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Applied Mathematical Modelling 31 (2007) 1497–1517

Pulsatile flow of Herschel–Bulkley fluid through

catheterized arteries – A mathematical model
a,* b
D.S. Sankar , K. Hemalatha
Department of Mathematics, Crescent Engineering College, Vandalur, Chennai 600 048, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Mathematics, Anna University, Chennai 600 025, India

Received 1 August 2005; received in revised form 1 November 2005; accepted 12 April 2006
Available online 30 June 2006


The pulsatile flow of blood through catheterized artery has been studied in this paper by modeling blood as Herschel–
Bulkley fluid and the catheter and artery as rigid coaxial circular cylinders. The Herschel–Bulkley fluid has two parameters,
the yield stress h and the power index n. Perturbation method is used to solve the resulting quasi-steady nonlinear coupled
implicit system of differential equations. The effects of catheterization and non-Newtonian nature of blood on yield plane
locations, velocity, flow rate, wall shear stress and longitudinal impedance of the artery are discussed. The existence of two
yield plane locations is investigated and their dependence on yield stress h, amplitude A, and time t are analyzed. The width
of the plug core region increases with increasing value of yield stress at any time. The velocity and flow rate decrease,
whereas wall shear stress and longitudinal impedance increase for increasing value of yield stress with other parameters
held fixed. On the other hand, the velocity, flow rate and wall shear stress decrease but resistance to flow increases as
the catheter radius ratio (ratio of catheter radius to vessel radius) increases with other parameters fixed. The results for
power law fluid, Newtonian fluid and Bingham fluid are obtained as special cases from this model.
Ó 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Pulsatile blood flow; Catheterized artery, Herschel–Bulkley fluid; Yield planes; Longitudinal impedance

1. Introduction

In recent times, with the evolution of coronary balloon angioplasty, there has been a considerable increase
in the use of catheters of various sizes. These include the guiding catheter whose tip is positioned in the cor-
onary ostium through which the angioplasty catheter over the small guidewire is advanced, and also the
Doppler catheter, if used in the procedure with the tip positioned proximal to the coronary lesion. The inser-
tion of a catheter in an artery will alter the flow field, modify the pressure distribution and increase the resis-
tance. Therefore the pressure or pressure gradient recorded by a transducer attached to the catheter will differ

Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 44 22751375x393 (mobile: +91 9444122916); fax: +91 44 2750520.
E-mail address: (D.S. Sankar).

0307-904X/$ - see front matter Ó 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1498 D.S. Sankar, K. Hemalatha / Applied Mathematical Modelling 31 (2007) 1497–1517


A amplitude
R radius of the normal artery
k catheter radius ratio
n power index

p pressure

q0 typical pressure gradient
q(t) dimensionless time dependent pressure gradient
Q dimensionless flow rate
Q0 initial approximation to flow rate
Q1 correction to flow rate
r radial distance
r dimensionless radial distance
t time
u axial velocity
u dimensionless axial velocity
up plug flow velocity
u0p initial approximation to plug flow velocity
u1p correction to plug flow velocity
z axial distance
z dimensionless axial distance

Greek letters
a generalized Womersly frequency parameter
b width of the yield plane
K dimensionless longitudinal impedance
k radial plane at which the shear stress is zero
k1 first yield plane location (dimensionless)
k2 second yield plane location (dimensionless)

/ azimuthal angle
sy yield stress
h dimensionless yield stress
s shear stress
s dimensionless shear stress
s0 initial approximation to shear stress
s1 correction to shear stress
sH yield stress for Herschel–Bulkley fluid
sw dimensionless wall shear stress
s0w initial approximation to wall shear stress
s1w correction to wall shear stress
H coefficient of viscosity for Herschel–Bulkley fluid

x angular frequency

p plug flow (used for u, s)
w wall shear (used for s)
0 initial approximation (used for u, s, sw)
1 correction to flow quantities (used for u, s, sw)
D.S. Sankar, K. Hemalatha / Applied Mathematical Modelling 31 (2007) 1497–1517 1499

+ the region k 6 r 6 k1 (used for u)
++ the region k1 6 r 6 k2 (used for u)

from that of an uncatheterized artery and it is essential to know the catheter induced error. Even a very small
angioplasty guidewire leads to sizable increase in flow resistance.
Back and Denton [1] obtained the estimates of the wall shear stress and discussed its clinical importance in
coronary angioplasty. Back [2] and Back et al. [3] studied the important hemodynamic characteristics like the
wall shear stress, pressure drop and frictional resistance in catheterized coronary arteries under normal as well
as the pathological situation of a stenosis present. The effect of catheterization on various flow characteristics
in a curved artery was studied by Karahalios [4] and Jayaraman and Tiwari [5]. In all the above investigations,
blood has been treated as a Newtonian fluid. But, it is well known that, blood being suspension of cells,
behaves like a non-Newtonian fluid at low shear rates and during its flow through narrow blood vessels.
At low shear rates (0.1 s1) blood obeys Casson fluid model that takes into account the yield stress of the fluid
[6]. Aroesty and Gross [7] have studied the pulsatile flow of blood in small blood vessels and Chaturani and
Ponnalagar Samy [8] extended this theory to study pulsatile flow of blood in stenosed arteries, modeling blood
by Casson fluid. Dash et al. [9] studied the changed flow pattern in narrow artery when a catheter is inserted
into it and estimated the increase in friction in the artery due to catheterization using Casson fluid model for
steady and pulsatile flow of blood. Daripa and Dash [10] have analyzed the numerical study of pulsatile blood
flow in an eccentric catheterized artery using a fast algorithm treating blood as a Newtonian fluid. Vajravelu
et al. [11] have analyzed the peristaltic transport of Herschel–Bulkley fluid in an inclined tube.
Scott Blair and Spanner [12] reported that blood obeys Casson equation only for moderate shear rate and
that there is no difference between Casson’s and Herschel–Bulkley’s plot over the range where Casson’s plot is
valid for blood. It has been reported by Tu and Deville [13] that the assumption of Newtonian behaviour of
blood is acceptable for high shear rate flow, e.g. in the case of flow through large arteries. It has also been
pointed out that in some diseased conditions, e.g. patients with severe myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular
diseases and hypertension, blood exhibits remarkable non-Newtonian properties [14]. It is true that the Casson
fluid model can be used for moderate shear rates c < 10 s1 in smaller diameter tubes whereas, the Herschel–
Bulkley fluid model can be used at still lower shear rate of flow in very narrow arteries where the yield stress is
high [12,13]. Also Herschel–Bulkley fluid model can be reduced to that of power law, Bingham and Newtonian
fluid models by suitable choice of the parameters. The same model can be used for larger arteries where the
effect of yield stress can be ignored. Hence it is appropriate to model blood as a Herschel–Bulkley fluid rather
than Casson fluid.
In this paper, an attempt has been made to study the effects of catheterization on physiologically important
flow quantities such as velocity, flow resistance and wall shear stress for blood flow in a narrow artery by mod-
eling blood as Herschel–Bulkley fluid and the artery and the catheter as coaxial rigid tubes. The simultaneous
effects of the non-Newtonian nature of the fluid and catheterization are also discussed. Section 2 formulates
the problem mathematically, while in Section 3, the physical quantities involved in the problem are non-
dimensionalized and the expressions for flow quantities such as velocity, flow rate, wall shear stress and lon-
gitudinal impedance of the artery are obtained for pulsatile flow. The effects of pulsatility, catheter radius
ratio, generalized Womersly frequency parameter and yield stress of the fluid on yield plane locations, velocity
profiles, flow rate, wall shear stress and longitudinal impedance are analyzed in Section 4.

