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Q1. CCS(Conduct) Rules came into force with effect from -------.
(a) 1.11.1964 (b) 1.12.1964
(c ) 30.11.1964 (d) 1.1.1965

ANS: (c ) 30.11.1964
Q2. CCS(Conduct) Rules apply to -------.
(a) Central Government Employees
(b) Civilian employees in Defence Services
(c ) Railway employees
(d) Both (a) and (b)

ANS: (d) Both (a) and (b)

EXPLANATION: TO Whom CCS(Conduct) Rules Apply ?
(i) Every person appointed to a civil service or post (including a civilian in
Defence Service) in connection with the affairs of the Union.
(ii) Applicability to Honorary workers employed in civil posts.
(iii) Employees of Public Sector Undertakings(PSUs).
(iv) Applicability to members of Committees/Commissions appointed by
the Govt.

(v) Applicable to Employees of non-statutory departmental Canteens.

(vi) Applicable to persons appointed as personal staff of a Minister

whose tenure with the term of office of the Minister.
Q3. To whom is CCS(Conduct) Rules not applicable ?
(a) Employees of non-statutory departmental canteens.
(b) ) Every person appointed to a civil service or post (including a
civilian in Defence Service) in connection with the affairs of the Union.
(c ) Extra Departmental Agents in the Postal Department.
(d) Members of Committees/Commissions appointed by the Govt.

ANS: (c ) Extra Departmental Agents in the Postal Department.

EXPLANATION: To Whom CCS(Conduct) Rules not Apply ?
1. Railway Servant
2. A member of an All India Service
3. A holder of any post in respect of which the President has, by a
general or special order, directed that these rules shall not apply.
4. Not applicable to Posts & Telegraphs Extra-Departmental Agents:
Q4. Rule 1 of CCS(Conduct) Rules applicable to ……
(a) Short title,Commencement and Application
(b) Definitions
(c ) General principles
(d) Prohibition of Sexual Harassment Of Working Women

ANS: (a) Short title,Commencement and Application

Q5. In CCS(Conduct)Rules, “Members of Family” in relation to a
Government Servant includes-
(a) The wife or husband as the case may be, of the Government
servant, whether residing with the Government servant or not .
(b) son or daughter or step-son or step-daughter of the Government
servant and wholly dependent on him.
(c ) any other person related, whether by blood or marriage to the
Government servant or to the Government servant's wife or husband,
and wholly dependent on the Government servant.
(d) All of the above.

ANS: (d) All of the above(Rule 2 of CCS(Conduct) Rules)

(i) The wife or husband as the case may be, of the Government
servant, whether residing with the Government servant or not but
does not include a wife or husband, as the case may be, separated
from the Government servant by a decree or order of a competent
(ii) son or daughter or step-son or step-daughter of the Government
servant and wholly dependent on him, but does not include a child or
step-child who is no longer in any way dependent on the Government
servant or of whose custody the Government servant has been
deprived by or under any law;
(iii) any other person related, whether by blood or marriage to the
Government servant or to the Government servant's wife or husband,
and wholly dependent on the Government servant.
Q6. Members of family of a Govt. Servant do not include-
(a) Step-child of the Govt. Servant wholly dependent on him.
(b) Judicially separated wife or husband
(c ) Any person related by blood or marriage to the Govt.Servant and
wholly dependent on him.
(d) Any person related by blood or marriage to the Govt.Servant and
wholly dependent on him.

ANS: (b) Judicially separated wife or husband

Q7. Habitual failure to perform tasks within time will amount to-
(a) Failure to maintain integrity
(b) Lack of decency and morality
(c ) Lack of accountability and transparency
(d) Lack of devotion to duty

ANS: (d) Lack of devotion to duty

Q8. Which of the following comes under lack of integrity ?
(a) Bribery or corruption
(b) Misbehaviour
(c ) Unbecoming a Govt. Servant
(d) None of the Above

ANS: (a) Bribery or corruption

Q9. What behaviour is expected of a Govt. Servant at all times ?
(a) Maintain absolute integrity
(b) Maintain absolute devotion to duty
(c ) Do nothing which is unbecoming of a Govt. Servant
(d) All of the Above

ANS: (d) All of the Above(Rule 3: General Principles)

Q10. State what a Govt. Servant should do,if he had received oral
instruction/direction from his Official Superior ?
(a) He would obtain the written confirmation of the same.
(b) He would go and discuss about this with other employees
(c ) He would not ask for any Official confirmation from his Official
superior in writing.
(d) He would try to get the written confirmation from the supervisor
of some other department.

ANS: (a) He would obtain the written confirmation of the same.

