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Using technology in the classroom can bring many benefits to the students.

boards, clickers, cloud applications, and student laptops are changing the way
they learn. As technology improves, more and more opportunities grow for
students to learn in ways like never before. There are several unique benefits of
technology in the classroom.

Being online means students using technology have a library at their fingertips at
all times. A quick Google search can provide them with information and answers
that they need right at that moment. At the same time, classroom forums and
social media provide a stream of information that can be useful to the student.
They can easily have access to school announcements. Teachers can even
communicate lessons and other school-related messages through technology.

One of the most effective uses of technology is in collaboration. Take for example
a group project. In the past, students were able to work on a project together in
school. They can also set a time and date where they can meet up outside school
premises such as in one of their homes. But today, with students using
technology, they can collaborate all the time. Working together, from peer
discussions to formal group projects, has a positive impact on the development of
higher-level thinking, communication skills, and subject retention. 

Because students have access to a wealth of information, it actually promotes

them to self-learn. This is especially true if they are engaged with the subject
matter. With a laptop, a tablet computer, or a smartphone, the student is
essentially empowered to learn and guide themselves through all this
information. This turns them from passive listeners to active participants in their
own education. They can choose which information to digest.

Finally, technology has come a long way from the humble chalk to the powerful
smartphone. This has opened the doors for opportunities to improve focus and
learning. However, this has also opened the door to certain risks and
vulnerabilities, especially for students using technology.
Far, far away there is a land above where any good soul may enter, This land is a
resting place for all who escape reality. There is nothing that cannot be done in
this land because all time, stress, worry, and hate is non-existent Love is shown by
every single body that roams in this dreamland, People frolics in this wondrous
land with joy and happiness.

For anyone who enters there is an ultimate reward, but only you can find it deep
within yourself and only you will understand its meaning. This mystical realm is a
place where no one is left feeling alone or scared. It's a land that makes reality
look like hell Waterfalls whoosh downward to blend with their streams of
beautiful sparkling blue.

These streams slither like snakes all across the green terrain where they are
splashed in by the smallest innocent children. While elders watch these small
miracles in their pool of excitement, they jump and play in their own games for
there is no pain in this world. Surrounded by trees there is a large field that is
coated like fresh paint with red, orange, and yellow colour flowers which vibrantly
burn throughout the year. Everyone has their own spot that they are fond of. This
fiery field is my favorite place to be. It's the one place in this land where I feel like
I can be myself.

Many-people-enter this graceful home, but some people never take the chance.

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