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Customs of The Tagalog’s
[Juan de Plasencia]

Submitted to : Mr. Jovito Mariñas

Submitted by : Group 1 Researchers

[Cabangcala, Kimberly H.
Dela Rosa, Dominga A.
Namoca, Apriel T.
Reotiras, Maria Rosalyn
Velicaria, Kimberly M.]

Course/ Year : BSED 1- H

Customs of the Tagalogs
Juan de Plasencia 
In this learning, you will acquire knowledge on how to Determine practices
and customs of the Tagalogs and visualize the type of community that Filipinos had
prior to the arrival of the Spaniards; Compare and contrast the pre – historic customs
of the Filipinos to the practices that the Spaniards introduced; Explain the
importance of the Customs of the Tagalogs to the grand narrative of Philippine
history; and evaluate the relevance of the document to the present time.

The Customs of the Tagalogs by Juan de Plasencia, states that Philippines has
their own culture even before Spaniards arrived, there were unwritten rules in the
society that was followed to secure peace and order in the villages, the book also
states how people treat relationships and properties with regards to the unwritten
rules of the society, it tells to the world how religious beliefs in Luzon are, they
recognizes God’s which are non-existent to the Spaniards, the Tagalogs also performs
their worships differently, the author showed his disgust of the practices and beliefs
of the Filipinos because he wishes that these beliefs should be forgotten and that
Catholicism should prevail in this society. 
The Customs of the Tagalogs is focused on practices that seemed strange to the
Spaniards, and it was all about the context of the people of Luzon. The Philippines
went through so much reformation to end up with the kind of society we are having
at the present, it led us to appreciate the cultural integration which uplifted and kept
the uniqueness of the Filipino culture, giving us the existing Filipino identity that we
live in right now.


These are the 10 Questions that come to our mind about the content of the
1. Who wrote this narrative?
2.  What aspects of Philippine society were included in the narrative? 
3.  Who are referred to as commoners? 
4. What is the name for a tribal gathering?  
5. In an intermarriage between castes, the children of Maharlika and a
commoner is classified as what? 
6. Barangays mostly comprise how many households?
7. How does the slaves could earn their freedom through? 
8.  Is it true that the woman gives the dowry to the man's family?  
9. What is the Tagalog term for worship? 
10.  A person can be a slave through what? 

As we can see in the title, The Customs of the Tagalogs written by Juan de Plasencia
revolves around the customs and the practices of the Tagalog’s or the people of
Luzon, in the eyes and hand of the Spaniards, because as we all know the author
itself is a Spanish friar who came to do a missionary work in Luzon. The book is a
compilation of the beliefs and practices of the Tagalog’s observed and that seemed
strange to the author and his comrades. The title itself revealed that it was made
from the people of Luzon, which was then called Tagalog’s during that time, how
their traditions were made, how they are implemented, how it works and its bright
and dark side. In our opinion the Spaniards studied the people of Luzon is because
they are plotting a plan how are they are going to influence and colonize the

The account was able to describe the Governing system of the native
Filipinos during those times, led by a Datu. The Datu’s executive functions includes
implementing lwas, ensuring peace and order in the Barangay, and giving protection
to his subjects. The Datu is also the captain in their wars. Datu’s govern 30- 100
The   tribal   gathering   in Tagalog   is   called   the   barangay. Natives inferred
that the reason for giving themselves this name arose from the boat as they reached
this land. The primary account included a detailed description of the caste system  
within   the   barangay   consisting   of   three   social   classes: nobles (Maharlika),
commoners (Aliping Namamahay), and slaves (Aliping Sagigilid), as well as their
functions and limitations within and outside of the barangay. In terms of dowries and
marriage between individuals of the same and   different (Maharlika   and   Alipin),
social   class, rules   and customs were also heavily described.

The   Male   usually   gives   dowries   to   the   parents   of   the   female.

Plasencia’s account also   presented rules in terms of dowries in case of divorce. The
primary source thoroughly discussed the division of children between spouses or two
different barangays (if the couple came from different barangays). It   holds   a  
comprehensive   record   of   the   rules   in   assigning   a child’s social status
depending on the parents' status.
Plasencia supplied a detailed description of the rules and regulations in terms
of the division of inheritances. Laws, sentences, and punishment for individuals at-
fault within the barangay were also presented and between two barangays, like in
birth and marriage. The Tagalogs have no consecrated temples for the worship of
their idols. However, they have the name "simbahan," meaning a place of adoration,
when they wish to do a feast, called "pandot" or “worship" in a large house of the
chief. The account provided information about the worship of the Tagalogs. They use
drums which beat the feast, and during this time, the barangay or family unite to
worship, which they called "nagaanitos." The Tagalogs also have series of idols whom
they worship for settings. Bathala means signify "all-powerful," or "maker of all
things," which they worship the most. 

