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A web seminar series in cooperation with and under sponsorship of

the Department of Municipal Affairs, Emirate of Abu Dhabi, UAE

Reinforced Concrete Design

in Compliance with ACI 318M-08

Part 5: Design of Beams and One-Way Slabs

– Development Length

Dr. S. K. Ghosh
S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.
Palatine, IL and Aliso Viejo, CA

334 East Colfax Street, Unit E 43 Vantis Drive

Palatine, IL 60067 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
Ph: (847) 991-2700 Fax: (847) 991-2702 Ph: (949) 249-3739 Fax: (949) 249-3989
S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.



SKGA Web Seminar

in cooperation with and under sponsorship of
the Department of Municipal Affairs, Emirate of Abu Dhabi, UAE

Please stay tuned. We will be starting at

8:00 am UAE Time.

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using computer speakers

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A web seminar series in cooperation with and under sponsorship of
the Department of Municipal Affairs, Emirate of Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Part 5: Design of Beams and One-Way Slabs

– Development Length

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Palatine, IL and Aliso Viejo, CA

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Bond Stresses due to Flexure

(a) Beam before loading

(b) Unrestrained slip between
concrete and steel
(c) Bond forces acting on
(d) Bond forces acting on steel


Beam Reinforced with Plain Steel


Tied arch action in a beam with little or no bond


S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Bond Stress Based on Simple

Cracked Section Analysis
Forces and stresses
acting on elemental
length of beam:
(a) Free body sketch of
reinforced concrete
(b) Free body sketch of
steel element


Bond Stress Based on Simple

Cracked Section Analysis
dT = dM/jd
u∑0dx = dT
u = local average bond stress
per unit of bar surface area
∑0 = sum of perimeters of all the
u = dM/dx ∑0jd
u = V/ ∑0jd, conventional “elastic
cracked section equation”
Applies to tension bars, not to
compression bars


S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Actual Distribution of Flexural

Bond Stress
Variation of steel force and bond
stress in reinforced concrete
members subject to pure
(a) Cracked concrete segment
(b) Bond stress acting on
reinforcing bar
(c) Variation of tensile force in
(d) Variation of bond stress along


Actual Distribution of Flexural

Bond Stress
Effect of flexural cracks on bond
stresses in beam:
(a) Beam with flexural cracks
(b) Variation of tensile force T in
steel along span
(c) Variation of bond stress along


S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Bond Strength

Splitting of concrete along

U = u ∑0 per unit length of bar

Ultimate average bond force

per unit length of bar is
approximately Un = 2.9√fc’

Bond forces of above magnitude result in failure by splitting, in large and

excessive slip, or in other prohibitive deformations
For several bars in one layer, at typical spacings found in beams, the
ultimate bond force is about 80% of above


Development Length

Steel stress: zero at supports, fs at a

Average bond stress per unit length over l is: U = Abfs/l
Min. length necessary to develop, by bond, bar force Abfs is: ld = Abfs/Un
Min. length necessary to develop bar force Abfy, or development length, is:
ld = Abfy/Un = 0.345Abfy/√fc’
For bars at the relatively close spacing typical of beams, ld = Abfy/Un = 0.276Abfy/√fc’

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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Reinforcement

ACI 12.1.1
Calculated tension or compression in reinforcement at
each section of structural concrete members shall
be developed on each side of that section by
embedment length, hook, headed deformed bar or
mechanical device, or a combination thereof. Hooks
and heads shall not be used to develop bars in

- 11 -

Development of Reinforcement

ACI 12.1.2
The value of fc' shall not exceed 8.3 MPa.
ACI 12.1.3
In addition to requirements in this chapter that affect
detailing of reinforcement, structural integrity
requirements of ACI 7.13 shall be satisfied.

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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Reinforcement

Commentary R12.1
The strength reduction factor φ is not used in the
development length and lap splice equation. An
allowance for strength reduction is already included
in the expressions for determining development and
splice lengths.

- 13 -

Development of Deformed Bars

and Deformed Wire in Tension
ACI 12.2 Development of deformed bars and
deformed wire in tension

ACI 12.2.1
Development length for deformed bars and deformed
wire in tension, ld, shall be determined from either
12.2.2 or 12.2.3 and applicable modification factors
of 12.2.4 and 12.2.5, but ld shall not be less than
300 mm.

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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Deformed Bars

and Deformed Wire in Tension
ACI 12.2.2
Spacing and cover No.19 and smaller No. 22 and
bars and deformed larger bars
Clear spacing of bars or wires less than db, clear
cover not less than db, and stirrups or ties
throughout ld not less than the code minimum ⎛ fy ψ t ψ e ⎞ ⎛ fy ψ t ψ e ⎞
⎜ ⎟d ⎜ ⎟d
or ⎜ 2.1λ f ' ⎟ b ⎜ 1.7λ f ' ⎟ b
Clear spacing of bars or wires being developed ⎝ c ⎠ ⎝ c ⎠
or spliced not less than 2db and clear cover not
less than db
Other cases
⎛ fy ψ t ψ e ⎞ ⎛ fy ψ t ψ e ⎞
⎜ ⎟d ⎜ ⎟d
⎜ 1.4λ f ' ⎟ b ⎜ 1.1λ f ' ⎟ b
⎝ c ⎠ ⎝ c ⎠

- 15 -

Development of Deformed Bars

and Deformed Wire in Tension
ACI 12.2.3
⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜ fy ψ t ψ eψ sλ ⎟
ld = ⎜ ⎟d b ACI 318M-05 Eq. (12-1)
⎜ 1.1 fc′ ⎛ c b + K tr ⎞ ⎟
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎝ db ⎠ ⎠

⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜ f ψ tψ eψ s ⎟
ld = ⎜
⎟db ACI 318M-08 Eq. (12-1)
⎜ 1.1λ fc′ ⎛⎜ c b + K tr ⎞⎟ ⎟
⎜ ⎜ d ⎟⎟
⎝ ⎝ b ⎠⎠

Confinement term (cb + Ktr)/db shall not be taken

greater than 2.5.

