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Same Sex Marriage

Point of view of the researcher: Disagree or not in favour

Facts about Same Sex Marriage

This is a history of same-sex unions in cultures around the world. Various types

of same-sex unions have existed, ranging from informal, unsanctioned, and temporary

relationships to highly ritualized unions that have included marriage. State-

recognized same-sex unions have recently become more widely accepted, with various

countries recognizing same-sex marriages or other types of unions. A celebrated

achievement in LGBT history occurred when Queen Beatrix signed a law making

Netherlands the first country to legalize same-sex marriage (Lahey and Alderson,


According to the article of Barnes (2017), more or less 26 countries around the

world were legalize the same sex marriage this includes: Argentina, Australia, Belgium,

Brazil, Britain, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greenland,

Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway,

Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Uruguay, United States.

Same-sex marriage in the Philippines remains a highly contentious issue due to

the infuence of religion in this predominantly Catholic country, where it is often framed
as an issue of morality. However, the psychological underpinnings of this religious

infuence still merits further exploration (Ochoa et al., 2016).

A major factor in the Philippine context is the infuence of the Catholic Church,

which strongly opposes same-sex marriage (Villegas, 2015). Some factors have been

consistently linked to such attitudes, with women, younger people, and liberals more

likely to approve of samesex marriage. Political conservatives and religious people, in

contrast, are more likely to hold negative attitudes toward same-sex marriage (Duncan

& Kemmelmeier, 2012).


The statements below were part of the articles of Outright Action International –

Human Rights for LGBTQ People Everywhere (2022).

Pride is also a time to shine a spotlight on LGBTIQ issues and uplift and amplify

the lives and contributions of LGBTIQ people. OutRight sponsors the

#PrideWithAPurpose campaign each June to commemorate the history of Pride,

celebrate our incredible progress to date, and call attention to the immense challenges

still facing LGBTIQ people everywhere. 

In this article, the author portrays the issues and challenges of LGBTIQ around

the world and uplifting their pride due to their contributions in the society. Complete

article is shown in the reference link below. In my opinion, one of those challenges of

LGBTIQ is the adjustment in the society in particular the notions of acceptance in terms

of their personality, character and even in relationship freedom or “same sex marriage”.

The fight and pursuit of LGBTIQ on same sex marriage for those countries who did not
legalize the relationship could be their biggest challenge. For me, in my opinion, I accept

the personality, character and skills of LGBTIQ because they have varied skills and

talents. I also loved them in terms of friendship and companionship. However, in terms of

marriage or marital relationship, I am boldly against it with the following reasons:

First, I do not accept in my view of seeing two men or both women living in one

house as married couple.

Second, I don’t like also to see both men and both women holding hands in the

public as married couple because it is unethical for me.

Third, actually, Jesus addressed all sexual disorders by affirming marriage and

gender distinctions as they were from the beginning. Matthew 19:4-6 records this

interaction between Jesus and the Pharisees.

And Pharisees came up to him and tested him by asking, “Is it lawful to divorce

one's wife for any cause?” He answered, “Have you not read that he who created them

from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave

his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one

flesh’? So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together,

let not man separate.”

In the passage, based on my belief, God clarifies that He only allows Men and

Women to get married, and more than this clarification is against to Him. It means that

in the first place, God do not want to see the same sex to get married.

In the Genesis account, God reveals to Abraham that Sodom and Gomorrah are

to be destroyed for their grave sins (18:20). Abraham pleads for the lives of any

righteous people living there, especially the lives of his nephew, Lot, and his family.
Abraham seems to negotiate with God on behalf of the righteous in the two cities. God

first agrees to spare the cities if 50 righteous people can be found and eventually

agrees to spare them if 10 righteous people can be found (18:23–32). Two angels,

appearing as men, are sent to Lot in Sodom but are met with a wicked mob who ask for

the newcomers. Lot offers the mob his daughters instead, but this only further enrages

the mob, who are then struck blind by the angelic guests (19:1–11). Finding only Lot

and his family as righteous among the inhabitants, the angels warn Lot to quickly

evacuate the city and not look back. As they flee the destruction, Lot’s wife looks back

upon the city and is turned into a pillar of salt (19:12–29).

In this passage, God explains to Abraham the fall of Sodom and Gomorrah. When

we deepen our study on these passage, the reason why God destroyed Sodom and

Gomorrah was because of their wickedness which is the homosexuality was the main

sin. This means that God will not allow sin referring to homosexuality to spread-out and

to continue to influence to other people to commit sin also. God explains it as adultery

which sins because of sexual desire not only same sex marriage but also the other form

of sexual intercourse which is not permitted by God and by the law of the people.

Political Views and Public Views on Same Sex Marriage

The article below was authored by Carlos H. Conde, Senior Researcher, Asia

Division (2017).

