-symmetric 4-plet. It is
was reported by the SELEX collaboration in two de- shown in Fig. 9.4.1c. Ground-state baryons have a sym-
cay modes at a mass of (3518.9±0.9) MeV and with 5- metric spatial wave function. A spin wave function of
6σ [2830, 2831]. In later searches, this state was never three fermions has mixed symmetry. A fully symme-
confirmed. The LHCb collaboration found its doubly try, a fully antisymmetric and a mixed-symmetry wave
charged partner Ξcc [2564]. Its mass is (3621.6±0.4)
++ function cannot be coupled to a fully symmetric wave
MeV, its life time (25.6±2.7) fs. Later, the LHCb collab- function. Hence ground-state baryons cannot be in the
oration reported evidence for a Ξcc+
baryon at (3623.0±1.4) 4-plet. Only excited baryons can have a fully antisym-
MeV [2832]. It is seen with 3-4σ only but its mass is bet- metric flavor wave function. Below, in Section 9.4.5,
ter compatible with an interpretation of Ξcc +
and Ξcc++ the wave functions and their symmetries are discussed
as isospin partners. A search for the Ξbc remained un-
+ in more detail.
successful [2833].
9.4.3 Excited baryons: Selected experimental re-
The flavor wave function: SU(4) sults
In this contribution we discuss baryons with one heavy-
quark flavor, with either a charm or a bottom quark. BaBar, BELLE and LHCb:
Overall, we consider five quarks, u, d, s, c, b, but we will Most information on heavy baryons stems from three
not discuss baryons with one light (q = u, d, s) and experiments, BaBar, BELLE and LHCb even though
two different heavy quarks like Ξcb +
= (ucb). Thus we many discoveries had already been made before with
can restrict ourselves to SU(4). The four quarks have the Split-Field-Magnet, by the SELEX, UA and LEP
very different masses, and the SU(4) symmetry is heav- experiments at CERN, and by the CDF experiment
ily broken, nevertheless it provides a guide to classify at FERMILAB. BaBar at SLAC (US) and BELLE at
heavy-quark baryons. Three-quark baryons can classi- KEK (Japan) study the decays of B mesons produced
fied according to in asymetric e+ e− storage rings with beam energies of
9 (KEK: 7) GeV for electrons and 3.1 (KEK: 4) GeV for
4 ⊗ 4 ⊗ 4 = 20s ⊕ 20m ⊕ 20m ⊕ 4a (9.4.1)
positrons resulting in a center-of-mass energy equal to
into a fully symmetric 20-plet, two 20-plets of mixed the Υ (4S) mass of 10.58 GeV. The LHCb experiment
symmetry and a fully antisymmetric 4-plet. In states is placed at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN oper-

with one heavy quark only, there is one light quark ating at s = 13.6 GeV. The experiment is a single-
pair. The light diquark can be decomposed arm forward spectrometer covering the pseudorapid-
ity range 2 ≤ η ≤ 5. It is designed for the study
3 ⊗ 3 = 3̄a ⊕ 6s (9.4.2)
9.4 Heavy-flavor baryons 341

Fig. 9.4.1 Ground-state heavy baryons in SU(4). Baryons with one charm quark are represented by colored dots. Left: The
symmetric 20-plet. Center: Baryons in the mixed-symmetry 20-plet. The mixed-symmetry 20-plet contains a sextet with a symmetric
light-quark pair (SUF (3) multiplicity 6) and a triplet with an anti-symmetric light-quark pair (SUF (3) multiplicity 3̄). Right: The
fully antisymmetric 4-plet.

of particles containing b or c quarks. All three detec- First determination of the spin and parity of the charmed-
tors have vertex reconstruction capabilities; BaBar and strange baryon Ξc+ (2970) by BELLE.
BELLE track charged particles in tracking chambers The BELLE collaboration identified Ξc+ (2970) in the
placed in the 1.5 T magnetic field of a superconduct- decay chain Ξc+ (2970) → Ξc0 (2645)π + → Ξc+ π − π + ; Ξc+
ing solenoid. Particle identification is provided by a is reconstructed from its decay into Ξ − π + π + [2835].
measurement of the specific ionization and by detec- Due to its mass, Ξc0 (2645) is likely the spin excitation
tion of the Cherenkov radiation in reflecting ring imag- with J P = 3/2+ of the J P = 1/2+ ground state Ξc0 .
ing Cherenkov detectors. CsI(Tl)-crystal electromag- The helicity angle in the primary decay, i.e. the angle
netic calorimeters allow for energy measurements of between the π + and the opposite of the boost direction
electrons and photons. LHCb is equipped with silicon- in the c.m. frame both calculated in the Ξc+ (2970) rest
strip detector located upstream and downstream of a frame, proved to be insensitive to some likely J P com-
dipole magnet with a bending power of about 4 Tm. binations. However, the predictions for different J P ’s
Photons, electrons and hadrons are identified by a calori- vary significantly for the angular distributions in the
meter system consisting of scintillating counters and secondary decay (see Fig. 9.4.3).
pre-shower detectors, and an electromagnetic and a ha- The analysis shows that quantum numbers J P =
dronic calorimeter. Muons are identified by a system 1/2+ are preferred for Ξc+ (2970). These are the quan-
composed of alternating layers of iron and multiwire tum numbers of the Roper resonance. The BELLE col-
proportional chambers. laboration noted that its mass difference to the Ξc ground
In the following we discuss three important results state is about 500 MeV. The same excitation energy is
from these experiments that demonstrate the capabili- required to excite the Roper resonance N (1440), the
ties of the detectors. Λ(1600) and the Σ(1660), all with J P = 1/2+ .

Observation of Ωc∗0 (2770) decaying to Ωc0 γ by BaBar: First observation of excited Ωb states by LHCb.
The Babar experiment studied the inclusive reaction The LHCb collaboration searched for narrow resonances
e+ e− → Ωc∗0 X where X denote the recoiling parti- in the Ξb0 K − invariant mass distribution [2836]. The
cles [2834]. Ωc0 baryons are identified via different de- Ξb0 has a lifetime of (1.48±0.03)10−12 s, cτ ≈ 500 µm,
cay modes and reconstructed with a mass resolution which is sufficiently long to separate the interaction and
σRMS = 13 MeV. The γ is reconstructed in the Ωc0 the decay vertices. Four peaks can be seen (Fig. 9.4.4),
CsI(Tl) calorimeter. Figure 9.4.2 shows the reconstructed which correspond to excited states of Ωc . With the
Ωc0 and the Ωc∗0 in its Ωc∗0 → Ωc0 γ decay. Obviously, the given statistics, quantum numbers can not yet be de-
Ωc∗0 (2770) is equivalent to ∆0 (1232) with the u, d, d termined.
quarks exchanged by c, s, s, and the transition corre-
sponds to the ∆(1232) → N γ decay. 9.4.4 The mass spectrum of excited heavy baryons

Figure 9.4.5 shows the mass spectrum of heavy baryons

with a single charm or bottom quark. Established light

Fig. 9.4.4 Distribution of the mass difference MΞb0 K − − MΞb0

for Ξb0 K − candidates. The background is given by the wrong-
sign candidates Ξb0 K + . (From Ref. [2836].)

Fig. 9.4.2 Left: The invariant mass distributions of Ωc0 candi-

dates in their decay to Ω − π + (a), Ω − π + π 0 (b), Ω − π + π − π +
(c), Ξ − K − π + π + (d). MΩc0 is the reconstructed mass of Ωc0
candidates, Xh denotes the daughter hyperon. Right: Invari-
ant mass distribution of Ωc∗ → Ωc γ for the indivual Ωc0 decay
modes (a-d) and for the sum (e). (Adapted from [2834].)

Fig. 9.4.5 Heavy baryons with charm or bottomnes and

a comparison with light baryons with strangeness. All heavy
baryons are shown, light baryons are shown at the pole mass
and are only included with 3* or 4* rating. When two quan-
tum numbers are given, the first one refers to the lower-mass
state, the second one to the state above. The states with
L = lρ = lλ = 0 are shown in green, states with L = 1 in
red (orange for members of 4̄F ), states L = 2 in blue, states
Fig. 9.4.3 Left: The Ξc+ π − π + invariant mass distribution for with unknown spin-parity in brown.
events in which the Ξc+ π − invariant mass is compatible with
the Ξc0 (2645) mass. Right: The helicity angle θc between the
direction of the π − relative to the opposite direction of the mass100 . The 3/2+ − 1/2+ hyperfine splitting decreases
Ξc+ (2970) in the rest frame of the Ξc0 (2645). (Adapted from rapidly when going from Σ and Ξ to Σc and Ξc and
Ref. [2835].) from Σb and Ξb . It is interesting to note that a simi-
lar pattern is observed in mesons: the hyperfine split-
baryons with strangeness are shown for comparison. ting decreases when going from ρ − π to D∗ − D and
The quantum numbers of low-mass heavy baryons are to B ∗ − B. Also, there is one Ξ 1/2+ ground state
mostly known, for higher-mass states this information but two states for Ξc and Ξb . The lowest-mass Ω has
is often missing. The masses are given as excitation en- J P = 3/2+ , in the charm sector, two low-mass Ωc states
ergies above the Λ (Λc , Λb ) mass. are known with J P = 1/2+ and 3/2+ , the Ωb spectrum
At the first glance, the spectrum looks confusing. has just one low-mass state with J P = 1/2+ .
The Λ spectrum is crowded, there is a low-mass nega-
tive-parity spin doublet, a second doublet – at about the 9.4.5 Heavy baryons as three-quark systems
same mass as a Σ spin doublet – a pair with J P = 1/2−
and 5/2− where a 3/2− state seems to be missing, and The spatial wave function
then a positive-parity doublet with J P = 3/2+ , 5/2+ . The orbital wave functions of excited states are classi-
In the Λc spectrum, the higher-mass negative-parity fied into two kinds of orbital excitations, the λ-mode
states and the positive-parity doublet are inverted in and the ρ-mode (see Eqn. (9.1.1)). In heavy baryons
with one heavy quark, the λ-mode is the excitation of
This inversion was predicted by Capstick and Isgur long
before the states were discovered [736]
9.4 Heavy-flavor baryons 343

the coordinate between the heavy quark and the light

diquark, and the ρ-mode is the excitation of the diquark
cluster. In light-baryon excitations, the λ and ρ oscilla-
tors are mostly both excited, e.g. to lλ = 1, lρ = 0 and
lλ = 0, lρ = 1, the two components of the wave func-
tion having a relative + or − sign. In heavy baryons
with one heavy quark, the mixing between these two
configurations is small.
The two oscillators have different reduced masses,
mρ and mλ :
mq 2mq mQ
mρ = , mλ = . (9.4.3)
2 2mq + mQ
Fig. 9.4.6 Heavy baryons in P -wave. The light diquark couples
The ratio of harmonic oscillator frequencies is then given
to the spin of the heavy quark. The light diquark of Λ and Ξ
by heavy baryons are in the antisymmetric flavor 3̄F and in the
r symmetric 6F in the case of Σ, Ξ 0 and Ω (Adapted from [2837]).
ωλ 1
= (1 + 2mq /mQ ) ≤ 1. (9.4.4)
ωρ 3 Table 9.4.3 The λ- and ρ-mode assignments of the P and D-
In the heavy-quark limit (mQ → ∞), the excitation wave excitations of singly-heavy baryons. lρ , lλ are orbital an-
√ gular momenta of the two oscillators, L the total orbital angular
energies in the λ oscillator are reduced by a factor 3. momentum, sq is the spin, jq the total angular momentum of
the diquark, and J the total spin.
lρ lλ L sq jq Λ, Ξ Σ, Ξ 0 , Ω JP
We first consider the light diquark. The two light quarks 0 1 1 0 1 λ ρ 1/2− , 3/2−
can have either the symmetric flavor structure 6F or 0 1 1 1 0 ρ λ 1/2−
the antisymmetric flavor structure 3̄F . The spin of the 1 0 1 1 1 ρ λ 1/2− , 3/2−
light diquark can be sqq = sl = 1 or sl = 0 leading to a 1 0 1 1 2 ρ λ 3/2− , 5/2−
0 2 2 0 2 λ - 3/2+ , 5/2+
symmetric or an antisymmetric spin wave function. The 2 0 2 0 2 ρ - 3/2+ , 5/2+
color part of the wave function is totally antisymmetric. 0 2 2 1 1 - λ 1/2+ , 3/2+
Hence flavor and spin wave functions are linked. In an 0 2 2 1 2 - λ 3/2+ , 5/2+
S-wave, scalar (“good” or g) and axial-vector (“bad” or 0 2 2 1 3 - λ 5/2+ , 7/2+
2 2 2 1 1 - ρ 1/2+ , 3/2+
b) diquarks can be formed. The intrinsic quark spins 2 0 2 1 2 - ρ 3/2+ , 5/2+
couple to the internal orbital angular momentum lρ , 2 0 2 1 3 - ρ 5/2+ , 7/2+
leading to excited diquarks with orbital excitations.

sl = 0 (A) , 3̄F (A) , jqq = 0 , (g)
(lρ = 0, S) Only a few heavy baryons are known with L = 2:
sl = 1 (S) , 6F (S) , jqq = 1 , (b)
Λc and Λb with spin-parity 3/2+ and 5/2+ . The other
expected states seem to show up only in the higher-

sl = 0 (A) , 6F (S) , jqq = 1 , (g)
(lρ = 1, A)
sl = 1 (S) , 3̄F (A) , jqq = 0/1/2 , (b) mass, less-explored region. The two observed doublets
can be assigned to a configuration in which lρ = 2,

sl = 0 (A) , 3̄F (A) , jqq = 2 , (g)
(lρ = 2, S)
sl = 1 (S) , 6F (S) , jqq = 1/2/3 , (b) Lλ = 0, and the diquark is in 3̄F and sl = 0.
where we have denoted the total angular momentum of
the light diquark as jqq . The diquark is a “good” diquark. Note that the
states Λc (2860), Λc (2880) with spin-parity 3/2+ and
Coupling of angular momenta 5/2+ (L = 2) are below Λc (2940) with 3/2− . The lat-
Figure 9.4.6 shows how the orbital angular momentum ter state has a “bad” diquark and is excited to L = 1 in
and the diquark spin couple to the total diquark angular the ρ oscillator. In this competition, the “good” diquark
momentum jl . This in turn couples to the heavy-quark and λ excitation with L = 2 wins over “bad” diquark
spin sQ giving rise to spin doublets (or just spin-1/2 and ρ oscillator even though the orbital angular mo-
states for jl = 0). Note the Λ and Ξ spin doublet with mentum of Λc (2940) is L = 1!
sl = 0 and 3̄F . In this case the wave function is anti- Table 9.4.3 gives a survey of the coupling scheme
symmetric in spin and flavor, this is a “good” diquark. of Qqq baryons. The spin and orbital angular momen-
tum of the two light quarks couple to jq , and when

combined with the heavy-quark spin sQ , the final J P and Vijande [2842] performed a comparative Faddeev
results. There are also states with mixed excitations study of heavy baryons with nonrelativistic and rela-
like lρ = 1, lλ = 1. These are unlikely to be produced tivistic kinematics and different interacting potentials
(see Section 9.2) and are not included here. Λ and Ξ that differ in the description of the hyperfine splitting.
with sq = 0 and lρ = 0 have a “good” light diquark. The authors conclude that the mass difference between
For the Λc we denote the light diquark by [u, d]. Note members of the same SUF (3) configuration, either 3̄F
that also one light and the heavy quark can be anti- or 6F , is determined by the interaction in the light-
symmetric in their spin and flavor wave function. We heavy quark subsystem, and the mass difference be-
write Σb = [ub]s. tween members of different representations is mainly
determined by the dynamics of the light diquark.
Heavy quark limit Chen, Wei and Zhang [2843] derive a mass formula
When mQ → ∞, the heavy quark spin sQ is conserved. in a relativistic flux tube model to calculate mass spec-
Due to the conservation of the total angular momen- tra for Λ and Ξ heavy baryons and assign quantum
tum J, also the angular momentum carried by the light numbers to states whose quantum numbers were not
quarks is conserved. Hence all interactions which de- known. Faustov and Galkin [2844] assigned flavor- and
pend on the spin of the heavy quark disappear. Thus, symmetry dependent masses and form factors to di-
the mass difference within a spin doublet with, e.g., quarks and calculated the masses of heavy baryons within
J P = 3/2+ and 1/2+ , will disappear in the heavy-quark a relativistic quark-diquark picture. Quantum numbers
limit. Indeed, the mass differences are suggested for the Ωc excitations [2845, 2846] and
other states with unknown spin-parities. A further di-
MΣ(1520)3/2+ − MΣ(1190) = 230 MeV
quark model, again with adjusted diquark masses, is
MΣc (2520)3/2+ − MΣc (2455) = 65 MeV presented by Kim, Liu, Oka, and Suzuki [2847] ex-
MΣb (5830)3/2− − MΣb (5820) = 20 MeV ploiting a chiral effective theory of scalar and vector
diquarks according to the linear sigma model.
decrease as mQ becomes large.
QCD sum rules have been exploited to study P-
wave heavy baryons and their decays within the heavy
9.4.6 A guide to the literature
quark effective theory (see [2848] and refs. therein). The
low-lying spectrum of charmed baryons has also been
The first prediction of the full spectrum of baryons in-
calculated in lattice QCD with a pion mass of 156 MeV
cluding charmed and bottom baryons was presented by
[2849]. The results - comparing favorably with the data
Capstick and Isgur [736], three years before the first
- are compared to earlier lattice studies that are not
baryon with bottomness was discovered. The publica-
discussed here.
tion remained a guideline for experimenters for now
All calculations reproduce the observed spectrum
36 years! Capstick and Isgur used a relativized quark
with good success, with a large number of parameters.
model with a confining potential and effective one-gluon
For the reader, it is often not easily seen what are
exchange. Based on the quark model, further studies
the main driving forces that generate the mass spec-
of the mass spectra of heavy baryons were performed.
trum. Clearly, a confinement potential is mandatory,
They are numerous, and only a selction of papers can
spin dependent forces are necessary. In the following
be mentioned here.
phenomenological part we try to identify the leading
Ebert, Faustov and Galkin calculated the mass spec-
effects driving the resonance spectrum.
tra for orbital and radial excitations and constructed
Regge trajectories [2838]. Yu, Li, Wang, Lu, and Ya
[2839] calculated the mass spectra and decays of heavy Table 9.4.4 Increase of baryon masses with the number of
baryons excited in the λ-mode. Li, Yu, Wang, Lu, and strange quarks.
Gu [2840] restricted the calculation - again based on the
n→s 2n → 2s 3n → 3s
relativized quark model - to the Ξc and Ξb families. In ∆− (1232)3/2+ Σ − (1385)3/2+ Ξ − (1530)3/2+ Ω − 3/2+
their model, all excitations are in the λ-mode. +155 MeV +148 MeV + 137 MeV
Migura, Merten, Metsch, and Petry [2841] calcu- Σc0 (2520)3/2+ Ξc0 (2645)3/2+ Ωc0 (2770)3/2+
lated excitations of charmed baryons within a relativis- +128 MeV + 120 MeV
tically covariant quark model based on the Bethe-Salpeter- Σc0 (2455)1/2+ Ξc00 1/2+ Ωc0 1/2+
equation in instantaneous approximation. Interactions +121 MeV +116 MeV
are given by a linearly rising three-body confinement Σb− (5816)1/2+ Ξb00 1/2+ Ωb− 1/2+
+120 MeV +111 MeV
potential and a flavor dependent two-body force de-
rived from QCD instanton effects. Valcarce, Garcilazo
9.4 Heavy-flavor baryons 345

9.4.7 Phenomenology of heavy baryons states with all three quark spins adding to J = 3/2 (and
belonging to the symmetric 20-plet) and with those
We start with a simple observation: masses of baryons having J = 1/2 (that belong to the mixed-symmetrx
increase when a u or d quark is replaced by an s quark 20-plet). We thus compare masses of the fully symmet-
(see Table 9.4.4). For light baryons, this is known as ric 20s -plet with those from the 3̄-plet or 6-plet within
U -spin rule. The constituent s-quark mass decreases in the 20m -plet (see Table 9.4.6). The two configurations
heavy baryons. Note that the difference of current quark differ by the orientation of the heavy-quark spin rela-
masses is ms − mn ≈ 124 MeV (see Table 3.1.1 on page tive to the spin of the light diquark. According to the
46). heavy-quark-spin symmetry, this mass difference has to
In Table 9.4.5 we show the mass difference of the vanish with mQ → ∞. In the Table we assume con-
lowest-mass J P = 3/2− states with (u, d, s, c) or (u, d, s, b) stituent quark masses of 0.15 GeV (u, d), 0.3 GeV (s),
quarks and the J P = 1/2+ ground states: The mass dif- 1.25 GeV (c) and 4.1 GeV (b).
ferences are surprisingly small. The N (1520) − N mass The J P = 3/2+ states have a fully symmetric flavor
difference is 580 MeV, much larger than the mass differ- wave function, the J P = 1/2+ states have an antisym-
ences seen here. In the table, [ud] represents wave func- metric quark pair (a good diquark) that is indicated in
tions with a u, d quark pair that is anti-symmetric in the list. Their effect scales with 1/mq . The mass shift
spin and flavor. These diquarks are often called good di- due to the presence of good diquarks is expected for
quarks. The presence of good diquarks leads to a stronger instanton-induced interactions.
binding. In the 4-plet, all three quark pairs have such
a component w.r.t. their exchange. We denote this by Heavy baryons at higher mass:
[ud,us,ds]. Thus there are three good diquarks in the Next we discuss the higher-mass negative-parity states.
wave function. This fact leads to the low masses of the In light-baryon spectroscopy, there are seven negative-
4-plet members. The similarity of the mass splittings parity Λ states expected in the first excitation level:
supports similar interpretations of the four resonances two singlet states with J P = 1/2− , 3/2− , two octet
from Λ(1520) to Ξb 3/2− .
states with intrinsic total quark spin s = 1/2 and J P =
In most publications, both resonances, Λc (2595)1/2 −
1/2− , 3/2− , and a J P = 1/2− , 3/2− , 5/2− triplet with
and Λc (2625)3/2 , are discussed as 3-quark baryons.

s = 3/2. In light baryons, both λ and ρ oscillator are
However, Nieves and Pavao [2850] have studied these coherently excited. In heavy-quark baryons, the two os-
two resonances in an effective field theory that incor- cillators decouple, and the λ and ρ modes are well sep-
porates the interplay between Σc π − N D(∗) baryon- arated. The low-lying spin-doublet of P -wave ΛQ states

meson dynamics and bare P -wave cud quark-model state is dominated by a λ-mode excitation, the other five ex-
and suggest that these two resonances are not heavy pected states are excited in the ρ mode.
quark symmetry spin partners. Instead, they see Unfortunately, only one negative-parity state at a
higher mass has been reported, the Λc (2940)3/2− . Its
Λc (2625)3/2− mass is 653 MeV above the Λ+ c . We interpret this state
as a dressed three-quark state while Λc (2595)1/2 is re-
− as lρ excitation with a diquark spin s = 1. The Λ(1690)3/2−
ported to have a predominant molecular structure. Nev-
ertheless, the two states Λc (2625)3/2− and Λc (2595)1/2− Table 9.4.6 Mass splitting between baryons with fully sym-
obviously form a spin doublet. metric wave functions and baryons with antisymmetric quark
The mass shift in H atoms between the two ground pairs. The [us] indicates an antismmetric quark pair.
states with electron and proton spins parallel or an-
tiparallel is called hyperfine splitting. We borrow this
δM mq δM · mq
Σb Λb [ud]b 0.211 MeV ∼ 0.3 GeV 0.063
expression to discuss the difference between the ground Σc
Λc [ud]c 0.232 MeV ∼ 0.3 GeV 0.070
Σ 3/2+ Λ [ud]s 0.268 MeV ∼ 0.3 GeV 0.080
N 0.292 MeV ∼ 0.3 GeV 0.088
Table 9.4.5 Mass splitting between baryon ground states be- ∆ 3/2+ [ud]u
longing to the symmetric 20plet (with J P = 3/2+ ) and to the Ξb 3/2+ Ξb [us]b 0.163 MeV ∼ 0.45 GeV 0.073
mixed-symmetry 20plet (with J P = 1/2+ ). Ξc 3/2+ Ξc [us]c 0.177 MeV ∼ 0.45 GeV 0.080
Ξ 3/2+ Ξ [us]s 0.217 MeV ∼ 0.45 GeV 0.098
Ξb0 3/2− [us,ub,sb] Ξb0 1/2+ [us] δM = 310 MeV Σ Σ [us]u 0.191 MeV ∼ 0.45 GeV 0.086
Λ0b 3/2−
[ud,ub,db] Λ0b 1/2+
[ud] δM = 300 MeV Ξc
Ξc [uc]s 0.067 MeV ∼ 1.4 GeV 0.093
Ξ+ [us,uc,sc] Ξ+ [us] δM = 350 MeV Σc Σc [uc]u 0.065 MeV ∼ 1.4 GeV 0.090
c 3/2− c 1/2+ 3/2+
[ud,uc,dc] [ud] δM = 400 MeV
Λ+ Λ+ Ξb Ξb [ub]s 0.020 MeV ∼ 4.25 GeV 0.085
c 3/2− c 1/2+ 3/2+
Λ(1520) [ud,us,ds] Λ1/2+ [ud] δM = 400 MeV Σb 3/2+ Σb [ub]u 0.021 MeV ∼ 4.25 GeV 0.089

Table 9.4.7 J/ψp and J/ψΛ pentaquarks found by the LHCb


Pc (4312)+ : M= (4311.9 ±0.7 +6.8

−0.6 ) MeV
[2829] Γ = (9.8 ±2.7 +3.7
−4.5 ) MeV
Pc (4380)+ : M= (4380 ±30) MeV
[2828] Γ = (205 ±90) MeV
Pc (4440)+ : M= (4440.3 ±1.3 +4.1
−4.7 ) MeV
[2829] Γ = (20.6 ±4.9 +8.7
−10.1 ) MeV
Pc (4457)+ : M= (4457.3 ±0.6 +4.1
−1.7 ) MeV
[2829] Γ = (6.4 ±2.0 +5.7
−1.9 ) MeV
Pc (4337)+ : M= (4337 +7
−4 −2 )
[2859] Γ = (29 −12 −14 )
+26 +14
Pcs (4459): M= (4458.8 ±2.9 +4.7
−1.1 ) MeV
[2861] Γ = (17.3 ±6.5 +8.0
−5.7 ) MeV
Pcs (4338): M= (4338.2 ±0.7 ±0.4) MeV
Fig. 9.4.7 (Color online) The J/ψ p mass distribution fitted [2862] Γ = (7.0 ±1.2 ±1.3) MeV
with three BW amplitudes and a sixth-order polynomial back-
ground. The thresholds for the Σc+ D̄0 . (Adapted from [2829].)
Fig. 9.4.7 which also displays some relevant thresholds.
is only 570 MeV above the Λ, it is excited in both the In addition, a further smaller structure can be seen
λ and the ρ mode. at 4380 MeV, close to the Σc+∗ D̄0 threshold. A nar-
The mass of Λc (2940)3/2− (with intrinsic orbital row structure here is expected in molecular models (see
angular momentum L = 1) is above the masses of the e. g. [2858]), but due to limited statistics there was
positive-parity states Λc (2860)3/2+ and Λc (2880)5/2+ no attempt to describe it in the recent LHCb analysis
(having L = 2). Yet, the mass of Λ(1690)3/2− falls well [2829]. The resonant parameters – including the broad
below the masses of Λ(1890)3/2+ and Λ(1820)5/2+ for structure at 4380 MeV – are reproduced in Table 9.4.7.
reasons discussed above. Quantum numbers J P = 3/2− and 5/2+ were pre-
ferred for Pc (4380)+ and Pc (4450)+ . In the later pub-
9.4.8 Pentaquarks lication [2829], no quantum numbers are determined.
In the reaction Bs0 → J/ψ p̄ p a pentaquark-like
In 2015, the LHCb collaboration reported the obser- structure, named Pc (4337)+ , was observed in the J/ψ p̄
vation of two exotic structures in the J/ψp system, a and J/ψ p mass distributions [2859]. The significance,
broad resonant structure with a Breit-Wigner width of as determined from a 3-body amplitude analysis, is be-
about 200 MeV called Pc (4380)+ and a narrow state tween 3.1 and 3.7 σ. Its Breit-Wigner parameters are
called Pc (4450)+ [2828]. The exotic structures were ob- incompatible with the structures observed in Λb decays.
served in the reaction Λ0b → J/ψK − p. An excited three- The lighter state at 4312 MeV was not found in this re-
quark nucleon cannot decay into J/ψ p, this would vio- action, highlighting the importance of the production
late the OZI rule. Hence the minimal quark content is mechanism for the formation of these resonances. How-
(cc̄uud). The findings met with great interest; the pub- ever, it has been pointed out in [2860] that in a region
lication is quoted nearly 1500 times (2022, November). with many close-by thresholds, the Breit-Wigner pa-
Indeed narrow baryonic resonances with hidden charm rameters measured in a particular channel may differ
had been predicted several years before as dynamically significantly from the pole location.
generated states [2851–2853]. Strange counterparts to these pentaquark states, e.g.
A multitude of different interpretations of the ob- resonances in the J/ψ Λ system, are denoted by Pcs
served structures is offered in the literature, but none and have (cc̄uds) as minimal quark content. A peak
is accepted anonymously. There are numerous reviews have been reported by LHCb in the reaction Ξb− →
on tetra- and pentaquarks and their possible interpre- J/ψ ΛK − [2861]. Close to the Ξc0 D∗0 threshold a fur-
tations [1388, 2638, 2854–2857]. ther peak was found, with a mass and width given in
With increased statistics, Pc (4312)+ was confirmed Table 9.4.7, too.
and the higher-mass Pc (4450)+ was shown to be split The J/ψΛ system was also investigated in 2019 by
into two narrow overlapping structures, Pc (4440)+ and CMS [2863], exploiting the small phase space available
Pc (4457)+ [2829]. The existence of the broad resonance in the B-meson decay B − → J/ψ Λp̄. The analysis
was not confirmed. The data and a fit are shown in showed that the observed spectrum was incompatible
10.1 Form factors 347

with a pure phase space distribution. Very recently, for the proton, and µn = 0 for the neutron. Instead
the LHCb collaboration reported a new analysis of this µp ≈ 2.5µN and µn ≈ −1.5µN , showing that the nucle-
process [2864]. Now, a signal in the J/ψ Λ subsystem, ons have significant structure. The discovery that the
with preferred quantum numbers J P = 1/2− , was es- proton and the neutron are not point-like objects gave
tablished at high significance, named Pcs 0
(4338). Due birth to the field of hadron structure explorations dis-
to the presence of the second (anti)baryon, the phase cussed in this section. Beginning with the Nobel prize
space in the B-meson decay is too small to access the winning measurement of the finite size of the proton
heavier pentaquark state found in the Ξb decay. in elastic electron-proton scattering experiments (Hof-
These structures have stimulated an intense discus- stadter, 1956) there have been generations of electron
sion of the nature of these structures. Do they originate scattening measurements studying the proton and neu-
from threshold singularities due to rescattering in the tron form factors, reviewed by Andrew Puckett
final state leading to a logarithmic branching point in In 1968 experiments employing high-energy electrons
the amplitude? Are they hadronic molecules like the scattering from proton targets at SLAC found surpris-
deuteron? Are they compact or triple-quark–diquark ingly large inelastic cross sections, or structure func-
systems or states where a cc̄ center is surrounded by tions, which rather than falling rapidly with the ex-
light quarks? changed four-momentum squared Q2 (as would elas-
The peaks are mostly seen very close to important tic cross sections) were observed to “scale” with Q2 .
thresholds. Thus they could originate from threshold The observation of scaling suggested scattering from
singularities. We refer to a few publications [2635, 2865– point-like quarks in the proton, which could most nat-
2867]. The LHCb collaboration studied this hypothesis urally be described in terms of parton distribution func-
and found it incompatible with the data, but the at- tions (PDFs). These PDF measurements have shed light
tempts continued [2868–2871]. on the momentum distributions of the different quark
Very popular are interpretations as bound states species (Wally Melnitchouk), and with the use of spin-
composed of charmed baryons and anti-charmed mesons polarized electrons and polarized nucleon targets the
or of charmonium states binding light-quark baryons. quark contributions to the nucleon spin have been pre-
The pentaquark states are then seen to be of molecu- cisely measured (Xiangdong Ji), putting significant chal-
lar nature and be bound by coupled-channel dynamics lenges on the theory of QCD to reproduce or predict the
[2858, 2872–2882]. Diquark-triquark models were stud- results of these measurements.
ied [2883–2886], and sum rules are exploited in Refs. As these studies continue, both in experiment with
[2887, 2888]. high precision measurements, and in theory, new chal-
lenges have arisen with the discovery of the general-
9.4.9 Concluding remarks: ized parton distributions that lead to the assembly of
3-dimensional tomographic images of the quark (and
The study of hadrons with heavy quarks has developed gluon) transverse spatial and longitudinal momentum
into a fascinating new field of particle physics. Particu- distributions employing deeply virtual exclusive pro-
lar excitement is due to the discovery of unconventional cesses (Andreas Schafer and Feng Yuan). The chal-
structures that are hotly debated. But also the “regu- lenges here will be on the experiments to access these
lar” heavy hadrons yield very useful information on the generalized parton distributions (GPDs) and transverse
interactions of quarks in the confinement region. momentum distributions (TMDs) from experiments like
deeply virtual Compton scattering and deeply virtual
meson production, and on phenomenology aiding the
10 Structure of the Nucleon analysis. Some of the measurements are underway at
Jefferson Lab in several experiment halls. The EIC will
Conveners: vastly extend the kinematic reach of the measurements
Volker Burkert and Franz Gross into the gluon dominated regime.

After discussion of the baryon spectrum in the previ-

ous section, this section focuses on the nucleon, the 10.1 Form factors
most studied of all hadrons. Soon after the proton and
neutron were established as the constituents of atomic Andrew Puckett
nuclei, experiments measuring their magnetic moments
µN found that these spin-1/2 particles are not point-
like elementary fermions with expected µp = 1.0µN

10.1.1 Introduction

Elastic scattering of nucleons by point-like, leptonic |e(k)i he0 (k 0 )|

<latexit sha1_base64="VwaYgSJDszUHsDs5PyVqbtE3n6Q=">AAACHnicbVDLSgMxFM34dnxVXboJFkFdlJniayVFNy4VrC10Ssmkd9rQTGZM7ghl7Je48VfcuFBEcKV/Y1q78HUgcDjnXG7uCVMpDHrehzMxOTU9Mzs37y4sLi2vFFbXrkySaQ5VnshE10NmQAoFVRQooZ5qYHEooRb2Tod+7Qa0EYm6xH4KzZh1lIgEZ2ilVmE/CKEjVA7XimnN+rsDl9JAQoS3sN3bCbTodPHYDUC1v2VahaJX8kagf4k/JkUyxnmr8Ba0E57FoJBLZkzD91Js5kyj4BIGbpAZSBnvsQ40LFUsBtPMR+cN6JZV2jRKtH0K6Uj9PpGz2Jh+HNpkzLBrfntD8T+vkWF01MyFSjMExb8WRZmkmNBhV7QtNHCUfUsY18L+lfIu04yjbdS1Jfi/T/5Lrsol/6C0d1EuVk7GdcyRDbJJtolPDkmFnJFzUiWc3JEH8kSenXvn0XlxXr+iE854Zp38gPP+CQxUonI=</latexit>

<latexit sha1_base64="HEozUxRybx1jUxeouh4Nz1N6C3Q=">AAACIHicbVC7SgNBFJ2N7/UVtbQZDJJoEXZF1MJCtLFUMCpkQ5id3E2GzM6uM3eFsOZTbPwVGwtFtNOvcRJTxMeBgcM553LnnjCVwqDnfTiFicmp6ZnZOXd+YXFpubiyemmSTHOo8UQm+jpkBqRQUEOBEq5TDSwOJVyF3ZOBf3UL2ohEXWAvhUbM2kpEgjO0UrO4H4TQFiqHG8W0Zr3tvktpICHCQyhXuuWtQIt2B+/cAFRrLNUslryqNwT9S/wRKZERzprF96CV8CwGhVwyY+q+l2IjZxoFl9B3g8xAyniXtaFuqWIxmEY+PLBPN63SolGi7VNIh+r4RM5iY3pxaJMxw4757Q3E/7x6htFBIxcqzRAU/14UZZJiQgdt0ZbQwFH2LGFcC/tXyjtMM462U9eW4P8++S+53Kn6e9Xd853S0fGojlmyTjZIhfhknxyRU3JGaoSTe/JInsmL8+A8Oa/O23e04Ixm1sgPOJ9f44Si0g==</latexit>

probes is among the simplest observable processes sen-

sitive to the nucleon’s internal structure. The study of <latexit sha1_base64="8bHtgPp7jqfTZ6LlUcda+CDyJwA=">AAACGHicbVDLSgNBEJz17fqKevQyGAT1EHdF1KPoxWMEkwjZGHonnTg4M7vOzAphyWd48Ve8eFDEa27+jZPHIT4KGoqqbrq74lRwY4Pgy5uanpmdm19Y9JeWV1bXCusbVZNkmmGFJSLRNzEYFFxhxXIr8CbVCDIWWIvvLwZ+7RG14Ym6tt0UGxI6irc5A+ukZuEgirHDVY4PCrSG7n7PpzTqgJRwu7/7sOdHqFoTbrNQDErBEPQvCcekSMYoNwv9qJWwTKKyTIAx9TBIbSMHbTkT2POjzGAK7B46WHdUgUTTyIeP9eiOU1q0nWhXytKhOjmRgzSmK2PXKcHemd/eQPzPq2e2fdrIuUozi4qNFrUzQW1CBynRFtfIrOg6Akxzdytld6CBWZel70IIf7/8l1QPS+Fx6ejqsHh2Po5jgWyRbbJLQnJCzsglKZMKYeSJvJA38u49e6/eh/c5ap3yxjOb5Ae8/jeejp+D</latexit>

elastic electron-nucleon scattering started in the 1950’s
with the pioneering measurements by Robert Hofstadter
and collaborators in the High Energy Physics Lab (HEPL)
at Stanford [563] at incident electron energies of up to i µ⌫
<latexit sha1_base64="UjjY591Q/5A9cfEY6mbV1TZvoUs=">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</latexit>

F1 + F2
550 MeV. Among the highlights of this work were the 2M

first conclusive demonstration of a deviation of the elas-

tic electron-proton scattering cross section from point-
hN 0 (P 0 )|
<latexit sha1_base64="/6PcxxcAx1iiTbU2Cd4/TN5or90=">AAACIHicbVC7SgNBFJ317fqKWtoMBvFRhF0RtbAQbawkgolCNoTZyd1kyOzsOnNXCGs+xcZfsbFQRDv9GiePwteBgcM553LnnjCVwqDnfThj4xOTU9Mzs+7c/MLiUmF5pWqSTHOo8EQm+jpkBqRQUEGBEq5TDSwOJVyFndO+f3UL2ohEXWI3hXrMWkpEgjO0UqNwEITQEiqHG8W0Zt2dnktpICHCo/PNrfLmdqBFq413bgCq+S3VKBS9kjcA/Uv8ESmSEcqNwnvQTHgWg0IumTE130uxnjONgkvouUFmIGW8w1pQs1SxGEw9HxzYoxtWadIo0fYppAP1+0TOYmO6cWiTMcO2+e31xf+8WobRYT0XKs0QFB8uijJJMaH9tmhTaOAou5YwroX9K+VtphlH26lrS/B/n/yXVHdL/n5p72K3eHwyqmOGrJF1skV8ckCOyRkpkwrh5J48kmfy4jw4T86r8zaMjjmjmVXyA87nF5KVoqA=</latexit>

|N (P )i
<latexit sha1_base64="h3M9yDg2BNVJdsY6JNV8pSRSTV8=">AAACHnicbVDLSgMxFM34dnxVXboJFkFdlBnxtRLRjSupYKvQKSWT3mlDM5kxuSOUsV/ixl9x40IRwZX+jWntQqsHAodzzuXmnjCVwqDnfTpj4xOTU9Mzs+7c/MLiUmF5pWqSTHOo8EQm+jpkBqRQUEGBEq5TDSwOJVyFndO+f3UL2ohEXWI3hXrMWkpEgjO0UqOwF4TQEiqHG8W0Zt3tnktpICHCu/PN8lagRauNR24Aqvkj0ygUvZI3AP1L/CEpkiHKjcJ70Ex4FoNCLpkxNd9LsZ4zjYJL6LlBZiBlvMNaULNUsRhMPR+c16MbVmnSKNH2KaQD9edEzmJjunFokzHDthn1+uJ/Xi3D6LCeC5VmCIp/L4oySTGh/a5oU2jgKLuWMK6F/SvlbaYZR9uoa0vwR0/+S6o7JX+/tHuxUzw+GdYxQ9bIOtkkPjkgx+SMlEmFcHJPHskzeXEenCfn1Xn7jo45w5lV8gvOxxe7n6JA</latexit>

like behavior, and the first direct measurement of the

proton’s finite size, leading to the awarding of the 1961 Fig. 10.1.1 Feynman diagram for elastic eN scattering in the
Nobel Prize in Physics to Hofstadter for ”for his pio- one-photon-exchange approximation. Initial and final nucleons
neering studies of electron scattering in atomic nuclei are represented by three lines each to indicate the nucleon’s
three-quark valence structure, while the circle represents the
and for his thereby achieved discoveries concerning the
modification of the photon-nucleon vertex function by the nu-
structure of the nucleons”. cleon’s internal structure. See text for details.
In the Standard Model, the lepton-nucleon inter-
action is purely electroweak. Due to the nucleon’s fi-
nite size and complicated structure, the elastic scatter- 10.1.2 Theoretical Formalism
ing cross section falls much more rapidly as a function
The starting point for the interpretation of elastic electron-
of the squared four-momentum transfer Q2 than the
nucleon (eN ) scattering is the one-photon-exchange (OPE)
point-like scattering cross section. Given the limitations
approximation, which is roughly analogous to the first
of past, present, and planned lepton-hadron scattering
Born approximation and/or the plane wave impulse ap-
facilities, elastic scattering of leptons by nucleons only
proximation in non-relativistic quantum scattering the-
occurs with sufficient probability to be practically mea-
ory. In the following discussion the terms OPE and
surable at energy scales where electomagnetic interac-
Born approximation will be used interchangeably. The
tions are dominant; i.e., at four-momentum transfers
tree-level Feynman diagram for eN → eN is depicted
Q2  MW,Z 2
, where MW (MZ ) ≈ 80(91) GeV is the W
schematically in Fig. 10.1.1. An incident electron of
(Z) boson mass. As such, for most practical purposes
four-momentum k ≡ (Ee , k) scatters from a nucleon
this process can be interpreted in the framework of low-
of mass M , assumed to be initially at rest in the lab
order perturbation theory in quantum electrodynamics
frame, with initial four-momentum P ≡ (EN , p) =
(QED). However, the elastic form factors of the nucleon
(M, 0). The electron recoils with four-momentum k 0 ≡
for charged- and neutral-current weak interactions are
(Ee0 , k0 ) and the nucleon recoils with four-momentum
interesting in their own right and accessible even at rel-
P 0 ≡ (EN 0
, p0 ) after absorbing the four-momentum trans-
atively low energies in neutrino scattering [2889] and
fer q ≡ k − k 0 . Energy and momentum conservation in
through parity-violating asymmetries in polarized elec-
this two-body scattering process dictate P 0 = P + q =
tron scattering that are sensitive at leading order to
(M + Ee − Ee0 , k − k0 ). Together with the requirement
the interference between photon and Z exchange am-
that the final-state particles be ”on mass shell”; i.e.,
plitudes [2890–2892].
that they satisfy the relativistic energy-momentum re-
The use of elastic lepton-nucleon scattering as a pre-
lation for a free particle (E 2 = p2 + m2 ), the kinematics
cision probe of nucleon structure and dynamics remains
of the elastic eN scattering process are entirely specified
a highly active area of investigation at low and high
by just two independent variables, commonly chosen to
energies. The dramatic improvements in energy reach
be the incident electron energy Ee and the electron scat-
and precision of these measurements over decades have
tering angle θe that are directly observed experimen-
led to many important discoveries and surprises that
tally. Another main variable of interest is the squared
have dramatically reshaped our understanding of the
four-momentum transfer Q2 ≡ −q 2 = −(k−k 0 )2 > 0. In
nucleon. This section will present a brief summary of
the nucleon rest frame (or in the center-of-momentum
the status of the nucleon’s elastic scattering form fac-
frame, or any other frame in which the initial momenta
tors, their definition and physical interpretation, out-
of the colliding particles are collinear), the scattering
standing challenges and problems, and the near-future
process is independent of the azimuthal scattering an-
outlook for further advancements.
gle of the electron.
10.1 Form factors 349

In most modern electron-nucleon scattering experi- QED (see, e.g., [2100]) as follows (in ”natural units”
ments, it is safe to use the ultrarelativistic approxima- ~ = c = 1):
tion for the electron (|k| = Ee , |k0 | = Ee0 , k 2 = k 0 = 0),
as the incident beam energies required for sensitivity to 0 µ
M = 4παū(k )γ u(k) ū(P 0 )Γ ν u(P ) (10.1.5)
the non-trivial details of nucleon structure are generally q2
quite large compared to the electron mass. Moreover, Here M is the Lorentz-invariant single-photon-exchange
the vast majority of elastic electron-nucleon scattering amplitude, α is the fine-structure constant, ū and u
data come from fixed-target experiments, in which the represent free-particle Dirac spinors for the incoming
target nucleus is at rest in the lab frame. Unless other- and outgoing particles, evaluated at the relevant four-
wise noted, all of the following expressions apply in the momenta, γ µ is a Dirac γ matrix, gµν is the Minkowski
initial nucleon’s rest frame. metric tensor, and Γ ν represents the photon-nucleon
To develop intuition for the physical interpretation vertex function, given by:
of elastic eN scattering, it is useful to consider the
iσ µν qν
closely related process of ultrarelativistic electron scat- Γ µ = F1 (q 2 )γ µ + F2 (q 2 ), (10.1.6)
tering from a static charge distribution ρ(r) with total
charge Ze, given in the OPE approximation by: with σ µν ≡ 2i [γ µ , γ ν ] the antisymmetric tensor formed
from γ µ , γ ν . The form factors F1 (q 2 ) (Dirac) and F2 (q 2 )
Zα2 cos2 θ2e

(Pauli) can be thought of as matrix elements of the

=  |F (q)|2 (10.1.1)
dΩe 4Ee2 sin4 θ2e electromagnetic current operator between final and ini-
tial nucleon states. They are real-valued functions of

≡ |F (q)|2 , (10.1.2) q 2 , which is the only independent Lorentz scalar vari-
dΩe Mott
able on which the photon-nucleon vertex function Γ µ
where Ee is the incident electron energy, θe is the elec- can depend. The convention (10.1.6) for the γ ∗ N vertex
tron scattering angle, α is the fine structure constant, function is the most commonly used one in the litera-
and F (q) is the electron scattering form factor given ture, and is constructed such that the amplitude is real
by the Fourier transform of the charge distribution: (assuming real-valued form factors)101 . F1 and F2 rep-
Z resent the (electron) helicity-conserving and (electron)
F (q) ≡ ρ(r)eiq·r d3 r, (10.1.3) helicity-flip amplitudes, respectively. The nucleon’s charge
and Dirac (”non-anomalous”) magnetic moment distri-
with q ≡ k − k0 the three-momentum transfer in the butions determine the behavior of F1 (q 2 ), while F2 (q 2 )
scattering process. The Mott cross section as defined in measures the contribution of the ”anomalous” magnetic
Eq. (10.1.2) describes the scattering of ultrarelativis- moment distribution to the scattering.
tic electrons from a point-like target of charge Ze with Experimentally, the following linearly independent
zero spin and zero magnetic moment, in the limit where combinations of F1 and F2 , known as the Sachs electric
target recoil is negligible. In the electron-nucleon scat- (GE ) and magnetic (GM ) form factors [2893], are more
tering case, this corresponds to the requirement Q2  convenient:
2M Ee . When target recoil is not negligible, the electron
loses energy in the collision, and the Mott cross section G E = F1 − τ F 2 (10.1.7)
is modified by the factor Ee0 /Ee : G M = F1 + F2 (10.1.8)

Zα2 cos2 θ2e Ee0 The differential cross section in OPE is given in terms

= (10.1.4) of the Sachs form factors by [563, 2893–2895]
4Ee2 sin4 θ2e Ee

dΩe Mott
G2E + τ G2M
dσ dσ
In much of the modern literature, Eq. (10.1.4) is taken = , (10.1.9)
as the definition of the Mott cross section, whereas in dΩe dΩe Mott (1 + τ )
Mott’s original paper, the target recoil factor Ee0 /Ee is where τ and  are kinematic parameters defined as
not included. Hereafter, we will use the definition (10.1.4)
unless otherwise noted. Q2
τ≡ (10.1.10)
The most general form of the single-photon-exchange 4M 2
amplitude M for elastic eN scattering consistent with

 ≡ 1 + 2(1 + τ ) tan2 . (10.1.11)
Lorentz invariance, gauge invariance, and parity conser- 2
vation as required by QED, and under the assumption 101
Since no other diagrams interfere with the OPE at the same
that the nucleon is a spin-1/2 fermion obeying the Dirac order in α, we are of course free to choose the phase of the OPE
equation, can be expressed using the Feynman rules of amplitude arbitrarily without affecting physical observables.

k k'

G2E/(G2 +τ G2M)


Global fit (Ye 2018)
Assuming G = µpGE

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 θ*
Q2 (GeV/c)2
p p'
Fig. 10.1.2 Q2 dependence of the ratio G2E /(G2E + τ G2M ) for
the proton, representing the maximum fraction of the reduced
cross section carried by the electric term (at  = 1). The central Fig. 10.1.3 Standard coordinate system for nucleon polariza-
value and uncertainty band of the curve are calculated from the tion components in elastic eN scattering. The arrow labeled P ~
global fit of Ref. [1080]. The dashed line shows the ratio that indicates the nucleon polarization direction and illustrates the
would be obtained under the assumption of form factor scaling definitions of the angles θ∗ and φ∗ between P ~ and the momen-
(GpM = µp GE ).
tum transfer q. The x or ”t” (transverse) axis is parallel to the
reaction plane but perpendicular to the momentum transfer.
The y or ”n” (normal) axis is perpendicular to the reaction
In the OPE approximation,  can be interpreted as the plane defined by n̂ ≡ q̂ × k̂. The z or ”`” (longitudinal) axis is
longitudinal polarization of the virtual photon [2895]. along the momentum transfer direction, which coincides with
the outgoing nucleon direction in the lab frame. The direction
The electric and magnetic contributions to the scatter- of the x axis is chosen so that the Cartesian basis (x̂, ŷ, ẑ) is
ing can be separated by measuring the cross section right-handed.
while varying the beam energy and the scattering an-
gle in such a way as to hold Q2 constant while vary-
ing , a technique known as Longitudinal/Transverse vanishes (see Fig. 10.1.2). As the use of electron scat-
(L/T) separation or Rosenbluth separation. The ”re- tering to investigate nuclear structure expanded during
duced” cross section the 1960s and 1970s, and as the technology to produce
spin-polarized electron beams and nuclear targets was
σR ≡ (1 + τ )
(dσ/dΩe )Measured
, being developed and improved, several authors inde-
(dσ/dΩe )Mott pendently developed the theory of spin-polarized elas-
tic eN scattering in the OPE approximation and exam-
is linear in , with slope (intercept) equal to G2E (τ G2M ).
ined the implications for future measurements of polar-
In the limit of very small Q2 , corresponding to long-
ization observables [2896–2899]. Nonzero asymmetries
wavelength virtual photons, the cross section behaves
arise when the incident electron beam is longitudinally
as if the nucleon were a point particle of charge ze
polarized and either the target nucleon is also polarized,
(z = +1(0) for proton (neutron)) and magnetic moment
or the recoil nucleon polarization is measured, or both.
µ = (z + κ) (in units of the nuclear magneton), with κ
Asymmetries involving transverse electron beam polar-
the anomalous magnetic moment. In this limit, the form
ization are generally suppressed by factors of me /Ee
factors thus become GE (0) = z and GM (0) = z + κ.
relative to longitudinal asymmetries, and while such
For small but finite Q2 such that τ  G2E /G2M , the
asymmetries have been measured and are interesting
electric term dominates the cross section, and if target
in their own right, they are not ideal observables for
recoil is neglected, Eq. (10.1.9) takes the same form as
measuring electromagnetic form factors, and they will
Eq. (10.1.2), with GE ≡ F (q). Thus, in the low-energy
not be considered further in this section.
limit, the electric form factor can be identified with the
Figure 10.1.3 illustrates the ”standard” coordinate
Fourier transform of the charge density. Similar rea-
system used in most of the literature on polarized elastic
soning leads to an interpretation of GM as a Fourier
eN scattering. In the case where the target nucleon is
transform of the nucleon’s magnetization density.
polarized, the asymmetry in the scattering cross section
The Rosenbluth formula (10.1.9) describes unpolar-
between positive and negative electron beam helicities
ized electron-nucleon scattering. At large values of Q2 ,
the magnetic term dominates the OPE cross section,
and the sensitivity of the Rosenbluth method to GE
10.1 Form factors 351

is given by 10.1.3 Experimental data

σ+ − σ−
AeN ≡ (10.1.12) Figures 10.1.4, 10.1.5, 10.1.6, and 10.1.7 summarize the
σ+ + σ−
state of empirical knowledge of the proton electromag-
= Pbeam Ptarg [At sin θ∗ cos φ∗ + A` cos θ∗ ] , netic form factors, as of this writing. The proton form
(10.1.13) factors GpE and GpM extracted from cross section mea-
surements, as well as the neutron magnetic form factors
where Pbeam is the longitudinal electron beam polariza-
GnM , can be described to within ≈ 10% over most of the
tion, Ptarg is the magnitude of the target nucleon polar-
measured Q2 range by GpE ≈ GpM /µp ≈ GnM /µn ≈ GD ,
ization, and the angles θ∗ , φ∗ are defined in Fig. 10.1.3.
where GD is the ”dipole” form factor defined as
The asymmetries At and A` are given in terms of τ , ,
and the form factor ratio r ≡ GE /GM by: 
GD = 1 + 2 , (10.1.17)
2(1 − ) r Λ
At = −
τ 1 + τ r2 with the scale parameter Λ2 = 0.71 (GeV/c) defining

1 − 2 the so-called ”standard dipole”. The neutron electric
A` = − (10.1.14)
1 + τ r2 form factor GnE has a very different Q2 dependence;
since the neutron has zero net charge, GnE (0) = 0. Nev-
Equations (10.1.14) show that the sensitivity of the ertheless, the neutron rms charge radius has been deter-
double-spin asymmetry AeN to the form factor ratio is mined with good precision via neutron-electron scatter-
generally highest when the target is polarized perpen- ing length measurements (see Ref. [278] and references
dicular to the momentum transfer but parallel to the therein). Existing measurements of GnE in quasi-elastic
scattering plane; i.e., along the x direction in Fig. 10.1.3. electron scattering on bound neutrons in light nuclear
Note also that the asymmetries are sensitive to the ratio targets, shown in Fig. 10.1.6, exhibit a rapid rise with
GE /GM , but not GE or GM separately. When the tar- Q2 to an appreciable fraction of GD (nearly ≈ 50% at
get is unpolarized, the longitudinally polarized electron the highest Q2 for which we have reliable GnE data).
transfers polarization to the outgoing nucleon. The non- Precise high-Q2 measurements of GpE /GpM using the
vanishing components of the transferred polarization in polarization transfer method revealed that GpE starts
OPE are falling much faster than GD above 1 (GeV/c)2 , while
GpM /µp falls to about 70% of GD at the highest mea-
Pt = Pbeam At
sured Q2 values. Reliable neutron form factor data only
P` = −Pbeam A` (10.1.15) reach Q2 ≈ 3.4(4.5) (GeV/c)2 for GnE (GnM ), but signif-
Here Pt and P` are the in-plane transverse and longi- icant expansions in the Q2 reach of the neutron data
tudinal components of the recoil nucleon’s polarization, are anticipated in the near future.
respectively. The sign change of P` relative to A` reflects The three-dimensional Fourier transform of GD gives
the spin flip required to conserve angular momentum an exponentially decreasing charge density as a func-
when the nucleon absorbs a transversely polarized vir- tion of the radial distance from the center of the nu-
tual photon. The ratio Pt /P` is directly proportional to cleon, assuming a spherically symmetric density. The
the form factor ratio GE /GM : mean square radius of the nucleon charge density is re-
lated to the slope of the electric form factor in the limit
Q2 → 0:
Pt Ee + Ee0
GE Pt τ (1 + ) θe
=− =− tan
GM P` 2 P` 2M 2
(10.1.16) (10.1.18)

rE = −6
dQ2 Q2 =0
Measurements of the differential cross sections, Eq. (10.1.9), For the standard dipole form factor, the implied charge
and polarization observables, Eqs. (10.1.14) and (10.1.16), q
in elastic eN scattering are the main source of knowl- radius is 2i
hrE D = 0.81 fm, which is in rough agree-
edge of the nucleon’s electromagnetic form factors, which ment with modern, precise determinations of the proton
are among the most important precision benchmarks charge radius from electron scattering and the spec-
for testing theoretical models of the nucleon. Moreover, troscopy of electronic and muonic hydrogen. See Ref.
precise knowledge of these form factors is required for [2905] for a very recent, in-depth review of the experi-
the interpretation of many different experiments in nu- mental and theoretical status of the proton charge ra-
clear and particle physics. In the next section, we sum- dius.
marize the existing data on nucleon form factors.


0.8 0.5

0.6 0.4



0.0 0.2 World data

Direct L/T separations Polarization observables
−0.2 0.1
Xiong 2019 (1.1 GeV) Xiong 2019 (2.2 GeV)
Global fit (Ye 2018)
−0.4 Simon 1980 (GEp only) Bernauer 2014
−0.6 Global fit (Ye 2018)
10 −4
10−3 10−2 10−1 1 10 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Q2 (GeV/c)2 Q2 (GeV/c)2

Fig. 10.1.4 (approximate) World data for Gp E /GD . ”Direct Fig. 10.1.6 World data for neutron electric form factor
L/T separations” are published point extractions of Gp E from E /GD . See text for references, details.
Rosenbluth plots. The points labeled ”Bernauer 2014” are the
direct Rosenbluth extractions from the Mainz A1 dataset [581,
2900]. The data labeled Xiong 2019 are from the PRad experi-
ment [2901]. The global fit is from [1080]. See text for details. 1.2




Direct L/T separations 0.4 World data

0.6 Kirk 1973 (updated RC)


Sill 1993 (updated RC) Global fit (Ye 2018)

0.4 Christy 2022

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Bernauer 2014
0.2 Q2 (GeV/c)2
Global fit (Ye 2018)

0.0 Fig. 10.1.7 World data for neutron magnetic form factor
M /GD . See text for references, details.
10−2 10−1 1 10 Gn
2 2
Q (GeV/c)

Fig. 10.1.5 (approximate) World data for Gp M /(µp GD ). The

”Direct L/T separations” are published point extractions of direct L/T separations from Rosenbluth plots, and are
GpM from Rosenbluth plots. The Kirk 1973 data [2902] and taken from Refs. [2904, 2906–2914]. These extractions
the Sill 1993 data [2903] are point Gp M extractions from sin- are not entirely independent of each other in terms of
gle cross section measurements, with updated radiative correc-
tions as detailed in Ref. [2904]. The data labeled ”Christy 2022”
cross section input, as several of the analyses combined
are the point Gp M extractions from the individual cross sec-
data from multiple experiments at similar Q2 values.
tion measurements published in Ref. [2904]. The points labeled The points shown as filled circles in Fig. 10.1.4 are
”Bernauer 2014” are the direct Rosenbluth extractions from the based on direct measurements of the ratio GpE /GpM us-
Mainz A1 dataset [581, 2900]. The global fit curve is that of Ref.
[1080]. See text for details.
ing polarization observables, converted to GpE /GD val-
ues using the global fit to GpM from Ref. [1080]. The
polarization data for GpE include measurements based
Proton data and discussion on the polarization transfer technique of Eq. (10.1.16)
Figures 10.1.4 and 10.1.5 show most of the existing data (Refs. [2915–2928]), and the beam-target double-spin
for the proton electric and magnetic form factors GpE asymmetry method, Eq. (10.1.14) [2929–2931]. The points
and GpM /µp , respectively, normalized to GD , over the labeled ”Bernauer 2014” in Figures 10.1.4 and 10.1.5
entire measured Q2 range. While not comprehensive, are the direct Rosenbluth separations from the Mainz
the data shown are sufficiently representative of the Q2 A1 dataset [581, 2900]. The points at very low Q2 la-
coverage and precision of the entire world data. The beled ”Simon 1980” and ”Xiong 2019” in Fig. 10.1.4 are
points shown as empty circles in Figs. 10.1.4 and 10.1.5 direct extractions of GpE from individual cross section
are published point extractions of GpE and GpM based on measurements based on the assumption of form factor
10.1 Form factors 353

scaling (GpM = µp GpE ) in the case of Ref. [2932], or ous worldwide experimental and theoretical investiga-
using the Kelly fit to GpM ( [574]) in the case of Ref. tion. For a recent review of the subject, see Ref. [2936].
[2901]. In Fig. 10.1.5, the GpM values extracted from For conventional RC, most of the earlier published
the cross sections published in Refs. [2902, 2903] are extractions of the proton form factors relied on the work
based on the updated analysis in Ref. [2904], which used of Tsai [2937] or Mo and Tsai [2938]. Following the ini-
the ”state-of-the-art” radiative corrections described in tial discovery of the rapid fall-off of GpE /GpM at large
Ref. [2933]. It must also be noted that the global fits Q2 using polarization transfer [2916], and the result-
shown in Figs. 10.1.4,10.1.5 include phenomenological ing large discrepancy between two different observables
two-photon-exchange corrections that have not been sensitive (in principle) to the same fundamental prop-
applied to the published form factor extractions. These erty of the proton, Maximon and Tjon [2939] refined
corrections tend to increase the value of GpM by roughly the mathematical treatment of these corrections and
2-3% in the Q2 range where the discrepancy between removed many of the approximations made in the ex-
Rosenbluth and polarization results is largest. pressions of Mo and Tsai, including an exact calcula-
The extraction of nucleon form factors from cross tion of the soft Bremsstrahlung contributions. Several
section measurements generally requires corrections to authors [2904, 2933, 2940] have recently examined the
account for the effects of higher-order QED radiative quantitative differences between the calculations of Ref.
processes in order to isolate the OPE term from which [2938] and the more accurate approach of Ref. [2939],
G2E and/or G2M can be determined. While each of these and studied the impact of these differences on previ-
higher-order terms is at least O(α) relative to the Born ously published extractions of the form factors. Updat-
term, their combined effect on the observed cross sec- ing the published cross sections to use the more modern
tions can be significant; typically as much as 10-30% at RC prescriptions is a non-trivial undertaking, especially
modest-to-large Q2 [2934]. As a general rule, the magni- for the older experiments, since the required modifi-
tude of the radiative correction (RC) to the elastic cross cations depend on details of the experiments and the
section tends to increase at large Q2 values and/or large associated data analyses that in some cases were not
θe /small , and also depends on experiment-specific pa- thoroughly documented in the final publications.
rameters including detector acceptance and resolution, The most recent and comprehensive effort thus far
electron beam properties, and target geometry, mate- to update published elastic ep cross sections to use
rial, and density. Additionally, the calculation of the ”state-of-the-art” RC in the high-Q2 region was de-
RC depends strongly on whether the experiment de- scribed in Ref. [2904]. The reanalysis focused on a sub-
tects the scattered electron only (most common), the set of high-Q2 experiments from Jefferson Lab and SLAC
recoil proton only (see, e.g., Ref. [2913]), or both final- for which the original publications provided sufficient
state particles. For many experiments, the RC calcu- details of the experimental parameters and the RC pre-
lation is an important source of uncertainty in the ex- scriptions and cutoffs used that they could be corrected
traction of the Born cross section, which is not directly in a self-consistent way [2904]. As noted by the authors
observable, and can dramatically change the slope of of [2904] and earlier by [2933], the effect of updating
the Rosenbluth plot in converting measured cross sec- the RC to the older SLAC data is to reduce, but not
tions to Born cross sections [2934]. eliminate, the magnitude and significance of the dis-
At next-to-leading order in α, the ”standard”, model- crepancy in the high-Q2 region. The new, precise cross
independent RC to ep → ep scattering include vac- sections from Jefferson Lab’s Hall A [2904] extend the
uum polarization, vertex, and self-energy terms that are Q2 range for which a statistically significant discrep-
purely virtual and depend only on Q2 , Bremsstrahlung ancy between cross sections and polarization observ-
(real photon emission), which depends strongly on both ables is established.
Q2 and  and modifies the reaction kinematics, and In the polarization transfer method, the simulta-
two-photon-exchange (TPE), in the limit where one neous measurement of the recoil nucleon polarization
of the two exchanged photons is ”soft”. The contribu- components Pt and P` offers many advantages in the
tion of ”hard” TPE, in which both exchanged photons control of experimental uncertainties. In particular, the
carry a ”large” momentum, cannot presently be calcu- form factor ratio can be determined in a single measure-
lated model-independently, and is neglected in the stan- ment, eliminating uncertainties resulting from changes
dard radiative correction procedures. It is thought to be in experimental parameters such as the beam energy,
largely responsible for the discrepancy between cross detector angles, spectrometer magnetic field settings,
sections and polarization observables [2935] in high-Q2 target polarization and spin direction, and others. More-
extractions of GpE , and is presently the subject of vigor- over, the beam polarization and many other sources of
systematic uncertainty associated with recoil nucleon

polarimetry cancel in the ratio Pt /P` , see, e.g., Ref. gen [2945], yielding a radius of about 0.84 fm, smaller
[2925], and reversal of the electron beam helicity re- by roughly seven standard deviations than the previous
verses the direction of the recoil nucleon polarization consensus value (at the time) of 0.88 fm from electron-
while leaving all other experimental parameters unchang- proton scattering and spectroscopy of ordinary hydro-
ed, providing for robust cancellation of systematic ef- gen. The Mainz A1 collaboration [581, 2900] carried
fects associated with polarimeter acceptance and/or de- out a systematic program of over 1,400 precision cross
tection efficiency [2941]. The dramatically different be- section measurements spanning the Q2 range 0.003-1
havior of GpE implied by the polarization data has pro- GeV2 using the ”traditional” method based on mag-
found implications for theoretical modeling of nucleon netic spectrometers. They published several direct fits
structure, as discussed below. of GpE and GpM to their cross section data, testing var-
While polarization measurements of GE /GM are ious functional forms to accurately quantify the uncer-
generally thought to have small systematic uncertain- tainties. They also published direct L/T separations for
ties, it must be noted that the published data exhibit Q2 & 0.02 GeV2 . While the Mainz GpE extraction is in
significant internal tension in the region 0.1-1 GeV2 good agreement with the rest of the world data, their
where several high-precision experiments give somewhat GpM results, whether from global fits or direct L/T sep-
conflicting results [2918, 2926–2928, 2930]. Despite this arations, are in significant tension with the other world
unresolved tension, polarization observables are gener- data102 , as is evident from Fig. 10.1.5. The slower fall-
ally regarded as giving the most reliable determination off with Q2 of the Mainz GpM implies a smaller mag-
of GpE at large Q2 values, due to their superior sensi- netic radius; indeed, the published Mainz extraction of
tivity to GE as compared to the Rosenbluth method, the proton magnetic radius rM p
is about three standard
and their relative insensitivity to radiative corrections deviations below the consensus of extractions based on
[2942–2944] and higher-order QED corrections neglected other world data.
by the standard RC procedures, such as hard Two- More recently, the PRad collaboration [2901] per-
Photon-Exchange (TPE) [2924, 2925]. This property formed new ep → ep cross section measurements using
derives from the fact that polarization asymmetries are a novel, magnetic-spectrometer-free method involving
ratios of polarized and unpolarized cross sections, that precision calorimetry, a windowless gas target, and a
tend to be affected similarly by radiative processes. The simultaneous measurement of the pure electroweak pro-
Pt /P` ratio in the polarization transfer method is a ra- cess of Möller scattering (e− e− → e− e− ) to constrain
tio of such ratios, and the model-independent RC to the absolute cross section normalization. Their mea-
this ratio tend to be utterly negligible compared to surements reached a minimum Q2 of 0.0002 GeV2 with
the uncertainties in the presently measured range of Q2 small statistical and systematic uncertainties, achieving
[2925]. Moreover, a precise search for evidence of hard a proton radius measurement of rp ≈ 0.83 ± 0.01 fm,
TPE contributions in this observable found no signifi- consistent with the muonic hydrogen value.
cant effect [2924] at 2.5 GeV2 , with the ratio µp GpE /GpM Figure 10.1.8 shows the PRad and Mainz cross sec-
showing no variation with  in the range 0.15-0.8 with tion data, normalized to the ”standard dipole” cross
≈ 1% total uncertainties. section, calculated from Eq. (10.1.9) under the assump-
Assuming that polarization measurements give the tion GpE = GpM /µp = GD . The low end of the PRad Q2
”true” value of GpE , the fractional contribution of the range is in a regime where the cross section is indistin-
G2E term to the OPE cross section falls rapidly with guishable from point-like behavior within experimental
Q2 , as shown in Fig. 10.1.2. Based on the global fit of precision; at the lowest Q2 of the PRad dataset, G2D ≈
Ref. [1080], the electric term contributes at most 10% 0.999. This is unsurprising given that the p de Broglie
of σR at 2 (GeV/c)2 , 2% at 5 (GeV/c)2 , and even less at wavelength of the virtual photon λ = ~c/ Q2 ≈ 13 fm
higher Q2 , basically wiping out any meaningful sensitiv- is large compared to rp at this Q2 .
ity to GE , since its contribution to σR becomes compa-
rable to the limits of experimental accuracy and to the Neutron data and discussion
expected magnitude of higher-order QED corrections The neutron electromagnetic form factors are much more
that are theoretically and experimentally uncertain. difficult to measure accurately than those of the proton,
In addition to efforts to resolve the difficulties with due primarily to the absence of free neutron targets
GpE at large Q2 , there has been a renewed effort to of sufficient density for electron scattering experiments
improve the precision of elastic ep scattering data at at large Q2 . The small cross sections for high-energy
very low Q2 , since the CREMA collaboration first pub- 102
Note, however, that the Mainz dataset implies a GpE /GM
lished an extremely precise extraction of the proton ra- ratio that is consistent with the high-precision polarization
dius from Lamb shift measurements in muonic hydro- measurements by Zhan et al., Ref. [2927]
10.1 Form factors 355

1.20 asymmetry measurements on polarized deuterium tar-

PRad 1.1 GeV PRad 2.2 GeV gets (Refs. [2950–2953]), polarized 3 He targets (Refs.
1.15 [2954–2958]), and via recoil neutron polarization on un-
polarized deuterium (Refs. [2959–2961]).
Mainz A1, 180 MeV Mainz A1, 315 MeV

Mainz A1, 450 MeV Mainz A1, 585 MeV The most reliable known method to determine the
neutron magnetic form factor GnM is the so-called ”ra-
σ/ σD

tio” or ”Durand” technique [2962], in which ”neutron-
Mainz A1, 720 MeV Mainz A1, 855 MeV

tagged” and ”proton-tagged” quasi-elastic electron scat-

tering on a deuterium target are measured simultane-

ously, and the ratio of cross sections 2 H(e, e0 n)p/2 H(e, e0 p)n
is measured. The simultaneous measurement of quasi-
free scattering on bound protons and neutrons in deu-
10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 1 terium, combined with the precise knowledge of the
Q2 (GeV/c)2
free proton cross section, allows a determination of the
Fig. 10.1.8 Comparison of PRad [2901] and Mainz A1 [581] free neutron cross section with very small uncertain-
elastic ep → ep cross sections, normalized to the ”standard ties. In particular, the electron acceptance and detec-
dipole” cross section σD , calculated from Eq. (10.1.9) assuming
tion efficiency, the data acquisition deadtime, and the
GpE = GM /µp = GD ; i.e., (1 + τ )σD /σMott = GD  + µp τ
p 2 2
luminosity cancel exactly in the n/p ratio, and nuclear
effects such as Fermi motion and binding, final-state
electromagnetic interactions can generally only be mea- interactions, meson-exchange currents, and others, as
sured accurately in high-luminosity experiments, and well as QED radiative corrections, tend to affect the
the neutron’s instability and zero charge severely limit d(e, e0 n)p and d(e, e0 p)n cross sections nearly identically
the number of free neutrons that can be collected in a [2963], for sufficiently tight cuts on the photon-nucleon
suitably small volume for a suitable duration for such invariant mass W 2 , and the angle θpq between the de-
experiments. As such, essentially all knowledge of neu- tected nucleon’s momentum and the momentum trans-
tron electromagnetic form factors at meaningfully large fer direction, determined from the scattered electron’s
Q2 values comes from measurements of electron scat- kinematics, to ensure exclusivity of the reaction. The
tering on bound neutrons in light nuclear targets such main source of experimental uncertainty with the ratio
as deuterium and 3 He. method is in the knowledge of the acceptance/detection
Since GnE (0) = 0, the cross section for elastic en efficiency for protons and neutrons. Of the data shown
scattering is dominated by the magnetic term over es- in Fig. 10.1.7, Refs. [2963–2967] used the ratio method,
sentially the entire measured Q2 range, even at rela- Refs. [2968–2971] extracted GnM from the beam-target
tively low Q2 . The neutron form factors are accessi- double-spin asymmetry in inclusive quasielastic elec-
ble experimentally through a number of scattering ob- tron scattering on polarized Helium-3, and Refs. [2972–
servables on light nuclear targets, including cross sec- 2974] extracted GnM from absolute cross section mea-
tions and spin asymmetries. Model-dependent extrac- surements in either inclusive scattering on deuterium
tions of neutron elastic form factors from measurements or coincidence d(e, e0 n)p scattering. The low-Q2 data
of elastic electron-deuteron scattering have also been for GnM show some inconsistencies, suggesting underes-
attempted at relatively low Q2 values (see, e.g., [2946– timated theoretical or experimental systematic uncer-
2949]), but are subject to large theoretical and exper- tainties in some of the older measurements. The Super
imental systematic uncertainties, and are generally con- BigBite Spectrometer (SBS) Collaboration in Jefferson
sidered less reliable than extractions from measurements Lab’s Hall A recently collected data using the ratio
of quasi-elastic scattering on bound nucleons in deu- method to extend the knowledge of GnM to Q2 = 13.5
terium and/or Helium-3, although they are qualitatively GeV2 with very small statistical and systematic un-
consistent. certainties. The CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrome-
Figures 10.1.6 and 10.1.7 show most of the existing ter (CLAS) collaboration in Jefferson Lab’s Hall B has
data for GnE and GnM , respectively, excluding extrac- also collected data for GnM up to Q2 ≈ 10 GeV2 , with
tions based on elastic ed cross section measurements. qualitatively different sources of systematic uncertainty.
For GnE , essentially all reliable data of reasonable pre- Both datasets are currently under analysis.
cision come from measurements of polarization observ-
ables, since the (quasi)-elastic (e, e0 n) cross section has
relatively low sensitivity to GnE over the entire Q2 range.
The data shown in Fig. 10.1.6 include extractions from

10.1.4 Theoretical interpretation of nucleon form pQCD scaling predictions, it has been argued [2981,
factors 2982] that the pQCD mechanism of multiple hard gluon
exchange is not applicable to exclusive processes in the
As the spacelike electromagnetic form factors are among presently accessible range of Q2 . More recently, Belit-
the simplest, most clearly interpretable, and best-known sky et al. considered the effects of both leading and
measurable dynamical properties of the nucleon, they subleading twist contributions to the nucleon’s light-
constitute important benchmarks for testing theoreti- cone wavefunctions in a pQCD analysis of the Pauli
cal models. Figure 10.1.9 shows the world data for the form factor F2 , deriving the modified logarithmic scal-
nucleon’s spacelike EMFFs together with selected the- ing expression Q2 F2 /F1 ∝ ln2 Q2 /Λ2 , with a range of
oretical models and the expected results from the on- values of Λ ≈ 200−300 MeV describing the proton data
going high-Q2 form factor program in Hall A at Jef- rather well [2983]. However, in an analysis of the quark
ferson Lab by the Super BigBite Spectrometer (SBS) flavor decomposition of the spacelike FFs [2984] shortly
collaboration. The SBS measurements of the neutron following the publication of data for GnE /GnM up to 3.4
magnetic form factor were completed during the Oct. (GeV/c)2 [2954] and GnM up to 4.8 (GeV/c)2 [2963], it
2021-Feb. 2022 running period in Hall A, and the data was noted that the neutron F2n /F1n data do not fol-
are currently under analysis. The SBS measurement of low this logarithmic scaling, at least not for values of Λ
GnE /GnM using a polarized 3 He target is underway as of similar to those fitting the proton data.
October 2022 and will run through March of 2023, and Dispersion theoretical analysis, including models based
the polarization transfer measurements of GnE /GnM and on the assumption of Vector Meson Dominance (VMD)
GpE /GpM are expected to take data in 2023-2024. The [2985], provide a coherent, self-consistent framework for
expansion of the Q2 range and precision of the proton the joint interpretation of spacelike and timelike nu-
and neutron data will severely test theoretical models cleon form factors over the entire physical range of Q2 .
of nucleon structure. VMD-based models were among the earliest to describe
The calculation of nucleon structure from first prin- the global features of the nucleon form factors and pre-
ciples in QCD is presently only possible using the meth- dicted the high-Q2 falloff of GpE /GpM decades before
ods of lattice gauge theory. The accuracy of lattice the polarization transfer experiments. A key assump-
QCD calculations is rapidly improving with increases tion of VMD and VMD-based models is that the vir-
in computing power and improvements in the control of tual photon-nucleon interaction at low to intermediate
systematic errors, and the range of measurable quanti- Q2 is dominated by vector meson pole terms, which
ties lattice QCD can predict continues to expand. Nev- contribute significantly to the dispersion integrals con-
ertheless, the prediction of nucleon form factors and necting the spacelike and timelike regions through the
other observables of hard exclusive processes from lat- requirements of unitarity and analyticity of the form
tice QCD (see Refs. [573, 575, 2979, 2980] and refer- factors considered as functions of q 2 in the complex
ences therein for recent efforts at low and high Q ) has
plane. For a recent review of the dispersion theoretical
not yet reached a level of precision and accuracy com- analysis of nucleon EMFFs, see Ref. [2986].
mensurate with that of the experimental data, partic- As mentioned above, in the very low-energy limit,
ularly at high energies. As such, its predictions cannot when target recoil can be neglected, the form factors
yet be conclusively ”tested” by the form factor data. can be interpreted as three-dimensional Fourier trans-
Instead, the existing data serve to guide the improve- forms of the spatial distributions of charge (GE ) and
ment of the calculations. Meanwhile, the continued use current (GM ) in the nucleon. While this naive den-
of QCD-inspired phenomenological models, approxima- sity interpretation is invalidated by relativity for finite
tions, effective theories, and continuum methods pro- momentum transfers, several authors have extracted
vides valuable insight and improved understanding of three-dimensional rest-frame densities from the form
the relevant degrees of freedom and dynamical effects factors using model-dependent relativistic prescriptions
at different energy scales when compared to the data. to relate the Sachs form factors measured at a four-
For asymptotically large Q2 values, perturbative QCD momentum transfer Q2 to the static rest frame densi-
(pQCD) predicts the scaling behavior of the nucleon ties. A common feature of such extractions is the iden-
form factors based on simple constituent counting rules tification of the Sachs form factors GE and GM with
and helicity conservation [207]. The predictions for the Fourier transforms of the Breit frame103 charge and
nucleon, with its three-quark valence structure, are F1 ∝ 103
The Breit or ”brick-wall” frame in elastic eN scattering is
Q−4 and F2 ∝ Q−6 (see the discussion in Sec. 5.10).
the frame in which there is no energy transfer in the collision.
While the proton data at the highest measured Q val-2
It is related to the nucleon rest frame by a boost along
√ the
ues are in superficial qualitative agreement with the momentum transfer direction, with a boost factor γ = 1 + τ .
10.1 Form factors 357





Xu 2021 Lomon 2002
Diehl 2005 Gross 2008
Global fit (Ye 2018)
Segovia 2014 Cloet 2012
0.0 −0.5
0 10 20 30 0 5 10 15
2 2
Q (GeV/c) Q2 (GeV/c)2


µn GnE/GnM

0.5 p
GnM world data GE,M Rosenbluth
p,n 0.0
GE polarization Christy 2022 SBS projected

Kirk 1973 Sill 1993 SBS GEN-RP projected

0.0 −0.5
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Q2 (GeV/c)2 Q2 (GeV/c)2
Fig. 10.1.9 Data for all four nucleon electromagnetic form factors at spacelike Q2 with selected theoretical models, the global
fit from [1080], and the projected results from the ongoing SBS program at Jefferson Lab, plotted arbitrarily at the values from
the global fit. Theoretical curves shown are the BLFQ calculations of Ref. [949] (Xu 2021), the VMD-based model of Ref. [2975]
(Lomon 2002), the GPD-based model of Ref. [2976] (Diehl 2005), the covariant spectator model of Ref. [2977] (Gross 2008), the
DSE-based calculation of Ref. [2771] (Segovia 2014), and the quark-diquark model of Ref. [2978] (Cloet 2012). Data references are
the same as those given in the text and described in the captions of Figs. 10.1.4, 10.1.5, 10.1.6, and 10.1.7. See text for details.

current densities. The Breit frame densities are then positive core surrounded by a negative exterior, consis-
modified by a boost factor k 2 = Q2 /(1 + τ ) relating tent with pion-cloud models.
Q2 to the wave number k in the nucleon rest frame, While the three-dimensional radial densities extracted
and another model-dependent factor relating the Sachs from the form factors are necessarily model-dependent,
FF to the so-called ”intrinsic” form factors ρ̃(k), de- a model-independent density interpretation of the form
fined as Fourier-Bessel transforms of the rest frame den- factors exists through sum rules relating the form fac-
sities. The latter correction attempts to account for tors to moments of Generalized Parton Distributions
the Q2 -dependent boost of the nucleon wavefunction (GPDs) [1085]. Miller [2988, 2989] showed that in the
itself from the rest frame to the Breit frame. Kelly infinite momentum frame, the impact-parameter-space
[2987] used expansions in a complete set of radial basis densities of charge and magnetization in the nucleon are
functions and a relativistic boost prescription consis- two-dimensional Fourier-Bessel transforms of the Dirac
tent with the pQCD asymptotic behavior to minimize (F1 ) and Pauli (F2 ) form factors, respectively. Exam-
model-dependence and estimate the uncertainties in the ples of empirical extractions of the transverse densities
radial densities due to the finite Q2 range of the data. from the form factor data can be found in Refs. [2810,
Among his key findings were a broader charge density 2990]. In apparent contrast to model-dependent extrac-
for the proton compared to its magnetization density, tions of 3D rest frame densities such as Kelly’s, the
consistent with the fall-off of the polarization data for neutron’s transverse charge density exhibits a negative
GpE /GpM , and a neutron charge density described by a

core surrounded by a positive exterior, contradicting pairs, leading to massive constituent quarks and/or di-
the qualitative predictions of several models. quarks as effective degrees of freedom, often carrying
The form factors also play an important role in ef- their own internal structure. While a full review of rela-
forts to extract the GPDs from measurements of Deeply tivistic constituent quark model calculations of nucleon
Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) and other hard form factors is beyond the scope of this section, a fairly
exclusive processes. Through the aforementioned sum comprehensive overview is given in Ref. [2993] (see also
rules, the form factors F1 and F2 impose fairly pow- Sec. 5).
erful constraints on, respectively, the vector (H) and In recent years, Hamiltonian light-front field theory
tensor (E) GPDs that enter the Ji sum rule for the nu- has emerged as a useful framework for the nonperturba-
cleon spin decomposition [1085]. If good measurements tive solution of invariant masses and correlated parton
and/or models of the GPDs exist, they can be used amplitudes of self-bound systems [929]. Xu et al. re-
to predict the form factors [2991]. Alternatively, when cently applied this framework to calculate the structure
combined with the forward parton distributions mea- of the nucleon using the method of Basis Light Front
sured in deep inelastic scattering, the form factors can Quantization (BLFQ) [949]; see also Sec. 5.4. Their cal-
be used to constrain the GPDs [2976, 2992], particularly culation used an effective light-front Hamiltonian with
at high Bjorken x and/or large −t. Apart from the di- quarks as the only effective degrees of freedom, a trans-
rect constraints, precise knowledge of the form factors verse confining potential from light-front holography
is also required for analysis of experiments attempting supplemented by a longitudinal confinement, and a one-
to measure GPDs, to separate the contributions of the gluon-exchange interaction with a fixed coupling. The
DVCS and Bethe-Heitler processes, which interfere at light-front wave functions resulting from the solution
the same order in α and are experimentally indistin- of this Hamiltonian were then used to calculate the nu-
guishable. cleon form factors, parton distributions, and other dy-
Constituent quark models (CQMs) have a long his- namical properties. The first form factor results from
tory in nuclear physics and predate the emergence of BLFQ [949], solved in the valence space of three quarks,
QCD as the accepted theory of strong interactions within are compared to the data and a selection of other theo-
the Standard Model. For a review and modern perspec- retical models in Fig. 10.1.9. Such comparisons indicate
tive on the role of the quark model in nuclear physics, the need for improvements to the magnetic form factors
see [476]. The early non-relativistic constituent quark within BLFQ, particularly in the low-Q2 region. Aug-
model was successful in explaining the observed spec- menting the BLFQ basis with dynamical gluons may
tra of baryons and mesons as qqq (fermionic) and q q̄ provide such improvements [961].
(bosonic) bound states, and making qualitative predic- In recent years, significant progress has occurred in
tions of meson and baryon masses and magnetic mo- the explanation and prediction of a wide range of mea-
ments. Indeed, one of the original motivations for the surable dynamical properties of hadrons in continuum
introduction of the color quantum number prior to the non-perturbative QCD [829], within the framework of
development of QCD was to preserve the Pauli exclu- Dyson-Schwinger Equations (DSE). In this framework,
sion principle for low-lying baryon states, whose com- the high-Q2 behavior of proton and neutron form fac-
bined spin/flavor/orbital quantum numbers are sym- tors is very sensitive to the behavior of the momentum-
metric under the exchange of any two quarks. This issue dependent dressed quark mass function that governs
was particularly acute for the spin-3/2 baryon decuplet. the transition from massive, constituent-quark-like be-
To explain dynamical properties of hadrons in terms of havior at low energies to light, parton-like behavior at
constituent quarks, a model for the confining quark- high energies [2818]. Moreover, the flavor decomposi-
quark interaction and the resulting quark wavefunc- tion of the form factors enabled by combined proton
tions is needed. The ”bare” u and d valence quark con- and neutron measurements, soon to be extended to Q2
stituents of nucleons appearing in the QCD Lagrangian values up to 10 GeV2 , has the potential to elucidate
are almost massless compared to the nucleon mass. As the importance of diquark correlations in nucleon struc-
such, the nucleon, considered as the ground state of ture [758, 2978]. Over the longer term, looking past
a bound system of three light quarks, is characterized the ongoing SBS program, major efforts are underway
by a large ratio of binding energy to constituent mass, to establish intense polarized and unpolarized positron
making a fully relativistic treatment mandatory to ob- beams at Jefferson Lab, which will facilitate precise
tain realistic phenomenology and accurate descriptions e+ p/e− p comparisons over a much larger range of Q2
of the data. A common feature of CQM calculations of and  than presently available, hopefully leading to a
nucleon structure is the ”dressing” of the bare, almost- decisive resolution of the Rosenbluth/polarization dis-
massless valence quarks by gluons and quark-antiquark crepancy for the proton, as part of a larger physics pro-
10.2 Parton distributions 359

gram using positron beams [2994]. The planned Electron- Since quarks and gluons have nonzero spin, the fun-
Ion Collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory should damental distributions are the PDFs for a specific he-
be capable of measuring the elastic ep cross sections licity (spin projection along the direction of motion),
to a Q2 of up to 40-50 (GeV/c)2 [2995]. A proposed fi↑ and fi↓ , corresponding to parton spins aligned and
”low-cost” upgrade [2996] of Jefferson Lab’s Continu- antialigned with the proton spin, respectively. Unpo-
ous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) to a larized scattering experiments are therefore only sensi-
maximum energy of 20+ GeV using fixed-field alternat- tive to sums of the helicity PDFs, fi = fi↑ + fi↓ , while
ing gradient magnets to achieve 6-7 additional passes measurements involving polarized beams and/or tar-
through the CEBAF linear accelerators would enable gets are required to obtain information on differences,
further expansions of the Q2 reach for GpE , GnE , and ∆fi = fi↑ − fi↓ .
GnM to at least 20 GeV2 . Traditionally, PDFs have been determined in global
QCD analyses by simultaneously fitting a wide variety
of data for large momentum transfer processes. Typi-
10.2 Parton distributions cally, the PDFs are parametrized in terms of some func-
tional form, the parameters of which are determined
Wally Melnitchouk
by fitting the calculated cross sections to data. Once
the PDFs are determined at some initial momentum
transfer scale, the DGLAP Q2 evolution equations (see
10.2.1 Theoretical foundations Sec. 2.3) are used to compute them at all other scales
needed for the calculations. The standard data sets
Parton distribution functions are the prototypical ex-
used in global analyses include deep-inelastic scattering
amples of QCD quantum correlation functions, which
(DIS) of charged leptons from proton or nuclear tar-
allow high-energy lepton and/or hadron scattering pro-
gets (or neutrinos from heavy nuclei), Drell-Yan (DY)
cesses to be described in terms of quarks and gluons
inclusive lepton-pair production in hadron-hadron scat-
(or partons) (for reviews see Refs. [2997–3001]). The
tering, and the production of photons, W ± or Z bosons,
PDF for a quark of flavor i in a nucleon (moving with
or jets at large transverse momentum in hadronic colli-
momentum p) is defined by the Fourier transform of
sions (see Sec. 10.2.2). We discuss the specific reactions
a forward matrix element of quark bilinear operators,
and relevant data sets in more detail in the following.
which in the A+ = 0 gauge can be written as
fi/N (x, µ ) =
dz − e−ixp z
+ −
10.2.2 Physical processes and experimental ob-
4π servables
× hN (p)|ψ̄i (z − ) γ + ψi (0)|N (p)i, (10.2.1)
Historically, the main source of information on proton
where ψi is the quark field operator, x is the light-cone
PDFs has been the deep-inelastic scattering (DIS) of
momentum fraction of the proton carried by the parton,
leptons from protons or nuclei, starting from the pio-
and µ is the renormalization scale. Analagous expres-
neering experiments at SLAC in the late 1960s. In the
sions can be written for antiquark and gluon PDFs, the
one-boson exchange approximation, the differential DIS
latter in terms of the gluon field strength tensor, Fµν
cross section can be written as a product of leptonic and
The utility of PDFs is that they allow one to relate
hadronic tensors,
various high-energy scattering reactions, which would
otherwise not be easily related to one another, and d2 σ
make predictions for new reactions in terms of the same ∼ α Lµν Wµν ,
dΩdE 0
set of PDFs obtained from previous experiments. The
where α is the fine structure constant, Ω = Ω(θ, φ)
key to this is the ability to factorize the scattering
is the laboratory solid angle of the scattered lepton,
process into a process-dependent, perturbatively cal-
and E 0 is the scattered lepton energy. Using constraints
culable hard scattering cross section and the process-
from Lorentz and gauge invariance, the hadronic ten-
independent, nonperturbative function parametrized by
sor Wµν can be decomposed into several independent
the PDF. An important virtue of PDFs is that in the
infinite momentum frame (or on the light-front) they
can be simply interpreted as probability densities de- peµ peν
Wµν = −e
gµν F1 + F2 + iµναβ pα q β F3
scribing how the proton’s momentum is shared amongst p·q
the different parton constituents, as a function of the qα h β  s · q β i
+ iµναβ s g1 + sβ − p g2 , (10.2.2)
fraction x of the proton’s momentum carried by the p·q p·q
parton [1341].

where pµ and qµ are the nucleon and exchanged bo- at LO the Bjorken x variable coincides with the parton
son four-momenta, geµν = gµν − qµ qν /q 2 , and peµ = momentum fraction; however, at higher orders these are
pµ − (p · q/q 2 )qµ . The nucleon polarization four-vector different.)
sβ satisfies s2 = −1 and p · s = 0. The structure func- Many DIS experiments have been performed with
tions F1,2,3 and g1,2 contain the complete information charged lepton beams on proton targets, which for neu-
about the structure of the nucleon in DIS, and are gen- tral currents in the one-photon exchange approximation
erally functions of two variables, conventionally chosen constrain the flavor combination 4u+ +d+ +s+ (Z boson
to be the Bjorken scaling variable x = Q2 /2p · q and the exchange would involve a different linear combination
exchanged boson virtuality Q2 . In the Bjorken limit, in of PDFs, involving the weak mixing angle, sin2 θW ). For
which both Q2 and p · q → ∞ (or invariant final state a neutron, the corresponding linear combination would
hadron mass W 2 = (p+q)2 = M 2 +Q2 (1−x)/x → ∞), be 4d+ + u+ + s+ . In practice, free neutron targets do
but x is fixed, the structure functions become simple not exist, so deuterium is often used as a proxy, which
functions of x only. then requires nuclear corrections be made to extract the
free neutron structure information (see Sec. 10.2.3).
Unpolarized scattering Charged current neutrino and antineutrino interac-
For spin-averaged scattering, the nucleon structure is tions constrain different combinations of q + or q − PDFs
parametrized in terms of the vector F1 and F2 structure for the F1,2 or F3 structure functions, respectively, de-
functions, and the vector-axial vector interference F3 pending on the type of target used, so that by combin-
structure function, which requires weak currents. Ac- ing data on different targets and with different beams
cording to QCD factorization theorems, the structure one can in principle isolate specific combinations of q
functions Fj (j = 1, 2, 3), can be written in factorized or q̄. A special case is provided by charm production in
form as convolutions of hard coefficient functions and ν and ν̄ DIS, which is sensitive to the s and s̄ PDFs,
PDFs, weighted by respective electroweak charges, respectively (although in practice this involves heavy
targets for which model-dependent nuclear corrections
Fj (x, Q2 ) = e2i Cij ⊗ fi (x, Q2 ), must be made).
i=q,q̄,g The gluon PDF plays a lesser role in inclusive DIS,
where the convolution symbol is defined by [A⊗B](x) = as it enters the cross sections at higher order, O(αs ).
(dy/y)A(x)B(x/y). The coefficient functions Cji can In practice, it is mainly constrained through the Q2 de-
be computed perturbatively in a series in αs . At leading pendence of the structure functions, and the longitudi-
order (LO) in αs , Cji is a δ function, and the structure nal structure function FL , which depends on differences
functions reduce to linear combinations of the PDFs, at higher order between the left- and right-hand sides
of Eq. (10.2.4b). The strongest constraints on g(x) in
1X 2 + DIS have come from the HERA ep collider data at very
F1 (x) = e q (x), (10.2.4a)
2 q q small x values [3002].
F2 (x) = 2xF1 (x), (10.2.4b) Since the PDFs are universal, the functions appear-
ing in the DIS structure functions are the same as those
X q q
F3 (x) = 2 gV gA q − (x),
that describe the structure of the incoming hadrons in
hadronic collisions. In analogy with the QCD factor-
where q ± = q ± q̄ denote the C-even (odd) flavor com- ization for DIS, the cross section for the high energy
binations, and we use the short-hand notation q(x) ≡ scattering of hadron A (momentum pA ) and hadron B
fq (x) or q̄(x) ≡ fq̄ (x) for a quark or antiquark PDF of (momentum pB ) to an inclusive state in which a parti-
flavor q in the proton, and g(x) ≡ fg (x) for the gluon cle C is identified (such as a vector boson, photon, or
PDF. The F3 structure function vanishes for photon ex- jet) can generally be written as
change, but is nonzero for the exchange of weak bosons, XZ
with gVq (A) representing the vector (axial vector) cou- σAB→CX (pA , pB ) = dxa dxb fa/A (xa ) fb/B (xb )
pling of the boson to the quark q. Equations (10.2.4) a,b

correspond to the simple parton model of inclusive DIS, × σ̂ab→CX (xa pA , xb pB ), (10.2.5)
in which the structure functions are interpreted as par-
where xa and xb are the corresponding parton momen-
ton densities. At finite energies, the logarithmic Q2
tum fractions, and σ̂ab→CX is the partonic cross section.
dependence from the evolution equations described in
For vector boson production (W ± , Z 0 , or lepton pairs
Sec. 2.3, as well as residual Q2 dependence associated
produced from virtual photons), the process proceeds
with power corrections (see below), give corrections to
at LO through q q̄ annihilation. In particular, the Drell-
the simple parton model expectations. (Note also that
Yan lepton-pair production cross sections in pp and pn
10.2 Parton distributions 361

collisions depend on the combinations yield more information than single jet cross sections be-
¯ b ) + (xa ↔ xb ) + · · · cause the rapidity of the second jet is also constrained,
σ pp ∼ 4u(xa ) ū(xb ) + d(xa ) d(x
thereby helping to constrain the momentum fractions
¯ b ) + u(xa ) ū(xb ) + (xa ↔ xb ) + · · ·
σ pn ∼ 4d(xa ) d(x of the PDFs. Direct or isolated photon production can
where the ellipses indicate contributions from heavier also constrain the gluon PDF through the subprocess
quarks. (The pn cross section is again obtained from qg → γq [3006]. Photon + jet production offers similar
deuterium data.) As we discuss below, ratios of these constraints, but now the subprocesses are weighted by
cross sections at kinematics such that xa  xb , where the squared charge of the parton to which the photon
the hadron A can be approximated by its valence struc- couples. A summary of the kinematic coverage of the
ture, can be used to constrain the d/ū ¯ ratio. In contrast, existing datasets used to constraint unpolarized PDFs
the inclusive production of W bosons constrains prod-
± is shown in Fig. 10.2.1.
ucts of the form q(xa ) q̄ 0 (xb ) with specific weights given
by the appropriate CKM matrix elements.
For pp̄ collisions at the Tevatron, for example, at
large values of rapidity (very asymmetric values of xa
and xb ) at LO one has
σW ¯ a ) ū(xb ) + · · ·
∼ u(xa ) d(xb ) + d(x
W− ¯ b) + · · ·
σ ∼ d(xa ) u(xb ) + ū(xa ) d(x
where the PDFs in the antiproton have been related
to those in the proton. For large and positive rapidity,
xa > xb and the antiquark PDFs can be neglected, so
that these cross sections depend only on the u and d
Fig. 10.2.1 Kinematic coverage of datasets used in global
PDFs. Because of the missing neutrino resulting from QCD analyses. The variable x represents Bjorken-x for DIS
the W decays, one cannot directly reconstruct the ra- and Feynman-x for vector boson and jet production, while the
pidity distributions, and typically the charged lepton scale Q2 represents the four-momentum transfer squared for
rapidity asymmetry for W ± production is presented. DIS, the mass squared of the intermediate boson for vector bo-
son production, and the transverse momentum squared for jet
The decay process means that the constraints on the production. A DIS cut of W 2 = 3 GeV2 is indicated in the
PDFs are less direct, but such measurements still pro- bottom right hand corner (solid back line).
vide useful constraints on the d/u ratio at moderate
values of x.
Recent data from the ATLAS Collaboration at the
LHC [3003, 3004] on W ± and Z production and decay Polarized scattering
suggested a rather larger strange quark sea than tra- For spin-dependent reactions, the structure functions
ditionally obtained from neutrino scattering, with the g1 and g2 are extracted from DIS measurements with
ratio Rs = (s + s̄)/(ū + d)
¯ ≈ 1.13 at parton momentum longitudinally polarized leptons scattered from a nu-
fraction x ≈ 0.02, compared with the traditionally ac- cleon or nucleus that is polarized either longitudinally
cepted value of Rs ≈ 0.4 from neutrino scattering. In or transversely relative to the beam. For longitudinal
contrast, a simultaneous analysis of PDFs and fragmen- beam and target polarization, the difference between
tation functions including semi-inclusive π ± and K ± the cross sections for spins aligned and antialigned is
production data, along with single-inclusive e+ e− anni- dominated by the g1 structure function, while the g2
hilation cross sections into hadrons [628, 3005], favored structure function requires measurements with the tar-
a strong suppression of the strange PDF at intermedi- get polarized transversely to the beam polarization. In
ate x values, correlating with an enhancement of the practice one often measures the polarization asymme-
s → K − fragmentation function. The question of the try A1 , which is given as a ratio of spin-dependent and
magnitude and shape of the strange (and antistrange) spin-averaged structure functions,
PDF remains a topic of considerable phenomenological 1 h 4M 2 x2 i
interest. A1 = g1 (x) − g2 (x) , (10.2.6)
F1 (x) Q2
Other observables that can constrain PDFs are in-
clusive jet or photon, dijet, and photon + jet produc- where M is the nucleon mass. At small values of x2 /Q2 ,
tion cross sections. Generally, these have greater sen- the asymmetry simplifies to A1 ≈ g1 /F1 .
sitivity to the gluon PDF at large x than DIS reac- In analogy with the unpolarized F1 structure func-
tions. Dijet production triple differential cross sections tion, the structure function g1 can be expressed at LO

in terms of differences between quark distributions with

spins aligned and antialigned with that of the nucleon,

1X 2
g1 (x) = e ∆q + (x). (10.2.7)
2 q q

The g2 structure function, on the other hand, does

not have a simple partonic interpretation. However, its
measurement provides information on the subleading,
higher-twist contributions which parametrize long-range
multi-parton correlations in the nucleon. The depen- Fig. 10.2.2 As in Fig. 10.2.1 but for spin-dependent observ-
dence on both spin-dependent and spin-averaged struc- ables.
ture functions in A1 illustrates the need to consistently
analyze both unpolarized and polarized PDFs simulta-
production in e+ e− annihilation or pp collisions. One
neously, as will be discussed below.
can then weight particular quark or antiquark flavors
As with unpolarized measurements, historically most
by selecting favored (such as Duπ or Ddπ¯ ) or unfa-
+ +

constraints on spin-dependent PDFs have come from

vored (Ddπ or Dūπ ) fragmentation functions for spe-
+ +

polarized charged-lepton DIS experiments. For charged

lepton scattering from polarized proton targets, the g1 cific hadrons. The polarized strange quark PDF ∆s,
structure function depends on the combination 4∆u+ + in particular, can be constrained from SIDIS K pro-
∆d+ + ∆s+ , while for the neutron the combination duction data. The polarized gluon distribution ∆g can
would be 4∆d+ + ∆u+ + ∆s+ . In practice, polarized also be constrained from SIDIS data on charmed or
He targets are usually used as effective sources of po- high-pT hadron production through the photon–gluon
larized neutron, since the neutron carries almost 90% fusion process.
of the 3 He spin, while polarized deuterons, which have Inclusive particle production in polarized proton–
equal proton and neutron spin contributions, are sensi- proton collisions provides an additional method of de-
tive to the isoscalar combination 5(∆u+ +∆d+ )+2∆s+ . termining spin-dependent sea quark and gluon PDFs.
At next-to-leading order (NLO), the polarized gluon The cross sections for the production of W ± bosons in
distribution ∆g also enters in the g1 structure function. scattering longitudinally polarized protons from unpo-
The mixing with the quark flavor singlet contribution larized protons, p~ p → W ± X, depend on products of
to g1 under Q2 evolution can then be used to provide spin-dependent and spin-averaged PDFs,
constraints on ∆g. ∆σ W
¯ a ) u(xb ) − ∆u(xa ) d(x
∼ ∆d(x ¯ b ),
Semi-inclusive DIS (SIDIS) provides additional in- −
∆σ W ∼ ∆ū(xa ) d(xb ) − ∆d(xa ) ū(xb ).
dependent combinations of spin-dependent PDFs that
can be used to separate individual quark and antiquark At large positive (negative) rapidities, xa  xb (xa 
flavors. At high energies, production of hadrons h in xb ), the cross sections are dominated by a single flavor,
the current fragmentation region, primarily pions or while at mid-rapidities both u and d flavors contribute.
kaons, is proportional to products of PDFs and quark → Inclusive jet (or π 0 ) production in double-polarized
hadron fragmentation functions. Typically, such exper- proton–proton scattering, p~ p~ → jet (or π 0 ) + X, is sen-
iments measure the semi-inclusive polarization asym- sitive to the polarized gluon PDF. The first evidence
metry, which at LO can be written as a ratio of spin- for a small, but nonzero ∆g was observed by the STAR

dependent to spin-averaged SIDIS cross sections, Collaboration at RHIC in jet data at s = 200 GeV, al-
P 2 h h
 though recent Monte Carlo analysis [984] suggests that
q eq ∆q(x) Dq (z) + ∆q̄(x) Dq̄ (z)
A1 (x, z) = P 2 h h
 , the sign of ∆g is not unambiguously determined by
q eq q(x) Dq (z) + q̄(x) Dq̄ (z) these data. A summary of the kinematic coverage of
(10.2.8) the existing datasets used to constraint helicity PDFs
where Dqh (z)is the fragmentation function for the scat- is shown in Fig. 10.2.2.
tered quark to produce a hadron h with a fraction z of
the quark’s energy. For large z, the produced hadron 10.2.3 Global QCD analysis
has a high probability of containing the scattered par-
ton, providing a tag on the initial parton distribution. With the growing number of high energy scattering ex-
The fragmentation functions Dqh can be determined periments in the 1970s and 1980s came the need to
from other reactions, such as inclusive single hadron systematically and uniformly analyze the data with the
10.2 Parton distributions 363

tools that were being developed in perturbative QCD. where the octet axial charge a8 = 0.58(3) is extracted
The concept of fitting datasets from various experi- from hyperon β-decays assuming SU(3) flavor symme-
ments globally with a single set of quark, antiquark try [3011]. Note that the sum rules (10.2.10)–(10.2.13)
and gluon PDFs dates back to the early analyses of are preserved under Q2 evolution.
Duke and Owens [3007] and Morfin and Tung [3008].
Since then, a number of dedicated efforts have been Power corrections
made worldwide to fit both unpolarized and polarized We should note that the theoretical results summarized
scattering experiments in terms of spin-averaged and above have been obtained within the framework of per-
spin-dependent PDFs. turbative QCD in the limit when both Q2 and W are
The standard paradigm has been to parametrize the much larger than all hadron mass scales, Q2 , W 2 
PDFs at some input scale Q0 and then evolve using the M 2 , where the cross sections are dominated by their
appropriate evolution equations to the scales needed for leading twist contributions. In actual experiments per-
the calculation of each experimental observable. The formed at finite beam energy E, the maximum values
parameters of the PDFs are estimated by comparing of Q2 and W are limited, which restricts the available
each calculated observable with the data using χ2 min- coverage in Bjorken x. This is especially relevant at
imization techniques. All of the global PDF analysis large x in DIS, where for fixed Q2 , as x → 1 the final
groups use some variation of this approach, although state hadron mass W decreases as one descends into the
the details of the implementation differ between differ- region dominated by nucleon resonances at W . 2 GeV.
ent groups. The resonance region may be treated using the concept
of quark-hadron duality [3012], although this goes be-
PDF parametrizations and constraints yond the scope of the usual perturbative QCD analysis.
A typical parametrization at the input scale Q0 for a In the low-Q2 region, power corrections to the Bjorken
generic (unpolarized or polarized) PDF f is limit results that scale as powers of Λ2QCD /Q2 become
xf (x, Q20 ) = a0 xa1 (1 − x)a2 P (x), (10.2.9) increasingly important. In the operator product expan-
sion, these are associated with matrix elements of higher
where P (x) represents a smoothly varying function, twist operators, associated with multi-parton correla-

such as a polynomial in x or x, or more elaborate tions which characterize the long-range nonperturba-
forms based on neural networks [3009] or self-organizing tive interactions between quarks and gluons. While pro-
maps [3010]. Some of the parameters in the input dis- viding glimpses into the dynamics of quark confine-
tributions can be determined from physical constraints. ment, the power corrections are viewed as unwelcome
For example, in the unpolarized case the conservation backgrounds in efforts aimed solely at extracting lead-
of valence quark number gives for the first moments ing twist PDFs. Other subleading corrections are asso-
Z 1 Z 1 ciated with target mass corrections (TMCs), which are
dx u− (x, Q20 ) = 2, dx d− (x, Q20 ) = 1, (10.2.10) of kinematical origin and arise from nonzero values of
hadron masses [3013–3017].
0 0
and zero for all other flavors, while the momentum sum
Regardless of their origin, the various power sup-
rule requires
pressed corrections to the leading twist results can be
absorbed into phenomenological functions, such as
Z 1 hXnf i
dx x q + (x, Q20 ) + g(x, Q20 ) = 1, (10.2.11)
0 hi (x)
Fi (x, Q2 ) = FiLT (x, Q2 ) + + ...,
where the number of flavors at the input scale Q20 is
usually taken to be nf = 3. for an unpolarized structure function Fi , for example,
In the polarized case the first moments of the C-even where FiLT denotes the leading twist contribution. The
distributions can be related to octet baryon weak decay higher twist corrections are sometimes assumed to be
constants. For the isovector combination, corresponding multiplicative, with the functions hi proportional to the
to the Bjorken sum rule, leading twist contribution. Possible additional Q2 de-
Z 1 pendence of the higher twist contributions, such as from
dx (∆u+ − ∆d+ )(x, Q20 ) = gA , (10.2.12) radiative αs (Q2 ) corrections, is usually neglected.

where gA = 1.270(3) is the nucleon axial charge, while Nuclear corrections

for the SU(3) octet one has Since nucleons bound in a nucleus are not free, the par-
Z 1 ton distributions fi/A in a nucleus A deviate from a
dx (∆u+ + ∆d+ − 2∆s+ )(x, Q20 ) = a8 , (10.2.13) simple sum of PDFs in the free proton and neutron,

fi/A 6= Zfi/p + (A − Z)fi/n , where Z is the number in neutrino structure functions [3032, 3033], as well as
of protons. This is especially relevant at small values of effects of the nuclear medium on the charm quark prop-
x, where nuclear shadowing effects suppress the nuclear agation in the final state [3034].
to free isoscalar nucleon (N ) ratio, fi/A /(Afi/N ) < 1, For spin-dependent scattering, the scarcity of data
and at large x, where the effects of Fermi motion, nu- and larger uncertainties at small x and at high x, where
clear binding, and nucleon off-shellness give rise to the nuclear corrections are most prominent, has meant that
“nuclear EMC effect” [3018–3020]. For spin-dependent most global analyses have relied exclusively on the ef-
PDFs, the different polarizations of the bound nucleons fective polarization ansatz, in which the polarized PDF
and nuclei also need to be taken into account. in the nucleus ∆fi/A is related to the polarized PDFs
In the nuclear impulse approximation, where scat- in the proton and neutron as ∆fi/A ≈ hσip ∆fi/p +
tering takes place incoherently from partons inside indi- hσin ∆fi/n , where hσip(n) is the average polarization of
vidual nucleons, the PDF in a nucleus can be expressed the proton (neutron) in the nucleus. In practice, along
as a convolution of the PDF in a bound nucleon and with polarized protons, only polarized deuterium and
a momentum distribution function fN/A of nucleons 3
He nuclei have been used in DIS experiments. As ex-
in the nucleus [3021–3023]. The momentum distribu- periments at high luminosity facilities such as Jefferson
tion, or “smearing function”, can be computed from Lab at 12 GeV push to explore the higher-x region, nu-
nuclear wave functions, incorporating nuclear binding clear corrections from smearing and off-shell effects will
and Fermi motion effects. Coherent rescattering effects become more relevant.
involving partons in two or more nucleons give rise to
nuclear shadowing corrections to the impulse approx- Uncertainty quantification
imation, and such effects are typically important only There are several sources of PDF uncertainties that
in the small-x region. In general, the relation between enter in global QCD analyses. These include uncer-
PDFs in a nucleus and in a nucleon can be written as tainties on the experimental data, the approximations
X  used in computing the partonic cross sections, and the
fN/A ⊗ fi/N + δ (off) fi/A + δ (shad) fi/A ,

fi/A =
N =p,n
parametrizations used to describe the PDFs. The ex-
perimental errors on the data can be directly propa-
gated to the fitted PDFs. The most common method
where the term δ (off) fi/A represents nucleon off-shell for implementing this is the Hessian method, described
or relativistic corrections that account for modification in Ref. [3035]. The elements of the Hessian matrix are
of the parton structure of the nucleon in the nuclear given by partial derivatives of the χ2 function,
medium. A similar expression can be written for spin-
1 ∂ 2 χ2
dependent PDFs. Hij = , (10.2.16)
At large Q2 the smearing function has a probabilis- 2 ∂ai ∂aj
tic interpretation in terms of the light-cone momen- where ai denotes the ith PDF parameter. The Hessian
tum fraction y of the nucleus carried by the struck nu- matrix is generated during the minimization procedure
cleon. Typically, the function fN/A is steeply peaked and its inverse gives the error matrix. The eigenvectors
around y ≈ 1, becoming broader with increasing mass of the error matrix can then be used to define eigen-
number A as the effects of binding and Fermi motion vector parameter sets, from which the error bands for
become more important. In the limit of zero binding, the PDFs or for specific processes are calculated. An
fN/A (y) → δ(1 − y), and one recovers the free nucleon important point to note is that the error bands gen-
case. This assumption has often been made in global erally depend on a χ2 tolerance. Mathematically, the
PDF analyses. More recently, however, the important expectation is that the 1σ parameter errors correspond
role of nuclear corrections has been more widely ap- to an increase of χ2 by one unit from the minimum
preciated, especially in connection with extractions of value, ∆χ2 = 1. However, it has been suggested [3036]
the free neutron structure function data from measure- that inconsistencies between different data sets should
ments involving deuterons and other light nuclei [3023– be handled by introducing a larger value to be used,
3029]. ∆χ2 > 1. This “χ2 tolerance” varies between groups
For neutrino scattering, to increase the relatively (∆χ2 ∼ 10 − 100), and allowance must be made for this
low rates and obtain sufficient statistics for analyses when comparing the resulting error bands.
such as strange PDF extraction [3030, 3031], experi- On the other hand, it has been argued [3037] that
ments have usually resorted to using heavier nuclear the tolerance criterion effectively changes the likelihood
targets, such as iron or lead. Extractions from such data function, which is usually defined in terms of the χ2
are complicated by the presence of nuclear corrections function. In contrast, neural network based approaches
10.2 Parton distributions 365

suggest that the use of a tolerance criterion is not nec- fitted PDFs must compensate these changes. A closely
essary [3009, 3038–3040]. In practice, the similar size of related issue is the choice of the strong running coupling
the uncertainties obtained in such different approaches αs (MZ ), which is fitted together with the PDF param-
may be coincidental and due to the likelihood deforma- eters in some analyses, and fixed to the global average
tion and resulting uncertainty inflation, as observed in in others. Finally, the choice of data sets and kinematic
a recent comparative study using toy data [3037]. Fur- cuts can of course affect the extracted PDFs, and these
thermore, concern has also been expressed [3041] that choices and the reasons for them need to be assessed
a meta-analysis, such as PDF4LHC [3042], that com- when drawing conclusions from PDF comparisons.
bines existing PDFs from different groups may obscure
the fundamental connection between experimental data 10.2.4 Spin-averaged PDFs
and theory and hide the true meaning of the uncertain-
ties, if these ultimately originate from different choices Using the technology outlined in the previous sections,
of the likelihood function. a number of global QCD analyses efforts have produced
An alternative to the usual linear propagation of sets of unpolarized proton PDFs, with groups in Europe
errors in the Hessian method which avoids ambiguities and the the US at the forefront of the data analyses.
associated with tolerance criteria, and which is useful The European groups include the UK-based MSHT [1110]
for minima that are not well behaved or defined, is the group and the ABM [3045] group, which use standard
Monte Carlo method. To propagate the experimental global fitting methodology; the HERAPDF [3002] anal-
errors a number of replica data sets are randomly gener- ysis, which includes only data from the H1 and ZEUS
ated within the original errors, and these replica sets are experiments at HERA; and previously the Dortmund [3046]
then fitted with the resulting replica PDF sets treated group, which pioneered the approach of dynamically
using standard statistics [3039]. The central values are generating PDFs through Q2 evolution from a low input
computed as the averages over replicas, while the un- scale. More recently, the NNPDF [3043] collaboration
certainties are given by the envelope of predictions. introduced an approach based on neural networks.
In practice, the data resampling method has been US-based efforts have centered around the CTEQ
used by the NNPDF [983, 3043] and JAM [628, 984, collaboration, which involves two derivative analyses of
3029] collaborations, although these groups differ in nucleon PDFs, by the CT (CTEQ-Tung et al.) [626] and
their approach to PDF parametrizatios. While the JAM CJ (CTEQ-Jefferson Lab) [3027] groups. The former fo-
collaboration uses a traditional polynomial functional cuses more on LHC-related phenomenology, while the
form for the function P (x) in Eq. (10.2.9), the NNPDF latter has developed methodologies needed for describ-
group implements a similar basic parametric form that ing data over a broad energy range including the low-Q2
is supplemented by a series of trained neural network and W domain. The Jefferson Lab-based JAM [3029,
weights. The dependence on the functional form for the 3047] collaboration uses a Monte Carlo approach with
PDF can be minimized by choosing a flexible parametriza- simultaneous determination of PDFs and other types
tion with parameters that are well-constrained by data. of distributions, such as fragmentation functions and
Outside of kinematic regions covered by data, the PDFs spin-dependent PDFs. In the following we illustrate the
are not constrained, and care must be taken when using current state of knowledge of the spin-averaged proton
them in extrapolated regions at small or large x. PDFs, including the u and d valence quark distributions
The approximations made in computing partonic and the flavor structure of the proton sea.
cross sections naturally introduce uncertainties in PDFs,
although these can be rather difficult to quantify reli- Valence quark distributions
ably. One of these is the uncertainty arising from the Valence quarks give the global properties of the nu-
truncation of the perturbative series. These can be esti- cleon, such as its baryon number and charge. Knowl-
mated to some extent by comparing LO, NLO, NNLO, edge of their momentum distributions is important for
and recently even approximate N3 LO [3044] fits, al- many reasons, especially at high values of x, where a
though not all processes are known to the same accu- single quark carries most of the nucleon’s momentum.
racy. The topic of “missing higher order uncertainties” The large-x region is a unique testing ground, for ex-
and how to estimate them has in fact attracted some ample, for various nonperturbative models of the nu-
attention recently in global PDF fitting efforts [3000]. cleon [1092, 1341, 3024, 3048, 3049]. Reliable determi-
Perturbative QCD calculations also depend to some nation of PDFs at large x is also important for searches
degree on the choices made for the renormalization and for new physics beyond the Standard Model in collider
factorization scales for each physical process. The choices experiments at the LHC [3041, 3050].
will change the results for different processes, and the

Light quark sea

Because inclusive DIS measures only C-even combina-
tions of PDFs, q + , to disentangle quark from antiquark
contributions requires other types of observables, such
as the DY cross sections, where the q and q̄ PDFs are
weighted differently. As discussed in Sec. 10.2.2, ratios
of pd to pp cross sections at xa  xb are directly sen-
sitive to the ratio d/ū.
¯ The flavor asymmetry d¯ − ū
is illustrated in Fig. 10.2.5, which shows the impact
of various data sets. Starting with inclusive DIS data
Fig. 10.2.3 Valence u and d quark PDFs versus x from sev- only and excluding data from the NMC experiment,
eral global QCD analyses: JAM21 [3029], NNPDF [627], ABMP the asymmetry is consistent with zero within large un-
[3045], CJ15 [3027], and CT18 [626] at a scale Q2 = 10 GeV2 . certainties. Including the NMC data [3056, 3057], the
asymmetry gives an indication of deviation from zero
The valence u and d PDFs are illustrated in Fig. 10.2.3 in the range 0.01 < x < 0.2. When W -lepton, recon-
from several PDF groups. The u quark PDF is fairly structed W and Z boson, and jet production data from
well constrained (due to its larger charge) by the rel- RHIC, Tevatron, and LHC are further included (but not
atively abundant proton DIS data that have been col- the new STAR data [3058]), the asymmetry becomes
lected over several decades at SLAC, CERN, DESY and significantly larger, and more distinguishable from zero
Jefferson Lab. The d quark distribution, on the other below x = 0.3.
hand, relies in addition on neutron structure functions, The new constraints come primarily from the high
whose determination requires both proton and deuteron precision W asymmetry measurements from the Teva-
DIS data. Studies of nuclear effects in the deuteron sug- tron and LHC, which are sensitive to ū and d. ¯ The
gest that the uncertainties related to nucleon interac- further addition of the NuSea DY data [3059] greatly
tions increase significantly at large x [3024], leading to decreases the uncertainty, showing that these data pro-
large uncertainties in the d/u PDF ratio for x & 0.6, as vide a strong constraint on the asymmetry even when
Fig. 10.2.4 illustrates. Inclusion of tagged deuteron data compared to the Tevatron and LHC W -lepton asymme-
from the BONuS experiment at Jefferson Lab [3051, tries. Finally, the inclusion of the new SeaQuest [3060]
3052], and in particular the lepton and W boson asym- and STAR [3058] data reduces the uncertainty on the
metry data from pp̄ collisions at the Tevatron [3053– asymmetry even further, while increasing the magni-
3055], reduces the uncertainty considerably in the ex- tude at x & 0.2. The behavior of the asymmetry seen in
perimentally constrained region up to x ∼ 0.8. Fig. 10.2.5 is consistent with expectations from nonper-
turbative models of the nucleon in which the excess of d¯
over ū in the proton sea has been that associated with
0.5 chiral symmetry breaking, and the consequent preva-
DIS only lence of the virtual p → nπ + dissociation [3061–3063].
+ ` asym (& Z rap)
Strange quarks
+ W asym
0.3 The strange quark distribution has generally been more
difficult to determine experimentally than the nonstrange

0.2 sea. While the size of the strange to nonstrange ra-

tio Rs has been controversial, with values ranging from
0.1 Rs ≈ 0.4 in neutrino DIS at x ≈ 0.02 to Rs ≈ 1 from
CJ15 ATLAS data on W/Z production [3003, 3004], an in-
0.0 dependent and underutilized source of information at
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 lower energies is semi-inclusive production of pions or
x kaons. Analysis of SIDIS data has often been compli-
Fig. 10.2.4 Impact of various data sets on the d/u ratio at cated by the need to know both the PDFs of the ini-
Q2 = 10 GeV2 , using the CJ15 PDFs set [3027]. tial state and the fragmentation functions describing
hadronization to the final state, as assumptions about
the latter can lead to significant differences in the ex-
tracted PDFs [3064, 3065]. For any definitive conclu-
sion a combined analysis of PDFs and fragmentation
10.2 Parton distributions 367

Fig. 10.2.5 Comparison of x(d¯ − ū) with different combina-

tions of datasets [3047]: DIS only, excluding NMC (gold band);
with NMC (gray); with W , Z, and jet production from RHIC,
Tevatron, and the LHC (green); with NuSea (blue); and finally
with the SeaQuest DY and STAR W -lepton ratio (red). Fig. 10.2.6 Sum and difference of the s and s̄ PDFs from
several global QCD analyses, as in Fig. 10.2.3.

functions is necessary, which was first performed by the

JAM group [628, 3005]. 4
Including data from the standard datasets used for ABMP16
unpolarized PDFs, along with SIDIS multiplicities and 3
e+ e− annihilation data to constrain the fragmentation
functions [3066], the most striking result of the simul- 2
taneous JAM fit was a significantly reduced strange xg
quark PDF compared with that reported by ATLAS, as Q2 = 10 GeV2
Fig. 10.2.6 illustrates. The strange to nonstrange ratio 0
was found to be Rs ≈ 0.2 − 0.3 at x ∼ 0.02, in contrast 0.01 0.1 0.5
to values of Rs ∼ 1 inferred from the ATLAS data, and x
closer to those extracted from neutrino experiments.
Fig. 10.2.7 Unpolarized gluon PDF xg from various QCD
The most significant source of the strange suppression
global analyses at a scale of Q2 = 10 GeV2 from several global
is the SIDIS and SIA K production data. Without these QCD analyses, as in Fig. 10.2.3.
data, the s+ PDF is poorly constrained, in contrast to
the light flavor sea, which is not strongly affected by the
SIDIS multiplicities. Consequently, while the ratio Rs straints on quark PDFs through the momentum sum
varies over a large range without SIDIS (and SIA) data, rule, Eq. (10.2.11). Since photons do not couple directly
and at low x is compatible with Rs ≈ 1, once those data to gluons, the constraints on the gluon PDF g(x) from
are included its spread becomes dramatically reduced. DIS come via the Q2 evolution of the F2 structure func-
The SIDIS K ± production data could also in princi- tion at low values of x. In addition, measurements at
ple discriminate between the s and s̄ PDFs, which could HERA of the longitudinal structure function, which has
have different x dependence [3067–3072]. As shown in a leading contribution at O(αs ) through the γ ∗ g → q q̄
Fig. 10.2.6, however, the current data do not indicate process, have allowed g(x) to be relatively well deter-
any significant s − s̄ asymmetry within uncertainties. mined at low x. More directly, inclusive jet and photon
Future high-precision SIDIS data from Jefferson Lab production cross sections at hadron colliders have con-
or the Electron-Ion Collider may allow more stringent strained g(x) at moderate x values, although there is
determinations of the s and s̄ PDFs [3073], as would in- somewhat more uncertainty in the behavior at high x.
clusion of W + charm production data from the LHC A survey of various determinations of the gluon PDF at
[3074, 3075]. Q2 = 10 GeV2 is illustrated in Fig. 10.2.7 for the same
set of PDF parametrizations as in Fig. 10.2.3.
Gluons and heavy quarks Since that the gluon PDF is accompanied by αs in
Gluons play an important role in the study of nucleon DIS structure functions, in practice there is a corre-
structure, contributing some 50% of the nucleon’s over- lation between the value of αs obtained in global PDF
all (linear) momentum, and indirectly provide some con- analyses and the shape of gluon distribution, with larger

αs leading to a smaller g(x) at small x and (via the mo- individual ∆u+ and ∆d+ PDFs are significantly larger
mentum sum rule correlation) a larger g(x) at large x. than assuming in addition the SU(3) symmetry relation
An interesting question is whether αs should be fit- (10.2.13) involving also the strange polarization ∆s+ .
ted as a parameter in global analyses or, since it is a This is illustrated in Fig. 10.2.8 for the JAM para-
parameter of the QCD Lagrangian and should be the metrization [984], which also shows the result of a fit
same for all processes, fixed to the world average value that enforces in addition positivity constraints on the
for αs (MZ ). Comparisons of results with αs (MZ ) fitted unpolarized PDFs. Whether spin-averaged PDFs need
or fixed may indicate which processes are responsible to be positive beyond LO in αs has been debated re-
for any differences [3046]. cently in the literature [3093], and generally it is under-
A related question is the shape of heavy quark PDFs, stood that the positivity constraint should hold only at
such as the charm distribution, which is known to con- LO [3094]. The general features of the ∆u+ and ∆d+
tribute ∼ 30% of the total F2 measured at HERA at PDFs in Fig. 10.2.8 are similar to those found by other
small x values. Here the main production mechanism global QCD analysis groups [983, 3087], which reflects
is photon-gluon fusion, so that data on inclusive charm the common origin in the constraints on these PDFs
production could also provide valuable constraints on from proton and neutron DIS data. In contrast, with-
the gluon PDF in the nucleon. The question of whether out the additional assumption of SU(3) symmetry [982,
there is a sizable nonperturbative charm component 3095], the strange helicity PDF remains largely uncon-
at a low energy input scale [3076–3080] also remains strained [984, 1296].
controversial [3081–3083], with recent analyses claim-
ing both positive [3084] and negative evidence [3085]. Polarized sea quarks
Since inclusive polarized DIS experiments measure C-
10.2.5 Spin-dependent PDFs even combinations of PDFs, ∆q + , additional constraints,
either from theory or experiment, are needed to sepa-
Considerable progress has been made in understanding rate the individual quark and antiquark distributions.
the spin structure of the nucleon since the first preci- Additional experimental constraints come from the semi-
sion polarized DIS experiments at CERN in the late inclusive production of hadrons, in which spin-dependent
1980s indicated an anomalously small fraction of the PDFs are weighted by fragmentation functions, as well
proton spin carried by quarks. A rich program of spin- as particle production in polarized hadron collisions,
dependent inclusive and semi-inclusive DIS, as well as which involve products of spin-dependent (and spin-
polarized proton-proton scattering experiments has fol- averaged) PDFs.
lowed, vastly improving our knowledge of spin-dependent The strongest constraints on the polarization of the
PDFs of the nucleon over the last two decades. While sea have come from recent W -lepton production data
the spin-dependent data have not been as abundant from polarized protons collisions at RHIC [3096–3098].
as those available for constraining spin-averaged PDFs, The effect of the polarized W data is a clear nonzero
several dedicated global QCD analyses of spin-dependent antiquark asymmetry ∆ū − ∆d¯ for 0.01 . x . 0.3,
PDFs to be performed. The main current global efforts
include the DSSV group [1295, 3086, 3087], the NNPDF
collaboration [983, 3088], and the JAM collaboration 0.4 SU(2)
[982, 3089], extending earlier efforts by the LSS [3064],
BB [3090], KATAO [3091] and AAC [3092] groups.
0.2 SU(3)+pos
Polarized valence quarks
As for the unpolarized PDFs, the spin-dependent ∆u+ 0.0
distribution is the most strongly constrained helicity
PDF, largely by the proton g1 structure function data. x∆d+
The corresponding ∆d+ distribution, which has a neg- −0.2
0.01 0.1 0.5
ative sign, is smaller in magnitude compared with ∆u+
and has larger relative uncertainties, especially at in-
termediate and large values of x. The size of the uncer- Fig. 10.2.8 Polarized x∆u+ and x∆d+ PDFs from the JAM
tainties depends somewhat on the theoretical assump- analysis [984] for various scenarios: assuming SU(2) symme-
tions made for the distributions. For example, if one try (10.2.12) (yellow bands), SU(3) symmetry (10.2.13) (blue
bands), and in addition the PDF positivity constraint (red
assumes only the SU(2) symmetry constraint (10.2.12) bands).
for the difference ∆u+ − ∆d+ , the uncertainties on the
10.2 Parton distributions 369

can depend strongly on the constraints imposed. In-

terestingly, without restricting PDFs to be positive and
assuming SU(3) flavor symmetry for the axial vector
charges, existing polarized data allow solutions contain-
ing negative gluon polarization, in addition to the stan-
dard positive gluon solutions found in earlier analyses,
giving equally acceptable descriptions of the data. A
negative gluon polarization would imply rather large
quark or gluon orbital angular momentum contribu-
Fig. 10.2.9 Polarized sea quark asymmetry x(∆ū − ∆d)
¯ from tions, in order to satisfy the proton spin sum rule. It
the JAM [3089], NNPDF [983] and DSSV [3087] analyses. will be important to verify the sign and magnitude of
the gluon polarization in future experiments [3103], as
SU(2) SU(3) SU(3)+pos well as explore possible insight gained from lattice QCD
calculations [3104].

