Violation in Others

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Violation in others’ rights echoed in our country, during the term of our recent president
Rodrigo Duterte. They said that this War on drugs is to limit production and distribution of illicit
drugs while preventing usage, treating dependency, and promoting safer and healthier
communities. Yes, I felt safer than before but what are the consequences? Does the war lessen?
There are a lot of questions that circulate in our country but the most striking one is the death
of over 12,000 where 6,229 drug personalities have been killed as of March 2022. The
Policemen said that almost all of those deaths were caused of them not comprehending with
the law. Seeing these deaths in record makes us ask ourselves, where is the human rights on
this? Our law-enforcer or who ever killed those people violated the rights and not just their
rights, but also God. I think, this violation of rights that happened are responsibility of our
lawmakers and elected leaders and yet up until now there are no answer on these deaths.
Condolence to those who lost a loved one, and I hope that one day someone will pay for these
2. By basing on his words and never forget him, with this I know in myself that I am right because I
base my decision in his words. I will defend the human rights and give others a second chance
and as a citizen, I will not support the government in these violations specially the human rights
and death penalty and to ensure this will be fulfilled I will always support those who are in need
or those that are violated. As an educator, I will use my profession to teach all of my students on
their rights as a person and as the son of God.

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