1 As Test Internet by Alg

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Ouled Mendil High School

Second Term English Exam

Read the text then do the activities:

The main objective of my survey was to find out “How many Algerian students are getting
connected to internet through their cellular phone?”. “The mobile phones are more and
sophisticated now” an engineer working at Sumsung Company said. He added that the young
generation described as “screen –age” generation ,is next to its screen-shots during the majority of
its free -time .
A questionnaire was prepared and distributed one by one to 100 students from Algiers
It was found out that, out of 100 students,53 connected to the internet through their computers at
home(PC).Whereas44 accessed this service from their mobile phones.28 students used internet
used internet in both PC and cellphones.23 informants said “yes, we will subscribe to the internet
service in the near future”.Thus my findings concluded that the Algerian students are quickly
adapting with the changing technologies.
I/ choose the best answer : (1pt)
A - The text is : a- a survey b- a report c- an interview
B - The text is about : (0.5 pt)
a- students’ leisure time.
b- students’ reading habits.
c- students’ new technology’s habits.
II/ Are these sentences TRUE or FALSE according to the text ? ( 2pts)
a- The use of cell phones is more and more simple. …………………….
b- The survey was about how many Algerian people connect with their cell phones. …………..
c- The majority of the students connected using their PC and cell phones. ………………..
d- The Algerian students are not up dated with the new telecommunication technology. ………….
III/ Answer the following questions : ? ( 3pts)
1. Why did the reporter describe young people as ‘screen-age’
2. Why the reporter wants to do this survey?
3. Do the Algerian students are interested in having an access to internet soon ? Justify from the text.
IV / What or whom the underlined words refer to in the text: (1pt)

He :…….............………. Their: ………………………

V/ In which paragraph is it mentioned that cell phones become complicated to use? (0.5pt)

Text Exploration:

1- Find in the text words that are synonyms to: (2pts)

Main = § 1……………………… showed= § 2 …………..
2- Complete the table as shown in the example: (2pts)

adjective adverb
Eg: quick Quickly
Hard …………
…………… heavily
Slow ………….
……….. Well
3/ Report the following : ( 4pts)
a- I told her : ‘ Don't miss the class of mathematics.’
I told her …………………………………...............................................................................................……..

b- She asked : ‘ what time does the film begin?’

She asked ……………………………………...........................................................................................……

c- They said : ‘we will travell by train tomorrow.’

They said …………..............................................................................................……………………………..

d- He said : ‘ Have you got a driving licence ?’

He asked…..................................................................................................……………………………………

Fill in the gaps with one word from the list: (common –the survey –hospials –biggest) (2pts)
……(1)……… asked 2000 patients what their………(2)………annoys were about staying in……(3)
…………. The most………(4)……problem was rude and unfriendly staff with 69℅ of those questioned putting
this at number one.

IV/ Mark the stress in the following: (2pts)

Schoolbag - atomic - Software - Bedroom

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