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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Deformed Bars

and Deformed Wire in Tension
Commentary R12.2

The current expression for Ktr does not include yield

strength of transverse reinforcement. It includes
only the area and spacing of the transverse
reinforcement and the number of wires or bars
being developed or lap spliced, because
experimental tests demonstrate that transverse
reinforcement rarely yields during a bond failure.

- 17 -

Development of Deformed Bars

and Deformed Wire in Tension
Transverse reinforcement index (Ktr)
A tr f yt
K tr = ACI 318M-05 ACI Eq. (12-2)
40A tr
K tr = ACI 318M-08 ACI Eq. (12-2)

n = number of bars or wires being spliced or

developed along the plane of splitting.
Ktr can be taken as 0 as a design simplification

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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Deformed Bars

and Deformed Wire in Tension
ACI 12.2.4

Factor used to modify development length based on

reinforcement location (ψt):
ψt = 1.3 where horizontal reinforcement is placed such
that more than 300 mm of fresh concrete is cast
below the development length or splice
ψt = 1.0 other cases

- 19 -

Development of Deformed Bars

and Deformed Wire in Tension
Factor used to modify development length based on
reinforcement coating (ψe)
ψe = 1.5 for epoxy-coated bars or wires with cover
less than 3db, or clear spacing less than 6db
ψe = 1.2 for all other epoxy-coated bars or wires
ψe = 1.0 for uncoated and zinc-coated (galvanized)

The product ψtψe need not be greater than 1.7.

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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Deformed Bars

and Deformed Wire in Tension
Commentary R12.2.4

Because the bond of epoxy-coated bars is already

reduced due to the loss of adhesion between the
bar and the concrete, an upper limit of 1.7 is
established for the product of the top reinforcement
and epoxy-coated reinforcement factors.

- 21 -

Development of Deformed Bars

and Deformed Wire in Tension
Factor used to modify development length based on
reinforcing bar size (ψs):
ψs = 0.8 for No.19 and smaller and deformed wires
ψs = 1.0 for No.22 and larger bars

Modification factor reflecting the reduced mechanical

properties of lightweight concrete (λ):
λ = 0.75 for lightweight concrete unless fct is specified
λ = 1.0 for normal-weight concrete

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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Deformed Bars

and Deformed Wire in Tension
ACI 12.2.5

Reduction in ld shall be permitted where

reinforcement in a flexural member is in excess of
that required by analysis except where anchorage
or development for fy is specifically required or the
reinforcement is designed under provisions of ……(As required) / (As provided)

- 23 -

Development of Deformed Bars

and Deformed Wire in Tension
Commentary R12.2.5
The reduction factor based on area is not to be used
in those cases where anchorage or development for
full fy is required. For example, the excess
reinforcement factor does not apply for development
of positive moment reinforcement at supports
according to ACI 12.11.2, for development of
shrinkage and temperature reinforcement according
to ACI, or for development of reinforcement
provided according to ACI 7.13 and

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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Deformed Bars and

Deformed Wire in Compression
ACI 12.3 Development of deformed bars and
deformed wire in compression

ACI 12.3.1
Development length for deformed bars and deformed
wire in compression, ldc, shall be determined from
12.3.2 and applicable modification factors of 12.3.3,
but ldc shall not be less than 200 mm.

- 25 -

Development of Deformed Bars and

Deformed Wire in Compression
ACI 12.3.2
For deformed bars and deformed wire,

⎧⎛ 0.24f ⎞
⎪⎜ y ⎟
⎪⎜ λ fc' ⎟
⎪⎝ ⎠
l dc = l arg er ⎨

⎪(0.043f )d
⎩ y b

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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Deformed Bars and

Deformed Wire in Compression
ACI 12.3.3
Factor used to modify development length based on
reinforcement in excess of that required by analysis
= (As required) / (As provided)
Modification factor = 0.75 where reinforcement is
enclosed within spiral reinforcement not less than 6
mm diameter and not more than 100 mm pitch or
within No. 13 ties in conformance with ACI 7.10.5
and spaced at not more than 100 mm on center

- 27 -

Development of Standard Hooks

in Tension
ACI 12.5 Development of standard hooks in

ACI 12.5.1
Development length for deformed bars in tension
terminating in a standard hook, ldh, shall be
determined from ACI 12.5.2 and the applicable
modification factors of 12.5.3, but ldh shall not be
less than the larger of 8db and 150 mm.

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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Standard Hooks in

ACI 12.5.2
For deformed bars,
⎛ 0.24ψ e f y ⎞
l dh = ⎜ ⎟d
⎜ λ f' ⎟ b
⎝ c ⎠

ψe = 1.2 for epoxy-coated reinforcement

λ = 0.75 for lightweight concrete
ψe and λ shall be taken as 1.0 for other cases

- 29 -

Development of Standard Hooks in

ACI 12.5.3

(a) Reduction factor = 0.7

for No. 36 bar and smaller hooks with side cover
(normal to plane of hook) not less than 65 mm, and
for 90-degree hooks with cover on bar extension
beyond hook not less than 50 mm.

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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Standard Hooks in

(b) Reduction factor = 0.8
for 90-degree hooks of No. 36 and smaller bars that
are either enclosed within ties or stirrups
perpendicular to the bar being developed, spaced
not greater than 3db along ldh; or enclosed within
ties or stirrups parallel to the bar being developed,
spaced not greater than 3db along the length of the
tail extension of the hook plus bend

- 31 -

Development of Standard Hooks in

(c) Reduction factor = 0.8
for 180-degree hooks of No. 36 and smaller bars
that are enclosed within ties or stirrups
perpendicular to the bar being developed, spaced
not greater than 3db along ldh.
(d) Reduction factor = (As required) / (As provided)
where anchorage or development for fy is not
specifically required, reinforcement is in excess of
that required by analysis

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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Standard Hooks in

In 12.5.3 (b) and 12.5.3 (c), db is the diameter of the
hooked bar, and the first tie or stirrup shall enclose
the bent portion of the hook, within 2db of the
outside of the bend.

