Technology Not Taxes - A Viable Australian Path To Net Zero - 2022 - Energy Pol

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Energy Policy 165 (2022) 112945

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‘Technology not taxes’: A viable Australian path to net zero emissions?

Steven Geroe
La Trobe University, Plenty Road, Melbourne, Victoria, 3083, Australia


Keywords: In the absence of a price on carbon and a renewable energy target supported by emissions credit trading, the
Low-carbon Australian Government is relying on financial support for early-stage technologies to reduce emissions: the
Net zero target ‘technology not taxes’ ‘principle’. Recent studies of global implementation indicate that pricing carbon is the
Carbon price
most economically efficient way to achieve economy-wide emissions reductions. Nonetheless, financial support
Technology investment
Renewable energy
for early-stage technology can be a useful complementary or ‘second best’ approach. Australia’s Technology
Green hydrogen Investment Roadmap and Net Zero Plan could be strengthened by detailed emissions plans on a sectoral basis,
Regulation supported by interim targets set in legislation. Projected fossil fuel exports in coming decades in the Net Zero
Plan are consistent with the Australian Government’s ‘gas led’ Covid 19 economic recovery strategy. This un­
derpins reliance on carbon capture and storage (CCS), despite cost and technical barriers that have led to
minimal development compared to renewable energy. In the absence of interim emissions targets, Australia risks
locking in fossil fuel developments on the basis of uncertain future CCS capacity. A Net Zero Plan focused pri­
marily on scale-up of renewable energy and its use to produce hydrogen, reflecting several influential reports,
state government initiatives and private sector mega projects, would have better prospects for achieving net zero

1. Introduction policies, and other market-based mechanisms such as renewable port­

folio standards, are the most economically efficient means of greenhouse
This paper considers whether the Australian government’s low- (GHG) abatement. Section 3 covers current Australian low-carbon policy
carbon strategy, based on a key principle of ‘technology not taxes’, including the Emissions Reduction Fund and associated Safeguard
(Australian Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Mechanism, the Carbon Solutions Package, and the Technology Invest­
Resources, 2021 a), can provide a viable path to net zero emissions by ment Roadmap. It includes a discussion of academic perspectives on the
2050. The taxes that will not be imposed under this strategy clearly applications and limitations of policies supporting early-stage technol­
relate to any measure resembling the fixed price phase of the Australian ogy, and an evaluation of Australia’s November 2021 plan to achieve net
Carbon Pricing Mechanism (CPM). The reference to technology relates zero emissions by 2050. Section 4 considers whether the Roadmap and
to the Australian Government’s Technology Investment Roadmap (the Long-term Emissions Plan have in fact identified likely ‘winners’, in
Roadmap), described as ‘the cornerstone’ of Australia’s November 2021 terms of early-stage technologies with potential for cost effective GHG
Long-term Emissions Reduction Plan (Australian Government Depart­ abatement. The focus is on comparing carbon capture and storage (CCS)
ment of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, 2021 b). to renewable energy and hydrogen produced from it.
Section Two of the paper provides a summary overview of the CPM, The concluding section argues that in the absence of a carbon price,
introduced by the Gillard Labour government in 2011, and repealed by state financial support for early-stage technology can make a substantial
the Abbott Coalition government in 2014. It compares Australia’s contribution to emissions abatement. The Australian Government’s
emissions reduction performance under the CPM with that of the United focus on co-investment and reverse auctions for state funding for
Kingdom (UK). The UK implemented a Carbon Price Floor at a compa­ emission abatement projects and technologies limits financial costs for
rable time and level to Australia, but did not subsequently repeal it. It taxpayers, and facilitates private sector involvement in investment de­
then summarises Australia’s successfully implemented 2020 Renewable cision making. These policies must be implemented on objective criteria,
Energy Target. The section concludes with evidence from academic such as evidence of potential for low-cost abatement. The general policy
evaluation of global implementation experience that carbon pricing statements in the Technology Investment Roadmap and Long-term

E-mail address:
Received 22 July 2021; Received in revised form 9 March 2022; Accepted 24 March 2022
Available online 26 April 2022
0301-4215/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Geroe Energy Policy 165 (2022) 112945

