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Graduation day is the most awaited day in the life of all students for it marks the success of their

educational journey.

The road to academic success has never been easy, and it was made even tougher this school year
because of the catastrophic situation brought about by COVID-19 pandemic

Truly this pandemic has brought a lot of changes to our lives. And one of those changes is the way
teachers and students teach and learn.

But as the guidelines and restrictions loosen up, we are very lucky because this year, we are able to
conduct this remarkable event in person.

After more than 2 years, our dear students will have the chance to walk on stage, receive their diplomas
and hard-earned awards.

Surely, their parents and loved-ones are very proud of their accomplishments because imagine, these
students were able to cope with the changes and rise from the challenges they had encountered.

So, I would like to congratulate all students of BANKAL NIGHT HIGH SCHOOL for fighting for your dreams
and your future amidst the health crisis the world has been facing.

Kudos also to all the people who serve as the pillars of our school for without their hardwork and
intelligent minds we will not be able to make it.

By the way I’m Ma’am ruth and I am honored to be your host in this significant occasion

1 Ladies and gentlemen, we are to begin the program. So at this very moment, we will now
welcome the completers with their proud parents, our DEPED OFFICIALS, BANKAL NIGHT HIGH
SCHOOL faculty and staff, the city officials and the barangay officials in their processional. Lets give
them a round of applause.


3-5 May I request everyone to please rise for the singing of the Philippine national anthem to be
conducted by our mapeh coordinator Mr. Ian A. Pino, to be followed by the the INVOCATION, to be
lead to us by our Guidance advocate Mrs. Rina C. Cuizon and please remain standing for the singing of
the Lapu-Lapu March and school hymn.

Please be seated, Welcome to Bankal Night High Schools 7th Moving Up Ceremony and Recognition

This point of the academic year signifies the culmination of many years of hard work, dedication and
commitment in the relentless pursuit of knowledge, that will enable a person to embrace
opportunities and take challenges with clear vision and purpose.

6 To finally start with May I call on our Class of 2022 with honors Ms. Mirasol G. Petalcorin for
her words of welcome.

Thank you so much Ms. Mirasol Petalcorin for that warm welcome.
7-8 at this point ladies and gentlemen May I now call on our Beloved Principal Mr. Gilbert Q.
enecuela to present the candidates for completion. After which is the Acceptance of our Lapu-Lapu City
Schools Division superintendent Dr. wilfreda D. Bongalos CESO V and Distribution of Certificates of

9 Ladies and gentlemen, it is my distinct priviledge to introduce to your our Lapu-Lapu City-
schools Division superintendent Dr. Wilfreda D. Bongalos CESO V for her message to everyone.

10. Completers the moment you have been waiting for has finally come. The fruit of hardwork and
discipline will finally be reaped. You will be receiving your certificate and awards, the symbol of your
accomplishments. We shall now be awarding the academic awads to the completers and to all the
learners of Bankal Night Hs

Congratulations awardees! Your medals and certificates are prizes for your hardwork and excellence!

11 at this Juncture ladies and gentlemen May I call on our Honorable lapu-Lapu Vity mayor Junard
Ahong Chan for his Inspirational Message.

Thank you so much Honorable Lapu-Lapu City mayor Junard ahong Chan for that meaning ful message.
Our hopes are high that your words will guide our completers to their way to success.

12 we shall now listen to our Class of 2022 with High Honors Ms. Rezil M. Sumayang for her words
of Gratitude.

Thank you so much Ms. Rezil M. Sumayang for that message of gratefulness.

13 At this point ladies and gentlemen may I call on Ms Kyarah C. Polon our Class of 2022 With
Honors to lead the Completers in their Pledge of Loyalty.

14 Music is the expression of the soul. Through a song that emphasizes hope and courage amidst
challenges, let us welcome the completers as they sing their completers song entitled rainbow.

That was indeed heartfelt1 congratulations Completers!

15 Now may call on our PTA Board of Director Mr. John E. Polon for his closing remarks.

Thank you so much Sir.

16 and That Ends the Moving Up Ceremony and recognition Rights of Bankal Night HS. May
Request everyone to please all stand for the recessional. God Bless and Keep Safe everyone!

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