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In my documentary I want to talk about colour in film, television, etc.

More specifically I want to talk about how colours are used in
important and meaningful ways for the purpose of what’s happening
on screen and the history of how and why colour has been used,
evolved and developed. For my introduction I will give a summary
about colour and its general purpose in film and tv with clips/shots
from multiple films or shows that have extreme or easy to see
examples of colour being used effectively. I will Voice-Over the
documentary will showing both clips and images taken from google
regarding colour and people a part of its history. The music I will
have over the video will more in the background so it doesn’t go on
top of what I am saying, it will be calm and atmospheric to take the
silence away from when I’m not speaking. When talking about the
history of colour in films I will start from the very first coloured film
Trip to the Moon (1902) and how it came to be and what the events
to get to that stage. I will talk about the first commercially coloured
film A Visit to the Seaside (1908), the first full-length colour
documentary With Our King and Queen Through India (1912), etc. I
will explain how Kinema colour was the main reason for colour
progressing into what colour is today. For the documentary I will
book interviews with Paul and Ben as they both teach video which is
the main factor to my documentary. I will bring up in a short
summary the key people in the history of colour in film from the
people that made the first steps towards colour, the people
responsible for it, the people that have evolved it, and the people
using it today. One of those people being Edward Raymond Turner
(1873-1903) who was the first to capture a full natural colour motion
picture film as well as George Albert Smith (1864-1959) who created
the first successful motion picture filmed in Kinemacolour. I will
mention specifically what stage of colour said people are a part of
and impact of their work. When I talk about the techniques used, I
will go over the first uses of colour such as Hand-Colouring,
Stencilling and Colouring in the Lines, Tinted.

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