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dD - f°" SELVIN'S DouBLe BRIDGE we og b 'AIM= TO meagure [00d valued 7 ene using Kelvin's Double Bxidge ; : . ostates, APPARATUS ~ Ammeter, DC battery” ene unknocn resistance boxes, MICrovo! CIRCUIT DIAGRAM - | \ f- THEORY : Bs The_Kelvin’s Double Oxidge ie one for Pe \of the best’ available methods |meogurement of lows _xe.sistance: Lk [modification of Wheastone Baldge and. Jeiminates the difpieulties tnah ovise \a_\Wheastone Bridge on account of “the xesistance oF jeads; and he o “eon tact resistances eohike measuving loco valued resistance - (> The actual Kelvio's Belge @ “arran erent is shown figure 4. The i | Kelvin’s Double Bridge in corporat e+ Vane. ideo of 4 second set ‘oP zatio | arms —hence the name double bridge eta (ana the use of Pour terminal | resistors for the. Jood rosistance arms [3 figure 1 the Kirst “sey of ratio arms lig P and Q: The second sek of_zatio . ig in larms. p and 9. is used to Connect the 6 | galvanometev +0 point a. diz. ihe ae -Bppre Paiale potential betoeen points um and n to eliminate the, ef fear of the connecting lead of resistance : 2 _belween the Known resista lord oh istance, R standard resistance, § : —— "1 fi g a : t STP R+ py |For zero ! a ; | 2 r Ee | a Pratr . aaa pometes dePlection, — ab = Eamd - [HHH RECs * ER ++ fotare) = a+ bs I ro Cag) Seen S nani a Regs + sar fe -F] RAS <= tq tr Q q i Now Pla = Plas L. then i! tp = 2 @ Equation (@ indicates that He Laman | resistance of connecting lead, ry effect on 4be measurement, provided [thar the. 4u00' sets of xatio arms have jegual xaifes: _ the ofPect of +thermo-elecixzic emf. be eliminated by making Ores [can Be Tmeacusemenis orth the ba He. ae cena FeonnecHons rev ersed-. The true value of ~Ww00 readings: 2 [R being the ‘mean of the ~ ol jolly 4 figs agp DOUBLE GRIDGE _ The ratio. P/4. is made equ to P/R- lUpder - balance conditions there is no 3 through the galvanometey . wobieh current that voltage drop beteeen oO _ equa)! +e the vo\ rege _Qxop a and ec >, Px. Bae - Pe = : a Bac = Tf R+s + Ch+q)e = Goa = Ef R Ce raj+r, = + al isha #] | oa . | PROCEDURE <= 3 A The battery, arnmeler and rbeostate. OMnections were mace oS shown 19 Pique For Connecting the unknown resistence %, terminals are provided on the badge Two Jerminals of pressure coil and oP current coil. For the rosiatance edith 4wo. terminals anly> short pPressure, coil and cusvenk coil par respectively. .For the ex esiment Lpes formed , G microvoltmetey v4 [provided wich “served the purpose of galvanorneter, On He bor 300 Knobs OF milliobms eoere provicled with roving scale. [Also there caag a roulfiphes knob Vow lthe. Knobs tbot) of milliobms and : Imultiplies such thaty the pointer, Nye a [po tort display, on the microvoltmekr, le. Lar the centre — of the slit, displaying | polar Cwhich is Cquivalénk to nul Lindica Fion of. galvanometer) +, Once_nol Hindlicahon is obtained, tne oul Yipli ea cxnob will ge alm szatio White the “guna of 450. miiviohr Knobs whl gave the value of standard mecsictance s- lAiso a knob. '8 provided 9 the bor ‘~ohich on operation Wil cause @ reverse. -one at zonisto® . s L connect} : : [eoith’ te of Battery. Also dake the reading! oe “toese foo. reversely connected: The oe am 0_-redadling, will que the value POvwn xediatane> xX OBSERVATION: TABLE - Reading of Some) Rezatg [vatue) co of Resi. X21] ‘Normal | Reverse] Noma!) Reverse) Reverse| Novia!) Reve |— esl pedis | mean : value x} CALCULATION! = | | Nowmat > Xe 21am) 9 - Reverse 7 %2* 5 (RIM) » hye varus ob 2 x Qs + Xe) fe 2? E T : Mean conctusion@ ' on pero? the experiment, ip ig found jrak. Melvins: Double, Bulge. is u 5 vest means of measuring Yoed with mrimum OF errors . iyalue

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