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O-Level Chemistry Jan 2023 batch

Topics# 13 and 14(Home work)

Q1. (a) State the name of the most common gas in the air. (1)
(b) A student carries out an experiment to measure the percentage of oxygen in the air. He used the
following apparatus:

He carried out the following procedure:

▪ Put some damp iron filings at the bottom of a 100 cm 3 measuring cylinder.
▪ Invert the measuring cylinder in a beaker of water.
▪ Take the initial reading of the level of water in the measuring cylinder. Take a reading of the
level of water in the measuring cylinder every day for 1 week.
The student’s results were:

initial reading on measuring cylinder/cm3 94

reading on measuring cylinder after 1 day/cm3 85

reading on measuring cylinder after 2 days/cm3 80

reading on measuring cylinder after 3 days/cm3 77
reading on measuring cylinder after 4 days/cm3 76
reading on measuring cylinder after 5 days/cm3 75
reading on measuring cylinder after 6 days/cm3 75
reading on measuring cylinder after 7 days/cm3 75

(i) Explain why the water level rises. (2)

(ii) Explain why the reading on the measuring cylinder eventually remains constant. (1)
(iii)Give the name of the iron compound that is formed in this experiment. (1)
(iv)The student trapped the gas in the tube and put a lighted splint into it. Explain why the splint goes
out. (2)
(v) Using the results in the table, calculate the percentage oxygen present in the air in the measuring
cylinder after 1 day. (3)

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(vi)The student decided that 1 week is too long to wait for results so suggested using a more reactive
metal such as calcium or lithium in this experiment. Explain one reason, other than that it might be too
dangerous, why the experiment will not work with these metals. (2)
(vii) Suggest one change that the student could make to the experiment so he does not have to wait
so long for the results. (1)
(c) Sulfur reacts with oxygen. A teacher burns a piece of sulfur in a gas jar of oxygen.
(i) State the colour of the flame. (1)
(ii)Write a balanced equation for the reaction that occurs. (1)
(iii) A few drops of litmus solution are put into the gas jar at the end of the experiment. State and
explain what colour will be seen. (2)
(d)Sodium reacts with oxygen to form sodium oxide.
(i) Write a chemical equation for this reaction. (2)
(ii)When sodium oxide reacts with water an alkaline solution is formed. State the name of the ion
responsible for making the solution alkaline. (1)
(Total 20 marks)

Q2. This question is about copper(II) sulfate solution.

(a) A student carried out an experiment to investigate displacement reactions of three different metals
with copper (ll) sulfate solution. She followed this method:
▪ Put some copper (ll) sulfate solution into a polystyrene cup.
▪ Measure the initial temperature.
▪ Add some metal.
▪ Stir the solution.
▪ Record the maximum temperature.
(i) The student uses the same amount in moles of each metal in the experiments. State two other
variables the student should keep the same in this experiment to allow her to be able to compare the
different metals. (2)
(ii)The student recorded the following data.

Metal Temperature change/ o C

zinc 15
silver 0
nickel 7

Arrange the four metals, zinc, silver, copper and nickel, in order of reactivity, starting with the most
reactive. (1)
(ii)The student did not carry out the experiment with copper and copper (ll) sulfate. Predict, giving a
reason, what the temperature rise would be for this experiment. (2)
(iv)The student carried out the experiment using 3.25g of zinc (0.05 mol). She then used the same
amount in moles of nickel and silver. Another student decided to use the same mass (3.25g) of each
metal. The results of the two students were very similar. Suggest reasons for this. (3)
(v)The ionic equation for the reaction between copper (ll) sulfate solution and nickel is:
Ni(s) + Cu2+ (aq) → Ni2+(aq) + Cu(s)
Use the ionic equation to explain whether nickel is oxidised or reduced in this reaction. (2)
(Total 10 marks)

[Total for question=30 marks]

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