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Paper 2 AQA

Psychology (pink =A2 content)

Name……………………… My target grade:…………. My predicted grade:…………

Indicate your level of understanding and confidence of each topic covered so far.

Paper 2 I have I have a decent I have a

produced grasp of the topic sound
Candidates should be able to: -
brief but need help understanding
notes -bring it on!

Approaches in Psychology

Origins of Psychology: Wundt, introspection and the emergence

of Psychology as a science
Learning approaches: Behaviourism; Classical conditioning -
Pavlov, Operant conditioning - Skinner, Social Learning
theory - Bandura
Cognitive approach: study of internal mental processes,
schema theory, theoretical and computer models to explain
mental processes. Emergence of cognitive neuroscience

Biological approach: influence of genes, biological

structures and neurochemistry on behaviour. Genotype and
phenotype, genetic and evolutionary basis of behaviour
Psychodynamic approach: Freud; the role of the unconscious,
structure of personality (Id, Ego and Superego), defence
mechanisms (repression, denial and displacement),
psychosexual stages (Oral, Anal, Phallic, Love, Genital)
Humanistic Psychology: Free will, self-actualization and
Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the self, congruence and the
role of conditions of worth. Counselling psychology
Comparison of the approaches


Divisions of the nervous system; central and peripheral

(somatic & autonomic)
Structure and function of sensory, relay and motor neurons.
Synaptic transmission, neurotransmitters, excitation and
Function of the endocrine system: glands and hormones
Fight or flight response including the role of adrenaline
Localisation of function in the brain and hemispheric
lateralisation; motor, somatosensory, visual, auditory and
language centres; Broca's and Wernicke's areas, split brain
research. Plasticity and functional recovery of the brain
after trauma.
Ways of studying the brain; Scanning - PET, fMRI, EEG and
event-related potentials (ERP). Post-mortem
Biological rhythms, circadian, infradian and ultradian.
Endogenous and exogenous zeitgebers.

Research Methods

Experimental method: Lab and field, natural & quasi

Observational techniques: Naturalistic, controlled, overt,
covert, participant
Self-report: Questionnaires and interviews
Correlations: Analysis of the relationship between
Content Analysis
Case Studies
Scientific processes

Hypotheses; directional and non-directional
Sampling: Random, systematic, stratified, opportunity,
Pilot studies
Experimental Designs: Independent measures, repeated measures
and matched pairs designs
Observational Design: behavioural categories, time and event
Variables: Independent and dependent, extraneous variables,
operationalisation of variables
Control: Standardisation, counterbalancing and randomisation
Demand characteristics and investigator effects
Peer review
Implications of Psychological research for the economy
Reliability: across all methods; test-retest and inter-rater
Validity: across all methods; face validity, concurrent
validity, ecological validity and temporal validity
Features of Science: objectivity, empirical method,
replicability and falsifiability, theory construction,
hypothesis testing, paradigms and paradigms shifts
Reporting psychological investigations: - abstract,
introduction, method, results, discussion and referencing
Data Handling and analysis

Quantitative and qualitative data

Primary and secondary data: including meta-analysis
Descriptive statistics: Measures of central tendency,
Measures of dispersion, percentages and positive, negative
and zero correlations
Graphs & charts
Distributions; normal and skewed
Correlation co-efficient
Levels of measurement: nominal, ordinal and interval
Content analysis and coding: Thematic analysis
Inferential Testing

Sign Test (AS) when to use and how to calculate S

Calculating S

Probability and significance: Statistical tables and critical

Type I and Types II errors

When to use the following tests: Spearman's rho, Pearson's r,

Wilcoxon, Mann-Whitney, related t-test, unrelated t-test and
Chi-square test

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