Exergo-Economic Analysis of Micro Pin Fin Heat Sinks (International Journal of Energy Research, Vol. 35, Issue 11) (2011)

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Int. J. Energy Res. 2011; 35:1004–1013

Published online 27 July 2010 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI: 10.1002/er.1751

Exergo-economic analysis of micro pin fin heat sinks

Ali Kos-ar,y

Mechatronics Engineering Program, Sabanci University, Tuzla, Istanbul 34956, Turkey

A parametric study of thermoeconomic performance over four micro pin fin heat sinks of different spacing and
shapes was conducted. Unit cost per product exergy, relative cost difference, and exergo-economic factor were
utilized to evaluate the thermoeconomic performance. The effect of working fluid on the thermoeconomic
performance was also investigated using R-123 and water as working fluids. Unit costs per product exergy were
obtained to evaluate the product costs (total exergy change between exit and inlet streams) in micro pin fin heat
sinks at fixed mass flow rate and fixed pressure drop. The results of the thermoeconomic analysis were compared
with the results of a past exergy performance study by the author.
In the light of raw experimental data acquired from the past studies of the author, important differences between
the results of exergy and exergo-economic performances were observed. It was found that the unit cost of
exergy change decreased as electrical power increased and the relative cost difference approached to unity
at high electrical powers (greater than 20 W). Moreover, high exergo-economic factor values (more than 0.5) were
obtained at low electrical powers while exergo-economic factors had a small value at high electrical powers.
When looking at the effect of the working fluid, higher cost per Watts of the products (up to the double of R-123)
was obtained with water compared with R-123 at both fixed mass flow rate and pressure drop. No significant
effect of pin fin spacing on the unit cost of exergy change was observed at fixed mass flow rate, while higher
unit costs (up to 102%) were recorded at fixed pressure drop for scarcely packed pin fin heat sinks. Finally, the
unit cost of exergy change was found to be independent of pin fin shape at fixed mass flow rate, whereas at
fixed pressure drop, the hydrofoil-based pin fin heat sink had higher unit costs (up to 1.8 times as much)
when compared with the unit costs of pin fin heat sinks having flow separation promoting pin fins. Copyright r
2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

exergo-economic performance; micro pin fin heat sinks; micro scale cooling; electronics cooling; thermoeconomics; microchannels

*Ali Kos-ar, Mechatronics Engineering Program, Sabanci University, Tuzla, Istanbul 34956, Turkey.
E-mail: kosara@sabanciuniv.edu

Received 19 August 2009; Revised 23 May 2010; Accepted 24 May 2010

1. INTRODUCTION reported for such novel designs in the literature [14–17].

However, these second-generation micro heat sinks also
Heat and fluid flow in micro domains has attracted great introduce additional pressure losses, a problem that
attention in the heat transfer community during the last requires serious consideration. Thermal hydraulic per-
decade. The enhancement in convective heat transfer formance analysis was performed to evaluate the
with diminishing size has been exploited in many performance of such heat sinks, and important design
applications such as in microengines [1–3], microreactors guidelines have been continuously provided [10]. Despite
[4–6], thermal microactuators [7], and drug delivery the heavy focus on the design of second-generation
systems [8,9]. As a result, the emerging extensive micro heat sinks, the scope of this emerging research
literature reviews on heat and fluid flow in micro scale area is restricted to the thermal hydraulic performance.
during the past decade summarize copious research Therefore, a supplemental thermodynamic and thermo-
efforts in this field [10–13]. Recently, second-generation economic approach is vital to add thermoeconomic and
micro heat sinks with extended surface areas were thermodynamic dimensions to micro heat sink design.
employed to promote convective heat transfer in micro As stipulated in many studies, exergy may be
scale, and significant enhancement in heat transfer was regarded as a reliable measure of the potential of a