2. Mathematical formulation

Consider the flow of blood in an artery modeled as a rigid circular tube of radius R in which a catheter is
introduced coaxially. The catheter radius is taken to be kR (k < 1) and blood is modeled as a Herschel–Bulkley
fluid. It is assumed the pulsatile flow in the artery is due to a prescribed periodic pressure gradient along the
axis of the artery. The flow is taken to be axially symmetric, laminar and fully developed. The length of the
artery is assumed to be large enough when compared to its diameter so that entrance, end and special wall
1500 D.S. Sankar, K. Hemalatha / Applied Mathematical Modelling 31 (2007) 1497–1517


Fig. 1. Geometry of the catheterized artery.

effects can be neglected. We use the cylindrical polar coordinates ðr; /; zÞ, where r and z denote the radial and
axial coordinates and / is the azimuthal angle. Fig. 1 shows the geometry of the catheterized artery.
It can be shown that the radial velocity is negligibly small in magnitude and may be neglected for low
Reynolds number flow. The momentum equation in this case simplifies to
ou o
p 1 o
 ¼  ðrsÞ; kR 6 r 6 R; ð1Þ
ot oz r or
where q
 denotes the density,  u the axial velocity, t the time, p the pressure and s the shear stress. The general
form of the constitutive equation for Herschel–Bulkley fluid is taken to be
H   ¼ ðjsj  sH Þn for jsj P sH ;
l ð2Þ
¼ 0 for jsj 6 sH ; ð3Þ
where sH is the yield stress,  u is the axial velocity, ‘n’ is the power index and l
H is the coefficient of viscosity for
Herschel–Bulkley fluid with dimension (ML1T2)nT. The equivalent form of these relations where shear
stress and strain rates have opposite signs can be written as
u n nsH ou
H ¼ jsj 1  for jsj P sH and > 0; ð4Þ
or jsj or
nsH ou
¼ jsjn 1  for jsj P sH and < 0; ð5Þ
jsj or
¼ 0 for jsj < sH : ð6Þ
Eqs. (1) and (4)–(6) can be solved subject to the no slip boundary conditions on the walls of the catheter and
the artery given by
uðr ¼ kRÞ ¼ 0;
uðr ¼ RÞ ¼ 0:

3. Method of solution

q0 be the absolute magnitude of the typical pressure gradient. Let
0 ¼ l
l H : ð9Þ

q0 R
The dimension of l
0 is the same as the dimension of Newtonian fluid’s viscosity. We introduce the following
non-dimensional variables:
D.S. Sankar, K. Hemalatha / Applied Mathematical Modelling 31 (2007) 1497–1517 1501

u s r z R2 x

u¼ 2
; s¼ ; r¼ ; z¼ ; t;
t¼x a2 ¼ l
0 ; ð10Þ

q0 R 
q0 R R R q

l0 2

where x
 is the frequency of oscillation of the pulsatile flow and a is called generalized Womersly frequency
parameter. The pressure gradient can be written as
ðtÞ ¼ 
q0 qðtÞ; ð11Þ
where q(t) is the non-dimensional pressure gradient along the axis which is taken as a periodic function of time
for pulsatile flow. Since the flow is pulsatile, the pressure gradient is taken as q(t) = 1 + A sin t, where A is the
amplitude parameter.
The momentum equation (1) in the non-dimensional form is given by
ou 1 o
a2 ¼ 2qðtÞ  ðrsÞ; k6r61 ð12Þ
ot r or
and the constitutive Eqs. (4)–(6) in the non-dimensional form is
ou n nh ou
¼ jsj 1  ; for jsj P h and > 0; ð13Þ
or jsj or
nh ou
¼ jsjn 1  ; for jsj P h and < 0; ð14Þ
jsj or
¼ 0; for jsj 6 h; ð15Þ
h¼ ð16Þ

q0 R
is the non-dimensional yield stress. The boundary conditions (7) and (8) are reduced to
uðr ¼ kÞ ¼ 0; ð17Þ
uðr ¼ 1Þ ¼ 0: ð18Þ
As it is not possible to find an analytic solution of the nonlinear coupled implicit system of differential equa-
tions (12) and (13)–(15), we proceed to find a perturbed series solution for small values of the generalized
Womersly frequency parameter a. Consider a solution of the form
sðr; tÞ ¼ s0 ðr; tÞ þ a2 s1 ðr; tÞ þ    ; ð19Þ
uðr; tÞ ¼ u0 ðr; tÞ þ a u1 ðr; tÞ þ    : ð20Þ
The above form of the solution reflects the physical principle that inertial effects are not important for small
values of the generalized Womersly frequency parameter a. The perturbation series used here has the limita-
tions in the sense that the series, if converges, has finite radius of convergence. With the above two terms as
shown here, the results are likely to be good only for very small values of the perturbation parameter. Such
limitations are usually not there when the underlying partial differential equations are solved numerically using
an appropriate numerical method, and the results so obtained are more valid for much larger values of fre-
quency parameter than otherwise possible with perturbation series. Substitution of expansions (19) and
(20) into the momentum equation (12) gives
1 o
0 ¼ 2qðtÞ  ðrs0 Þ; ð21Þ
r or
ou0 1 o
¼ ðrs1 Þ; ð22Þ
ot r or
where we have neglected terms of o(a4) and higher order terms. Similarly Herschel–Bulkley fluid’s constitutive
equations (13)–(15) yields,
1502 D.S. Sankar, K. Hemalatha / Applied Mathematical Modelling 31 (2007) 1497–1517

when k 6 r 6 k1
ou0 n1 ou0
¼ js0 j ðjs0 j  nhÞ for js0 j P h and > 0; ð23Þ
or or
ou1 n2 ou1
¼ njs0 j js1 jðjs0 j  ðn  1ÞhÞ for js1 j P h and > 0; ð24Þ
or or
when k1 6 r 6 k2
¼0 for js0 j 6 h; ð25Þ
¼0 for js0 j 6 h; ð26Þ
when k2 6 r 6 1
ou0 n1 ou0
¼ js0 j ðjs0 j  nhÞ for js0 j P h and < 0; ð27Þ
or or
ou1 n2 ou1
¼ njs0 j js1 jðjs0 j  ðn  1ÞhÞ for js1 j P h and < 0: ð28Þ
or or
The boundary conditions (17) and (18) become
u0 ðr ¼ kÞ ¼ 0 ¼ u1 ðr ¼ kÞ; ð29Þ
u0 ðr ¼ 1Þ ¼ 0 ¼ u1 ðr ¼ 1Þ: ð30Þ
The solutions of Eqs. (23) and (27) can be obtained with the help of boundary conditions (29) and (30). Since
pulsatile flow is considered, all the variables (i.e. u0, s0, u1, s1, k1, k2) will be functions of time t. Integration of
Eq. (21) yields
s0 ¼ qðtÞr þ ; ð31Þ
where C is the constant of integration. From Eqs. (23)–(28), it is clear that the flow for k 6 r 6 1 is a three
region one in which the central core region has a flat velocity profile and hence forms the plug flow region.
In this plug flow region, where the shear stress does not exceed the yield stress, the fluid itself does not flow
but is merely carried along by the fluid in the adjacent viscous flow regions. For mathematical representation,
let this plug flow region be defined by k1 6 r 6 k2, where k 6 k1, k2 6 1. Here k1 and k2 are unknown functions
of time which are to be determined at a given time. From the continuity of the shear stress along the boundary
of the plug flow region, we have
sjr¼k1 ¼ h ¼ sjr¼k2 : ð32Þ
Using the above conditions in Eq. (31), we get
C ¼ qðtÞk2 ; ð33Þ
k2 ¼ k1 k2 : ð34Þ
Substitution of Eq. (33) in Eq. (31) yields the shear stress as
qðtÞ 2
s¼ ðr  k2 Þ: ð35Þ
Using Eq. (35) and condition (32), we have
k2  k 1 ¼ ¼ b ðsayÞ; ð36Þ
where b is the width of the plug core region. The expressions for the velocity in the three regions can be ob-
tained from Eqs. (35), (23)–(28) and the boundary conditions (29) and (30) (see Appendix 1) and are given by
D.S. Sankar, K. Hemalatha / Applied Mathematical Modelling 31 (2007) 1497–1517 1503
"Z  n Z r 2 n1 #
k2  x 2 k  x2

