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Force is the effect that acts on ‘mass’ and produces: 1.

2. Deceleration 3. Direction of velocity change 4. Deformation of solid
5. Compression 6. Tension 7. Pressure. It is a ‘vector quantity’ its unit is

When several forces act on an object, then, these forces must be combined. The
combined force is called ‘resultant’ or ‘net’ force.

Force combination:

i) When the forces are in the same direction = the forces are added. That is
resultant. 3N
4N 7N 4N + 3N = 7N

ii) When the forces are in the opposite direction = the forces are subtracted. That is
4N 1N 4N - 3N = 1N

iii) When the forces are perpendicular = Pythagoras theorem is used to find the
diagonal between the forces that is the resultant.
3N 3N ඥ(𝟒𝑵)𝟐 + (𝟑𝑵)𝟐 = 5N
4N 4N

1. Acceleration: when the force and the velocity are both in the same direction then
the object accelerates.
2. Deceleration: When the force and the velocity are in the opposite direction then
the object decelerates.
V -a
F Deceleration

3. When the force and the velocity are perpendicular then the object changes

V Direction of velocity change

Moyin Sir
4. Deformation of solids: A force can deform a solid. If a force is applied on a
stationary solid, then the solid can be deformed either by extending or by changing

Metal rod

5. Compression: Solid, liquid and gas all three types of material can be compressed
when a force acts on them.

6. Tension: The force which brings a solid to its original shape when it is deformed
is called ‘Tension’.


7. Pressure: The force per unit area is called pressure. Pressure causes

Moyin Sir
Type of Forces:

1. Gravitational force: this is the force between the masses. It is always attractive.
The gravitational force of the Earth is called weight. Weight = mg (g = 10m/s2 or

Example of the gravitational force: - An apple falls on the ground. -The earth
rotates around the sun.

Gravitational force is proportional to the mass, and its acceleration is constant

(g =10m/s2). It means all the objects accelerate downward with same value as they
fall (there must not be any air resistance). But practically it seems that a heavier
object falls faster than a lighter object, this is because lighter object faces more air
resistance thus it has less downward acceleration.

Mass: The total amount of substance of an object is called mass. Mass is a scalar
quantity. Its SI unit is ‘kilogram’ (kg). The total mass of a specific substance remains
constant everywhere, but its weight can change from place to place.

Place Mass/kg Gravitational acceleration Weight/N ( = mg)

Earth 1kg g =10 m/s2 10 N
Moon 1kg g =1.6 m/s 2 1.6 N
Jupiter 1kg g = 25 m/s 2 25 N
Sun 1kg g =274 m/s 2 274N
Space 1kg 0 0
Black Hole 1kg infinity infinity
(You don’t need to memorize this table). From this table it is seen that the mass of
1kg remains 1kg in every place, but the weight changes according to the
gravitational acceleration.

Weight: Weight is the gravitational force on an object. Weight of an object is 100N

means the earth is applying a force of 100N on that object. To hold that object 100N
force must be applied, upward.
F F = F1 + F2
F1 F2
F1 = F2 = Lift forces W = W1 + W2

W2 W1

W1 = W2 = mg (weight) AS the loads are balanced thus: W = F

The forces must be considered as acting in the same line and opposite direction so they can be cancelled out.

Moyin Sir
Electromagnetic force: The forces between the charges or magnetic poles are
called electromagnetic forces. This force can be attractive or repulsive.

Contact Forces: Solid-solid contact friction, drag, tension, normal contact and
normal reaction forces are called contact forces, as they can only act when the
objects are in physical contact. These forces cannot act when there is no contact.

1. Solid-solid contact friction: This force generates when two solid objects are in
contact. Surfaces of the solid objects are not smooth, thus when they are in contact,
and then these ups and downs entangle and oppose the sliding movement, which is
called solid-solid contact friction. This friction gives the ‘grip’.

Friction Pulling force Drag Driving Force Driving Force

F1 + F2+F3
Friction in the tires

More friction : When Less Friction: When

1. Surface is Rough. 1. Surface is Smooth.
2. The Object is heavy. 2. Object has Wheels
3. More Pressure. 3. Lubricants between the surfaces.
4. Less Heavy

Friction can be reduced by Using: 1. Lubricant. 2. Ball bearing. 3. Wheels.

4. Making surface Smooth.

Uses/Advantages of friction: 1. Holding. 2. Running. 3. Moving. 4. Walking.

5. Heating

Disadvantages of Friction: Erosion. 1. Damaging. 2. Slowing Down. 3 Wasting of

Energy. 4 Bending. 5. Tearing.

Solid Fluid Friction: When a solid moves through a fluid then the friction between
the fluid and the solid is called ‘Solid fluid friction’ or “Drag”.