Copyright r 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Exergo-economic analysis A. Kos-ar

substance to impact the environment. Thus, exergy may Different from the literature, this paper continues the
serve to better assess the potential environmental work of Kos- ar [21], where the data presented in this
benefits of utilizing green energy in comparison with reference is based on the past experimental work
energy-based parameters [18–20]. In fact, Rosen et al. [14,17], and also provides a thermoeconomic approach
[18] showed that performance analyses based on energy to second-generation micro heat sink design for the
consumption could actually mislead, whereas exergy very first time. This paper will first present an overview
would successfully indicate improvements of efficiency on both the geometry of four different micro pin fin
and reductions of thermodynamic losses [18]. Further- heat sinks and their microfabrication methods. There-
more, Rosen et al. [18] successfully accounted for the after, theory about exergy and thermoeconomic ana-
environmental impact of a process by correlating its lysis on a typical heat sink will be covered. In the results
exergy efficiency to the amount of emissions and to the and discussion section, unit cost per Watts of products,
sustainability index. In particular, the group showed relative cost difference, and the exergo-economic factor
that the environmental impact could be reduced, and will be used as thermoeconomic parameters; the effects
sustainability could be enhanced by increasing the of the pin fin geometry, spacing, and working fluid on
exergy efficiency. To address to the lack of information these parameters will also be put forth. This discussion
about thermodynamic performance of second-generation will provide valuable information about the effect of fin
micro heat sinks, Kos-ar [21] investigated thermo- geometry, spacing, and working fluid on environmental
dynamic performance of four different micro pin fin impact and exergo-economic performance of micro pin
heat sinks. The effect of pin fin geometry and spacing as fin heat sinks, which is the main contribution of this
well as the effect of working fluid (water, R-123) on the study. In the conclusions, the major findings of this
exergetic efficiency was discussed. A basic exergy ana- study will be included.
lysis was carried out to obtain exergetic efficiencies of
four different micro pin fin heat sinks. According to this
study, the micro pin fin device having cone-shaped pin 2. DEVICE OVERVIEW
fins displayed the best heat transfer performance, and
devices with the best heat transfer performance also had A typical micro pin fin heat sink is depicted in Figure 1.
the best exergy performance and the least environ- The working fluid flows from the inlet to the outlet
mental effect for a fixed mass flow rate, pressure drop, across micro pin fins located on the Silicon substrate. A
and pumping power. These results disagreed with Pyrex cover on the top enables flow visualization. Heat
thermal hydraulic performance trends. Moreover, is supplied from the bottom of the heat sink and
densely arranged pin fins that promoted flow separation removed with convection from both the base and micro
were required to maximize exergy performance, while pin fin surfaces.
the use of R-123 as a working fluid augmented the Four different micro pin fin heat sinks were tested in
exergy performance and deteriorated the heat transfer this study (Figure 1 and Table I). The pin fin shapes can
performance in comparison with water. be divided into two categories: streamlined (e.g. hydro-
Evaluating the exergy efficiency of micro heat foil) shapes and pins formed from objects that promote
sinks is a vital subject in recent research directions in flow separation (e.g. circular). Moreover, there are both
energy. Raising their efficiency in a cost-effective densely packed and sparsely packed arrangements for
manner could be a significant extension of the ongoing
research activities in energy regarding micro and nano
scale systems. It should be also emphasized that micro-
fabrication costs for micro heat sinks should be
reduced to realize the extensive use of micro heat sinks;
however, their operation cost during their lifetime
should be also considered as an important design
Since the appearance of the concept of ‘thermo-
economics’ for the very first time [22], extensive re-
search was conducted in this multidisciplinary research
area, and valuable reviews are now available in the
literature [23,24]. Thermoeconomic analysis of heat
exchangers became a primary research direction and a
number of studies, which were basically performance
optimization studies, were conducted in this field Figure 1. Geometry and arrangements of pin fins employed in
[25–35]. In these studies, an objective function was this study (the vertical projected length of a micro pin fin is
defined in terms of investment and exergy destruction 100 mm for all devices): (a) Circular pin fins (1CD); (b) Circular pin
costs, and it was aimed at minimizing this objective fins (2 CLD); (c) Hydrofoil-based pin fins (3H); and (d) Cone-
function. Shaped pin fins (4c).

Int. J. Energy Res. 2011; 35:1004–1013 r 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1005
DOI: 10.1002/er
A. Kos-ar Exergo-economic analysis

Table I. Devices tested in this study.

