Midterm in Stratma Now

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Malilipot, Albay


S.Y. 2022-2023

Name ___________________________________________ Date _________________________

Year & Block ____________

I. TRUE or FALSE. Read each item carefully.

__________ 1. CEO needs to be unpassionate advocate for the strategic planning process.
___________2. Organizations vision statement is the foundation for organization
___________3. If organization doesn’t have an established vision, its possible to make constructive strategic
___________4. The team should include representation from anyone that canimpact the plan or be impacted by
the plan.
__________ 5. Case study presents an account of what happened to a certain business over a number of years.
___________6. Case study is the integral part of a strategic management
___________7. Case Study Analysis is a sub category of research design which investigates problems and offer

1. It is tunpassionatehe only one that is hybrid in types of franchising

a. Phase 2 b. Phase 1 Phase 3

2. Strategic Decision-Making is greatly demonstrated when?

a. The right resources for the right market.
b. The stakeholders earns good profits.
c. All employees are happy and content.

3. The strategic objectives of an organization are?

a. Environmental in nature
b. General in nature
c. Specific in nature

4. When an organizations scan the environment?

a. It studies both internal and external environment that focuses on information that strengthen the
b. It studies both internal and external environment that focuses on challenge and conflicts.
c. It studies both internal and external environment that focuses on strengthening the organization.

5. Studying competitors means?

a. Determining the similar product or service offerings in order to fulfil the competitiveness.
b. Identifying the strategies that are competitive advantage.
c. Observing the variables that affects the strategies toward rival.

6. This phase is also known as the ‘strategic planning era’ in the early 1970’s in the USA and Europe.
a. Phase 4 b. Phase 3 c. Phase 2

7. This is considered as the Business caretakers?

a. Managers/Management
b. Government/Nation
c. Employees/Staff

8. Delays in delivery schedules may cause inventory problems, means like:

a. Management problems
b. Logistics pull over due to lockdown
c. Stock out

9. It concretizes Supply Chain Management?

a. Value Chain Management
b. Strategic Management
c. Logistics

10. This is the second paradigm in 1930-1940 which many environmental changes that took place in the US.
a. Integrated Policy Formulation
b. Ad Hoc Policy Paradigm
c. Strategy Paradigm

11. The competitive advantage of a company;

a. is the structure of their value chain.
b. is the unique value it brings the customers compared to competitors.
c. Describes the scope of their business.

12. Coca-cola and Pepsi’s success is mainly due to ;

a. A good industry configuration shaped by favourable forces as can shown by a Porter analysis.
b. The secret formula that made their respective colas inimitable.
c. Aggressive strategies that allowed each of the two companies to differentiate from the others.

13. Husky’s historical profitability is mainly due to ;

a. High barriers to entry.
b. A competitive advantage consisting of higher quality machines and customer service.
c. A low intense rivalry.

14. The purpose of the value chain framework is to;

a. Calculate the willingness to pay of a product.
b. Understand the source of the competitive advantage of a company.
c. Generate strategies option by combining external and internal diagnostic.

15. The best evidence that a company is the industry low-cost provide is that;
a. It has lower total operating costs on its income statement that do its competitors.
b. It sells more of its product/service than its key competitors and is the market share leader.
c. It has lower overall per unit costs for it product/service than other competitors in the industry.

16. Opportunities to differentiate a company’s product offering;

a. are most reliably found in the R & D portion of the value chain.
b. are typically located in the sales and marketing portion of the value chain.
c. can exist in activities all along in industry’s value chain.

17. A company achieves best-cost provider status by;

a. Incorporating attractive or upscale attributes into its product offering at a lower cost than rivals.
b. Selling a product with the best cost at the best price.
c. Having the best cost for each activity in the industry’s value chain.

18. A company can be said to have a competitive advantage if;

a. It is the acknowledge leader in product quality.
b. It has a different value chain than rivals.
c. It has some type of edge over rivals in attracting customers and coping with competitive forces.
19. The objective of competitive strategy is to ;
a. Contend successfully with the industry’s 5 competitive forces.
b. Knock the socks off rival companies by doing a better job satisfying buyer needs and preferences.
c. Get the company into the best strategic group and their dominate it.

II. Identification

21-22. What are the two types of franchising?

23-24. What are the two disadvantages in franchising?

25-26. Stakeholder analysis includes identifying and prioritizing key stakeholders.

27-28. According to William Glueck, strategic management is the process by which an organizations
formulates objectives and manages to achieve them.

29-30. Efficiency was put on developing contingency strategies to be implemented in relevant scenarios.

III. Enumeration.
31-40 Give the steps in writing a case study analysis and explain briefly each steps. (2 marks each)

IV. Essay.
Read and analyse carefully the following case study and discuss your answers clearly to the
statements that follow. ( 5 marks each)

41-45. A company, which manufactures a popular brand of toys has been enjoying good market reputation. It
has a functional organisation structure with separate departments for Production, Marketing, Finance, Human
Resources and Research and Development. Lately to use to its brand name and also to cash on to new business
opportunities it is thinking to diversify into manufacture of new range of electronic toys for which a new
marketing is emerging.

a. Prepare a report regarding organisation structure giving concrete reasons with regard to benefits the
company will derive from the steps it should take.
46-50. A company manufacturing sewing machines set up in 1945 by the British promoters follows formal
organization culture in totality. It is facing lot of problems in delays in decision making. As the result it is not
able to adapt to changing business environment. The workforce is also not motivated since they cannot vent
their grievances except through formal channels, which involve red tape. Employee turnover is high. its market
share is also declining due to changed circumstances and business environment.

a. You are advise the company with regard to change it should bring about its organization structure to
overcome the problems faced by it.

b. Give reasons in terms of benefits it will derive from the changes suggested by you.

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Malilipot, Albay


S.Y. 2022-2023


IV. Multiple Choice I. Modified True or False

1. B 21-22. True
2. B 23-24. False - Adaptation
3. A 25-26. True
4. C 27-28. False - Kenneth Hatten
5. A 29-30. False - Emphasis
6. B
7. A II. Enumeration
8. A
9. C 31-41
10. C
A. To overcome the limitations of formal organisation, the management should
encourage workers to interact and socialise with each other through get
together outings. In this way, everyone will interact and like minded people
will come closer. The net result will be more satisfied workforce. 

B. The advice to the company is - to give due importance to informal organisational

structure along with formal. They should allow informal structure also to develop.
This will help company to overcome the problems of delay in decisions, lack of
motivation, etc. As information travel very fast in informal organisational
structure. The company may get following benefits with informal organisational
structure. Explain the advantages of informal structure 
1. Fast communication : Informal structure does not follow scalar chain so there
can be faster spread of communication.
2. Fulfills social needs : Informal communication gives due importance to
psychological and social need of employees which motivate the employees.
Company can diversify its activities by introducing embroidery machines, it can
also design special machines keeping in mind the requirement of ready-made
garment manufacturers, etc. By diversifying in the same field it can get maximum
utilization of existing resources only.

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