Emissions Plan, could form the basis for detailed sectoral emissions re­ electricity sector. Between the introduction of the tax in 2013 and 2016
ductions plans. Regularly updated interim targets for each sector should power sector emissions fell from almost 150 MtCO2 to approximately 80
be specified in legislation, as in Germany. While this approach can form MtCO2 (United Kingdom Department for Business, Energy and Indus­
the basis for effective scale-up of early-stage technology, the prospects trial Strategy, 2017). British coal use has fallen 85 percent since 1990,
for economy wide emissions reductions are less positive. Planned and 59 percent since 2015. In 2016 11.5 percent of British electricity
continuing fossil fuel development in coming decades will necessitate was generated by wind turbines and 9.2 percent by coal, with most of
substantial reliance on CCS, offsets, or emissions reductions in other the balance accounted for by a 45 percent increase in gas generation
sectors. Scaling-up renewable energy, including for production of (Vaughn, 2017). Britain’s emissions reduction target of 35 per cent
hydrogen under the Technology Investment Roadmap would be more below 1990 levels by 2020 was achieved four years early. The 2020 UK
cost effective, and could eliminate over 80 per cent of emissions arising Energy White Paper opted to continue a UK ETS on almost identical lines
from fossil fuel combustion. This model of net zero transition would also to the EU ETS. The 2021 price floor is 22 pounds (Ares, 2021).
facilitate cost competitive development of low emissions steel, The CPM has not been the only successful emissions mitigation
aluminium, resource processing, manufacturing, buildings, transport, policy at a national level in Australia to have been discontinued. Under
and clean energy exports. the Renewable Energy Target (RET) scheme, the national target of
33,000 GW-hours (GWh) of renewable electricity generation in 2020
2. Australia’s Carbon Pricing Mechanism and renewable energy (roughly twenty percent) was achieved. The RET imposed obligations on
target energy retailers and large industrial consumers to purchase a proportion
of energy from renewable sources, in wholesale electricity markets. It
This section summarises the implementation and repeal Australia’s was implemented through a renewable energy certificate trading
Carbon Pricing Mechanism (CPM) and associated impacts on emissions, scheme designed to incentivise least cost abatement (Clean Energy
as compared to the UK Carbon Price Floor. It then outlines the completed Regulator, 2018). The closing years of the RET saw record investment in
2020 Renewable Energy Target, and the absence of any national policy large-scale renewable generation in Australia, including over 2.2 GW in
to replace it. 2019 (Clean Energy Council, 2020a,b).
The CPM was introduced by the Clean Energy Act 2011, and repealed A small-scale RET (SRES)imposed similar obligations on liable en­
in 2014. It applied to Australia’s 377 largest GHG emitters, accounting tities to surrender credits to the Clean Energy Regulator, representing
for about 60 per cent of Australia’s emissions. The fixed price phase was KWh of energy generated by small scale, distributed systems. Along with
due to transition to a market priced based ETS in 2015, starting at $A23 state-based solar feed-in tariffs, the SRES was a key driver in Australia
t/CO2e and rising 2.5 per cent annually in real terms. Facilities emitting installing the highest proportion of solar rooftop systems globally, with
above 25 000 tonnes of CO2e were required to surrender permits. From 2.46 systems on 21 per cent of homes by 2021. (Australian Government
2012, emissions-intensive (mainly coal related) and trade-exposed in­ Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, 2021 c).
dustries received free permits up to 94.5 per cent or 66 per cent of the Following the termination of the large-scale RET in 2020, two po­
industry average baseline, based on whether they were considered tential replacement policies (the Clean Energy Target and the National
highly or moderately emissions-intensive. This production-based allo­ Energy Guarantee) were rejected by the Coalition party room. In the
cation declined at a rate of 1.3 per cent annually. All other carbon units absence a substantial national policy incentivising investment in low-
were to be auctioned by the government. During the fixed price phase emissions technology, low-carbon development has become increas­
emissions were not limited. Thereafter the government was to set an ingly driven by large-scale state level renewable energy auctions and
annual cap, set to implement Australia’s emissions reduction targets. energy efficiency programs, and commercial developments.1
$14.9 billion in household assistance was to be provided, to offset the A 2020 study by Burke, Jotzo and Best analysed data for 142 coun­
price rises likely to be passed from liable entities to consumers (Clean tries over more than twenty years, 43 of which had imposed an ETS or
Energy Regulator, 2021). carbon tax. It included a literature review of emissions impacts of carbon
The British Carbon Price Floor was set at a comparable level to the prices in many jurisdictions. The results indicated that on average, these
fixed price phase of the Australian CPM, at a similar time. While there countries’ GHG emissions increased around two per cent more slowly
are other factors influencing national emissions reductions, the results of than countries with no carbon price – equivalent to the average annual
the British experience of persisting with the CPF can usefully be emissions growth rate for the 142 countries was about two per cent.
compared to the Australian experience of repealing the CPM. Between Thus the impact of a carbon price is, on average, sufficient to reverse a
the introduction of the Australian carbon tax on 1 July 2012 and 30 June rising emissions trend. On average, an extra euro carbon price per tonne
2014, electricity demand in the National Electricity Market (NEM) was found to correlate with a reduction of annual emissions growth in
declined by 3.8 per cent, the emissions intensity of electricity supply by covered sectors of about 0.3 percentage points. The study methodology
4.6 per cent, and overall emissions by 8.2 per cent, compared to the two- controlled for numerous other factors, including the impact on emissions
year period before the carbon price. In the period 4 GW of emissions- of other policy instruments, improving technologies, population and
intensive coal generation capacity was retired. Renewables and gas economic growth, economic shocks, measures to support renewables
generation both increased over the period, with renewables rising by and differences in fuel tax rates (Best et al., 2020). Consistently with
38% from June 2012 to June 2014 (Jotzo and O’Gorman, 2014). The many other studies, it concluded that while a carbon price should be the
reduction in emissions intensity attributable to the impact of the carbon centrepiece of emissions policy, policy to support early-stage technology
price has been calculated as 24 kg CO2/MWh (2.7 per cent) in 2012/13, can play a useful complementary role (Best et al., 2020; World Bank,
and an additional4kg CO2/MWh (for a total of 28 kg CO2/MWh) (3.3 2021; OECD, 2016).
per cent) in 2013/14. The combined impact attributable to the carbon Like policies imposing a price on carbon, renewable portfolio stan­
price was a reduction of between 5 and 8 million tonnes of CO2e­ dards (RPS) such as the RET are a form of market-based mechanism. In
missions (3.2 to 5 per cent) in 2012/13, between 6 and 9 million tonnes such policies, market competition is utilised to maximise economic ef­
(3.5–5.6 per cent) in 2013/14, and between 11 and 17 million tonnes ficiency in resource allocation (Centre for Climate and Energy Solutions,
cumulatively (Jotzo and O’Gorman, 2014). 2021). Roughly half of US renewable energy development to 2021 has
In 2013 the U.K. introduced a carbon price floor (CPF). When the EU been driven by RPS policies in many states (Barbose et al., 2021). The
ETS carbon price falls below a specified UK price floor, producers are successful implementation of the RET is consistent with that of US RPS,
liable for the difference. In 2016 the price floor was 18£ ($US $24-$25),
double the level in 2013 (Carbon Tax Centre, 2021). U.K. emissions have
steadily declined since 1990, and more sharply since 2013, mostly in the 1
See discussion in Section 4.