0 ðr; tÞ ¼ ½qðtÞ dx  nb dx ; when k 6 r 6 k1 ; ð37Þ
k x k x
u0p ¼ constant; when k1 6 r 6 k2 ; ð38Þ
"Z  n Z 1 2 n1 #
þþ n
x 2  k2 x  k2
u0 ðr; tÞ ¼ ½qðtÞ dx  nb dx ; when k2 6 r 6 1; ð39Þ
r x r x

where u0p denotes the plug flow velocity. When there is no yield stress (h = 0), we have b = 0. In this case, Eqs.
(37) and (39) give the velocity field in a catheterized tube for power law fluid. This agrees with the result
quoted by Kapur [15]. Requirement of the continuity of the velocity distribution throughout the flow field
leads to the condition
uþ þþ
0 ðk1 ; tÞ ¼ u0p ¼ u0 ðk2 ; tÞ: ð40Þ
This gives
Z k1  2 n Z 1 2 n "Z  n1 Z 1 2 n1 #
k  x2 x  k2 k1
k2  x 2 x  k2
dx  dx  nb dx  dx ¼ 0: ð41Þ
k x k2 x k x k2 x

Using Eqs. (34) and (36), the above equation reduces to an equation in k1 given by
Z k1  n Z 1  2 n
k1 ðk1 þ bÞ  x2 x  k1 ðk1 þ bÞ
dx  dx
k x k1 þb x
"Z  n1 Z 1  2 n1 #
k1 ðk1 þ bÞ  x2 x  k1 ðk1 þ bÞ
 nb dx  dx ¼ 0: ð42Þ
k x k1 þb x

The above equation is solved numerically for k1 using Regula–Falsi method and the integrals in the equation
are evaluated using Trapezoidal rule. Once k1 is known, k2 is determined using Eq. (36). The expressions for
velocity u0 can be obtained from Eqs. (37)–(39) using Eq. (34).
Now we derive the expressions for corrections to shear stress and velocity due to small inertial effects. Inte-
gration of Eq. (22) yields the correction to shear stress due to small inertial effects as
1 k ou0 DðtÞ
s1 ¼ r dr þ ; ð43Þ
r r ot r
where D(t) = ks1(k, t) is an unknown function of time which is to be determined. The details of derivation of s1
are given in Appendix 2.
The corrected shear stress distribution is s0 + a2s1. Due to this corrected shear stress, the yield planes k1 and
k2 will be shifted. Let the corrected yield plane locations be k1 þ a2 kc1 and k2 þ a2 kc2 . Eq. (32) can be rewritten
ðs0 þ a2 s1 Þjr¼k1 þa2 kc ¼ h ¼ s0 þ a2 s1 jr¼k2 þa2 kc : ð44Þ
1 2

Using Taylor series expansion and making use of

s0 jr¼k1 ¼ h ¼ s0 jr¼k2 ð45Þ
we obtain
s1 ðk1 ; tÞ
kc1 ¼ os0
; ð46Þ
ðk1 ; tÞ
s1 ðk2 ; tÞ
kc2 ¼ os0 : ð47Þ
ðk2 ; tÞ
The expressions for correction to velocity distribution in the regions k 6 r 6 k1, k1 6 r 6 k2 and k2 6 r 6 1 are
obtained in Appendix 3. The expression for D(t) is also obtained in Appendix 3.
1504 D.S. Sankar, K. Hemalatha / Applied Mathematical Modelling 31 (2007) 1497–1517

The non-dimensional flow rate is given by

Q ¼ Q0 þ a2 Q1 : ð48Þ
The expressions for Q0 and Q1 are obtained in Appendix 4. The wall shear stress in the artery is obtained from
Eqs. (35) and (A2.15) with r = 1 and is given by
sw ðtÞ ¼ s0w ðtÞ þ a2 s1w ðtÞ; ð49Þ
s0w ðtÞ ¼ qðtÞð1  k2 Þ ð50Þ
(  Z k1  2 n  2  Z k1  2 n1
n1 dqðtÞ k2  k22 k  x2 k  k22 k  x2
s1w ðtÞ ¼ nðqðtÞÞ dx  nb dx
dt 2 k x 2 k x
Z 1 Z 1  2 n Z 1 Z 1  2 n1 )
x  k2 x  k2
 dxy dy þ nb dxy dy
y¼k2 x¼y x y¼k2 x¼y x
(  Z k1  2 n  2 
n dk k2  k22 k  x2 dx k  k22
þ 2nk½qðtÞ  ðn  1Þb
dt 2 k x ðk2  x2 Þ 2
Z k1   n1 Z 1 Z 1   n
k2  x 2 dx x 2  k2 dx
þ y dy
k x ðk  x Þ2
y¼k2 x¼y x ðx  k2 Þ

Z 1 Z 1  2 n1 )
x  k2 dx
ðn  1Þb y dy þ DðtÞ: ð51Þ
y¼k2 x¼y x ðx2  k2 Þ
The longitudinal impedance of the artery is given by
K¼ : ð52Þ

4. Results and discussion

The change in the flow pattern and the effects of non-Newtonian nature of blood in a narrow artery are
studied when a catheter is inserted into the artery and the flow is pulsatile. Blood has been modeled as Her-
schel–Bulkley fluid which has a definite yield stress h and power index n. The results are analyzed for different
values of non-dimensional variables namely the catheter radius ratio k, yield stress sy , amplitude A and gen-
eralized Womersly frequency parameter a. The pulsatile flow of Newtonian fluid through catheterized artery
can be obtained by taking h = 0 and n = 1, power law fluid with h = 0 and n 5 1 and Bingham fluid with
h 5 0 and n = 1. When k ! 0, we get analysis for straight tube in all the above cases. The flow is due to a
prescribed pressure gradient along the axis of the tube. Neglecting the inertial effects, the resulting non-dimen-
sional quasi-steady nonlinear coupled implicit system of differential equations (12)–(15) are solved for small
values of generalized Womersly frequency parameter a, using a perturbation scheme. Though the frequency
parameter a ranges from 0 to 1, it is appropriate to assume its value as 0.5 for blood flow problems [9]. Since
sy = 0.04 dyn/cm2 for blood at a haematocrit of 40 [16], the range h = 0–0.1 is more suitable when a catheter is
inserted in the blood vessels. Just to pronounce the variations in flow quantities (velocity, flow rate, wall shear
stress, etc.), we have taken the range of yield stress h as 0–0.3 in this study. The non-Newtonian nature of
blood is more prominent with increasing h as it flows in narrow blood vessels, where the pressure gradient
is small, which can be seen from Eq. (16), whereas in large blood vessels an opposite nature is observed
(h is negligible and q(t) is significant) and the fluid behaves like a Newtonian fluid. Since the flow is pulsatile,
the pressure gradient is taken as q(t) = 1 + A sin t, where A is the amplitude parameter and is taken as less than
1. In the present study, we use the values of amplitude parameter ‘A’ as 0.3, 0.5 and 0.7 to study the influence
of this parameter in blood flow [9].
D.S. Sankar, K. Hemalatha / Applied Mathematical Modelling 31 (2007) 1497–1517 1505

