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Website Audit Report industryworkforcesolutions

Issue Name Issue Type Issue Priority

Directives: No index Warning High
Directives: No follow Warning High
Images: Over 100 KB Opportunity Medium
Canonicals: Missing Warning Medium
Security: Missing HSTS Header Warning Low
Security: Missing Content-Security-Policy
Header Warning Low
Security: Missing X-Content-Type-Options
Header Warning Low
Security: Missing X-Frame-Options Header Warning Low
Security: Missing Secure Referrer-Policy
Header Warning Low
Images: Missing Alt Text Issue Low
Images: Missing Alt Attribute Issue Low
Security: Protocol-Relative Resource Links Warning Low
Links: Internal Outlinks with No Anchor Text Opportunity Low

Sitemap Error: Kindly update sitemap and remove 404 urls

Roboots.txt not updated

Website Mobile speed performance very slow

Desktop performance need improvement:

Schema use Organization not use article

Kindly remove no-index tag in roobts.txt
Googlebot not crawl your site correct
Alt attribute missing all images

Working Keywords:

cybersecurity solutions
cybersecurity management solution

enterprise cybersecurity solutions

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