0.2 10.2.6 Outlook


0.0 Our knowledge of the detailed partonic structure of

the nucleon has improved tremendously in recent years,
−0.2 thanks to high precision experiments and advances in
computational and data analysis methods. With planned
Q2 = 10 GeV2 measurements at facilities such as Jefferson Lab, the
0.01 0.1 0.5 LHC, and the future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) [3105],
x we can look forward to further breakthroughs in ad-
dressing long-standing questions about the momentum
Fig. 10.2.10 Monte Carlo replicas for the gluon helicity PDF and spin distributions of quarks and gluons in the nu-
x∆g fitted under various theory assumptions according to the
SU(2) (yellow lines), SU(3) (blue lines) and SU(3)+positivity cleon.
(red lines) scenarios [984]. The new experiments will probe hitherto unexplored
corners of kinematics in which PDFs have been difficult
to determine. An example is the behavior of PDFs and
as Fig. 10.2.9 illustrates for the recent JAM analy-
PDF ratios such as ∆q + /q + in the limit as x → 1,
sis [3089]. Qualitatively similar, although not as pro-
which are particularly sensitive to the details of non-
nounced, behavior was also observed in the earlier DSSV
perturbative quark-gluon dynamics [3024, 3106]. The
[3087] and NNPDF [983] fits, although these made stron-
new data will allow one to test basic theoretical as-
ger theoretical assumptions about PDF positivity and
sumptions such as SU(2) and SU(3) symmetry, PDF
SU(3) symmetry. The observed polarized sea asymme-
positivity, and charge symmetry in PDFs. The latter,
try is also similar to expectations from some nonper-
which is expected to be broken by light quark mass dif-
turbative models of the nucleon [3099–3102].
ferences, mu 6= md , and by electromagnetic corrections,
will need to be taken into account if one hopes for PDF
Polarized gluons
accuracy at the few-percent level. Further inroads into
The sign and magnitude of the gluon polarization is
solving the proton spin puzzle, through the determina-
a critical component to understanding the decomposi-
tion of the total spin contributions from quarks, anti-
tion of the proton’s spin amongst its quark and gluon
quarks and gluons, will require measurements of spin
constituents. The first clear indication of a positive ∆g
structure functions down to smaller values of x [3107,
came from analysis of RHIC jet production data in po-
3108], which will be one of the focuses of the EIC pro-
larized proton-proton collisions, which were used by the
gram [3105].
DSSV group to extract a nonzero signal for gluon mo-
The aim of few-percent precision in PDFs will also
mentum fractions between x ≈ 0.05 and ≈ 0.2. More re-
require a more systematic treatment of radiative ef-
cently, the JAM collaboration [984] performed a simul-
fects, which in the past have been treated using approx-
taneous global fit to unpolarized and polarized data,
imate prescriptions. Recently, a combined QED+QCD
testing in particular the sensitivity to theoretical as-
approach to factorization has been developed [3109],
sumptions about axial charges and PDF positivity.
and while the differences with the traditional methods
The results of the simultaneous analysis, illustrated
are not large for inclusive processes, for more exclu-
in Fig. 10.2.10, show that indeed the gluon helicity

sive reactions, such as semi-inclusive DIS [3110], the polarized DIS are very different from those in the con-
simultaneous paradigm of self-consistently incorporat- stituent quark models, and that QCD has a much more
ing QED and QCD effects and determining different sophisticated way to build up the proton spin.
types of distributions within the same analysis will be Understanding the nucleon spin in QCD remains an
necessary. important challenge in hadron structure physics, partic-
Along with the new measurements, it is likely that ularly, in experiment. In the following, we will briefly
complementary information will be needed from lattice review the current status and future perspective for this
QCD simulations, especially for quantities that will be topic, focusing on the questions such as: does it make
difficult to access from experiment. Indeed, the first ex- sense to talk about the different parts of the proton
ploratory simultaneous analyses of experimental and spin? What will be an interesting decomposition for the
lattice data have already been made recently [1094, spin? To what extent do we believe that we can measure
3111]. Future success in mapping out and understand- these parts experimentally? How can we calculate these
ing the quark and gluon structure of the proton will contributions in fundamental theory and put them to
thus require a coordinated effort on the multiple fronts experimental tests?
of experiment, theory, lattice simulation, and data anal-
ysis. 10.3.1 Spin sum rules in QCD

Angular momentum (AM) or spin structure of a com-

10.3 Spin structure posite system can be studied through various contribu-
tions to the total. In quantum field theories, the indi-
Xiangdong Ji
vidual parts are renormalization scale and scheme de-
pendent, although the total is not. The most popular
The nucleon (proton and neutron) is a spin-1/2 com-
convention in the literature is to use dimensional regu-
posite particle made from three valence quarks. Every
larization and modified minimal subtraction, indicated
model of the nucleon gives an explanation for its spin
by the dependence on the scale µ. To understand the
structure [3112–3116], from the Skyrme model [3112],
proton spin, we can start from QCD AM operator ex-
to Gell-Mann and Zweig’s quark model [3113, 3114],
pressed in terms of individual sources,
and to many other models popular in 70’s and 80’s [3115,
3116]. The simplest and most successful one is the quark (10.3.2)
J~QCD = J~α (µ) .
model which, among others, inspired the discovery of α
QCD [50], predicted that the entire nucleon spin is car-
Through the above, one can express the total spin 1/2
ried out by the three valence quarks [26, 2666, 3117].
as contributions from different parts. This has been one
The non-relativistic quark model has indeed a simple
of the main methods to explore the origins of the proton
explanation for the nucleon spin and the associate mag-
spin in the literature. Since the individual contributions
netic moments [26], also for their excited states [2666]:
are the expectation values of the AM sources in the
Three constituent quarks are all in the s-wave orbit
entire wave function, they are neither integers nor half-
in the nucleon, and their spins couple to 1/2 in a way
integers: they are the quantum mechanical average of
consistent with the SU(2spin × 3flavor ), a combined spin-
probability amplitudes.
flavor symmetry group [3117].
There exists more than one way to split the AM
The quark-model picture for the spin was put under
and derive spin sum rules for the proton. However, a
a test through polarized deep-inelastic scattering (DIS)
physically-interesting spin sum rule shall have the fol-
on a polarized proton [3118]. The EMC collaboration
lowing properties:
made the first definitive measurement for the fraction of
the proton spin carried by quarks in 1987 [3119, 3120],
Experimental Measurability
and the result
The overwhelming interest in the proton spin began
∆Σ(Q2 = 10.7GeV2 ) = 0.060 ± 0.047 ± 0.069, (10.3.1) with the EMC data. Much of the followup experiments,
including polarized RHIC [3126], Jefferson Lab 12 GeV
is consistent with zero. The discrepancy has inspired upgrade [3127] and Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) [820,
large amount of experimental and theoretical studies 3128], have been partially motivated to search a full
which have been summarized in a number of excellent understanding of the proton spin.
reviews [3121–3125]. Perhaps the most important les-
son we have learned is that the QCD quarks probed in
10.3 Spin structure 371

Frame Dependence which is boost-invariant along the z-direction. This is a

Since spin is an intrinsic property of a particle, one starting point to construct helicity sum rules. Since the
naturally searches for a description of its structure inde- helicity is independent of momentum, the individual
pendent of a reference frame. How the individual contri- contributions are generally sub-leading order in high-
butions depend on the proton momentum or reference energy scattering.
frame requires understanding of the Lorentz transfor- For transverse polarization along the x-direction,
mation properties of J~α . Moreover, the longitudinal and ~sx = (1, 0, 0) , and Eq. (10.3.7) becomes
transverse spins behave differently under frame trans-
formation and therefore have very different experimen- hP Sx |γ(J x − βK y )|P Sx i = 1/2 , (10.3.9)
tal implications. Since the proton structure probed in which contains the boost operator K y from the trans-
high-energy scattering is best described in the infinite formation of J x under the Lorentz boost along z. Since
momentum frame (IMF), a partonic picture of the spin K~ and J~ transform under Lorentz tranformation as
is phenomenologically interesting to explore. (1, 0) + (0, 1), we can deduce separate relations:
In the rest frame, the proton state |P~ = 0, ~si can be
defined with the angular momentum quantized along ~s, hP Sx |J x |P Sx i = γ/2

E E hP Sx |K y |P Sx i = γβ/2 ,
~s · J~ P~ = 0, ~s = 1/2 P~ = 0, ~s , (10.3.3)

true as expectation values. Therefore a transverse po-
larization sum rule from the AM operator starts from
where we have dropped the “QCD” subscript on J. ~
Boosting the above to an arbitrary Lorentz frame, one
has (~ = 1) hP Sx |J x |P Sx i = γ/2 . (10.3.10)
(−W µ Sµ )|P Si = 1/2|P Si , (10.3.4) Because the transverse angular momentum J x depends
on the longitudinal momentum of the proton, its expec-
where |P Si have definite four-momentum P µ and spin
tation value grows under boost, a fact less appreciated
polarization four-vector S µ , S µ = (γ~s · β,
~ ~s + (γ − 1)~s ·
in the literature.
β̂ β̂) with S Sµ = −1, P Sµ = 0, β̂ the direction of
µ µ
To obtain a spin sum rule, we need an expression
β~ = ~v /c, γ = (1 − β 2 )−1/2 the boost factor, and W µ for the QCD AM operator. It can be derived through
is the relativistic spin (or Pauli-Lubanski) four-vector Noether’s theorem based on space-time symmetry of
(0123 = 1) [3129] the QCD lagrangian density. Straightforward calcula-
W µ = − 12 µαλσ Jαλ Pσ /M, (10.3.5) tion yields the canonical AM expression [3130]
~ J~ + K
= γ(J~ · β, ~
~ × β) (10.3.6)
J~QCD = d3 ~x ψf† 12 Σψ
~ f + ψ † ~x × (−i∂)ψ~ f
where K~ is the Lorentz-boost operator defined in terms i
+E~a × A ~ i ,
~ a + E i (~x × ∂)A (10.3.11)
of the 0 i components of the Lorentz generator J αβ . In a a

the second line of the equation, we have replaced the where ψf is a quark field of flavor f ,Σ ~ = diag(~σ , ~σ )
four-momentum operator Pσ by its eigenvalue speci- with ~σ the Pauli matrices, Aa vector potentials of gauge
fying a Lorentz frame β.~ One can use Eq. (10.3.4) to
fields with color a = 1, ...8, Eai color electric fields, and
develop spin sum rules in any frame, the contraction of flavor and color indices is implied.
hP S|(−W µ Sµ )|P Si = 1/2 , (10.3.7) The above expression contains four different terms, each
of which has clear physical meaning in free-field theory.
by expressing the left-hand side as the sums of expecta- The first term corresponds to the quark spin, the sec-
tion values. Thus the covariant spin is not only related ond to the quark orbital angular momentum (OAM),
to the AM operator but also to the boost K. ~ However,
the third to the gluon spin, and the last one to the gluon
it is desirable to develop a spin picture in terms of the OAM. Apart from the first term, the rest are not man-
AM operator alone in a general Lorentz frame. ifestly gauge-invariant under the general gauge trans-
Without loss of generality, one can assume the pro- formation Aµ → U (x) (Aµ + (i/g)∂ µ ) U † (x). However,
ton momentum is along the z-direction P~ z = (0, 0, P z ). the total is invariant under the gauge transformation
In the case of longitudinal polarization, one has ~sz = up to a surface term at infinity which can be ignored in
(0, 0, 1), −W µ Sµ = J z , and Eq. (10.3.7) becomes the physical state matrix elements.
total helicity,

hP Sz |J z |P Sz i = 1/2 , (10.3.8)

On the other hand, using the Belinfante improve- where ∆q(x) is the quark helicity distribution function.
ment procedure (Belinfante, 1939) one can obtain a Moreover, ∆G has been defined and measured exper-
gauge-invariant form [1085], imentally as the first moment of the gauge-invariant
Z  polarized gluon distribution [3133]
J~QCD = d3 x ψf† Σψ † ~ − g A)ψ
x × (−i∇
f + ψf ~
~ f Z 1
2 2
i ∆G(Q ) = dx ∆g(x, Q2 ) ,
~ × B)
+~x × (E ~ , (10.3.12) 0
i dλ iλx
∆g(x) = e
All terms are manifestly gauge invariant, with the sec- 2x(P + )2 2π
ond term as mechanical or kinetic OAM, and the third × hP S|F +α (0)W (0, λn)F̃α+ (λn)|P Si ,
term gluon AM. (10.3.16)

Helicity sum rule where F̃ αβ = 12 αβµν Fµν , and the light-cone gauge link
Using Eq. (10.3.8) and the gauge-invariant QCD AM W (λn, 0) is defined in the adjoint representation of SU(3).
in Eq.( 10.3.12), one can can write down a helicity sum In the light-cone gauge A+ = 0, the nonlocal operator
rule [1085], in Eq. (10.3.16) reduces to the free-field form in the
Jaffe-Manohar sum rule. Additionally, one can write a
∆Σ(µ) + Lzq (µ) + Jg (µ) = 1/2 (10.3.13) parton sum rule for each of the OAM contributions
Z 1
where ∆Σ/2 is the quark helicity contribution, and Lzq `q = dx`q (x) , (10.3.17)
is quark OAM contribution. Together, they give the to- −1
tal quark AM contribution Jq . The last term, Jg , is 1
`g = dx`g (x) , (10.3.18)
the gluon contribution. Both contributions can be ob- −1
tained from the twist-two form factors of the energy-
momentum tensor T µν [1085] (see below). One impor- which give a more detailed picture of AM distributions
tant feature of the above sum rule is that it is indepen- in partons compared with the frame-independent sum
dent of the proton’s momentum [3131]. This is an im- rule above.
portant feature because the sources of the proton spin It appears that one can define a gauge-variant quan-
does not depend on observer’s reference frame so long tity which can be measured in experiment! This has in-
as helicity is a good quantum number. spired much debate about the gauge symmetry proper-
On the other hand, the canonical form of the AM ties of the gluon spin operator and myriads of experimentally-
operator in Eq.(10.3.11) allows deriving an infinite num- unaccessible spin sum rules [3124]. It turns out, how-
ber of helicity sum rules with choices of gauges and/or ever, that the key is not about generalizing the concept
frames of reference [3124, 3132]. The usefulness of such of gauge invariance, it is about the proton state in the
sum rules are questionable as they are not relevant to IMF [3134]. In particular, A+ = 0 is a physical gauge
experiment. However, the gluon spin contribution in the as it leaves the transverse polarizations of the radia-
IMF and light-cone gauge A+ = 0 is measurable. Jaffe tion field intact. This justifies the physical meaning of
~ ×A ~=E ~⊥ × A~ ⊥ as the gluon spin (helicity) operator
and Manohar proposed a canonical spin sum rule in a E
nucleon state with P z = ∞ [3130], in the Jaffe-Manohar sum rule.
Comparing the two helicity sum rules Eqs. (10.3.13)
∆Σ + ∆G + `q + `g =
(10.3.14) and (10.3.14) above, they must be related in some way
2 2 in the IMF. In fact, their relation is [3135, 3136]
where ∆G is the gluon helicity and `q,g are quark and
Jg = ∆G + `g + `int (10.3.19)
gluon OAM, respectively. Considerable attention has
been given to the above sum rule because of its rele- Lq = `q − `int (10.3.20)
vance to high-energy scattering. For example, the total
where `int represents the interaction AM and does not
quark helicity contribution can be written in terms of
have a simple parton interpretation.
parton sum rule,
Z 1 Transverse spin sum rules
∆Σ = dx(∆u(x) + ∆d(x) + ....) , (10.3.15) For transverse polarization, a spin sum rule is less straight-
forward and much controversy exists in the literature [3124,
3137]. First of all, the transversely-polarized proton is
10.3 Spin structure 373

not an eigenstate of the transverse AM operator. Sec- `qT and `gT are the corresponding twist-three trans-
ond, the expectation value of the transverse AM has a verse OAM densities. Because of Lorentz symmetry, the
intriguing frame dependence due to the center-of-mass values of these integrated quantities with T are exactly
contribution, which must be properly subtracted. Fi- the same as the ones without T in Jaffe-Manohar sum
nally, there are two contributions to the transverse AM rule. However, the parton densities for the transversely
which transform differently under Lorentz boost and polarized proton are different from those in the longitu-
must combine properly to generate the total result. The dinally polarized one. For instance, for the quark spin,
delicate balance of two contributions entails two sepa- the difference is the well-known g2 (x) structure func-
rate transverse spin sum rules. tion.
The transverse spin has a simple frame-independent
sum rule [3138], 10.3.2 Lattice Calculations
Jq + Jg = 1/2 , (10.3.21) At present, the only systematic approach to solve the
which is the same as the helicity sum rule due to Lorentz QCD proton structure is the lattice field theory [80],
symmetry. One can separate the contributions to the see, Sec. 4. There are less systematic approaches such as
quark into spin and orbit ones, however, such a separa- Schwinger-Dyson (Bethe-Salpeter) equations [765] and
tion is frame-dependent and therefore less interesting. instanton liquid models [1371] in which a certain trun-
In the IMF, the above sum rule becomes partonic cation is needed to find a solution, see, Sec. 5. Although
sum rules [3137, 3139], much progress has been made in these other directions,
we focus on the lattice QCD method.
A complete physical calculation on the lattice faces
Z 1
Jq = dxJq (x) , (10.3.22)
a number of obstacles. First the angular momentum is
Z 1 flavor-singlet quantity, and as such, one needs to com-
Jg = dxJg (x) , (10.3.23) pute the disconnected diagrams for the quarks. Since
up and down quarks are light, computational demands
where Jq (x) and Jg (x) are twist-2 transverse angular at the physical pion mass are very high. Moreover, one
momentum densities of the quarks and gluons. They also has to compute gluon observables to complete the
are related to quark and gluon unpolarized densities picture, which is known to be very noisy. At the same
and generalized parton distributions through Jq (x) = time, one needs to keep the lattice space sufficiently
(1/2)x(q(x)+Eq (x)) and Jg (x) = (1/2)x(g(x)+Eg (x)). small and the physical volume large enough. All of these
The second transverse spin sum rule can best be add up to an extremely challenging task. However, a
discussed in the IMF, where there is a sub-leading par- computation with all these issues considered has be-
tonic sum rule for the transverse spin, corresponding to come possible recently, see for example Ref. [3146]. An
the twist-three part of the canonical angular momen- additional challenge is present in computing light-cone
tum density J ⊥ in Eq. (10.3.11). In a simple form, one correlations with a real time variable. The recent devel-
can write [3140] opment of large-momentum effective theory (LaMET)
has opened the door for such computations [600, 601,
1 1
∆ΣT + ∆GT + `qT + `gT = . (10.3.24) 609].
2 2 The matrix elements of local operators, ∆Σ, Jq and
The various terms have partonic interpretations in the Jg are relatively simple to calculate using the stan-
IMF, dard lattice QCD technology. Much progress has been
Z 1 made in understanding the content of manifestly gauge-
∆ΣT = dxgT (x) , (10.3.25) invariant helicity sum rule in Eq.(10.3.13), and also the
−1 transverse spin sum rule in Eq.(10.3.21).
The first calculations have been about the ∆Σ from
∆GT = dx∆GT (x) , (10.3.26)
−1 different quark flavors. A large amount of work has been
Z 1 summarized in a recent review [3147]. Three most re-
`qT = dx`qT (x) , (10.3.27) cent calculations are in Refs. [3141–3143], with some
Z 1 at the physical quark mass. Table 10.3.1 is taken from
`gT = dx`gT (x) , (10.3.28) Ref. [3145] and shows a summary of the recent lat-
−1 tice results on the quark helicity. The strange quark
contribution was also calculated in Ref. [3148, 3149]
where gT (x) = g1 (x) + g2 (x) and GT (x) are transverse
through the anomalous Ward identity, and ∆s + ∆s̄ =
spin densities of quarks and gluons, respectively, and

∆u ∆d ∆s gA = ∆u − ∆d ∆(u + d)(CI) ∆(u/d)(DI) ∆Σ
Cyprus 0.830(26)(4) -0.386(16)(6) -0.042(10)(2) 1.216(31)(7) 0.598(24)(6) -0.077(15)(5) 0.402(34)(10)
χQCD 0.846(18)(32) -0.410(16)(18) -0.035(8)(7) 1.256(16)(30) 0.580(16)(30) -0.072(12)(15) 0.401(25)(37)
PNDME 0.777(25)(30) -0.438(18)(30) -0.053(8) 1.218(25)(30) 0.286(62)(72)
de Florian et al.
0.793+0.011 −0.416+0.011 −0.012+0.020 0.366+0.015
(Q2 =10 GeV2 ) −0.012 −0.009 −0.024 −0.018

0.76(4) -0.41(4) -0.10(8) 0.25(10)
(Q2 =10 GeV2 )
[0.82, 0.85] [−0.45, −0.42] [−0.11, −0.08] 1.22(5)(10) [0.26, 0.36]
(Q2 =3 GeV2 )
Table 10.3.1 Results of quark spin for the u, d and s flavors from three recent lattice calculations by the Cyprus group [3141],
χQCD[3142], PNDME [3143] in the MS scheme at 2 GeV are listed. ∆(u + d)(CI) and ∆(u + d)(DI) are the spins of the u and d
quarks in the connected insertion (CI) and disconnected insertion (DI). Three analyses of experiments from de Florian et al. [1295],
NNPDF [983] and COMPASS [3144] are also listed for comparison. Source: Ref.[3145].

−0.0403(44)(78). The total quark spin contribution to 0.6

the proton helicity is about 40%.
To calculate the total quark orbital and gluon AM

contributions, one can start with the AM density, M µνλ , 0.4
of QCD, from which the AM operator is defined. It
is well-known that the AM density is related to the 0.3
Jqp + , g

energy-momentum tensor (EMT) T µν through [3130],


M µνλ (x) = xν T µλ − xλ T µν .


The individual contributions to the EMT, hence AM
density, can be written as the sum of quark and gluon u+ d+ s+ c+ g Total

parts, q+ = u, d, s, c

T µν = Tqµν + Tgµν , (10.3.30)

1 h (µ − → ←− i
Tqµν = ψ̄γ i D ν) ψ + ψ̄γ (µ i D ν) ψ , (10.3.31)
Tgµν = F 2 g µν − F µα F ν α , (10.3.32)
where Tq includes quarks of all flavor. The expectation
values of the AM densities can be derived from the off-
forward matrix elements of EMT [1085],
hP 0 S|Tq/g (0)|P Si = Ū (P 0 S) Aq/g (∆2 )γ (µ P̄ ν)
Fig. 10.3.1 (upper) Proton spin decomposition in terms of
P̄ (µ iσ ν)α ∆α ∆µ ∆ν − g µν ∆2 different quark flavors and gluon from Ref. [3146]. (lower) Spin
+ Bq/g (∆ ) + Cq/g (∆2 ) decomposition in terms of quark helicity, OAM and gluon con-
2M M tributions from Ref. [3158].
+C̄q/g (∆2 )M g µν U (P S) , (10.3.33)

where P̄ = (P + P 0 )/2, ∆ = P 0 − P , and A, B, C and

C̄ are four independent form factors. It has been shown therefore about 40% of the proton spin must be carried
that by the gluon. Following other quenched studies [3151,
3152], dynamical simulations took over [3153–3157]. A
Jq = 1/2(Aq (0) + Bq (0)) (10.3.34) complete study of the angular momentum decomposi-
tion was made in Ref. [3148] in quenched formalism,
and similarly for the gluon.
and later in Ref. [3141]. It was found that the quark
The calculation of the total quark and gluon an-
orbital angular momentum contributes about 47% and
gular momenta started from Ref. [3150] in which the
gluon angular momentum contributes 28%.
quark part including the disconnected diagrams was
A complete dynamical simulation at the physical
calculated without dynamical quarks. The result is the
pion mass has been finished recently [3146]. It was found
total quark contribution is Jq = 0.30 ± 0.07, i.e. 60%;
10.3 Spin structure 375

that the total quark spin contribution is about 38.2%,

and the orbital angular momentum contribution of the
quarks is about 18.8%, much reduced compared with
quenched simulations. The total gluon contribution is
37.5%. The resulting picture is shown in Fig. 1. The
total spin is 94.6% with an error bar of 14.2%. The
spin decomposition in terms of the total quark helicity
∆Σ = ∆u + ∆d + ∆s, and quark OAM, and the gluon
Jg for nf = 2 + 1 has been calculated in Ref. [3158].
Calculation of the gluon helicity has not been pos-
sible for many years because it is intrinsically a light-
Fig. 10.3.2 Angular momentum density distributions of up
cone quantity. However, a progress in 2013 was made and down quarks in a transversely polarized proton, fitted to
by studying the frame dependence of non-local matrix lattice form factors and GPDs [3162].
elements. One can match the large-momentum matrix
element of a static “gluon spin” operator, which is cal-
culable in lattice QCD, to ∆G in the IMF [3134]. This through GPDs, and OAM distributions `q (x), `g (x),
idea was a prototype of LaMET, which was soon put g2 (x), ∆GT (x), `qT (x), and `gT (x).
forward as a general approach to calculate all parton Shown in Fig. 10.3.2 are twist-2 angular momen-
physics [600, 601]. Using LaMET, one can also calcu- tum densities of up and down quarks in a transversely-
late the polarized gluon helicity distribution ∆g(x) in a polarized nucleon, obtained from phenomenological fit
region of x ∼ 0.2 − 0.8. However, the approach does not to lattice form factors and generelized parton distribu-
allow one to calculate the integrated ∆G starting from tions (GPDs) [3162]. They can be compared with di-
spatial correlation functions of gluon field strength. rect lattice calculations and experimental data to be
The computation of parton OAM on lattice has been discussed below.
suggested in terms of lattice phase-space Wigner dis-
tribution, in which a quark bilinear non-local operator 10.3.3 Experiments and phenomenology
form factor is calculated [3159, 3160]. The non-local op-
erator contains a Wilson line to make it gauge invariant. Since the EMC experiments, there have been exten-
The canonical OAM can be constructed with Wilson sive experimental efforts around the globe to investigate
lines along the main direction of the proton momentum the quark and gluon spin contributions to the proton
going to infinity. One can in principle obtain the local spin, with two important improvements: higher preci-
gauge invariant OAM with a Wilson line connecting the sion and wider kinematic coverage. Majority of these
two quark fields with a straight line. The result seems efforts continued in line of the EMC experiment, mea-
to be consistent with the calculation discussed above. suring the polarized structure functions in inclusive DIS
The result in Ref. [3160] suggests that the isovector with polarized lepton on polarized target (proton, neu-
canonical OAM has a different sign from the mechani- tron, deuteron). Two important new initiatives have
cal one, and with a magnitude about 40% larger. One also emerged. First, the DIS experiment facilities ex-
issue with this type of calculation is the renormaliza- tended their capabilities to measure the spin asymme-
tion, which can be done with LaMET matching. tries in the semi-inclusive hadron production in DIS
One can also calculate the total parton OAM us- (SIDIS), which can help to identify the flavor structure
ing local operators in a fixed gauge [3161] following the in the polarized quark distributions. Second, the Rela-
similar approach for the gluon helicity. Matching coef- tivistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at the Brookhaven
ficients between IMF and finite momentum frame have National Laboratory (BNL) started the polarized proton-
been calculated. One particular feature of the calcula- proton experiments. This facility opened new opportu-
tion is fixed-gauge which is challenging both on lattice nities to explore the proton spin, in particular, for the
and QCD perturbation theory. On lattice, local gauge helicity contributions from gluon and sea quarks (see
condition can lead to the Gribov copies; on the other the previous subsection for experimental data and anal-
hand, perturbation theory in a physical gauge requires ysis).
better understanding at large orders. To take into account the constraints from all exper-
Finally, the spin structure of the nucleon in the IMF iments, it is important to perform a global analysis of
requires calculations of various light-cone distributions, the polarized parton distributions from the world-wide
which include the quark and gluon helicity distributions data. In these analyses, one has to make some generic
∆q(x), and ∆G(x), OAM distributions Jq (x) and Jg (x) assumptions about the functional form (in terms of the

unpolarized parton distributions) with a few parame-

ters to fit to data, see, e.g., Refs. [983, 3086, 3144],
where perturbative corrections have been included up
0.04 NEW FIT
with ∆χ =1 and 90% C.L. bands

to next-to-leading order. Very interesting results, in par-


0 ticular, for the double spin asymmetries in inclusive
jet production from the RHIC experiments have pro-
vided more strong constraint on the gluon spin [3164],
0.04 STAR 2009 run (preliminary)
|η| < 0.5

see Fig. 10.3.3. This promises great potential for future

0.5 < |η| < 1.0

0 RHIC experiments to further reduce the uncertainties
10 20 30
due to greater statistics [1278, 3165].
pT [GeV] The total quark spin contribution to the proton spin
∆Σ has been well determined from the DIS measure-
ments. For this quantity, all of the global fits agree well
with each other, which essentially gives Σq ≈ 0.30 with
∫ dx ∆g(x)

90% C.L. region
uncertainties around 0.05. However, for sea quark po-
DSSV* larizations including ū, d¯ and s (s̄), there exist great

90% C.L. region


DSSV uncertainties, in particular, for the strange quark po-

larization [983, 1296, 3086], which mainly comes from

SIDIS measurements from HERMES and COMPASS.

0 Recently, it was also found that the W boson spin asym-

metries at s = 500 GeV RHIC have also improved the
2 2
constraints on ū and d¯ polarization [3166].
The OAM of the quarks may be extracted from mea-
Q = 10 GeV

-0.2 -0.1 -0 0.1 1 0.2 0.3 surement of GPD [1085],

∫ dx ∆g(x)
0.05 Z
1 1
Fig. 10.3.3 (upper) Double spin asymmetry in inclusive jet Jq = Σq +Lq = lim dxx [H q (x, ξ, t) + E q (x, ξ, t)] ,
production at RHIC and (lower) constraints on the gluon he- 2 t→0 2
licity contribution to the proton spin. Source: Ref. [3086]. (10.3.35)

where Jq is the total quark contribution to the proton
spin, H and E are GPDs. After subtracting the he-

licity contribution ∆Σ from various experiments, the


above equation will provide the quark OAM contribu-

0.6 JLab Hall A
Jd + Ju
tion to the proton spin. The GPDs can be measured in
5.0 = 0.18 ± 0
.1 4 many different experiments, for example, deeply virtual
compton scattering (DVCS) and hard exclusive meson
AHLT GPDs [36]
Lattice QCDSF (quenched) [40] production. Experimental efforts have been made at
various facilities, including HERMES at DESY, Jeffer-
-0.2 Lattice QCDSF (unquenched) [41]
LHPC Lattice (connected terms) [42]
GPDs from : son Lab, and COMPASS at CERN.
In real photon exclusive production in DIS process,
Goeke et al., Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 47 (2001), 401.
-0.6 Code VGG (Vanderhaeghen, Guichon and Guidal)

-0.8 HERMES Preliminary the DVCS amplitude interferes with the Bethe-Heitler
(BH) amplitude. This will, on one hand, complicate the
analysis of the cross section, on the other hand, provide
-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 -0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Fig. 10.3.4 Model-dependent constraints on the up and down
unique opportunities to direct access the DVCS ampli-
quark total angular momentum from DVCS measurement at tude through the interference. To obtain the constraints
JLab. Source: Ref. [3163]. on the quark OAMs from these experiments, we need
to find the observables which are sensitive to the GPD
Es. Experiments on the DVCS from JLab 6 GeV Hall
A [3163] and HERMES at DESY [3167] have shown
strong sensitivity to the quark OAM in nucleon, see,
e.g., Fig. 10.3.4. In these experiments, the single spin
asymmetries associated with beam or target in DVCS
processes are measured, including the beam (lepton)
10.3 Spin structure 377

Fig. 10.3.5 The planned electron-ion collider (EIC) at BNL, NY, USA. Highlights of the EIC impact on our understanding of
nucleon spin: total quark/gluon helicity contributions to the proton spin; sea quark helicity distribution using semi-inclusive deep
inelastic scattering; nucleon tomography of the 3D gluon density in the transverse plane for different momentum fractions. (This
figure from Ref. [820]).

single spin asymmetry and (target) nucleon single spin is to precisely image gluon distributions in nucleons
(transverse or longitudinal) asymmetries. and nuclei, revealing the origin of the nucleon spin and
A less model-dependent approach to extract the AM exploring the new QCD frontier of cold nuclear mat-
information from DVCS or similar experiments is to ter [820, 3128].
perform a global analysis. Several theory groups have The EIC will impact our understanding of nucleon
been working on global analysis of the DVCS and DVEM spin in many different ways. In the following, we high-
processes [3168–3170]. Recently, a framework to make light some of these impacts. First, the quark and gluon
general analysis of GPDs similar to CTEQ program [1086], helicity contributions to the proton spin is the major
called GPDs through universal momentum parametriza- emphasis of the planned facility. With the unique cov-
tion (GUMP) [3162], has been proposed based on the erage in both x and Q2 , the EIC would provide the most
previous work on conformal moments expansion [3171, powerful constraints on ∆Σ and ∆G [820]. Also shown
3172]. The framework, once including the ξ dependence, in Fig. (10.3.5) are the projected uncertainty reductions
can be used to fit experimental cross sections and asym- with the proposed EIC machine. Clearly, the EIC will
metries. In this way, the quark AM extracted will have make a huge impact on our knowledge of these quan-
less systematic error. In addition, this approach allows tities, unmatched by any other existing or anticipated
us to get the twist-2 quark AM densities, Jq (x), with facility.
constraints from experimental data. A number of im- Second, the sea quark polarization will be very pre-
portant AM densities in the spin sum rules depend cisely determined through SIDIS. With much large Q2
on information from twist-3 GPDs, such as canonical and x coverage, SIDIS at EIC will provide unprece-
OAM densities in both longitudinally and transversely dented kinematic reach and improve the systematic un-
polarized proton. Extracting the relevant GPDs from certainties. In Fig. 10.3.5, we show the example of sea
experimental data will be very challenging due to the quark polarization constraints from the EIC pseudo-
kinematic suppression. data simulations.
For the gluon GPDs and AM density Jg (x), one Third, there will be a comprehensive program on
of the most interesting processes is heavy quarkonium research of GPDs at the EIC. As discussed above, the
production in hard exclusive DIS. This is in particular GPDs provide first hand constraints on the total quark/gluon
important at the EIC machine. In early 2020, DOE an- angular momentum contributions to the proton spin.
nounced that the next major facility for nuclear physics Moreover, they also provide important information on
in US will be a high-energy high-luminosity polarized the nucleon tomography, especially, the 3D imaging of
EIC to be built at BNL. The primary goal of the EIC partons inside the proton. With wide kinematic cov-

erage at the EIC, a particular example was shown in tributions (GPDs) [1085, 1288, 3183–3188], or in mo-
Fig. 10.3.5 that the transverse imaging of the gluon can mentum space using transverse momentum dependent
be precisely mapped out from the detailed measurement parton distributions (TMDs) [1274, 1286, 3189, 3190].
of hard exclusive J/ψ production in DIS processes. In Refs. [972, 3191] introduce the impact parameter de-
Finally, we would like to emphasize theoretical ef- pendent parton distributions, which are Fourier trans-
forts are as important as the experiments to answer forms of GPDs in certain kinematics and which are the
the nucleon spin puzzle. An important question con- desired parton densities in coordinate space.
cerns the asymptotic small-x behavior for the spin sum The information parametrized by GPDs and TMDs
rule. There have been some progresses to understand is contained in “mother distributions”, the so-called
the proton spin structure at small-x from the associ- Wigner distributions [3192, 3193]. Wigner distributions
ated small-x evolution equations [3173–3181]. More the- were introduced by Wigner in 1930s as phase space dis-
oretical efforts are needed to resolve the controversial tributions in quantum mechanics,
issues raised in these derivations. The final answer to Z
η η
these questions will provide important guidance for the W (r, p) = dηeipη ψ ∗ (r − )ψ(r + ) , (10.4.1)
2 2
future EIC, where proton spin rum rule is one of the
major focuses. where r and p represent the coordinate and momen-
For additional discussion of these issues, see Sec. 10.2. tum space variables, respectively, and ψ is the wave
function. When integrating over r (p), one gets the mo-
mentum (probability) density from the wave function,
which is positive definite. For arbitrary r and p, the
10.4 Nucleon Tomography: GPDs, TMDs Wigner distribution is not positive definite and does
and Wigner Distributions not have a probability interpretation. This reflects the
fact that the Wigner distribution contains all quantum
Andreas Schafer and Feng Yuan mechanical information contained in ψ, which goes be-
yond probabilities.
Exploring the nucleon is of fundamental importance in Following this concept, we can define the Wigner
science, starting from Rutherford’s pioneering experi- distribution for a quark in a nucleon with momentum
ment one hundred years ago where he investigated the P [3192, 3193],
internal structure of atomic matter [3182]. Following
this effort, the scientific developments in the last cen- dη − d2 η⊥ ik·η
η η
WΓ (x, k⊥ , ~r) = e hP |Ψ (~r− )Γ Ψ (~r+ )|P i ,
tury have revealed the most fundamental structure of (2π)3 2 2
the matter in our universe: the nucleus is made of nu- (10.4.2)
cleons (protons and neutrons) and the nucleon is made
of partons: quarks and gluons. In particular, inclusive where x represents the longitudinal momentum fraction
DIS experiments probe the parton distribution func- carried by the quark, k⊥ is the transverse momentum,
tions which describe the momentum distributions of the ~r the coordinate space variable, and Γ the Dirac ma-
partons inside the nucleon, see, Sec. 10.2. trix to project out a particular quark distribution. The
On the other hand, the inclusive measurements of quark field Ψ contains the relevant gauge link to guaran-
the above processes only probe one dimension of the tee gauge invariance of the above definition [3192]; see
parton distributions, where the PDF represents the prob- more discussions below. We can also define the Wigner
ability distribution of a particular parton (quark or distribution for gluons accordingly.
gluon) with a certain fraction x of the nucleon momen- If we integrate the Wigner distribution over rz , we
tum in the infinite momentum frame. In recent years, obtain the transverse Wigner distribution,
the hadron physics community is pursuing an exten- WΓT (x, k⊥ , r⊥ )
sion of this picture to include the transverse direction. Z
drz dη − d2 η⊥ ik·η η η
The goal is to obtain a three-dimensional tomography = e hP |Ψ (~r − )Γ Ψ (~r + )|P i ,
(2π)3 2 2
of parton densities inside the nucleon. In some sense, Z 2 − 2
these efforts continue the original Rutherford experi- d q⊥ dη d η⊥ iq⊥ ·r⊥ ik·η
= e e
ment to map out the internal structure of a nucleon in (2π)5
three dimensions. q⊥ η η q⊥
×hP + |Ψ (− )Γ Ψ ( )|P − i,
The nucleon is assumed to move in the ẑ-direction. 2 2 2 2
Its structure in transverse direction can be either anal- where we have introduced a wave package for the nu-
ysed in coordinate space using generalized parton dis- cleon state to derive the last equation. The Wigner dis-
tribution functions are also referred to as generalized
10.4 Nucleon Tomography: GPDs, TMDs and Wigner Distributions 379

Fig. 10.4.1 Transverse momentum dependent parton distributions and the generalized parton distributions are unified in the
Wigner distributions. This plot is adopted from Ref. [820].

TMDs (GTMDs) [3194, 3195]. They can be interpreted renormalization and factorization scheme. For example
as phase space (r⊥ ,k⊥ ) distributions of a parton in the TMDs depend on the two scaling variables µ and ζ,
transverse plane perpendicular to the nucleon momen- while PDFs depend only on µ. Consequently equations
tum direction. like
The Wigner distribution functions reduce to the TMDs Z
and GPDs upon integration over certain kinematic vari- f (x) = d2 k⊥ f (x, k⊥ )
ables. For example, when integrated over r⊥ , the above
distribution leads to the transverse momentum depen- are only valid up to scheme dependent subtraction/renormal-
dent quark distributions, ization factors or even matching functions. This has sig-
nificant consequences. For example, usually, the lhs of
dη − d2 η⊥ ik·η Eq.(10.4.5) fulfills a different evolution equation than
η η
f (x, k⊥ ) = e hP |Ψ (− )Γ Ψ ( )|P i .
(2π)3 2 2 the rhs. Thus, when comparing the results of different
(10.4.3) phenomenological TMD fits or lattice calculations one
has to convert them into the same scheme.
On the other hand, if we integrate out k⊥ , we obtain the For other functions there is no such complication.
impact parameter dependent quark distribution [972], For example, the x integral of GPDs is equal to form
which is the Fourier transform of the GPDs at ξ = 0, factors, e.g., F1 (Q2 ) = dxH(x, ξ, t = −Q2 ). This be-
Z 2
d ∆⊥ i∆⊥ ·b⊥
dη − ik·η ing said, such complications as well as the µ and ζ de-
f (x, b⊥ ) =

e pendence are usually suppressed to simplify notation
and we do the same in this review.
∆⊥ η− η− ∆⊥
×hP + |Ψ (− )Γ Ψ ( )|P − i The status and perspective of both the collinear
2 2 2 2 PDFs and nucleon form factors have been well covered
Z 2
d ∆⊥ i∆⊥ ·b⊥
= e H(x, ξ, t)|ξ=0 . (10.4.4) in this review, see, Sec. 10.1 and Sec. 10.2.
(2π)2 The tomographical information inherent to Wigner
Here, t = −∆ ~ 2 and H(x, ξ, t) represents one of the distributions is best illustrated by the resulting intuitive

GPDs (definitions will be given below). and rigorous method to define the quark/gluon orbital
The relations between these different functions is angular momentum (OAM). This follows the concept of
often illustrated by the cartoon in Fig. 10.4.1 which the Wigner distribution as a phase-space distribution,
is, however, somewhat symbolic. Just like the Wigner i.e., to compute the physical observable, one takes the
distribution in quantum mechanics contains the full in- average over the phase-space as if it were a classical
formation of the wave function ψ, a Wigner function distribution,
in quantum field theory (QFT) contains the full com- Z
plexity of QFT, including its dependence on the chosen hÔ(r, p)i = drdpW (r, p)O(r, p) . (10.4.6)

Since the orbital angular momentum represents the quan- Total lzu
tity ~r × p~, we obtain the quark/gluon OAM from the 0.6

integral of ~r ×~
p multiplied with the Wigner distribution.
For the parton Wigner distribution, one first realizes

that a gauge invariant parton distribution must include 0.2

a gauge link extending from the location of the parton

b y!fm
to infinity. An optimal choice for high-energy collisions 0.0
is a gauge link along the relevant light-cone direction
nµ , !0.2
  Z ±∞  0
ΨLC (ξ) = P exp −ig dλ n · A(λn + ξ) ψ(ξ) .
!0.6 !0.4 !0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
where P indicates path ordering. The above defined
gauge link can go to +∞ or −∞; see more discussions
Fig. 10.4.2 Distributions in impact parameter space of the
below. In practical applications, we can also choose a mean transverse momentum of an unpolarized u-quark in a
straight-line gauge link along the direction of the space- longitudinally polarized nucleon, taken from Ref. [3196]. The
time position ξ µ , nucleon is polarized perpendicular to the plane, while the ar-
Z ∞ rows show the size and direction of the mean transverse mo-
mentum of the quarks. This gives an intuitive picture of the
ΨF S (ξ) = P exp −ig dλ ξ · A(λξ) ψ(ξ) . quark orbital angular motion inside the nucleon.
This link reduces to unity in Fock-Schwinger gauge, ξ · The above two OAMs, Lq and `q , correspond to the
A(ξ) = 0. With the above definitions, we can write quark OAMs in the Ji and Jaffe-Manohar spin sum
down the quark Wigner distribution as, rules, respectively, discussed in Sec. 10.3. Similar con-
clusions hold for the gluon OAMs as well.
WP (k = xP , b⊥ , ~k⊥ )
+ + ~
* + Therefore, the Wigner distribution, to some extend,
dk − −i~q⊥ ·~b⊥ ~q⊥ ⊥contains the parton OAMs in two different spin sum
Z 2 Z
1 d ~q⊥ ~q
= e ŴP (0, k) − ,

2 (2π)3 (2π)3 2 2 rules. This further illustrates that the difference be-
with the Wigner operator, tween them comes from the gauge link direction. A re-
cent lattice QCD calculation has shown that the quark
OAMs can be obtained from the quark Wigner distri-
WˆP (~r, k) = Ψ P (~r − ξ/2)γ + ΨP (~r + ξ/2)eik·ξ d4 ξ ,
butions and the difference between Lq and `q has been
(10.4.10) demonstrated [3159, 3160].
In the last years a number of studies have directly
where P denotes the path and is either LC or F S, ~r is
probed the quark/gluon OAM contributions [3199–3203]
the quark phase-space position, and k the phase-space
applying the Wigner distribution for hard exclusive pro-
cesses. For example, the single longitudinal target-spin
It can be shown that the total OAM is given by the
asymmetries in hard exclusive dijet production in lepton-
parton’s Wigner distribution,
nucleon collisions [3199, 3200] and the double spin asym-
hP S| d ~r ψ(~r)γ + (~r⊥ × iD~ ⊥ )ψ(~r)|P Si
R 3
Lq = metries in this process [3203] can provide crucial infor-
hP S|P Si mation on the gluon’s canonical OAM contribution.
The determination of Wigner distributions is thus
= (b⊥ × k⊥ )WF S (x, b⊥ , k⊥ )dxd b⊥ d k⊥ (, 10.4.11)
~ ~ ~ ~ 2~ 2~
an important challenge for future studies; see discus-
which provides a gauge-invariant expression for the par- sions in the end of this subsection. The crucial point
ton’s OAM [3138, 3197]. is that there exists a well-defined, standardized way to
Similarly, the canonical OAM in light-cone gauge link nucleon tomography to Wigner distributions con-
fulfills the simple but gauge-dependent parton sum rule structed from light-cone wave functions [3196]. As an
in the quantum phase space [3195, 3196, 3198], example we show in Fig. 10.4.2 the average transverse
hP S| d ~r ψ(~r)γ (~r⊥ × i∂~⊥ )ψ(~r)|P Si
R 3 + momentum flow in impact parameter space for u-quarks
`q =
hP S|P Si inside the proton. While this result is model dependent,
Z it has the great advantage of providing an intuitive im-
= (~b⊥ × ~k⊥ )WLC (x, ~b⊥ , ~k⊥ )dxd2~b⊥ d2~k⊥ .(10.4.12)
10.4 Nucleon Tomography: GPDs, TMDs and Wigner Distributions 381

the transverse quark density profile [3191]:

d ∆ −i∆·b
Z 2
ρq (x, b) = e Hq (x, −∆2 ) . (10.4.14)

An important feature of the above distribution is how
0.075 it changes with longitudinal momentum fraction x. In
Fig. 10.4.3, we show the transverse density profile for
0.05 x HHx,bL
the up quark from the GPD parameterizations of [3168].
-5 0
-4 -1
-3 The plot shows that the transverse profile in coordinate
space becomes wider at smaller x. At large x, how-
logHxL 0
-2 b@fmD
-1 1 ever, it approaches a point-like structure, which means
there is no t dependence of the GPD quark distribu-
tion, a result consistent with large-x power counting
Fig. 10.4.3 Transverse profiles for the up quark distribution in for GPDs [3204]. One of the primary goals of the GPD
transverse coordinate space as function of x. program at the JLab-12GeV and the EIC is to map out
the x-dependence of the GPDs and the tomographic
images for both quarks and gluons.
age of the quark orbital motion distribution inside a Most interestingly, when the nucleon is transversely
hadron. polarized, the parton distribution in the transverse plane
will be asymmetric due to the contribution from the
Generalized Parton Distributions GPD E [3191],
The GPDs are one of the projections from the Wigner
distributions. They are extensions of the usual collinear ρX
q (x, b)
parton distributions discussed in Sec. 10.2 and defined d ∆ −i∆·b
Z 2  
2 i∆Y 2
as off-forward matrix elements of the hadron. For ex- = e Hq (x, −∆ ) + Eq (x, −∆ )
(2π)2 2M
ample, for the quark GPDs, we have [1083, 1085, 1288, 1 ∂
3184–3187] = Hq (x, b) − Eq (x, b) , (10.4.15)
2M ∂bY
where Hq (x, b) and Eq (x, b) are the 2-dimensional Fourier
dλ iλx 0 0 λ λ
e hP S |Ψ q − n 6 nΨq n |P Si (10.4.13)
2π 2 2 transformations of Hq (x, −∆2 ) and Eq (x, −∆2 ), respec-
σ αβ nα ∆β tively, and the nucleon is polarized in the X direction.
= U (P 0 ) Hq (x, ξ, t)6 n + Eq (x, ξ, t) U (P ) , This asymmetric distribution has attracted strong in-
terest in the hadron physics community and it was ar-
where ∆ = P 0 − P with t = ∆2 , x is the light-cone gued that it might be related to the single spin asym-
momentum fraction of the quark, and the skewness pa- metry phenomena in hadronic processes [3191]. It has
rameter ξ is defined as ξ = (P −P 0 )·n/(P +P 0 )·n. In the also been found in a lattice simulation [3205].
forward limit, we have ξ = 0 and t = 0, and the GPDs In order to factor out the transverse displacement
reduce to the usual collinear PDFs. The x-moments of from the nucleon’s center of momentum and its contri-
GPDs lead to not only the electromagnetic form fac- bution to the transverse polarization, one can introduce
tors but also the gravitational form factors [1085], one an intrinsic quark density [3140],
of which produces the spin sum rule as discussed in the
d ∆ −i∆·b 
Z 2
previous subsection. ρX (x, b) = e Hq (x, −∆2 )
Depending on the polarization of the quark and
the nucleon states, the leading-twist quark GPDs con-

Hq (x, −∆2 ) + Eq (x, −∆2 )

tain eight independent distributions. The GPDs can be 2M
measured in many different experiments, for example, 1 ∂
DVCS and hard exclusive meson production. Experi- = Hq (x, b) − (Hq (x, b) + Eq (x, b))(10.4.16)
2M ∂bY
mental efforts have been made at various facilities, in- from which one can reproduce the transverse polariza-
cluding HERMES at DESY, Jefferson Lab, and COM- tion sum rule; see Sec. 10.3. In Fig. 10.4.4, we show
PASS at CERN. It will be a major focus of the future the intrinsic transverse density for u and d quarks at
EIC as well. x = 0.3 from the analysis of the GPD quark distribu-
Nucleon tomography in terms of the GPDs is best tion of [3162]. Clearly, the quarks have non-zero trans-
illustrated in the impact parameter dependent parton verse displacement, which contributes to the transverse
distirbution of Eq. (10.4.4). From that, we can define angular momentum of the nucleon.

and the associated single spin asymmetry phenomena.

In particular, TMDs provide not only an intuitive illus-
tration of nucleon tomography, as we discussed above,
but also the important opportunities to investigate the
specific nontrivial QCD dynamics associated with their
physics: QCD factorization, universality of the parton
distributions and fragmentation functions, and their scale
Different from the collinear PDFs discussed in Sec. 10.2,
the TMD parton distributions can not be studied in in-
clusive processes. We have to go beyond that and ex-
Fig. 10.4.4 Plots of the intrinsic quark densities ρXq,In (x, b) plore semi-inclusive hard processes, where a hard mo-
for both u and d quarks in a transversely polarized proton (in
the X direction) at x = 0.3. Both the u and d quark densities
mentum scale is involved in addition to the transverse
are shifted in the Y direction and contribute to the angular momentum of the final-state particle produced. For ex-
momentum J X . While the u contributions are positive (+Y ample, we can study the TMD quark distributions in
direction) and the d contributions are negative (−Y direction). semi-inclusive DIS (SIDIS), where the virtual photon
These plots are adopted from Ref. [3162].
(with virtuality Q) scatters off the hadron and pro-
duces a final state hadron in the current fragmentation
The theoretical framework has been well developed region. The hadron’s transverse momentum Ph⊥ has to
for the GPD studies with established QCD factoriza- be much smaller than the hard momentum Q. Because
tion for the associated exclusive processes [1290–1292]. of Ph⊥  Q, this process can be factorized into the
Higher order perturbative QCD corrections have been TMD quark distribution convluted with the TMD frag-
calculated in a number of publications [1292, 3206– mentation function. Similarly, the Drell-Yan lepton pair
3214]. The first computation of next-to-next-leading or- production (or W/Z-boson, Higgs boson production) in
der corrections for DVCS has also been reported re- hadronic collisions can be described by the convolution
cently [3215]. However, since GPDs depend on three of two TMD parton distributions with transverse mo-
variables (x,ξ,t) in addition to the scale variable µ, it mentum q⊥  Q. A related process in e+ e− annihila-
is much more difficult to extract them from experiment tion into two back-to-back hadrons can be factorized as
than PDFs (which only depend on x). a convolution of two TMD fragmentation functions.
Pioneering phenomenological work has been carried The TMD quark distributions can be defined by the
out in Refs. [1288, 3168, 3172, 3211, 3216, 3217]. In following matrix [1274, 1286, 1298, 1311, 3189, 3190],
the last years, progress has also been made toward a Z
dy − d2 y⊥ −ixP + ·y− +i~k⊥ ·~y⊥
global analysis of GPDs from a wide range of exper- M̂αβ (x, k⊥ ) =
iments [3162, 3218–3224]. Especially, the twist-2 and
×hP S|Ψ β (y − , y⊥ )Ψα (0)|P Si , (10.4.17)
twist-3 results were re-derived with an optimal light
cone coordinate and full kinematics adopted [3222–3224]. where x is the longitudinal momentum fraction and k⊥
A dedicated program based on earlier developments of the transverse momentum carried by the quark. The
Ref. [3216] has been proposed in Ref. [3162]. All these quark field Ψ (y) contains a gauge link as defined in
theory advances are crucial for a successful campaign to Eq. (10.4.7). This definition contains a light-cone sin-
determin GPDs from DVCS and other hard exclusive gularity from higher order corrections. The regulation
processes measured at JLab-12 GeV and the planned and subtraction procedure defines the scheme of the
Electron-Ion Collider. TMD distributions. Obviously, in the theoretical limit
Lattice QCD can be used to study these GPDs as in which contributions from all orders and all twists
well. Employing the LaMET formalism, exciting re- are taken into account observable, physical quantities
sults on the x-dependence of the GPD quark distribu- have to be scheme independent. (At the most simple
tions have already been obtained [634, 3225]. We expect level this was actually shown explicitly in Ref. [3226]
many more such simulations to emerge in the future, as but it has to be true also non-perturbatively.) Often,
well as combined fits to experimental and lattice data. however (e.g. in event generators), rather specific mod-
els are used for which this is not the case. In these
Transverse Momentum Dependent Parton Distributions cases the fitted TMDs and thus the result of hadron
Theoretical studies of TMDs started long ago (see, for tomography can be strongly scheme/model dependent
example, Ref.[1274]). In recent years great progress was (see e.g. Ref. [3227]). Calculating the model-specific
made in the exploration of these distribution functions matching factors or functions between such a scheme
10.4 Nucleon Tomography: GPDs, TMDs and Wigner Distributions 383

Yan processes [1297, 1298, 1310, 1311, 3229, 3230]. This

leads to a sign change between the SSAs in SIDIS and
Drell-Yan processes,

Sivers SSA|DY = −Sivers SSA|DIS . (10.4.18)

This nontrivial result still holds when gluon radiation

contributions are taken into account [1321, 3231–3233].
It is very important to test this nontrivial QCD predic-
Fig. 10.4.5 The leading order transverse momentum depen- tion by comparing the SSAs in these two processes. The
dent quark distributions depend on the polarization of the Sivers single spin asymmetries in SIDIS processes have
quark (rows) and the nucleon (columns). been observed by the HERMES [3234, 3235], COM-
PASS [3236–3239], and JLab [3240, 3241] collabora-
tions. There have been significant efforts to measure
the Sivers asymmetries in Drell-Yan process at COM-

2 PASS [3242] and that of W ± production at RHIC [3243].
The analyses of these data provide an indication for a
sign change [3244], but no proof. More precise measure-

0 ments are needed to confirm this crucial property.

In TMD factorization for semi-inclusive hard pro-
cesses [1269, 1274, 1282, 1285, 1871], collinear and soft
Fig. 10.4.6 The quark Sivers function represents the asym- gluon radiations are factorized into the TMD parton
metric distribution of a quark in transverse momentum space distributions or fragmenation functions and the asso-
when the nucleon is polarized along the ŷ-direction. This plot ciated soft factors. As for the integrated parton dis-
is adopted from a phenomenological study [3228].
tribution functions, these gluon radiation contributions
can be resummed to all orders by solving the relevant
and the usual TMD factorization scheme is often not evolution equations. This resummation is referred to as
possible. This should flag a warning that one has to TMD or Collins–Soper–Sterman resummation [1282].
be careful when comparing fitted TMDs from different As a result, the factorization simplifies the differen-
sources. The leading order expansion of the above ma- tial cross section to a convolution of soft factor–sub-
trix contains eight independent quark TMDs, depend- tracted TMD distributions and/or fragmentation func-
ing on the polarization of the quark (varying horizon- tions [1269], where the hard momentum scale is cho-
tally) and the nucleon (varying vertically) in Fig. 10.4.5. sen as factorization scale µF = Q. As an example, in
The gauge link direction plays an essential role in the Fig. 10.4.7, we show the TMD up quark distribution
naive time-reversal-odd TMD quark distributions, in- f (sub) (x = 0.1, kT , µF = Q) as a function of the trans-
cluding the quark Sivers function f1T ⊥
(x, k⊥ ) and Boer- verse momentum at different scales. Clearly, the resum-
Mulders function h1 (x, k⊥ ).
⊥ mation/scale evolution leads to broadening effects for
The spin-average quark distributions are symmetric TMD distributions at higher scales. Based on these de-
in the transverse plane. However, if the nucleon (or the velopments, recent global analyses have achieved high
quark) is transversely polarized, the quark distribution precision for the unpolarized TMD quark distribution
shows an azimuthal asymmetry. In particular, the TMD and fragmentation functions fitted to data from various
quark Sivers functions quantify these asymmetries in semi-inclusive hard processes [3245–3248]. Of course,
the transverse momentum space. In Fig. 10.4.6, we show further theoretical developments are still needed to an-
one of the resulting distributions for the quark (aver- swer crucial questions concerning TMD factorization at
aged over x) in transverse momentum space in a trans- lower scale SIDIS and the question how non-perturbative
versely polarized nucleon. The TMD distribution comes effects affect the matching between the TMDs and collinear
from the fit to the associated single transverse spin PDFs [3248–3251]. Upcoming data from the JLab-12
asymmetries in semi-inclusive hard processes [3228]. GeV program should significantly improve our under-
For the quark Sivers function, because of the ini- standing of these issues in the near future.
tial/final state interaction (represented by the gauge In addition, progress has been made in studying
link pointing to −∞ or +∞ in the quark distribu- the scale evolution for the quark Sivers function and
tion definition) difference, they differ by signs for semi- the associated quark-gluon-quark correlation functions
inclusive hadron production in DIS (SIDIS) and Drell- [1318, 1319, 3252–3256], and the QCD resummation

Direct access to the Wigner distributions

It was generally believed that the parton Wigner dis-
1. Q2 =2.4 GeV2
tributions are not directly measurable in high energy
scattering. However, it was realized recently that the
fuHsubL Hx, kT L

Q2 =10 GeV2
0.1 Wigner distribution could be measured through hard
exclusive processes [3292–3294]. In particular, it was
Q2 =90 GeV2
shown in Ref. [3292] that the small-x gluon Wigner dis-
0.01 tribution is connected to the color dipole S-matrix in
the CGC formalism [3274–3278], that diffractive dijet
0 2 4 6 8
production in ep/eA collisions [3292, 3295–3299] may
provide a direct probe of this gluon Wigner distribu-
Fig. 10.4.7 TMD up-quark distributions fu
(x = 0.1, k⊥ ) tion. Additionally, semi-hard gluon radiation in this
as functions of the transverse momentum k⊥ (GeV) at three
different scales Q2 = 2.4, 10, 90 (GeV2 ). This plot is adopted process or ‘trijet’ diffractive production has been shown
from Ref. [3226]. to probe the color-dipole amplitude in the adjoint rep-
resentation [3300, 3301]. This demonstrates that a new
class of diffractive processes, including semi-inclusive
for the SSA observables [3256–3260]. These resumma- diffractive DIS [3302] can provide crucial information
tion effects have been taken into account in a recent on the gluon Wigner distributions at small-x. Extention
phenomenological study of all single spin asymmetries to other processes, in particular, those at moderate and
associated with the quark Sivers function in a global large x will be interesting to follow as well. We expect
analysis using (N3 LO) evolution for the TMDs [3228, more research along this direction in the future.
3244]. To summarize this subsection: There has been great
There has also been significant progresses toward progress in both experiment and theory for GPD and
lattice calculations of TMDs [635, 638, 639, 3261–3272] TMD physics. Of course, challenges are still there in
in the last few years, partially again based on the LaMET both fields. We would like to emphasize that data from
formalism. The TMD evolution kernel was calculated future experiments, including the 12 GeV upgrade of
from lattice QCD [635, 637, 639, 3269, 3270] for pertur- JLab, COMPASS and the planed EIC experiments, to-
bative and non-perturbative [3247, 3248, 3273] impact gether with theory developments, will lead us to a com-
parameters b and the result agreed with that of a fit to plete 3D tomography of the nucleon.
experimental data [3227]. This motivates great hopes
for future combined TMD fits to experimental and lat-
tice data. We also expect lattice simulation of the sin-
gle spin asymmetries associated with the quark Sivers
11 QCD at high energy
function, using the perturbative matching derived in Conveners:
Ref. [3265]. Gudrun Heinrich and Eberhard Klempt
More recently, important developments have taken
place addressing the connections between the TMD for- The core of high energy collisions consists in a hard
malism and small-x saturation physics. Small-x gluon scattering of two partons, where the momentum trans-
saturation is best described in the color-glass-condensate fer is very large and therefore the process can be calcu-
(CGC)/color-dipole formalism [3274–3278], for which lated perturbatively. The enormous progress in the cal-
the so-called unintegrated gluon distributions (UGDs) culation of QCD corrections beyond the leading order in
are essential elements. What has been shown in the perturbation theory is described by Gudrun Heinrich.
recent papers [3279–3285] is that these UGDs are the The scattered partons can emit soft or nearly collinear
same as the TMD gluon distribution functions at small-x. gluons. In kinematic regions where the phase space for
Meanwhile, considerable progress has also been made in such emissions is restricted, large logarithms arise, which
computing Sudakov double logarithms in the small-x can spoil the perturbative convergence. Due to the uni-
formalism [3286–3291]. These computations provide a versal structure of infrared divergent QCD radiation,
solid theoretical foundation for further rigorous inves- such logarithms can be resummed analytically to all
tigations that probe the dynamics of the saturation orders to restore the predictive power of the perturba-
regime with hard processes. We anticipate that in the tive description in these kinematic regions, as described
foreseeable future a unified picture of nucleon structure by Simone Marzani.
will emerge that covers the whole kinematic domain, At the intermediate stage between the hard inter-
including small and large x. action and hadronization, the radiation of gluons from
11.1 Higher-order perturbative calculations 385

quarks and the splitting of gluons into secondary quarks The renormalization of ultraviolet singularites appear-
and gluons, forming a cascade of emissions, can be de- ing in loop corrections leads to a dependence of both
scribed by parton showers. The development of these αs and the partonic cross section on the renormaliza-
parton showers and our understanding of these pro- tion scale µR . Similarly, the absorption of collinear sin-
cesses are described by Frank Krauss. gularities into the “bare” parton distribution functions
Once these showers of partons have evolved to low leads to a dependence on the factorization scale µF . The
energies, the process of hadron formation sets in. At functions fi/pa (x, αs , µF ) are the (physical) parton dis-
these energies, the strong coupling is large, such that tribution functions (PDFs), which can be interpreted as
bound states are formed, which cannot be described probabilities to find a parton of type i with momentum
perturbatively anymore. The description of hadroniza- fraction x of the “parent” momentum pa in a proton (or,
tion needs to rely on parameters extracted from data. more generally, a hadron). This makes an assumption of
These parameters are tuned in Monte Carlo simula- collinearity of the parton’s momentum with pa , there-
tions. Torbjörn Sjöstrand gives a detailed view of dif- fore the factorisation described by Eq. (11.1.1) is also
ferent stages of the collision process and of their simu- called collinear factorisation. For more details about
lation. parton distribution functions we refer to Section 10.2.
The reconstruction of jets by reliable jet algorithms Factorization holds up to the so-called power correc-
and the identification of the primary source, gluons tions of order (Λ/Q) , where the power p is process-

or quarks of a certain flavor, is very important to ex- dependent and usually larger than one, see however,
tract information about the underlying particle dynam- Ref. [161].
ics from the data. Jet substructure variables can provide In Eq. (11.1.2), the partonic cross section at leading
essential information about the decay of heavy parti- order (LO) in an expansion in αs is denoted by σ̂ (0) ,
cles leading to boosted jets, as described by Bogdan where for the sake of clarity the powers of the strong
Malaescu, Dag Gillberg, Steven Schramm, and Chris coupling have been extracted. The next-to-leading or-
Young. der (NLO) cross section comes with one more power
of αs relative to LO, the next-to-next-to-leading or-
der (NNLO) cross section with two more αs powers
11.1 Higher-order perturbative calculations than LO, etc. Of course such an expansion also can
Gudrun Heinrich be performed for the electroweak corrections, however,
as α/αs (MZ ) ' 0.1, the QCD corrections are usually
larger, except in kinematic regions where logarithms of
11.1.1 Introduction the form α ln MW /ŝ grow large. The dependence of

the cross section dσpp→H+X on µR and µF is an arti-

The property of asymptotic freedom of QCD, together fact of the truncation of the perturbative series. There-
with the fact that short- and long-distance effects in fore, the dependence on these unphysical scales becomes
QCD can be factorized up to power corrections, allows weaker as more perturbative orders are calculated. The
us to describe processes with high momentum transfer variation of the cross section as these scales are varied
as a perturbative series in the strong coupling αs , as il- around a central scale – which should be chosen to be
lustrated in Eq. (11.1.1). For example, the cross section close to the energy at which the hard interaction takes
for a process such as the production of a Higgs boson place – therefore can be used as an estimate of the the-
through the collision of two protons with momenta pa oretical uncertainty due to missing higher orders.
and pb , pa + pb → H + X, has the form Higgs boson production in gluon fusion is somewhat
XZ 1 special, as the leading order amplitude is already loop-
σpp→H+X = dx1 fi/pa (x1 , αs , µF ) × induced, and because the NLO QCD corrections are of
i,j 0
the order of 100%, which makes the inclusion of QCD
1 corrections beyond NLO a necessity for a satisfactory

dx2 fj/pb (x2 , αs , µF ) σ̂ij→H+X (αs (µR ), µR , µF ) description of the data.
Λ The perturbative expansion in powers of αs is par-
+ O , (11.1.1) ticularly reliable for inclusive observables. If the phase
space for QCD radiation is restricted, large logarithms
where the partonic cross section σ̂ij→H+X can be ex- can appear, which spoil the convergence of the pertur-
panded as bative series in αs . This requires so-called resummation,
σ̂ij→H+X = αs2 σ̂ (0) + αs3 σ̂ NLO + αs4 σ̂ NNLO + . . . as described in detail in Section 11.2. Here we will focus
(11.1.2) on calculations at a fixed order in the strong coupling.

11.1.2 Developments and status

Next-to-leading order QCD corrections

The development of systematic techniques for NLO QCD
corrections started in the 1980ies with seminal work
on e+ e− –annihilation to jets [3303–3305] and hadron-
hadron scattering [178], followed by pioneering develop-
ments of techniques for one-loop calculations based on
Feynman diagrams and tensor reduction [3306–3309].
In parallel, subtraction methods for soft and collinear
real radiation were established [180, 3310], leading to
the first differential NLO calculations of 2-jet produc-
tion in hadronic collisions [3311–3313], while the first
NLO calculation of 3-jet production in hadronic colli-
sions only appeared 10 years later [3314].
The calculation of NLO cross sections for (n − 2)-jet
production in hadronic collisions (or for (n − 1)-jet pro-
duction in e+ e− –annihilation, as well as the calculation
of amplitudes obtained by crossing) involves n-parton
one-loop amplitudes and (n+1)-parton tree-level ampli-
tudes with up to one unresolved (soft or collinear) par-
ton, see Fig. 11.1.1. The efficient calculation of one-loop Fig. 11.1.1 Building blocks of an Nx LO calculation for pro-
n-point amplitudes for n ≥ 5 represented a major chal- cesses where the leading order is at tree level (in contrast to
loop-induced). The higher order diagrams are only representa-
lenge in the 1990ies and led to the development of more
tives of their class, the number of diagrams grows rapidly with
efficient methods to calculate one-loop n-point ampli- the perturbative order.
tudes, based on the idea to exploit analytic properties of
loop integrals if propagators are put on-shell (so-called
“unitarity cuts”) [181, 3315–3317]. The emergence of tant parameter characterising a Feynman integral be-
methods to perform these cuts numerically [3318–3320], sides the number of loops and legs is the number of
together with the automation of subtraction methods kinematic/mass scales. As an example, it is instructive
for unresolved real radiation at NLO, led to a new level to consider the development of the calculation of 2-loop
of efficiency, resulting in the availability of NLO QCD 4-point integrals (2 loops, 4 legs): the analytic calcula-
predictions for multi-particle scattering which were con- tion of the planar [3332] and non-planar [3333] two-loop
sidered unfeasible some years before, such as 5-jet pro- 7-propagator diagrams with massless propagators and
duction at the LHC [3321], top-quark pair production light-like legs has been performed in 1999, numerical
with up to 3 jets [3322], W bb̄ production with up to 3 checks of these results in the Euclidean region were per-
light jets [3323], or the NLO QCD and EW corrections formed in Ref. [3334], the calculation of such integrals
to off-shell tt̄W production at the LHC, involving one- with one off-shell leg was completed soon after [3335,
loop 10-point integrals [3324]. It also led to the develop- 3336]. The first results for two-loop 4-point amplitudes
ment of automated tools providing one-loop amplitudes with massive propagators have been achieved by a nu-
for fully differential NLO predictions [3319, 3325–3331]. merical method [3337, 3338], leading to NNLO predic-
This remarkable jump in efficiency is often called the tions for top quark pair production in hadronic col-
“NLO revolution”. lisions [3339]. The analytic calculation of two-loop 4-
point integrals with two massive legs and massless prop-
Beyond NLO
agators, entering for example the production of Z-boson
The next step, towards fully differential NNLO predic-
pairs or a W + W − pair, was completed around the year
tions, required not only major progress in the calcu-
2015 for both the on-shell as well as for the off-shell
lation of two-loop integrals, but also the development
case [3340–3345]. However, the step to include mas-
of subtraction schemes for infrared (IR) divergent real
sive propagators leads out of the function class (so-
radiation where up to two particles can be unresolved.
called multiple polylogarithms) describing the above-
Multi-loop amplitudes mentioned objects analytically. Therefore, the calcula-
First, the developments regarding loop integrals with tion of two-loop 4-point integrals with both massive
two or more loops will be considered. A very impor- propagators as well as massive final state particles was
11.1 Higher-order perturbative calculations 387

performed numerically before analytic results appeared, Real radiation

examples are the two-loop QCD corrections to Higgs For many 1 → 3 or 2 → 2 processes, such as e+ e− →
boson pair production [3346, 3347], Higgs+jet produc- 3 jets or di-jet production in hadronic collisions, the
tion [3348], gg → ZH [3349–3351] and gg → V V with knowledge of the two-loop amplitudes was not the main
massive loops [3352–3354], where V denotes a massive bottleneck on the way to fully differential predictions
vector boson. Thus, one can roughly say that it took at NNLO. Efficient schemes to treat the infrared (IR)
almost twenty years to increase the number of inde- divergent real radiation needed to be developed, and
pendent mass scales entering these diagrams from two the emergence of several schemes led to an explosion
(s12 , s23 ), to five in the availability of NNLO results for LHC processes
(s12 , s23 , mt , mV , mV 0 ), where sij = (pi + pj )2 and V 0 with up to two particles or jets in the final state af-
denotes a boson with invariant mass different from V . ter 2015, a development which is sometimes referred to
The timeline of available predictions for (differential) as the “NNLO revolution”. The main methods to treat
cross sections based on these integrals is shown in Ta- IR divergent real radiation beyond NLO can roughly
ble 11.1.1, illustrating how an additional mass scale be classified into two categories: (i) methods based on
increases the complexity. It is noteworthy that all in- subtraction, and (ii) methods based on partitions of the
tegrals with massive propagators, i.e. with a non-zero phase space into IR-sensitive regions and hard regions,
entry in the third column, have been calculated with sometimes also called “slicing methods”. The latter in-
numerical methods. For processes with jets in the fi- troduce a dependence on a resolution variable which
nal state, the subtraction of IR divergent real radiation cancels once the IR-sensitive and hard regions are com-
was the bottleneck, not the availability of the two-loop bined. Subtraction methods aim at a local subtraction
integrals. of the IR singular structures, i.e. a cancellation of singu-
larities point-wise in the phase space, while for slicing
indep. massive/ internal
methods the compensations are non-local. This non-
kinem. off-shell masses process full σ locality can lead to large numerical cancellations, how-
scales legs ever, power corrections in the resolution variable can
2→2 be included to mitigate their impact. Reviews about
2 0 0 γγ 2011 recent developments in IR subtraction schemes can be
2 0 0 jj 2017 found e.g. in Refs. [195, 3356, 3357]. The main methods
2 0 0 γ+j 2017 are summarized in Table 11.1.2.
3 2 1 tt̄ 2013
3 2 0 VV 2014
The extension of methods to isolate IR divergent
4 2 0 VV0 2015 real radiation to N3 LO, i.e. the case of up to three un-
3 1 0 V +j 2015 resolved partons, in particular in the presence of tagged
3 1 0 H + j (HTL) 2015 coloured particles or jets, is one of the current chal-
4 2 1 HH 2016 lenges in the field of high precision perturbative QCD
4 1 1 H +j 2018
3 0 1 gg → γγ 2019
4 2 1 gg → ZZ 2020 While the complete automation of NNLO calcula-
4 2 1 gg → W W 2020 tions is probably not feasible in view of efficiency op-
5 2 1 gg → ZH 2021 timisations that are process specific, libraries with a
4 2 1 QCD-EW DY 2022 large collection of codes providing NNLO predictions
are available, such as matrix [3395], nnlojet [3362]
4 0 0 3γ 2019
4 0 0 γγ j 2021
or mcfm [3402].
4 0 0 3j 2021
5 1 0 W bb̄ 2022 Current frontier and recent developments
Table 11.1.1 Timeline for the availability of full NNLO cross As shown in Fig. 11.1.1, the calculation of Nx LO cor-
sections at hadron colliders (or NLO cross sections for loop rections to processes with (n − 2) identified particles or
induced processes) based on two-loop four-point or five-point jets in the final state in hadronic collisions (where the
integrals with an increasing number of mass scales. “HTL” de-
notes the heavy top limit, “QCD-EW DY” denotes mixed QCD-
leading order is a tree amplitude, as contrasted to loop-
electroweak corrections to the Drell-Yan process. induced amplitudes such as Higgs boson production in
gluon fusion), requires the calculation of amplitudes
with x − j loops and n + j legs, where j = 0, . . . , x. The
More details on the methods employed for these cal- current frontier is, roughly speaking, x + n ≥ 6, having
culations can be found e.g. in Refs. [196, 3355, 3356]. in mind 2 → 3 processes at NNLO, 2 → 1 processes
at N3 LO or 4-loop form factors. However, the type of

liders at three loops, massive 3-loop form factors need to

method NNLO examples be calculated, and the presence of the additional mass
scale substantially increases the complexity of the cal-
culation. Analytical and semi-numerical methods have
antenna subtraction e+ e− → 3 jets [3358, 3359],
pushed these calculations quite far [3424–3430].
[3360, 3361] pp → 2 jets [3362, 3363],
pp → W H j [3364] Only very few results for three-loop amplitudes with
sector-improved residue pp → tt̄ [3339], more than three legs exist. Remarkable recent results
subtraction [3365–3367] pp → W + c-jet [3368], are the 3-loop amplitudes for q q̄ → γγ [3431], gg →
pp → 3 jets [3369] γγ [3432], q q̄ → q 0 q̄ 0 [3433], q q̄ → gg [3434] and gg →
nested soft-collinear pp → V H [3370, 3371], gg [3435]. For the case of one massive external leg, re-
subtraction [3372–3374] VBF H [3375],
sults for planar master integrals exist [3436].
mixed QCD-EW to
Drell-Yan [3376–3378] Another highlight on the 3-loop front is the calcu-
ColorFul [3379, 3380] e+ e− → 3 jets [3381], lation of the NNLO corrections to Higgs boson produc-
H → bb̄ [3382] tion in gluon fusion with full top quark mass depen-
projection to Born VBF H [3383], dence [3437], which involves the calculation of 3-loop
VBF HH [3384], integrals with two mass scales.
[3383, 3385] single top [3386, 3387]
local analytic e+ e− → 2 jets [3388]
Considering x = 2, n = 5, i.e. processes involving 2-
subtraction [3388–3390] loop 5-point integrals, again the number of mass scales
4-dimensional schemes γ ∗ → tt̄ [3391] (inclusive) is the critical measure of complexity. Results for com-
[195, 3392] plete cross sections have been achieved for processes
slicing involving only massless particles: pp → 3γ [3438, 3439],
qT [3393, 3394] V V 0 [3395], tt̄ [3396], pp → γγ j [3440–3443] and pp → 3 jets [3369], as well
mixed QCD-EW to as for the process pp → W bb̄ [3444, 3445].
Drell-Yan [3397, 3398] At four loops, the computation of form factors has
N-jettiness V + j [1980, 3399],
seen enormous progress in the past few years [3446],
[1776, 1980, 1981] H + j [3400, 3401],
di-boson [3402] culminating in the calculation of the complete analytic
expressions for the photon-quark and the Higgs-gluon
Table 11.1.2 Methods for the isolation of IR divergent real
radiation at NNLO and up to three examples of their applica- form factors at 4-loop order [1919]. These form factors
tion. will serve as building blocks for a future complete N4 LO
calculation of the Drell-Yan process and Higgs boson
production in gluon fusion in the heavy top limit. N4 LO
the involved particles is very important for the com- results for gg → H in the large-N soft-virtual approxi-
plexity of the calculation: all available complete N3 LO mation already exist [3447]; results for soft corrections
results to date involve only color singlets in the final to deeply inelastic scattering (DIS) at 4-loop order are
state, see e.g. Refs. [3403–3407] for the Drell-Yan pro- also available [3448].
cess, Refs. [187, 3408–3411] for Higgs boson production Results at five and more loops mainly involve two-
in gluon fusion in the heavy top limit and Ref. [3412] for point functions, entering for example the calculation of
V H production. Inclusive N3 LO results are also avail- β-functions, such as the 5-loop β-function in QCD [3449–
able for Higgs [3385] and Higgs pair [3413] production 3452] or in scalar theories [3453]. Five-loop contribu-
in vector boson fusion (VBF), Higgs pair production in tions to the anomalous magnetic moment of the elec-
gluon fusion in the heavy top limit [3414] and Higgs tron have been calculated in Refs. [3454–3457]. Results
production in bottom quark fusion [3415, 3416]. The for anomalous dimensions at six [3458, 3459] or seven
extension to colored final states requires advances in loops and beyond [3460, 3461] are available for scalar
the treatment of IR divergent real radiation, for exam- theories.
ple N -jettiness soft and beam functions at this order,
see e.g. Refs. [1987, 3417–3421] or triple collinear split-
ting functions [3422, 3423], see also Ref. [3357] for more 11.1.3 Phenomenology
The progress described above concerning precision cal-
Another ingredient which is needed to be consistent
culations in QCD has led to a plethora of phenomeno-
at this order are N3 LO parton distribution functions,
logical results at unprecedented precision, such as de-
see Ref. [3044] for recent progress.
terminations of the strong coupling described in Sec-
For processes such as Higgs boson decays into heavy
tion 3.2, determinations of the W -boson mass, preci-
quarks or the production of heavy quarks at e+ e− col-
sion measurements in Higgs- and electroweak physics
11.2 Analytic resummation 389

(see Sections 12.4, 12.3) and top quark physics (see Sec- 11.2 Analytic resummation
tion 12.5). Advances in jet algorithms and jet substruc-
ture measurements (see Sections 12.2 and 11.5)) also Simone Marzani
play a major role in the LHC precision program. Cross
11.2.1 Large logarithms
sections for inclusive jet production can be measured
at the LHC with an uncertainty of about 5% for cen-
QCD processes that involve high-momentum transfer,
tral rapidities. This poses challenges on the theory side,
usually referred to as “hard processes”, can be described
in particular it requires a judicious choice of the cen-
in perturbation theory. In this framework, theoretical
tral scale, as some choices can induce infrared-sensitive
precision is achieved by computing the cross section σ
contributions [3462]. Furthermore, the transverse mo-
for an observable V, which we assume having the dimen-
menta of the jets can reach values around 4 TeV, mak-
sion of an energy scale, including higher- and higher-
ing the combination of NNLO QCD corrections with
order corrections in the strong coupling αs , i.e. the so-
NLO electroweak corrections indispensable to describe
called fixed-order expansion:
the high-pT region correctly. In order to make such pre-
cision calculations usable efficiently for PDF fits or αs σ (V) = σ0 + αs σ1 + αs2 σ2 + αs3 σ3 + O(αs4 ), (11.2.1)
determinations, it is also important to have them avail-
where the leading order (LO) contribution σ0 is the
able in a flexible format, for example in the form of fast
Born-level cross section for the scattering process of
interpolation grids, see e.g. Ref. [3463] for more details.
interest. Subsequent contributions in the perturbative
Together with ongoing progress in reducing PDF
expansion σx constitute the next-tox -leading (Nx LO)
uncertainties, as well as in controlling non-perturbative
corrections. In the language of Feynman diagrams, each
effects and parton shower uncertainties (see e.g. Sec-
power of αs corresponds to the emission of an additional
tions 11.4, 11.3), precision phenomenology at hadron
QCD parton, either a quark or a gluon, in the final state
colliders has reached a level which was unthinkable 50
or to a virtual correction.
years ago when QCD was “born”.
Calculations of Feynman diagrams are plagued by
the appearance of divergences of different nature. Loop-
11.1.4 Outlook diagrams can exhibit ultra-violet singularities. Because
QCD is a renormalizable theory, such infinities can be
The calculation of perturbative higher order corrections
absorbed into a redefinition of the parameters that en-
in QCD at high energies is a success story. Inventive
ter the Lagrangian. Throughout this discussion, it is
new methods have been developed to deal with the in-
understood that such renormalization has already oc-
creasing level of complexity at higher perturbative or-
curred. Real-emission diagrams exhibit singularities in
ders. These technical advances were accompanied by
particular corners of the phase-space. More specifically,
a better understanding of important phenomenological
these singular contributions have to do with collinear,
concepts, such as infrared-safe observables and jet al-
i.e. small-angle, splittings of massless partons and emis-
gorithms, and of the limitations of fixed-order pertur-
sions of soft gluons, either off massive or massless parti-
bation theory. These developments went hand in hand
cles. Virtual diagrams also exhibit analogous infra-red
with increasingly precise measurements of QCD pro-
and collinear (IRC) singularities, and rather general
cesses at high energy colliders, and they are important
theorems [3464–3466] state that such infinities cancel
pillars of the search for physics beyond the Standard
when real and virtual corrections are added together,
thus leading to observable transition probabilities that
While the uncertainties due to the truncation of the
are free of IRC singularities. Moreover, in order to be
perturbative series were the dominant theory uncertain-
able to use the perturbative expansion of Eqn. (11.2.1),
ties for a long time in the 50-years history of QCD, for
one has to consider observables V that are “IRC safe”,
processes where the N3 LO level of QCD corrections is
i.e. measurable quantities that do not spoil the above
reached it became clear that other uncertainties, such as
PDF uncertainties, parton shower uncertainties, quark
The theoretical community has put a huge effort in
mass effects, parametric uncertainties (e.g. in αs , mt ) or
computing higher-order corrections, as discussed in de-
power-suppressed and non-perturbative contributions
tail in Section 11.1. One of the main challenges in this
need to be considered with high priority as well. Be-
enterprise is the treatment of the infra-red region and
ing able to control them will play an important role in
the cancellation of the singular contributions between
the next 50 years of QCD and in the search for physics
real and virtual diagrams. Furthermore, the emissions
beyond the Standard Model.
of soft and/or collinear partons are also problematic be-
cause they can generate large logarithmic terms in the

perturbative coefficients σx , thus invalidating the fixed- high-enough accuracy, the dangerous logarithmic cor-
order approach. The expansion of Eqn. (11.2.1) works rections cancel between σ f.o. and σ d.c. and all the large
well if the measured value of the observable is V ' Q, contributions are resummed in σ res .
where Q is the scale which characterizes the hard pro- All-order resummation is possible because (squared)
cess. However, it loses its predictive power if the mea- matrix element and phase-space factorize in certain kine-
surement of V  Q confines the real radiation into a matic limits. Different methods to achieve such factor-
small corner of phase-space, while clearly leaving vir- ization have been developed in the literature. For in-
tual corrections unrestricted. For IRC safe observables, stance, factorization can be obtained by studying di-
soft and collinear singularities cancel, but logarithmic rectly QCD amplitudes and cross-sections in the soft
corrections in the ratio V/Q are left behind, causing the and collinear limits. Then, resummation can be achieved
coefficients σx to become large, so that αsx σx ∼ 1. Be- by iteratively identifying factorization and exponenti-
cause these logarithmic corrections are related to soft ation properties of QCD matrix elements and cross-
and/or collinear emissions, one can expect at most two sections [152, 3467, 3468]. Other approaches instead in-
powers of L = ln Q V for each power of the strong cou- troduce non-local correlation operators, such as Wilson
pling: lines, and exploit their renormalization group evolution
[3469]. Finally, one can construct soft-collinear effective
σ (V) = σ0 + αs σ12 L2 + σ11 L + . . .

field theories (SCET) to describe the soft and collinear
+ αs2 σ24 L4 + σ23 L3 + . . . + O(αsn L2n ). degrees of freedom of QCD [1761–1764, 1791, 1861,

(11.2.2) 1863] (see Ref. [3470] for an extensive, review). There is

a rich literature describing similarities and differences
All-order resummation is then a re-organization of the
of the various resummation approaches, see e.g. [3471–
above perturbative series. For many observables of in-
3476]. In this presentation we will mostly follow the
terest, the resummed expression exponentiates, leading
iterative point of view.

σ (V) = σ0 g0 (αs ) 11.2.2 Transverse-momentum resummation

× exp [Lg1 (αs L) + g2 (αs L) + αs g3 (αs L) + . . . ] ,
(11.2.3) The transverse momentum (QT = pZ T , pT , pT ) distri-

bution of electroweak final states at hadron colliders is

where g0 is a constant contribution which admits an one of the most extensively investigated observables in
expansion in αs . In analogy to the fixed-order termi- QCD. Studies of QT spectra and related angular corre-
nology, the inclusion of the contribution gx+1 , i ≥ 0, lations of lepton pairs produced via the Drell-Yan (DY)
leads to next-tox -leading logarithmic (Nx LL) accuracy. process provide us with a useful testing ground for an
Fixed-order Eqn. (11.2.1) and resummed Eqn. (11.2.3) even more interesting Higgs and new physics program.
expansions are complementary. On the one hand, fixed- These processes are characterised by the presence of
order calculations fail in particular limits of phase-space, two distinct scales: the measured QT and the invariant
indicating the need for an all-order approach. On the mass of the final-state Q, which is close to the mass of
other hand, all-order calculations are only possible if the electroweak boson for on-shell production. There-
particular assumptions on the emission kinematics are fore, if we are interested in phase-space regions where
made. Thus, the most accurate theoretical description QT  Q, large logarithmic corrections appear. They
for the observable V is achieved by matching the two should be accounted for to all orders, in order to achieve
approaches an accurate theoretical description of these observable
σ matched f.o. res
(V) = σ (V) + σ (V) − σ (V), d.c.
(11.2.4) distributions.
Furthermore, one aspect of physics at hadron collid-
where the third contribution corresponds to the expan- ers that becomes important at small QT is the role of
sion of the resummation to the order we are matching to non-perturbative effects commonly attributed to the in-
and it is subtracted in order to avoid double counting. trinsic transverse motion of partons within the proton.
For instance, if we were to match the resummed ex- One may therefore view any opportunity to compare
pression Eqn. (11.2.3), computed to some logarithmic precise perturbative predictions with accurate experi-
accuracy to a fixed-order calculation, see Eqn. (11.2.2), mental data for DY lepton pairs as a chance to assess
performed at NNLO, σ d.c. would correspond to the ex- the size of non-perturbative physics; physics which also
pansion of the resummed result up to second order in affects the Higgs QT spectrum.
the strong coupling, relatively to Born term. Further- The literature on QT resummation is vast and since
more, we note that, if the resummation is computed at the seminal papers, which date back to the late 1970s,
11.2 Analytic resummation 391

early 1980s, e.g. [1282, 3477], there has been a continu- Thus, we consider the emission of an arbitrary num-
ous effort in producing accurate theoretical predictions ber of collinear gluons off the incoming hard legs. The
that can describe the experimental data. For example, partonic cross-section can be written as
high logarithmic accuracy [1907, 3478–3485] has been ∞ n Z
achieved and computer programs that allow one to com- d2 σ born
X 1 Y αs (kT i )
= σcc̄→F [dki ] (2Cc )
pute NNLL predictions matched to next-to-leading or- dQT n=0
n! i=1

der (NLO) for the QT distribution in case of colorless " !
final states in hadron collision have been available for a ziN −1 P̄ real (zi ) δ (2) QT +
kT i
long time, e.g. [3479, 3480, 3486–3491]. Fixed-order pre- i
dictions have reached NNLO accuracy and the resum-

mation can be now performed to N3 LL accuracy [188, + P̄ virtual (zi ) δ (2) (QT )
1906, 3492–3495]. Results with partial N4 LL resumma-  
tion have also been recently obtained [3407]. Θ (kT i − Q0 ) Θ 1 − zi +
kT i
, (11.2.5)
Moreover, observables such as φ∗ [3496, 3497] that Q
exploit angular correlations to probe similar physics as where we have taken Mellin moments with respect to
QT , while being measured with even better experimen- the longitudinal momentum fractions zi . The emitted
tal resolution, have triggered theoretical studies to ex- dk2
gluon phase space is [dki ] = dzi k2T i dφ
2π and Cc = CF , CA

tend the formalism of QT resummation to these new Ti

is the appropriate color factor. The first Θ function ex-
variables [3488, 3498–3501].
presses the fact that emissions below the cut-off Q0 be-
In this section we review the main ingredients of QT
long to the non-perturbative region of the proton wave-
resummation for an electroweak final state, i.e. Higgs or
function, while the second one correctly accounts for
DY. For simplicity, we are going to consider distribu-
the large-angle soft region of phase-space. In order to
tions which are fully inclusive in the electroweak bo-
achieve NLL accuracy, the strong coupling αs has to be
son decay products, as well as integrated in the boson’s
evaluated at two loops, in the CMW scheme [152]. The
rapidity. The extension to more differential distribu-
emission probability is described by the real and virtual
tions, including fiducial cuts on the final-state parti-
matrix elements (see e.g. App. E of Ref. [3502]):
cles, is possible. For convenience, we work at NLL and,
as further simplification, we explicitly consider only the , for a quark,
1+z 2
flavor-diagonal contributions, while restoring full flavor- P̄ (z) = 1−z 2z
+ 2(1−z)
+ 2z(1 − z), for a gluon;
dependence in the end. 1−z z

We compute the differential distribution for the trans- (11.2.6)

verse momentum of the boson (Higgs or Z/γ ∗ ). At Born
 1−z , for a quark,
1+z 2

level, we have gg → h or q q̄ → Z/γ ∗ , so the boson 
has no transverse momentum, i.e. the distribution is P̄ 2z
(z) = (−1) 1−z + z(1 − z)
proportional to δ (2) (QT ), where QT is the two-dimen- +nf TR (z 2 + (1 − z)2 ), for a gluon.

sional transverse-momentum. When computing higher (11.2.7)
perturbative orders, we must include contributions with
additional partons i in the final state. Thus, the boson For later convenience, we also introduce the leading or-
can acquire der regularized splitting functions
Pa nonzero transverse momentum, such that
QT = − i kT i . Resummation is relevant when the
1 + z2
transverse momentum is much smaller than the mass Pqq (z) = CF ,
2π 1−z +
(or virtuality) of the electroweak boson, Q2T = |QT |2 
Q2 . This can happen in two situations: either all re-
αs z z(1 − z)
coiling partons have small transverse momenta or their Pgg (z) = 2CA +
2π 1−z 2 +
transverse momenta, although not individually small, #
mostly cancel in their vector sum. Both these mech- +
z(1 − z) 2
− nf TR δ(1 − z) ,
anisms must be taken into account and, as we shall z 2 3
shortly see, this can be achieved if QT resummation (11.2.8)
is performed in Fourier space. If we denote with b the
conjugate variable to QT , then the small-QT region cor- and the corresponding anomalous dimensions
responds to large b = |b| and logarithms of QT are Z 1
mapped into logarithms of 1/b. γcc (N, αs ) = z N −1 Pcc (z), c = q, g. (11.2.9)

We note that virtual corrections in Eqn. (11.2.5) do The factor 1 − eib·kT essentially acts as a cut-off on

not change the transverse momentum QT and trivially the kT integral. At NLL we have 104
exponentiate. The real-emission contribution is also fac- Z Q2 "Z kT
1− Q
torized, with the exception of the two-dimensional delta- R(b, N ) = −
αs (kT ) Cc virtual
P̄ (z)
function constraint. This is where Fourier moments with 2
b0 /b2 k 2
T 0 π
respect to the two-dimensional vector QT become help- #
ful. We can exploit the relation − 2γcc (N, αs (kt ))
! n
X 1 2 ib·QT
δ QT + kT i = 2
d b e eib·kT i , = − ln Sc + 2 γcc (N, αs (kt )),
4π i=1 b20 /b2 kt2
(11.2.10) (11.2.14)

to fully factorize the real-contribution in Eqn. (11.2.5). b0 = 2e−γE , where γE is the Euler constant. Thus,
We obtain we have successfully separated two distinct contribu-
∞ n Z tions: the Sudakov form factor (Sc ), computed here at
W real (b, N ) =
1 Y αs (kT i ) NLL accuracy (and systematically improvable) and a
[dki ] ziN −1 (2Cc )
n! i 2π DGLAP contribution, which evolves the PDFs from the
× P̄ (zi )e ib·kT i
Θ (kT i − Q0 ) hard scale Q down to b0 /b. Note that here we have only
  considered flavor-diagonal splittings. Off-diagonal ones
kT i
× Θ 1 − zi + . (11.2.11) do not alter the Sudakov form factor and they are fully
Q taken into account by the complete DGLAP evolution.
The series in Eqn. (11.2.11) sums to an exponential. Taking into account all the above effects, the all-
Thus, the resummed exponent is obtained by putting order transverse momentum distribution for the pro-
together real, virtual and PDF (kT i < Q0 ) contribu- duction of an electroweak final state F from initial-state
tions: partons c and c̄ can be written
Z Z Z ∞
dσ b
αs (kT ) kT born
R(b, N ) = 2Cc [dk] Θ (kT − Q0 ) Θ 1 − z + 2 = σ cc̄→F dx 1 dx 1 db J0 (bQT )Sc (b, Q)
2π Q dQ 0 2
× −z N −1 P̄ real (z)eib·kT − P̄ virtual (z)
x1 x2 s

× dz1 dz2 δ 1 − z1 z2
Z Q2 2 Q2
+2 γcc (N, αs (kT )).
kT2 F
(αs (Q)) Cca1 z1 , αs bb0 Cc̄a2 z2 , αs bb0
Q20 × Hcc̄
By rewriting z N −1 = 1 + (z N −1 − 1) and using the #
definitions in Eqs. (11.2.6), (11.2.7), and (11.2.8), we F b0 b0
+ H̃cc̄ (αs (Q)) Gca1 z1 , αs b Gc̄a2 z2 , αs b
are able to reshuffle the contributions to the resummed
exponent as follows × fa1 x1 , bb0 fa2 x2 , bb0 , (11.2.15)

dkT2 2π
where we have introduced the Bessel function J0 and

1 − eib·kT

R(b, N ) = −
Q20 kT2 0 2π the sum over a1 , a2 is understood. The functions Gab ,
kT Cab , Hab
, H̃ab
can be computed in perturbation theory,
αs (kT ) Cc virtual while fa denotes the the parton distribution functions.
× dz P̄ (z)
0 π For Standard Model Higgs production we have F = h,
c = c̄ = g, and H = H̃, while for DY production we
− 2γcc (N, αs (kT )) + O . (11.2.13) have F = Z/γ ∗ and c = q, and Gq,a = Gq̄,a = 0. As
already mentioned, different resummation formalisms
exist in the literature. They all agree at the perturba-
tive accuracy they claim, but they may differ because
of subleading effects. As an example, in Fig. 11.2.1 we
show a comparison between the resummed and matched
calculation of Ref. [3495] and LHC data, collected by
the ATLAS collaboration [3504].
See Ref. [3503] for a generalization of this approximation
to higher-logarithmic accuracy.
11.2 Analytic resummation 393

generalized kT family, for which the metric is defined
10 −2 N3 LO+N3 LL by
ATLAS data

10−3   ∆R2
dij = min p2p ,
Ti Tjp 2p
, diB = p2p
T i,
10−4 R2

where pT i , pT j are the particles’ transverse momenta


and ∆Rij 2
is their distance in the azimuth-rapidity plane.
13 TeV, pp → Z/γ ∗ (→ `+ `− ) + X R is an external parameter, which plays the role of the
10−7 symmetric cuts jet radius. Different choices for the parameter p are pos-
uncertainties with µR , µF , Q, matching variations
sible. For instance, p = 0 corresponds to the so-called
Cambridge-Aachen (C/A) algorithm [170, 171], with a
purely geometrical distance. For p = 1 we have the kT -
Ratio to data


1.00 algorithm [172, 3505], which by clustering particles at

low pT first, is likely to faithfully reconstruct a QCD
branching history. Finally, with the choice p = −1 we
obtain the anti-kT algorithm [174], which clusters soft
0 10 20 30 50 100 200 500 1000
particles around a hard core, producing fairly round
Fig. 11.2.1 The lepton pair transverse momentum distribu- jets in the azimuth-rapidity plane. It is interesting to
tion measured by the ATLAS collaboration at the LHC [3504] note that all algorithms of the generalized kT family
is compared to a resummed and matched calculation. QT re-
summation is performed at N3 LL logarithmic accuracy and it act identically on a configuration with just two parti-
is matched to the N3 LO fixed-order result, with respect to cles: they are recombined if ∆Rij < R. More details
the Born process, which corresponds to NNLO accuracy for about jets can be found in Sec. 11.5. Although incredi-
the transverse momentum distribution. The plot is taken from bly useful for phenomenology, jet algorithms introduce
Ref. [3495].
resolution parameters, such as the jet radius R, ren-
dering the computation of jet properties a multi-scale
11.2.3 Jets and their substructure In the past decade, many observables have been de-
vised to study the internal properties of high-pT jets,
All-order techniques not only allow us to probe the dy- see for instance [3506]. The simplest example of such
namics of electroweak bosons that recoil against QCD observables is the jet invariant mass, which is defined
radiation, as discussed above, but can be employed to as
study the properties of the radiation itself in great de-
tail. If we look at hadronic final states, we realise that
 2
QCD radiation is not uniformly distributed, but rather (11.2.17)
m2jet =  pi  , ρ = 2 2 ,
R pT
concentrated in collimated sprays of hadrons that are i∈jet
called jets. Jets really live at the boundary between
where pi are the jet constituents’ four-momenta and, in
experimental and theoretical particle physics and are
order to emphasise the multi-scale nature of the prob-
abundantly used by both communities. They allow us
lem, we have also introduced the dimensionless ratio ρ.
to describe complex final states in terms of a few objects
This ratio is small in the boosted regime mjet  Rpt ,
rather than hundreds of particles. Furthermore, from
which is of particular interest at the LHC. As previ-
a theoretical point of view, jets are closely related to
ously discussed, when scales become widely separated,
quarks and gluons, i.e. the degrees of freedom of pertur-
logarithms (of ρ in this case) become large and in or-
bative QCD. Thus, jet definitions, commonly referred to
der to obtain reliable predictions for this observable, we
as jet algorithms, must have good theoretical and exper-
need to perform all-order calculations.
imental properties. For instance, jet algorithms should
We do not report here the details of the resummed
be IRC safe, so that they yield finite cross-sections when
calculation for the jet mass distribution, which is closely
evaluated in perturbation theory [166].
related to the one of the thrust event shape [3468, 3507,
Modern jet algorithms are based on the concept of
3508], but rather we stress similarities and differences
sequential recombination. Pairwise distances between
with respect to QT resummation, described above. Large
particles are evaluated in order to decide whether to
logarithmic corrections always arise from the emission
recombine two particles. The metric used to evaluate
of soft and/or collinear partons. However, final-state
these distances characterizes the jet algorithm. Nowa-
four-momenta are combined differently in the two ob-
days, the most popular group of jet algorithm is the
servables and therefore a different integral transform

is needed to diagonalize the invariant mass δ-function.

Furthermore, because we are interested in the dynam-

dσ/dp T dp T dλ10.5
central dijet

d2 σ
ics of a high-pT isolated jet, emissions collinear to the 3.5 anti-kt , R = 0.4
incoming legs do not significantly alter the jet prop- p T,jet ∈ [120, 150] GeV

3 b

erties, leading to a simplified treatment of the PDF

CMS data

2.5 b NLO + NLL′ + NP
contributions. However, there is a major complication

that arises when performing calculations with jets. Only 1.5 b

emissions that are recombined into the jet contribute 1

to the invariant mass, making it an example of a non-

global observable [3509]. As it turns out, the presence

of phase-space boundaries noticeably complicates the 1.6

structure of soft-emissions and essentially invalidates
1 b b b b b b b b

simple exponentiation. Furthermore, the actual shape 0.8

of the boundary depends on the jet algorithm of choice.
For instance, in the presence of many soft emissions to-
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

gether with a hard parton, the anti-kT algorithm will LHA λ10.5
always cluster all soft gluons to the hard parton, be- Fig. 11.2.2 The Les Houches Angularity (LHA) distribution,
having as a rigid cone algorithm, while the choice of which corresponds to κ = 1, α = 0.5 in Eq. (11.2.18) measured
different algorithms, such as C/A or kT , can give rise to by the CMS collaboration at the LHC [3519]. The data are com-
pared to the resummed and matched calculation (NLL+NLO),
more complicated clustering sequences, see e.g. [3510] supplemented by non-perturbative corrections [3520, 3521] and
and references therein. The calculation of non-global to the prediction obtain with a state-of-the-art Monte Carlo
logarithms constitutes the bottle-neck of jet calcula- simulation using Sherpa at NLO QCD accuracy [3522]. The
tions but thanks to an extraordinary effort of differ- plot is taken from Ref. [3521].
ent groups, they can now be resummed at high accu-
racy [1784, 1997, 3511–3517]. are important to ensure agreement with the data at
The calculation techniques developed for the jet mass small values of the angularity. The situation can be
have been extended to other jet substructure observ- greatly improved if one considers “grooming” and “tag-
ables. An interesting example is the family of jet angu- ging” algorithms. Broadly speaking, a grooming proce-
larities [3518]. These probe both the angular and the dure takes a jet as an input and tries to clean it up by
transverse momentum distribution of particles within removing constituents which, being at wide angle and
a given jet. They are defined from the momenta of jet relatively soft, are likely to come from contamination,
constituents as follows: such as the underlying event or pile-up. A tagging pro-
cedure instead focuses on some kinematic variable that
pT,i ∆i
is able to distinguish signal from background, such as,
λα = P ,
j∈jet pT,j R
i∈jet for instance, the energy sharing between two subjets
where within the jet, and cuts on it. Many of the algorithms
on the market usually perform both grooming and tag-
ging and a clear distinction between the two is diffi-
∆i = (yi − yjet )2 + (φi − φjet )2 , (11.2.19)
cult. Regardless of their nature, these algorithms try
is the azimuth-rapidity distance of particle i from the to resolve jets on smaller angular and energy scales,
jet axis. Jet angularities are IRC safe for κ = 1 and thereby introducing new parameters. This further chal-
α > 0. In Fig. 11.2.2 we show a comparison between lenges our ability of computing predictions in perturba-
LHC data collected by the CMS collaboration [3519], tive QCD. However, if these algorithms are properly de-
for the so-called Les Houches Angularity (LHA), which signed, they can effectively reduce contamination from
corresponds to setting κ = 1 and α = 0.5, and a re- non-perturbative physics, while maintaining calculabil-
summed calculation performed at NLL accuracy [3520, ity. An example of this is SoftDrop [1875]. This proce-
3521]. dure steps backward through the C/A clustering tree
Despite the remarkable perturbative accuracy that of a jet and iteratively checks whether the transverse
can be achieved for jet observables, non-perturbative momenta of the two branches satisfy the condition
corrections due to the hadronization process or origi- β
nating from multiple-parton interactions or pile-up, are

min(pT 1 , pT 2 ) ∆12
> zcut . (11.2.20)
rather large. Indeed, the resummed curve in Fig. 11.2.2 pT 1 + pT 2 R
has been corrected for non-perturbative effects, which
11.3 Parton showers 395

The difficulty posed by substructure algorithms in Resummation provides us with the right tools to
general, and SoftDrop in particular, is the presence of study emergent phenomena in QCD, such as jet forma-
new parameters, such as zcut and β, that slice the phase- tion and it allows us to scrutinise fundamental prop-
space for soft gluon emission in a non-trivial way, re- erties of the theory. The concept of factorization, i.e.
sulting in potentially complicated all-order behavior of the ability of separating physical effects happening at
the observable at hand. In the soft limit, the SoftDrop different energy scales, is the foundation of the whole re-
criterion reduces to summation program that we have discussed. Even more
 β generally, we can say any QCD calculation, being it
z > zcut
θ 1
⇒ ln < ln
1 R
+ β ln , done at fixed-order or at the resummed level, requires
R z zcut θ some notion of factorization. Of particular importance
(11.2.21) is the collinear factorization theorem [224] that allows
us to separate the perturbative, i.e. calculable, part of
where z is the momentum fraction and θ the opening
a process from the non-perturbative one, which can be
angle. For β > 0, collinear splittings always satisfy the
described in terms of parton distribution (or fragmen-
SoftDrop condition, so a SoftDrop jet still contains all
tation) functions. Resummation techniques allows us
of its collinear radiation. The amount of soft-collinear
to uncover limitations and possible breakdowns of fac-
radiation that satisfies the SoftDrop condition depends
torization [1857, 3524], which typically happen at per-
on the relative scaling of the energy fraction z to the
turbative orders that are too high to be reached with
angle θ. As β → 0, more of the soft-collinear radia-
fixed-order techniques. Thus, despite resummation be-
tion of the jet is removed, and in the β = 0 limit, all
ing based on the soft/collinear approximation of the
soft-collinear radiation is removed [1876, 3523]. There-
perturbative approximation of QCD, it opens up a win-
fore, we expect the coefficient of the double logarithms
dow to fundamental aspects of the theory:
in observables like the groomed jet mass, the origin of
Resummation just scratches the surface of QCD.
which is soft-collinear radiation, to be proportional to
But it makes a mark. 105
β. In the strict β = 0 limit, collinear radiation is only
maintained if z > zcut . Because soft-collinear radiation
is vetoed, the resulting jet mass distributions will only
11.3 Parton showers
exhibit single logarithms, as emphasized in [1876, 3523].
Moreover, non-global logarithms are found to be power- Frank Krauss
suppressed for β > 0, and absent for β = 0. Finally, for
β < 0, there are no logarithmic structures for observ- 11.3.1 Motivation
ables like groomed jet mass at arbitrarily low values
of the observable. For example, β = −1 roughly corre- Producing charged particles in a high-energy collision
sponds to a cut on the relative transverse momentum initiates the emission of secondary bremsstrahlung quanta.
of the two subjets under scrutiny. Due to the large strong coupling and because of the
The above understanding can be formalized into ac- gluon self-coupling, the radiation of gluons is of partic-
tual calculations and the resummation of a variety of ular relevance, and tens or even hundreds of secondary
observables measured on SoftDrop jets has been per- quarks and gluons can be produced in a cascade of emis-
formed to N3 LL [1786, 1899]. This outstanding theo- sions.
retical accuracy, together with reduced sensitivity to Apart from the wish to correctly describe particle
non-perturbative corrections, make SoftDrop jets a par- production at collider experiments in all its facets, and
ticularly powerful way to probe QCD dynamics and jet preferably based on first principles, there is another,
formation. more practical reason why this process of multiple par-
ton emission is of great phenomenological relevance.
11.2.4 Outlook The confinement property of QCD prevents quarks and
gluons to be directly observed and instead, they man-
In this brief overview we have introduced resummation ifest themselves through hadrons, which constitute the
as a powerful tool that we can use to augment the abil- observable final states. Unfortunately, to date, only phe-
ity of perturbative calculations to describe the data. nomenological models for the dynamical transition from
We have given two examples of multi-scale processes, quarks and gluons to hadrons in a process aptly dubbed
namely the transverse momentum of an electroweak bo- hadronization have been developed, which rely on a
son and the Les Houches (jet) Angularity, for which the large number of parameters which have to be fitted –
inclusion of all-order effects is mandatory in order to be 105
George Sterman, CTEQ school 2006.
able to describe the data.

