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Year 8 Biology Revision

1.What is the difference between breathing and respiration?

Breathing is an exchange of gases.

Respiration is a reaction in the cells to release energy.

2.Write out the equation for respiration.

Glucose + oxygen -> carbon dioxide + water + ENERGY

3.What part of the air do we take into our blood and why?

Oxygen - needed for respiration in cells - it is carried by red blood cells


4.What do we breathe out that is a waste product from respiration?

Carbon Dioxide (dissolved in plasma in blood)

5.Where does carbon dioxide come from?

Respiration in cells, waste product

6.What carries the oxygen in our blood?

Haemoglobin in red blood cells

7.What is the function of white blood cells in our body?

to fight disease - two type: lymphocytes make antibodies, and phagocytes

digest germs
8.What vessesl carry blood away from the heart?


9.What vessels carry blood back to our heart?


10.What is the name of the vessel that has thin walls, which helps food,
oxygen and waste pass through to neighbouring cells?


11.What are the 7 nutrients required for a balanced diet?


12.Where does digestion start in our bodies?

in our mouth

13.Why is it dangerous to eat too much saturated fat in our diet?

It can lead to deposits of fat in our blood vessels, which can cause heart
attacks; also leads to obesity

14.Why do we need to chew our food?

To mix it with saliva to make it easier to swallow and to make it into smaller
bits to ease digestion

15.What breaks down food molecules in our alimentary canal?


16.Why do foods need to be broken down in our alimentary canal?

So that they are soluble and small enough to dissolve into the blood stream

17.What do carbohydrates give us in our bodies?

Glucose - needed for energy

18.What do proteins give us in our bodies?

Amino acids - needed for growth, repair of cells

19.What do fats give us in our bodies?

fatty acids and glycerol - energy and insulation of cells

20.Why is our stomach pH2 (give 2 reasons)?

Kill bacteria
help digestion of protein
21.Why is the small intestine so good at absorbing food? (give 3 reasons) is long and thus has a very large surface area

2. thin lining
3. good blood supply

22.What do our kidneys do in our body?

Remove waste chemicals from the blood, urea

23. What does a lack of Vitamin C cause?


24.What type of food fixes scurvy?

Citrus fruits, watercress

25.What does the lack of calcium cause?


26.What type of food will fix rickets disease?

fish, dairy products

27.What is the test for starch?

Brown iodine solution -> blue/black

28.What is meant by egestion?

getting rid of solid waste products from digestion

29.What is meant by excretion?

Getting rid of waste chemicals from reaction in cells

30.What is the test for CO2 and how do you know if CO2 is present?

Limewater goes from clear to cloudy

31.What are the three main functions of the skeleton?

Support, movement and protection

32.What do antagonistic muscles mean?

Muscles that work in pairs, but in opposite direction\

33.What is a ligament?

Tissue which attaches bones together

34.What is a tendon?

Tissue which attaches muscles to bones

35.Where does fertilisation occur in a human?


36.Where does pollination occur on a plant?


37.Where does fertilization occur in a plant?


38.What is the function of the flower on a plant?


39.Why do plant seeds have to be dispersed?

To improve the chances of survival for the plant

40.Name the 4 types of seed dispersal.

Animal, wind, water, explosion (self dispersal)

41.Explain pollination

the transfer of pollen from anther to stigma

42.Explain fertilization

the fusing of male and female sex cells

43.Explain how the fruit is formed

the ovary swells

44.What are the three conditions needed for germination?

warmth, water, oxygen

45.Where is sperm deposited if fertilization is to occur in humans?


46.Where are sperm produced in male humans?


47.Where are eggs produced in female humans?


48.After fertilisation occurs in a plant, what is the ovule and pollen called?


49.What does a zygote in a plant develop into?


50.What does the ovary in a plant develop into?


51.Why has the egg have a yolk in humans?

to provide the developing zygote with a food source

52.What is the fertilized egg in a human called after fertilization?


53.What is a developing baby nourished by?


54.What are the two main substances transferred from the mother to the

oxygen and food

55.What are the two main substances that are transferred from the foetus
to the mother?

carbon dioxide and urea

56.What are the three harmful substances in smoking?

Nicotine, carbon monoxide and tar

57.What are three diseases that smoking can cause?

lung cancer, emphysema, bronchitis

58.Name one bacterial disease and one caused by a virus.