RULE 3: General
2(iii) The direction of the official superior shall ordinarily be in
writing. Oral direction to subordinates shall be avoided, as far as
possible. Where the issue of oral direction becomes unavoidable, the
official superior shall confirm it in writing immediately thereafter;
Q11. Quotes the rules under which the provisions of “Promptness and
Courtesy” is covered ?
(a) Rule 3 (b) Rule 3-B (c ) Rule 3-C (d) Rule 3-A

ANS: (d) Rule 3-A

3-A: Promptness and Courtesy
No Government servant shall
(a) in the performance of his official duties, act in a discourteous
(b) in his official dealings with the public or otherwise adopt dilatory
tactics or wilfully cause delays in disposal of the work assigned to
Q12. Quotes the rules under which the provisions of “Observance of
Govt. Policies” is covered.

(a) Rule 3 (b) Rule 3-B (c ) Rule 3-C (d) Rule 3-A

ANS: (d) Rule 3-B Explanation:

3-B: Observance of Government's policies
Every Government servant shall, at all times-
(i) act in accordance with the Government's policies regarding age of
marriage, preservation of environment, protection of wildlife and
cultural heritage;
(ii) observe the Government's policies regarding prevention of crime
against women.
Q13. Quotes the rules under which the provisions of “ Prohibition of
Sexual Harassment of Working Women” is covered.

(a) Rule 3 (b) Rule 3-B (c ) Rule 3-C (d) Rule 3-A

ANS: (d) Rule 3-C Explanation:

3-C: Prohibition of sexual harassment of working women
(1) No Government servant shall indulge in any act of sexual
harassment of any woman at any work place.
(2) Every Government servant who is incharge of a work place shall
take appropriate steps to prevent sexual harassment to any woman at
the work place.
Q14. Prior permission/sanction is necessary for-
(a) Joining an educational institution outside office hours
(b) Joining Samyukta Sadachar Samiti
(c ) Undertaking social or charitable work
(d) Participating in sports as amateur.

ANS: (a) Joining an educational institution outside office hours

(i) To seek redress in Courts of Law or in the Central Administrative
Tribunals of grievances arising out of employment or conditions
of service.(Rule 3)
(ii) To become members of Samyuktha Sadhachar Samiti (Rule 5)
(iii) To publish a book himself or through publisher, in the bonafide
Discharge of his duties.(rule 8)
(iv) To participate in Flag Day collections on a voluntary basis.(Rule 12)
(v) Collection of funds for National Foundation for Communal harmony
as a volunteer.(RULE 12)
(vi) To make personal contributions to Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial
Fund.(RULE 12)
(vii) To undertake honorary work of a social or charitable
(viii) To undertake occasional work of a literary,artistic or Scientific
character.(Rule 15)
(ix) To participate in sports activities as an amateur.(Rule 15)
(x ) To attend purely cultural(Non-political) functions and speak there.
(Rule 14)
(xi) To give evidence before pay commission in private capacity(Rule10)
(Individual grievances should not be put to the commission)
(xii) To participate in games and sports competitions,sponsored by
Private Companies.(RULE 15)
(xiii) To join moral Rearmament Movement.(RULE 5)
(xiv) NOC is not must for passport,mere intimation to employer is
(xv) To take part in registration,promotion and/or management
(but not holding an elective office) of a literary/scientific/charitable
society or a recreation club or a Co-operative society for the benefit
of employees,without hindrance to official work.The employee should
ensure that the objectives and activities of the organisation are not of
sectarian or communal in nature.Such participation should be
discontinued if asked by Govt.The employee should not accept any
fee for the services rendered by him,without previous sanction of
the Govt.(RULE 15)
(xvi) To give evidence on behalf of Association.(RULE 10)
(xvii) To participate during spare time in “Shramdhan” organised by
Govt. Departments or Bharat Sewak Samaj.(Rule 3).
Q16. Name the activity which requires prior permission/Sanction
of the prescribed authority.
(a) Seeking redressal of grievances of service matters in Courts of
(b) To join educational institution or course of studies for University
(c ) Giving evidence in judicial enquiry.
(d) To take part in informal farewell treatment.