“tuned” – to experimental data. Clearly, such a pro- (and therefore not to turn it into an (N + 1)-particle
gramme is sensible only, if the parameters are suffi- configuration with momenta {p}). The phase space el-
ciently independent from the hard process and rather ement for the emission, ΦN →N +1 (t, z, φ), will depend
depend on the properties of the parton ensembles at a on (1) the ordering parameter t defined below; (2) the
common low scale. This is realized by casting the mul- splitting parameter z given by the light-cone momen-
tiple emission of the secondary quanta, the parton cas- tum fraction or energy fraction of the emitted parti-
cade, into algorithms that systematically evolve the few cle; and (3) the azimuth angle φ, fixing the orientation
original partons in the hard process at a scale of large of the emitted particle in the transverse plane of the
momenta Q into resulting many–parton ensembles re- mission. The emission kernel KN →N +1 (ΦN →N +1 ) de-
solved at a lower scale Q0 , at which hadronization sets pends on the phase space of the emission and on the
in. The resulting algorithms are called parton showers, strong coupling αS (p2⊥ ), with the transverse momen-
and one might think of them as numerical implemen- tum as preferred scale choice. In the collinear limit,
tations of a renormalization–group equation that con- t → 0 with finite z, the kernel for a specific emitter
nects these two scales, Q and Q0 . They form an inte- (ij) splits into particles i and j and reduces to the well-
gral part of modern event generators HERWIG [3525], known corresponding DGLAP splitting kernels. In the
PYTHIA [3526], and SHERPA [3522]. soft limit, z → 0 which also forces t → 0, the kernel
should approach the eikonal form,
11.3.2 Parton Shower Realizations
(pi · pk )
lim KN →N +1 (ΦN →N +1 (t, z, φ)) ∝ ,
Some first intuition about parton showers can be gained z→0 (pi · pj )(pj · pk )
from the (quasi-classical) spectrum of gluons emitted by (11.3.3)
a fast moving color charge,
where k denotes the color spectator. Owing to the cur-
αS dω d2 p⊥ rent standard of using the leading-color approximation
dng = , (11.3.1)
π ω p2⊥ in the parton shower construction, k can be uniquely
exhibiting its characteristic divergent structure in the
Individual simulated events are seeded by the hard
limit where the emitted gluon becomes soft, with it en-
process, evaluated at a fixed perturbative order, and
ergy ω → 0, or collinear with respect to the emitter,
dressed afterwards with the parton shower. In marked
with its transverse momentum p⊥ → 0. These well–
contrast to the forward evolution of the final-state par-
known soft and collinear divergences, typical for quan-
ton shower, the parton shower in the initial state is
tum field theories with massless (vector) particles can-
described by a backward evolution, back to the ini-
cel for physically meaningful observables when both
tial beam particles and to a fixed, pre-defined state.
real and virtual emissions are taken into account [3527,
To enforce that the backward evolution of the parton
3528]. In parton showers, which aim to simulate the
shower arrives at the correct initial state, while respect-
emission of real quanta, this is implicitly taken into ac-
ing the evolution of its internal structure, emissions
count, by demanding that the emitted partons are re-
are weighted by a ratio of parton distribution func-
solvable with a minimal energy and transverse momen-
tions [3529],
tum; divergences in unresolvable emissions then cancel
those from virtual corrections. Such a constraint is ef- fi (x(ij) /z, µ2i )
fectively realized for example by demanding a minimal KN →N +1 (ΦN →N +1 (t, z, φ)) ∝
f(ij) (x(ij) , µ2(ij) )
transverse momentum, k⊥ > Q0 in emissions. The inte-
grated spectrum depends logarithmically on the cut-off, (11.3.4)
and small values of Q0 overcoming the smallness of αs In this way the particle (ij), resolved at scale µ2(ij) and
necessitate the resummation of the infrared logarithms. with momentum fraction x(ij) , is replaced by the new
This physical picture is encoded in probabilistic lan- initial-state particle i, resolved at a lower scale µ2i <
guage, by constructing a Sudakov form factor µ2(ij) and with a larger momentum fraction xi = x(ij) /z.
∆N →N +1 (Q, Q0 ) = (11.3.2) The choice of a parton-shower realization has an im-
 2
 pact on the accuracy with which the radiation pattern
 ZQ
 
 is simulated. In first-generation parton-shower imple-
exp − dΦN →N +1 (t, z, φ) KN →N +1 (ΦN →N +1 ) ,
  mentations, the ordering parameter t is either identi-
fied with the virtual mass of the parton before emis-
 2 

which yields the probability for an N -particle configu- sion, t = p2(ij) = (pi + pj )2 [3530, 3531] or with the
ration with momenta {p̃} not to emit another particle (scaled) opening angle of the emission, t = E(ij) 2
(1 −
11.3 Parton showers 397

cos θij ) [3532, 3533]. When the regular parts of the wide-angle regions of phase space, the realm of fixed-
(massless) DGLAP splitting kernels at O(αS ) are used, order perturbative corrections, and they do not cap-
suitably limiting the allowed range for z accounts for ture potentially large higher-order corrections to inclu-
the effect of finite masses. Careful analysis of the radi- sive cross sections. Therefore the resummation implicit
ation pattern indicated that angular ordering is an im- in the parton shower has to be matched to fixed-order
portant ingredient to the correctness of the simulation. calculations. Defining, respectively, BN (ΦN ), VN (ΦN ),
The ordering accounts for color coherence effects, and and RN (ΦN +1 ) the Born-level, virtual and real correc-
introduces an explicit veto on increasing opening angles tions to a given process, and suppressing their phase
of the virtuality-ordered parton showers. In contrast, space arguments in the following, a calculation – accu-
the dipole shower formulation [3534] in ARIADNE [3535] rate in next-to leading order (NLO) – can schematically
explicitly fills the Lund plane [3536] in transverse mo- be written as
mentum p2⊥ and rapidity y of emissions. By setting the h i
ordering parameter t = p2⊥ with the identification of p2⊥ dσ (N LO) = dΦN BN + ṼN + dΦN +1 [RN − DN ] ,
as the inverse of the eikonal from Eq. (11.3.3), it ful- (11.3.6)
fils the color coherence requirements that give rise to
angular ordering [3537]. A similar approach has been with the infrared subtracted virtual correction ṼN (ΦN )
chosen in VINCIA [3538], and extended to include ini- = VN (ΦN ) + BN (ΦN ) ⊗ I(ΦN ) and the real subtraction
tial state showering and other improvements. The same term D(ΦN +1 ) = B(ΦN ) ⊗ S1 (ΦN →N +1 ) both written
logic – using a form of transverse momentum as order- in factorized form, and where I emerges from S1 by
ing parameter – was usually also chosen in the second- analytically integrating over the one-particle emission
generation parton showers, for example in Refs. [3539– phase space.
3542]. The explicit inclusion of mass effects in the split- This can be matched to a parton shower along two
ting kernels forces to identify the splitting parameter well–established algorithms. The MC@NLO method [3543]
z with a light-cone momentum fraction. To system- makes use of the fact that the parton shower correctly
atically include universal higher-order effects K from describes the soft and collinear divergent regions of phase
the two-loop cusp anomalous dimension, the custom- space and the emission kernels K can thus be matched
ary CMW scheme [152] replaces to the infrared subtraction terms S required in fixed-

αS (p2⊥ )
 order calculations. Events that, at fixed-order, corre-
αS (p2⊥ ) −→ αS (p2⊥ ) 1 + K , spond to N -particle final states with Born-level kine-

matics, are denoted as “soft” events and the parton
67 π 2
10 shower is attached to them in a way exactly like it would
K= − CA − TR nf , (11.3.5)
18 6 9 be attached to the Born-level leading-order events. Sim-
where nf is the number of active flavors and CA and ilarly, the (N + 1)-particle events are dubbed “hard”
TR = 1/2 are the usual QCD factors. Once an emis- events, and, again the parton shower starts like it would
sion, parameterized by t, z, and φ, has been found, the from any similar tree-level configuration. Simple ex-
emission kinematics needs to be constructed, includ- pansion in αS reveals that the MC@NLO scheme re-
ing the compensation of the transverse momentum of covers the fixed-order results, and augments them with
the emitted particle. Choices range from being local, the resummation of higher-order terms from the parton
i.e. contained to the splitter–spectator pair, to global, shower. Despite its simplicity, the MC@NLO prescrip-
i.e. distributed over the full N -particle ensemble. They tion has a practical downside, with the second term in
often reflect a preference for those schemes that lend Eq. (11.3.6) possibly leading to events with a negative
themselves to a direct matching to infrared subtraction weight, a typical feature of practically any higher-order
schemes for next-to leading order calculations such as calculation at fixed order.
the Catani-Seymour subtraction [180]. While these con- This is alleviated in the POWHEG method [3544,
siderations sound like a minor technical detail, subtle 3545], which defines an NLO-accurate N -particle cross
differences in fact have an impact on the overall accu- section, and dresses it, for its first emission, with a Su-
racy, as discussed below. dakov form factor where the parton-shower splitting
kernel is replaced with a ratio of real and Born contri-
11.3.3 (N)NLO matching bution. However, the N -particle phase-space dependent
K-factor implicit in the first square bracket is applied
Despite their success in describing the logarithmically- to the full N + 1-particle spectrum, which may overes-
enhanced soft and collinear regimes of emission phase timate the hard region of emission phase space. To cor-
space, parton showers usually lack accuracy in the hard, rect for this, in practical applications of the POWHEG

method, the real-emission phase space is divided, with a one of hard jet production and one of soft jet evolution.
suitable profile function, into a soft and a hard regime, The algorithm achieving this at leading order [3548,
RN = RN + RN . Schematically, then
(s) (h)
3549] proceeds in three steps. Once a parton-level event
 at fixed order has been produced, the jets are clus-
tered back until a core process corresponding to the 0-
(N LO)
dσ = dΦN BN (ΦN ) + ṼN (ΦN )
Z   additional jet configuration has been found. The differ-
dΦ1 RN (ΦN ⊗ Φ1 ) − DN (ΦN ⊗ Φ1 ) ential cross section for this event is reweighted with ra-
tios αS (µ(P S) )/αS (µ(F O) ) at each emission, with µ(P S)
the scale the parton shower would use and µ(F O)) the
" Z #
RN (ΦN ⊗ Φ1 )
× exp − dΦ1 fixed-order scale used in the calculation. The cross sec-
BN (ΦN )
tion is corrected with Sudakov form factors for the in-
(11.3.7) ternal and external lines, either with analytic expres-
+ dΦN +1 RN (ΦN +1 ) .
sions or by running the parton shower from the core
The regular parton shower is then applied to the (N +1)-
process and vetoing those events with a emissions lead-
particle configurations. Simple expansion shows, again,
ing to additional jets. These steps transform the in-
the overall cross section and the fixed-order emission
dividual inclusive fixed-order calculations into exclu-
spectrum at O(αS ) are correctly reproduced.
sive calculations for exactly 0, 1, 2 etc. additional jets,
NNLO calculations matched to parton shower so far
and combine them with the resummation in the par-
have been solely available for the production of color
ton shower. The algorithm outlined above has been ex-
singlets, S. The first realization was presented in Ref. [3546],
tended to a merging of towers of NLO calculations, ef-
based on the POWHEG method above. The underlying
fectively a merging of multiple MC@NLO simulations
idea is to provide a POWHEG matching for S + p final
with increasing jet multiplicities in [3550, 3551].
states, with the additional parton p filling the phase
space down to the infrared cut-off of the parton shower
11.3.5 Current Developments
and thereby providing NLO accuracy for the overall
emission of the hardest particle. This sample is then
Driven by the ever increasing requirements for improved
reweighted to reproduce the inclusive NNLO cross sec-
theoretical accuracy, parton showers have come under
tion for the production of the singlet S - in the case of
increased scrutiny in the past few years, for example in
a single particle usually achieved by reproducing its ra-
Ref. [3552]. Recent studies revealed that currently used
pidity spectrum at NNLO accuracy. Based on multijet
parton showers do not correctly fill the phase space
merging introduced in the next section, the UNNLOPS
in logarithmically enhanced regions of multiple emis-
method [3547] matches complementary phase spaces of
sions [3553], limiting their logarithmic accuracy. Crite-
color-singlet production for the emission 0, 1, and 2 ad-
ria to systematically asses the logarithmic accuracy of
ditional particles, described by adequately subtracted
parton showers and a solution to the problem above
matrix elements at the two-loop, one-loop, and tree-
was presented in Ref. [183] and led to renewed activ-
level respectively. There overall NNLO accuracy is ob-
ity in creating better, parton showers that are accu-
tained by defining a zero-emission bin and adjusting its
rate at next-to leading logarithmic accuracy for critical
cross section accordingly. An alternative approach has
observables. Including higher-order terms, i.e. O(αS2 )
been presented in the GENEVA algorithm [1942] which
corrections, to the parton showers represents an impor-
matches the NNLO cross section for S production with
tant step to further increase the accuracy. The treat-
NNLL resummation of 0-jettiness. Using this observ-
ment of O(αS2 ) splitting kernels has been discussed in
able to define different regions of phase space allows to
Ref. [3554], and in Ref. [3555] the inclusion of differen-
combine the resulting parton level configurations with
tial two-loop soft corrections has been presented. But
a suitably vetoed parton shower.
higher-order corrections in the strong coupling are not
the only ordering parameter – the parton shower im-
11.3.4 Multijet Merging
plicitly also resides on a leading-color approximation,
and the impact of incorporating sub-leading color terms
Multijet merging provides another way to include exact
was studied for example in Ref. [3556, 3557]. This led to
fixed-order calculations into the parton shower, which
the development of a new paradigm, to describe parton
is especially useful for the description of samples with
splitting and ultimately to construct a parton shower
large jet multiplicities. The underlying idea is to com-
at the level of amplitudes [3558].
bine (merge) calculations with 0, 1, 2, etc. additional
While it is not certain where these activities will
final state jets into one inclusive sample, by decompos-
lead us in the future, they are testament to the im-
ing the parton emission phase space into two regimes,
11.4 Monte Carlo event generators 399

portance and impact of the probabilistic description of ·

the QCD radiation pattern in parton showers, which is ·

nearly as old as QCD itself.


11.4 Monte Carlo event generators

Torbjörn Sjöstrand

A pp collision at the LHC may lead to the production

of hundreds of particles, via a multitude of processes dσ̂0

that can range from the TeV scale down to below the
Hard Interaction
confinement scale. While perturbative calculations can
Resonance Decays
be used at high-momentum scales, currently there is MPI MPI
MECs, Matching & Merging
no way to address lower ones directly from the QCD FSR
Lagrangian. Instead QCD-inspired models have been ISR*
developed. QED
These models typically attempt to break down the Weak Showers Meson
full collision process into a combination of relevant mech-
·· Hard Onium Antibaryon

anisms, that require separate descriptions. Each in its

· Heavy Flavour
Multiparton Interactions
turn often can be formulated as an iterative procedure, Hard Interaction Beam Remnants*
Resonance Decays Strings
where a set of rules are applied repeatedly. These rules
MECs, Matching & Merging Ministrings / Clusters
are expected to represent quantum mechanical calcula- FSR Colour Reconnections
tions that each gives a range of possible outcomes. The ISR* String Interactions
resulting complexity is such that analytical methods are QED Bose-Einstein & Fermi-Dirac
of limited use. Instead the rules are coded up and com- Weak Showers Primary Hadrons
bined within a bookkeeping framework, where the evo- Hard Onium Secondary Hadrons
lution from a primary perturbative collision to a final Multiparton Interactions Hadronic Reinteractions
multiparticle state is traced. Such computer codes are Beam Remnants* (*: incoming lines are crossed)
called Monte Carlo Event Generators (MCEGs), where
Ministrings / Clusters
the “Monte Carlo” part refers to the frequent use of Fig. 11.4.1 Schematic illustration of the structure of a pp → tt
event. Reproduced
Colour from [3526].
random numbers to pick outcomes according to the as- String Interactions
sumed quantum mechanical probabilities. Bose-Einstein & Fermi-Dirac
Such generators can be used in phenomenological rise Primary
to a schematic
Hadrons picture with an onion-like struc-
studies, but the main application is within the exper- tureSecondary
in someHadrons
approximate measure of invariant time,
imental community, at all stages of the experiment. Fig.Hadronic
When an experiment is designed, it is important to (*: incoming lines are crossed)

check that the proposed detector has the capability – At the center of a collision there is sometimes a hard
to find key signals. When an experiment is run, trig- interaction, i.e. one at a high-momentum scale, like
gers have to be optimized to catch the interesting event in this case the production of a tt pair. Its cross
types. When data is analyzed, the impact of detector section is obtained by a convolution of a matrix-
imperfections and background processes must be fully element (ME) expression and parton distribution
understood. In order to address these issues, the output functions (PDFs). More common are events with-
of an MCEG is normally fed into a detector simulation out any discernible hard interaction.
program, that traces the fate of outgoing particles. – The hard interaction may involve the decay of reso-
nances like t → bW, W → qq 0 as shown in Fig. 11.4.1.
11.4.1 Event overview – The core hard interaction may be dressed up by
higher-order corrections of matrix-elements. This partly
Events come in many shapes, depending on the col- overlaps with the subsequent showers, so a consis-
lider and the random nature of the collision process. tent transition (matching and merging) is required.
As a starting point, consider a typical LHC pp event, – Perturbative radiation from the scale of the (dressed)
and what processes are involved for it. Below these are hard interaction down to a lower cutoff is usually
enumerated, starting from the shortest time/distance subdivided into initial-state radiation (ISR) and final-
scales and progressing towards longer ones. This gives state radiation (FSR). While partonic QCD branch-

ings dominate, QED or even weak branchings may The first QCD-based generator for pp/pp physics
occur. Also some hadron production may be mod- was Isajet [3567], originally intended for the ISABELLE
elled as part of the perturbative stage, e.g. of char- collider, but much used at the SppS and Tevatron col-
monium and bottomonium. liders, and for SSC and LHC preparations. A few other
– Since hadrons are composite objects, several of the generators were developed in the early eighties, but left
incoming partons may undergo (more or less) sep- little impact, except for Pythia, which was built on
arate perturbative subcollisions, so-called multipar- top of Jetset, with the same initial objective of mod-
ton interactions (MPIs). elling the color flow and its consequences. Later on the
– Parts of the incoming hadrons pass unaffected through two programs were merged under the Pythia heading.
the hard-interaction region, and emerge as beam The earliest generators used leading-order matrix
remnants. elements to describe the perturbative stage. This was
– Typically colors are traced through the perturbative insufficient to describe multijet topologies. The DGLAP
stage in the Nc → ∞ limit. Apart from imperfec- equations and their extension to jet calculus [3568] sug-
tions caused by this approximation, there may also gested that parton showers could be used to generate
be dynamical processes that lead to color reconnec- multiparton topologies. Several early showers were con-
tions relative to the naive assignments. structed, but it was only with the Marchesini–Webber
– The color assignments are used to combine partons angularly-ordered shower [3532] that coherence phenom-
into separate color singlet subsystems — strings or ena were consistently handled. This was the starting
clusters — that each fragment into a set of primary point for the Herwig generator. An alternative was of-
hadrons. fered by transverse-momentum-ordered dipole showers,
– To first approximation each subsystem fragments proposed by Gustafson [3537] and first implemented in
independently, but there may be interactions be- Ariadne. Today various dipole formulations are the
tween them. most common shower type.
– The primary hadrons may be unstable and decay The combination of hard interactions and parton
further into secondary particles, in decay chains that showers gradually became more sophisticated as various
span a wide range of time scales. matching and merging techniques were developed. The
– Right after the fragmentation the hadrons may also Sherpa program grew out of such efforts. It was also
be close-packed and rescatter against each other. the first major generator written in C++ from scratch,
whereas Herwig and Pythia had to be rewritten from
In most of the following subsections these aspects will
Fortran to C++ to match LHC requirements.
be described in somewhat more detail. Examples of
Today Herwig [3525], Pythia [3526], and Sherpa
longer generator overviews are [3559, 3560].
[3522] are the three general-purpose generators used at
LHC, or more generally for studies at e+ e− /ep/pp/pp
11.4.2 A brief history
colliders. There also are important dedicated programs,
e.g. for matrix element generation, such as MadGraph_-
The first event generator of the QCD era probably is the
aMC@NLO [3328] and the Powheg Box [3569].
1974 one by Artru and Mennessier [3561]. It is based on
Adjacent physics areas, such as heavy-ion collisions,
the concept of linear confinement, originally introduced
cosmic ray cascades in the atmosphere, or neutrino in-
in pre-QCD string-theory models of hadrons, but later
teractions, started their generator development some-
supported by the linear confinement found in quenched
what later, and partly under the influence of the general-
lattice QCD, see Section 4.3. It was not developed be-
purpose ones above, e.g. for the high-energy hadroniza-
yond a toy-model stage, however, and was largely for-
tion descriptions. Typically the hard-physics aspects
gotten. Instead it was the 1978 article by Field and
become less relevant, and soft-physics ones more so.
Feynman [3562] that stimulated an interest in using
These issues will be briefly addressed towards the end.
Monte Carlo methods to simulate jet physics. Their it-
erative approach for the fragmentation of a single jet
was extended to e+ e− → qqg three-jet events in the 11.4.3 The perturbative interface
Hoyer et al. [3563] and Ali et al. [3564] codes, which
A key task is to generate events of a predetermined type
played a key role in the discovery of gluon jets, see Sec-
or types. This could be e.g. W + jets, both as a signal
tion 2.2. The Lund string fragmentation model intro-
and as a background to tt production. Typically there
duced the concept of a color flow in qqg events [3565],
is a core hard interaction, that then is complemented
which was given experimental support by PETRA data
by further perturbative QCD activity at varying scales.
[3566]. It helped establish the Jetset implementation
In such cases the core interaction provides the natural
as a main generator for subsequent e+ e− machines.
11.4 Monte Carlo event generators 401

starting point for the description of the rest of the event. A A A A A

As already suggested above, one may discern three main X

1. the generation of partonic events purely based on X
matrix elements and parton distribution functions, B B B B B

2. the matching and merging stage, where Sudakov elastic single diffractive (XB) single diffractive (AX)

form factors generated by parton showers are used A A A A

to reject some of the events above, so as to avoid X1
double counting, and X
3. the subsequent pure parton shower evolution down
to a lower cutoff somewhat above the Λ scale. X2
The first of these is covered in Section 11.1, and in Sec- double diffractive central diffractive nondiffractive

tion 10.2 for PDFs, while the second two are described
in Section 11.3. Fig. 11.4.2 Main subclasses of the total cross section in AB
Of special interest for the continued story are the hadron collisions. The red bars represent the regions in rapidity
between A and B where hadrons are produced. Reproduced
core 2 → 2 pure QCD interactions, qq 0 → qq 0 , qq → from [3526].
q 0 q 0 , qq → gg, qg → qg, gg → gg and gg → qq.
These are by far the dominant perturbative processes
at hadron colliders. The main contribution is t-channel In nondiffractive (nd) events the full rapidity range can
gluon exchange, which gives rise to a dp2T /p4T divergence be populated by particle production, whereas in single,
in the pT → 0 limit. double or central diffraction (sd, dd, or cd, respectively)
only parts of this range are populated, and in elastic (el)
11.4.4 Total cross sections and diffraction events none of it is. The relative composition changes
with energy, e.g. such that the elastic fraction is in-
Another key task, at the other extreme, is to generate creasing. Roughly speaking, elastic is 25%, diffractive
the inclusive sample of all events at hadron colliders. In 20% and nondiffractive 55% at LHC energies.
practice rare processes are generated separately, so the Many approaches have been proposed to model these
emphasis comes to lie on common QCD processes. partial cross sections, both integrated and differential
The total QCD cross section σtot is finite, related to ones, notably again based on Regge theory. Common is
a finite size of hadrons and a finite range of QCD in- that the mass mX of a diffractive system obeys an ap-
teractions, owing to confinement. Currently there is no proximate dm2X /m2X = dyX behaviour, where yX is the
QCD-Lagrangian-based description of σtot , but instead rapidity range of the X system. An elastically scattered
phenomenological models have been proposed based on beam particle is also associated with a squared mo-
Regge theory, with free parameters that have to be mentum transfer t that obeys an approximate exp(Bt)
tuned to data. At a minimum one Pomeron and one shape at low t. The slope B depends on the collid-
Reggeon term is required to describe the energy depen- ing hadron types, the event topology and the collision
dence [1104], where the former can be associated with energy, but the order of magnitude is 10 GeV−2 , i.e.
a trajectory of exchanged glueball states and the lat- hpT i ∼ 0.3 GeV.
ter with one of mesonic states, see Section 8.1. More At low energies also other collision types occur, such
terms are needed in more realistic models. Notably, re- as resonant production and baryon annihilation.
cent studies points towards the existence of an Odderon The Ingelman–Schlein [3570] ansatz is commonly
term, see Section 12.6. used for the description of diffractive systems. In it,
The total cross section between two hadrons A and a Pomeron is viewed as a hadronic state, with its own
B can be subdivided into several partial ones, associ- PDFs. Therefore the Pomeron–hadron subsystem can
ated with different event topologies: be described in the same way as we will introduce for
nondiffractive events in the following, at least for rea-
sonably large mX , while a simpler description is called
σtot (s) = σel (s) + σinel (s)
= σel AB
(s) + σsd(XB) AB
(s) + σsd(AX) (s) for at small mX .
+ σdd AB
(s) + σcd AB
(s) + σnd (s) , (11.4.1)

where s is the squared collision energy in the rest frame.

These topologies are illustrated schematically in Fig. 11.4.2.

11.4.5 Multiparton interactions is required. The simplest choice is a three-dimensional

Gaussian, since then the convolution of two hadrons
All generators assume that a nondiffractive event can is easily integrated over the collision process to give a
contain multiple parton–parton interactions, which can two-dimensional Gaussian O(b). Fits to data prefer a
be viewed as the QCD reinterpretation of the cut Pomeron somewhat more uneven matter distribution, e.g. with
picture of olden days [3571]. MPIs are necessary to “hot spots” of enhanced activity around the three va-
explain many aspects of hadronic collisions, such as lence quarks.
the wide multiplicity distributions, where most of the The actual generation of MPIs can conveniently be
multiplicity is related to low-pT processes. The case of arranged in a falling sequence of transverse momenta

two hard interactions, Double Parton Scattering, is well with s/2 > pT 1 > pT 2 > · · · > pT n > 0. Neglecting
studied theoretically and experimentally [3572]. Differ- the impact-parameter dependence for a moment, the
ent models have been developed starting from the same probability for the ith MPI becomes
basic ideas. This section will begin with the Pythia  Z pT (i−1)
approach, which is also used by Sherpa, and later the

dP 1 dσpert 1 dσpert 0
= exp − dp T ,
differences in Herwig will be outlined. dpT i σnd dpT i pT i σnd dp0T
It has already been noted that the perturbative QCD (11.4.4)
2 → 2 cross section is divergent for pT → 0, on the one √
with a fictitious pT 0 = s/2. The exponential expresses
hand, and that the total pp cross section is finite, on
the probability to have no MPIs between pT (i−1) and
the other hand. The perturbative picture is based on
pT i , as comes out of Poissonian statistics and in ex-
the assumption of asymptotically free colored partons,
act analogy with the Sudakov form factor of parton
however, while the reality is that of partons confined
showers. With impact parameter included, the b is se-
inside color singlet hadrons. Therefore a plausible reg-
lected proportional to O(b) d2 b, and the pT selection
ularization of the pT → 0 divergence is provided by
procedure acquires an enhancement/depletion factor of
color screening, i.e. that partons of opposite color gives
O(b)/hOi. Sequences without any MPIs require a restart
destructive interference of scattering amplitudes. A pa-
with a new b.
rameter pT 0 is introduced in Pythia as the inverse of
So far inclusive nondiffractive events have been con-
the spatial screening distance. This is used to dampen
sidered. Alternatively one specific hard interaction is
the conventional 2 → 2 QCD cross section by a factor
studied, and an underlying event should be added to
it. Then again a b is selected according to O(b), and
αs (p2T 0 + p2T ) p2T

2 2 2 , (11.4.2) an enhancement/depletion factor is defined as before.
αs (pT ) pT 0 + pT
The upper pT limit for MPIs now depends on context.
which gives If the hard interaction is QCD 2 → 2 above some pT min
dσ αs2 (p2T ) αs2 (p2T 0 + p2T ) then its pT should be equated with a pT 1 of the MPI
∼ → . (11.4.3) sequence, and subsequent ones be below that, or else
dp2T p4T (p2T 0 + p2T )2
high pT scales would be double counted. If the hard in-
A tune to data gives a pT 0 of the order of 2 GeV, but teraction is something else, then there is no such double
slowly increasing with energy, consistent with an in- counting, and MPIs can start from the highest possible
creasing screening, as lower-x partons become accessi- scale.
ble at higher energies. The description of n MPIs requires n-parton PDFs,
The average number of MPIs in nondiffractive events f (x1 , Q21 ; x2 , Q22 ; . . . ; xn , Q2n ), which are not known from
is given by hnMPI i = σpert (pT 0 )/σnd , neglecting a small first principles or from data. An approximate approach
correction from the part of σpert that should be associ- is to make use of the pT -ordering of MPIs, such that the
ated with diffraction. Here σpert (pT 0 ) is the integrated first interaction uses conventional PDFs, while subse-
damped 2 → 2 QCD cross section. At first glance, the quent MPIs use more and more modified ones. Thereby
nMPI should be distributed according to a Poissonian, standard phenomenology is preserved in the hard re-
with nMPI = 0 removed, since zero MPIs corresponds gion. Subsequently momentum conservation requires a
to the two hadrons passing through without any inter- gradually reduced xi range, within which PDFs are
actions. squeezed. Also flavor conservation must be respected.
This assumes that all collisions are equivalent, how- If a valence u quark is taken out of a proton, say, then
ever. More plausibly, the impact parameter b of the only one u quark remains, and the valence u distribu-
collision plays a role, where central collisions gener- tion must be normalized to 1 rather than 2. If instead
ate more activity than peripheral ones. To model this, a sea u quark is extracted, then the u sea must contain
an ansatz for the matter distribution inside a hadron one parton more than u sea, which can be implemented
11.4 Monte Carlo event generators 403

by having one valence-like u in addition to the normal the number of hard and soft additional MPIs can be se-
u and u sea distributions. Finally, when the valence-like lected according to Poissonians. The hard interactions
distributions have been properly normalized, the gluon are generated first, and thereafter the soft ones. Unlike
and sea distributions are uniformly rescaled so as to Pythia they are not ordered in pT within the hard and
obey the momentum sum rule. soft groups, and there is no rescaling of PDFs. Also the
With the evolution of ISR and FSR parton showers ISR and FSR associated with an interaction are recon-
usually formulated in terms of a decreasing sequence structed before the next is considered. For the hardest
each of pT values, the MPIs now add a third sequence. interaction the ISR is forced to reconstruct back to a
In Pythia they are fully interleaved into one common valence quark, while for subsequent ones the ISR evo-
sequence. Thus the key evolution equation is lution is forced back to a gluon. This gluon can then
  be color-attached to the hardest interaction itself. The
= + + ×S (11.4.5) MPIs together may take more momentum out of the
dpT dpT dpT dpT protons than is available, given the lack of PDF rescal-
where S represents the Sudakov factor, obtained by ex- ing. When that happens, the latest MPI is regenerated,
ponentiation of the real-emission rate, integrated from but if repeated attempts fail the MPI generation may
the previous pT scale to the current one, cf. Eqn. (11.4.4). be interrupted with a lower MPI number than intended.
In this way the harder part of the event sets the stage
for what can occur at softer scales. Notably MPIs and 11.4.6 Beam remnants and color reconnection
ISR compete for the dwindling amount of momentum in
the beams, as represented by the modified PDFs. The Since the MPI+ISR machinery in Herwig reconstructs
pT evolution should not be viewed as one in physical back the perturbative activity to one single valence
time; actually all MPIs occur at (almost) the same col- quark, having been taken out of an incoming proton,
lision time t = 0, while lower pT scales means earlier the other two valence quarks together form a diquark
times t < 0 for ISR and later times t > 0 for FSR. remnant, with opposite color to the one quark taken
The Herwig description of MPIs [3573] splits them out. Four-momentum conservation fixes the remnant
into a hard and a soft component, separated at a scale momentum.
T (s). The perturbative cross section dσQCD /dpT is
pmin The situation is more complicated in Pythia, since
recovered above pmin
T (s), while a simple tuneable shape
the MPI+ISR can extract a variable number of “initia-
dσsoft /dpT is used for 0 < pT < pmin T (s), with the
tor” partons out of the incoming proton, leaving behind
constraints that it must vanish at pT = 0 and match multiple quarks and antiquarks. Then ad hoc probabil-
dσQCD /dpT at pminT (s). The electromagnetic form fac-
ity distributions are used to share the remnant longitu-
tor is used to represent the impact-parameter profile of dinal momentum between them. The initiator partons
protons. This gives an overlap function also carry a transverse momentum, a so-called primor-
dial kT , that is to be compensated by the remnant.
µ2 When the remnant consists of the several partons, these
A(b, µ) = (µb)3 K3 (µb), (11.4.6)
96 π may also have a relative kT component. The size of
where d2 b A(b) = 1, and µ are used as free parame-
R all these transverse kicks should be at or below the
ters, separately set for the hard and soft components, hadronic mass scale, though empirically they appear
for more flexibility. Combining, an eikonal is defined as to be at the higher rather than at the lower end of the
expected range.
χtot (b, s) = Ahard (b, µhard ) σQCD (s, pmin (11.4.7) The color lines of the initiator partons naively stretch
T )
2 from the remnants in through the hard interaction at
1 the core of each MPI, i.e. usually fill the whole rapidity
+ Asoft (b, µsoft )σsoft (s, pmin
T ) , (11.4.8)
2 range. If so, the average charged multiplicity nch of an
where σQCD and σsoft are the respective pT -integrated event increases linearly with the number of MPIs, up to
cross sections. The number of MPIs at a given b is given corrections from momentum conservation and the de-
by a Poissonian, as in Pythia, with hn(b, s)i = 2χ(b, s). tails of the remnant handling. Since all MPIs will be
The eikonal formalism also predicts other quantities, equivalent, a constant average transverse momentum
such as total and elastic cross sections, and the elastic per hadron should result, i.e. a flat hpT i(nch ) curve.
slope, that can be used to constrain the free parameters Instead an increasing hpT i(nch ) is observed at hadron
of the model. colliders.
When a hard interaction has been selected in Her- The natural explanation for this phenomenon is color
wig, and been associated with an impact parameter b, reconnection (CR). Specifically, it is assumed that the

q q q q

q q q q
Z0 Z0
q q q q

q q q q
string cluster
Fig. 11.4.3 Schematic illustration of color reconnection. (a) Fig. 11.4.4 String versus cluster fragmentation. At the end of
Simple flip. The arrows indicate flow from color to anticolor. the perturbative evolution, the vertical dashed line, strings are
(b) Junction reconnection. Note changed direction of the long directly attached, red regions. Alternatively, a nonperturbative
line, according to 3 ⊗ 3 = 3 (⊕6). g → qq stage is inserted before clusters are formed, magenta

color lines stretched between all final-state partons can

be rearranged so as to reduce the overall length. The connected to both remnants and putting it on an al-
number of possible rearrangements increases with the ready existing central string piece. Of recent special
number of MPIs, such that the hnch i increase is smaller interest is junction reconnection [3574]. A junction is
for each further MPI. The perturbative pT kick of each the center of a Y shape where three string pieces come
MPI remains, however, so when this pT is shared be- together, and topologically is the carrier of the baryon
tween fewer particle the result is an increasing hpT i. number. Two strings can collapse to one in a central re-
Many CR models have been implemented over the gion with the production of a junction and antijunction
years, in all three main generators, and it would carry near either end, Fig. 11.4.3b. This gives an enhanced
too far to discuss each in detail. A frequent starting baryon production. In the cluster model a similar ef-
point is that standard parton showers operate in the fect can be obtained by letting three aligned qq clusters
Nc → ∞ limit, and thus miss corrections of order 1/Nc2 rearrange into one qqq and one qqq cluster.
at each shower branching. One possible approach is CR ought to be possible only when the strings con-
to do the evolution in color space more carefully, and cerned overlap in space–time. For normal pp collisions
thereby be able to formulate CR as a consequence of this is almost automatic, since most strings run more-
such subleading corrections. More common is to formu- or-less parallel with the collision axis within a small
late CR on the nonperturbative level, but then color transverse region. Space–time should be taken more se-
algebra should be used to restrict the rate at which it riously e.g. in e+ e− → W + W − → q1 q 2 q3 q4 , where the
can occur. W ± decay angles will influence the amount of overlap.
Also common for many nonperturbative approaches Models have been developed to this end, and predic-
is that a key role is assigned to the string length λ tions agree well with the combined LEP data [3575].
between two color-connected partons i and j The best description is obtained with an ∼ 50% CR
rate, but unfortunately statistics is limited and a no-
CR scenario is only disfavoured at the 2.2σ level.
m2ij (pi + pj )2
λij ≈ ln 1 + 2 = ln 1 + . (11.4.9)
m0 m20
11.4.7 Hadronization
Here m0 ≈ mρ is a typical hadron mass, and 1 has been
added to ensure that λ ≥ 0. With this definition λ is a There are two main fragmentation models in common
reasonable measure of how many hadrons typically will use: strings and clusters. Both start out from the color
be produced by the string. A flip of two color-connected flow topologies set up according to the previous sec-
pairs (i, j) and (k, l) into (i, l) and (k, j), Fig. 11.4.3a, tions, in the Nc → ∞ limit. Specifically, each q → qg
corresponds to a net change ∆λ = λil + λkj − λij − and g → gg leads to a new uniquely defined color line
λkl . The assumption is that ∆λ < 0 reconnections are between the two daughter partons. The string model re-
favoured. tains all the gluons produced in the perturbative stage.
Further CR variants include ones that change the A string can therefore be stretched e.g. like q − g1 −
number of string pieces, say by taking a central gluon g2 − g3 − q, where each color line between two adjacent
partons is unique. In the cluster model the perturbative
11.4 Monte Carlo event generators 405

shower is followed by a semi-perturbative step where all

gluons branch by g → qq. The system therefore subdi-
vides into smaller qq clusters.This key difference is illus-
trated in Fig. 11.4.4. The string is central in Pythia,
while Herwig and Sherpa implements clusters. In the
latter program there is an interface to Pythia strings
to allow comparisons. In the following key features will
be presented in some more detail.
The string approach is based on the assumption of a time
linear confinement potential, as supported by quenched quark
lattice QCD phenomenology. In a simple qq system stud- antiquark
ied in the rest frame, e.g. from a Z 0 decay, the po- pair creation space
tential can then be written as V (r) = κr, where r
is the separation and κ is the string tension. Empiri- Fig. 11.4.5 String fragmentation of a qq system, where yellow
regions represents snapshots in time of the string pieces being
cally κ ≈ 1 GeV/fm, determined mainly from hadron stretched out. Reproduced from [3576].
spectroscopy. The mathematical one-dimensional string
stretched straight between the q and the q can be viewed
as defining the center of a physical chromoelectric flux separate smaller ones. A sequence of breaks thus gives
tube, with transverse dimensions comparable to hadron an ordered singlet chain qq 1 − q1 q 2 − q2 q 3 − . . . − qn−1 q,
sizes, i.e. with a radius of around 0.7 fm. It is not sett- and these singlets can be associated with the primary
led whether this tube should be viewed in analogy with (i.e. before any decays) hadrons. Such a sequence of
a vortex line in a type II superconductor, or with an breaks is illustrated in Fig. 11.4.5. Notice that, in this
elongated bag in a type I one, or with an intermediate picture, each produced hadron undergoes a yo-yo mo-
behaviour, but for the basic considerations this is also tion of its own.
not important. If the qi have m = pT = 0 then a qi q i pair can be
If the string does not break, it will undergo a yo-yo- produced on-shell in a single vertex, and afterwards be
like oscillatory motion, where initially the quarks carry pulled apart. The partons are virtual initially when this
the full energy of the system, but gradually lose it to is not the case, and each has to tunnel a distance mT /κ
the string being stretched out between them. Massless until it has absorbed enough energy from the string to
quarks will reach a maximal separation where all the en- come on-shell. This leads to a suppression factor
ergy is stored in the string, and then the string tension
π m2T π m2 π p2
will pull them back, so that they again cross, carrying exp − = exp − exp − T .
the full energy. The key relation is that the massless κ κ κ
endpoint quarks, moving out along the ±z axis, obey (11.4.11)

The transverse momentum kick can be compensated

dE dE dpz dpz
dt dz dt dz = κ
= = = (11.4.10)
locally between the qi and q i , which defines a vector

sum for each qi q i+1 hadron. Empirically the observed

(with c = 1). If such a system is boosted along the z hpT i is somewhat higher than predicted this way, which
axis the q and q start out with different energies, which could be related to the cutoff of soft gluons in the parton
means that their turning points occur at different times, shower, so for tuning purposes the pT width of primary
which gives the expected net motion of the system as hadrons is considered a free parameter.
a whole. The string tension remains unchanged by the The tunneling also implies that nonperturbative pro-
boost, and a string piece in the new frame still carries duction of heavier quarks is suppressed, for charm and
no three-momentum. This may seem counterintuitive, bottom to a negligible level. For the strangeness sup-
but note that the boost will take an equal-times string pression it is not clear what quark masses to use — the
piece to one where the endpoints are at different times, observed s/u ≈ 0.25 production ratio is in between re-
and if viewed this way the boosted string piece will pick sults for current algebra and constituent masses — so
up the expected momentum. again it is considered a free parameter.
Now introduce the possibility for a string to break Neglecting orbitally and radially excited states, a
by the production of a new qi q i pair somewhere along produced meson belongs either to the pseudoscalar or
the string. In lattice QCD this corresponds to going to the vector multiplet. Naive spin counting would im-
from the quenched to the unquenched situation. Each ply a 1 : 3 production rate, but vectors are suppressed
break splits the original color singlet system into two

by the heavier mass, to an extent that is not easily cal- gluon

culated from first principles, so further parameters are

introduced. The many flavor-related parameters is the
biggest weakness of the string model.
For baryon production antidiquark–diquark string
breaks are introduced, in analogy with quark–antiquark
ones, with the diquark in a color antitriplet. Again tun-
neling, spin and mass factors are combined in production-
rate parameters. The overall diquark break fraction needed
to describe the observed baryon production rate is around
string motion in the event plane
10%. A modified scenario is the popcorn one. In it, a (without breakups)
qq pair can be produced with a color that does not antiquark
screen the endpoint ones, such that it does not break
the string. Inside that pair one or two further breaks Fig. 11.4.6 String motion in a qqg system. Yellow regions rep-
may occur, where the latter would allow a meson to be resent snapshots in time of the string pieces. The fragmentation
produced between the baryon and the antibaryon. of the strings is suppressed for clarity. Reproduced from [3576].
String breaks on the average ought to be produced
along a hyperbola of fixed invariant time, which trans-
the two string pieces will fragment along their length,
lates into a flat rapidity plateau of produced hadrons.
with one hadron formed around the gluon kink, ob-
Then particle production would start in the middle of
taining four-momentum contributions from both pieces.
the event and spread outwards, Fig. 11.4.5. But actu-
The generalization to multigluon systems is obvious,
ally all string breaks have a spacelike separation to each
and also closed gluon loops can be addressed in this
other, so there is no Lorentz-frame-independent defini-
tion of what comes first. It is then more convenient to
The string motion becomes more complicated when
begin at an endpoint quark and work inwards. The final
a gluon is soft or collinear, with new string regions aris-
result should be independent of the order used, which
ing. The punch line, however, is that the total string
is satisfied for an almost unique fragmentation function
motion is only mildly affected by such gluon emissions,
although technical complications arise.
b m2T The occasional low-mass string also needs some spe-
1 a
f (z) = (1 − z) exp − . (11.4.12) cial care, and in the extreme case it may become nec-
z z
essary to force the endpoint flavor content to form a
Here a and b are two free parameters and mT the trans- single hadron, with four-momentum conservation being
verse mass of the hadron considered. The z variable ensured by exchange with another parton or hadron.
parametrizes the fraction of remaining lightcone mo- LHC pp data has revealed several unexpected fea-
mentum that the hadron takes. That is, if the quark tures, notably that fragmentation properties change when
is moving in the +z direction, then z is the fraction of the multiplicity is increased, towards more strangeness
E + pz taken, with 1 − z the fraction remaining to be and baryon production, and with signs of collective
used in subsequent steps. Note that heavier hadrons on flow, both in the direction of the heavy-ion behaviour.
the average take a larger fraction z than lighter ones. Possibly a quark–gluon plasma is being formed, but
The f (z) shape may be generalized slightly to take into in a string context it is also worthwhile to consider
account of the effect of different quark masses, notably how the environment, i.e. the close-packing of strings
for massive (c or b) endpoint quarks. at high multiplicities, could perturb the standard frag-
The extension to more complicated string topolo- mentation picture. One such potential effect is color
gies involves no new principles or parameters. In a qqg rope formation, i.e. that several parallel strings com-
event, Fig. 11.4.6, the Nc → ∞ color algebra implies bine into an object in a higher color representation
that one color is shared between q and g, and another [3577]. Then baryon and strangeness production is en-
between g and q, with no direct connection between q hanced. Baryons can in addition be enhanced by the
and q. The strings pulled out now have a transverse mo- aforementioned junction CR mechanism. There can also
tion and thus a higher energy per unit length, but less be a repulsive force between strings, so-called shove,
length is pulled out per unit time, and these two effect that can give rise to collective flow [3578]. It remains
exactly compensate to give |dE/dt| = κ for the quarks to be seen whether these ideas can be combined into a
and twice that for the gluon. This is to be compared
with the QCD color-charge ratio Nc /CF = 9/4. Again
11.4 Monte Carlo event generators 407

new coherent framework in agreement with LHC obser- range three mesonic clusters into two baryonic ones has
vations. already been mentioned, but is not relevant for e+ e− .)
The cluster model is based on the concept of pre- Isotropic cluster decays also give too soft charm and
confinement [3579] during the parton-shower evolution. bottom hadron spectra in e+ e− . Therefore such cluster
That is, each color line (for Nc → ∞) tends to cor- decays are treated anisotropically, such that the heavy
respond to a low-mass system, with only a small tail hadron is preferentially near the heavy-quark direction,
towards larger masses. The model becomes even more when viewed in the cluster rest frame. Some further im-
suggestive if it is assumed that all gluons branch into provements can be obtained if also other cluster decays
quarks, g → qq, at the end of the cascade, such that preferentially favor hadrons closer to the cluster end
each color line is associated with a separate color sin- with the matching flavor.
glet cluster. This would occur naturally if constituent There may be a small fraction where the cluster
masses obey mg ≥ 2mu = 2md , as is supported by lat- mass is not large enough to produce two hadrons with
tice QCD. Several cluster studies have been presented the required flavor content. In such cases the cluster can
over the years. Here the generic features are outlined. be allowed to collapse into a single hadron, with excess
A gluon decays into any kinematically allowed qq four-momentum shuffled to another nearby cluster. For
pair according to its phase-space weight, which implies heavy quarks one may also allow some such collapses
a dependence on the choice of gluon and quark con- above the two-body threshold, to further harden the
stituent masses, notably whether ss can occur at this heavy-hadron spectrum.
stage. Thereafter each q1 q 2 cluster decays isotropically Further procedures exist both in Herwig and Sherpa
into a two-body state, hadrons q1 q 3 and q3 q 2 , where to handle other special cases.
q 3 may also represent a diquark, resulting in baryon
production. The hadrons are picked at random among 11.4.8 Decays, rescattering and Bose–Einstein
all possibilities consistent with the flavors, according to
relative weights. These weights are the product of the Many of the primary produced hadrons are unstable
spin factor 2s + 1 for each final hadron and the phase- and decay further. Often the decay channels and their
space factor 2p∗ /m, where p∗ is the common magni- branching ratios are well-known, but for charm and
tude of the three-momentum of the hadrons in the rest especially bottom hadrons the picture is incomplete.
frame of the cluster with mass m. In some cases, such Higher resonances are poorly known also in the light-
as π 0 − η − η 0 , also the mixing of identical-flavor states quark sector. Furthermore, inclusive measurements of a
needs to be included in the weight. It is also possible to given final state may need to be translated into a poten-
allow an overall extra factor for a multiplet, notably to tial sequence of intermediate states, e.g. Kππ may re-
enhance baryon production. ceive contributions from ρ and K ∗ resonances. Once the
A number of improvements have been introduced to decay sequence has been settled, angular correlations in
this basic picture, as follows. the decays should be considered, where feasible. Espe-
When the four-momenta of the cluster constituent cially for bottom the Evtgen package provides a large
q1 and q 2 are combined into the four-momentum of the selection of relevant matrix elements, as does Tauola
cluster, the tail to large cluster masses is suppressed, for τ lepton decay. The standard event generators also
but it is not completely absent. It is therefore assumed handle such nonisotropic decays to a varying degree.
that such clusters can fission into two smaller ones, pref- The main pp generators assume that particles are
erentially aligned along the q1 q 2 axis. Flavor-dependent free-streaming once formed. This is not the case in heavy-
parameters are introduced to provide the mass above ion collisions, where the particle density remains high a
which a cluster must break, and others to describe the while after the hadronization stage, and hadrons there-
mass spectrum of the daughter clusters. The fission pro- fore can rescatter against each other. Studies show that
cedure can be repeated on the daughters, if necessary. also pp collisions are affected by rescattering, but not
In e+ e− events ∼15% of the clusters need to be split, to a dramatic degree.
but these account for ∼50% of the final hadrons. Another issue is Bose–Einstein (or Fermi–Dirac) cor-
If baryons only are produced as baryon–antibaryon relations, present in the production of identical bosons
pairs inside isotropically decaying clusters then that (or fermions). Empirically this results in an enhance-
does not agree with observed anisotropies in e+ e− events. ment (or depletion) of nearby pairs. Typical deduced
One solution is to allow g → qq+qq branches in the final emission source sizes range from somewhat below 1 fm
stages of the shower. This has been implemented both in e+ e− to somewhat above that for pp. Such scales
for Herwig and Sherpa, but has now been replaced by obviously overlap with the hadronization ones, but also
the next approach in Herwig. (The possibility to rear- with the decays of short-lived resonances such as ρ, and

with hadronic rescattering. The modelling therefore is Finally, generators for neutrino physics, like Genie,
far from trivial, and no traditional generator includes are largely separate from the ones above, in that an
Bose–Einstein effects by default. emphasis lies on interactions with nuclei at low energies.
The separation into a primary physics process followed
11.4.9 Other collision types by a simulation of detector effects thereby is blurred.

While the emphasis of the description above has been 11.4.10 Standardization
on the three main pp generators at LHC, a few words on
adjacent fields and other generators are in place [3560]. The main generators discussed here largely are separate
Many of these other programs do not address hard codes. This allows for cross-checks where results should
physics, but are intended to describe inclusive events agree, and a spread of predictions where the physics is
dominated by low-pT QCD processes. Via an MPI ma- not well-specified. Comparisons are greatly simplified
chinery they may or may not contain a tail of harder by common standards.
QCD events. The oldest standard is the PDG particle numbering
Fields that can be covered by the e+ e− /pp genera- scheme, whereby observed and postulated particles are
tors include Deeply Inelastic Scattering and photopro- assigned unique integer numbers.
duction in ep or µp. The latter is largely based on the The transfer of information from matrix-element gen-
concept of Vector Meson Dominance (VMD), i.e. that erators to general-purpose generators is defined in the
a real photon can fluctuate into a vector meson state. Les Houches Accord (LHA), and the associated Les
The transition between the two regions of photon virtu- Houches Event File (LHEF) [3581]. It specifies in par-
alities remains less easily modelled. The VMD picture ticular a listing of all incoming and outgoing partons
can also be used e.g. for ultraperipheral γγ collisions in of a hard interaction, with their four-momenta. Exten-
heavy-ion beams. Work remains to extend the ep col- sions include multiple event weights to represent scale
lision framework to eA, as required for the simulation and PDF variations.
EIC physics. The transfer of the much bigger complete events
Generators for heavy-ion physics span a broad range. from generators to detector simulation, or straight to
In one extreme models introduce nuclear geometry and users, is handled by the HepMC standard [3582]. Again
multiple pp/pn/nn collisions, but with each collision PDG particle codes and four-momenta provide the ba-
similar to a regular pp one, up to energy–momentum sic information. Also the step-by-step event history is
conservation effects and the like. The earliest such ex- documented, but cannot be made completely generator-
ample is Fritiof, the Angantyr descendant of which independent since different physics is involved, e.g. strings
is now included in Pythia. Others are Sibyll, Qgsjet versus clusters.
and Dpmjet. Such models can be run reasonably fast, Parton distributions are widely used in generators,
and the latter three therefore are commonly used for for hard interactions, MPIs and ISR. Today each new
the hadronic part of cosmic-ray cascades in the atmo- PDF set typically consists in the order of a hundred
sphere. members, to provide a representation of the correlated
In the other extreme the formation and evolution of uncertainties. Each member is stored as a file with the
a quark–gluon plasma (QGP) is the key feature. This PDF value of all relevant partons in a grid in (x, Q)
requires the combination of models for several stages space. LHAPDF [3583] specifies the file format, such
of the evolution, notably the hydrodynamical evolu- that common interpolation routines can be used for the
tion of the plasma, which can be quite time-consuming. PDF evaluation for arbitrary x and Q values.
Jetscape offers a common framework where models A major issue in the interpretation of data, not least
for the different stages can be combined at will. for generator development and tuning, is the difficulty
A successful intermediate program is the core–corona to reproduce all the methods and cuts used in the anal-
EPOS one [3580]. In it, peripheral pp/pn/nn collisions ysis, even after the data has been corrected for detec-
(corona) occur more-or-less separated from each other, tor inefficiencies and smearing. Here the Rivet frame-
while the central higher-density core region may form work [3584] allows a standardized way for experiments
a QGP, which then decays to hadrons according to a to submit a code that takes generated (HepMC) events
statistical model. The core QGP component gains in and analyzes them in such a way that the output can
relative importance when going from pp to pA to AA, be directly compared with published data.
and from peripheral to central collisions. This gives a
behaviour largely consistent with data.
11.5 Jet reconstruction 409

11.4.11 The future gluons that are asymptotically free at very short dis-
tances, but often result in a final state of hundreds of
Before the start of the LHC, we believed to have a fair particles at the distance scales of detectors (>1 mm).
understanding of the physics at high-energy e+ e− /pp/pp It is highly desirable to reduce the complexity of the
colliders. The hadronization description developed in hadronic final state and map it onto a representation
the light of PETRA worked surprisingly well also at that mimics the kinematics of the short-distance hard
LEP. By jet universality — the assumption that the process. This is the goal of jet algorithms. Jet algo-
same hadronization mechanisms are at play in different rithms are a set of rules used to group directionally
collision types — the same should hold also for hadron nearby particles to form jets. A jet can hence be thought
colliders, when extended by aspects such as multiparton of as a collimated group of particles that might corre-
interactions and color reconnection. spond to a high energy parton of the hard process. The
The shock of LHC then was that high-multiplicity particles used as input to form jets can be of several
pp events were shown to behave surprisingly like heavy- types: a set of partons, a consistent set of hadrons, or
ion collisions, with strangeness and baryon enhance- a set of detector objects such as reconstructed charged-
ment, both in the light-quark and in the charm/bot- particle tracks or localized calorimeter energy measure-
tom sectors, and signs of collective flow such as ridge ments.
effects. From what we have been able to learn so far,
it seems that high-pT physics remains unaffected, such 11.5.1 Jet algorithms
that there perturbation theory still can be reliably com-
bined with LEP-tuned hadronization models. This makes There are a number of desirable features for a jet al-
sense, in that partons in that region mainly evolve in gorithm. It should be computationally robust and well
a vacuum. But, at low pT , we already knew that the specified, ideally with few parameters. It should be the-
multiparton interactions lead to a close-packing of frag- oretically well behaved, and exhibit both infrared and
menting systems, whether strings or clusters. We just collinear safety. The former refers to adding one or sev-
had not fully appreciated its consequences, in part lulled eral particles with infinitesimal energy, and the latter to
by the common belief in the heavy-ion community that split any input particle into two. For both these kinds
time scales in pp collisions are too short for a quark– of alterations of the input particles, the resulting jet
gluon plasma to form. Now we are in the process of four-momenta will be identical if the jet algorithm is
rethinking hadronization. One approach is the core– safe against said effects. The jet algorithm should fur-
corona one, where a core part of the pp event indeed ther behave equivalently at different orders of the QCD
behaves like a plasma, while the corona part does not. evolution: at the parton, hadron and detector levels.
The alternative is to avoid the plama and introduce Furthermore, it should not be tailored to a specific de-
other possible mechanisms, such as junctions, ropes and tector, but be useful and used both by theorists and by
shove. While some progress has been made, still no experimental collaborations.
such coherent alternative exists. Anyway, the bottom One of the early jet algorithms was the Snowmass
line is that LHC has reinvigorated the study of the Cone Algorithm of 1990 [3585]. This algorithm, which
soft-physics aspects of event generators, in addition to used ET and operated in (η, φ)-space106 , wrestled with
obviously driving the hard-physics evolution, see Sec- several of the issues mentioned above. Complication
tion 11.3. arose due to choice of seeds and overlapping cones,
While there is still much more to be learned from which were dealt with by a merging and splitting stage
the LHC, attention is also turning to other future col- of the jet algorithm, and which tried to find ’stable
liders. The one that may require most new generator cones’. Similar cone algorithms with various improve-
development is the EIC, since it involves new physics ments were employed by the CDF and DØ collabora-
scenarios not addressed before. tions at Fermilab [3586, 3587]. The kt algorithm [172]
was developed in 1993, inspired by QCD splittings scales
(see Section 11.2). The advantages of the kt algorithm
11.5 Jet reconstruction are that it has no split/merge stage, and jets are uniquely
defined; disadvantages include the irregular jet shapes,
Bogdan Malaescu, Dag Gillberg
and the difficulty to experimentally reconstruct and cal-
Steven Schramm, and Chris Young
ibrate the jets.
A QCD interaction at a very high energy, such as the 106
ET ≡ E sin(θ) and the pseudorapidity η =
hard process of an LHC collision, produces quarks and − ln(tan(θ/2)), where θ is the angle to the beam pipe.

pp → WH → q q b b , s = 13.6 TeV k t jets, R = 0.4, p > 25 GeV pp → WH → q q b b , s = 13.6 TeV Anti-k t jets, R = 0.4, p > 25 GeV

Jet p [GeV]

Jet p [GeV]
Azimuth φ

Azimuth φ
3 3
Hard scatter
Stable particles

+ − neutral
2 Pileup µ = 60 2
b ± neutral b
H p > 1.0 GeV H

1 b 1 b

102 102

0 0

−1 −1

u +
u +
−2 −2
d d
10 10

−3 −3
−4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4
Rapidity y Rapidity y
pp → WH → q q b b , s = 13.6 TeV Cambridge-Aachen jets, R = 0.4, p > 25 GeV pp → WH → q q b b , s = 13.6 TeV Anti-k t jets, R = 1.0, p > 25 GeV

Jet p [GeV]

Jet p [GeV]
Azimuth φ

Azimuth φ
3 3

2 2
b b
1 b 1 b


0 0 102

−1 −1

u +
u +
−2 −2
d d
10 10
−3 −3
−4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4
Rapidity y Rapidity y

Fig. 11.5.1 The same simulated pp → W H → ud¯bb̄ event, reconstructed with four different jet algorithms: kt (top left), anti-kt

(top right) and Cambridge-Aachen (bottom left), all with radius parameter R = 0.4, and anti-kt with R = 1.0 (bottom right).
The hard process particles are shown as black markers, while the final set of stable particles are displayed as crosses. Particles
from pileup interactions, generated using a mean of µ = 60 inelastic pp collisions, are shown as grey open markers. Particles with
pT < 1 GeV are not displayed. The solid colored areas show the extension (catchment area) of each jet with pT > 25 GeV, and
their colors indicate the jet pT . The code needed to produce this plot is available as the example program main95 in recent Pythia

Today, the most common method to build jets is the are updated, and the algorithm proceeds with one less
anti-kt algorithm [174], defined very similarly to the kt particle per iteration until all particles have been used.
algorithm. Both algorithms start from a set of particles, When finished, each input particle is uniquely part of a
each with associated four-momenta, and the following jet. An illustration of the produced jets for these three
distance measures are calculated kt -style jet algorithms is presented in Fig. 11.5.1, where
2 the jets are built for stable particles produced by a sim-
dij = min(p2p 2p
T,i , pT,j ) 2
, T,i , (11.5.1)
diB = p2p ulated pp → W + H → ud¯bb̄ event at the LHC with a
R pileup contribution corresponding to a mean number of
where R is a radius parameter, ∆Rij 2
= ∆yij2
+ ∆φ2ij is inelastic pp interactions of µ = 60.
the distance squared in (y, φ)-space between particles i As is clear from Fig 11.5.1, jets do not provide a
and j, and the parameter p is 1 for the kt algorithm, unique interpretation of any given event, rather they
0 for the Cambridge-Aachen [170] algorithm and −1 are a tool that can be optimized to best address the
for the anti-kt algorithm. The distance dij is calculated needs of a given task. Even if jet algorithms are in-
for all combinations of pairs of particles, and diB once tended to represent the underlying hard process of a
per particle. The smallest distance is found; if this is given collision, the variety of possible hard processes
a diB value, then particle i will define a jet. If it is a necessitates the consideration of different jet algorithm
dij value, then particles i and j are merged, normally configurations. In other words, a jet algorithm defines
by four-momentum addition (pk = pi + pj ). In both an event organization concept and it can be adapted
cases, the list of particles and the associated distances for different physics processes.
11.5 Jet reconstruction 411

CMS Simulation (8 TeV) the list of constituents the jet is composed of contains
1 b or c quarks at parton-level; B or D hadrons (or their
Jet energy fraction

0.9 Pythia 6 Z2* e,µ decay products) at particle-level; or, have associated
γ (rest) charge-particle tracks originating from collision-point-
0.8 γ (π0) displaced vertices at the experimental level. The dif-
0.7 Λ ference between light-flavor-quark- and gluon-initiated
showers is more subtle, and is not rigorously defined for
0.6 KS
particle- or experiment-level jets. Instead, the expected
n properties of quarks and gluons can be used to differen-
p tiate between such jets on average, noting that quarks
p have a single color charge and are thus expected to ra-
0.3 Σ± diate less, resulting in more narrow showers containing
fewer constituents than showers produced by gluons.
0.2 K
Another important concept, and which is of great
0.1 π-
relevance at the LHC, is to use jets to represent com-
π+ plex energy flow processes rather than individual show-
20 30 100 200 1000 2000
p (GeV) ers. The high energy collisions at the LHC can result
in the production of massive particles, such as W , Z
Fig. 11.5.2 The fraction of the total jet energy carried by dif- and H bosons and top quarks, with high transverse mo-
ferent types of particles of particle-level jets produced in simu-
lated LHC dijet events. Particle-level jets are built from parti-
mentum. Therefore they have a sizable Lorentz boost in
cles (c τ > 10 mm). The ratio of charged-to-neutral pions is 2:1 the rest frame of the detector, and their decay products
due to isospin symmetry, while for baryons it is 1:1; the overall will be collimated. In the case of hadronic decay prod-
charged-to-neutral fraction of particles in a jet roughly averages ucts, each daughter particle further produces showers of
between these two expectations. [3588]
hadrons, which can overlap. Rather than reconstructing
this complex structure of overlapping hadronic showers
The most common usage of jets in the collider con- as separate jets, the entire decay of the massive particle
text is to represent the collimated group of final state can be treated as a single jet, and properties of that jet
particles originating from individual quarks or gluons of can be used to infer the nature of the originating parti-
the hard scatter. For this task, the preferred jet radius cle [3589]. In such a scenario, it is useful to increase the
parameter has slightly changed during the last decades. distance parameter used to build jets to contain the en-
Values of R = 0.6 or 0.7 have often been used for stud- tire hadronic decay, as shown for the anti-kt algorithm
ies of events with well separated jets (e.g. dijet produc- with R = 1.0 in the bottom right plot in Fig. 11.5.1
tion), while smaller radii (0.4 or 0.5) are more appropri- where the W boson decay is within a single jet, while
ate to resolve more complex final states, such as tt̄ or the the H boson decay is split between two jets. The col-
example shown in Fig. 11.5.1. As is further discussed in limation of the decay particles is related to the mass
Section 11.5.2, smaller radii makes jets less susceptible and momentum of the parent particle; for a two-body
to pileup, which has become an important consideration decay, this becomes:
at the LHC. Since the start of LHC Run 2, the anti-kt 2 mparent
algorithm with a radius parameter of R = 0.4 has been ∆R & , (11.5.2)
the standard choice largely due to these reasons. The re- T

sulting jets are then interpreted as a set of quark- and where ∆R is the angular separation between the de-
gluon-initiated showers. Such jets are primarily com- cay products in (y, φ)-space. From this equation, it is
posed of charged and neutral pions, but baryons and clear that increased collision energies producing higher-
other types of mesons contribute a moderate fraction momentum massive particles will result in increasingly
of the total jet energy, as shown in Fig. 11.5.2. Small collimated decays, and thus the importance of using a
energy fractions of electrons and muons can also be seen larger value of R to represent a complex energy flow is
that originate from semi-leptonic heavy hadron decays. related to the energy scale of the process under study.
A natural second-level question relating to such jets Jets built with this context in mind are typically re-
is to determine their underlying production mechanism. ferred to as large-radius or large-R jets, where typical
Is a given jet produced by a light-flavor quark (u/d/s), modern values are R = 0.8 for CMS or R = 1.0 for
a gluon, a heavy-flavor quark (c or b), or by some other ATLAS; this is in contrast to the previously discussed
process? Heavy-flavor jets are typically easier to define R = 0.4 jets, which are referred to as small-radius or
at all levels: they can be identified by whether or not small-R jets.

Using a larger distance parameter comes with sev- with a tracking detector immersed in a magnetic field,
eral complications, both experimental and theoretical. such that the momentum of charged particles can be
From the purely algorithmic perspective, one challenge measured. Around this are the calorimeters. The in-
is that the catchment area [3590] of an individual jet nermost calorimeters are designed to reconstruct elec-
grows dramatically, as clearly visible when comparing tromagnetically showering particles, such as electrons
the top right and bottom right plots in Fig. 11.5.1. and photons, and will also capture some energy from
Among other effects, this increases the amount of en- charged and neutral hadrons. Radially outward of these
ergy from the underlying event included in the jet, which detectors are hadronic calorimeters that measure the
can hide the features of interest: for example, the mass energy of showers from remaining charged and neutral
of the jet should peak at the mass of the parent parti- hadrons.
cle, but this is not the case due to the presence of the An additional complication at the LHC is pileup.
underlying event. This can be mitigated through the Each time two bunches of protons cross, multiple pairs
use of a variety of different grooming algorithms [3589, of protons can collide. This is referred to as in-time
3591–3594]. These algorithms are typically applied af- pileup. The beam-spot, the region of interactions, is
ter building the initial jets. The objects clustered into typically 30–50 mm in length along the beam direction.
the jet are then subject to a further selection, and those This means that such collisions are typically separated
which appear to be inconsistent with originating from a in this dimension and tracks originating from different
hard-scattering process are removed, thus suppressing collisions can be identified. A second effect is out-of-
the underlying event and other undesired contributions time pileup. The bunches of protons cross every 25 ns
while retaining the physics features of interest. in the LHC, therefore there are still residual effects in
many of the detectors from the previous (and subse-
11.5.2 Jet reconstruction quent for some systems with large integration times)
bunch crossings. These residual signals are referred to
Inputs to jet reconstruction: as out-of-time pileup.
Throughout Run 1 of the LHC (2010–2012), ATLAS
Particle-level jets, often referred to as truth jets, are used solely calorimeter inputs to build their jets. The
used as a theoretical reference for experimental mea- ATLAS calorimeters consist of over 100,000 cells. This
surements. These are jets built from stable particles, fine cell granularity is used to suppress noise by con-
defined as those with lifetime τ such that c τ > 10 mm structing clusters of cells, which represent the energy
(τ > 33 ps), which can be thought of as “what a per- flow. Cells with energy significantly greater than the ex-
fect detector would see’’. It should be noted that neu- pected background noise are used to seed such clusters,
tral pions are not considered stable and hence their de- and adjacent cells are added iteratively, forming topo-
cay products (photons) will be used as input to truth logically connected clusters representing a shower [3595].
jets (see Fig. 11.5.2). Only particles produced in the This process means that most cells in the calorime-
proton–proton interaction of interest are considered. ter are not included in the event reconstruction, and
These jets also form the reference for the calibration hence their noise does not contribute to the jet resolu-
of reconstructed jets. tion. As the calorimeters are non-compensating, show-
Experimental reconstruction of jets requires the def- ers caused by electromagnetically and hadronically in-
inition of a given set of inputs, which will ideally repre- teracting particles of identical initial energies have dif-
sent the true particles of the jet or the energy flow. As ferent energy responses. The jet resolution can there-
jets consist of both charged and neutral hadrons, the fore be improved by identifying which type of shower
simplest reconstruction makes use of the energy flow each cluster contains and calibrating it appropriately.
captured in a calorimeter, which measures the energy In ATLAS the energy density of the cluster and its po-
of both charged and neutral incident particles. How- sition in the calorimeter are used for classification and
ever, as we will see in this section, the accuracy of subsequent calibration [3595]. These calibrated clusters
jet reconstruction can be improved through the use of were the input signals to jet reconstruction for ATLAS
additional information from tracks reconstructed from in Run 1.
charged particles. CMS has employed a particle-flow approach both
At a hadron collider such as the LHC, a wide range in Run 1 and Run 2 [3597], and ATLAS also devel-
of energies of jets need to be accurately reconstructed: oped such an approach for Run 2 [3596]. The princi-
from 20 GeV to above 4 TeV in pT . This represents ple of particle flow is to supplement the information
a significant challenge for the design of the detectors. from the calorimeter with tracking information. Both
Both ATLAS and CMS surround the interaction point collaborations match tracks reconstructed in the inner
11.5 Jet reconstruction 413

Fig. 11.5.4 The jet resolution in the central region of the CMS
Fig. 11.5.3 The simulated signals from a pT = 30 GeV jet detector when jets are reconstructed using calorimeter signals
in the (η, φ) plane of the second layer of the ATLAS elec- (Calo)
tromagnetic calorimeter. The shaded cells are those included √or particle flow objects (PF). The simulated QCD events
have s = 13 TeV and there are no pileup effects present [3597].
in calorimeter topoclusters. Green deposits are from neutral
hadrons within the jet, red deposits are from charged hadrons
within the jet, and blue deposits are from pileup particles. The
purple ∗ represents the tracks of charged hadrons within the
Both collaborations see significant improvements in
jet after being extrapolated to the calorimeter, and the yellow the pT and angular resolutions of jets reconstructed us-
∗ represents tracks from pileup [3596]. ing particle flow. Fig. 11.5.4 shows the dramatic im-
provement in the energy resolution in CMS. In ATLAS
the improvement is smaller, and primarily at lower pT ,
detector to calorimeter energy deposits from the same
due to the superior calorimeter resolution. However, the
particle. The ability to do this depends on the granu-
gains from the use of particle flow increase at higher
larity of the detector, the small transverse size of the
pileup motivating its use in Run 2 and beyond.
showers in the calorimeter, and the separation of the
particles. Figure 11.5.3 shows how this can be achieved
Jet algorithms in the experimental context:
by extrapolating tracks through the magnetic field to
the calorimeter and matching them to calorimeter en-
Having reconstructed either clusters or a set of particle
ergy deposits. The CMS algorithm combines the mea-
flow objects, the jet algorithms featured in Sec. 11.5.1
surements of tracks and matched calorimeter-energy de-
can be used to build jets. A key advantage of using
posits to create combined reconstructed charged hadrons
particle flow objects is that prior to building the jets,
with improved resolution. Calorimeter deposits without
charged particles that are from in-time pileup inter-
tracks are then identified as neutral hadrons. Situations
actions can be excluded. This is known as Charged
where the showers of a charged hadron and a neutral
Hadron Subtraction, and is performed by both exper-
hadron are overlapping are identified by the excess of
iments’ particle flow algorithms [3596, 3597]. This re-
energy in the calorimeter above what would be expected
moves the majority of the effects of charged pileup par-
from the charged hadron. In ATLAS a choice is made
ticles but the effects due to neutral pileup particles
between the calorimeter and track reconstruction. For
and out-of-time pileup remain. This explains why AT-
low pT tracks, where the track resolution is significantly
LAS observes increasing benefits of the particle flow
better than that of the calorimeter, the momentum
approach at higher pileup. Additionally CMS employs
measurement is taken from the reconstructed track and
PUPPI [3598] which uses the local information to try to
the corresponding shower created by that particle is re-
identify neutral pileup energy deposits and weight these
moved from the calorimeter. The remaining calorime-
to lower significance prior to jet finding [3598, 3599].
ter energy deposits then represent the energy flow from
Some small-R jets reconstructed from either calori-
particles without tracks and those where the track is
meter or particle flow inputs will consist of only signals
not selected.
from pileup particles. These are referred to as pileup

jets and can be the result of QCD jets from other in- 350

Events / 0.025
time collisions, multiple particles from different in-time ATLAS
collisions, out-of-time pileup signals, or a combination 300 s = 8 TeV, 20 fb-1
of several of these effects. These jets will not have tracks anti-kt R = 0.4, EM+JES
pointing at them from the interaction vertex of interest, Z+jet DB, Data 2012
while they will in some cases have tracks from other 200 60 < pref < 80 GeV
vertices. These features are used by both ATLAS and T
CMS to reject such jets such that they are not used in 150 η det<0.8

analyses [3599, 3600]. 100

Large-radius jets are much more susceptible to pileup,
due to their larger catchment area. Most large-radius 50
jets at the LHC will therefore contain a mixture of en-
ergy originating from multiple collisions (either in-time 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
or out-of-time), and thus it is impractical to reject en- jet
p /p ref
tire jets. Moreover, large-radius jet are typically used
Fig. 11.5.5 Distributions of pjet ref
in Z+jet events, where
in situations where the internal structure of the large T /pT
T is defined by the reconstructed Z boson pT and is required
radius jet is of interest, and thus any constituents origi- to be in the range (60, 80) GeV. The dashed line shows the fitted
nating from other processes than the hard-scatter inter- distribution, from which the means are taken as the response
action must be suppressed to observe the jet’s internal measurements. The solid line indicates the fitting ranges. The
markers are the data counts with error bars corresponding to
structure. Charged hadron subtraction, from particle
the statistical uncertainties. Figure from Ref. [3605].
flow algorithms, can help to remove charged contribu-
tions for separate collisions, but alternative strategies
are needed to remove overlapping neutral contributions. effects. Modern techniques use jet and event properties
Grooming algorithms, previously motivated in the con- (e.g. jet area, jet width, fraction of energy in the var-
text of suppressing underlying event contributions, are ious layers of the calorimeters, average pT density) to
also useful in this context: the same criteria of sup- improve resolution and to mitigate the dependence of
pressing soft and wide-angle radiation is also useful for the JES response on the jet flavor. The latter are siz-
mitigating pileup contributions. These grooming algo- able mainly at low jet transverse momentum (pT ) and
rithms are applied after the jet is built, but the inputs yield one of the main modeling uncertainties impacting
to jet algorithms can also be corrected; various criteria the JES calibration.
can be used to suppress neutral jet inputs from vertices The calibration chain is completed by in-situ cor-
other than the one of interest, such as Constituent Sub- rections that are most commonly derived by exploiting
traction (CS) [3601], Soft Killer (SK) [3602], PUPPI, or momentum balance between jets and well-measured ref-
combinations thereof such as CS+SK. Currently, AT- erence objects. Selection criteria are applied to suppress
LAS makes use of CS+SK to modify the inputs to large- extra radiation and obtain a sample of events where a
radius jet reconstruction [3603], while CMS makes use probe jet is back-to-back with the reference object. A
of PUPPI [3604]. correction is then derived by comparing the measured
balance in data relative to the expectations of MC sim-
11.5.3 Jet calibration ulation, and correcting for the residual difference:
 data .  MC
Energy scale and resolution: pjet
T /p ref
T pjet
T /p ref
T . (11.5.3)

Once jets are reconstructed, they need to be calibrated This principle was developed for the calibration of small-
such that on average the reconstructed jet four-momenta radius (R ∈ [0.4, 0.7]) jets [3588, 3605, 3606] and has
match those at the particle level within the assigned now also been used for large-radius jets [3607].
uncertainties. At hadron colliders, the jet energy-scale These in-situ methods employ, as reference objects,
(JES) calibration-correction is typically applied in a photons, Z bosons decaying to charged leptons, and
sequence of steps. Those account for (the mitigation one or several pre-calibrated jets. Fig. 11.5.5 presents
of) contributions from additional proton–proton colli- an example of pjet
T /pT distribution in data, the mean

sions, energy losses in the dead material of the detector, of which is used to derive the jet calibration. They also
calorimeter non-compensation (where applicable), an- provide the main uncertainties impacting the JES cali-
gular biases, etc. Several of these calibration steps rely bration, reaching nowadays sub-percent precision across
on a detailed Monte Carlo simulation (MC) of detector a broad phase-space, while being larger for relatively
11.5 Jet reconstruction 415

low- and large-pT jets, as well as in the forward region of

Events / 5 GeV
the detectors. While for large-pT jets these approaches ATLAS t t → µ + jets, |η det| < 2.0

are limited by the available statistics, for low-pT and 800

s = 13 TeV, 36.2 fb-1
Trimmed R = 1.0 anti-k t
350 GeV < p T ≤ 1000 GeV
b-jet tag: ∆R(b; jet) < 1
forward jets they are limited by modeling effects, re- LCW+JES+JMS

lated to e.g. the emission of extra radiation impact- 600 Data

ing the pT balance. The use of in-situ techniques have tt
allowed for significant improvements in precision com- Single top
400 W+jets
pared to jet calibrations based on test-beam studies. Other
The latter are still used in phase-space regions with lit- MC syst. error
tle/no statistics coverage for the in-situ approaches. 200

Statistical combinations, with a full propagation of

uncertainties and correlations, are generally employed 0
and yield the necessary inputs for physics analyses. In 2.5

Data / MC
these studies, uncertainties on the uncertainties and 2

on the correlations have also been evaluated (see e.g.

Ref. [3608]). This is an example where QCD studies 0.5
trigger developments that set new standards on a topic 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Calorimeter jet mass [GeV]
of interest in other scientific areas too.
The width of the pjet
T /pT distributions, such as the
ref Fig. 11.5.6 The mass of large-radius jets in a final state target-
one exemplified in Fig. 11.5.5, provides information about ing semi-leptonic decays of tt̄ events, where a b-tagged jet over-
laps with the large-radius jet. This selection primarily identifies
the jet energy resolution (JER). Indeed, the JER is de- large-radius jets containing the decays of boosted top quarks,
termined in various pjet
T ranges and detector regions, af- as is clear from the dominant peak structure consistent with the
ter subtracting statistically the smearing effect induced tt̄ simulation expectation. Differences between data and simula-
by the presence of extra radiation in the events. After- tion in both the jet mass scale and resolution can be extracted
from such a plot. [3607]
wards, a statistical combination of several in-situ meth-
ods through a fit allows for the extraction of a param-
eterization of the JER in data, together with its uncer- between probe and reference objects to obtain a precise
tainties, readily usable in physics analyses accounting calibration. There is no equivalent conservation law for
for detector smearing effects. jet mass, so a different approach is needed. Instead, the
mass has a well-defined expectation value in specific
Mass scale and resolution: cases, notably if a pure sample of W , Z or H bosons or
top quarks can be obtained. W bosons and top quarks
To first order, calibrations derived to correct the en- are the easiest particles to identify in this context: semi-
ergy of a jet are also important to use when correcting leptonic tt̄ events provide an ideal means of identify-
the mass of a jet, as these two quantities are related. ing a high-purity selection of hadronically decaying top
However, the mass calculation includes both energy and quarks, and the distinction between a full top decay
angular components, and thus the jet mass must be and a W boson decay can be made by requiring the b-
further corrected after the energy has been addressed. quark from the top decay to be either inside or outside
Similarly to the energy, calibrating the mass of a jet of the large-radius jet of interest. The resulting high-
begins with corrections based on simulated samples, to purity selection of W bosons or top quarks can be com-
correct the average simulated jet mass to the particle- pared between data and simulated events, where differ-
level scale. In the context of large-radius jets, it is very ences in the mass peak’s central value (mass scale) and
important to apply the same grooming algorithms to width (mass resolution) can be evaluated and corrected
the truth jets and the reconstructed jets, as the groom- for; an example of the top quark selection is shown in
ing algorithm has a substantial impact on the mass of Fig. 11.5.6, where it is clear that the selected events are
the jet built from particles, primarily due to the sup- very pure in the signal of interest.
pression of the underlying event contributions. This approach works well, but is limited to only
Following these simulation-based corrections, the re- a few possible jet mass values where we have a well-
sulting mass must be compared between data and sim- defined Standard Model expectation. Correcting the scale
ulation, but the strategies to evaluate differences be- and resolution for other mass values is a much more
tween data and simulation necessarily differ. The jet complex task, and a robust, high-precision method to
energy corrections exploited the conservation of mo- provide a general mass correction remains an open chal-
mentum in the transverse frame through the balance lenge.

11.5.4 Classifying hadronic decays of massive par-

Normalized amplitude
ticles 0.06 ATLAS Simulation
W Jets s = 13 TeV
The use of large-radius jets is overwhelmingly linked multijets Trimmed anti-k t R = 1.0 jets
0.05 p true = [500, 1000] GeV
to the desire to represent the entire hadronic decay Top Jets T
|ηtrue| < 2
of a massive particle, such as (but not limited to) a m comb > 60 GeV
W /Z/H boson or a top quark. If the jet does contain 0.04
all of the daughter particles and their corresponding
showers, then the mass of the jet now has a well-defined 0.03
prior, namely the mass of the parent particle. This prior
holds so long as the large-radius jet represents only the 0.02
process of interest: underlying event and pile-up contri-
butions falling within the jet’s catchment area can both 0.01
obscure the internal structure of the jet, and must thus
be mitigated, as previously discussed. The mass then 0
becomes an excellent means of classifying jets based on 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
the parent particle that they originate from. τ wta

While the jet mass provides a robust means of dif-

ferentiating between different possible sources of large- Fig. 11.5.7 The N-subjettiness ratio τ32 , with the winner
radius jets, in many cases it is not sufficient, as light takes all (wta) axis definition [Bertolini:2013iqa], showing
the separation of jets containing three-body decays (top jets)
quarks and gluons from QCD multijet processes are
against jets containing either two-body decays (W jets) or indi-
produced in extreme abundance compared to the mas- vidual quarks/gluons (multijets). This is after a selection crite-
sive particle decays of interest. The mass distribution rion is applied on the jet mass, and thus the separation shown
of light quarks and gluons is peaked at low values, well between the three jet types provides additional classification
power. [3609].
below the W /Z/H boson or top quark masses, but the
tail of the mass distribution extends to high masses, and
these tails are still more probable than the production erful; a comparison of several such algorithms as used
of the target massive particles. by CMS is provided in Fig. 11.5.8.
Additional jet properties can be used to further clas- Similar to the jet energy and mass calibrations, the
sify the origin of a given large-radius jet. These proper- difference between data and simulation must also be
ties are referred to as jet substructure variables and are quantified when classifying the origins of large-radius
designed to quantify the internal angular energy struc- jets. The algorithms used are usually optimized using
ture of a jet. Substructure variables are almost always simulated events, and there is no guarantee that the
correlated with the jet mass, and thus it is important simulation properly describes the data, especially for
to identify variables that are sufficiently distinct to pro- the complex angular energy structure within a jet, which
vide further separation power. One commonly used ex- is what such classifiers rely upon to differentiate be-
ample is the N-subjettiness ratios, τxy = τx /τy , where tween different jet categories. Similar to the jet mass
τn is a projection of the constituents of a jet along n scale calibration, semi-leptonic tt̄ events provide a use-
axes, thereby evaluating the consistency of the jet con- ful signal-enriched region to evaluate the performance
taining n or fewer decay particles. As an example, τ32 is of both W boson and top quark classifiers in simulation
commonly used to identify jets containing top quarks, and data; other signal categories remain more challeng-
as it differentiates 3-body decays from 2-or-fewer-body ing, as we do not yet have sufficiently signal-pure re-
decays, as shown in Fig. 11.5.7. This is only one exam- gions to perform similar comparisons. In contrast, com-
ple out of the many different types of jet substructure paring the differences between data and simulation for
variables that have been used to complement the jet the misidentified background events is straightforward,
mass in classifying the origin of large-radius jets. as the QCD multijet and γ+jet processes have such
While the jet mass and substructure variables pro- large cross sections that they are highly background
vide a solid baseline, modern large-radius jet classifiers enriched by default. Any differences between data and
make use of machine learning techniques to maximally simulation in the fraction of background events passing
discriminate between different possible jet origin inter- a given large-radius jet classifier can thus be evaluated
pretations. There is a wide variety of machine-learning- using these two processes.
based classifiers in use by both the ATLAS and CMS
Collaborations, and they continue to become more pow-
12.1 The Legacy of LEP 417

(13 TeV) structure of QCD and to test QCD systematically (Ste-

fan Kluth). The most significant results of HERA, the
Misidentification rate

only electron-proton collider operating from 1992 to
1 DeepAK8-MD
Simulation ImageTop 2007, were studies of the structure of nucleons presented
Top quark tagging, ∈S = 30 % ImageTop-MD
300 < p
gen gen
< 2000 GeV, |η | < 2.4
mSD + τ 32 in Section 10. The physics of the Brookhaven Relativis-
105 < mSD < 210 GeV
mSD + τ 32 + b
tic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) is discussed in Section
110 < mSD
< 210 GeV HOTVR 7.
The formation of jets, of streams of collimated hadrons,
140 < mHOTVR < 220 GeV N3-BDT (CA15)

10−2 was first observed at SPEAR, later in all colliders. As

outlined by Daniel Britzger, Klaus Rabbertz and Markus
Wobisch, the production of jets developed to a QCD
10−3 testing ground to searches for new phenomena up to the
largest accelerator-based energies at the Large Hadron
Collider (LHC). Jets initiated by gluons, quarks – in-
400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 cluding the heavy quarks c and b – can be produced
pgen [GeV] jointly with the vector bosons W ± and Z 0 . The cross
T sections of all these processes are precisely reproduced
Fig. 11.5.8 A comparison of many different algorithms de- by QCD calculations (Monica Dunford). The discovery
signed to identify jets originating from hadronic decays of top of the Higgs in 2012 was a milestone for particle physics.
quarks. A simple tagger based on the jet mass combined with
the N-subjettiness ratio τ32 (mSD + τ32 ) is shown alongside
Chiara Marotti describes with which surprising preci-
many alternative classifiers which providing significantly bet- sion the properties of the Higgs boson follow the pre-
ter performance. This can be seen as they have much lower dictions of the SM. The top quark, discvovered in 1995
quark/gluon (background) misidentification rates for a fixed top at Tevatron and discussed here by Marcel Vos, is iden-
quark (signal) efficiency. The large majority of the alternative
classifiers make use of machine learning techniques. [3610]
tified in a large variety of reactions, from top-anti-top
production to tt̄ production associated with a vector
boson or the production of two tt̄ pairs. The cross sec-
11.5.5 Summary tions for these processes span a wide range from nearly
103 pb down to a few 10−2 pb.
Jets are crucial tools for numerous physics analyses per-
formed at hadron colliders. During the last four decades,
there has been significant development in this field and 12.1 The Legacy of LEP
jet definitions that are robust for both experimental
measurements and theoretical predictions have been iden- Stefan Kluth
tified. In addition, the improved particle detectors, with
highly granular calorimeters and high resolution recon- The large electron positron collider LEP was con-
struction of charged tracks are enabling reconstruction ceived and designed at CERN in the 1980’s to study
of the full jet four momentum, investigation of the jet the then just discovered massive vector bosons of the
internal structure and classification of jets via tagging. Standard Model (SM), the neutral Z and the charged
These developments are allowing us to expand the knowl- W± bosons [3611]. The four LEP experiments ALEPH,
edge about QCD and to look for signatures of BSM DELPHI, L3 and OPAL collected more than four mil-
physics, yielding greatly improved searches and mea- lion Z decays and about 10,000 W pairs each. The
surements. LEP 2 runs at centre-of-mass (cms) energies above the
Z resonance up to 209 GeV provided samples of O(1000)
hadronic final states from off-shell (Z/γ)∗ decays at
12 Measurements at colliders each cms energy. These data, together with the ex-
tremely accurate LEP beam energy determination, es-
Conveners: tablished ”electro-weak precision observables” (EWPO)
Karl Jakobs and Eberhard Klempt and the confirmation of the SM at very high preci-
sion [3612].
Since the successful operation of the Spp̄S at CERN Hadronic final states at LEP are also a great labo-
and the Tevatron at Fermilab, the high-energy frontier ratory to study a large spectrum of QCD predictions.
of particle physics is defined by colliders. The Large- The missing initial- and final-state interference and the
Electron-Positron (LEP) collider, operating from 1989 comparatively high energy lead to clearly interpretable
to 2000, allowed the collaborations to confirm the gauge hadronic final states and usually small corrections from

non-perturbative effects. All LEP experiments have among 200 GeV

their first few publications papers on properties of hadronic

1/N dN/d√s
Z decays. 0.08
The detectors of the LEP experiments were signif- Sum Sim.
0.07 –
icant improvements on their predecessors and offered qq Sim.
an almost complete coverage of the solid angle with ef- 0.06 WW+ZZ Sim.
ficient and precise tracking and finely grained calorime-
ters with layers for electromagnetic and hadronic show- 0.05
ers. All LEP experiments had silicon micro-vertex de-
tectors and full coverage with muon detection systems 0.04
outside of the calorimeters.
The e+ e− initial state with well known beam en-
ergies provides a strong constraint to improve energy 0.02
measurements. For example the scaled jet energies in
Z decays to 3-jets can be determined from jet angles 0.01
only [3613]. Even without using the beam energy di-
rectly in a constraint the use of quantities scaled to the 0
60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
cms energy reduces dependence on the absolute energy ,
√srec [GeV]
scale of the detector. As explained below, jet defini-
Fig. 12.1.1 The figurepshows the distribution of reconstructed
tions, event shape observables and particle spectra are effective cms√energies s0rec in hadronic final states in e+ e−

normalised to the cms energy Q = s. Note that in the collisions at s = 200 GeV. The data are compared with simu-
measurements the normalisation to Q is replaced by the lations of hadronic final states mediated by a single (Z/γ)∗
(q q̄ Sim.) and W + W − or ZZ pair production (WW+ZZ
measured total visible energy Evis which also partially
Sim.) [3615].
removes the influence of statistical fluctuations.
Compared to previous experiments the LEP data √
have much larger event samples on the Z peak, low The data taken at s ≥ 2mW (LEP 2) include an
experimental systematic uncertainties and higher cms increasing fraction of so-called ”4-fermion” final states
energies leading to smaller and well controlled hadroni- including quarks. These 4-fermion final states are dom-
sation corrections. inated by W + W − pair production in the all-hadronic
The data taken on the Z peak (LEP 1) have fa- or lepton+jets channel depending on the decays of the
vorable experimental conditions. The trigger efficiency W bosons. The di-lepton channel is after a hadronic
for hadronic final states is essentially 100% and can be preselection a rather small background. The LEP col-
measured using redundant triggers. Backgrounds from laborations developed sophisticated selections for the
hadronic decays of τ lepton pairs are suppressed by W + W − pairs for the precise measurements of W boson
demanding more than four charged particles. Require- properties designed to reject ”2-fermion” final states
ments on balance of observed momentum along the with quarks e+ e− → (Zγ)∗ → q q̄ → hadrons [3614].
beam direction and total visible energy remove back- These results are then basis of selections for hadronic
grounds from e+ e− → 2γ → hadrons interactions. There final states produced via a (Z/γ)∗ at high energy. The
are corrections for initial state photon radiation effects, remaining 4-fermion background in the data increases

but on the Z peak these are small. with s to about 10% at the highest LEP 2 energies

The data taken at s > mZ but below the thresh- but contributes mostly in regions of the distributions

old for W + W − pair production (LEP 1.5) at s = 130 dominated by multi-jet topologies, see p e.g. [3615]. Fig-
and 136 GeV already contain a substantial fraction of ure 12.1.1 shows the distribution of s0rec observed

so-called ”radiative return” interactions e+ e− → γISR + for hadronic final states at s = 200 GeV by DEL-
Z → hadrons107 . Simply speaking, instead of a high- PHI [3615]. The peak at mZ ' 91.2 GeV is due to

energy interaction near the nominal s, a Z decay to hadronic Z decays recoiling p against photon ISR. The
hadrons recoiling against the ISR photon γISR is pro- analysis imposes a cut on s0rec to select the peak

duced. The LEP collaborations developed√ algorithms to near the nominal s = 200 GeV. The yellow shaded
reconstruct the effective cms energy s0 of the observed area shows the simulated background contribution of
hadronic system by assuming a 2-body decay together W + W − and ZZ final states with hadrons.
with one or more high-energy ISR photons.
ISR stands for initial state radiation.
12.1 The Legacy of LEP 419

12.1.1 Gluon properties

The gluon was established as one of the elementary par- Combined result
ticles of the SM by the PETRA experiments, see sec- SU(3) QCD
tion 2.2. QCD requires for its gauge bosons that they SU(4)
have spin-1, and that they carry colour charge them-
selves manifesting in the three- and four-gluon vertices
of the QCD Lagrangian. OPAL 4-jet

The phenomenological analysis of [3616] based on CF

Event Shape
measurements of jet axes in Y decays to three glu- ALEPH 4-jet
ons provided evidence for the spin-1 assignment. The
method of calculating QCD predictions for spin-0 and SU(2)

spin-1 gluons of [3616] was the basis of an analysis U(1)3

by OPAL using the energy distribution of the 2nd jet
after energy ordering in hadronic Z decays to three 90% CL error ellipses

jets [3613]. The 2nd jet energy distribution after cor- SU(1)
rection for experimental and hadronisation effects was 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
in good agreement with a NLO QCD prediction while a CA
MC based LO calculation with scalar gluons showed an
Fig. 12.1.2 The figure shows results for the color factors CA
estimated χ2 /dof = 44/14. This is clearly well above and CF from various analyses as indicated [3623].
requirements for a discovery. A similar study is dis-
cussed in [3617].
The search strategy for directly observable effects studied at LEP and earlier collider experiments [105,
at LEP of the three gluon vertex of QCD was dis- 3624, 3625]. The other quark property directly con-
cussed in [3618], but convincing results could only be nected with QCD is their mass, which will be discussed
obtained after NLO calculations for the angular cor- below in section 12.1.4.
relations between four jets in hadronic Z decays be-
came available [3619]. The QCD predictions at NLO 12.1.2 Jets and event shapes
decompose into contributions proportional to (products
of) the color factors CF , CF CA , CF CF and CF NF TF , Jet and event shape observables have been designed to
and two of them can be determined together with the study properties of hadronic final states at colliders.
strong coupling αS (MZ2 ). The analyses by OPAL and The aim generally is to classify hadronic final states ac-
ALEPH [3620, 3621] determine CA and CF correspond- cording to their topology by introducing an additional
ing to the contributions of three-gluon or quark-gluon energy scale. E.g. for clustering hadronic final states
vertices to the NLO predictions. The contribution of in e+ e− annihilation with the JADE algorithm [3626]
the three-gluon vertex proportional to CA is clearly ob- m2ij = 2Ei Ej (1 − cos θij ) is the distance between two
served. Since the result for the second color factor prod- objects i and j with energies Ei and Ej . At each it-
uct can be recast as CF in these analyses, the color eration the pair ij with the smallest distance mij is
charge of quarks at the strength required by QCD is merged by adding the pair’s 4-vectors108 . One can in-
observed as well. troduce the scaled quantity ycut = m2cut /s and count
The analysis of event shape observables Thrust and how many events have three jets when the clustering is
C-parameter (see below for details) at several cms en- stopped at ycut . Alternatively, the value of y23 = m223 /s
ergy points from re-analysed JADE (at PETRA) data where in each event the clustering goes from three to
and OPAL data is based on the same decomposition of two jets can be used to classify events [3627]. In the
the NLO QCD prediction and also results in a clear ob- first case jet rates are studied and in the second an
servation of the three-gluon vertex contribution [3622]. event shapePobservable Pis used. The Thrust observable
A combination of these and other results for determi- T = max~n i |~ pi |, where i runs over all par-
pi · ~n|/ i |~
nations of the color factors is discussed in [3623]. Fig- ticles in the hadronic final state, p~i are the particle 3-
ure 12.1.2 shows a summary of the results for CA and momenta, and ~n is a unit vector, in a similar way defines
CF from 4-jet angular correlations, event shapes, and after optimisation an energy scale given by the sum of
other analyses [3623]. projections of all 3-momenta on the thrust axis ~nT .
The properties of quarks in the SM such as their 108
This is the E-scheme, other merging schemes exist.
spin-1/2 assignment and their electric charges have been

The value of an event shape observable is the classi- peared soon after the NNLO predictions became avail-
fier which can distinguish between e.g. collimated 2-jet able [3630–3633]
like events and broader 3-jet (or multi-jet) like events. The QCD analyses of some jet rates and event shape
Their distributions reflect the proportion of 2-jet like distributions (starting at 3-jet final states) from LEP
vs. 3-jet or multi-jet like events in the data in a similar and previous e+ e− experiments today has reached per-
way as the fraction of 3-jet events at a fixed value of cent level precision using pQCD predictions at NNLO
ycut . combined with resummation up to N3LL. For example

As discussed by Dokshitzer in section 2.3, it is the in [280] distributions of Thrust at s = 35 to 200 GeV
property of infrared-collinear safety which allows for are analysed in a global fit based on NNLO+N3LL
stable prediction by perturbative QCD (pQCD) and QCD predictions109 . The hadronisation corrections are
thus a meaningful comparison between experimental applied using an analytic model integrated into the pre-
observations and pQCD predictions. However, before diction. The final result is αS (mZ ) = 0.1135 ± 0.0011
a successful quantitative comparison of experiment and and has a relative uncertainty of 1%. A similar measure-
theory can be made the transition from the partons of ment using the C-parameter is [281], the energy-energy
pQCD calculations to the observed hadrons in the de- correlation EEC was analysed in NNLO+NNLL accu-
tector (hadronisation) must be accounted for. If there racy and the 2-jet rate with the Durham algorithm was
was a major redistribution of 4-momenta between par- studied with N3LO+NNLL predictions [3634].
tons and hadrons in a given final state due to hadronisa- Limitations for the ultimate accuracy of these stud-
tion then a comparison of pQCD predictions with data ies are currently the uncertainties connected with hadro-
would be highly problematic. Turning this argument nisation corrections, see e.g. [3635] for a recent study.
around we must have a hadronisation process which is An early study [3628] based on event shapes at all
local in phase space. This is discussed as ”local parton LEP energies and NLO+NLL pQCD found differences
hadron duality” (LPHD) by Dokshitzer in section 2.3. in αS (mZ ) of about 10% between results using MC
Experimental evidence for the LPHD collected by the simulations or an analytic model to derive hadronisa-
LEP experiments and previous studies is discussed be- tion corrections. These differences became smaller with
low. more complete QCD predictions such as NNLO+NNLL
Figure 12.1.3 (left) shows as an example the mea- or NNLO+N3LL. They also tend to reduce when MC
surements by OPAL of the event shape observable y23 D
simulations with NLO calculations matched to the par-

at cms energies s = 91.2, 133, 177 and 197 GeV. ton shower are used. In both cases a larger fraction of
The cms energies are weighted averages of combined the prediction is contributed by pQCD and thus only
LEP runs with similar cms energies. The observable a smaller difference w.r.t. the data is left to be covered
y23 is the value of the jet distance in the Durham algo- by hadronisation corrections. New studies show that
rithm [168] y = 2 min(Ei , EJ )2 (1 − cos θij )/s where the the hadronisation corrections in an improved analytic
number of jets changes from three to two. Figure 12.1.3 model depend on the event shape value [3636], in con-
(right) shows measurements by ALEPH [3628] of n-jet, trast with the analytic models used so far.
n = 1, . . . , 6+ production fractions using the Durham The analyses of final states with four or more jets
algorithm. These data show that at LEP hadronic fi- are based on the accurate measurements of multi-jet
nal states with complex jet topologies can be measured rates and corresponding event shape distributions at
well. LEP. Similar to NLO QCD predictions for angular cor-
The reasonably successful comparisons of the data relations in 4-jet final states also NLO predictions for
with simulations by the Monte Carlo event generators 4-jet rates became possible [3637]. It is important to
PYTHIA, HERWIG and ARIADNE validate the ex- realise that for 4-jet final states the NLO QCD predic-
perimental corrections derived using these simulations tion is O(αS2 ) + O(αS3 ) which implies a sensitivity to
after passing them through the simulations of the de- αS larger by about a factor of 2 compared with a pre-
tectors. Furthermore, they pave the way for using these diction for 3-jet final states. The higher sensitivity can
simulations to derive the hadronisation corrections needed compensate for the larger experimental uncertainties of
to compare pQCD predictions with the data. The final the 4-jet measurements w.r.t. 3-jet measurements. The
LEP measurements and their comparison to the then corresponding analyses with LEP data are [3615, 3638]
relevant NLO+NLLA QCD predictions and determi- while [3639] is a study based on re-analysed data from
nations of αS (mZ ) are discussed in [3623]. Improved JADE at PETRA.
determinations of αS (mZ ) using NNLO QCD predic- Automated NLO QCD calculations allowed predic-
tions combined with resummed NLLA calculation ap- tions for 5-jet observables [3640] and the corresponding
The exact power counting is explained in [280].
12.1 The Legacy of LEP 421

10 4
197 GeV (×27)
177 GeV (×9)
10 3
133 GeV (×3)
91 GeV

10 2



(MC − data)/error

197 GeV

5 91 GeV
-3 -2 -1
10 10 10 D

Fig. 12.1.3 (left) The figure shows measurements of the event shape observable y23 D
by OPAL at average cms energies as indicated.
The measurements are corrected for experimental effects and are compared with simulations as indicated [3629]. (right)
√ The figure
displays measurements of n-jet production fractions as a function of ycut using the Durham algorithm by ALEPH at s = 206 GeV.
The measurements are compared with simulations [3628].

determination of αS (mZ ). By the same argument as experiments for 1/h1 − T i as a function of Q on a log-
above the sensitivity to αS (mZ ) is enhanced w.r.t. 3-jet arithmic scale confirming the QCD prediction for the
observables which compensates for larger measurement running coupling as measured by h1−T i. Hadronisation
uncertainties. corrections to h1 − T i are predicted using simulations
The review of measurements of αS (Q) in section 3 to only change the logarithmic slope, see e.g. [3641].
shows clearly that the strong coupling strength decreases Earlier studies using JADE (at PETRA) data for 3-jet
with increasing energy scale of the process, i.e. asymp- rates using the JADE algorithm as a function of cms
totic freedom. Here we discuss direct experimental ev- energy had already proven the running strong coupling
idence without performing measurements of αS . Fig- at the 4-σ level [3642].
ure 12.1.3 (left) shows distributions of y23
measured at
cms energies from 91 to 197 GeV and a change in the 12.1.3 Fragmentation
distribution is clearly visible. A more direct way to ob-
serve a change of the strong coupling strength with the The term fragmentation refers to measuring and pre-

energy scale of the process Q = s is to use inclusive dicting properties of the hadrons produced in hadronic
observables such as jet production rates at a fixed value final states. In contrast, hadronisation refers to modifi-
of ycut or moments of event shape observables. cations to observables derived from hadronic final states
In QCD in LO the prediction for the mean value such as event shapes or jet rates. In studies of fragmen-
of e.g. the Thrust 1 − T distribution is h1 − T i(Q) = tation of hadrons the energies or momentum compo-
αS (Q2 )A1−T while the running coupling follows αS (Q2
) = nents w.r.t. an event orientation or jet axis, or their
αS (µ2 )/(1+αS (µ2 )β0 ln x2µ ), β0 = (11CA −4TF NF )/(12π),multiplicity, are studied.

xµ = Q/µ, µ is the renormalisation scale. This implies The scaled momentum fraction of a hadron with
1/h1 − T i ∼ ln Q at LO with O(αS2 ) corrections. Fig- momentum p is defined as x = 2p/Q. One expects in
ure 12.1.4 displays data from DELPHI and lower energy the quark-parton model, i.e. in the absence of strong

Ratio (91.2 GeV / 22.0 GeV)


1/< 1-T >

Fit Result
DELPHI Same flavour composition
L3 1.6
JADE 1.4
18 PEP5
β0 QCD 1
14 β0 fit



8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100 200
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
√s (GeV) x
Fig. 12.1.4 The
√ figure shows measurements of 1/h1 − T i as Fig. 12.1.5 The figure shows the ratio of the scaled momentum
a function of s = Q on a logarithmic scale by DELPHI and spectra
√ 1/σh dσh /dx of charged particles measured by ALEPH√
lower energy experiments. The lines show a NLO QCD predic- at s ' 91.2 GeV to data from TASSO measured at s =
tion and fit by DELPHI [3641]. 22 GeV [3643].

interactions of the partons, that the x-spectra are in- NNLO framework for the analysis of scaled momentum

dependent of s. This is analogous to the prediction distributions in e+ e− annihilation to hadrons is [3644].
of scaling for xBj in lepton-hadron DIS, i.e. that dis- It is interesting to focus on low momentum hadrons.
tributions of xBj are independent of the 4-momentum To this end the variable ξ = ln(1/x) is introduced.
transfer Q2 of the DIS process. Scaling violations are The majority of hadrons is produced at low values of
then due to scale-dependent strong interactions of the x and by transforming to ξ their properties can be
partons. Figure 12.1.5 shows as an example the ratio of studied in more detail. As an example figure 12.1.6
measurements of x-spectra measured by ALEPH on the shows measurements of ξ for charged hadrons at LEP
Z peak to corresponding measurements by TASSO (at by OPAL and also from previous experiments at lower

PETRA) measured at s = 22 GeV [3643]. The scaling energies [3645]. The distributions show a maximum and
violations are clearly visible. drop quickly towards small ξ corresponding to large
The QCD analysis of scaling violations of scaled mo- hadron momenta. At large ξ, i.e. for small momenta,
mentum distributions measured at different cms ener- the distributions fall off faster than expected from the
gies is the e+ e− analog of the analysis of structure func- kinematic limits from hadron masses.
tions F2 (Q2 , xBj ) in lepton-hadron DIS. The scaled mo- This can be explained by destructive interference of
mentum distribution is described by multiple soft gluon radiation in the parton shower, of-
ten named soft gluon coherence. Under the assumption
of LPHD the production of soft hadrons is driven by
Z 1
1 dσh X x dz
= Cf (z, αS (µ), xµ )Df ( , µ)
σh dx 0 f
z z the production of soft gluons from the parton shower.
The ”QCD Chudakov effect” means that soft gluons
cannot resolve the individual parton color charges and
with the flavour index f = u, d, s, c, b, g. The Cf are instead the smaller color charge before branchings is
coefficient functions known in NNLO QCD, and the relevant. Based on these ideas detailed pQCD predic-
Df are non-perturbative fragmentation functions. The tions for multiple soft gluon radiation are calculated.
Df correspond to the probability to obtain a hadron For figure 12.1.6 such predictions [3646] are shown by
with momentum fraction x from a parton f analogous the solid and dashed lines, where the solid lines are
to the parton density functions (PDF) of DIS. The rate fitted to the data and the dashed lines are extrapo-
of change with changing momentum scale µ of the Df lations. The extrapolated QCD predictions at small ξ
is described by the DGLAP equations, see 2.3. A first (large x) are not expected to be a good approximation
while at large ξ (small x) the data are well described.
12.1 The Legacy of LEP 423

tion, spectra of inclusive and identified hadrons, and

1/σ dσch/dξp

multiplicities which can in many cases be interpreted
OPAL 202 GeV
OPAL 133 GeV
OPAL 91 GeV with little ambiguities. These data are to a large part
6 TOPAZ 58 GeV the basis for parameter settings of the popular simula-
tion programs used in our field and in particular at the
LHC [3559, 3576, 3651].
The topic of colour reconnection (CR) concerns pos-
3 sible changes to hadronisation effects if several colour
singlet sources are produced in a collision. The question
is: do the final partons after the parton showers of dif-

1 ferent colour singlet sources form hadrons together or

0 not. At LEP 2 the production of e+ e− → W + W − →
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
ξp hadrons final states was an important contribution to
the LEP 2 measurements of the mass and other proper-
Fig. 12.1.6 The figure shows the spectra of ξ = ln(1/x) mea- ties of the W boson [3614]. The modeling uncertainties
sured by OPAL, TOPAZ and TASSO [3645]. The data are com- of CR effects gave rise to significant systematic errors
pared with fitted QCD predictions, see text for details.
on the W boson mass and width, after measurements of
particle flow between the four jets of the two hadronic
The evolution of the peak position with cms energy ex- W decays were used to constrain different CR mod-
tracted from the fits also follows the pQCD prediction, els. New models for CR were discussed in [3574] and
see e.g. [3645]. These measurements provide convincing compared with the LEP 2 measurements. CR also af-
experimental confirmation of the LPHD and the corre- fects measurements of the top quark mass due to the
sponding pQCD calculations. A recent analysis of the ξ intermediate colour singlet W boson in the top quark
spectra measured in e+ e− annihilation and other pro- decay [3652] and due to interactions of proton remnants
cesses including higher order corrections is [3647]. (multi parton interactions MPI) in pp collisions. Recent
The interpretation of [3648], based on simulations measurements from LHC take this into account [476,
with and without soft gluon interference (coherence) 3653]. The CR model with the biggest impact on the
effects, that the data of scaled momentum spectra do results of [3653] is also the only one in tension with
not provide evidence for coherence has been discussed LEP 2 data in [3574]. This shows that the LEP data
in [3649]. There it was pointed out that the hadronisa- can still help to constrain CR models.
tion models of the simulation programs will compensate
for the lack of coherence effects to still give a reasonable 12.1.4 Heavy quarks
description of the data. The confirmation of the LPHD
lies in the successful comparison of the corresponding In QCD with massless quarks the coupling constant
QCD calculations with the data involving only two free is the only free parameter. Asymptotic freedom of the
normalisation and scale parameters. running strong coupling is one of the defining features
The QCD parton shower picture, i.e. the idea of of QCD and is well confirmed by experiments [3654]
high-momentum partons radiating many times a gluon, since LEP results contributed. Quark masses are also
and also gluons producing a q q̄ pair, is the basis of the free parameters of the theory and subject to similar
simulation programs, because it allows implementations phenomena as asymptotic freedom for the strong cou-
as iterative probabilistic branchings. The implementa- pling. The quark masses are predicted to depend on
tions of the parton shower picture are approximations the energy scale of the process through so-called mass
correctly summing leading logarithmic terms (LLA). In anomalous dimensions, the quark mass analogous of the
the LLA the soft gluon interference effects correspond beta-function.
to the angular ordering phenomenon: a subsequent par- The two main phenomenological predictions are firstly
ton branching must occur at branching angles smaller that effective quark mass values decrease with energy
than the previous one. There are limitations to the an- scale of the interaction, or, asymptotic freedom for quark
gular ordering approximation for less inclusive observ- masses, see e.g. [3655] for a review. The second predic-
ables [3650], in particular some which are used for tun- tion is the suppression of gluon radiation from massive
ing (optimisation of agreement with data) of the simu- quarks with angle Θ < Θ0 = m/E, where m is the
lation programs. heavy quark mass and E the heavy quark energy. This
The legacy of LEP in this area is the wealth of is referred to as the ”dead-cone” effect of QCD [3656].
precise data on event shape observables, jet produc-

1.02 IFIC-UV/CSIC, PSI, U. Tohoku, U. Vienna (2021)

Rbd (R3)


b (Q) [GeV]


0.92 Data, stat errors only 1.5
PYTHIA 6.1 mb(m ): +δαs
PDG world avg. RG evolution
0.9 HERWIG 6.1
1 b


NLO, mb(Mz)=3 GeV/c2
0.5 mb(m ):
h ATLAS '20 CMS '19 average (this work)
0.88 NLO, mb(Mz)=5 GeV/c2
10 102
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07
ycut Q [GeV]
Fig. 12.1.7 The diagram shows data for B3 (ycut ) by ALEPH Fig. 12.1.8 The figure shows determinations of mb (mb ),
corrected for experimental and hadronisation effects using the mb (MZ ) and mb (MH ) together with the QCD prediction for
Durham algorithm. The lines show NLO QCD predictions for the running mb (Q) [3659].
mb (MZ ) values as indicated, as well as predictions from simu-
lations [3658].
pected to be Θ0 ' 2mb /mZ ' 0.1 which is well inside
typical jet energy profiles in hadronic Z decays [3660].
The first prediction of running quark masses was A recent analysis by ALICE has found evidence for re-
studied at LEP using large samples of O(106 ) hadronic duced particle production inside angular regions consis-
Z decays with b-tags. Mass effects can be enhanced for tent with the dead cone for charm tagged jets produced
observables like the 3-jet rate R3 (ycut ) due to their ad- in pp collisions at the LHC [176]. The key to this obser-
ditional energy scale ycut [3657]. In order to reduce com- vation was reversing a sequential jet clustering history
mon experimental uncertainties a double ratio B3 = using an angular distance definition110 which enforces
R3b /R3l is defined, with R3 the 3-jet rate in Z decays
angular ordering by construction.
to b (light) quarks. Figure 12.1.7 shows data for B3 from Predictions for phenomenology of the dead cone ef-
ALEPH compared with NLO QCD predictions for val- fect at LEP concentrate on multiple soft gluon produc-
ues of the running b quark mass in the MS scheme tion and thus on particle spectra or multiplicities [3656,
mb (MZ ) = 3 or 5 GeV [3658]. The data are consistent 3661]. The so-called ”leading particle effect” refers to
with the lower value of mb (MZ ). large and mass dependent average scaled momenta of
The analyses by ALEPH, DELPHI, OPAL and SLD heavy hadrons (c or b). The leading particle effect is de-
are summarised in [3623, 3659] with mb (MZ ) = 2.82 ± rived from pQCD as a direct consequence of the dead
0.28 GeV [3659]. With mb (mb ) = 4.18+0.03
−0.02 [476] a run- cone and shown to be consistent with data from LEP
ning b quark mass is observed with a significance of and previous e+ e− colliders [153].
more than four standard deviations. The analysis [3659] The particle multiplicity in Z decays to b or light (u,
adds a determination of mb (MH ) from measurements d, s) quarks is sensitive to the dead cone effect due to its
of the branching ratio of the Higgs boson to b quarks impact on soft gluon radiation, which is directly related
by the LHC experiments ATLAS and CMS assuming to particle production via the LPHD. The pQCD pre-
the Yukawa coupling of b quarks at its SM value. Fig- diction in the MLLA for the charged particle multiplic-
ure 12.1.8 presents results for mb (mb ), mb (MZ ) and ity difference in hadronic Z decays to b or light quarks is
mb (MH ) together with the QCD prediction for the run- δbl = 4.4 ± 0.4 [3662]. A different model for δbl without
ning mb (Q) [3659]. There is good agreement between dead cone contributions predicts a fast decrease with
the measurements and the QCD prediction. √
cms energy s. The predictions for δbl and measure-
The dead cone effect is not straightforward to study ments by LEP experiments and previous experiments
at LEP or other colliders. For example for b-jets from
on-peak Z decays at LEP the dead cone angle is ex- 110
The Cambridge/Aachen (C/A) algorithm.
12.1 The Legacy of LEP 425


1/N dN/dx
δ bl

TOPAZ SLD measured distribution
VENUS Mark II Kartvelishvili
2.5 Peterson
2 Lund
4 1.5

2 1

0 0.5

00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Naïve Model
Experimental average Fig. 12.1.10 The figure shows the b quark to B hadron frag-
mentation function for weak B decays. The lines display predic-
tions by simulations with a fixed perturbative component and
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
different models for the fragmentation functions [3663].
√s (GeV)
Fig. 12.1.9 The figure presents measurements of δbl com-
pared with QCD predictions and an alternative model as in- specific constant, and are thus expected to modify elec-
dicated [3662].
troweak EWPO predictions by a few %.
Figure 12.1.11 shows measurements of cross sections

at different s are shown in figure 12.1.9 [3662]. The for the process e+ e− → hadrons at cms energies around
blue band corresponding to the QCD dead cone pre- Ecm = mZ by the LEP experiments [3612]. The mea-
diction is in agreement with the data within theoretical surements map out the Z boson resonance in e+ e− an-
and experimental uncertainties. The alternative model nihilation in the hadronic channel. The lines show the
is excluded by the high energy LEP 2 measurements at result of a model-independent fit before and after QED

s ≥ 183 GeV with an estimated χ2 /dof ' 100/11. corrections to these and other measurements to extract

The hypothesis that δbl → 0 for large s leads to an the Z boson resonance parameters such as the mass mZ ,
estimated χ2 /dof ' 43/11 and is thus also clearly ex- the total width ΓZ , the R-ratio Rl0 = ΓZ,had /ΓZ,ll and
cluded. the hadronic pole cross section σhad
Another example of precision measurements in the The extracted parameters are part of the set of EW-
heavy flavour sector is the b quark to hadron fragmenta- POs which can be compared with predictions by the SM
tion function. The measurement by DELPHI is shown including the QCD corrections. The QCD corrections
in figure 12.1.10 [3663]. The quantity xweak
p refers to for the EWPOs connected with the Z lineshape are
the scaled momentum of the B hadron reconstructed known to N3LO, the corrections due to mixed and non-
from its weak decay. In this way possible preceeding factorising electroweak and strong interaction diagrams
strong decays of excited B hadrons are accounted for. are known up to ααS terms, and the QCD corrections
In the figure the data are compared with several mod- for massive quarks are known up to (mq /Q)4 αS (Q)3 ,
els for the fragmentation functions folded with a fixed see [3664] for details.
perturbative component. The data can clearly separate Figure 12.1.12 shows the χ2 profile of a recent SM
the different models. Recent parameter optimisations global fit as a function of the strong coupling αS (mZ )
of e.g. the PYTHIA simulation take these results into using the LEP data and other data for the masses of
account [3651]. the top quark, the W boson and the Higgs boson [3664].
The blue band shows the χ2 of the global fit around the
12.1.5 Zedometry and hadronic τ decays best value of αS (mZ ). The grey lines show the contribu-
tions to this result of the most sensitive EWPOs. The
The EWPOs measured by the LEP experiments and width of the band reflects the theoretical uncertainties
SLD are the main legacy of the LEP program. The of the global SM fit. A comparison of the grey bands
EWPOs are also a valuable legacy for the understand- shows the consistency between the QCD corrections to
ing and experimental verification of QCD. All EWPOs the different EWPOs. The red data point is a direct
connected with quarks will have SM predictions with measurement of αS (mZ ) from the hadronic branching
QCD corrections reflecting gluon radiation. Corrections ratio of τ lepton decays measured mostly using LEP
to pure electroweak processes involving quarks scale data.
typically like 1 + CαS (mZ )/π, where C is a process

decays is [3665]. The data point shows the average of

σhad [nb]

40 αS (mZ ) determinations by the PDG from 2016 which
ALEPH has since been updated with only small changes [476].
DELPHI The good consistency between these related determi-
nations of αS (mZ ) is a strong test of the consistent
application of QCD corrections in the SM, as well as
of the understanding of the evolution equations for the
ΓZ running of the strong coupling including the treatment
of quark mass thresholds.
measurements (error bars
increased by factor 10)
The large collection of measurements from the LEP
experiments, SLD, and also the previous and partially
re-analysed experiments at e+ e− colliders are a cor-
σ from fit
QED corrected
nerstone of the experimental validation of the theory
MZ of strong interactions, QCD. Possible future e+ e− col-
86 88 90 92 94 liders are designed to deliver at least 1000 times the
Ecm [GeV] integrated luminosity w.r.t. LEP and with more ad-
vanced detectors. In addition large samples of Higgs
Fig. 12.1.11 The figure displays measurements of the hadronic
cross section in e+ e− annihilation at cms energies Ecm around and W + W − bosons, and possibly of top-antitop quark
mZ measured by the LEP experiments. The lines show the pairs will open the door to many more tests of the SM
model-indepedent fit to extract EWPOs before and after QED including its QCD sector, and its proposed extensions.
corrections [3612].

