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Robotics and Control:

Theory and Practice
Prof. N. Sukavanam
Department of Mathematics
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Prof. M. Felix Orlando

Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
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Inverse Kinematics
Given the position (and possibly the o rientation) of the end effector
and the dimensions of the links, what are the joint variables?

c 1 • : = cm,( II : + 0 , )
(I) x = / 1 c , + I : c ,.:
(2) y = / 1 s 1 + I : sin - t. !

(1) II = 0 1 +0 ,

from ( I ) 1 + ( 2 ) :
x ·' +y ·=
- (1/ c, : + / / (c 1 : >: + 21.,: c,(c 1, : ))r V,' :./ + l: ' (-.in1

= I/ +I/ +2/11:(c 1(c 1 :)+,; (sit l ~


- / 1: +I:: + 21.f: c: .- Only Unknown

i\o7i.· .
' cm( " · h) • (cth "){l:m b). (\tn ")(,m h)
-11 '• -t:·' ' _/
:. 0 : = nrcco~ -, I l ,m( " • b) • (CO) ")hm b) • (n1, h )bm e1)
x = l ,c,+ l :c,: We know what 0 2 is from the previous
slide. We need lo solve for 11 1 • Now we
= / 1 c 1 + I : c,c : - l ::;,s:
have two equations and two unknowns
= c 1 ( / 1 + I : c : >- .s,U:s:) (s,n 11 1 and cos o,)

y = /1 s 1 + / : sin 1 :

• / 1 :- 1 + I : s,c:+ I : :.:c,
• c,U : '- : ) + l- 1 ( / 1 + I: c : )

c, X + '
\' I ,
\I - (I, + I . C 1 )
c, )' - s,x / ? .,· ? -
c, X + s, y ( I, + / ? C 1 ) {I

c, y s,x
- I, s ,
- b
c , ( hx - ay) = - s,(ax + h J').

O, = tan
(ar hx)
(a x+ h y )
(fiof'{) 911

't;CU) -I { : ) = ta_; I(; ) ~ ()

tOh~ I ( _:t_ ) ~ Tf - FJ 0.... ::: J, + 2 2.. C 2.

6 Jl 2..S2-

~ (J;f)~ l ( ~ ) :: ,H- 0
c, : :. L-oS<9 I

tan - , ( --=- ~ : : - 19 C _CoS(9,+Q.,\

1,+-1.-- '--)

gI ::_~I/) g \

9- =- 9 1-\---G 1...

L"' 0 _r,".u,_b /L
{,V~ ~()V · ).:()e(Y)O.'Tf c_, I _g O IOU J C ti v .

,) Non - Q;~
SL) A-{l-f)h" v~luuA I

3)~loo"nnlA~ h et le 01(),\oi~+,°~ .

Pos-5· i b; )it) Ove. 1 Cons tvcJ~ C(Y)o t e. ~

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Three Axis Manipulator
In lhe following figure OABC represents a l hree axis manipulator. 0 1s the base and C 1s the end effecl or.
The links are OA, AB, BC. The Joint angles are measured as shown in the fi gure.
Let (x,v.z) be the end effector position.

Inverse Kinematics has Multip le Soluti ons

/ l'OH I

" " = = = = = = = = = = = = = =•

l'o>e I ond po,e lead ll> same , ncl ollottor

pa.,1110.r, whlth Clf\a ol <Ottt<t lt•d1 lo mult,plt
Inverse Kinematics

x - /1 cos 0, + /! coi,(0 1 + 0 2 )+ I, cos{o, + 02 + 0, )

) ' . ,, ~Ill o, + /? sin(O, + 01)+ ,, sin(O, +a, + a.)
<1> - (o, + 0 2 + aJ Given x, y, <P, solve
for 0 1, 82, 03

4 1◄ ► ►I -~~ - ·36:21143:16
Direct Kinematics

x- /,cos e, +(,cos(e, +8:J+/3cos(e, +82+81)

y - ,, sin 8, + /2sin(e, + 82)+ ,, sin(e, + 82+ 0,)
<1> - (e, +01+eJ _,
Ro . ot.ics Termino o -
,na nipu la tor


3. lnve(se

4.Tr ajectory

5 Differential 6 M anipulator 8 Robot ics 9.Task

m ot1on,stat1cs dynamics vision planning
Jan 2023 Timel ines

4weeks Sweeks 12 weeks 4 weeks 8 weeks

(SET l } (SET l ) (SET 2) (SET 2)

Start of course Jan 23, 2023 Jan 23, 2023 Jan 23, 2023 Feb 20, 2023 Feb 20, 2023

End of course Feb 17, 2023 Mar 17, Apr 14, 2023 Mar 17, 2023 Apr 14,2023
Exam dates Mar 26, 2023 April 29/30, 2023
2 Sessions on each date 2 Sessions on each date
9am-12 noon; 2pm-Spm 9am-12 noon; 2pm-Spm

Open enrollment Nov 14, 2022

to the course

Close enrollment Jan 30, 2023 Feb 20, 2023

to the course 5pm 5pm

Open exam Dec 13, 2022 - 10am

registration form

Close exam Feb 13, 2023 5pm / March 13, 2023 5pm /
registration form Feb 17, 2023 5pm March 17, 2023 5pm

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