Bacteria -- salmonella, pneumonia, tuberculosis
Virus -- chicken pox, flu, AIDS, measles

59.What are the four factors that affect photosynthesis?

sunlight, heat, water, and carbon dioxide

60.Write the word equation for photosynthesis

carbon dioxide + water -> glucose + oxygen

(sunlight and chlorophyll over the arrow)

61.Explain how we could test a leaf to see if it contains starch.

boil it in water (soften cuticle), place in hot ehtanol (to remove chlorophyll),
rinse, use iodine solution

62.Describe an experiment where we showed that oxygen is produced in


using pondweed - by placing upturned funnel and test tube to collect gas -
relights glowing splint

63.How did we show that by increasing light intensity we increased the rate
of photosynthesis?
counting the bubbles produced by pondweed as light was moved closer,
the rate increased
64.What is the function of chloroplasts - where will you find most of them in
a plant?

they contain chlorophyll to trap sunlight for photosynthesis - they are

found mainly in palisade cells in top of leaf

65.What are the functions of leaves?

to absorb sunlight for photosynthesis and gas exchange

66.What are the functions of stems?

to support leaves, provide structure

67.What are the functions of roots?

o absorb water and minerals and anchor plant

68.What are the functions of root hair?

to increase surface area of root to absorb water

69.What are the three minerals needed for growth of plants?

nitrogen, potassium, and phosphates

70.How does carbon get from the air into animal cells?
by plants photosynthesising, animals eating plants and digestion of food
into blood stream
71.How does nitrogen get into the soil?

Decomposition of dead and decaying organisms.

72.What is pollution?

Carbon dioxide adding to global warming. CFC's reducing the ozone layer.
Sulphur dioxide leading to acid rain.

73.What is meant by environmental variation?

Variation in organisms that is affected by how things live, eat, schooling,

etc. (eg. weight)

74.What is the function of the nucleus?

To control the production of proteins in the cell and control the function of
the cell. It determines characteristics as it contains genes.

75.What is a chromosome?

Inside a nucleus, there are pairs of threadlike chromosomes (23 pairs in


76.What do chromosomes do?

Carry genes which determine our characteristics

77.Where do you find chromosomes?

In pairs inside the nucleus of each cell (except gametes - sex cells, which
only contain half of the genetic information)

78.How many chromosomes does a human have?

23 pairs or 46

79.How many chromosomes does an egg and sperm have? and why

23 single chromosomes, so that when fertilisation occurs, the new cell has
a complete set

80.What is a gene?

Genes are made up of DNA and carry genetic information, they are like
beads on a necklace

81.Name the five kingdoms.

Animal, Plant, Bacteria, Fungi and Single-celled organisms

82.Name the five vertebrate (chordate) phylums and 2 characteristics for

each phylum.

Mammal - fur and give birth to live young (feed milk)

Bird - feathers, lay hard shelled eggs

Fish - gills, soft scales, soft eggs laid in water

Amphibian - slimy damp skin, soft eggs laid in water

Reptile - hard scales, leathery eggs laid on land

83.What is the difference between arachnids and insects?

Insect - 3 pairs legs, 3 body parts, wings, antennae

Arachnid - 4 pairs legs, 2 body parts, no antennae

84.Draw a food chain

seeds -> mouse -> owl

85.Name two habitats that you have studied and write about how you
investigated the organism in that habitat.

Pond - pond dipping

Woodland – quadrats

86.Chose one habitat and show how you would estimate the population of
one animal.

Revise how to carry out sample of organism – quadrats

87.Explain how you would set up a microscope to look at a specimen

already prepared for you.

Mirror in the correct place, place the slide on stage and clip into place. Put
nto lowest magnification, wind focus down to the lowest and focus
upwards (so as not to damage slide) use coarse focus first and then fine
focus. Change objective lens to increase magnification.
88.How would you prepare a specimen to look at under a microscope?

Take a thin piece of onion skin, plce flat on clean slide, stain with iodine
solution and place cover slip over the top (ensure no air bubbles). For
human or other cells, use methylene blue as the stain.

89.How are cilated epithelial cells adapted to carry out their job in the lining
of the windpipe?

They have small hairs which have a coating of mucus which traps germs
and then beat in a rythm to pass the mucus up and out of the windpipe.

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