ANS: (b) To join educational institution or course of studies for University

Activities requiring Permission/Sanction:
. To join as volunteers in the Civil Defence Service and receive
allowances.(Rule 3)
. To join St. John Ambulance Brigade.(Rule 3)
. To join Home Guards Organisation is encouraged .(Rule 3)
. To join Territorial Army. (Rule 3)
. To join educational institution or course of studies for University degree.
(Rule 3)
. own wholly or in part, or conduct or participate in the editing or
management of, any newspaper or other periodical publication or
electronic media. (Rule 8)
. To give evidence in connection with any enquiry conducted by any
person, committee or authority.
(i) evidence given at an enquiry before an authority appointed by the
Government, Parliament or a State Legislature; or
(ii) evidence given in any judicial enquiry; or
(iii) evidence given at any departmental enquiry ordered by
authorities subordinate to the Government. (Rule 10)
. To ask for or accept contributions to or otherwise associate himself
in the raising of any funds or other collections in cash or in kind in
pursuance of any object whatsoever.
. To accept membership of Book Clubs run by Foreign Agencies.
. To receive any complimentary or valedictory address or accept any
testimonial or attend any meeting or entertainment held in his
honour or in the honour of any other Govt. Servant.
(i) To take part in informal farewell entertainment held on occasions
like retirement or transfer.
(ii) To attend and speak at functions and ceremonies performed by
others in respect of purely non-political or cultural institutions.
(Rule 14)
. To accept International awards.
. To accept fee for work done for any private or public body or person.
. Acceptance of a part-time lectureship in an educational institution
which is in the nature of a regular remunerative occupation.
. To enrol himself as an Advocate with the Bar Association subject to
the condition that the Govt. Servant does not engage himself in the
legal profession so long as he continues in Govt. Service.(Rule 15)
. To accept remuneration for services rendered regularly to Co-operative
Societies.(Rule 15)
. To undertake medical practice during spare time on a purely charitable
basis,if registered as a practitioner in any system of medicine.(Rule 15)
. To enter into negotiations with private firms to secure commercial
employment even while in service.(Rule 15)
. To hold an elective office in Co-operative societies and other bodies
and to contest in an election in such body. (Rule 15)
. To be members of or actively participate in the activities of Indo-
Foreign Cultural Organisations.
. To stay with Foreign Diplomats and Foreign national Abroad.
Q17. Members of Parliament/State Legislature of the area are to be
invited to public functions organised by Govt. Offices.In such
situation,What is the status of M.P. as per the ‘Warrant of
Precedence’ ?
(a) He is above the rank of a Minister
(b) He is above the rank of a State Governor
(c ) He is above the rank of Secretary to the Govt. Of India
(d) He is equivalent to the rank of Deputy Secretary of India.

ANS: (c ) He is above the rank of Secretary to the Govt. Of India

Members of Parliament/State Legislatures of the area should
invariably be invited to a public function organised by a Govt. Office.
Proper and comfortable seating arrangements at public functions
Should be made for members who appear above officers to the rank
of Secretaries to Govt. Of India in the warrant of precedence.
Q18. What is the time-limit prescribed for sending an acknowledgement
to a communication/letter received from the Members Of
Parliament as per the provision of manual of office procedure?
(a) Within 4 days
(b) Within 8 days
(c ) Within 15 days
(d) Within 30 days

ANS: (c ) Within 15 days EXPLANATION:

. Each communication received from the Member Of Parliament,
a member of the public,a recognised association or a public body
will be acknowledged within 15 days,followed by a reply within the
next 15 days of acknowledgement sent.
Q19. What is the time-limit stipulated for sending a final reply to a
communication/letter received from the Member Of Parliament
as per the provision of Manual of Office procedure ?
(a) Within 4 days
(b) Within 8 days
(c ) Within 15 days
(d) Within 30 days

ANS: (c ) Within 30 days

Q20. The Officers ------ telephonic messages left for them by the
Members Of the Parliament/State Legislatures in their absence.
(a) Should ignore (b) Should not ignore
(c ) Should not carry out (d) do not give importance

ANS: (b) Should not ignore

Q21.While the Govt. Servants should consider carefully or listen
patiently to what the Members Of the Parliament and of the State
Legislatures may have to say,the Govt. Servant should always act
……… .
(a) According to his/her own best judgement and as per rules
(b) According to their own best judgement and as per rules
(c ) According to the own best judgement of Higher Authority
(d) According to the own best judgement of Head Of the Department
ANS: (b) According to their own best judgement and as per rules
Q22. Information or Statistics relating to matters of local importance
must be furnished by the Officers to the MPs and MLAs when asked
for.If request is to be refused,instructions from a higher authority
should be taken.
(a) Correct one (b) Incorrect one
(c ) Ignored in CCS(Conduct) Rules (d) None of the Above

ANS: (a) Correct one (EXPLANATION)