S. Geroe Energy Policy 165 (2022) 112945

in terms of performance in scaling-up low emissions technology. The replace the ERF, but will introduce changes in terms of additional cat­
success of the CPM was consistent with that of the UK CPF, and carbon egories of projects funded (for example hard to abate sectors in heavy
pricing policies surveyed by Burke, Jotzo and Best, in achieving econ­ industry such as aluminium, freight transport and aviation), types of
omy wide emission reductions. Accordingly, this paper concludes that financing (such as leveraging private investment), and funding appli­
such market-based mechanisms should be central to Australian policy to cation processes (Ludlow, 2020).
achieve net zero emissions by 2050. The CSF is part of the $A 3.5 billion Climate Solutions Package, that
also includes funding for the Snowy 2.0 hydroelectric project, the Bat­
3. Australia’s current low-carbon policy tery of the Nation Project in Tasmania and the Future Fuels Strategy.
Under this strategy the Australian Government will co-invest with the
3.1. The Emissions Reduction Fund and safeguard mechanism private sector to fund 50,000 electric vehicle (EV) charging stations
(Australian Renewable Energy Agency, 2021). It does not include sub­
After the repeal of the carbon tax in 2014, the Emissions Reduction sidies, tax incentives, EV sales targets or minimum fuel emission stan­
Fund (ERF) and its associated Safeguard Mechanism (SM) became the dards, unlike many countries with relatively high rollout of EVs. (Belot,
Australian federal government’s main GHG emissions policy. The ERF is 2021). Additionally, in November 2021 the Australian Government
a voluntary scheme, implemented through reverse auctions for gov­ announced a $A 500 million Low Emissions Technology Commerciali­
ernment payments for emissions reduction projects. Participants can sation Fund (LETCF), through which the CEFC will leverage a further
earn Australian carbon credit units (ACCUs) for emissions reductions $500 million private investment (Clean Energy Financing Corporation,
achieved through accredited projects. One ACCU is earned for each 2021). The relationship between the LETCF fund and the CSF is yet to be
tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2-e) stored or avoided by a clarified. Despite announcement of the CSF in 2019, the web site of the
project. ACCUs can be sold to either to the government through a carbon Clean Energy Regulator as of March 2022 does not indicate examples of
abatement contract, or in the secondary market. Buyers are entities with CSF funding of project categories additional to pre-existing ERF project
obligations under the SM, or organisations with mitigation objectives types.
implemented through the voluntary carbon market (Clean Energy
Regulator, 2021 b). 3.2. The Technology Investment Roadmap
The SM was initially designed to ensure liable entities’ emissions did
not exceed historical business as usual (BAU) baselines, set by the Clean The agglomerated mechanisms of the CFI, ERF, CSF and LETCF,
Energy Regulator. The rationale was to prevent emissions mitigated along with the Technology Investment Roadmap (the Roadmap) form
through the ERF being offset by rising emissions elsewhere in the the core of the current Australian government’s GHG emissions policy.
economy. The ERF was designed only to reduce the emissions of firms The Roadmap also forms the ‘cornerstone’ policy supporting the 2050
voluntarily tendering for abatement projects. The SM applies to facilities net zero plan announced by the Australian Government in November
with direct emissions over 100 000 t/CO2-e per year, covering around 2021 (Australian Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy
half of Australia’s emissions. From 1 July 2018 covered facilities can and Resources b). The Roadmap does not rely on any specifically created
purchase and surrender ACCUs generated by ERF projects or on the regulatory mechanism. Rather it outlines a strategy for government to
voluntary carbon market, to offset emissions over their baseline. 2019 financially support selected technologies, and related institutional sup­
amendments to SG baseline rules were designed to facilitate amending port. Complementary policy is mentioned only in general terms, such as
baselines to reflect increases in actual production, and to incorporate de-risking priority low emissions technologies, offtake agreements,
more emissions intensity as opposed to absolute emissions indicators. supporting voluntary emissions reductions through the ERF, govern­
Thus the safeguard mechanism is no longer designed to prevent in­ ment procurement, and Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA),
creases in economy wide emissions. The Labor opposition currently CEFC and Clean Energy Regulator (CER) funding. Its ‘Priority Technol­
proposes tightening baselines to reduce emissions by 43 percent ogy Stretch Goals’ are:
from 2005 levels by 2030 (Murphy, 2021).
The 100 million ACCUs traded since the inception of the ERF in • Clean hydrogen for under $2 per kilogram
2014–2021 accounted for just two per cent of Australia’s emissions for • Electricity from storage for firming under $100 per MWh (to enable
that time period (Carbon Market Institute, 2021). A large proportion of firmed wind and solar at pricing at or below current average
ERF spending has been on avoided clearance of vegetation on private wholesale electricity prices)
properties. The ERF built on the Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI), in that • Low emissions steel production under $900 per tonne and low
CFI projects can bid into the ERF for funding (Clean Energy Regulator, emissions aluminium under $2,700 per tonne
2021 c). The CFI was a voluntary opt-in scheme for farmers seeking to • CCS–CO2 compressions, hub transport and storage for under $20 per
generate offset credits when the carbon tax transitioned into an ETS in tonne of CO2
2015 (agricultural emissions were excluded from the CPM). CFI projects • Soil carbon measurement for under $3 per hectare per year
include avoided emissions of methane from livestock or rice fields, soil,
landfill gas, or from the burning of savannas or grasslands, crop stub­ The Australian Government aims to invest over $20 billion in low
ble/residue, or sugar cane before harvest. It also includes emissions technologies over the decade to 2030, leveraging $3–5 of
bio-sequestration projects through soil carbon farming projects such as private investment for each $1 of Commonwealth government invest­
cover cropping, minimum tillage and biochar, and farm forestry pro­ ment, to achieve $80 billion of domestic investment by 2030 (Australian
jects. To April 2021 $2.55 billion was contracted for 499 projects Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources a).
covering 205 MtCO2e of emissions abatement. Of this vegetation pro­ The Roadmap proposes a model of public-private partnership,
jects covered 138.6 MtCO2e, landfill and waste 25.9 MtCO2e, agricul­ involving enhanced coordination between the CEFC, ARENA, and the
ture 15 MtCO2e and savannah burning (mostly by indigenous peoples to CER and private enterprise to deliver investment priorities identified in
manage larger fire risks) 13.6 MtCO2e (Clean Energy Regulator, 2021 the plan. A Technology Investment Advisory Council, including the
d). Chairs of the above agencies, will advise on Low Emissions Technology
Australian low-carbon regulation post CPM has been characterised Statements that will guide their investment mandates (Australian
by an accumulation of policies and programs building on their pre­ Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, 2020). More
decessors, the latest of which is the Climate Solutions Fund (CSF). A specific technology statements will be provided in relation to hydrogen,
2019 review of the ERF recommended amending, not terminating and bioenergy, critical minerals, an integrated system plan for national
replacing the ERF and SM. Thus the CSF is not intended to repeal and network energy infrastructure, waste, energy and future fuels. The