For blood flow situations, the appropriate values of the power index n for Herschel–Bulkley fluid model are
taken as 0.95 (n < 1) and 1.05 (n > 1) in our discussions. There are no appreciable differences among the values
of the various flow quantities such as yield plane locations, velocity, flow rate etc. for n = 0.75 and n = 0.95
(the difference occurs only in the third or fourth decimal place). A similar behaviour is observed when n = 1.05
and 1.25. Therefore it is enough if we take a typical value for n < 1 to be 0.95 and for n > 1, to be 1.05.
It is clear that the two yield planes determine the plug flow region in an annular flow. It is observed by Bird
et al. [17] and Walton and Bittleston [18] that the plug flow region moves parallel to physical boundaries. For
pulsatile flow, the yield plane locations k1 and k2 change during the course of motion as the pressure gradient
changes with respect to time. The variation of yield plane locations k1 and k2 during a flow cycle for different
values of amplitude A and yield stress h when k = 0.5 and n = 0.95 is plotted in Fig. 2. For a given value of h
and A, the width of the plug core region decreases from 0° to 90°, and then increases from 90° to 270° and
again decreases from 270° to 360° during a flow cycle which is otherwise obvious from Eq. (36). The minimum
value of the width of the plug core region is attained at t = 90° and the maximum value at 270°. This is because
the pressure gradient is maximum at t = 90° and minimum at 270° and it also implies that the maximum flow
occurs at t = 90° and minimum flow occurs at 270° during a cycle of oscillation. For given t and A, the width
of the plug core region increases with increasing h which can also be seen from Eq. (36). For fixed k and h, the
width of plug flow region decreases with increasing A when t lies between 0° and 180°, whereas from 180° to
360° the behaviour is reversed. The width does not depend on n, but only on yield stress h. Fig. 2 analyses the
effects of non-Newtonian nature of the fluid on yield plane locations during a time cycle.
The variation of velocity with radial distance r during a flow cycle when h = 0.25, a = A = k = 0.5 for
n = 0.95 and 1.05 are shown in Figs. 3 and 4 respectively. The fluid velocity increases from 0° to 90° and then
decreases from 90° to 270° and again increases from 270° to 360° and there is no flow at 270°. As n increases
from 0.95 to 1.05, the velocity decreases slightly for a given A, h, k, a and t. Figs. 3 and 4 compare the effects of
non-Newtonian nature of the fluid in the radial direction for different values of the power law index ‘n’ at dif-
ferent times. The variation of velocity with radial direction for different fluids is shown in Fig. 5. We notice
that the velocity is greater for power law fluids compared to Herschel–Bulkley fluids for given n and any value
of h. Fig. 5 depicts the effects of the non-Newtonian nature of the fluids on velocity in radial direction. The
results for Newtonian fluid are in agreement with the results of Dash et al. [9].
Fig. 6 depicts the variation of plug flow velocity in a cycle of oscillation for different values of amplitude A
and yield stress h with k = a = 0.5 and n = 0.95. For a given A, h and n, it is clear that the plug flow velocity
increases as t increases from 0° to 90° and then decreases from 90° to 270° and again increases from 270° to
360°. The plug flow velocity is maximum at 90° and minimum at 270°. Also it is observed that the plug flow
velocity decreases as the yield stress h increases for a given A. For a given h, as the amplitude increases from




0.6 A = 0.5, θ = 0.05

A = 0.5, θ = 0.25
A = 0.3, θ = 0.25
0 60 120 180 240 300 360

Fig. 2. Variation of yield plane locations in a flow cycle for different values of A and h with k = 0.5 and n = 0.95.
1506 D.S. Sankar, K. Hemalatha / Applied Mathematical Modelling 31 (2007) 1497–1517



0.04 t = 90o

t = 45o

0.025 t = 135o

t = 0o, 360o

t = 315o t = 180o
0.01 t = 225o
t = 270o

0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Fig. 3. Variation of velocity with radial distance during a flow cycle with h = 0.25, A = a = 0.5, n = 0.95 and k = 0.5.



0.035 t = 90o

t = 45o
0.025 t = 135o

0.02 t = 0o, 360o


0.01 t = 315o t = 180o

t = 225o t = 270 o

0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Fig. 4. Variation of velocity with radial distance during a flow cycle with h = 0.25, A = a = 0.5, n = 1.05 and k = 0.5.


0.09 Power law fluid with

n = 0.95
Newtonian fluid

Herschel - Bulkley fluid with

n = 0.95 and θ = 0.05

Power law fluid with Bingham fluid
0.03 n = 1.05

0.02 Herschel - Bulkley fluid with

n = 1.05 and θ = 0.05

0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Fig. 5. Variation of velocity with radial distance for different fluids with A = a = 0.5, k = 0.5 and t = 45°.
D.S. Sankar, K. Hemalatha / Applied Mathematical Modelling 31 (2007) 1497–1517 1507



0.06 A = 0.3, θ = 0.05


0.03 A = 0.5, θ = 0.25

A = 0.3, θ = 0.25

0 60 120 180 240 300 360

Fig. 6. Variation of plug flow velocity in a flow cycle for different values of A and h with k = a = 0.5 and n = 0.95.

0.3 to 0.5, the plug flow velocity increases when t lies between 0° and 180° and it decreases when t lies between
180° and 360°. The same behaviour is observed for n = 1.05. It is noticed that the plug flow velocities for
Herschel–Bulkley fluid with n = 0.95 and n = 1.05 are slightly higher than the values for Casson fluid given
by Dash et al. [9]. Fig. 6 analyses the effects of yield stress on plug flow velocity during a time cycle.
The expression for non-dimensional flow rate Q(t) is given in Eq. (48). Fig. 7 depicts the variation of flow
rate during a cycle of oscillation for different values of amplitude A and yield stress h with k = a = 0.5 for
n = 0.95. The flow rate increases as t increases from 0° to 90°, decreases when t increases from 90° to 270°
and again increases as t increases further from 270° to 360° for fixed values of A, h, a and k. The flow rate
is maximum when t = 90° and minimum when t = 270°. This is an obvious result from the velocity distribu-
tion. It is observed that the flow rate decreases as the yield stress h increases for a given value of amplitude A
and for any value t. As the amplitude A increases, the flow rate increases when t lies between 0° and 180° and it
decreases when t lies between 180° and 360°. It is noticed that the flow rate decreases slightly when the power
index n increases from 0.95 and 1.05, keeping all the other parameters fixed. Fig. 7 analyses the effects of yield
stress on flow rate during a time cycle. Fig. 8 shows the variation of flow rate in a flow cycle for different values
k and a when n = 0.95, h = 0.25 and A = 0.5. It is seen that the flow rate decreases as the catheter radius ratio
k increases for any t. Also the variation of flow rate with increasing a is almost negligible. When the flow rate
values for Herschel–Bulkley fluid are compared with that of Casson fluid for k = a = A = 0.5 and h = 0.05,
the flow rates for Herschel–Bulkley fluid for n = 0.95 and 1.05 are almost double than that of Casson fluid
for any t [9]. Fig. 8 discusses the simultaneous effects of catheterization of the artery and the pulsatility of
blood flow during a time cycle.


