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Sideco House is situated at the corner of P. Carmen and Vallarta Sts.

here in Poblacion, San Isidro, Nueva

Ecija. It is a residential area, surrounded by the Vasquez, Moreno and Tinio houses which were
prominent families during that time. The house sits in the middle of the property. Mango, Cocoa, and
Caimito grow in the backyard while flowery plants decorate the fence and front of the house. Before,
only few can pass by this street, P. Carmen, due to limited number of residents. Since this is a populated
area now, many passersby can see and admire its beauty.

Aside from the historical value of the house, its architechtural design is also a great one from floor to
roofing. Adobe blocks, tiza or bricks adorn the walls of the ground floor. 2 big trunks support the roofing
from the ground, hand chiseled and curved. The stairs are with elaborately designed balluster. The 2nd
floor has flooring with at least 2 ft x 10 ft wood plank. The windows are made of capiz, doubled with
wooden jalousy for better air circulation. The ceiling has opening from the outside to let the cold air in,
between the ceiling and the roof. Adding insulation to tropical heat, bamboo poles were placed along
the roofing. The kitchen area has a backdoor and separate stairs to let its commodities without the
guests noticing it. There is also a well for water supply then. There are 1 or 2 secret doors that may lead
to a bunker or tunnel towards the riverbank to facilitate easy escape.

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