Graacylia Puspha Sena - 20200510358 - Cultural Diplomacy - IPIREL J

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Competency Test 4 : Individual Resume

Arrenged by:

Graacylia Puspha Sena (20200510358)

Class J


Wahyuni Kartikasari, M.Si



Group 1

 Information

Title: Strategi Pemerintah Indonesia Dalam Kerjasama Pariwisata Dengan Turki Era
Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

Publisher : UMY Repository

Journal publication time : 30 Agustus 2016

Journal Author : Muhammad Fahdio Rachman Farid (UMY International Relations

Graduate 2016)

 Background
A cultural diplomacy is a form of soft diplomacy that can influence and shape security so
that interests will still be achieved. The purpose of that is an effort to influence by
introducing culture to other countries to achieve domestic interests well and to cause
interaction between the people of each country in the implementation of cultural
diplomacy. The target in carrying out this cultural diplomacy is to introduce to the
international world its cultural heritage to create an attractive impression and then export
it to get support from the international community in every politics that is carried
out. This has a positive impact so that the state government can explore more and explore
the potential and culture in their country, imaging through cultural diplomacy to the
international world is much more beautiful than the military which has the potential to
cause conflict. 
The diplomatic strategy through a cultural expedition to the international world will be
easier and more profitable than the military element and or imperialism, culture is
considered an effort to conquer the human spirit and as an instrument to change the
power relations between the two countries to be more harmonious. Therefore, cultural
diplomacy is often used to improve relations between countries to become more
diplomatic. Cultural diplomacy introduced by S. L Roy refers more to sending cultural
and artistic missions to a country with the aim and hope of having an image that can
make the country sending the mission better in the eyes of the international
community. Turkey has a national capital, namely Ankara, but the largest city in Turkey
is Istanbul due to the location of Istanbul which stretches between the crossroads of the
Asian and European continents the cultural adaptation of this country has experienced
assimilation between eastern and western cultures.
As a result of this mixing, Turkey is called a cultural bridge country between Asia and
Europe which incidentally has a different culture. The city of Istanbul is the centre of
cultural development that has existed in Turkey since time immemorial, giving birth to a
mix of various cultures brought by the Ottoman Turks who took a lot of
ethics, manners, and politics from other nations . The indication is an increase in the
number of foreign tourists visiting the two countries and through various performances
sending cultural missions as a promotional event for the two countries. 

 Cultural Diplomacy

The means used by cultural diplomacy are all kinds of communication tools, both
electronic and print media, which are considered capable of conveying certain foreign
policy contents or missions, including diplomatic and military means. This cultural
diplomacy is part of one type of so many other diplomacies, while the country's foreign
policy is developing so widely. Cultural diplomacy is also an instrument to deliver a
nation's foreign policy through the cultural richness of a country . Although cultural
diplomacy can be interpreted as implementation by using a cultural approach as a means
of assisting to achieve its goals. 

The selection of cultural elements in carrying out this diplomacy must still be considered
because any human existence in the world certainly has different cultural elements. These
differences in cultural systems certainly require understanding from various parties, so
that there is no conflict, let alone hostility between each country that carries out
diplomacy through cultural exchange. In this case, Turkey and Indonesia, which have
different forms of culture and culture, are expected to optimize cooperation in the tourism
sector. The Republic of Turkey in the present context explains that the country has now
established itself as one of the most advanced international actors.

Improvements in the economic sector, success in tourism, industrialization, high quality

of education, and Turkey's role in the international arena give the assumption that the
Indonesian government under the leadership of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is
required to be able to play a more active role in tourism cooperation with Turkey through
implementation cultural diplomacy properly and correctly to increase the tourism sector
which is the second largest foreign exchange earner to the country after oil and gas. 

 Policy Implementation Concept

Policy implementation is a process of implementing or implementing a policy through a

series of operational actions to produce the desired outcome. Grindle is influenced by two
major variables, namely the content of the policy and the context of
implementation. Theory of Daniel A. Grindle which states that the success of
implementation is influenced by two major variables, namely the content of the policy
and the implementation environment.  The use of this theory can help researchers to
analyse the implementation of the MoU Policy on tourism cooperation between Indonesia
and Turkey in more depth.

To find out the extent of the implementation of the policy in the memorandum of
understanding for tourism cooperation between Indonesia and Turkey, in-depth research
is needed. For this reason, the researcher decided to use the theory of policy
implementation with the Merilee S. The model states that the success of policy
implementation is determined by the degree of permeability of the policy. 

