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Activity: ESSAY

1. What is Religion?
There are many definitions of religion. It is not that easy to pin down exactly what
religion is and then to insure that the definition distinguishes religion from magic and
from cults and sects. Many people offer definitions without much knowledge of the
wide range of religious phenomena and the many different cultural manifestations of
religion. It is a rather common misconception to think that religion has to do with
god, or gods and supernatural beings or a supernatural or spiritual dimension or
greater reality. None of that is absolutely necessary because there are religions that
are without those elements.

2.Give the major religions of the world. Define briefly.

The faithful make up 83% of the world's population, with the vast majority belonging
to one of the twelve classical religions: Baha'i, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism,
Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism, or Zoroastrianism.
These twelve religions represent the most important spiritual traditions that still exist
today. There are numerous lesser-known religions. However, because of how much
(or how little) different religions are represented in different communities, the
layperson may be unfamiliar with the belief systems and traditions held by religious
people all over the world. Inflatable's overviews of nine of these classical religions are
here to assist you. On our main religion page, you can learn more about religion in the
United States, as well as about atheists, agnostics, and the religiously unaffiliated.

2. How does globalization affect religion?

Another way that globalization has influenced religion is how religions have used
global communications. Religious organizations can use modern technology to recruit
new members, spread the word, and stay in touch with other members of the religion.

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