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Career Preparation Worksheet

Name: Mel Andre Zata Strand: GAS Year Level: 12 Date: 09/22/23

A) Self-Exploration
1) I can be more effective doing this type of work: Put a check mark beside the area in which you have the most

____Working with People ____Working with Things ____Working with Data

2) My three (3) basic occupational skills

2.1 Good Communication Skills

2.2 Being flexible

2.3 A quick learner

3) My three (3) work principle

3.1 Striving for efficiency

3.2 Focusing on what should be focused on

3.3 Fostering success

4) My three (3) work interest areas

4.1 Ocean, Lab

4.2 Ocean, Lab

4.3 Museum, Studio

5) Other occupation i would be interested to explore

5.1 Teacher

5.2 Nursing/ Medical Technician

5.3 Forensic Scientist

B) Occupational Exploration
For the three occupations you have identified, complete the information needed:

1.) Occupational No.1: Marine Biologist

I need to do or perform the following: conducting species inventories, testing and monitoring sea creatures exposed
to pollutants, take water or plant samples for laboratory testing, observe marine animals in their natural habitats
and conduct research projects on environmental phenomena that occur in bodies of water.

The work needs the following materials: diving gear, cameras and laptops, hydrophones, satellite tags, underwater
observation equipment, microscope, and other scientific equipment.
The work requires the following values, interests, and attitude: openness, which means they are usually curious,
imaginative, and value variety.

2.) Occupational No.2: Marine Fisheries Technician

I need to do or perform the following: record, compile, submit, and verify all biological data taken from fisheries
dependent sampling correctly and on time for key entry in the biological database. The position also will assist in the
collection and analysis of data for fishery independent projects and Division programs

The work needs the following materials: laboratory equipments

The work requires the following values, interests,and attitude: strong foundation in science, technical skills, ability to
work outdoors in uncomfortable conditions, problem-solving skills, detail oriented and patient .

3) Occupation No.3: Fine Artist

I need to do or perform the following materials: Fine artists create original works of art using methods like painting,
drawing and sculpture. They typically display their work in museums, in commercial or nonprofit art galleries, at craft
fairs, in corporate collections, on the Internet, and in private homes. Some of their artwork may be commissioned
(requested by a client), but most is sold by the artist or through private art galleries or dealers.

The work needs the following materials: art tools and materials

The work requires the following values interests and attitude: persistent and consistent with their work in order to be
relevant, patience, passion, a sense of adventure and discipline. The interest of an artist is to compose, write, appreciate
the arts, create, imagine, and generate new ideas.

C) Educational Preparation
For the three (3) occupations that you chose above, complete the following information:

What trainings or degrees do I need to finish or obtain?

What license do I need to acquire?

What educational steps do I need to take?

Where will I get the education?

How long will it take me to finish?

How much will it cost me? Who will pay for my education?

1) Occupation No. 1: Marine Biologist

•BS in Marine Biology

• theres no board exam

• to graduate of BSMB

• I still don’t know where but there are schools that I’m considering: Davao del Norte State College, MSU- Gensan, DSSC

•four(4) years
 unknown

• My parents

2) Occupation No.2: Marine Fisheries Technician

•Bachelor's degree in Fisheries and Aquatic Resources

• Fisheries Technologist Licensure Examination

•Earn a Bachelor of Science in Fisheries and Aquatic Resources

• DNSC, MSU-Gensan

•four years


•My parents

3) Occupation No.3: Fine Artist

• Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)

•no board exam but opt to take Civil Service Examination

•Earn my Professional degree in Fine Arts

•University of Mindanao (Davao City)

•four-year degree program


•My parents

D) Career Goals and Values

1) My Short term Career Goal are; to graduate SHS, taking entrance exams from different schools and ofc passing all the

2) My long term goal are to finish my degree, have a stable job.



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