Livelo Adrian - ME Lab 2 - Activity#4

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Republic of the Philippines


Tanza, Boac, Marinduque

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Level I Accredited by the Accrediting Agency for Chartered Colleges Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc.

ME Laboratory 2

Activity no.: ___4_

Measurement of a Steam Quality

Date : Sept 24 2022

Student name : Adrian Louis M. Livelo

Engr. Jay Rodil ME

After the performance of the experiment, the student should be able:
1. To be able to determine the quality of steam produced by the Boiler.
2. To be familiar in the operation of a steam throttling calorimeter
3. To measure the dryness fraction of steam
4. Illustrate techniques for measuring steam quality, using a throttling calorimeter.
5. Understanding various methods of measurement of dryness fraction
6. To be familiar the arrangement of various components for set up of throttling and
separating calorimeter
7. To develop professional work ethics, including precision, neatness, safety, and
ability to follow instructions.

 Boiler  Condenser
 Separating calorimeter  Mercury manometer
 Throttling calorimeter  Stop watch
 Glass container  Steam table
 Pressure gauge  PPE
 Thermometer

Brief Background: / theory and analysis

Tiny droplets of water that are suspended in the air are known as
steam. This happens frequently when water has been transformed into a gas
known as water vapor. Either through boiling or evaporation, steam is
created. A steam power plant is created to capture the enormous energy that
steam offers in order to produce electricity. It is made up of a boiler, a steam
turbine and generator, as well as additional accessories. High pressure, high
temperature steam is produced by the boiler. Steam's heat energy is
transformed into mechanical energy by the steam turbine. The mechanical
energy is then transformed into electric power via the generator.

Terms to know
1. Pure Substance
A substance that has a fixed chemical composition throughout is
called a pure substance such as water, air, and nitrogen. A pure
substance does not have to be of a single element or compound.
2. Working Substance
a usually fluid substance that through changes of temperature,
volume, and pressure is the means of carrying out thermodynamic
processes or cycles (as in a heat engine)
3. Saturation Temperature
The saturation temperature is just the official name for the boiling
point. The term “saturation” comes from the fact that it is the
temperature that a liquid has to be at to boil and enter the vapor phase,
based on its saturation pressure.
4. Compressed Liquid
A compressed fluid (also called a subcooled fluid or subcooled liquid)
is a fluid under mechanical and or thermodynamic conditions that
force it to be a liquid. It is a liquid at a temperature lower than the
saturation temperature at a given pressure.
5. Vapor
a substance diffused or suspended in the air, especially one normally
liquid or solid.
"dense clouds of smoke and toxic vapor"
6. Superheated Vapor
Superheated vapor is solvent vapor heated to and beyond its normal
boiling point at atmospheric pressure. Its unique capability is to heat
materials to above the normal boiling point of the solvent used.
7. Degree Superheat
The degree of superheat can be defined as the amount by which the
temperature of a superheat vapour/steam exceed the temperature of
the saturated vapour/steam at the same pressure

8. Degree Subcooled
The difference between saturation temperature of liquid and actual
temperature of liquid.
9. Water Vapor
Water in a vaporous form especially when below boiling temperature
and diffused (as in the atmosphere)
10.Quality of Wet Vapor
Wet steam is characterized by the vapor quality, which ranges from
zero to unity – open interval (0,1). When the vapor quality is equal to
0, it is referred to as the saturated liquid state (single-phase)
11.Critical Point
The critical point is the highest temperature and pressure at which a
pure material can exist in vapor/liquid equilibrium. At temperatures
higher than the critical temperature, the substance can not exist as a
liquid, no matter what the pressure.

Research Activities

A. What is steam?
Water in the gaseous state can always be called "water vapor," and
we can think of "steam" as a type of water vapor--hot water vapor.
B. What is steam quality?
C. What are the four effects of steam quality?
Steam quality is the proportion of saturated steam (vapor) in a
saturated condensate (liquid)/ steam (vapor) mixture.
D. How is the steam quality measured?
The measurements needed to obtain a steam quality measurement
are temperature, pressure, and entrained liquid content. A high
percentage (88 % or more) of industrial steam systems use
saturated steam for process applications.
E. Formula to determine the steam quality or the dryness fraction of
steam, Stream Pressure, Calorimeter Pressure, Saturation
Temperature, steam pipeline pressure

Dryness fraction
The constant pressure calorimetry equation is the same as an
enthalpy change equation. Q= m x C x change in temperature.
Where m= mass of the substance in grams and C is the specific
heat of both the solution and the system.

Saturation Temperature

Steam Flow rate through pipe

Apparatus 1
A. What is separating
Separating Calorimeter
It is a vessel used initially
to separate some of the
moisture from the steam, to
ensure superheat conditions
after throttling.
B. Parts of steam calorimeter

Apparatus 2
A. What is steam throttling calorimeter?
The throttling calorimeter is a vessel with a
needle valve fitted on the inlet side. The
steam is throttled through the needle valve
and exhausted to the condenser. Suppose M
kg of wet steam with a dryness fraction of x
(state A) enters the separating calorimeter.

B. Parts of the steam throttling calorimeter

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