- 33 -

Development of Standard Hooks

in Tension

ACI 318M-08 Fig. R12.5: Hooked bar details for

development of standard hooks
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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Standard Hooks

in Tension

ACI 318M-08 Fig. R12.5.3 (a): Ties or stirrups placed

perpendicular to the bar being developed, spaced along the
development length ldh

- 35 -

Development of Standard Hooks

in Tension

ACI 318M-08 Fig. R12.5.3 (b): Ties or stirrups placed parallel to

the bar being developed, spaced along the length of the tail
extension of the hook plus bend

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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development Length

ACI 12.5.4
For bars being developed by a standard hook at
discontinuous ends of members with both side
cover and top (or bottom) cover over hook less than
65 mm, the hooked bar shall be enclosed within ties
or stirrups perpendicular to the bar being
developed, spaced not greater than 3db along ldh.
The first tie or stirrup shall enclose the bent portion
of the hook, within 2db of the outside of the bend,
where db is the diameter of the hooked bar. For this
case, the factors of 12.5.3(b) and (c) shall not apply.

- 37 -

Development of Standard Hooks

in Tension
Commentary R12.5.4

If calculated bar stress is so low that the hook is not

needed for bar anchorage, the ties or stirrups are
not necessary. Also, provisions of ACI 12.5.4 do not
apply for hooked bars at discontinuous ends of
slabs with confinement provided by the slab
continuous on both sides normal to the plane of the

- 38 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Standard Hooks

in Tension

ACI 318M-08 Fig. R12.5.4: Concrete cover per ACI 12.5.4

- 39 -

Development of Standard Hooks

in Tension
ACI 12.5.5
Hooks shall not be considered effective in developing
bars in compression

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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Headed and Mechanically

Anchored Deformed Bars in Tension

ACI 12.6 Development of headed and mechanically

anchored deformed bars in tension

ACI 12.6.1
Development length for headed deformed bars in
tension, ldt, shall be determined from ACI 12.6.2.
Use of heads to develop deformed bars in tension
shall be limited to conditions satisfying (a) through

- 41 -

Development of Headed and Mechanically

Anchored Deformed Bars in Tension

(a) Bar fy shall not exceed 420 MPa;

(b) Bar size shall not exceed No. 36;
(c) Concrete shall be normal-weight;
(d) Net bearing area of head Abrg shall not be less
than 4Ab;
(e) Clear cover for bar shall not be less than 2db; and
(f) Clear spacing between bars shall not be less than

- 42 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Headed and Mechanically

Anchored Deformed Bars in Tension

ACI 12.6.2
For headed deformed bars satisfying ACI 3.5.9
development length in tension
⎛ 0.19ψ e f y ⎞
l dt = ⎜ ⎟d
⎜ fc' ⎟ b
⎝ ⎠
Where the value of f’c used to calculate ldt shall not
exceed 40 MPa, and factor ψe shall be taken as 1.2
for epoxy-coated reinforcement and 1.0 for other

- 43 -

Development of Headed and Mechanically

Anchored Deformed Bars in Tension

ACI 3.5.9
Headed deformed bars shall conform to ASTM A970,
and obstructions or interruptions of the bar
deformations, if any, shall not extend more than 2db
from the bearing face of the head.

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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Headed and Mechanically

Anchored Deformed Bars in Tension

- 45 -

Development of Headed and Mechanically

Anchored Deformed Bars in Tension

ACI 318M-08 Fig. R12.6 (a): Development of headed deformed


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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Headed and Mechanically

Anchored Deformed Bars in Tension

Where reinforcement provided is in excess of that

required by analysis, except where development of
fy is specifically required, a factor of (As required) /
(As provided) may be applied to the expression for
ldt. Length ldt shall not be less than the larger of 8db
and 150 mm.

- 47 -

Development of Headed and Mechanically

Anchored Deformed Bars in Tension

Commentary R12.6

Where longitudinal headed deformed bars from a

beam or a slab terminate at a supporting member,
the bars should extend through the joint to the far
face of the confined core of the supporting member,
allowing for cover and avoidance of interference
with column reinforcement, even though the
resulting anchorage length exceed ldt.

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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Headed and Mechanically

Anchored Deformed Bars in Tension

Extending the bar to the far side of the column core

helps to anchor compressive forces (as identified in
a strut-and-tie model) that are likely to form in such
a connection and improves the performance of the

- 49 -

Development of Headed and Mechanically

Anchored Deformed Bars in Tension

ACI 318M-08 Fig. R12.6 (b):Headed deformed bar extended to

far side of column core with anchorage length that exceeds ldt

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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Headed and Mechanically

Anchored Deformed Bars in Tension

ACI 12.6.3
Heads shall not be considered effective in developing
bars in compression

- 51 -

Development of Headed and Mechanically

Anchored Deformed Bars in Tension

ACI 12.6.4
Any mechanical attachment or device capable of
developing fy of reinforcement is allowed, provided
that test results showing the adequacy of such
attachment or device are approved by the building
official. Development of reinforcement shall be
permitted to consist of a combination of mechanical
anchorage plus additional embedment length of
reinforcement between the critical section and the
mechanical attachment or device.

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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.


If you are encountering technical difficulties, please call 00 1 847 991 2700

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Question and Answer Session
If you are encountering technical difficulties, please call 00 1 847 991 2700

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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Flexural
ACI 12.10 Development of flexural reinforcement

ACI 12.10.1
Development of tension reinforcement by bending
across the web to be anchored or made continuous
with reinforcement on the opposite face of member
shall be permitted.

- 55 -

Development of Flexural
ACI 12.10.2
Critical sections for development of reinforcement in
flexural members are at points of maximum stress
and at points within the span where adjacent
reinforcement terminates, or is bent. Provisions of
ACI 12.11.3 must be satisfied.