The basic Principles to be borne in mind by the Govt. Servants while
interacting with the Members Of Parliament and State Legislatures
are as follows-
(i) Govt. Servants should show courtesy and consideration to Members
Of Parliament and State Legislatures.
(ii) While the Govt. Servants should consider carefully or listen
patiently to what the Members Of the Parliament and of the State
Legislatures may have to say,the Govt. Servant should always act
According to their own best judgement and as per rules
(iii) Any deviation from an appointment made with a Member of
Parliament must be promptly explained to him to avoid any possible
inconvenience.Fresh appointment should be fixed in consultation
with him.
(iv) An Officer should be meticulously correct and courteous and rise
to receive and see off a Member visiting him.
(v) Members of Parliament/State Legislatures of the area should
invariably be invited to a public function organised by a Govt. Office.
Proper and comfortable seating arrangements at public functions
Should be made for members who appear above officers to the rank
of Secretaries to Govt. Of India in the warrant of precedence.
(vi) Where any meeting convened by the Government is to be attended
by Member of the Parliament,special care should be taken to see that
notice is given to them in good time regarding the date,time,venue
etc., of the meeting and it should be ensured that there is no slip
in any matter of detail,however minor it may be.It should be ensured
(a) That intimation regarding public meetings/functions be sent
through speedier communication devices to the Members,so that
they are received by them well in time.
(b) That receipt of intimation by the Member is confirmed by the
Officer/Official concerned.
(vii) Letters from Members of Parliament and Members of State
Legislatures must be promptly acknowledged and a reply sent at
an appropriate level expeditiously.
(viii) Information or Statistics relating to matters of local importance
must be furnished by the Officers to the MPs and MLAs when asked
for.If request is to be refused,instructions from a higher authority
should be taken.
(ix) A Govt. Servant should not approach MPs/MLAs for sponsoring
his individual case.
(x) References from the Committees of Parliament must be attended
promptly.A Senior Officer at the level of Joint Secretary or
equivalent should be charged with the responsibility for ensuring
(xi) The Officers should not ignore telephonic messages left for them by
the Members Of the Parliament/State Legislatures in their absence and
should try to contact at the earliest the Member of the Parliament/
State Legislature concerned.
Q23. Which of the following need not be submitted as return of assets
and liabilities,by a Govt. Servant during his entry into the Government
Service ?
(a) Immovable property inherited or owned or acquired by him.
(b) Shares,debentures and cash in Bank
(c ) Other Movable property
(d) Utensils,crockery and books

ANS: (d) Utensils,crockery and books

Q24. Under which of the following circumstances should a Govt. Servant
report to the Authority while entering into a transaction of a
Movable Property ?
(a) If the value of the property exceeds two month’s basic pay.
(b) If the value of the property exceeds one month’s basic pay.
(c ) If the value of the property exceeds three month’s basic pay.
(d) If the value of the property exceeds four month’s basic pay.

ANS: (a) If the value of the property exceeds two month’s basic pay.
Q25. What is the upper monetary limit for a Govt. Servant(Groups A & B)
for intimation of transaction in shares,debentures etc.,to the Prescribed
Authority ?
(a) If the total transaction in shares,debentures, etc.,exceeds Rs 50,000
(b) If the total transaction in shares,debentures, etc.,exceeds Rs 25,000
(c ) If the total transaction in shares,debentures, etc.,exceeds Rs 15,000
(d) If the total transaction in shares,debentures, etc.,exceeds Rs 5,000

ANS: (a) If the total transaction in shares,debentures, etc.,exceeds Rs

Q26. What is the upper monetary limit for a Govt. Servant(Groups C & D)
for intimation of transaction in shares,debentures etc.,to the Prescribed
Authority ?
(a) If the total transaction in shares,debentures, etc.,exceeds Rs 50,000
(b) If the total transaction in shares,debentures, etc.,exceeds Rs 25,000
(c ) If the total transaction in shares,debentures, etc.,exceeds Rs 15,000
(d) If the total transaction in shares,debentures, etc.,exceeds Rs 5,000

ANS: (a) If the total transaction in shares,debentures, etc.,exceeds

Q27. In respect of all Government Servants,if cumulative transactions i.e.
sale, purchase or both in shares, securities, debentures or mutual funds,
etc. in a year exceeds ------- during the calendar year,intimation is to be
sent to the Prescribed Authority(to be submitted by 31st January of
subsequent calendar year).
(a) 6 months Basic Pay of a Govt. Servant.
(b) 5 months Basic Pay of a Govt. Servant.
(c ) 3 months Basic Pay of a Govt. Servant.
(d) 2 months Basic Pay of a Govt. Servant.

ANS: (a) 6 months Basic Pay of a Govt. Servant.