A = 0.5, θ = 0.05

Q (t)

A = 0.3, θ = 0.05

A = 0.3, θ = 0.25

0 60 120 180 240 300 360

Fig. 7. Variation of flow rate in a cycle of oscillation for different values of A and h with n = 0.95, k = 0.5 and a = 0.5.
1508 D.S. Sankar, K. Hemalatha / Applied Mathematical Modelling 31 (2007) 1497–1517


0.3 k = 0.3, α = 0.9

k = 0.3, α = 0.1
Q (t) 0.2



k = 0.5, α = 0.1

0 60 120 180 240 300 360

Fig. 8. Variation of flow rate in a cycle of oscillation for different values of k and a with n = 0.95, A = 0.5 and h = 0.5.


0.7 A = 0.5, θ = 0.05

0.6 A = 0.3, θ = 0.25

τ w (t)

A = 0.3, θ = 0.05




0 60 120 180 240 300 360

Fig. 9. Variation of wall shear stress in a cycle of oscillation for different values of A and h with n = 0.95, k = 0.5 and a = 0.5.

In pulsatile flow, the non-dimensional wall shear stress sw (t) can be calculated from Eq. (49). From Eqs.
(49)–(51), it is clear that the wall shear stress depends on q, n, k, k1, k2, h and implicitly on t. The variation of
wall shear stress in a cycle of oscillation for different values of amplitude A and yield stress h with k = a = 0.5
for n = 0.95 is shown in Fig. 9. The wall shear stress increases as t increases from 0° to 90°, decreases as t
increases from 90° to 270° and again increases as t increases further from 270° to 360° when A, k, a, h and
n are fixed. The maximum wall shear stress is attained at t = 90° and the minimum wall shear stress is attained
at t = 270°. For the given the given values of n, t, A and k, the wall shear stress increases as the yield stress
increases. It is noticed that as the amplitude A increases, the wall shear stress increases when t lies between 0°
and 180° and it decreases as t lies between 180° and 360° for the given values of k, a, h and n. It was observed
that for any t and fixed values of k, a, h and A, the wall shear stress increases slightly for n = 1.05 compared to
that of n = 0.95. Fig. 9 shows the variation of wall shear stress with amplitude A and yield stress h during a
time cycle.
The longitudinal impedance (K) of the artery is calculated using Eq. (52). Variation of longitudinal imped-
ance during a flow cycle for different values of amplitude A and yield stress h with k = a = 0.5 and n = 0.95 is
depicted in Fig. 10. As seen from Fig. 10, the longitudinal impedance decreases as t increases from 0° to 90°, it
increases from 90° to 270° and decreases from 270° to 360° for given values of A, h, a and k. The longitudinal
impedance is minimum at 90° and maximum at 270°. It is clear that the longitudinal impedance increases con-
siderably as the yield stress h increases from 0.05 to 0.15 for any t and for a given value of A. For a fixed value
of yield stress h, the longitudinal impedance increases slightly when t lies between 0° and 180° and decreases
D.S. Sankar, K. Hemalatha / Applied Mathematical Modelling 31 (2007) 1497–1517 1509


A = 0.3, θ = 0.15

A = 0.3, θ = 0.05


A = 0.7, θ = 0.05

0 60 120 180 240 300 360

Fig. 10. Variation of longitudinal impedance in a cycle of oscillation for different values of A and h with k = 0.5, n = 0.95 and a = 0.5.

considerably when t lies between 180° and 360° as the amplitude increases from 0.3 to 0.7 with the given values
of k and a. Fig. 10 depicts the non-Newtonian nature of the fluid on longitudinal impedance.

5. Conclusion

The present study deals with the pulsatile flow of Herschel–Bulkley fluid through catheterized artery mod-
eling the catheter and blood vessels by coaxial rigid tubes. For the fixed values of k, n and A, the width of the
plug flow region increases as the yield stress increases. The width of the plug flow region decreases as t
increases from 0° to 90° and then increases as t increases from 90° to 270° and decreases when t increases fur-
ther from 270° to 360° for fixed values of n, k, A and h. During a cycle of oscillation, the maximum flow occurs
at t = 90° and the minimum flow occurs at t = 270°. As the power index n increases from 0.95 to 1.05, the
velocity and flow rate decrease but the wall shear stress and longitudinal impedance increase while all the other
parameters are fixed. For the fixed values of the parameters A, k, n and a, the velocity and flow rate decrease
whereas wall shear stress and longitudinal impedance increase with increasing values of yield stress h. As the
generalized Womersly frequency parameter a increases, the wall shear stress decreases when t lies between 0°
and 90°, and increases when t lies between 90° and 270° and decreases when t lies between 270°and 360° when
A, k, n and h are held constant. The variations in velocity, flow rate and longitudinal impedance are negligible
due to the variation in generalized Womersly frequency parameter a. When the catheter radius ratio k
increases, the velocity, flow rate and wall shear stress decrease but the longitudinal impedance increases for
the fixed values of n, a, A and h. For the fixed values of k and h with increasing A, the width of the plug flow
region decreases as t lies between 0° and 180° but increases when t lies between 180° and 360°.


The authors are grateful to Professor P. Chaturani, Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Tech-
nology, Bombay for the valuable discussions they had with him.

Appendix 1

Using jsj = s in Eq. (13) and making use of Eq. (35), we get (hereafter, for mathematical simplicity the
symbol ‘q’ is used instead of ‘q(t)’)
" n  2 n1 #
duþ n k2  r 2 k  r2
¼q  nb : ðA1:1Þ
dr r r
1510 D.S. Sankar, K. Hemalatha / Applied Mathematical Modelling 31 (2007) 1497–1517

Integration of Eq. (A1.1) with respect to r from k to r with the help of boundary condition (17), yields
"Z  n Z r 2 n1 #
þ n
k2  x2 k  x2
u ðrÞ ¼ q dx  nb dx : ðA1:2Þ
k x k x

From Eqs. (35) and (14) with jsj = s, we get

" n  2 n1 #
duþþ n r 2  k2 r  k2
¼ q  nb : ðA1:3Þ
dr r r

Integrating Eq. (A1.3) with respect to r from r to 1 and using boundary condition (18), we get
"Z  n Z 1 2 n1 #
þþ n
x 2  k2 x  k2
u ðrÞ ¼ q dx  nb dx : ðA1:4Þ
r x r x

Appendix 2

We have as given in Eq. (43)