S. Geroe Energy Policy 165 (2022) 112945

development of new battery mineral reserves is being encouraged exclusively adopting incentives as opposed to costs is that it is less likely
through the 2019 Critical Minerals Strategy. to meet industry resistance, as occurred with the Carbon Pricing
Funding commitments under the Long-term Emissions Reduction Mechanism and subsequent Australian low-carbon policy (Mazengarb,
Plan, and other commitments made during COP26 in November 2021, 2020; InfluenceMap, 2020). Avoiding tax incentives that could favour
update those in the First Low-emissions Technology Statement 2020. Of low-emitting industries over fossil fuel industries also shares this
the $A 20 billion total in the Long-term Emissions Reduction Plan, half is advantage, as does expanding the mandate of the CEFC to fund CCS in
committed to co-investment projects through the CEFC. This includes $1 fossil fuel plants.
billion for the CEFC’s Grid Reliability Fund, for projects in energy State financial support for early-stage technology has been regarded
storage and generation, transmission and distribution infrastructure, as useful complementary policy for carbon pricing. This is because a
and grid stabilising technologies. $A1.4 billion is committed for finan­ carbon price can only address the market externality of costs of pollution
cial support for early-stage projects through the Australian Renewable that are not otherwise born by the polluter. Complementary policy can
Energy Agency. $2 billion is allocated to the CSF, matching existing play a useful role in addressing the market failure relating to investment
commitments. The $A 2.5 billion indicated for the ERF approximately in low-emissions technology that is not currently cost competitive (Fay
matches total ERF spending from 2014 to 2021, and does not appear to et al., 2020; Jaffe et al., 2005; Wood, 2012). More targeted support is
be additional spending. $A565 million is committed for international needed for technologies deemed to have greater potential for emissions
low emissions technology partnerships. Over $1.2 billion has been reductions than other low-emission technologies, for example solar as
committed to supporting clean hydrogen, including up to 7 Clean opposed to wind generation. Nonetheless such policy used a substitute
Hydrogen Industrial Hubs, and over $300 million for Carbon Capture for a carbon price is likely to be costly (Fay et al., 2015). Reliance on
Use and Storage (CCUS) hubs and technologies. The plan does not such policies may be a second-best option, however, in circumstances
specify whether spending on Clean Hydrogen Industrial Hubs will focus where a carbon price is politically unfeasible. Jaffe et al. note that pol­
on CCUS or producing hydrogen from renewable energy generated icies subsidizing technology receive considerable political support in
electricity. Additionally, the Australian government has committed most countries, perhaps because their benefits tend to be focused while
$A280 million to purchase SM Credits (SMCs), representing below the costs are dispersed (Jaffe et al., 2005). Indeed this is the position
baseline emissions for ‘transformative’ abatement or sequestration taken by Professor Ross Garnaut, lead author of the Garnaut Review on
technologies that could include CCS (Australian Government Depart­ climate change policy that informed the drafting of the CPM, in
ment of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, 2021 a). As the concluding that regulation and government funding are the main al­
Australian Government plans to amend the CEFC Act to include in­ ternatives to carbon pricing (Garnaut, 2019).
vestment in CCS in the CEFC investment mandate (Grattan, 2021), the Tony Wood of the Grattan Institute observes: ‘Supporting new or
level of expenditure on CCS under the Roadmap and Long-term Emis­ emerging technologies to achieve major cost reductions is a well-
sions Reduction Plan is not clear. CCS funding will be used for research recognised economic policy function. Continuing subsidies are not.
and development projects into commercial operations in power gener­ The government must be prepared to walk away from failures and to
ation, oil and gas extraction, natural gas processing, and coal gasifica­ release likely winners to the commercial pressures of the market. This
tion or methane reforming for hydrogen production and other purposes process and its funding are the big hurdles to the road map’s success
(Australian Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy and (Wood, 2012). Such policies should be implemented on evidence-based
Resources, 2020). criteria that is applied to all prospective technologies on the same basis
The funding commitments of $A20 billion by 2030 are lower per unit (Garnaut, 2019), such as demonstrated least cost abatement or evidence
of GDP than programs in other developed jurisdictions such as the EU of potential for cost reduction (Wood, 2012). That would be consistent
Green Deal (EUCommission, 2020; Harvey and Rankin, 2020). None­ with the plan’s ‘key principle’ of driving down the cost of a portfolio of
theless they are bolstered with plans to leverage four times that amount low-emissions to parity [with existing technologies] (Australian Gov­
in private investment. This model has been implemented effectively by ernment Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, 2021
the CEFC. A a total of $A 9.54 billion was leveraged at $2.40 of private a).
investment for every $1.00 committed by the CEFC to November 2021
(CEFC, 2021 b), with investments delivering a net capital gain to the 3.4. Australia’s long-term Emissions Reduction Plan
CEFC (CEFC, 2019). Some analysts have concluded that economically
efficient mitigation outcomes can be achieved through energy efficiency The Technology Investment Roadmap may be effective in achieving
projects in the aluminium and steel industry, an area identified in the its limited objective of scaling-up selected technologies, particularly
Roadmap as suitable for such co-investment (Wood et al., 2020; Repu­ those with a credible case for cost-effective abatement. An effective
tex, 2015). economy-wide emissions strategy based on this approach would be
strengthened by a more detailed roadmap of measures to reduce emis­
3.3. State financial support for early-stage technology: uses and sions sector-by-sector. The Australian Government’s November 2021
limitations commitment to net zero by 2050, supported by modelling of imple­
mentation measures, is a positive but embryonic step in this direction.
State financial support for early-stage low-emissions technology in Its modelling relates to the stretch goals in the Technology Investment
Australia includes co-investment through the CSF, investment in low- Roadmap. It presents graphs and charts depicting the results of model­
emissions through public sector agencies (the CEFC), government pro­ ling by the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, and
curement, competitive tendering programs for emissions abatement McKinsey Consulting. It does not include explanations or details of how
projects (the ERF), de-risking investment through long-term offtake the modelling was conducted. Nor does it explain how apparently
contracts, and integrated planning and institutional support for private detailed and accurate modelling of emissions outcomes thirty years
sector investment through specialised low-carbon agencies (ARENA, the hence can be calculated on the basis of the vague and general indications
CEFC and the CER). of policy in the Roadmap, and supporting polices such as the National
It does not include tax incentives for low-emission technologies (such Energy Productivity Plan. There are no alternative scenarios presented
as tax credit financing or accelerated depreciation for specified tech­ for differing outcomes in terms of factors such as future technology
nology investments), pressure to shift to low-emissions technology development, fuel costs, economic conditions, or international GHG-
through increased regulatory standards on polluting industries (such related policy. The sections on various technologies, for example CCS,
augmented emissions standards for coal fired plants or vehicles), or are reiterations of the generalities in the Roadmap without additional
increased taxes or charges on polluting entities. One advantage of financial analysis of projected future costs (Australian Government