Q28. Who is the Prescribed Authority with respect to Class-I Officer,
to order for a full and complete statement regarding acquired movable
and immovable property?
(a) The Government (b) Head of the Department
(c ) Head Of Office (d) Comptroller And Auditor General

ANS: (a) The Government

Q29. Who is the Prescribed Authority with respect to Class-II Officer,
to order for a full and complete statement regarding acquired movable
and immovable property?
(a) The Government (b) Head of the Department
(c ) Head Of Office (d) Comptroller And Auditor General

ANS: (b) Head of the Department

Q30. Who is the Prescribed Authority with respect to Class-III or IV Officer,
to order for a full and complete statement regarding acquired movable
and immovable property?
(a) The Government (b) Head of the Department
(c ) Head Of Office (d) Comptroller And Auditor General

ANS: (c ) Head Of Office

Q31. Where a Government servant enters into a transaction in respect
of movable property either in his own name or in the name of the
member of his family, he shall, within ------ from the date of such
transaction, report the same to the prescribed authority, if the value of
such property exceeds two months’ basic pay of the Government
(a) 5 days (b) 15 days (c ) 30 days (d) 45 days

ANS: (c ) 30 days (Within 1 month from the date of such transaction)

Q32. When a Govt. Servant acquire or dispose of any immovable
property by lease, mortgage, purchase, sale, gift either in his own name
or in the name of any member of his family.
(a) Prior intimation of the Prescribed Authority is necessary.
(b) Prior sanction of the Prescribed Authority is necessary.
(c ) No intimation of the Prescribed Authority is necessary.
(d) No Sanction of the Prescribed Authority is necessary.

ANS: (a) Prior intimation of the Prescribed Authority is necessary.

Q33. Is it necessary for a Government servant to get previous sanction
when he enters into a transaction in respect of movable property with a
person having official dealings with him ?
(a) Previous sanction not necessary
(b) Previous sanction must
(c ) Oral intimation to be given
(d) Previous sanction optional

ANS: (b) Previous sanction must

Q34. When a Govt. Servant acquire or dispose of any immovable
property with a person having Official dealing with him.
(a) Prior intimation of the Prescribed Authority is necessary.
(b) Prior sanction of the Prescribed Authority is necessary.
(c ) No intimation of the Prescribed Authority is necessary.
(d) No Sanction of the Prescribed Authority is necessary.

ANS: (b) Prior sanction of the Prescribed Authority is necessary.

When a Govt. Servant acquire or dispose of any immovable property with a
person having Official dealing with him then Govt. employee
request to the Appropriate Authority for permission/Sanction. Within
30 days of the date of the receipt of the request by the Appropriate
Authority,permission sought is not refused then it is assumed that
permission has granted.
When a Govt. Servant enters into a transaction in respect of movable
property with a person having official dealings with him then Govt.
employee request to the Appropriate Authority for permission/Sanction.
Within 30 days of the date of the receipt of the request by the Appropriate
Authority,permission sought is not refused then it is assumed that
permission has granted.
Q35. Transactions entered into by the family members of a Government
Servant out of their own funds including stridhan,gifts,inheritance etc.
in their own names need not be reported to Government.
(a) False one (b) True one
(c ) ignored in conduct rules (d) None of the Above

ANS: (b) True one

Q36. It is necessary for the Govt. Servant to give intimation to the
Appropriate Authority in regarding to the incur expenditure on
repairs and minor additions to an immovable property with the
estimate exceeding ------- .
(a) One month’s Basic Pay (b) Two month’s Basic Pay
(c ) Rs 10,000 (d) Rs 50,000

ANS: (b) Two month’s Basic Pay(After Amendment)

Q37. Which Rule under CCS(Conduct) Rules prescribes the forms
specified in the schedule for submission of movable and immovable
property return?
(a) Rule 14(1) (b) Rule 16(2) (c ) Rule 18(1) (d) Rule 15

ANS: (c ) Rule 18(1)

Q38. All Government Servants are required to file their Annual property
return as on 31st December every year by ------ in the prescribed forms
under CCS(Conduct) Rules,1964.
(a) 31st January of the following year (b) 1st January of the following year
(c ) 15th January of the following year (d) 1st February of the following year

ANS: (a) 31st January of the following year

Q39. Whether participation in auction and bidding by a Govt. Servant
is allowed,when the auction is conducted by his own office or
Ministry ?
(a) Prior sanction needs to be obtained
(b) It is prohibited
(c ) Direct participation only is not allowed
(d) It is allowed

ANS: (b) It is prohibited

Q40. ------ of of the prescribed authority should be obtained in all cases
regardless of amount involved, where the transaction regarding the
material purchases or contract for repairs and minor additions to an
immovable property by a Government servant, is with a person with
whom the Government servant concerned has official dealings.
(a) Prior intimation
(b) Prior sanction
(c ) No intimation
(d) No Sanction

ANS: (b) Prior sanction

Q41. ……… of the Competent Authority required for sale of a car
purchased on an advance from the Govt. Of India before repayment
of the advance together with interest.
(a) Prior intimation
(b) Prior sanction
(c ) No intimation
(d) No Sanction

ANS: (b) Prior sanction/Permission

Q42. Whether a Govt. Servant report to the Prescribed Authority
for joining chit funds ?
(a) Yes,if monthly/annual subscription exceeds the monetary limits
prescribed in Rule 18(3).
(b) No
(c ) Yes,in case of any amount of subscription.
(d) It is not under the purview of CCS(Conduct)Rules,1964.

