Reviewer in Mathematics in Modern World

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REVIEWER IN MATHEMATICS IN In logic, an argument is defined as any

MODERN WORLD – GNED 03 group of statements or propositions, one

of which is claimed to follow from the
others, which are then alleged to
provide basis for the truth of that one.
BINARY - the term binary means
consisting of two parts. Formality - Formality is a relational
concept: an expression can be more or
Binary Operations - a rule for less formal relative to another
combining two values to produce a new expression, entailing an ordering of
value. expressions; yet, no expression can be
absolutely formal or absolutely informal.
A binary operation f(x, y) is an
operation that applies to two quantities A formal expression is completely formal
or expressions x and y. There are many when it is context- independent, non-
binary operations on real numbers. fuzzy and precise, that is, it represents a
Such operations take two real numbers clear distinction which is invariant under
and create another real number. changes of context.

On the set of real numbers R, f(a, b) = a Mathematical Reasoning- enables a

+ b is a binary operation since the sum student to use all other mathematical
of two real numbers is a real number. skills.

On the set of natural numbers N, f (a, b) Inductive reasoning- refers to the

= a + b is a binary operation since the process of making generalized
sum of two natural numbers is a natural decisions after observing, and/or
number. This is a different binary witnessing repeated specific instances
operation than the previous one since of something.
the sets are different.
The conclusion formed by using
On the set M (2, 2) of 2 x 2 matrices inductive reasoning is often called a
with real entries, f(A, B) = A + B is a conjecture, since it may or may not be
binary operation since the sum of two correct.
such matrices is another 2 x 2 matrix.
Galileo Galilei (1564– 1642)- He used
Elementary Logic - Logic is the science inductive reasoning to discover that the
of formal principles of reasoning or time required for a pendulum to
correct inference. Mathematical logic is complete one swing, called the period of
the study of reasoning in mathematics. the pendulum
Mathematical reasoning is deductive,
meaning it consists of drawing Deductive reasoning
conclusions from given hypotheses.
refers to the process of taking the Interval level of measurement- ranks
information gathered from general data, and precise differences between
observations and making specific units of measure do exist; however,
decisions based on that information the there is no meaningful zero
process of reaching a conclusion by
applying general assumptions, Ratio level of measurement-
procedures, or principles. possesses all the characteristics of
interval measurement, and there exists
deductive reasoning- Some logic a true zero. In addition, true ratios exist
puzzles can be solved by using when the same variable is measured on
deductive reasoning and a chart that two different members of the population.
enables us to display the given
information in a visual manner. DATA IS OFTEN COLLECTED VIA
general, proofs done in this manner are - Telephone Surveys
not always true. - Mailed Questionnaire
- Personal Interview
DEDUCTIVE REASONING- general to - Internet Survey
specific, proofs done in this manner are
always true. Sampling Techniques- Researchers
use samples to collect data and
POLYA’S FOUR STEP TO PROBLEM information about a particular variable
SOLVING from a population. Samples save time,
money, and may actually allow a
- Understand the problem researcher to collect better information.
- Devise a plan Samples need to be representative of
- Carry out the plan the population or they are meaningless
- Look back in drawing conclusions about the
Measurement scales- nominal, ordinal, population. Sampling must be done in a
interval, and ratio way that the samples are unbiased—
that each subject in the population has
Nominal level of measurement- an equal chance of being in the sample.
classifies data into mutually exclusive
(non-overlapping) categories in which - Random sampling- everyone or
no order or ranking can be imposed on everything from the population
the data. has the same chance of being
selected for the sample.
Ordinal level of measurement- - Systematic sampling- selects
classifies data into categories that can every kth subjects
be ranked; however, precise differences
between the ranks do not exist
- Convenience sampling- select Independent Variable- the variable
subjects that are convenient for that is being manipulated by the
the researcher. researcher (also called the explanatory
- Stratified sampling- divide variable).
population into groups (called
strata) Dependent Variable- the response to
- Cluster sampling- divides the independent variable or the result of
population into group called the explanatory variable (also called the
cluster by some means such as response or outcome variable).
geographic area, school district, DATA PRESENTATION- An essential
etc. step before further statistical analysis is
Observational study- the researcher carried out
merely observes what is happening or Data are summarized and displayed
what has happened in the past and tries enabling researchers, managers and
to draw conclusions based on these decision-makers to observe important
observations. features of the data and provide insight
Experimental study- the researcher into the type of model and analysis that
manipulates one of the variables and should be used.
tries to determine how the manipulation Text presentation- Text is the main
influences other variables. method of conveying information as it is
Experiments have at least two used to explain results and trends and
groups: provide contextual information.