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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Flexural
ACI 12.10.3
Reinforcement shall extend beyond the point at which
it is no longer required to resist flexure for a
distance equal to d or 12db, whichever is greater,
except at supports of simple spans and at free ends
of cantilevers.

- 57 -

Development of Flexural
ACI 12.10.4
Continuing reinforcement shall have an embedment
length not less than ld beyond the point where bent
or terminated tension reinforcement is no longer
required to resist flexure.

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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Flexural
ACI 12.10.5
Flexural reinforcement shall not be terminated in a
tension zone unless ACI,, or is satisfied.

Vu at the cutoff point does not exceed (2/3)φVn.

- 59 -

Development of Flexural
Stirrup area in excess of that required for shear and
torsion is provided along each terminated bar or
wire over a distance (3/4)d from the termination
point. Excess stirrup area shall be not less than
0.41bws/fyt. Spacing s shall not exceed d/(8βb).
βb = ratio of area of reinforcement cut off to total
area of tension reinforcement at section.

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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Flexural
For No.36 bars and smaller, continuing reinforcement
provides double the area required for flexure at the
cutoff point and Vu does not exceed (3/4)φVn.

- 61 -

Development of Flexural

ACI 318M-08 Fig.

Development of
flexural reinforcement
in a typical continuous

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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Flexural
ACI 12.10.6
Adequate anchorage shall be provided for tension
reinforcement in flexural members where
reinforcement stress is not directly proportional to
moment, such as; sloped, stepped, or tapered
footings; brackets; deep flexural members; or
members in which tension reinforcement is not
parallel to compression face.

- 63 -

Development of Flexural

ACI 318M-08 Fig. R12.10.6: Member largely dependent on

end anchorage

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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Positive Moment

ACI 12.11 Development of positive moment

ACI 12.11.1
At least one-third the positive moment reinforcement
in simple members and one-fourth the positive
moment reinforcement in continuous members shall
extend along the same face of member into the
support. In beams, such reinforcement shall extend
into the support at least 150 mm.

- 65 -

Development of Positive Moment

ACI 12.11.2
When a flexural member is part of a primary seismic-
load-resisting system, positive moment
reinforcement required to be extended into the
support by ACI 12.11.1 shall be anchored to
develop fy in tension at the face of support.

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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Positive Moment

ACI 12.11.3
At simple supports and at points of inflection, positive
moment tension reinforcement shall be limited to a
diameter such that ld computed for fy by ACI 12.2
satisfies ACI Eq. (12-5); except, Eq. (12-5) need not
be satisfied for reinforcement terminating beyond
centerline of simple supports by a standard hook, or
a mechanical anchorage at least equivalent to a
standard hook.

- 67 -

Development of Positive Moment

ld ≤ + la ACI Eq. (12-5)

Mn is calculated assuming all reinforcement at the

section to be stressed to fy;
Vu is calculated at the section;
la at support shall be the embedment length beyond
center of support; or
la at a point of inflection shall be limited to d or 12db,
whichever is greater
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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Positive Moment

An increase of 30 percent in the value of Mn/Vu shall
be permitted when the ends of reinforcement are
confined by a compressive reaction.

- 69 -

Development of Positive Moment


ACI 318M-08 Fig. R12.11.3: Concept for determining

maximum bar size per 12.11.3

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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Positive Moment


ACI 318M-08 Fig. R12.11.3: Concept for determining

maximum bar size per 12.11.3

- 71 -

Development of Positive Moment

ACI 12.11.4
At simple supports of deep beams, positive moment
tension reinforcement shall be anchored to develop
fy in tension at the face of the support except that if
design is carried out using Appendix A, the positive
moment tension reinforcement shall be anchored in
accordance with A.4.3. At interior supports of deep
beams, positive moment tension reinforcement shall
be continuous or be spliced with that of the adjacent

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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Negative Moment

ACI 12.12 Development of negative moment

ACI 12.12.1
Negative moment reinforcement in a continuous,
restrained, or cantilever member, or in any member
of a rigid frame, shall be anchored in or through the
supporting member by embedment length, hooks,
or mechanical anchorage.

- 73 -

Development of Negative Moment

ACI 12.12.2
Negative moment reinforcement shall have an
embedment length into the span as required by ACI
12.1 and 12.10.3.
ACI 12.12.3
At least one-third the total tension reinforcement
provided for negative moment at a support shall
have an embedment length beyond the point of
inflection not less than, d, 12db or ln/16, whichever
is greater.

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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Negative Moment

ACI 12.12.4
At interior supports of deep flexural members,
negative moment tension reinforcement shall be
continuous with that of the adjacent spans.

- 75 -

Development of Negative Moment


ACI 318M-08 Fig. R12.12: Development of negative moment


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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Negative Moment


ACI 318M-08 Fig. R12.12: Development of negative moment


- 77 -

Development of Web
ACI 12.13 Development of web reinforcement

ACI 12.13.1
Web reinforcement shall be as close to the
compression and tension surfaces of the member
as cover requirements and proximity of other
reinforcement permits.

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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Web
ACI 12.13.2
Ends of single leg, simple U-, or multiple U-stirrups
shall be anchored as required by ACI
For No. 16 bar and MD200 wire, and smaller, and for
No. 19, No. 22, and No. 25 bars with fyt of 280 MPa
or less, a standard hook around longitudinal

- 79 -

Development of Web
For No. 19, No. 22, and No. 25 stirrups with fyt greater
than 280 MPa, a standard stirrup hook around a
longitudinal bar plus an embedment between
midheight of the member and the outside end of the
( )
hook equal to or greater than 0.17db fyt λ fc'

- 80 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Web
For each leg of welded plain wire reinforcement
forming simple U-stirrups, either:
(a) Two longitudinal wires spaced at a 50 mm spacing
along the member at the top of the U; or

- 81 -

Development of Web
(b) One longitudinal wire located not more than d/4
from the compression face and a second wire closer
to the compression face and spaced not less than
50 mm from the first wire. The second wire shall be
permitted to be located on the stirrup leg beyond a
bend, or on a bend with an inside diameter of bend
not less than 8db.