S. Geroe Energy Policy 165 (2022) 112945

Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, 2021 a). A concluded argued that CCS faces barriers to deployment additional to
section on ‘Seizing Opportunities in New and Traditional Markets’ in­ those facing all early-stage technologies. Tony Wood argues that ‘ … the
dicates Australia is a global top 2 exporter of coal and LNG (Australian size of the investment needed is so great that it is almost always a ‘bet the
Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, company’ decision. This leaves few serious proponents standing. As a
2021 a). It projects coal exports halving by 2050, but continued growth result, the rate of learning-by-doing will be much slower, especially if it
in gas exports to 2030, consistently with Australian government policy is in just one country … the size of CCS projects means they could
of a gas led recovery (Australian Government Department of Industry, dominate and distort the entire scheme (Wood, 2012).’ Additionally,
Science, Energy and Resources, 2021 a). This is also consistent with financial support for CCS is complicated by the involvement of multiple
Australia’s refusal to sign pledges to cease new coal mine development, companies in the CCS supply chain, combining power generation,
and to limit methane emissions at the November 2021 COP 26 meeting capturing CO2 emissions, liquid CO2 transport and geological storage.
in Glasgow (Higgins, 2021; Morton, 2021). This is despite recognition by A 2020 study by the Victoria Energy Institute found that coal gen­
the International Energy Agency that ending new approval of new or eration with CCS in Australia is likely to cost at least six times as much as
extended coal mines, oil and gas fields and coal plants without CCS wind generation and storage with equivalent dispatchable capacity
immediately will be necessary to limit global warming to 1.5◦ above (Mountain, 2020). The study indicates that only two commercial-scale
2005 levels (Jaber et al., 2021). CCS facilities exist for electricity generation globally. One has been
The Long-term Emissions Reduction Plan refers to a wide range of decommissioned, the other is operating well below its design capacity.
other policy documents as a basis for its modelling, some of which are Seven proposals have been studied but rejected. The study cites the
more developed than others. For example, the 2015 National Energy Global CCS Institute’s 2019 “Global Status of CCS Report”, which in­
Productivity Plan established a target of increasing energy productivity dicates the cost of carbon capture at the two existing post-combustion
(i.e. reducing emissions per unit of output) by 40 per cent from 2015 to capture coal-fired plants (Boundary Dam in Canada and Petra Nova in
2030 (Australian Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy Texas) is USD110 (AUD157) and USD65 (AUD93) per tonne CO2
and Resources, 2015). While a number of sources have concluded that respectively. If the Boundary Dam plant had achieved the planned 90
improving industrial energy efficiency is among the most cost-effective per cent capture rate, that would translate into capture costs of
forms of efficiency abatement (Wood et al., 2020; Reputex, 2015), a AUD141/MWh and AUD84/MWh respectively. In its four years of
2019 study concluded that the progress with the NEPP had stalled operation it captured only half of this, and both plants have been
(Bhattacharya et al., 2020). A planned NEPP dashboard presenting decommissioned. Nine planned CCS plants that did not proceed to
detailed metrics on progress under the NEPP is not available, and the last construction had projected operational costs between those of Boundary
annual review was in 2018 ((Australian Government Department of Dam and Petra Nova. The Victoria Energy Institute study found that the
Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, 2021). While Australia has a combined costs of capture, transport and sequestration amount to $160
number of well-established voluntary certification schemes for both per tonne CO2. Assuming 90 per cent of a coal generator’s emissions are
residential and commercial buildings,2 it has not implemented a captured and stored, this amounts to a cost of $144/MWh. If levelized
large-scale program of residential energy efficiency retrofits as has the costs of electricity (LCOE) of $126 and $168 per MWh for black coal and
US or France (Beyond Zero Emissions, 2020). Given the emissions $160 and $209 per MWh for brown coal are added, the total cost is
abatement and employment potential of this approach, it could form a between $280/MWh and $363/MWh (Mountain, 2020).
useful complement to the Roadmap. As with renewable energy after the In contrast, at the Australian Capital Territory September renewable
termination of the RET, most building energy efficiency programs are energy auction, the winning bid was awarded a 14-year contract, un­
delivered at a state level.3 Co-investment for industrial energy efficiency indexed, paying $44.97/MWh for the 100 MW of wind generation,
projects under the CSF has yet to begin, despite program announcement including storage equivalent to 0.1 MW and 0.2 MWh per MW of wind
in 2019.4 More encouragingly, Australian energy regulators have power offered. This is at the bottom of the cost range predicted in 2019
worked collaboratively on a range of existing and proposed reforms by the CSIRO for wind and solar with 2 h of battery storage of $48–$75/
intended to drive cost reflective tariffs, demand side management, and MWh. For 38 solar/battery projects developed in the United States,
integration of distributed power through virtual power plants involving which on average had battery capacity equivalent to 68 per cent of the
coordinated use of PV systems, battery storage and smart metering PV capacity, the weighted average levelised power purchase agreement
(Energy Security Board, 2021). price was US$34/MWh (Mountain, 2020; Longden et al., 2020).
A 2020 IEA report that strongly advocates scaling-up CCUS (carbon
4. Have the Roadmap and Long-term emissions plan picked the capture use and storage) also concluded that it ‘has not advanced as fast
technology winners? as needed’. It cites reasons including high costs, lack of consistent policy
support, difficulty of integrating different elements in the supply chain,
In the absence of market-based policy mechanisms such as carbon technical risks of CCS in some locations, problems allocating commercial
pricing and RPS, reliance on state support of specified technologies is risks among project partners in the supply chain, difficulty securing
unavoidably associated with the need to select the most cost-effective finance and public resistance to storage (particularly in Europe) (Gul
options for GHG abatement at scale. This leads to the vexed question et al., 2020). The report indicates there were twenty commercial Carbon
of funding of CCS under the Roadmap, and its prominent position in Capture Use and Storage (CCUS) facilities in 2020, about three quarters
Australia’s Long-term Emissions Plan. Some commentators have used for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) as opposed to dedicated storage. It
recognises that CCS technologies would need to be massively scaled-up
over the next decade to contribute to net zero transition. It notes that:
‘Investment in CCUS has also fallen well behind that of other clean en­
For example, the Green Star program is administered by the Green Building ergy technologies. Annual investment in CCUS has consistently
Council of Australia largest scale program is the accounted for less than 0.5 per cent of global investment in clean energy
National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS), https://www. and efficiency technologies’ (Gul et al., 2021). Given the resources of the also Leadership in Energy and Environ­
global fossil fuel industry, and the central role of CCS in many fossil fuel
mental Design (LEED)
3 companies’ net zero strategies, an inference can be drawn as to
For example, Victorian Energy Upgrades
au/energy-efficiency/victorian-energy-upgrades/about-the-programVictorian continuing commercial and technical barriers to CCS project viability.
Building Authority Energy Efficiency Requirements No general conclusions on total current CCS costs across the supply
au/consumers/home-renovation-essentials/energy-efficient-requirements. chain are made in the IEA report, given variations between technologies,
As discussed in Section 3.1. locations and types of projects. As the report recognises that CCS has not

