Final Examination

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I. Multiple Choice
1. The Philippine Revolution was a struggle of the Filipino people for __________ which was a culmination of more
than 100 uprisings against Spain.
c. Revolt
a. Isolation
b. Freedom
2. The Philippine revolution began in the hills of; ____________ on August 26, 1896, as a Katipunan revolt of the
Tagalog masses
a. Biak na bato
b. Tejeros
c. Balintawak
3. Out of the dim and battles of the revolution arose a new leader and destine to replace Bonifacio was a youthful
Kapitan of Kawit Cavite _____________ a fighting patriot of Cavite.
a. Emilio Jacinto
b. Emilio Junoy
c. Emilio Aguinaldo
4. The Governor-General who confirmed the death sentence and order Rizal’s execution was
b. Polavieja
c. Blanco
a. Alvares
5. Rizal’s Execution was ordered on _____________ of 1896
b. December 19
a. December 29
c. December 30
6. The execution of Dr. Jose Rizal was one of Spain’s _____________ of Spanish officials in the Philippines in the
19th century.
a. Greatest Blunders
b. Greatest Victory
c. Greatest Success
7. On ______________ of 1896 the Biak Na Bato Republic was inaugurated under a constitution written by Isabelo
Artacho and Felix Ferrer.
b. Dec. 1
a. Nov. 1
c. Oct. 1
8. The Constitution of the Biak Na Bato was patterned closely after the ____________ Constitution of 1985
a. France
b. Spanish
c. Cuban
9. The immediate cause of the Spanish-American war was the blowing or bombing of U.S. battleship _________
dock at the harbor in Havana Cuba
b. Maine
c. Train
a. Crane
10. During the Spanish-American war there was ___________ of Filipinos to the Americans
a. unification
c. collaboration
b. integration
11. The arrival of Americans in the Phils. Was a _________________ of Phil. Revolution against Spain
a. Renewal
c. continuation
b. Extension
12. The ______________ of Manila was the chief objective of Gen Aguinaldo and his troops.
c. Attacked
b. Capture
a. Fall
13. Aguinaldo brought with him from Hong Kong a constitution providing for a _____________ for a government
b. Republican
c. Federal
a. Democratic
14. The most significant achievement of the _____________ of Phil. Independence in Kawit Cavite
a. proclamation
b. enunciation
c. continuation
15. Philippine Independence was proclaimed on ____________ of 1898
c. August 12
b. June 12

a. July 12
16. After the proclamation of Phil. Independence _____________ into the sublime paralytic became the political
adviser of Aguinaldo
a. Antonio de Rios
b. Apolinario Mabini
c. Emilio Jacinto
17 upon Mabini Advise Gen. Aguinaldo changed the dictatorial govt. to a ____________ govt. on June 23, 1898
c. Revolutionary
a. Reactionary
b. Democratic
18. The capture of Manila marked the _____________ of Filipino American collaboration because they were
prevented from entering the gate of the walled city fort Santiago
a. beginning
c. history
b. end
19 the last Gov. Gen. of the Phil. After the fall of Spanish Rule was ___________
a. Jaudenes
b. Rivera
c. Diego de Los Rios
20. The Treaty that ends the Spanish American war was _____________________.
c. Treaty of Tordesillas
b. Treaty of Paris
a. Treaty of Washington

II. True or False

1. The Filipinos rejected the American annexation of the Phil. After the Spanish American war.
2. The members of the Malolos congress represented the cream of Filipino society who drafted the Malolos
constitution and give rise to the first Phil. Republic under Aguinaldo’s leadership
3. The committee that drafted the Malolos Constitution was composed of 29 members
4. The first Phil. Republic was established in 1898
5. The Mabini Plan was a constitutional Plan of the Philippines Republic
6. The 1st Phil. Republic was established in Malolos was the Biak Na Bato Republic
7. The established Republic was second in Asia
8. The Paterno plan was based on Cuban constitution of 1968
9. In Nov. 19,1898 the Malolos Constitution was approved by members of the congress
10. The Republican adopted the Spanish Financial System with some modifications
11. The official organ of the first Phil Republic was the Jerald of the revolution
12. The La Independencia was founded and edited by Juan Luna
13. Another influential paper was the Phil Republic founded and edited by. Pedro Rivera
14. During the stirring days of the Phil. Republic the Filipino men of letters used their pens to awaken nationalists’
15. The greatest musical legacy of the revolutionary era was the response composed by Julian Felipe
16. The most popular song of Filipino soldiers and people during the revolutionary era was magtanim ay d biro
The17. A system of free and compulsory elementary education was provided in the Malolos Constitution
18. One of the executive departments of the first Phil. Republic was the Dept. of Foreign Affairs.
19. By firing the first unprovoked shot, the Americans ignited the war of Phil Independence against the U.S.
20. An American Name private Arsenio Grayson shot and killed a Filipino soldier crossing San Juan Bridge that
started the Filipino American War
21. The Filipinos won the war against the Americans because of their anting-anting and antiquated cross
22. Despite lac of arms the Filipinos fought courageously and bravely against the Americans
23. The Filipino American war was not only confined in Luzon but in other parts of the archipelago
24. The war was not a record of continuous American victories but also credited to the Filipinos like del Pilar and
Gen. Licerio
25. The worst military disaster of U.S. military forces in Visayas was the annihilation of American garrison in
Balangagiga is Samar
26. The Filipino women contributed their share to the cause of the fatherland
27. Mrs. Hilaria Aguinaldo founded the green cross to take care of the injured and casualties of the war.
28. Aguinaldo was captured in Balanan Isabela
29. The capture of Aguinaldo marked the end of the first Phil. Republic but not the war.
30. The superior arms of Uncle Sam crushed the short-lived Filipino Republic