ANS: (a) Yes,if monthly/annual subscription exceeds the monetary limits

prescribed in Rule 18(3).
@ Previous sanction of the Govt. would be necessary only if the Govt.
Servant concerned has Official dealings with the chit fund.
Q43. Whether a Govt. Servant report to the Prescribed Authority
for Fixed deposits ?
(a) Yes,if it exceeds the monetary limits prescribed in Rule 18(3).

(b) No
(c ) Yes,in case of any amount of deposit.
(d) It is not under the purview of CCS(Conduct)Rules,1964.

ANS: (a) Yes,if it exceeds the monetary limits prescribed in Rule 18(3).

Explanation: Report to the Appropriate Authority if the value of the

movable property exceeds 2 months Basic Pay. (No prior permission)
Q44. Whether a Govt. Servant report to the Prescribed Authority
for Life Insurance Policies ?
(a) Yes,if the annual premium exceeds the monetary limits prescribed
in Rule 18(3).

(b) No
(c ) Yes,in case of any amount of annual premium
(d) It is not under the purview of CCS(Conduct)Rules,1964.

ANS: (a) Yes,if the annual premium exceeds the monetary limits
prescribed in Rule 18(3). (No prior permission).In case of survival
benefit/maturity again it is not reported.
# A Govt. Servant need not report to the Prescribed Authority,if the
annual premium is less than 2 month’s Basic Pay (In case of Movable
Property) under Rule 18(3) of the CCS(Conduct)Rule,1964 but he
submit a report to the Prescribed Authority at the time of receiving
the sum assured as survival benefit/on maturity of the policy.
Q45. Under ----- of CCS(Conduct)Rule,1964,there is restrictions in
relation to acquisition and disposal of immovable property outside
India and transactions with Foreigners.
(a) Rule 18 (b) Rule 16
(c ) Rule 13-A (d) Rule 18-A

ANS: (d) Rule 18-A

Q46. Acquisition and disposal of immovable property outside India
ans transactions with Foreigners.
(a) Prior permission is necessary
(b) Prior intimation is necessary
(c ) Permission is not necessary
(d) Ignored in CCS(Conduct) Rule,1964

ANS: (a) Prior permission is necessary

Q47.What is the time-limit for grant of permission related to
transactions in immovable property outside India or with Foreigners?
(a) 10 days (b) 45 days (c ) 30 days (d) 60 days