Device number Device Pin shape Pin configuration ST (mm) SL (mm)

1CD (Figure 1(a)) Pin fin Circular Staggered 150 150

2CLD (Figure 1(b)) Pin fin Circular Staggered 150 350
3H (Figure 1(c)) Pin fin Hydrofoil Staggered 300 500
4C (Figure 1(d)) Pin fin Cone shaped Staggered 150 350

circular micro pin fins. All the micro pin fins were 3. EXERGY (SECOND LAW
arranged in staggered configuration. R-123 and water EFFICIENCY) AND EXERGO-
is used as working fluid in this study. To establish a ECONOMIC ANALYSIS
balance between very high pressure drops due to fric-
tional losses (very low Reynolds numbers) with dimin- Data obtained from the voltage, current, and pressure
ishing hydraulic diameter and the promotion of heat measurements were used to calculate the average heat
transfer coefficient due to the increased surface area and sink surface temperatures, exit fluid temperatures,
diminishing length scale, the vertical projected length of exergetic efficiencies, unit costs per Watts of the
all devices was determined as 100 mm (Figure 1). To products, relative cost differences, and exergo-econom-
maximize the pin fin height (increase heat transfer area) ic factors. The electrical input power and heater
while maintaining the structural integrity of the devices at resistance were determined using the measured voltage
the same time, the author set the pin fin height to 243 mm. and current values, respectively. Thereafter, the heater
Figure 2 displays a more detailed CAD model of a electrical resistance–temperature calibration curve was
typical micro pin fin heat sink. Working fluid of am- used for determining the average heater temperature.
bient temperature flows through the inlet plenum The surface temperature at the base of the heat sink
across the pin fins is heated by the heater residing on was then calculated as:
the opposite side (Figure 2(b)) and leaves the device _
through the exit plenum. The average surface tem- Qt
Tav ¼ Tav;heater  ð1Þ
perature of the device is obtained from the heater re- ks Apl
sistance readings. To minimize ambient heat losses, an The flow availability, also referred to as flow exergy,
air gap is formed on the two ends of the side walls, and is employed to evaluate second law efficiencies. It is
an inlet and exit plenum, 4 mm long each, are etched expressed as a function of specific enthalpy, entropy,
on the thin silicon substrate (147 mm). A Pyrex cover kinetic and potential energy transfer, and environ-
seals the device from the top and allows flow visuali- mental conditions as:
zation. Pressure taps are located at the inlet and exit of
the device to measure the inlet and exit pressures. v2
exf ¼ h  ho  To ðs  so Þ1 1gz ð2Þ
To microfabricate the micro pin fin heat sinks, a 2
double side polished, n-type o1004 single crystal si- The micro pin fin heat sink can be modeled as a heat
licon wafer is processed on both sides using standard exchanger with one stream (Figure 3), while con-
lithography and etching (RIE and DRIE) techniques. tinuous heat input is supplied. More information could
The main flow loop contains the micro pin fin device, a be found in classical textbooks [36,37]. As a result of
pulseless gear pump, and flow meter. The micro heater interaction with the environment, the temperature at
was connected to a power supply with an adjustable the exit of the stream increases, and different state
DC current to provide power to the device. Heater properties are reached at the exit. Based on the control
resistance, pressure, and flow measurements were ta- volume in Figure 3, the following exergy balance could
ken at a fixed flow rate in the loop. Pressure and flow be stated under the steady state assumption:
rate data were acquired together with the electrical  
power data and were transferred to the spreadsheet file To _ _ cv 1m_ exf;1  m_ exf;2  I_cv ð3Þ
0¼ 1 QW
for data reduction. The data obtained from flow Tav
meters, pressure sensors, and heater resistance were Noting that work performed by the control volume
reduced to average device surface temperatures, exit is zero, the following exergy efficiency expression could
fluid temperatures, pressure drops, and pumping be derived after appropriate arrangements:
powers in the spreadsheet file. The details about the
m_ exf;2  m_ exf;1
microfabrication process flow, experimental procedure Z¼   ð4Þ
for temperature, and power and pressure measure- To _
1 Q
ments can be found in the previous study of Kos-ar and Tav
Peles [17]. The uncertainties of the measured values in where
the thermoeconomic analysis were obtained from the
manufacturer’s specification sheets (Table II). Q_ ¼ m_ cðTf;2  Tf;1 Þ ð5Þ

1006 Int. J. Energy Res. 2011; 35:1004–1013 r 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/er
Exergo-economic analysis A. Kos-ar

Figure 2. (a) CAD model of a micro pin fin heat sink (1CD); (b) heater dimensions (dimensions in mm, at the bottom of the device); and
(c) top view of the device (dimensions in mm).