S. Geroe Energy Policy 165 (2022) 112945

attracted investment on a commercial basis as has renewable energy, the competitiveness. The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research
argument is essentially for sustained policy support to drive industry Organisation (CSIRO) projects that wind and solar PV supported by
scale-up. battery and pumped hydro energy storage will achieve the highest
While the Technology Investment Roadmap ‘stretch goal’ for CCS of shares of total global generation capacity to 2050: 60 per cent under its
$A20 tonne appears aspirational, the goal of clean hydrogen for $2 kg central scenario and 78 percent under its high penetration scenario7
appears more feasible. A 2020 Australian National University report (Graham et al., 2020). The 2020 Australian Energy Market Operator
estimated that Australia could currently produce green hydrogen at (AEMO) Renewable Integration Study (RIS) Stage 1 finds that, to 2025,
about $3.18–3.80 per kg. It concluded that: ‘Given rapid past reductions in the event its recommended actions were implemented the National
in renewable energy supply costs and the prospect of sustained re­ Electricity Market (NEM) could be operated securely with up to 75 per
ductions in electrolyser capital costs, the production of green hydrogen cent instantaneous penetration of wind and solar. If the recommended
at costs of below A$3/kg is likely to be possible, and a reduction of actions are not taken, the this reduces to between 50 and 60 per cent.8
production costs over the next decade to approach A$2/kg is plausible. Beyond 2025, AEMO did not identified ‘any insurmountable reasons’
Australia is well placed to achieve low-cost green hydrogen production why even higher levels of instantaneous wind and solar penetration
due to its low-cost renewable energy supply and the potential to achieve could be achieved, given global technological development, and suffi­
large economies of scale’ (Longden et al., 2020). ciently flexible market and regulatory frameworks capable of adapting
This reflects global costs declines between 2010 and 2020 of 85 per to these developments (AEMO, 2020).
cent for utility-scale solar photovoltaics (PV) and 56 per cent for onshore The Clean Energy Council notes that, for the first time in several
wind. These prices are cost competitive with coal as the cheapest form of years, despite imposition much stricter reliability standards, the AEMO
fossil fuel generation, in the absence of state financial support (Inter­ did not forecast any supply shortfalls for the 2020/21 summer. This was
national Renewable Energy Agency, 2021). The global average levelised due largely to addition of over 5 GW of new renewable energy genera­
cost of solar PV generation in 2019 was $US 40, wind $41 and coal $109 tion in recent years. It notes that according to the Australian Energy
(Webb et al., 2020).5 A 2020 Australian Reserve Bank report also found Market Commission (AEMC), projected annual price falls in residential
that the LCOE for new renewable power plants had declined signifi­ electricity bills of 8.7 per cent between 2020 and 2023 will be largely
cantly since 2010, and is estimated to be between 40 and 60 per cent of due to lower wholesale prices resulting from significant new renewable
the cost of a new fossil fuel plant (de Atholia et al., 2020). energy generation capacity (Clean Energy Council, 2021). Thus it can be
Webb et al. calculate the average Australian cost of battery storage of seen that additional renewable generation capacity is supporting both
$64.68 MWh and solar generation $47.68 ($112.36) for 12 h with bat­ enhanced grid stability and lower electricity prices.
tery storage. Give solar costs without battery storage ($47.68), this The level of cost competitiveness and technical viability of renew­
produces an average cost of $80 per MWh. For wind an equivalent able energy is reflected in its share of low-carbon investment, particu­
calculation produces a cost of $126.4 for 12 h with battery storage and larly when compared to CCS. Global investment in renewable energy
an average of $94.06 per MWh. Thus average costs per MWh of solar and totalled $366 billion. CCS was the only sector not to rise, with a slight
wind plus storage are below that of combined cycle gas turbine decline to $2.3 billion, approximately 0.03 per cent of the investment in
($101.41) black coal ($105.21) and brown coal ($99.61). As retrofitting renewables (Bloomberg New Energy Finance, 2021). These costs and
with carbon capture and storage would increase costs, the cost advan­ viability advantages underly the economic case for directing financial
tage of renewables is even greater. support towards renewable energy-based electrification as a means to
Webb et al. conclude that due to continuing steep cost declines, decarbonise the economy, as opposed to reliance on continuing fossil
combined renewable generation and battery storage costs are competi­ fuel development combined with CCS.
tive with coal generation.6 A 2017 Australian National University study It is also the basis for prioritising support for hydrogen produced
modelling a pathway to 100 per cent renewable generation recommends from renewably generated electricity. Finkel argues that renewable
grid design to limit supply shortfalls by taking advantage of different energy and hydrogen production can mitigate the over 80 per cent of
weather systems. Energy balance between supply and demand can be Australian emissions that are produced by combustion of fossil fuels for
maintained by adding sufficient pumped hydro, long distance high electricity generation (34 per cent), stationary energy (20 per cent), and
voltage transmission lines and excess wind and PV capacity. These ad­ transport (18 per cent). For fugitive emissions, mostly methane from
ditions are calculated as the levelised cost of balancing (LCOB). In the fossil fuel extraction and processing, he recommends CCS, until fossil
study, LCOB is combined with levelised cost of annual generation fuels can be phased out (Finkel, 2020).
(LCOG), to provide the levelised cost of electricity (LCOE). The study Both Finkel and Garnaut see a limited role for gas firming as battery
concluded that with PV and wind in the price range of AU$50/MWh, the costs fall, but not as a replacement generation for coal (Finkel, 2021;
LCOE of a balanced 100% renewable electricity system is around AU Garnaut, 2019). This is now effectively the policy in New South Wales,
$75/MWh, as compared to the estimated LCOE from a new supercritical where gas currently accounts for only two per cent of annual electricity
black coal power station in Australia of AU$80/MWh (Australian Na­ output. Finkel concludes that the price of hydrogen production from
tional University, 2017). Thus on 2019 solar costs, as calculated by renewable energy has reduced to within a factor of 3 or 4 of that of fossil
Webb et al., even including the system wide balancing costs of one fuels. This cost differential can be partly offset by selling electricity
hundred per cent renewable generation would still be cheaper than coal
The ANU study was based on wind and photovoltaics (PV) providing
90% of annual electricity, with existing hydro and biomass providing the 7
The central scenario implies that current 2030 Paris Nationally Determined
balance. It notes that wind and solar PV have provided almost all new Commitments are met but that the planned ramping up of ambition to prevent a
Australian generation capacity in recent years, due to their cost greater than 2◦ increase in temperature does not occur. The High VRE scenario
there is a strong climate policy consistent with maintaining temperature in­
creases of 1.5◦ and achieving net zero emissions by 2050 worldwide. CSIRO, 20.
See Table◦ 1 Managing power system requirements – summary of key
Webb et al. define LCOE as the present value of the total cost of building challenges and actions, 8; Figure◦ 2◦ – timeline of actions 2020–2025, 12–13;
and operating a power plant over an assumed lifetime. As such it measures Figure◦ 3 ‘Summary of identified system limits and remedial actions, overlaid on
generation costs, but not system-wide ‘costs’ of intermittency or external costs instantaneous penetration of wind and solar generation, actual in 2019 and
such as transmission. forecast for 2025 under ISP Central and Step Change generation builds’, 14.
Table◦ 1, ‘Australia’s levelized cost of energy and cost of energy storage’, Numerous other AEMO studies and reports relate to differing aspects of these
368; 371. technical issues.