1 k ou0 DðtÞ
s1 ¼ r dr þ : ðA2:1Þ
r r or r
As u0 depends on t through q (=q(t)) and k (=k (t)) , we shall write
ou0 ou0 dq ou0 dk
¼ þ : ðA2:2Þ
ot oq dt ok dt
Use of Eq. (A2.2) in Eq. (A2.1) gives
 Z Z 
1 dq k ou0 dk k ou0 DðtÞ
s1 ¼ r dr þ r dr þ : ðA2:3Þ
r dt r oq dt r ok r
 Z Z   2  
1 dq k1 ouþ
0 dk k1 ouþ
0 k  k21 dq ou0p dk ou0p DðtÞ
s1 ¼ rdr þ r dr þ þ þ
r dt r oq dt r ok 2r dt oq dt ok t
if k 6 r 6 k1 ; ðA2:4Þ
k  r2 dq ou0p dk ou0p DðtÞ
s1 ¼ þ þ if k1 6 r 6 k2 ; ðA2:5Þ
2r dt oq dt ok t
 2    Z Z 
k  k22 dq ou0p dk ou0p 1 dq r ouþþ0 dk r ouþþ
0 DðtÞ
s1 ¼ þ  r dr þ r dr þ
2r dt oq dt ok r dt k2 oq dt k2 ok r
if k2 6 r 6 1: ðA2:6Þ
From Eqs. (37)–(39), we get
"Z  n Z r 2 n1 #
0 n1
k2  x 2 k  x2
¼ nq dx  nb dx if k 6 r 6 k1 ; ðA2:7Þ
oq k x k x
"Z  n Z k1  2 n1 #
ou0p n1
k2  x 2 k  x2
¼ nq dx  nb dx if k1 6 r 6 k2 ; ðA2:8Þ
oq k x k x
"Z  n Z 1 2 n1 #
0 n1
x 2  k2 x  k2
¼ nq dx  nb dx if k2 6 r 6 1; ðA2:9Þ
oq r x r x
D.S. Sankar, K. Hemalatha / Applied Mathematical Modelling 31 (2007) 1497–1517 1511
"Z  n Z r 2 n1 #
k 2  x2 dx k  x2 dx
¼ 2nkqn  ðn  1Þb ; k 6 r 6 k1 ; ðA2:10Þ
ok k x ðk2  x2 Þ k x ðk2  x2 Þ
"Z  n Z k1  2 n1 #
ou0p n
k2  x 2 dx k  x2 dx
¼ 2nkq  ðn  1Þb ; k1 6 r 6 k2 ; ðA2:11Þ
ok k x ðk2  x2 Þ k x ðk2  x2 Þ
"Z  #
1 2 n Z 1 2 2 n1
0 x 2
 k dx x  k dx
¼ 2nkqn ; ðn  1Þb if k2 6 r 6 1:
ok r x ðx2  k2 Þ r x ðx2  k2 Þ
Substitution of Eqs. (A2.7)–(A2.12) in Eqs. (A2.4)–(A2.6) yields
(Z Z  n Z k1 Z y  2 n1
nqn1 dq k1 y
k2  x2 k  x2
s1 ðr; tÞ ¼ dxy dy  nb dxy dy
r dt y¼r x¼k x y¼r x¼k x
 2 "Z k1  2 n Z k1  2 n1 #)
k  k21 k  x2 k  x2
þ dx  nb dx
2 k x k x
(Z Z  n
2nkqn dk k1 y
k2  x 2 dx
þ 2
y dy
r dt y¼r x¼k x ðk  x2 Þ
Z k1 Z y  2 n1
k  x2 dx
ðn  1Þb 2
y dy
y¼r x¼k x ðk  x2 Þ
 2 "Z k1  2 n Z k1  2 n1 #)
k  k21 k  x2 dx k  x2 dx
þ  ðn  1Þb
2 k x ðk2  x2 Þ k x ðk2  x2 Þ
þ when k 6 r 6 k1 ; ðA2:13Þ
 2 2
 "Z k 1  2 n Z k1  2 n1 #
n1 k  r dq k  x2 k  x2
s1 ¼ nq dx  nb dx
2r dt k x k x
 2 2
 "Z k 1  2 n Z k1  2 n1 #
n k r dk k  x2 dx k  x2 dx
þ 2nkq  ðn  1Þb
2r dt k x ðk2  x2 Þ k x ðk2  x2 Þ
þ when k1 6 r 6 k2 ; ðA2:14Þ
( "Z k1  2 n Z k1  2 n1 #
nqn1 dq k2  k22 k  x2 k  x2
s1 ¼ dx  nb dx
r dt 2 k x k x
"Z Z 1  2 n Z r Z 1  2 n1 #)
x  k2 x  k2
 dxy dy  nb dxy dy
y¼k2 x¼y x y¼k2 x¼y x
( "Z k1  2 n Z k1  2 n1 #
2nkqn dk k2  k22 k  x2 dx k  x2 dx
þ  ðn  1Þb
r dt 2 k x ðk2  x2 Þ k x ðk2  x2 Þ
"Z Z 1  2 n Z r Z 1  2 n1 #)
x  k2 dx x  k2 dx
 ydy  ðn  1Þb ydy
y¼k2 x¼y x ðx2  k2 Þ y¼k2 x¼y x ðx2  k2 Þ
þ when k2 6 r 6 1 ðA2:15Þ
1512 D.S. Sankar, K. Hemalatha / Applied Mathematical Modelling 31 (2007) 1497–1517

Appendix 3

Substituting Eqs. (35) and (A2.13) in Eq. (24) and integrating the resulting equation from k to r, we get the
correction to velocity distribution uþ
1 in the region k 6 r 6 k1 as
(Z Z Z n Z r Z k1 Z y  2 n1
dq r k1
k 2  x2
k  x2

1 ðr; tÞ ¼n q2 2n2
dxy dyf 1 ðz; tÞdz  nb dxy dyf 1 ðz; tÞdz
dt z¼k y¼z x¼k x z¼k y¼z x¼k x
 2  Z r Z k1  2 n  2  Z r Z k1  2 n1 )
k  k21 k  x2 k  k21 k  x2
þ dxf 1 ðz; tÞdz  nb dxf 1 ðz; tÞdz
2 z¼k x¼k x 2 z¼k x¼k x
(Z Z Z  n
2 2n1 dk
r k1 y
k 2  x2 dx
þ 2n kq 2
y dyf 1 ðz; tÞdz
dt z¼k y¼z x¼k x ðk  x2 Þ
Z r Z k1 Z y  2 n1
k  x2 dx
 ðn  1Þb 2
y dyf 1 ðz; tÞdz
z¼k y¼z x¼k x ðk  x2 Þ
 2  Z r Z k1  2 n
k  k21 k  x2 dx
þ 2
f1 ðz; tÞdz
2 z¼k x¼k x ðk  x2 Þ
 2  Z r Z k1  2 n1 )
k  k21 k  x2 dx
ðn  1Þb f1 ðz; tÞdz
2 z¼k x¼k x ðk2  x2 Þ
Z r
þ DðtÞ f1 ðz; tÞdz when k 6 r 6 k1 : ðA3:1Þ

" n1  2 n2 #
1 k2  z 2 k  z2
f1 ðz; tÞ ¼  ðn  1Þb : ðA3:2Þ
z z z

Using the condition uþ

1 jr¼k1 ¼ u1p , the correction to plug flow velocity u1p is obtained from Eq. (A3.1) as
(Z Z  2 Z n Z k1 Z k1 Z y  2 n1
k1 k1 y
2 2n2 dq k  x2 k  x2
u1p ¼ n q dxy dyf 1 ðz; tÞdz  nb dxy dyf 1 ðz; tÞdz
dtz¼k y¼z x¼k x z¼k y¼z x¼k x
 2  Z k1 Z k1  2 n  2  Z k1 Z k1  2 n1 )
k  k21 k  x2 k  k21 k  x2
þ dxf 1 ðz; tÞdz  nb dxf 1 ðz; tÞdz
2 z¼k x¼k x 2 z¼k x¼k x
(Z Z Z  n
2 2n1 dk k1 k1 y
k2  x2 dx
þ 2n kq 2
y dyf 1 ðz; tÞdz
dt z¼k y¼z x¼k x ðk  x2 Þ
Z k1 Z k1 Z y  2 n1
k  x2 dx
 ðn  1Þb 2
y dyf 1 ðz; tÞdz
z¼k y¼z x¼k x ðk  x2 Þ
 2  Z k1 Z k1  2 n
k  k21 k  x2 dx
þ 2
f1 ðz; tÞdz
2 z¼k x¼k x ðk  x2 Þ
 2  Z k1 Z k1  2 n1 )
k  k21 k  x2 dx
ðn  1Þb f1 ðz; tÞdz
2 z¼k x¼k x ðk2  x2 Þ
Z k1
þ DðtÞ f1 ðz; tÞdz when k1 6 r 6 k2 : ðA3:3Þ

