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Test C: Total marks 60

Cranleigh Abu Dhabi

Year 12 November Test (C)

Pure Mathematics
Name: _______________________________________
Teachers: _____________________________________
o Calculators are allowed.
o You must ensure that your answers to parts of questions are in the correct area.
o You must show sufficient working to make your methods clear.
o Answers without working may not gain full credit. When a question asks you to
‘show that’ this implies each stage of working must be shown.
o The maximum mark for this test is 60.

Question Mark
1 /6
2 /11
3 /6
4 /7
5 /4
6 /7
7 /9
8 /5
9 /9
Test C: Total marks 60
Year 12 – February Test: 1 hour 20 minutes


a Explain briefly what you understand by the following statistical terms:

i population
ii sampling frame
iii sampling unit.
(3 marks)

b Jean stands outside a shopping centre in December in order to find out how much
people spend on Christmas presents each year. She asks the first 20 shoppers who
agree to be interviewed.

i Give the name of the sampling method being used.

ii Write down two criticisms of Jean’s sampling method.
(3 marks)

Test C: Total marks 60
(Total for Question 1 is 6 marks)
Date Heathrow Camborne
01/06/1987 6 17
Test C: Total marks 60
2. 02/06/1987 6 18
03/06/1987 7 9
04/06/1987 5 9
05/06/1987 7 10
06/06/1987 15 10
07/06/1987 9 9
08/06/1987 4 12
09/06/1987 3 11
10/06/1987 4 11
11/06/1987 3 15
12/06/1987 3 8
13/06/1987 4 8
14/06/1987 4 7

The table shows the recordings for the daily mean wind speeds (kn) taken during the
first two weeks in June 1987 at Heathrow and Camborne.

a Using your calculator of otherwise, calculate the mean and standard deviation of
the wind speeds in Camborne for these two weeks.
(2 marks)
b For Heathrow, 𝑥̅ = 5.71 (3 significant figures). Using your knowledge of the large
data set, suggest a reason for the differences in the means.
(1 mark)
c For Camborne, calculate the values of the median, lower quartile and upper
(3 marks)

d An outlier is an observation that falls either 1.5 ×(inter-quartile range) above the
upper quartile or 1.5 × (inter-quartile range) below the lower quartile. Use this
definition to identify any potential outliers for Camborne.
(2 marks)
e On the graph paper provided draw a box plot for the Camborne data.
(3 marks)
Test C: Total marks 60
Test C: Total marks 60

(Total for Question 2 is 11 marks)

Test C: Total marks 60

The diagram above shows a histogram for the variable t which represents the time
taken, in minutes, by a group of people to swim 500 m.

a Find the probability that a randomly selected swimmer took longer than 20
minutes to swim 500 m.
(2 marks)
b Estimate the probability that a randomly selected swimmer took between 7 and 15
minutes to swim 500 m.
(3 marks)
c Give a reason why your answer to part b is only an estimate.
(1 mark)

Test C: Total marks 60
(Total for Question 3 is 6 marks)
Test C: Total marks 60
4. A discrete random variable 𝑥 has a Binomial distribution B(30, 𝑝). A single
observation is used to test 𝐻0 : 𝑝 = 0.3 against 𝐻1 : 𝑝 ≠ 0.3.

a Using a 1% level of significance find the critical region of this test. You should state
the probability of rejection in each tail which should be as close as possible to 0.005.
(5 marks)
b The value of the observation was found to be 15. Comment on this finding in light
of your critical region.
(2 marks)
Test C: Total marks 60
(Total for Question 4 is 7 marks)
Test C: Total marks 60


5. Prove that the difference of the squares of two consecutive odd integers is
divisible by 8.

(Total for Question 5 is 4 marks)
Test C: Total marks 60
a Show that the equation
4 sin2 𝜃 − cos2 𝜃 = 8 sin 𝜃 + 3
can be written in the form
5 sin2 𝜃 − 8sin 𝜃 − 4 = 0
(2 marks)
b Hence solve
4 sin2 𝜃 − cos 2 𝜃 = 8 sin 𝜃 + 3 , 0 ≤ 𝜃 ≤ 360
(5 marks)

Test C: Total marks 60
(Total for Question 6 is 7 marks)
Test C: Total marks 60
y B

(3, 1)

O x
A (1, –2)

The points 𝐴 and 𝐵 lie on a circle with centre 𝑃, as shown in the diagram above.
The point 𝐴 has coordinates (1, – 2) and the mid-point 𝑀 of 𝐴𝐵 has coordinates
(3, 1). The line 𝑙 passes through the points 𝑀 and 𝑃.

a Find an equation for 𝑙.

(4 marks)

Given that the 𝑥 −coordinate of 𝑃 is 6,

b use your answer to part a to show that the 𝑦 −coordinate of 𝑃 is – 1,

(1 mark)
c find an equation for the circle.
(4 marks)

Test C: Total marks 60
(Total for Question 7 is 9 marks)
Test C: Total marks 60
8. The vector (𝑘𝐢 − √3𝑘𝐢) has magnitude 10.

a Find the possible values of 𝑘.

(2 marks)
b Given that 𝑘 < 0, find the angle the vector (𝑘𝐢 − √3𝑘𝐢) makes with the vector i.
(3 marks)

(Total for Question 8 is 5 marks)
Test C: Total marks 60


The diagram shows the curve with the equation 𝑦 = 𝑥 3 − 5𝑥 2 − 8𝑥 + 12.

The curve crosses the x-axis at the points 𝐵, 𝐶 and 𝐷. Given that 𝐶 has coordinates
(1, 0). Find the coordinates of the points 𝐵 and 𝐷.

Test C: Total marks 60
(Total for Question 9 is 5 marks)

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