RS Commercial Conditions

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Pavia, 31.03.


Dear Partners,

As anticipated in previous communications, and unfortunately globally known, our supply chain is
undergoing a very serious increase in costs, not only relating to the components of packaging
materials and energy costs (which in the case of rice are not insignificant), but also and above all of
a further increase in the cost of raw materials, which in recent weeks has revealed a worrying
acceleration in its upward trend.
The current war crisis, the reduced availability of goods and packaging, as well as the ongoing
drought, unfortunately suggest a significant and further worsening cost trend also in the coming

In this scenario of strong and continuous costs inflation and of great uncertainty for the future, our
economic offer is by far no longer sustainable and requires us to review our commercial conditions.

The gravity of the situation requires us to request the application of the new conditions with
immediate effect, i.e. for all pending and new orders with loadings from April, 1st 2022.

Area Managers will send you updated pricelist soon.

Best regards,

Riso Scotti SpA

Commercial Director
Clara Zanacco

Riso Scotti SpA - Via Angelo Scotti 2 - Bivio Vela - 27100 Pavia
Tel: +39 0382 508.301 - Numero Verde 800-289175
Sito web: - e-mail:
PARTITA IVA IT 05078040150

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