Substituting Eqs. (35) and (A2.15) in Eq. (28) and integrating the resulting equation from r to 1, we get the
correction to velocity distribution uþþ
1 in the region k2 6 r 6 1 as
D.S. Sankar, K. Hemalatha / Applied Mathematical Modelling 31 (2007) 1497–1517 1513
(  Z 1 Z k1  2 n  2  Z 1 Z k1  2 n1
dq k2  k22 k  x2 k  k22 k  x2
1 ¼n q2 2n2
dxf 2 ðz; tÞdz  nb dxf 2 ðz; tÞdz
dt 2 z¼r x¼k x 2 z¼r x¼k x
Z 1 Z z Z 1  2 n Z 1 Z z Z 1  2 n1 )
x  k2 x  k2
 dxy dyf 2 ðz; tÞdz þ nb dxy dyf 2 ðz; tÞdz
z¼r y¼k2 x¼y x z¼r y¼k2 x¼y x
(  Z 1 Z k1  2 n
2 2n1 dk k2  k22 k  x2 dx
þ 2n kq 2
f2 ðz; tÞdz
dt 2 z¼r x¼k x ðk  x2 Þ
 2  Z 1 Z k1  2 n1
k  k22 k  x2 dx
 ðn  1Þb f2 ðz; tÞdz
2 z¼r x¼k x ðk2  x2 Þ
Z 1 Z z Z 1  2 n
x  k2 dx
 y dyf 2 ðz; tÞdz
z¼r y¼k2 x¼y x ðx  k2 Þ

Z 1 Z z Z 1  2 n1 )
x  k2 dx
þðn  1Þb y dyf 2 ðz; tÞdz
z¼r y¼k2 x¼y x ðx2  k2 Þ
Z 1
þ DðtÞ f2 ðz; tÞdz when k2 6 r 6 1; ðA3:4Þ

" n1 2 n2 #
1 z 2  k2 z  k2
f2 ðz; tÞ ¼  ðn  1Þb : ðA3:5Þ
z z z

The continuity of the velocity distribution gives

uþ þþ
1 ðk1 ; tÞ ¼ u1p ¼ u1 ðk2 ; tÞ: ðA3:6Þ
The expression for D(t) is calculated using the above condition and is given by
(Z Z Z  n Z k1 Z k1 Z y  2 n1
n2 q2n2 dq k1 k1 y
k2  x2 k  x2
DðtÞ ¼ dxy dyf 1 ðz; tÞdz  nb dxy dyf 1 ðz; tÞdz
ðI 2  I 1 Þ dt z¼k y¼z x¼k x z¼k y¼z x¼k x
 2 Z k1 Z k1  2 n  2 Z k1 Z k1  2 n1
k  k21 k  x2 k  k21 k  x2
þ dxf 1 ðz; tÞdz  nb dxf 1 ðz; tÞdz
2 z¼k x¼k x 2 z¼k x¼k x
 2  Z 1 Z k1  2 n  2  Z 1 Z k1  2 n1
k  k22 k  x2 k  k22 k  x2
 dxf 2 ðz; tÞdz þ nb dxf 2 ðz; tÞdz
2 z¼k2 x¼k x 2 z¼k2 x¼k x
Z 1 Z z Z 1  2 n Z 1 Z z Z 1  2 n1 )
x  k2 x  k2
þ dxy dyf 2 ðz; tÞdz  nb dxy dyf 2 ðz;tÞdz
z¼k2 y¼k2 x¼y x z¼k2 y¼k2 x¼y x
(Z Z Z   n
2n2 kq2n1 dk k1 k1 y
k2  x2 dx
þ y dyf 1 ðz; tÞdz
ðI 2  I 1 Þ dt z¼k y¼z x¼k x ðk2  x2 Þ
Z k1 Z k1 Z y  2 n1  2 Z k1 Z k1  2 n
k  x2 dx k  k21 k  x2 dx
 ðn  1Þb 2
y dyf 1 ðz;tÞdz þ 2
f1 ðz; tÞdz
z¼k y¼z x¼k x ðk  x Þ 2 2 z¼k x¼k x ðk  x2 Þ
 2  Z k1 Z k1  2 n1
k  k21 k  x2 dx
 ðn  1Þb 2
f1 ðz;tÞdz
2 z¼k x¼k x ðk  x2 Þ
 2 Z 1 Z k1  2 n  2 Z 1 Z k1  2 n1
k  k22 k  x2 dx k  k22 k  x2 dx
 f 2 ðz; tÞdz þ ðn  1Þb f2 ðz;tÞdz
2 z¼k2 x¼k x ðk2  x2 Þ 2 z¼k2 x¼k x ðk2  x2 Þ
Z 1 Z z Z 1  2 n Z 1 Z z Z 1  2 n1 )
x  k2 dx x  k2 dx
þ ydyf 2 ðz; tÞdz  ðn  1Þb y dy f 2 ðz; tÞdz ;
z¼k2 y¼k2 x¼y x ðx2  k2 Þ z¼k2 y¼k2 x¼y x ðx2  k2 Þ
1514 D.S. Sankar, K. Hemalatha / Applied Mathematical Modelling 31 (2007) 1497–1517

Z 1 Z k1
I2  I1 ¼ f2 ðz; tÞdz  f1 ðz; tÞdz: ðA3:8Þ
k2 k

Appendix 4

The steady flow rate Q0 is given by

Z 1 Z k1 Z k2 Z 1 
þ þþ
Q0 ¼ 8 ru dr ¼ 8 ru dr þ rup dr þ ru dr ¼ 8ðQ2 þ Q3 þ Q4 Þ: ðA4:1Þ
k k k1 k2

Substituting Eq. (37) in Q2, we get

"Z Z  n Z k1 Z r  2 n1 #
k1 r
k2  x2 k  x2
Q2 ¼ q dxr dr  nb dxr dr : ðA4:2Þ
r¼k x¼k x r¼k x¼k x
Change of order of integrals in Eq. (A4.2) gives
"Z   2 n Z k1  2  2 n1 #
k21  x2 k  x2 k1  x 2 k  x2
Q2 ¼ q dx  nb dx : ðA4:3Þ
k 2 x k 2 x
Using the first part of condition (40) in Eq. (37), the plug flow velocity u0p is obtained as
"Z  n Z k1  2 n1 #
k2  x 2 k  x2
u0p ¼ q dx  nb dx ðA4:4Þ
k x k x

This gives value of Q3 as

"Z  #
k1 2 2  2 
2 n Z k1  2 2  2 
2 n1
k 2  k 1 k  x k 2  k 1 k  x
Q 3 ¼ qn dx  nb dx : ðA4:5Þ
k 2 x k 2 x

Similarly we obtain
"Z  n  2 n1 #
1 Z Z Z
x 2  k2 1 1
x  k2
Q4 ¼ q dxr dr  nb dxr dr : ðA4:6Þ
r¼k2 x¼r x r¼k2 x¼r x