 Purpose
The purpose of the “Wonderful Indonesia” activity was to introduce and promote the
beauty and diversity of Indonesia which is an attraction for foreign tourists to visit
Indonesia. The exhibition held by the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia among
Turkish executives has a big influence on the sustainability of cooperation between the
two countries. Directly or indirectly, the Turkish government will recognize the culture of
the Indonesian people. Another form of Indonesian soft diplomacy is the commemoration
of the 68th Birthday of the Indonesian state on August 17, 2013, which was held with a
diplomatic reception which was attended by approximately 235 invitations from
diplomatic circles, officials, Turkish public figures, etc.

Group 2

 Information
Title: Indonesian Batik Diplomacy In The United States During Soesilo Bambang
Yudhyono Reign
Publisher: Jember University Repository

Journal publication time : 2020

Journal Author : Irham Suryo Susanto

 Background
The political process of diplomacy determines a government's foreign policy by
attempting to sway the actions and viewpoints of other governments. One of the soft
power strategies that can strengthen links between nations and the international
community is the use of cultural aspects in diplomatic actions. Because the relationship
that is built not only among state players but also the role of society is also an important
aspect in the success of diplomacy itself, this activity is conducted peacefully and there is
no element of compulsion from any party. The idea of soft power refers to power gained
from culture that is then applied to policy to persuade the other party to do what the soft
power owner requests. The goals of Indonesian diplomacy under President Susilo
Bambang Yudhoyono, namely "A Million Friends and Zero Enemies," are in keeping
with the notion of soft power, which seeks to strengthen bilateral and multilateral
collaboration. The United States and Indonesia have a comparatively excellent level of
economic and security cooperation. It's important to maximize the momentum the
Indonesian government has gained by promoting batik as a global cultural treasure,
particularly in the US.
 Purpose
The Indonesian government and people continue to make real efforts to introduce
Indonesian batik to overseas audiences. This is done so that batik can contribute to the
achievement of Indonesia's national interests. Therefore, the government and batik
observers began to aggressively promote and introduce batik.
 Research Methodology
With the analytical descriptive method used, it allows this thesis to be considered for the
next step of academic learning because the references used are in the form of books,
eBooks, journals, articles, news or quotations, theses and previous research theses.

Group 4

 Information

Title: Chinese Soft Power Through Media Products: Its Projection and Reception in
South Korea and Japan

Publisher: Scholar Bank NUS

Journal publication time : 2014

Journal Author : Lee Seung Eun

 Background
On the background we have China’s rise reflect in coexistence with hope and fear
for other countries. These two faces of China’s rise reflect the coexistence of hope and
fear for other countries. To counter the geopolitical anxiety over China’s rise, the official
Xinhua News Agency released a publicity film on the national image 1 of China for the
first time at Times Square, New York, to coincide with President Hu Jintao’s state visit to
the United States. The Chinese dream presents how and where China will be heading by
focusing on the internal dynamics of economic development and a sustainable and
healthy China; Xi’s vision gives a rosy outlook on the present and future of the country.

 Purpose
Explores how the Chinese attempts to produce soft power are received in its Northeast
Asian neighboring countries.
 Research Methodology
This study is qualitative in nature, the data suggest that the man interviewees are more
inclined to enjoy Chinese history than women informants. However, this gender division
in consumer behavior may not apply to the Mudheap (martial arts) genre. The rationale
justifying a qualitative methodology was in part since a single author’s field work was
constrained by time and money. Also, pertinent quantitative information was already
available in public opinion survey data from South Korea, Japan, and the US, on soft
power and/or its perceptions. Another limitation of the methodological design is that it
was not possible to collect and generate identical sets of data from South Korea to Japan.
Constructively, these limitations suggest directions for further investigations.
Methodologically, for more detailed explanations of the variations of the soft power
mechanism, future research could take the form of cross-national studies using mixed
methods of comparative historical, qualitative, and quantitative studies. It would be
important to interview informants before and after their exposure to the various soft
power mediums regarding how different channels of soft power and them mechanisms
have effect affect. Conceptually and analytically, the typologies can be further ratified as
being cogent and relevant with more abundant empirical evidence.

Group 5

1. Thesis 1
 Information
Title: The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Taiwan's Diplomatic
Relationships with Africa
Publisher : Erasmus University Thesis Repository