To, po

Table II. Uncertainties in parameters used in this study. Tf1 Tf2

. .
Uncertainty Error m Control m
Inlet Exit
Mass flow rate 71.0% Exf1 Volume Exf2
Pin fin diameter/chord thickness 71.0 mm
Fluid temperature, Tf 70.11C
Electrical power, P 70.15% Heat input
Average surface temperature, T 70.51C
Figure 3. Schematic representation of the interaction between
Pressure drop, Dp 70.25%
the micro pin fin heat sink and the environment.

Int. J. Energy Res. 2011; 35:1004–1013 r 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1007
DOI: 10.1002/er
A. Kos-ar Exergo-economic analysis

The total exergy change between exit and inlet 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
streams is the total product of the micro pin fin heat
sink, whereas the exergy due to the heat input from the In this section, the results of exergo-economic analysis
heater is considered as the input. In exergo-economic performed for four different micro pin fin devices are
analysis, the cost of the exergy products is related to discussed. For this, the data in Table III are used as cost
the cost of input (fuel) as: rate inputs for the investment costs. Typical costs for
cF exF 1c_inv the microfabrication of micro pin fin heat sinks are
cp ¼ ð6Þ listed in this table. For the microfabrication, the
facilities of the Nanotechnology Center of Cornell
Accordingly, the unit cost per Watts of the products University were utilized. It should be noted that
can be expressed as (as a function of the exergies of the fabrication costs are approximately equal for all
product and the unit costs of investment and input the devices as the fabrication procedure is standard. The
electricity): cost of the necessary tubing, packaging, and fittings for
  realizing the operation of such heat sinks was also taken
To _
1 Qce 1c_inv into account, and the prices of the corresponding
Tav products are displayed in the website of Cole Parmer
cp ¼ ð7Þ
_ f;2  exf;1 Þ
mðex company (http://www.coleparmer.com/). In the calcula-
The unit cost per Watts of the products could be also tion of investment costs per time, annual operating
written as a function of pressure drop, which is a sig- hours were assumed at 2500 h. In addition, the cost of
nificant performance parameter: the electricity provided to heat heat sinks was taken as
  the cost displayed by the Investment Support and
To _ Promotion Agency of Republic of Turkey [38]. This cost
1 Qce 1c_inv
Tav (0.094USD/kWh or 6.51  10-5USD/W for assumed
cp ¼  0:5 ð8Þ
2DprL operating hours of 2500 h) was utilized as the input cost
Amin ðexf;2  exf;1 Þ rate in all of the analyses performed in this study.
ff Nrow
Figure 4(a–c) displays the unit costs per total exergy
The relative cost difference r is defined as the ratio change between exit and inlet streams (cp) as a function
between the relative cost per product exergy to the of electrical power for all the devices. As seen from
heating cost per rate of change of exergy due to heat Figure 4(c), the unit cost of exergy change decreases as
interactions. It shows the magnitude of the product the electrical power is increased. Thus, micro pin fin
cost relative to the heating cost per rate of change of heat sinks need to be operated at high electrical powers
exergy due to heat interactions: (more than 10 W) in order to obtain reduced operation
cp  ce costs. This result totally complies with the aggressive
r¼ ð9Þ cooling demands in micro heat sink design, where
high cooling rates are urgently sought to realize
Exergo-economic factor f is a performance para- superior cooling capabilities. The trend in the unit cost
meter in exergo-economic analysis and is defined as: has an asymptotic behavior and converges to a certain
c_ value (0.00012 $/W) for all the devices. At low elec-
f ¼   inv  ð10Þ trical power values, however, the unit cost becomes
To _
c_inv 1ce 1 Q  mðex
_ f;2  exf;1 Þ much higher than the value at the convergence (greater
than 10 times). This trend is totally opposite to the
Similarly, the exergo-economic factor could also be decreasing trend in exergy efficiency with electrical
expressed as a function of pressure drop as: power as reported in Kos- ar [21]. The reason is that
the denominator of the exergy efficiency expression
f¼     !
To : 2DprL 0:5
c_inv 1ce 1 QAmin ðexf;2 exf;1 Þ Table III. Investment cost rates
Tav ff Nrow
ð11Þ Budget item Budget (in $) Per device (in $)

