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Advances and Applications in Fluid Mechanics

© 2017 Pushpa Publishing House, Allahabad, India

Volume 20, Number 2, 2017, Pages 279-310 ISSN: 0973-4686



Nurul Aini Jaafara, Yazariah Mohd Yatima and D. S. Sankarb,∗

aSchool of Mathematical Sciences
Universiti Sains Malaysia
11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia
bSchool of Applied Sciences and Mathematics
Universiti Teknologi Brunei
Gadong BE 1410, Brunei Darussalam
e-mail: duraisamy.sankar@utb.edu.bn


The shear-augmented dispersion of solute in blood flow through (i) a

circular pipe and (ii) channel between two parallel flat plates in the
presence of chemical reaction is analyzed mathematically, treating the
blood as Herschel-Bulkley fluid model. The convective diffusion
equation is solved with the help of the appropriate boundary
conditions and the expressions for the mean velocity of solvent fluid in
the plug flow region and non-plug (outer) flow region, the effective
axial diffusivity and the relative axial diffusivity of the solute are
derived. It is noted that when the yield stress of the blood increases,

Received: January 20, 2017; Accepted: March 20, 2017

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35Q92, 76Z05.
Keywords and phrases: blood flow, chemical reaction, solute dispersion, flow in pipe and
channel, Herschel-Bulkley fluid, relative axial diffusivity, effective axial diffusivity.

Corresponding author
280 Nurul Aini Jaafar, Yazariah Mohd Yatim and D. S. Sankar
the effective axial diffusivity of the solute decreases slowly and the
relative axial diffusivity of the solute decreases significantly. It is also
found that the effective axial diffusivity and relative axial diffusivity
decrease marginally with the increase of the power-law index. It is
also recorded that the effective axial diffusivity and relative axial
diffusivity of the solute decrease marginally with the increase of the
rate of chemical reaction parameter. The effective axial diffusivity and
relative axial diffusivity of the solute are considerably higher when it
disperses in Herschel-Bulkley fluid flow than when it disperses in
Casson fluid flow.


Deff Effective axial diffusivity

Dm Molecular diffusivity

a Radius of the pipe

h Semi-width of the channel

z Axial coordinate for pipe/channel flow

r Radial coordinate for pipe flow

r Non-dimensional radial coordinate for pipe flow

rp Radius of the plug flow region in a pipe

rp Non-dimensional radius of the plug flow region in a pipe

x Transverse coordinate for channel flow

x Non-dimensional transverse coordinate for channel flow

xp Semi-width of the plug flow region in a channel

xp Non-dimensional semi-width of the plug flow region in a channel

p Pressure
Effect of Chemical Reaction in Solute Dispersion … 281

n Power-law index

u Axial velocity of the fluid flow

u+ Axial velocity in the outer flow region

u− Axial velocity in the plug flow region

um Mean velocity

C Local concentration of the solute

C1 Concentration of the solute in the plug flow region

C2 Concentration of the solute in the outer flow region

Pe Péclet number

q Flux of solute

R Chemical reaction rate parameter

I0 Modified Bessel function of the first kind of zeroth order

Greek symbols

τ Shear stress

τy Yield stress

η Viscosity coefficient of Herschel-Bulkley fluid

ψ Azimuthal angle

1. Introduction

The dispersion of passive species (solute) in a flowing fluid (solvent) in

a pipe and a channel is an important physical phenomenon which has wide
applications in various fields of science and engineering. Some of the
potential application fields are chemical engineering, biomedical
282 Nurul Aini Jaafar, Yazariah Mohd Yatim and D. S. Sankar

engineering, physiological fluid dynamics and environmental sciences [1]. At

the leading edge of a bolus of solute, the bolus diffuses from the high
concentration region adjacent the center of the pipe to the low concentration
region near the wall. The spreading of a solute in a solvent is due to the
combined action of molecular diffusivity and non-uniform velocity
distribution [2].

The study on the dispersion of solute in the laminar flow of Newtonian

fluid was initiated by Taylor [3] who made seminal contribution to this field
of study. He found that when a bolus of solute is injected into a solvent
which undergoes a steady motion in a straight pipe, the solute spreads
diffusively and causes a longitudinal diffusion. The longitudinal diffusion
can be described by the effective axial diffusivity Deff = a 2u m2 48 Dm ,

where a is the radius of the pipe, u m is the mean velocity and Dm is the
molecular diffusivity. Azer [4] investigated the solute dispersion in time-
dependent flow of Newtonian fluid using Taylor’s theory. Ghoshal et al. [5]
studied the solute dispersion in non-Newtonian Eyring and Reiner-Philippoff
fluid models through circular pipe using Taylor’s dispersion theory. Fan and
Wang [6] studied the solute dispersion in Bingham and Ellis fluid model with
the base of Taylor’s dispersion theory.