Less Drag More Drag

Net Drag
Streamline body = Less Drag. More drag as the shape of the car is not aero-dynamic

Moyin Sir
More Drag When: 1. The object is not streamlined. 2. The fluid is denser.
3. The object moves with a high speed.

Less Drag when: 1. The object is streamlined. 2. The fluid is less dense.
3. The object moves with a less velocity.

Tension: The force which brings a solid to its original shape when it is deformed is
called tension.

Constant velocity
As the system is balanced:
Tension Friction Tension
Weight = Tension = mg

Friction = Tension

Normal Contact Force: When an object is placed on a solid surface, the force
applied on that surface by the object is called ‘Normal contact force’
(normal = perpendicular). This force always acts perpendicularly on the solid

Normal Contact force:

On the surface by the Object

When the surface is horizontal, the normal contact force and the weight have the
same magnitude.

Normal reaction force: The force applied on the object by the surface is the Normal
reaction force. It is the third law pair force of normal contact force. Due to the
normal reaction force an object can be balanced on a solid surface

Normal reaction force:

On the object by the surface

The magnitude of the normal contact force= The magnitude of the normal reaction force.

Moyin Sir
Newton’s Laws of Motion:

1St Law: If the net force on an object is zero then:

i) The object is rest will be at rest and

ii) The object in motion will move with a constant velocity.
Normal reaction force
Normal reaction force V = Constant
Drag + Friction
Driving force

Net force on this rest car is Zero Net force on this moving car is Zero

2nd Law: If the net force on an object is not Zero then:

i) The rate of change of momentum is directly proportional to the force.

ii) The direction of the momentum change and the fore are same.

2nd Law can be written as ‘the force is the product of mass and acceleration’.

2nd Law: a
F = ma F
Where F is the resultant/Net force on the object.
𝒎(𝒗−𝒖) 𝟏
From the 2nd law: 𝑭 = 𝒎𝒂 = Thus: 𝑭∝ Thus in an impact if
𝒕 𝒕
the impact time is more, then the impact force is less.

This shows that a person does not get hurt if he land on mattress or Rubber foam.
By compressing, the mattress increases the impact time and reduces the impact
force, which is safe.
High impact force
Less impact force
High compression No compression

Mattress High reaction force

Less reaction force

Moyin Sir
3rd Law: If object-1 applies a force on object-2, then object-2 applies the same type
of force of same magnitude on object-1 in the opposite direction.

Or ‘For every action (Force) there is an equal and opposite reaction (Force)’. These
action-reaction forces are called 3rd law pair.
F Reaction force on the
Properties of Action reaction forces:
1. They must be same type of forces.
2. They must be with equal magnitude.
3. They must act in the same line of action.
4. They must act in the opposite direction.
5. They must act on different objects.
Action force on the 6. They must act for same time duration.
Exhaust gas

Firing a Cannon: When a cannon is fired, the barrel of the cannon recoils in the
opposite direction. Explosion in the gun powder causes a force on the cannon Shell,
and equal amount of force acts on the cannon barrel in the opposite direction. So
standing just right behind the cannon barrel when it is fired is same dangerous as
to face the cannon shell, because the action force in the cannon shell is same as the
reaction force in the cannon barrel.

F Action force on the Shell

Reaction force on the

Note: The action reaction force never cancels out as they are produced in different

Two forces cancel out if only:

1. They are produced in the same object.

2. They are with same magnitude.
3. They are acting in the opposite direction.

Moyin Sir
Force: Part-2 moyin sir
Center of Gravity: The center of gravity of an object is the point where all the force
of gravity of that object seems to be acting, the can be balanced in that point.

Center of gravity = the balancing point.

Center of gravity In a free body force diagram, all forces must

be drawn in the center of gravity.
Balanced toy bird

Center of gravity of a rectangular shaped or square shaped object: Draw two

diagonals on the object, the cutting point is the center of gravity.
Balancing edge
Center of gravity
Two diagonals

Center of gravity

A book Irregular shaped object

Center of gravity of an irregular shaped object: (1) By balancing the irregular shaped
object at least two times on a sharp edge, the center of gravity of that object can be
found. The cutting point of the balancing lines is the center of gravity.

(2) By suspending the irregular shaped object freely with string and also suspending
plumb line from the same suspension point a line is drawn along the plumb line.
This procedure is repeated from another position, thus there are two lines on the
object. The cutting point is the center of gravity.

Center of gravity
Nail An object is stable if it has lower center of gravity
and wider base.
Plumb line
In a stable object:

Clockwise moment =Anticlockwise moment

Forces on one side = Forces on opposite side

Moyin Sir
moyin sir
Stable objects: Lower center of gravity.