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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Web
For each end of a single leg stirrup of welded wire
reinforcement, two longitudinal wires at a minimum
spacing of 50 mm and with the inner wire at least
the greater of d/4 or 50 mm from d/2. Outer
longitudinal wire at tension face shall not be farther
from the face than the portion of primary flexural
reinforcement closest to the face.

- 83 -

Development of Web
In joist construction as defined in ACI 8.11, for No. 13
bar and MD130 wire and smaller, a standard hook.
ACI 12.13.3
Between anchored ends, each bend in the continuous
portion of a simple U-stirrup or multiple U-stirrup
shall enclose a longitudinal bar.

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S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Development of Web
ACI 12.13.4
Longitudinal bars bent to act as shear reinforcement, if
extended into a region of tension, shall be
continuous with longitudinal reinforcement and, if
extended into a region of compression, shall be
anchored beyond mid-depth d/2 as specified for
development length in ACI 12.2 for that part of fyt
required to satisfy Eq. (11-17).
Vs = Av fy sinα (11-17)

- 85 -

Development of Web
ACI 12.13.5
Pairs of U-stirrups or ties so placed as to form a
closed unit shall be considered properly spliced
when length of laps are 1.3ld. In members at least
450 mm deep, such splices with Abfyt not more than
40 kN per leg shall be considered adequate if stirrup
legs extend the full available depth of member.

- 86 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Splices of Reinforcement

ACI 12.14 Splices of reinforcement

ACI 12.14.1
Splices of reinforcement shall be made only as
required or permitted on design drawings, or in
specifications, or as authorized by the licensed
design professional.

- 87 -

Splices of Reinforcement

ACI 12.14.2 Lap splice

Lap splices shall not be used for bars larger than No.
36 except as provided in 12.16.2 and
Bars spliced by noncontact lap splices in flexural
members shall not be spaced transversely farther
apart than the smaller of one-fifth the required lap
splice length, and 150 mm.

- 88 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Splices of Reinforcement

Commentary R12.14.2.1

Because of lack of adequate experimental data on lap

splices of No. 43 and No. 57 bars in compression
and in tension, lap splicing of these bar size is
prohibited except as permitted in 12.16.2 and for compression lap splices of No. 43 and
No. 57 bars with smaller bars.

- 89 -

Splices of Reinforcement

ACI 12.14.3 Mechanical and welded splices

Mechanical and welded splices shall be permitted.
A full mechanical splice shall develop in tension or
compression, as required, at least 1.25fy of the bar.

- 90 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Splices of Reinforcement

Except as provided in this Code, all welding shall
conform to “Structural Welding Code— Reinforcing
Steel” (AWS D1.4).
A full welded splice shall develop at least 1.25fy of the

- 91 -

Splices of Reinforcement

Mechanical or welded splices not meeting
requirements of ACI or shall be
permitted only for No. 16 bars and smaller and in
accordance with ACI 12.15.5.

- 92 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Splices of Deformed Bars and

Deformed Wire in Tension

ACI 12.15 Splices of deformed bars and deformed

wire in tension

ACI 12.15.1
Minimum length of lap for tension lap splices shall be
as required for Class A or B splice, but not less than
300 mm, where:
Class A splice : 1.0 ld
Class B splice : 1.3 ld
- 93 -

Splices of Deformed Bars and

Deformed Wire in Tension
Where ld is calculated in accordance with ACI 12.2 to
develop fy but without the 300 mm minimum of ACI
12.2.1 and without the modification factor of ACI
12.2.5 (excess reinforcement).

- 94 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Splices of Deformed Bars and

Deformed Wire in Tension
Commentary R12.15.1

Committee 318 considered suggestions from many

sources, including ACI Committee 408, but has
retained a two-level splice length primarily to
encourage splicing bars at points of minimum stress
and staggering splices to improve behavior of
critical details.

- 95 -

Splices of Deformed Bars and

Deformed Wire in Tension
ACI 12.15.2
Lap splices of deformed bars and deformed wire in
tension shall be Class B splices except that Class A
splices are allowed when:
(a) the area of reinforcement provided is at least twice
that required by analysis over the entire length of
the splice; and
(b) one-half or less of the total reinforcement is spliced
within the required lap length.

- 96 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Splices of Deformed Bars and

Deformed Wire in Tension
ACI 12.15.3
When bars of different size are lap spliced in tension,
splice length shall be the larger of ld of larger bar
and tension lap splice length of smaller bar.
ACI 12.15.4
Mechanical or welded splices used where area of
reinforcement provided is less than twice that
required by analysis shall meet requirements of ACI or

- 97 -

Splices of Deformed Bars and

Deformed Wire in Tension
ACI 12.15.5
Mechanical or welded splices not meeting the
requirements of ACI or shall be
permitted for No. 16 bars and smaller if the
requirements of ACI through
are met:
Splices shall be staggered at least 600 mm.

- 98 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Splices of Deformed Bars and

Deformed Wire in Tension
In computing the tensile forces that can be developed
at each section, the spliced reinforcement stress
shall be taken as the specified splice strength, but
not greater than fy. The stress in the unspliced
reinforcement shall be taken as fy times the ratio of
the shortest length embedded beyond the section to
ld, but not greater than fy.

- 99 -

Splices of Deformed Bars and

Deformed Wire in Tension
The total tensile force that can be developed at each
section must be at least twice that required by
analysis, and at least 140 MPa times the total area
of reinforcement provided.

- 100 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Splices of Deformed Bars and

Deformed Wire in Tension
ACI 12.15.6
Splices in tension tie members shall be made with a
full mechanical or full welded splice in accordance
with ACI or and splices in
adjacent bars shall be staggered at least 750 mm.

- 101 -

Splices of Deformed Bars in

ACI 12.16 Splices of deformed bars in

ACI 12.16.1
Compression lap splice length shall be 0.071fydb, for fy
of 420 MPa or less, or (0.13fy – 24)db for fy greater
than 420 MPa, but not less than 300 mm. For f’c
less than 21 MPa, length of lap shall be increased
by one-third.