5 12.2 High-pT jets


SM fit
0 2σ Daniel Britzger, Klaus Rabbertz, and
Markus Wobisch
3.5 σ0had

3 τ decays [PDG 2016]

2 12.2.1 Introduction
1 1σ One of the most fundamental testing grounds for the
0.5 predictions of perturbative QCD (pQCD) are studies
0.11 0.115 0.12 0.125 0.13
of the production rates of collimated sprays of hadrons,
αs(M2Z) so-called hadronic jets. Although such jets are neither
fundamental entities of the theory nor objects directly
Fig. 12.1.12 The figure shows with the blue band the χ2 pro- measurable in experiment, the notion of jets proved
file of a global SM fit as a function of the value of the strong
coupling αS (mZ ). The grey lines are similar profiles for indi- to be an extremely useful concept, because it allows
vidual EWPOs as indicated. The red data point shows the value to make the connection between the objects of pQCD,
of αS (mZ ) determined from hadronic τ lepton decays [3664]. the quarks and gluons or, generically, partons, and the
tracks and energy depositions in a detector. In a mea-
sured collision event, high-energetic jets can roughly be
The τ lepton weak decays to hadrons proceed in
identified by eye for example when looking at an event
the SM description via a virtual W boson decaying
display in the radial or the transverse plane. However,
to quarks. Similar to hadronic Z boson decays QCD
for an unambiguous attribution of each track and en-
corrections to the final state modify the predictions.
ergy deposit to a jet, a mathematical prescription is
At the scale of the τ lepton mass mτ ' 1.78 GeV
required: a jet algorithm. Equally, to relate experimen-
the strong coupling αS (mτ ) ' 0.3 such that large cor-
tal measurements of such jets to production rates pre-
rections are expected. The QCD corrections are also
dictable in perturbative QCD, a precise definition of
known to N3LO due to the similarity of the calcula-
partonic jets is needed. To close the gap, for good jet al-
tions. In addition non-perturbative effects are signifi-
gorithms it must also be demonstrated that corrections
cant, while they are strongly suppressed for hadronic Z
are under control that on the one hand unfold for de-
tector effects to the level of stable hadrons as in Monte
A recent analysis of the important theoretical is-
Carlo event generators, and on the other hand account
sues for the extraction of αS from hadronic τ lepton
for the non-perturbative transition from partons to the
12.2 High-pT jets 427

same stable-hadron level. History has shown that jet SLAC-LBL Mark I experiment at the e+ e− storage ring
algorithms can be found that are suitable simultane- SPEAR used sphericity [3666, 3667], which defines such
ously for all three levels, measured tracks and energy an event axis by minimizing the sum of squares of all
clusters, the partons of perturbative calculations, and momenta with respect to this axis. The event shape
the hadrons of Monte Carlo event generators used in sphericity, S, is then defined as
detector simulations. Alas, it took time approximately
X X 2
p2T,i / 2

halfway through “the first 50 years of QCD” to evolve S=3 |~
pi | ,
from first ideas to mature jet definitions used in today’s i i

precision phenomenology. In the following sections, the where the sum is over all particles i in the event with
authors describe the essential steps of this evolution 3-momenta p~i and transverse momenta pT,i with re-
from their perspective of working at the LEP, HERA, spect to the sphericity axis. Each event is characterized
Tevatron, and LHC colliders. by one number S ranging from zero, when all parti-
cles are fully aligned along the axis, up to unity for
12.2.2 A hint of color: quark- and gluon-initiated isotropic events. By means of defining such an event
jets axis for their measurements at 3.0, 3.8, 4.8, 6.2, and
7.4 GeV center-of-mass energy, the Mark I experiment
Establishing QCD as the theory of the strong interac- found first evidence for quark-initiated jet production
tion requires us not only to investigate the pattern of emerging when going to the higher center-of-mass en-
colorless hadronic particles and their properties, but to ergies [105]. Moreover, profiting from polarized beams,
go beyond confinement and search for signs of the un- by comparing the angular distribution of the spheric-
derlying dynamics of this asymptotically free quantum ity axis of q q̄ production to the one of e+ e− → µ+ µ−
field theory. In other words, we need to find hints of they concluded that the potential partons must have
color even though the confining property of QCD does spin 1/2 rather than spin 0.
not allow us to directly measure colored quarks — let How about gluons then, the exchange quanta of
alone gluons. Indirect evidence came in 1968 from the QCD? Do they exist and, if yes, how do they mani-
observation of Bjorken scaling in Deep-Inelastic Scat- fest themselves? In 1976 Ellis, Gaillard, and Ross [104]
tering (DIS) at SLAC [93, 148], where inelastic scatter- argued gluon bremsstrahlung e+ e− → q q̄g to be the
ing of electrons on nucleons at large momentum-trans- leading correction to q q̄ dijet production. As a conse-
fer squared, Q2 , is well described by the assumption of a quence, with increasing center-of-mass energy one of the
virtual photon interacting with point-like constituents two quark-initiated jets should exhibit signs of widening
inside a nucleon. These constituents, named partons up with higher multiplicity until finally a third gluon-
by Feynman, were later identified with the (valence) initiated jet emerges leading to planar 3-jet events. The
quarks of Gell-Mann and Zweig [18, 3113]. center-of-mass energies available at SPEAR and also
It is conjectured that the struck parton should man- DORIS at DESY, however, were not sufficient to pro-
ifest itself in the form of a collimated stream of hadrons vide evidence for 3-jet production, although valuable re-
moving along the direction of the primary parton with sults could be achieved by investigating the conjectured
only a few hundred MeV of transverse momentum, like dominant decay of the upsilon resonance into three glu-
defined as jet in the introduction. This brings us to the ons, Υ → ggg, confirming predictions by QCD includ-
second question implicit in this section’s title “high-pT ing the vector character of the gluons [3668]. Only the
jets”: How high is “high”? The center-of-mass ener- much higher center-of-mass energy of 27 GeV reached
gies of a few GeV available at the time were insuffi- by the PETRA collider at DESY in spring 1979 could
cient to clearly observe well separated jets simply be- provide sufficiently high-energetic e+ e− collisions such
cause the opening angles of the hadron streams were that clearly identifiable 3-jet events could be produced.
far too large and the “jets” interleaved with each other The first event display of the TASSO Collaboration was
even though the back-to-back orientation of the pri- presented by Wiik at the “Neutrino 79” conference in
mary q q̄ pair should guarantee their maximal separa- Bergen [91] and, of course, is also reproduced in this
tion. A way out was found by focusing on the main commemorative work, see the section by S.L. Wu for a
interest to differentiate between a two-jet like struc- more personal recollection of events. Subsequently, all
ture favored by QCD and the expectations from other four experiments at PETRA published clear evidence
models. Instead of reconstructing jets or jet quantities for planar 3-jet events affirming the discovery of the
explicitly, the strategy rather consists in searching for gluon and gluon-induced jets [92, 109–111].
a principal event axis along which most of the momen- The increasing e+ e− center-of-mass energies at PE-

tum of each produced hadron is aligned. In 1975, the TRA, TRISTAN, SLC, and LEP up to s = 209 GeV

allowed a plethora of (multi-)jet measurements to be lack of a well-defined jet algorithm. The UA2 Collab-
performed, all confirming the conjectures of QCD as oration employed a cell-based clustering of energy de-
theory of the strong interaction. Notably, the rate of posits in the calorimeters, where neighboring cells could
events with three jets as compared to dijet production be merged into one cluster. A “final” cluster could be
is to first order proportional to the strong coupling, split up again, if it contained multiple, well separated
which then can be extracted at each energy point to maxima. Instead of referring directly to cell geometry,
demonstrate its energy dependence or running as pre- the UA1 experiment used an algorithm based on cones
dicted by QCD. of radius R equal to unity in (η, φ) space in order to
Finally, angular correlations in 4-jet events are sen- decide whether cells are merged or not [3671]. Here,
sitive already at leading order (LO) to the color factors φ is the azimuthal angle. To initiate a jet, cells exceed-
CA = 3 and CF = 4/3 of the non-Abelian special uni- ing a minimal transverse energy are taken in decreasing
tary group SU(3) of QCD and thus are probing its non- order of ET as “seeds”, around which cells within the
Abelian nature as described in the previous section. A defined cone are combined with this seed to form the
compilation of constraints on these color factors is pre- jet. This algorithm corresponds already to a cone jet
sented in Ref. [3623], where world average values are algorithm; alas, it suffers from a number of shortcom-
quoted that are in perfect agreement with the expecta- ings like unclustered energy or sensitivity to collinear
tions from QCD. splittings further described in the next section. Never-
theless, at the level of the limited experimental preci-
12.2.3 Jets at hadron-hadron colliders sion and with only order-of-magnitude predictions at
LO, jet measurements conducted at the Spp̄S and still
Despite great new insights obtained thanks to high- at the Intersecting Storage Rings ISR [3672] were in
precision measurements at e+ e− colliders, the term of agreement with expectations from QCD.
discovery machines generally is reserved for hadron-
hadron colliders. Because of the much larger mass of 12.2.4 The evolution of jet algorithms
protons as compared to electrons, the huge loss of en-
ergy per turn in circular storage rings due to synchrotron Until the end of the 1980s, a vast amount of jet data
radiation can be avoided enabling much higher collision from hadron colliders were collected, reaching a level of
energies of e.g. pp̄ accelerators than possible with cir- precision of 10 %. Predictions at LO in pQCD, however,
cular e+ e− beams. The benchmark observable of jet were very limited in precision by the uncompensated
physics at hadron-hadron colliders is the inclusive jet dependence on the renormalization scale, µr , through
production cross section and in the early days the phase the running strong coupling. The calculation of next-
space was divided up into intervals of the jet transverse to-leading-order (NLO) corrections to jet production
energy ET and the jet pseudorapidity η defined in terms advanced the accuracy of perturbative predictions to
of the polar angle θ as η = − ln tan(θ/2). Measured jet a comparable level. This progress required a careful re-
yields are transformed into a double-differential cross evaluation of the concept of jets and resulted into new
section via classes of jet algorithms, since several shortcomings of
previous jet definitions were identified, which limited
d2 σ 1 Njets
= · , (12.2.2) their usability in higher-order pQCD predictions or in
dET dη  · Lint ∆ET ∆η
hadron-induced processes. Let us have a closer look into
where Njets is the number of jets counted within a bin, the evolution of jet algorithms over time.
corrected for detector distortions,  is the experimen- The first jet algorithm was described in 1977 by
tal efficiency, and ∆ET and ∆η are the respective bin Sterman and Weinberg for e+ e− collisions [166]. In their
widths. algorithm, particles with momenta pointing towards the
The first such measurement of inclusive jet produc- same direction within some opening angle were clus-
tion was published in 1982 by the UA2 Collaboration tered together. Most importantly, their jet definition
with data recorded in the so-called jet run at the Spp̄S made the result insensitive to the emission of either
collider operating at 540 GeV center-of-mass energy [3669]. soft or collinear particles. This is called infrared and
The observed steep decrease of the jet ET spectrum pro- collinear safety, which is crucial to produce finite re-
portional to ET −n
with n ≈ 9 was correctly predicted sults at all orders in perturbation theory. Otherwise
by QCD at LO [3670]. Firm conclusions on the abso- the cancellation of soft and collinear singularities asso-
lute normalization, however, were not possible because ciated with such partonic emissions in calculations of
of large experimental and theoretical uncertainties, and pQCD is spoiled leading to infinite results. To be use-
ful in comparisons to pQCD, the outcome of a jet algo-
12.2 High-pT jets 429

rithm therefore must neither depend on the addition of changed from the invariant di-particle mass to the rela-
arbitrarily soft clustering objects to the set of inputs, tive transverse momentum, kt , of the particle pair. This
nor on the merging of two collinear input objects or the version, also called the (exclusive) kt algorithm, was
splitting of an input object into two collinear ones. confirmed to have superior properties than the JADE
The following decade saw the proposal by Sterman algorithm in e+ e− annihilation.
and Weinberg to be generalized in order to analyze
hadron-hadron collisions in terms of a number of cone-
shaped jets of a chosen jet radius, R, pointing into the JADE jet algorithm
directions of the highest energy or momentum densities
in an event. In the same period the JADE Collabora-
tion at the PETRA collider introduced another type of
jet algorithm based on iterative pairwise clusterings for
the analysis of e+ e− events [3626]. Hence, two classes
of jet algorithms emerged:
1. cone algorithms that assign objects to the leading
energy-flow objects in an event based on geometrical
2. sequential-recombination algorithms that iteratively kT jet algorithm
combine the closest pairs of objects.
A summary of jet algorithms discussed at the time is
presented in the proceedings of the Snowmass “Summer
Study on High Energy Physics” [3673].
Although introduced only in 2008 in its general form,
one can determine the so-called catchment area of a jet,
often just named jet area, for both classes provided the
algorithm is infrared- and collinear-safe [3590]. For cone
algorithms defined in (η, φ) space as used already by the
UA1 Collaboration, this jet area formerly was identified Fig. 12.2.1 A 3-jet final state in e+ e− collisions as defined by
with the circular area with jet radius R, which simpli- the JADE (upper) and kt (lower) jet algorithms. The particle
assignments to the three jets according to the algorithms are
fied considerably the task of jet energy calibration at
indicated by blue full, black dash-dotted, and red dashed lines.
hadron-hadron colliders. Figure redrawn from Ref. [3675].
In e+ e− collisions all final-state particles emerge
from the hard subprocess. Therefore, in e+ e− measure-
ments exclusive jet algorithms were applied, which as- When HERA, the first and only electron–proton
sign each final-state particle to one of the high-pT jets. (ep) collider, started in 1992, “standard” jet algorithms
Hence, a collision event is classified as an exclusive jet had been defined already for e+ e− annihilation as dis-
final state, e.g. e+ e− → n jets and nothing else. cussed. In hadron–hadron collisions cone-type algorithms
Although being more costly in terms of computing were favored over sequential-recombination algorithms
time, it was affordable to use successive recombination to avoid time-consuming repeated iterations over many
algorithms because of the low multiplicity in e+ e− an- final-state particles. Nothing yet had been developed for
nihilations. Initially, the JADE algorithm was favored, physics at an ep collider such that many physicists com-
where pairs of particles are clustered in the order of ing from LEP experiments tried to adopt methods as
increasing invariant di-particle masses, assuming this they were used in e+ e− physics. So in the early HERA
would result in jets with small invariant masses. In the jet analyses, a modified version of the JADE algorithm
phenomenology of e+ e− physics, it was, however, dis- was used (the “mJADE algorithm” [3676]), in which
covered that the JADE algorithm frequently clusters the proton beam remnant is treated by introducing a
soft particles at large angles, cf. also Fig. 12.2.1, which is pseudo-particle (carrying the missing longitudinal mo-
very disadvantageous for precision calculations [3674]. mentum in the event), to which particles can be clus-
This problem was addressed in the kt or “Durham al- tered. At the end, all particles are either assigned to
gorithm” [168]111 , in which the distance measure was the high-pT jets, or to the jet including the pseudo-
particle. The former are considered as the n high-pT
Originally, k⊥ was used as label instead of kt . For simplicity jets, while the latter is considered to be the (one) beam
we use kt throughout.

remnant. The final states are therefore classified as ex- Cone algorithms are, however, not as easy to im-
clusive (n + 1)-jet final states. plement as one would naïvely think. The basic idea of
In reactions with initial state hadrons, i.e. ep and a cone-jet algorithm sounds rather simple: Decide on
hadron-hadron collisions, collinear singularities in the a cone radius, R, place it in the plane of azimuthal
matrix elements of the hard subprocess are factorized angle and (pseudo)rapidity, compute the transverse en-
into process-independent parton distribution functions ergy/momentum flow through the cone, and move the
(PDFs), which depend on the factorization scale, µf , cone over the plane so as to maximize this flow. Be-
that defines the limit between attribution to the per- fore the end of the 1990s, experimental jet measure-
turbative hard process or the non-perturbative hadron ments used a large number of different implementa-
structure in form of the PDFs. This factorization, how- tions. These early cone algorithms suffered from a num-
ever, only works, if it is not spoiled by the definition ber of problems. Many were not infrared- or collinear
of the measured quantity that must not depend on the safe, while others had undesired features. Some of the
beam-remnant(s). For the mJADE algorithm, it was the problems arise from the fact that a true, continuous
inclusion of the kinematics of the beam-remnant that maximization procedure of the energy flow through the
made the algorithm non-factorizable. This issue was cone required too much computing resources, and short-
fixed in the exclusive kt algorithm for ep and hadron- cuts were applied. Some versions simply defined the
hadron collisions by treating the beam remnant(s) as final jets by building cones around the particles/de-
particles of infinite momentum and thus independent tector clusters of highest energy. Other versions used
of their actual kinematics. This exclusive kt algorithm these clusters as starting points, or “seeds” for an it-
was in use for some time within the HERA experiments erative procedure. All of these algorithms were either
and later was replaced by its inclusive counterpart. not infrared-, or not collinear-safe, or even both. Other
Hadron-hadron and ep collisions share the common undesired features emerged through the treatment of
feature of having activity in their final states related to overlapping cones. Sometimes, it happens that two re-
the remnant(s) of the beam hadrons. Therefore, the jet sulting jet cones share a number of particles. To have a
definitions used in hadron-hadron physics were based unique assignment of particles to jets, an overlap treat-
on the cone-type proposal by Sterman and Weinberg to ment is added to the algorithm, which assigns the par-
define a jet by the transverse energies through a cone, ticles in the overlap regions uniquely to one of the two
which is moved so as to maximize the transverse en- jets. This overlap treatment depends on additional pa-
ergy flow through it. In this approach, only selected rameters (adding to the complexity of the algorithm)
final-state particles are included in jets. Those, which and in most cases it also introduced additional vio-
are not assigned to jets are effectively interpreted to lations of infrared or collinear safety. These problems
stem from the so-called Underlying Event that is re- were ultimately addressed and solved with the Seed-
lated to soft processes involving interactions with the less Infrared-Safe Cone (SISCone) jet algorithm [3677].
beam remnants. The jet final-states are thus classified By eliminating seeds, and using a refined overlap treat-
as inclusive with respect to additional unclustered par- ment, SISCone became the first (and so far, only) cone
ticles, e.g. pp → n jets plus additional activity, which jet algorithm that is infrared- and collinear safe.
could consist of additional jets and/or unclustered par- The SISCone algorithm was, however, never widely
ticles. used since the rather late time it was introduced. Jet
Another difference between e+ e− and hadron-hadron measurements had moved on to different jet algorithms:
physics consists in the choice of variables. In hadron- Soon after the introduction of the exclusive kt algo-
hadron collisions, the center-of-mass frame of the hard rithm for e+ e− physics and the above-mentioned modi-
subprocess is boosted longitudinally, i.e. along the beam fications for processes with initial-state hadrons, a sim-
direction with respect to the detector rest frame. Hence, ilar inclusive algorithm was introduced the “Cambridge
instead of energies and angles as used in e+ e− colli- algorithm” [170]. This algorithm transferred the basic
sions, transverse momenta and/or transverse energies concepts of the exclusive kt algorithm consistently to
are used, together with azimuthal angles and either hadron-hadron collider physics. In the same way that
the pseudorapidity η as defined before, or the rapidity the Cambridge algorithm was a modification of the ex-
y = 1/2 · ln [(E + pz )/(E − pz )], which coincides with clusive kt algorithm, a corresponding modification of
η for massless objects. As a consequence, cone-jet algo- the inclusive kt algorithm was introduced, called the
rithms in hadron-hadron collisions are used with cone “Aachen algorithm” or, later, the “Cambridge-Aachen
radii R defined in the plane of azimuthal angle and algorithm” [171]. This algorithm recombines pairs of
(pseudo)rapidity. particles simply in the order of increasing distances in
(y, φ) space. Both algorithms can be specified in a uni-
12.2 High-pT jets 431

fied way by defining the pairwise distance dij between This picture changed suddenly in 1996 when the
any two objects i and j, and the beam distance diB of CDF Collaboration reported an excess in inclusive jet
each object i as: data at high ET beyond 200 GeV as shown in Fig. 12.2.2 [3684].
  ∆R2 A possible explanation could be new phenomena at an
(12.2.3) energy scale Λ far beyond reach to allow e.g. resonant
dij = min p2p , p
T,i T,j
production of new particles. Similarly to Fermi’s low-
diB = p2p
T,i . (12.2.4) energy four-fermion coupling to approximate weak in-
Here, the power p is the algorithm defining parame- teractions at scales well below the W boson mass, such
ter, and ∆Rij is the purely “angular” distance in (y, φ) an excess can be described in terms of contact interac-
space between i and j: tions (CI) [3680, 3685]. Speculations about such contact
interactions as a possible explanation were, however,
2 2 2
(∆Rij ) = (yi − yj ) + (φi − φj ) . quickly abandoned and the results were scrutinized for
effects not properly covered by uncertainties. With re-
Then, each time the minimal distance of all pairwise
spect to the proton structure there was no other means
and beam distances is a diB , object i is declared a final
than taking the spread in predictions using different
jet and removed from the list of clustering objects. If
proton PDFs, also shown in Fig. 12.2.2, as a proxy for
the minimal distance is a dij instead, the two objects
the uncertainty, which now had become very relevant.
are merged using four-vector addition into a new object
As all the PDFs known at the time were potentially
that is added to the clustering list. This is repeated until
prone to the same biases, the association of the spread
no more input objects are left.
in the corresponding predictions with a PDF uncer-
Setting p equal to unity gives the kt algorithm, while
tainty could only be considered an educated guess or,
p = 0 corresponds to the Cambridge-Aachen one that
in the words of Soper [3686]: “This is similar to esti-
only considers ∆Rij in the clustering and is frequently
mating the size of a French mountain valley by taking
used for studies of jet substructure. Interestingly, as dis-
the r.m.s. dispersion in the locations of individuals in a
covered in Ref. [174], the choice of p = −1 is also a valid
flock of sheep grazing in the valley.”
option, where in contrast to the kt algorithm the clus-
The way forward was described in the seminal paper
tering starts with the highest-pT objects and produces
Ref. [3687], where a systematic approach was presented
round-shaped jet areas as if from a cone jet algorithm!
to derive parton distributions with reliable uncertainty
This third “family member” was dubbed the “anti-kt
estimations. Using the preliminary PDFs including ex-
algorithm” and was quickly adopted as the main jet
perimental uncertainties derived in Ref. [3688] from DIS
algorithm for jet physics at the LHC.
data, the authors demonstrated that the excess reported
by the CDF Collaboration can be absorbed in updated
12.2.5 New physics with jets: excesses in jet cross
parameter values for the strong coupling constant and
the gluon distribution. While the quark parton distribu-
tions are directly determined in DIS, in particular with
The next stage of establishing QCD as the theory of the
data from the new HERA collider as used in Ref. [3688],
strong interaction was triggered by two developments:
the DIS data are insufficient to also fix αS (MZ ) and the
the arrival of predictions at NLO in pQCD also for
gluon content in the proton. For both, jet cross sections
hadron-hadron collisions, and the start of the Tevatron
measured at the Tevatron and at HERA, as described
collider at Fermilab with a pp̄ center-of-mass energy
in the next section, are valuable input to the PDF fits.
ranging from 540 GeV up to 1.96 TeV. The by far dom-
inating theoretical uncertainty caused by the large µr
scale dependence of LO predictions was reduced from 12.2.6 The running coupling and the gluon con-
factors of roughly two to 10–30% [3678, 3679]. Addi- tent of the proton
tional uncertainties from non-perturbative effects and
HERA, approved in 1984, just became operational dur-
from the proton structure were estimated to lie between
ing 1992, the same year as the 20th anniversary of
5 and 20%, respectively. The latter uncertainty was de-
QCD was celebrated in Aachen [3689].112 At that time,
rived from calculations using different extractions of the
QCD was in a “transition from the stage of early ex-
proton PDFs from data of deep-inelastic scattering of
ploratory studies to high precision analyses in QCD”
leptons on fixed targets [3680–3683]. First comparisons
as noted by Zerwas and Kastrup in the introduction
of these NLO predictions to pp̄ collider data from UA2
to this workshop [2411]. A milestone for testing QCD
and from the new CDF experiment at Tevatron exhib-
ited a very nice agreement. 112
This was the very first conference participation of KR trig-
gering his profound interest in jets and QCD.

solenoïd providing the magnetic field [3692, 3693]. The

ZEUS collaboration optimized their calorimetric sys-
tem for hadronic measurements and employed a com-
pensating uranium plastic-scintillator sampling calorime-
ter [3694]. The overconstrained kinematics of neutral-
current DIS events enabled precise in-situ calibrations
for the electromagnetic and hadronic energy scales such
that both collaborations could report a jet energy scale
uncertainty of only 1 % for jets with transverse mo-
menta exceeding 10 GeV in the laboratory rest frame [3695,
Already the first HERA data brought striking QCD
results, like the confirmation of the logarithmic viola-
tion of Bjorken scaling shown by the F2 structure func-
tion in dependence of the parton fractional momentum
x as predicted by QCD [3697, 3698], or support for
the presence of a hadronic structure of quasi-real pho-
Fig. 12.2.2 Percentual difference between the CDF inclusive
tons as a result of dijet events observed in photoproduc-
jet cross section (points) and a prediction at NLO QCD using tion [3699, 3700]. Hence, jets were an integral part of the
MRSD0’ PDFs. Additional lines show predictions for a selection HERA physics program from the very beginning. The
of alternative PDFs available at the time. The error bars repre- term jet physics quickly extended well beyond the sim-
sent uncorrelated uncertainties, while the quadratic sum of the
correlated systematic uncertainties are shown in the bottom
ple picture of one “DIS jet”, which is initiated by the
panel. The inset compares the absolute cross sections. Figure struck quark in the Quark-Parton-Model (QPM) pic-
taken from Ref. [3684]. ture, or of dijet topologies in photoproduction. Studies
of further properties like jet charge, substructure, frag-
mentation, or the heavy flavor content of jets led to
was achieved by demonstrating experimentally the run-
many more interesting results, which, however, cannot
ning of the strong coupling from the τ mass of around
be covered here. In the following we will limit ourselves
2 GeV up to the Z boson mass at 91 GeV using vari-
to high-pT jets in neutral-current DIS and will refer
ous observables and data from different experiments as
the interested reader to other sections in this book or
reported in Ref. [3690]. A first summary of determina-
to review articles [3701–3705].
tions of αS (MZ ) was presented by Altarelli [3691] who
At HERA, for the first time, it became possible to
concluded on αS (MZ ) = 0.118 ± 0.007.
study large numbers of dijet events in neutral-current
HERA was constructed as the paramount extension
DIS, so-called (2+1) jet events. In pQCD the cross sec-
to the series of previous, very successful fixed-target
tion for hard processes in DIS is given up to order n in
lepton-nucleon scattering experiments, which have led
the perturbative expansion in αS through the factor-
the way to conceiving QCD as the theory of strong in-
ization theorem
teractions. The increase by a factor of ten in the lepton–
proton center-of-mass energy promised rich new data order
X q,q̄,g
X k+n Z
αS (µr )
for testing many aspects of QCD. In particular, with dxfa/i (x, µf )dσ̂i (x, µr ) ,
√ 2π
s = 300 GeV, HERA allowed to elucidate the struc- n i
ture of the proton and the running of αS (µr ) by means (12.2.6)
of unique and detailed measurements of the hadronic
where i denotes the parton flavors in the proton PDF
final state in addition to the scattered lepton.
fa , and k corresponds to the power in αS at leading
The HERA collider at DESY consisted of two inde-
order. The universal proton PDFs are convoluted in
pendent accelerators designed to collide 30 GeV electron
x with the hard coefficients at a selected factorization
and 820 GeV proton beams. Two multi-purpose detec-
scale µf . At LO, pQCD predicts the (2+1) jet events to
tors, H1 and ZEUS, were conceived to precisely measure
be produced proportional to αS (k=1). At HERA, this
the hadronic final state with almost hermetic coverage.
process is mainly initiated by a gluon inside the proton
The main difference between the two experiments with
and thus dijet data provide direct access to the gluon
respect to jets is given by their calorimeters. The H1
content of the proton down to x ∼ 10−3 . A second LO
collaboration opted for a liquid argon calorimeter with
contribution arises from gluon radiation off one of the
electromagnetic and hadronic sections, both inside the
12.2 High-pT jets 433

quark-lines in the QPM diagram and becomes domi- tions [3713] was that cone or kt jet algorithms seem
nant at large x. to be preferred over the JADE algorithm for precision
The first measurement of (2+1) jet rates by the QCD analyses due to their improved perturbative sta-
H1 Collaboration [3706] employed the JADE jet al- bility in hadron-induced processes [172, 3714, 3715], as
gorithm [3626], while the ZEUS Collaboration [3707] already outlined in the previous section. In addition,
opted for a cone jet algorithm following the Snowmass it became apparent that the choice of suitable renor-
convention [3585]. The hadronization corrections were malization and factorization scales is crucial to achieve
found to be reasonably small and the measured jet pro- reliable results for multi-scale processes such as jet pro-
files could be directly related to the underlying hard duction in DIS.
process and the gluonic content of the proton. These Despite these first successes it became rapidly clear
early data strongly supported the QCD picture of jet- that for jet measurements in the laboratory rest frame
production in DIS and the data were found to be well theoretical shortcomings prevent optimal comparisons
described by first order QCD calculations supplemented to theory. Firstly, it is highly desirable for the jet ob-
with leading-logarithmic parton showers as an approx- servables to respect factorization, and secondly it is
imation of higher-order QCD corrections. Already at highly non-trivial to separate the hadronic final state
this stage a running coupling was significantly favored from the beam remnant. A way forward is found by
over a constant value of αS . boosting every event to the Breit frame of reference [3715]
using the reconstructed DIS kinematics. In the Breit
0.3 frame the incoming parton collides head-on with the

exchanged electroweak boson along the z axis of this ref-


erence frame. Any significant transverse momentum is
generated from QCD effects. High-pT jets primarily oc-
cur in dijet topologies, for which the LO QCD diagram
100 is of O(αS1 ), whereas LO DIS or the beam remnant do
0.175 not contribute. First measurements of jet cross sections
0.15 in the Breit frame using variants of the longitudinal in-
variant kt jet algorithm have been conducted by the H1
other process (see text)
and ZEUS collaborations with a distance parameter of
ZEUS 94 Kt/MEPJET Prelim. R = 1.0 [3716–3718]. This choice promises high accu-
H1 93 JADE/PROJET racy of pQCD predictions and small non-perturbative
2 corrections for hadronization effects. From data at high
10 10
Q (GeV) Q2 & 150 GeV2 , where scale choice ambiguities are re-
Fig. 12.2.3 Dependence on the energy scale Q of the strong duced, since jet transverse momenta are p of a similar size
coupling, αS (µr = Q), from early HERA data in comparison as the virtuality of the exchanged boson Q2 , both col-
to other processes, see text for details. The predictions of QCD laborations determined αS (MZ ) with NLO pQCD pre-
for three values of the αS -equivalent ΛMS parameter are super- dictions at a precision of around 4 %. The uncertainty in
imposed as lines. Figure taken from Ref. [3708].
αS (MZ ) was comparable to the level of the LEP exper-
iments [3719] and considerably outperformed the ongo-
The inclusion of NLO QCD corrections in dijet cal- ing experiments CDF and D0 at the Tevatron. More-
culations [3709] and an improved understanding of hadron- over, the running of αS could be successfully tested in
ization corrections of jet data together with refined and the scale range from about 7 to 50 GeV. Together with
enlarged data sets, allowed for the first time the study of inclusive neutral- and charged-current DIS data, even
the running of the strong coupling constant in a single the first combined determination of the proton PDFs
process using (2+1) jet rates based on the JADE al- together with αS (MZ ) was performed from data of a
gorithm [3710, 3711]. A summary of these results from single experiment [3720].
H1 and ZEUS in comparison to measurements in e e + − In 1998, the beam energy of the HERA protons was

collisions is displayed in Fig. 12.2.3. The additional raised to 920 GeV, corresponding to s ' 320 GeV. The
points are determined from Υ decays (ΓΥ ), the ratio R large amount of data recorded from 1998 to 2000, and
of hadronic over total cross section (σhad /σtot ), event during the HERA-II running period from 2003 to 2007,
shapes, and the ratio of hadronic over leptonic decay led to a multitude of measurements i.a. investigating
width of the Z boson (Γhadron /Γlepton ) as described the dependence of jet cross sections on the type of jet
in Ref. [3712]. An insight gained from these data and algorithm and the jet size R, or the benefits of nor-
from subsequent studies with improved NLO calcula- malizing to the DIS cross section. With respect to the

strong coupling constant the development culminated

αs (µ )
0.25 World average [PDG22]
in a determination of αS (MZ ) with only 0.4 % of ex- HERA inclusive jets [NNLO]

perimental uncertainty [3721]. Yet, in all these QCD CMS inclusive jets 8TeV [NLO]

analyses, the NLO scale uncertainties of roughly 5 % in 0.2 JADE 3-jet rate [NNLO+NLLA+K]
ALEPH y3 (Dissertori, et al.) [NNLO]
the jet predictions remained the dominant uncertainty OPAL y23 [NNLO]

and, hence, the limiting factor preventing a higher pre- 0.15

cision for αS (MZ ). The next decisive progress, then,
should come from theory. After more than 15 years, the
next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) corrections to jet 0.1
production in DIS were finally calculated in Refs. [3722,
3723], which allowed to reduce the scale dependence of 0.13 10 100 1000
the predictions in the interpretation of the HERA jet

αs (M )
data. The latest improved HERA-II measurements were 0.12 µ [GeV]
then the first to be confronted with the new NNLO
cross section predictions, which proved the corrections 0.11
to be sizeable and could be as large as 40 % at low
scales. Nevertheless, the NNLO predictions provided a 10 100 1000
very good description of the data over the entire ac- µ [GeV]
cessible kinematic range [3721] and a significant im-
provement as compared to the long-standing NLO pre- Fig. 12.2.4 Tests of the running of the strong coupling from
HERA and CMS inclusive jet cross section data using NNLO or
dictions. This NNLO revolution for single-jet inclusive NLO pQCD predictions, respectively. The data are compared
predictions was the ultimate step to reduce the theo- to the expectation from QCD and measurements of jet-rates in
retical uncertainties to a level comparable to the exper- e+ e− . The lower panel displays the respective value of αS (MZ )
imental uncertainties. A full analysis of all inclusive jet for the representative value µr of the data.
data from H1 [3724], and an analysis of data from H1
and ZEUS [3725] demonstrated an excellent agreement Thus, the HERA inclusive jet data improve signifi-
between the data and the NNLO pQCD predictions. A cantly over measurements from the JADE experiment
comparison of selected inclusive jet cross section data in a similar region of µr , and with its unique data
with NNLO predictions is displayed in Fig. 12.2.5 be- bridges the gap between low-scale determinations of αS
low. from τ -decays and the precision measurements at the
From inclusive jet data the value of αS (MZ ) was Z-pole in e+ e− collisions.
finally determined at NNLO to be

αS (MZ ) = 0.1178 ± 0.0015 (exp) ± 0.0021 (theo) 12.2.7 Highest-pT jets at the LHC
(12.2.7)From early exploratory up to the latest results, jet mea-
with percent level experimental and theoretical uncer- surements have accumulated numerous successes: the
tainties of similar size. Surprisingly, although jet data gluon discovery at PETRA, the confirmation of the
were believed to have a significant sensitivity to the gauge structure of QCD at LEP, or the running of
gluon PDF, a complete analysis of jet data together the strong coupling constant at HERA. So what is in
with HERA inclusive DIS data at NLO [3002] or NNLO [3043, store with the next-to-next hadron-hadron collider, the
3724, 3726] showed only little impact on the gluon den- LHC? After 25 years from first concepts discussed in
sity. 1984, cf. Ref. [3730], up to first collisions at the LHC in
Finally, the inclusive jet data from HERA were able 2009, and a similar timespan between the availability of
to unfold their full potential to test the running of NLO calculations for jet production in hadron-hadron
the strong coupling from a single process using NNLO collisions in 1989/1990 [3679, 3731] and the arrival of
pQCD predictions [3724, 3725]. The results are found NNLO predictions in 2017 [3362] we are now in a much
to be in excellent agreement with expectations from better position for precision comparisons. The depen-
pQCD and are shown in Fig. 12.2.4, where the extracted dence of the NNLO predictions on the choice of the
values of αS (µr ) from these data are compared addi- renormalization scale is significantly reduced as com-
tionally with the αS (µr ) determinations from inclusive pared to NLO. The required proton PDFs have much
jet data of the CMS experiment [3727] and with analy- smaller uncertainties and were determined from a lot
ses using jet-rate measurements in e e collisions [3630,
+ − more and more accurate data in a more systematic way
3728, 3729]. that considers and provides systematic uncertainties.
12.2 High-pT jets 435

The modern experiments at the LHC deliver more pre- pected from Rutherford-like parton-parton scattering
cise data than at any other hadron-hadron collider be- could again be an indication for contact interactions as
fore and include correlations as well as the full decom- an expression of new phenomena at a scale Λ. Similarly,
position of systematic uncertainties. Figure 12.2.5 pro- excesses at large jet pT like the one by CDF discussed in
vides an overview of data-theory comparisons for the Section 12.2.5 have to be considered carefully to avoid
inclusive jet cross section versus jet pT as measured at premature conclusions on new phenomena, or, much
the LHC and previous hadron colliders. Overall, the de- worse, fitting away first signs of new physics by absorb-
scription of the data at various center-of-mass energies ing them into PDFs! Again Ref. [3687] provides advice:
and covering many magnitudes in inclusive jet cross sec- ”Note that once data is used in the PDF fit, it cannot
tion and jet pT is excellent. Figure 12.2.6 summarises be used for other purposes: specifically, setting limits
such measurements at the LHC in the form of a to- on possible physics beyond the standard model. In that
tal inclusive jet cross section within a suitably defined case, one should fit the PDFs and the new physics simul-

fiducial phase space as a function of s. taneously.” In the latest publication on inclusive jet pro-

Despite the great success of pQCD for the descrip- duction at s = 13 TeV [3747] the CMS Collaboration
tion of jet data, a few concerns in particular on the performed such a fit in the framework of the effective
theory side still persist. The scale dependence is just field theory-improved standard model (SMEFT), where
a proxy to estimate the effect of missing higher orders a perturbative coefficient c1 representing potential con-
(MHO) and can be misleading if not combined with tact interactions was used as a free fit parameter. It was
other insights into the process of interest like the rel- found that the data are well described by the standard
ative sizes of the higher-order corrections or the ab- model alone and the c1 coefficient was compatible with
sence of new process types at a given perturbative or- zero. A modification of the gluon PDF as before was
der. A newer approach [3755] makes use of Bayesian not required as shown in Fig. 12.2.7. Once, it has been
models assuming a specific behaviour of the coefficients assured that new LHC jet data are consistent with the
of the perturbative series to estimate MHO uncertain- standard model, they can be used in combination with
ties with the advantage that a proper description in HERA data to simultaneously extract PDFs and the
statistical terms like credibility intervals becomes pos- strong coupling constant at NNLO to
sible. Newer work in this direction can be found in
Refs. [3756–3758], while Ref. [3759] follows a different αS (MZ ) = 0.1170 ± 0.0014 (exp) ± 0.0011 (theo) .
technique to approximately complete the perturbative (12.2.8)
series. With respect to PDFs this uncertainty of purely
theoretical nature only starts being considered in fits Also data from multiple reactions can be combined in
and the corresponding uncertainties [3044, 3760, 3761]. PDF determinations as recently demonstrated by the
Another point of concern, which limits the precision of ATLAS experiment [3763]. Yet, the best results of the
phenomenological analyses, is related to the uncertain- LHC run 2 are still to come, since the data recorded
ties of non-perturbative effects, which are important from 2015–2018 are still in preparation by the collabo-
specifically for small transverse momenta. Currently, rations for final calibration and publication.
they are “guesstimated” in a similar manner as PDF
uncertainties 25 years ago, i.e. essentially the predic- 12.2.8 Final words
tions by a number of MC event generators and their
model parameter tunes are compared without system- The presented article tries to recount the story of jet
atic account of potential biases or correlations. measurements and their relevance for QCD. Specifi-
With the data from the LHC, it became possible cally, we addressed what has been learned in the course
for the first time to probe QCD and the running of the of time from the interplay between theory and measure-
strong coupling from 100 GeV up to the TeV scale as ment at the highest jet pT available at each moment
shown in Fig. 12.2.4 using CMS inclusive jet data at in time. We have selected a few key measurements for

s = 8 TeV from Ref. [3727]. Notably, beyond 1 TeV this purpose from a plethora of results achieved at the
of jet pT , electroweak effects become significant and various colliders. For a more complete overview other
must be considered. Also, in a search for new phe- sources may be consulted [3764, 3765].
nomena with the so-called dijet angular distribution For the future, of course, we expect to see more
χ = exp(|y1 − y2 |) it was found that small deviations precise jet measurements at even higher jet pT with
at low χ for dijet masses beyond 2 TeV could be accom- corresponding studies of their impact on searches for
modated by electroweak corrections [3762]. Otherwise new phenomena, the running of the strong coupling, or
such deviations from a mostly flat behaviour that is ex- the proton structure. Before concluding, we would like

Inclusive jet production

106 in hadron-induced collisions
s = 200 GeV
STAR cone R=0.4

s = 300 GeV
(× 200000)
105 H1 kt R=1.0
ZEUS kt R=1.0

s = 320 GeV
H1 kt R=1.0
(× 50000)
(Q2 greater than 125 or 150GeV2)

(× 18000)
H1 kt R=1.0 (Q2 from 5.5 to 80GeV2)
104 ZEUS kt R=1.0
(× 8000)
(Q2 greater than 125 or 150GeV2)
s = 546 GeV

CDF cone R=0.7

s = 630 GeV
D0 cone R=0.7
(× 3000)

(× 1000)
10 s = 1.8 TeV
D0 cone R=0.7
CDF cone R=0.7 (× 300)

s = 1.96 TeV
102 D0 midp. cone R=0.7
CDF midp. cone, or k, R=0.7
(× 100)

s = 2.76 TeV
ATLAS anti-kt R=0.6

(× 30) pp
CMS anti-kt R=0.7

10 s = 7 TeV
ATLAS anti-kt R=0.6
(× 10)

CMS anti-kt R=0.7

(× 3)
s = 8 TeV
ATLAS anti-kt R=0.6
1 CMS anti-kt R=0.7 (× 1)

s = 13 TeV pQCD calculations in NNLO, aNNLO, or NLO

ATLAS anti-kt R=0.4
CMS anti-kt R=0.7
αs(M )=0.118 | PDF4LHC21 | µ 2r =µ 2f =p2 (in DIS: µ 2=Q2+p2T,jet)
Z T,jet
pQCD with non-perturbative and electroweak corrections

1 10 102 103
p [GeV]

Fig. 12.2.5 Ratios of cross-section measurements to predictions in perturbative QCD for inclusive jet production at central
(pseudo-)rapidity as a function of the jet pT or ET . The data were taken in pp, pp̄, or ep collisions by the ATLAS, CDF, CMS, D0,
H1, STAR, and ZEUS experiments, at the RHIC, HERA, Tevatron, and LHC colliders [3696, 3716, 3718, 3721, 3727, 3732–3747].
From data available for multiple jet algorithms and/or distance parameters one particular choice has been made as indicated.
The vertical error bars indicate the total experimental uncertainty of the data. The pQCD predictions are derived using the
PDF4LHC21 PDF set [3748] for a value of αS (MZ ) = 0.118 at NNLO in QCD [3362, 3463, 3722, 3723, 3725, 3749–3751] unless
indicated otherwise. The renormalization and factorization scales µr and µf are identified with pT at hadron-hadron colliders, and
Q2 + p2T in DIS. The predictions for pp̄ are only in NLO QCD supplemented with 2-loop threshold corrections (aNNLO) [3314,

3752–3754], since most of the jet algorithms are IRC-unsafe. For STAR, the predictions are at NLO QCD only. The pQCD
predictions are complemented with correction factors for non-perturbative and electroweak effects where applicable.

to point out explicitly three developments that might can define a cone around the electron and include all
change how future analyses will be performed. photon-like objects into the definition of the electron.
First, not only gluons can be radiated in large num- This is then called a dressed electron or, more generally,
bers by a (color) charge, but also photons by electric a dressed lepton, since the same concept can be applied
charges. So whenever comparing electrons in the final to muons, although the latter radiate less and are mea-
state to predictions including radiative corrections, one sured predominantly in tracking detectors. Essentially,
has to account for the effect that calorimeter cells add this is again a kind of jet algorithm, but applied to lep-
up the energies of e.g. an electron and all surround- tons as primary particles [3766], raising the question
ing photons hitting the same cell. To avoid a poten- “What is not a jet?”.
tial mismatch between what experimentally is consid- Secondly, enormous technical progress not only al-
ered an electron and what is calculated in theory, one lows us to produce jets at unprecedented transverse
12.3 Vector boson + jet production 437

momenta of several TeV instead of GeV, we can also

jet [pb]

APPLfast + NNLOJET measure with much better precision such high-pT jets of
order hundred or more tracks and clusters. This is espe-
Total fiducial jet cross section σtot

cially important, since high-pT jets may not only be cat-

egorized into quark- or gluon-initiated jets, but also into
106 boosted jets meaning that such jets may additionally
contain the whole decay chain of massive boosted ob-
jects from either standard model W and Z bosons, and
top quarks up to new hypothetical particles. A whole
new field of QCD-focused analyses has been opened up
here looking in detail into the substructure of jets ask-
CMS data (anti-kt R=0.7, pT > 97 GeV, |yjet| < 2.0) ing the question “What is in a jet?”.
ATLAS data (anti-kt R=0.4, pT > 100 GeV, |yjet| < 3.0) Finally, progress in computing technology enabled
10 5
NNLO × NP (µ=HT, anti-kt R=0.7) large-scale application of neural network techniques and
NNLO × NP (µ=HT, anti-kt R=0.4)
machine learning methods to jet physics and jet sub-
structure. For order hundred and more jet components
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 with kinematic properties and other chracteristics, deep
proton-proton s [TeV] learning techniques allow us to study all available infor-
mation in its high dimensionality. This development has
Fig. 12.2.6 The total jet cross section as a function of the pp
center-of-mass energy for anti-kt jets with R = 0.4 and 0.7 . considerably increased the discrimination power among
The predictions are compared to data from ATLAS (R = 0.4) different jet types, and has the potential to genuinely
and CMS (R = 0.7). The size of the shaded area indicates the improve our understanding of perturbative QCD, cf. for
scale uncertainty. Figure taken from Ref. [3463]. example the review in Ref. [1789].
This article certainly is not the final word on jets
CMS NLO Hessian fit uncertainties
and QCD. It just starts the next decade.
x • g (x, Q2)

100 µ2 = m2t
CMS 13 TeV jets & tt + HERA
80 SM
SMEFT LL CI Λ =10 TeV 12.3 Vector boson + jet production
Monica Dunford
Measurements of single vector boson production in as-
20 sociation with jets (V +jets production) play a central
role in particle physics as they are sensitive probes to
0 several different aspects of the Standard Model. With
Fract. uncert.

1.05 (SM+CI) / SM these measurements the predictions of perturbative QCD

1 can be tested in new regions of phase space and with
small statistical and systematic uncertainties. In many
places, the experimental accuracy is better or compa-
10−4 10 10−2 10−1 rable to that of the theoretical predictions. The studies
of W and Z boson production with additional jets are
Fig. 12.2.7 The gluon distribution as a function of the proton sensitive tests of the dynamics of higher-order diagrams
fractional momentum x resulting from fits with and without
in the QCD predictions, of models of heavy-flavor pro-
contact interaction terms to HERA DIS data combined with
data from tt̄ and inclusive jet production as measured by CMS. duction and of parton density functions (PDFs). These
The SMEFT fit here is performed with the left-handed CI model measurements are used to test the accuracy of the wide
with Λ = 10 TeV. The gluon distribution is shown at a factor- range of theoretical models available. This is especially
ization scale µf chosen to be the top quark mass (µ2f = mt 2 ).
important since W and Z boson productions are dom-
Figure taken from Ref. [3747].
inant backgrounds to measurements and to search for
New Physics. Accurate simulations are necessary for ev-
erything from the calibration of the detector to mod-
eling of the signal process of interest. Measurements
of jets in V +jets production is one of the main pro-
cesses used for simulation, defining event parameters

(tuning), and the validation of the theoretical model.

CDF II / MLM MLM uncertainty
Excellent knowledge of QCD-related variables is also CDF II / SMPR SMPR uncertainty
critical for precision measurements at hadron collider, 2 CDF II / MCFM

such as measurements of the W boson mass, which rely
upon accurate modeling of the W boson pT spectra. MCFM PDF uncertainty
MCFM Scale uncertainty

12.3.1 Results from Sp̄pS and the Tevatron 0.15 MCFM

0.1 SMPR
The W and Z vector bosons were both discovered in

1983 by the UA1 and UA2 experiments at the Super
Proton Synchrotron (Sp̄pS) at CERN. By today’s stan- 0 1 2 3 4
Inclusive Jet Multiplicity (n)
dards, the number of vector boson events collected was
miniscule; the UA1 detector for example collected 240
Fig. 12.3.1 CDF [3773]: The top panel shows the ratio of data
W → eν events and 57 W → µν events at a center-of-
to the predictions for the cross section of W +jets production
mass energy of 0.630 TeV [3767]. The data from these for different inclusive jet multiplicities. The bottom panel shows
detectors permitted first tests of QCD in vector boson the ratio of the cross section for n jets to (n − 1) jets. The NLO
production. One of the immediate conclusions drawn predictions (MCFM) are shown by the open triangles and the
LO predictions (MLM, SMPR) are shown by the blue circles
from the data was that higher-order QCD corrections
and red squares. The uncertainties on the data are indicted
such as gluon radiation from an initial-state quark or by the error bars, where the inner bars are the statistical un-
anti-quark are needed to explain events where the vec- certainty and the outer bars are the total uncertainties. The
tor boson has large a momentum in the transverse plane uncertainties on the predictions in the top panel are indicated
by the hashed lines.
(pT ).
Since the dominant production of V+jets at the
Sp̄pS collider is due to gluon radiation from an initial- searches for the Higgs boson, the focus of the measure-
state quark or anti-quark, these events are an ideal sam- ments shifted away from tests of the properties of QCD,
ple of gluon-initiated jets. Using W +1-jet events, mea- such as αs measurements, to tests of the dynamics of
surements of the angular distribution of the jet are con- V +jets events. The large data samples collected by the
sistent with the expected bremsstrahlung-like radiation CDF and D0 experiments allowed for measurements of
[3767]. In addition, the spin of the gluon was measured W and Z boson production with up to four associated
via the polarization of the W boson. When a scalar jets [3772]. Studies from the CDF and D0 experiments
gluon is radiated by an incoming quark or anti-quark, were expanded to include, for example, measurements
the helicity of the quark will be changed since the ax- of the differential cross sections as a function of the
ial coupling is not conserved. In contrast, in the case transverse momenta and rapidities of the jets, the an-
of a vector gluon which conserves helicity, the quark’s gular separation of the two highest energy jets and the
helicity will be preserved. The two cases lead to differ- transverse momentum of the Z boson.
ent polarizations of the W boson. Although the gluon To describe these data, increasing sophisticated the-
spin was determined at PETRA [3768] and using two- oretical predictions were developed. The experimental
jet events at UA1 [3769], this test was an important and theoretical status at the time is nicely summarized
confirmation that the gluon has a spin of one. Finally, in Figure 12.3.1, which compares a next-to-leading-order
the value of the strong coupling (αs ) was determined by (NLO) calculation and two leading-order (LO) calcula-
measuring the ratio of the number of W +1-jet events tions to the data. The LO calculations, which included
to W +0-jet events [3770]. Although the precision of multiple partons in the matrix-element calculations, are
these measurements could not compete with contem- able to describe the shape of many kinematic distri-
porary results from electron-positron colliders [3771], butions up to an overall normalization factor for high
they verified that the value of αs for events where a numbers of associated jets but are plagued by large un-
gluon is radiated in the initial state is consistent with certainties. In contrast, the theoretical uncertainties for
other measurements. the NLO calculation are much improved but the predic-
The Tevatron collider, which ran at center-of-mass tions do not extend over the full kinematic range of the
energies of 1.8 TeV and 1.96 TeV ushered in the era data. For many years this figure represented the state-
of large data samples of W and Z boson events and of-the-art in theoretical predictions for V +jets produc-
of increasing sophistication of the theoretical predic- tion.
tions used to describe that data. Since V +jets produc- The large W and Z boson data samples produced
tion is a dominant background to tt̄ measurements and at the Tevatron also allow detailed studies of vector
12.3 Vector boson + jet production 439

boson production in association with heavy-flavor jets, slightly different focuses, exist today for V +jets pro-
where heavy-flavor jets refers to c- or b-quark initiated duction. A more detailed summary of the available pre-
jets. These measurements are extremely important as dictions can be found in Refs. [3355, 3356]. In addi-
these events provided the largest background contribu- tion to LO matrix-element calculations, NLO calcula-
tion to measurements of tt̄ production and searches of tions matched to parton shower models are now avail-
the Higgs boson via W H(H → bb) production. From able; most notable for V +jets production are Sherpa,
the CDF and D0 collaborations, measurements of W MadGraph5-aMC@NLO, MC@NLO and MEPS@
production in association with a charm quark and W NLO. NNLO calculations with next-to-next-to-leading
and Z production in association with b quarks were logarithmic resummation and with parton showering
performed [3772]. One most notable result is the first are available using GENEVA. For fixed-order calcula-
measurement of W + b-jets production, which was done tions, NLO predictions to five jets or more are available,
by the CDF collaboration, the measured cross section such as Blackhat-Sherpa calculations, approximate
is 2.5–3.5 times larger than the various predictions with NNLO predictions for jets with up to one jet, such as
significance of 2.8 standard deviations. While the theo- LoopSim calculations and NNLO predictions, such as
retical predictions used in this comparison did not fully Njetti . Another calculation, HEJ, focuses on large ra-
account for b quarks in the initial state, this is not ex- pidity separation and uses a resummation method to
pected to explain the difference. The data sample itself give an approximation to the hard-scattering matrix
was too small to allow measurements of kinematic dis- element for jet multiplicities of two or greater; in the
tributions to resolve the source of the discrepancy. limit of large rapidity separation between partons, this
In summary, the experiments at the Sp̄pS and the approximation becomes exact.
Tevatron colliders provided important tests of QCD
theory in V +jets production. However, the scope of 12.3.3 Tests of higher-orders
these measurements, with the exception of Ref. [3774]
focused largely on measurements of the cross section For our theoretical understanding of particle physics
for different jet multiplicities and a handful of differen- to keep pace with the improved accuracy of the mea-
tial cross section measurements. These measurements surements, theoretical predictions which include higher-
are important in validating QCD theory for topologies order corrections are indispensable. Most of the mea-
with multiple low energy jets, where the highest jet en- surements and searches performed today involve very
ergies are not much greater than the mass of the vector high momenta jets, leptons or large amounts of miss-
boson itself. Rare processes such as W +b-jets produc- ing transverse energy. In these regions, the high-order
tion were measured for the first time but the statistical corrections play large and vital roles.
precision of the data samples is not sufficient to probe One important variable to test contributions from
the kinematic distributions of these events. higher-order corrections is the observable of HT , which
is defined as the scalar sum of transverse momenta of
12.3.2 V+jets at the LHC the leptons, the missing transverse energy (for W +jets
events) and the transverse momenta of all jets passing
In V +jets production at the LHC, measurements of the selection criteria. At large values of HT the aver-
jets with a transverse momentum greater than 1 TeV, age number of associated jets in the event increases.
which is much beyond the mass of the vector boson, are LO matrix-element calculations which do not provide
now accessible. At these high energies, the calculations higher-order terms drastically underestimate the aver-
from perturbative QCD suffer from large logarithmic age jet multiplicity. Here NLO predictions are needed
corrections and are themselves potentially unreliable to fully model these distributions. These distributions,
[3775]. With the large data samples available from the among others, have been measured for both W +jets
LHC, we have entered an era of high precision differ- and Z+jets production [3776–3779]. Compared to the
ential measurements with which we can explore QCD previous colliders the increase in kinematic reach at the
at higher-orders and in extreme corners of the phase LHC is dramatic; Tevatron results reach up to HT val-
space. For the first time, we also have sufficient data ues of 500 GeV, while the LHC result extends to 2 TeV.
samples to measure in detail heavy-flavor production The necessity of high-order corrections can readily
in multiple differential distributions. All of these mea- be seen in measurements of the balance between the
surements also provide for better understanding of the Z boson and the jet transverse momenta. The so-called
PDFs. jet-Z balance (JZB) is defined as the difference between
In pace with the increase in data samples, a plethora the sum of the jet pT s (with pT > 30 GeV and rapid-
of new, more precise theoretical predictions, all with ity within 2.4) and the Z boson pT . When all hadronic

2.19 fb-1 (13 TeV) Measurement 12.3.4

2.19 fb-1Modeling
(13 TeV) in extreme phase spaces
dσ/dJZB [pb/GeV]

dσ/dJZB [pb/GeV]
10 MG5_aMC + PY8 (≤ 2j NLO + PS) MG5_aMC + PY8 (≤ 2j NLO + PS)
MG5_aMC + PY8 (≤ 4j LO + PS) Extreme phase space regions,
MG5_aMC + PY8 (≤including
4j LO + PS) events with high-pT
10 GE + PY8 (NNLL’τ+NNLO0) jets or high boson momenta or
τ 0
events with small angu-
1 separation between objects in the final state, tend
to be governed by a complex mixture of the number

jets contributing to the final state and contributions
from QCD as well as EW processes. This makes mea-
10−2 surements of this nature an ideal test bed for studying

multiple theory approaches.

Anti-k T (R = 0.4) jets
jet jet Anti-k (R = 0.4) jets
p > 30 GeV, |y | < 2.4 − 3 jet jet
10 p > 30 GeV, |y | < 2.4
The study Z/γ → ℓ+ℓ−V, N+jet
of production with small angles
−3 T
10 Z/γ → ℓ ℓ , Njets ≥ 1, pT(Z) ≤ 50 GeV
∗ + − T

jets ≥ 1, pT(Z) > 50 GeV

between the boson and jets is one such critical test

1.4 1.4
[3782–3784]. At LO, V +1-jet production is simply de-
Measurement Measurement

Measurement Measurement

1.2 1.2
1 scribed
1 by a V boson recoiling, in a back-to-back con-
figuration with a⊕ PDF
jet.⊕ αHowever, at NLO both real and
0.8 0.8
0.6 Stat ⊕ theo ⊕ PDF ⊕ αs unc. 0.6 Stat ⊕ theo s unc.

1.4 Stat unc. virtualStatcontributions

1.4 unc. to V +1 jet production appear via

and EW corrections. For real emissions of a V
0.8 boson, either from an initial- or final-state quark, these
Stat ⊕ theo unc.
lead to an enhancement in production
⊕ theo unc.

1.5 that
1.5 is proportional to αs ln2 (pT,j /mV ), where αs is the
strong coupling, pT,j is the transverse momentum of the



1 jet,
1 and mV is the mass of the V boson. This effect be-
comes largest with high transverse-momentum jets and
can be isolated by selecting events with small angu-

−40 −20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

−50 0
a jet50and 100 the V 150 boson. In this
JZB [GeV] region, the cancellation between real and virtual cor-
rection is incomplete, making the region ideal to probe.
Fig. 12.3.2 CMS [3780]: Measured Z+jets cross section as a
function of the JZB variable for PT (Z) < 50 GeV. The data are However, other processes such as V +2-jet production
compared to LO, NLO and NNLO predictions. The lower panels also play a role in this region and must be considered.
show the ratio of the three predictions to the data. The error To study these effects, the ratio (so-called rZ,j ) of
bars on the measurement represent the statistical uncertainty the Z boson pT to the closet-jet pT is defined. For
and the grey hatched bands represent the total uncertainty.
The uncertainties included on the theory predictions are listed collinear radiation of a Z boson, where the Z boson
in the labels. is expected to have a lower transverse momentum, this
ratio results in smaller values. Figure 12.3.3 shows the
activity is contained within the selected jets, the JZB rZ,j distribution for events where the angular separa-
variable is zero. Figure 12.3.2 shows the measured data tion, ∆R, between the jet and the Z boson is less than
for events with pT (Z) < 50 GeV compared to a LO and 1.4, corresponding to the region where the Z boson has
NLO MadGraph predictions and the GENEVA pre- a small angular separation from the jet (the collinear
dictions [3780]. As seen in the figure, the distribution is region) [3782]. While regions with back-to-back topolo-
not symmetric, with hadronic activity more dominantly gies (not shown here) are better modeled by predictions,
pointing in the direction of the Z boson (i.e. positive the figure shows that most predictions fail to model the
values in this definition). The low pT (Z) region is inter- collinear region.
esting: While larger Z boson momenta can be described There are many other examples of tests in extreme
by fixed-order calculations, small values require resum- regions including specific tests to isolate matrix element
mation of multiple soft-gluon emissions to all orders in and parton shower effects [3785], measurements of prob-
perturbation theory [1282, 3781] (see Sections 11.1 and ability of producing an additional jet in a rapidity gap
11.2). Different pT (Z) regions therefore test different of two jets [3786–3791], measurements in the forward
theoretical treatments. The NLO predictions best de- region [3792, 3793] and tests of QCD with sensitivity to
scribe the data and indicate that the NLO corrections physics beyond the Standard Model [3794, 3795]. All of
are important to describe not only jet emission but also these measurements are critical for understanding QCD
the hadronic activity outside of it. in these difficult-to-model regions.
12.3 Vector boson + jet production 441

σ(Z/γ *(→ l l )+Njet +1)/ σ(Z/γ *(→ l l )+Njet )

dσ / dr Z,j [pb]

ATLAS Z/ γ *(→ l l )+ ≥ 1 jet (l=e,µ)

SHERPA 2.2.1
∫ L dt = 4.6 fb
ATLAS Data, stat. unc.
1.8 -1
-1 Total unc. MG5_aMC+PY8 anti-k t jets, R = 0.4
s = 13 TeV, 139 fb

jet jet
SHERPA 2.2.11 pT > 30 GeV, |y | < 4.4
Z + ≥ 1 jet MG5_aMC+PY8 FxFx 1.6 jet
10 p ≥ 500 GeV, ∆R ≤ 1.4
min pT (leading jet) > 150 GeV
T,j 1 Z,j
1.4 Data 2011 ( s = 7 TeV)


Pred. / data

NLO / Data
1.5 0/-1 1/0 2/1 3/2 4/3
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 ALPGEN

MC / Data
r Z,j
Fig. 12.3.3 ATLAS [3782]: Z+jets cross section in the 0.5
collinear region as a function of the rZ,j variable. The data 1.5 2/1 3/2 4/3 5/4
MC / Data

are compared to LO and NLO predictions. The lower panels

show the ratio of the predictions to the data. The uncertainties 1
shown on the data include the statistical uncertainty, as indi- 0.5
cated by the error bar and the total uncertainty, as indicated 2/1 3/2 4/3 5/4 6/5
by the hatched region. The uncertainties on the predictions are Njet +1/Njet
indicated by the colored bands.
Fig. 12.3.4 ATLAS [3797]: Measurement of the ratio of the ex-
clusive n-jet and (n + 1)-jet cross sections for events where the
highest pT jet must have an energy above 150 GeV. The data
12.3.5 Tests of QCD emissions are compared to the predictions from Blackhat-Sherpa,Alp-
gen and Sherpa. The lower panels show the ratio of the three
As demonstrated by the results from the UA1 and UA2 predictions to the data. The error bars indicate the statisti-
experiments, radiation of additional quarks and gluons cal uncertainty on the data, and the hatched bands the sta-
tistical and systematic uncertainties on data. Uncertainties on
is necessary in order to describe the events where the the theory predictions are statistical only except for those of
vector boson has a large transverse momentum. These Blackhat-Sherpa.
higher-order QCD corrections consist of two classes;
terms with a virtual loop which do not directly affect
the boson pT and terms with a real emission which do the gluon cannot radiate another gluon. In this case, the
so but result in a jet which could be recorded by the probability of radiating a gluon is dictated by a Poisson
detector. Measurements of the V+jet cross section for distribution, which implies that the cross section for an
each jet multiplicity is therefore a direct test of QCD n-jet exclusive final state is
radiation. Measurements of the jet multiplicity ratios
at the Tevatron and then at the LHC showed a strik- n̄e−n̄
+n−jet ∼ σtot , (12.3.2)
ing feature: the ratio of the n-jet cross section to the n!
(n + 1)-jet cross section is a constant. This implies that where σtot is the total cross section and n̄ is the ex-
the V +jet cross section follows the form pectation value of the Poisson distribution, which also
depends on the exact definition and selection of the
+n−jet ∼ σ0 e
jets. However, the gluon follows the non-abelian QCD
with a is an experimentally-determined constant values theory and can radiate an additional gluon from itself.
and depends on the exact definition of the jets and σ0 Therefore, at higher jet multiplicities the scaling would
is representing the zero-jet exclusive cross section. become constant.
Although the constant scaling is a well established The observation of a constant scaling for all jet mul-
experimental observation, this behavior is not a priori tiplicities is instead a subtle cancellation of two different
expected [3796]. Assume, for example, that the prob- and opposite-sign effects. At low jet multiplicities, the
ability of radiating a gluon from a quark follows the Poisson scaling is present but cancelled by effects from
theory of Quantum Electrodynamics (QED), such that the PDFs. To understand this effect, consider the case

of high jet multiplicities with a cross section ratio of 1

CMS 137 fb−1 (13 TeV)

σ d(∆R )
n-jet events to (n + 1)-jet events, where n is a large Data (pp → Z + ≥ 2 b jets)

1 dσ
0.9 Statistical unc.
number of jets. Here, the parton momentum fraction, 0.8
Theoretical syst unc.
Total unc.
x, for the involved partons is similar between the two 0.7
MG5_aMC (NLO, NNPDF 3.1, CP5)
jet multiplicities and therefore any effects on the cross 0.6
MG5_aMC (LO, NNPDF 3.1, CP5)
section due to the PDFs essentially cancel in the ratio. 0.5

In contrast, at low jet multiplicities, the relative differ- 0.4

ence in x for the involved partons between 2-jet events 0.3
and 1-jet events is larger. Due to the steeply falling
x-distribution of the gluon PDF, this implies that the
production of 2-jet events compared to 1-jet events is
suppressed by the PDFs. Depending on the exact selec- 1.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

tion criteria, this suppression cancels the increase in the 1

production cross sections, which arises from the Poisson 0.5 PDF ⊕ scales ⊕ αs PDF ⊕ scales
scaling. 1.5
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Based on the work of Ref. [3796], the Poisson na-

ture can be seen directly by selecting events with one 0.5
very energetic jet. In these events, the effect on the 1.5
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

cross sections from the PDFs is reduced; as seen in Fig- 1

ure 12.3.4, the jet multiplicity cross section follows the 0.5 PDF
expected Poisson distribution. This measurement is a 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
nice validation of the nature of QCD emissions from ∆Rbb
first principles.
Fig. 12.3.5 CMS [3802]: Normalized differential cross section
as function of the angular separation between two b jets, ∆Rbb
12.3.6 Differential heavy flavor results for Z+ ≥ 2 b-jets events. The uncertainties in the predictions
are shown as colored bands in the bottom panel. The statistical,
The associated production of vector bosons with heavy theoretical, and total uncertainties in data are indicated by the
vertical bars and the hatched bands.
flavor jets is an important precision test of perturba-
tive QCD in the presence of two mass scales - the vec-
tor boson mass and the c- or b-quark masses. Measure-
which is a sensitive variable to gluon splitting [3802].
ments of this nature also provide critical input to charm
The NLO Sherpa simulation estimates this observable
and strange distributions inside the proton, as discussed
well but fails to get the overall cross section correct (not
more in the next section. At LO, heavy-flavor produc-
seen in this figure). In contrast, the LO and NLO Mad-
tion stems from either a gluon in the final state splitting
Graph predictions are less able to model the shapes of
into a heavy-flavor quark-antiquark pair or a heavy-
the kinematic observables but estimate well the overall
flavor quark produced in the initial state. At the Teva-
cross section. In regimes where the vector boson has
tron, corrections to the cross section from the latter
a large pT , the predictions generally perform worse; for
contributions are small, but at the LHC, these processes
example they underestimate events with high m(bb) by
can lead to corrections of up to 50% [3798–3801]. The-
about half [3804]. Work is on-going to combine massless
ory predictions for heavy-flavor production consist of
NNLO with a massive NLO computation, with promis-
5-flavor-scheme models, where the b-quark is included
ing comparisons to data [3812].
in the PDF itself or 4-flavor-scheme models, where it
is not. The two schemes, however, are equivalent if the
12.3.7 Probes of parton density functions
calculations included all orders of αs .
With the large data samples available from the LHC,
A major source of uncertainty in all hadron collider
these processes can be studied for a variety of differen-
measurements stems from knowledge of the PDFs. As
tial observables [3772, 3802–3807] and also in the for-
our knowledge of QCD deepens, better knowledge of
ward region and in phase spaces with very energetic,
the PDFs are needed to continue to be sensitive to de-
boosted jets [3808–3811]. In general, 5-flavor-scheme
viations from Standard Model predictions [3000, 3001].
predictions are better at describing the data compared
Deep inelastic scattering data from the HERA experi-
to 4-flavor ones. However, there are sizable differences
ments provided some of the best data for PDF deter-
even between predictions of a similar nature. Figure
mination over a wide range of Q2 and x. In addition
12.3.5 shows the separation between the two b-quarks,
to these data, data from various experiments, such as
12.4 Higgs production 443

those from neutrino and hadron collider experiments. 0.1

The LHC offers a unique opportunity in that it provides LHCb
a diverse set of processes, such as jet, photon, vector bo- 0.08 √
s = 13 TeV
son or top production, which can be used to constrain 6 fb−1
different regions with the PDFs. Today, PDFs can be 0.06
determined at up to NNLO precision in perturbative
QCD. The input data span the range of 10−5 . x . 1 0.04
and 1 . Q2 . 106 GeV 2 . PDF4LHC15–No IC
Measurements of V +jet production are particularly 0.02 NNPDF 3.0–IC allowed

important since these processes can probe u and d quarks CT14+BHPS hxiIC = 1%

and also contributions from s, c and b quarks. By con- 0

2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
sidering vector boson processes with additional jets, y(Z)
the measurements are sensitive to higher values of x, Fig. 12.3.6 LHCb [3809]: Measured cross section ratio of Z +
accessing x ≈ 0.1 − 0.3 [3813], compared to inclusive c/Z+jet production for three intervals of forward Z rapidity,
W and Z measurements. Measurements of this nature compared to NLO predictions with and without IC, and with
constrain the light-quark sea at higher x as well as IC as predicted by BHPS with a mean momentum fraction of
the strangeness contributions and help to better un-
derstand the gluon distribution at high x [3763]. The
LHCb experiment, with its precision tracking coverage
in the forward region, offers new possibilities here in of the effect of these data within PDF fits themselves,
that its V +jets measurements are sensitive to PDFs at however, is still needed.
different x ranges compared to the ATLAS and CMS Since their discovery in the early 1980s, the W and
experiments [3792]. These measurements probe PDFs Z bosons are important probes to understanding QCD.
at x as low as 10−4 and at high x > 0.5 [3814]. The early measurements at the Sp̄pS and the Tevatron
The contributions to the proton from strange quarks were critical in establishing the dynamics of these pro-
can be probed through measurements of vector boson cesses, while at the LHC, V + jets production is now
production in association with c-quark, as was done at explored at the highest available energies. To step up
the Tevatron and the LHC [3074, 3772, 3803, 3810]. with experimental precision, a suite of versatile and pre-
In past years, whether or not strangeness contributions cise theory predictions have been developed to compare
are suppressed in the proton is a topic of debate, with to the data. Future measurements of V +jets produc-
mainly the ATLAS data preferring less suppression as tion are needed to better understand QCD theory in
compared to neutrino scattering and CMS data. How- very energetic regions of phase space, to measure elec-
ever, with more data, in particular measurements of troweak corrections, to improve PDFs and for a better
W +jets and W + c production have provide powerful understanding of heavy flavor production.
input on the strangeness contribution. Today, there is
general agreement by modern PDFs that strangeness is
not strongly suppressed at low x but has substantial
12.4 Higgs production
suppression at high x. Chiara Mariotti
It has been a decade long debate if the proton may
contain an ’intrinsic’ charm component in addition to In July 2012, the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations at
that from gluon splitting, which decreases sharply at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) announced
large values of x [3815]. Such models, like the BHPS the discovery of the last missing piece of the Standard
model, predict that protons would have a valence-like Model (SM) of elementary particles: the Higgs boson
charm content. Global PDF analyses are generally in- [120, 121, 3818]. The discovery arrived about 50 years
conclusive and therefore more direct probes are needed after theorists had postulated its existence to explain
[3083, 3816]. Since intrinsic charm contributions are en- the mechanism by which the elementary particles ac-
hanced in Z+jet production where the Z boson has quire mass.
large rapidity, the LHCb experiment is perfectly suited The Higgs boson is the excitation of a field, called
for these measurements [3809]. As seen in Figure 12.3.6, Brout-Englert-Higgs (BEH) field. The field name comes
the data at forward Z rapidities from a recent Z+c mea- from the theoreticians who first introduced the mecha-
surement, are consistent with an intrinsic charm contri- nism [38, 39, 3819]. The BEH field filled the entire uni-
bution as predicted by BHPS models. Future analysis verse less than a picoseconds after the Big-Bang. The
elementary particles interacting with it acquire mass.


Branching Ratio


102 M(H)= 125 GeV
σ(pp → H+X) [pb]

EW) bb
pp → H WW
10 10-1
W) ττ
qH (NN
pp → q cc
1 pp → W LO EW)
C D + N
D in 4FS
) 10-2
pp → ZH 5FS , NLO QC
pp → bb
EW) γγ
Q CD +
−1 (NLO
10 pp → ttH ch +
CD, t- 10-3 Zγ
pp → tH

10−2 µµ
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130
s [TeV] MH [GeV]

Fig. 12.4.1 (Left) Cross section for a Higgs boson of 125 GeV of mass as a function of the center-of-mass energy at the LHC
[3817]. (Right) Branching ratios as a function of the Higgs boson mass [3817].

Without this field the world would not be the same, as Because of its large mass, the Higgs boson could not
an example the electron would be massless and atoms be discovered at LEP [3820] at CERN, and because of
could not be formed. its very low production cross section it was very chal-
The Higgs boson has unique quantum numbers: J P C lenging to observe it at the Tevatron [3821] at Fermi-
= 0++ , since the field must be the same everywhere in lab. Only at LHC, thanks to the energy available in the
the space and should not depend on the reference frame. center-of-mass, and to the exceptionally high luminos-
Since the time of the discovery, the ATLAS and ity, it was possible to produce it with a rate sufficient
CMS experiments have accumulated data during the to discover it.
Run 1 (2009–2012) at 7 and 8 TeV proton-proton center- Precise theoretical calculations for the Higgs boson
of-mass energy and Run 2 (2015–2018) at 13 TeV. The production modes and decay channels have been per-
two collaborations observed the Higgs boson in numer- formed; the results are shown in Fig. 12.4.1. The dom-
ous bosonic (ZZ, W W , γγ), and fermionic decay chan- inant production mode at the proton-proton LHC col-
nels (τ + τ − , bb̄ quark), measured its mass and width, lider is the gluon-gluon fusion (ggF, or pp → H) as
determined its spin-parity quantum numbers, and mea- shown in Fig. 12.4.1(left), followed by the vector boson
sured its production cross sections in various modes fusion (VBF, or pp → qqH), the associated H pro-
(gluon-gluon fusion, vector boson fusion, associated pro- duction with vector bosons (pp → ZH, W H), and the
duction with a W or a Z, associated production with associated production with two b quarks or two top
2 top quarks). Within the uncertainties, all these ob- quarks or just one top quark. Many groups contributed
servations are compatible with the predictions of the to the computation of these production cross sections
SM. over many years [3817, 3822–3824]. The perturbative
Finding the Higgs boson has been very demanding. order of the calculations in QCD and EW is indicated
Its production cross section is 12 orders of magnitude in the figure. The thickness of the line represents the
smaller than the proton-proton inelastic cross section uncertainty of the calculation.
at LHC energies. Few hundreds of particles are pro- The cross section of the ggF process is known at
duced at each collision, and there can be several simul- N3LO with very good precision (5% in total, of which
taneous proton-proton collisions at each proton bunch 3% are due to missing higher order effects). The cal-
crossing (pileup). It is thus fundamental to have a very culation of the higher perturbative orders in QCD, as
good understanding of the resonant and non-resonant well as the resummation (see sections 11.1 and 11.2),
hadronic background: production of background pro- contribute substantially to the precision as shown in
cesses via QCD interactions has to be well understood Fig.12.4.2 [3817]. The parton distribution functions (PDFs)
and modeled. have been determined with very good accuracy by sev-
12.4 Higgs production 445

Sum of Weights / GeV

2500 ATLAS
mH=125 GeV s = 13 TeV, 139 fb-1
2000 Background mH = 125.09 GeV
LHC 13 TeV
60 µ = mH/2 Signal + Background All categories
0 1500
ln(1+S/B) weighted sum
50 S =Inclusive

40 500

Data − Cont. Bkg.

30 100 mγ γ [GeV]
10 110 120 130 140 150 160
mγ γ [GeV]
O O+N 3 AS S
138 fb-1 (13 TeV)
CMS 138 fb-1 (13 TeV)

Events / 4 GeV
350 H→ZZ mH = 125.38 GeV
Fig. 12.4.2 Calculated theoretical ggF cross-section values H→ZZ Data
(blue circles) at various perturbation orders [3817]. The latest
All categories
ATLAS (green square) [3825] and CMS (red triangle) [3826] qq→ZZ, Zγ *
results from Run2 are also shown. gg→ZZ, Zγ *
eral groups at NNLO in QCD and reached a precision of 200

∼ 2% for the gluon-gluon luminosity over a wide range 150

of energy [3817].
The strength of the Standard Model Higgs boson 100

coupling is proportional to the mass of the fermions,

and to the mass squared of the vector bosons. Thus

it will decay predominantly to the available elemen- 0

80 100 130 200 300 400 500
tary particle with larger mass: for a Higgs boson of m4l (GeV)
mH = 125 GeV, the largest branching ratio (BR) is to
bb̄, followed by W ∗ W . The various BRs have been com- Fig. 12.4.3 (Upper) The diphoton invariant mass distribu-
puted at least at NLO precision for both QCD and EW tion in ATLAS [3829]. The data events (dots) are weighted
by ln(1 + |S|/|B|), where S and B are the expected signal
corrections, and are shown in Fig. 12.4.1(right) [3817]. and background. (Lower) The invariant mass distribution of
Calculation of the background processes for the var- four charged leptons targeting the study of the decay channel
ious Higgs boson decay channels have been and are be- H → ZZ ∗ → 4` in CMS [3828].
ing computed with increasing precision at higher order
in perturbation theory. In parallel, experiments have
channel H → γγ in ATLAS [3829], and the invariant
developed methods to estimate the various sources of
mass distribution of four charged leptons targeting the
background in a data-driven way, not to depend on the
study of the decay channel H → ZZ ∗ → 4` in CMS
availability of Monte Carlo (MC) simulations, or on pre-
cise theoretical calculations and modeling.
The spin and parity have been measured and found
to be compatible with the SM prediction, J P = 0+ ,
12.4.1 Higgs boson properties
at > 99.9% confidence level (CL) [3830, 3831]. The
The ATLAS and CMS experiments, with the data col- width of the Higgs boson has been measured to be
lected during the Run 1 and Run 2, measured with very −1.7 MeV by using off-mass-shell and on-mass-
ΓH = 3.2+2.4
good precision the properties of the Higgs boson: the shell Higgs boson production, in final states with four
mass is measured with a precision better than 0.2% in charged leptons or 2`2ν [3832], with the assumption
the H → γγ and H → ZZ → 4` final states: that on-shell and off-shell effective couplings are the
ATLAS (H → ZZ → 4` final state only) [3827]: same.
All the production modes (except tH and bbH) have
mH = 124.94 ± 0.17 GeV been observed with a significance larger than 5σ, as well
as several decay channels: W W , ZZ, γγ, τ τ , bb̄. A 3σ
CMS [3828]:
evidence for the µµ final state was found by the CMS
mH = 125.38 ± 0.14 GeV . experiment [3826]. ATLAS and CMS have recently pre-
sented results on the search for the ``γ
¯ final state, reach-
As an example, Fig. 12.4.3 shows the diphoton invari-
ing about 3σ significance [3833, 3834].
ant mass distribution targeting the study of the decay

The experiments test the compatibility of their mea- width.P In this interpretation, the total width becomes
surements with the SM, and the results are generally ΓH = Γf (κ)/(1 − Binv. − Bu ).
presented in two ways: by means of signal-strength mod- Figure 12.4.5(left) shows that indeed the Higgs bo-
ifiers µ (defined as µ = σ×BR/(σ×BR)SM , or coupling- son couples with the fermion and boson masses as pre-
strength modifiers κ (defined as κ2 = σ/σSM , or κ2 = dicted by the SM. The very good agreement spans over
Γ/ΓSM ) [3824]. Fitting the data from all production many orders of magnitude. The results are shown for
modes and decay channels with a common signal strength CMS [3826], and ATLAS has presented similar results
µ, the experiment found the following results: [3825]. Figure 12.4.5(right) shows the observed and pro-
ATLAS [3825]: jected values resulting from the fit in the κ-framework
in different data sets: at the time of the Higgs boson
µ = 1.05 ± 0.04(th) ± 0.03(exp) ± 0.03(stat),
discovery, using the full data from LHC Run 1, in the
CMS [3826]: Run2 data set (”This paper”), and the expected 1 stan-
dard deviation uncertainty at the high-luminosity run
µ = 1.002 ± 0.036(th) ± 0.033(exp) ± 0.029(stat),
(HL-LHC) for an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb−1
showing a very good agreement with the SM, within [3826].
the uncertainty. The theoretical (th) uncertainty has
decreased by about a factor of 2 with respect to Run1, 12.4.2 Cross section measurements
thanks to the huge effort of the theoretical community;
the huge increase in statistics (i.e. 30 times more Higgs With the data collected during Run 1 and Run 2, the
boson events), a better understanding of the detector, ATLAS and CMS experiments measured the Higgs bo-
and more sophisticated methods (like Boosted Deci- son ggF production cross section with about 6% preci-
sion Trees, Deep Neural Network and Advanced Ma- sion. The total cross section measurement from ATLAS

chine Learning) have helped to decrease the experimen- [3825] at s = 13 TeV is 50.2 ± 3.0 pb, and CMS mea-
tal (exp) and statistical (stat) uncertainty by a factor sures 48.3 ± 2.7 pb [3826], both in agreement with the
of more than two. SM prediction of 48.5+1.5
−1.9 pb, as shown in Fig. 12.4.2.
For a given production and decay, i → H → f , two Figure 12.4.6 shows the cross sections for different
parameters µi and µf are defined as µi = σi /(σi )SM production processes and the branching fractions for
and µf = BRf /(BRf )SM . Many initial states i and different decay modes, as measured by the ATLAS ex-
final states f share the same coupling, e.g. VBF H pro- periment [3825].
duction and H → V V decay both involve the HV V
coupling (V = W, Z). Another example is the H → γγ, 12.4.3 The Simplified Template Cross Section
that proceeds via a loop of W bosons or top quarks,
thus involving the HW W and Htt couplings. Each iiH The simplified template cross section (STXS) method
and Hf f coupling is multiplied by a scaling factor κ, has been developed at the Les Houches 2015 work-
thus defined as κ2j = σ j /σSMj
, or κ2j = Γ j /ΓSM
. The shop, and within the LHC Higgs Cross Section Working
experiments have presented results on the κj with the Group [3817] with the aims to separate more cleanly
full Run2 statistic [3825, 3826]. measurement and interpretation steps in order to re-
In the presence of new physics, new particles could duce the theory dependencies that are folded into the
contribute to the loops, affecting the various couplings measurements (including the dependence on theoreti-
and modifying the SM relations. Thus an alternative cal uncertainties and on the underlying physics model).
fit could be performed assuming non resolved loop for Its primary goals are to maximize the sensitivity of
the coupling of the Higgs boson with photons or gluons, the measurements and to minimize their theory depen-
and thus assuming effective couplings κγ and κg . The dence. The method is designed to measure cross sec-
results are shown in Fig. 12.4.4 [3825, 3826]. Moreover, tions separated into production modes (instead of signal
in the fit the possibility of the Higgs boson decaying to strengths), in mutually exclusive regions of phase space,
invisible particles (i.e. neutrinos or dark matter candi- and to be inclusive over Higgs boson decays, allowing to
dates), Binv , or to undetected particles, Bu or BU ndet. perform a global combination of all decay channels and
(i.e. particles that may or may not leave a trace in to ease interpretation and search for BSM phenomena.
the detector, and the experiments do not have dedi- Figure 12.4.7 shows the results of ATLAS for the LHC
cated searches looking for these) is allowed. The pres- Run2 data [3825].
ence of invisible or undetected decays can be inferred
indirectly from a reduction in the branching fraction for
SM decays or by an increase in the total Higgs boson
12.4 Higgs production 447

CMS 138 fb -1 (13 TeV)

κZ Observed ±1 SD (stat)

κW ATLAS Run 2 ±1 SD (stat ⊕ syst) ±1 SD (syst)

±2 SDs (stat ⊕ syst)
κt Leptons Quarks
Stat Syst
νe νµ ντ u c t κt 1.01±0.10 ±0.07 ±0.07
κb e µ τ d s b
κW 1.00−0.06 −0.04 −0.04
Force carriers Higgs boson
κτ g γ Z W H κZ 1.00−0.03 −0.03 −0.01

κµ κb +0.10

κg B inv. = B u. = 0 κτ 0.91±0.07 ±0.04

B inv. free, B u. ≥ 0, κ V ≤ 1
SM prediction κµ +0.19
Parameter value not allowed
κ Zγ +0.32
κ Zγ
κg 0.93 ±0.07 ±0.05
0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
68% CL interval κγ +0.05

B inv. Β Inv. 0.07 ±0.05 ±0.02 ±0.04

Β Undet. 0.00
+0.06 +0.05 +0.03
B u.
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
95% CL limit
Parameter value

Fig. 12.4.4 (Left) Coupling-strength modifiers and their uncertainties per particle type with effective photon, Zγ and gluon
couplings in the ATLAS experiment [3825]. The horizontal bars on each point denote the 68% confidence interval. The scenario
where Binv. = Bu. = 0 is assumed is shown as solid lines with circle markers. The p-value for compatibility with the SM
prediction is 61% in this case. The scenario where Binv. and Bu. are allowed to contribute to the total Higgs boson decay width
while assuming that κV ≤ 1 and Bu. ≥ 0 is shown as dashed lines with square markers. The lower panel shows the 95% CL upper
limits on Binv. and Bu. . (Right) Results of a fit to the coupling-strength modifiers κ allowing both invisible and the undetected
decay modes, with the SM value used as an upper bound on both κW and κZ in the CMS experiment [3826]. The thick (thin) black
lines indicate the 1 (2) standard deviation confidence intervals, with the systematic and statistical components of the 1 standard
deviation interval indicated by the red and blue bands, respectively. The p-value with respect to the SM prediction is 33%.

12.4.4 Differential distributions calculating “fiducial” cross sections. Cross sections are
measured in a fiducial phase space, which is defined
The large data set accumulated during the LHC Run to closely match the experimental acceptance in terms
2 allowed the experiments to do the first studies of dif- of the physics object kinematics and topological event
ferential distributions. A convenient set of kinematic selection. This approach is chosen in order to reduce
variables to describe the Higgs boson production in the systematic uncertainty associated with the underly-
hadronic collisions, and to test QCD consists of the ing model and with the extrapolation to non-measured
transverse momentum pT , the rapidity y, and the az- regions. As an example, the fiducial phase space for
imuthal angle φ. The first two variables allow to under- H → 4` constitutes approximately 50% of the total
stand many important QCD effects. The pT distribu- phase space. The fiducial differential cross sections are
tion is sensitive to perturbative QCD, and at low value then compared with the various MC simulations and
it is strictly connected with the resummation of the analytical calculations.
leading logarithms, while at large values new physics Figure 12.4.8 shows the differential cross section for
could manifest. The y distribution is sensitive to the the processes pp → H → 4`, pp → H → γγ, and their
parton distribution functions. At LHC the processes combination as a function of the Higgs boson transverse
should not depend on φ. Two important additional vari- momentum, its rapidity, the number of jets in the event,
ables, that probe the theoretical modeling of high-pT and the leading jet pT as measured by the ATLAS ex-
QCD radiations in Higgs boson production, are the periment [3835]. The data are compared with various
number of jets in the event, Njet , and the transverse theoretical predictions, all normalized to the total cross
momentum of the leading jet, plead.jet
T . section, where the dominant ggF contribution is calcu-
Differential distributions are usually measured un- lated at fixed order N3LO.
folding the detector resolution and efficiency effects and

CMS 138 fb-1 (13 TeV) CMS

κ f υf or κ V υV

1 t W Z

mH=125.38 GeV 1.06 1.06

1.05 1.05
1.2 1.04



1.0 1 1.00 1 1.00

0.98 0.98

0.8 0.96


0.94 0.94

0.6 0.92 0.92

0.9 0.9

0.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 6.6 6.8 7 7.2 7.4 7.6 7.8 8


2.0 g
1.06 1.06

b 1.5 1.04

−2 τ 1.02 1.02


1.0 1 1.00 1 1.00
0.98 0.98

0.96 0.96

Vector bosons 0.94

2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 6.6 6.8 7 7.2 7.4 7.6 7.8 8

rd 0.0
3 generation fermions
−3 2.0 t b
10 µ nd


2 generation fermions 1.5 1.04 1.04

1.02 1.02

1.0 1 1.00 1 1.00
SM Higgs boson 0.98 0.98

0.96 0.96

0.95 0.95
0.94 0.94

2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 6.6 6.8 7 7.2 7.4 7.6 7.8 8

1.4 0.0
Ratio to SM

1.4 τ µ
1.2 1.05





1.0 1.00 1.0 0.98

1 1.00
1 1.00

0.8 0.96


0.8 0.95




0.6 0.2
0.88 0.88

0.86 0.86

2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 6.6 6.8 7 7.2 7.4 7.6 7.8 8

10 1 10 10 0.0
Disc L T H
ove HC Ru his pa L-LHC Obs. (stat ⊕ syst) stat
Particle mass (GeV) ry n1 per
Proj. (stat ⊕ syst) syst

Fig. 12.4.5 (Left) Measured Higgs boson couplings to fermions and gauge bosons as a function of the fermion or gauge boson
mass, where υ is the vacuum expectation value of the BEH field, and κi are the coupling modifiers as described in the text [3826].
(Right) Observed and projected values resulting from the fit in the κ-framework in different data sets: at the time of the Higgs
boson discovery, using the full data from LHC Run 1, in the Run 2 data set (this paper), and the expected 1 standard deviation
uncertainty at the HL-LHC for an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb−1 [3826]. These results assume that no contributions from
BSM is present in loops.

102 1
Branching fraction
Cross section [pb]


10 10−1

Data (Total uncertainty) Data (Total uncertainty)
Syst. uncertainty 10−3 Syst. uncertainty
10−1 SM prediction SM prediction
Ratio to SM

Ratio to SM

1.5 10 1.2 3
1 0 1 2
0.8 1
0.5 −10
ggF + bbH VBF WH ZH ttH tH bb WW ττ ZZ γγ Zγ µµ

Production process Decay mode

Fig. 12.4.6 (Left) Observed and predicted cross section for different Higgs boson production modes, measured assuming SM
values for the decay branching fractions in ATLAS [3825]. (Right) Observed and predicted branching fractions for different Higgs
boson decay channels. The lower panels show the ratio of the measured values to their SM predictions [3825].

Figure 12.4.9 shows the double differential fiducial 12.4.5 The Higgs boson and heavy quarks
cross section measured in bins of pγγ
T and njets for H →
γγ events in the CMS experiment [3836]. The data are The dominant decay of the SM Higgs boson is into pairs
compared to the predictions from different setups of of b quarks, with an expected branching fraction of ap-
the event generator MadGraph5_aMC@NLO (version proximately 58% for a mass of 125 GeV, but the large
2.6.5) [3328]. background from multi-jet (QCD) production makes
the search in ggF very challenging. The decay of the
12.4 Higgs production 449

gg → H
pTH < 200 GeV pTH ≥ 200 GeV
= 0 jets = 1 jet ≥ 2 jets
mjj < 350 GeV mjj ≥ 350 GeV
30 10 4
σ [pb]

σ [pb]

σ [pb]

σ [pb]

σ [fb]
1.5 103
20 2
5 1.0
10 0 0.5
0 −2 0.0 101
0 10 200 0 60 120 200 0 120 200 200 300 450 ∞
pTH [GeV] pTH [GeV] pTH [GeV] pTH [GeV]

qq → qqH

≤ 1 jet ≥ 2 jets
Data (Total uncertainty)
mjj < 350 GeV mjj ≥ 350 GeV
Syst. uncertainty
SM prediction pTH < 200 GeV pTH ≥ 200 GeV
4 3
σ [pb]

σ [pb]

σ [fb]

σ [fb]
2 2
0 1
0 0
VH-enriched VBF-enriched 350 700 1000 1500 ∞ 350 1000 ∞
mjj [GeV] mjj [GeV]
V(ℓℓ, ℓν)H
qq' → WH → Hℓν pp → ZH → Hℓℓ ̄
ttH tH
103 1000
σ [fb]

σ [fb]

σ [fb]

σ [fb]
102 200
101 100 500
100 250
100 0
0 75 150 250 400 ∞ 0 150 250 400 ∞ 0 60 120 200 300 450 ∞
pTW [GeV] pTZ [GeV] pTH [GeV]

Fig. 12.4.7 Observed and predicted Higgs boson production cross sections in different kinematic regions [3825]. The vertical
bar on each point denotes the 68% confidence interval. The p-value for compatibility of the combined measurement and the
SM prediction is 94%. Kinematic regions are defined separately for each production process, based on the jet multiplicity, the
transverse momentum of the Higgs boson pT (H) and vector bosons pT (W ) and pT (Z) and the two-jet invariant mass (mjj ). The
V H-enriched and VBF-enriched regions with the respective requirements of 60 < mjj < 120 GeV and mjj < 60, mjj > 120 GeV
are enhanced in signal events from V H and VBF productions, respectively.

Higgs boson to bb̄ was observed during Run 2 by AT- be pT > 400 − 450 GeV. The analyses are validated
LAS and CMS, in events where the H is produced in using Z → bb̄ events. The measured cross section is
association with a vector boson, i.e. in the W H and ZH compatible with the SM one, but for the moment the
production modes [3837, 3839]. In these events, the lep- uncertainty is still very large, i.e. around 10% [3840,
tonic decay of the vector boson allows for efficient trig- 3841]. Figure 12.4.10(left) shows the reconstructed bb̄
gering and a significant reduction of the multi-jet back- invariant mass for the selected V H events in the AT-
ground. In addition, two identified jets coming from the LAS experiment [3837].
hadronization of b quarks from the Higgs boson decay The decay branching fraction of the SM Higgs boson
are required. The dominant background processes after into a pair of c quarks is slightly less than 3%. The diffi-
the event selection are V +jets, tt̄, single-top, diboson culties to measure this channel are even larger than for
process and multi-jets. the b quark final state, because the main background
Benefiting from multivariate techniques (MVA) and to c jet identification is indeed from b jets. Higgs boson
new machine learning algorithms, the experiments are candidates, produced in association with a W or a Z
now developing analyses to search for H → bb̄ inclu- boson, are constructed from the two jets with the high-
sively in the production mode. Highly Lorentz-boosted est pT , with at least one jet identified as originating
Higgs bosons decaying to bb̄, recoiling against a hadronic from a c quark. [3838, 3842]. In CMS the search is ex-
system, are reconstructed as single large-radius jets, tended to events in which the H boson decays to a sin-
which are identified using jet substructure algorithms gle large-radius jet. Additionally, a b−jet identification
and a dedicated b tagging technique based on a deep algorithm is used to veto b jets. Novel charm jet iden-
neural network (see Sect. 11.5). The jet mass is required tification and analysis methods using machine learn-
to be consistent with that of the observed Higgs bo- ing techniques are employed. In Fig. 12.4.10(center)
son, and the jet transverse momentum is required to the cc̄ tagging efficiency is shown versus the efficiency
dσ/d(p H )[pb/GeV]

dσ/d(|y |)[pb]
2.2 80
2 H → ZZ *, H → γ γ H → γγ H → ZZ *, H → γ γ H → γγ

1.8 s = 13 TeV, 139 fb-1 Combination s = 13 TeV, 139 fb-1 Combination
Systematic Uncertainty
Systematic Uncertainty

1.6 60 Total Uncertainty

Total Uncertainty
MG5 FxFx K =1.47, +XH
1.4 MG5 FxFx K =1.47, +XH
50 NNLOPS K =1.1, +XH
NNLOPS K =1.1, +XH XH =VBF+VH+t t H +b b H +tH
1.2 XH =VBF+VH+t t H +b b H +tH
0.8 30
0.6 20
0 0

2 1.5
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 10 20 30 45 60 80 120 200 300 650 13000 0 0.15 0.30 0.45 0.60 0.75 0.90 1.20 1.60 2.00 2.50
p H [GeV] |y |
T )[pb/GeV] H
σ [pb]


H → ZZ * H → ZZ *
H → ZZ *, H → γ γ H → γγ H → ZZ *, H → γ γ H → γγ
-1 -1
s = 13 TeV, 139 fb Combination s = 13 TeV, 139 fb Combination
40 102
lead. jet

Systematic Uncertainty Systematic Uncertainty

Total Uncertainty Total Uncertainty

MG5 FxFx K =1.47, +XH MG5 FxFx K =1.47, +XH


30 NNLOPS K =1.1, +XH NNLOPS K =1.1, +XH
XH =VBF+VH+t t H +b b H +tH XH =VBF+VH+t t H +b b H +tH





0.5 0.5
N jets =0 N jets =1 N jets =2 N jets ≥ 3 N jets =0 30 60 120 350
N jets p lead. jet [GeV]

Fig. 12.4.8 Differential pp → H + X cross-sections, in the full phase space, as a function of variables characterising the Higgs
boson kinematics in ATLAS [3835]: (a) Higgs boson transverse momentum pH T , (b) Higgs boson rapidity y , (c) number of jets

and (d) pT of the leading jet, compared with the Standard Model prediction. The H → ZZ → 4` (blue triangles), H → γγ

(magenta inverted triangles), and combined (black squares) measurements are shown. The error bars on the data points show
the total uncertainties, while the systematic uncertainties are indicated by the boxes. The measurements are compared with two
predictions, obtained by summing the ggF predictions of NNLOPS or MG5 FxFx, normalised to the fixed order N3LO total
cross-section, and MC predictions for the other production processes XH. The shaded bands indicate the relative impact of the
PDF and scale systematic uncertainties in the prediction. These include the uncertainties related to the XH production modes.
The dotted red histogram corresponds to the central value of the prediction that uses NNLOPS for the modelling of the ggF
component. The bottom panels show the ratios between the predictions and the combined measurement. The grey area represents
the total uncertainty of the measurement. For better visibility, all bins are shown as having the same size, independent of their
numerical width.

of misindentifying quarks and gluons from V +jet and on σ(V H)BR(H → cc̄) is ranging from 14 to 26 times
H → bb̄ in CMS. The analysis is validated by search- the SM prediction, for an expected limit that ranges
ing for Z → cc̄ decays in the V Z process, leading to from 7 to 31 for CMS and ATLAS, respectively.
the first observation of this process at a hadron collider The tt̄H and tH production channels probe the cou-
with a significance of 5.7 standard deviations, as shown pling of the Higgs boson to the top quarks. The large
in Fig.12.4.10(right) [3838]. The observed upper limit mass of the top quark may indicate that it plays a
12.5 Top quark physics 451

CMS Preliminary 138 fb−1 (13 TeV) cross section measurement is presented in figures 12.4.4
and 12.4.6.
H → γγ M AD G RAPH5 aMC @ NLO, NNLOPS ggH + HX
Data, stat⊕syst unc.

12.4.6 Precision Higgs boson physics

101 σf id (pT > 60.0 GeV) /15.0 GeV syst unc.
p-value(SM): 0.135
njets = 0 njets = 1 njets ≥ 2

The Higgs boson was discovered by the ATLAS and

∆σf id/∆pT(fb/GeV)


σf id (pT > 170.0 GeV) /70.0 GeV

CMS experiments in 2012 at the LHC. With the data
taken during the Run1 and Run2 the two experiments

σf id (pT > 350.0 GeV) /100.0 GeV


successfully tested the SM Higgs boson. The precision

on the couplings is ranging from 3% for the coupling to
the Z, to 10% for the coupling to bb̄ and tt̄, to 20-30%
for the couplings to muons and Zγ. Run3 and the high-
luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) will deliver approximately

3000 fb−1 of luminosity to each experiment. By the end

of HL-LHC, rare decays channels such as H → µµ and
Ratio to prediction

H → Zγ will be observed and studied, the SM Higgs
0 20 40
60 0 50 100 150
200 0 100 200 300
400 boson pair production is estimated to be observed with
a significance of 4 to 5 standard deviations, when com-
Fig. 12.4.9 Double differential fiducial cross section measured bining the results of the two experiments, as well as the
in bins of pγγ
T and njets [3836]. The observed differential fidu-
cial cross section values are shown as black points with the ver- Higgs boson coupling to charm quarks. As of today, the
tical error bars showing the full uncertainty, the horizontal error experiments have analysed only 3% of the Higgs boson
bars show the width of the respective bin. The grey shaded ar- events that they will have at the end of LHC. By then,
eas visualize the systematic component of the uncertainty. The most of the couplings measurements will reach the 2 to
coloured lines denote the predictions from different setups of the
event generator. All of them have the HX = V BF +V H +ttH 3% precision, sufficient to start exploring contributions
component from MadGraph5_aMC@NLO in common. The from physics beyond the SM in the Higgs boson area.
green lines show the sum of HX and the ggF component from A detailed discussion on the physics reach at HL-LHC
MadGraph5_aMC@NLO reweighted to match the nnlops pre- is given in Sect. 14.9.
diction. For the orange lines no nnlops reweighting is done and
the purple lines take the prediction for the ggF production mode
from POWHEG. The hatched areas show the uncertainties on
theoretical predictions. Only effects coming from varying the 12.5 Top quark physics
set of PDF replicas, the αS value and the QCD renormaliza-
tion and factorization scales that impact the shape are taken Marcel Vos
into account here, the total cross section is kept constant.

special role in the mechanism of electroweak symme- 12.5.1 A brief history of the top quark
try breaking. Deviations from the SM prediction would
indicate the presence of physics beyond the SM. The The late 1960s and early 1970s established the quark
measurement of the Higgs boson production rate in as- model, as described in Section 1. After the discovery of
sociation with a top quark pair (tt̄H) provides a model- the charm quark [75, 76] in 1974, and the bottom quark
independent determination of the magnitude of the top [3845] in 1977, the hunt for the sixth quark was open.
quark Yukawa coupling yt . The sign of yt is determined The LEP and SLC experiments could feel the effect of
from the associated production of a Higgs boson with radiative corrections involving the top quark in the Z-
a single top quark (tH). The tt̄H and tH production pole data collected in the 1980s and 1990s, and could
channels are studied in the case where the Higgs boson infer limits on the top quark mass from a fit of elec-
and the top quarks subsequently decay into final states troweak precision observables [3612, 3846], but could
with several leptons (including taus, also when they de- not produce top quarks. Finally, in 1995, the CDF and
cay hadronically), complementing dedicated studies of D0 experiments at the Tevatron, Fermilab’s 1.9 TeV pp̄
the H → γγ, H → ZZ → 4`, and H → bb̄ decay modes. collider, observed the top quark directly [3847, 3848].
Several MVA techniques are employed to better sepa- The two experiments could also demonstrate the exis-
rate the tt̄H and tH production modes. The ttH pro- tence of the electro-weak single-top-quark production
duction modes has been observed in Run 2 [3843, 3844]. processes in the t−channel [3849, 3850] and s−channel
The precision on the top Yukawa coupling and on tt̄H [3851]. Precise measurements confirmed key SM pre-
dictions, such as the forward-backward asymmetry in
tt̄ production [3852] and the W -boson helicity fractions

( 1 3 T e V) 138 fb-1 (13 TeV)

Events / 10 GeV (Weighted, B-subtracted)


S/(S+B) weighted events


B a c k gr o u n d effi ci e n c y
Observed VH(H→cc), µ = 7.7
VH, H → bb (µ=1.17)
s = 13 TeV, 139 fb P arti cl e N et Z+jets W+jets
35 0+1+2 leptons Diboson
Si m ul ati o n
Merged-jet tt Single top
2+3 jets, 2 b-tags B-only uncertainty All categories VZ(Z→cc)
1 800 VV(other)
30 Dijet mass analysis a nti- k T R = 1. 5 j et s S/(S+B) weighted VZ(Z→bb) VH(H→bb)

Weighted by Higgs S/B p > 3 0 0 G e V, | η | < 2. 4 B uncertainty

25 600

20 1 0 −1
10 1 0 −2

5 0
H → c c v s. H→ b b 100 Higgs boson candidate B
mass [GeV]
0 −3 H → c c v s. V +j et s 50
0 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 0 0. 2 0. 4 0. 6 0. 8 1
Si g n al effi ci e n c y −50
60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
mbb [GeV] Higgs boson candidate mass [GeV]

Fig. 12.4.10 (left) The distribution of mbb in data after subtraction of all backgrounds except for the W Z and ZZ diboson
processes. All the contributions are summed and weighted by their respective S/B ratios, with S being the total fitted signal and
B the total fitted background. The expected contribution of the associated W H and ZH production of a SM Higgs boson with
mH = 125 GeV is shown scaled by the measured signal strength (µ = 1.17). The size of the combined statistical and systematic
uncertainty for the fitted background is indicated by the hatched band [3837]. (center) Performance of CMS algorithm ParticleNet
for identifying a cc̄ pair for large-radius jets with pT > 300 GeV. The solid (dashed) line shows the efficiency to correctly identify
H → cc̄ vs the efficiency of misidentifying quarks or gluons from the V +jets process (H → bb̄). The red crosses represent the three
working points used in the large-radius jet analysis [3838]. (right) Invariant mass distribution of the selected cc̄ events [3838]. The
lower panel shows the data (points) and the fitted V H(H → cc̄) (red) and V Z(Z → cc̄) (grey) distributions after subtracting all
other processes. Error bars represent pre-subtraction statistical uncertainties in data, while the gray hatching indicates the total
uncertainty in the signal and all background processes.

in top quark decay [3853]. Last but not least, the Teva- an efficient ”tag” for asymmetry measurements [3856].
tron legacy includes a top quark mass combination with Finally, the charged lepton is an efficient polarimeter
a sub-GeV precision [3854]. that enables studies of top quark polarization [3857],
The Large Hadron Collider [3855] at CERN entered spin correlations [3858, 3859] and quantum entangle-
operation in 2010 with pp runs at 7 TeV and 8 TeV. ment [3860]. All these features lead to a rich and varied
Data taking resumed at 13 TeV in 2015, and the AT- experimental top quark physics programme.
LAS and CMS experiments had harvested 140 f b−1 by
2018. At the time of writing, in summer 2022, run 3 has 12.5.2 Precise predictions for top quark physics
just started with pp collisions at 13.6 TeV. The large
center-of-mass energy strongly enhances the top quark The calculability of top quark production is one of the
production cross section. In combination with the large keys to the top quark physics programme at hadron
instantaneous luminosity, the LHC is a genuine ”top colliders. The large top quark mass regulates perturba-
factory”. More than 100 million tt̄ pairs have been pro- tive calculations, enabling precise predictions of QCD
duced in run 1 and 2 and more than 1 billion are ex- processes with colored objects in the final state.
pected in future runs. The LHC therefore marks a new The fully differential top quark pair production cross
era in experimental top-quark physics and dominates section at hadron colliders is known to NNLO accuracy
the summary in this chapter. in the strong coupling [3339, 3396, 3861]. Electro-weak
Its properties make the top quark an ideal labora- corrections are available at NLO [3862] and NNLL re-
tory for studies of the electro-weak and strong interac- summations are available. Predictions of the inclusive
tions. As the top quark mass of approximately 172 GeV pp → tt̄ production rate reach an uncertainty of 4-5%.
exceeds that of the W -boson, the decay t → W b is The uncertainty is dominated by the scale uncertain-
kinematically allowed and makes up nearly 100% of the ties, that estimate the impact of higher-order QCD cor-
branching ratio (with sub-% fractions of top quarks de- rections, followed closely by the PDF uncertainties.
caying to W d and W s in the Standard Model). The sub- While the NNLO calculation of top quark pair pro-
sequent W + → l+ νl and W − → l− ν̄l decays of the W - duction is a major milestone, it remains a considerable
boson yield an isolated charged lepton l± = e± , µ± , τ ± . challenge to meet the experimental precision that can
These are a key signature to trigger and select events be achieved at the LHC. The most precise measure-
with top quarks at hadron colliders. The charge of the ments reach an uncertainty a bit over 2%, half that of
lepton furthermore reveals whether the decay corre- the predictions. The NNLO QCD corrections have a siz-
sponds to that of a top-quark or anti-quark, providing able impact on the shape of differential measurements,
12.5 Top quark physics 453

in particular on the top pt and related distributions perimental results indicated by the colored markers are
[3396, 3861–3863]. Fully differential NNLO fixed-order compared to the best available Standard Model predic-
calculations and Monte Carlo generators are required to tions in grey.
provide an adequate description of the data collected by The measurements of the production cross section
ATLAS [3864–3866] and CMS [3867–3870]. for the classical top quark production processes have
Associated top quark production processes with electro- become precision measurements, with the measurement
weak bosons become accessible at the LHC and provide of the inclusive cross section reaching 2.4% precision
a direct probe of the top quark interactions with the [3865]. The result is limited by the knowledge of the
Higgs boson and the neutral electro-weak gauge bosons integrated luminosity delivered by the LHC. Progress
(see for instance Ref. [3871] and references therein). The in the understanding of the luminosity calibration is
tt̄X processes at the LHC are known to NLO accuracy, expected to reduce this uncertainty to about 1%, but
and uncertainties on the inclusive production rates are this is likely to remain the limiting factor for the most
well below 10%. The experimental results for these rare precise inclusive measurements.
processes are improving rapidly and already challenge Also electro-weak single top production is character-
the precision of the best SM predictions. Resummation ized precisely in the t-channel and tW associated pro-
to NNLL and NLO electroweak corrections are available duction channel. With a precision of less than 7% for
[1953, 3872] and elements of the NNLO calculations for the t-channel [3881], the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa
tt̄H production are known [3873]. A complete NNLO matrix element Vtb is determined as: |fLV Vt b| = 1.02 ±
description is required for all tt̄X processes to take full 0.04, where the uncertainty includes contributions from
advantage of the HL-LHC programme [3874]. experiment and predictions and fLV is a form factor,
NLO calculations are available for 2 → N processes identical to 1 in the SM, that parameterizes the possi-
that include top quark decays and off-shell effects [3875]. ble presence of anomalous left-handed vector couplings.
These provide sizable corrections for the top quark pair This result is in good agreement with the determina-
production process and associated production processes. tions from b−physics [278].
Predictions at the particle- and detector-level play The LHC programme has eclipsed the Tevatron mea-
an important role in measurements of top quark cross surements in nearly all processes and measurements.
sections and properties and in searches for rare pro- However, the Tevatron legacy remains very relevant,
cesses. State-of-the-art Monte Carlo generators match as the different initial states (pp̄ instead of pp) and
NLO matrix elements to the parton shower and hadroniza- center-of-mass energy lead to important complemen-
tion models implemented in Pythia8 [3876] or Herwig tarities and Tevatron data continue to provide impor-
[3877]. The work horse implementations for the LHC tant inputs for global analyses. Several highlights of the
programme during run 1 and run 2 are provided by Tevatron programme remain unrivalled to this day, as
the Powheg-box [3544, 3545, 3569], where resonance- the dominance of q q̄-initiated production provides an
aware matching is an important recent addition for top ideal laboratory for certain measurements. Good ex-
physics [3878], and the MG5_aMCNLO [3328] pack- amples are the study of s−channel single top quark
age, that can include also NLO electroweak corrections production [3851] and the measurement of the forward-
[3330]. SHERPA [3522] offers multi-leg generation for backward asymmetry in tt̄ production, that reached
top quark pair production and other high-jet-multiplicity a high significance for the SM effect at the Tevatron
processes involving top quarks. The MINNLOps pack- [3852].
age [3879, 3880] provides a Monte Carlo event generator
at NNLO accuracy for top quark pair production that 12.5.4 Boosting sensitivity
can be interfaced to Parton Shower and hadronization
programmes. The enormous sample of top quark pairs collected at
the LHC enables precise differential cross section mea-
12.5.3 Precision measurements at hadron collid- surements. Many measurements extend well into the
ers boosted regime, where the top quark transverse momen-
tum significantly exceeds the top quark mass and the
The measurements of top quark production cross sec- collimated hadronic top quark decays are reconstructed
tions in the ATLAS experiment are summarized in Fig. as a single large-radius jet.
12.5.1. The measurements cover four different center- From the first observation of boosted top quark can-
of-mass energies (5, 7, 8 and 13 TeV) and span over five didates at the start of the LHC, the study of their
decades in production rate: from O(1 nb) for top quark production has come a long way. An avalanche of new
pair production to O(10 fb) for tt̄tt̄ production. The ex- techniques has been developed [3882], from pile-up mit-

Top Quark Production Cross Section Measurements Status: June 2022

σ [pb]

ATLAS Preliminary
√ Theory
10 Run 1,2 s = 5,7,8,13 TeV √
LHC pp s = 5 TeV

Data 0.257 fb−1

LHC pp s = 7 TeV
Data 4.5 − 4.6 fb−1

LHC pp s = 8 TeV

Data 20.2 − 20.3 fb−1


LHC pp s = 13 TeV

Data 3.2 − 139 fb−1


tt̄ t tW t tt̄W tt̄Z tt̄H tt̄γ tγ tZj 4t
t -chan s -chan fid. `+jets fid. `

Fig. 12.5.1 Measurements of production cross sections for processes with top quarks in the final state by the ATLAS and CMS
experiments. The experimental results indicated by the colored markers are compared to the best available Standard Model
predictions in grey. Figure courtesy of the ATLAS experiment.

igation to top tagging algorithms, and the experiments with a photon [3887, 3888] or Z-boson [3889, 3890] of-
have carefully characterized jet substructure [3883, 3884] fer a new, direct probe to the neutral-current interac-
and the experimental response [3607]. With the large tions of the top quark [3871]. These processes are well-
samples of boosted top quarks, these developments have established and differential measurements are available.
enabled precise measurements of top quark interactions More recently, the single top production process in as-
in the most energetic collisions at the LHC. The most sociation with a Z-boson [3891, 3892] and a photon
recent measurements of top quark pair production in [3893] were observed as well. The observation of the
the boosted regime [3885, 3886] yield precise bounds pp → tt̄H production process [3843, 3894] confirms un-
on the Wilson coefficients of the q q̄tt̄ operators in the ambiguously that the heaviest SM particle indeed cou-
Standard Model Effective Field Theory, as the energy- ples to the Higgs boson. The combination of rate mea-
growth of their impact boosts the sensitivity of these surements in different production and decay channels
measurements. yields a robust estimate of the top-quark Yukawa cou-
pling [3825, 3826]. In run 2 the first evidence was found
12.5.5 New rare top quark production processes for four-top-quark-production [3895]. With more data
and improved experimental techniques this process can
The right half of Fig. 12.5.1 is devoted to the new, rare be observed before the end of the HL-LHC programme
associated top quark production processes that were and will provide a probe for the four-heavy-quark ver-
observed by the LHC experiments in run 2. Many of tex. These rare top quark production processes provide
these measurements scrutinize aspects of the Standard qualitatively new information on previously unprobed
Model description of the top quark interactions that interactions and form a valuable input to fits of the
were not, or not directly, tested at previous facilities.
The associated production processes of a top quark pair
12.5 Top quark physics 455

Standard-Model-Effective-Field-Theory parameters to Three main classes of measurements of the top quark

collider data. mass at hadron colliders are discussed below. A selec-
tion of results obtained with each approach is presented
12.5.6 New physics searches with top quarks in the rightmost panel of Fig. 12.5.2.
The first class of measurements extracts the top
Beyond Standard Model (BSM) searches in final states quark mass from the comparison of top quark pair cross
with top quarks have pioneered the development of section measurements (corrected to the parton level)
tools for boosted object tagging. Thus prepared, the ex- to SM predictions at NNLO+NNLL accuracy. The un-
periments have been able to take advantage of the LHC certainty of the mass determined from the total cross
centre-of-mass energy to push bounds on new massive section a 13 TeV is around 2 GeV. This includes a theo-
states beyond 1 TeV and in many cases into the multi-TeV retical uncertainty, estimated by varying the renormal-
range. The tt̄ resonance searches by ATLAS and CMS ization and factorization scales and propagating uncer-
indicate that new narrow massive states that decay to tainties from the parton distribution functions of the
top quark pairs or a top and bottom quark cannot have proton. Importantly, recent cross section measurements
a production cross section times branching ratio greater have a much reduced dependence on the mass assump-
than 0.1 pb in the mass region from 1.5 to 4-5 TeV. Con- tion in the correction of detector acceptance and ef-
crete scenarios such as the bulk RS KK gluon [3896] and ficiency, such that in practice the dependence on the
W 0 bosons are excluded for resonance masses around MC mass parameter can be ignored to good precision.
4 TeV[3897]. Searches for vector-like quarks decaying There is a broad consensus that this methods yields a
to a top quark and Higgs or gauge boson yield lower solid measurement with a rigorous interpretation. Fu-
limits greater than 1 TeV for the mass of the vector- ture progress is expected from improving fixed-order
like quarks. calculations and PDFs, and from a reduction of the lu-
The integrated luminosity is a key for the search for minosity uncertainty on the experimental side.
flavor-changing-neutral-current (FCNC) interactions of A more precise determination is possible based on
the top quark. The branching fractions t → qX de- measurements of differential cross sections [3902]. These
cays (with X = γ, Z, g, H) are suppressed well beyond enhance the mass sensitivity in e.g. the threshold re-
the experimental sensitivity in the SM, but can be en- gion. In the shape analysis of the differential cross sec-
hanced to O(10−5 ) in several extensions [3898]. An even tion important uncertainties in the absolute cross sec-
larger branching ratio BR(t → cH) ∼ 10 −3
can be tion and integrated luminosity cancel, leading to a pre-
present in certain two-Higgs-doublet models [3899, 3900]. cision of about 1 GeV for the most precise measure-
The observation of these FCNC interactions would be ments [3903]. The theory uncertainty is accounted for
an unambiguous sign of physics beyond the Standard in the same way as in the inclusive measurements and
Model. the method retains some flexibility in the choice of the
Searches have advanced rapidly in sensitivity in run mass scheme. More work is required, however, to ac-
2 and the exclusion bounds in Figure 12.5.2 are reaching count for bound-state effects in the threshold region
O(10−4 −10−5 ), scratching the surface of the branching [3904].
ratios predicted in viable models. The inclusion of single The third, and experimentally most precise, approach
top production in association with a Higgs or gauge determines the mass parameter of the Monte Carlo gen-
boson have been important to improve the bounds, in erator that yields the best fit to the observed distribu-
particular for the FCNC vertex with an up-quark. tion of top quark decay products. The 2014 combination
of Tevatron and LHC run 1 results yields mt = 173.3
12.5.7 The top quark mass ± 0.8 [3905] and is used as a reference in Fig. 12.5.2,
indicated by the magenta area. The most precise sin-
The top quark mass is a fundamental parameter of the gle measurements by CDF, D0, ATLAS and CMS have
SM Lagrangian that must be determined experimen- since reached an uncertainty of approximately 600 MeV.
tally. As any other quark mass, its definition generally The results of direct mass measurements are inter-
depends on the renormalization scheme and the value preted as the top quark pole mass. An additional un-
of the renormalization scale at which it is evaluated. certainty of 500 MeV is assigned to cover the ambigu-
The pole mass scheme is used in Monte Carlo genera- ity in this interpretation [3906]. Further theory work is
tors and many fixed-order calculations. The MS mass needed to improve Monte Carlo templates [3907], refine
is extracted from the top quark pair production cross the understanding of the Monte Carlo mass parameter
section [3901]. [3908] and derive a quantitative relation with a field-
theoretical mass scheme [3909, 3910].