F-1 Car
Turning Effect of a Force: Moment

The effect that turns or tries to turn an object is called Moment. A turning object
has a resultant moment. Moment is calculated by:

𝑀𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 = 𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 × 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑖𝑣𝑜𝑡.

F = 20N r = 0.2m
𝑴𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 = 𝑭 × 𝒓 Pivot
r F = 20N
The force F and the distance r must be
perpendicular to each other
M=F ×r
So the moment of the force
r = 0.1m
= 20 × 0.2
around the pivot is 4nm
= 4Nm

T = Tension
r String The moment of the
Moment = 2Nm F = 20N tension around the
pivot is = T × r

Principle of Moment:

When several moments are produced in an object and the object is still balanced then:

Total clockwise moment = Total anticlockwise moment ………..(1)

In any balanced object, this equation can be applied.

The total turning effect on these objects are zero, as these
objects are balanced. Any point on these objects can be
considered as pivot. If clockwise moment can be calculated
then that would be equal to the anticlockwise moment as
well. Pivot can be a point or a line.
A chair A brick

Moyin Sir
moyin sir
Problems with Moment:

To calculate just moment: Force in ‘newton’ and perpendicular displacement in

‘meter’ must be known.
F2 F4
r2 r4
P F6

r1 r5
F1 F5

In this diagram it is considered that point P is the pivot (But we can consider any
point as pivot).

Here F1, F4 are producing anticlockwise moment and F2 and F5 are producing
clocking moment. F3 and F6 are not producing any moment around the point P, as
they are pssing through the point P.

Total Clockwise moment = (F2 × r2) + (F5×r5) and

Total anticlockwise moment = (F1 × r1) + (F4×r4)

If the object is balanced/equilibrium then:

Total clockwise moment = Total anticlockwise moment

(F2 × r2) + (F5×r5) = (F1 × r1) + (F4×r4) …………….(1)

If one of the value of this equation is unknown then this can be found by solving
this equation.

Moyin Sir
moyin sir
Q:1. Several forces are acting on an object ABCD as shown in the diagram. The
object is in equilibrium condition

6m 2m

X 20N

i) Find the magnitude of the force X.

We can consider any point on the object ABCD as pivot, but if we consider the point
B as pivot then we can solve the equation and find force X as the other unknown
force R will not be in the equation as it does not produce any moment around B. (Do
you know why?)As it is balanced, thus

Total clockwise moment = total anticlockwise moment

(X× 2m)+(20N × 4m) = ( 20N× 6m)

Or 2X + 80Nm = 120Nm or 2X = 40Nm or X = 20N (ans)

ii) Find the magnitude of the force R. (Now we can consider any point except B as
pivot as we know the value of X). Find R by Yourself. (Ans: R = 60N)

Moyin Sir
moyin sir
Q2. A pole is attached with the wall with a hinge. To keep the pole horizontal a
string is used as shown.
T = Tension 3.6N
The length of the string is l =3m and, the load at h String (l=3m)
the end is 2.5kg. The tension in the string is 3.6N. r

The clockwise moment about the hinge is 62.5Nm Pole

Hinge (Pivot)
Calculate: (i) The weight of the mass 2.5kg.
Mass 2.5kg
Do it yourself [Ans : 25N]

ii) The length of the pole (R): this 25N is producing the clockwise moment, thus:

Moment =F×R

Or 62.5 Nm = 25 × R R = 2.5m (ans)

iii) Which equation is correct for anticlockwise moment?

a) T×l b) T×h c) T × r d) T × R

Note: When an object is balanced then any point on that object can be concisered as
pivot. You should choose the pivot wisely so the equation becomes simple.


Nut F

The moment of the force around the nut is = F×r not F × l

Moyin Sir
moyin sir
Q3: A woman stands on a plank of wood and painting walls.

Her mass is 68kg, and the plank has a mass of 15kg. F2

The system is in equlibrium.


The length of the plank is 3m and it is uniform. The point P ans Q are 0.25m from
the ends. The woman stands 0.75m away from end E. F1 and F2 are two reaction
forces from two supports. Calculate:

i) The weight of the woman. Show this force on the diagram.

ii) The weight of the plank. Show this force on the diagram.

iv) Find the forces F1 and F2.

Ans (iv): We can consider any point on the plank as pivot. In this question two
forces F1 and F2 are unknown. So we shall choose a point as pivot so one of the
forces does not produces moment around that point.Thus let us consider point P as
pivot, as the force F1 does not produce any moment around P (Do you know why?).

Thus around P the clockwise moment = Antoclockwise moment.

(Wplank × rp) + (Wwoman × rw) = (F2 × r2) Wplank = Weight of the plank.