A low value of f suggests that a saving in the micro Fabrication 6500 (for 14 devices) 464
pin fin heat sink could be achieved by improving Pump1head 2000 2000
exergy efficiency, while a high value implies that a Fittings and tubing 1000 1000
Packaging 1500 1500
decrease in capital costs is desirable.
Total cost (dollars) 4964
The relative cost differences and exergo-economic
Investment cost per 0.099
factors of four different micro pin fin heat sinks are
hour (dollars/h)
evaluated on the basis of above expressions. Related
Investment cost per 2.76E05
results and relevant discussions will be included in the
second (dollars/s) c_inv
next section.

1008 Int. J. Energy Res. 2011; 35:1004–1013 r 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/er
Exergo-economic analysis A. Kos-ar

0.01 0.01 scarse

cp ($/W)
cp ($/W)

cp ($/W)
Water dense coneshape
0.001 R123 0.001 0.001 hydrofoil

0.0001 0.0001 0.0001

(a) 0 10 20 30 40 (b) 0 10 20 30 40 (c) 0 20 40 60 80 100
P (W) P (W) P (W)
100 100 100
Water scarse scarse
R123 dense coneshape
r 10 r 10 r 10 hydrofoil
1 1 1
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 0 20 40 60
(d) (e) (f)
P (W) P (W) P (W)
1 1 1
Water scarse scarse
R123 dense coneshape
f 0.1 f 0.1 f 0.1 hydrofoil

0.01 0.01 0.01

0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 0 20 40 60 80 100
(g) P (W) (h) P (W) (i) P (W)

Figure 4. (a–c) cp values of tested devices (d–f) r values of tested devices (g–i) f values of tested devices: (a) Device 1CD; (b) Devices
1CD, 2CLD; (c) Devices 2CLD, 4C, 3H; (d) Device 1CD; (e) Devices 1CD, 2CLD; (f) Devices 2CLD, 4C, 3H; (g) Device 1CD; (h) Devices
1CD, 2CLD; and (i) Devices 2CLD, 4C, 3H