- 102 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Splices of Deformed Bars in

ACI 12.16.2
When bars of different size are lap-spliced in
compression, splice length shall be the larger of ldc
of larger bar and compression lap splice length of
smaller bar. Lap splices of No. 43 and No. 57 bars
to No. 36 and smaller bars shall be permitted.
ACI 12.16.3
Mechanical or welded splices used in compression
shall meet requirements of ACI or

- 103 -

Splices of Deformed Bars in

Commentary R12.16.2

Lap splices are generally prohibited for No. 43 or No.

57 bars; however, for compression only, lap splices
are permitted for No. 43 or No. 57 bars to No. 36 or
smaller bars.

- 104 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Splices of Deformed Bars in

ACI 12.16.4 End-bearing splices
In bars required for compression only, transmission of
compressive stress by bearing of square cut ends
held in concentric contact by a suitable device shall
be permitted.

- 105 -

Splices of Deformed Bars in

Bar ends shall terminate in flat surfaces within 1.5
degrees of a right angle to the axis of the bars and
shall be fitted within 3 degrees of full bearing after
End-bearing splices shall be used only in members
containing closed ties, closed stirrups, or spirals.

- 106 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.


If you are encountering technical difficulties, please call 00 1 847 991 2700

- 107 -

Question and Answer Session
If you are encountering technical difficulties, please call 00 1 847 991 2700

- 108 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Example 1: Bar Cut-Off in Beams

- 109 -

Example 1: Bar Cut-Off in Beams

115 kN/m uniform load

More than
6 m clear span 2 spans

400 mm

fc’ = 40 MPa
550 mm fy = 420 MPa

- 110 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Example 1: Bar Cut-Off in Beams

Calculate required flexural strength
Use ACI 318 coefficients (Section 8.3.3)
1. Negative moment at interior face of exterior support for
members built integrally with columns
= wuln2/16 = 259 kN-m

2. Negative moments at exterior face of first interior support

(more than two spans) = wuln2/10 = 414 kN-m

3. Positive moment in end span when discontinuous end is

integral with support = wuln2/14 = 296 kN-m

- 111 -

Example 1: Bar Cut-Off in Beams

Provide required flexural reinforcement

Top reinforcement at the exterior support
= 4 No. 25 bars (As = 1963 mm2)
(φMn = 338 kN-m > 259 kN-m)
Top reinforcement at the interior support
= 4 No. 32 bars (As = 3217 mm2)
(φMn = 526 kN-m > 414 kN-m)
Bottom reinforcement at midspan
= 2 No. 25 bars and 2 No. 28 (As = 2213 mm2)
(φMn = 376 kN-m > 296 kN-m)

- 112 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Example 1: Bar Cut-Off in Beams

Calculate required shear strength

Use ACI 318 coefficients (Section 8.3.3)
1. Shear in end members at face of first interior support
= 1.15wuln/2 = 397 kN

With No. 32 bars at the interior support,

d = 550 – 40 – 12 – 32/2 = 482 mm

At critical section for shear, at a distance d from the support

Vu = 397 – 115x0.48 = 342 kN

- 113 -

Example 1: Bar Cut-Off in Beams

Design for shear

Vc = 0.17 fc' bw d = 0.17 x 40 x 400 x 485.5 x10 − 3 = 208 kN

Provide 2-legged No. 12 stirrups at 160 mm spacing.

Vs = Avfytd/s = 226x420x485.5x10-3/160 = 288 kN

φ(Vc + Vs) = 0.75(208 + 288) = 372 kN > Vu (= 342 kN)

- 114 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Example 1: Bar Cut-Off in Beams


6 m clear span

4 No. 25 2 No. 25 4 No. 32

2 No. 25 2 No. 25 2 No. 25

2 No. 28

- 115 -

Example 1: Bar Cut-Off in Beams

Cut-off location for bottom reinforcement

At least ¼ of the positive reinforcement in continuous

beams need to be extended into the supports by
150 mm (ACI 318M-08 Section 12.11.1).

In this case, at least 2 bars need to be extended in

order to hold the stirrups in place. Thus, 2 no. 25
bars in the bottom reinforcement are extended into
the supports, and 2 No. 28 bars are terminated
away from midspan.

- 116 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Example 1: Bar Cut-Off in Beams

Determine Cut-off location for 2 No. 28 bars

Loading condition for maximum positive moment

259 kN-m 115 kN/m


6 m clear span

Apply the lower of the two support moments (259 kN-m)

at the appropriate support and the midspan moment
(296 kN-m) at midspan to calculate RL and MR.

- 117 -

Example 1: Bar Cut-Off in Beams

Determine Cut-off location for 2 No. 28 bars

Loading condition for maximum positive moment

259 kN-m 115 kN/m


6 m clear span

Taking moment about midspan:

259 – RLx 3 + 115x32/2 + 296 = 0 Æ RL = 357.5 kN
Taking moment about right support:
259 – 357.5x6 + 115x62/2 – MR = 0 Æ MR = 184 kN-m

- 118 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Example 1: Bar Cut-Off in Beams

Determine Cut-off location for 2 No. 28 bars

Loading condition for maximum positive moment
115 kN/m
259 kN-m MR

6 m clear span


0.84 m 296
0.62 m

- 119 -

Example 1: Bar Cut-Off in Beams

Determine Cut-off location for 2 No. 28 bars

After 2 No. 28 bars are cut-off, flexural strength provided by 2
continuing No. 25 bars:
Depth of stress block, a = Asfy/(0.85fc’b)
= 2x490x420/(0.85x40x400)
= 30 mm
Effective depth, d = 550 – 40 – 12 – 25/2 = 485.5 mm
Nominal moment strength, Mn = Asfy (d – a/2)
= 2x490x420x(485.5 – 30/2)
= 193 kN-m
Design strength, φMn = 0.9x193 = 174 kN-m

- 120 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Example 1: Bar Cut-Off in Beams

Satisfy requirement of Section 12.10.3

2 No. 28 bars need to extend by d or 12db, whichever is greater,
beyond points 1 and 2.
d = 550 – 40 – 12 – 28/2 = 484 mm …….Governs
12db = 12 x 28 = 336 mm

259 1 2 184
174 174
0.84 m 296
0.62 m

1.6 m 1.4 m

- 121 -

Example 1: Bar Cut-Off in Beams

Satisfy requirement of Section 12.10.3

Terminate 2 No. 28 bars 1.1 m from the left support-face and
0.9 m from the right support-face.