Taylor’s dispersion theory was extensively applied by several researchers

to investigate the solute dispersion in blood flow under various circumstances
[7-12]. Taylor’s dispersion theory was extended by Aris [13] using the
method of moments and pointed out that the Taylor’s dispersion theory is
valid only when Deff >> Dm . Through his investigation, he improved the
Taylor’s dispersion theory by developing a new formula for the effective
axial diffusivity as Deff = Dm + a 2u m2 48Dm . Barton [14] investigated the
solute dispersion by extending Taylor-Aris’ dispersion theory to resolve the
technical difficulties and obtained the solution of second and third moment
equations. The extensive literature on the solute dispersion is available from
the investigations of many researchers ([15-18]).
Effect of Chemical Reaction in Solute Dispersion … 283

Sharp [19] studied the steady shear-augmented dispersion of solutes in

non-Newtonian fluids such as Casson, Bingham and power-law fluids
flowing in a circular pipe and also flowing in a channel between two parallel
flat plates using Taylor-Aris’ dispersion theory. He pointed out that the
relative axial diffusivity is strongly dependent on the yield stress of the
solvent fluid. Since, many intravenous medications are therapeutic at low
concentration, but toxic at high concentration, hence, it is important to know
the dispersion rate of medicines in the cardiovascular system [19]. Sankar et
al. [20] studied the steady shear-augmented dispersion in Herschel-Bulkley
(H-B) fluid flow by extending the work of Sharp [19]. Jaafar et al. [21]
extended this study to measure the concentration of solute using Taylor-Aris’
dispersion theory.

The normal blood flow in arteries or veins is disturbed by the injection of

solute (medicines) in the blood stream. Blood exhibits anomalous viscous
properties when it flows through the arteries of different diameters. Blood
behaves like a Newtonian fluid when it flows through larger diameter arteries
(diameter > 3mm) at high shear rates. However, when it flows in smaller
diameter arteries (diameter < 3mm) at low shear rates, it shows remarkable
non-Newtonian fluid character [22-24]. Casson and H-B fluids are some of
the non-Newtonian fluid models with yield stress which are extensively used
for modeling of blood flow in narrow arteries at low shear rates. Several
studies proved that H-B fluid is more appropriate than Casson fluid for
modeling blood flow in narrow arteries at low shear rate [23, 25]. Tu and
Deville [23] reported that blood behaves like Casson fluid only at moderate
shear rate in smaller diameter arteries, whereas H-B fluid model can still be
used at low shear rate flow in narrow arteries and represents more closely the
behavior of blood flow when the yield stress is high. Scott Blair [26]
propounded that the H-B fluid model is more general and easier to explain in
most cases for blood flow. Hence, it is appropriate to model blood as H-B
fluid rather than Casson fluid when it flows through smaller diameter arteries
at low shear rates.
284 Nurul Aini Jaafar, Yazariah Mohd Yatim and D. S. Sankar

Most of the literature deals with the solute dispersion without

considering the chemical reaction between the solute and the blood.
However, Bird et al. [27] stated that in a wide variety of problems of
chemical engineering, diffusion of a solute happens with simultaneous
chemical reaction with solvent fluid such as hydrolysis of ester, gas
absorption in an agitated tank with chemical reaction and so on. Some
researchers investigated the dispersion of solute with chemical reaction in
Newtonian fluid ([28-32]).

The dispersion of a solute matter in a non-Newtonian fluid flowing

through pipe and channel with chemical reaction has significant applications.
Shukla et al. [33] studied the effects of chemical reaction on the unsteady
dispersion of solute in several non-Newtonian fluids such as power-law,
Bingham and Casson fluid models adopting Taylor’s dispersion theory.
Chandra and Agarwal [34] investigated the unsteady dispersion of solute
with chemical reaction through pipe and channel in micro-fluid flow using
Taylor’s dispersion theory. They observed that dispersion coefficient
decreases with the increase of the chemical reaction rate parameter. Singh et
al. [35] investigated the effect of the chemical reaction and the various width
of channel on the unsteady dispersion of solute in power-law, Bingham, and
Casson fluid models using the Taylor’s dispersion theory. They propounded
that the theory of solute dispersion with the chemical reaction has wider
applications in the hemodialysis and molecular transport of oxygen from
blood plasma to the living tissues of lungs and brain.

To the authors’ knowledge, no researcher attempted to study the

dispersion of solute in steady flow of blood through a circular pipe and a
channel with chemical reaction between solute and solvent, treating blood as
H-B fluid model. Thus, an attempt is made in this paper to extend the studies
of Sankar et al. [20] by incorporating the effect of chemical reaction between
the solute and the blood (solvent). Hence, in this mathematical analysis, we
study the steady dispersion of solute in blood flow through (i) a circular pipe
and (ii) a channel between parallel flat plates, with chemical reaction
Effect of Chemical Reaction in Solute Dispersion … 285

between solute and blood, treating blood as H-B fluid model and applying
the Taylor-Aris’s dispersion theory.

The layout of this paper is as follows: Section 2 mathematically

formulates the problem of the dispersion of solute in blood flow in the
presence of chemical reaction. The governing equations are then solved to
obtain the expression for the physiologically important flow quantities such
as normalized velocity of the solvent, effective axial diffusivity and relative
axial diffusivity. The effects of various parameters such as the chemical
reaction rate, power-law index and yield stress on the aforementioned flow
quantities are discussed in Section 3. The results obtained in this study (with
chemical reaction) are compared with the results obtained by Sankar et al.
[20] (without a chemical reaction). Some possible clinical applications of the
present study are also provided in Section 3. The main findings of this
theoretical investigation are summarized in the concluding in Section 4.

2. Mathematical Formulation

Let us consider the steady dispersion of solute in the steady, axi-

symmetric, laminar and fully developed uni-directional flow of blood
(assumed as viscous incompressible fluid) in the axial direction through (i) a
circular pipe and (ii) a channel between parallel flat plates and in the
presence of chemical reaction between the solute and solvent (blood). The
blood is modeled as H-B fluid. The geometry of the flow fields in the circular
pipe and channel are shown in Figures 1(a) and 1(b), respectively.
286 Nurul Aini Jaafar, Yazariah Mohd Yatim and D. S. Sankar

(a) Flow in a circular pipe

(b) Flow in a channel

Figure 1. Geometrical description of the flow field.