ATLAS+CMS Preliminary 95%CL upper limits ATLAS CMS selected mtop measurements by category July 2022
LHCtop WG [1] ATLAS-CONF-2022-014 [2] arXiv:2111.02219
[3] arXiv:2205.02537 (LH) [4] JHEP 04 (2016) 035 mtop ± tot Ref.
[5] EPJC 82 (2022) 334 (LH) [6] JHEP 02 (2017) 028
total stat
May 2022
[7] ATLAS-CONF-2021-049 (LH) [8] CMS-PAS-TOP-17-017 σ(tt) inclusive, NNLO+NNLL
Each limit assumes that [9] JHEP 07 (2017) 003 ATLAS, 7+8 TeV 172.9 -2.6 [1]
all other processes are zero Theory predictions SM 2HDM(FV) 2HDM(FC) +1.7
from arXiv:1311.2028 MSSM RPV RS
CMS, 7+8 TeV 173.8 -1.8 [2]
[1] CMS, 13 TeV 169.9 -2.1 [3]
t→Hc [2]
ATLAS, 13 TeV 173.1 -2.1 [4]
σ(tt, ttj) differ., N(N)LO
[1] +1.2
t→Hu ATLAS, ttj, 8 TeV 171.1 -1.0 [5]
CMS, ttj, 13 TeV 172.9 ± 1.4 [6]
t→γ c
ATLAS, dilepton, 8 TeV 173.2 ± 1.6 [7]
CMS, 3D diff., 13 TeV 170.5 ± 0.8 [8]
[3] direct, NLO+PS MC
t→γ u [4] Tevatron (1.96 TeV) 174.3 ± 0.7 [9]
[5] Tev. + LHC (1.96-7 TeV) 173.3 ± 0.8 [10]
t→gc [6] CMS (7+8 TeV) 172.7 ± 0.5 [11]
[5] ATLAS (7+8 TeV) 172.4 ± 0.5 [12]
t→gu ATLAS SMT (13 TeV) 174.5 ± 0.8 [13]
[7] CMS PL (13 TeV) 171.8 ± 0.4 [14]
t→Zc [8]
direct (Tevatron+LHC) EW fit (arXiv:1407.3792)
[1] EPJC 74 (2014) 3109 [4] EPJC 80 (2020) 528 [7] EPJC 77 (2017) 804 [10] arXiv:1403.4427
[13] ATLAS-CONF-2019-46
[7] [2] JHEP 08 (2016) 029 [5] JHEP 11 (2019) 150 [8] EPJC 80 (2020) 658 [11] PRD 93 (2016) 072004

t→Zu [9]
[3] EPJC 79 (2019) 368 [6] arXiv:2207.02270 [9] arXiv:1608.01881 [12] EPJC 79 (2019) 290
[14] CMS-PAS-TOP-20-008

−16 −13 −10 −7 −4 −1 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190
10 10 10 10 10 10
Branching ratio mtop [GeV]

Fig. 12.5.2 Leftmost panel: summary of the searches for FCNC interactions of the top quark with the Higgs boson, photon, gluon
and Z-boson. 95% confidence limits are derived on the equivalent branching ratio t → Xu and t → Xc, and in some cases for
left-handed and right-handed couplings (left-handed couplings are assumed for the limits collected in the summary plot in those
cases). Figure courtesy of the LHC top Working Group. Rightmost panel: selection of top quark mass measurements at the Tevatron
and LHC, by category. ATLAS measurements are indicated with blue markers, CMS measurements in red and the Tevatron or
combined Tevatron-LHC results in black. The 2014 world average is given by the pink bar, and the indirect determination of the
top quark mass from the electroweak fit with the cyan band. Figure prepared by the author based on data collected by the LHC
top Working Group.

The analysis of run 2 results is in full swing. The ”global” interpretations of collider data. In this section,
last two points in the rightmost panel of Fig. 12.5.2 three examples are briefly discussed.
correspond to two innovative analyses on partial run 2 Most recent analyses of the parton density functions
data. ATLAS published an analysis based on a purely [3748] consider also data on top quark production 113 ,
leptonic observable, the invariant mass of the system that provide an important constraint on the high-x
formed by the prompt lepton from W-decay and the soft gluon content of the proton. The ATLAS PDF fit [3763]
muon found in the b-jet, shifting the systematic uncer- includes differential measurements of tt̄ production, us-
tainties from jet response to fragmentation and B-decay ing NNLO predictions with a fixed top quark mass. The
modelling. A recent preliminary result by CMS [3911] CMS experiment has performed a global analysis [3913]
based on a profile-likelihood fit reaches an uncertainty with partial run 2 data, where the top quark pole mass
below 400 MeV. This result demonstrates the power is floated, as well as the PDFs and the strong coupling.
of the profile-likelihood-fit approach in top quark mass The analysis is based on NLO predictions for the top
measurements, but also emphasizes the importance of a quark pair production process and threshold corrections
robust uncertainty model for MC-related uncertainties. remain to be included.
A combination of all measurements collected can reach Radiative effects connect electroweak precision ob-
an experimental precision of 300 MeV. servables at the Z-pole to precise measurements of αs
Projections of future improvements are notoriously and the W -boson, Higgs boson and top quark masses.
hard in this area, where a detailed understanding of The electroweak fit (see e.g. Ref. [3914]) tests the rela-
the limitations of Monte Carlo generators is key. Direct tions among these parameters predicted by the SM and
measurements can potentially be improved to an exper- forms a stringent check of the internal consistency of
imental precision below 200 MeV in the remainder of the theory. There is a very mild tension between direct
the LHC programme [3874], while cross-section-based top quark mass measurements and the mass inferred
mass extractions can reach a total uncertainty below from precision electroweak data (e.g. the magenta and
500 MeV [3912]. cyan bands in Fig. 12.5.2). The main avenue towards
12.5.8 Top quark data in global analyses To avoid absorbing potential BSM constributions to top
quark production in the PDFs, care is taken to select differential
measurements that are less likely affected. PDF results without
The top quark and the results in the top quark sector top data are available in at least one PDF set and allow for
presented in previous sections are inevitably part of the important cross-checks.
12.5 Top quark physics 457

a tighter test should focus on better measurements of ultra-rare SM processes, such as six-top-production and
the W -boson mass, but eventually also the precision of tt̄HH. Quantitative projections remain to be made, as
measurements of other parameters, among which the well as more detailed studies of top quark reconstruc-
top quark mass, must be improved. tion in this challenging environment. Also the top quark
The legacy data from collider experiments are col- physics of a multi-TeV lepton collider, be it the CLIC
lected in the framework of the Standard Model Effective high-energy stage, a muon collider or a novel instal-
Field Theory. Global fits of the top quark sector have lation based on plasma-wakefield acceleration, remains
been performed by several groups [3915, 3916]. State-of- to be explored in detail. High-energy lepton collisions,
the-art fits include a combined analysis of Higgs, elec- well above 1 TeV, offer the possibility to constrain four-
troweak and top data [3917, 3918], showing an interest- fermion operators with two light particles and two top
ing interplay between the top and Higgs sectors through quark to unprecedented precision [3921], and provide
the effect of operators involving top quarks in loops, for an exquisite precision probe for new physics [3922].
instance in gg → H and H → γγ, through the box dia-
gram contribution to di-Higgs production and through
the associated production of top quarks and a Higgs

12.5.9 Outlook

A vibrant top quark physics programme was started at

the Tevatron and has culminated in a broad and rich
programme at the LHC. Direct searches in final states
with top quarks explore the multi-TeV regime looking
for signs of new resonances and exotic phenomena. Pre-
cise measurements of the classical top quark production
processes and many new rare processes involving top
quarks and the Higgs and gauge bosons form a power-
ful set of constraints on top quark couplings. The top
quark mass is known to a precision of less than 0.5%.
The upcoming runs of the LHC and its high-luminosity
upgrade are expected to improve considerably on cur-
rent run 2 results [3874], increasing the precision, push-
ing differential measurements further into the high-energy
regime, and probing ever more rare processes. Projec-
tions are particularly encouraging for rare associated
production processes, where statistical limitations re-
main important and theory predictions are currently
only available at NLO accuracy.
Top quark physics is an important consideration
also for a new facility in high energy physics beyond
the HL-LHC. A new electron-positron collider is identi-
fied as the highest-priority installation in the European,
American and Asian road maps for particle physics. All
projects for such a Higgs/ EW/top factory envisage op-
eration at and above the tt̄ production threshold. This
enables scrutiny of the top quark in e+ e− collisions and
provides precision measurements of the top quark mass,
with O(50MeV) precision [3919], and electroweak cou-
plings, that improve by an order of magnitude com-
pared to the HL-LHC projections [3920].
A new pp collider at the energy frontier can po-
tentiall push the discovery reach for massive particles
by a further order of magnitude. It can also unlock

12.6 Soft QCD and elastic scattering in air showers have to be tuned in order to extract the
essential physics parameters in cosmic ray studies.
Per Grafstrom Here we will start with a discussion of elastic scat-
tering and the total cross section in proton-proton col-
lisions, and in a second part some other typical Soft
12.6.1 Introduction
QCD topics will be addressed. It will be impossible to
cover all the topics nowadays associated with Soft QCD
Soft QCD has become a term covering many different
in this short review and we have to make a biased selec-
topics. Elastic scattering and diffraction are central top-
tion. A very good and more extensive summary of Soft
ics associated with soft QCD but in addition there is a
QCD is given in the article ”High Energy Soft QCD
long list of different areas associated with the term Soft
and Diffraction” written by V.A. Khoze, M. Ryskin and
QCD e.g. particle correlations, multiple parton interac-
M.Taševský published in PDG [939].
tions, particle densities, the underlying event. The list
is not inclusive and could be made longer. It covers an
12.6.2 Elastic proton-proton scattering and the
enormous amount of different processes and concepts
total cross section
and just the elastic and diffractive part represents by
itself more than 30-40% of the total cross section (σtot )
First principles
at high energy hadron colliders. What basically unifies
Elastic scattering is the simplest process possible at a
all those different processes is a large distance scale or
hadron-hadron collider. Two incoming protons scatter-
equivalently a relative small momentum transferred in
ing at the Interaction Point (IP) giving two outgoing
the reaction.
protons and nothing more. It is the most simple pro-
Another way of expressing the same criteria is to
cess possible involving strongly interacting particles but
say that “Soft QCD” deals with processes for which
still it can not be described directly by QCD. How-
the perturbative approach of QCD is not applicable due
ever there are first principles or fundamental concepts
to the size of the strong coupling at small momentum
which are relevant for elastic scattering and the total
transfer. This is a direct consequence of the running of
cross section. Those principles have to be fulfilled by
the strong coupling αs . In this low momentum transfer
any theory of strong interactions and must obviously
regime more phenomenological approaches have to be
also be fulfilled by QCD. Principles like unitarity, cross-
applied. However, while using phenomenological meth-
ing symmetry and analyticity of the elastic scattering
ods, the aim is always to try to provide a smooth tran-
amplitude are of importance. Those principles connect
sition to harder and thus perturbative QCD processes.
elastic scattering with the total cross section in different
Soft QCD processes have an interest in their own
right representing a particular challenging part of QCD.
The most straight forward is the optical theorem
However, there are a number of other reasons that mo-
that connects the total cross section with the imagi-
tivate trying to achieve a better understanding of Soft
nary part of the scattering amplitude in the forward
QCD processes. The Soft QCD processes represent of-
direction. The high energy form of the optical theorem
ten the most significant background in searches for new
can be written:
physics. The so called underlying event stands for ev-
erything which is produced in a pp collision except for ImFel (t = 0)
σtot = , (12.6.1)
the hard scatterer. The better one understands the un- s
derlying event the easier it is to extract signals for new where t is the four momentum squared which at high
physics. There is also the phenomena of pile-up at mod- energies can be written as -t = (pθ)2 with p being the
ern colliders. In order to push the instantaneous lumi- momentum and θ the scattering angle. The Mandel-
nosity to such high values that very rare processes can stam variable s represents the centre of mass energy
be detected, the colliders have to be operated with such squared. The optical theorem is based upon probabil-
high bunch population that several hundreds of sepa- ity conservation in the scattering process and is easily
rate interactions occur during one and the same bunch derived using Quantum Mechanics.
crossing. Most of those interactions are soft and pro- The optical theorem has been used to experimen-
duce what is called ”pile-up” background in the differ- tally determine the total cross section via measurement
ent detectors and this background has to be separated of the differential elastic cross section from ISR times
from the signal. to LHC today. From the optical theorem one derives
Understanding of Soft QCD processes are also im- the formula
portant in the context of cosmic rays. Monte-Carlo event 16π dσel
generators used for simulation of the forward cascades
σtot = (t = 0), (12.6.2)
1 + ρ2 dt
12.6 Soft QCD and elastic scattering 459

where dσdtel (t = 0) is the elastic differential cross section to the non-perturbative character of low pT reactions
extrapolated to t = 0 and ρ is the ratio of the real to this turned out to be extremely difficult and still today
imaginary part of the elastic scattering amplitude in Regge concepts are the basis of the phenomenology used
the forward direction i.e. to describe soft processes. However, whenever possible
ReFel (t = 0) one tries to connect to QCD in a smooth way.
ρ= . (12.6.3) The key concept in Regge theory is singularities of
ImFel (t = 0)
the amplitude in the complex angular moment plane,
However the optical theorem is not the only con- the so called j-plane. The most straightforward singu-
nection between σtot and elastic scattering. Using the larity is a simple pole. Using this concept for a given
concepts of analyticity and crossing symmetry, disper- scattering process has as consequence that the scatter-
sion relations for elastic scattering can be derived. Dis- ing amplitude in the t-channel can be be calculated us-
persion relations connect the ρ-parameter at a certain ing an exchange of so called Regge-trajectories which
energy to the energy evolution of σtot both below and replaces a single particle exchange. A Regge trajectory
above this energy and are a very powerful tool which composes of many particles with the same quantum
play a crucial role in the understanding of elastic scat- numbers except for the spin. The particles are organised
tering. Dispersion relations thus imply that the ρ-value in increasing spin with increasing mass on the trajec-
at a certain energy is sensitive to the energy evolution tories. A trajectory is represented by the function α(t)
of σtot beyond the energy at which ρ is measured. The where α(t) is the pole position in the j-plane and is
ρ-value is accessible experimentally and can be mea- usually parameterized as a linear function of t :
sured by measuring elastic scattering as such small an-

gles where the Coulomb amplitude starts to be signif- α(t) = α(0) + α t.

icant. The Coulomb amplitude is proportional to 1/t The exchange of a Regge trajectory or a Reggeon leads
and dominates in the very forward direction. The inter- to a power-like growth of the amplitude with s and an
ference between the Coulomb amplitude and the strong exponent α(t) i.e.
amplitude permits a measurement of ρ. Using the mea-
surement of ρ and dispersion relations one can make A(s, t) ∝ sα(t) . (12.6.6)
predictions of σtot to an energy of the order 10 times
higher than the energy at which ρ has been measured. Using the optical theorem one then gets for the corre-
This has been done several times in the past [3923, sponding cross section
σ ∝ sα(0)−1 . (12.6.7)
The Froissart-Martin bound [3925, 3926] is another
example of an important consequence derived from first The contribution of a given Regge trajectory factor-
principles. Based upon axiomatic quantum field theory izes in general, i.e. the amplitude is a product of two
it was shown that σtot can not grew faster than factors depending only on the coupling of the exchanged
π object to the scattered particles at each vertex.
σtot < ln2 s. (12.6.4) At energies around 20-50 GeV, corresponding to the
ISR and at energies below, several different leading Regge
As will be discussed in the paragraph ”The total cross trajectories contribute to the amplitude. Experimen-
section” below, this bound is not very constraining given tally it turns out that the leading trajectories in pp scat-
the energy scales available today. tering have an intercept α(0) ≈ 0.5 (see section 51 in
[3929]). Thus the corresponding contributions all vanish
The Regge approach and QCD with increasing energy in an inverse power law accord-
The principles discussed above generate bounds and re- ing to Eqn. 12.6.7. At higher energies only the so called
lations between important entities but do not lead to Pomeron trajectory survives. The Pomeron carries the
a concrete proposal for the scattering amplitude. For quantum numbers of vacuum with CP = ++ and was
this, one still has to rely upon phenomenological ap- proposed in the 1960s to explain the asymptotic be-
proaches. The phenomenology of Regge theory domi- haviour of the total cross section as will be discussed in
nated the description of high energy scattering process the following paragraph. The Pomeron is a good exam-
in pre-QCD times (see for instance [3927],[3928] and ple how Regge theory connects to QCD. The Pomeron
references therein). With the advent of QCD as the has now been identified as a two gluon state in QCD
theory for strong interaction in the 70th, Regge the- (see e.g. references in [3930]) and some of the properties
ory started to loose its role. The obvious wish was of of the Pomeron has been derived in QCD.This will be
course to try to derive Regge theory from QCD. Due discussed in Sect. 12.6.4. QCD also predicts the possible

Eqn. 12.6.4). This problem is addressed by also con-

pp (PDG 2010) STAR (prelim.) TOTEM

sidering cuts in the j-plane in addition to the simple

130 pp (PDG 2010) ALICE LHCb
σel (green), σinel (blue) and σtot (red)

120 Auger (+ Glauber) ATLAS/ALFA CMS

110 σtot fits by COMPETE poles. The cuts describe multi-pomeron exchanges and
it turns out that those multi-pomeron exchanges tame
(pre-LHC model RRPnf L2u )
100 σel fit by TOTEM
90 (11.84 − 1.617 ln s + 0.1359 ln2 s)
the growth of the total cross section and thus restore
80 σtot


60 Actually the possibility of a rising total cross section

50 σinel
had been outlined already by Heisenberg in 1952 [3933].

13 TeV
8 TeV
7 TeV
He used a very simple argument based upon the range
2.76 TeV
0.546 TeV

0.9 TeV

1.8 TeV

of the strong interaction and the pion mass to indicate



a possibility of a ln2 (s) rise of σtot . This argument had
101 102 103 104

105 fallen into oblivion in the mid’s of the seventies. Now
it has turned out at each new collider energy that σtot
s [GeV]

essentaily rise as ln2 (s). The full line drawn in Fig.

Fig. 12.6.1 The total cross section for pp and p̄p as a function of
the center-of-mass energy. In the figure is also shown the energy 12.6.1 represents one of many ln2 (s) fit to the data. In
dependence of the elastic and inelastic cross sections. Figure is this case it is one of the COMPETE parametrisations
taken from Ref. [3932]. More details about the figure can be found [3934]. In Regge theory such a ln2 (s)behaviour can only
in [3932]. appear if the the singularity in the j-plane is a pole of
order 3 i.e. a triple pole.
existence of a three gluon state with CP = −−. Such Does the ln2 (s) rise mean that the Froissart-Martin
a state corresponds to a trajectory proposed in Regge bound mentioned in the previous paragraph is satu-
theory in the 1970s [3931], the so called Odderon. The rated? Actually we are far away from a saturation to-
Pomeron and the Odderon will be discussed more in day. The coefficient in front of ln2 (s) term in the Froissart-
detail later. Martin bound is 60 mb and typically ln2 (s) fits to the
data give coefficients O(0.1 mb). Thus the bound is far
The total cross section away from being saturated at today’s energies.
In Fig. 12.6.1 is shown all the world data of the total The rise of σtot as ln2 (s) cannot be derived from
pp and p̄p-cross section from the ISR to LHC. Low en- QCD today. However it is interesting to note that there
ergy proton data from fixed target experiments are also have been quite successful attempts in lattice QCD to
shown in the figure. The total cross section starts to rise reproduce an ln2 (s) behaviour with a coefficient not
at ISR. The rise of σtot was not at all expected. Still so far away from the one experimentally found [3935].
today this rise can not be derived from first principles There has also been attempts to generate a ln2 (s) be-
and is not satisfactory solved within QCD. haviour using gluon saturation in Coulor Glass Satu-
At the time of the discovery of the surprising rise of ration models [3936]. This is a good example of how
the total cross section with increasing centter-of-mass perturbative and non-perturbative physics meet giving
energy, Regge theory was the relevant theory for strong an interesting result.
interaction. The Pomeron was thought to dominate the
high energy behaviour of σtot and the s-dependence was Elastic scattering
thus given by ( see Eqn. 12.6.7) Figure 12.6.2 shows a couple of examples of the differen-
tial elastic cross section and its t-dependence at differ-
σtot ∝ sαP (0)−1 , (12.6.8) ent energies at the LHC. The measurements have been
done by the TOTEM collaboration [3937]. As men-
where αP (0) is the intercept of the Pomeron trajectory. tioned in the previous paragraph the Pomeron trajec-
The intercept was believed to be exactly 1 thus giving a tory dominates at energies of the LHC. In terms of QCD
constant total cross section asymptotically. Later when this means a dominance of two gluon exchange. The
it was discovered that σtot was starting to rise an in- gross features of the t-dependence of differential elas-
tercept αP (0) just above 1 was introduced. Taking into tic cross section at high energies can be described in
account the data from the SPS collider and the Teva- terms of the Pomeron or a two gluon exchange. The
tron, σtot was parameterized in terms of an ”effective” cross section falls close to exponential in the forward
Pomeron trajectory α(t) = 1+∆+α t ≈ 1+0.08+0.25t

direction. This means that the Pomeron–proton cou-

where t is given in GeV 2 [1104]. However it was always pling has an exponential fall off. There are small de-
clear that at some very high energy such a power growth viations from the exponential that are not completely
in s will violate unitarity and the Froissart bound (see
12.6 Soft QCD and elastic scattering 461

explained in terms of multi-pomeron exchanges men-

tioned above [3940].

In Fig. 12.6.2 is also seen that after the exponential

decrease, the differential cross section exhibits a dip
that moves towards smaller t-values when the energy
increase. In the Pomeron language this is interpreted
as an interference between one pomeron exchange am-
plitude and multi-pomeron exchange amplitudes mak-
ing essential the imaginary part of the total amplitude
disappear at the dip. This mechanism generates a dip
which correctly moves towards smaller t-values with en-
Fig. 12.6.2 The differential elastic cross section as a function of ergy.
the four momentum transfer t for different energies at the LHC as At high values of t, beyond the dip, the cross sec-
measured by the TOTEM collaboration. Figure is taken from Ref. tion decreases further in a smooth way. Here one moves
[3938]. away from the non-perturbative regime and instead one
might see signs of perturbative QCD. The triple gluon
22 exchange proposed in Ref. [3941] could be a manifesta-
(GeV−2 )

tion of this.
21 pp


fit linear in ln s, data s < 3 TeV The Odderon
18 As seen in the previous paragraphs the Pomeron plays
17 an essential role in the description of elastic scattering
16 and the total cross section. The situation is very differ-
ent concerning the Odderon. The Odderon is the CP =
−− counter-partner of the Pomeron and contributes
0.546 TeV

2.76 TeV
0.9 TeV

1.8 TeV

13 TeV
7 TeV
8 TeV

with a different sign to the amplitude for pp-scattering
relative to p̄p-scattering. The Odderon is both contro-
versial and non-controversial. It is non-controversial in
101 102 103 104 105

the sense that no one really doubts its existence. It is

s (GeV)

a firm prediction of QCD and represents a three gluon

Fig. 12.6.3 Measurements of the√slope-parameter B as a func-
tion of the center-of-mass energy s for pp and p̄p scattering . state in contrast to the two gluon state of the Pomeron.
The What is somewhat controversial is the size of its cou-
√ straight line represents a linear fit in ln(s) of of the data below
s=3 TeV. Figure taken from Ref. [3939]. pling and its importance in the elastic amplitude. To
what extent the Odderon really has manifested itself
in the available experimental data is debatable (see e.g
understood but might at least partly be due to multi- Ref. [3942]) though the authors of Ref. [3943] claim a
pomeron exchanges. discovery.
The exponential fall-off parameter, often called the Experimentally there are two different signals that
t-slope B, also has an energy dependence. The energy have been evoked as a sign of an Odderon. The most
dependence of B is plotted in Fig. 12.6.3. The straight convincing is probably the difference between p̄p-scattering
line corresponds to a linear dependence in ln(s) and pp-scattering observed in the dip region of elastic
scattering. The p̄p data from the D0 experiment at the
Tevatron at 1.96 TeV has been compared to the pp data
B = B0 + 2αP ln(s). at 2.76 TeV from the TOTEM experiment at the LHC
[3943]. The dip is supposed to be filled partly by the
This linear dependence in ln(s) is a direct conse-
real part of the Odderon amplitude having a different
quence of the exchange of a Pomeron in the t-channel.
sign for pp and p̄p-scattering. The two distributions are
The αP parameter represents the slope of the Pomeron

shown in Fig. 12.6.4. Ideally the comparison pp and p̄p

trajectory αP (t) = αP (0) + αP t .

should be done at the same energy. However, the au-

As can be seen in the figure this linear relation works
thors have taken great care to compare the D0 measure-
well for energies below LHC. However at the LHC the
ment with TOTEM data extrapolated to the 1.96 TeV
increase with s starts to accelerate. Also this can be

dσ/dt (mb/GeV2 )

s = 1.96 TeV
pp̄ measurement by D0:
central values with error bars
pp extrapolation by TOTEM:
band center at D0 bins
band width (±1 σ)

10−2 Fig. 12.6.6 Feynman diagrams for different diffractive topolo-

gies. IP stands for Pomeron and p for proton while X represents
the diffractive systems. Below each diagram is also shown the cor-
responding rapidity distribution of the outgoing particles. Figure
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 taken from Ref. [3945].
|t| (GeV2 )

at a certain energy. The so called maximal Odderon

√ 12.6.4 Comparison between the D0 p̄p measurement at [3944] is one example that actually produces an effect
s=1.96 TeV and the extrapolated TOTEM pp cross section
agreeing with the TOTEM data.
rescaled to match the optical point of the D0 measurement. The
dashed lines show the 1σ uncertainty band. Figure is taken from To summarise: the measurement of ρ at 13 TeV may
Ref. [3943] where more details are given. be an indication of the Odderon but the fact that an al-
ternative explanation exists means that this signal can
ρ 0.25
PDG: not be taken as a hard proof of the Odderon.
0.15 pp

12.6.3 Diffraction
0.1 TOTEM:

0.05 indirect
0.546 TeV

2.76 TeV
0.9 TeV

1.8 TeV

13 TeV
7 TeV
8 TeV

via CNI

In this article we have separated the discussion of elastic

−0.05 (pre-LHC model RRPnf L2u ):

scattering and diffraction but actually elastic scattering

−0.1 pp
−0.15 pp

101 102 103 104 105
is the dominant diffractive process. There is no unique
definition of diffraction, neither theoretically nor exper-

s [GeV]

imentally. A key concept when talking about diffrac-

Fig. 12.6.5 Dependence of the ρ-parameter on center-of-mass tion is rapidity gaps. For elastic scattering the size of
energy. The pp(blue) and p̄p(green) curves are taken from Ref.
[3934]. Figure is taken from Ref. [3932]. the rapidity gap (a rapidity114 region void of particles)
between the two outgoing protons is at its kinemati-
cal limit. In general a diffractive event is characterized
of the Tevatron. They find a 3.4σ difference between by a rapidity gap which is significant larger than pos-
the two distributions in Fig. 12.6.4. sible fluctuations in the hadronisation process.Typical
The second possible experimental manifestation of this means rapidity gaps bigger than 4-5 units of rapid-
the Odderon is a measurement of the TOTEM exper- ity at LHC energies. Depending on the topology of the
iment which has measured the ρ parameter at 13 TeV rapidity gaps one talks about different types of diffrac-
to be ρ = 0.09 [3932]. This result is in contradiction to tive events. This is illustrated in Fig. 12.6.6 where the
dispersion relation calculations assuming that the stan- topologies, elastic, single dissociation and double dis-
dard ln2 (s) behaviour of σtot continues beyond LHC sociation are shown. Below the Feynman diagrams are
and assuming that the elastic amplitude only contains also illustrated schematically the corresponding rapid-
the Pomeron contribution. Those calculations give ρ = ity distributions of the outgoing particles.
0.13 − 0.14 ( see Fig. 12.6.5 and Ref. [3934] ) thus sig- All these topologies are characterized by the ex-
nifcantly higher than the TOTEM result. change of the Pomeron in the t-channel or in other
The TOTEM result could therefore be an indica- words an exchange of a a color singlet state of two glu-
tion that σtot starts to grow somewhat slower beyond ons.
the LHC energies. However an alternative explanation 114
When dealing with a particle whose mass is negligible com-
might well be that the low ρ value is produced by an pared with its energy, the pseudorapidity = -ln (tan(θ/2)) is a
Odderon effect. An Odderon contribution to the ampli- good approximation to the rapidity. Here θ is the polar angle
tude can modify the dispersion relation calculation in of the particle. In this article we do not make the distinction
a way to give a better agreement with the data. The between rapidity and pseudorapidity.
effect depends on the size of the Odderon contribution
12.6 Soft QCD and elastic scattering 463

It is not always possible to map the experimental

data directly to the different topologies seen in Fig.
12.6.6. In general it is difficult to measure diffraction at
high energy colliders, especially diffractive system with
a low mass. For low mass systems a large fraction of
the diffractively produced particles are emitted in the
very forward direction and lost in the beam pipe.
Experimentally there are two ways to select diffrac-
tive events. Either to look for rapidity gaps or use so
called proton tagging. Proton tagging implies that one
or both of the two intact protons actually are detected
and measured. This requires small and sophisticated de-
tectors situated as close as possible to the beam line. In
practice, the detectors have to be placed at distances
of a mm or smaller from the beam and thus the ves- Fig. 12.6.7 Inelastic cross section differential in the experimental
sels containing the detectors have to be integrated in gap size ∆ηf measured by ATLAS at 7 TeV for particles with
the beampipe. This technique, using so called Roman pT > 200 MeV. Figure taken from Ref. [3946]. See text in Ref.
[3946] for further details.
Pots, was introduced by the CERN–Rome group at the
ISR half a century ago and is still used as the main
technique to approach the beam [3923]. Measurements at masses much lower than this are
Here we will limit ourselves to discuss the simplest very difficult at high center of mass energies. There ex-
topology in Fig. 12.6.6, i.e. single diffraction. As an ex- ist measurements down to masses of 3-4 GeV but they
ample we show in Fig. 12.6.7 the distribution of the are scarce and often contradictory. Moreover also theo-
experimental gap size ∆ηf measured by ATLAS at 7 retically the estimates of low mass diffraction are noto-
TeV for particles with pT > 200 MeV[3946]. The true rious difficult and uncertain. Actually the uncertainties
gap size is ∆η=∆ηf +4 in this example. The size of the related to low mass diffraction constitute the largest
rapidity gap is directly related to the mass Mx of the uncertainty of the total cross section measurements by
diffracted system. the TOTEM experiment using the so called luminosity
∆η w −ln(ξx ) (12.6.10) independent method which requires an estimate of the
total inelastic cross section including low mass diffrac-
with tion (see e.g Ref. [3939]).
ξx = (12.6.11)
s 12.6.4 ”Soft” and ”hard” diffraction
The larger the rapidity gap is the smaller is the pro-
duced mass. This article deals with ”soft” diffraction but this is of
In Fig. 12.6.7 one can clearly see the difference be- course a somewhat arbitrary classification and in this
tween non diffractive and diffractive events. At small section the concept of ”hard” diffraction will also briefly
gap sizes ∆ηf < 2, non diffractive events dominate and be touched upon. A part of diffractive events has a hard
the expected exponential decrease of the cross section scale present.The hard scale is often given by a diffrac-
with increasing gap size which characterize the fluc- tively produced heavy system such as for example di-
tuations of the hadronisation is the dominant feature. jets, W or Z bosons, or heavy quarks. With such a hard
On the other hand for gap sizes ∆ηf > 3 there is a scale present, perturbative QCD is applicable. There is
rather flat plateau, which corresponds mainly to single actually no sharp distinction between what is called
diffractive processes. The largest rapidity gap size bin ”soft” diffraction and ”hard” diffraction but rather a
at the end of the plateau in Fig. 12.6.7 corresponds smooth transition between the two. Often the pertur-
to diffractive masses larger than about 15 GeV and bative approach is extended into the soft domain in a
thus the plateau corresponds to masses above and equal gradual manner using a unified framework. This has
15 GeV. The cross section on the plateau is roughly 1 lead to the concept of a ”soft” Pomeron and a separate
mb per unit of rapidity gap size. In the Regge theory, and different ”hard” QCD Pomeron. This distinction
such type of high mass diffraction is characterized by between different Pomerons is very likely an oversim-
a triple Pomeron coupling which actually predicts such plification of a more complex situation.
a plateau. In perturbative QCD a triple Pomeron cou-
pling of the same order of magnituded is found [3947]. The data seem to indicate a ”hard” Pomeron with the

intercept α(0) v 1.3 − 1.5 with a small slope α0 in con-

trast to the ”effective” Pomeron which is relevant for
elastic scattering and the total cross section with an
intercept of α(0) = 1.08 and a slope α0 = 0.25 as men-
tioned in Section 12.6.2. This means that when a hard
scale is involved the energy dependence is steeper rela-
tive to soft diffraction (see Eqn. 12.6.7). Taking diffrac-
tive vector meson production at HERA as an exam-
ple: the energy dependence of the γ ∗ p cross section for Fig. 12.6.8 Schematic drawing illustrating a typical Underlying
Event. Figure taken from ATLAS slides ATL-PHYS-SLIDE-2013-
J/ψ production corresponds to an intercept α(0) v 1.4 330.
(see Refs. [3948],[3949]). Such an intercept of the hard
Pomeron, represented by a two gluon state, agrees with
what has been calculated in perturbative QCD by re- A good description of the UE is needed to extract
summation of the leading logarithms. The small slope the relevant signals from the hard scatter and rely upon
α0 of the ”hard” Pomeron is also reproduced in pertur- MC generators which are based upon different phe-
bative QCD calculations [3950]. nomenological approaches. Many input parameters in
the MC generators parameters have to be tuned with
Hard diffraction has extensively been studied at HERA data. To get information relevant for the UE the event
in γ ∗ p processes and the results have been interpreted is often divided into different regions of the phase space
in terms of diffractive Parton Distribution Functions as indicated in Fig. 12.6.9. Normally a ”transverse” re-
of the Pomeron and a Pomeron flux factor based upon gion is defined relative to the azimuthal angle of the
Regge theory [3570]. It was shown within QCD that fac- leading pT particle. This region is then taken as the ref-
torization is valid for diffractive hard scattering in γ ∗ p erence region for the underlying event. In Fig. 12.6.10
processes [3951]. However, using the same formalism is shown an example of the mean charged-particle mul-
and using the DPDF’s determined at HERA from γ ∗ p tiplicity as a function of the leading pT for the different
processes applied to p̄p processes at the Tevatron gives regions around the leading particle [3953]. All regions
about an order of magnitude too high cross section for exhibit a fast rise at low pT up to a pT of about 5 GeV.
QCD jet production (see e.g. [3952]). At the Tevatron Here there are no real ”hard” processes and we see the
the process is completely hadronic, and the reduction of rise of activity due to the increase of MPI. At higher
the cross section is thought to be due to the fact that pT , hard processes start to dominate and the transverse
sometimes the rapidity gap is filled or partially filled region which is decoupled from the hard scatter reach
by hadron remnants which are not present in γ ∗ p pro- a plateau.
cesses. In this case, the factorisation using diffractive
DPDF’s suggested by the HERA data breaks down. 12.6.6 Charged particle density

12.6.5 The Underlying Event The charged particle density as a function of rapidity
is an important observable in pp collisions. The mea-
The underlying event is not to be confused with Min- surement covering the largest rapidity interval has been
imum Bias Events. As the name indicates, minimum done by a combination of CMS and TOTEM at the
bias events are events collected with as little bias as LHC [3954, 3955]. The result of their measurement is
possible. The concept of Underlying Event (UE) is dif- shown in Fig. 12.6.11.
ferent. Here one refers to events that contain a hard To describe the entire rapidity interval models must
parton-parton interaction and the term underlying event be able to combine and connect perturbative QCD with
refers to all the activity that accompanies the hard scat- non-perturbative approaches. The experimental points
ter but is not a part of it. The Underlying Event has are compared to a number of different models which
several different components. There are contributions are available. The approaches are different but there
from initial and final-state interaction but also particles are also several common elements in the models. As
from the proton break-up so called beam–beam rem- can be seen the gross features of the distribution are
nants contribute. An important part of the Underlying reasonably well described by the models.
Events consists of Multiple Parton Interactions (MPI) The density at η = 0 as a function of the centre of
i.e. two or more soft or semi hard interactions within mass energy has been plotted in Fig. 12.6.12 using data
the same pp interaction. In Fig. 12.6.8 a typical UE is from the Spp̄S collider and the Tevatron in addition to
shown in schematized way. the LHC data [3955]. The data points have been fitted
12.6 Soft QCD and elastic scattering 465

Fig. 12.6.11 Charged particle

√ pseudorapidity distributions ob-
tained in pp collisions at s = 8 TeV for inelastic events as mea-
sured by the CMS and TOTEM experiments. The coloured bands
show the combined systematic and statistical uncertainties and the
error bars represent the η uncorrelated uncertainties. The colored
lines represents different model predictions. Figure taken from Ref.
[3954] .

Fig. 12.6.9 Definition of regions in the azimuthal angle with

respect to the leading (highest-pT ) charged particle, with arrows
representing particles associated with the hard scattering process
and the leading charged particle highlighted in red. Conceptually,
the presence of a hard-scatter particle on the right-hand side of the
transverse region, increasing its ΣpT , typically leads to that side
being identified as the “trans-max” and hence the left-hand side
as the “trans-min”, with maximum sensitivity to the UE. Figure
taken from Ref. [3953].

Fig. 12.6.12 Value of dNch /dη at η ≈ 0 as a function of the

center-of-mass energy for pp and p̄p collisions. Shown are measure-
ments performed with different event selections from a number of
experiments listed in the figure. The dashed line is a power-law fit
to the data. Figure taken from Ref. [3955].

Fig. 12.6.10 : Mean η − φ densities of charged-particle multi-

plicities as a function of the transverse momentum of the leading into account multi-pomeron exchanges which tames the
charged particle in the transverse, towards, and away azimuthal re- rise of the total cross section.
gions. The error bars, which are mostly hidden by the data markers,
represent combined statistical and systematic uncertainty. Figure
taken from Ref. [3953]. 12.6.7 Conclusion

As mentioned in the introduction “soft” processes cover

with a power law. It is interesting to note that the in- a large part of the total cross section. Collider exper-
crease of the density at η = 0 is faster than the increase iments, at HERA and the Tevatron and now also at
of the total cross section with energy. This can be un- LHC, have produced a large amount of measurements
derstood in terms of Pomeron interaction. To calculate related to low pT reactions. The large rapidity coverage
an inclusive cross section like the density at η = 0 it of the LHC detectors, and dedicated small angle ex-
is enough to use a one-pomeron exchange diagram. For periments such as TOTEM, have offered new possibili-
the total cross section on the other hand one has to take ties and there is still more to come. Moreover, the high

center-of-mass energy of the LHC means that kinemati- possible to explore at the LHC and presently planned
cally a larger rapidity range is available which opens up high energy colliders. While the LHC can explore dis-
a window of studies where a separation between diffrac- tance scales as short as 10−19 m, the indirect search with
tive and non-diffractive events is somewhat easier, at the help of suitably chosen processes can offer us the in-
least for what concerns high mass diffraction. formation about scales as short as 10−21 m which can-
The richness of the data at the LHC also implies not be probed even by the planned 100 TeV collider at
that there are a number of aspects that we have not CERN. Also shorter scales can be explored in this man-
been able to treat in this short overview. For instance, ner.
the interesting topic of particle correlations has not In fact rare processes like KL → µ+ µ− known since
been discussed and neither has multiple parton inter- the early 1970s implied the existence of the charm quark
actions been considered (For those topics and also for prior to its discovery in 1974 as only then its branching
other topics that have not been discussed here, see e.g ratio could be suppressed in the SM with the help of
PDG [939]). the Glashow-Iliopoulos-Maiani (GIM) mechanism [78],
In the 1970s and 1980s the interest moved from to agree with experiment. Moreover, it was possible to
Regge theory and low pT physics to high pT reactions predict successfully its mass with the help of the KL −
and perturbative QCD. The “old“ physics lost consid- KS mass difference ∆MK in the K 0 − K̄ 0 mixing prior
erable interest. However it turns out that the tools of to its discovery [3956]. Similary the size of the Bd0 − B̄d0
the “old” physics work remarkably well also today. The mixing115 , discovered in the late 1980s, implied a heavy
current theoretical efforts try to bridge this gap be- top quark that has been confirmed only in 1995. It is
tween ”old” physics and ”new” and produce convincing then natural to expect that this indirect search for NP
descriptions of soft processes in terms of QCD. A lot will also be successful at much shorter distance scales.
of theoretical efforts have occurred over the years try- In this context, rare weak decays of mesons play a
ing to make the transition from Regge poles and Regge prominent role besides the transitions between particles
Field Theory to QCD. Some attempts in this direction and antiparticles in which flavors of quarks are changed.
have been mentioned in this overview, but far from all. In particular K + → π + ν ν̄, KL → π 0 ν ν̄, KS → µ+ µ− ,
With the abundant data from LHC available today Bs0 → µ+ µ− , Bd0 → µ+ µ− and Bd0 → K(K ∗ )ν ν̄ but also
the study of soft interactions has become a more vig- Bs0 − B̄s0 , Bd0 − B̄d0 , K 0 − K̄ 0 mixings and CP-violation
orous field again. The hope is that “old” and “new” in K → ππ, Bd → πK decays among others provide
physics will meet and that a proper calculational frame- important constraints on NP. Most of these transitions
work based upon QCD will be developed in the close are very strongly loop-suppressed within the SM due to
future leading to a better understanding of soft pro- the GIM mechanism and also due to small elements Vcb ,
cesses. A lot of progress have been made until today Vub , Vtd and Vts of the CKM matrix [3957, 3958]. The
but the challenge is still there to incorporate a full un- predicted branching ratios for some of them are as low
derstanding of soft processes in QCD. as 10−11 . But as the GIM mechanism is generally vio-
lated by NP contributions these branching ratios could
in fact be much larger.
13 Weak decays and quark mixing The first step in this indirect strategy is to search for
the departures of the measurements of the branching ra-
tios of the decays in question from SM predictions and
Conveners: similar for mass differences like ∆MK , and analogous
Andrzej J. Buras and Eberhard Klempt mass differences ∆Ms and ∆Md in Bs0 − B̄s0 and Bd0 − B̄d0
mixings, respectively. But while these processes are gov-
One of the main frontiers in the elementary particle erned by quark interactions at the fundamental level,
physics is the search for new particles and new forces the decaying objects are mesons, the bound states of
beyond those present in the Standard Model (SM) of quarks and antiquarks. In particular in the case of non-
particle physics. As the direct searches at Large Hadron leptonic transitions like Bs0 − B̄s0 , Bd0 − B̄d0 , K 0 − K̄ 0 mix-
Collider (LHC) at CERN, even ten years after the Higgs ings and CP-violation in K → ππ and B → πK decays,
discovery, did not provide any clue what these new par- QCD plays an important role. It enters at short distance
ticles and forces could be, the indirect searches for new scales, where due to the asymptotic freedom in QCD
physics (NP) through very rare processes caused by vir- perturbative calculations can be performed, and at long
tual exchanges of heavy particles gained in importance. distance scales where non-perturbative methods are re-
They allow in fact to see footprints of new particles and 115
The Bd0 = (db̄) is listed as B 0 in the Review of Particle
forces acting at much shorter distance scales than it is Physics.
13.1 Effective Hamiltonians in the Standard Model and Beyond 467

quired. QCD has also an impact on semi-leptonic decays [25, 3959], which allows us to write down the effective
like K + → π + ν ν̄, KL → π 0 ν ν̄, B → K(K ∗ )ν ν̄ and weak Hamiltonian in full generality simply as follows
even on leptonic ones like KS → µ+ µ− , Bs0 → µ+ µ− ,
Ci OiSM + CjNP OjNP ,
Heff =
Bd0 → µ+ µ− and B → K(K ∗ )ν ν̄. In order to be able to
identify the departures of various experimental results
i j

from the SM predictions that would signal NP at work, Ci = CiSM + ∆NP

i . (13.1.1)
the latter predictions must be accurate, and this means Here
the effects of QCD have to be brought under control.
But this is not the whole story. To make predictions for – OiSM are local operators present in the SM and OjNP
rare processes in the SM one has to determine the four are new local operators having typically new Dirac
parameters of the unitary CKM matrix structures, in particular scalar-scalar and tensor-
tensor ones.
Vus , Vcb , Vub , γ (13.0.1) – Ci and CjNP are the Wilson coefficients (WCs) of
these operators. NP effects modify not only the WCs
with γ being the sole phase in this matrix. of the SM operators but also generate new operators
This section is divided into five parts. We present with non-vanishing CjNP .
first the effective weak Hamiltonians both in the SM
and beyond. We summarize briefly the history of the ef- Examples of operators contributing to K 0 − K̄ 0 mix-
forts to construct them and present their status. Here, ing observables in the SM and in any of its extensions
renormalization-group (RG) methods - used to calcu- are given as follows
late QCD impact on the Wilson coefficients (WC) of lo- QVLL = (s̄γµ PL d)(s̄γ µ PL d) , (13.1.2a)
cal operators - are essential but also the non-perturbative
QVRR = (s̄γµ PR d)(s̄γ µ PR d) , (13.1.2b)
evaluation of their hadronic matrix elements. This will 1

be followed by the discussion of the present status of the QLR µ

1 = (s̄γµ PL d)(s̄γ PR d) , (13.1.2c)
CKM matrix (see Section 13.2) which will demonstrate QLR
2 = (s̄PL d)(s̄PR d) , (13.1.2d)
the role of QCD in the determination of its elements.
Subsequently, in Section 13.3, we will first summarize
briefly the impact of QCD effects on rare leptonic and QSLL
1 = (s̄PL d)(s̄PL d) , (13.1.3a)
semileptonic decays. Here, these effects are mostly mod- QSRR = (s̄PR d)(s̄PR d) , (13.1.3b)
erate, with the exception of radiative B decays like the
QSLL = (s̄σµν PL d)(s̄σ µν
PL d) , (13.1.3c)
one into final states with open strangeness, B → Xs γ, 2

and B → K ∗ γ. The efforts to calculate QCD correc- QSRR

2 = (s̄σµν PR d)(s̄σ µν
PR d) , (13.1.3d)
tions to B → Xs γ will be briefly described. Subse- where
quently, two examples will be discussed where the con-
1 1
trol over non-perturbative contributions is mandatory PR,L = (1 ± γ5 ), σµν = i [γµ , γν ], (13.1.4)
2 2
to find out whether the SM is able to describe the ex-
perimental data or not: the ∆I = 1/2 rule in K → ππ and we suppressed color indices as they are summed up
decays and the ratio ε0 /ε related to the direct CP vio- in each factor. For instance s̄γµ PL d stands for s̄α γµ PL dα
lation in KL → ππ decays. The last two presentations and similarly for other factors. Only QVLL1 is present in
deal with the role of QCD in the context of the presently the SM. For meson decays the number of operators in
most pronounced anomalies in flavor physics: the viola- the SM is larger. This is also the case for the number
tion of lepton flavor universality in tree-level B-meson of NP operators. We will encounter some of them in
decays (Section 13.4) and the departure of data from Section 13.3.
the SM predictions for (g − 2)e,µ (Section 13.5). The amplitude for a decay of a given meson M =
K, B, .. into a final state F = µ+ µ− , πν ν̄, ππ, DK is
then simply given by
13.1 Effective Hamiltonians in the Stan- A(M → F ) = hF |Heff |M i = i Ci (µ)hF |OiSM (µ)|M i
dard Model and Beyond
+ j CjNP (µ)hF |OjNP (µ)|M (i13.1.5)

Andrzej J. Buras where hF |Oi (µ)|M i are the matrix elements of Oi be-
tween M and F , evaluated at the renormalization scale
The basis for any serious phenomenology of weak decays µ. The WCs Ci (µ) describe the strength with which
of hadrons is the Operator Product Expansion (OPE) a given operator enters the Hamiltonian. They can be
considered as scale dependent “couplings” related to

“vertices” Oi and can be calculated using perturbative

b,s d b,s d
methods as long as the scale µ is not too small. In the d W q

case of K 0 −K̄ 0 mixing, matrix elements hK̄ 0 |Oi (µ)|K 0 i W W

are present. Other particle-antiparticle mixings have u,c,t
similar matrix elements. g,Z,γ Z,γ
The essential virtue of the OPE is this one. It allows
us to separate the problem of calculating the amplitude q q q q b,s W q

A(M → F ) into two distinct parts: the short distance (a) (b) (c)

(perturbative) calculation of the coefficients Ci (µ) and Fig. 13.1.1 Penguin and Box Diagrams. From [3964]
the long-distance (generally non-perturbative) calcula-
tion of the matrix elements hOi (µ)i. The scale µ sepa-
rates, roughly speaking, the physics contributions into Z, top quark and new particles exchanges and properly
short distance contributions contained in Ci (µ) and the including short distance QCD effects. The latter gov-
long distance contributions contained in hOi (µ)i. ern the µ-dependence of Ci (µ). In models in which the
It should be stressed that this separation of short GIM mechanism [78] is absent, also tree diagrams can
and long distance contribution is only useful due to contribute to flavor changing neutral current (FCNC)
the asymptotic freedom in QCD [48, 49] that allows processes. The point is that a given Ci generally receives
us to calculate the WCs by means of ordinary or RG- contributions from all these three classes of diagrams.
improved perturbation theory. On the other hand, the The value of µ can be chosen arbitrarily but the
matrix elements hOi (µ)i can only be calculated by non- final result must be µ-independent. Therefore the µ-
perturbative methods like numerical Lattice QCD com- dependence of Ci (µ) has to cancel the µ-dependence of
putations and analytic methods like Dual QCD (DQCD) hQi (µ)i. In other words as far as heavy-mass-independent
[3960, 3961] and Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) terms are concerned, it is a matter of choice what ex-
[64, 1570]. actly belongs to Ci (µ) and what to hQi (µ)i. This can-
Experimentally, the ππ system in K → ππ decays cellation of the µ-dependence involves generally several
was often found to have isospin I = 0 and rarely I = 2, terms in the expansion in Eqn. (13.1.5). Ci (µ) depend
an effect which is called ∆I = 1/2 rule; ∆I = 1/2 de- also on the renormalization scheme used in the calcu-
cays are enhanced over the ∆I = 3/2 ones by a factor of lation of QCD effects. This scheme-dependence must
22.4. Altarelli and Maiani [1212] and Gaillard and Lee also be canceled by the one of hQi (µ)i so that the
[1211] made a first unsuccessful attempt to explain this physical amplitudes are renormalization-scheme inde-
huge enhancement through short distance QCD effects. pendent. Again, as in the case of the µ-dependence, the
The precision of the calculation of the WCs increased cancellation of the renormalization-scheme-dependence
considerably in the last fifty years since this first pio- involves generally several terms in the expansion in
neering calculation. The basic QCD dynamics behind Eqn. (13.1.5). One of the types of scheme-dependence
this rule - contained in the hadronic matrix elements of is the manner in which γ5 is defined in D = 4 − 2ε di-
current-current operators - has been identified analyt- mensions implying various renormalization schemes as
ically first in 1986 in the framework of the Dual QCD analyzed first in the context of weak decays in [3965].
in [3960] with some improvements in 2014 [3961]. This A pedagogical presentation of these issues can be found
has been confirmed more than 30 years later by the in [3966].
RBC-UKQCD collaboration [3962] although the mod-
est accuracy of both approaches still allows for some NP 13.1.1 Renormalization Group Improved Pertur-
contributions. See [3963] for the most recent summary bation Theory
and Section 13.3.
Now, the coefficients Ci include, in addition to tree- Generally in weak decays several vastly different scales
level contributions from the W -exchange, virtual top are involved. These are the hadronic scales of a few
quark contributions and contributions from other heavy GeV, scales like MW or mt and - in extensions of the
particles such as W, Z bosons, charged Higgs particles, SM - not only of a few TeV but even 100 TeV. Already
supersymmetric particles and other heavy objects in nu- within the SM, but in particular in its NP extensions,
merous extensions of this model. Consequently, Ci (µ) the ordinary perturbation theory in αs is spoiled by the
generally depend on mt and also on the masses of new appearance of large logarithms of the ratios of two very
particles if extensions of the SM are considered. This different scales that multiply αs . Such logarithms have
dependence can be found by evaluating one-loop dia- to be summed to all orders of perturbation theory which
grams, so-called box and penguin diagrams with full W, can be efficiently done by means of renormalization-
13.1 Effective Hamiltonians in the Standard Model and Beyond 469

group methods. Denoting the lower scale simply by µ ∆S = 2 operators [3971] and rare K decays [3972]
and the high scale by Λ the general expression for Ci (µ) should not be forgotten. The first review of NLO QCD
is given by: calculations can be found in [3967] and more recently
including NNLO corrections in [3966, 3973].
C(µ) ~
= Û (µ, Λ)C(Λ) , (13.1.6) It should be stressed that at the NLO level not only
where C ~ is a column vector built out of Ci . C(Λ)
~ are the two-loop anomalous dimensions of operators have to be
initial conditions for the RG evolution down to low en- known but also QCD corrections to the WCs at µ = Λ.
ergy scale µ. They depend on the short distance physics Only then renormalization-scheme independent results
at high energy scales. In particular they depend on mt can be obtained. They are known for most processes of
and the masses and couplings of new heavy particles. interest and this technology is explained in details in
The evolution matrix Û (µ, Λ) sums large logarithms [3964, 3966]
log Λ/µ which appear for µ  Λ. In the so-called lead- On the whole, the status of present short distance
ing logarithmic approximation (LO) terms (gs2 log Λ/µ)n (SD) contributions within the SM is satisfactory. Let us
are summed. The next-to-leading logarithmic correc- then see what is the status of these calculations beyond
tion (NLO) to this result involves summation of terms the SM.
(gs2 )n (log Λ/µ)n−1 and so on. This hierarchical struc-
13.1.2 QCD Effects Beyond the SM
ture gives the RG-improved perturbation theory.
As an example let us consider only a single operator
As already stated at the beginning, NP contributions
so that Eqn. (13.1.6) reduces to
can affect the WCs of the SM operators. This mod-
C(µ) = U (µ, Λ)C(Λ) (13.1.7) ification takes place at the NP scale Λ so that after
the RG evolution, the Ci (µ) in Eqn. (13.1.5) are modi-
with C(µ) denoting the coefficient of the operator in fied. But in addition new operators with different Dirac
question. structure, with examples given in Eqns. (13.1.2) and
Keeping the first two terms in the expansions of (13.1.3), can contribute if their coefficients CjNP (Λ) are
the anomalous dimension of this operator γ(gs ) and in non-vanishing or if they are generated by mixing of dif-
β(gs ), that governs the evolution of αs , in powers of αs ferent operators in the process of the RG evolution.
and gs , The inclusion of these contributions in the RG analysis
αs  α 2 requires at the NLO level the calculations of their one-
γ(gs ) = γ (0) + γ (1) , loop and two-loop anomalous dimensions. While the
4π 4π
one-loop anomalous dimensions of such operators have
been calculated in [680], the first two-loop calculations
β(gs ) = −β0
− β1
(13.1.9) have been presented in [3974, 3975]. Recently, these
16π 2 (16π 2 )2 NLO calculations have been generalized for both ∆F =
gives: 1 and ∆F = 2 transitions in the so-called Weak Effec-
tive Theory (WET) [3976, 3977] and also for the Stan-
" #" #P " # dard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) [3978]. It
αs (µ) αs (Λ) αs (Λ)
U (µ, Λ) = 1 + J1 1− J1 turns out that the anomalous dimensions of operators
4π αs (µ) 4π
involving both left-handed and right-handed currents,
(13.1.10) the so-called left-right operators, are much larger than
those of most operators within the SM except for QCD-
penguin operators. Thus even if their WCs could be
γ (0) P γ (1) small at the scale Λ they can be enhanced at scales of
P = , J1 = β1 − . (13.1.11)
2β0 β0 2β0 the order of a few GeV. The same applies also to scalar
General formulae for the evolution matrix Û (µ, Λ)
in the case of operator mixing and valid also for elec- 13.1.3 Hadronic Matrix Elements
troweak effects at the NLO level can be found in [3967].
The corresponding NNLO formulae are rather compli- The WCs, that include in the SM the CKM factors, are
cated and were given for the first time in [3968]. not the whole story. To obtain the results for the de-
While by now NLO and NNLO QCD contributions cay amplitudes and the quark mixing observables, also
to almost all weak decays are known within the SM, hadronic matrix elements of local operators, like the
the pioneering LO calculations for current-current op- ones in Eqns. (13.1.2) and (13.1.3), have to be calcu-
erators [1211, 1212], penguin operators [3969, 3970], lated. The present status can be sumarized as follows.

– For leptonic decays like Bs,d → µ+ µ− and KL,S → quark expansion (HQE) has been developed by sev-
µ+ µ− only the weak decay constants fBs , fBd and eral authors. It relies on the smallness of the pa-
fK are required. They are defined e.g. by rameter ΛQCD /mb , where ΛQCD is a hadronic scale.
The coefficients in this expansion can be calculated
h0|(s̄γ µ (1 − γ5 )u)|K + i = ifK pµK , (13.1.12) by LQCD. Nice reviews with some details are the
where pµK is the four-momentum of the decaying K + ones in [674, 1225, 1239, 3991] and a nice summary
mesons. Similar for fBs and fBd . of the present situation including historical develop-
They are known from LQCD calculations already ment can be found in [3992].
with an impressive precision [63, 685, 3979] – For ∆Ms,d significant progress has been made by
LQCD in the recent years. Here the relevantphadronic
fBs = 230.3(1.3)MeV, fBd = 190.0(1.3)MeV, matrix
p elements are parametrized by fBs B̂s and
fK = 155.7(3)MeV, (13.1.13) fBd B̂d with B̂s and B̂d close to unity. Presently
although in the case of KL,S → µ+ µ− also gen- the most accurate results are those from HPQCD
uine long distance QCD contributions enter. They collaboration [685]
cannot be described by matrix elements of local op-
fBs B̂s = 256.1(5.7)MeV,
erators and one has to develop some strategies to
isolate the contribution described by the effective
fBd B̂d = 210.6(5.5)MeV (13.1.14)
Hamiltonian discussed by us. In Bs,d and B ± de-
cays such effects are much smaller. However, they that in addition to light quarks includes charm quarks.
are significant in charm meson decays. Also corresponding matrix elements for BSM oper-
– In semileptonic decays like K + → π + ν ν̄, KL → ators are already known but their precision should
π 0 ν ν̄, KL → π 0 `+ `− , B → K(K ∗ )`+ `− , B → D(D∗ ) be still improved. Similarly, the relevant hadronic
`+ `− and B → K(K ∗ )ν ν̄ the formfactors for the matrix elements for the parameter εK describing
transitions K → π, B → K(K ∗ ), B → D(D∗ ) en- the indirect CP-violation in KL → ππ decay are al-
ter. For K decays these formfactors can even be ex- ready known with respectable precision from LQCD
tracted from data on leading decays with the help both in the SM and beyond [684, 3993, 3994]. Some
of ChPT and isospin symmetry [3980–3982]. Those physics insight into the numerical LQCD results has
that enter B decays they are usually calculated us- also been gained with the help of the DQCD ap-
ing lightcone sum rules for low momentum trans- proach [3995].
fer squared q 2 [3983] and LQCD for large q 2 [3984, – The calculations of hadronic matrix elements for
3985]. Significant progress has been made here by non-leptonic decays like K → ππ, B → πK etc.
now with most recent analyses in [703, 3986–3988] are much more involved. For K → ππ the only
where more information can be found. approaches providing matrix elements that can be
– Moreover Heavy Quark Effective Theory (HQET) consistently combined (matched) with the WCs are
and Heavy Quark Expansions (HQE) play an impor- LQCD, lead by the RBC-UKQCD collaboration and
tant roles here. HQET represents a static approxi- the DQCD approach. But while from LQCD only
mation for the heavy quark, covariantly formulated the matrix elements of SM operators are known,
in the language of an effective field theory. It allows all matrix elements of BSM operators have been
us to extract the dependence of hadronic matrix el- calculated using the DQCD approach [3996]. Yet,
ements on the heavy quark mass and to exploit the the accuracy of the latter calculations have to be
simplifications that arise in QCD in the static limit. improved, and one should hope that also LQCD
The most important application of HQET has been collaborations will calculate these matrix elements
to the analysis of exclusive semileptonic transitions one day. However, based on the time required to
involving heavy quarks, where this formalism allows compute the matrix elements of SM operators us-
us to exploit the consequences of heavy quark sym- ing LQCD, it could take even a decade to obtain
metry to relate formfactors and provides a basis for satisfactory results on these matrix elements from
systematic corrections to the m → ∞ limit. There LQCD. This is important in view of the present sta-
are several excellent reviews on this subject [674, tus of the direct CP violation in KL → ππ decay
1390, 3989, 3990]. represented by the ratio ε0 /ε. We will return to this
– For the calculation of the width differences in Bs,d
− issue in Section 13.3.
B̄s,d mixing ∆Γs,d , lifetimes and totally inclusive
0 – For non-leptonic exclusive B decays LQCD cannot
decay rates of heavy hadrons, the so-called heavy provide the hadronic matrix elements directly but
can help in calculating non-perturbative parameters
13.2 The quark mixing matrix 471

in the context of the so-called QCD factorization

(QCDF) [3997, 3998]. This approach can be applied
to B → ππ, but also to rare and radiative decays,
such as B → K ∗ γ or B → K ∗ l+ l− . In the heavy-
quark limit, that is up to relative corrections of or-
der ΛQCD /mb , the problem of computing exclusive
hadronic decay amplitudes simplifies considerably.
A nice review by Buchalla can be found in Section
7.4 of [3966], and also the one by Beneke [3999] can
be strongly recommended. There, also the so-called
soft-collinear effective theory (SCET) [1762, 1764]
is briefly discussed.

13.2 The quark mixing matrix

Paolo Gambino
Fig. 13.2.1 Constraints on the apex of the Unitarity Triangle
of (13.2.2) and their combination according to the UTFit col-
The rich flavor structure of the Standard Model (SM) laboration. Figure taken from Ref. [4001]. ρ̄ = ρ(1 − λ2 /2), η̄ =
and its CP violation both follow from the matrices η(1 − λ2 /2)
of Yukawa couplings between the fermions (down and
up quarks and charged leptons) and the Higgs boson.
The diagonalisation of these matrices determines the the off-diagonal relations can be represented by a tri-
fermion masses and brings us to the flavor basis, where angle in the complex plane whose area is a measure of
the charged weak current is no longer diagonal: as first CP violation. In particular, the triangle
understood in the hadronic sector by Cabibbo [3957] ∗
Vud Vub Vtd Vtb∗
and extended to three generations by Kobayashi and 1+ + =0 (13.2.2)
Vcd Vcb∗ Vcd Vcb∗
Maskawa [3958], charged currents mix the quarks of
different generations in a way parameterized by the is frequently considered because it has sides of compa-
Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) quark mixing ma- rable length, see Fig.13.2.1, and its parameters can all
trix. Interestingly, its elements display a remarkable hi- be well determined in B decays. The angles β and γ at
erarchy, possibly indicative of the unknown mechanism the basis of this triangle correspond to the phases of the
of flavor breaking [4000]: elements Vub and Vtd : Vub = |Vub |e−iγ , Vtd = |Vtd |e−iβ .
  Various observables constrain the apex of this triangle.
Vud Vus Vub The results of a global fit are shown in Fig. 13.2.1, where
V̂CKM =  Vcd Vcs Vcb  (13.2.1) one can see that different constraints agree well, verify-
Vtd Vts Vtb ing unitarity and determining the apex of the triangle
1 − λ2 /2 Aλ3 (ρ−iη) with high accuracy. As we will see below, there are tests
 
= −λ 1−λ2 /2 Aλ2  + O(λ4 ) of the unitarity of V̂CKM that cannot be represented in
Aλ (1−ρ−iη) −Aλ 2
1 this plot.
The role of QCD in the determination of the CKM
where λ = sin θc ' 0.22 is a small expansion param-
elements and in testing the CKM mechanism is cru-
eter and A ' 0.8, ρ ' 0.16, η ' 0.36. As a unitary
cial, with important perturbative and nonperturbative
matrix, V̂CKM has in principle nine free parameters but
aspects depending on the observable; some of the non-
some of them can be absorbed by phase redefinitions. In
perturbative methods have already been discussed in
the end, V̂CKM has only four independent real param-
Secs. 4.7 and 5.8.
eters: three Euler angles and a phase, or equivalently
The experimental and theoretical progress made in
λ, A, ρ and η. The presence of a nonvanishing phase,
the last 30 years is enormous and was mostly driven by
i.e. of an imaginary part, implies CP violation. Since
lattice QCD; it allows for very precise tests of the CKM
unitarity is specific to the three generations of the SM
mechanism, as is apparent from Fig. 13.2.1. Further im-
and to the absence of additional flavor violation, testing
provements will be possible with LCHb and Belle II

V̂CKM V̂CKM = 1 is an important step in the verification
data, but will generally require an effective synergy of
of the SM and represents the modern equivalent of the
theory and experiment. In this section I will focus on
tests of the universality of the charged currents. Any of

measurements where QCD effects are most relevant and 0.228

where tensions have appeared with the SM.

13.2.1 The Cabibbo angle and the first row uni-

tarity 0.226

The parameter λ in Eq. (13.2.1) corresponds to the sine

of the Cabibbo angle and is determined, up to very

small higher orders in λ, by |Vus | or |Vcd |. The high
precision with which |Vud | is known also allows for a
competitive λ determination. The unitarity of the CKM
matrix implies for the first row the relation 0.222
2 2 2
Σ1 = |Vud | + |Vus | + |Vub | = 1, (13.2.3)
but since |Vub | ≈ 0.004 only the first two terms are rele-
vant. Precise measurements of |Vus | and |Vud | therefore 0.220
0.960 0.965 0.970 0.975
lead to a first important check of the CKM mechanism.
The most precise determination of |Vud | comes from Vud
superallowed Fermi transitions (SFT), i.e. 0+ → 0+ nu- Fig. 13.2.2 1σ constraints in the (|Vud |, |Vus |) plane from su-
clear β decays. At the tree level, these decays are medi- perallowed Fermi transitions (red), from neutron decay (violet),
ated by the vector current, whose conservation allows K`3 (green), Kµ2 (blue) and the 68% CL contour of the com-
for a particularly clean theoretical description. Among bined fit (yellow). The black line marks the unitarity relation
between |Vud | and |Vus |. Figure taken from [4006].
recent refinements, hadronic effects in the radiative cor-
rections, in particular in the γW box, have been studied
with dispersive methods [4002, 4003], and the effect of consistent |Vus | but are presently not competitive with
nuclear polarizability, which depends on nuclear struc- the above result. The ratio of inclusive tau decays into
ture (NS), has been exposed [4004]. Considering 15 dif- strange and non-strange hadrons can also be used to
ferent superallowed transitions gives a consistent result extract |Vus |/|Vud |, employing experimental data and
and the error of the final value [4005], Finite Energy Sum Rules, without lattice input. Recent
results tend to be over 2σ lower than Eq. (13.2.5) and
|Vud | = 0.97367(32) (0+ → 0+ ) (13.2.4)
subject to debate [4009, 4010], but a combination of
is dominated by the NS effects. Neutron β decay de- experimental and lattice data on the hadronic vacuum
pends on the nucleon isovector axial charge gA /gV and polarization functions gives |Vus | = 0.2245(11)exp (13)th
has recently become competitive, |Vud | = 0.97413(43), [4011], in agreement with Eq. (13.2.5). Exclusive tau de-
if one includes only the current best experiments [4006]. cay channels or ratio such as B(τ → Kν)/B(τ → πν)
Theoretically the cleanest channel is π + → π 0 eν, which can also be used together with fK,π computed on the
is however penalized by a 10−8 BR. The present uncer- lattice, see Section 4.7, to obtain |Vus | = 0.2229(19)
tainty based on PIBETA results [4007], δVud ∼ 0.003, [4012], again consistent with Eq. (13.2.5).
is still far from being competitive, but there are plans A very precise determination of the ratio |Vus |/|Vud |
to improve drastically on that [4008]. can be obtained from the ratio of K → µν(γ) to π →
|Vus | can be directly accessed from kaon, hyperon, µν(γ) (decays [656]. Here nonperturbative QCD sits al-
and tau semileptonic decays. The kaon decays, K → most completely in the ratio of fK and fπ , which is
π`ν or K`3 are measured in five channels (KL,S , K + known with a 0.2% uncertainty in 2+1+1 lattice QCD
with electron and muons) affected by different system- [63]. It then follows [4006]
atics, with K → π form factors computed on the lat- V
tice, as discussed in Section 4.7. Combining experimen- (13.2.6)
= 0.2311(5) (Kµ2 )

tal data and the average of several Nf = 2+1+1 lattice
results one obtains [476] with the uncertainty dominated by lattice QCD. Using
unitarity this is equivalent to |Vus | = 0.2245(5) and in
|Vus | = 0.2231(4)exp (4)lat (K`3 ), (13.2.5) some tension with Eq. (13.2.5).
see also [4006]. At this level of precision, however, a The most precise constraints can be combined in
consistent treatment of QED effects in the lattice calcu- the (|Vud |, |Vus |) plane, see Fig. 13.2.2. We observe a
lation becomes mandatory [63]. Hyperon decays give a clear tension between the best fit and unitarity, mostly
13.2 The quark mixing matrix 473

driven by the kaon determinations, which cross far from Physics may explain the tensions, it is significantly con-
the unitarity line, and by the superallowed Fermi tran- strained by the measured differential distributions in
sitions, which under unitarity imply a very high |Vus |. B → D(∗) `ν [4017] and, in the context of the SM Ef-
On the other hand, |Vus | from K`2 and the neutron fective Theory or SMEFT, by LEP data [4018]. This
|Vud | are compatible with unitarity. Taking the average tension is all the more relevant as measurements in the
of the determinations from Fermi and n decay, |Vud | = semitauonic channels at Belle, Babar, and LHCb show
0.97384(26), the actual deviation of Σ1 from 1 varies discrepancies with the SM predictions, pointing to a
between about 1.5σ using Eq. (13.2.6) and ∼ 3σ us- possible violation of lepton-flavor universality. This Vcb
ing Eq. (13.2.5) and it is sometimes referred to as the puzzle casts a shadow on our understanding of semi-
Cabibbo anomaly. It could be due to underestimated tauonic decay as well. The inability to determine pre-
uncertainties in the NS correction, in the lattice cal- cisely Vcb also hampers significantly NP searches in Fla-
culations, in the experimental results, or due to New vor Changing Neutral Currents processes: the uncer-
Physics [4013, 4014], and a renewed campaign of Kµ3 tainty on the value of Vcb dominates the theoretical un-
and Kµ2 measurements will be crucial to clarify the certainty in the SM predictions for several observables,
situation [4006]. from εK to the branching fraction of Bs → µ+ µ− .
As mentioned above, λ can also be determined from Our understanding of inclusive semileptonic B de-
D(s) → `ν and D → π(K)`ν. Concerning the former, cays, see also Section 5.8, is based on a simple idea:
as lattice calculations for fD have become very pre- since inclusive decays sum over all possible hadronic fi-
cise, the uncertainties in |Vcs | = 0.982(10)exp (2)lat and nal states, the quark in the final state hadronizes with
|Vcd | = 0.2181(49)exp (7)lat [4012] are dominated by ex- unit probability and the transition amplitude is sen-
periment. These results are consistent with Eqs. (13.2.4, sitive only to the long-distance dynamics of the ini-
13.2.5). FLAG has performed a combined fit to lattice tial B meson. Thanks to the large hierarchy between
and experimental data for the two D semileptonic de- the typical energy release, of O(mb ), and the hadronic
cays that yields |Vcs | = 0.971(7) and |Vcd | = 0.234(7) scale ΛQCD , and to asymptotic freedom, any residual
[63], but |Vcd | is about 2σ above its D → µν value. Av- sensitivity to non-perturbative effects is suppressed by
eraging all these results, one can check the unitarity of powers of ΛQCD /mb . From a phenomenological point
the second row of the CKM matrix [63], of view, it is remarkable that the linear preasymptotic
correction is actually absent and that the leading non-
Σ2 = |Vcd |2 + |Vcs |2 + |Vcb |2 = 1 + 0.001(11), (13.2.7) perturbative corrections are O(Λ2QCD /m2b ). This is due
where again the last term in the sum is negligible at the to the Operator Product Expansion (OPE) that al-
present accuracy. Neutrino Deep Inelastic Scattering is lows us to express the nonperturbative physics in terms
also used to extract a consistent but less precise value of of B meson matrix elements of local operators of di-
|Vcd |. The second row of V̂CKM appears to be consistent mension d ≥ 5, while the Wilson coefficients can be
with unitarity, but the accuracy is much lower than for expressed as a perturbative series in αs [1255–1257,
the first row. 4019, 4020]. The OPE disentangles the physics asso-
ciated with soft scales of order ΛQCD (parameterized
by the matrix elements of the local operators) from
13.2.2 Determination of Vcb and Vub
that associated with hard scales ∼ mb , which deter-
The magnitudes of two of the elements of the CKM mine the Wilson coefficients. Inclusive observables such
matrix, |Vub | and |Vcb |, can be directly extracted from as the total semileptonic width and the moments of
semileptonic b-hadron (mostly B meson) decays. In ex- the kinematic distributions are therefore double expan-
clusive decays one looks at specific hadronic final states, sions in αs and ΛQCD /mb , with a leading term that is
while inclusive decays sum over all decays channels to given by the free b quark decay. As already noted, the
a certain flavor (i.e. b → c). Inclusive and exclusive power corrections start at O(Λ2QCD /m2b ) and are com-
semileptonic decays are subject to very different theo- paratively suppressed. At higher orders in the OPE,
retical and experimental systematics, see Refs. [4015, terms suppressed by powers of mc also appear, starting
4016] for recent reviews. with O(Λ3QCD /m3b × Λ2QCD /m2c ) [4021]. The expansion
The results of the B factories, analysed in the light
of the most recent theoretical calculations, are puzzling,
because – especially for |Vcb | – the determinations from
exclusive and inclusive decays are in strong tension, and
despite recent new experimental and theoretical results
the situation remains unclear. While in principle New

for the total semileptonic width is same HQE parameters extracted in B → Xc `ν, direct
h αs (mb )  α 2  α 3 experimental information on the SFs is limited to the
s s
Γsl = Γ0 1 + a(1)
+ a(2)
+ +a(3)
π B → Xs γ photon spectrum, to which they are only re-

αs  µ2G (mb ) lated in the mb → ∞ limit. There are a few frameworks
(1) αs µπ 
+ − +p 2 + g (0) + g (1) that incorporate the above picture with a range of addi-
2 π mb π m2b
tional assumptions: BLNP [4035] and GGOU [4036] use
ρ3 ρ3

+d(0) D3 − g (0) LS + higher orders (13.2.8)
, a large set of models for the SFs, while DGE [4037] com-
mb m3b putes the leading SF in resummed perturbative QCD.
where Γ0 is the tree-level free-quark decay width, and Another potential source of theoretical uncertainty in
µ2π , µ2G , ρ3D and ρ3LS are hadronic parameters that have all approaches is represented by the so called Weak An-
to be determined from experimental data, i.e. from the nihilation contributions, namely nonperturbative con-
moments of differential distributions, which can be ex- tributions at high q 2 arising from bq̄ weak annihilations
panded in the same way as the total width. The pertur- (WA) in the B meson, where the q̄ is not necessarily
bative corrections are known up to O(αs3 ) and O(αs /m3b ) the light valence quark [4038]. Charm decays, and par-
for the total width [1241, 4022] and up to O(αs2 ) and ticularly moments of the inclusive leptonic spectrum,
O(αs /m2b ) for the moments [4023–4026]. In line with constrain them effectively, and one can conclude that
the discussion of Section 5.8, it is important that mb the WA correction to the total rate of B → Xu `ν must
and the other Heavy-Quark Expansion (HQE) param- be smaller than about 2% [4039, 4040]. Its localisation
eters are free from renormalon ambiguities. The kinetic at high q 2 and the sensitivity of the q 2 tail to higher
scheme [4027, 4028], for instance, employs a Wilsonian power corrections suggest that an upper cut on q 2 would
cutoff µ ∼ 1 GeV. Higher power corrections have been be useful in future analyses.
considered in [4029–4031] and appear to have a negligi- A few experimental analyses extend the measure-
ble impact on |Vcb |. Although the moments are rather ment into the phase space region dominated by b → c
sensitive to the difference mb − mc , a more precise de- transitions, which are then modelled, trading part of
termination of |Vcb | can be obtained taking advantage the theory uncertainty for a larger systematic experi-
of the precise lattice determinations of the charm and mental uncertainty (in particular, D∗∗ and multihadron
bottom masses, see [476] for a review. The most recent final states are not known very well): agreement among
global analysis in the kinetic scheme [4032] gives the various analyses should then increase our confidence
in the result, but one should be aware that the recon-
|Vcb | = 42.16(51) × 10−3 , (B → Xc `ν) (13.2.9) struction efficiencies depend on the modelling of the
signal, i.e. again on the SFs. The latest Heavy Flavour
where the uncertainty follows from the combination of
Averaging Group (HFLAV) |Vub | world averages in the
theoretical and experimental uncertainties. A consis-
three above frameworks [4012] are based on a number of
tent but less precise result has been recently obtained
different experimental results with different kinematic
from an analysis of the new Belle and Belle II measure-
cuts and read
ments of the q 2 moments [4033]. While the estimate in
Eq.(13.2.9) appears solid, new measurements at Belle II |Vub |BLNP= 4.28(13)+20
−21 × 10
will provide welcome checks and may reduce the exper- |Vub |GGOU= 4.19(12)+11 −3
−12 × 10 ,
imental uncertainty. There are also a few more higher −3
|Vub | DGE
= 3.93(10)+9 × 10 ,
order effects worth computing, and QED effects should −10

be understood better. Most importantly, however, lat- where the first uncertainty is experimental and the sec-
tice calculations of inclusive quantities are now possi- ond comes from theory. Unfortunately, they do not agree
ble and may soon complement the OPE approach [713, well with each other. Moreover, the values obtained
4034]. from different experimental analyses are not always com-
The inclusive determination of |Vub | from B → Xu `ν patible within their stated theoretical and experimental
decays differs from that of |Vcb | mostly because of the uncertainties. The latest electron endpoint analysis by
experimental cuts necessary to suppress the large b → BaBar [4041], in particular, shows a dependence on the
c`ν background: the local OPE does not converge well model used to simulate the signal and leads to sharply
in the restricted phase space. The modern description of different results in BLNP and GGOU. This is the most
these inclusive decays is therefore based on a non-local precise analysis to date; in GGOU it favours a lower
OPE [1259, 1260], where nonperturbative shape func- |Vub | = 3.96(10)(17) × 10−3 while in BLNP the result
tions (SFs) play the role of parton distribution func- is |Vub | = 4.41(12)(27) × 10−3 . While it is possible that
tions of the b quark inside the B meson. While the first modelling the signal has biased previous endpoint re-
few moments of the SFs are expressed in terms of the sults, we stress that analyses involving a larger fraction
13.2 The quark mixing matrix 475

of the phase space are generally less sensitive to SFs and


other theoretical systematics, which are inherently dif- 1.2

ficult to estimate. In this respect, applying a cut on the
hadronic invariant mass MX < 1.7 GeV seems to be the 1.1

safest approach, as it depends little on the reconstruc- 1.0

tion of the b → c background, captures almost 60% of
the phase space, and strikes a balance between experi- 0.9

mental and theoretical uncertainties. In the recent Belle

analysis [4042], where machine learning techniques and 0.8

hadronic tagging were used to reduce backgrounds, the 0.7

result in GGOU (very much consistent with BLNP and
DGE) is 0.6
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
form factors f+HzL Hupper plotL and f0 HzL Hlower plotL
|Vub | = 3.97(18)(17)×10−3 , (B → Xu `ν) (13.2.11) Fig. 13.2.3 Form factors f+,0 (z) for the B → D transitions
computed by FNAL/MILC [4057] (red) and HPQCD [4058]
which in my opinion represents the current state of the (blue) and experimental data from Belle (brown) and BaBar
art. Improvements will certainly come from the higher (green) normalised by the fitted value of |Vcb |. The bands show
statistics available at Belle II and from the implementa- the results of the global fit. Figure from Ref. [4059].
tion of higher order calculations such as [4043]. For in-
stance, the complete O(αs2 ) perturbative contributions
in the variable
to the triple differential rate is still missing, despite nu- √ √
merical results for the moments [4044]. A precise study w+1− 2
z=√ √ , (13.2.12)
of the differential spectra, recently measured at Belle w+1+ 2
for the first time [4045], will validate the theoretical
frameworks and help constrain the SFs. The SIMBA where w = (m2B + MD(∗) − q 2 )/(2mB mD(∗) ). In the
[1800] and NNVub [4046] methods are well posed to physical range z is small, < 0.07, and unitarity puts
analyse the Belle II data in a model independent and constraints on the size of the series coefficients. A vari-
efficient way. In the longer run, lattice studies like those ant, proposed in [4049] and known as CLN, additionally
mentioned for inclusive b → c transitions should also employs Next to Leading Order Heavy Quark Effec-
become possible. tive Theory relations and QCD sum rules to reduce the
The exclusive B → D`ν and B → D∗ `ν chan- number of relevant parameters to two. These additional
nels are also used to extract |Vcb |. These decays are inputs imply an uncertainty that can no longer be ne-
described by nonperturbative form factors which are glected, see [4050–4053] for updates and improvements
computed in lattice QCD (as discussed in Section 4.7) on the CLN approach. It is then unfortunate that prior
as well as with approximate methods like Light Cone to 2016 the experimental results were generally given
Sum Rules (LCSR), see Section 5.8. Typically, the lat- in terms of fits to the CLN parametrization, without
tice calculations are better under control at large or accounting for this uncertainty. More recent measure-
maximal q 2 , corresponding to small or vanishing recoil, ments [4054–4056] provide the differential q 2 and angu-
while LCSR prefer the small q 2 range and are less pre- lar (for B → D∗ `ν) unfolded distributions or the nec-
cise. Moreover, heavy quark symmetry guarantees that essary ingredients (efficiencies and response functions)
the form factors at zero recoil are absolutely normalised to fold theoretical predictions and get the yields in each
in the heavy quark limit. As the rates vanish at zero bin.
recoil in both cases, see Eq. (4.7.13), the experimen- In the B → D`ν case precise lattice calculations
tal data are much less precise at low recoil and one at small but non-zero recoil are available since several
needs to parameterize the form factors in a model in- years [4058, 4060] and have been combined with the
dependent way in order to describe the form factors in experimental results of Refs. [4054, 4061] to get [4059]
the whole kinematic range and to interpolate between |Vcb | = 40.5(1.0)10−3 (B → D`ν). (13.2.13)
the small and large recoil regions. Model independent
parametrizations based on a dispersive approach have A similar value is found in [63]. Indeed, the lattice and
been developed in the 1990s and the two most relevant experimental form factor shapes are in good agreement,
ones are known as BGL and BCL [4047, 4048]; the form satisfy the unitarity constraints, and the overall fit is
factors are expressed, up to known prefactors, as series good and stable, see Fig. 13.2.3. The BGL and BCL
parametrizations give identical results and the fit also

provides a SM prediction for the Lepton Flavor Uni- [3987], with minimal change in |Vcb |. Despite these lat-
versality ratio R(D) = Γ (B → Dτ ν)/Γ (B → Dµν) = est developments, HFLAV also quotes an average of ex-
0.299(3) [4059], in reasonable agreement with the ex- perimental results in the CLN parametrization based on
perimental world average R(D)exp = 0.339(30) [4012]. the form factor at zero recoil only, |Vcb | = 38.46(68) 10−3 ,
In the B → D∗ `ν channel the situation is more com- but this result is subject to uncontrolled uncertain-
plicated. From the experimental point of view this chan- ties related to the way the CLN parametrization has
nel allows for a more precise determination of |Vcb | than been used. The two Belle datasets have also been anal-
the B → D channel and angular distributions can be ysed in the Dispersive Matrix approach [4069], where
studied in addition to the q 2 distribution. On the other the form factors are constrained by the Fermilab lat-
hand, the D∗ meson decays strongly to Dπ (it cannot tice data and unitarity only; tensions with the exper-
be considered stable) and three (four) different form imental data are observed here as well. The fit that
factors contribute for a massless (massive) lepton. The originates Eq. (13.2.14) gives also R(D∗ ) = Γ (B →
only lattice calculation of these form factors away from D∗ τ ν)/Γ (B → D∗ µν) = 0.249(1), confirming the ten-
the zero-recoil point has been published so far by the sion with the experimental world average R(D∗ )exp =
Fermilab-MILC Collaboration [708], although JLQCD 0.295(14) [4012].
and HPQCD calculation are in their final stage [710, LHCb has recently performed the first determina-
4062]. Restricting to experimental analyses that pro- tion of |Vcb | using Bs0 decays [4070]. Using both Bs0 →
vide data in a model independent way, Belle has pre- Ds µ+ ν and the lattice results from Refs. [709, 4071],

sented a tagged [4055] and an untagged analysis [4056]. they obtain |Vcb | = 41.7(0.8)(0.9)(1.1)10−3 . On the other
The dataset of [4055] showed for the first time that hand, Babar using a simplified BGL parametrization
the extraction of |Vcb | could strongly depend on the finds |Vcb | = 38.4(9)10−3 [4072]. In summary, the situ-
parametrization employed: BGL and CLN both gave ation for the exclusive determination of |Vcb | is still un-
reasonable fits with |Vcb | values differing by about 6% settled, but a tension with the inclusive determination
[4063, 4064]. It has subsequently been disowned by the of Eq. (13.2.9) is undisputable. New lattice calculations
collaboration, but the point remains valid: parametriza- performed with relativistic heavy quarks such as [710]
tions matter and the related uncertainties have to be will extend their q 2 range, making it possible to extract
carefully considered. The more precise dataset of the |Vcb | at large recoil, where experimental data are more
untagged analysis [4056], despite a few problems [4065], accurate. New experimental analyses of Belle and Belle
did not show any parametrization dependence. A global II data are also expected soon. As this is paralleled by
fit based on [4066] that includes the Fermilab calcu- a renewed experimental and theoretical activity on the
lation [708], unitarity constraints, and the Belle un- inclusive front, we can hope that the Vcb puzzle will find
tagged data only, while adjusting for the D’Agostini its resolution.
bias [4067], leads to Moving to the exclusive determination of |Vub |, it
proceeds through the B → π channel. In analogy to
|Vcb | = 39.3(9)10−3 (B → D∗ `ν), (13.2.14)
the B → D case, only one form factor is relevant for
but the agreement between the Fermilab form factor massless leptons and it is standard practice to perform
shape and the experimental distributions is not good a BCL fit to lattice [704, 711, 4073] and LCSR calcu-
and the total χ2 is large.116 An additional uncertainty lations and to experimental data from several experi-
of ∼ 0.5% for missing QED corrections should be added ments, see [4012]. HFLAV employs the Fermilab and
to Eq. (13.2.14), as well as to Eqs. (13.2.9) and (13.2.13). RBC/UKQCD form factors and the LCSR calculation
There is also a troubling tension between the Fermilab of [4074] to find |Vub | = 3.67(15)10−3 . An updated
results and the ratio of form factors computed in NLO LCSR result is presented in [4075] and leads to
HQET. Preliminary results for the B → D∗ form fac-
|Vub | = 3.77(15)10−3 (B → π`ν). (13.2.15)
tors have also been disclosed by the JLQCD collabo-
ration [4068] and in this case the agreement with Belle The recent JLQCD form factor f+ (q 2 ) [711] is slightly
data is much better, with a final |Vcb | = 40.7(+1.0
−0.9 )10
. lower than the Fermilab and RBC/UKQCD and also
One can also add LCSR constraints on the form factors implies a higher |Vub |. The fits in [4012, 4075] are both
The result in (13.2.14) differs from that reported in [708] consistent, but there are two outliers which drive the
and adopted in [476], |Vcb | = 38.4(7)10−3 , mostly because of value of |Vub | down. Removing the outliers the result
the D’Agostini bias (not considered in [708]), of the way uni- increases |Vub | by about one sigma [4076]. We can con-
tarity constraints are implemented, and of the QED Coulomb clude that the agreement between inclusive and exclu-
factor that is included in [708], neglecting however other QED
corrections. sive determinations of |Vub | has become acceptable, but
more stringent tests will be possible in the next few
13.2 The quark mixing matrix 477

years. With the large statistics that will be available at

Belle II the channel B → τ ν will become competitive
with B → π`ν for the extraction of |Vub |. To this end,
neglecting QED effects, the only QCD input is the de-
cay constant fB , which is already known to better than
1%, see Section 4.7.
Finally, two recent semileptonic measurements at
LHCb place constraints on |Vub /Vcb |. The first concerns
the ratio of Λb → pµν to Λb → Λc µν decays [715] and
makes use of a pioneering lattice calculation of baryonic
form factors [714]; the result is [4012]
|Vub |
= 0.079(4)(4) (Λb → pµν) (13.2.16)
|Vcb |
where the uncertainties are experimental and from the
form factors. The second is the first measurement of Fig. 13.2.4 Present constraints from εK , ∆Md , and ∆Ms in
the (γ, |Vcb |) plane, see Ref. [4082] for details.
Bs → Kµν; the decay is normalised to Bs → Ds µν
in two bins of q 2 [4077]. Using lattice results from the
FNAL/MILC Collaboration [4078] for the high q 2 bin 13.2.3 Meson mixing and CP asymmetries
and LCSR [4079] for the low q 2 bin, one obtains val-
ues of |Vub /Vcb | in sharp disagreement with each other, So far we have discussed the elements of the first two
which requires further scrutiny. Averaging Ref. [4078] rows of V̂CKM : their magnitudes determine precisely
with older results in the high q 2 bin of Ref. [4077], λ and A in Eq. (13.2.1), and the ratio |Vub /Vcb | con-
FLAG finds |Vub /Vcb | = 0.086(5) [63]. We can com- strains the apex of the unitarity triangle, as shown in
pare this and Eq. (13.2.16) with Eqs. (13.2.9,): from Fig. 13.2.1. In order to determine completely the re-
inclusive decays we get |Vub /Vcb | = 0.094(6), from ex- maining parameters ρ and η, however, one needs ad-
clusive decays |Vub /Vcb | = 0.094(4), and in both cases ditional information. As the elements of the third row
the tension with Eq. (13.2.16) is over 2σ. The agree- cannot be precisely measured yet, we now turn to loop
ment improves for lower |Vub | or higher |Vcb |. This is mediated B(s) mixing and rare decays, and CP asym-
another puzzling issue: hopefully, future measurements metries, focussing only on the most constraining ob-
and lattice calculations of baryonic and mesonic form servables.
factor will clarify the situation. In the SM the mass difference ∆Md,s between the
As mentioned above, semileptonic b decays are not two mass eigenstates of the B 0 and Bs0 systems is pro-
the only observables sensitive to |Vcb | and |Vub |. As- portional to |Vtd |2 and |Vts |2 , respectively, and the rel-
suming the validity of the SM and therefore the uni- evant nonperturbative QCD physics is all contained in
tarity of the CKM matrix, one can also extract Vcb the product fB2 q B̂Bq of decay constants and bag pa-
from loop induced observables like εK and B(s) − B̄(s) rameters, see Eq. (4.7.11). The ratio ∆Ms /∆Md is par-
mixing, as well as from rare kaon and B decays [4001, ticularly interesting because some uncertainty cancels
4080–4084], and the precision starts to be competitive. out: theplatest Nf = 2 + 1 + 1 value [685] for ξ =
For instance, the B(s) meson mass differences are pro- fBs /fBd BBs /BBd is ξ = 1.216(16), which together
portional to |Vcb |2 : ∆M(d,s) ∝ |Vtd,ts |2 and |Vts |2 ≈ with accurate measurements [4012] allows for the very
|Vcb |2 , |Vtd |2 = λ2 sin2 γ|Vcb |2 . εK is even more sen- strong constraint shown in red in Fig. 13.2.1. Individ-
sitive, εK ∝ |Vcb |3.4 , and the branching fraction for ually, ∆Md,s are slightly less precise but have a very
KL → π 0 ν ν̄ is proportional to |Vcb |4 . Deviations from different sensitivity to |Vcb |, see Fig. 13.2.4. In the kaon
the direct (semileptonic) determinations would signal sector one looks at CP-violation in mixing, quantified
New Physics. The present situation is illustrated in by εK , see Subsec. 13.3.3, which is sensitive to a com-
Fig. 13.2.4, where the constraints from some of these ob- bination of CKM elements. The bulk of εK is due to its
servables in the (γ, |Vcb |) plane are shown, with a clear short-distance component, whose uncertainty is domi-
preference for a high |Vcb |. As far as |Vub | is concerned, nated by the bag parameter B̂K , see e.g. [3966]. The
global fits performed without its direct determination recent average of lattice calculations reported in Sec-
tend to return values close to Eq. (13.2.15). tion 4.7, B̂K = 0.7625(97), leads to the constraints
shown in Fig. 13.2.1 and 13.2.4. Finally, different CP
asymmetries allow for a direct extraction of the phase

of some CKM element, with minimal or no QCD input. an essential role and neglecting QCD effects one would
In particular, the measurement of the time-dependent fail the description of the data not by 30%, but by fac-
CP asymmetry in B → J/ψKS gives sin 2β = 0.699(17) tors of at least two and sometimes even by an order of
(green band in Fig. 13.2.1); the study of the inter- magnitude.
ference between the tree-level decays B − → D0 K−
and B − → D̄0 K− gives γ = 66.1(3.5)◦ [4012] (blue 13.3.1 B → Xs γ Decay
band in Fig. 13.2.1); the time-dependent asymmetries
in B → ππ, ρρ have been used to extract α = 85.4(4.6)◦ The calculations of NLO and NNLO QCD corrections
(gray bands in Fig. 13.2.1). to B → Xs γ decay are probably the best known to the
The global picture that emerges from all these and physics community among all QCD calculations in the
additional less important inputs is summarised by the field of weak decays. One of the reasons is the fact that
global fit that gives the apex of the unitarity trian- the b → sγ transition was the first penguin-mediated
gle in Fig. 13.2.1: ρ̄ = 0.156(12) and η̄ = 0.350(10) transition in B physics to be discovered in 1993 in the
[4001]. The consistency between the various constraints exclusive decay channel B → K ∗ γ measured in the
is impressive and in the last 18 years the overall pre- CLEO experiment [4086]. The inclusive branching ra-
cision has improved by a factor 4(3) for ρ̄(η̄). One can tio B → Xs γ has been measured in 1994 by the same
compare some of the above inputs with the values ob- group [4087]. The other reason is the particular struc-
tained from a global fit performed without them: the ture of the QCD corrections to this decay that requires
results are sin 2β = 0.750(27), γ = 66.1(2.1)◦ , α = a two-loop calculation in order to obtain the anomalous
90.5(2.1)◦ [4001]. Very similar results are also obtained dimension matrix in the LO approximation. Because of
by the CKMFitter Collaboration [4084], which reports this it took six years after the first QCD calculations
−5 ) and η̄ = 0.348(−5 ).
ρ̄ = 0.157(+8 in ordinary perturbation theory to obtain the correct

In summary, the CKM mechanism describes suc- result for the QCD corrections to B → Xs γ in the
cessfully a host of data, in many cases with crucial RG-improved perturbation theory at LO. It involved 5
QCD input. As discussed in Subsections 13.2.1 and groups and 16 physicists. It is not then surprising that
13.2.2, there are potential problems that require further the corresponding NLO calculations took nine years. In
scrutiny, and more serious anomalies will be discussed 2022 this decay is known including NNLO corrections.
in Section 13.4, but it is premature to attribute them to A detailed historical account of NLO calculations can
New Physics. On the contrary, present data place very be found in [3973] and an introduction to technical de-
strong constraints on a variety of New Physics scenar- tails in [3966]. Most extensive NNLO calculations have
ios, in particular on those that modify the CKM mech- been reported first in [4088], and after a number of up-
anism more radically, see e.g. [3966, 4085]. From an dates the last one has been presented in [4089]
effective field theory point of view, the measurements
we have considered in this Section imply that the scale B(B → Xs γ)SM = (3.36 ± 0.23) × 10−4 , (13.3.1)
Λ of New Physics with a generic flavor structure must for Eγ ≥ 1.6 GeV. It agrees very well with experiment
be well beyond the TeV range. which reached the accuracy of 4.5% [4090]

B(B → Xs γ)exp = (3.32 ± 0.15) × 10−4 , (13.3.2)

13.3 The Important Role of QCD in fla-
vor Physics where again Eγ ≥ 1.6 GeV has been imposed. One ex-
pects that in this decade the Belle II experiment will
Andrzej J. Buras reach the accuracy of 3% so that very precise tests of
the SM will be possible. Already now this decay pro-
The importance of QCD effects depends on processes vides an important constraint on new physics.
considered. While their inclusion in processes like K + → In order to appreciate these results let us briefly de-
π + ν ν̄, KL → π 0 ν ν̄, Bs,d
→ µ+ µ− is important in order scribe why these very difficult calculations were crucial.
to increase the precision of SM predictions, neglecting Indeed in 1987 two groups [4091, 4092] calculated O(αs )
them would result in uncertainties in the ballpark of at QCD corrections to the B → Xs γ rate finding a huge
most 30%, significant but not crucial if one wants to enhancement of this rate relative to the partonic result
get a rough idea what are the SM predictions for such without QCD corrections. In 1987, when mt ≤ MW
decays. There are extensive reviews on them and most was still considered, this enhancement was almost by
of these decays are discussed in [3966]. Here we want to an order of magnitude. With the increased value of mt
confine our presentation to cases in which QCD plays in the 1990’s also the partonic rate increased, and in
13.3 The Important Role of QCD in flavor Physics 479

2022 the dominant additive QCD corrections, although sitions, the latter transitions dominate ReA0 which ex-
still very important, amount roughly to a factor of 2.5. presses the so-called ∆I = 1/2 rule [4102, 4103]
The additive QCD corrections in question originate
in the mixing of the leading current-current operator Q2 R= = 22.35. (13.3.4)
like the one in Eqn. (13.3.5) with the magnetic-photon
penguin operator Q7γ that is directly responsible for the In the 1950s QCD and the Operator Product Expan-
decay b → sγ. The calculation of the relevant anoma- sion did not exist and clearly one did not know that W ±
lous dimensions at LO is a two-loop affair and conse- bosons exist in nature, but using the ideas of Fermi
quently it took some time before the correct result had [4104], Feynman and Gell-Mann [4105] and Marshak
been obtained. An important role in resolving these in- and Sudarshan [4106] one could still evaluate the am-
consistencies present in the literature played Mikolaj plitudes ReA0 and ReA2 to find out that such a high
Misiak [4093, 4094]. But the final LO result has been value of R is a real puzzle.
provided by the Rome group [4095, 4096]. In modern times we can reconstruct this puzzle by
Once this issue had been solved it was possible to evaluating the simple W ± boson exchange between the
outline an NLO calculation in [4097]. Such a calculation relevant quarks which after integrating out W ± gener-
was motivated by the finding in [4098] that the LO rate ates the current-current operator Q2 :
for B → Xs γ exhibited a very large renormalization-
scale dependence. Changing the scale µb in the Wilson Q2 = (s̄γµ (1 − γ5 )u) (ūγ µ (1 − γ5 )d) . (13.3.5)
coefficient from mb /2 to 2mb changed the rate of B →
With only Q2 contributing we have
Xs γ by roughly 60% making a detailed comparison of
theory with experiment impossible. GF ∗
ReA0,2 = √ Vud Vus hQ2 i0,2 . (13.3.6)
A large number of authors contributed to the calcu- 2
lation of NLO corrections, with their names and refer-
Calculating the matrix elements hQ2 i0,2 in the strict
ences listed in Table 5 of the review in [3973]. See also
large N limit, which corresponds to factorization of ma-
the 2002 summary of NLO calculation in [4099].
trix elements of Q2 into the product of matrix elements
Yet already one year before a motivation for a NNLO
of currents, we find
calculation was born. While the NLO calculations de-
creased the µb -dependence present in the LO expres- √ 2
hQ2 i0 = 2hQ2 i2 = fπ (m2K − m2π ), (13.3.7)
sions significantly, a new uncertainty had been pointed 3
out by Paolo Gambino and Mikolaj Misiak in 2001 and consequently
[4100]. It turns out that the B → Xs γ rate suffers at the
NLO from a significant, ±6%, uncertainty due to the ReA0 = 3.59 × 10−8 GeV,

choice of the charm quark mass in the two-loop matrix ReA2 = 2.54 × 10−8 GeV , R = 2, (13.3.8)
elements of the four quark operators, in particular in
in plain disagreement with the data in Eqns. (13.3.3)
hsγ|Q2 |Bi. In the following years, considerable progress
and (13.3.4). It should be emphasized that the expla-
in the NNLO program of B → Xs γ was made. It was
nation of the missing enhancement factor of 15.8 in R
an effort of 17 theorists [4088] and lead eventually to
through some dynamics must simultaneously give the
the result in Eqn. (13.3.1) summarized in [4089].
correct values for ReA0 and ReA2 . This means that this
dynamics should suppress ReA2 by a factor of 2.1, not
13.3.2 QCD dynamics and the ∆I = 1/2 rule
more, and enhance ReA0 by a factor of 7.5. This tells us
that while the suppression of ReA2 is an important in-
One of the puzzles of the 1950s was a large dispar-
gredient in the ∆I = 1/2 rule, it is not the main origin
ity between the measured values of the real parts of
of this rule. It is the enhancement of ReA0 as already
the isospin amplitudes A0 and A2 in K → ππ decays,
emphasized in [1209] even if, in contrast to this paper,
which on the basis of usual isospin considerations were
as pointed out first in 1986 [3960] and demonstrated
expected to be of the same order. In 2022 we know the
in the context of the Dual QCD approach, the current-
experimental values of the real parts of these ampli-
current operators, like Q2 , are responsible dominantly
tudes very precisely [4101]
for this rule and not QCD penguins. An update and
ReA0 = 27.04(1) × 10−8 GeV, improvements over the 1986 analysis appeared in 2014
ReA2 = 1.210(2) × 10−8 GeV. (13.3.3) [3961] with the result

As ReA2 is dominated by ∆I = 3/2 transitions but R ≈ 16.0 ± 1.5 , DQCD (1986, 2014), (13.3.9)
ReA0 receives contributions also from ∆I = 1/2 tran-

that is one order of magnitude enhancement over the matrix elements is at work and one can in no time cal-
result in Eqn. (13.3.8) without QCD up to confinement culate the hadronic matrix elements in terms of meson
of quarks in mesons. The missing piece could come from mases and weak decay constants as seen in (13.3.7).
final state interactions as pointed out first by nuclear Equivalently, starting with factorizable hadronic ma-
physicists [4107] and stressed much later by ChPT ex- trix elements of current-current operators at µ ≈ 0 and
perts [4108]. Also 1/N 2 corrections could also change evolving them to µ = O(1 GeV) at which the WCs are
this result but are unknown. evaluated one is able to calculate the matrix elements of
Meanwhile the RBC-UKQCD LQCD collaboration these operators at µ = O(1 GeV) and properly combine
confirmed in 2012 the 1986 DQCD finding that current- them with their WCs evaluated at this scale. The final
current operators dominate the ∆I = 1/2 rule. But step is the inclusion of QCD penguin operators that
the results from the series of their three papers show provide an additional enhancement of A0 by roughly
how difficult these calculations on the lattice are: R = 10% without changing A2 .
12 ± 1.7 [4109], R = 31.0 ± 11.1 [691] and finally [3962] In [3960] only the pseudoscalar meson contributions
to meson evolution have been included and the quark
= 19.9(2.3)(4.4), RBC − UKQCD (2020) evolution, RG evolution above µ = O(1 GeV), has been
ReA2 performed at LO. The improvements in 2014 [3961]
(13.3.10) were the inclusion of vector meson contributions to the
meson evolution and the NLO corrections to quark evo-
that is consistent with the DQCD value and in agree-
lution. These improvements practically removed scale
ment with the experimental value 22.4.
and renormalization-scheme dependences and brought
While the RBC-UKQCD result is closer to the data
the theory closer to data.
than the DQCD one, the dynamics behind this rule,
Based on DQCD and RBC-UKQCD results we con-
except for the statement that it is QCD, has not been
clude that the QCD dynamics is dominantly responsible
provided by these authors. To this end it is necessary to
for the ∆I = 1/2 rule. However, in view of large uncer-
switch off QCD interactions which can be done in the
tainties in both DQCD and RBC-UKQCD results, NP
large N limit in DQCD but it seems to be impossible
contributions at the level of 15% could still be present.
or very difficult on the lattice.
See [4111] to find out what this NP could be.
The anatomy of QCD dynamics as seen within the
Finally other authors suggested different explana-
DQCD approach has been presented in [3960, 3961] and
tions of the ∆I = 1/2 rule within QCD that were pub-
in particular in Section 7.2.3 of [3966]. Here we just
lished dominantly in the 1990s and their list can be
present an express view of this dynamics.
found in [3966]. But in my view the DQCD picture
Starting with the values in Eqn. (13.3.8), the first
of what is going on is more beautiful and transpar-
step is to include the short-distance RG-evolution of
ent as asymptotic freedom and related non-factorizable
WCs from scales O(MW ) down to scales in the ball-
QCD interactions are primarly responsible for this rule.
park of 1 GeV. This is the step made already in the
It is simply the quark evolution from MW down to
pioneering 1974 calculations in [1211, 1212] except that
scale O(1 GeV) as analysed first by Altarelli and Ma-
they were done at LO in the RG-improved perturbation
iani [1212] and Gaillard and Lee [1211], followed by the
theory and now can be done at the NLO level. These
meson evolution [3960, 3961] down to very low scales
1974 papers have shown that the short distance QCD
at which QCD becomes a theory of weakly interacting
effects enhance ReA0 and suppress ReA2 . However, the
mesons and a free theory of mesons in the strict large
inclusion of NLO QCD corrections to WCs of Q2 and
N limit, a point made by ’tHooft and Witten in 1970s.
Q1 operators [3965, 4110] made it clear, as stressed in
particular in [3965], that the K → ππ amplitudes with-
13.3.3 QCD Dynamics and the Ratio ε0 /ε
out the proper calculation of hadronic matrix elements
of Qi are both scale and renormalization-scheme de-
While, the parameter ε ≡ εK measures the indirect
pendent. Moreover, further enhancement of ReA0 and
CP-violation in KL → ππ decays, that is originating in
further suppression of ReA2 are needed in order to be
K 0 − K̄ 0 mixing, the parameter ε0 describes the direct
able to understand the ∆I = 1/2 rule.
CP violation, that is in the decay itself.
This brings us to the second step first performed in
Experimentally ε and ε0 can be found by measuring
1986 in [3960] within the DQCD approach. Namely, the
the ratios
RG-evolution down to the scales O(1 GeV) is continued
as a short but fast meson evolution down to zero mo- A(KL → π 0 π 0 ) A(KL → π + π − )
mentum scales at which the factorization of hadronic η00 =
A(KS → π 0 π 0 )
, η+− =
A(KS → π + π − )
13.3 The Important Role of QCD in flavor Physics 481

(13.3.11) and suppressed ε0 /ε within the SM further so that al-

ready in 2000 we knew that this ratio should be of the
Indeed, assuming ε and ε0 to be small numbers one order of 1.0 × 10−3 . Unfortunately even today the the-
finds orists do not agree on whether the SM agrees with the
2ε0 ε0 experimental value in (13.3.14) or not. The reason are
η00 = ε − √ , η+− = ε + √ , (13.3.12)
1 − 2ω 1 + ω/ 2 different estimates of non-perturbative hadronic QCD
effects. This has been summarized recently in [3963].
where ω = ReA2 /ReA0 = 0.045. In the absence of di- We recall only the main points below.
rect CP violation η00 = η+− . The ratio ε0 /ε can then ε0 is governed by the real and imaginary parts of the
be measured through isospin amplitudes A0 and A2 so that ε0 /ε is given by
η00 2
Re(ε /ε) = √ 1 − . (13.3.13)
6(1 + ω/ 2) η+− ε0 ω+

ImA0 1 ImA2

=− √ (1 − Ω̂eff ) − ,
ε 2 |ε| ReA0 a ReA2
The story of ε0 /ε both in the theory and experiment
has been described in detail in [4112]. On the experi- (13.3.15)
mental side the chapter on ε0 /ε seems to be closed for with (ω+ , a) and Ω̂eff given in 2022 as follows
the near future. After heroic efforts, lasting 15 years, the
experimental world average of ε0 /ε from NA48 [4113] ω+ = a
= (4.53 ± 0.02) × 10−2 (13.3.16)
and KTeV [4114, 4115] collaborations reads ReA0
with a = 1.017 and
(ε0 /ε)exp = (16.6 ± 2.3) × 10−4 . (13.3.14) Ω̂eff = (29 ± 7) × 10−2 . (13.3.17)
On the theoretical side the first calculation of ε0 /εHere a and Ω̂eff summarize isospin breaking correc-
that included RG QCD effects to QCD penguin (QCDP) tions and include strong isospin violation (mu 6= md ),
contributions is due to Gilman and Wise [4116] who - the correction to the isospin limit coming from ∆I =
following Shifman, Vainshtein and Zakharov [1209] - as- 5/2 transitions and electromagnetic corrections [4131–
sumed that the ∆I = 1/2 rule is explained by QCDP. 4133]. The most recent value for Ω̂eff given above in-
Using the required values of the QCDP matrix elements cludes the nonet of pseudoscalar mesons and η − η 0
for the explanation of this rule, they predicted ε0 /ε to mixing [4134]. If only the octet of pseudoscalar mesons
be in the ballpark of 5 × 10−2 . During the 1980s this is included so that η − η 0 mixing does not enter, as
value decreased by roughly a factor of 50 dominantly presently done in ChPT, one finds Ω̂eff = (17 ± 9) 10−2
due to three effects: [4135], a value called Ω̂eff here. The inclusion of η − η 0

– The first calculation of hadronic matrix elements mixing yields Ω̂eff in (13.3.17). This contribution is im-

of QCDP operators in QCD - carried out in the portant, a fact known already for 35 years [4119, 4120].
framework of the DQCD [3960, 4117, 4118] in the ImA0 receives dominantly contributions from QCDP
strict large N limit of colors - proved that QCDPs but also from EWP. ImA2 receives contributions exclu-
are not responsible for the ∆I = 1/2 rule and their sively from EWP. Keeping this in mind it is useful to
hadronic matrix elements are much smaller. write [4136]
– The QCDP contribution to ε0 /ε through isospin break-  ε0   0
ing in the quark masses [4119, 4120] is suppressed. = − (13.3.18)
ε ε ε EWP
– Enhancement of the suppression of ε0 /ε by elec- SM QCDP

troweak penguin (EWP) contributions by the large with

top quark mass [4121, 4122].  0
ε (1/2)
= Imλt · 1 − Ω̂eff 15.4 B6 (µ∗ ) − 2.9 ,
In the 1990s these calculations have been refined ε QCDP
through NLO QCD calculations to both QCDP and
EWP contributions by the Munich and Rome teams
[4123–4126] and [4127, 4128], respectively. In [4129] the
NNLO QCD effects on EWP contributions have been  0
calculated. The NNLO QCD effects on QCDP contri- (13.3.20)
= Imλt · 8.0 B8 (µ∗ ) − 2.0 .
butions are expected to be known in 2022.
These NLO and NNLO QCD contributions decreased This formula includes NLO QCD corrections to the
various scale and renormalization-scheme uncertainties QCDP contributions and NNLO contributions to EWP

ones mentioned previously. The coefficients in this for- found in ChPT results apparently from final state in-
mula and the parameters B6 and B8 , conven- teractions (FSI) that enhance B6 above unity and
(1/2) (3/2) (1/2)

tionally normalized to unity at the factorization scale, suppress B8

below it [4137–4140]. The suppression
are scale dependent. Here we will set µ∗ = 1 GeV be- of B6
and B8
below unity in the DQCD approach
cause at this scale it is most convenient to compare the comes from the meson evolution [4141] which is required
values for B6 and B8 obtained in the three non-
(1/2) (3/2)
to have a proper matching with the WCs of QCDP
perturbative approaches LQCD, ChPT and DQCD that and EWP operators. The meson evolution is absent in
we already encountered in the context of the ∆I = 1/2 present ChPT calculations and it is argued in [4142]
rule. that including it in ChPT calculations will lower B6
The B6 and B8 represent the relevant hadronic
(1/2) (3/2)
below unity. On the other hand adding non-leading FSI
matrix elements of the dominant QCDP and EWP op-
in the DQCD approach would raise B6 above 0.6.
erators, respectively:
Nevertheless B6 ≤ 1.0 is expected to be satisfied

(13.3.21) even after the inclusion of FSI in DQCD.