Thus, bars are terminated within tension zone.

259 1 2 184
174 174
0.84 m 296
0.62 m

1.6 m 1.4 m

- 122 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Example 1: Bar Cut-Off in Beams

Check requirement of Section 12.10.4

The continuing 2 No. 25 bars need to have a minimum
embedment of ld beyond points 1 and 2.

259 1 2 184
174 174
0.84 m 296
0.62 m

1.6 m 1.4 m

- 123 -

Example 1: Bar Cut-Off in Beams

Check requirement of Section 12.10.4

⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜ fy ψ tψ eψ s ⎟
ld = ⎜ d b = 585 mm > 300 mm ….. OK
⎜ 1.1λ fc′ ⎛⎜ c b + K tr ⎞ ⎟⎟
⎜ d ⎟⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎝ b ⎠⎠

λ = 1.0 for normal-weight concrete

ψt = 1.0 for other than top reinforcement
ψe = 1.0 for uncoated reinforcement
ψs = 1.0 for No. 22 or larger bars
cb = 40 + 12 + 25/2 = 64.5 mm
Ktr = 0 (conservatively assumed)

- 124 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Example 1: Bar Cut-Off in Beams

Check requirement of Section 12.10.4

Two continuing No. 25 bars extend much more than 585 mm
beyond Points 1 and 2.

259 1 2 184
174 174
0.84 m 296
0.62 m

1.6 m 1.4 m

- 125 -

Example 1: Bar Cut-Off in Beams

Check requirement of Section 12.10.5

At least one requirement out of Sections,
and needs to be satisfied for tension reinforcement
to be terminated in tension zone.

- 126 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Example 1: Bar Cut-Off in Beams

Check requirement of Section

Vu at cutoff point can not exceed 2/3φVn

357.5 kN 231 kN

332.5 kN
1.1 m 229 kN
0.9 m

Vu at cutoff points = 231 kN and 229 kN

φVn at cutoff point = 372 kN (see design for shear)
Æ 2/3(φVn) = 248 kN
Vu < 2/3(φVn) ………….OK
- 127 -

Example 1: Bar Cut-Off in Beams

Check requirement of Section 12.11.3

At the Point of Inflections (P.I.)

ld ≤ + la
At P.I., only 2 No. 25 bars are present.
ld = 0.585 m; Mn = 174/0.9 = 193 kN-m
Vu = 357.5 – 115x0.84 = 261 kN (at left P.I.)
= 332.5 – 115x0.62 = 261.5 kN (at right P.I.)

- 128 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Example 1: Bar Cut-Off in Beams

Check requirement of Section 12.11.3

At the Point of Inflections (P.I.)
Ia = Greater of d and 12db
d = 550 – 40 – 12 – 25/2 = 485.5 mm = 0.485 m
12db = 12 x 25 = 300 mm = 0.3 m
= 0.485 m

Mn 193
+ la = + 0.485 = 1.22 m > l d
Vu 261.5

- 129 -

Example 1: Bar Cut-Off in Beams

Determine Cut-off locations for top reinforcement

Loading condition for maximum negative moment

259 kN-m 115 kN/m 414 kN-m

6 m clear span

Assume a condition where the calculated Mu is acting at

each support, and calculate the midspan moment
based on that.

- 130 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Example 1: Bar Cut-Off in Beams

Determine Cut-off locations for top reinforcement

Loading condition for maximum negative moment

259 kN-m 115 kN/m 414 kN-m

6 m clear span

Taking moment about right support:

259 – RLx 6 + 115x62/2 - 414 = 0 Æ RL = 319 kN
Taking moment about midspan:
259 – 319x3 + 115x32/2 + Mmid = 0 Æ Mmid = 183.5 kN-m

- 131 -

Example 1: Bar Cut-Off in Beams

Determine Cut-off locations for top reinforcement

Loading condition for maximum negative moment
115 kN/m 414 kN-m
259 kN-m

319 kN 371 kN
6 m clear span

259 414

1.0 m 1.5 m

- 132 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Example 1: Bar Cut-Off in Beams

Determine Cut-off locations for top reinforcement

Because the Points of Inflections are very close to the

supports, not much is gained by cutting off part of
the top reinforcement.

- 133 -

Example 1: Bar Cut-Off in Beams

Check requirement of Section 12.12.3

At least 1/3 of the total negative reinforcement in
supports need to be extended beyond the P.I. by
not less than (computed based on No. 32 bars):

d = 550 – 40 – 12 – 32/2 = 482 mm Governs

12db = 12 x 32 = 384 mm
ln/16 = 6000/16 = 375 mm

- 134 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Example 1: Bar Cut-Off in Beams

Check requirement of Section 12.12.3

‰ Extend all four No. 32 bars at the right support up to
2 m from the support face.
‰ Extend two No. 25 bars at the left support up to
1.5 m from the support face.
‰ For the purpose of placement of stirrups, extend two
No. 25 bars at the left support all the way to the end
point of the No. 32 bars (4 m from the left support

- 135 -

Example 1: Bar Cut-Off in Beams

2 No. 25

2 No. 25

1.5 m 4 No. 32 2.0 m

1.1 m 2 No. 28 0.9 m

2 No. 25

6 m clear span

- 136 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Example 2: Lap Splices in Tension

- 137 -

Example 2: Lap Splices in Tension

500 mm

fc’ = 40 MPa

600 mm fy = 420 MPa

Mu,A = 100 kN-m
4 No. 28
Clear cover = 40 mm
2-legged No. 12 stirrups
- 138 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Example 2: Lap Splices in Tension