2.1. Flow in circular pipe

2.1.1. Governing equations

Cylindrical polar coordinate system (r , ψ , z ) is used to investigate the

solute dispersion in blood flow through a narrow circular pipe in the presence
of chemical reaction between the blood and solute. Blood is treated as H-B
fluid model, where ψ is the azimuthal angle, r and z are the coordinates in
the radial and axial directions, respectively, u is the axial velocity of blood,
a is the radius of the pipe and rp is the radius of the plug flow region of the
pipe. Since the radial velocity is negligibly small in magnitude and can be
Effect of Chemical Reaction in Solute Dispersion … 287

neglected for low Reynolds number flow in a narrow artery [26], the
simplified form of the momentum equations in the axial and radial directions
simplify to the following form:

dp 1 d
=− (r τ ) , (1)
dz r dr
= 0, (2)
where p is the pressure and τ is the shear stress. Equations (1) and (2)
imply that the fluid pressure varies only in the axial direction and is
invariable in the radial direction. The constitutive equation of H-B fluid
which establishes the nonlinear relationship between the shear stress τ and
rate of strain or velocity gradient du dr is given below:

du 1
= − ( τ − τ y )n if τ > τ y and rp ≤ r ≤ a , (3)
dr η

= 0 if τ ≤ τ y and 0 ≤ r ≤ r p , (4)

where τ y is the yield stress, η is the coefficient of viscosity of H-B fluid

with dimension ( ML−1T −2 )n T and n is the power-law index. Equations (3)

and (4) indicate that the normal shear flow occurs in the region where
τ > τ y and unshear flow or plug flow (solid-like flow) occurs in the region
where τ ≤ τ y . Equations (1) and (3) form the system of nonlinear system of
differential equations which can be solved for the unknowns shear stress τ
and velocity distribution u subject to the following boundary conditions:

τ is finite at r = 0, (5)
u = 0 at r = a . (6)

The simplified form of the steady convective diffusion equations of the

solute concentration C (r , z ) with the effect of chemical reaction in the plug
flow and shear flow regions are respectively given below [31]:
288 Nurul Aini Jaafar, Yazariah Mohd Yatim and D. S. Sankar

1 ∂ ⎛ ∂C ⎞ uˆ ∂C
⎜r ⎟ − RC = − ~ , (7)
r ∂r ⎝ ∂r ⎠ Dm ∂z

1 ∂ ⎛ ∂C ⎞ uˆ ∂C
⎜r ⎟ − RC = + ~ , (8)
r ∂r ⎝ ∂r ⎠ Dm ∂z

where R is the chemical reaction rate parameter, ~

z = z − umt is a new axial
coordinate which is moving with the mean velocity u m and time t ,
uˆ − = u − − u m is the relative velocity in the plug flow region and
uˆ + = u + − u m is the relative velocity in the outer flow region, where u − and
u + are the velocity in the plug flow and outer flow regions, respectively. The
boundary conditions for the solute concentration in the plug flow region are

= 0 at r = 0, (9)

C = 0 at r = 0 (10)

and the boundary conditions of the solute concentration of the fluid in the
outer flow region are

= 0 at r = a , (11)

C = C p at r = rp . (12)

2.1.2. Method of solution

Velocity of blood
Integrating equation (1) with respect to r and then using the boundary
condition (5), we get the expression for the shear stress as below:

r dp
τ=− . (13)
2 dz
Using binomial series expansion in equation (3) and neglecting the terms
involving ( τ y τ )2 and higher powers of τ y τ (since ( τ y τ )2 << 1), we get
Effect of Chemical Reaction in Solute Dispersion … 289

1 ⎡ τ n − nτ τ n −1 + n(n − 1) τ τ n − 2 ⎤
dr ηH ⎢⎣ y
y ⎥⎦

if τ > τ y and rp ≤ r ≤ a . (14)

Using equation (13) in equation (14) and then integrating the resulting
differential equation with respect to r and thereafter applying the boundary
condition (6), we get the expression for the velocity in the outer flow region
a n +1 ⎛ 1 dp ⎞ n ⎡
u+ (r ) = − 1 − r n +1 − (n + 1) r p (1 − r n )
(n + 1) ηH ⎜⎝ 2 dz ⎟⎠ ⎢⎣
n(n + 1) 2
+ rp (1 − r n −1 )⎤ if τ > τ y and rp ≤ r ≤ 1, (15)
2 ⎥⎦
where rp = rp a is the non-dimensional plug core radius and r = r a . The
expression for rp is defined as
2τ y
rp = − . (16)
dp dz
The expression for the velocity in the plug flow region is obtained by
replacing r by rp in equation (15) as given below:

a n +1 ⎛ 1 dp ⎞ n ⎧ n(n + 1) 2 n(n − 1) n +1 ⎫
u− (rp ) = − 1 − (n + 1) rp + rp −
(n + 1) ηH ⎜⎝ 2 dz ⎟⎠ ⎨⎩
rp ⎬
2 2 ⎭
if τ ≤ τ y and 0 ≤ r ≤ rp . (17)
Using equations (15) and (17), one can get the following expression for
the mean velocity as
2π a

um =
∫ 0 ∫0
u rdrdψ
2π a
∫ 0 ∫0 rdrdψ
2π rp 2π a
∫0 ∫0 u − (rp ) rdrdψ + ∫0 ∫r u + (r ) rdrdψ
= u H A(rp ) ,
= (18)
2π a
∫0 ∫ 0 rdrdψ
290 Nurul Aini Jaafar, Yazariah Mohd Yatim and D. S. Sankar


a n +1 ⎛ 1 dp ⎞ n
uH = −
η(n + 3) ⎜⎝ 2 dz ⎟⎠
, (19)

n(n + 3) n(n + 3) (n − 1) 2
A(rp ) = 1 − rp + rp
(n + 2) 2(n + 1)

( n 4 + 2 n 3 − 5n 2 − 6 n + 4 ) n + 3
− rp . (20)
2(n + 1) (n + 2)

It is noted that, equation (18) reduces to the mean velocity of Newtonian

fluid when substituting rp = 0 and n = 1.