Change of order of integrals in Q3 gives

"Z   2 n Z 1 2  2 n1 #
x2  k22 x  k2 x  k22 x  k2
Q4 ¼ q dx  nb dx ðA4:7Þ
k2 2 x k2 2 x

Use of Eqs. (A4.3), (A4.5) and (A4.7) in Eq. (A4.1) simplifies Q0 to

" Z  n Z k1  2 n1 Z 1 2 n
k2  x2 k  x2 x  k2
Q0 ¼ 4q  x2 dx þ nb x2 dx þ x2 dx
k x k x k2 x
Z 1 2 (" Z  n1 #
2 n1 k1 2 
2 n Z k1  2
x k 2 2 k x k  x2
 nb x dx þ k2 dx  nb dx
k2 x k x k x
"Z  n Z 1 2 n1 #)#
x 2  k2 x  k2
 dx  nb dx : ðA4:8Þ
k2 x k2 x

The condition (40) gives

Z k1  2 n Z k1  2 n1 Z 1 2 n Z 1 2 n1
k  x2 k  x2 x  k2 x  k2
dx  nb dx ¼ dx  nb dx: ðA4:9Þ
k x k x k2 x k2 x
D.S. Sankar, K. Hemalatha / Applied Mathematical Modelling 31 (2007) 1497–1517 1515

Using the above in Eq. (A4.8), we get

" Z  n Z 1 2 n (Z  n1
k2  x 2 2 x  k2 2
k2  x 2
Q0 ¼ 4q  x dx þ x dx þ nb x2 dx
k x k2 x k x
Z 1 2 )#
2 n1
x k
 x2 dx ; ðA4:10Þ
k2 x
Z 1 Z k1 Z k2 Z 1 
þ þþ
Q1 ¼ 8 u1 rdr ¼ 8 u1 r dr þ u1p r dr þ u1 r dr ¼ 8½I 3 þ I 4 þ I 5 : ðA4:11Þ
k k k1 k2

Using Eq. (A3.1), the expression for I3 is obtained as

(Z Z Z Z  n
2 2n2 dq
k1 r k1 y
k2  x 2
I3 ¼ n q dxy dyf 1 ðz; tÞdzr dr
dt r¼k z¼k y¼z x¼k x
Z k1 Z r Z k1 Z y  2 n1
k  x2
 nb dxy dyf 1 ðz; tÞdzr dr
r¼k z¼k y¼z x¼k x
 2  Z k1 Z r Z k1  2 n
k  k21 k  x2
þ dxf 1 ðz; tÞdzr dr
2 r¼k z¼k x¼k x
 2  Z k1 Z r Z k1  2 n1 )
k  k21 k  x2
nb dxf 1 ðz; tÞdzr dr
2 r¼k z¼k x¼k x
(Z Z Z Z  n
2 2n1 dk k1 r k1 y
k2  x 2 dx
þ 2n q 2
y dyf 1 ðz; tÞdzr dr
dt r¼k z¼k y¼z x¼k x ðk  x2 Þ
Z k1 Z r Z k1 Z y  2 n1
k  x2 dx
 ðn  1Þb y dyf 1 ðz; tÞdzr dr
r¼k z¼k y¼z x¼k x ðk2  x2 Þ
 2  Z k1 Z r Z k1  2 n
k  k21 k  x2 dx
þ 2
f1 ðz; tÞdzr dr
2 r¼k z¼k x¼k x ðk  x2 Þ
 2  Z k1 Z r Z k1  2 n1 )
k  k21 k  x2 dx
ðn  1Þb f1 ðz; tÞdzr dr
2 r¼k z¼k x¼k x ðk2  x2 Þ
Z k1 Z r
þ DðtÞ f1 ðz; tÞdzr dr: ðA4:12Þ
r¼k z¼k

Using Eq. (A3.1), the expression for I4 is obtained as

 2  (Z Z Z  n
k2  k21 2 2n2 dq k1 k1 y
k2  x 2
I4 ¼ nq dxy dyf 1 ðz; tÞdz
2 dt z¼k y¼z x¼k x
Z k1 Z k1 Z y  2 n1
k  x2
 nb dxy dyf 1 ðz; tÞdz
z¼k y¼z x¼k x
 2  Z k1 Z k1  2 n
k  k21 k  x2
þ dxf 1 ðz; tÞdz
2 z¼k x¼k x
 2  Z k1 Z k1  2 n1 )
k  k21 k  x2
nb dxf 1 ðz; tÞdz
2 z¼k x¼k x
 2  (Z Z Z  n
k2  k21 2 2n1 dk
k1 k1 y
k2  x 2 dx
þ 2n kq 2
y dyf 1 ðz; tÞdz
2 dt z¼k y¼z x¼k x ðk  x2 Þ
1516 D.S. Sankar, K. Hemalatha / Applied Mathematical Modelling 31 (2007) 1497–1517

Z k1 Z  2
k1 Z yn1
k  x2 dx
 ðn  1Þb 2
y dyf 1 ðz; tÞdz
z¼k y¼z x¼k x ðk  x2 Þ
 2  Z k1 Z k1  2 n
k  k21 k  x2 dx
þ 2
f1 ðz; tÞdz
2 z¼k x¼k x ðk  x2 Þ
 2  Z k1 Z k1  2 n1 )
k  k21 k  x2 dx
ðn  1Þb f1 ðz; tÞdz
2 z¼k x¼k x ðk2  x2 Þ
 2  Z k1
k  k21
þ DðtÞ 2 f1 ðz; tÞdz: ðA4:13Þ
2 k

Using Eq. (A3.4), the expression for I5 is obtained as

(  Z 1 Z 1 Z k1  2 n
2 2n2 dq k2  k22 k  x2
I5 ¼ n q dxf 2 ðz; tÞdzr dr
dt 2 r¼k2 z¼r x¼k x
 2  Z 1 Z 1 Z k1  2 n1
k  k22 k  x2
 nb dxf 2 ðz; tÞdzr dr
2 r¼k2 z¼r x¼k x
Z 1 Z 1 Z z Z 1  2 n
x  k2
 dxy dyf 2 ðz; tÞdzr dr
r¼k2 z¼r y¼k2 x¼y x
Z 1 Z 1 Z z Z 1  2 n1 )
x  k2
þnb dxy dyf 2 ðz; tÞdzr dr
r¼k2 z¼r y¼k2 x¼y x
(  Z 1 Z 1 Z k1  2 n
2 2n1 dk k2  k22 k  x2 dx
þ 2n kq 2
f2 ðz; tÞdzr dr
dt 2 r¼k2 z¼r x¼k x ðk  x2 Þ
 2  Z 1 Z 1 Z k1  2 n1
k  k22 k  x2 dx
 ðn  1Þb 2
f2 ðz; tÞdzr dr
2 r¼k2 z¼r x¼k x ðk  x2 Þ
Z 1 Z 1 Z z Z 1  2 n
x  k2 dx
   y dyf 2 ðz; tÞdzr dr
r¼k2 z¼r y¼k2 x¼y x x  k2

Z 1 Z 1 Z z Z 1  2 n1 )
x  k2 dx
þðn  1Þb y dyf 2 ðz; tÞdzr dr
r¼k2 z¼r y¼k2 x¼y x ðx2  k2 Þ
Z 1 Z 1
þ DðtÞ f2 ðz; tÞdzr dr: ðA4:14Þ
r¼k2 z¼r


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