ANS: (d) 60 days

RULE 18 CCS (CONDUCT)RULES,1964: Movable,
immovable and valuable property:
RULE 18(1): (i) Every Government servant shall on his first
appointment to any service or post submit a return of his assets and
liabilities, in such form as may be prescribed by the Government, giving
the full particulars regarding - (a) the immovable property inherited by
him, or owned or acquired by him or held by him on lease or mortgage,
either in his own name or in the name of any member of his family or
in the name of any other person;
(b) shares, debentures and cash including bank deposits inherited by
him or similarly owned, acquired, or held by him; (c) other movable
property inherited by him or similarly owned, acquired or held by him;
and (d) debts and other liabilities incurred by him directly or indirectly.
NOTE I.- Sub-rule (1) shall not ordinarily apply to Group ‘D’ servants
but the Government may direct that it shall apply to any such
Government servant or class of such Government servants.
NOTE II.- In all returns, the values of items of movable property worth
less than 10,000/- may be added and shown as a lump sum. The value
of articles of daily use such as clothes, utensils, crockery, books, etc.
need not be included in such return.
NOTE III.- Where a Government servant already belonging to a service
or holding a post in appointed to any other civil service or post, he shall
not be required to submit a fresh return under this clause.
(ii) Every Government servant belonging to any service or holding any
post included in Group 'A' and Group 'B' shall submit an annual return in
such form as may be prescribed by the Government in this regard giving
full particulars regarding the immovable property inherited by him or
owned or acquired by him or held by him on lease or mortgage either in
his own name or in the name of any member of his family or in the name
of any other person.
No Government servant shall, except with the previous knowledge of
the prescribed authority, acquire or dispose of any immovable property
by lease, mortgage, purchase, sale, gift or otherwise either in his own
name or in the name of any member of his family.
Provided that the previous sanction of the prescribed authority
shall be obtained by the Government servant if any such transaction is
with a person having official dealing with him.
Where a Government servant enters into a transaction in respect of
movable property either in his own name or in the name of the
member of his family, he shall, within one month from the date of such
transaction, report the same to the prescribed authority, if the value of
such property exceeds two months’ basic pay of the Government
Provided that the previous sanction of the prescribed authority shall
be obtained by the Government servant if any such transaction is with
a person having official dealings with him.
RULE 18(4):
The Government or the prescribed authority may, at any time, by
general or special order, require a Government servant to furnish,
within a period specified in the order, a full and complete statement of
such movable or immovable property held or acquired by him or on his
behalf or by any member of his family as may be specified in the order.
Such statement shall, if so required by the Government or by the
prescribed authority, include the details of the means by which, or the
source from which, such property was acquired.
RULE 18(5)
The Government may exempt any category of Government servants
belonging to Group ‘C’ or Group ‘D’ from any of the provisions of this
rule except sub-rule (4). No such exemption shall, however, be made
without the concurrence of the Cabinet Secretariat (Department of
The expression "movable property" includes
(a) jewellery, insurance policies( the annual premia of which exceeds
Rs. ‘two months’ basic pay of the Government servant) , shares,
securities and debentures;
(b) all loans, whether secured or not, advanced or taken by the
Government servant;
(c) motor cars, motor cycles, horses or any other means of conveyance;
(d) refrigerators, radios, radiograms and television sets.
"Prescribed authority" means-
(a) (i) The Government, in the case of a Government servant holding
any Group ‘A’ post, except where any lower authority is specifically
specified by the Government for any purpose;
(ii) Head of Department, in the case of a Government servant holding
any Group ‘B’ post;
(iii) Head of Office, in the case of a Government servant holding any
Group ‘C’ or Group ‘D’ post.
(b) In respect of a Government servant on foreign service or on
deputation to any other Ministry or any other Government, the parent
department on the cadre of which such Government servant is borne
or the Ministry to which he is administratively subordinate as member
of that cadre.
# it has now been decided that in respect of the expenditure incurred
on repairs and minor additions to an immovable property by a
Government servant, an intimation shall be necessary to be given to
the prescribed authority only if the estimate exceeds the limit
prescribed in Rule 18(3) of CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964. However, prior
sanction of the prescribed authority should be obtained in all cases
regardless of amount involved, where the transaction regarding the
material purchases or contract for such repairs or minor construction, is
with a person with whom the Government servant concerned has
official dealings.
# With a view to enable the administrative authorities to keep a watch
over such transaction, it has been decided that an intimation may be
sent in the enclosed proforma to the prescribed authority in respect of
all Government servants, if the cumulative transactions in shares,
securities, debentures, mutual funds scheme, etc. exceeds six months'
basic pay of Government servant during the calendar year (to be
submitted by 31st January of subsequent calendar year).
Q48. Which of the following comes under the expression ‘gift’ ?
(a) A casual meal offered to a Govt. Servant
(b) Social hospitality
(c ) Free transport,boarding and lodging offered by a person who
has official dealings with the Govt. Servant.
(d) Near Relatives help

ANS: (c ) Free transport,boarding and lodging offered by a person who

has official dealings with the Govt. Servant.(RULE 13)
Q49. What should be avoided by a Government Servant ?
(a) Accepting lavish hospitality or frequent hospitality from any
individual,industrial or commercial firms,organisations having official
dealing with him.
(b) Getting social help from his friend
(c ) Getting small help from his relatives
(d) Small help from his neighbour

ANS: (a) Accepting lavish hospitality or frequent hospitality from any

individual,industrial or commercial firms,organisations having official
dealing with him. RULE 13(1)
Q50. A Group ‘A’ employee can accept gift from his relatives/Friends
on the occasion of his wedding,Marriage Anniversary and any
Religious functions,without intimation to the Govt,If the value of
such gift does not exceed -------.
(a) Rs 10,000 (b) Rs 30,000
(c ) Rs 40,000 (d) Rs 25,000

ANS: (d) Rs 25,000: RULE 13(2)

Q51. A Group ‘B’ employee can accept gift from his relatives/Friends
on the occasion of his wedding,Marriage Anniversary and any
Religious functions,without intimation to the Govt,If the value of
such gift does not exceed -------.
(a) Rs 15,000 (b) Rs 30,000
(c ) Rs 40,000 (d) Rs 25,000

ANS: (a) Rs 15,000: RULE 13(2)

Q52. A Group ‘C’ employee can accept gift from his relatives/Friends
on the occasion of his wedding,Marriage Anniversary and any
Religious functions,without intimation to the Govt,If the value of
such gift does not exceed -------.
(a) Rs 10,000 (b) Rs 30,000
(c ) Rs 7,500 (d) Rs 25,000