Concentration of solute
Solving equation (7) analytically subject to the boundary conditions (9)
and (10), one can get the expression for the concentration of the solute in the
plug flow region in terms of modified Bessel function as

2u H ⎛ ∂C ⎞
⎟ {I 0 ( R r ) − 1} B(rp ) ,
C1 = ⎜ (21)
(n + 1) R Dm ⎝ ∂~z ⎠

where I 0 is the modified Bessel function of the first kind of zeroth order and

(n + 1) (n + 3) n(n + 3) 2 n(n − 1) (n + 3) n +1
B(rp ) = 1 − rp + rp − rp
(n + 2) 2 4

( n 4 + 2 n 3 − 5n 2 − 6 n + 4 ) n + 3
− rp . (22)
2(n + 1) (n + 2)

The expression for the concentration of the solute at r = rp is obtained from

equation (21) and it is given below

2u ∂C
Cp = H ( I ( R 1 2 rp ) − 1) B(rp ). (23)
(n + 1) Dm R ∂~z 0

Due to the computational complexity in obtaining an analytical expression,

equation (8) is solved numerically with the help of the boundary conditions
Effect of Chemical Reaction in Solute Dispersion … 291

(11) and (12), using Mathematica program. Since, the expression for the
concentration of the solute in the outer flow region C 2 computed numerically
through Mathematica program is very lengthy, it is not presented here. The
flux of the solute across a cross section is defined as [19]

1 ⎧ rp ⎛ ∂C ⎞ a⎛ ∂C ⎞ ⎫
q= ∫ ⎜ uˆ C − Dm ~ ⎟ 2πrdr +
2 ⎨ 0 ⎝ − 1
πa ⎩ ∂z ⎠ rp ⎝ ∫
⎜ uˆ + C2 − Dm ~ ⎟ 2πrdr ⎬ . (24)
∂z ⎠ ⎭

After the evaluation, equation (24) takes the following form:

⎛ ⎞
⎜1 + Pe E (rp ) ⎟ ,
q = − Dm ~ (25)
∂z ⎜ 48 A2 ( r ) ⎟
⎝ p ⎠


a u H A(rp ) a um
Pe = = . (26)
Dm Dm

Again, due to the computational complexity in obtaining an analytical

expression for E (rp ) , it is computed numerically using Mathematica
program. Since this expression is very lengthy, it is not presented here. From
equation (25), we obtain the effective axial diffusivity as

q ⎡ Pe 2 E (rp ) ⎤
Deff = − = Dm ⎢ 1 + ⎥ (27)
∂C ∂~
z ⎢⎣ 48 A2 (r ) ⎥
p ⎦

which can be re-written as

Deff ⎡ Pe 2 E (rp ) ⎤
= ⎢1 + ⎥. (28)
Dm ⎢⎣ 48 A2 (r ) ⎥
p ⎦

2.2. Flow in channel

2.2.1. Governing equations

Cartesian coordinate system ( x , z ) is used to analyze the flow in a

channel between two parallel flat plates, treating the blood as H-B fluid
292 Nurul Aini Jaafar, Yazariah Mohd Yatim and D. S. Sankar

model, where x and z are the coordinates in the transverse and axial
directions, respectively, as shown in Figure 1(b). The width of the flow
region in the channel is taken as 2h . As in the pipe flow analysis, the flow is
assumed as steady, laminar, uni-directional and fully developed. The velocity
of the fluid in the x direction is negligibly small and can be neglected for
low Reynolds number flow. Thus, for the steady flow of viscous
incompressible fluid in channel, the z and x components of the momentum
equations simplify to

dp dτ
=− , (29)
dz dx

= 0, (30)

where p denotes the pressure and τ denotes the shear stress. Equations (29)
and (30) indicate that the pressure is constant in the x direction and variable
in the z direction. The constitutive equations of H-B fluid for channel flow
are given below:
du 1
= − ( τ − τ y )n if τ > τ y and x p ≤ x ≤ h , (31)
dx η
= 0 if τ ≤ τ y and 0 ≤ x ≤ x p , (32)

where τ y is the yield stress, u is the axial velocity, η is the viscosity of

H-B fluid and n is the power-law index. As in the pipe flow analysis,
equations (29) and (31) can be solved for the unknowns shear stress τ and
velocity distribution u subject to the following boundary conditions:

τ is finite at x = 0, (33)

u = 0 at x = h . (34)

The simplified form of the steady convective diffusion equation of the

solute concentration C ( x , z ) with the effect of chemical reaction in the plug
Effect of Chemical Reaction in Solute Dispersion … 293

flow and outer flow regions through a channel between parallel flat plates are
respectively given below:

∂ 2C ∂C
Dm − R C = u− ~ , (35)
∂x 2 ∂z

∂ 2C ∂C
Dm − R C = u+ ~ . (36)
∂x 2 ∂z

Let us introduce the new axial coordinate which is moving with the mean
velocity u m and we denote it by ~
z = z − u mt , where t is the time [19]. The
relative velocity in the plug flow region and outer flow region are denoted by
uˆ − = u − − u m and uˆ + = u + − u m , respectively. The boundary conditions
for the solute concentration in the plug flow region are given by

= 0 at x = 0, (37)

C = 0 at x = 0. (38)

The boundary conditions for the solute concentration in the outer flow region
are given below:

= 0 at x = h , (39)

C = C p at x = x p . (40)

Equations (35) and (36) can be solved for the solute concentration in the plug
flow and outer flow regions subject to the boundary conditions (37)-(40).