Calculate splice length

⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜ fy ψ tψ eψ s ⎟
ld = ⎜ db
⎜ 1 . 1λ f ′ ⎛
c ⎜ c b + K tr ⎞ ⎟⎟
⎜ d ⎟⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎝ b ⎠⎠

λ = 1.0 for normal-weight concrete

ψt = 1.0 for other than top reinforcement
ψe = 1.0 for uncoated reinforcement
ψs = 1.0 for No. 22 or larger bars
Ktr = 0 (conservatively assumed)

- 139 -

Example 2: Lap Splices in Tension

Calculate splice length

⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜ fy ψ tψ eψ s ⎟
ld = ⎜ db
⎜ 1.1λ fc′ ⎛⎜ c b + K tr ⎞ ⎟⎟
⎜ d ⎟⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎝ b ⎠⎠

cb = concrete cover from center of the right/left bar

= 40 + 12 + 28/2 = 66 mm
= ½ of center-to-center bar spacing
= ½ x [500 – 2x40 – 2x12 – 28]/3 = 61 mm
cb = 61 mm

- 140 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Example 2: Lap Splices in Tension

Calculate splice length

⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜ fy ψ tψ eψ s ⎟
ld = ⎜ d b = 776 mm > 300 mm ….. OK
⎜ 1.1λ fc′ ⎛⎜ cb + K tr ⎞ ⎟⎟
⎜ d ⎟⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎝ b ⎠⎠

- 141 -

Example 2: Lap Splices in Tension

Determine Class A or Class B Splice

Mu at Section A = 100 kN-m
Required Mn = 100/φ = 100/0.9 = 111 kN-m
d = 600 – 40 – 12 – 28/2 = 534 mm
Assuming a moment arm of 0.9d,
As,required = 111x106/(420x0.9x534)
= 550 mm2
As,provided = 4x616 = 2464 mm2

- 142 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Example 2: Lap Splices in Tension

Determine Class A or Class B Splice

As,provided / As,required = 2464 / 550 = 4.48 > 2

………….satisfies 12.15.2(a)

Using a staggered arrangement of splices and having only

two bars spliced at the same location, only half of the
total reinforcement is spliced within the required lap
………….. satisfies 12.15.2(b)

- 143 -

Example 2: Lap Splices in Tension

Determine Class A or Class B Splice

Class A splice can be provided.

Splice length = 1.0l d = 776 mm

Provide a splice length of 800 mm, staggered with a 600

mm spacing (600 mm picked as being reasonable).

- 144 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Example 2: Lap Splices in Tension

800 mm 600 mm 800 mm

- 145 -

Example 3: Lap Splices in Column

- 146 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Example 3: Lap Splices in Column

fc’ = 40 MPa
fy = 420 MPa

- 147 -

Example 3: Lap Splices in Column

Load Cases and Load Combinations

- 148 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Example 3: Lap Splices in Column

- 149 -

Example 3: Lap Splices in Column

‰ Load Combinations 1 and 2: All bars are in

compression. A compression lap splice is permitted
in accordance with Section
‰ Load Combination 3: Tensile stress in bars is less
than 0.5fy. Assuming all bars are spliced at the same
location, a Class B splice is required by Section
‰ Load Combination 4: Tensile stress in bars is
more than 0.5fy. A Class B splice is required by

- 150 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Example 3: Lap Splices in Column

Class B splice is required.

Class B splice = 1.3l d

- 151 -

Example 3: Lap Splices in Column

Calculate splice length

⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜ fy ψ tψ eψ s ⎟
1.3l d = 1.3⎜ db
⎜ 1.1λ fc′ ⎛⎜ cb + K tr ⎞ ⎟⎟
⎜ d ⎟⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎝ b ⎠⎠

λ = 1.0 for normal-weight concrete

ψt = 1.0 for vertical reinforcement
ψe = 1.0 for uncoated reinforcement
ψs = 1.0 for No. 22 or larger bars
Ktr = 0 (conservatively assumed)

- 152 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Example 3: Lap Splices in Column

Calculate splice length

⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜ fy ψ tψ eψ s ⎟
1.3l d = 1.3⎜ db
⎜ 1.1λ fc′ ⎛⎜ cb + K tr ⎞ ⎟⎟
⎜ d ⎟⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎝ b ⎠⎠

cb = concrete cover from center of the right/left bar

= 40 + 12 + 32/2 = 68 mm
= ½ of center-to-center bar spacing
= ½ x [500 – 2x40 – 2x12 – 32]/2 = 91 mm
cb = 68 mm

- 153 -

Example 3: Lap Splices in Column

Calculate splice length

⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜ fy ψ tψ eψ s ⎟
1.3l d = 1.3⎜ d b = 1182 mm > 300 mm ….. OK
⎜ 1.1λ fc′ ⎛⎜ cb + K tr ⎞ ⎟⎟
⎜ d ⎟⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎝ b ⎠⎠

- 154 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Example 3: Lap Splices in Column

Check for possible reduction in splice length

3 legs of No. 12 ties are provided at 450 mm spacing.
Av = 3x113 = 339 mm2 > 0.0015hs
(= 0.0015x500x450 = 337.5 mm2)
Thus, a reduction factor of 0.83 can be applied (Section

Reduced splice length = 0.83 x 1182 = 981 mm

- 155 -

Example 3: Lap Splices in Column

Provide 1.0 m lap splice for the 8 No. 32 bars at

Floor 1 level (assuming Seismic Design Category is
no higher than C).

- 156 -

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc.

Question and Answer Session
If you are encountering technical difficulties, please call 00 1 847 991 2700

- 157 -

Thank You!!
For more information…

Chicago Main Office Southern California Office

334 East Colfax Street, Unit E 43 Vantis Drive
Palatine, IL 60067 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
Phone: (847) 991-2700 Phone: (949) 249-3739
Fax: (847) 991-2702 Fax: (949) 249-3989
Email: Email:

- 158 -


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