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on Monday reversed a campaign promise to

push for legalization of same-sex marriage. “That [same-sex marriage] won’t work for
us. We’re Catholics,” he said in a speech before the Filipino community in Burma. “And

there’s the Civil Code, which says that [a man] can only marry a woman.”

Critics quickly denounced the president’s turnaround. A Filipino LGBT

activist decried the flip-flop as a blow to the LGBT community’s efforts to establish a

legal foundation for “property rights and even in caring for children both parties decide

to adopt.” While same-sex “holy unions“ do occur in the Philippines, they are not legally

recognized under marriage laws, forcing couples to resort to legal instruments including

“special power of attorney” documents to provide their relationships a modicum of legal

protection. Duterte’s reversal is not just about campaign promises – it jeopardizes the

fundamental rights of LGBT partners and families.

Allowing same-sex marriage would enable gays and lesbians in the

Philippines to marry the person they love and would strengthen everyone’s

rights. From a human rights perspective, broadening civil marriage to couples of the

same sex demonstrates respect for the fundamental rights of equality and

nondiscrimination. It should be enshrined in Philippine law.

I would like to emphasize the phrase or sentence that said: “Allowing same-sex

marriage would enable gays and lesbians in the Philippines to marry the person

they love and would strengthen everyone’s rights.” This phrase is correct and

promotes no discrimination for gays and lesbians. Marrying the one you love is correct

also. But the civil law of the Philippines state in the Civil Code of the Philippines Article

55: ARTICLE 55. No particular form for the ceremony of marriage is required, but the

parties with legal capacity to contract marriage must declare, in the presence of the

person solemnizing the marriage and of two witnesses of legal age, that they take each
other as husband and wife. This means that the Philippine laws require husband and

wife to get married. This means also that the Philippine people majority believe on

husband and wife marital relationship. In order to materialize the amendment of the law,

majority of people and law makers should agreed before it will be implemented. In this

point, the homosexual relationship is not permitted in the law of the land.

What if?

What if the same sex marriage is permitted in the law of the land? Is it right for

the same sex to get married? The answer first is yes in the eyes of the people; because

it is permitted in the law. The second answer is no, because it is not right in the eyes of

God. This means that even the people agreed on the same sex marriage, it is always

sinful in the eyes of God!

In Romans 6:23 states that “for the wages of sin is death (referring to eternal

death in hell) but the gift of God is eternal life (in heaven) in Christ Jesus our Lord!” This

means that the same sex marriage is cause of people to sin against God and candidate

to hell.

However, man has his own choice, if he /she choose to sin, then they might face

judgment; but if they choose to believe and follow God, it should be on the will of God!.

And I do believe that same sex marriage is not the will of God! It is the cause of

destruction and condemnation. If the gay or lesbian or whatever they belonged on

societal orientation, if they decided to believe and follow God, they should decide where

or what to follow; their loved to their same sex that causes sin or to loved God more

than else to the point of controlling their flesh desire because of their faith.
Final Argument

For me, let him or her decide to what their choice is for their life. I cannot say no

to their point of view about same sex marriage. I don’t want also them to get angry with

me because of my arguments and point of view about same sex marriage. On the other

hand, I do believe on true loved from God! The love that God offers is eternal happiness

and not temporary happiness with the other person regardless of their gender or sexual

orientation. God does not want His people who believe in Him to be punished or be

perished. I loved gays, lesbians or whatever sexual orientations they called; and I don’t

want them to be in hell in the latter days that I choose not to agreed on same sex

marriage not because I don’t want to see them doing unethical only but also I don’t want

them also be tortured in eternal flame. This is my reason. I am sorry for telling this that

even I agreed for your same sex marriage but still God do not agree with it.

Barnes, E. (2017). The state of same sex marriage around the world. marriage/?gclid= EAIaI
QobChMIm8DDhu-g gIVhUNgCh09ygZzEAAYAiAAEgLB7vD_BwE.

Conde, H. (2017). Philippines should adopt same sex marriage.

Duncan, M. L., & Kemmelmeier, M. (2012). Attitudes toward same-sex marriage: An

essentialist approach. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 12(1), 377–

Lahey, Kathleen A.; Alderson, Kevin (2004). Same-Sex Marriage. Insomniac Press.

pp. 15–16. ISBN 9781897414989.

Ochoa, D., Sio, C., Quinones, D.M. & Manalastas, E.J. (2016). A Bond Between Man
and Woman: Religiosity, Moral Foundations, and Same-Sex Marriage Attitudes in
the Philippines. ttps://

Outright Action International – Human Rights for LGBTQ People Everywhere (2022).

Villegas, S. B. (2015, August 28). A pastoral response to the acceptance of homosexual

lifestyle and the legalization of homosexual unions. Retrieved May 17, 2016, from cbcpnews/?p=62674

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