2.2.2. Method of solution

Velocity of blood

Integrating equation (29) with respect to x and then applying the

boundary condition (33), one can get the expression for the shear stress as
294 Nurul Aini Jaafar, Yazariah Mohd Yatim and D. S. Sankar

τ = −x . (41)
As in the pipe flow analysis, using binomial series expansion in equation
(31) and then neglecting the terms involving ( τ y τ )2 and higher powers of

τ y τ (since ( τ y τ )2 << 1), the constitutive equation can be simplified into

the following form:

1 ⎛ τ n − nτ τ n −1 + n(n − 1) τ τ n − 2 ⎞ .
⎜ ⎟ (42)
dx ηH ⎝
y 2 y

Substituting equation (41) in equation (42) and then integrating the resulting
differential equation with respect to x and then using the boundary condition
(34), the expression for the velocity in the outer flow region is obtained as

h n +1 ⎛ dp ⎞ n ⎡
u+ ( x ) = − 1 − x n +1 − (n + 1) x p (1 − x n )
(n + 1) ηH ⎜⎝ dz ⎟⎠ ⎢⎣
n(n + 1) 2
+ x p (1 − x n −1 )⎤ if τ > τ y and x p ≤ x ≤ 1, (43)
2 ⎥⎦

where x p = x p h is the non-dimensional semi-width of plug flow region

and x = x h . The expression for x p is given by

xp = − . (44)
dp dz

As in pipe analysis, the expression for the velocity in the plug flow region is
obtained by replacing x by x p in equation (43) as below:

h n +1 ⎛ dp ⎞ n ⎡ n( n + 1) 2 n(n − 1) n +1 ⎤
u− ( x p ) = − 1 − (n + 1) x p + xp −
(n + 1) ηH ⎜⎝ dz ⎟⎠ ⎢⎣
2 2 ⎥⎦

if τ ≤ τ y and 0 ≤ x ≤ x p . (45)

Using equations (43) and (45), one can obtain the following expression for
the mean velocity:
Effect of Chemical Reaction in Solute Dispersion … 295

h h

um =
∫0 ∫0 u dxdz
h h
∫0 ∫0 dxdz
h xp h h
∫0 ∫0 u − ( x p ) dxdz + ∫0 ∫ x u+ ( x ) dxdz
= uH F ( x p ),
= (46)
h h
∫0 ∫ 0 dxdz

h n +1 ⎛ dp ⎞ n
uH = −
η(n + 2) ⎜⎝ dx ⎟⎠
, (47)

n( n + 2 ) (n − 1) (n + 2) 2 n(n 2 − 3) n + 2
F(x p ) = 1 − xp + xp − x . (48)
(n + 1) 2 2(n + 1) p

Substituting x p = 0 and n = 1 into equation (46), we get the mean velocity

of Newtonian fluid.
Concentration of solute
Solving equation (35) analytically along with the boundary conditions
(37) and (38), one can get the expression for the concentration of the solute
in the plug flow region as below:

uH ⎛ ∂C ⎞ − R x
C1 = ⎜ ⎟e (e R x − 1)2 M ( x p ) , (49)
2(n + 1) Dm R ⎝ ∂~
z ⎠

(n + 1) (n + 2) n(n − 1) (n + 2) n +1
M ( x p ) = 1 − (n + 2) x p + x 2p − xp (50)
2 2
and the expression for the concentration of the solute at x = x p (in the plug
flow region) is obtained as

uH ⎛ ∂C ⎞ − R x p Rx
Cp = ⎜ ~ ⎟e (e p − 1)2 M ( x p ). (51)
2(n + 1) Dm R ⎝ ∂z ⎠
296 Nurul Aini Jaafar, Yazariah Mohd Yatim and D. S. Sankar

As in the pipe analysis, solving equation (36) numerically through

Mathematica program subject to the boundary conditions (39) and (40), we
obtain the expression for concentration of solute in outer flow region C 2 and
it is not given here. The flux of the solute across a cross section is defined as

1 ⎧ xp ⎛ ∂C ⎞ h ⎛ ∂C ⎞ ⎫
q = ⎨∫
h⎩ 0 ⎝
⎜ uˆ −C1 − Dm ~ ⎟ dx +
∂z ⎠ xp ⎝ ∫
⎜ uˆ + C2 − Dm ~ ⎟ dx ⎬ .
∂z ⎠ ⎭

Evaluating equation (52), one can obtain the expression for the solute flux as

∂C ⎧⎪ 2 Pe 2 ⎛ H ( x p ) ⎞⎫⎪
⎜ ⎟ ,
q = − Dm ~ ⎨1 +
⎜ F 2 ( x ) ⎟⎬⎪
∂z ⎪ 105
⎩ ⎝ p ⎠⎭


h uH F ( x p ) h um
Pe = = . (54)
Dm Dm

As in the pipe flow analysis, the expression for H ( x p ) is computed

numerically using Mathematica program and it is not given here. Using
equation (53), one can get the expression for the effective axial diffusivity as