Treatment Group- the group(s) in the Using text to present data, is

sample that receives a treatment or fundamentally the use of paragraphs or
experimental condition. sentences.

Control Group- the group in the sample Text can be used to provide
that is treated identically in all respects interpretation or emphasize certain data.
to the treatment group EXCEPT that Tables- A table shows the raw data
they don’t receive the active treatment. presented in rows and columns. It is
Placebo- a treatment that looks like a designed to simplify the presentation
real drug but has no active ingredient and to facilitate quick comparison.

Placebo Effect- when people take a A table shows all data at once and is
placebo and it works like the treatment Precise too. However, when using a
or better. table for data presentation, it can be
hard to interpret or see patterns
Classification used in tabulation is of FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION- the
four kinds: organization of raw data in table form,
using classes and frequencies
- Qualitative
- Temporal and DISTRIBUTIONS- used for data that
- Spatial can be placed in specific categories,
such as nominal- or ordinal-level data.
Diagrams- a translates quite effectively
the highly abstract ideas contained in GROUPED FREQUENCY
numbers into more concrete and easily DISTRIBUTIONS- When the range of
comprehensible form may be less the data is large, the data must be
accurate but are much more effective grouped into classes that are more than
than tables in presenting the data. one unit in width

There are various kinds of diagrams MEASURES OF CENTRAL

in common use; TENDENCY- UNGROUPED DATA; -
statistic a characteristic or measure
- Geometric diagram obtained by using the data values from
- Frequency diagram a sample parameter
- Arithmetic line graph
a characteristic or measure obtained by
Geometric Diagram- Bar diagram and using all the data values from a specific
pie diagram come in the category of population.
geometric diagram
Measures of average- are also called
Frequency Diagram- Data in the form measures of central tendency and
of grouped frequency distributions are include the mean, median, mode, and
generally represented by frequency midrange.
diagrams like histogram, frequency
polygon, frequency curve and ogive. measures of variation, or measures
of dispersion- The measures that
Arithmetic Line Graph- An arithmetic determine the spread of the data values
line graph is also called time series range, variance, and standard deviation
graph. In this graph, time(hour,
day/date, week, month, year, etc.) is Mean- also known as the arithmetic
plotted along x-axis and the value of the average, is found by adding the values
variable (time series data) along y-axis. of the data and dividing by the total
number of values the sum of the values,
It helps in understanding the trend, divided by the total number of values.
periodicity, etc., in a long term time The symbol x̅ represents the sample
series data. mean.
Median- the midpoint of the data array. Variance- the average of the squares of
The symbol for the median is MD. the distance each value is from the
mean. The symbol for the population
Mode- The value that occurs most often variance is σ2 (σ is the Greek lowercase
in a data set; letter sigma).
Unimodal - A data set that has only one The formula for the population variance
value that occurs with the greatest is where
X = individual value
bimodal - If a data set has two values
that occur with the same greatest μ = population mean
frequency, both values are considered
to be the mode and the data set N = population size

multimodal - If a data set has more standard deviation- the square root of
than two values that occur with the the variance. The symbol for the
same greatest frequency, each value is population standard deviation is σ. The
used as the mode, and the data set corresponding formula for the population
standard deviation is.
Midrange- the sum of the lowest and
highest values in the data set, divided Coefficient of Variation- denoted by
by 2. Then symbol MR is used for the CVar, is the standard deviation divided
midrange by the mean. The result is expressed as
a percentage.
Weighted Mean- The weighted mean of
the n numbers x1, x2 x3, ..., xn with the
respective assigned weights w1, w2,
w3, ... wn is. where Σ(x*w) is the sum of
the products formed by multiplying each
number by its assigned weight, and Σw
is the sum of all weights.



Range- the highest value minus the

lowest value. The symbol R is used for
the range.

R = highest value - lowest value

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