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3I -9 POWER MEASU- UITAL X'TER _the_measumement of 3-2 a haxtow's potentiat Taans foamea:| amethod = 4-2 UVoxiac 3-4 Suppty ,1- 4 wattmeter, 0 wlotmeten, 3-8 Stax Connected Load Connecting Wiaes + Ommeiea, Vottmetea » potentiat {8ensFfoxmex. # Appaatus i! A Theoay * me Boston! menswaing the Cn’ ciacutt »_tatth the_Load, deta Connected _, Which + invorve the pxouision of an GatiFidal | point and in Which the talot+meten ques There ose two attemative methods _| ,one_using PT oF 1:1 Yatio, M the | two Cuments — = car # potentia£ Taanstoamea Method i Fig..Ca),.cb) shows Connection diagzam and _phasox dtagaam respectively oF Potentian _Ttanstanmex methad oF meacwatng => £10, 20, £30 axe the phase Voltages of the| Svpnty ¥E2,12 MIs the tine Cuaszents. thell three Uostages Mt thyee Cuarents axe_equat in | a_batonced System , ag axe aise phase angies o, 2 = the Cuanent Coit_at the wi lattmetes Conates the cuaxent Iz, whe the Voltage applied to the | Potential Collis the Uectox distememce hetaeen | of line Wottages Ep, &/ Egy Caeveased). These tao | Uiotiages aap equal , 5 the p either of them & thelr Wectoa_ditteaence €! is 301 {is _theaetoae in phase (wii 1e_betucen_¢' 8 Te ne ri ee LZ i Tne _(alot+metex meosvaes el. Now , if Eto = Ep jo E 2 ae Wake 2 Ele VF ED = WB xnfGe = | => thi in_is ‘mean | ciacult pL 0a weason | # puoce = Connect = Connect OF Ua j= Now ay | —Connectex Powea i Uotrage Incxease 2tadings, owe the twowmerex | 1@ Cane MEDD) ade ts. the | of the tofok power in the batenced 2atia taaox 8 phase angie of the course, Neglected in the abave 4 % procedyse the clacuit a6 pea cixcuit diagaam. veply © odfust 10 U with the hetp | | ‘oad _cuaxent by Uoaying 3a Staa| + then Note daum the anes ponding 7dlanted by twa_twlattmetex, Commespanding! Cuazert. the load & natedoun the Coanesy M.S, UNIVERSITY (of obseavation Tahte t= me tamer Bagiow's _ Cw) Cofculated power| | BE, 00g, Cwatt) 20x 4 310 Bo. oe 504 72 407.03 31.36 0.95, 1138. 6S , om abaue expeximent_we| tan_Sey that By bastow?s method we Gon —méasuze 3-8 power by 1-2 watt eter | With the hetp of patenting Trans foxmex |

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