ANS: (C) Rs 7,500:RULE 13(2)

Q53. A Government Servant of Group- A & B shall not accept any gift
without the sanction of the Government if the value thereof
exceeds ------.
(a) Rs 5000 (b) Rs 1,500
(c ) Rs 1,000 (d) Rs 2,000

ANS: (a) Rs 5,000, RULE 13(3)

Q54. A Government Servant of Group- C & D shall not accept any gift
without the sanction of the Government if the value thereof
exceeds ------.
(a) Rs 5000 (b) Rs 1,500
(c ) Rs 1,000 (d) Rs 2,000

ANS: (d) Rs 2,000, RULE 13(3)

13(1) Save as provided in these rules, no Government servant shall
accept, or permit any member of his family or any other person acting
on his behalf to accept, any gift.
EXPLANATION.- The expression "gift" shall include free transport,
boarding, lodging or other service or any other pecuniary advantage
when provided by any person other than a near relative or personal
friend having no official dealings with the Government servant.
NOTE (1) - A casual meal, lift or other social hospitality shall
not be deemed to be a gift –
NOTE (2) - A Government servant shall avoid accepting lavish
hospitality or frequent hospitality from any individual,
industrial or commercial firms, organisations, etc., having
official dealings with him.
13(2) On occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, funerals or
religious functions, when the making of gift is in conformity with the
prevailing religious and social practice, a Government servant may
accept gifts from his near relatives or from his personal friends having
no official dealings with him, but shall make a report to the
Government, if the value of such gift exceeds;
Group-A post Rs 25000

Group-B Post Rs 15000

Group-C Post Rs 7,500

13(3) In any other case of a Government servant shall not accept any
gift without sanction of the Government if the value thereof exceeds.

Group-A & Group-B RS 5,000

Group-C & Group-D RS 2,000

13(4) : Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (2) and (3), a
Government servant, being a member of the Indian delegation or
otherwise, may receive and retain gifts from foreign dignitaries in
accordance with the provisions of The Foreign Contribution
(Acceptance or Retention of Gifts or Presentation) Rules, 2012, as
amended from time to time.
Whereany foreign contribution by way of gift or presentation is made
to a member of any Indian delegation, such person shall, within a
period of thirt days of the receipt of such gift or presentation, furnish
the following information in writing to the Secretary to the
Government of India in the Ministry or the Department that has
sponsored the programme.
13(5) A Government servant shall not accept any gifts from any foreign
firm which is either contracting with the Government of India or is one
with which the Government servant had, has or is likely to have official
dealings. Acceptance of gifts by a Government servant from any other
firm shall be subject to the provisions of sub-rule (3).]
Q55. Which Ministry should be consulted for accepting invitation
for free inaugural flights as a gift ?
(a) Ministry of External Affairs (b) Ministry of Civil Aviation
(c ) Ministry of Home Affairs (d) Ministry of Finance

ANS: (b) Ministry of Civil Aviation

Q56. Under what circumstances are Government Servants allowed
to avail the facility of free companion tickets offered by the Airlines?
(a) In case of International travel only
(b) In case of Domestic travel
(c ) In case of travel within the local area
(d) None of the Above

ANS: (a) In case of International travel only

Q57. What is the limit for a Government Servant who is a member of
Indian delegation to receive money as gift from the foreign dignitaries
on one occasion ?
(a) As per provisions of the Foreign Contribution(Acceptance or
Retention of gifts or Presentation) Rules,2012
(b) Rs 3,000
(c ) Rs 5,000
(d) Rs 4,000

ANS: (a) As per provisions of the Foreign Contribution(Acceptance or

Retention of gifts or Presentation) Rules,2012
Q58. An employee should not accept any prize/award from a
Rotary club or a private firm,in appreciation of his performance.
(a) True one (b) False one
(c ) Need the permission of the Head Of the Department
(d) Need the permission of the Ministry under the employee is

ANS: (a) True one

Q59. (a) Gifts of trifling value can be received while on transfer.
(b) An employee should not accept invitation from persons
whose cases are pending before him.
(c ) Acceptance of gifts from subordinates is improper.However,
No sanction is necessary to accept such gifts,if they are within
the specified limits.
(d) Arms/Ammunitions in the prohibited category should not be
accepted as gift.
(i) Only (a) & (b) are true one
(ii) Only (a),(b) & (c ) are true one
(iii) (c ) & (d) are false one
(iv) All the above statements are true one

ANS: (iv) All the above statements are true one

Q60. Which of the following does not permit a Government Servant
to collect contributions for ?
(a) Flag Day Fund (b) National Defence Fund
(c ) National Foundation for Communal harmony
(d) Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund

ANS: (d) Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund

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