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Free Verse Poetry

Free verse poetry is ‘free’ from the limitations of a particular structure. It is a device for
creative expression. Free verse poems don’t usually rhyme.

As the wind breathes gently My teacher,

the leaves begin their dance, she’s a believer.
slowly at first. Tells me I can be anything I
The wind is enchanted want to be.
by the movement, even an astronaut.
and whispers ‘Let’s dance’. maybe a world record holder.
Exhaling and puffing, When she’s not busy believing in me,
the wind chortles and for me, when I forget,
at the frenzied tempo she teaches, coaches, laughs, explains
of the leaves’ morning tango. and nurtures.
She’s a believing kind of person.
I wonder who believed in her first and
gave her that gift?

My Free Verse Poem


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