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In regards to whether or not we should ban sodas and fast food on the campus of State University, I

disagree with this action. I do not think that we should ban fast food or sodas because people are
entitled to what they want to eat. By prohibiting fast food and sodas, we would outrage some of the
students and they would feel some of their rights are taken by limiting their number of food sources
they are entitled to.

Based on my opinion, I strongly believe that hand phones should be banned from schools. This is
because the detrimental effect of students’ usage of hand phones in school weighs heavier than its
benefits. Firstly, hand phones should be banned in school because students’ easily loses focus in class.
Acquiring knowledge, learn something new and to educate one-self are the reasons students go to

Fahrenheit 451 should not be banned, because profanity is already commonplace in school, it has
educational content, and the book shows some scary revelations of the future. I think that banning the
book, because of profanity would be very ironic. There is an excessive amount of profanity used in
public school.

In the article “Fast Food and Soft Drink Corporations Should Be Banned From Public Schools”, we can see
that it doesn’t work. When students are given limited options, they will seek other resources regardless
if they are not available to them on campus. If you were to ban this, then students would just go to
other schools, which would definitely lower the enrolment rate.

In Robert Cormier’s The Chocolate War, the story itself may be considered a little controversial.
Although the storyline is interesting and many people had their eyes glued to the page, others believe
that some parts in the book are too controversial that it should be banned in schools. I personally
believe that even though The Chocolate War was an interesting book to read, it should be banned from

I think there should not be a law that bans violent video game production. I think this because if we ban
violent video games then most companies that manufacture the violent video games could go bankrupt.
Also I don’t think that it’s the video games are making the younger generation commit all the crimes
that they are committing.

To sum up, to professionals, it is best to maintain their professional image and Facebook does not assist
on maintaining it. However, this does not conclude to ban professionals from using Facebook, Facebook
is an open site and everybody can utilize it. Professionals may use it but obviously not for professionals’
interests, other types of means will work more efficiently than Facebook, such as, Email, and the newest
social site, called Linkedin.

So parents should not send their kids to public schools if they have a problem with profanity. Also the
irony of wanting to ban a book that shows a world of censorship. Colored people dont like the Little
Black Sambo, so get rid of it. But if this were to happen with every book that one group of people doesnt
like millions of the books would need to be banned.

On the other hand, guns are created to destroy the same lives that the doctors and scientists worked so
hard to save. This is another reason why we just have to ban guns. Guns should be banned. The
presence of guns makes our society insecure. Guns are used every year to commit crimes and murders,
all this could stop if we take action now and eradicate the selling and purchasing of guns in public.
Market reaction prior to and after the Facebook IPO indicates issues within the current valuation models
that companies and analysts are using. It is recommended that companies should start to consider using
the real option method to valuate companies with similar business characteristics as Facebook

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