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"12 rules for life an antidote to chaos" is self-help by one of the most renowned psychologists and
psychology professor’s Dr Jordan Peterson.

The book lays down 12 different rules to guide people through their journey of an undisciplined and
unreasonably complicated life. The author summarizes the extensive takeaways for disciplined,
successful and organized life from his long-practised profession into these 12 rules. Instead of
deceiving or, I might as well say rather than comforting the readers by proposing that life is just
going to be exquisite, he bluntly lays down the hardcore truth of life being full of responsibilities and
the terrible burden of the world to which he adds the methodology of making it less of a pain and
more of an adventures voyage.

One of the first rules that Jordan cover is an injunction on how one should present themselves.
Throughout this chapter he pins down the importance of presentation. By citing different examples,
he explains how a wrong posture results in automatic depletion in confidence which commonly
leads to emotional dysregulation. He suggests it’s important for every individual occupy some space
and appear forthright with your shoulders put back which does leave you vulnerable but this how
you appear to be master of your game and hence people are likely to give benefit of doubt and he
backs the whole statement on the regulation of serotine in your brain faces a increment with change
in posture.

It is supposed by many researchers that posture regulation is tightly associated with serotine
regulation which a very crucial factor of your emotional regulation. In the contemporary time it is
important for every individual to confront the world in a courageous manner. Sometimes it is known
as the Matthew Principle (Matthew 25:29), derived from what might be the harshest statement ever
attributed: “to those who have everything, more will be given; from those who have nothing,
everything will be taken.” One you appear to the most confident people before approaching you
which in its own way impersonates your value.

The part of our brain that keeps track of our position in the dominance hierarchy is therefore
exceptionally ancient and fundamental. It is a master control system which is usually modulating our
perceptions, values, emotions, thoughts and actions. It powerfully affects every aspect of our Being,
conscious and unconscious alike. This is why, when we are defeated, are postures are instantly

Hence the chapter is a concoction of reasons why your posture makes an impact. Walking up
straight definitely makes you vulnerable as you are open to attacks with no defence barrier of
slouched shoulder by which I am referring to how a pre conceived notion about is going to differ.

Walking straight is walking with awareness of responsibilities you hold and accepting them rather
than being stuck in the denial stage.

One of the rules from the book is "Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping".
These bunch of words combined make a life-changing sentence. Some might misunderstand the
following as self-love however, this is called self-discipline. He simply explains his point by citing the
example of how a person takes care of their loved ones say for example their dog and fail to do the
same for themselves. You need to realize you have a moral obligation towards yourself and, when
you wish to live in a better world, you need to make the world that place. Give yourself a benefit of
the doubt during your hardships and buckle up with those lessons to become the master of those

As the book further movies Dr. Peterson talks about growth of resentment. Citing some incredible
examples, he explains how people clearly being aware of the fact that they are not the architects of
their own fragility but still tend to beat themselves up. By which he attempts to explain all the
resentment people hold towards there failed self or their broken self, the part of them who suffered
in the past, who was easily victimized by the people. How about the present you who is easily
victimized by the past you? Making friends with the past is how you start to look in the future,
mistakes and failures are part of the process regretting them is wrong however not learning from
them is a sin. Setbacks and suffering are inevitable part this life some respond to it with denial some
with anger however, some change positively by the affliction and discover better part of themselves.

Sound farfetched I know, but remember life comes from you, start working out of conscious and not
habit. Take responsibility of your action cause your every action will have an opposite reaction.

The book further meditates around some very conscious kicking chapters and one of them in
particular is “pet a cat one you in counter one”, the author himself claims this one to be most driven
by his personal experience. The author in this chapter explains his point through the example of his
very daughter, who was a victim of arthritis. The chapter in itself acts as a practical guide for coping
up the crisis of the human limitation that is how our body has limits and it tends to get sick. He
clearly states that human beings are intrinsically fragile and we hold a tendency to break be it
physical or mental and this the dismissal set of facts but what remains important is to wonder how
we can expect to thrive and be happy even in these circumstances.
We wonderfully portrait’s how our limitation our what make us. He explains how existence and
limitation are two parts of our forthcoming life that we cannot deny. He cites the example of 1980s
super man who was on a stage where he was given all the supernatural power the writers could
imagine but soon this led to down fall of superman. His wholesome powers were not intriguing any
more. Now the way they saved superman man was by limiting its power, there are few things that
that makes it harder to accept the fundamental limitations of human existence however its
important to look at it wit picture that author canvass “though thirty spokes may from the wheel, it
is the hole within the hub which gives the wheel utility. Now coming to the name of the chapter, pat
a cat what he trying tell you is hat you have to be alert when you are suffering and open you
conscious to unexpected beauty of life because that is exactly what gets you though. He says life
with suffering is like a war and not battel so conserve your energy, think of your suffering for hour
our so and then go back to your daily life. So, he closes the book with a idea that if we didn't all
attempt to make terrible things even worse than they are then maybe we could tolerate the
terrible things that we have to put up with in order to exist and maybe we could make the
world into a better place you know and it's what we should be doing and what we could be
doing because we don't have anything better to do and that's what the book is about.

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