S. Geroe Energy Policy 165 (2022) 112945

(from renewables plants used to produce hydrogen) on wholesale mar­ been recognised as the main alternative measures to implement low-
kets in peak periods, at prices higher than cost of production of carbon transition (Garnaut, 2019).
hydrogen. Finkel chaired the steering committee for the National The Australian government’s emphasis on leveraging private in­
Hydrogen Strategy (NHS), which aims to make Australia a top three vestment (co-investment) is a useful way to limit financial risks of failed
supplier to Asia by 2030 (Australian Government Department of In­ projects to the taxpayer. Co-investment reduces risks of crowding out
dustry, Science, Energy and Resources, 2019). private investment, and provides an important role for private sector
Garnaut identifies the potential for superabundant, low-cost renew­ actors in investment decisions and management. It can also ameliorate
able electricity in Australia as the main factor for potential Australian regulatory risks for investors, in the event that political pressures or
competitiveness in the emerging global hydrogen industry. He (and budgetary constraints impact on unlegislated funding commitments.
others) see emerging competitive advantage for Australia in energy Contractual agreements between the Clean Energy Regulator and proj­
intensive industries such as aluminium and steel production as fossil ect proponents and for ERF and CSF projects can also mitigate regulatory
fuels are phased out globally (Garnaut, 2019; Wood, 2020; Reputex, risks for emerging technology investments.
2015). This will make the processing of Australian raw materials such In some jurisdictions, detailed sectoral plans backed by interim tar­
iron ore, bauxite and rare earth minerals in Australia cost-effective gets for reducing emissions across all economic sectors have been set in
(Garnaut, 2019, 2020). Building mass-scale renewables is also central legislation. For example, Germany’s low-emissions technology policy is
to the Beyond Zero Emissions plan, as the enabler of energy intensive calibrated to achieving its 2050 net zero GHG emissions target, in line
manufacturing, zero emissions aluminium and steel and electricity ex­ with that of the EU. An interim target for 2030 of at least a 55 percent
ports to Asia. It notes that countries including Germany, Japan and reduction in GHG emissions compared to 1990 includes sectoral targets
South Korea also see renewable hydrogen as a central component of for energy, industry, buildings, transport and agriculture, and is
their plans to decarbonise (Beyond Zero Emissions, 2020; Garnaut, legislated in the Federal Climate Change Act 2019. These targets are
2019). Indeed, these countries are all implementing long-term hydrogen supported by sectoral strategies and Climate Change Action Plans
strategies (Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, 2017; updated every five years on the basis of monitoring and evaluation of
Kan, 2020; Huber, 2021), but may lack sufficient renewable resources to progress (German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature, Con­
meet domestic hydrogen demand. servation and Nuclear Safety, 2016). Germany’s sectoral plans augment
Renewable hydrogen production is being driven by private sector the emissions impact of its participation in the EU ETS.
and state level initiatives. The 26 GW Asian Renewable Energy Hub in In the absence of a carbon price, this paper recommends that the
North-West Australia, in the early stages of development, is designed to Technology Investment Roadmap, the Long-term Emissions Plan and the
produce renewable electricity at a scale large enough to drive down complementary policy it refers to be developed into such detailed sec­
hydrogen productions costs (Asian Renewable Energy Hub, 2021). A toral plans, backed by regularly updated interim targets set in legisla­
planned hydrogen technology manufacturing facility in Queensland tion. Currently, these policies are based on principles prioritising
aims to substantially increase global manufacturing capacity (Hoster, voluntary action by business and consumer choice (Australian Govern­
2021). A 10 GW project in the Northern Territory aims to supply power ment Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, 2021 a),
to Singapore through HVDC cabling (Morton, 2020). In 2020 the NSW through creating financial incentives as opposed to imposing costs. To
Government’s Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap committed $A32 be effective financial support must be applied on objective criteria to
billion by 2030 for new electricity infrastructure. This included 12 GW rival low-emissions technologies, avoiding state expenditure on CCS on
new wind and solar capacity and 2 GW storage capacity, largely planned a scale that risks distorting the objectives of the plan (Wood, 2012). On
for three regional renewable energy hubs. (New South Wales Govern­ this basis, the Roadmap and Long-term Emissions Plan can be a viable