Wwoman = Weight of the woman

rp = Displacement from the pivot.

In this equation, except F2 all other terms are known
rw= Displacement of the woman from
Thus it can be solved for F2. As the system is balanced the pivot

the upward forces = downward forces. Thus

F1 + F2 = Weight of the plank + Weight of the woman.

From this equation F1 can be found.

Moyin Sir
moyin sir
Find the weight (mass) of a meter rule:

A meter rule (1 meter long) balances on 50cm mark, it means its weight acts on
50cm mark. If the pivot is shifted some other point then this weight produces a
moment and the ruler topples over.
0 cm 50 cm 100 cm 0 cm 50 cm 100 cm
40 cm

In the first diagram the weight and the reaction force from the pivot act in the
opposite direction in the same line (r = 0) thus there is no turning effect. But in the
diagram-2 the forces are same, opposite in direction but not in the same line (r ≠ 0).
Thus there is a turning effect and the ruler topples over. In the dioagram-2 the ruler
can be balanced again by placing a weight on the other side of ruler’s weight. If the
placed weight is known then by balancing moment the weight of the ruler can be
found. F1

50 cm 100 cm
0 cm
40 cm
F =mg

When the known load is placed at 0cm and if the ruler is balanced then, clockwise
moment (produced by the ruler’s weight) = anticlockwise moment (moment
produced by the known weight).

𝐹 × 𝑟 = 𝑊 × 𝑟𝑤 or mg × 40cm = W × 10 cm

Or 𝑊 = 4𝑚𝑔. Thus the weight of the ruler is known.

Moyin Sir
moyin sir
Forces in balanced:

i. An aircraft is flying with a constant velocity at a constant height:

In this situation at least four forces are acting on the aircraft, and they cancelled
out each other.

AS the aircraft is moving Air friction Lift

with a constant velocity, by
Newton’s 1st law the net
Constant Velocity
force on the aircraft is
Driving force
Gravitational force

So: Lift force = Gravitational force …………….. (1)

Driving Force = Air friction ………………….(2)

If the driving force is increased then a net force will be acting on the aircraft and it
will accelerate in the direction of the driving force, at the same time the air friction
will also increase in the opposite direction and soon the new driving force and the
air frictional force will be equal and cancelled thus the aircraft will move with a
higher constant velocity.

ii. A stone is at rest on the ground: In this case only two forces, the gravitational

force and the normal reaction force from the ground are acting on the stone and
they are equal, opposite, and acting in the same object. Thus they cancell out and
the net force on the stone is zero.
Normal reaction force


Gravitational force

Moyin Sir
moyin sir
1. A can is falling with terminal velocity (Constant velocity) : Drag

Magnitude of : Weight = Drag

2. A boat is moving with a constant velocity:
Constant velocity Up thrust

Driving force Drag of water and air


Here: Weight = Up thrust ……………………… (1)

Driving force = Drag ……………………..(2)

Normal reaction force

3. A car is accelerating:
Here: Drag + friction
Driving Force
Weight = Normal reaction force ……. (1) m

Driving Force > Drag +Friction …….. (2) Weight

Weight and normal reaction forces are equal as there is no acceleration in upward
or downward directioin.

Notes: Remember these.

1. Forces are the effects which change the state of rest or state of motion of an
2. Forces produce acceleration, deceleration, direction change or deformation.
3. All types of frictions oppose the motion. The frictional force acts opposite the
direction of motion.
4. All friction produces deceleration to moving objects. Friction slows down.
5. If the speed of the object is ‘Zero’ then the drag acts on the object is ‘Zero’.
6. Drag increases with surface area of the moving object, and with speed.
7. Solid – Solid contact friction does not depend on speed.

Moyin Sir
moyin sir
8. Due to the drag a moving object reaches terminal velocity (Free fall).
9. All forces must act in center of gravity. Otherwise they produce a turning effect.
10. To find the effects of force/s first find the resultant/net/effective force of the
acting forces. If the forces are acting in the same direction in the same point they
will be added up, and if they are acting in the opposite direction they will be
11. If something is to be lifted then same amount of force must be applied as the earth
is applying.(i.e. mg)
12. If an object is balanced then total clockwise moment = total anticlockwise moment.
13. Turning and lifting are not the same. Identify, if it is a turning or a lifting.
14. Turning effect will only produce if the force is not passing through the turning
point (pivot/fulcrum).
15. If the applied force changes the shape or size, then the problem must be simplified
by “Hooke’s” law.
16. In laboratory, applied force can be measured by “Spring balance/newton meter”,
or the applied force can be calculated by multiplying mass and the acceleration.
17. Forces cause ‘Pressure’ in solids, liquids and in gases.

Moyin Sir

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