Q6 = (s̄α dβ )V −A (q̄β qα )V +A ,
Moreover, while ChPT and DQCD use Ω̂eff = (17±

9) 10−2 and Ω̂eff = (29 ± 7) 10−2 , respectively, as al-


Q8 =
(s̄α dβ )V −A
eq (q̄β qα )V +A , (13.3.22) ready stated above, RBC-UKQCD still uses Ω̂eff = 0.
These differences in the values of B6 , B8 and
(1/2) (3/2)
Ω̂eff imply significant differences in ε /ε presented by
with V − A = γµ (1 − γ5 ) and V + A = γµ (1 + γ5 ). They these three groups:
are then left-right operators with large hadronic matrix
elements which assures their dominance over left-left (ε0 /ε)SM = (21.7 ± 8.4) × 10−4 (13.3.24)
operators. The remaining QCDP and EWP operators,
from the RBC-UKQCD collaboration [3962] which uses
represented here by −2.9 and −2.0, respectively, play
Ω̂eff = 0. Here statistical, parametric and systematic
subleading roles. Current-current operators Q1,2 that
uncertainties have been added in quadrature. Next
played crucial role in the case of the ∆I = 1/2 rule do
not contribute to ε0 /ε because their WCs are real. In (ε0 /ε)SM = (14 ± 5) × 10−4 (13.3.25)
obtaining the formulae in Eqns. (13.3.19) and (13.3.20)
from ChPT [4135]. The large error is related to the
it is common to use the experimental values for the
problematic matching of LD and SD contributions in
real parts of A0,2 in Eqn. (13.3.3). Finally, Imλt =
this approach which can be traced back to the absence
Vtd ) ≈ 1.4 × 10−4 .
of meson evolution in this approach. Finally
There are two main reasons why Q8 can compete
with Q6 here despite the smallness of the electroweak (ε0 /ε)SM = (5 ± 2) · 10−4 , (13.3.26)
couplings in the WC of Q8 relative to the QCD one in
the WC of Q6 . In the basic formula (13.3.15) for ε0 /ε from DQCD [4112, 4141, 4142], where B6 ≤ 1.0 has

its contribution is enhanced relative to the Q6 ’s one by been used.

the factor ReA0 /ReA2 = 22.4. In addition its WC is While the results in Eqns. (13.3.24) and (13.3.25)
enhanced for the large top-quark mass which is not the are fully consistent with the data shown in Eqn. (13.3.14),
case for Q6 [4121, 4122]. the DQCD result in Eqn. (13.3.26) implies a significant
In the three non-perturbative approaches the values anomaly and NP at work. Clearly, the confirmation of
of B6
and B8
were found at µ = 1 GeV to be: the DQCD result is highly important.
Let us end this presentation with good news. There
(1 GeV) = 1.49 ± 0.25, (RBC-UKQCD − 2020)
is a very good agreement between LQCD and DQCD as
(1 GeV) = 0.85 ± 0.05 . far as EWP contribution to ε0 /ε is concerned. This im-
B6 (1 GeV) = 1.35 ± 0.20, , (ChPT − 2019) plies that this contribution to ε0 /ε, that is unaffected by
leading isospin breaking corrections, is already known
(1 GeV) = 0.55 ± 0.20 .
B8 within the SM with acceptable accuracy:
(1 GeV) ≤ 0.6,
B6 (DQCD − 2015) (ε0 /ε)EWP
SM = −(7 ± 1) × 10−4 ,
(1 GeV) = 0.80 ± 0.10 .
B8 (LQCD and DQCD). (13.3.27)
(13.3.23) Because both LQCD and DQCD can perform much bet-
ter in the case of EWP than in the case of QCDP I
While the large B6 and B8 < 1.0 from LQCD expect that this result will remain with us for the com-
(1/2) (3/2)

has until now no physical interpretation, the pattern ing years. On the other hand, the value from ChPT of
13.4 The role of QCD in B physics anomalies 483

≈ 0.55 [4135] implies using Eqn. (13.3.20) that – Second, they enter the hadronic matrix elements of
the EWP contribution is roughly by a factor of 2 below local s̄b operators, c.f. Eq. (13.4.8). These matrix el-
the result in Eqn. (13.3.27). ements are then expressed in terms of scalar-valued
Let us hope that at the 60th birthday of QCD we form factors, which are functions of the momentum
will know which prediction is right. Further summaries transfer (typically: q 2 ). The s̄b form factors are very
can be found in [3963, 3966, 4112] and details in original similar to the form factors arising in the description
references. of exclusive charged-current semileptonic processes
such as b → cµ− ν̄.
– Third, they enter the hadronic form factors of non-
13.4 The role of QCD in B physics anoma- local s̄b operators, c.f. Eq. (13.4.10). These opera-
lies tors arise in the time-ordered product of the four-
quark operators and the electromagnetic current.
Danny van Dyk and Javier Virto They have no correspondence in charged-current semilep-
tonic decays and currently present the biggest ob-
The so-called b → s`+ `− anomalies present one of the stacle to accurate and precise theoretical predictions
few current tensions between theory predictions within of exclusive b → sµ+ µ− decays.
the SM and experimental measurements. They repre-
sent long-standing tensions that first presented them- In the following, we do not further discuss the effective
selves in a 2013 publication by the LHCb collabora- field theory description, which is well established. The
tion [4143]. Here, we discuss how QCD plays a central matching coefficients to NNLO in QCD can be found
role at every stage of the interpretation of these anoma- in Refs. [4144–4146]. Instead, we focus on the second
lies. and third type of QCD effects in exclusive b → s`+ `−
QCD and hadronic physics enter the theory predic- processes.
tions, both in the SM and beyond, in one of three ways:
13.4.1 Anatomy of exclusive b → s`+ `− processes
– First, they enter the Weak Effective field Theory
(WET) description of neutral-current processes, such B̄s → µ+ µ−
as b → s`+ `− . The effective Hamiltonian at the Amongst the exclusive b → s`+ `− decays, the cleanest
leading-mass dimension six reads ones from a theory perspective are the purely leptonic
4GF decays B̄s → `+ `− . Up to QED corrections [4147], all
HWET = √ Vtb Vts∗ Ci Qi , QCD effects are contained in a single local hadronic ma-
trix element. This matrix element is commonly parametrised

with local operators Qi and Wilson coefficients Ci . in terms of the Bq -meson decay constant fBq [279]
It includes semileptonic operators,
h0| q̄γ µ γ5 b B̄q (p) = ifBq pµ . (13.4.5)

Q9(10) = [s̄γ µ PL b] [µ̄γµ (γ5 )µ] , (13.4.2) It has been calculated ab-initio from lattice QCD sim-
16π 2
ulations. Several analyses with Nf = 2 + 1 + 1 light
electromagnetic dipole operators,
quark flavours have become available [655, 672, 673,
Q7 =
[s̄σµν PR b] F µν , (13.4.3) 1432, 4148]. Their world average [279]
16π 2
fBs = 230.3 ± 1.3 MeV , (13.4.6)
and four-quark operators
is dominated by a single analysis published by the Fer-
Q1q(2q) = [q̄γ µ PL b] [s̄γµ PL q] . (13.4.4)
milab/MILC collaboration [655].
QCD has a substantial effect on the matching of This constant has been computed using a variety of
the WET to the SM [4144–4146]. For instance, at lattice QCD techniques, which have presently reached a
the low scale µb ' 5 GeV, about half of the value precision of 0.5%. The current theoretical uncertainty
of C9 is generated by QCD effects due to operator on the muonic branching ratio is no longer governed
running and mixing of the four-quark operators into by hadronic physics. Instead, it is dominated by CKM
Q9 [4144]. matrix elements. The theory predictions have reached
Here we discuss only the numerically leading oper- the level of 5% [4147], which is much smaller than the
ators needed for a description within the SM. BSM uncertainty of the average of the results by the LHC
effects are encoded in the values of the Wilson coef- experiments of ∼ 13% [4149]. While B̄s → µ+ µ− is
ficients or through additional operators with a dif- not sensitive to the Wilson coefficient C9 (to leading or-
ferent spin structure. der in QED [4147]), it does constrain very strongly the

scalar and pseudoscalar operators, and indirectly also momentum transfer from the hadronic system to the
C10 , which has an impact on the global interpretations leptons. This functional dependence is commonly ex-
of the b → sµ+ µ− anomalies. pressed in terms of q 2 , the squared mass of the lepton
The process B → K`+ `− is the most reliably un-
B̄ → M µ+ µ− derstood one amongst the exclusive semileptonic b →
Amongst the exclusive semileptonic b → s`+ `− decays, s`+ `− decays. Both the B and K meson are stable in
B-meson decays to either a pseudoscalar (P ) or a vec- the absence of weak interactions, which facilitates the
tor (V ) meson are presently the best understood. Com- determination of their hadronic form factors. Conser-
pared to the purely leptonic decay B̄s → µ+ µ− , the vation of angular momentum limits this process to two
additional meson in the final state provides the oppor- amplitudes: the dominant longitudinally polarized am-
tunity to test the SM through a larger number of ob- plitude and the lepton-mass suppressed time-like am-
servables that arise in the differential decay rates. The plitude [4156]. As a consequence, the process provides
downside for is – generally – an increased sensitivity only a few independent observables.
to QCD effects in their theoretical description, which The processes B → K ∗ `+ `− and Bs → φ`+ `− both
leads to larger theoretical uncertainties. feature a vector meson in the final state. Compared to
B → K`+ `− , two further transversely-polarized am-
To leading order in QED, the matrix elements of the plitudes can contribute. This more complex structure
semileptonic and radiative operators Q7,9,10 factorise. leads to numerous independent observables arising from
A useful schematic decomposition of the amplitude is the differential decay rate [4153–4155, 4157]. However,
given by [4150] this enriched phenomenological reach comes at the ex-
pense of somewhat larger uncertainties in the individ-
ual hadronic form factors. Since both the K ∗ and φ

A(B̄ → M ` ` ) ∼ GF Vtb Vts (C9 LµV + C10 LµA ) F µ
+ − ∗
are not stable in the absence of weak interactions, their
LµV description as a “quasi stable” state incurs additional

− 2 2imb C7 F T,µ
+ 16π H . (13.4.7)
2 µ
q theoretical uncertainty [4158]. Here, the K ∗ is substan-
tially more affected than the φ, due to the hierarchy of
Here LµV (A) = [`γ¯ µ (γ5 )`] are leptonic currents, and a
their hadronic decay widths.
generalization to operators beyond the SM can be found
in Ref. [4151]. In the above, we use the hadronic matrix
13.4.2 Hadronic Matrix Elements

(k, q) ≡ hM (k)| s̄γµ PL b B̄(p) ,

(13.4.8) Local form factors Local form factors for B →
K, B → K ∗ and Bs → φ transitions are accessible at
(k, q) ≡ hM (k)| s̄σµν q ν PR b B̄(p) , (13.4.9) low values of q 2 . 10 GeV2 [1231] with two different

continuum QCD methods.
First, QCD factorisation (QCDF) provides a means
HB→M (k, q) ≡ i d4 x eiq·x (13.4.10)
to relate the various form factors to each other. This re-
lation emerged from a symmetry amongst currents in-
hM (k)| T jµem (x),

Ci Qi (0) B̄(p)
i volving one collinear and one heavy quark field [4159].
The breaking of this symmetry occurs due to two ef-
with i = 1q, 2q, . . . , which arise from the semileptonic,
fects: (a) contributions beyond leading order in the strong
radiative, and four-quark operators in that order
coupling constant, which involves interactions between
The first two matrix elements are classified as local
the quarks inherent to the transition with the speca-
matrix elements, and the last one as a non-local ma-
tor quark [4160]; and (b) contributions beyond leading
trix element. Both types of matrix elements are needed
power in the double expansion in the b-quark mass and
for reliable and accurate predictions of the amplitudes
the energy E of the final-state hadron within the B-
and therefore of the observables in semileptonic decays.
meson rest frame. Early predictions for exclusive b →
For phenomenological discussions, one commonly en-
s`+ `− decays relied heavily on the QCDF relations,
counters projections of the hadronic amplitudes onto
to construct so-called “clean” observables; i.e., observ-
some basis of scalar form factors, either the helicity
ables in which local hadronic form factors cancel ap-
basis [4152] or more commonly the transversity ba-
proximately [4161–4163]. Most famously, the Pi0 basis
sis [4153–4155]. The number of independent amplitudes
of observables in the B̄ → K ∗ `+ `− angular distribu-
depends on the angular momentum of the initial and fi-
tion [4163] makes use of this cancellation. The P50 ob-
nal state hadrons. The form factors are functions of the
13.4 The role of QCD in B physics anomalies 485

servable [4164] is commonly used to illustrate the ten- 0.7

sions between SM predictions and measurements. This work

BSZ 2015
Second, light-cone QCD sum rules (LCSR) are used 0.6 LCSR (GKvD 2018)
to predict the full set of local form factors in B → K, LQCD (HLMW 2015)

B → K ∗ and Bs → φ transitions. Two different versions

of LCSRs can be employed [1230, 4165], which differ 0.5

(q 2 )
in the choice of the interpolating current. The LCSRs

with B-meson interpolation involve hadronic matrix el- 0.4
ements for the final-state hadron, i.e., the K, K ∗ and φ.

These sum rules are presently better understood than 0.3
their competitors, leading to overall smaller paramet-
ric uncertainties. However, the sum rules with vector-
meson final states suffer from hard-to-quantify system- 0.2
EOS v1.0.3
atic uncertainties due to the unstable nature of these
−15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 20
state. The competing LCSRs with interpolation of the
q 2 [GeV2 ]
final-state hadrons K, K ∗ , and φ have not yet reached
the same level of sophistication [3987]. Fig. 13.4.1 Simultaneous fit to lattice QCD and LCSR re-
It remains to be emphasized that both types of LC- sults for the local B → K ∗ form factor A1 ∝ Fk , taken from
SRs suffer from systematic uncertainties that are dif- Ref. [4168].
ficult to assess. It is commonly understood that the 0.0004
EOS v1.0.3
LCSR results serve as a stop gap, to be replaced by
results from more systematic approaches to QCD. 0.0003
Lattice QCD provides such a systematic approach
to the local form factors. However, it is presently lim-
ited to large values of q 2 & 12 GeV2 [3984, 4166, 4167],
Re Hk /Fk


which is not an inherent limitation of the method. Lat-

tice QCD results for the decays B → K ∗ `+ `− and
Bs → φ`+ `− , which are of great phenomenological in-
terest are restricted to this range. However, a very re-
cent study of the B → K form factors [3988] for the first 0.0000
time accesses the full q 2 range available to the semilep-
tonic decay. Their results are in good agreement with GvDV 2020

previous LCSR estimates, with smaller uncertainties. −0.0001

−7.5 −5.0 −2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5
Having constraints on the form factors at opposite 2
q [GeV ] 2
ends of the semileptonic phase space it is natural to
ask if these constraints are mutually compatible. This Fig. 13.4.2 Fit to the non-local B → K ∗ form factor Hk ,
produced from Ref. [4168].
poses an interpolation problem. For B-meson decays,
this problem is usually addressed using the so-called
z-expansion [4169]. Using Future prospects on the theoretical precision for lo-
p √ cal form factors rely dominantly on the expected im-
t+ − q 2 − t+ − t0
2 2
q 7→ z(q ; t0 , t+ ) ≡ p √ (13.4.11) provements from the Lattice QCD side. These include
t+ − q 2 + t+ − t0 enlarging the accessible q 2 range (as recently achieved
the first Riemann sheet of the complex q 2 plane is mapped for the B → K form factors) and accounting for the
onto the unit disk in z. A Taylor expansion of the form- non-zero width of the vector final states [509]. The ef-
factors in z, after removal of any physical poles, con- fect due to a non-zero ρ and K ∗ width on the B → ππ
verges quickly and provides some control of the interpo- and B → Kπ form factors was recently critically dis-
lation error. Studies of the B → V form factors find rea- cussed within the setup of LCSRs with final-state inter-
sonable to good agreement between the available LCSR polation, estimating corrections to the zero-width limit
and lattice QCD results [3987, 4165, 4168], which is not of up to 10% in the case of the K ∗ [4158, 4170, 4171].
surprising given the large uncertainties attached to the
former. An example of such a fit from Ref. [4168] is
displayed in Figure 13.4.1, showcasing the agreement
between lattice QCD and LCSR results.

Non-local Hadronic Matrix Elements violation”, i.e., the disagreement between the perturba-
Non-local form factors are significantly more diffi- tive partonic prediction and the hadronic spectrum. In
cult to approach theoretically [4172–4175]. The reason this way, reliable estimates of these intrinsically non-
is the large number of virtual and on-shell intermedi- perturbative effects are obtained. Ref. [4181] uses all
ate states that contribute to the time-ordered product currently available data on B → K ∗ µµ at low recoil
in Eq. (13.4.10)s. This non-local operator is commonly and finds agreement between data and the OPE pre-
separated by the electric charge of the quark flavor to diction within ∼ 20% in all the bins.
which the electro-magnetic current couples: The first parametrizations of the q 2 dependence of
 X  the non-local form factors Hλ,c are based on a dis-
T jµem (x), Ci Qi (0) ≡ K(x) persion relation [4173] or an expansion in powers of
i=1q,2q,... q 2 [4152]. A subsequent publication proposes to apply
≡ Qc Kc (x) + Qbs Kbs (x) + . . . . (13.4.12) a conformal mapping similar to Eq. (13.4.11) [4182],
very similar to what is done for the local form factors.
In the above, the dots indicate contributions due to
The dispersive and z-expansion approaches are consis-
up and down quarks, which are suppressed by CKM
tent with analyticity and therefore permit using ad-
matrix element or the small Wilson coefficients of QCD-
ditional data, such as measurements of the branching
penguin four-quark operators. The terms proportional
ratios and angular distributions of B → ψM processes,
to bottom and strange-quark charges are only gauge
were ψ = {J/ψ, ψ(2S)}. In Ref. [4182] it is shown quan-
invariant when considered in sum, leading to the joint
titatively how this information can be used a priori to
description with label bs. Our labelling of the non-local
produce data-assisted theory predictions for the non-
form factors follows from the above, i.e., Hλ,c arises
local effect independent of NP, or a posteriori to fit
from the hadronic matrix element of the operator Kc .
all the B → ψK ∗ and B → K ∗ µ+ µ− spectra up to
The first systematic approach to the non-local form
q 2 = m2ψ(2S) simultaneously to the hadronic parameters
factors has been provided in Ref. [4172, 4176], which
and NP. In this last approach, short- and long-distance
is expected to work for small values of q 2 sufficiently
effects are disentangled by the experimental input from
far below the open charm threshold. This approach
B → ψK ∗ , the fixed q 2 dependence of the NP contri-
was subsequently developed into a light-cone Opera-
bution, and by the theory constraints at negative q 2 .
tor Product Expansion (OPE) of the non-local operator
A notable byproduct is the fact that experimental data
Eq. (13.4.12) [4172, 4173]. This expansion is shown to
between the two narrow charmonia can be used in the
break down as q 2 approaches the partonic open charm
analyses. An application of the z-expansion, including
threshold from below. The hadronic matrix elements
newly derived dispersive bounds on the expansion co-
of the next-to-leading operator in this light-cone OPE
efficients [4177], has been used in Ref. [4168] to chal-
have been calculated within a LCSR approach [4173,
lenge the experimental measurements of various exclu-
4177]. The most recent calculation indicated that the
sive semileptonic b → s`+ `− decays. This parametriza-
term at next-to-leading power is negligible in compari-
tion yields results that are compatible with analyses
son to the leading-power term.
based on a perturbative treatment, albeit with some-
At q 2 = O(m2b ) & 4m2c , an OPE in term of local op-
what larger uncertainties. A representative example of
erators applies [4174, 4175]. The simple structure of the
the non-local form factors obtained in this way is shown
OPE leads to phenomenologically powerful theory pre-
in Figure 13.4.2. The impact of these improved deter-
dictions [4162, 4178, 4179]. However, the fact that this
minations of non-local form factors on the global fits
region of phase space lays on the open-charm branch
to separate exclusive b → sµµ modes has been stud-
cut leads to considerable complications in the inter-
ied in Ref. [4168] and it is shown in Figure 13.4.3. The
pretation of experimental measurements. Chiefly, one
overall picture of significant tensions between data and
cannot expect that the OPE result agrees with nature
the SM expectation seen in the literature [4183–4187]
locally, i.e., in every q 2 point [4175]. Instead of such lo-
are confirmed.
cal duality, semi-local quark-hadron duality is assumed,
The prospects for this data-driven approach with
i.e., the OPE prediction integrated over a sufficiently
the future data from LHCb, including the prospects of
large q 2 range is expected to correspond to the q 2 inte-
doing without theory input altogether, have been stud-
grated observables [4175]. Nevertheless, this approach
ied in [4188]. The conclusion is that unbinned analy-
gives rise to large unquantifiable systematic uncertain-
ses can infer knowledge about both QCD and poten-
ties in the theory predictions [4180, 4181]. Due to these
tial BSM effects in these decays simultaneously. The
limitations, commonly a single bin covering the whole
high statistics studies of b → sµµ exclusive transitions
low-q 2 region is used in the BSM analyses. However,
at the LHC, either with fine q 2 binning or unbinned,
the q 2 spectrum can be used to test the level of “duality
13.5 QCD and (g − 2) of the muon 487

2.5 13.5 QCD and (g − 2) of the muon

2.0 B → Kµµ + Bs → µµ Achim Denig and Harvey Meyer
B → K ∗ µµ
Bs → φµµ
The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, as
1.0 one of the most precisely measured quantities in funda-
mental physics, has been at the forefront of testing the
Re C10

0.5 Standard Model (SM) of particle physics for decades

[4195]. The proportionality factor g · e/(2m) between
the spin and the magnetic moment of an elementary

−0.5 particle is predicted in Dirac’s theory of the electron to

satisfy g = 2. Already the deviation of the electron’s
−1.0 g factor from this prediction played a central role in
EOS v1.0.3
testing Quantum Electrodynamics at one loop [4196].
−2 −1 0 1 It was understood early on [4197, 4198] that the contri-
Re C9BSM bution of virtual particles much heavier than the lep-
ton l would be suppressed as (ml /mheavy )2 . Hence the
Fig. 13.4.3 Overview of the tensions between NP parame-
strong interest in the analogous property of the muon,
ters and the SM expectation for three representative processes.
Taken from Ref. [4168], which takes into account a parametriza- denoted aµ = (g−2)µ /2, given that the 207 times larger
tion of the non-local effects in the fits. mass of the muon strongly enhances the virtual contri-
butions from particles upward from the mass scale of a
few MeV/c2 , and thus provides access to potential new-
will therefore not only probe for BSM effects but also
physics contributions. Since the very first measurement
further our understanding of the non-local form fac-
of 1960 [4199], experiments have refined their sensitivity
tors. While current global fits to different q 2 bins show
to aµ , thereby successively testing contributions from
consistency with the current treatment of non-local ef-
all sectors of the SM, and making this observable the
fects [4189], future LHC data will require, and provide,
paradigmatic example of searching for new physics at
a higher level of control over them.
the precision frontier.
Data-driven and joint theoretical and data-driven
The experimental measurements of aµ [4200] rely
methods have been proposed in an effort to control the
on the muon spin precessing relative to the direction
uncertainties [4177, 4182, 4190–4192]. Some of these
of the muon momentum under the influence of a static
methods will be possible and improve significantly with
magnetic field: the precession frequency is directly pro-
the high statistics collected at LHCb after the upgrade.
portional to aµ . The observation that the (undesirable)
They are all based on precise measurements of the q 2
impact of an electric field on the muon spin precession is
spectra, together with a theoretically motivated para-
suppressed at a special muon momentum of 3.1 GeV/c
metrization of the q 2 dependence of the amplitudes and
[4201] eventually led to the third muon storage ring
a theory benchmark that allows to separate short- from
experiment at CERN [4202], which for the first time
long-distance contributions.
probed hadronic effects, among which the hadronic vac-
Finally, various hadronic models have been proposed
uum polarization (HVP) provides the leading contri-
to analyse parts or the entire q 2 phase space. Some
bution. Progress in the experimental techniques culmi-
of these analyses are carried out within the “Krüger-
nated in the Brookhaven E821 experiment [4203], which
Sehgal” (naive factorization) approach [4193], which al-
achieved a precision of 0.54 ppm on aµ .
lows to use data on the R(s) ratio in e+ e− annihi-
Meanwhile, the SM prediction for aµ had been work-
lation [4175, 4180, 4181]. These models have recently
ed out to a very similar degree of precision, as described
been refined to account also for light-meson intermedi-
in the 2009 review [4204]. The QED contribution, by
ate states [4194]. Notably, future precision data from
far dominant, and the weak contribution having been
the LHC with the expected fine binning will be essen-
calculated to sufficiently high order, the uncertainty of
tial in refining these data-driven methods and disentan-
the SM prediction has been entirely dominated by the
gle potential BSM contributions, with the prospects of
hadronic contributions, specifically by the HVP and by
confirming or refuting a BSM origin to the b → sµµ
the hadronic light-by-light (HLbL) contributions, which
are both illustrated in Fig. 13.5.1. A tension at the level
of 3.2 standard deviations was found between the ex-
perimental and the theoretical value of aµ [4204].

γ γ γ γ γ γ
BNL g-2
π 0, η, πη0′ , η, η ′
≈ ≈ FNAL g-2 +...+...

µ µ µ µ µ µ µ µ µ µ µ µ
Fig. 13.5.1 Feynman diagrams representing the two contribu-
tions that currently saturate the uncertainty of the SM pre- Standard Model Experiment
dictionγfor theγmuon (g − 2): the hadronic vacuum polariza-
tion (left), aHVP,LO
µ , and the hadronic light-by-light contribu- 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5
tions (right), aHLbL
µ . Solid lines represent muon propagators a × 10 1165900
and wavy lines photon propagators. The external photon γ line γ
represents the magnetic field of the experiment, which probes
the magnetic moment of the muon. Fig. 13.5.2 Status of aµ after the 2021 FNAL measurement.
The tension between the experimental average of the FNAL and
the 2001 BNL measurements with the Standard Model predic-
tion provided by the Theory White Paper amounts to 4.2 stan-
µ µ In the past decade,
µ a new experimental effort was
µ dard deviations. Figure from [4207].
L The
undertaken in an attempt to clarify the situation. L L
Fermilab experiment E989 [4205] was designed µwith the

µ A A ′
µ µ
goal of reaching a precision of 0.14 ppm on aµ . In or- Thus it is the intricacies of hadron-photon interactions
der to arrive at an up-to-date prediction before the an- that are currently limiting the resolving power of the
nouncement of the first results by the Fermilab experi- muon (g − 2) to probe new physics. In section 13.5.1,
ment, the (g−2) Theory Initiative was launched in 2017, we describe how the evidence for a genuine difference
which led to the 2020 Theory White Paper [4206]. The between lattice calculations of the HVP 11 and11its dis-

theory precision had by then improved to the level of persive evaluation has strengthened significantly in the
0.37 ppm, and the tension with the world experimental past eighteen months. Obviously, finding the origin of
average (dominated by the Brookhaven measurement) this difference is of utmost importance in the ongoing
was found to be at the 3.7 σ level. saga of the muon (g − 2).
The Fermilab (g − 2) experiment announced its first We begin by reviewing the status of the HVP con-
result on April 7, 2021. Its measurement of aµ [4207] tribution to aµ in section 13.5.1, whereafter we describe
at the 0.46 ppm level slightly surpassed the precision of the progress made in the HLbL contribution in section
the Brookhaven measurement [4203] and led to the sit- 13.5.2. We close with some concluding remarks and an
uation illustrated in Fig. 13.5.2. The new measurement outlook on the near future of the subject.
agrees well with the older Brookhaven one, and the ten-
sion with the SM prediction (from the 2020 White Pa- 13.5.1 The hadronic vacuum polarization contri-
per [4206]) has increased to the level of 4.2 σ, or bution
aµ (Exp) − aµ (WP 2020) = (25.1 ± 5.9) × 10−10 (13.5.1) The leading contribution to aµ is given by Schwinger’s
in absolute size. From here, it might seem like the next result α/(2π) ' 0.00116 [4196]. In contrast, the HVP
experimental update by the Fermilab experiment could contribution to aµ only amounts to about 700 × 10−10 ,
finally raise the tension above the conventional ‘discov- but given the precision expected from the ongoing Fer-
ery’ level of five standard deviations. milab experiment and the upcoming J-PARC [4209] ex-
However, on the same day as the announcement of periment, the target for the HVP contribution aHVP,LO

the experimental result from Fermilab, a lattice QCD is a precision of 1.5 × 10−10 , or 0.2%. This represents
calculation of the HVP contribution with a compet- a major challenge for a strong-interaction effect, which
itive precision was published [4208], which, taken at has been addressed by the long-established data-driven
face value, would increase the SM prediction for aµ and dispersive method and by ab initio lattice QCD meth-
bring it into better agreement (at the 1.5 σ level) with ods.
the experimental world average. Instead, the tension be-
tween this lattice QCD calculation and the dispersive,
data-driven evaluation underlying the White Paper pre-
diction of aµ amounts to 2.1 σ (see Eq. (13.5.7) below).
13.5 QCD and (g − 2) of the muon 489

Dispersive determination 1400

The dispersive approach to computing aHVP,LO
µ is based
on the expression 1200

 αm 2 Z ∞ ds

σ0(e+e- → π+π-) [nb]

µ = 2
b 2
µ ) R(s),
3π 2
mπ s 800

σ(e+ e− → hadrons)
R(s) = . (13.5.3) 600 KLOE combination
4πα(s)2 /(3s) BESIII (15)
400 BaBar (09)

The dimensionless function K b is a smooth function that CMD-2 (06)

SND (04)
increases monotonically from the value 0.63 at the 4m2π CMD-2 (03)
KLOE combination (uncertainty band)

threshold to unity in the limit s → ∞. The determi- 0

0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9
nation of R(s) requires measurements of the hadronic √s [GeV]
cross section in e+ e− collisions, σ(e+ e− → hadrons).
Fig. 13.5.3 Recent experimental data on the cross section
Given the 1/s2 dependence in the dispersion integrand, σ(e+ e− → π + π − ) in the energy range between 600 and 900
low-energy contributions of the hadronic cross section MeV. The interference of the ρ decay with the two-pion decay
have a very strong weight and therefore have to be of the ω(780) is well visible as a structure around the ω mass.
known to high accuracy. The most relevant channels are Figure taken from [4215]; a new SND analysis [4221] from the
VEPP-2000 collider and an ISR analysis from CLEO [4222] are
the exclusive reactions e+ e− → π + π − , 3π, 4π, and K K̄, not yet shown.

for all of which the cross section is peaked at s <2
The channel e+ e− → π + π − is dominated by the the data sets (KNT 19 [4223] and DHMZ 19 [4224]). Es-
ρ(770) intermediate state and contributes to more than pecially the two most precise determinations of the two-
70% to the dispersion integral. Fig. 13.5.3 shows various pion cross section from the KLOE [4215] and BABAR
recent measurements of the two-pion cross section in the [4216, 4217] collaborations happen to exhibit a signif-
ρ peak region between 600 and 900 MeV. Two classes icant deviation, which currently limits the overall pre-
of measurements are shown in Fig. 13.5.3. These are cision of the dispersive determination of HVP. Further-
energy scan measurements (CMD-2 [4210–4213], SND more, given the tensions in the experimental data sets,
[4214]), in which the center-of-mass energy of the col- systematic effects have to be considered in the aver-
lider (in this case the VEPP-2M collider in Novosibirsk) aging procedures. In Ref. [4206] a conservative merging
is systematically varied to cover the energy range under procedure was applied to reflect the differences between
study. A second class of measurements (KLOE [4215], the evaluations in Refs. [4223] and [4224]. The Theory
BABAR [4216, 4217], BESIII [4218]) is carried out with White Paper [4206] estimate for the LO HVP contribu-
the colliders running at a fixed center-of-mass energy tion is solely based on the dispersive approach [4223–
and by exploiting events in which the initial beam elec- 4228] and reads aHVP,LO
µ = (693.1 ± 4.0) × 10−10 .
trons or positrons have radiated a highly energetic pho- Fortunately, new experimental measurements of the
ton, lowering in such a way the available hadronic mass two-pion channel are expected in the near future by
in the final state. This method is called initial-state ra- CMD-3, SND, BABAR, BESIII, and BELLE-II. It re-
diation (ISR) or radiative return and has been applied mains to be seen whether the currently existing dis-
most successfully at modern particle factories [4219]. In crepancy between BABAR and KLOE can be resolved.
the past, also spectral functions from hadronic τ decays Provided the upcoming data sets reach the precision
have been used [4220] in the phenomenological determi- level of 0.5% and agree with each other, the total un-
nation of HVP, since these can be related to R(s) via the certainty of the HVP contribution obtained via the dis-
Conserved Vector Current theorem. However, since the persive approach would decrease from currently 0.6%
phenomenological estimates of the isospin corrections to 0.3% or better.
are not well understood, the recent determinations of
HVP were obtained without the use of hadronic τ data. Lattice QCD calculation
Fig. 13.5.3 demonstrates the very high precision of Since the HVP contribution to the muon (g − 2) in-
the data. However, sizeable discrepancies have been ob- volves only spacelike photons, it is a natural quantity
served for the cross-section integral contributing to Eq. to be calculated in lattice QCD [4232], which is formu-
(13.5.2). This is demonstrated in Fig. 13.5.4, where the lated in Euclidean space. Although initially expressed
two-pion contribution to HVP, aππ,LO µ , in the ρ peak in momentum space, the master formula now used al-
region between 600 and 900 MeV is shown for the indi- most exclusively is in the ‘time-momentum representa-
vidual experiments as well as for two combinations of

BMW collaboration achieved a reduction of the uncer-

CMD-2 03/06 372.4 ± 3.0
tainty of its lattice calculation down to the 0.8% level
SND 04 371.7 ± 5.0
and published its result in 2021 [4208]. The difference
BABAR 09 376.7 ± 2.7
with the White Paper result amounts to
CLEO 18 376.9 ± 6.3
KLOE 18 366.9 ± 2.1 aHVP,LO
µ (BMW0 21) − aHVP,LO
µ (WP0 20)
BESIII 20 368.2 ± 3.6 = (14.4 ± 6.8) × 10−10 . (13.5.7)
KNT 19 369.8 ± 1.3 At this point, an independent lattice calculation at the
DHMZ 19 371.5 ± 2.8 same level of precision would be extremely desirable to
360 365 370 375 380 385 390 395 400 405 help clarify the situation.
a , LO(600 900 MeV) [10 10]
Both the very short and the very long distances pose
distinct challenges to a lattice calculation [4233]. Given
Fig. 13.5.4 Comparison of aππ,LO in the energy range be-
the difficulties associated with controlling the statis-
tween 600 and 900 MeV. The upper part of the plot shows
the values of recent experimental measurements in this energy tical and systematic errors of the tail of the correla-
range [4210, 4213–4218, 4222], while the lower two values in tor G(t), the lattice community has adopted the strat-
red and blue are the estimates of the KNT [4206, 4223] and egy of partitioning the Euclidean-time axis into inter-
DHMZ [4206, 4224] groups, which carry out a merging proce-
dure of the available data. In the case of DHMZ an additional vals, whose contributions to aHVP,LO
µ are individually
systematic uncertainty has been included to account for the more tractable. This strategy was first applied in Ref.
KLOE/BABAR tension. Please note that the KLOE value is [4237]. In particular, an intermediate interval from 0.4
the combination of the three analyses published in Ref.s [4229– to 1.0 fm (with smooth edges of width 0.15 fm) was cho-
sen, thus defining the ‘window observable’, which repre-
sents about one third of the total aHVP,LO
µ . This quan-
tion’ [4233], tity has received a lot of attention, especially since the
 α 2 Z ∞ BMW collaboration found a discrepancy of 3.7 stan-
µ = dt G(t) K(mµ t), (13.5.4) dard deviations with the dispersive estimate [4208]. Since
πmµ 0
then, the Mainz/CLS [4244] and the ETM collabora-
3 Z
1X tion have computed the window observable on the lat-
G(t) = d3 x hjkem (t, ~x) jkem † (0)i, (13.5.5)
3 tice. The results are summarized in Fig. 13.5.5. The
RBC/UKQCD collaboration has recently presented an
where jkem = 23 ūγk u − 13 dγ
¯ k d − 1 s̄γk s + . . . is a spa-
3 update [4245] based on a blinded analysis, indicating an
tial component of the electromagnetic current carried upward shift in the (dominant) light-quark connected
by the quarks, and the dimensionless weight function contribution from (202.9±1.4)×10−10 to (206.5±0.7)×
K(t̂) is known analytically in terms of Meijer’s function 10−10 (where we have added their errors in quadrature)
[4234]. It is proportional to t̂4 for arguments well below and bringing their result into good agreement with the
unity, and to t̂2 for arguments well above unity, thus other lattice calculations displayed in Fig. 13.5.5.
strongly enhancing the long-distance contribution. The
spectral representation [4233] Discussion HVP
Z ∞ √ Beyond the 2.1 σ tension of Eq. (13.5.7)) between the
s R(s) e− st
G(t) = ds √ (13.5.6) data-driven evaluation of aHVP,LO
µ [4206] and the lat-
12π 2 2 s
0 tice QCD based BMW calculation [4208], a statistically
between the Euclidean correlator and the R ratio allows more significant tension between lattice QCD and dis-
for detailed comparisons between the dispersive and the persion theory has arisen in the partial contribution
lattice approach. known as the ‘window quantity’. The latter has been
The recipe for computing aHVP,LO
µ on the lattice computed independently by several lattice collabora-
thus appears remarkably simple. However, many effects tions, whose results are in good mutual agreement but
must be controlled to reach the subpercent level of pre- disagree with the R-ratio based evaluation of [4247],
cision, including discretization and finite-size effects, as at the level of 3.1, 3.7 and 3.8 σ respectively for Refs.
well as the leading effects of the unequal up and down [4246], [4208], [4244].
quark masses and of the electromagnetic interactions If one assumes that the tension is due to an er-
among quarks. The state-of-the-art lattice calculations roneous cross section measurement in a certain inter-

available at the time of the 2020 White Paper had un- val of s, it is important to clarify which interval and
certainties of two percent and larger [4235–4243]. While which hadronic channel it might be. In this regard, we
they had a tendency to lie above the dispersive esti- note that the window observable receives a contribu-

mates, they were broadly consistent with them. The tion of about 55% from the s interval between 0.6
13.5 QCD and (g − 2) of the muon 491

13.5.2 Hadronic light-by-light scattering in the

RBC/UKQCD ’18 muon (g-2)

BMW ’20 The HLbL contribution aHLbLµ is of order α3 , and thus

of one order higher than aHVP,LO
µ in the expansion of
Mainz-CLS ’22 aµ in the fine-structure constant. The absolute preci-
sion target is to reach a level under 1 × 10−10 , which
ETMC ’22 given the contribution’s approximate size, aHLbL
µ ' 10×
10−10 , amounts to a result with a precision under 10%.
Dispersive ’22 While this requirement is much less stringent than for
µ , the physics and kinematics involved in aHLbL
are also much more complex. We first review the model
228 230 232 234 236 238 240 242 244
window observable [ 10-10 ]
and dispersive calculations before describing the status
Fig. 13.5.5 The partial contribution to aHVP,LO
µ called ‘win- of the lattice QCD approach.
dow observable’, as computed by four lattice collaborations
[4208, 4237, 4244, 4246], compared to its dispersive determi-
Data-driven determination
nation [4247]. Further recent lattice results, particularly for
the (dominant) ‘light-quark connected contribution’, can be The hadronic blob on the right-hand side diagram of
found in [4248–4250] as well as in the update [4245] of the Fig. 13.5.1 can be decomposed into subgraphs with in-
RBC/UKQCD ’18 result. termediate pseudoscalar meson exchanges (π 0 ,η, η 0 ) as
well as exchanges of heavier scalar, axial-vector, or ten-
sor mesons. Furthermore, intermediate pion, kaon, and
and 0.9 GeV, while about 40% come from higher center-
even quark loop exchanges need to be considered. In
of-mass energies [4244]. Its relative sensitivity to the
the past, many of these individual contributions were
(ρ, ω)-meson region is thus similar to the full aHVP,LO .
estimated using hadronic models [4204, 4252–4255], for
If one therefore assumes the 2π channel to be responsi-
which an estimate of the model uncertainty is notori-
ble for the tension, this would require shifts of the 2π
ously difficult and for which possible double counting
cross section which exceed by far the claimed system-
issues have been discussed as an additional source of
atic errors of the experiments as well as the observed
uncertainty. A consensus exists among all the various
discrepancies between the various experiments.
estimates that the exchange of pseudoscalar mesons,
On the other hand, one might ask what could go
particularly the π 0 , is the dominant contribution to
wrong in the lattice calculations of the window quantity.
HLbL. For years, the so called Glasgow consensus value
Perhaps the most critical common source of systematic
[4256] of aHLbL = (10.5±2.6)·10−10 was considered as a
error among lattice calculations is the one associated µ
benchmark estimate and was found to be in good agree-
with taking the continuum limit. After all, the ranges
ment with other estimates (see e.g. [4257]), although the
of lattice spacing used by the different collaborations as
individual subgraphs were partly in conflict with each
well as their fit ansätze in the lattice spacing are fairly
similar. Thus, new cross-section measurements as well
Developing a predictive dispersive representation for
as additional lattice calculations of the full aHVP,LO will
the LbL scattering amplitude with three spacelike pho-
give important indications as to the origin of the current
tons represents a much more complex theoretical task
than in the case of the HVP (see Eq. 13.5.2). The re-
In case of an eventual consolidation of the isospin
cent developments of dispersion relations for the pseu-
breaking corrections, e.g. by means of auxiliary lattice
doscalar and the pion-loop subgraphs within the Refs.
QCD calculations [4251], the use of hadronic τ decays
[4258, 4259] can therefore be considered as a major
in the HVP dispersion integral might be reconsidered
breakthrough in the analytical treatment of HLbL (see
for the future. New and high–statistics measurements
also Ref. [4260] for an alternative representation). In-
of spectral functions of hadronic τ decays are indeed
deed, for the first time an unambiguous definition of
expected from BELLE-II in the upcoming years. It is
individual contributions became possible together with
going to be exciting to see whether such a τ -based dis-
an exact relation to experimental data to be used as
persive analysis of HVP will be in agreement with the
input, namely a relation to meson transition form fac-
current e+ e− -based methodology.
tors (TFFs), which encode the coupling of two virtual
photons to mesons. Besides the TFFs, which depend
on the two photon virtualities, also meson decays, cer-
tain e+ e− annihilation reactions and Primakoff mea-

surements have been found to be highly relevant. As

pointed out in Ref. [4261], the most relevant photon
virtualities for aHLbL
µ are on the GeV scale and below,
an observation that calls for a dedicated campaign of
experimental measurements in this energy range. The
BESIII collaboration has recently presented a new high-
quality measurement [4262] of the singly-virtual TFF of
the π 0 , which is shown in Fig. 13.5.6, where it is com-
pared with older data [4263, 4264] as well as a calcu-
lation of this form factor in lattice QCD [4265], a phe-
nomenological estimate based on Canterbury approx-
imants [4266], and with a dispersive treatment of the
TFF [4267]. The agreement between data and theory is
very good. Unfortunately, at low energies experiments
have not been able yet to provide data with two pho- Fig. 13.5.6 The single-virtual pion form factor
ton virtualities, as needed for the new dispersive treat- Fπ0 γ ∗ γ ∗ (−Q2 ,0) as a function of Q2 measured by the
CELLO [4264], CLEO [4263], and BESIII [4262] experiments
ment of the pseudoscalar and pion loop contributions. as well as phenomenological predictions using a dispersive
Dispersive evaluations of the TFFs [4268] and lattice analysis [4267] and Canterbury approximants [4266]; shown
QCD calculations [4265] have been used instead. The is furthermore an ab-initio calculation within Lattice QCD
good agreement shown in Fig. 13.5.6 and the overall [4265].
consistency found elsewhere indicate the robustness of
the theoretical descriptions of the TFFs. For the fu- RBC/UKQCD ’18, contributed to the White Paper 2020
ture, the first double-virtual TFF measurements are theory average, together with the dispersive estimate
expected from BELLE-II and BESIII. quoted above.
Currently, in the Theory White Paper, the new dis- The treatment of massless internal photons is an
persive treatments have led to a major reduction of the important technical issue in lattice QCD. In the pub-
uncertainties of the pseudoscalar exchanges and pion lications cited in the previous paragraph, the photons
and kaon loop subgraphs. For the remaining scalar, ax- were treated on the same lattice as the QCD degrees of
ial vector, and tensor exchange graphs as well as the freedom. In [4284–4286], a position-space method allow-
short-distance contributions, a conservative error esti- ing for the photons to be treated in infinite volume was
mate has been applied and future research in experi- proposed and worked out. Meanwhile, similar methods
ment and theory will eventually lead to a further re- were also developed by members of the RBC/UKQCD
duction of the uncertainty of those contributions. The collaboration [4287]. Altogether, the development of op-
dispersive result arrived at in Ref. [4206] amounts to timized position-space methods led to the calculations
µ = (9.2 ± 1.9) · 10−10 [4195, 4265–4267, 4269– of [4288–4290] by the Mainz-CLS group. The result, dis-
4277] and is found to be in good agreement with the played in Fig. 13.5.7, has an uncertainty very similar to
Glasgow consensus value with a slightly reduced un- the dispersive result.
certainty, but with a significant reduction of the model
dependence compared to this older value. Discussion HLbL
Fig. 13.5.7 illustrates the good consistency among the
Lattice QCD calculation data-driven, lattice and earlier hadronic model determi-
The first proposal for computing the hadronic light-by- nations. This is a good sign, since the dominant sources
light contribution in lattice QCD dates back to 2005 of uncertainty are very different in the different deter-
[4278]. The subject lay dormant for some years un- minations: for instance, the RBC/UKQCD calculation
til 2013 [4279], the new effort leading to first results involves a fairly long extrapolation to infinite volume,
for the quark-connected contribution at a pion mass of while the Mainz-CLS determination results from an ex-
330 MeV/c2 [4280]. Important technical improvements trapolation over a sizeable interval of pion masses. Up-
to the original methods were made in [4281]. The lead- dates of the lattice calculations are planned in the near
ing disconnected contribution was calculated for the future.
first time in [4282], along with the connected part, at In the dispersive data-driven approach, further pro-
the physical pion mass. Finally, this multi-year effort gress can be achieved by improved TFF measurements
culminated into a full calculation [4283] in the (u, d, s) and calculations for the η and η 0 mesons. Most impor-
quark sector. This result, displayed in Fig. 13.5.7 as tant, however, is a future experimental program of mea-
13.5 QCD and (g − 2) of the muon 493

In the immediate future, the top priority is to clarify

Mainz-CLS ’20-’22 the tensions that have emerged in partial and full HVP
determinations. Additional lattice QCD calculations of
the full aHVP,LO contribution are eagerly awaited, in
(with charm 0.28(5)) µ
WP ’20 conjunction with a strategy to identify the origin of
the existing strong tension with the dispersive approach
J ’17 for the ‘intermediate window’ subcontribution. On the
data-driven side, the accuracy of the dispersive approach
PdRV ’09
for obtaining aHVP,LO
µ is currently hampered by incon-
JN ’09 sistencies in the experimental data bases. The most
problematic issues arise from the tension in the determi-
nation of the e+ e− → π + π − cross section (KLOE/BA-
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
aµHLbL [ 10-10 ]
BAR puzzle), but also in other exclusive channels, e.g.

Fig. 13.5.7 Overview of results obtained for the hadronic in the process e+ e− → K + K − , inconsistencies have
light-by-light contribution to the muon (g − 2): the Mainz- been observed. The clarification of these issues is one of
CLS [4289, 4290] and RBC/UKQCD lattice results [4283],
the Theory White Paper 2020 average [4206], and previ-
the most important challenges for an improved determi-
ous model estimates by Jegerlehner [4195], Prades–de Rafael– nation of the SM prediction of (g − 2)µ and will be ad-
Vainshtein [4256] (the ‘Glasgow consensus’) and Jegerlehner– dressed by several existing and upcoming e+ e− experi-
Nyffeler [4204, 4291]. We have supplemented the RBC/UKQCD ments in future. In that respect, since the cross section
result with the charm contribution computed in [4290]. The WP
average is based on the dispersive [4195, 4265–4267, 4269–4277]
measurements heavily rely on high-precision Monte-Carlo
and the RBC/UKQCD [4283] lattice result. generators [4292], it is of utmost importance to main-
tain and to refine the PHOKHARA [4293–4310] gener-
ator as well as other Monte Carlo programs [4311–4316]
surements of the two-photon couplings of mesons in for future applications.
the (1-2) GeV/c2 range, where especially axial vector As an alternative to the program of hadronic cross
mesons play an important role and for which the cur- section measurements at e+ e− colliders, it has been pro-
rent data base is limited. New results are expected in posed [4317] to carry out a spacelike measurement of
the future by the BESIII collaboration in a range of mo- the effective electromagnetic coupling via a scattering
mentum transfer similar to the one shown in Fig. 13.5.6. experiment providing thereby input to a dispersion in-
Moreover, also BABAR and BELLE-II will be able to tegral for HVP. The MUonE collaboration is currently
provide new measurements at a higher momentum trans- preparing the design of a detector [4318] at the muon
fer. New TFF data will also be crucial for a matching beam of SPS/CERN towards the final approval of the
of individual hadronic channels to the short-distance project. Provided that the differential cross section of
behaviour of HLbL. the µe scattering process can be measured to the desired
Given the ongoing program of various groups in ex- accuracy, this will allow for an entirely new determina-
periment, hadron phenomenology and lattice QCD, we tion of HVP.
expect an improvement of the HLbL error from cur- In summary, controlling hadronic effects in the muon
rently 20% to 10% or lower. An agreement between an (g − 2) to match the absolute experimental precision
ab-initio lattice QCD calculation with a data-driven es- represents a major challenge. Overcoming this challenge
timate on such a level will represent a non-trivial cross- will demonstrate that strong-interaction contributions
check between two completely independent methods. to precision observables can be controlled with the re-
quired level of accuracy and consistency between data-
13.5.3 Conclusions and Outlook
driven and lattice QCD approaches. This ability will
be crucial to maximize the science output of a future
Many theoretical and experimental developments have
lepton collider.
taken place in the past five years on the anomalous mag-
netic moment of the muon aµ . The direct measurement
of aµ [4203] has been confirmed and improved [4207],
while the (g−2) Theory Initiative has helped coordinate
many activities to improve the Standard Model predic-
tion for aµ [4206]. Hadronic effects limit the precision of
this prediction, especially the hadronic vacuum polar-
ization (HVP) and the hadronic light-by-light (HLbL)
contributions reviewed above.

14 The future is presented by Johan Messchendorp, Frank Nerling

and Joachim Stroth. Its program encompasses hadron
Conveners: physics using anti-proton annihilation, heavy-ion re-
Franz Gross and Eberhard Klempt actions at relativistic energies, and nuclear structure
physics at the limit of stability using rare isotope beams.
Higher energy, higher intensity, higher precision. These The High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC)
are the frontiers at which New Physics beyond the Stan- will have a five time larger luminosity than LHC. Ma-
dard Model is expected. This last section of this volume jor goals are improved tests of the Standard Model,
describes the status and the prospects at new facili- searches for beyond the Standard Model (BSM) physics,
ties which recently came into operation or which are studies of the properties of the Higgs boson, flavor physics
presently under construction. of heavy quarks and leptons, and studies of QCD matter
The 12 GeV project at JLab, presented by Patrizia at high density and temperature. Project and prospects
Rossi, is dedicated to a study of the structure of nu- of HL-LHC are summarized by Massimiliana Grazzini
cleons and nuclei, to an intense search for gluonic de- and Tim Gershon.
grees of freedom in meson and baryon spectroscopy, to
a search for new physics in parity violating processes,
and to a search for dark matter. The electron-ion col- 14.1 JLab: the 12 GeV project and be-
lider (EIC) will provide electron-proton and electron- yond

nuclei collisions at CM energies s = 20–100 GeV, later
possibly up to 140 GeV. Global properties and the par- Patrizia Rossi
tonic structure of hadrons and nuclei will be studied
(Christian Weiss). The study of in-medium properties 14.1.1 Jefferson Lab and CEBAF
of hadrons and the nuclear matter Equation of State
(EoS) and a search for possible signals of a deconfine- Jefferson Lab (JLab), is a US National Lab located in
ment and a chiral-symmetry-restoration phase transi- Newport News - Virginia. It is a world-leading research
tions are at the heart of the NICA (Nuclotron-based laboratory for exploring the nature of matter in depth,
Ion Collider fAcility) program at the Joint Institute for providing unprecedented insight into the details of the
Nuclear Research in Dubna and of the J-PARC hadron particles and forces that build our visible universe inside
facility at Tokai. NICA provides beams of nuclei with the nucleus of the atom. Its scientific program spans the
4.5 GeV per nucleon and protons up to 12.6 GeV. Us- study of hadronic physics, the physics of complex nu-
ing polarized beams, the internal structure of the pro- clei, the hadronization of colored constituents, and pre-
ton and deuteron will also be studied (Alexey Guskov). cision tests of the Standard Model of particle physics.
Strange nuclear matter, hypernuclei and the study of Fig. 14.1.1 shows an areal view of the laboratory with
hyperons are further research areas (Shinzo Kumano). the accelerator complex in the foreground. The core of
The e+ e− colliders in Beijing and Tsukuba had de- Jefferson Lab is the Continuous Electron Beam Accel-
livered a large number of unexpected results. BES III erator Facility (CEBAF). It operates as a pair of super-
will increase further the statistics of Jψ from now 1010 conducting radio frequency linear accelerators (linacs)
and ψ(2S) (2.7 · 109 ) decays and extend its program in a “racetrack” configuration and is designed to circu-
to cover the full range up to 5.6 GeV in mass. Meson late a near continuous-wave electron beam through one
and baryon spectroscopy form the core of the program to five passes recirculating arcs (see Fig. 14.1.2).
with extensions to mesonic and baryonic form factors Jefferson Lab started physics operations in 1995,
and to τ decays (Hai-Bo Li, Ryan Edward Mitchell and providing up to 6-GeV electron beams to three experi-
Xiaorong Zhou). The BELLE II program, presented by mental halls, Halls A, B and C, simultaneously. In May
Toru Iijima, has a strong part in spectroscopy as well. 2012, the 6-GeV beam operations were stopped, with
The experiment operates at an asymmetric e+ e− col- Jefferson Lab upgrading its facility to expand opportu-
lider mostly at the Υ (4S) mass. In addition to the spec- nity for discovery. In addition to the accelerator scope of
troscopy program, BELLE III will search for non-SM doubling the energy, from 6 GeV to 12 GeV, the upgrade
contributions in hadronic, semileptonic and leptonic b- included the addition of a new fourth experimental hall,
quark decays, determine quark mixing parameters, de- Hall D, and the construction of upgraded/new detectors
termine parameters in τ physics to precisions and per- hardware in the other halls. In two of the existing halls
form searches for dark-sector particles. The new in- new spectrometers were added, the large acceptance-
ternational Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research device CLAS12 in Hall B [4319] and the precision mag-
(FAIR), presently under construction at Darmstadt, netic spectrometer Super High Momentum Spectrome-
ter, or SHMS, in Hall C. The new experimental Hall D
14.1 JLab: the 12 GeV project and beyond 495

Fig. 14.1.2 CEBAF accelerator concept.

Fig. 14.1.1 Areal view of Jefferson Lab with the accelerator for more than 25 years. The capabilities of the upgraded
complex in the foreground. CEBAF represent a significant leap over previous tech-
nology, with an unmatched combination of beam en-
ergy, quality and intensity. At Jefferson Lab experi-
makes use of a tagged bremsstrahlung photon beam and ments can run at luminosity up to 1038 cm−2 s−1 us-
solenoidal detector to house the GlueX experiment.The ing a highly polarized electron beam (up to 90%), high
initial energy upgraded program in Hall A made use of power cryogenic targets, and several polarized targets
both the existing High Resolution Spectrometers. using N H3 , N D3 , and 3 He to support a broad range of
The equipment in the four halls is well matched to polarization measurements. This combination of beam,
the demands of the broad 12 GeV scientific program targets and large acceptance and high precision detec-
[3127] with complementary capabilities of acceptance, tors, offers a powerful set of experimental tools that
precision and required luminosity: high luminosity in enables unprecedented studies of the inner structure of
Halls A and C and large acceptance detectors in Halls nucleons and nuclei and allows to push the limits of our
B and D. The upgraded CEBAF accelerator, which can understanding of the Standard Model.
deliver a maximum energy of 12 GeV to Hall D and 11 The facility serves an international scientific user
GeV to Halls A, B, C, delivered the first beam to Halls community of ∼ 1700 scientists which, in collaboration
A and D in the spring of 2014. The full project was with the laboratory and with the guidance of the Jeffer-
completed in spring 2017 with the commissioning of son Lab Program Advisory Committee (PAC), develops
the two remainig halls. the scientific program. Following the last PAC meeting
In the meantime, Jefferson Lab has been continuing in 2022, there are a total of 90 approved experiments in
actively to invest in facilities that make optimum use the 12 GeV program 117 , of which more than 1/3 have
of CEBAF’s capabilities and the existing equipment, to received the highest scientific rating of A. There are 61
produce science with high impact in Nuclear Physics as approved experiments still waiting to run, representing
well as High Energy Physics and Astrophisics. In Hall A at least a decade of running in the future. Furthermore,
the Super Big Bite spectrometer (SBS) was installed in PAC meetings are expected to continue each summer,
2021, while the Measurement Of Lepton-Lepton Elastic with a call for new proposals for beam time. Clearly,
Reaction (MOLLER) equipment is under construction CEBAF is a facility in high demand.
with completion date foreseen for late 2026. On a longer The JLab physics program falls into four main cat-
term, Hall A plans to host the SOLenoidal Large In- egories:
tensity Device (SoLID). Future additions include also:
new large angle tagging detectors (TDIS in Hall A and – the study of the transverse, longitudinal and 3-dim-
ALERT in Hall B); the neutral particle spectrometer ensional structure of the nucleon through the mea-
(NPS) and the compact photon source (CPS) in Hall surements of the elastic and transition form factors
C; and an intense KL beamline that would serve new (FFs), the (un)polarized parton distribution func-
experiments in the GlueX spectrometer in Hall D. tions (PDFs), and the Transverse Momentum De-
pendent (TMDs) and Generalized Parton Distribu-
14.1.2 The 12 GeV Physics Program tions functions (GPDs), respectively.
A list of approved experiments is available on the JLab
CEBAF has been delivering the world’s highest inten- website.
sity and highest precision CW multi-GeV electron beams

– The study of hadron spectroscopy and the search for tackling these questions and in the coming years will
exotic mesons to explore the nature of confinement. offer unprecedented opportunities to extend the cur-
– The study of the QCD structure in nuclei; its con- rent proton and neutron FF’s measurements to higher
nection with the nucleon-nucleon interactions, in- momentum transfer Q2 and to improve statistical and
cluding the modification of the valence quark PDFs uncertainties at very low Q2 , where the nucleon size can
in a dense nuclear medium, and the investigation be accurately investigated. The measurements at high
of the quark hadronization properties. The neutron Q2 will also contribute to constraint two of the nucleon
distribution radius in medium heavy nuclei, is also Generalized Parton Distributions, and in general will
part of the program. test the validity of quite a few fundamental nucleon
– The search of physics beyond the Standard Model models in a region of transition between perturbative
in high-precision parity-violating processes and in and non-perturbative regimes.
the search for signals of dark matter. One of the first completed experiments in Hall A
with the upgraded CEBAF accelerator was a precision
Due to the limited space, only few selected high-
measurement of the proton magnetic form factor up to
lights of the scientific agenda and present results of the
Q2 = 16 GeV 2 [2904]. This experiment nearly doubled
JLab 12 GeV rich program are presented in this review.
the Q2 range over which direct Rosenbluth separations
Some key results of the earlier JLab 6 GeV program are
of GE and GM can be performed. It confirmed the dis-
also reported for completeness when needed. The part
crepancy with polarization measurements to larger Q2
related to the search of physics beyond the Standard
values and attributed it to hard TPE. These new, high-
Model,instead, are not discussed since it is somewhat
precision cross section measurement provides also an
beyond the scope of this volume. A more complete sum-
important baseline for the nucleon form factors pro-
mary of the ongoing scientific program of the 12 GeV
CEBAF and an outlook into future opportunities can
A series of experiments [4322–4327] for the measure-
be found in Ref. [4320].
ments of the proton and neutron magnetic and electric
form factors, has started at the end of 2021 using the
14.1.3 The structure of the nucleon.
Super Bigbite Spectrometer (SBS) and the upgraded
BigBite Spectrometer in Hall A. This facility provides
For the theoretical formalism and a general overview of
large acceptance at high luminosity so that small cross
the structure of the nucleon, the reader should refer to
sections can be measured with high precision allowing
Sec. 10 of this volume.
a determination of the flavor separated form factors to
Q2 = 10-12 GeV 2 . A complementary measurement of
Elastic Form Factors at high and ultra low Q2
the neutron magnetic form factor will be performed
Since Hofstadter’s pioneering experiment in the ’50s,
with CLAS12 in Hall B [4328]. The SBS form factor
the measurements of the electromagnetic space-like nu-
experiments will push into a Q2 regions in which the-
cleon FFs have been a crucial source of information for
ory expects new degrees of freedom to emerge in our
our understanding of the internal structure of the nu-
understanding of QCD non-perturbative phenomena in
cleons. In 2000 Jefferson Lab rewrote the textbook of
nucleon structure as predicted in Ref. [2983].
the proton and neutron form factors when precise data
From the perspective of QCD in exclusive processes,
for the proton’s electric to magnetic form factor ratio,
another important measurement is accessing the struc-
GpE /GpM from double polarization experiments at Q2
ture of the pion and kaon. The E12-06-101 experiment
up to 5.6 GeV 2 [2916], didn’t show the scaling behavior
[4329] in Hall C will extract the pion form factor through
observed using the Rosenbluth separation method and
p(e, e0 π + )n and d(e, e0 π − )pp with Q2 extending to 6
subsequently confirmed by experiments with improved
GeV2 from 2 GeV2 and −tmin ∼ 0.005 ∼ 0.2 GeV2 .
precision [2914],[4321]. According to the pQCD predic-
The proposed separation of longitudinal and transverse
tions the ratio Q2 F2p , where F1p and F2p are the Dirac
1p structure functions is a critical check of the reaction
and Pauli form factors, respectively, would reach a con-
dynamics. The charged pion electric form factor is a
stant value at high enough Q2 . The data clearly indi-
topic of fundamental importance to our understanding
cate that this asympvtotic regime has not been reached
of hadronic structure. There is a robust pQCD predic-
yet.[2917]. These observations suggest the presence of
tion in the asymptotic limit where Q2 → ∞: Q2 Fπ (Q2 ) →
orbital angular momentum in the leading 3-quark com-
16παs (Q2 )fπ2 . Therefore it is an interesting question
ponent of the nucleon wave function in QCD Ref. [2983].
at what Q2 this pQCD result will become dominant.
Another explanation of this discrepancy has been at-
The available data indicate that the form factor at
tributed to “two–photon” exchange (TPE) or higher
Q2 = 2 GeV is at least a factor of 3-4 larger. The new
order corrections to the cross sections. Jefferson Lab is
14.1 JLab: the 12 GeV project and beyond 497

tion for more than five decades. Nevertheless, even for

Pohl 2010 (µ H spect.)
the distributions of the well-studied valence quarks, chal-
Antognini 2013 (µ H spect.) Bernauer 2010 (ep scatt.) lenges such as the value of the down quark to up quark
Beyer 2017 (H spect.) ratio at high fractional momenta x (x ≥ 0.5), where a
single parton carries most of the nucleon’s momentum,
Zhan 2011 (ep scatt.)

Bezginov 2019 (H spect.) CODATA-2014

remain. Recently, three JLab unpolarized DIS experi-
ments, MARATHON [4331] in Hall A, BoNUS12 [4332]
PRad 2019 (ep scatt.)
Fleurbaey 2018 (H spect.)
PRad-II projection
Grinin 2020 (H spect.) in Hall B, and F2d /F2p [4333] in Hall-C completed data
0.78 0.8 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.9 0.92 taking. These experiments aim to provide data to con-
Proton charge radius rp [fm]
strain PDFs in the high-x region, especially the d/u
PDF ratio.
Fig. 14.1.3 The projected rp result from PRad-II, shown along
with the result from PRad and other measurements (see text). The experiments in Hall A and Hall B used two dif-
ferent approaches to minimizing nuclear effects in ex-
tracting the neutron information: MARATHON mea-
data will provide improved understanding of the non- sured the ratio of 3 H to 3 He structure functions, while
perturbative contribution to this important property of BONUS12 tagged slow recoiling protons in the deuteron.
the pion as well as mapping out the transition to the The Hall-C experiment measured H(e, e’) and D(e, e’)
perturbative regime. inclusive cross sections in the resonance region and be-
A high precision measurement of the elastic cross yond. While there will be nuclear effects in the deu-
section on the proton at ultra low Q2 , the PRad exper- terium data, the experiment provides a significant large
iment, was performed in 2016 with the aim to solve the x range and reduced uncertainty to be combined with
proton charge radius puzzle triggered by the muonic the large global data set of inclusive cross sections for
hydrogen spectroscopic measurements. To improve the PDF extraction. Fig. 14.1.4 shows the MARATHON
precision of the measurement, the experiment utilized F2d /F2p results [4331], along with data from the JLab
a new type of windowless target system flowing the hy- BoNUS experiment [3052] for W ≥ 1.84GeV /c2 , evolved
drogen gas directly into the stream of CEBAF’s 1.1 to the Q2 of MARATHON, and results from early SLAC
and 2.2 GeV electrons, and a calorimeter to detect the measurements with W ≥ 1.84GeV /c2 [4334] presented
scattered electrons, rather than the traditionally used as a band. The results, which cover the Bjorken scal-
magnetic spectrometer. Moreover, the experiment was ing variable range 0.19 < x < 0.83, represent a signifi-
able to measure the scattered electron at very low (Q2 ), cant improvement compared to previous measurements
facilitating a highly accurate extrapolation to Q2 = 0 for the ratio. The results are expected to improve our
and extraction of the proton charge radius. The new knowledge of the nucleon PDFs, and to be used in al-
value obtained for the proton radius is 0.831 fm [2901], gorithms which fit hadronic data to properly determine
which is smaller than the previous electron-scattering the essentially unknown (u + ū)/(d + d)¯ ratio at large x.
values and is, within its experimental uncertainty, in A planned experiment using Parity Violation in Deep
agreement with recent muonic atomic spectroscopy re- Inelastic Scattering (PVDIS) [4335] on the proton, with
sults. the proposed SoLID [4336] spectrometer, will provide
To reach the ultimate precision offered by this new input on the d/u ratio at high x without contamina-
method, an enhanced version of PRad , the PRad − II tion from nuclear corrections by measuring the ratio of
experiment [4330] has been approved. It will deliver the γZ interference to total structure functions.
most precise measurement of GpE reaching the lowest An extensive experimental program on spin physics
ever Q2 value (10−5 GeV 2 ) in lepton scattering exper- at low and moderate Q2 , has been pursued by JLab
iments, critical for the model independent extraction during the 6 GeV era. The main focus of the DIS ex-
of rp . The projected rp from PRad − II is shown Fig. periments has been the x−dependence of virtal pho-
14.1.3 along with the PRad result, recent electron scat- ton asymmetry A1 = g1 /F1 , to determine the contribu-
tering extractions, atomic physics measurements on or- tions of quark spins to the spin of nucleon. In addition,
dinary hydrogen and muonic hydrogen, and the CO- the high statistical precision data and kinematic cov-
DATA values (see [2901] for references of these mea- erage allowed an accurate study of sum rules in the
surements). parton to hadron transition region as well as higher
twist contributions (see Ref. [4337] for a review). A spin
Quark parton distributions at high x physics program has been approved to run with the up-
The quark and gluon structure of the proton has been grade CEBAF which extends the kinematical coverage
under intense experimental and theoretical investiga- to higher x and can, among other things, answer the

key question on what happens when a single quark car- tering (SIDIS), in which the nucleon is no longer intact
ries nearly all (more than 80%) of the momentum of the and one or two of the outgoing hadrons are detected
nucleon. This region is well suited to test various theo- in coincidence with the scattered lepton. GPDs and
retical predictions including those from the relativistic TMDs are not measured directly. They are extracted
constituent quark model and perturbative QCD. The through global fits to experimental data of Compton
An1 high-impact experiment in Hall C [4338] completed Form Factors (CFFs) for GPDs and Structure Func-
data taking in 2020. The experiment ran at a luminos- tions for TMDs, and model dependent techniques with
ity of 2x1036 cm−2 s−1 thanks to the upgraded polarized various assumptions involved. Therefore, accessing them
He target [4339]. The new precision measurement will demands not only a structured connection between the-
expand knowledge of the extracted g1n structure func- ory, experiment and phenomenology, but availability of
tion to x = 0.75. Combined with the currently running high precision data in a wide kinematical range and
experiments to measure the proton and deuteron asym- from different targets and several target/beam polariza-
metries Ap1 and Ad1 with CLAS12 [4329], new global tion combinations. A 3D description of the nucleon in-
analyses will be able to extract the ∆u and ∆d quark ternal structure comes at the price of an unprecedented
helicity distributions in the high-x region with much complexity. Therefore, for a correct interpretation of
improved precision. the data and a detailed comparison between results
and theoretical models, a full differential analysis, us-
Nuclear Femtography:TMDs and GPDs ing multi-dimensional information is crucial. The high-
Pioneering measurements to access Generalized Par- intensity, high-polarization electron beam provided by
ton Distributions (GPDs) and Transverse Momentum CEBAF with the complementary equipment of halls,
Distributions (TMDs) were provided by the HERMES, A, B, C, makes JLab an ideal place for these studies.
COMPASS, and the JLab 6 GeV program, among oth- SIDIS experiments provide access to the nucleon
ers. For recent reviews see Refs. [4340, 4341]. The up- spin-orbit correlations. Observables are spin azimuthal
graded detectors and CEBAF beam energy and inten- asymmetries, and in particular single spin azimuthal
sity, promise to provide a more detailed three-dimension- asymmetries (SSAs), of the detected hadron. SSAs are
al (3D) mapping of the nucleon over wider ranges of due to the correlation between the quark transverse mo-
the relevant kinematic variables. Indeed, this is a ma- mentum and the spin of the quark/nucleon and early
jor thrust of the 12 GeV program accounting, so far, measurements indicated that they become larger with
for almost ∼ 1/3 of the whole approved experimental increasing x, i.e in the region where valence quarks
program. have visible presence. Measurements of SSAs at JLab
Experimentally GPDs are accessible through deep with the 6 GeV beam, performed with longitudinally
exclusive processes, the most prominent ones being Dee- polarised N H3 [4342], and transversely polarised 3 He
ply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS), and Deeply [3240] [4343] [3241] [4344] indicate that spin orbit cor-
Virtual Meson Production (DVMP). TMDs, at JLab, relations may be significant for certain combinations of
are accessed through Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scat- spins of quarks and nucleons and transverse momentum
of scattered quarks.
Large spin-azimuthal asymmetries have been ob-
served at JLab also for a longitudinally polarised beam
[4345] and a transversely polarised 3 He target [4346],
which have been interpreted in terms of higher-twist
contributions related to quark-gluon correlations and
novel aspects of emergent hadron mass. At JLab with
upgraded energy, three experimental halls, A, B, and C
are involved in TMDs studies. The measurements aim
to access leading and higher twists TMDs and their
flavour and spin dependence, in multi-dimentinal bin-
ning of x, Q2 , z, PT . The joint efforts of the three halls,
Fig. 14.1.4 The F2d /F2p ratio versus Bjorken x from the where the high-precision, high-statistics measurements
JLab MARATHON experiment [4331], together with data from in Hall A and C will be combined with the wide kine-
BoNUS [3052] and a band based on the fit of the SLAC data matics ones performed in Hall B, by using different
as provided in Ref. [4334], for the MARATHON kinematics targets and several target/beam polarization combina-
Q2 = 14x (GeV/c)2 . All three experimental data-sets include
statistical, point to point systematic, and normalization uncer- tions, will allow a thorough exploration of the 3D struc-
tainties. ture of the nucleon in momentum space. The program
14.1 JLab: the 12 GeV project and beyond 499

A comprehensive program is carried out at JLab

in deeply virtual exclusive scattering processes (DVCS
and DVMP) with the goal to create the transverse spa-
cial images of quarks and gluons as a function of their
longitudinal momentum fraction in the proton, neutron
and nuclei through the study of the GPDs. The phys-
ical content of the GPDs is quite rich. Among other
features, they give access to the contribution of the or-
bital momentum of the quarks and gluons to the nu-
cleon, and the D-term, a poorly known element of GPD
parametrizations, which gives valuable insights to the
mechanical properties of the nucleon [2822, 4364–4366].
The study of the deeply exclusive processes and the
Fig. 14.1.5 The new CLAS12 results on beam helicity asym-
metry in two-pion semi-inclusive deep inelastic electroproduc- GPDs extraction started, at JLab, in the 6 GeV era.
tion [4360] as a function of the invariant mass of pion pairs. After the first publication by CLAS in 2001 [4367], a
The red points are from CLAS6 measurements [4362]. series of high-statistics DVCS-dedicated experiments in
Hall A and B followed at moderate Q2 (1−3GeV 2 ) and
inludes the BigBite spectrometer and SBS[4347], as well in a xB range centered around xB ∼ 0.3 (for a recent
as, the SoLID detector at Hall A [4348–4350], CLAS12 review see[4368]).
at Hall B [4351–4355], and High Momentum Spectrom- The polarized and unpolarized cross sections mea-
eter (HMS) and Super HMS at Hall C [4356–4358]. sured at in Hall A at 6 GeV [4369, 4370] indicate, via
The first SIDIS publications of the 12 GeV era were a Q2 -scaling test, that the factorization and the hy-
reported by the CLAS12 collaboration on measurements pothesis of leading-twist dominance are valid already
of beam SSA for sigle pion [4359], two-pion [4360] and at relatively low Q2 (∼ 1 − 2GeV 2 ) and thus the appli-
back-to-back dihadron [4361] productions off an unpo- cability of the GPD-based description. Covering a range
larized proton target using 10.6 and 10.2 GeV longi- in xB from 0.1 to 0.7 and in Q2 from 1 to 10 GeV 2 , the
tudinally spin-polarized electron beams. The sigle π + upgraded JLab is very well matched to study GPDs
production was measured over a wide range of kinemat- in the valence regime. The program is executed in the
ics in a fully multidimensional study. The comparison three experimental halls, A, B, C, and aims to measure
with calculations shows the promise of high-precision accurately fully differential beam-polarized cross sec-
data to enable differentiation between competing reac- tion differences and unpolarized cross sections, longi-
tion models and effects. tudinally polarized target-spin asymmetries along with
The first significant beam spin asymmetries observed double polarization observables.
in two-pion production provide the first opportunity The first result of the 12 GeV era was reported by
to extract the higher-twist parton distribution func- Hall A on the DVCS cross section measurement at high
tion e(x), interpreted in terms of the average trans- Bjorken xB off an unpolarized proton target [4371]. The
verse forces acting on a quark after it absorbs the vir- work presents the first experimental extraction of the
tual photon. Moreover, this measurement constitutes four helicity-conserving nucleon Compton Form Factors
the first ever signal sensitive to the helicity-dependent (CFFs) as a function of xB . A similar experiment, which
two-pion fragmentation function G⊥ will complement the kinematic coverage of the Hall A, is
1 . The comparison
of the 6 GeV and 12 GeV measurements shown in Fig. planned to run in Hall C with the HMS and NPS in 2024
14.1.5) demonstrates the impact of the beam energy [4372]. In Hall B two experiments measuring DVCS off
on the phase space for production of multiple hadrons an unpolarized proton target at 11 GeV [4373] and 6.6
in the final state and the huge reduction in the corre- and 8.8 GeV [4374] will allow a larger kinematical cover-
sponding error bars. Finally, the measured beam-spin age, while the measurement of the beam-spin asymme-
asymmetries in back-to-back dihadron electroproduc- try off a deuteron target, with detected neutron, will
tion, ep →0 pπ + X, with the first hadron produced in allow to constrain the poorly known GPD E, related
the current-fragmentation region and the second in the to the quark orbital angular momentum through the
target-fragmentation region, provide a first access in di- Ji’s sum rule, and to perform the GPDs quark-flavor
hadron production to a previously unobserved leading- separation. These experiments will release their results
twist spin- and transverse-momentum-dependent frac- soon. Finally, an experiment using longitudinally polar-
ture functions [4363]. ized N H3 and N D3 target [4329] is currently running in
Hall B and one has been proposed to use a transversely

polarized proton [4375]. The precision and kinematical

coverage of these asymmetries obtained with different
combination of targets and polarization will bring strin-
gent constraints to GPD parametrizations.
Meson production at JLab at 6 GeV has not yet
shown parton dominance of scattering. Experimental
data from 11 GeV beam will provide important test of
the deep-exclusive meson production mechanism. Hall
A recently published deep exclusive electroproduction
of π 0 at high Q2 [4376] using the 11 GeV beam off an
unpolarized proton target. The results suggest the am-
Fig. 14.1.6 Photon polarization asymmetry as a function of
plitude for transversely polarized virtual photons con- -t. The dashed and dashed-dotted lines are the predictions of
tinues to dominate the cross section throughout this GPDs based models, respectively, the VGG [4382] and the GK
kinematic range. Experiments have also been approved [4383] models, evaluated at the average kinematics. For detailed
in Hall B for π 0 , η [4377] and φ production [4378], the explanation see [2824].
latter with the hope to determine the t-slope of the
gluon GPDs. In Hall C, it is important to mention the content, or with explicit gluonic components (glueballs
precise measurement of the L/T separation on kaon and hybrids). Mapping states with explicit gluonic de-
and pion electroproduction [4379, 4380] and the neu- grees of freedom in the light sector is a challenge.
tral pion cross-section measurements [4372]. One example is the π1 state which has led to contro-
Finally, DVCS and DVMP will be measured on the versies. Experiments have reported two different hybrid
He nucleus (with emphasis on φ production) [4381], candidates with spin-exotic signature, π1 (1400) and π1 (1600),
with the aim of comparing a) the quark and gluon radii which couple separately to ηπ and η π (for a review

of the helium nucleus, b) GPDs of the bound proton and see Ref. [2362]). This picture is not compatible with
neutron with the free proton and quasi-free neutron. recent Lattice QCD estimates for hybrid states, nor
While the most attention so far is on studies of with most phenomenological models. A recent work by
GPD using spin (beam/target) observables and cross- the JPAC [4384] provides a robust extraction of a sin-
sections in DVCS, also the Time-like Compton Scat- gle exotic π1 resonant pole, but no evidence for a sec-
tering (TCS), the time-reversal symmetric process of ond exotic state. The main goal of the GlueX exper-
DVCS where the incoming photon is real and the out- iment [4385, 4386] in Hall D is to search for exotic
going photon has large time-like virtuality, has much to mesons, and together with CLAS12 MesonEx experi-
offer. The first ever measurement of TCS on the pro- ment [4387] in Hall B, to provide a unique contribution
ton γp → p0 γ ∗ (γ ∗ → e+ e− ) has been obtained with to the landscape of experimental meson spectroscopy
CLAS12 [2824]. Both the photon circular polarization through the novel photoproduction mechanism previ-
and forward/backward asymmetries were measured. The ously relatively unexplored. Utilizing a real, linearly-
comparison of the measured polarization asymmetries polarized photon beam in GlueX and quasi-real, low-Q2
with model predictions points toward the interpreta- photons in CLAS12, this program covers a wide range
tion of GPDs as universal functions. Fig. 14.1.6 shows of beam energies from Eγ = 3-12 GeV.
the photon polarization asymmetry A U as a function GlueX has already collected high-statistics, high-
of −t at the averaged kinematic point Eγ = 7.29 ± quality photoproduction data and published various re-
1.55GeV ; M = 1.80 ± 0.26GeV , compared with GPDs sults on photoproduction cross sections for several sin-
based models. gle pseudoscalar mesons including the π 0 , π − , K + , η, η 0
over a broad range of momentum transfer [4388–4391],
14.1.4 Hadron Spectroscopy focused on a quantitative understanding of the meson
photoproduction mechanism. Polarization observables,
For the theoretical formalism and a general overview of such as spin-density matrix elements, provide also valu-
hadron spectroscopy, the reader should refer to Sec. 8 able input for the theoretical description of the produc-
of this volume. tion mechanism, which is essential for the interpretation
This is an exciting period in hadron spectroscopy. of possible exotic meson signals. Moreover, these stud-
The last two decades witnessed the discovery of many ies require a complete understanding of the detector
states that challenged the basic model of hadron physics acceptance and efficiencies in fits to multi-dimensional
according to which particles are made of 3q (baryons) or data and therefore are essential for assessing the Partial
a q q̄ (mesons), and pointed to states with multi-quark Wave Analysis (PWA) machinery.
14.1 JLab: the 12 GeV project and beyond 501

Fig. 14.1.7 Preliminary mass spectra and amplitude analysis Fig. 14.1.8 GlueX results for the J/ψ total cross section vs
results from GlueX for the reactions γp → η ( ) π 0 p, with 0.1 < beam energy, compared to the JPAC model with hypothetical

−t < 0.3GeV and 8.2 < Eγ < 8.8GeV .

branching ratios provided in the legend for Pc+ with J P =
3/2− as described in Ref. [4404].

GlueX published the first measurement of spin den-

sity matrix elements of the Λ(1520) in the energy range properties of the nucleon target related to its mass and
Eγ = 8.2-8.8 GeV [4392] and released preliminary re- gluon content. Moreover, in the beam energy region of
sults on spin-density matrix elements of the vector mes- Eγ = 9.4-10.1 GeV, the γp → J/ψp process can be used
ons ρ(770), φ(1020) and ω(782) [4393]. The final anal- to search, directly in a simple 2 → 2 body kinematics
ysis with the full data set will surpass previous mea- [4400–4403] for the pentaquark candidates, Pc+ (4312),
surements by orders of magnitude. The search for hy- Pc+ (4440), and Pc+ (4457), reported by the LHCb exper-
brid mesons has started in GlueX by studying η ( ) π
iment but still under debate [2828, 2829]. JLab has an
final-states to eventually confirm the π1 pole position active J/ψ physics program. There are either published,
extracted by JPAC. With a large acceptance to both ongoing, or planned future J/ψ experiments in each ex-
charged and neutral particles, GlueX has access to both perimental hall. The first measurement was performed
neutral γp → η ( ) π 0 p and charged γp → η ( ) π − ∆++ p
0 0
by GlueX [4404] and is shown in Fig. 14.1.8 , with
exchanges. Fig. 14.1.7) shows preliminary results for curves depicting the strength of hypothetical Pc sig-
the measured intensity of the dominant waves in the nals. No structures are observed in the measured cross
γp → η ( ) π 0 p channel.
section, however model-dependent upper limits are set
JLab at 12 GeV will continue the program to study on the branching ratio of the possible PC → J/ψp de-
the spectrum and structure of excited nucleon states, cays. Preliminary results from the Jψ − 007 experiment
which in the last 15 years have provided critical input to in Hall C also observe no Pc signal and will set more
global analyses to elucidate the N ∗ spectrum (see Refs. restrictive limits on the branching ratio [4405]. In Hall
[2819, 4394] for recent reviews). Detailed electrocou- B analysis of data are ongoing [4406] and in Hall A an
plings measurements through exclusive electroproduc- experiment has been approved to run with SoLID[4407].
tion study of both strange and non-strange final states,
will be extended with the new CLAS12 detector and the 14.1.5 QCD and Nuclei
upgraded energy beam which will significantly extend
the kinematic range to Q2 > 5GeV 2 [4395, 4396]. The Nuclear interactions are described using effective mod-
program comprises also the search of hybrid baryons els that are well constrained at typical internucleon
with constituent gluonic excitations, for which a rich distances in nuclei but not at shorter distances. The
spectrum is predicted by Lattice QCD. Finally, many strong component of the nucleon-nucleon potential as-
hyperon spectroscopy measurements are expected from sociated with hard, intermediate short-distance inter-
the GlueX and CLAS12 measurements, including the actions between pairs of nucleons, called Short-Range
Ξ and Ω [4397, 4398]. This program will be expanded Correlated (SRC) pairs, is a poorly understood parts of
by proposal to perform hyperon spectroscopy with the nuclear structure and generates a high-momentum tail
KL neutral kaon beam in Hall D, which was recently to the nucleon momentum distribution. The existence
approved by the PAC[4399]. and characteristics of SRC pairs are related to out-
Over the past several years there has been a re- standing issues in particle, nuclear, and astrophysics,
newed interest in studying near-threshold J/ψ photo- among which are the modification of the internal struc-
production as a tool to experimentally probe important ture of nucleons bound in atomic nuclei (the EMC ef-

fect) [4408] and the nuclear symmetry energy governing come to a definitive conclusion. Experiment [4423] with
neutron star properties [4409]. the 11 GeV beam will provide the first significant test
The studies of SRCs are a sizeable part of the JLab by taking high-statistics A/3 He ratio data at x > 2 and
program that started already in the 6 GeV era. Af- Q2 =3 GeV2 .
ter the initial observation of identical structure in the Determining the origin of the EMC effect, i.e. the
high-momentum components of nuclei at SLAC[4410], modification of nuclear PDFs relative to the sum of
electron-scattering measurements at JLab have identi- the individual nucleon PDFs, is one of the major un-
fied the kinematic region where SRCs dominate[4411, solved problems in the field of nuclear physics and is
4412] and mapped out the contribution of SRCs in vari- still a puzzle after forty years. Measurement at Jlab
ous light and heavy nuclei relative to the deuteron[795, at 6 GeV in light nuclei demonstrated the correlation
4413]. Data demonstrated also that the contribution between the size of the EMC effect and the contribu-
is sensitive to details of the nuclear structure [4414, tion of SRCs [795]. The JLab12 program addresses the
4415] rather than the previously assumed average nu- three open questions of the EMC effect: i) the isospin
clear density [4416]. In addition, they showed a clear dependence; ii) the spin dependence; iii) the configura-
correlation between the contribution of SRCs [795] and tion/distance dependence. The isospin dependence has
the size of the EMC effect [4414]. To study the isospin been investigated with the already mentioned experi-
dependence of the SRCs, measurements of two-nucleon ment using mirror nuclei [4421]. Polarization measure-
knock-out were carried out. These experiments showed ments can also help to understand the origin of the
dominance of np-SRC pairs over pp and nn-SRC pairs EMC effect [4424, 4425]. An 11 GeV experiment will
by a factor of about 20 [796, 4417, 4418]. The result measure the EMC effect in polarized 7 Li [4426] with
was confirmed in measurements of quasi-elastic knock- the goal to distinguish between mean-field models with
out of protons and neutrons from medium and heavy explanations based on SRCs. Tagging of recoil nuclei
nuclei [4419], and later through inclusive measurements in deep inelastic reactions will be used in [4427] to ad-
of the 48 Ca/40 Ca cross section ratio [4420] taking ad- dress point iii). This is a powerful technique to provide
vantage of the target isospin structure. unique information about the nature of medium mod-
The first measurement using a novel technique to ex- ifications, through the measurement of the EMC ratio
tract the np/pp ratio of SRCs taking advantage of the and its dependence on the nucleon off-shellness.
isospin structure of the mirror nuclei 3 H and 3 He was There are several ways to study QCD in nuclei. One
carried out in the 12 GeV era[4421]. The np/pp SRC ra- is through the hadronization process, a mechanism by
tio obtained is an order of magnitude more precise than which quarks struck in hard processes form the hadrons
previous experiments, and shows a dramatic deviation observed in the final state. This is a poorly known mech-
from the near-total np dominance observed in heavy anism and more insight can be obtained by systemati-
nuclei (see Fig. 14.1.9). This result implies an unex- cally studying production of different baryon and meson
pected structure in the high-momentum wave-function types using large and small nuclear systems, and ob-
for 3 He and 3 H. Finally, measurements at x > 2 car- serving the multi-variable dependence of observables,
ried out with the 6 GeV beam, tried to establish the such as multiplicity ratios and transverse momentum
presence of three-nucleon SRCs [795, 4422], but didn’t broadening. These studies started with CLAS at 6 GeV
[4428] and will continue with CLAS12[4426].
Hadron propagation in the medium can also be stud-
ied by searching for color transparency, where the final
(and/or initial) state interactions of hadrons with the
nuclear medium must vanish for exclusive processes at
high momentum transfers. Color transparency for pi-
ons [4429] and ρ mesons [4430] was observed at 6 GeV
while the 11 GeV experiment [1331] ruled out color
transparency in quasielastic 12 C(e, e0 p) up to Q2 of 14.2
GeV2 . These results impose strict constraints on models
of color transparency for protons.
Measurements on nuclei which are directly relevant
for understanding aspects of astrophysics and neutrino
physics are also part of the JLab program. One of the
Fig. 14.1.9 Ratio of np-SRCs to pp-SRCs relative to the total
early experiments of the 12 GeV era was the measure-
number of np and pp pairs, for the new inclusive data (red
circle), compared with previous measurements [4421]. ments of inclusive quasi-elastic scattering and single
14.1 JLab: the 12 GeV project and beyond 503

14.1.6 Future Opportunities

With a fixed target program at the ‘‘luminosity fron-

tier,’’ up to 1039 cm−2 s−1 , and large acceptance de-
tection systems, CEBAF will continue to offer unique
opportunities to illuminate the nature of QCD and the
origin of confinement for decades to come. In fact, CE-
BAF operates with several orders of magnitude higher
in luminosity than the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) and
exciting scientific opportunities using CEBAF beyond
the currently planned decade of experiments can pro-
vide very complementary capabilities, even in the era of
EIC operations. A discovery science program utilizing
Fig. 14.1.10 48 Ca neutron minus proton radius (red square) CEBAF in the EIC era has been developing jointly be-
versus that for 208 P b (blue square). The ellipses are joint tween JLab and its user community towards exploring
PREX-II and CREX 67% and 90% probability contours.The
gray circles (magenta diamonds) show a variety of relativistic
both the science and technical case for moving beyond
(non-relativistic) density functionals (see Ref. [4435]). 12 GeV. A series of upgrades to increase luminosity, en-
able positron beams, and double the energy of CEBAF
is envisioned [4320].
proton knockout on 40 Ar [4431, 4432].These data will
allow for tests of ν −40 Ar scattering simulations needed – An increase in luminosity with modest detector up-
for the DUNE experiment. Another experiment [4433] grades will facilitate double DVCS (DDVCS) studies
measured electron scattering from a variety of targets in experimental Halls A and B. DDVCS can bring
and different beam energies in CLAS12 in order to test significant additional information to the three di-
neutrino event selection and energy reconstruction tech- mensional imaging of the quark structure. This is a
niques and to benchmark neutrino event generators. process with interaction rates a factor of 100 lower
Thanks to the intense and highly polarized CEBAF than DVCS. Therefore it is not viable at EIC and
electron beams, measurements of the parity-violating must be studied using CEBAF.
electron scattering asymmetry from 208 P b and 48 Ca – Positron beams, both polarized and unpolarized, are
have demonstrated a new opportunity to measure the identified as an essential ingredient for the hadronic
weak charge distribution and hence pin down the neu- physics program at JLab, and they are important
tron radius in nuclei in a relatively clean and model- tools for a precise understanding of the electromag-
independent way. A precise measurement of the neutron netic structure of the nucleon, in both the elastic
radius, and hence of the neutron skin thickness, helps to and the deep-inelastic regimes. Proof of principle of
constrain the density dependence of the symmetry en- a new concept for creating polarized positron beams
ergy of neutron rich nuclear matter, which has implica- at CEBAF has been demonstated and a scinetific
tions on neutron stars and supernova. The PREX-II ex- prgram has been developed [4437].
periment [4434] measured the ‘‘neutron skin thickness’’ – Encouraged by recent success of CBETA at Cornell,
of 208 P b while CREX[4435] measured that of 48 Ca. a proposal was formulated to increase the CEBAF
For CREX, the extracted neutron skin can be directly energy from the present 12 GeV to 20-24 GeV by
compared to microscopic calculations [4436] providing replacing the highest-energy arcs with Fixed Field
a bridge between medium nuclei ab initio calculations Alternating Gradient (FFA) arcs but using the ex-
and heavy nuclei Density Functional Theory calcula- isting CEBAF SRF cavity system. This exciting new
tions. The extremely precise CREX measurement indi- technology would be a cost-effective method to dou-
cates a thin neutron skin around its nucleus, in contrast ble the energy of CEBAF, enabling new scientific
with the PREX measurement which revealed a thicker opportunities in meson spectroscopy and extend-
skin (see Fig. 14.1.10). This discrepancy is exciting and ing the kinematic range of nucleon imaging stud-
presents the opportunity for further exploration to de- ies. Technical studies of the implementation of FFA
termine why there’s such a big difference between the technology at CEBAF are in progress.
medium-density calcium nucleus and the high-density
lead nucleus. 14.1.7 Conclusions

Jefferson Lab is a world-leading research laboratory for

exploring the nature of matter in depth. Its powerful

experimental program at 12 GeV will advance our un- developments began with planning exercises in the 1990s
derstanding of the quark/gluon structure of hadronic and advanced through extensive community efforts (sci-
matter, the nature of Quantum Chromodynamics, and ence studies, program development) [820, 3128] and
the properties of a new extended standard model of par- technical design work (accelerator, facility) at BNL,
ticle interactions. CEBAF at Jefferson Lab is a facility JLab, and other laboratories in the 2000s and 2010s.
in high demand due to its unique capability to operate Important milestones were the recommendation in 2015
with a fixed target program at the “luminosity frontier” Nuclear Science Advisory Committee Long-Range Plan
up to 1039 cm−2 s−1 , with exciting scientific opportu- [4439] and the endorsement by a study of the U.S. Na-
nities beyond the currently planned decade of experi- tional Academy of Sciences 2018 [4440]. The EIC was
ments. Potential upgrades of CEBAF and their impact granted Critical Decision Zero (CD-0) by the U.S. De-
on scientific reach are being discussed, such as higher partment of Energy in December 2019 and is now an
luminosity, the addition of polarized and upolarized official project of the U.S. Government. It is executed
postron beams, and doubling the beam energy. They according to project management principles and passed
will keep CEBAF uniquely capable of a large num- CD-1 in 2021. Completion of construction and begin of
ber of important measurements in nuclear and hadronic operations are expected around 2034.
physics. The EIC will enable a comprehensive science pro-
gram aimed at understanding hadrons and nuclei as
emergent phenomena of QCD. Scattering experiments
14.2 The EIC program will be performed at momentum transfers Q2 ∼ 101 -102
GeV2 , corresponding resolution scales where the quark
Christian Weiss
and gluon degrees of freedom are manifest and methods
of QCD factorization can be applied (see Fig. 14.2.2).
The Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) at Brookhaven Na-
The partonic content will be sampled at momentum
tional Lab (BNL) is planned as a next-generation facil-
fractions down to x ∼ 10−3 –10−4 , where gluons and
ity for high-energy ep/eA scattering experiments sup-
sea quarks are abundant and dominate hadron struc-
porting basic research in hadronic/nuclear physics and
ture. The wide kinematic coverage will enable study
QCD. The design combines the RHIC superconduct-
of scale dependence and radiation processes building
ing proton/ion accelerator ring with an electron storage
up the parton densities, which provide essential insight
ring in the same tunnel and an injector for on-energy
into the dynamics. The luminosity and detection sys-
injection of polarized bunches and enables collisions at
tems will permit measurements of the final states of
one (possibly two) interaction points (see Fig. 14.2.1)

[4438]. It provides ep collisions at CM energies s =
20–100 GeV, upgradable to 140 GeV, using various com-
binations of beam energies; for eA collisions with the Electron
same setup the CM energy per nucleon is lower by a Line

factor Z/A. It is projected to achieve peak luminosi-


ties in the range ∼1033 –1034 cm−2 s−1 and deliver an

Electron Electron
Storage Cooler
Ring Injector
integrated lifetime luminosity ∼10–100 fb−1 . It accel- Linac

erates ion species including the proton (p), light ions EIC
(D, 3 He, others), and heavy ions (Au, U, others). Po- Possible
Ring Polarized

larization is available for the electron and the light ion Location (IP8)
beams (p and 3 He) with an average ion polarization Possible

∼70%. The EIC will be the first colliding beam facil- Detector
Location (IP6) Electrons
ity enabling electron collisions with ion beams (A > 1), Electron
and with polarized proton/ion beams. Its luminosity Injector (RCS)

will exceed that of the HERA ep collider by 100-1000.

As such it will provide qualitatively new capabilities for (Polarized)
Ion Source

physics research [3105].

The concept of a polarized electron-ion collider was
inspired by the results of the fixed-target spin physics AGS

experiments (CERN, SLAC, DESY), the DESY HERA

ep collider, and the BNL RHIC polarized pp and AA
collider, and motivated by advances in theoretical con- Fig. 14.2.1 Schematic of the EIC accelerator complex [3105,
cepts for hadron structure and high-energy QCD. The
Figure 7.11: Correlation (upper panel) and sensitivity (lower pa
gluon helicity distribution Dg( x, Q2 ) and the (photon-nucleon)
as well as between the quark-singlet distribution DS( x, Q2 ) and
The lighter blue
p and darker blue circles represent the values o
14.2 The EIC program coefficient for s = 45 GeV and 140 GeV, respectively.
505 In all th
is proportional to the value of the correlation (sensitivity) coeffi

104 Current polarized DIS data: 0.15 0.30

0.25 +EIC DIS s = 4
current polarized BNL-RHIC pp data: p
+EIC DIS s = 4
0.10 x g
PHENIX π0 STAR 1-jet W bosons
103 0.20
Q2 (GeV2)

≤ 0.9 0.15
.01 y≤ 0.05
,0 1≤
10 2 eV 0.0
0G 0.10
,√ 0.00
IC 2 2
E Q = 10 GeV 0.05

0.05 DSSV 14
0 Ge p
+EIC DIS s = 45 GeV 0.05
=2 p
√s +EIC DIS s = 45 140 GeV
0.10 5 4 3 2 1 0.10
10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 1
10 10 10 10 10 100 10 5
x x

Fig. 14.2.2 Kinematic coverage in x and Q2 in DIS experi- Fig. 14.2.3 Gluon spin PDF extracted from polarized inclu-
Figure 7.12: Impact of the projected EIC A LL are
sive DIS pseudodata at EIC [3073, 3105]. Similar results
pseudoda on th
ments with the EIC at CM energies of 20 GeV and 140 GeV
[3105]. and quark
obtained singlet
in studies using helicity
other PDF(right panel) distributions
parametrizations [3105]. as a func
In addition to pthe DSSV14 estimate (light-blue), the uncertainty
including the 45 GeV DIS pseudodata (blue) and, subseq
p of which can sbe=measured
deep-inelastic processes in unprecedented detail (exclu- some s = 140 GeV pseudodata (dark in deep-inelastic pro-
blue), are also shown.
sive processes, semi-inclusive production, jets, nuclear cesses. For some quantities the operators have a par-
breakup, diffraction, etc.) and enable analysis using mod- tonic interpretation, and the matrix elements and can
ern theoretical concepts (GPDs, TMDs, jets). be expressed
the impact as ofintegrals of the PDFs/GPDs
the extrapolation (sumthree
region, rules).sets of pseu
The EIC science program is organized in four broad shifting For otherthe
quantities the operators involve interactions
unmeasured region at low x with ±1s confi
themes, defined by basic physics questions and concepts (higher twist), and the interpretation is more indirect.
helicity PDF uncertainties as well as the central predicti
that are explored using various measurements: The EIC will advance this program through several
measurements: p
– Global properties and partonic structure of hadrons In Fig. 7.13 the uncertainty bands for g1 before and afte
– Multi-dimensional imaging of hadrons and nuclei confidence levelandand central)
Gluon polarization nucleon spin at the EIC are shown, al
– Nuclear high-energy scattering in QCD
The quark and gluon contributions to the nucleon spin
– Emergence of hadrons from QCD
are expressed as the integrals of the quark and gluon
The boundaries between them are not strict, as some spin PDFs, which are measured in various polarized
measurements serve to answer questions in more than scattering experiments (see Sec. 10.3). Despite much
one area. In the following we briefly summarize the ob- effort, the contributions to the spin sum rule are still
jectives and main measurements in each of the themes; poorly known. While fixed-target DIS measurements
further information can be found in Refs. [820, 3105, have determined the quark spin densities, and the RHIC
3128].118 The program and its organization are still spin program has provided evidence of nonzero gluon
evolving; new topics are being discussed and proposed spin, the distributions are known with good precision
in response to developments in theory and detector de- only at x & 0.01, so that the integrals suffer from large
sign. uncertainties (see Sec. 10.2). At EIC, measurements of
inclusive polarized ep DIS will accurately determine the
14.2.1 Global properties and partonic structure quark and gluon spin densities down to x & 10−4 . The
wide kinematic coverage will make it possible to deter-
One basic objective is to understand how the global mine the gluon spin density indirectly through DGLAP
properties of hadrons such as spin, mass, charges, and evolution (see Fig. 14.2.3) [3073, 3105, 3107]. Comple-
other characteristics emerge from the quark/gluon fields mentary information will come from direct measure-
of QCD and their interactions (see Sec. 10.3). The quan- ments of the gluon spin density using dijets or heavy fla-
tities are expressed as matrix elements of QCD com- vor production [4441]. The gluon and quark spin PDFs
posite operators between hadronic states, hh|OQCD |hi, extracted in this way will permit accurate evaluation
of quark and gluon spin contributions to the spin sum
The literature supporting the concepts and measurements
of the EIC physics program is very extensive. In this summary
rule. The results will also constrain the possible con-
we refer to the other sections of the review article for concepts tribution of quark/gluon orbital angular momentum to
and previous results whenever possible; we refer directly to the the nucleon spin (see Fig. 14.2.4).
literature for simulation and impact studies for the EIC, and
for topics not covered elsewhere in the review.

2.0 ical models of the GPDs, or a global analysis recruit-

DSSV14 dataset
p ing other data. EIC will advance this program through
measurements of DVCS and meson production over a
1.5 +EIC DIS s = 45 GeV
+EIC DIS s = 45 140 GeV
1.0 wide kinematic range; the same data will be used for
) dx

the 3D spatial imaging (see below).
( g + 1/2

Energy-momentum tensor
0.5 Other global properties follow from the nucleon ma-

trix elements of the QCD energy-momentum tensor and
R 10

Q = 10 GeV 2 can be studied by using the connection with scattering
1.5 processes. The D-term of the energy-momentum ten-
0.6 0.4 R 10.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 sor, which expresses certain mechanical properties of
1/2- 10 3 ( g + 1/2 ) dx
the nucleon, appears as a subtraction constant in the
Figure 7.17: Room left for potential OAM contributions to the proton spin at Q2 = 10 GeV2 ,
dispersion relations for the DVCS amplitude and can be
Fig. 14.2.4
using the Room
existing data left for
and future potential orbital
EIC measurements. angular
The horizontal momentum
axis shows the differ-
ence between 12 and the contribution from the spin of quarks and gluons for a momentum
contributions to the proton spin after determining the quark extracted from fits to DVCS data with minimal model
fraction down to x = 0.001, which would be the room left for OAM if the spin contribution
and gluonwith
from partons spin contributions
smaller at EIC
momentum fractions [3073, 3105].
was negligible. The vertical axis presents dependence; see Refs. [2825, 4443] for a review. EIC
6 3
measurements will allow one to precisely determine the
the spin contribution from partons with momentum fractions between 10 and 10 . The
ellipses correspond
p to the 1s correlated uncertainty for the DSSV14 data set (light
p blue), the
fit including EIC s = 45 GeV pseudodata (blue), and the reweighting with s = 140 GeV
D-term, taking advantage of the wide energy coverage
Sea quark spin and flavor distributions
of the data in evaluating the dispersion integral.
tive important
neutron polarization are[108,
in DIS the109].
spin distributions
On-shell extrapolationofinthe sea
the proton The trace of the QCD energy-momentum tensor
quarks eliminates
momentum in the nucleon, which exhibit
nuclear modifications flavor
and final-state dependence
interactions and per-
contains important information on the emergence of
mits the extraction of the free neutron structure functions [68]. Simulations show
that an accurate d¯ 6= ∆s̄, of∆s
6= ∆determination 6= ∆s̄)
the neutron and attest
double-spin asymmetryto Aflavor-
kn is feasi- the nucleon mass from QCD; see Refs. [4444–4446] for
using polarizednon-perturbative
tagged DIS with on-shellinteractions
extrapolation (seewith the
Fig. 7.16). va-
applications of tagged measurements are discussed in Sec. 7.3.8. recent discussion and review. The breaking of scale in-
lence quarks in the nucleon. Present results on the flavor variance through the UV divergences of QCD implies
Orbital fromcontribution
angular momentum fixed-target semi-inclusive
to nucleon spin DIS and that the trace is proportional to the twist-4 gluonic op-
the RHIC W ± production data show large uncertain- erator G2µν (trace anomaly). An interesting question is
The improved constraints on the spin of quarks and gluons allow for exploring the
ties (seetoSec.
contribution 10.2).spin
the proton EICduewill
to thedetermine
orbital angularthe polarized
momentum (OAM)seaof how much this effect contributes to nucleon mass. It
partons.distributions and
Figure 7.17 presents thetheir flavor
potential dependence
of the EIC to constrainthrough
this contri-
bution, which is identified with the difference between the quark and gluon spin has been suggested that the twist-4 gluonic operator
contribution andep semi-inclusive
the proton DIS, taking
spin 12 . The horizontal axis showsadvantage
the differenceofbe- could be accessed in exclusive photo/electroproduction
large phase space for fragmentation (see Fig. 14.2.5) of heavy quarkonia at near-threshold energies [4447–
[3073, 3105]. Complementary information will come from 4449]; however, this connection relies on the question-
DIS on the neutron measured with polarized 3 He beams. able assumption of vector meson dominance [4450], and
The determination of the flavor structure of the polar- the mechanism of heavy quarkonium production near
ized sea will also indirectly improve the extraction of threshold is a matter of current research and discus-
the gluon spin distribution and the spin sum rule (sep- sion; see e.g. Refs. [4451–4454]. EIC will contribute to
aration of flavor singlet and non-singlet distributions). this program by measuring exclusive Υ production near
EIC will also enable novel studies of the flavor structure threshold (measuring J/ψ production near threshold is
of the unpolarized sea using charged-current DIS. very challenging with the high-energy collider) [3105,
4455]. With a future theoretical framework, these data
Orbital angular momentum will constrain the gluonic structure of the nucleon at the
The total angular momentum of quarks and gluons in higher-twist level and contribute to the understanding
the nucleon can be expressed through integrals of the of the origin of its mass.
GPDs (see Sec. 10.3). This representation provides al-
ternative insight into the role of orbital angular mo- Pion and kaon structure
mentum in the nucleon spin decomposition. The GPDs The spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry in QCD
appear in the amplitudes of hard exclusive processes generates most of the light hadron masses and governs
(deeply virtual Compton scattering or DVCS, meson the effective dynamics of strong interactions at low en-
production) and can be accessed experimentally in this ergies (see Secs. 6.2 and 6.3). The pion and kaon are
way; see Refs. [3185–3187, 4442] for a review. While the Goldstone bosons of chiral symmetry, and their
the hard exclusive processes sample the GPDs in a re- quark/gluon structure provides insight into the micro-
stricted domain of variables that is not sufficient for scopic mechanism of symmetry breaking. The EIC will
evaluating the angular momentum sum rule, it is possi- pursue a program of pion and kaon structure studies
ble to establish a connection in the context of dynam- using exclusive scattering to measure the pion/kaon
14.2 The EIC program 507

+EIC DIS s = 45 GeV
0.03 p
+EIC SIDIS s = 45 GeV
x d¯
+EIC SIDIS s = 140 GeV x s




0.02 x ū


6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
x x x

Fig. 14.2.5Figure
Flavor 7.19:
Impact of of SIDIS
the polarized sea quark at
measurements distributions
the EIC on in the
the sea
proton withhelicities
quark projected xD
xDd¯ data [3073,
3105]. Similar results are obtained in studies using
2 other PDF
2 parametrizations [3105].
and xDs as a function of x at Q = 10 GeV .

Transverse quark/gluon imaging of the nucleon

e + p → e + p + J/ψ

xV SIDIS 15.8 < Q2 + M2J/ψ < 25.1 GeV2

Sea quark helicities via The transverse spatial distributions of quarks/gluons
10 and their dependence on x represent the size and shape
2 0.12

t = 0.1

1 0.08

The sensitivity on the struck parton that fragmentation of the nucleon infunctions
QCD (see Sec.provide canRefs.
10.4 and be [3186,
Distribution of gluons

4 0.16 < xV < 0.25 0.06

0 0.04
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 0.02
3 0

used to leverage the understanding of the 3187] helicityfor astructure

review) and ofcontain rich information
the nucleon — see about
1.2 1.4 1.6
6 0.12

dynamics (parton diffusion, chiral

Indynamics). Exclusive

also Sec. 7.4.1 concerning the fragmentation

5 1
0.016 < xV < 0.025 functions themselves. particular, 0.08

electro- andimproved
over at EIC provides a
0 0.04

the access to the sea quark helicities can beJ/ψ substantially inclusive
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 0.02
3 1.2 1.4 1.6

DIS measurements via SIDIS measurements

2 clean
thatprobe of the
detect gluon and
pions GPD kaons
and willin determine
0.1 addi- trans-
verse spatial distribution of gluons from the t-slope of
1 0.08

tion to the scattered lepton. Detailed impact studies that use PEPSI as polarized
0.0016 < xV < 0.0025 0.06
0 0.04

the differential cross section (see Fig. 14.2.6) [820, 3105,

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 0.02

MC generator and follow the previous DSSV [88, 119, 120] extractions have been
1.2 1.4 1.6

bT (fm) 3128]. DVCS offers direct access to the quark GPDs

performed on the expected EIC measurements using various collision energies and
and their spin dependence, and provides indirect infor-
Fig. 14.2.6 Transverse spatial distribution
polarized proton as well as He beams [87].mation 3
of gluons in the As can
nucleon determined from projected EIC exclusive J/ψ electro- onbetheseen
Fig. 7.19,
throughtheNLOreduc-effects and
tion in the uncertainties of all three sea quark 2 helicities (D ū, D d, ¯ Ds) in comparison
Q evolution [3105, 4457]. The combination of both
production data [820, 3105].
to the current level of understanding is substantial. will allow for Similar to thedetermination
an accurate gluon polariza- of the quark
tion, the highest impact at low x relates to the anddata
gluonatGPDs, includingcollision
the highest validationenergies
of the factorized
form factor, and peripheral deep-inelastic ep scattering approximation and tests ofalready
the universality of the ex-
while intermediate to higher x receive the biggest improvements from the
to probe the pion/kaon partonic structure [3105, 4456].
lower collision energies. One of the most important points that can be answeredthis pro-
tracted structures. Essential capabilities for
The extraction of pion/kaon structure from ep/eA scat- gram are to thethe
kinematic coverage
tering with the sea theoretical
data requires quark helicities
methodsare their
that cancontributions
be spin−3sum rule.(probing
In particu-quarks/glu-
fits forced to negative values at lowerelectropro-
down to x ∼ 10 , Q 2
dependence in
tested lar,
withthe thestrange EIC data.sea polarization is in currentduction), x
luminosity (differential measurements, e.g. t-
due to the hyperon beta-decay constants and the assumption of SU(23)-flavor sym-
dependence at fixed x and Q ), far-forward proton de-
Multidimensional in conjunction withofno
imaging indication
hadrons and oftection
a negative polarization in the x-range
(recoil, exclusivity), and beam polarization (po-
nuclei in the currently existing data [121,larization 122]. The EIC SIDIS
observables). Thedata will
results canconclu-
be synthesized
sively answer whether there is a nonzero strange polarization at x
in comprehensive transverse images of > 0.5 10 5 . struc-
⇥ nucleon
Another basic objective
Further studiesisusing
to understand
similarand visualize together
pseudodata ture (see Sec.with a re-weighting technique
hadrons as extended systems
on the NNPDFpol [123, 124] replicas in space. This can be ac-
come to similar conclusions about the im-
provements using the concepts to the sea of GPDs
helicitiesco-[125].Transverse quark/gluon imaging of nuclei
ordinate space imaging) and TMDs (momentum space The same concepts and measurements can be used to
imaging), which provide a spatial representation con- create images of nuclei (A > 1) in terms of quark/gluon
sistent with the relativistic and quantum nature of the degrees of freedom. Such studies provide new insight
dynamics (see Sec. 10.4). Measurements at EIC will al- into nuclear structure (comparison of q − q̄, q + q̄, and g
low one to employ these concepts in regions where they spatial distributions in the nucleus) and a new avenue
are practically applicable and realize their full poten- for studying nuclear modifications of partonic structure
tial. (comparison of nucleus with non-interacting ensemble
of nucleons) [4458–4464]. EIC measurements of coher-
ent J/ψ [4465] and γ production on nuclei probe the

ments will also play a key role in the study of the flavor structure of TMDs, which
is currently almost unconstrained [489], making it difficult to estimate the impact
of the EIC.


Quark Sivers and Collins measurements

Spin-orbit correlations in TMD distributions

An interesting feature of the transverse momentum de-
pendence of partons is that it is correlated with the
nucleon and parton spin, giving rise to observable spin-
orbit effects that provide insights into nucleon structure
and color field dynamics (see Sec. 10.4). At EIC these
effects can be studied in measurements of hadron pro-
duction (semi-inclusive DIS, jets) with polarized elec-
tron and proton beams. Measurement of the Sivers and
Collins asymmetries are possible with the transverse
proton beam polarization readily available at collider
(see Fig. 14.2.7) [3105]. The results will provide exten-
sive information on orbital angular momentum, final
state interactions, and the quark transversity distribu-
tions in nucleon.