They tend to look at omens at what they meet and practice divination to show
their luck. The account was able to show that the Natives have no established
division of years, months, and days; only their cognition of sun-time and water-time
Determined time through land cultivation by phases of the moon, seasons of fruits,
flowers, and leaves they are yielding. The Tagalogs also have a manner in adoration,
offering, and sacrifice, depicted in the document. There is a proclamation of feast
and offering to the devil of what they had to eat. Adoration is done in front of an
idol, which they anoint with fragrant oil from musk, civet, or gum and aromatic
woods. The Tagalogs have an officiating priest or priestess do the poetic singing and
responding people, the "Catalonan".


Fray Juan de Plasencia, also known by his real name, Joan de Portacarrero, was one
of the seven children of Pedro Portacarrero. He was born and raised in Extremadura,
Spain in the 16th century during the country’s Golden Age (Siglo de Oro).

As a friar of the Franciscan order, de Plasencia performed missionary and

sacerdotal duties in numerous towns in Luzon. He was also credited with the
foundation of many towns in Quezon, Laguna, Rizal, and Bulacan. His interaction with
Tagalog converts to Christianity influenced by him in authoring the book Relacion de
las Costumbres de los Tagalogs (Customs of the Tagalogs, 1589). The book finds the
political, social, economic, and cultural systems that were already in place among
Filipino communities prior to the arrival of the Spaniards. He was dedicated to lead a
lifestyle devoid of luxury and to be in constant contact with people he wanted to
convert to Christianity. 

He wanted people to easily understand the Catholic Church for them to

willingly accept the Catholic Faith. As such, he was honored by the Franciscan Order
with the title “Venerable”. He died in Liliw, Laguna in 1590.

Some part of our review was coming from Primary Sources, like our Introduction.
The Hypothesis is Primary because we originally made it and did not copy from
something or someone. Our content was a Secondary Source since it was coming
from the internet. The Authorship was also found on the internet, so it is a Secondary
Source. The reference is to be followed. 


a.) Give an interpretation or idea of secondary source
  - The secondary source give evaluated analyzed and interpreted idea about the
primary   source which is the Customs of Tagalog about our topic.

b.) Evidence presented by the source

DATU - this is a title which denotes the rulers.

TIMAWA - The feudal warrior class, they were higher than slaves and are like Tagalog 
Maharlika caste.
       Aliping Namamahay - servant that live in their own little houses under property
of Datu,  Maharlika and Raja.

C.) Observation

- The Customs of the Tagalogs is a great representation for us about the

traditions, cultures, and system in the Philippines even before the Spanish
colonization. Customs of the Tagalogs is a part, chapter, or subsection of a long
monograph written by Juan de Plasencia to express his observation of the Philippines
during his expedition in the early sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The account
was able to describe the governing system of native Filipinos at the time which was
led by a Datu. Plasencia provided a detailed description of the rules and regulation in
terms of the division of inheritance. The account included a detailed description of
the caste system within the barangay consisting of three social classes mainly the
Maharlika, Commoners, and slave. The source also thoroughly discusses the terms of
dowries and marriage between individuals of the same and different social classes.
D.) Findings and conclusion of selected sources

-This is a collection of primary sources that significantly contributed to the

shaping of Philippine history. It analyses the significance of primary sources to the
grand narrative of the history of Filipino people by providing concrete facts and
details coming from first – hand witnesses of the country’s specific historic events.
These primary sources are arranged in a way that they chronologically narrate past
events. Each source is analyzed by its content and context. The historical significance
of the text is likewise determined, and the purpose and objective of the author are
also studied.


0. Significance of primary source to Philippine History

 Primary sources serve as our window into history.
  Primary source signifies artifacts, documents that provide first-person
accounts or concrete information pertaining to the past.
  A credible source of information about Philippine History.

B. Contribution of primary source to the Philippine History

 Primary sources help people realize that there are events like those
mentioned that happened in the past.
 Primary sources connect us from past events.
 Primary sources provide researchers for the closest possible representation of
what transpired in Philippine History.

C. Impact of primary source to the society

  The primary sources provide first-hand information about events from the
past that shape the society.
  Primary sources provide critical perspective that support the society in
interpreting how past events

X. REFERENCE  (pp. 165-187) 


Cabangcala Kimberly H. 

Dela Rosa Dominga A.

Namoca Apriel T.

Reotiras Maria Rosalyn 

Velicaria Kimberly M. 

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