CBPM 2021 Annex B - Bid Data Sheet

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CBPM 2021 Annex B Bid Data Sheet


Bid Data Sheet for Works Procured through Community Shopping for Works

Name of Barangay Sub-Project:____________________

Contract Package No.: _________

1.0. The Sub-Project Owner is: Barangay Development Council Technical

Working Group of (insert Name of Barangay, Municipality, Province)
2.0 The required completion date shall be within the approved contract duration.

The Contract Duration is ___________________ Calendar Days

3.0 The works are: (insert data here)
Item No. Item of Works Quantity
_______ ______________________ ____________
_______ ______________________ ____________
_______ ______________________ ____________
_______ ______________________ ____________
_______ ______________________ ____________
_______ ______________________ ____________

( Refer to the Emergency Community Procurement Plan: ECPP )

4.0 The Site Visit and Inspection is required on: _________________
(insert exact date, time and place of assembly)
5.0 For the procurement of works, the Bidder must have completed the following:
a) Experience in completing a single contract that is similar in nature to the
works to be procured whose value must at least be fifty percent (50%) of the
bid amount.

However, those firms/companies established three (3) years and below who
failed to comply with the minimum required amount for a single contract is
allowed to bid, provided, that the Technical Person/s to be assigned for the
contract have relevant/related experience/s on the contract to be bid.
The Notarized Certificate of Employment/Appointment Letter and
Resume/Curriculum Vitae reflecting their relevant experiences shall form part
of the Bid Proposal.

Legal Documents
a. Valid license issued by the Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board
b. Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Certificate of Business Name
Registration for Sole Proprietorship; SEC Registration Certificate for
Corporations; CDA Registration Certificate for Cooperatives;
c. Valid and current Business/Mayor’s permit/municipal license from the
bidders principal place of business;
d. Notarized statement that none of the officers / directors / controlling
stockholders / members /owners of the firm are related by consanguinity or
affinity up to the 1st civil degree to the BDC-TWG Chairperson or
employees of KC-NCDDP Regional Program Management Office (RPMO)
or National Program Management Office (NPMO) who have direct access

CBPM 2021 Annex B Bid Data Sheet

to information that may substantially affect the result of the bidding, such
as, but not limited to, the members of the Bids and Awards Committee
(BAC), the members of the Technical Working Group (TWG), the
Procurement Team (PT), and the designer/s of the Sub-project.

Technical Documents
a. Statement of experience in completing similar government and private
contracts, to be attached with proofs such as Contract Agreement,
Notice of Award, Notice to Proceed, Certificate of Completion and
b. Statement of all ongoing government and private contracts including
contracts awarded but not yet started with information on the status of
physical accomplishment;
c. Statement on the availability of key personnel that may be used for
construction contracts;
d. Statement on the availability of equipment may be used for
construction contracts;

Financial Documents
a. Audited financial statements, stamped “received” by the BIR or its duly
accredited and authorized agents, for the immediately preceding
calendar year;
b. Computation of Net Financial Contracting Capacity (NFCC)


a. Authority of the Signatory (Board Resolution if the bidder is a
corporation or a cooperative, a Partnership Resolution if the bidder is a
b. Construction schedule (bar chart or PERT/CPM) and S-curve
c. Manpower schedule (weekly or monthly scheduling of skilled and
unskilled workers, including the Project Manager, Project Engineers,
Materials Engineers, and Foremen);
d. Construction methods (narrative description of how the contractor will
undertake the works under the contract);
e. Organizational chart for the contract to be bid;
f. List of contractor’s key personnel (viz. the Project Manager, Project
Engineers, and Foremen), to be assigned to the contract to be bid,
their complete qualification and experience data, and the key
personnel’s signed written commitment to work on the contract once
awarded to the contractor
g. List of contractor’s equipment units pledged for the contract to be bid
which are owned (supported by proof/s of ownership), leased, and/or
under purchase agreements (with corresponding engine numbers,
chassis numbers and/or serial numbers), supported by certification of
availability of equipment from the equipment lessor/vendor for the
duration of the contract
h. Equipment utilization schedule (weekly or monthly scheduling of the
minimum equipment required for the contract);
i. Certificate of Site Inspection for Works (issued by the BDC-TWG)
j. Construction safety and health program of the contractor
k. Omnibus Sworn Statement (Affidavit)
8.0 Financial proposal shall include the following:


CBPM 2021 Annex B Bid Data Sheet

a. Financial proposal sheet (filled-up RFQ or Bill of Quantities or

Summary of Bids)
b. Detailed estimates including a summary sheet indicating the unit prices
of construction materials, labor rates and equipment rentals used,
indicating also the direct and indirect costs, in coming up with the bid;
c. Cash flow by the quarter and payments schedule
9.0 Quotation shall be offered in: (BAC/PT to select appropriate mode)
[ ]Unit Prices [ ] Lump Sum [ ] Combination of both
10. The validity period of the quotation shall be no more than forty-five (45)
0 calendar days from the date of opening quotation on: (insert date of bid
11. Quotation must be addressed as follows
0 The BDC-TWG Chairperson
Barangay Development Council Technical Working Group – [Insert Name
of Barangay]
Quotations may be delivered by hand, mail, or messenger/courier and must be
received by the above address not later than date specified in 11.0
12. Quotations shall be opened on opening of quotation date, time and place as
0 indicated in the Request for Quotation for Works.

Note: To be filled-up by the BAC/PT before the issuance of Request for Quotation,
issuance of bidding documents and will form part of the Bidding Documents.

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