Journal publication time : 2020

Journal Author : Chin-Wei Tsou

 Background
At the UN meeting in 1971, Resolution 2758 passed by the General Assembly and
the People's Republic of China (PRC) has been recognized as China's legitimate
representative. At that time, the Chiang government as the government of the Republic of
China (ROC) rejected Kennedy's proposal, accepting two Chinese representatives, one
from the mainland and one from Taiwan. In response to this issue, Taiwan established the
International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF) to implement a technical
cooperation program from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA). However, despite
the successful project, Taiwan still lost its diplomatic relations with African countries one
after another. NGOs with low political implications play an important role in Taiwan's
diplomacy. NGO contributions allowed Taiwan to become known later recognized by the
local population, and eventually by the international community. Taiwanese NGOs in
Africa mainly focus on humanitarian & charitable assistance, agriculture &
environmental protection, health care, and social welfare.
 Purpose
This research seeks to find possibilities for Taiwan to maintain and build
relationships on the African continent through nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).
International studies of the influence of NGOs on diplomacy largely believe that NGOs
can convey the exact needs of society and be closer to underprivileged minorities than
governments. In addition, under a global network of governments, NGOs can express
opinions about international organizations and even negotiate with governments of other
countries to influence policy formulation.
Through analysis, research shows that formal networks have a relatively
significant impact on Taiwan's international status but are not conducive to maintaining
diplomacy. Informal networks through good interaction between NGOs and host
communities and governments encourage development cooperation. It also virtually
improves Taiwan's foreign relations
 Research Methodology
1. Study Design, the design of this study uses a case study approach that places cases in
the context of Taiwanese space in the diplomatic domain and uses a variety of data to
conduct in-depth and multifaceted investigations.
2. Data Collection, this research develops a structural framework of qualitative data by
conducting inductive analysis. In general, qualitative analysis using grounded theory,
discourse analysis, and phenomenology Inductive approach allows qualitative data
analysis to identify themes in text data related to evaluation objectives.

Thesis 2

 Information
Title: French Cultural Diplomacy in Indonesia through Institut Francais d'Indonesiea
2015 – 2018

Publisher : Digilib Library Riau University

Journal publication time : 2020

Journal Author : Ridho Adriansyah

 Background
The France Institute is a French cultural center institution built to disseminate
French culture and values in the country it occupies, the France Institute is located in 143
countries under the auspices of the French embassy for that country, in ASEAN there are
only 5 France Institutes, namely in Singapore, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Indonesia. IFI
relies on its main mission, which is to promote and disseminate French contemporary
cultural art from all artistic fields to the Indonesian public, accompany the emergence of
the younger generation of Indonesian artists and encourage exchanges between cultural
activists from both countries. Every year the Institute Français d'Indonésie (IFI) always
makes new activities in disseminating French culture with varied media in various
regions in Indonesia, namely Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, and Yogyakarta, but there is
also Alliance France which is part of the IFI in Medan, North Sumatra and in Bali.

 Purpose
This cultural diplomacy is the most appropriate way when a country seeks to
spread its values in the eyes of the world. In summary, this research will examine how
cultural diplomacy activities were carried out by the Institute Français d'Indonésie a
French cultural institution in Indonesia in 2015 – 2018.
 Research Methodology
In the study using a qualitative descriptive approach, which is research without a
calculation process and the strength of numbers but rather obtained through literature
studies. In the data analysis technique, the author will use qualitative data analysis
techniques, this qualitative data collection technique is an analysis based on the data
obtained, then the author will develop it again in a paper which this time is in the form of
a thesis.

Group 6

 Information

Title: "Cultural Diplomacy of the Republic of Korea Through Film And Drama And Hip
Hop Diplomacy As United States Diplomacy

Publisher: Repository UIN Jakarta, Repository UI

Journal publication time : December 2013, January 2012


 Background
Korean films and dramas are often cited as the first agents to cause the Korean
wave. The first Korean drama entitled What Is Love About in 1997began airing in China
through a media China Central Television Station. Since then, Korean television dramas
have filled television programs in several countries such as Hong Kong, Taiwan,
Singapore, Vietnam, and Indonesia. The succession of Korean dramas can bring in
additional income (Additional Income) for the Republic of Korea which is marked by an
increase in income in the field of tourism and cultural exports. Kim Dae Jung also gave
the slogan "Provide Support, but do not interfere"2 against his policies in the film
industry. The drama Winter Sonata for example, made a profit of 6.24 million US dollars
or contributed 0.1% of the GDP in 2004.
US State Department is aggressively sending hip hop musicians/artists to other
countries through its Jazz Ambassador program. During the Cold War, US carried out
jazz diplomacy with the aim of restoring relations with its enemy, the Soviet Union. The
success of the U.S. Jazz diplomacy in the 50's and 60's has inspired its State Department
to try to instill soft power.
 Purpose
Embracing society—encouraging people to see a country as an attractive destination for
tourism and study, buying goods, or adopting the values of the country
 Research Methodology
The resume will focus on two case studies of world phenomena that are directly related to
the application of cultural diplomacy. Cultural diplomacy programs want to reach a wider
audience that is impossible to be touched by traditional diplomacy. By forming public
opinion in such a way, the resulting diplomatic impact will be able to touch the elite or
decision makers in the destination country. The character of hip hop, which is close to
young people, is very much in line with US cultural diplomacy, which targets youth.
Choosing hip hop as cultural diplomacy can also be an appropriate means to counter the
negative message brought by commercial hip hop music in its country.

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