14.2.3 Nuclear high-energy scattering in QCD

High-energy scattering on nuclei (A > 1) provides a

Fig. 14.2.7 Expected impact of EIC pseudodata on the deter- wealth of information on the effective dynamics emerg-
Figure 7.53: Expected impact on up and down quark Sivers distributions as a function of the
transverse momentum k T for different values of x, obtained from SIDIS pion and kaon EIC
pseudodata, ofscale
at the theofu2and
GeV. d quark
The Sivers areas
green-shaded distribution [3105].
represent the currentGreen ing from QCD at various energy and distance scales.
whilebands: Presentareas
the blue-shaded uncertainties [3244].
are the uncertainties Blue:
when Uncertainties
including when
the EIC pseudodata.
including EIC pseudodata [3105].
Depending on the kinematic regime, such processes re-
Sivers function measurements: The determination of the quark Sivers functions, veal the QCD substructure of individual nucleon inter-
f 1T ( x, k T ), is one of the major goals for TMD physics. It can be extracted most di-actions (intermediate/large x) or coherent QCD phe-
rectly from the transverse SSA proportional to the sin(fh fS ) modulation of the
nuclear GPDs, hA0 |O partonic |Ai, and can be analyzed in sin(f fnomena
) involving the entire nucleus (small x). The EIC
SIDIS cross section, which is expressed through the structure function FUT h S
the same way as measurements on the proton. The iden-
(see Eq. (7.27)). The Sivers function is a T-odd TMD [490], that turns into the Qiu- will realize the first electron-nucleus collisions in collid-
Sterman tification of coherent
matrix element [212, 491] nuclear scattering
in the regime of small bevents places
[492, 493]. ing beam experiments, combining the kinematic reach
The extrac-
tion ofstrong
the Sivers demands
TMD was on the far-forward
performed by many groupsdetection
However, theof colliding beams with the precision and control of elec-
and is a matter of on-going development (active detec- tromagnetic scattering, and thus transform this field of
tion of recoiling nucleus for light nuclei; veto detection study.
of breakup for heavy nuclei) [4466]. A new aspect of
light nuclei is that they cover a variety of spins (Spin- Nuclear quark/gluon densities
1 D, Spin-1/2 3 He, Spin-0 4He) and express it in the The nuclear PDFs describe the basic particle content
GPD structure and the transverse images. of the nucleus in QCD degrees of freedom [4467–4470].
Comparison with the PDFs of an ensemble of non-inter-
Evolution of TMD distributions acting nucleons provides insight into nucleon interac-
The theoretical formulation of the transverse momen- tions and coherent phenomena. Many aspects of the
tum dependence of partons has made substantial progress nuclear PDFs are still poorly known, esp. the nuclear
in the last decade (see Sec. 10.4). Factorization and gluons and the charge and flavor dependence of the nu-
renormalization predict a distinctive scale and rapid- clear quarks at x . 0.1. The EIC will determine the
ity dependence of the TMD distributions, generated nuclear PDFs using inclusive DIS on a broad range of
by gluon radiation with Sudakov suppression, and de- nuclei [3105, 4471]. The nuclear gluon PDF will be de-
scribed by the CSS evolution equations. The EIC will termined indirectly through the Q2 dependence of the
allow one to test these predictions in measurements of nuclear DIS cross section (DGLAP evolution), using the
semi-inclusive hadron production γ ∗ + N → h + X, h = wide kinematic coverage available with the collider. It
π, K, ... The wide kinematic range accessible with EIC is will also be determined directly through measurements
essential for observing the logarithmic dependencies im- of heavy flavor production in nuclear DIS, taking advan-
plied by the evolution equation and separating pertur- tage of the high production rates and next-generation
bative and nonperturbative dynamics (see Fig. 14.2.2). reconstruction capabilities provided by the EIC. The
The results will provide crucial insight into the theory results will establish whether the nuclear gluons are
of CSS-type radiation and its applicability to DIS-type suppressed at x > 0.3 like the valence quarks (EMC
processes. effect), and whether they are enhanced at x ∼ 0.1 (anti-
shadowing) as suggested by theoretical arguments; both
14.2 The EIC program 509

coherent - no saturation
104 J/ψ incoherent - no saturation
eD 18 x 110 GeV2 BeAGLE
coherent - saturation (bSat)
0.4 γ * + d → X + p' 0.99 < αp < 1.01
incoherent - saturation (bSat)
dσ(e Au → e' Au' J/ψ)/dt (nb/GeV2)

0.09 < x < 0.2

103 ∫Ldt = 10/A fb-1
tagged proton
28 < Q2 < 34 GeV2
1 < Q2 < 10 GeV2, x < 0.01

σred, n(xn, Q2)

Free neutron
10 0.2

0.1 MC Generated
Acceptance Only
Full Simulation
10-1 |η(edecay)| < 4
Linear Fit
p(edecay) > 1 GeV/c
δt/t = 5% 0
0 0.005 0.01
10-2 p2 (GeV2)
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 pT
|t | (GeV2) Fig. 14.2.9 Simulation of free neutron structure extraction
Fig. 14.2.8 Differential cross section of coherent and incoher- through DIS on the deuteron with proton spectator tagging at
ent J/ψ production on a Au nucleus, as a function of the mo- EIC [4487]. The neutron reduced cross section is measured as
mentum transfer t [3105, 4472, 4473]. The diffraction pattern in a function of the spectator proton transverse momentum p2pT
coherent scattering is sensitive to the impact parameter depen- and extrapolated to the “free neutron point” at p2pT < 0, cor-
dence of shadowing and saturation effects in the nuclear gluon responding to pn configurations of infinite size.

dijet and dihadron production [3281, 4484, 4485]. Fur-

phenomena reveal aspects of the QCD substructure of ther insight can be gained from studies of diffractive
nucleon interactions. scattering on nuclei. Measurements of coherent heavy
vector meson production on nuclei probe the impact
Shadowing and saturation parameter dependence of the shadowing and/or satura-
In high-energy scattering at x  0.1 the coherence tion effects through the diffraction pattern in the mo-
length of the process becomes larger than the size of mentum transfer |t| (see Fig. 14.2.8) [3105, 4472, 4473].
the nucleus, and the high-energy probe interacts with Similar studies can be performed in measurements of
all nucleons along its path. In this regime the gluons coherent inclusive diffraction on nuclei [4486]. The EIC
“seen” by the probe can no longer be attached to indi- provides the necessary energy for diffractive scattering,
vidual nucleons but represent a property of the whole and the ability to identify coherent processes through
nucleus, giving rise to striking new phenomena. Shad- forward detection.
owing is the reduction of the leading-twist nuclear gluon
density resulting from destructive interference of am- Nuclear breakup and spectator tagging
plitudes with gluons attached to different nucleons; see In high-energy scattering on light ions, detection of the
Ref. [4474] for a review. Saturation is the appearance nuclear breakup state provides information on the nu-
of a new dynamical scale in the form of the transverse clear configuration present during the high-energy pro-
density of gluons per area. It emerges from nonlinear cess [4488]. In the case of the deuteron, detection of
QCD evolution equations including gluon recombina- the “spectator” proton identifies events with scattering
tion [4475–4480] and can be used as the basis of an on the neutron and fixes the relative momentum of the
effective field theory description of strong interactions proton-neutron configuration. This can be used to select
at small x – the Color Glass Condensate [3276], leading scattering in large-size nuclear configurations, where
to many interesting predictions; see Refs. [4481–4483] interactions are absent and the neutron is free [4489,
for reviews. Both phenomena are connected, as shadow- 4490], or small-size configurations, where the pn system
ing reduces the gluon density and modifies the expected strongly interacts and the partonic structure is modified
Q2sat ∼ A1/3 scaling of the saturation scale. Exploring (short-range nucleon-nucleon correlations) [4491]. The
these phenomena will be a prime task of the EIC. EIC will enable a program of high-energy scattering on
Basic information will come from the behavior of the deuteron with proton or neutron spectator tagging.
the nuclear gluon PDF at x  0.1 [3105]. More detailed In the collider kinematics the spectator nucleon appears
tests of the small-x gluon dynamics will be possible with in the forward ion direction and is detected with far-

forward detectors (magnetic spectrometer for protons, 1000

zero-degree calorimeter for neutrons) [3105]. The setup res, Pythia

can be used to extract free neutron structure functions

dir, NLO+NLL
dir, Pythia
T > 10 GeV
(see Fig. 14.2.9) [4487], study the configuration depen- 800
[pb], anti-kT , R = 0.8
dence of EMC effect, or explore short-range nucleon- √
s = 141 GeV, 0.2 < y < 0.8, Q2max < 1 GeV2
nucleon correlations in deuteron breakup in diffractive
scattering [4492].

dσ / dηlab
14.2.4 Emergence of hadrons from QCD
Understanding hadronization – the emergence of hadrons
from the energetic quarks/gluons produced in deep-
inelastic processes – remains a major challenge of strong 200
interaction physics. The hadronization process is “re-
ciprocal” to the partonic structure of hadrons but much
less understood theoretically, because it involves time- 0
0 1 2 3 4
like momentum transfers and propagation over large
−2 −1
distances, and methods based on imaginary-time (Eu- Fig. 14.2.10 Inclusive production cross section of jets in pho-
clidean) quantum field theory such as Lattice QCD are toproduction at EIC, as a function of the pseudorapidity η in
generally not applicable (see Sec. 4). Basic open ques- the laboratory frame (see Fig. 14.2.12) [3105, 4501].
tions are the time/distance scales of parton fragmenta-
tion and hadron formation; the role of non-perturbative
Dihadron correlations
dynamics (chiral symmetry breaking, vacuum fields; see
More detailed information on the fragmentation process
Sec. 5.11), and the effects of the nuclear medium on
comes from measurements of hadron correlations, de-
the hadronization process. In addition to the scientific
scribed by the theoretical framework of dihadron frag-
interest, these topics are of eminent practical impor-
mentation functions [4498–4500]. The EIC will measure
tance for the development of event generators describ-
dihadron fragmentation functions in DIS and allow for
ing strong interaction dynamics in high-energy colli-
the new theoretical concepts to be applied and tested.
sions (see Sec. 11.4).
The kinematic coverage provided by the EIC will ensure
Fragmentation functions that the picture of independent fragmentation remains
Basic information on the hadronization process is sum- applicable even in multi-hadron measurements.
marized in the quark/gluon fragmentation functions,
describing the probability for single-inclusive hadron Jets and heavy flavors
production by an energetic color charge; see Ref. [4493] An alternative view of the hadronization process is ob-
for a review. While much information on the fragmen- tained by applying the concepts of jet physics, where
tation functions has been extracted from e+ e− anni- one defines a system of collinear partons according to
hilation, pp collisions, and fixed-target semi-inclusive quantitative observable criteria without reference to non-
DIS experiments, several features remain poorly known, perturbative fragmentation functions (see Secs. 6.4, 11.5
such as the quark charge dependence (so-called unfa- and Sec. 12). These concepts and methods have been
vored vs. favored fragmentation), strangeness fragmen- developed for pp/pp̄ scattering at hadron colliders (LHC,
tation and kaon production, and gluon fragmentation Tevatron) but can be extended to ep scattering at EIC
[3066, 4494–4496]. The EIC will determine the fragmen- at lower energies. This extension opens up several new
tation functions from semi-inclusive DIS in ep and en directions for studying the internal properties of jets
scattering over a broad kinematic range [3105]. These and using them as a probe of partonic structure. In
measurements will be able to separate the quark charges ep collisions where the scattered electron is detected,
in the initial state, extract the gluon through NLO ef- it defines the jet energy and scale, and the concepts
fects, and study the Q2 evolution of the fragmentation for leading jets can be applied to the DIS current jet
functions. The spin dependence of quark fragmentation with known initial conditions, providing new possibili-
will be investigated through measurements of Λ frag- ties to test the dynamics [4502–4504]. In addition, jet
mentation [4497]. Precise knowledge of the fragmenta- substructure can be investigated [4501]. Jets can also be
tion functions will in turn improve the extraction of the studied in ep collisions where the scattered electron is
flavor dependence of the quark/antiquark spin PDFs not detected, or in γp collisions, where the jet transverse
from polarized semi-inclusive DIS data. momentum serves as the hard scale (see Fig. 14.2.10 as
The EIC program 197 511

2.0 2.0
D0 at 10 GeV (e) × 100 GeV (A) B0 at 10 GeV (e) × 100 GeV (A)
2 GeV<pT <3 GeV -2< <0 1.5
2 GeV<pT <3 GeV
0< <2
2< <4
ReA (z)

ReA (z)
1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5 -2< <0

0< <2
2< <4
0.0 0.0
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

z z

Fig. 14.2.11 Medium

Figure modification
7.92: In-medium of the D0for
corrections D0 (left) and
production crossB0 cross sections (right) as a function of
section expected at EIC, fraction
the momentum as a function of EIC
z at the z, inindifferent regionsregions. Left
three rapidity panel presents results for
far−backward electron far−forward p/A/fragments

of pseudoradpidity
D-mesons ηand[3105,
panels is for B-mesons. The electron and proton/nucleus beam energies
are 10 GeV⇥100 GeV. Fig. 14.2.12 Schematic of the EIC detector concept.

an example). inc Particularly interesting are jets induced

by heavy T , h ) denotes
N ( pwhich the cross
remain stable section
under strongof in-
large radius
energy jetof production
the fragmenting [814] parton
with in the nuclear rest
transverse momentum p and rapidity
teractions and create distinct signals in the detector
h. The observed R ( z ) is qualitatively
T frame Eh = zν. The wide range of scattering energies
consistent with the effective modification of fragmentation functions even after
(D, B meson decays). The EIC will support this pro- available at EIC will allow one to move the fragmen-
their convolution with the PDFs and the perturbative hard part. There is a sig-
gram through a comprehensive set of measurements tation process “in” and “out” of the nucleus, enabling
nificant suppression for large values of z, but it quickly evolves to enhancement
of leading jets, jet substructure, heavy flavor
for z < 0.65 and z < 0.8 for D-mesons and B-mesons, jets, and controlled and detailed
respectively. The studies
effect isof the medium effects.
studies of partonic structure and TMD distributions us- This will makeh it possible to test various hadroniza-
most pronounced at forward rapidities and one finds that ReA as a function of z
ing jets
is a[3105]. This is aobservable
more suitable rapidly evolving
for coldfield, wherematter
nuclear tiontomography
models and at determine
the EIC the thantime/distance scale pa-
new theoretical methods will become available until the
the transverse momentum distributions’ modification for hadrons in the labora-final-state interactions
rameters. The study of nuclear
EIC experiments
tory frame alone.are performed.
At smaller center-of-mass energies will differential
also improveparticle
the modeling
spectraof nuclear breakup in
DIS processes,
fall faster with p T , similar to what is observed in hadronic collisions [989], which which in turn will help with the analysis
Targetfurther enhances the observed nuclear effects. Production of particles that containand spectator tagging.
fragmentation of coherent nuclear scattering
Equally interesting
strange quarks,issuch the hadronization
as kaons, can of thebetarget
also studied at Particularly useful for the study of medium effects are
the EIC [990].
remnant in DIS processes (target fragmentation). It heavy-quark probes (see Fig. 14.2.11 for an example)
can be regarded as the materialization of a nucleon [4508, 4509].
with Heavy
a “hole” meson
in itsreconstruction
color wave function and physics
by the
removed parton) and provides information on baryon Hadron spectroscopy
to the asymmetric
multipartonnature of the[4505],
correlations collisions
ha- at the EIC,production
Hadron most of the in final state ep/eA scattering at
hadrons are produced in the nucleon/nucleus
ronization dynamics, and spin-orbit effects. A frame- beam going (forward) direction.
EIC can also be used for spectroscopy, A complement-
silicon vertex/tracking is critical
work for QCD analysis of target fragmentation is pro-to precisely measure these forward hadrons at the
ing experiments using pp and e+ e− scattering. Exotic
videdEIC. A LANL
by the experimental
generalized factorizationteam has produced
theorems [3951, conceptual designs ofstates
heavy quarkonium a Forward
(XYZ states, see Secs. 8.5
Silicon Tracker (FST) coupled
4506]. The EIC will enable a comprehensive program to tracking in the central region to enable
and 8.6) can be produced jetinand
exclusive photo/electro-
heavy flavor physics at the EIC [845, 846, 991]. EIC Fun4all simulations were per-
of nucleon target fragmentation studies, using the de- production processes γ + p → M + N . The production

formed with both the Babar and BeAST magnets. A 95% detection hit efficiency is
tectors in forward pseudorapidity region [3105]. Spin ef- rates and reconstruction efficiency with the EIC detec-
used in both track and vertex reconstructions. In track reconstruction, the Kalman
fects in target fragmentation can be studied using polar- torsmearing
are presently undertostudy
Filter algorithm is used and a 20 µm vertex Gaussian is applied both x[3105, 4510, 4511]. At
ized proton beams and/or fragmentation into baryons
and y directions. The full simulation results, including momentum resolution from
Λ EIC, new possibilities arise and measurements of the
[4507]. Important advantages of the collider compared spin density
distance of closest approach resolution are applied to heavy meson reconstruction matrix elements of heavy vector states, tar-
to fixed-target experiments are that there is no ma- get polarization observables, and the Q2 dependence in
terial surrounding the target, and that the fragments electroproduction. These unique capabilities of the EIC
move forward with a finite fraction of the proton beam could be used as the focus shifts from spectroscopy to
momentum. investigations of the structure of exotic states.

Hadronization in medium 14.2.5 Detectors and collaboration

The hadronization studies described above can be ex-
tended from ep to eA scattering, to investigate the in- The EIC science program requires a general-purpose
fluence of the nuclear medium on the hadronization detector with large acceptance and high resolution to
process. The medium effects depend essentially on the

reconstruct the scattered electron and the multiple dif- the significant developments of perturbative QCD dur-
ferent hadronic final states over a wide range of ra- ing 50 years of QCD, asymptotic freedom and scaling
pidities and energies/momenta. The physics require- violation are now basically understood. On the other
ments and detector concept are described in detail in hand, the nonperturbative region is still under investi-
the EIC Yellow Report [3105]. A schematic is shown gations by phenomenological models and lattice QCD.
in Fig. 14.2.12. The pseudorapidity region −1 . η . One may note that at present lattice QCD cannot be
1 is covered by the central “barrel” detector with a applied to finite density systems, which makes it diffi-
solenoidal magnetic field; the regions −4 . η . −1 cult to predict precisely hadronic and nuclear phenom-
and 1 . η . 4 are covered by the “lepton endcap” and ena at low energies.
“hadron endcap” detectors; the detectors provide capa- Although QCD is known as the correct theory of
bilities for tracking and vertex detection, electromag- strong interactions, there are unexpected experimental
netic and hadronic calorimetry, and particle identifica- discoveries of new hadronic and nuclear forms which
tion. These systems capture the scattered electron and were not predicted by theorists. Therefore, experimen-
the final state produced by the struck parton in typical tal projects are essential for a deeper understanding and
DIS events. The far-backward region (outgoing electron for further developments of QCD beyond the 50-years
beam direction) is instrumented with a low-Q2 elec- history. The Japan Proton Accelerator Research Com-
tron tagger for photoproduction. The far-forward region plex (J-PARC) as one of the flagship facilities in hadron
(outgoing proton/ion beam direction) is equipped with physics should play a key role in hadron physics from
an elaborate detection system for charged and neutral the low to the medium-energy region, by supplying pre-
beam fragments, integrated in the interaction region, cise experimental information on new forms of matters,
involving a magnetic dipole spectrometer with track- as illustrated in Fig. 14.3.1.
ing detector for charged particles and a zero-degree The J-PARC is located at Tokai in Japan. It is oper-
calorimeter for neutral particles. This system provides ated by both the High Energy Accelerator Research Or-
essential capabilities for detecting far-forward protons ganization (KEK) and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency
and neutrons in exclusive/diffractive processes on the (JAEA). J-PARC is responsible to coordinate the ef-
proton, spectator nucleons or nuclear fragments in scat- forts of KEK and JAEA. KEK is in charge of nuclear
tering on nuclei, and coherent nuclear recoil. It presents and particle-physics projects by using the 30-GeV pro-
a major challenge for design, integration, and engineer- ton accelerator. J-PARC is a multi-purpose facility to
ing, and is critical for large part of the physics program. investigate a wide range of scientific topics from life sci-
Further information on the EIC detector requirements ences to condensed-matter, nuclear, and particle physics
and conceptual design can be found in Ref. [3105]. The [4513].
technical design and formation of a detector collabora- The J-PARC accelerator consists of a 400-MeV linac
tion are in progress. The addition of a second detector as an injector, a 3-GeV rapid-cycling synchrotron (RCS),
with complementary capabilities is planned as a future and the 30 GeV main-ring synchrotron. The RCS accel-
upgrade. erates the protons up to 3 GeV as shown in Fig. 14.3.2.
The EIC User Group is an international affiliation Its beam pulses are delivered mostly to the materials
of scientists promoting scientific, technological, and ed- and life-science experimental facility, and a small por-
ucational efforts in the development of the EIC facil- tion is injected to the main ring. The protons are ac-
ity and science program. It presently has more than celerated to 30 GeV in the main ring, and they are de-
1200 members from more than 250 institutions (labo-
ratories, universities) worldwide. Resources and infor-
mation about activities and events can be found on the T
webpages [4512].

14.3 J-PARC hadron physics

Shunzo Kumano Neutron star

Hadron physics is the field to understand our visible J-PARC

universe, namely hadronic many-body systems from low Q2

to high densities, from low to high temperatures, and
from low to high energies, in terms of fundamental par- Fig. 14.3.1 QCD phase diagram and J-PARC hadron projects.
ticles of quarks and gluons and their interactions. With
14.3 J-PARC hadron physics 513


High p
Primary proton beam K1.1

Primary proton,
unseparated hadron beams

Fig. 14.3.2 Aerial view of J-PARC [4513]. Fig. 14.3.4 J-PARC hadron hall.

livered to the neutrino experimental facility and the done by using the primary proton beam and secondary
hadron experimental facility. The beam reached an en- beams of pions, kaons, antiprotons, and muons. Unique
ergy of 30 GeV in 2008, its power was increased towards points of this proton accelerator facility are (1) high
the design intensity of 0.75 MW. In the near future, we intensity and (2) intermediate energy. The first point
expect to have about 1 MW for the neutrino facility indicates the decisive advantage when secondary beams
and about 100 kW for the hadron one [4513]. or the primary proton beam are used for precision ex-
The J-PARC is the most intense accelerator above periments. Intermediate energies are important since
the multi-GeV energy region. Its aim is to investigate a low-energy hadron projects can bridge the transition
wide range of nuclear and particle physics by using sec- region from hadrons to quarks and gluons by variation
ondary beams of kaons, pions, antiprotons, neutrinos, of the momentum transfer in the QCD phase diagram,
and muons as well as the primary proton beam as shown as illustrated in Fig. 14.3.1. The facility should be able
in Fig. 14.3.3. There are particle physics experiments on to contribute to the development of QCD from the non-
neutrino oscillations, lepton-flavor violation, g − 2, rare perturbative region to the transition region, then to the
kaon decays, and the neutron electric-dipole moment to perturbative one.
search for physics beyond the Standard Model. Since Particle-physics experiments in the hadron hall are
the purpose of this report is to discuss QCD-related lepton-flavor violation (COMET) and rare kaon decays
topics, only the hadron-physics projects are explained. (KL). The COMET experiment uses muons from the
decays of pions produced by 8 GeV proton collisions on
14.3.1 J-PARC hadron facility a production target. COMET will search for the lepton-
flavor violation process, the conversion of muons into
The layout of the J-PARC hadron facility is shown in electrons in the field of a nucleus, µ− +A → e− +A. The
Fig. 14.3.4 with the hall size of 60 m width and 56 m KOTO experiment uses the neutral-kaon beamline KL
length. Nuclear and particle physics experiments are for measuring the frequency of the CP-violating decay
KL0 → π 0 ν ν̄. These projects are intended to find a sig-
nature beyond the Standard Model in particle physics.
Hadron-physics experiments are done at the beam-
lines K1.8, K1.8BR, K1.1, and High p, see Fig. 14.3.4
[4514]. The K1.1 beamline is yet to be constructed. The
K1.8 beamline supplies kaons with the momentum of
about 1.8 GeV and is used to study hypernuclei, e.g. Ξ
hypernuclei, by (K − , K + ) reactions. One may note that
the cross section of p(K − , K + )Ξ reaches a maximum
at a momentum of 1.8 GeV. The K1.8BR is a branch
line of K1.8 to supply kaons with low momenta of 0.7-
1.1 GeV. The cross section of the quasi-elastic reaction
K − N → K̄N maximizes at 1 GeV momentum, so that
Fig. 14.3.3 Secondary beams at J-PARC [4513].

this beamline is intended to study K̄N interactions and 14.3.2 Hadron-hall extension
kaonic nuclei by (K − , N ) reactions with light nuclei.
The K1.1 beamline supplies kaons with momentum The current hadron hall cannot accommodate enough
around 1.1 GeV for measurements of Λ hypernuclei. Be- projects in nuclear and particle physics. The experimen-
cause of the space interference between the K1.1 and tal hall size and beamlines are much smaller than, for
high-p beamlines, K1.1 experiments will be done after example, the BNL-AGS facility. The efficient way for
the first stage of the high-p experiment. These strange utilizing the full ability of the J-PARC is to expand its
nuclear physics projects are explained in Sec. 14.3.3. space and to build additional beamlines.
The high-momentum beamline provides 30 GeV pro-
tons and unseparated hadrons up to 20 GeV. The beam
of unseparated hadrons, to be prepared in the near fu-
ture, consists mainly of pions. The first experiment in
this beamline will measure hadron mass modifications
in a nuclear medium to study chiral-symmetry breaking
and hadron-mass generation (see Sec. 14.3.4).
Then, charmed baryon spectroscopy will be inves-
tigated by (π − , D∗− ) reactions. This experiment in-
tends to find di-quark degrees of freedom, which are
not easily found in hadrons consisting of light quarks
only, as explained below in Sec. 14.3.5. The hadron to-
mography project will be performed together with this
spectroscopy experiment by studying generalized par-
ton distributions (GPDs) as discussed in Sec. 14.3.6. Fig. 14.3.5 Extension plan of the J-PARC hadron hall [4515].
This experiment is set up to find the origin of hadron
masses and spins by the tomography technique. In fu-
This extension project, as shown in Fig. 14.3.5, was
ture, separated hadron beams could become possible;
proposed together with the current hall [4515]. The area
an extension plan of this hadron hall is discussed in the
of the hall becomes twice larger to accommodate new
next subsection 14.3.2.
experiments. A new production target T2 will be pre-
More details of each hadron project are explained in
pared. The beamlines with orange color are new ones in
the following sections. The first major experiment will
the extended hall. They are designed for the following
study the role of strangeness in nuclear physics. The
next experiment is devoted to hadron mass modifica-
tions in the nuclear medium, and then the charmed- 1. HIHR
baryon project will start. The GPD tomography ex- This HIHR (High Intensity High Resolution) beam-
periment is expected to join this baryon-spectroscopy line is intended for precision spectroscopy of Λ hy-
project. The scope of the hadron physics projects at pernuclei through (π ± , K + ) reactions by using high-
J-PARC is thus expanding in the near future. intensity and high-resolution charged pions up to
Furthermore, there is a significant interest to build 2 GeV momentum with an excellent momentum res-
a new heavy-ion facility at J-PARC to investigate the olution of 10−4 and a missing-mass resolution of a
phase diagram in the low-temparature and high-density few hundred keV.
region in contrast to the kinematical region of RHIC 2. K10
and LHC. There are interesting topics in cold and dense This beamline will be used to investigate S = −3
matters, such as the end point of the phase transition strangeness physics and charm physics by using sep-
and color superconductor, as explained in Sec. 14.3.7. arated secondary hadron beams of high-momentum
When the hadron program will be completed, the (2 − 10 GeV) charged kaons and anti-protons.
heavy-ion facility will be built. This is expected in the 3. K1.1
2030’s. J-PARC will then become a leading hadron ac- This beamline will be prepared for physics with strange-
celerator facility. It will investigate QCD in a wide kine- ness S = −1 using charged kaons with momenta of
matical region and for a wide range of topics, from less than 1.2 GeV. The branch beamline K1.1BR is
strangeness in nuclear physics, charmed-baryon spec- for the stopped kaon experiments.
troscopy, nucleon structure at intermediate energies, 4. KL2
and quark-hadron matter. The frequency of the kaon rare decay KL0 → π 0 ν ν̄
will be measured. It may provide a hint for New
14.3 J-PARC hadron physics 515

Physics beyond the Standard Model by using this Emergence of hadron masses and spins
high-intensity neutral kaon beamline. Hadron masses and spins are fundamental physics quan-
tities to constitute our visible universe. However, their
This extension project was selected as one of top
origins are not understood easily from quark and gluon
priority projects of KEK in 2022. After the financial ap-
degrees of freedom. They should originate as emergent
proval, it will take 6 years for its construction. When it
phenomena of nontrivial quark-gluon dynamics within
is realized, it will provide excellent opportunities for nu-
hadrons. These should be clarified by the J-PARC projects
clear and particle physicists to create innovative fields
on hadron-mass modifications in nuclear medium and
with unprecedented precision. The following major physics
by hadron tomography via GPDs.
purposes are presently considered for this extension project:
(1) precise spectroscopy of hypernuclei to understand
Understanding cold and dense QCD matters
neutron stars, (2) novel aspects of charmed baryons,
From the RHIC and LHC, the high-temparature region
and (3) New Physics beyond the Standard Model. The
of the QCD phase diagram has been investigated and
details of the topics (1) and (2) are discussed in Sec. 14.3.3
evidence for quark-gluon-plasma formation was found.
and Sec. 14.3.5, respectively, along with past J-PARC
J-PARC will clarify the cold and dense region, where
experiments on hypernuclei.
interesting phase properties, such as the end point of
Because the J-PARC is an intermediate-energy facil-
the phase transition and color superconductor, are the-
ity, the current scope of physics could be extended in fu-
oretically expected.
ture, for example, by including projects of high-energy
QCD such as on nucleon structure, exotic hadrons by
the constituent counting rule, and color transparency 14.3.3 Strangeness nuclear physics
[4516]. Furthermore, if the heavy-ion accelerator will
Major properties of stable nuclei are now relatively well
be built [4517], the unexplored cold and dense region of
understood, whereas unstable nuclei are still under in-
the QCD phase diagram will be investigated.
vestigations especially in connection with the nucle-
Here, we briefly summarize the major purposes re-
osynthesis in astrophysics. One of the major purposes
lated to the hadron-hall extension including possible
of the J-PARC hadron program is to investigate nuclei
future topics.
by including new flavor degrees of freedom, strangeness
and charm [4514, 4515].
Establishing the role of strangeness in nuclear physics
Under the flavor SU(3) symmetry, nucleons and a
The nuclear physics without strangeness has been es-
part of hyperons constitute a flavor octet. Two-baryon
tablished by precise information on the fundamental
interactions are decomposed into symmetric (under the
N N potentials from abundant experimental measure-
exchange of baryons) states 27 ⊕ 8 ⊕ 1 and antisym-
ments on N N scatterings and deuteron properties, where-
metric ones 10 ⊕ 10∗ ⊕ 8 as
as the Y N scattering information is in a poor situation.
The J-PARC will supply precise data on the fundamen- 8 ⊗ 8 = 27S ⊕ 10A ⊕ 10∗A ⊕ 8S ⊕ 8A ⊕ 1S . (14.3.1)
tal Y N interactions and also properties of hypernuclei.
We expect that spectroscopy of hypernuclei could be- Nucleon-nucleon (N N ) interactions provide informa-
come a precision field by the J-PARC experiments. tion only on the 27S and 10∗A states. Therefore, hy-
peron interactions need to be investigated to under-
Applications to neutron stars stand the other terms and to find possible new hadronic
The existence of strangeness inside neutron stars would many-body systems. These new interactions are rele-
make their equations of state much softer. This is in vant in neutron stars. This nuclear-physics project with
conflict with astrophysical observations of neutron-star strangeness has the following advantages [4518].
masses. By establishing strangeness nuclear physics, we 1. SU(3) flavor symmetry and new interactions
expect that this issue will be solved. The new interaction terms 10 , 8 , 8 , and 1 can
be investigated by the hyperon (Y ) interactions. In
Creation of a di-fermion field in hadron physics general, Y N interactions are expected to be weaker
The di-fermion physics has been investigated in quan- than the N N ones, so that new forms of baryonic
tum many-body systems, especially condensed-matter many-body systems should be created.
physics. In hadron physics, the color superconductor, 2. Probe of short-range interactions
for example, is investigated in such a context. The J- Since the pion isospin is 1 and the Λ isospin is 0, the
PARC intends to create a new di-fermion field by the πΛΛ coupling constant vanishes. Because of its low
spectroscopy of the charmed baryons. mass, the pion contributes to the long-range part of

perons in the neutron stars is affected by the details

of hyperon interactions, which are investigated at
1 MeV 10 MeV 100 MeV 1 GeV 10 GeV 100 GeV 1 TeV

ud s c b t J-PARC.
Chiral symmetry Non-relativistic We introduce some of the major experimental re-
(m << ΛQCD ) ms≈ ΛQCD quark model (m >> ΛQCD )
sults on strangeness in nuclear physics from J-PARC.

Fig. 14.3.6 Strangeness as a probe of QCD dynamics. Charge symmetry breaking

Charge symmetry is taken as granted as a good sym-
the baryon interactions. Without the pion contribu- metry for ordinary nuclei as typically shown in mir-
tion, medium- and short-range baryon interactions ror nuclei with exchange of a proton and a neutron.
should become more apparent when compared to For example, the binding energy difference between 3 He
the N N case. and 3 H is merely 0.07 MeV after removing QED effects.
3. Probe of QCD dynamics However, a significant breaking was found by the E13
The quark masses and the QCD scale parameter Λ experiment at J-PARC. The 1+ excited state of Λ4 He
are shown in Fig. 14.3.6. We notice that the strange- was produced in the 4 He (K − , π − )Λ4 He reaction with
quark mass is of the order of the scale parameter. a 1.5 GeV K − beam. Then, by a measurement of the
This fact suggests an advantage that the strange γ rays for the 1+ → 0+ transition, a 1.406 ± 0.002 ±
quark could be a good probe of QCD dynamics. 0.002 MeV energy spacing was found. With other mea-
However, it may also indicate difficulties for describ- surements, the spectra of Λ4 He and Λ4 H are compared
ing hadrons with strangeness. in Fig. 14.3.8 [4520]. The binding energy difference be-
4. New forms of hadronic matters tween Λ4 He and Λ4 H was 0.35±0.05 MeV, which indicates
Ordinary nuclei consist mainly of up and down quarks. a significant charge-symmetry breaking in hypernuclei.
The interactions of hyperons or cascade particles It provided a valuable information on the nature of
with nucleons are still unexplored. With strangeness, ΛN interactions which are different from the NN ones.
new forms of nuclei should be created such as K̄N N , Theoretically, the breaking is considered to come from
and so on. Another important topic is the possible Λ − Σ 0 mixing.
existence of a H dibaryon with isospin 0, spin 0, Double Λ hypernuclei
and strangeness −2. It corresponds to the term 1S One of the major purposes of J-PARC program on hy-
in Eq. (14.3.1). pernuclei is to investigate strangeness −2 systems. The
5. Probe of deep regions in nuclei J-PARC-E07 experiment was done at the K1.8 beam-
The Pauli exclusion plays an important role in nu- line with the K − beam of 1.8 GeV. By using nuclear
clear physics. Although nuclei are strongly-interacting emulsions tagged by the (K , K ) reaction, the double-Λ
− +

systems with nucleons close together, they are often hypernucleus ΛΛ Be was found [4521]. It is produced
described by a non-interacting Fermi gas model or as ΛΛ10
Be by Ξ − +16 O → ΛΛ 10
Be +4 He+t,
an independent particle model. It is justified by solv- as ΛΛ Be
by Ξ + O → ΛΛ Be+4 He+d, or
− 16 11

ing the Bethe-Goldstone equation. Hyperons do not as ΛΛ12

Be∗ by Ξ − +16 O → ΛΛ 12
Be∗ +4 He+p,
suffer from such an exclusion effect, which indicates
the advantage of probing deep regions of nuclei, as
the shell structure should become obvious as visu-
alized in Fig. 14.3.7 [4515, 4519].
6. Equation of state for neutron stars
Neutron-star physics has significantly developed re-
cently due to new astrophysical experiments and ob-
servations of gravitational waves. In the inner high-
density region of the neutron stars, the reactions
p + e− → Λ + νe and n + e− → Σ − + νe could occur
because the changes of the Fermi energies of neu-
trons, protons, and electrons exceed the mass gap
of the reactions. The equation of state of neutron
stars should be significantly softened by the pos-
sible existence of hyperons, which contradicts the
neutron-star observations. The appearance of hy- Fig. 14.3.7 Simulation for the Λ binding energy spectra of
Λ Pb for the hadron-extension program [4519]
14.3 J-PARC hadron physics 517

3 3
H+L 0 He + L
He( K - , p - )
( p K =1.5 GeV/ c ) 180
1 + 0.95 0.04 0.98 0.03 1+ 160

1/2 + 1/2 + 140

Width (MeV)
E g = 1.09 E g = 1 . 406
0.02 120 E15 DISTO
3 0 . 002 3
H 0 . 002 He
0+ [present]

2.04 0.04
0+ 80
H 2.39 0.03 60
He 40
B [MeV]

Fig. 14.3.8 Λ 4
He and Λ
H spectra [4520]. (Used with the copy- 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
right permission of American Physical Society) Binding Energy (MeV)

Fig. 14.3.9 Situation for the K − pp-bound state. [4514]. (Used

and the binding energy of two Λ hyperons is 15.05±0.11 MeV,with the permission of the Elsevier Science.)
19.07±0.11 MeV, or 13.68±0.11 MeV, respectively. This
result improves our understanding of the ΛΛ interaction
and double-strange hypernulcei. spectrum, a clear peak was observed. It indicates a
kaonic K̄N N nucleus with a binding energy BK =
42 ± 3(stat.)−4 (syst.) MeV and the decay width ΓK =
Ξ hypernuclei
The J-PARC-E07 collaboration used the 1.81 GeV K −
100 ± 7(stat.)−9 (syst.) MeV [4524]. The current situ-

beam for observing the reaction Ξ − +14 N→10 Λ Be +Λ He.

ation is shown in Fig. 14.3.9 for energies and widths
From the measurements, the Ξ binding energy in the

of possible K − pp bound states. The experimental data
Ξ - N system was determined to 1.27±0.21 MeV [4522]. are shown with the collaboration names, and the other
− 14

From the experimental data and theoretical calcula- points are theoretical calculations. As it is obvious, the
tions, the energy level of the Ξ − is interpreted as 1p world data do not agree with each other and they are
state; the ΞN -ΛΛ coupling must be weak. also different from the theoretical results, so that fur-
Next, Ξ − capture was studied in the Ξ − -14 N sys- ther J-PARC experiments are needed for clarifying the
tem. Two events were found by analyzing KEK-E373 situation.
and J-PARC-E07 data signaling deep Ξ − bound states The J-PARC-E62 collaboration used the K − beam
[4523]. One event from the reaction with 900 MeV momentum at the K1.8BR beamline. The
negative kaons were stopped in a liquid-helium target
Ξ − +14 N →Λ5 He +Λ5 He +4 He + n [4525]. They obtained the energies and widths of the
yields a binding energy in the N nucleus of BΞ − =
14 3d → 2p transition X-rays of kaonic 3 He and 4 He atoms
6.27 ± 0.27 MeV. The other event in with 10 times higher accuracy than previous data. On
the other hand, using the K − beam with the momen-
tum 1.8 GeV at the K1.8 beamline, the J-PARC-E05
− 14 9 5
Ξ + N →Λ Be +Λ He + n
collaboration measured the missing-mass spectrum of
yields BΞ − given by either 8.00 ± 0.77 MeV or 4.96 ± 12
C(K − , p) and observed a quasi-elastic peak from K − p →
0.77 MeV, depending on the final-state Λ9 Be nucleus which
K − p [4526]. Then, they extracted differential cross sec-
can be in the ground or an excited state. These binding
tions of the K − p elastic scattering. These experimental
energies are larger than the preceding value 1.27 MeV;
measurements impose a constraint on theoretical mod-
likely, these events come from the 1s state of the Ξ
els of kaonic nuclei.
hypernucleus 15Ξ C.

Kaonic nuclei
Σ ± p scattering cross sections
Kaonic nuclei are new forms of hadronic many-body
Good data were not available for hyperon-nucleon
systems with strangeness. Since Λ(1405) can be con-
and hyperon-hyperon scattering. So far, these inter-
sidered as a K̄N molecule state, a few nucleon sys-
actions had been investigated mainly within hypernu-
tems with a kaon should exist as bound states. The
clear models. This approach makes it difficult to es-
J-PARC-E15 collaboration used the K1.8BR beamline
tablish hypernuclear physics as a precision field on the
for measuring the reaction K − +3 He → Λ + p + n with
same level as the N N -interaction and ordinary nuclear
a kaon momentum of 1 GeV. In the Λp invariant mass

physics. Furthermore, hyperon interactions are also es- mass from confined quarks and gluons. The clarification
sential for applications to neutron stars. Now, the sit- of this mass emergence is one of top priority projects
uation is changing due to new results on Σp scattering for building electron-ion colliders for physics in 2030’s
data from J-PARC. [4532, 4533]. In the mass decomposition of Eq. (14.3.2),
First, Σ − p elastic scattering data were reported for the trace anomaly term and the gluon condensate could
a Σ − momentum range from 470 to 850 MeV by the J- play an important role in hadron masses. These will be
PARC-E40 collaboration [4527]. A π − beam in the K.18 investigated by the J/ψ production process at charged-
beamline with a momentum of 1.33 GeV impinged on lepton accelerator facilities, such as the JLab, CERN-
liquid hydrogen target, where Σ − particles were pro- AMBER, and EICs. On the other hand, this topic has
duced in the reaction π − p → K + Σ − . 4500 events were already been investigated by spacelike GPDs at JLab
identified and differential cross sections for Σ − p elastic and CERN-COMPASS and also by timelike GPDs at
scattering were determined. Second, this collaboration KEKB. In fact, gravitational form factors of a hadron
reported differential cross sections of Σ − p → Λn in were already extracted from actual experimental data
the Σ − momentum range from 470 to 650 MeV [4528]. [4534]. This E16 experiment is intimately related to
About 100 events were identified and angular distribu- these world projects.
tions were obtained for the first time. Third, differential The original idea for generating the hadron masses is
cross sections were measured for the Σ + p elastic scat- to use chiral-symmetry breaking. It gives rise to a non-
tering in the momentum range from 0.44 to 0.80 GeV vanishing hq̄qi condensate [4535, 4536], which is called
[4529]. The π + beam with the momentum 1.41 GeV was scalar quark condensate. It plays a role of an order pa-
used to produce Σ in the reaction π p → K Σ .
+ + + +
rameter for the chiral phase transition. It cannot be
About 2400 Σ + p elastic scattering events were identi- directly measured in experiments, so that we have to
fied, and the 3 S1 and 1 P1 phase shifts were obtained rely on actual observables. One of such quantities are
from the precise data for the first time. vector-meson masses in a nuclear medium, they will be
These data are valuable for building the full baryon- measured by the E16 experiment. There are theoreti-
baryon interactions of the SU(3) multiplets, see Eq. (14.3.1).cal estimates on their mass modifications from the par-
With such experimental information, the Nijmegen-type tial restoration of chiral symmetry inside the nuclear
baryon models should become much accurate and lead medium [4535, 4536].
to a better understanding of hadronic and nuclear many- As for the experimental side, there were already
body systems and neutron stars. measurements on the masses of vector mesons. For ex-
ample, the KES-PS with the primary 12-GeV proton
14.3.4 Hadrons in nuclear medium beam provided data on the processes p + A → V + X
(V = ρ, ω, φ → e+ e− ) [4537, 4538]. They indicated
Hadron masses in nuclear medium will be measured 9% mass shifts for ω (ρ) and 3% for φ-mesons, respec-
by using the primary protons of 30 GeV at the high- tively. From a comparison of theoretical models with
momentum beamline as the J-PARC-E16 experiment the mass-modification data, one can find that the quark
[4530]. This project is intended to investigate the role condensate provides an important clue for mass gener-
of chiral symmetry in hadron properties. The study is ation.
thus related to a clarification of the origin of hadron Precise measurements are expected for these mass
masses. The discovery of the Higgs particle clarified modifications from the E16 experiment at J-PARC. The
the origin of the masses of quarks and leptons. How- first physics run will be taken with C and Cu targets
ever, this does not imply that masses of our nature, for with limited detector acceptance, and then more mea-
example, the nucleon mass, are understood. The “god” surements will be done with the H and Pb targets and
particle cannot create the hadron masses. full detector acceptance. The expected outcome for the
SinceR the nucleon mass is defined by the matrix ele- φ meson spectrum from the reaction p + A → φ + X for
ment of d3 xT 00 (x), where T µν is the energy-momentum the first run with a copper target and 30 GeV protons
tensor, it is decomposed into four terms [4531]: was simulated using GEANT4, see Fig. 14.3.10 [4539].
The momentum distribution of the φ meson was evalu-
M = quark energy + gluon energy + quark mass
ated by using the code JAM (Jet AA Microscopic trans-
+ trace anomaly. (14.3.2) port model) [4540], and the mass-modification parame-
ter deduced by KEK-E325 [4538] was used. The figure
Current masses of up- and down-quarks are very small,
is shown for slowly moving φ mesons (βγ < 1.25), the
so their simple summation is much smaller than the nu-
mass resolution is expected as 5.8 MeV. In this slow-φ
cleon mass. To understand the origin of hadron masses,
case, nuclear medium effects are large and the spec-
it is necessary to clarify the complicated emergence of
14.3 J-PARC hadron physics 519

Fig. 14.3.10 Expected φ me-

son spectrum with the copper Fig. 14.3.11 Expected φ- Fig. 14.3.12 Expected excitations of N ∗ (qqq) and Yc∗ (qqQ)
target by the J-PARC-E16 ex- mass data by the J-PARC- [4542].
periment [4539]. E16 and the KEK-E325 one
unusual properties. However, it is often not easy to
distinguish so-called cryptoexotic hadrons, i.e. hadrons
trum is modified significantly as shown in Fig. 14.3.10. with quantum numbers compatible with regular hadrons,
The difference between the simulated data and the red from ordinary ones because they may have similar masses.
spectrum should come from nuclear medium effects. As Examples are f0 (980), a0 (980) and Λ(1405) in the 1 GeV
the φ velocity becomes larger, the spectrum modifica- mass region. It took rather a long time to accumulate
tion becomes smaller. From these simulated data, the signatures from various observables for their tetra- or
mass of φ-meson at rest in a nuclear medium can be de- penta-quark-like (or hadron molecular) nature .
duced. In Fig. 14.3.11, the mass is extracted by using In these days, exotic-hadron studies tend to focus on
a theoretical dispersion relation. The KEK-E325 data the heavy-quark sector due to KEKB and LHCb discov-
is shown for comparison. The KEK data was taken at eries on exotic hadron candidates with charm and bot-
only one point and the errors are large. We notice that tom quarks (see Section 9.4). Since charmed baryons
the J-PARC data are much more accurate even at the will be copiously produced at J-PARC, it is a good
first stage and that four data points will enable us to opportunity to investigate details of charmed baryon
extrapolate the momentum dependence for determining spectroscopy including exotic candidates. At J-PARC,
the φ mass at zero momentum. charmed baryons consist of two light quarks and one
To relate the actual experimental data of E16 to the heavy quark. These will be investigated by the E50 col-
quark condensate, it is important to understand hadron laboration. Due to the existence of a heavy quark within
interactions in nuclear medium because the φ meson a baryon, there are specific interactions and internal
is produced with the momentum 1–2.5 GeV/c and it configurations, which do not exist in baryons with only
decays into e+ e− outside or inside of the nucleus. Such light quarks. In the extended hadron hall, Ξ and Ω ex-
an effort to describe the momentum dependence is in citation spectra will be also investigated. Physics moti-
progress by transport simulations by using the Hadron- vations of this project include the following.
String Dynamics model [4541], where φ-meson spectral
function and their density dependence can be specified. 1. Di-quark correlations in hadrons
Therefore, new J-PARC data should provide a clue in The color magnetic interaction between quarks with
understanding the role of chiral symmetry breaking for indices i and j is given by Vmag ∼ αs (λi · λj )(~σi ·
the hadron masses. ~σj )/(mi mj ) where λ is the color SU(3) Gell-Mann
matrix, ~σ is the Pauli spin matrix, and m is the
14.3.5 Hadron spectroscopy quark mass. Because it is proportional to 1/(mi mj ),
the interaction becomes weak for a heavy quark. Let
Hadron spectroscopy entered into the new era in the us denote q and Q for light and heavy quarks, re-
last decade in the sense that there have been many spectively. For a qqQ-type baryon, the qq interac-
reports on exotic hadron candidates. Exotic hadrons tion should be much stronger than the qQ one. It
were expected already when the quark model was pro- means that a strong qq diquark correlation could
posed in 1964. The status of exotic mesons with quan- appear in such a baryon. Its expected spectrum for
tum numbers not accessible within the quark model is qqQ-type baryon in comparison with the qqq-type
reported in Section 8.3. In heavy-quark spectroscopy, a baryon is shown in Fig. 14.3.12 [4542], where ρ and
large number of states, both mesons (see Sections 8.5, λ are the Jacobi coordinates. The ρ is defined as
8.6) and baryons (see Section 9.4) have been found with coordinate between the two quarks qq, and the λ

Fig. 14.3.13 Schematic picture of π − p → D∗− Λ∗+

c [4542].

is between qq and Q. The spectrum splits into ρ-

and λ-mode excitations, called isotope shift. The ρ
mode corresponds to a rotation of the diquark qq,
and the λ mode to an orbital excitation between qq Fig. 14.3.14 Simulation for the Λ∗+ c spectrum by the K10
beamline experiment at the extended hadron hall [4515].
and Q. These levels are further split by spin-spin in-
teractions. These studies will lead to new dynamical
aspects in hadron physics and, more in general, to
di-fermion physics in quantum-many-body systems.
2. Ξ and Ω baryon spectra and their properties
The details of the Ξ and Ω spectroscopy will be
investigated. In addition, the Ω electric quadrupole γ*
moment is highly interesting. Observations of quadrupole
moments provide us information on the nature of in- p GPD B
teractions among constituents and on system defor-
mations. A finite quadrupole moment suggests that π − (ud) + p(uud) → B(udd) + γ * (→ ℓ + ℓ − )
a non-central force should exist. Indeed, the tensor
force in the one-gluon-exchange potential leads to Fig. 14.3.15 Exclusive Drell-Yan process for measuring GPDs.
the expectation that hadrons should be deformed.
The Ω quadruple moment could be measured at J- is complimentary to JLab in the sense that different
PARC due to its “stable” nature. The quadrupole observables are available in hadron reactions.
moment has never been measured for any hadrons The first experiment on hadron structure functions
including ∆ [4543], it is an ambitious project. will be on the GPDs for the proton [4544]. A proposal is
The charmed-baryon-spectroscopy experiment will being prepared [4516] to study exclusive Drell-Yan pro-
start in the hadron hall at the high-momentum beam- cesses. The GPDs are observables to probe the three-
line by using a beam of unseparated hadrons, essen- dimensional structure, namely the transverse structure,
tially pions, with momenta up to 20 GeV . The reac- in addition to the longitudinal parton distribution func-
tion π − + p → D∗− + Λ∗+ is used, as illustrated in tions, and the nucleon spin and mass compositions. This
project should be able to contribute to the clarification
Fig. 14.3.13, for measuring the Λ∗+ spectrum by the
of the hadron spin and mass in terms of quarks and
p(π , D ) missing mass. The simulation is shown for
− ∗−

the Λ∗+ spectrum in Fig. 14.3.14 by considering the gluons.

At the J-PARC high-momentum beamline, the ex-
pion momentum of 20 GeV and 100-day beam time. A
new field of di-quark physics should be developed by clusive Drell-Yan process π − p → µ+ µ− B is considered
this project. as shown in Fig. 14.3.15. The “pion” beam momentum
is up to about 20 GeV. If the baryon B is a neutron, the
nucleonic GPDs will be measured, and transition GPDs
14.3.6 Hadron structure functions
will be investigated if B is different from the neutron.
The J-PARC proton-beam energy of 30 GeV covers the This process is complementary to the pion-production
intermediate region from hadron degrees of freedom experiment γ ∗ + p → π + N at JLab with spacelike vir-
(d.o.f.) to quark d.o.f. described by perturbative QCD. tual photon, whereas the J-PARC process is with the
In addition to hypernuclear and charmed-baryon physics timelike one.
at low energies, the higher-energy region should there- At the high-momentum beamline, there is an ap-
fore also be investigated, as illustrated in Fig. 14.3.1. proved experiment E50 for investigating charmed baryons
The situation is similar to JLab projects, and J-PARC [4545]. The GPD experiment will be proposed as a col-
14.3 J-PARC hadron physics 521

could be determined by the exclusive process π − +

p → K 0 + Λ(1405) at J-PARC.
Events (/0.03 GeV)

Total Pπ=15 GeV

Exclusive DY
Inclusive DY 4. Color transparency
The color transparency indicates that a hadron passes
80 J/ψ
Random BG
freely through the nuclear medium at large momen-
tum transfer. It is a unique feature of QCD. There

was a mysterious BNL-EVA measurement that the

transparency drops at a proton momentum p >
10 GeV. The J-PARC should be able to clarify this
0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 In future, we expect that a separated high-momentum
MX (GeV) kaon beam will become available as the hadron-hall ex-
tension program in addition to the protons and pions,
Fig. 14.3.16 Simulation for the missing-mass spectra [4544]. so that a variety of these type experiments should be-
(Used with the copyright permission of American Physical So- come possible.
14.3.7 Heavy-ion physics
laboration project with this E50 experiment by sup-
The purpose of the J-PARC hadron physics is to con-
plying a dimuon detector. The dimuons could come
tribute to our understanding of quantum many-body
from various sources; however, the exclusive Drell-Yan
systems in a wide kinematical range of the phase di-
process should be identified by the missing-mass (MX )
agram by precision measurements of new observables
spectra as shown in Fig. 14.3.16. Here, the Monte-Carlo
as explained in the beginning of this Section. Presently,
simulation is given for the pion momentum pπ = 15 GeV.
the physics of dense QCD matters is an important miss-
The exclusive peak is obvious just below 1 GeV, and it
ing program in the current J-PARC experiments.
should be separated from other processes like inclusive
Dense hadronic systems have been investigated by
Drell-Yan, J/ψ production, or random backgrounds.
heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and LHC in the high-
In this experiment, the GPDs will be measured for
temperature and low-density region as shown in Fig. 14.3.17
0.1 < x < 0.3 and timelike photons in contrast to the
[4517, 4549]. The creation of a quark-gluon plasma (QGP)
JLab experiment on the pion production for larger x
was established in the RHIC project by observables
and spacelike photons.
such as the collective flow of hadrons and medium mod-
In future, there are further possibilities to extend
ifications of jets. It was surprising to find a small viscos-
this project on GPD-related studies and, more gener-
ity for the QGP, which initiated interdisciplinary stud-
ally, on high-energy hadron physics [4546–4548]. We ex-
ies with the string theory through the AdS/CFT cor-
plain some examples.
respondence (see Section 5.5). Higher-energy collisions
1. Pion-nucleon transition distribution amplitudes are now under investigations at LHC. In addition, the
By backward charmonium production in pion-nucleon signature of the color-glass condensate has been inves-
collisions, pion-to-nucleon transition-distribution am- tigated at these facilities.
plitudes can be investigated. At zero baryon density, lattice QCD suggests that
2. GPDs in the ERBL region the phase transition is a crossover, whereas theoreti-
The primary proton beam can be used to measure cal models indicate that at high densities the phase
GPDs by using the 2 → 3 process p + p → p + π + B. transition should be a first-order transition [4550]. This
If the final pion and proton have nearly opposite implies that an endpoint of the first-order transition
and large transverse momenta with a large invariant should exist as shown in Fig. 14.3.17. There are also in-
energy, the cross section is sensitive to the GPDs in teresting topics on color superconductivity in the cold
the special kinematical region of ERBL (Efremov- and dense matter region. After the QGP discovery and
Radyushkin-Brodsky-Lepage). studies of its properties, the frontier of heavy-ion physics
3. Exotic hadrons by constituent counting rule should be this unexplored region. In fact, there are
The determination of exotic hadrons is not easy in projects at FAIR and NICA to investigate this region
low-energy global observables, and a much clearer in the near future.
determination could be done by using the constituent In order to realize such experiments at J-PARC, an
counting rule in perturbative QCD. Actually, the additional facility is needed to accelerate heavy ions.
structure of the exotic-hadron candidate Λ(1405)

nate from the virtual photon emission in the hot medium.

The advantage of the di-electron measurement is that
the virtual photon does not suffer from strong final-
state interactions in the medium, so that it directly
reflects the information on the QCD matter.

Fig. 14.3.17 QCD phase diagram with heavy-ion facilities


The possibility of the heavy-ion experiment was stud-

ied in a letter of intent in 2016 [4551]; the proposal was Fig. 14.3.19 Simulations for the di-electron mass spectra
submitted to the J-PARC PAC in 2021 [4517, 4552]. [4517].
For this project, it is necessary to construct a new linac
and a new booster synchrotron. With this injector con-
sists of the linac and the synchrotron together with Two simulation studies are shown in Fig. 14.3.19
the rapid-cycling and the main-ring synchrotrons (see for the di-electron spectrum [4517]. The left-hand side
Fig. 14.3.2), high-intensity heavy-ion beams with 2-12 presents the case of no phase transition at T = 150 MeV,
A GeV will be obtained. The energies of the heavy-ion and the right-hand side the case for a first-order phase
facilities for the cold and dense experiments are shown transition at T = 120 MeV. The invariant mass spec-
in Fig. 14.3.18 The J-PARC-HI (heavy ion) project is trum of the di-electrons was taken as (Mee T )3/2 exp(−Mee /T ).
a unique position as the highest-intensity facility in the These results were obtained for the mid-rapity region
several GeV region. (1 ≤ ylab ≤ 2) with 100-day beam time. From such mea-
surements, a determination of the temperature should
be possible with the 10% accuracy by the spectrum
108 slope at the mass range Mee > 1.1 GeV for the left-side
Interaction rate [Hz]

CBM@FAIR SIS100 Heavy ion collisions case of Fig. 14.3.19. In the right-hand side, 10% accu-
racy is possible if Mee > 0.7 GeV data are selected. This
Fixed-target experiments


ambitious J-PARC project makes it possible to find new
phenomena of cold and dense matter.


14.4 The NICA program



Alexey Guskov
Collider experiments

The Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) is
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 20 30 100 200
a new research complex for studying the fundamental
Collision energy sNN [GeV] properties of the strong interaction under development
as a flagship project at the Joint Institute for Nuclear
Fig. 14.3.18 Maximum instantaneous interaction rates Research [4555–4557]. The heart of NICA is the Nu-
recorded by various existing (full lines), under construction clotron – a superconducting ion synchrotron put in op-
(dashed) and proposed fixed-target (black) and collider (blue)
experiments addressing the high-µB region of the QCD phase
eration in 1993. It will be equipped with two injection
diagram (from [4553], consistently updated based on [4554]) chains: for heavy (including a booster – a small super-
conducting synchrotron) and light ions, and a storage
ring where particle collisions are planned. The storage
The first purpose of this new facility is to find the ring of racetrack shape has a maximum magnetic rigid-
phase transition to deconfined quarks and gluons at ity of 45 T×m and a circumference of 503 m. The max-
high densities, by measuring di-electrons, which origi- imum field of superconducting dipole magnets is 1.8 T.
14.4 The NICA program 523

NICA will provide a variety of heavy-ion beams up to 14.4.1 The study of dense and hot strongly in-
Au79+ with a kinetic energy up to 4.5 GeV/u. Colli- teracting matter at NICA
sions of high-intensity proton beams with a high degree
of longitudinal or transverse polarization and with to- Asymptotic freedom has a very deep importance for
tal energy up to 13.5 GeV will also be available [4558]. hadronic matter under extreme conditions. At suffi-
Major accelerator challenges include strong intra-beam ciently high nuclear density or temperature, average
scattering and space-charge effects which will be par- inter-parton distances become small and their interac-
tially compensated by extensive use of electron and tion strength weakens. Above a critical energy density
stochastic cooling systems. of about 0.3 GeV/fm3 , a gas of hadrons passes through
a deconfinement transition and becomes a system of un-
bounded quarks and gluons called quark-gluon plasma
(QGP). An evidence of this transition has been ob-
tained from lattice simulations of QCD, in the form of a
rapid increase of the entropy density around the critical
energy density. The deconfinement of quarks and glu-
ons is accompanied by a restoration of chiral symmetry,
spontaneously broken in the QCD vacuum.
The phase diagram (see Fig. 7.1.9 translates the
properties of strong interactions and their underlying
QCD theory into a visible pattern. Recent lattice cal-
culations have shown that for vanishing baryon chemi-
cal potential, µB , and at a pseudocritical temperature
156.5 ± 1.5 MeV, a crossover transition happens from
the phase with a broken chiral symmetry to the restored
Fig. 14.4.1 View of the NICA site. chiral symmetry phase [448, 4559]. Different effective
models conclude that at higher µB , the transition from
Two experimental setups with different physics pro- the ordinary hadron-matter phase to a phase, where
grams will run at two interaction points located in the chiral symmetry is restored, is of first order. The cor-
opposite straight sections of the racetrack ring. The responding critical endpoint is an object of desire of
MultiPurpose Detector (MPD) placed at the first inter- experimenters and theorists, however, its existence is
action point will study hot and dense baryonic matter not established yet.
in heavy-ion collisions with luminosity up to 1027 cm−2 The major goal of MPD and BM@N experiments
s−1 . The Spin Physics Detector (SPD) in the second at NICA is to explore the QCD phase diagram by the
interaction point is dedicated to the study of the spin study of in-medium properties of hadrons and the nu-
structure of the proton and deuteron and other spin- clear matter Equation of State (EoS), including a search
related phenomena in p-p and d-d collisions with lumi- for possible signals of deconfinement and/or chiral sym-
nosity up to 1032 cm−2 s−1 . In addition, the heavy-ion metry restoration phase transitions, and the QCD crit-
beams can be extracted to the fixed-target experimen- ical endpoint. The range of energies and interaction
tal setup BM@N (Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron) whose rates covered in different heavy-ion collision experiments
main goals are investigations of strange/multi-strange including MPD and BM@N experiments at NICA is
hyperons, hypernuclei production, and short-range cor- presented in Fig. 14.3.18.
relations. Extracted beams will also be used for applied
research. A view of the NICA site is shown in Fig. 14.4.1 The BM@N experiment
while Fig. 14.4.2 represents the schematic layout of the BM@N is a fixed-target experimental setup operating
accelerator complex. with extracted ion beams from the upgraded Nuclotron.
The implementation of the physic program of the The main final goal of the BM@N experiment is the
NICA complex is envisioned in three main stages: i) comprehensive study of the early phase of nuclear in-
heavy-ion physics with a fixed target (BM@N), ii) heavy- teraction at high densities of nuclear matter (3-4n0 )
ion physics in the colliding mode (MPD), and iii) spin via registration of strange and multi-strange particles
physics (SPD). The possibility of using NICA in the (kaons, Λ, Ξ and Ω hyperons, double hypernuclei, etc.)
electron-ion collider mode in the future is under discus- production with enormous statistical precision. Investi-
sion. gation of the reaction dynamics and nuclear equation of
state, as well as the study of the in-medium properties

Fig. 14.4.2 The NICA accelerator complex at JINR.

of hadrons, are also planned. In order to provide nor- The relevant degrees of freedom at the Nuclotron
malization for the measured A+A spectra, a study of energies are first of all nucleons and their excited states
elementary reactions (p+p, p+n(d)) will be performed. followed by light and strange mesons [4561]. The focus
The layout of the expected full configuration of the of experimental studies at BM@N will be on hadrons
BM@N setup is shown in Fig. 14.4.3. The tracking sys- with strangeness, which are early produced in the col-
tem consists of the silicon strip sensors, and gaseous lision and not present in the initial state of two col-
detectors and is partially placed inside the analyzing liding nuclei. The measured production yields of light
magnet with a field up to 1.2 T. Particle identification and strange mesons, as well as of hyperons and anti-
is provided by the multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber- hyperons are shown in Fig. 14.4.4 as a function of the
based Time-of-Flight system. A Zero Degree Calorime- nucleon-nucleon collision energy. The Nuclotron heavy-

ter is foreseen for the extraction of the collision impact ion beam-energy range corresponds to sN N = 2.3–3.5
parameter and centrality determination. The BM@N GeV. It is well suited for studies of strange mesons and
setup currently operates in test mode. multi-strange hyperons which are produced in nucleus-
nucleus collisions close to the kinematic threshold. Heavy-
ion collisions are a rich source of strangeness, and cap-
turing Λ-hyperons by nucleons can produce a variety of
light hyper-nuclei [4562, 4563]. In heavy-ion collisions,
light hypernuclei are expected to be abundantly pro-
duced at low energies due to the high baryon density.
However, the production mechanisms of hypernuclei in
heavy-ion collisions are not well understood, due to the
scarcity of data. The study of hyper-nuclei production
is expected to provide new insights into the properties
of the hyperon-nucleon and hyperon-hyperon interac-
tions. Figure 14.4.5 presents the yields of hyper-nuclei
Fig. 14.4.3 Layout of the BM@N detector [4560]. as a function of the nucleon-nucleon collision energy
in the center-of-mass system in Au+Au collisions, pre-
dicted by a thermal model [4564]. The maximum in the
14.4 The NICA program 525

hyper-nuclei production rate is predicted at sN N =
4-5 GeV, which is close to the Nuclotron energy range.
Short-range correlations in nuclei (SRC) are an ad-
ditional topic for study at BM@N. In an attempt to sim-
plify the description of the nuclei as complex strongly
interacting systems, we tend to separate their short-
and long-range structure. Effective field theories de-
scribe the long-range structure using a mean-field ap-
proximation. The short-range structure of nuclei can
be described in terms of nucleon-nucleon short-range
correlations. SRC are brief fluctuations of two nucleons
with high and opposite momenta, where each of them is
higher than the Fermi momentum for the given nucleus.
Hard knock-out reactions where the beam probe in-
teracts with a single nucleon are the standard way to
study the properties of SRC pairs. In the pilot studies at
BM@N the new approach with the inverted kinematics
was used [4565]: a carbon beam with the momentum
of 4 GeV/c per nucleon scatter off a liquid hydrogen
target. A proton with momentum from the SRC pair
is scattered off a target proton. Two protons from the
(p,2p) reaction were detected by a two-arm spectrome-
ter while a A−2 nuclear fragment was identified via p/Z
ratio. The events with 10 B and 10 Be fragments corre-
sponded to p-n and p-p SRC pairs, respectively. The di-
rect experimental evidence for the separation of the pair Fig. 14.4.4 Yields of mesons and (anti-)hyperons measured
in different experiments as a function of the collision energy
wavefunction from that of the residual many-body nu- √
sN N for Au+Au and Pb+Pb collisions [4566].
clear system was obtained. All measured reactions are
well described by theoretical calculations that include
no distortions from the initial- and final-state interac-
tions (Fig. 14.4.6). The obtained results illustrate the
ability to study the short-distance structure of short-
lived radioactive nuclei at the forthcoming FAIR and
FRIB facilities.

The MPD experiment

MPD is a collider experiment designed to perform a
comprehensive scan of the QCD phase diagram with
beam species from protons to gold by varying the center-
of-mass collision energy from 4 to 11 GeV per nucleon
which is complementary to the RHIC beam energy scan
towards lower energies. The unique feature of MPD as
a collider experiment is the invariant acceptance at dif-
ferent beam energies as compared to fixed-target exper-
iments [4567].
To reach this goal, the experimental program in- Fig. 14.4.5 Yields of hyper-nuclei predicted by the thermal

cludes the simultaneous measurement of the observ- model in Ref. [4564] as a function of the sN N for Au+Au
ables which are sensitive to high density effects and collisions. Predictions for the yields of He and 4 He nuclei are

presented for comparison.

phase transitions. The observables measured on event-
by-event basis are particle yields and ratios, correlations
and fluctuations. Different species probe different stages The hadrons containing heavy strange quarks are es-
of the nucleus-nucleus interaction due to their differ- pecially interesting. These strange heavy hadrons are
ences in mass, energy and interaction cross-sections. created in the early high-temperature and high-density

ment is the pion-to-kaon ratio. The K + yield is propor-

C(p,2p )10B SRC BM@N

(a) (b) tional to the overall strangeness production and pions

can be associated with the total entropy produced in
10 10 the reaction. Thus, the K + /π + production ratio can be
a good measure of strangeness-to-entropy ratio, which
5 5 is different in the confined phase and the QGP. The ex-
perimental results for K + /π + , K − /π − and Λ/π + ra-
tios as a function of collision energies in the wide energy
−1 −0.5 0 −0.5 0 0.5 range are shown in Fig. 14.4.7. The experimental points

cos(θp ,p n) cos(θp ,p ) in the most interesting region around sN N = 10 GeV
have large uncertainties that could be significantly re-
miss B rel

duced by the measurements at MPD.

Fig. 14.4.6 Opening angle in SRC p-n pair (left) and the
angle between the 10 B fragment and pair relative momentum
(right). The model calculations are shown in orange [4565].

stage but may quickly decouple due to their low interac-

tion cross section with the surrounding matter. Among
various characteristics, the elliptic flow deserves spe-
cial attention because this collective motion is formed
mainly in the early stage of the collision. The spatio-
temporal information on the particle freeze-out source,
which depends on the preceding evolution of the sys-
tem, is provided by the measurement of identical par-
ticles interference. The direct information on hot and
dense transient matter is provided by penetrating probes,
photons and leptons. In this respect, vector mesons Fig. 14.4.7 K + /π + , K − /π − and Λ/π + ratios as a function

of sN N [2159].
which contain information on chiral symmetry restora-
tion are very attractive. Measurement of the positive/neg-
ative pion asymmetry with respect to the reaction plane Measurements of event-by-event fluctuations have
as a function of centrality of heavy-ion collisions opens a been performed by the numerous fixed-target and col-
possibility to touch such fundamental problem as spon- lider experiments. Recent STAR measurements from
taneous violation of CP parity in strong interactions. the RHIC-BES program [2180] indicate a non-monotonic
The physics program of the first stage of the MPD behaviour of the excitation function for the net-proton
experiment includes the following items [4568]: moments in central Au+Au collisions in the region be-

– multiplicity and spectral characteristics of the iden- low sN N = 20 GeV, which can be a hint for the criti-
tified hadrons including strange particles, multi-strange cal point in the range of finite baryon number density.
baryons and antibaryons characterizing entropy pro- At MPD the region below 11 GeV will be scanned with
duction and system temperature at freeze-out; much higher precision.
– event-by-event fluctuations in multiplicity, charges, The main task of femtoscopy, the technique of two-
transverse momenta and K/π ratios as a generic particle correlations in momentum space, is to measure
property of critical phenomena; the space-time evolution of the system created in par-
– collective flow effects (directed, elliptic and higher ticle collisions. The two-pion correlation functions are
ones) for hadrons including strange particles; excellent candidates for first-day physics measurements
– femtoscopy with identified particles and particle cor- at MPD. Femtoscopy measurements for pions have been
relations. performed in several previous experiments. Fig. 14.4.8
presents the energy dependence of the freeze-out vol-
In the second stage, the physics with electromagnetic ume, obtained from two-pion interferometry. A non-
probes (photons and dileptons) will be accessed. monotonic behavior of this volume in the NICA energy
The behaviour of hadron abundances along the hy- range raises interest in such measurements at MPD.
drodynamic trajectories of heavy-ion experiments is close- The anisotropic collective flow is also one of the
ly related with the properties of the strongly interact- promising observables sensitivite to the transport prop-
ing matter near the phase transition. For example, a erties of the strongly interacting matter, in particular,
promising observable to study the onset of deconfine-
14.4 The NICA program 527

It will play the role of a wake-up trigger. The Forward

Hadronic Calorimeter (FHCal) for determination of the
collision centrality and the orientation of the reaction
plane is located near the Magnet end-caps. At the mo-
ment, this detector configuration is at the assembling
Additional detectors like the silicon-based Inner Tracker
System for precision secondary vertex reconstruction,
the miniBeBe detector for triggering and start time de-
termination, and the cosmic ray detector on the outside
of the magnet yoke are proposed for the later stages.

Fig. 14.4.8 Freeze-out volume for pions as a function of the

collision energy [4569].

the speed of sound, and the specific shear and viscosi-

ties. It can be quantified by the Fourier coefficients
vn in the expansion of the particles azimuthal distri-
bution. Relativistic viscous hydrodynamic models have
been successful in describing the observed anisotropy vn
for the produced particles in the collisions of heavy ions
at RHIC and the LHC [2150, 4570, 4571]. The directed
flow v1 can probe the very early stages of the collision as
it is generated during the passage time of the two collid- Fig. 14.4.9 Layout of the MPD experimental setup [4573].
ing nuclei. The results of a model-to-data comparison

for the elliptic flow v2 at sN N = 7.7 GeV and 4.5 GeV
may indicate that at NICA energies a transition occurs
from partonic to hadronic matter. The high-statistics 14.4.2 The spin structure of proton and deuteron
differential measurements of vn , that are anticipated in the SPD experiment
from the MPD experiment at NICA, are expected to
provide valuable information about this parton-hadron While the main goal of the BM@N and MPD experi-
transient energy domain [4572, 4573]. ments is to study deconfinement, the third experiment,
The layout of the MPD setup is shown in Fig. 14.4.9 SPD, aims to study the internal structure of the pro-
[4573]. The components of the MPD barrel part have ton and deuteron using polarized beams. In the po-
an approximate cylindrical symmetry. The beam line larized proton-proton collisions, the SPD experiment
is surrounded by the large gaseous Time Projection [4574] will cover the kinematic gap between the low-
Chamber (TPC) which is enclosed by the TOF barrel. energy measurements at ANKE-COSY and SATURNE
The TPC is the main tracker, and in conjunction with and the high-energy measurements at the Relativistic
the TOF they will provide precise momentum mea- Heavy Ion Collider, as well as the planned fixed-target
surements and particle identification. It is placed in experiments at the LHC (see Fig. 14.4.10). The pos-
a highly homogeneous magnetic field of up to 0.57 T. sibility for NICA to operate with polarized deuteron
The Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECal) is placed in beams at such energies is unique. SPD is planned to be
between the TOF and the MPD Magnet. It will be operated as a universal facility for comprehensive tests
used for detection of electromagnetic showers, and will of the basics of the QCD. The main efforts, however,
play the central role in photon and electron measure- will be devoted to the study of the unpolarized and po-
ments. In the forward direction, the Fast Forward De- larized gluon content of the proton at large Bjorken-x,
tector (FFD) is located still within the TPC barrel. using different complementary probes [4575].

tons. The kinematic region to be covered by SPD for

33 these processes (Fig. 14.4.11) is unique and has never
L, cm-2 s-1

10 AFTER & LHCspin

SPD (NICA, JINR) (LHC, CERN) been accessed purposefully in polarized hadronic col-
p↑− p↑ p− p ↑
p↑− p↑
lisions. Quark TMD PDFs, as well as spin-dependent
fragmentation functions, could also be studied. The re-
(U-70, Protvino) sults expected to be obtained by SPD will play an im-
p↑− p↑
portant role in the general understanding of the nucleon
1030 ANKE E704 PHENIX & STAR gluon content and will serve as a complementary input
to the ongoing and planned studies at RHIC, and fu-
(COSY, Julich) (Fermilab)
p↑− p↑ p↑− p↑ p↑− p↑

ture measurements at the EIC (BNL) and fixed-target
facilities at the LHC (CERN). Simultaneous measure-
ment of the same quantities using different processes at
1 10 100 s, GeV the same experimental setup is of key importance for
the minimization of possible systematic effects.
Fig. 14.4.10 NICA SPD and the other past, present, and fu-
ture experiments with polarized protons.
Table 14.4.1 Gluon TMD PDFs at twist-2. The columns rep-
resent gluon polarization, while the rows represent hadron po-
Quantum chromodynamics has remarkable success
in describing the high-energy and large-momentum trans- Unpolarized Circular Linear
fer processes, where quarks and gluons that are the Unpolarized g(x) h⊥g
1 (x, kT )
density Boer-
fundamental constituents of hadrons, behave, to some Mulders
extent, as free particles and, therefore, the perturba- function
tive QCD approach can be used. The cross-section of a Longitudinal ∆g(x) Kotzinian-
process in QCD is factorized into two parts: the process- helicity Mulders
dependent perturbatively-calculable short-distance par- Transverse ∆gN (x, kT ) Worm-gear ∆T g(x)
tonic cross-section (the hard part) and universal long- Sivers function transversity,
distance functions, PDFs, and FFs (the soft part), see function pretzelosity
Section 11. The parton distributions could be applied
also to describe the spin structure of the nucleon that
is built up from the intrinsic spin of the valence and The naive model describes the deuteron as a weakly-
sea quarks (spin-1/2), gluons (spin-1), and their orbital bound state of a proton and a neutron mainly in S-state
angular momenta. with a small admixture of the D-state. However, such
In recent years, the three-dimensional partonic struc- a simplified picture failed to describe the HERMES ex-
ture of the nucleon became a subject of careful studies. perimental results on the b1 tensor structure function
Precise mapping of the three-dimensional structure of [819]. A unique possibility to operate with polarized
the nucleon is crucial for our understanding of QCD. deuteron beams brings us to the world of the tensor
One of the ways to go beyond the usual collinear ap- structure of the deuteron (tensor PDFs). A possible
proximation is to describe the nucleon content in the non-baryonic content in the deuteron could be accessed
momentum space by employing the so-called Transverse- via the measurement of the gluon transversity distribu-
Momentum-Dependent Parton Distribution Functions tion and the comparison of the unpolarized gluon PDFs
(TMD PDFs) [1286, 3189, 3190, 4576–4578]. in the nucleon and deuteron at high values of x.
Considerable progress has been achieved during the Nevertheless, the largest fraction of hadronic inter-
last decades in the understanding of the quark contri- actions involves low-momentum transfer processes in
bution to the nucleon spin, yet the gluon sector is much which the effective strong coupling constant is large
less developed. One of the difficulties is the lack of di- and the description within a perturbative approach is
rect probes to access the gluon content in high-energy not adequate. A number of (semi-)phenomenological
processes. approaches have been developed through the years to
The final goal of the SPD experiment is to provide describe strong interaction in the non-perturbative do-
access to the gluon TMD PDFs (see Table 14.4.1) in the main starting from the very basic principles. They suc-
proton and deuteron via the measurement of specific cessfully describe such crucial phenomena as the nu-
single and double spin asymmetries in the production clear properties and interactions, hadronic spectra, de-
of charmonia, open charm, and high-pT prompt pho- confinement, various polarized and unpolarized effects
14.5 QCD at FAIR 529

in hadronic interaction, etc. The transition between the provide tracking capability. The time-of-flight system
perturbative and non-perturbative QCD is also a sub- will provide π/K and K/p separation together with
ject of special attention. In spite of a large set of exper- an aerogel-based Cherenkov detector in the end-caps.
imental data and huge experience in a few-GeV region Detection of photons will be provided by the sampling
with fixed-target experiments worldwide, this energy electromagnetic calorimeter. To minimize multiple scat-
range still attracts both experimentalists and theoreti- tering and photon conversion effects for photons, the
cians. detector material will be kept to a minimum through-
out the internal part of the detector. The muon (range)
system is planned for muon identification. It can also
act as a rough hadron calorimeter. The pair of beam-
104 beam counters and zero-degree calorimeters will be re-
EMC COMPASS-OC sponsible for the local polarimetry and luminosity con-
trol. To minimize possible systematic effects, SPD will
be equipped with a free-running (triggerless) DAQ sys-
SMClowx STAR-jets

tem. The SPD experimental setup is currently in the
E143 PHENIX-jets


E155 EIC
phase of the technical project preparation.


10 10-2 x 10-1

Fig. 14.4.11 Kinematic coverage of SPD in the charmonia,

open charm, and prompt photon production processes. Fig. 14.4.12 Layout of the SPD experimental setup.

SPD has an extensive physics program for the first

stage of the NICA collider operation with reduced lu-
minosity and collision energy of the proton and ion 14.5 QCD at FAIR
beams, devoted to comprehensive tests of the various Johan Messchendorp, Frank Nerling, and
phenomenological models in the non-perturbative and Joachim Stroth
transitional kinematic domain. It includes such topics
as the spin effects in elastic scattering, in exclusive re- 14.5.1 The FAIR facility
actions as well as in hyperons production, multiquark
correlations and dibaryon resonances, charmonia and The international Facility for Antiproton and Ion Re-
open charm production, physics of light and interme- search FAIR (14.5.1) is an accelerator complex cur-
diate nuclei collision, hypernuclei, etc. [4579]. The pro- rently constructed at the site of the national GSI Helmholtz
posed program covers up to 5 years of the NICA collider Center for Heavy-ion Research, Germany. It is com-
running. posed of a rapid cycling synchrotron with maximum
The SPD experimental setup, shown in Fig. 14.4.12, rigidity 100 Tm providing beams directly to experimen-
is designed as a universal 4π detector with advanced tal halls and to production targets for secondary ion and
tracking and particle identification capabilities based anti-proton beams [4580]. A high-energy storage ring
on modern technologies, consisting of the barrel part (HESR) enables experiments with antiproton and rare
and two end-caps. The silicon vertex detector will pro- radioactive isotope beams. The latter are selected out
vide a reconstruction of secondary vertices of D-meson of either nuclear fragments or fission products, emerg-
decays. The straw-tube-based tracking system placed ing from reactions of e.g. relativistic uranium beams by
within a solenoidal magnetic field of up to 1 T should the Super Fragment Separator (S-FRS), providing high

troscopy (LaSpec). FAIR will also give home to many

other experimental collaborations working in fields of
atomic physics, radio biology, plasma physics and ma-
terial science (APPA).
Civil construction of the accelerator complex has
been started in 2017 focusing on the north area of the
complex. As of 2022, the shell construction of the ring
tunnel, the transfer buildings, the reaction experiment
cave and the Super-FRS is mostly finished and the tech-
nical building installation has been started. The facil-
ity will be completed in a staged approach aligned with
the funding profile and first beam from SIS100 to the
CBM cave is anticipated for 2028. A FAIR early science
program will be started as soon as the Super-FRS is in-
Fig. 14.5.1 Layout of the FAIR accelerator complex. See text stalled providing uranium beam from SIS18 directly to
for the meaning of the various acronyms. the separator. Already now, a rich research program is
ongoing at GSI and various other international facilities
employing instrumentation developed for FAIR (FAIR
transmission for reaction products and high selectivity
and purity for selected rare isotopes [4581].
The scientific goals encompass many open questions
connected with the formation of matter and the role of 14.5.2 CBM - QCD studies under extreme baryon
the strong force herein. The respective activities are conditions
organized in three pillars, hadron physics using anti-
The research pillar Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM)
proton annihilation (PANDA), heavy-ion reactions at
is addressing the physics of QCD matter under ex-
relativistic energies (CBM), and nuclear structure physics
treme conditions of baryon density and temperature.
at the limit of stability using relativistic, stored or de-
In a dedicated experiment hall, ion beams extracted
celerated rare isotope beams (NUSTAR). For the latter,
from SIS100 will be directed onto stationary targets to
not discussed in the remainder of this section, FAIR will
form transients states of QCD matter in central colli-
pursue a unique approach enabling nuclear structure
sions. The formation process is expected to reach max-
studies of e.g. the r-process isotopes relevant for the
imum baryon densities of around five times the nuclear
third r-process abundance peak. Acceleration of 28+
ground-state density at temperatures of up to 100 MeV.
uranium ions in the SIS100 will push the space charge
Model calculations suggest that e.g. in a Au+Au colli-
limit and yet provide beam energies around 1 A GeV
sion at a few A GeV, the incoming nucleons are stopped
[4582]. SIS100 is particularly designed to accelerate med-
to a large extent in the collision zone and that the
ium charge state ions with a fast cycling rate of 1 Hz.
nuclear matter is compressed to densities of ρmax '
This is achieved ramping the superconducting dipole
1 fm−3 [4584]. It is expected that the formed hadronic
magnets with 4 T/s to a maximum field of 1.9 T [4583].
system is approaching local equilibrium before it freezes
Combined with the large acceptance and transmission
out chemically at densities around ρch ' 0.1 fm−3 (see
of the Super-FRS, separated fission fragments will pro-
Section 7.1). At such initial densities, the system can
vide fully stripped isotope beams up to the neutron
no longer be understood as resonance gas, but rather
drip line. Such beams can be transferred to a stor-
as an entangled meson cloud surrounding the baryonic
age ring for precision mass measurements (ILIMA), di-
cores (see Section 7.2).
rected to a secondary target in the high-energy experi-
Figure 14.5.3 demonstrates the world-wide efforts
ment hall for reaction experiments (R3B), or to exper-
that explore the high-µB -region (high net-baryon den-
iments utilizing γ-spectroscopy in flight (HISPEC) or
sity) obtained at lower beam energy (c.f. 7.1) of the
with stopped beams (DISPEC). Complementary exper-
QCD phase diagram by means of heavy-ion collisions.
iments can also be performed at the Super-FRS operat-
Please note that by today no experiment has crossed
ing the second half of the separator as high-resolution
the 50 kHz line.
forward spectrometer and using a secondary target in
The CBM collaboration has designed an experiment
the middle section of the separator (Super-FRS EC).
to investigate heavy-ion collisions with emphasis on the
Last not least isotope beams can also be decelerated
detection of rare and penetrating probes. Figure 14.5.2
and trapped (MATS) or investigated using laser spec-
shows the configuration of the Compressed Baryonic
14.5 QCD at FAIR 531

Fig. 14.5.2 Computer rendering of the two experiments CBM and HADES installed in the FAIR fixed-target experimental hall.
In case CBM is operated, the beam pipe is continuing through the center of the HADES experiment up to the CBM dipole
(target vacuum chamber and beam pipe are not drawn). In case HADES is taking beam, a beam stop is placed between the two
experiments (half transparent cube shown on a stand). The HADES setup is shown with blue support structure.

Matter experiment, together with the already existing cation for high momentum tracks (TRD). The last de-
HADES experiment placed at the same beam line de- tector is a wall of multichannel resistive-plate counters
livering slow-extracted beam from the heavy-ion syn- (TOF) covering about 20 m2 in the transverse plane.
chrotron SIS-100 The unique features of this fixed-target It provides a high-precision time signal to enable parti-
experiment are the rate capability reaching 10 MHz of cle identification by velocity vs momentum of charged
inspected reactions and a modular composition of de- particles. The CBM detector uses a trigger-less data
tectors for particle identification. The high-rate capabil- acquisition system where every individual detector cell
ity is achieved by performing tracking of charged par- is digitized and where signals passing their thresholds
ticles in a compact configuration of 12 planes of sili- receive a timestamp. Data streams of up to a TeraByte
con detectors placed in a 1 Tm dipole field. The planes per second are transferred to the online compute cluster
are arranged over 1 m downstream the target. The first where real-time event building and feature extraction is
four planes are composed of monolithic pixel sensors, performed. By selecting events with signatures of inter-
manufactured in a 180 nm CMOS process, and pro- est, the data stream is reduced to a level that allows
vide a total of 140 M-Pixels right behind the target storage on disks. Up to 40.000 compute nodes will be
and placed inside the beam vacuum (MVD). Behind, needed to accomplish this task in the case of operating
and outside the vacuum region, eight planes of sili- at the highest interaction rate. The compute cluster will
con strip sensors constitute the core tracking system be installed in the FAIR Green Cube. The online event
(STS). This tracking system is contained in a mag- selection and rejection requires a high level of under-
netic dipole field providing a maximum bending power standing and monitoring of the detector performance
of 1 Tm. Behind the tracking station different detec- at the time of the data taking. To gain experiences and
tor systems can be placed, depending on the observ- to prepare all software and firmware for fast calibration
ables to be addressed. In the standard configuration, a and event reconstruction, the CBM collaboration has
ring-imaging Cherenkov detector (RICH) provides su- installed a small version of the CBM detector at SIS18
perb electron/positron identification up to momenta of beam line of GSI. This mini-CBM setup is composed
around 4 GeV. Behind, four stations of transition radia- out of prototypes or first-of-a-series modules of each de-
tion detector enable intermediate tracking, energy loss tector system of CBM. The detectors are arranged as
measurement and additional electron/positron identifi- a single arm telescope and are operated without mag-

250 system prior to freeze out. This very promising observ-

Temperature (MeV)


able, so far not addressed in excitation functions with


Quark-gluon plasma
200 0.05
µ+µ- the needed precision, is the spectral distribution and
0.1 yield of dileptons emitted from the dense and hot stage
of the collision. Such dileptons couple via virtual inter-
mediary photons directly to the in-medium hadronic
0.6 CEP D
0.7 econfi
0.8 nem
ent a
current-current correlator and thus probe the micro-
0.9 nd
〈q q 〉 ch
T,µ ira
l tr
scopic structure of the medium they are expelled from

100 〈q q 〉
[4585, 4586]. In the so-called low-mass region (LMR),
50 i.e. for dilepton invariant masses around the vector-
meson pole masses ρ, ω and φ and below, the spec-
tral distribution encodes the “melting” of the vector
Nuclei Gas
0 200 400 600 800 1000 mesons embedded in a hot and dense hadronic environ-
ment, while the dilepton spectrum from a purely par-
Baryochemical potential (MeV)

Fig. 14.5.3 The QCD phase diagram as function of temper-

tonic medium would not feature any particular struc-
ature and baryo-chemical potential. Freeze-out configurations ture. Moreover, the integral yield of continuum dilep-
extracted from particle yields assuming sudden freeze-out of a tons in the LMR dominantly depends on the size, the
hadron resonance gas are shown as green circles (cf 7.1.9). Ex- lifetime and the temperatures of the emitting source. It
pectation values of the chiral condensate deduced from lattice
calculations as sky-blue lines. Measurements of the mean fire-
has been demonstrated using a hydro model that the
ball temperature based on the dilepton continuum radiation are fireball ball evolution can significantly change if during
shown as red squares together with the expected trajectory of the evolution the system experiences a phase transition
the expanding and radiating system. from a QGP-like to a hadronic equation-of-state. The
study observed an increase of the yield by roughly a
netic field. The performance of the online event selec- factor of two in the case of a first-order phase transi-
tion is benchmarked by investigating the production of tion [4587]. Dilepton continuum radiation also provides
hyperons. Their particular decay topology is used as a model independent measurement of the average tem-
identification. perature of the emitting source. This is possible if the
The prime goal of the CBM program at FAIR is imaginary part of the in-medium current-current corre-
to search for signatures of a first-order phase transi- lator is sufficiently featureless and approaching a depen-
tion, separating the hadron resonance gas region from dence ∝ T 2 /M 2 . In that case, the spectral distribution
a likely novel state of matter (cf. 7.2). The established is defined essentially by the thermal Bose factor and
strategy for this is to search for non-monotonic behav- the invariant-mass distribution takes the form of black-
body radiation, i.e. ∝ (M T ) exp (−M/T ) [4588]. A
ior of the excitation function of various observables,
or more general for trends signaling a change in the fit of a Planck distribution function to the spectral dis-
number of degrees of freedom of the transient system tribution in the respective invariant mass reveal an in-
like the (dis)appearance of a certain scaling behavior. variant measurement of that average temperature, un-
An example is the excitation function of the multiplic- affected by any blue shift due to rapid expansion of the
ity of multi-strange hyperons. The high-rate capability emitting source. The two measurements of the average
of CBM will enable such measurements well below the temperature shown in Fig.14.5.3 were obtained by the
proton-proton production threshold119 . NA60 collaboration in the dimuon channel [4589] and
Indeed, the region in the QCD phase diagram at by the HADES collaboration in the dielectron channel
high baryo-chemical potential is by large terra incog- [4590]. The “trajectories” indicated as dashed-dotted
nita. Figure 14.5.3 depicts the QCD phase diagram with lines depict the evolution of the fireball used to inte-
experimental landmarks and predictions by lattice QCD. grate the emissivity over the four-volume characteriz-
The landmarks include, first, chemical-freezeout points ing the evolution of the collision zone. For details see
that characterize the temperature and the baryochemi- [4590].
cal potential below which the system can be understood In order to obtain the continuum radiation, contri-
as an expanding hadron gas in which inelastic collisions butions to the dilepton invariant-mass distribution from
no longer occur. Two additional points are shown which the early pre-equilibrium stage and from late decays of
depict an average temperature of the dense and hot long-lived hadronic states have to be determined and
subtracted [4591]. An important part of the CBM pro-
The threshold is here defined as the energy needed to pro- gram are therefore reference measurements of elemen-
duce a given hyperon in an elementary proton-proton collision tary collision systems or the production of dileptons in

and the beam energy is referred to as sNN .
14.5 QCD at FAIR 533

14.5.3 PANDA - Hadron structure & spectroscopy

studies using antiprotons

Physics with antiprotons and PANDA

The ambition of PANDA is to exploit the annihilation
of antiprotons with protons and nuclei to study the
properties of hadrons and their interactions with un-
precedented precision and coverage in parity, spin, and
gluon and quark flavor contents. Partly as the succes-
sor of the successful LEAR facility at CERN, PANDA
will combine a high-resolution and intense antiproton
beam with a state-of-art detector system. The exper-
iment is designed to produce hadrons with masses of
up to about 5.5 GeV/c2 and to unambiguously detect a
large variety of final-state particles with excellent mo-
mentum resolution, particle identification capabilities,
and exclusivity.
PANDA will be an internal-target experiment in-
Fig. 14.5.4 Di-electron excess radiation measured by HADES stalled at the High Energy Storage Ring (HESR).

for the collision system Au+Au at sNN = 2.42 GeV (black The antiproton beam from HESR has several key ad-
squares). Systematic uncertainties are depicted as open boxes vantages, namely i) the production cross sections of
while the statistical errors are shown as vertical lines. Various
model calculations are shown as colored lines (see inserts for ex-
hadrons are generally large, resulting in large data sam-
planation). Lines labeled CG refer to calculations using coarse ples; ii) meson-like states of any quark-antiquark spin-
grained microscopic transport calculations for the fireball evo- parity combination can be produced in formation with
lution folded with thermal emissivities derived from many-body a superb mass resolution; iii) baryon-antibaryon pairs,
theory. The line labeled HSD is the result of a full microscopic
transport simulation treating the dilepton emission perturba-
including multi-strange and charm, can be produced
tively, i.e. after the full hadron cascade has been processed. Also in two-body reactions, which provide clean conditions
shown as dashed lines are the descriptions of dilepton emission for baryon studies; iv) proton-antiproton annihilations
from ρ-meson decay used in the full microscopic (shining) ap- constitute a gluon-rich environment.
proach. The spectrum has been obtained by subtracting from
the total yield in the centrality class 0-40% the contributions
In the initial phase, HESR will be able to store
from late hadron neutron meson decays (cocktail) and from 1010 antiprotons with momenta p from 1.5 GeV/c up
first-chance collisions. to 15 GeV/c. By making use of the stochastic cooling
technique, the relative beam-momentum spread (∆p/p)
collisions of protons on nuclei. For this, the HADES will be < 5×10−5 . The antiprotons will interact with a
detector will be moved to the SIS100 experimental hall cluster jet target or pellet target, which results in a
where it will be installed in front of the CBM detec- luminosity during the first phase (Phase One) of data
tor. HADES, with its large polar acceptance, is well taking of about 1031 s−1 cm−2 . The final goal is a lumi-
suited to study in particular the production and prop- nosity of up to 2×1032 s−1 cm−2 , referred to as Phase
agation of vector mesons in cold nuclear matter. The Three.
feasibility of reconstructing the dilepton continuum ra- The PANDA detector is designed to measure mo-
diation in heavy-ion collisions at energies SIS18 ener- menta of charged and neutral final-state particles with
gies has been demonstrated for the system Au+Au at 1-2% resolution and with excellent particle identifi-

sNN = 2.42 GeV. Figure 14.5.4 depicts the respective cation, vertex reconstruction, and count-rate capabil-
invariant-mass distribution together with various model ities. The nearly 4π acceptance allows to study ex-
calculations. It is important to note that at this colli- clusive reactions covering a large part of their phase
sion energy, the ρ meson is substantially broadened due spaces, thereby enabling a conclusive partial-wave anal-
to the high baryon density, thus satisfying the criteria ysis. The detector consists of a Target Spectrometer
for temperature measurement outlined above also in the (TS) and a Forward Spectrometer (FS). The TS pro-
LMR. vides precise vertex tracking by the micro vertex detec-
tor, surrounded by straw tube trackers and gas electron
multiplier detectors in the forward direction. The tra-
jectories of charged particles in the TS are bent by the
field of a solenoid magnet providing a field of 2 T, with

muon detectors within the segmented yoke. For particle They have unambiguously a minimum quark content
identification, the TS will consist of time-of-flight and of four quarks (e.g. cc̄dū) and are, among others, dis-
Cherenkov detectors and an electromagnetic calorime- cussed to be tetraquark or molecular states in form of a
ter composed of PbWO2 crystals. With the electromag- loosely bound di-meson system. PANDA will contribute
netic calorimeter, nearly covering the full phase space to solve the puzzle of the nature of these unexpected
using a barrel and two endcaps, the measurement of en- charmonium-like XYZ states. Moreover, there is a num-
ergies and scattering angles of photons, electrons, and ber of pentaquark states and other exotic candidates
positrons will become possible. reported by LHCb recently that will be accessible with
The FS consists of straw tube stations for tracking, PANDA.
a dipole magnet, a ring imaging Cherenkov detector, In order to understand the nature of the XYZ states,
a forward time-of-flight system and a Shashlyk electro- e.g. which of the different four-quark configurations are
magnetic calorimeter, followed by a muon range system. realized by nature, and to confirm further candidates
The luminosity at PANDA will be determined by us- reported, PANDA will play an unique role. The dif-
ing elastic antiproton-proton scattering as the reference ferent multiplets need to be completed, especially the
channel registered by a dedicated luminosity detector. corresponding high-spin states. Those can uniquely be
The combination of the intense, high resolution an- addressed by PANDA, since there is no restriction in
tiproton beam with the nearly 4π PANDA detector, produced J P C quantum numbers in p̄p annihilation and
opens up unprecedented possibilities with a very rich thanks to the mostly 4π acceptance of the detector.
physics program, particularly suited to provide a deeper Given the excellent electromagnetic calorimetry in the
understanding of QCD in the non-perturbative regime. barrel as well as in the forward part of the detector,
In the following, we discuss some of the QCD-driven PANDA will have full acceptance not only for charged
highlights from the various pillars of the physics pro- but also for neutral final-state particles.
gram of PANDA. We note that PANDA has a more Another crucial and unique tool are precision line-
extensive physics program that includes various nuclear shape measurements. The energy-dependent resonance
physics aspects as well, such as the foreseen hypernuclei cross sections of these states are strongly connected
and hyperatom topics. We limit ourselves here to those with the inner structure of such states – theoretical in-
topics in which the quarks, gluon, and their interactions terpretations come along with predictions for absolute
are expected to be the most important degrees of free- decay widths and line shapes. The narrow and famous
dom. For a more detailed description of the complete X(3872), meanwhile renamed by the PDG to χc1 (3872),
physics program at the first phase of the experiment, was the first of these XYZ states discovered in 2003
we refer to [4592]. [4596]. Its nature is still not understood.
As shown by a comprehensive Monte Carlo based
Hidden charm and exotics feasibility study [4593], the line shape of narrow states,
PANDA will be devoted to provide precision data for particularly the X(3872), can be measured precisely
hadron spectroscopy with light to charm constituent and directly by PANDA with sub-MeV resolution, Fig.
quarks, and gluons. Given the anti-proton beam mo- 14.5.5, allowing for sorting out models, Fig. 14.5.5, right.
mentum range of up to 15 GeV/c, the accessible invariant- Thanks to the unprecedented beam momentum and en-
mass range in direct formation is about 2 - 5.5 GeV/c2 , ergy resolution of the HESR of up to ∆p/p = 2 × 10−5
and the PANDA experiment is thus designed and op- and ∆Ecms /Ecms = 34 keV, even very similar line-shape
timized to cover the charmonium mass region. In ad- models can be discriminated by employing the tech-
dition, the light quark sector can be explored via the nique of a resonance energy scan [4593].
production with recoil particles. At LHCb, it was not possible to distinguish be-
The cross sections associated with antiproton-proton tween a Breit-Wigner and a Flatté-like line-shape for
annihilations are generally several orders of magnitude the X(3872) even though huge statistics has been ac-
larger than those of experiments using electromagnetic cumulated [4594]. This state cannot be produced in
probes, allowing for excellent statistical precision al- direct formation at LHCb, and the energy-scan tech-
ready at moderate luminosities available in the initial nique cannot be employed. Consequently, the resolu-
Phase One (∼ 1031 cm−2 s−1 ). tion of the measurement is dominated by the detector
In the charmonium mass region, different unexpected resolution (order of a few MeV) and the LHCb data
charmonium-like states have been discovered since the are equally well described using both line-shape models
beginning of the millenium. Some of these so-called (Fig. 14.5.6).
XYZ states are electrically charged and in combina- As an addendum to the published sensitivity study
tion with the mass those are manifestly exotic states. [4593], the expected PANDA performance in distin-
14.5 QCD at FAIR 535
400 1.2

Γmin (3σ sign.) [keV]

∆Ef (Pmis,VB = 10%) [MeV]

PANDA P1 mode P1 mode
cross-section PANDA
beam profile 350 MC study HR mode MC study HR mode
event yield 300 HL mode HL mode

200 0.6


0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Ecms σS [nb] σS [nb]
Fig. 14.5.5 Illustration and summary of a comprehensive Monte Carlo simulated scan experiment study for PANDA [4593].
Schematic of the resonance energy scan principle (left). Summary of the sensitivity study for an absolute (Breit-Wigner) decay
width measurement in terms of the minimum decay width Γmin that can be measured with an relative precision of 33% as a
function of the assumed input σS (center). Summary of the sensitivity study for line-shape measurements via the Ef parameter
(Molecule case) to distinguish between a bound and a virtual state scenario in terms of the probability to mis-identify a virtual as
a bound state (right) .

Original lineshapes Lineshapes with resolution Lineshapes with resolution

dEcms = 84 keV

Fig. 14.5.6 Comparison of the Breit-Wigner and Flatté-like line shapes without and with the LHCb and PANDA resolutions
convolved. Left: The two line shapes (Breit-Wigner vs. Flatté-like) obtained from the fit to the LHCb data [4594]. Center: The
same two line shapes when including backgrounds and resolution, i.e. convolved with the detector resolution. Due to the resolution,
the two line shapes are just indistinguishable based on the LHCb data [4594]. Right: The same two line shapes (Breit-Wigner vs.
Flatté-like) convolved with the foreseeen beam-energy resolution expected for the initial phase of the experiment. Thanks to the
excellent beam energy resolution, they are well distinguishable with PANDA at HESR [4595].

guishing these two different line-shape models has been consider the so-called “odds” defined as the number
investigated and quantified [4595]. The achievable per- of correct assignments per wrong one: odds := (1 −
formance has been evaluated in terms of the mis-identifi- Pmis )/Pmis . The corresponding results are shown in Fig.
cation probability Pmis to assign the wrong line-shape 14.5.7 (right). Using this measure, PANDA is expect to
model, namely the Breit-Wigner line shape for Monte be at least a factor of 10 better than “indistinguish-
Carlo data generated using a Flatté line shape, and vice able”, a feature that is only possible due to PANDA’s
versa. The outcome is summarized in Fig. 14.5.7, where excellent beam-momentum resolution and the direct for-
the resultant sensitivities in assigning the correct line mation of the X(3872) state in antiproton-proton an-
shape (shown here for the Flatté-like line shape) are nihilations.
better than 90% and 98%, depending on the given accel- Concerning the light-quark and gluon sector, PANDA
erator operation mode (Fig. 14.5.7, left). For this figure will search for exotic forms of matter such as hybrid
of merit, a mis-identification probability of Pmis = 50% mesons and glueballs. In the mass range accessible at
corresponds to “indistinguishable”. To answer the ques- FAIR, a large number of glueballs is expected and some
tion, how much better the expected PANDA perfor- of them might be narrow. Their SU(3) structure can be
mance is as compared to “indistinguishable”, one may determined from an analysis of their decay modes.
Mis-ID Flatte as BW (σ = 50nb) Odds ratio (σ = 50nb)

Pmis [%]

odds ratio
HL mode
PANDA P1 mode
MC study MC study
50 HR mode

N A 10 2
R E 10

R E HL mode

P 1
P P1 mode
HR mode
−9 −8.5 −8 −7.5 −7 −6.5 −6 −5.5 −5 −9 −8.5 −8 −7.5 −7 −6.5 −6 −5.5 −5
Ef [MeV] Ef [MeV]
Fig. 14.5.7 Performances to distinguish between a Breit-Wigner and a Flatté-like line shape with PANDA/HESR at FAIR. Left:
Sensitivity in terms of the mis-identification probability Pmis to wrongly assign the Breit-Wigner line shape instead of the correct
Flatté-like line shape as a function of the Flatté energy parameter Ef , whereas Pmis = 50 % corresponds to “indistinguishable”.
Right: The correspondingly computed so-called “odds”, i.e. the number of correct assignments per wrong one, defined as odds :=
(1 − Pmis )/Pmis . Using this measure, the expected performance is at least ten times better than “indistinguishable”, i.e. as it is
achieved based on the LHCb data [4594], see also [4595].

For light hybrid mesons, such as the π1 (1400) and charm quarks such as p̄p → ΛΛ̄, Σ Σ̄, Ξ Ξ̄, Ω Ω̄, Λc Λ̄c ,
π1 (1600), the most conclusive results so far have been Σc Σ̄c , Ξc Ξ̄c , Ωc Ω̄c , together with various excited states
provided by the COMPASS experiment at CERN/SPS, of these hadrons. The production of these pairs has var-
employing a 190 GeV/c pion beam, see e.g. [4597–4599]. ious benefits, namely i) close to the appropriate produc-
The GlueX photoproduction experiment has been con- tion threshold, the identification and analysis of these
structed and is dedicated to map the full spectrum of reactions are fairly simple, since one may apply tagging
hybrid mesons with masses of up to about 2.5 GeV/c2 . methods, deal with limited number of partial waves,
The findings by both of these experiments and others on and with a good signal-to-background level; ii) com-
hybrids as well as on non-exotic new light meson states, bined with the excellent momentum resolution of the
such as the [4600], will complementary be addressed initial antiproton beam, a near-threshold scan allows
in p̄p annihilation processes at PANDA. These kind of to determine basic properties, such as mass and width,
investigations will moreover be extended to the char- of these states, and their excitations very accurately
monium region, for which several glueball and hybrid [4603]; iii) the self-analyzing feature of the weak decays
states are predicted, e.g. a spin-exotic state at about of these (anti)baryons can be exploited to study spin
4.2 GeV/c2 [4601]. degrees-of-freedom of their production process. The lat-
Presently, there is no experiment dedicated to glue- ter feature is a powerful tool that can be used for vari-
balls. In comparison to glueball searches in J/ψ decays ous physics aspects ranging from particle physics (test
e.g. at BESIII, they are expected to be produced with CP conservation in the hyperon sector), spectroscopy
orders of magnitude higher production rate in p̄p anni- studies (baryon resonances with strangeness), and spin
hilation [4602]. In particular in the charm region, glue- physics (detailed study of hyperon production and in-
ball candidates with masses above 4 GeV/c2 are pre- teractions). In the following, we highlight two aspects
dicted, some of which might be narrow and could thus that will be foreseen with PANDA, namely the spin-
be found. An analysis of their decay fraction could be physics and hyperon-spectroscopy programs.
used to decide if the state has a large glueball compo- The spin-physics program of PANDA aims to mea-
nent. sure accurately differential cross sections and spin ob-
servables such as polarization and spin correlations. These
Strangeness physics observables provide a deeper understanding of the spin
With antiproton-proton annihilations and baryon num- production mechanisms or, more generally, of the dy-
ber conservation, the final state has zero total baryon namics that lead to the production of hyperons in anti-
number. This feature has the advantage that relatively proton proton collisions. Which effective degrees of free-
clean two-body final-state topologies may emerge in- dom are adequate to describe the hadronic reaction dy-
volving exclusively a baryon together with its antibaryon. namics: quarks and gluons or mesons and baryons? And
The maximum center-of-mass foreseen with PANDA how does this picture change with center-of-mass en-
amounts to 5.5 GeV/c2 which provides access to pro- ergy? The high production rates of hyperon and anti-
duce pairs of various hadrons including strange and hyperon pairs in combination with the excellent signal
14.5 QCD at FAIR 537

to background yield give perfect conditions to perform of excited Ξ ∗ states, we refer to the results of a prelim-
these measurements. Already with moderate initial lu- inary feasible study described in [4606].
minosities, a spectacular production rate of hyperon
and antihyperon pairs are to be expected. The reaction Nucleon structure
p̄p → ΛΛ̄, with Λ → pπ − and Λ̄ → p̄π + , was studied In the past 60 years, the structure of the proton has
in detailed Monte Carlo simulations. At a luminosity been extensively studied with great success exploiting
of 1031 cm−2 s−1 and at a antiproton beam momentum lepton-hadron scattering (see Section 10). With the an-
of 1.64 GeV/c we expect 3.8×106 of fully reconstructed nihilation of antiproton with protons, it will be pos-
ΛΛ̄ pairs per day. For strangeness |S| = 2 baryon pairs sible to extract electromagnetic form factors (EMFF)
via p̄p → Ξ̄ + Ξ − at a beam momentum of 4.6 GeV/c, and structure functions of the (anti)proton in a re-
the expected rate is about 2.6×104 /day exclusively re- gion of phase space not accessible using electromagnetic
constructed pairs in the Ξ − → Λπ − and Ξ̄ + → Λ̄π + probes.
decay modes. Moreover, the signal-to-background ratio EMFFs quantify the hadron structure as a func-
is estimated to be better than 100 (250) for the Λ̄Λ tion of the four-momentum transfer squared q 2 and
(Ξ̄ + Ξ − ) channel. With the perspectives of PANDA to are defined on the complex q 2 plane. Space-like EMFFs
reach the high luminosity conditions at HESR at Phase (q 2 < 0) are real functions of q 2 and have been stud-
Three, precision studies of hyperons with charm con- ied extensively using elastic electron-hadron scatter-
tents will become feasible and CP violation tests will ing. Time-like EMFFs are complex and will be stud-
become competitive [4604]. ied at PANDA using different processes in various q 2
PANDA’s environment to produce abundantly pairs regions. Figure 14.5.8 sketches the various processes
of hyperons and antihyperon is also the ideal setting to that can be exploited to study EMFFs for various q 2
carry out detailed spectroscopy studies of these baryons. regions. Here, B, B1 and B2 denote various baryons.
The underlying physics motivation is to understand the With antiproton-proton annihilations, EMFFs of the
internal structure of baryons. For this purposes, baryon (anti)proton will be probed for the q 2 range starting
spectroscopy has demonstrated to be a very power- from the unphysical region, using the reaction p̄p →
ful tool. In the case of PANDA, the conceptual idea e+ e− π 0 , to high-q 2 via p̄p → `+ `− whereby ` refers to
is to replace light valence quarks of the (anti)proton both electrons and muons. Detailed Monte Carlo sim-
with heavier strange and charm ones via the processes ulations demonstrated that both GE and GM can be
sketches above, measure the excitation spectrum of ex- measured with a precision of about 3% in the e+ e−
cited hyperon states, determine their properties such as final state at q 2 around 5 (GeV/c)2 and with a total
mass, width, spin, parity, and decay modes, and com- integrated luminosity of 0.1 fb−1 , which is well suitable
pare such observations between the various baryonic for the first years of data taking. Figure 14.5.9 depicts
systems including those of the light-quark sector, i.e. the present state-of-the-art of the R = |GE |/|GM | mea-
N ∗ and ∆ resonance levels. With these measurements surements as a function of q 2 together with the preci-
some of the open questions will be addressed, such as sion perspectives of PANDA for the early phases of the
i) Which baryonic excitations are efficiently and well experiment (green band) and for the high luminosity
described in a three-quark picture and which are gen- mode (purple band). PANDA will be able to harvest
erated by coupled-channel effects of hadronic interac- more precise form factor data compared to today’s mea-
tions? ii) To which extent do the excitation spectra of surement and extend the measurements towards higher
baryons consisting of u, d, s obey SU(3) flavor symme- values of q 2 including, for the first time, both the di-
try? iii) Are there exotic baryon states, e.g. pentaquarks electron and di-muon as probes. Being analytic func-
or dibaryons? iv) What is the role of diquark correla- tions of q 2 , space-like and time-like form factors are re-
tions inside baryons? v) Can we understand the missing lated by dispersion theory. With the future data taken
resonance phenomena and the observed level ordering at PANDA and the various other complementary fa-
in the light-quark baryon sector? PANDA has the po- cilities, it will become feasibly to rigorously test the
tential to be the key player in providing conclusive data analyticity and universality of the measured EMFFs.
for the strangeness |S| = 2, 3 (anti)baryons thereby Besides measuring the EMFFs of the (anti)proton, also
complementary to the future activities planned at J- transition form factors (B1 6= B2 ) are accessible. With
PARC [4605] and the wealth of baryon spectroscopy the copious production of hyperons and antihyperons
data that have been obtained with photo- and pion- in antiproton-proton collisions, PANDA will provide
induced reactions at JLab, ELSA, MAMI, GRAAL, unique data to extract transition form factors of var-
Spring-8, HADES, etc.. As an illustration of the capa- ious hyperons and their corresponding antihyperons.
bilities of PANDA to determine spin-parity assignment

𝑒− 𝑒−
𝑝ҧ π0

𝑒− 𝑒− 𝐵
𝐵1 𝑒−
𝐵2 𝑝 𝑒+ 𝑒+ 𝐵ത

Space-like High-q2
𝑒 −𝐵 → 𝑒 −𝐵 Low-q2 Unphysical region 𝑒 + 𝑒 − → 𝐵 𝐵ത
𝐵1 → 𝐵2 𝑒 + 𝑒 − ҧ → 𝑒 +𝑒 −𝜋 0
ത → 𝑒 +𝑒 −
-Q2 = q2 < 0 q2 = 0 q2 = (mB1–mB2 )2 q2 = (mB1+mB2 )2
𝐵1 → 𝐵2 𝛾

Fig. 14.5.8 The various processes that are used to extract information about the EMFF in the space-like (q 2 < 0) and time-like
(q 2 > 0) regions. The time-like region 0 < q 2 < (MB1 − MB2 )2 ) is studied by Dalitz decays. The so-called unphysical region
(4m2e < q 2 < (MB1 + MB2 )2 ) by p̄p → `+ `− π 0 and the high-q 2 region (q 2 > (MB1 + MB2 )2 ) by B B̄ ↔ e+ e− . Figure is taken
from [4592].

With PANDA operating at the highest beam ener- 4611], where M could be a pseudo-scalar or vector me-
gies, the partonic degrees of freedom at distances much son (e.g. π 0 , η, ρ0 , φ). Differential cross section mea-
smaller than the size of the proton can be studied via surements become already feasible to study with the
measurements of various structure functions. A key in Phase One luminosity of PANDA during the first years
such studies is the factorization theorem stating that of data taking.
the interaction can be factorized into a hard, reaction-
specific but perturbative and hence calculable part and
a soft, reaction-universal and measurable part. In the 14.6 BESIII
space-like region, probed by deep inelastic lepton-hadron
Hai-Bo Li, Ryan Edward Mitchell, and
scattering, the structure is described by parton distri-
Xiaorong Zhou
bution functions (PDFs), generalized parton distribu-
tions (GPDs), transverse-momentum-dependent parton
distribution functions (TMDs), and transition distri-
bution amplitudes (TDAs). These observables extend 14.6.1 Introduction to the BESIII Experiment
the information provided by EMFFs and give further
The BESIII collaboration, which operates the BESIII
insight in the spatial and momentum distributions of
spectrometer (Fig. 14.6.1) at the Beijing Electron Positron
the constituent partons and the spin structure. With
Collider (BEPCII), uses e+ e− collisions with center-of-
PANDA, the time-like counterpart becomes experimen-
mass (CM) energies ranging from 2.0 to 5.0 GeV to
tally accessible via hard proton-antiproton annihilations.
study the broad spectrum of physics accessible in the
Detailed studies to access πN TDAs at PANDA in the
tau-charm energy region. Since the start of operations
reactions p̄p → γπ 0 → e+ e− π 0 and p̄p → J/Ψ π 0 →
in 2009, BESIII has collected more than 40 fb−1 of data,
e+ e− π 0 can be found in [4607, 4608]. For these mea-
comprising several world-leading data samples, includ-
surements, as well as for the TMD studies, the designed
high luminosity of PANDA is needed to accumulate rea-
sonable statistics. The counterparts of the GPDs in the – 10 billion J/ψ decays, giving unprecedented access
annihilation processes are the generalized distribution to the light hadron spectrum;
amplitudes (GDAs). They can be measured in the hard – 2.7 billion ψ(2S) decays, allowing precision studies
exclusive processes p̄p → γγ [4609] and p̄p → γM [4610, of charmonium and its transitions;

screpancies* 𝑝
***? 𝒆− , 𝝁−

.**** 14.6 BESIII 539

Stage 2 𝑒 + 𝑒 − , Stage 3 𝑒 + 𝑒 − , Stage 3 𝜇+ 𝜇−

Fig. 14.6.1 Schematic view of the BESIII dector, covering 93%

of the 4π solid angle. It consists of a Helium-gas based drift
Phys. 17, 1200 (2021) chamber, a Time-of-Flight system, a CsI(Tl) crystal calorimeter
and a 9-layer RPC-based muon chamber. Figure taken from the
A 57:184 (2021) official BESIII website.

Fig. 14.5.9 The form factor ratio R = |GE |/|GM | of the pro-
ton as function
7 of the square of the four momentum, q 2 . The 14.6.2 The BEPCII-U Upgrade
data are from PS170 [4612], BaBar [4613, 4614], BESIII [4615–
4618], CMD-3 [4619]. The expected precisions of PANDA for BEPCII delivered its first physics data in 2009 on the
the e+ e− final state are indicated as shaded areas for Phase ψ(2S) resonance. Since then, BESIII has collected more
One corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 0.1 fb−1
than 40 fb−1 of integrated luminosity at different CM
(green band) and high luminosity phase with an integrated lu-
minosity of 2 fb−1 (purple band and red filled circles). Also energies from 2.0 to 4.95 GeV. In order to extend the
shown are the expected performances for the di-muon channel physics potential of BESIII, two upgrade plans for BEPCII
for the high luminosity phase (dark blue crosses). were proposed and approved in 2020. The first upgrade
will increase the maximum beam energy to 2.8 GeV
(corresponding to a CM energy of 5.6 GeV), which will
– targeted data samples above 4 GeV, providing unique
expand the energy reach of the collider into new terri-
access to exotic XY Z hadrons;
tory. The second upgrade will increase the peak lumi-
– 8.6 fb−1 of data at the ψ(3770) mass, providing a
nosity by a factor of 3 for beam energies from 2.0 to
large sample of D decays and quantum-correlated
2.8 GeV (CM energies from 4.0 to 5.6 GeV).
D0 D̄0 pairs, crucial for global flavor physics efforts;
To perform these upgrades, BEPCII will increase
– 3 fb−1 at 4.18 GeV, near the peak of the Ds± Ds∗∓
the beam current and suppress bunch lengthening, which
cross section, for Ds studies;
will require higher RF voltage. The RF, cryogenic, and
– more than 3 fb−1 above Λc Λ̄c threshold for precision
feedback systems will be upgraded accordingly. Nearly
Λc studies; and
all of the photon absorbers along the ring and some vac-
– fine-scan samples for measurements of R, the mass
uum chambers will also be replaced in order to protect
of the τ , and electromagnetic form factors.
the machine from the heat of synchrotron radiation.
The program will continue for at least the next 5-10 The budget is estimated to be about 200 million CNY
years, building on the data sets already collected, and and it will take about 3 years to prepare the upgraded
ensuring the BESIII collaboration will remain a key components and half a year for installation and com-
player in future global efforts in hadron spectroscopy, missioning, which will start in June 2024 and finish in
flavor physics, and searches for new physics. The maxi- December 2024. With these upgrades, BESIII will en-
mum energy of BEPCII will soon be upgraded to 5.6 GeV, hance its capabilities to explore XY Z physics and will
and there are plans to more than double the BEPCII have the unique ability to perform precision measure-
luminosity at high CM energies by increasing the maxi- ments of the production and decays of charmed mesons
mum achievable beam currents. Below we briefly outline and baryons at threshold.
a few highlights from BESIII, how these achievements
have contributed to global physics efforts, and how the 14.6.3 Hadronic Production: via direct e+ e− an-
next era at BESIII will build on this momentum. More nihilation
details and references can be found in a recent white
paper describing the future physics program at BESIII Precision measurements of hadron production help make
[4620] and in a recent contribution to the 2021 Snow- QCD-related models more reliable and help test SM
mass process [snowmass]. parameters with an unprecedented sensitivity. BESIII

has advanced our knowledge of hadron production us- the nucleon as carried out by semi-inclusive deep in-
ing both inclusive and exclusive approaches, mainly via elastic scattering (SIDIS) experiments (e.g. at a future
direct production in e+ e− collisions. Electron-Ion Collider). At BESIII, using data collected
in the continuum energy region, unpolarized fragmen-
R value measurement tation functions are extracted from inclusive hadron
The R ratio, defined as the lowest-order cross section production processes e+ e− → h + X, where h denotes
for inclusive hadron production, e+ e− → hadrons, nor- π 0 , η, KS , or charged hadrons. Polarized fragmenta-
malized by the lowest-order cross section for the QED tion functions, i.e. the Collins effects, have been ob-

process e+ e− → µ+ µ− , is a central quantity in par- tained by BESIII using pairs of pions produced at s =
ticle physics. Precision measurements of the R ratio 3.65 GeV [4622]. In the future, the Collins effect for
below 5 GeV contribute to the SM prediction of the strange quarks could be studied in e+ e− → πK + X
muon anomalous magnetic moment. The R ratio also and e+ e− → KK +X. It is also interesting to study the
contributes in the determination of the QED running Collins effect in neutral hadrons like e+ e− → P P + X

coupling constant evaluated at the Z pole. In a first with P/P = π 0 /η.


measurement at BESIII [4621], 14 data points with CM

energies from 2.2324 to 3.6710 GeV are used for the in- Exclusive cross section measurements using initial state
clusive R value measurement. An accuracy of better radiation
than 2.6% below 3.1 GeV and 3.0% above is achieved The dispersive integral formalism used to determine the
in the R ratios, as shown in Fig. 14.6.2. Previous results HVP contribution to aµ relies heavily on the hadronic

had uncertainties at the level of 3-6%. The average R e+ e− cross sections at CM energies s ≤ 2 GeV. At
value in the CM range from 3.4 to 3.6 GeV obtained by BESIII, these energies are only accessible by exploit-
BESIII is larger than the corresponding KEDR result ing the initial state radiation (ISR) method. With an

and the theoretical expectation by 1.9 and 2.7 standard initial data set of 2.83 fb−1 at s = 3.773 GeV, this
deviations, respectively. technique already produces results competitive with the
The complete data set for the R value measure- B-factories for hadronic masses above approximately
ment at BESIII consists in a total of 130 energy points 1.3 GeV.
with an integrated luminosity of about 1300 pb−1 , cor- In a first measurement by BESIII, the largest hadronic
responding to more than 105 hadronic events at each cross section, for e+ e− → π + π − , was measured in the
of the points between 2 and 4.6 GeV. Thus, the final mass region from 600 to 900 MeV by reconstructing the
result is expected to be dominated by a systematic un- ISR photon at large angles only [4218]. With 20 fb−1

certainty of less than 3%. of data at s = 3.773 GeV expected soon, a new mea-
surement of the π + π − cross section will use the im-
proved statistical accuracy to implement an alterna-
3 tive normalization scheme relative to the muon yield.
With this approach, the largest uncertainties will can-
cel, bringing the expected final uncertainty down to
R 0.5%, as illustrated in Fig. 14.6.3. Additionally, the
multi-meson cross sections for e+ e− → π + π − π 0 as well
as e+ e− → π + π − π 0 π 0 have been measured using the
Crystal Ball
pQCD+J/ψ and ψ ' same analysis strategy. Uncertainties of approximately
2.5 3 3.5 3% were achieved. These cross sections can be used to
s (GeV) study resonances in the final state as well as in the in-
Fig. 14.6.2 Comparison of R values in the CM energy from termediate states. Further improvements are expected

2.2 to 3.7 GeV. Figure taken from Ref. [4621]. with additional data at s = 3.773 GeV.