appears in the numerator, while the numerator of this thermoeconomic performance to complement the dis-
expression becomes the denominator in the unit cost cussion made above.
expression. Thus, an inverse relationship between exergy
efficiency and unit cost is apparent. As a result, it can be
4.1. Working fluid effect
concluded that the reduced cost with higher electrical
power comes with a trade-off in exergy performance. Two different working fluids are utilized to display the
Figure 4(d–f) demonstrates the relative cost differ- effect of working fluid on the parameter cp (Water and
ence r with electrical power. As r is a strong function of R-123). R-123 has lower thermophysical properties
cp and has a direct relationship with cp (Equation (9)), (thermal conductivity and specific heat) than does water.
an asymptotic profile (starting from high values r410) As a result, less heat input is needed to heat R-123 when
is not surprising for r. It can be observed that r ap- compared with heating water, so that higher exit fluid
proaches to unity at high electrical powers (30 W) temperatures and surface temperatures are obtained at
implying that cp approaches to the electricity cost ce at a fixed heat input and fixed mass velocity for R-123.
sufficiently high electrical powers. R-123 (HCFC-123) is a substitute for CFC-11,
The dependence of exergo-economic factor on elec- which was extensively used in centrifugal chillers and
trical power is shown in Figure 4(g–i). High f values heat exchangers. CFC-11 has been successfully re-
are present for low electrical powers (o5 W), whereas f placed with HCFC-123, which has a very low ozone
has a small value at high electrical powers (420 W). It depletion potential (0.016 relative to R-11), in the
can be deduced that the cost per exergy loss pre- 1990s. Even though R-123 is a HCFC, it has the lowest
dominates unit investment costs at higher electrical global warming index of all common fluorocarbons
powers. The magnitude exergy losses are much greater [39]. The United Nations Environment Programme
at high heating powers because the denominator of Review (March 2003) also confirmed that HCFC-123’s
Equation 10 includes exergy destruction. Thus, the favorable overall impact on the environment is attri-
denominator of Equation 10 becomes bigger with the butable to its low ozone depletion potential, very low
increased exergy destruction, while the investment global warming potential, very short atmospheric life,
costs do not change with working conditions and has a extremely low emissions, and the highest efficiency of
constant trend. As seen from Figure 4(g–i), f already all current options [40,41]. R-123 will be available for
becomes smaller than 0.1 at moderate heating powers long term use since the Montreal Protocol phase out
suggesting that exergy efficiency should be rather im- schedule for CFC and HCFCs protects R-123 stock
proved to accomplish significant saving at moderate until 2030 [41,42].
and high heating powers (45 W), while the focus For a given surface temperature rise or a given exit
should be on reducing capital costs if the micro heat fluid temperature, the required heat input is higher for
sinks are operated at lower input powers. water. The numerator in the cp expression is thus larger
The following subsections will cover the parametric for water at fixed mass flow rate, which produces
effects (working fluid, pin fin spacing, pin fin shape) on higher cp values for water (Figure 5(a–c)). A similar

Int. J. Energy Res. 2011; 35:1004–1013 r 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1009
DOI: 10.1002/er
A. Kos-ar Exergo-economic analysis

mdot=0.00005 kg/s mdot=0.000155 kg/s

0.01 0.01

Cp ($/W)
Cp ($/W)

0.001 0.001 R123

0.0001 0.0001
0 2 4 6 8 0 5 10 15 20 25
(a) P (W) (b) P (W)

deltap=4.8 kPa deltap=24 kPa

0.01 0.001
R-123 Water
Cp ($/W)

Cp ($/W)
0.001 R123

0.0001 0.0001
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
(c) P (W) (d) P (W)

Figure 5. (a, b) Effect of working fluid on cp at fixed mass flow rate (Device 1CD). (c, d) Effect of working fluid on cp at fixed pressure drop.

mdot=0.00005 kg/s mdot=0.000075 kg/s

0.01 0.01

Dense Dense
Cp ($/W)
Cp ($/W)

0.001 Scarse 0.001 Scarse

0.0001 0.0001
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
(a) P (W) (b) P (W)

deltap=4.2 kPa deltap=22 kPa

0.01 0.001

Cp ($/W)

Cp ($/W)

0.001 Scarse Scarse

0.0001 0.0001
0 2 4 6 8 0 5 10 15 20 25
(c) P (W) (d) P (W)

Figure 6. (a, b) Effect of pin fin spacing on cp at fixed mass flow rate (Devices 1CD, 2CLD) (c, d) Effect of pin fin spacing on cp
at fixed pressure.

profile is prevalent for the fixed pressure drop case due pin fin device and densely packed circular micro pin fin
to the same reason as for the fixed mass flow rate case device were first used at fixed mass flow rate. No
(Figure 5(d, e)). Lower cp values are obtained from significant effect of pin fin spacing on cp exists. This result
R-123 along with better exergy efficiencies [21] so that is opposite to the exergy efficiency results, where densely
a positive effect on the unit cost of the products packed pin fins had better exergy performance [21]. Thus,
(a reduction more than one half) and exergy efficiency it can be concluded that the unit cost per exergy of the
could be provided by changing the working fluid (from products remains the same regardless the spacing of pin
water to R-123). However, the thermal performance fins. A different trend is valid for fixed pressure drop case
(Nusselt number, heat transfer coefficient) decreases (Figure 6(c, d)), where the unit costs are higher (up to
with the use of R-123, which states a trade-off between 102%) for the scarcely packed configuration so that it
thermal and thermodynamic/exergo-economic perfor- follows the same trend as in exergy efficiency [21]. The
mances in micro pin fin heat sinks due to the change in effects of pin fin spacing observed at fixed pressure drop
working fluid. are more apparent at lower input powers.

