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Republic of the Philippines


Pag-IBIG Fund
Corporate Headquarters
Makati City

January 9, 2023

Home Mutual Development Fund

Pag-IBIG Fund, represented by
Ms. Aileen Angelie F. Abelanes being as the
Branch Head of HDMF Ilocos Norte

SUBJECT : Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies regarding alleged unpaid

loan and claim of current benefits from my current re-employment

Dear Madame Abelanes,


This pertains to my upcoming voluntary retirement that will be due on April 20, 2023 unto
which I am in the dilemma of knowing from my recent query last December, 2022, that I still
have an unpaid loan way back 2006 to which the reason I cannot claim any proceeds or
return of benefits due to me, as current member contributor of the Pag-IBIG Fund, the Fund
for brevity.

Shading light my membership, I started as a member-contributor in the year 1994, if I am

not mistaken. Started then my contribution as an employee of the Department of Agrarian
Reform – Province of Ilocos Norte.

As a government employee and a member of the said Fund, a privilege may be availed from
a program of the Fund specifically loans to members to which I availed too. For the payment
of amortization, the payment of amortization done by our payroll officer thru automatic
salary deduction base on the SOA given by the Fund to the employer and the borrower,
hence among the allowable deductions was then PagIBIG Fund amortization.

For me as a borrower of the Fund, knows how to apply and then religiously pay whatever
amortization that the Fund given in the schedule of amortization payment. From my Initial
application of Loan(Approved), then after I may renewed the same or not. In my case I
As a frequent borrower knowing that I could not renew said privilege if I would not meet the
required amortization payment prior to renewal. Hence then all my reflected renewals, I met
the qualifications. If my renewal granted I do firmly believed that whatever loan balance in
a previous loan be deducted in the current application, wheretofore GROSS LOAN GRANTED
less LOAN BALANCE equals the LOAN NET. As a religious member-borrower, and good payor
of the Fund, I can not surmise why I incurred unpaid loan.

As evidenced by the document furnished to me by the Fund (Ilocos Norte Office) I availed
MPL Loan on 06/30/2006 in the amount of 27,472.01 in the remarks FULLYPAID. Then
another approved loan on 06/29/2009 in the amount 37,434.61 again in the remarks
FULLYPAID. Again on 04/07/2011 another approved loan amounting to 46,247.98, in the
remarks FULLYPAID. On 09/24/2011 in the amount of 50,971.74 a loan been APPROVED then
again remarks FULLYPAID and the last reflected loan approved was 09/11/2012 in the
amount of 59,182.98 again the remarks FULLYPAID. Whether or not I accepted this as
receive by me or admitted as my loans, all had been FULLYPAID as reflected by the OWN
SYSTEM OF THE FUND, please see Annex (___). Going back to the process of Loan Renewals,
how can I availed such successive renewals as APPROVED without examining closely any
previous loan balance, that the FUND only has the accessible records and authority to
approved. In furtherance, I get out from the government service, in the year 2013, out from
my retireable age and was given the Final Claim (Gross Receivable less Loan Balance)
without any reservation from the FUND. Fortunately, in 2015, I got employed as a private
employee at YLF Contracts and Cost Solutions, Inc. Mandaluyong City, then at present here
at Ilocos Norte and mandated by law mandatory to be an automatic member contributor of
the FUND.

For so long period of time been able to renewed my loans as approved by the Fund one after
the other, and claimed my FINAL CLAIM in 2013, I for myself been said not negligent and not
in bad faith, he who has been at fault must bear the burden of its negligence and not to pass
on to those innocent member that lead cause him annoyed, vexedly and dismayed.

WHEREFORE, I prayed that the FUND should release what is due to me as a re-employed and
out-going member of the Fund by April 20,2023.

Respectfully Yours,


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