Meson transition form factors

Transition form factors (TFF) of mesons M describe
Fragmentation functions
the effects of the strong interaction on the γ ∗ γ ∗ M ver-
Fragmentation functions describe the probability of find-
tex. At BESIII, TFFs are studied in the region of time-
ing a given hadron within the fragmentation of a quark,
like virtualities through meson Dalitz decays and ra-
and carrying a given fraction of the quark momentum.
diative meson production in e+ e− annihilations. Space-
Precise knowledge of fragmentation functions are essen-
like virtualities are studied in two-photon fusion reac-
tial ingredients for studies of the internal structure of
tions, which in principle give access to TFFs over a
14.6 BESIII 541

smaller than that of e+ e− → pp̄. The effective FFs of

372.4 ± 3.0
the neutron show a periodic behavior, similar to earlier
CMD-2 03,06

SND 04 371.7 ± 5.0

observations of proton FFs reported by BaBar. The en-
CLEO 18 376.9 ± 6.3 ergy region of BESIII covers the production threshold of
BaBar 09 376.7 ± 2.7 all SU(3) octet hyperons and several charmed baryons.
avg. of KLOE08/10/12 366.9 ± 2.1 At BESIII, the Born cross sections of electron-positron
BESIII 16 368.2 ± 2.5 ± 3.3
annihilation to various baryon pairs are measured from
BESIII (Updated) 368.2 ± 1.5 ± 3.3
threshold [4625], including ΛΛ̄, Σ Σ̄, Ξ Ξ̄ and Λc Λ̄+ c .
Obvious threshold effects are observed. The |GE /GM |
368.2 ± 0.7 ± 2.2
of the Λ, Σ + , and Λc are obtained from angular analy-
BESIII (Future)
360 365 370 375 380 385 390 395 400 405
aπµπ,LO(600-900 MeV) [10-10] ses while effective FFs are extracted for other baryons.
More precise data or finer scans are necessary for deeper
Fig. 14.6.3 Comparison of the leading-order hadronic vac-
insight into these results. The hyperon EMFFs and the
uum polarization contribution to (g − 2)µ due to π + π − in the
energy range 600-900 MeV from vaious cross section line shapes can also be studied with im-
√ experiments and the
prospect result with 20 fb−1 of data at s = 3.773 GeV at BE- proved precision via ISR approaches with a 20 fb−1 data

SIII. Figure modified according to Ref. [4218]. set collected at s = 3.773 GeV.
The EMFFs in the time-like region are complex and
the relative phase between GE and GM will lead to
wide range of virtualities by measuring the momentum
the transverse polarization of the final baryons. At BE-
transfer of the scattered electrons. Due to the rapid √
SIII, the relative phase of the Λ is determined at s =
drop of the cross section with Q2i = −qi2 , BESIII cur-
2.396 GeV with a joint angular distribution analysis, to
rently uses single-tagged measurements, where the TFF
be ∆Φ = 37◦ ± 12◦ ± 6◦ [4626]. Combining with the ob-
is only studied depending on one of the virtualities.
tained |GE /GM | at the same CM energy, the complete
A first measurement of the π 0 TFF based on 2.83 fb−1
√ EMFFs are determined for the first time. Similarly, the
of data at s = 3.773 GeV covers virtualities from √
relative phase of the Λc is determined at s = 4.60 GeV
0.3 GeV2 to 3.1 Gev2 . The results confirm the recent cal- √
[4627]. The currently available data set from s = 4.6
culations in disperion theory and on the lattice. Analo-
to 4.95 GeV will help complete determinations of Λc
gous studies are performed for η and η 0 mesons, and also
EMFFs in a wide q 2 range. As the energy dependence
for multi-meson systems. The production of charged
of the relative phase is essential for distinguishing var-
and neutral two-pion systems in two-photon fusion gives
ious theoretical predictions, a complete determination
access to pion masses from threshold to 2 GeV and vir-
of EMFFs for SU(3) octet hyperons are necessary in the
tualities from 0.2 Gev2 to 3 Gev2 at a full coverage of
the pion helicity angle. The results will be complemen-
tary to all previous measurements, which have mostly
been performed with quasi-real photons. The produc- Precision measurement of the τ mass
tion of higher meson multiplicities in two-photon fusion The τ lepton is one of three charged elementary lep-
allows access to scalar, tensor and axial resonances. The tons in nature, and its mass is an important parameter
single-tagged strategy allows for the production of axial of the Standard Model. The τ mass can and should
mesons due to the presence of a highly virtual photon. be provided by experiment precisely. Precision τ mass
A first measurement of the f1 (1285) will be performed measurements probe lepton universality, which is a ba-
using the π + π − η final state for reconstruction. With sic ingredient in the Standard Model.

the upcoming data set of 20 fb−1 at s = 3.773 GeV To aid in the τ mass measurement, a high-accuracy
all two-photon fusion analysis will benefit from higher beam energy measurement system (BEMS), located at
statistics, which will be sensitive to higher virtualities. the north crossing point of BEPCII, was designed, con-
structed, and finally commissioned at the end of 2010.
By comparing a ψ(2S) scan result with the PDG value
Time-like baryon form factors
of the ψ(2S) mass, the relative accuracy of the BEMS
The simplest observables for nucleon structure are the
was determined to be at the level of 2 × 10−5 [4628].
electromagnetic form factors (EMFFs) that arise from
The BESIII collaboration performed a fine mass scan
their charge and magnetization distributions, and pro-
experiment in the spring of 2018. The τ mass scan data
vide a crucial testing ground for QCD-related models.
were collected at five scan points near the τ pair pro-
At BESIII, the |GE /GM | of the proton in the time-like
duction threshold with total luminosity of 137 pb−1 .
region is determined over a large q 2 from threshold to
The analysis is in progress. The uncertainty, including
9.5 GeV2 with the best precision reaching 3.7% [4623].
The cross section of e+ e− → nn̄ [4624] is found to be

statistical and systematic error, will be less than 0.1


14.6.4 Hadron Spectroscopy: from light to heavy

Light Hadron Physics

QCD allows for a richer meson spectrum than the con-
ventional quark model predicts, including tetraquark
states, mesonic molecules, hybrid mesons and glueballs.
Lattice QCD predicts the lightest glueballs to be
scalar, tensor and pseudo-scalar, allowing mixing with
the conventional mesons of the same quantum num-
bers. Generally, glueballs are expected to be produced
in gluon-rich processes such as radiative J/ψ decays, Fig. 14.6.4 The invariant mass spectrum of the final state
π + π − η 0 for J/ψ → γπ + π − η 0 candidates. A series of new par-
so that the high-statistics J/ψ sample puts BESIII in
ticles are observed including X(1835), X(2100), X(2370) and
a unique position to study glueball candidates. Partial X(2600). Figure taken from Ref. [4633].
wave analyses (PWA) of the radiative decays J/ψ →
γπ 0 π 0 , γKS0 KS0 and γηη reveal a strong production of
the f0 (1710) and f0 (2100) [4629]. One might speculate the η1 (1855) is indeed an isoscalar hybrid meson, future
that these resonances have a large gluonic component. studies of alternative decay modes will help reveal its
Similarly, the tensor meson f2 (2340) is strongly pro- nature.
duced in the radiative decays J/ψ → γηη and γφφ The light scalar mesons f0 (980) and a0 (980) are fre-
[4629], rendering it a good candidate for a tensor glue- quently discussed as potential multiquark candidates,
ball. Two recent coupled channel analyses [4630, 4631] either as K K̄ molecules or as compact tetraquark states.
of BESIII data on radiative J/ψ decays came to differ- One possible way to probe their structure is the study
ent conclusions concerning the number of contributing of f0 (980) - a0 (980) mixing first observed by BESIII
resonances and the identification of a glueball candi- in the isospin-violating processes J/ψ → φa00 (980) and
date, so that additional studies using the full 10 billion χc1 → π 0 f0 (980) [4629]. These results provide con-
J/ψ data sample will be of high importance in the fu- straints in the development of theoretical models con-
ture. cerning the f0 (980) and a0 (980).
Based on 10 billion J/ψ events, the decay J/ψ → With 10 billion J/ψ decays and the newly acquired
γf0 (1500) → γηη 0 has been observed with a significance 2.7 billion ψ(2S), precision studies of conventional and
over 30σ while J/ψ → γf0 (1710) → γηη 0 is found to be exotic mesons, including multiquark states, glueballs
insignificant [2409, 2410]. The suppressed decay rate and hybrid mesons, in radiative and hadronic J/ψ, ψ(2S)
of the f0 (1710) into ηη 0 lends further support to the and χcJ decays will be key tasks in the coming years.
hypothesis that f0 (1710) has a large overlap with the
ground state scalar glueball [4632]. Light baryon spectroscopy
In the search for the pseudo-scalar glueball, the de- The high production rate of baryons in charmonium
cay J/ψ → γη 0 π + π − has proven to be particularly in- decays, combined with the large data samples of J/ψ
teresting [4629]. Here, the X(1835) can be observed and ψ(2S) decays produced from e+ e− annihilations,
with a lineshape that appears to be distorted at the provides excellent opportunities for studying excited
proton anti-proton threshold, indicating a potential pp̄ baryons. Therefore, the BES experiment launched a
bound-state or resonance. In addition, the higher mass program to study the excited baryon spectrum. At present,
structures X(2120), X(2370) and X(2600) are observed, the search for hyperon resonances remains an impor-
as shown in Fig. 14.6.4, although their spin-parity re- tant challenge. Some of the lowest excitation resonances
mains to be determined, a task that will be possible have not yet been experimentally resolved, which are
using the new, high precision J/ψ data. necessary to establish the spectral pattern of hyperon
Motivated by multiple studies of the hybrid meson resonances. The large data samples of J/ψ and ψ(2S)
candidate π1 (1600), a recent search for the isoscalar decays accumulated by the BESIII experiment enable
partner states η1 and η10 in the radiative decays J/ψ → us to complete the hyperon (e.g., Λ∗ , Σ ∗ and Ξ ∗ ) spec-
γηη 0 revealed a significant contribution from a new struc- trum and examine various pictures for their internal
ture η1 (1855) with exotic quantum numbers J P C = structures. Such pictures include a simple 3q quark struc-
1−+ [2409, 2410]. While it is too early to say whether ture or a more complicated structure with pentaquark
14.6 BESIII 543

components dominating. In particular, ψ(2S) decays, With a dedicated data sample taken in the χc1 mass
because of the larger mass of the ψ(2S), have great po- region, the direct production of the C-even resonance,
tential to uncover new higher excitations of hyperons. χc1 , in e+ e− annihilation is observed for the first time
At BESIII, 1010 J/ψ and 2.7 × 109 ψ(2S) decays with a statistical significance larger than 5σ [4639]. A
are now available, which offer great additional oppor- typical interference pattern around the χc1 mass is ob-
tunities for investigating baryon spectroscopy. Together served as shown in Fig. 14.6.5. The electronic width
with other high-precision experiments, such as GlueX of the χc1 has been determined for the first time from
and JPARC, these very abundant and clean event sam- a common fit to the four scan samples to be Γee =
ples will bring the study of baryon spectroscopy into a −0.08 ) eV, in contrast of a few keV for vector states,
new era, and will make significant contributions to our which is 4 orders of magnitude smaller. This observa-
understanding of hadron physics in the non-perturbative tion proves that the direct production of C-even res-
regime. onances through two virtual photons is accessible and
measurable at the current generation of electron-positron
Charmonium physics colliders.
Below the open-charm threshold, the spin-triplet char-
monium states are produced copiously in e+ e− annihi-
lation and in B decays so they are understood much

σ (nb)
σMC + (σχ +σint.)
0.022 ISR BG

better than the spin-singlet charmonium states, includ-


2.8 σ σMC

ing the lowest lying S-wave state ηc , its radial excited σMC
, Default Γ ee, φ

0.02 σMC , Best Γ ee, φ

partner ηc (2S), and the P-wave spin-singlet state hc .

4.1 σ σISR
BG + χ
, Best Γ ee, φ

The 2.7 billion ψ(2S) decays at BESIII make it pos-


0.0 σ
sible to study the properties of these states with im-

proved precision. In addition, the unexpectedly large

1.8 σ
production cross section for e+ e− → π + π − hc in the 0.016

BESIII high-energy region provides a new mechanism

for studying the hc and ηc (from hc → γηc ).
3.505 3.51 3.515 3.52
s (GeV)
The coupling of vector charmonium states to the
Fig. 14.6.5 The energy-dependent cross sections of e+ e− →
open-charm meson pairs will provide crucial informa- γJ/ψ → γµ+ µ− including (blue and green curves) and not
tion in identifying the states in this region. The hadronic including (red curve) the signal process e+ e− → χc1 (1P ). The
and radiative transitions between the (excited) char- gray curve denotes the signal strength in the hypothetical case
monium states can be investigated to study the tran- of no interference. The black dots with error bars are measured
results from data. Figure taken from Ref. [4639].
sition rates and decay dynamics. The cross section of
e+ e− → ηJ/ψ [4634] shows an enhancement around
the ψ(4040) mass, while the cross sections of e+ e− →
π + π − ψ(3770) [4635] and e+ e− → π + π − ψ2 (3823) [4636] XYZ physics
show an enhancement around the ψ(4415) mass. The The discovery of the XYZ states has revolutionized tra-
process e+ e− → γχcJ is studied to search for radia- ditional studies of the charmonium spectrum [4640].
tive transitions between the excited vector charmonium These exotic states cannot be embedded in the con-
states and the χcJ [4637]. Whether they are produced ventional charm-anticharm potential model framework,
via hadronic transitions from the excited vector char- but instead point towards novel quark configurations,
monium states or via vector charmonium-like states is such as tetraquarks, hybrids, or hadronic molecules.
not yet clear and can be addressed using improved lu- Studying them opens a new window into nonperturba-
minosity and more decay channels. tive QCD, which underlies the formation of hadrons via
Using the e+ e− → π + π − ψ2 (3823) process, the most the strong interaction. The existence of the XYZ states
precise mass of the ψ2 (3823) has been determined [4636] poses several problems, which are addressed as the “Y
and new decay modes of the ψ2 (3823) have been searched problem”, “Z problem”, and “X problem” below.
for [4638]. These recent measurements at BESIII are ex-
amples that the transitions between charmonium states
The Y problem
can also serve as production sources of non-vector char-
BESIII has systematically measured the cross sections
monium states, and can be used to study the properties
of various exclusive e+ e− annihilations with hidden charm,
(mass, width and decay modes) of non-vector charmo-
open charm, and light hadronic final states [4640], and
nium states. They will also be important study topics
has shown that the lineshapes are complicated as a
in the future at BESIII.

function of CM energy. The masses and widths of var- However, at the energy region higher than 4.3 GeV
ious structures appearing in these cross sections are the data have revealed more complex structure in the
shown in Fig. 14.6.6. However, the extracted parame- Daliz plots of e+ e− → π + π − J/ψ. A similar situation
ters of these Y states are not consistent with each other is found in the e+ e− → π + π − ψ(2S) [4643]. This is the
in different channels. Furthermore, they deviate from Z problem. Are the properties of these Zc states con-
the resonances observed in inclusive channels, such as stant (corresponding to real resonant states) or energy
the ψ(4040), ψ(4160), and ψ(4415), that are believed to dependent (corresponding to kinematic effects such as
be conventional charmonia. This leads to the Y prob- cusps or singularities)? What are the exact lineshapes
lem. What are the exact lineshapes of these cross sec- of them? Can we find more decay patterns for them, es-
tions? Are these observed structures new resonances or pecially for the newly discovered Zcs states? Are there
just results of some subtle kinematic effects? To address spin multiplets of these Zc states? To answer these ques-
these issues, a detailed scan between 4.0 and 4.6 GeV tions, BESIII may take advantage of the fine scan data
is proposed [4620], with 500 pb−1 per point, for points mentioned before, but at a few points, a set of samples
spaced at 10 MeV intervals. This target has been par- with very high statistics will be very helpful. BESIII
tially achieved with about 22 fb−1 integrated luminos- currently has 1 fb−1 of data for e+ e− cms energy at
ity, and will be updated with larger maximum energy 4.23 and 4.42 GeV. Additional data including three or
(5.6 GeV) after the upgrade of the BEPCII. four points with an order of 5 fb−1 or more per point
is proposed to guarantee adequate statistics for ampli-
tude analyses [4620]. After the upgrade of BEPCII with
300 π+π-ψ (3686)
triple the luminosity, this goal will be achieved more
250 π+D D
0 *-
π0π0J/ψ K K J/ψ

π+π-ψ (3823)
The X problem
200 2
Γ (MeV)

150 For the X(3872), BESIII has discovered the process

e+ e− → γX(3872), studied the open-charm decay and
radiative transitions of the X(3872), and has observed
50 the hadronic transitions X(3872) → π 0 χc1 (1P ) and
X(3872) → ωJ/ψ [4640]. The X(3872), with its quan-
4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 tum numbers J P C = 1++ , has a mass very close to the
Mass (MeV/c2) predicted χc1 (2P ) state with a very narrow width. Then
the X problem is finding a way to separate the X(3872)
Fig. 14.6.6 Masses versus widths of the Y states obtained from
different processes at BESIII. Figure modified according to Ref.
from the χc1 (2P ). Is the X(3872) really exotic or con-
[4641]. ventional, or even a mixture state? Can we measure
the line shape of the X(3872)? Are there other X states
(for example close to the D∗ D̄∗ threshold) that have not
been observed yet? The related studies will benefit from
The Z problem
the large scan and other data samples mentioned before.
The Zc (3900) [4640] was discovered at BESIII in the
Furthermore, at Ecm > 4.7 GeV with highly excited ψ
process e+ e− → π ∓ Zc± with Zc± → π ± J/ψ, and the
or Y states produced, the hadronic transitions, that
Zc (4020) was discovered in the process e+ e− → π ∓ Zc±
take larger production rates than the radiative transi-
with Zc± → π ± hc . The Zc (3900) has also been ob-
tions, are accessible. After the upgrade of BEPCII to
served in the open-charm channel (DD̄∗ + c.c.)± , sim-
its maximum CM energy, BESIII will have the ability
ilarly the Zc (4020) was seen via the open-charm chan-
to search for the J ++ states via hadronic transitions
nel (D∗ D̄∗ )± . Furthermore, neutral partners of these
such as the processes e+ e− → ωX and e+ e− → φX.
charged Zc states have been observed at BESIII via
processes e+ e− → π 0 π 0 J/ψ and e+ e− → π 0 π 0 hc . BE-
SIII has also determined the quantum numbers of the Relationships
Zc (3900) to be J P = 1+ . Recently, BESIII has observed There are two kinds of relationships that deserve dis-
a new near-threshold structure in the K + recoil-mass cussion. One is the relationship between XYZ states
spectra in e+ e− → K + (Ds− D∗0 + Ds∗− D0 ) [2514]. This and conventional charmonia. For example, the χc1 (2P )
structure, named Zcs (3985), is a good candidate for a has a similar mass and the same J P C as the X(3872).
charged hidden-charm tetraquark with strangeness. Be- So a detailed understanding of the spectrum of the con-
sides, the evidence for its neutral partner, Zcs (3985)0 ventional 2P charmonium states, that include the spin
is observed via e+ e− → KS (Ds+ D∗− + Ds∗+ D− ) [4642].
14.6 BESIII 545

triplet χcJ (2P ) and singlet hc (2P ), is crucial for under- QCD symmetries and probe physics beyond the SM.
standing the nature of the X(3872). This is also true The decays J/ψ → γη(η 0 ) and J/ψ → φη(η 0 ) provide
for the other conventional charmonia and XYZ states clean and efficient sources of η/η 0 mesons for the decay
under similar conditions. The studies of the conven- studies.
tional charmonia and exotic XYZ are complementary The observation of new η 0 decay modes [4648], in-
to each other. Understanding the relations between the cluding η 0 → ρ∓ π ± , η 0 → γe+ e− , and η 0 → 4π have
two kinds of states, even the possible mixing between been reported for the first time using about 109 J/ψ
them, will be helpful for understanding the properties decays. Using the same data set, the branching frac-
of the XYZ states. The other relationship is among tions of the five dominant decay channels of the η 0 were
the XYZ states. The analyses of processes e e → + −
measured for the first time using events in which the
γX(3872) and e+ e− → π 0 π 0 J/ψ have already shown radiative photon converts to e+ e− .
that there is evidence for the radiative transition Y (4230) → The double Dalitz decay η 0 → e+ e+ e− e− is of great
γX(3872) and the hadronic transition [4640] interest for understanding the pseudoscalar transition
form factor and the interaction between pseudoscalar
Y (4230) → π 0 Zc0 (3900). and virtual photons. This process has not been observed
Searching for new transition modes and confirming these to date, while−6 the predicted branching fraction is of the
relations may be a unique chance for BESIII to reveal order of 2×10 [4649, 4650]. Another interesting study
the nature of the internal structure of the XYZ states is the hadronic decay η 0 → π 0 π 0 η which is sensitive to
[4644]. the elastic ππ S-wave scattering lengths, and causes a
prominent cusp effect in the π 0 π 0 invariant mass spec-
trum at the π + π − mass threshold [4651]. The full J/ψ
Pentaquark states
data set collected by BESIII offers unique opportunities
The LHCb experiment reported the observation of three
to investigate the cusp effect in this decay for which no
pentaquark states with a cc̄ component in the J/ψp
evidence has yet been found.
system via Λb → J/ψK p. To confirm these states,
0 −
The absolute branching fraction of the decay J/ψ →
further experimental research should be pursued with
γη has been measured with high precision using radia-
the current available and the forthcoming experimen-
tive photon conversions [4648], and the four dominant
tal data [4645]. BESIII may search for such and similar
η decays have been measured for the first time. The
states with data to be collected at CM energies above
η/η 0 → γπ + π − decay results are related to details of
5 GeV in the processes e+ e− → J/ψp + X, χcJ p + X,
chiral dynamics; η/η 0 → 3π decays provide information
J/ψΛ + X, D̄(∗) p + X, D(∗) p + X, and so on. It is
on the up and down quark masses; and the decay widths
clear that a systematic search for baryon-meson reso-
of η/η 0 → γγ are related to the quark content of the
nances should be pursed in various processes, where the
two mesons. Despite the impressive progress in the last
baryon could be p, Λ, Σ, Σc , ..., and the meson could
years, many η and η 0 decays are still to be observed
be ηc , J/ψ, χcJ , D , etc. It is worth pointing out
and explored. The full J/ψ data set now available at
that the tetraquark and pentaquark candidates men-
BESIII makes possible more detailed studies with un-
tioned above have a pair of charm-anticharm quarks
precedented precision. It allows, in addition, an inten-
which may annihilate. Observations of states like Tcc +
sive investigation of the properties of the pseudoscalar
(ccud) or Θ0c (uuddc̄) or Pcc0
(ccddū) or similar serve as
states η(1405)/η(1475) [4648]; a thorough study of all
more direct evidence for multiquark states. The BES
states observed in the 1.4 − 1.5 GeV/c2 mass region; a
experiment pioneered a search for the pentaquark can-
deep investigation of the ω → π + π − π 0 Dalitz plot; and
didate Θ(1540) in ψ(2S) and J/ψ decays to KS pK − n̄
searches for rare ω decays.
and KS pK + n [4646]. More attempts will be performed
with 10 billion J/ψ and 3 billion ψ(2S) at BESIII.
Hyperon decays
Observation of a significant polarization of the Λ and Λ̄
14.6.5 Hadron Decay: from light to heavy
from J/ψ → ΛΛ̄ led to the revision of the decay asym-
Light meson decays metry parameter αΛ [4652, 4653], and has shown BE-
The η and η mesons, the neutral members of the ground
0 SIII has the potential to study properties of the ground-
state pseudoscalar nonet, are important for understand- state (anti)hyperons. Moreover, the cascade decays of
ing low energy quantum QCD [4647]. The 10 billion J/ψ J/ψ → Ξ − Ξ + made it possible to measure the strong
events collected at BESIII offer an unique opportunity and weak phases of the Ξ − decay [4604]. The branching
to investigate all these aspects, as well as the search fractions for J/ψ decays into a hyperon–antihyperon
for rare η and η 0 decays needed to test fundamental pair are relatively large, O(10−3 ), and thus the collected

10 billion J/ψ decays can be used for precision stud-

ies of hyperon decays and tests of CP symmetry. The FNAL/MILC PRD98,074512 212.7±0.6 SM fit PDG2020 0.22529±0.00041

hyperon–antihyperon pair is produced in a well-defined ETM PRD91,054507 207.4±3.8 PDG PDG2020, D

→π -(0) +
lν 0.214±0.003±0.009

spin-entangled state based on the two possible partial CLEO PRD78,052003, µ ν +τν 206.8±8.7±2.5 CLEO
PRD78,052003, D →µ ν +τν 0.218±0.009±0.003

waves (parity symmetry in this strong decay allows for

an S- and a D-wave). The charge-conjugated decay
BESIII PRD89,051104, µ ν 203.8±5.2±1.8 BESIII PRD89,051104, D →µ ν 0.2150±0.0055±0.0020

modes of the hyperon and antihyperon can be measured

-1 -1 +
BESIII Expected (20fb ), µ ν 203.8±2.0±1.5 BESIII Expected (20fb ), D →µ ν 0.2150±0.0021±0.0017

simultaneously and their properties compared directly. 120 140 160 180
fD+ (MeV)
200 220 0.05 0.1
0.15 0.2

In the first round of analyses both the hyperon and an-

tihyperon decay via the common pionic modes. The full Fig. 14.6.7 Comparison of extracted D+ decay constant and
data set will be used to improve the precision of the CP - |Vcd | from various experiments and the expected precision with
violation searches within these decays. The next stage 20 fb−1 ψ(3770) data at BESIII.
will be to use a common decay of one of the (anti)hyper-
ons to study rare decays of the produced partner. For A [4656], where P denotes pseudoscalar mesons of K,
example, the kinematical constraints make it possible π, η, η 0 ; V denotes vector mesons of K ∗ , ρ, ω, and φ;
to perform complete reconstruction of the semileptonic S denotes scalar mesons of f0 and a0 ; and A denotes
decays and radiative decays of polarized hyperons. axial vector mesons of K1 and b1 . These measurements
Leptonic decays of charm mesons were carried out by using 2.93, 0.48, and 6.32 fb−1 of

In the SM, the partial widths of the leptonic decay data taken at s = 3.773, 4.009, and 4.178-4.226 GeV,
D(s) → `+ ν` can be expressed in terms of the D(s)
decay respectively.
Except for the D0(+) → K and D0(+) → K ∗ form
constant fD+ and the CKM matrix element |Vcd(s) |.
(s) factors, the precision of all other measurements of the
Using the measured branching fractions of the leptonic D(s) → P and D(s) → V form factors are restricted
0(+) 0(+)
D(s) decays, the product fD+ |Vcs(d) | can be determined. due to the limited size of the data sets. Therefore, with
By taking the fD+ calculated by LQCD with a pre- the full BESIII data samples, all the form-factor mea-
cision of 0.2% [4654, 4655], one can precisely deter- surement uncertainties that are limited by the size of
mine the CKM matrix elements |Vcs | and |Vcd |.Con- the data sample will improve by factors of up to 2.6 for
versely, taking the |Vcs | and |Vcd | from the standard semi-leptonic D0(+) and 1.4 for semi-leptonic Ds+ de-
model global fit, one can precisely measure the D(s)
de- cays. Complementary studies of the semi-muonic charmed
cay constants, which are crucial to calibrate LQCD for meson decays further improve the form factor knowl-
heavy-quark studies. Comparing the obtained branch- edge. In addition, we plan to extract the D → S and
ing fractions of D(s)
→ τ + ντ and D(s)+
→ µ+ νµ gives D → A form factors for the first time.
an important comprehensive test of τ − µ lepton-flavor The best precision in the c → s and c → d semi-
universality. leptonic D0(+) decay form factors will be from the stud-
In recent years, BESIII reported the most precise ex- ies of D0(+) → K̄`+ ν` and D0(+) → π`+ ν` . Combining
perimental studies of D(s)+
→ `+ ν` by using 2.93, 0.48, analysis of semi-electronic and semi-muonic D0 , as well

and 6.32 fb−1 of data taken at s = 3.773, 4.009, and as D+ decays will give more precise results. The exper-
4.178-4.226 GeV [4656]. However, the statistical uncer- imental uncertainties are expected to be reduced from
tainty still dominates studies of D+ → `+ ν` decays, 0.6% to 0.4% on c → s decays and from 1.5% to 0.7%
whereas the statistical and systematic uncertainties are on c → d decays, as indicated in Fig. 14.6.8.
For semi-leptonic D(s) decays, the best test of µ−e
comparable in measurements of Ds+ → `+ ν` decays.
The full BESIII data samples to be collected in the lepton-flavor universality is expected to be from D →
coming years allow improvements in the precision of K̄`+ ν` decays, where the test precision can be reduced
these important constants. The current results of fD+ from 1.3% to the level of 0.8% in the near future. At
and |Vcd | and their expected precision are shown in present, it is not conclusive whether the µ − e lepton-
flavor universality always holds in semi-leptonic D(s)
Fig. 14.6.7. Furthermore, the accuracy of the lepton-
flavor universality tests in D+ → `+ ν` and Ds+ → `+ ν` decays, because there are still many unobserved semi-
decays are expected to be reduced from 24.0% and 4.0% muonic decays such as
to about 10.0% and 3.0%, respectively.
D+ → η 0 µ+ νµ , D0(+) → a0 (980)µ+νµ ,
Semileptonic decays of charm mesons D0(+) → K1 (1270)µ+ νµ , D+ → f0 (500)µ+ νµ ,
Over the years, BESIII reported experimental studies
of the semi-leptonic D(s) decays into P , V , S, and
0(+) Ds+ → K 0 µ+ νµ , Ds+ → K ∗0 µ+ νµ ,
14.6 BESIII 547

Ds+ → f0 (980)µ+ νµ , Ds+ → η 0 µ+ νµ . addition, precise measurements of the branching frac-

Larger data samples provide improved opportunities to tions for D0 , Ds+ and D+ inclusive decays to three
search for these decays, whose observation will help charged pions and other neutral particles, and exclu-
clarify if there is violation of µ − e lepton-flavor uni- sive decays to final states with neutral kaons and pions
versality in the charm sector. (e.g. Ds+ → η 0 π + π 0 , D+ → K̄ 0 π + π + π − π 0 and decay
Moreover, the studies on the intermediate resonances modes contributing to D0(+) → ηX) are also highly
in hadronic final states, e.g., K1 (1270) and a0 (980), in desirable to better understand backgrounds in several
measurements, particularly B → D∗ τ + ντ .
the semi-leptonic D(s) decays provide a clean envi-
Studies of such multi-body decays benefit from am-
ronment to explore meson spectroscopy, as no other
plitude analyses to understand the intermediate reso-
particles interfere. This corresponds to a much simpler
nances. Even though it is possible to accumulate large
treatment than those studies in charmonium decays or
samples of singly tagged D mesons, they have very high
hadronic D(s) decays.
backgrounds making them unsuitable to perform am-
plitude analyses. In contrast to this, the doubly tagged
DD̄ mesons can provide clean D samples with low back-
grounds. However, the sample size limits the precision
ETM PRD96,054514 0.765± 0.031
ETM PRD96,054514 0.612±0.035

HPQCD PRD104,034505 0.7380± 0.0044

with the current data. Therefore, such measurements

HPQCD PRD84,114505 0.666±0.02±0.021
Belle PRL97,061804, D →K l ν
0.695± 0.007± 0.022
Belle PRL97,061804, D0 →π-l+ν 0.624±0.02±0.003

will be significantly improved with the full BESIII data

BaBar PRD76,052005, D0→K e+ν 0.727± 0.007± 0.009

CLEO PRD80,032005, D→Ke ν + 0.739± 0.007± 0.005 BaBar PRD76,052005, D0 →π-e+ν 0.61±0.02±0.005

BESIII PRD92,112008, D+→K0Le+ν

PRD96,012002, D →KSe+ν
0.748± 0.007± 0.012 CLEO PRD80,032005, D→πe+ν 0.666±0.019±0.005
BESIII 0.7246± 0.0041± 0.0115
BESIII PRD96,012002, D+→π0 e+ν 0.6216±0.0115±0.0035
0 - +
BESIII PRL122,011804, D →K µ ν 0.7327± 0.0039± 0.0030

Decays of charmed baryons

BESIII PRD92,072012, D0 →π-e+ν 0.6372±0.0080±0.0044
BESIII PRD92,072012, D0→K e+ν 0.7368± 0.0026± 0.0036
0 - + BESIII Expected (20fb-1), D →π-e+ν 0.6372±0.0031±0.0044
Expected (20fb ), D →K e ν 0.7368± 0.0009± 0.0036

The lightest charmed baryon, Λ+ c , which was observed


0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
f+D→K(0) f+D→π(0)
in 1979, is the cornerstone of the charmed baryon spec-
tra. The improved knowledge of Λ+ c decays, especially
Fig. 14.6.8 Comparison of f+
(0) and f+
(0) from various ex-
periments and the expected precision with 20 fb−1 ψ(3770) for the normalization mode Λ+ c → pK − π + , is key for
data at BESIII. the studies of the charmed baryon family. Moreover,
the Λ+ c decays can also open a window upon a deeper
understanding of strong and weak interactions in the
charm sector. In addition, these will provide important
Hadronic decays of charm mesons
inputs for the studies of beauty baryons that decay into
Some experiments, for example LHCb, have the ability
final states involving Λ+ c .
to measure a large number of charm and beauty hadron
Compared to the significant progress in the study
relative branching-fraction ratios due to the high yields
of charmed mesons, the advancements in the knowl-
given by the large charm and beauty production cross
edge of the charmed baryons are relatively slow in the
section. The conversion from the branching-fraction ra-
past 40 years. Before 2014, almost all the decays of
tio to the absolute branching fraction incurs the uncer-
tainty of the branching fraction of the reference mode,
Λ+c were measured relative to the normalization mode
c → pK π , whose branching fraction suffered a
− +
such as, D0 → K − π + , D0 → K − π + π + π − , D+ →
large uncertainty of 25%. Moreover, no data sample
K − π + π + , Ds+ → K − K + π + , and Λ+
c → pK π . Im-
− +
taken around the Λ+ c Λ̄c pair production threshold had

proved measurements of these absolute branching frac-
been used to study the Λ+ c decays.
tions at BESIII will be highly beneficial to some key
BESIII have already collected 4.4 fb−1 of data above
measurements at LHCb. With 20 fb−1 data taken around
√ Λc Λ̄c threshold, which will provide the most precise
s = 3.773 and 4.18 GeV at BESIII, these decays are
values of many absolute branching fractions and po-
expected to be measured with an uncertainty of about
larization parameters [4620]. Future running with the
upgraded BEPC-II will allow large samples of Σc and
At present, the sum of the branching fractions for
Ξc pairs to be collected, which will lead to many abso-
the known exclusive decays of D0 , D+ and Ds+ are more
lute branching fractions of charm baryon decays to be
than 80%. However, there is still significant room to
determined for the first time [4620].
explore more hadronic decays to increase the known
branching fractions for D0 , D+ and Ds+ . A 20 fb−1
dataset will allow the determination of the absolute The “post-BEPCII era”
branching fractions of those missing decays Kπππ, KKππ, The super τ -Charm facility (STCF) [4657] is one of the
and KKπππ and exploring the sub-structures in these major options for future accelerator-based high energy
decays using amplitude analyses is also interesting. In projects in China. The proposed STCF is a symmetric

double ring electron-positron collider that would oper- virtual heavy particles at mass scale orders of magni-

ate in the CM region s = 2 ∼ 7 GeV with a peaking tudes higher than direct searches at the energy frontier
luminosity of 0.5 × 1035 cm−2 s−1 or higher. It is ex- experiment.
pected to deliver more than 1 ab−1 of integrated lumi- The Belle II physics program includes variety of sub-
nosity per year. Huge samples of exotic charmonium- jects in the areas of;
like states (XY Z), J/ψ, D, Ds and Λc decays could be – Precision CKM measurements to critically test SM
used to make precision measurements of the properties and find or constrain non-SM physics contribution
of XY Z particles, and map out the spectroscopies of in a model-independent way.
QCD hybrids and glueballs. High statistics data sam- – Search for non-SM CP violation in rare B processes,
ples could also be used to search for new sources of such as b → q q̄s.
CP violation in the hyperon and τ -lepton sectors with – Search for non-SM physics in semileptonic, radiative
unprecedented sensitivity and search for anomalous de- and other rare B decays, including precision tests of
cays of various hadrons with sensitivities extending down the lepton-universality in b → c`ν and b → s`+ `− ,
to the level of SM-model expectations. where ` stands for either of e, µ and τ .
Since 2012, when the STCF was proposed, the Chi- – Measurements of many parameters in decays of charm
nese STCF working group, together with international hadrons and the τ leptons with world-leading preci-
teams, have carried out a series of feasibility studies, sions, including their masses, lifetimes, CP violation
completed the preliminary Conceptual Design Report parameters, and branching fractions for charged-
(CDR) and made significant progress. Compared to the lepton-flavor-violating decays.
BEPCII/BESIII experiments, the substantial improve- – Unique searches for dark-sector particles with masses
ment in the performance of the STCF will lay the foun- in the MeV-GeV range, where some of them are pos-
dation for breakthroughs in the relevant frontiers of sible dark matter candidates.
research. Meanwhile, it will pose major technical chal- – Broad spectroscopy program for both conventional
lenges in accelerator and detector development. At present, and multi-quark cc̄ and bb̄ states using different pro-
the STCF project for the research and development of duction processes; through B decays, through initial
key technologies is actively performed with the sup- state radiation processes, two-photon collisions and
port of Anhui Province of China. More efforts are being double charmonia productions.
made to promote the implementation and construction – Provide essential inputs to sharpen the interpreta-
of the STCF project. tion of results for the anomalous magnetic moment
of the muon (g − 2)µ , which indicates 4.2σ deviation
from the SM.
In these physics studies at Belle II, the importance
Toru Iijima of QCD is two-fold. First, better understandings of non-
perturbative QCD properties associated with particle
The Belle II experiment is a particle-physics exper- decays are essential ingredients for sharpening the SM
iment operating at the SuperKEKB collider built in predictions as references for non-SM physics searches.
the KEK laboratory in Japan (Figure 14.7.1). It is a Second, a variety of low-energy QCD phenomena, such
successor of the Belle experiment at the KEKB col- as the cc̄ and bb̄ spectroscopy as mentioned above, are
lider, which experimentally established the Kobayashi- the subjects that could be uniquely studied at the Belle
Maskawa theory of the CP violation, together with the II experiment. Also, the e+ e− collisions to hadron final
BaBar experiment at the SLAC PEP II collider. Over states offer unique opportunities to study hadronization
the next decades, Belle II will record the decay of bil- processes like the Collins effect. The variety of physics
lions of bottom mesons, charm hadrons, and τ leptons studies that can be carried out at Belle II is discussed in
produced in electron-positron collisions at and near the detail in Ref. [4658]. In the subsections following 14.7.2,
Υ (4S) energy. The ultimate goal is to accumulate 50 we describe only a brief summary for subjects that are
ab−1 data of e+ e− collisions, which is about 50 times of primary relevance to QCD, where Belle II will be
larger than the data set of the Belle experiment. These unique and will be world-leading.
data, collected in the low background and kinemati-
cally known conditions, will provide a complementary 14.7.1 SuperKEKB/Belle II experiment
approach to experiments at hadron machines. It will al-
low us to critically test the standard model (SM) and The SuperKEKB accelerator is an asymmetric energy
search for new particles through processes sensitive to collider of 4.0 GeV e+ and 7.0 GeV e− . The target in-
stantaneous luminosity is ∼ 6×1035 cm−2 s−1 , enabling
14.7 BELLE II 549

Fig. 14.7.2 The Belle II detector which consists of seven sub-


Fig. 14.7.1 Layout of the SuperKEKB accelerator. efficiencies are typically 90% at 10% contamination.
Typical uncertainties in hadron-identification perfor-
mance are 1%. The CsI(Tl)-crystal electromagnetic calorime-
accumulation of 50 ab −1 over the next decade. It is the
ter measures the energies of electrons and photons with
world’s leading luminosity machine with an innovative
energy-dependent resolutions in the 1.6-4% range. Lay-
“nano-beam scheme”, where the two beams collide with
ers of plastic scintillators and resistive-plate chambers
a large horizontal crossing angle and the vertical beam
interspersed between the magnetic flux-return yoke’s
size is squeezed down to a level of 50-60 nm at the in-
iron plates allow us to identify KL0 and muons. Our
teraction point (IP).
observed lepton-identification performance shows 0.5%
The Belle II detector, as shown in Figure 14.7.2,
pion contamination at 90% electron efficiency, and 7%
is located at the single collision point (IP) of the Su-
kaon contamination at 90% muon efficiency. Typical
perKEKB. It is nearly a 4π magnetic spectrometer sur-
uncertainties in lepton-identification performance are
rounded by a calorimeter and muon detectors and com-
1% − 2%.
prises several subdetectors arranged cylindrically around
The Belle II experiment has unique advantages over
IP and with a polar structure reflective of the asymmet-
hadron-collider experiments, such as the LHCb experi-
ric distribution of final-state particles resulting from the
ment. Despite having comparatively less data and fewer
asymmetric energy collision. From the innermost out,
accessible initial states;
these subdetectors are the vertex detector (VXD), cen-
tral drift chamber (CDC), electromagnetic calorimeter – It produces heavy flavor particles in a less back-
(ECL), and K-long and muon detector (KLM). In be- ground environment, which enables efficient detec-
tween CDC and ECL, are charged-particle-identification tion of neutral particles, such as γ, π 0 , KS0 , KL0 .
subdetectors: a time-of-propagation Cherenkov counter – It produces quantum correlated B 0 -B̄ 0 pairs, by
(TOP) in the barrel, and an aerogel ring-imaging Cheren- which we can tag the B meson flavor with high ef-
kov detector (ARICH) in the forward region. Between fective efficiency. We can also measure precisely B
ECL and KLM, is a solenoid coil that provides a 1.5 T decay modes with neutrinos in the final state, by
axial magnetic field for measurements of the momenta fully reconstructing one of the B mesons, referred
and electric charge of charged particles. The vertex de- to as “full reconstruction tagging”.
tector consists of two layers of pixel sensors (PXD) sur- – It provides a large sample of τ leptons obtained,
rounded by four layers of microstrip sensors (SVD) to which allows us to study in detail the property of the
determine the positions of decaying particles with the τ lepton, including Lepton-Flavor-Violating (LFV)
typical impact-parameter resolution of 10 − 15µm, re- decays.
sulting in 20 − 30µm typical vertex resolution 120 . The
As for the full reconstruction tagging, a new “Full
small-cell helium-ethane central drift chamber measures
Event Interpretation (FEI)” tool has been developed
the positions of charged particles at large radii and their
[4659]. The basic idea of FEI is to reconstruct, in a
energy losses due to ionization. The relative charged-
hierarchical manner, individual particle decay channels
particle transverse momentum resolution is typically
that occur in the decay chain of the B meson. For each
0.4%/pT [GeV/c]. The observed hadron identification
unique decay channel of a particle, a multivariate clas-
The second pixel layer is currently incomplete, covering ap- sifier (MVC) is trained using simulated events. Both
proximately 15% of the azimuthal acceptance. Installation of hadronic and semileptonic B decays are used. The typi-
the pixel detector will be completed in 2023.
cal tag-side efficiency, defined as the number of correctly

where τB 0 and ∆md are the average lifetime and mass

difference between neutral B physical states, respec-
tively, and AfCP and SfCP are the direct and mixing-
induced CP-violating asymmetries, respectively. The B
meson flavor q takes values +1(−1) when Btag is B 0 (B̄ 0 )
and it is statistically determined from the favor tagging
algorithm based on final-state information [4660]. The
time-difference ∆t is approximated by the distance be-
tween the two B-meson decay vertices divided by the
speed of the Υ (4S) projected onto the boost axis.
The previous experiments Belle, BaBar, and LHCb
Fig. 14.7.3 The unitarity triangle. achieved determination of φ1 at 2.4% precision [4661],
using tree dominated (cc̄)K 0 decays, such as J/ψKS0 ,
reconstructed tag-side B mesons divided by the total ψ(2S)KS0 , χc1 KS0 and J/ψKL0 . The error is still domi-
number of Υ (4S) events, is 0.61% (0.34%) for hadronic nated by systematic uncertainties, associated with im-
B + (B 0 ) decays and 1.45%(1.25%) for semileptonic B + perfections in vertex reconstruction and flavor tagging.
(B 0 ) decays. The full reconstruction tagging provides The precision is expected to further improve to below
unique methods to measure B decays with neutrinos in 1% in the next decade, and it will provide a firm basis
the final states, such as B → π`ν, B → D(∗) τ ν and to search for non-SM contributions.
B → Kν ν̄.
Measurement of φ2
14.7.2 Precision CKM measurements Studies of b → u charmless B decays give access to φ2 ≡
arg[−Vtb∗ Vtd /Vub

Vud ], the least known angle of the CKM
In the Standard Model (SM), CP violation in the K/B unitarity triangle, and probe non-SM contributions in
meson decays can occur as the complex phase in the processes mediated by loop decay-amplitudes. However,
Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) quark mixing ma- clean extraction of φ2 is not trivial due to hadronic
trix [3957, 3958]. The high luminosity data at Belle II uncertainties, which are hardly tractable in perturba-
enable precision measurements of the three internal an- tive calculations. Appropriate combinations of measure-
gles, (φ1 , φ2 , φ3 ) ≡ (α, β, γ), and the three sides of the ments from decays related by flavor (isospin) symme-
unitarity triangle, which represents the unitarity con- tries reduce the impact of such uncertainties [4662]. The
dition of the CKM matrix elements, Vud ∗ ∗
Vub + Vcd Vcb + most promising determination of φ2 relies on the com-
Vtd Vtb = 0, in the complex plane with the three terms
∗ bined analysis of the decays B + → ρ+ ρ0 , B 0 → ρ+ ρ− ,
divided by Vcd Vcb∗ , as shown in Figure 14.7.3. B 0 → ρ0 ρ0 , and corresponding decay into pions. The
current global precision of 4 degrees is dominated by
Measurement of φ1 B → ρρ data [4661]. Leveraging efficient reconstruc-
The internal angle φ1 ≡ arg(−Vcd Vcb∗ /Vtd Vtb∗ ) is de- tion of low-energy π 0 , improved measurements in B + →
termined from measurements of time-dependent CP ρ+ ρ0 and B 0 → ρ+ ρ− decays will be unique to Belle II.
asymmetries, which occures via interference between The expected experimental accuracy for the φ2 deter-
Bd − B̄d oscillation and b → cc̄s decay amplitudes. mination is less than 1◦ at 50ab−1 .
Most of the hadronic uncertainties cancel out in the
CP asymmetry, therefore, these measurements provide Measurement of φ3
very clean and precise determinations of φ1 . In the ex- The third internal angle φ3 ≡ arg[−Vud Vub ∗
/Vcd Vcb∗ ] is
periment, after the B 0 − B̄ 0 system is coherently pro- accessible via tree-level decays, such as B → DK, where
duced from an Υ (4S) decay, one of the B mesons, BCP , D represents a generic superposition of D0 and D .

decays to a CP eigenstate fCP at t = tCP whereas the Assuming that non-SM amplitudes do not affect appre-
other, Btag , may decay to favor specific final state at ciably tree-level processes, precise measurements of φ3
t = ttag . The distribution of the proper-time difference and |Vub /Vcb | set strong constraints on the SM descrip-
∆t ≡ tCP − ttag is expressed by tion of CP violation, to be compared with measure-
ments from higher-order processes potentially sensitive
e−|∆t|/τB0 to non-SM amplitudes, such as mixing-induced CP vi-
PfCP (∆t, q) = {1 + q[AfCP cos(∆md ∆t)
4τB 0 olation through sin 2φ1 . Extraction of φ3 involves mea-
surement of B − → D K − and B − → D0 K − ampli-
+ SfCP sin(∆md ∆t)]} ,
14.7 BELLE II 551

tudes, which are expressed as be excluded [4015]. The large data set at Belle II will of-
0 fer more precise and richer experimental information to
A(B − → D K − ) test theoretical investigations and to clarify the issue.
= rB ei(δB −φ3 ) , (14.7.2)
A(B − → D0 K − )
where rB ≈ 0.1 is the ratio of amplitude magnitudes Exclusive |Vub |:
and δB is the strong-phase difference. Since the hadronic Belle-II will provide a variety of ways for exclusive |Vub |
determinations. While B → π + `− ν̄` is currently the
parameters, rB and δB can be determined from data to-
gether with φ3 , these measurements are essentially free most effective in terms of availability of experimental
of theoretical uncertainties [4663]. The precision of φ3 data and theoretical calculations of the form factor,
is mostly limited by the small branching fractions of Belle II will also measure other exclusive b → u`ν`
the decays involved (around 10−7 ). The current world modes with good precision, in particular those involv-
average is φ3 = (66.2+3.4 ing neutral final-state particles such as
−3.6 ) [4661], whereas the indirect

determination is (63.4 ± 0.9)◦ [4080]. Various methods

B − → (π 0 , ρ0 , ω, η, η 0 )`− ν`
with different choices of final states accessible to both
D0 and D have been proposed to extract φ3 . They
and B → ρ+ `− ν` . The excellent resolution in q 2 ≡

include CP -eigenstates (GLW method) [4664, 4665], (p` + pν )2 also gives access to the decay form factors
Cabibbo-favoured (CF) and doubly-Cabibbo-suppressed equally important for determining |Vub |. Typically, ex-
(DCS) decays (ADS method) [4666], self-conjugate modes perimental uncertainties are smallest for low q 2 whereas
(BPGGSZ method) [4667–4669], and singly Cabibbo- uncertainties in the form factors from lattice QCD are
suppressed (SCS) decays (GLS method) [4670]. smallest at high q 2 . Improvements in the experimen-
Currently, precision is dominated by measurements tal constraints will be driven mainly by data set sizes.
based on B − → D(KS0 π + π − )K − as well as B − → Belle II can also measure the variety of exclusive decays
D(KL0 π + π − )K − decays [4667–4669]. Belle II will be with high purities in analyses, where the (non-signal)
competitive in this mode and others involving final- partner B-meson is reconstructed [4672]. Belle II will
state KS0 , π 0 , and γ such as KS0 π 0 , KS0 π + π − π 0 or B − → double the global precision in exclusive |Vub | results be-
D∗ (D(γ, π 0 ))h− . Precision will further improve follow- low 3%. Expected progress in lattice QCD [4658] will
ing the expected three-fold improvements on the ex- offer further significant improvement.
ternal charm-strong-phase inputs from BESIII [4658].
In addition, B − → D(KS0 π + π − π 0 )K − is promising at Inclusive |Vub |:
Belle II due to its sizable branching fraction and rich Belle II will provide a unique opportunity to measure
resonance substructures, as shown by Belle [4671]. Im- inclusive B → Xu `ν decays, where Xu is a charmless
proved charm-strong-phase inputs, availability of a suit- hadronic system. Taking advantage of the BB thresh-
able amplitude model of D → KS0 π + π − π 0 and a larger old experiment, after reconstructing a signal lepton and
B decay sample will render B − → D(KS0 π + π − π 0 )K − the partner B meson, all remaining tracks and energy
a strong contributor for determination of φ3 . The pre- clusters can be associated with the Xu candidate. Mea-
cision of φ3 is expected to be O(1◦ ) with the full 50 −1 surements require accurate modeling of the b → u sig-
data set. nal and the b → c background as demonstrated in
the latest Belle measurement of B → Xu `ν, which
Determination of |Vcb | and |Vub | indeed reports results closer to exclusive [4042]. With
The magnitudes of the CKM matrix elements |Vcb | and larger sample sizes and continuing developments in re-
|Vub | can be deduced from tree b → c and b → u pro- construction algorithms (e.g., improved partner B re-
cesses and provide reliable SM references to test non- construction), Belle II will accomplish measurements of
SM contributions. The most precise determinations of inclusive |Vub | to O(1)% precision. Belle II can also ex-
|Vcb | and |Vub | come from measurements of semileptonic plore novel ideas of measurements, such as the measure-
transitions b → clν and b → ulν, either in inclusive or ment of differential branching fractions of B → Xu `ν
exclusive final states, combined with theoretical inputs which enables shape-function model-independent deter-
to characterize the QCD effects associated with B de- minations of |Vub | as demonstrated by Ref. [4045, 4046,
cays. There has been significant disagreement in the 4673].
results obtained from exclusive and inclusive measure-
ments [4661]. The reason for this discrepancy is un- Determination of |Vcb |:
known and has been a long-standing issue. It can be Belle II will be able to improve also determinations of
possibly inconsistent experimental or theory inputs, but |Vcb | from exclusive B → D(∗) `ν decays and inclusive
also interpretations in terms of non-SM physics cannot

B → Xc `ν decays. For exclusive analyses, the key ex-

perimental challenges will be to understand better the
composition and form factors of B → D∗∗ `ν decays and
reduce relevant systematic uncertainties as those asso-
ciated with lepton identification and low-momentum-
pion reconstruction for B → D∗ `ν decays. Belle II will
tackle this with a detailed program based on dedicated
auxiliary studies of B → D∗∗ `ν decays. The precision
of inclusive determinations, which is limited by theory,
will benefit from measurements of the kinematic mo-
ments of B → Xc `ν decays that will constrain hadronic
matrix elements in the operator-product-expansion based
theory. Ultimately Belle II will accomplish measure-
ments of |Vcb | to O(1)% precision.

Summary of CKM measurements

Figure 14.7.4 presents the improvements of the CKM
Fig. 14.7.4 Current unitarity triangle fit (top) and extrapo-
measurements, currently achieved and expected at Belle lated to 50 ab−1 (bottom) [4658].
II. The CKMFitter group has performed analyses of
non-SM physics in mixing, assuming that tree decays
are not affected by non-SM effects. Within this frame- 0.00 < ∆Sη0 K 0 < 0.03 [4674]. The current world aver-
work, non-SM contributions to the Bd mixing ampli- age of ∆Sη0 K 0 is −0.07 ± 0.06 [4661]. Low backgrounds
tudes can be parametrized as and a high-resolution electromagnetic calorimeter of-

fer Belle II unique access to this measurement. Simi-

M12 d
= (M12 )SM × (1 + hd e2iσd ) (14.7.3) larly promising is the channel B 0 → φKS0 , whose fi-
Here hd and σd stand for the amplitude and phase of nal state makes Belle II strongly competitive despite
the non-SM physics, which are related to the mass-scale challenges associated with model-related systematic un-
parameter Λ via certainties from the Dalitz plot analysis. The expected
experimental accuracy at 50ab−1 is ∼ 0.01(∼ 0.02)%
|Cij |2 4.5 TeV for Sη0 K 0 (SφKS0 ). Figure 14.7.5 demonstrates the time-
h' t 2 (14.7.4) S
|λij | Λ
dependent CP asymmetry for the final state η KS0 com-

σ= arg(Cij λt∗
ij ), (14.7.5) pared to J/ψKS0 , using Sη0 KS 0 = 0.55 and SJ/ψKS0 =
where λtij = Vti∗ Vtj and V is the CKM matrix. The 0.70 in a Monte Carlo simulation with the integrated
scales Λ probed in Bd mixing by the end of the Belle II luminosity of 50 ab−1 , where the two values would be
data-taking will be 17 TeV and 1.4 TeV for CKMI-like unambiguously distinguishable, signifying the existence
couplings in a tree and one-loop-level non-SM interac- of new physics. In addition, the processes B 0 → KS0 π 0 γ,
tions respectively. For a scenario with no hierarchy, i.e. B 0 → KS0 π + π − γ, and B 0 → ρ0 γ are greatly sensitive
|Cij | = 1, the corresponding scale of operators probed to non-SM physics through b → s and b → d loops and
will be 2 × 103 TeV and 2 × 102 TeV in a tree- and offer Belle II further exclusive opportunities.
one-loop-level non-SM interactions respectively.
14.7.4 Search for non-SM physics in semileptonic
14.7.3 Search for non-SM CP violation in rare B and radiative B decays
A number of persistent anomalies have been observed
In order to search for the non-SM contribution, the in semileptonic B meson decays; deviation from lepton-
most promising channel is B 0 → η KS0 ; it has a siz-
0 flavor universality in the decays B → D(∗) τ ντ consis-
able decay rate dominated by the b → s loop ampli- tently stayed at the 3σ level since these decays were first
tude, where non-SM physics can contribute, and its as- measured [4661]. Another case of lepton-flavor univer-
sociated hadronic uncertainties is relatively small. The sality violation has been seen in B → K (∗) `+ `− . The
quantity of interest is ∆Sη0 K 0 ≡ Sη0 K 0 −sin φ1 . The SM unique capability of Belle II to reconstruct final states
predictions that include a systematic treatment of low-
S S with missing energy and identify efficiently all species
energy QCD amplitudes assuming factorization yield of leptons will considerably improve the understanding
of these anomalies.
14.7 BELLE II 553

Fig. 14.7.5 Time-dependent CP asymmetry for the final

state η KS compared to J/ψKS , using Sη0 K 0 = 0.55 and
0 0
SJ/ψKS = 0.70 in a Monte Carlo simulation with the inte-

grated luminosity of 50 ab−1 [4658].

Semitauonic B decays
Decays B → D(∗) τ ντ offer precious opportunities for
testing lepton-flavor universality at high precision open-
ing a window onto lower-mass (TeV range) non-SM
particles. Sensitive observables are the ratio R(D) and
R(D∗ ) of branching fractions of B → D(∗) τ ντ to those
of B → D(∗) `ν` decays, where ` = e or µ. There have Fig. 14.7.6 Expected Belle II constraints on the R(D) −
been numerous SM calculations of R(D(∗) ) and experi- R(D∗ ) plane (top) and the R(D∗ ) − Pτ (D∗ ) plane (bottom)
compared to existing experimental constraints from Belle. The
mentally, the ratio allows for numerous systematic un- SM predictions are indicated by the black points with theoret-
certainties to cancel. The SM predictions for the ratios ical error bars [4658].
R(D) and R(D∗ ) are:
R(D) = 0.299 ± 0.011 (14.7.6) are ideally suited for Belle II, may offer insight into the
R(D∗ ) = 0.252 ± 0.003 (14.7.7) properties of the non-SM couplings involved.
Measurements of polarization of the τ lepton ((Γ + −
Current best results on R(D(∗) ) are reported by the
Γ − )/(Γ + + Γ − )) and D∗ mesons (ΓL /(ΓT + ΓL )) pro-
Belle experiment [4675] and are consistent with previ-
vide supplementary sensitivity to non-SM physics. Here,
ous measurements [4676–4680] in showing a (combined)
Γ + (Γ − ) is the semitauonic decay rate where the τ has
3.1σ excess with respect to the SM expectation [4661].
+ 12 (− 12 ) helicity and ΓL (ΓT ) is the rate where the D∗
R(D) = 0.349 ± 0.027(stat) ± 0.015(syst) (14.7.8) has longitudinal (transverse) polarization. Figure 14.7.6

R(D ) = 0.298 ± 0.011(stat) ± 0.007(syst) (14.7.9) shows the expected Belle II constraints on the R(D) −
R(D∗ ) plane (top) and the R(D∗ )−Pτ (D∗ ) plane (bot-
This deviation has attracted significant interest in the tom). Furthermore, differential angular distributions in
community as it could be a potential indication of non- B → D(∗) τ ν, usually studied as functions of q 2 , may
SM dynamics. also be important to decipher the dynamics and are
The main experimental challenge is achieving a de- distinctive to Belle II.
tailed understanding of poorly known B → D∗∗ `ν back-
grounds, whose feed-down may bias the results. The B → K ∗ `+ `− decays
anticipated data set size will allow for accurate tagged The transitions b → sµµ and b → see are under exten-
measurements of B → D∗∗ `ν decays for several D∗∗ sive experimental investigation due to several observed
states using samples reconstructing on the signal-side a anomalies [4681–4685] that prompted interpretations in
lepton, a D(∗) meson and n pions. If a non-SM source terms of O(10) TeV non-SM particles. The unique fea-
of the anomaly would be established, angle-dependent ture of Belle II is its high efficiency and similar perfor-
asymmetries and differences between forward-backward mance for muons and electrons, along with access to
asymmetries observed in muons and electrons, which absolute branching fractions. Based on a recent Belle

II analysis [4686], we expect to provide distinctive in- uation has largely changed by the series of discover-
formation to assess independently the existence of the ies of charmonium-like states, X(3872) [2460], Yc (4260)
anomalies (at current central values) with samples of [4694], Zc± (3900) [2534], and several others that do not
5 ab−1 to 10 ab−1 of data. Belle II can provide also fit the well-established quark model. Analogous dis-
results based on inclusive B → XS `+ `− decays, which coveries containing bottom quarks (e.g., Υ (5S) decays
do not specify the final strange hadronic states XS and to Zb± (10610/50) [2544]) indicate a similar unexplored
has fewer theoretical ambiguities. family of particles in the bottomonium sector. The Belle II
Belle II can reach also b → sτ τ transitions. These experiment offers several unique opportunities in this
can be enhanced, by up to three orders of magnitude, in domain. It will exploit 40 times more data than the pre-
several SM extensions that allow for lepton-flavor uni- vious generation B-factories and, compared with hadron-
versality violation in the third generation [4687, 4688]. collisions experiments, leverages a greater variety of
The SM branching fraction for the B → K ∗ τ τ decay is quarkonium production mechanisms including B me-
around 10−7 [4689], much smaller than current exper- son decays, initial state radiation (ISR), double cc pro-
imental upper limits, which are at around 2.0 × 10−3 cesses, two-photon processes, and direct production by
at 90% CL [4690, 4691]. The presence of two τ leptons changing collider center-of-mass energy [4658]. Belle II
in the final state makes access to these decays ideally is the only experiment with the ability to operate at
suited to Belle II. tuneable center-of-mass energy near the Υ (4S) reso-
nance, providing direct access to multi-quark states con-
Radiative B decays taining bottom quarks. In addition, Belle II’s good ef-
Radiative b → sγ transitions are dominated by a one- ficiency for reconstructing neutral final-state particles
loop amplitude involving a t quark and W boson. Ex- opens the pathway for first observations of the predicted
tensions of the SM predict particles that can contribute neutral partners of charged tetraquark states.
to the loop, potentially altering various observables from Belle II has the unique opportunity to explore
their SM predictions [4692, 4693]. Belle II has a unique bottomonium(-like) states by operating at center-of-
capability to study these transitions both inclusively mass energies around 10 GeV, where only small sam-
and using specific channels. ples exist worldwide: O(10) fb−1 at Υ (1S, 2S, 3S, 6S),
The availability of precise and reliable SM predic- O(100) fb−1 at Υ (5S), and typically less than 1 fb−1 at
tions of inclusive B → XS γ rates, where Xs identifies intermediate points. This opens a fruitful program, as
a particle with strangeness, make these rates sensitive demonstrated by previous discoveries at e+ e− colliders
probes for non-SM physics. In addition, these analyses that yielded first observations of predicted bottomonia
enable the determination of observables like the b-quark (ηb (1S, 2S), hb (1P, 2P ), and Υ (1D2 )) and unexpected
mass and can provide input to inclusive determinations four-quark states (Zb± (10610, 10650), Yb (10753)) [4695,
of |Vub | [4658]. Ability to measure precisely the decay 4696]. Collisions at energies below the Υ (4S) allow for
properties of the partner B recoiling against the signal testing non-SM predictions in Υ decays to invisible or
B is key for inclusive analyses[4659]. Current best re- lepton-flavor-violating final states [4697, 4698].
sults show 10% fractional precision mostly limited by
systematic uncertainties associated with understanding 14.7.6 Constraining hadronic vacuum-polarization
the large backgrounds. The expected relative uncertain- in muon g-2
ties on the branching fractions are ∼ 6% at 5 ab−1 and
∼ 2% at 50 ab−1 slightly depending on the lower Eγ The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon often
thereshold. The construction of relative quantities like parametrized as aµ = (g − 2)µ /2, is one of the ob-
asymmetries will offer a further reduction of systematic servables which indicate significant deviation from the
uncertainties and enhanced reach. Inclusive analyses of SM and has attracted much attention from the com-
radiative B decays will offer unique windows over non- munity. The current experimental value (combining the
SM physics throughout the next decade. BNL E821 result with the first result from the Fermi-
lab g − 2 experiment) differs from SM predictions based
14.7.5 Hadron Spectroscopy on dispersion relations by 4.2σ, aµ (exp) − aµ (theory) =
(26.0 ± 7.9) × 10−10 [4206, 4207]. In order to clarify
While many hadron states are categorized into mesons the deviation, it is important to improve the precision
and baryons containing constituent quark-antiquark (q q̄) of both experiments and the SM predictions. On the
and three quarks (qqq), respectively, there is no proof experimental side, the experiment at Fermilab will pro-
in QCD to exclude the hadrons having other struc- vide results by further accumulated data and also an
tures than the ordinary mesons and baryons. The sit- experiment with different methods and thus have dif-
14.8 Heavy flavors at the HL-LHC 555

ferent systematic errors has been proposed and is being 14.8 Heavy flavors at the HL-LHC
prepared at J-PARC [4699]. The uncertainty in the SM
prediction is dominated by the leading-order hadronic Tim Gershon
contribution (HVP), which can be calculated from the
cross-section σ(e+ e− → hadrons) measured in e+ e− Proton-proton collisions at energies of the LHC col-
experiments. The result, HVP=(693.1 ± 4.0) × 10−10 , lider result in production of vast quantities of beauty
is dominated by BaBar and KLOE measurements of and charm quarks. The production cross-sections at
σ(e+ e− → π + π − ). However, the BaBar and KLOE centre-of-mass collision energies of 7–14 TeV are around
measurements notably differ. This difference introduces 100 µb for beauty hadrons and an order of magnitude
a systematic uncertainty of 2.8 × 10−10 [4224]. larger for charm hadrons [4700, 4701]. Thus, for each
Belle II will perform these measurements with larger fb−1 of integrated luminosity, there are around 1011
data sets, and at least comparable systematic uncer- beauty hadrons and around 1012 charm hadrons pro-
tainty, to resolve this discrepancy. Furthermore, large duced. As there are no constraints on the quantum
statistics data at Belle II will allow us to use new ap- numbers of the particles that emerge from the primary
proaches to suppress systematic uncertainties, particu- interaction followed by hadronization, essentially all phys-
larly from particle identification. Although the specific ically possible hadrons are produced in LHC collisions.
systematic studies still need to be refined, the goal for Since effects of double parton scattering, where multiple
the final accuracy including both statistical and sys- heavy quark-antiquark pairs are produced in the same
tematic uncertainties is to be 0.5% or lower [4658]. proton-proton interaction, are significant, this includes
This will match the expected experimental precision states with more than one heavy-flavor quark.
on g − 2[4206, 4658]. Belle II’s operation at the high- The LHC and its high luminosity upgrade there-
est luminosity e+ e− collider, as well as its excellent fore provide a unique and unprecedented opportunity
particle-identification capabilities, places it in a unique to learn about QCD from the production and decays of
position to further the studies of the HVP contribu- these hadrons. However, in order for this experimental
tion to (g − 2)µ in the next decade. HVP can be esti- program to be realized, it is necessary to have dedicated
mated also by τ hadronic spectral functions and CVC, and state-of-the-art detection capability. In particular,
together with isospin-breaking corrections. focusing on charged particle detection, one needs:
– acceptance, with good reconstruction efficiency, in
14.7.7 Status and outlook the kinematic region that the majority of the decay
products will travel through (production of beauty
The physics data taking with all the Belle II subdetec- and charm hadrons at the LHC predominantly oc-
tor components started in March 2019, following the curs at small angles to the beam axis);
SuperKEKB main ring commissioning run in 2016, and – good momentum resolution, so that narrow signal
the collision test runs in 2018. At the time when this ar- peaks in invariant mass distributions originating from
ticle is written, the SuperKEKB accelerator has achieved states close to each other in mass to be resolved;
the peak luminosity of 4.7 × 1034 cm−2 s−1 , more than – capability to discriminate between different final-
two times higher than the record of the previous KEKB state charged particles, in particular electrons, pi-
accelerator. The Belle II experiment has accumulated ons, muons, kaons and protons;
428 fb−1 , almost similar to the BaBar and about half of – ability to reject background from random combina-
the Belle experiments. Some results are already world- tions of particles, which must be achieved in real-
leading thanks to the efficiency and resolution improved time (online) in order to avoid the data rate over-
significantly compared to the previous experiments. The whelming the available computing resources.
operation is suspended since June 2022 for the upgrade
As regards the last point, the presence of one or more
work on the SuperKEKB and Belle II instrumentations.
well-identified muons in the decay, above a pT threshold
The operation is planned to resume in autumn 2023.
of typically a few GeV/c, is a signature which has tradi-
Many world-leading results in heavy flavor decays will
tionally been used in triggers for heavy-flavor physics in
be obtained with O(1) ab−1 data in the near future,
hadron collider experiments. This signature continues
and then with O(10) ab−1 toward the next decade.
to be exploited at the LHC, and will be throughout the
HL-LHC era. However, the fact that the ground-state
hadrons with heavy-flavor quantum numbers can only
decay by the weak interaction provides an extremely
valuable handle, as their non-negligible lifetimes cause
a significant — and potentially measurable – displace-

The above discussion focussed on charged particles.

For neutral particles it is much harder both to ob-
tain good momentum resolution and to associate them
correctly to the vertex they originated from, particu-
larly bearing in mind that they will be reconstructed in
the forward kinematic region. Nonetheless, information
from calorimeters can be used to broaden the flavor-
physics program to include decays with photons in the
final state, including those from neutral pion decays
and from bremstrahlung emission from electrons. More-
over, timing information can be used to provide some
capability to associate calorimeter clusters with recon-
structed vertices; indeed the addition of timing capabil-
ity is central to the plans for LHCb Upgrade II, not only
Fig. 14.8.1 The proposed LHCb Upgrade II detector [4702]. for the calorimeter but also for the vertex and charged
hadron identification detectors [4702].
The opportunities in flavor physics at the HL-LHC
ment between the production and decay vertices. Con- are discussed in Ref. [4703], while the LHCb Upgrade II
sider for example a state of mass 5 GeV/c2 and lifetime physics program is described in Ref. [2579]. Here only a
τ = 1 ps. If produced with 50 GeV/c momentum, cor- brief summary of some aspects that are most interesting
responding to a Lorentz boost factor of βγ = 10, it with regard to QCD are discussed. The focus is primar-
will travel a mean distance of βγcτ ≈ 3 mm before de- ily on LHCb, but areas where other LHC experiments
caying. Therefore if the vertex position can be recon- can contribute are also mentioned.
structed with resolution significantly better than this,
the potentially huge background from combinations of CP violation
the large numbers of tracks produced at the primary Violation of symmetry under the combined charge con-
proton-proton interaction point can be removed. In- jugation and parity (CP ) operation can occur in the
deed, while proton-proton collisions are generally con- Standard Model as the complex phase in the Cabibbo–
sidered a difficult (or “dirty”) environment due to the Kobayashi–Maskawa (CKM) quark mixing matrix [3957,
large numbers of particles produced, if one only needs to 3958] results in the charged-current weak-interaction
consider particles originating from displaced secondary coupling constants being different for quarks and anti-
vertices the signatures can be extremely clean. quarks. The uniqueness of the origin of all CP violating
The LHCb detector is designed in order to pro- effects in the SM – and the knowledge that additional
vide this detection capability. It is the only dedicated sources must be present in nature in order to explain the
heavy-flavor experiment at the LHC, although ALICE, baryon asymmetry of the Universe – make experimen-
ATLAS and CMS all have some ability to reconstruct tal probes of CP -violating phenomena a well-motivated
heavy-flavor hadrons. The original LHCb detector op- way to search for physics beyond the SM.
erated during Runs 1 and 2 of the LHC, 2011–12 and There are a number of theoretically clean probes of
2015–18 respectively, enabling the collection of a data CP violation, where QCD effects that may otherwise
sample corresponding to 9 fb−1 of proton-proton col- render the interpretation of results difficult are either
lisions. This has led to a wealth of publications on a minimal or can be determined directly from data. In
diverse range of topics. An upgraded detector has been particular, the determination of the phase
installed during the LHC long shutdown 2 (2019 - 21)
and is designed for the collection of a sample of 50 fb−1

Vud Vub
γ ≡ arg −
during Runs 3 and 4, with significantly improved effi- Vcd Vcb∗
ciencies for many channels of interest. In order to ex-
from B → DK and similar processes is essentially un-
ploit fully the flavor-physics potential of the HL-LHC,
affected by theoretical uncertainties in the SM [4663].
a second major upgrade of the LHCb detector is now
However, there are many more measurements where un-
being planned [4702]; this will allow 300 fb−1 to be col-
certainties related to QCD need to be reduced in order
lected in the final operational periods of the HL-LHC.
to obtain the best sensitivity to physics beyond the SM.
Together with the 3 ab−1 anticipated to be collected by
An interesting class of such measurements are those
ATLAS and CMS, this provides exciting potential in
where decays can be related by flavor symmetries, as
heavy-flavor physics.
the breaking of this symmetry by QCD can often be
14.8 Heavy flavors at the HL-LHC 557

calculated theoretically. The fact that both B 0 and Bs0 [4724], and further progress on this front will be essen-
mesons can be studied at the LHC opens a number tial.
of possibilities involving U-spin symmetry, related to Data on two-body decays are in general easier to
interchange of d and s quarks. For example, the deter- interpret than those in three- or multi-body decays (in-
mination of the phase cluding quasi-two-body resonant contributions). Never-
theless, the latter remain of great interest as interfer-
V V∗
2β ≡ 2 arg − cd cb∗ ence effects can provide sensitivity to additional CP -
Vtd Vtb violating observables: the range of effects observed in
from B 0 → J/ψKS0 decays has a small but hard-to- three-body B meson decays illustrate this clearly [4725–
quantify uncertainty due to subleading amplitudes; the 4729]. Overcoming hadronic uncertainties is challeng-
size of this effect can be constrained using the U-spin ing, but with HL-LHC data ambitious coupled-channel
partner Bs0 → J/ψKS0 decays [4704, 4705]. In a similar analyses will allow additional constraints. In particu-
way, the Bs0 → K ∗0 K ∗0 decay is considered a golden lar, effects related to ππ ↔ KK scattering can be
channel to probe for CP -violation effects beyond the fitted for directly in coupled-channel analyses of B 0
SM, as theoretical uncertainties can be constrained from and (separately or simultaneously) Bs0 decays to the
the U-spin partner B 0 → K ∗0 K ∗0 decay [4706–4708]. J/ψπ + π − and J/ψK + K − final states [4730]. Similar
The above examples are special cases where the fi- analyses can also be carried out in B(s) 0
→ D0 π+ π−
nal state is left unchanged by U-spin. Similar ideas can and D0 K + K − decays, and in B + → K + π + π − and
be also exploited for U-spin pairs where this is not K + K + K − decays. The latter, and also the more sup-
the case, such as B 0 → D+ D− ↔ Bs0 → Ds+ Ds− , pressed B + → π + π + π − and π + K + K − decays, are
B 0 → π + π − ↔ Bs0 → K + K − and B 0 → K + π − ↔ known to feature regions of phase space with large CP
Bs0 → K − π + [4709–4714]. In these cases however the violation, which could be used to test the SM if theo-
U-spin breaking effects can be larger, making it harder retical uncertainties can be controlled sufficiently.
to use them for precise tests of the SM. However, with As mentioned above, the CKM angle γ can be de-
the data samples available at the HL-LHC it will be termined with negligible uncertainty using B → DK
possible to reverse the argument: assuming the SM, the and related decays. The reason for this is that by com-
extent of U-spin breaking in these decays can be pre- bining results with multiple different D decay modes,
cisely measured and compared to theoretical calcula- all hadronic parameters can be determined from data.
tions. Moreover, the samples will be large enough that Recent examples of such combinations can be found
similar exercises can also be done for suppressed partner in Refs. [4731, 4732]. From the point of view of under-
decays (e.g. B 0 → Ds+ Ds− ↔ Bs0 → D+ D− and B 0 → standing QCD, this provides an opportunity to compare
K + K − ↔ Bs0 → π + π − ) where effects of subleading the values of the hadronic parameters obtained from the
amplitudes are enhanced. Studies of U-spin breaking combinations to those from theoretical calculations. In
and its influence on CP violation in the charm meson the case of multibody decays such as B → DKπ, the
decays D0 → K + K − , π + π − , K − π + and K + π − pro- parameters that can be obtained include those related
vide a complementary probe [4715–4718]. These mea- to variation of hadronic phases across the phase-space
surements will provide a unique handle on our under- of the decay [4733, 4734]. These can be determined
standing of flavor symmetry breaking effects in QCD. model-independently as a by-product of the measure-
A number of null tests of the SM can be made ment of γ, thus providing insight into a poorly under-
by testing the prediction of small or vanishing CP - stand aspect of QCD.
violating effects in specific processes. In such cases it
is necessary to ensure that theoretical uncertainties in Semileptonic decays and form factors
the prediction are well under control. One example is As discussed in Sec. 13.2.2, the rates of semileptonic b-
the determination of the phase φs through Bs0 → J/ψφ hadron decays, Xb → Xc `− ν ` depend on the square of
and similar processes, where LHCb, ATLAS and CMS the magnitude of the CKM matrix element Vcb . Here,
all have potential to reach sufficient precision to ob- Xb represents a hadron containing a b quark, Xc the
serve a non-zero effect at the SM rate [4719–4721]. An- corresponding hadron with b replaced by c, `− a neg-
other example is the corresponding phase in the neutral atively charged lepton and ν ` the corresponding an-
charm system, φD , where recent progress measuring the tineutrino. Thus, measurements of the rates can allow
mixing parameters has set the stage for precise deter- |Vcb | to be determined if the form factors, which en-

minations when more data are available [4722, 4723]. code the probability for the Xc hadron to be produced
It remains an open question to what extent QCD ef- in the final state as a function of the `− ν ` invariant mass
fects can enhance SM CP violation in the charm sector squared (q 2 ), are known from theoretical calculations.

Likewise, studies of Xb → Xu `− ν ` transitions, with ob- be understood then all three experiments may be able
vious definition of Xu , provide sensitivity to |Vub | . to test the SM in this sector.

The reconstruction of decays involving neutrinos in

the final state is challenging in the environment of a Rare decays
hadron collider, as one cannot exploit the kinematic Decays which proceed by flavor-changing neutral cur-
constraints that are available in the e+ e− → Υ (4S) → rents are highly suppressed in the Standard Model as
BB system. Nonetheless, exploiting LHCb’s capabil- they involve loop diagrams, typically with additional
ity in reconstruction of vertices and charged hadron CKM suppression factors. As physics beyond the SM
identification, it has been possible to study semilep- does not have to have the same structure, the rates
tonic Λ0b (to pµ− ν µ and Λ+c µ ν µ ) and B s (to K µ ν µ
− 0 + −
and phase space distributions of these channels allow
and Ds+ µ− ν µ ) decays [715, 4077]. In each case measur- detailed tests for new contributions to the amplitudes.
ing the ratio allows the cancellation of some potential In order to obtain the best sensitivity from these
sources of systematic uncertainty, leading to competi- measurements, it is necessary to have QCD uncertain-
tive measurements of |Vub /Vcb | . ties, related to the hadrons in initial, intermediate and

With the full HL-LHC statistics it will be possible to final states of the decay, under excellent control. Thus,
extend this program to the full range of b hadrons. This typically the theoretically cleanest probes are decays
will provide complementary information to the deter- involving leptons or photons. However, even in these
minations using B mesons alone, and will test QCD by cases there can be residual QCD effects that must be
comparison of the form factors in heavy-to-light tran- well understood. Recent progress is therefore focussed
sitions (such as B → π) with those in heavy-to-heavy mainly on theoretically clean channels and data-driven
transitions. A particularly interesting example occurs approaches to constrain hadronic parameters.
in Bc− decays, where study of Bc− → D0 µ− ν µ could The purely leptonic B(s)0
meson decays are a good
potentially allow a theoretically clean determination of example of channels where theoretically clean predic-
|Vub | . In fact, the large samples of Bc− mesons that tions are possible. Moreover, the helicity-suppression

will be available at HL-LHC present a further opportu- of these processes that occurs in the SM — resulting
nity, since these particles preferentially decay through in small branching fractions for the dimuon and, espe-
transitions of the charm quark. Thus, Bc− → B 0s µ− ν µ cially, dielectron, processes — need not be replicated
and B 0 µ− ν µ decays could be used to make novel mea- in beyond SM contributions to the amplitudes, so that
surements of the squared magnitudes of Vcs and Vcd , large deviations from the SM predictions are possible in
respectively, thereby allowing a quantitative compar- principle. The decay rates for these processes depend on
ison of the form factors observed in data with those the B(s)
decay constants, which can be (and have been)
calculated from first principles QCD. calculated in lattice QCD to good precision [279]. The
Understanding QCD effects encoded in form fac- experimentally most amenable channel is the dimuon fi-
tors and, more generally, the effects of hadronization nal state; the Bs0 → µ+ µ− decay has been observed by
in semileptonic b-hadron decays, will also be crucial LHCb, CMS and ATLAS, and the sensitivity to the B 0
for tests of lepton universality at HL-LHC. Within the decay branching fraction approaches the level required
Standard Model the W and Z couplings to all lepton to observe it at the SM expectation [4735–4737]. The
flavors are identical; any deviation from this prediction limits on decays to dielectron and ditau final states re-
would provide a clear signature of non-SM physics con- main considerably above the SM expectations [4738,
tributing to the decay amplitude. Due to the heavier 4739].
τ mass, compared to the electron and muon, contri- Further improvement in the knowledge of the B(s) 0

butions from different form factors have to be under- µ+ µ− branching fractions and their ratio is well moti-
stood in order to predict the SM value of the ratio of vated, as the experimental uncertainties remain larger
branching fractions [4051–4053]. Given the indications than those for theory. These measurements can be ex-
of potential violation on lepton universality in previous pected as a key component of the HL-LHC era heavy-
measurements of these processes at the BaBar, Belle flavor physics programs of all of the LHCb, CMS and
and LHCb experiments [4675–4680] there is intense in- ATLAS experiments: it is anticipated that relative un-
terest in the significantly more precise results that the certainties on B Bs0 → µ+ µ− of 4%, 7% and 12–15%

HL-LHC can potentially provide. The challenge will be can be achieved by each of the three experiments, re-
to control experimental systematic uncertainties to the spectively [4702, 4740, 4741]. In addition, the increas-
required level; this is even harder for ATLAS and CMS ingly large sample sizes will make additional probes pos-
than for LHCb, but if the background composition can sible. In particular, the Bs0 → µ+ µ− effective lifetime
can be used as an independent probe for physics be-
14.8 Heavy flavors at the HL-LHC 559

yond the SM [4742], with first measurements already neutral-current transitions should be predominantly left-
available, albeit with large uncertainties. With the full handed, as a consequence of the V−A structure of the
HL-LHC statistics it will also be possible to measure SM weak interaction. This can be tested in a num-
CP violation parameters in this decay, providing one ber of ways, including through studies of the decay-
more independent probe, also with negligible theoreti- time dependence of B 0 → K ∗0 γ and Bs0 → φγ de-
cal uncertainty. cays, and of the angular distributions in Λ0b → Λγ de-
The b → s`+ `− and b → d`+ `− processes can also cays [4749–4752]. The angular distribution of B 0 →
be studied through decays in which the s or d quark K ∗0 e+ e− decays at very low e+ e− invariant mass also
is found in the final state. These do not have the he- probes the same physics [4753]. However, the statisti-
licity suppression of the purely leptonic decays, but as cally most powerful approach involves analysis of the
a corollary have sensitivity to additional effective field phase-space distribution of B + → K + π + π − γ decays,
theory operators. A large range of final states and a complemented by measurement of the decay-time de-
large number of observables can be studied. Those re- pendence of the B 0 → KS0 π + π − γ process [4754–4758].
lated to angular distributions in B → V `+ `− processes To realise the full potential of this method will require
are particularly interesting (where V is a vector me- improved understanding of hadronic effects in the Kππ
son, i.e. decays such as B 0 → K ∗0 `+ `− ). In these mea- system. The large data samples available at the HL-
surements, all relevant operators can be constrained LHC will provide a number of ways to acquire such
from data. Indeed, as discussed in Sec. 13.4, existing knowledge, including measurement of the correspond-
measurements of the rates and of angular observables ing processes where the final-state photon is replaced
in B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− and Bs0 → φµ+ µ− decays con- by a J/ψ meson.
strain possible contributions from physics beyond the
SM and, excitingly, hint at these contributions being Hadron spectroscopy
non-zero [4685, 4743–4746]. However, the possibility of As mentioned previously, the copious production of beauty
these effects being caused by larger than expected non- and charm quarks in LHC collisions provides opportuni-
perturbative QCD corrections is not yet ruled out [4190, ties for detailed studies of hadron spectroscopy, includ-
4192]. ing discoveries of previously unmeasured states. Various
Progress in this area, with the larger data samples production mechanisms are available, including central
available at the HL-LHC, can be expected in two com- exclusive production. However, the two mechanisms for
plementary approaches. Firstly, model-dependent fits which studies have proved most productive to date are
to the data can be used to attempt to constrain the so-called prompt production, where a hadron is pro-
non-perturbative QCD effects within specific parame- duced directly in a proton-proton collision (including
terizations [4182, 4188, 4194, 4747]. Secondly, the SM via strongly decaying resonances), and production in
property of lepton universality in these processes can be weak decays of a heavier hadron. Prompt decays tend
tested – comparison of equivalent parameters for decays to have large backgrounds, and are limited to cases with
involving µ+ µ− and e+ e− pairs provide theoretically a distinctive signature – but they provide the only pos-
clean tests of the SM. While the second case can provide sible approach for hadrons too heavy to be produced in
an unambiguous signal of physics beyond the SM, this is weak decays. Weak decays of heavy hadrons can pro-
only possible if the new physics violates lepton univer- vide an extremely clean environment; moreover this ap-
sality. Progress on both fronts is therefore essential in proach makes possible determination of the quantum
order to be able to constrain the full range of potential numbers of intermediate resonances produced in multi-
operators. Early measurements from LHCb of the ratios body final states.
of decay rates for B + → K + `+ `− and B 0 → K ∗0 `+ `− At the time of writing, 67 hadrons have been ob-
(with ` = e, µ) give tantalizing hints of disagreement served for the first time at the LHC as illustrated in
with SM predictions, but do not reach a level of signif- Fig. 14.8.2. As discussed in Secs. 8.5 and 9.4, these in-
icance for which strong claims would be justified [4682, clude a number of states that do not fit into the con-
4748]. In addition to larger data samples, improved elec- ventional scheme of qq mesons and qq 0 q 00 baryons. One
tron reconstruction can help to reduce the uncertainties of the most exciting topics, related to furthering knowl-
in future measurements. The range of lepton universal- edge of QCD, is what new hadrons may be discovered
ity tests can also be expected to be increased in future at the HL-LHC. This is, of course, impossible to pre-
beyond the rates alone to include also angular observ- dict with confidence; nonetheless there are certain ar-
ables. eas where progress appears likely. In what follows states
A further way to test the SM is through its predic- with four and five quarks are referred to as tetraquarks
tion that the photon emitted in b → sγ flavor-changing and pentaquarks respectively, with no prejudice as to

their internal binding mechanisms – indeed, addressing ground. The improved vertex resolution of the upgraded
the question of how such states are bound is one of LHCb detector, together with larger data samples, will
the main goals for the HL-LHC in this area – and the hence provide excellent prospects for discovery. Doubly
naming convention of Ref. [2468] is used. heavy states containing beauty and charm quarks also
Perhaps the most striking discovery of exotic hadrons appear within reach, while double beauty states appear
to date is that of the Pψ states, observed as resonances more challenging.
decaying to J/ψp, and hence with minimal quark con- The discovery of the Tcc+
tetraquark, seen in prompt
tent ccuud in Λ0b → J/ψpK − decays [2828, 2829]. The production as a narrow structure decaying to D0 D0 π +
proximity of the Pψ masses to Σc D thresholds has led [1071, 2512], complements both the previous observa-
to much speculation on their nature. Further progress tions of the Ξcc
baryon and of tetraquarks with cc con-
requires the determination of the Pψ spin-parity quan- tent. Its mass is only just above threshold for D0 D∗+
tum numbers. Discoveries of other production modes decays, supporting the hypothesis that ground-state te-
and decays to other final states will also provide in- traquarks containing beauty and charm or double beauty
sight. The data samples of the HL-LHC should allow (Tbc or Tbb ), which are expected to be more tightly
LHCb to perform such studies, and also to make de- bound, may be stable to strong decays. If so, they would
tailed studies of lineshapes. decay only via the weak interaction and hence have life-
The Pψ pentaquarks contain a cc pair, as do all times comparable to those of ground state beauty and
tetraquarks that had been observed prior to 2020. This charm hadrons. As such, they may have displaced ver-
fueled theoretical speculation that a cc component, or tex signatures that could be exploited in the LHCb ex-
at least the presence of two heavy quarks or antiquarks, periment to enhance their observability [4766]. It is also
was necessary for the formation of exotic hadrons. Such possible that Pcc , Pbc and Pbb pentaquarks could be de-
models were, however, ruled out by the observation tected, with the appropriate analysis strategy depend-
of Tcs tetraquarks decaying to D+ K − , produced in ing on whether or not they are stable against strong
B − → D− D+ K − decays [4760, 4761]. This observa- decay. Furthermore, it is plausible (albeit speculative)
tion implies the existence of many more tetraquarks, that six quark, dibaryon states containing at least two
containing different sets of quark flavors, which may be beauty or charm quarks may be measurable. Studies
discoverable with the HL-LHC. As such states are ob- of hadron spectroscopy with the HL-LHC data sample
served and can be arranged in families, it will allow for may therefore provide dramatic breakthroughs in the
a new understanding of strong interactions in much the knowledge of the possible range of states that can be
same way as occurred for the “particle zoo” in the 1960s bound together within QCD.
and 70s.
Even if a cc component is not required for the for-
mation of exotic hadrons, a J/ψ meson in the final state 14.9 High-pT physics at HL-LHC
facilitates the observation of new particles due to the
Massimiliano Grazzini and
clean signature provided by the J/ψ dimuon decay. This
Gudrun Heinrich
has been exploited in the observations of Tψψ states de-
caying to J/ψJ/ψ [2565, 4762, 4763]. The discovery of
14.9.1 Introduction
states with minimal quark content of ccc̄c̄ motivates
searches for partner states, including decays to final
The High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) is scheduled to
states such as J/ψχc1 , which may cause feed-down into
start operation in 2029. By colliding protons with an
the J/ψJ/ψ spectrum, as well as for tetraquarks with
instantaneous luminosity that is five times higher than
other fully heavy-quark content (e.g. bbcc). Knowledge
what is achieved at the LHC, the HL-LHC is expected
of bottomonia decays to double charmonia final states
to deliver data corresponding to an integrated luminos-
will also be necessary for a full understanding in this
ity of 3000 fb−1 by the end of the 2030s, which is a factor
of 20 more than what has been collected so far. De-
The first doubly charmed hadron, the Ξcc ++
spite the highly challenging experimental environment,
was observed by LHCb in 2017 [2561], and precise mea-
such an increased dataset – collected with upgraded
surements of its mass and lifetime have followed [2563,
detectors – has an immense physics potential: it will
2564]. Its flavor partners, the Ξcc
and Ωcc
baryons have
give access to the rarest phenomena, and will be crit-
also been searched for, but not yet discovered [2832,
ical to reduce systematic uncertainties or bypass their
4764, 4765]. The reason for this may be the shorter life-
limitations with new analyses, leading to measurements
times that are expected for these states, since a short
of unprecedented precision. It will allow us to achieve
lifetime makes it harder to separate signal from back-
a sensitivity to sectors of Beyond-the-Standard-Model
14.9 High-pT physics at HL-LHC 561


67 new hadrons at the LHC b2(3P)

7000 Bc(2S)+ Bc*(2S)+ T (6900)

b(6350) T (6600)
b(6152)0 b(6340)
b(6227) b(6227)0 b(6327)0
6000 b(5945)0 b(5920)0 b(5955) BJ(5970)+, 0 b(6100)
b(5912)0 BJ(5840)+, 0 b(6097)+ b(6070)0 Bs* (6114)0
b(6097) Bs* (6063)0
Mass [MeV/c2]

X(4700) X(4685)
P N(4450)+ X(4500) P N(4457)+ X(4630)
bb X(4274) P N(4440)+ P s(4338)0
X(4140) T s1(4220)+
bq P N(4380)+ P N(4312)+ T s1(4000)+
4000 cc(qq) X(3960)
ccqq ++
cc Tcc(3875)+
cq c(3119)0
cqqq DJ*(3000)+, 0 c(3090)0
3000 DJ(3000)0 Ds1* (2860)+ c(2860)+ c(3066)0 c(2939)0 Tcs0(2900)00 Tcs0
a (2900)++
bqq Tcs1(2900)
DJ*(2760)+ c(3050)0 c(2923)0
a (2900)0
cqq DJ(2740)0 D3* (2760)0 c(3000)0
ccqqq Ds0(2590)+
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2022-10-11 Date of arXiv submission
Fig. 14.8.2 Discoveries of hadrons at the LHC, by year of arXiv submission [4759]. Only states observed with significance larger
than 5σ are included.

(BSM) phenomena that are beyond the reach of cur- projected uncertainties, combining ATLAS and CMS,
rent analyses, and will ultimately help us to get closer are summarized in Figure 14.9.1. Note that theory un-
to answering fundamental questions of particle physics. certainties are assumed to be halved with respect to
their current values. Except for rare decays, the over-
14.9.2 Higgs properties all uncertainties will be dominated by the theoretical
systematics, with a precision close to the percent level.
The study of Higgs boson (H) properties is central in These coupling measurements assume the absence of
the HL-LHC physics programme. Since its discovery sizable additional contributions to ΓH . As observed in
in 2012, analyses related to the Higgs boson have sig- Ref. [4769], the signal-background interference in the
nificantly expanded, and have now turned into a vast production of Z-boson pairs is sensitive to ΓH . Mea-
campaign of precision measurements, with fundamental suring the off-shell four-lepton final states and assuming
opportunities to indirectly constrain the Higgs boson that the Higgs boson couplings can be extrapolated in
width and to access its trilinear coupling. Small devi- the off-shell region from their SM values, the HL-LHC
ations from the SM can be described in a consistent will extract ΓH using this indirect measurement with a
framework by using effective field theory (EFT). 20% precision at 68% CL [4768].
The main measurements of Higgs boson properties The production of Higgs boson pairs is a central
are based on five production modes (gluon fusion ggF , process to access the Higgs trilinear coupling. The Run
vector boson fusion VBF, associated production with a 2 experience in searches for Higgs boson pair produc-
W or Z vector boson or with a top-quark pair) and five tion led to a reassessment of the HL-LHC sensitivity,
decay modes: H → γγ, ZZ, W W , τ τ , bb̄. The H → µµ including additional channels that were not considered
and Zγ channels should become visible in the future. in previous projections. ATLAS and CMS anticipate a
The rate measurements in the production and decay sensitivity to the HH signal of approximately 3σ per
channels mentioned above yield measurements of the experiment, leading to a combined observation sensi-
Higgs boson couplings in the so-called “κ-framework” tivity of 4σ. These analyses lead to the combined likeli-
[4767]. The latter introduces a set of scaling factors κi hood profile as a function of κλ shown in Figure 14.9.2.
that linearly modify the couplings of the Higgs boson
to the corresponding SM elementary particles, includ- It should be noted that the upper limit on the signal
ing the effective couplings to gluons and photons. The strength for HH production can reach the SM expecta-

s = 14 TeV, 3000 fb-1 per experiment 14.9.3 Multiple gauge bosons

Total ATLAS and CMS The study of multiple gauge boson production is of
Statistical HL-LHC Projection crucial importance to test the EW gauge symmetry,
Uncertainty [%]
since it can signal the presence of anomalous gauge cou-
2% 4% Tot Stat Exp Th plings [4770]. At HL-LHC, evidence for the production
κγ 1.8 0.8 1.0 1.3 of three gauge bosons can be obtained at the 3σ level
in the W W Z and W ZZ channels and at the 5σ level
κW 1.7 0.8 0.7 1.3 in the W W W channel considering the fully leptonic
κZ 1.5 0.7 0.6 1.2
decay modes [3874]. Following the first observation of
vector-boson scattering (VBS) at the LHC, the HL-
κg 2.5 0.9 0.8 2.1 LHC is expected to provide a more complete picture
κt of these processes, including the option to measure po-
3.4 0.9 1.1 3.1
larized components, thanks to the higher statistics and
κb 3.7 1.3 1.3 3.2 improved detectors.

14.9.4 New-physics searches
1.9 0.9 0.8 1.5

κµ 4.3 3.8 1.0 1.7

The HL-LHC will allow us to test BSM phenomena
κZγ 9.8 7.2 1.7 6.4 that are beyond the reach of current analyses [1281].
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 Many BSM models predict the existence of new parti-
Expected relative uncertainty cles, which can be searched for at HL-LHC, exploiting
the much larger statistics and detector upgrades.
Fig. 14.9.1 Projected uncertainties for the scaling parame- In the case of supersymmetry (SUSY), the extension
ters κi , combining ATLAS and CMS: total (grey box), statisti-
cal (blue), experimental (green) and theory (red) uncertainties. of the kinematic reach is reflected in improved sensitiv-
From Ref. [4768]. ity to sleptons, gluinos and squarks. In the strong SUSY
ATLAS and CMS 3000 fb-1 (14 TeV) sector, HL-LHC will probe gluino masses up to 3.2 TeV,

HL-LHC prospects
and and CMSCMSCMSHL-LHC prospects 33000
ab (14
-1 -1
fb (14 TeV) in R-parity conserving scenarios and under several pos-
3000 (14(14 TeV)
ATLAS and 3000 fb-1TeV)
(14 TeV)
12 12
sible assumptions on the gluino prompt decay mode.


scts SM HL-LHC
prospects 4σ
0.1 < !" < 2.3 [95% CL]

This significantly extends the reach of LHC Run 2. In
10 10
Combination 0.5 < !" < 1.5 [68% CL]
Combination 99.4% CL b b γ γ Combination the context of R-parity conserving models, scenarios in
8 b8bbγbγγ γ bbττ bbγ γ
b b b b which the mass difference between the produced su-
6 CLCL 99.4%99.4%
bbττ perpartners and the lightest superpartner (LSP) they
6 95% CL decay into is small (usually called compressed SUSY)
bbτbτ bVV(lνlν)

bbbbbbγ γ are the most difficult to study experimentally, and have

95% CL bbVV(lνlνb) bZZ*(4l)
95% been barely covered at the LHC till now. At the HL-

bbVV(lνlνLHC, these scenarios will be studied by using mono-jet

68% CL Combination
2 bbbVV(l
bVV(l νlνν)lν) )

68% 2
68% −
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 68% CL68%
and mono-photon signatures as well as VBF produc-
SM HH signal
significance: 4σ 0
0.1 < k < 2.3 [95% CL]
kCL] tion.
5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 −2 0− −12 − 1 10 21 0.5 32
< k <4 1.5 [68%
54 λ
6 76 87
An interesting scenario in the search for dark mat-
3 5 8
0.1 < k0.1<<2.3
k [95%
<1 k< k< 2.3
λ λ
< 2.3
CL] SM HH signal
SM HH signal λ !k"CL]
< 2.3 [95% CL]
λ kλ
ter is the one containing a dark photon that couples
<5 k< k< 1.5
λ λ < 1.5
λ CL]
λ significance: 4σ 4σ
significance: λ 0.5 < k0.5<<1.5
k [68%
< 1.5 CL]
[68% CL]

Fig. 14.9.2 Projected combined HL-LHC sensitivity to the very weakly to charged particles. Prospects for an in-
Higgs boson trilinear coupling expressed in terms of κλ , from
direct search channels. From Ref. [4768].
clusive search for dark photons decaying into muon or
electron pairs indicate that the HL-LHC could cover
a large fraction of the theoretically favored parameter
tion already for Run 3 by combining ATLAS and CMS space.
results if the improvements in the reconstruction and The flavor anomalies in B-decays suggest the pos-
analysis techniques continue at the same pace (see e.g. sible presence of new states, such as Z 0 or leptoquarks
Elisabeth Brost, talk at Higgs10 meeting, CERN, July (LQ), coupling to second and/or third generation SM
2022). fermions. The HL-LHC will be able to cover a signif-
icant portion of the parameter space of these models,
with an exclusion reach up to 4 TeV for the Z 0 . Pair pro-
duced scalar LQs coupling to µ (τ ) and b-quarks, on the
14.9 High-pT physics at HL-LHC 563

other hand, can be excluded up to masses of 2.5 (1.5) proved theoretical control of simple processes will
TeV, depending on the assumptions on the couplings. in turn improve our knowledge of PDFs, allowing
N3 LO PDF fits, with impact on the whole range
14.9.5 QCD challenges of LHC processes, and will also increase the sen-
sitivity to BSM effects manifesting themselves as
Already now the LHC experiments have reached a very small deviations from SM predictions. A first ap-
high level of sophistication in the reconstruction of colli- proximate N3 LO PDF fit has been recently pre-
sion events, thereby making precise measurements pos- sented in Ref. [3044].
sible despite the complex environment and substantial 3. 2 → 3 processes at few-percent accuracy: There
pileup. are a number of crucially important signal and back-
Even though significant progress has been made in ground processes that involve a 2 → 3 scattering
QCD and electro-weak (EW) calculations for hard pro- structure at parton level; these are at the current
cesses in the last few years (see Section 11.1), further frontier of NNLO calculations. While calculations of
progress will be needed to avoid theory uncertainties 3-jet production rates became recently available [3369],
to become the limiting factor in interpreting a wide processes like tt̄H, tt̄V , H + 2 jets are only known
range of HL-LHC data. For example, in the case of up to NLO and would benefit from the extension to
Higgs boson couplings, the projections of Figure 14.9.1 NNLO121 . The tt̄ H cross section, e.g., is now mea-
show that theory uncertainties will be a limiting factor sured with roughly 15% statistical precision and is
even if reduced by a factor of two with respect to their expected to be known with a statistical precision of
current values. Progress on the theory side is therefore ∼ 2% at the end of the HL-LHC. Without NNLO
needed and it is indeed expected in the following areas: QCD and NLO EW accurate calculations for signal
and backgrounds, this experimental precision can-
1. Parton Distribution functions: All hard scat-
not be matched on the theory side, thereby limiting
tering reactions at the LHC are eventually initiated
the exploitation of the results for physics studies.
by a partonic collision. The parton scattering rate,
A significant amount of work is currently being de-
which is computed perturbatively, is weighted by
voted to break the 2 → 3 barrier for two-loop ampli-
the PDFs, whose knowledge is therefore required
tudes involving massive particles. At the same time,
to extract fundamental couplings from cross sec-
an effort is ongoing to improve available methods to
tion measurements or from kinematic distributions.
isolate and cancel infrared singularities (see Section
PDFs are also a fundamental input to predict the
11.1 for more details). In the HL-LHC era the com-
tails of the distributions of SM processes at high Q2
plete availability of combined NNLO precision in
or high pT , which in turn allow us to probe possible
the strong coupling and NLO precision in the EW
new physics effects. The current knowledge of PDFs
coupling would be desirable.
will be improved at HL-LHC by accurate measure-
4. Accuracy at high pT : Current measurements have
ments of SM processes with jets, vector bosons and
only explored a limited range of the available phase
top quarks. LHCb data also have the potential to
space. NNLO accurate differential cross sections pave
further constrain the PDFs. At scales Q > 100 GeV
the way to more detailed data/theory comparisons
the HL-LHC data can reduce PDF uncertainties by
in less populated phase-space regions where new
a factor between 2 and 4, depending on the process
physics effects could be hidden. An important ex-
and on the assumptions on systematic uncertainties
ample is provided by high-pT Higgs production. The
ATLAS and CMS collaborations anticipate an O(10%)
2. Benchmark processes at high accuracy: The
precision in the Higgs boson production rate for
experimental precision for many benchmark 2 → 1
pT ≥ 350 GeV at the end of the HL phase of the
and 2 → 2 processes (the most significant exam-
LHC [4768].
ple being Drell-Yan lepton pair production) is likely
The recent computations of 2 → 2 amplitudes medi-
to approach the 1% level, over a substantial range
ated by massive quarks [3348, 4773], combined with
of phase space. Perturbative QCD predictions at
NNLO calculations in the heavy-top limit [3400,
next-to-next-leading order (NNLO) normally do not
3401, 4774–4776] offer a comparable precision in the
reach 1% precision, and N3 LO accuracy might be
SM prediction, and will therefore allow us to disen-
needed for a range of 2 → 1 and 2 → 2 processes.
tangle possible new physics effects in this region.
For example, N3 LO predictions for Higgs and vec-
tor boson production are already available [1909, 121
First NNLO results for inclusive tt̄H production have been
3404, 3405, 3411, 3412, 3495, 4771] and are cru- recently presented in Ref. [4772].
cial to control perturbative uncertainties. The im-

5. Bottlenecks in NLO multi-particle simulations: 8. Resummation and parton showers: For key ob-
The full deployment of NLO precision through au- servables depending on disparate scales, advances in
tomated MC frameworks in the huge range of HL- the all-order resummation of large logarithmic cor-
LHC analyses raises important technical challenges. rections will be crucial. Such advances require to
Establishing the predictivity of MC tools at preci- increase the logarithmic accuracy of the resummed
sion levels of order 10% – as well as their correct calculations, but also the extension to multiply-differential
usage within the experiments – will require quanti- resummations, the inclusion of power suppressed ef-
tatively and qualitatively unprecedented validation fects, as well as the understanding of sub-leading
work. Already now, the accuracy at which event and super-leading structures (see Section 11.2). In
samples for 2 → 4 processes can be calculated at parallel, work towards the extension of the logarith-
NLO is limited by dramatic efficiency bottlenecks mic accuracy of parton showers will be essential (see
related to the poor convergence of the phase-space Section 11.3).
integration and by various other technical aspects. 9. BSM effects:
The HL-LHC era will require efficiency improve- The great success of the SM in describing all phe-
ments by an order of magnitude. This can only be nomena observed at the LHC suggests that the key
achieved through a significant step forward in the to a potential discovery of new physics is precision.
optimization of event generators and new techniques Precision measurements indeed provide an impor-
in the calculation of amplitudes. tant tool to search for BSM physics associated to
6. Theory systematics: The appropriate estimate of mass scales beyond direct reach of the LHC. EFT
theory uncertainties in the presence of experimental frameworks, where the SM Lagrangian is supple-
cuts or in the context of sophisticated multi-variate mented with additional operators built from SM
analyses is a challanging problem. A typical exam- fields, consistent with gauge symmetries and based
ple is provided by tt̄H analyses in the H → bb̄ decay on a well-defined counting scheme, allow us to sys-
mode. The sensitivity is presently limited by theory tematically parameterize BSM effects and their mod-
uncertainties in the tt̄bb̄ QCD background. In this ifications to SM processes. These operators can ei-
kind of analyses, MC predictions for the large QCD ther modify existing SM couplings, or generate new
background are constrained by data through a pro- couplings. In the case of BSM operators that mix
file likelihood fit of several kinematic distributions with the SM ones, if r is the relative precision on
in different event categories. In this context, theoret- a given physical observable, the new physics mass
ical predictions for the correlations across different scale Λ that can be probed with this observable will

categories and kinematic regions play a key role. All scale as 1/ r in the generic case.
related uncertainties, e.g. at the level of NLO ma-
trix elements, parton showers and NLO matching, 14.9.6 Outlook
need to be properly identified and modelled. This
task is further complicated by the presence of mul- While the HL-LHC offers great opportunities due to
tiple scales, which may require resummations. This the enormous reduction of statistical uncertainties com-
type of problem is characteristic for a broad range of pared to previous LHC runs, some measurements re-
LHC analyses; its solution will require a joint effort main difficult and will leave questions that could be
between theorists and experimentalists. addressed more straightforwardly with the great preci-
7. Non-perturbative effects: While the perturba- sion that future lepton colliders, such as the ILC [4777],
tive computations follow a systematic approach based CEPC [4778], FCC-ee [4779] or CLIC [4780] could achieve,
on perturbation theory and factorization, our un- or with the impressive energy reach and statistics a fu-
derstanding of non-perturbative effects is still quite ture hadron collider (FCC-hh [4781]) could provide. For
rough. With the increasing accuracy of perturba- example, the trilinear Higgs boson self-coupling – a pa-
tive calculations, which in some cases now reach the rameter which is crucial to probe the mechanism of EW
N3 LO level, non-perturbative effects might become symmetry breaking – is expected to be constrained with
relevant, also in inclusive observables. Moreover, in an uncertainty of 50% after the HL-LHC runs, as shown
the case of measurements dealing with hadronic fi- in Figure 14.9.2, while a combination of FCC-ee and
nal states, the poor control of the hadronization HL-LHC results could reach a precision of about 30%,
stage limits the precision that can be attained, thereby and a future hadron collider operating at a center-of-
potentially affecting the extraction of important pa- mass energy of 100 TeV could achieve a clear measure-
rameters, such as the top quark mass. ment with a precision of about 5% [4782]. Similar argu-
ments hold for other quantities that are important to
Acknowledgements 565

probe the SM at an unprecedented level of precision, Another goal was to produce a coherent discussion
such as the W -boson mass, the couplings of the Higgs useful for new Ph.D’s and postdocs. Here we know our
boson to light fermions, or the line-shape and therefore efforts were only partially successful. There was never
the total width of the Higgs boson [4783]. enough time to fully coordinate all of the contributions,
Apart from the potential of future lepton colliders and we are sure you will find many places where more
to find hints for new phenomena through a scrutiny of cross references would have been helpful. Again, it is up
the Higgs sector and other SM particles and interac- to our intended audience to judge the extent to which
tions, they offer new possibilities to search for physics we were successful.
beyond the SM, including the production of dark mat- Finally, as we reflect back on this effort, we realize
ter particles at colliders, taking advantage from the fact that the timing of this volume was more urgent that
that the final state can be fully reconstructed. Direct we realized at the start. Fifty years is a long time, and
searches for additional gauge bosons, such as Z 0 , or for many who have made important contributions to the
heavy neutral leptons, could also shed light on the flavor subject are no longer alive. This was never more appar-
anomalies, thereby providing complementary informa- ent than when we learned of Harald Fritzsch’s untimely
tion to experiments at lower energies, to give just some death on August 16. We were delighted when he ac-
examples. Finally, FCC-hh energies would give access cepted our invitation to write his contribution, guided
to a huge, so far uncharted energy range and parton by his early and helpful suggestions, and surprised at
kinematic region, offering the possibility of a direct pro- how quickly he completed his work. His contribution
duction of so far unknown particles. was among those that were completed very early and
This review shows how multi-faceted QCD is, as well could serve as examples for other contributors.
as its embedding in the SM. The quest to answer funda- Both of us learned a lot about QCD as we edited
mental questions about matter, its interactions and, on the contributions and participated in the discussions.
a large scale, the origin and evolution of the Universe, This was a great pleasure, for which we thank all of the
needs to be addressed by a diverse experimental pro- contributors.
gramme, and high-energy colliders are just one part of
it. However, they offer the unique possibility to produce
particles that are simply inaccessible by other means in Acknowledgements
a controlled way. Therefore, high energy colliders form
an important building block in a coordinated global ef- The help of many people is acknowledged: Chiara Mar-
fort towards a more complete theory of fundamental iotti thanks A.C. Marini and A. Mecca; Per Grafstrom
interactions, where the Standard Model might be em- thanks Peter Jenni, Valery Khoze and Mikhail Ryskin
bedded as a sub-part, as much as QCD today is embed- who were kind enough to read his text and given him
ded in the Standard Model. many useful comments and suggestions to improve his
contribution; Andreas Schafer thanks the University
of the Basque Country, Bilbao for hospitality; Mikhail
Postscript Shifman is grateful to Alexander Khodjamirian, Alexan-
der Lenz and Blaženka Melić for very useful discus-
This volume tries to give a comprehensive and balanced sions and comments; S. Kumano thanks A. Dote, M.
view of the progress in the development of QCD since Kitazawa, K. Ozawa, S. Sawada, T. Takahashi, M. Tak-
its inception. To do so presented many challenges: are izawa, and S. Yokkaichi for suggestions on the J-PARC
all important topics adequately covered, are all oppos- experiments; Stanley J. Brodsky, Guy F. de Téramond
ing views represented, and is all important work in- and Hans Günter Dosch are grateful to Tianbo Liu,
cluded? As the volume was being developed, we often Raza Sabbir Sufian and Alexandre Deur, who have greatly
added new material that our conveners suggested (see contributed to the new applications of the holographic
the title page for the names of the conveners). This ideas reviewed in this volume. Eberhard Klempt and
process was greatly aided by the use of Overleaf, which Ulrike Thoma thank Andrey V. Sarantsev for many
allowed all of the contributors to follow developments. years of collaboration on meson and baryon spectroscopy.
In a real sense, this volume is the work of many peo- Peter Braun-Munzinger, Anar Rustamov, Johanna Stachel
ple who often worked together to shape the final result acknowledge continued and long-term collaboration with
even though they were under the intense pressures of Anton Andronic and Krzysztof Redlich on many of the
their very busy professional schedules. We thank all of topics described in their contribution; Daniel Britzger,
them; this volume is truly a collective effort. Still, we Klaus Rabbertz and Markus Wobish would like to thank
leave it to you to judge if we succeeded. Monica Dunford, Karl Jakobs, and Jürgen Scheins for
566 Acknowledgements

their careful reading of the manuscript; Kostas Orginos The DFG Collaborative Research Centre 315477589-
thanks Carl Carlson for many discussions on the charge TRR 211, ”Strong interaction matter under extreme
radius and Anatoly Radyushkin for many discussions conditions” (F. Karsch);
on aspects of hadron structure. Volker Burkert expresses The DFG Emmy-Nöther project NE2185/1-1: ”Spek-
his gratitude to Inna Aznauryan for many years of col- troskopie exotischer Baryonen mit LHCb” (S. Neubert)
laboration on the subject of electroproduction of nu- DFG individual grant, Project Number 455635585
cleon resonances, which has lead to many of the re- (A. Denig);
sults discussed in his contribution. He also wishes to ac- The Excellence Cluster ORIGINS (,
knowledge Victor Mokeev for numerous discussions and funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation, Ex-
collaboration on many aspects of resonance electropro- cellence Strategy, EXC-2094, 390783311 (N. Brambilla,
duction. Finally, Volker Burkert thanks Francois-Xavier A. J. Buras, A. Vairo);
Girod for contributing Fig. 9.3.10 to his section. The Helmholtz Forschungsakademie Hessen für FAIR
The editors wish to thank Brad Sawatzky for set- (HFHF) (F. Nerling, J. Stroth);
ting up the original Overleaf site and for many hours of The Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of
invaluable technical help, essential to the production of North Rhine-Westphalia (MKW NRW, Germany), project
this volume, and Nora Brambilla, Karl Jakobs, and J. ”NRW-FAIR” (S. Neubert, U. Thoma);
Peter LePage for several long discussions at the early European Research Council (ERC) under the European
stages in the preparation of this volume that influenced Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program
its structure and content. through grant agreements 771971-SIMDAMA (H. Meyer);
The editors express their gratitude to Dieter Haidt, European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innova-
the Review Editor of the European Physical Journal tion program under grant agreement STRONG-2020
C, for continuous encouragement and valuable sugges- No. 824093 (U. Thoma).
tions. The authors received funding from
Australia: Italian Ministry of Research (MIUR) under grant PRIN
National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) and the 20172LNEEZ (P. Gambino and S. Marzani)
Australian Research Council through Grants No.
DP190102215 and DP210103706 (D. Leinweber).
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grants-
PR of China: in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI):
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Grant Number 19K03830 (S. Kumano);
under Contracts Nos. 11935018, 11875054 (H-B. Li). Grant Number 18H05226(T. Iijima).
France Spain
CNRS and ANR (B. Malaescu). MINECO through the “Ramón y Cajal” program RYC-
2017-21870, the “Unit of Excellence María de Maeztu
2020-2023” award to the Institute of Cosmos Sciences
The Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
(CEX2019-000918-M) and from the grants PID2019-
(BMBF) (M. Dunford, K. Jakobs, S. Neubert, K. Rab-
105614GB-C21 and 2017-SGR-929 (J. Varto);
The Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación grant
Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung Gmb (GSI), Darm-
PID2019- 106080GB-C21 and the European Union’s
stadt, Germany (J. Messchendorp);
Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under
The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German
grant agreement No 824093 (STRONG2020) (J. R. Peláez);
Research Foundation) through the funds provided to
European Research Council project ERC-2018-ADG-
the Sino-German Collaborative Research Center TRR110
835105 YoctoLHC, by Maria de Maetzu excellence pro-
“Symmetries and the Emergence of Structure in QCD”
gram under project CEX2020-001035-M, by Spanish
(DFG Project-ID 196253076 - TRR 110) (N. Brambilla,
Research State Agency under project PID2020-119632GB-
U. Thoma, A. Vairo);
I00, and by Xunta de Galicia (Centro singular de inves-
The DFG Collaborative Research Centre “SFB 1225
tigación de Galicia accreditation 2019-2022), by Euro-
(ISOQUANT)” (P. Braun-Munzinger, A. Rustamov,
pean Union ERDF (M. Escobedo);
J. Stachel);
The Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación grant
The DFG Collaborative Research Centre 396021762 -
PID2021-122134NB-C21 and by the Generalitat Valen-
TRR 257, ”Particle Physics Phenomenology after the
ciana under grant CIPROM/2021/073 and by CSIC un-
Higgs Discovery” (G. Heinrich);
der grant LINKB20065 (M. Vos).
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