⎛ ⎞
⎜1 + 2 Pe H ( x p ) ⎟
Deff = − = D (55)
∂C ∂~
m ⎜ 105 F 2 ( x ) ⎟
⎝ p ⎠

which can written as

Deff ⎛ 2 Pe 2 H ( x p ) ⎞⎟
= ⎜1 + . (56)
Dm ⎜ 105 F 2 ( x ) ⎟
⎝ p ⎠

3. Numerical Simulation of Results and Discussions

The objective of this section is to discuss the effects of chemical reaction

rate parameter, power-law index and yield stress of the solvent fluid on the
physiologically important flow quantities such as relative axial diffusivity
Effect of Chemical Reaction in Solute Dispersion … 297

and effective axial diffusivity of the solute when it disperses in blood flow
through a circular pipe or channel between parallel flat plates, treating blood
as H-B fluid. The range of values of the parameters used in this study are as
follows: Yield stress rp x p : 0 - 0.2; Péclet number Pe: 4 - 20; Power-law

index n: 0.95 - 1.05; Chemical reaction rate parameter R : 10 −5 − 100 [20,


3.1. Effective axial diffusivity

Figures 2(a) and 2(b) exhibit the variation of effective axial diffusivity of
the solute with yield stress rp and x p for different values of Péclet number
Pe and for different solvent fluids with chemical reaction rate parameter
R = 0.1 in a circular pipe and in a channel, respectively. Figure 2(a) depicts
that the effective axial diffusivity decreases very slowly (almost constant)
with the increase of the yield stress rp of the H-B fluid. It is also noticed that
when the yield stress rp of the Casson fluid increases, the effective axial
diffusivity decreases slowly (almost constant) for lower values of the Péclet
number ( Pe = 4, 8) and decreases considerably (linearly) for the higher
values of the Péclet number ( Pe = 12, 16, 20 ). It is also observed that the
effective axial diffusivity increases considerably with the increase of the
Péclet number Pe. One can also observe that when the power-law index n
increases, the effective axial diffusivity decreases slightly for the lower
values of the Péclet number ( Pe = 4, 8) and it decreases considerably for
higher values of the Péclet number ( Pe = 12, 16, 20 ). The variations of the
effective axial diffusivity with respect to the parameters n, R , x p and Pe in
the flow through channel (shown in Figure 2(b)) are very similar to those
which are observed in the flow through pipe (shown in Figure 2(a)). It is also
found that the effective axial diffusivity is marginally higher in flow through
pipe than in flow through channel. In order to study the effect of the
chemical reaction, the expressions 1 + ( Pe 2 48) ( E A2 ) in equation (28)
and 1 + ( 2 Pe 2 105) ( H F 2 ) in equation (56) are compared with the
298 Nurul Aini Jaafar, Yazariah Mohd Yatim and D. S. Sankar

corresponding expressions presented in equations (2.3) and (2.60) of Sankar

et al. [20]. It is observed that the effective axial diffusivity decreases when
the chemical reaction exists and when R = 0, the results are valid with [20].

(a) Flow in a circular pipe

(b) Flow in a channel

Figure 2. Variation of effective axial diffusivity of the solute with yield

stress rp and x p for different values of Péclet number Pe with chemical

reaction rate parameter R = 0.1, H-B fluid with n = 0.95 and n = 1.05 and
Casson fluid.
Effect of Chemical Reaction in Solute Dispersion … 299

(a) Flow in a circular pipe

(b) Flow in a channel

Figure 3. Variation of effective axial diffusivity of the solute with yield

stress rp and x p for different values of chemical reaction rate parameter R
and for different solvent fluids with Péclet number Pe = 4.

Figures 3(a) and 3(b) delineate the variation of effective axial diffusivity
of the solute with yield stress rp and x p for different values of chemical

reaction rate parameter R and for different solvent fluids flow through (i)
pipe and (ii) channel with Péclet number Pe = 4. It is observed that for all
300 Nurul Aini Jaafar, Yazariah Mohd Yatim and D. S. Sankar

values of the chemical reaction rate parameter R , the effective axial

diffusivity of the solute decreases slowly with the increase of the yield stress
rp x p when the solute disperses in H-B and Bingham fluids and it decreases
linearly with the increase of the yield stress rp x p when the solute disperses
in Casson fluid. It is seen that for a given value of the yield stress rp x p , the
effective axial diffusivity of the solute decreases marginally with the increase
of the chemical reaction rate parameter R . The values of effective axial
diffusivity with chemical reaction in Figures 3(a) and 3(b) are compared with
the value of effective axial diffusivity without chemical reaction when
R = 0. It is seen that, the effective axial diffusivity is higher when R = 0
rather than the effective axial diffusivity when R = 0.1 and 0.8. Figures 2
and 3 bring out the influence of the parameters such as power-law index and
yield stress of the solvent fluid, Péclet number and chemical reaction rate
parameter on the axial diffusivity of the solute when it disperses in blood
flow through pipe and channel between parallel plates.

