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Assignment No.

Learner Name

Task 1: Discussing moral reasons for managing health and safety

You are newly appointed HSE Officer for a warehouse. During your work, You have seen a lot of
examples of rule-breaking in the warehouse. For example, you have seen goods stacked in
aisles and blocking designated walkways. Workers have to avoid many obstacles as they walk
through the warehouse, causing them to step into vehicle routes. Workers have told you that
there are frequent near misses between FLTs and workers, and collisions with products causing
damage and spillages. There are no written records of any of these. There have been many
injuries recorded over the years. Most recently, a repeat of a more serious collision occurred
involving a young FLT driver. The brakes were applied too late, as the driver was distracted by
their mobile phone, the FLT skidded on an oil spillage and knocked goods over onto a passing
worker. On this occasion the worker’s leg was broken, which required urgent hospital
treatment. The hospital is 5 miles (approximately 8km) away from the store. The worker is
expected to be off work for six weeks to recover from the injury. The injured worker is seeking
legal advice in order to make a claim for compensation.

Question 1: Management decides to hire a Subcontractor for carrying out Forklift Truck
operations in warehouse and assigns your responsibility for this task, What factors you will
consider as an HSE Officer for selection of the subcontractor, you would be looking into both
OH&S and commercial aspects of the Subcontractor?
(10 Marks)
 Maintenance and certificate of FLT equipment.
 Experience with similar works.
 Training records of FLT drivers.
 FLT Operations Safe Work Method statement suitability.
 FLT Operations Risk assessment quality.
 Subcontractor Accident / Incident & Near-miss history.
 Subcontractor Enforcement actions that have been taken.
 Health and safety policy.
 Previous health and safety performance records.
 Subcontractor will adhere to safety legislation.
 Familiarity with the hazards of FLT Operations
 Communication methods before and during the work
 Supervision requirements
 Notifications process for problems and incidents
 Subcontractor reviews Safe Operation plans and job safety analysis before start of work.
 FLT Operation Monitoring introduces the changes required as per the requirement.
Assignment No. 3

 Investigation reports for safety incidents, injuries and near-misses.

Question 2 : What financial reasons you would give to the Management to improve OH&S
arrangements in the warehouse?
(10 Marks)
1. The company had to face several direct and indirect costs following an accident like also in this case so to avoid this cost
preventive measures should be taken as here segregation can prevent such accidents in future.
2. Legal cost to be paid in the form of compensation claims or to get lawyer services to defend the cases as the injured worker is
seeking advice for applying compensation claim.
3. The extent of claims that will be covered by insurance may result in increased premiums in future which will also add cost.

4. Disruption in the business while dealing with the injury in form of lost time injury and then due to investigation process.
5. Existing workers may be asked for overtime to cover lost time, then overtime costs.
6. Fines, and associated legal costs.
7. As workers revealed that several collisions of forklift resulted in damage to product and spillage so this is also financial loss of
company as to repair the products and then it might remain unsold or may be sold at low price or may need to be discarded as
waste like mostly in case of spill.
8. Spillage of hazardous chemical can also result in fire and environmental spillage and cleanup costs at workplace and the
financial loss can be incredibly go out of financial margins.
9. Sick pay must be given to the worker in recovery time from injury while he is off from the work as in this case worker may take
6 weeks to recover from injury.
10. As the recovery time can be extended replacement workers need to be hired on a temporary basis that may incur additional cost
for hiring, training, or retaining.
11. Damage to the public image and reputation of the company if it will not meet minimum social expectations to take care of the
health and safety of their workers.
12. Reduction in staff morale as they believe that management is not committed to their health and safety may also affect their
efficiency, quality, and productivity.

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