4.2. Pin fin spacing effect 4.3. Pin fin shape effects
Figure 6(a, b) displays the effect of pin fin spacing on the Three different pin fin geometries were used to
unit cost of products cp. Scarcely packed circular micro evaluate the effect of micro pin fin shape. As shown

1010 Int. J. Energy Res. 2011; 35:1004–1013 r 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/er
Exergo-economic analysis A. Kos-ar

mdot=0.00005 kg/s
mdot=0.00015 kg/s
scarse scarse
coneshape coneshape
Cp ($/W)

Cp ($/W)
0.001 hydrofoil hydrofoil

0.0001 1
0 5 10 15 20 25
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
(a) (b) P (W)
P (W)

deltap=5 kPa deltap=43 kPa

0.01 0.001
scarse scarse
coneshape coneshape
Cp ($/W)

Cp ($/W)
hydrofoil hydrofoil

0.0001 0.0001
0 5 10 15 20 0 10 20 30 40 50
P (W)
(c) P (W) (d)

Figure 7. (a, b) Effect of pin fin shape on cp at fixed mass flow rate. (c, d) Effect of pin fin shape on cp at fixed pressure drop.

in Figure 7(a, b), there is no significant effect of pin fin  The relative cost difference approaches to unity at
shape on the unit cost per exergy of products at fixed high electrical powers (430 W).
mass flow rate, which demonstrates the independence  High exergo-economic values are obtained at low
of unit costs on pin fin shape and shows another electrical powers (o5 W), whereas f has a small
difference from the results in exergy efficiency value at high electrical powers (420 W).
performed by Kos-ar [21], where flow separation  Lower cost per Watts of the products can be
promoting micro pin fin heat sinks had a better exergy obtained with R-123 when compared with water
performance. For constant pressure drop, the profile is at both fixed mass flow rate and pressure drop.
different (Figure 7(c, d)). Hydrofoil based micro pin  No significant effect of pin fin spacing on cp is
fins have higher cp values when compared with the present at fixed mass flow rate, while scarcely
others (up to 179%), whereas cp values of circular and packaged pin fin heat sinks have higher unit costs
cone-shaped pin fins are close to each other. This at fixed pressure drop.
difference between streamlined and unstreamlined  cp is independent of pin fin shape at fixed mass
micro pin fins is more pronounced at lower input flow rate. At fixed pressure drop, the hydrofoil-
powers (o5 W). In terms of exergy efficiency, hydro- based pin fin heat sink has higher unit costs
foil-based pin fins also had an inferior performance compared with the heat sinks having flow separa-
over separation promoting pin fins [21] similar to the tion promoting pin fins, which is trendwise similar
results of exergo-economic analysis. to exergy performance results.

Exergo-economic analysis of four micro scale pin fin Amin 5 minimum cross-sectional area (m2)
heat sinks has been conducted. Two performance c 5 specific heat at constant pressure
criteria (fixed mass flow rate, fixed pressure drop) have (kJ kg1 1C1)
been used to evaluate the unit cost per Watts of the cp 5 unit cost per Watts of the products
products, relative cost difference, and the exergo- ($ W1)
economic factor. The main conclusions drawn from d 5 pin fin diameter, vertical projected
this study are as follows: length of pin fin (m)
ex 5 specific exergy (J kg1)
 The unit cost of exergy change decreases as the f 5 exergo-economic factor
electrical power is increased. Thus, micro pin fin ff 5 friction factor
heat sinks need to be operated at high electrical g 5 gravitational constant (m s2)
powers (more than 10 W) in order to obtain G 5 mass velocity based on minimum
reduced operation costs, which is in contrast to cross-sectional area (kg m2)
the exergy efficiency results. h 5 specific enthalpy (J kg1)

Int. J. Energy Res. 2011; 35:1004–1013 r 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1011
DOI: 10.1002/er
A. Kos-ar Exergo-economic analysis

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