3.2. Relative axial diffusivity

Figures 4(a) and 4(b) delineate the variation of relative axial diffusivity
of the solute with chemical reaction rate parameter R for different values of
yield stress rp and x p and for flow in a circular pipe and channel with
power-law index n = 0.95. It is clear that the relative axial diffusivity
decreases with the increase of the chemical reaction rate parameter R from 0
to 20 and then it decreases slowly with the increase of the chemical reaction
rate parameter R from 20 to 40 and it decreases very slowly (almost
constant) with the increase of the chemical reaction rate parameter R from
40 to 100. It is means that when the chemical reaction rate parameter
increases, more solute is reacted with the fluid through the chemical reaction
and the diffusion process decreases. It is also seen that the relative axial
diffusivity decreases considerably with the increase of the yield stress
rp x p . It is also found that the relative axial diffusivity is higher when the
solute disperses in pipe flow compared to channel flow.
Effect of Chemical Reaction in Solute Dispersion … 301

(a) Flow in a circular pipe

(b) Flow in a channel

Figure 4. Variation of relative axial diffusivity of the solute with chemical
reaction rate parameter R for different values of yield stress rp and x p with
power-law index n = 0.95.

Figure 5 depicts the variation of relative axial diffusivity of the solute

with yield stress rp x p of the solvent fluid for different non-Newtonian
solvent fluids flow through circular pipe and channel with chemical reaction
rate parameter R = 0.5. It is noted that the relative axial diffusivity of the
solute decreases linearly with the increase of the yield stress of the solvent
fluid if solvent fluid is H-B fluid and it diffuses rapidly with the increase of
the yield stress of the solvent fluid if the solvent fluid is Casson fluid. For a
given set of values of the parameters, the relative axial diffusivity of the
solute decreases marginally with the increase of the power-law index of the
302 Nurul Aini Jaafar, Yazariah Mohd Yatim and D. S. Sankar

solvent fluid. It is also noticed that the relative axial diffusivity of the solute
is considerably higher when the solute disperses in a circular pipe than in a
channel. The relative axial diffusivity of the solute is higher when the solute
disperses in H-B fluid than in the other non-Newtonian fluid.

Figure 5. Variation of relative axial diffusivity of the solute with yield stress
rp x p for different solvent fluids and flow through pipe and channel with

chemical reaction rate parameter R = 0.5.

3.3. Quantification of flow measurements

The estimates of the percentage of decrease in the relative axial

diffusivity of the solute in HB fluid flow for different values of yield stress
rp x p and chemical reaction rate parameter R with power-law index
n = 0.95 and for flow through a circular pipe and a channel are computed in
Tables 1(a) and 1(b), respectively. It is observed that the estimates of the
decrease in the relative axial diffusivity increases significantly with the
increase of the yield stress rp x p of the H-B fluid (solvent fluid) and it
increases marginally with the increase of the chemical reaction rate
parameter R both in flow through pipe and channel. It is also found that the
percentage of decrease in the relative axial diffusivity is considerably higher
in the presence of chemical reaction than in the absence of chemical reaction
between the blood and solute. It means that the yield stress of blood and
chemical reaction rate are the physical parameters which reduce the solute
Effect of Chemical Reaction in Solute Dispersion … 303

diffusion in blood flow. The estimates of the percentage of decrease in the

relative axial diffusivity for different values of the yield stress of H-B fluid
and chemical reaction rate parameter and flow through pipe and channel with
power-law index n = 1.05 are computed in Tables 2(a) and 2(b). It is
recorded that the percentage of decrease in the axial diffusivity decreases
considerably with the increase of the power-law index from n = 0.95 to
n = 1.05.

Table 1. Estimates of the relative axial diffusivity of solute in H-B fluid flow
for different values of yield stress and chemical reaction rate parameter with
power-law index n = 0.95

(a) Flow in a circular pipe

E (rp ) A2 ( rp )

No chemical Presence of chemical reaction

rp reaction

R =0 R = 10 −5 R = 0. 1 R = 0. 4 R = 0. 8
0.04 2.756 2.779 3.902 8.483 12.257
0.08 5.795 5.828 6.896 11.898 16.535
0.12 9.111 9.165 10.111 15.151 20.223
0.16 12.734 12.797 13.588 18.445 23.672
0.20 16.650 16.724 17.341 21.868 27.030

(b) Flow in a channel

H (x p ) F 2(x p )

No chemical Presence of chemical reaction

xp reaction

R =0 R = 10 −5 R = 0. 1 R = 0. 4 R = 0. 8
0.04 4.056 4.083 4.115 4.124 4.130
0.08 8.371 8.489 8.578 8.589 8.695
0.12 12.924 13.182 13.316 13.354 13.897
0.16 17.694 18.125 18.332 18.375 18.524
0.20 22.626 23.279 23.569 23.659 23.802
304 Nurul Aini Jaafar, Yazariah Mohd Yatim and D. S. Sankar

Table 2. Estimates of the relative axial diffusivity of solute in H-B fluid for
different values of yield stress and chemical reaction rate parameter with
power-law index n = 1.05

(a) Flow in a circular pipe

E ( rp ) A 2 ( r p )

No chemical Presence of chemical reaction

rp reaction

R =0 R = 10 −5 R = 0. 1 R = 0. 4 R = 0. 8

0.04 2.957 2.935 4.053 8.542 12.240

0.08 6.184 6.142 7.222 12.111 16.642
0.12 9.703 9.641 10.617 15.531 20.475
0.16 13.524 13.453 14.283 19.006 24.087
0.20 17.652 17.5672 18.238 22.623 27.628

(b) Flow in a channel

H (x p ) F 2(x p )