III. Identification
1.What is the type of govt. established on Aug 14, 1898?
Military Government
2. Where does the power of the Military governor came from during the American occupation?
The President as Commander-in-chief of United States Armed Forces

3. The commission whose task is to survey the Phil. Condition and achieve extension of American sovereignty in the
The Philippine Commission
4. The commission organized in 1900 by Pres. McKinley to initiate some sort of civil govt. in war-ravaged Philippines.
Second Philippine Commission
5. The title of the revolutionary memoir written by Mabini during his exile in Guam

The Rise and Fall of the Philippine Republic

6. The amendment authorizing the U.S Pres. To proceed with the establishment of civil government
Spooner Amendment
7. The first congressional law about the govt. of the Phil. That provides rights to the Filipinos.
Philippine Bill of 1902
8. What do you call the period where Phil. Flag and national anthem were prohibited by the Americans?

Flag Law
9. The Law enacted in 1916 give the Filipinos as mush as self govt. as they could possibly enjoy containing the
preamble and granting of Phil. Independence

Jones Law of 1916

10. What is the greatest legacy of America to the Filipino people?
11. What do you call the religion introduced by the Americans to the Philippines?

Protestant Christianity
12. The Law passed and signed by Pres Roosevelt providing for Independence in July 4, 1946
Tydings-McDuffie Law
13. What do you call the Oplan Code of Martial Law declared by Marcos?
Oplan Sagittarius
14. The year when the Filipino people lunch the EDSA Revolution that ousted the dictatorial govt. of Marcos.
15. The Month date and year of Marcos declaration of Martial Law

September 21, 1972

IV. Enumeration
1. What was the American Altruistic Policy in colonizing the Philippines? give 4
1. to develop
2. to civilize
3. to educate
4. to train in the science of self-government

What are the 4 provisions of the Phil Bill of 1902?

1) Also known as Cooper Act, it provided a Bill of Rights for the Filipinos that protected their rights: to
live, to acquire property, to practice their religion, to be subjected to due process, to exercise their
obligations, to enjoy compensations due to them, and freedom of expression.
2) Provision is made for laws, constitutional amendments, and impeachment cases to be initiated
directly by the people.
3) Provision is made for the creation of autonomous religions in the Cordilleras and the Muslim
part of Mindanao.
4) Provision is made for free education up to high school level for medical care of paupers, and
for agrarian reform.

Give 6 achievements of the commonwealth govt.

1) The Improvement of Foreign Trade

2) Arrival of Transportation and Communication Facilities from United States
3) The Forming of National Economic Council
4) Public Welfare for the Filipinos
5) Women’s Suffrage for Filipinas
6) The Arts and Literature for Filipino Cause
State 5 Achievements of Marcos First term

1) His first term was marked with increased industrialization and the creation of solid infrastructures
nationwide, such as the North Luzon Expressway and the Maharlika Highway.
2) Marcos did this by appointing a cabinet composed mostly of technocrats and intellectuals, by
increasing funding to the Armed Forces and mobilizing them to help in construction.
3) Marcos also established schools and learning institutions nationwide, more than the combined total of
those established by his predecessors.
4) President Marcos wanted the immediate construction of roads, bridges and public works which
includes 16,000 kilometers of feeder roads, some 30,000 lineal meters of permanent bridges, a
generator with an electric power capacity of on million kilowatts (1,000,000 kW), water services to
eight regions and 38 localities.
5) He also urged the revitalization of the Judiciary, the national defense posture and the fight against
smuggling, criminality, and graft and corruption in the government.

Give 5 Salient features of the 1973 constitution

1) Written Constitution
2) Federal Constitution
3) Parliamentary form of Government
4) Bicameral Legislature
5) Rigid Constitution
Give 5 Salient features of the 1986 constitution
1. A new Bill of Rights which bans abortion, the death penalty, and the use of torture, intimidation
or secret detention of state prisoners.
2. The creation of permanent Commission on Human Rights to safeguard the rights of the people.
3. The government’s right to incur new loans is subject to freedom of information and limitations by
congress and he monetary board.
4. The establishment of a bicameral Congress elected by the people, which will exercise legislative
5. The establishment of a presidential system of government, with checks and balance between the
three branches of government.
6. To guard against political dynasties, the President’s term is limited to six years, with ban against

Give 6 reasons why there is a move to change the 1935 constitution

1. The Philippines is a republican state. Sovereignty resides in the people and all government
authority emanates from them.
2. The defense of the State is a prime duty of government, and in the fulfillment of this duty
all citizens may be required by law to render personal military or civil service.
3. The Philippines renounces war as an instrument of national policy, and adopts the generally
accepted principles of international law as a part of the law of the Nation.
4. The natural right and duty of parents in the rearing of the youth for civic efficiency should
receive the aid and support of the Government.
5. The promotion of social justice to insure the well-being and economic security of all the
people should be the concern of the State.
6. The defense of the State is a prime duty of government, and in the fulfillment of this duty
all citizens may be required by law to render personal military or civil service.

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