ment, 2021). Tasmania (with abundant hydro and wind resources) aims model for scale-up of low-carbon technologies.
to be a net renewable energy exporter to the mainland. The Australian In the absence of a price on carbon, and direct regulatory pressure on
Capital Territory has already achieved net 100 percent renewable fossil fuel polluters, it is less clear that financial support for early-stage
electricity (through power purchases from interstate), and South technology offers a viable path to reducing Australia’s flatlining emis­
Australia has achieved over 50 percent renewable generation. sions trend (Climate Tracker, 2021).9 In recent years many of the
Longden et al. note that: ‘A key premise of Australia’s Technology emissions mitigation gains of renewable energy scale-up have been
Roadmap that is under development is that “driving down the cost of offset by rising emissions from the LNG industry. Emissions from
deploying low emissions technologies to a point where they are transport, industry and agriculture remain stubbornly high. According
competitive with existing alternatives will deliver meaningful re­ to an EY report produced for the Australian Petroleum Production and
ductions in global emissions” (Longden et al., 2020). To date, the scale of Export Association (APPEA), on a high growth scenario, the investment
financing required to achieve cost competitiveness for CCS has proved pipeline from 2021 to 2029 is valued at over $A300 billion (Ernst and
unmanageable for globally dominant corporations in the fossil fuel and Young, 2020). Particularly given uncertainties over climate impacts of
resources industry. These costs cannot be reduced by Australia alone. methane emissions from unconventional gas operations (Friedlander,
Conversely, Australia can take advantage of existing cost declines of 2019), the Australian government’s commitment to a gas led Covid 19
renewables, and Australian solar and wind resource endowment, to recovery may be difficult to reconcile with a 2050 net zero emissions
secure competitive advantage in low-emissions hydrogen. Accordingly, target. While some major gas companies do have 2050 zero emissions
a more focused Roadmap is recommended, with greater ambition for
hydrogen produced with renewably generated electricity.

5. Conclusion and policy implications Climate Tracker is a collaboration of non-profit groups and the Potsdam
Institute for Climate Impact Research
Australia’s experience of the CPM, consistently that of the UK CPF /the-consortiumAustralia’s compliance with international emissions commit­
ment has been supported by Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry projects,
and countries analysed by Burke, Jotzo and Best, suggests that the best
as depicted in Climate Action Tracker link for Australia in the reference list).
policy to facilitate low-carbon transition towards net zero by 2050
For Australian emissions data see links on
would be imposing a price on carbon. While policies supporting early- a-and-publications/national-greenhouse-gas-inventory-quarterly-update-dece
stage technology have been broadly adopted, for example by the EU mber-2020.
and the US, they are widely considered to operate most effectively as a
complementary policy to a carbon price. In jurisdictions where a carbon
price has proved untenable, state financial support and regulation have

S. Geroe Energy Policy 165 (2022) 112945

plans, they rely on future plans for CCS and offset projects, as well as missions-technology-statement-2020/australias-priority-low-emissions-technolo
lower emissions fuels and operation.10 Although some of these net zero
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plans aim to limit scope 3 emissions, how this can be achieved and the National Electricity Market.
monitored is unclear (Hay, 2020). Where interim targets are not ions/isp/2020/final-2020-integrated-system-plan.pdf?la=en.
included, the risk arises that GHG emissions will not be substantially Australian Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, 2015.
National Energy Productivity Plan.
reduced during the current project pipeline over the next twenty years, ties/energy-ministers/energy-ministers-publications/national-energy-productivity-
by which time gas will have been more fully supplanted by non-fossil plan-2015-2030.
fuel energy. This is particularly concerning given the slow scale-up of Australian Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, 2019.
Australia’s National Hydrogen Strategy.
CCS compared to wind and solar energy. ublications/australias-national-hydrogen-strategy.
At a national level, the absence of a 2030 interim target, combined Australian Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, 2021.
with projected fossil fuel exports to mid-century under the Long-term National Energy Productivity Plan’.
Emissions Reduction Plan, poses similar risks. In effect it necessitates plan.
substantial reliance on CCS and/or offsets to achieve net zero targets. In Australian Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, 2021a.
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