No chemical Presence of chemical reaction

xp reaction

R =0 R = 10 −5 R = 0. 1 R = 0. 4 R = 0. 8

0.04 3.623 3.651 3.663 3.693 3.693

0.08 7.468 7.588 7.702 7.523 7.691
0.12 11.524 11.787 11.954 11.493 11.962
0.16 15.778 16.216 16.397 15.602 16.471
0.20 19.843 20.841 21.072 19.843 21.178
Effect of Chemical Reaction in Solute Dispersion … 305

Table 3. Estimates of the relative axial diffusivity of solute in the canine

vascular system with chemical reaction rate parameter R = 0.1

(a) Flow in a circular pipe

H (x p ) F 2 (x p )

Blood Velocity Diameter xp H-B fluid

vessels (cm/s) (cm) Casson
n = 0.95 n =1 n = 1.05 fluid

Arterioles 0.75 0.005 0.00654 0.9896 0.9661 0.9435 0.9173

Venules 0.35 0.004 0.01120 0.9849 0.9618 0.9395 0.8990
Inferior 25.00 1.000 0.03920 0.9562 0.9351 0.9150 0.8249
vena cava
Ascending 20.00 1.500 0.07370 0.9185 0.9001 0.8830 0.7582

(b) Flow in a channel

E ( rp ) A2 ( rp )

Blood Velocity Diameter rp H-B fluid

vessels (cm/s) (cm) Casson
n = 0.95 n =1 n = 1.05 fluid

Arterioles 0.75 0.005 0.00654 0.9802 0.9599 0.9403 0.9207

Venules 0.35 0.004 0.01120 0.9765 0.9562 0.9365 0.9054
Inferior 25.00 1.000 0.03920 0.9561 0.9356 0.9158 0.8443
vena cava
Ascending 20.00 1.500 0.07370 0.9306 0.9099 0.8899 0.7887

3.4. Some possible clinical applications

The estimates of the relative axial diffusivity of solute in the canine
vascular system are very useful in the diagnosis and treatment of
cardiovascular diseases. The physiological data such as the velocity and yield
stress of blood and some blood vessels with their diameters used by Sharp
[19] are applied in this study to estimate the relative axial diffusivity of the
306 Nurul Aini Jaafar, Yazariah Mohd Yatim and D. S. Sankar

solute in blood flow through arteries of different diameters. Estimates of the

relative axial diffusivity of the solute in the canine vascular system when the
solute disperse in blood flow through pipe and channel with chemical
reaction rate parameter R = 0.1, treating blood as H-B/Casson fluid, are
computed in Tables 3(a) and 3(b), respectively. It is noted that the estimates
of the relative axial diffusivity of the solute decrease slowly with the increase
of the yield stress rp x p of blood and diameter of the blood vessels. It is
also observed that the estimates of the relative axial diffusivity of the solute
decrease considerably with the increase of the power-law index n when blood
is modeled by H-B fluid. It is also recorded that the estimates of the relative
axial diffusivity of the solute are considerably higher when blood is modeled
by H-B fluid than when it is modeled by Casson fluid and these estimates are
marginally higher when the solute disperses in blood flow through pipe than
through channel.
The estimates of the relative axial diffusivities in the presence of the
chemical reaction can be compared with the results without chemical reaction
are computed in Tables 1 and 2 in [20], respectively. It is observed that the
estimates of relative axial diffusivity decrease when the chemical reaction
rate increases. Theoretically, it implies that the chemical reaction tends to
decrease the diffusivity of the solute. It is of important to note that when
R = 0, the relative axial diffusivity of the solute dispersion in flow through
pipe and in flow through channel obtained in equations (28) and (56) reduces
to the relative axial diffusivity of the solute in the absence of chemical
reaction and these are in good agreement with the corresponding expressions
obtained by Sankar et al. [20] and this validates the present study.

4. Conclusion

The effects of the chemical reaction rate parameter, Péclet number,

power-law index and the yield stress of the blood on the effective axial
diffusivity and relative axial diffusivity are analyzed, modeling the blood as
H-B fluid. The present analysis spells out many significant results which are
summarized below:
Effect of Chemical Reaction in Solute Dispersion … 307

• When the yield stress of the blood increases, the effective axial
diffusivity of the solute decreases slowly and the relative axial diffusivity of
the solute decreases significantly.

• When the power-law index n increases, the effective axial diffusivity

and relative axial diffusivity decrease marginally.

• The effective axial diffusivity and relative axial diffusivity are

marginally higher in flow through pipe than in flow through channel.

• The effective axial diffusivity and relative axial diffusivity of the solute
decreases marginally with the increase of the chemical reaction rate
parameter R .

• The effective axial diffusivity and relative axial diffusivity of the solute
are considerably higher when it disperses in H-B fluid flow than when it
disperses in Casson fluid flow.

• The effective axial diffusivity increases considerably with the increase

of the Péclet number Pe.

From the results obtained in this mathematical analysis, we observe that

there is a significant difference between the flow quantities computed in the
presence of chemical reaction and in the absence of chemical reaction. Thus,
it is hoped that the present study may be useful in the clinical analysis to
predict the physiologically important flow quantities with better accuracy.
Hence, it is concluded that the present mathematical analysis may be
considered as an improvement in the mathematical modeling of steady
dispersion of solute in blood flow through narrow arteries in the presence of
chemical reaction.


This research was supported by the Research University Grant of

Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia (RU Grant Ref. No: 1001/PMATHS/
308 Nurul Aini Jaafar, Yazariah Mohd Yatim and D. S. Sankar


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