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Father Saturnino Urios University

Abp. Carmelo D.F. Morelos Campus

Basic Education Department
Libertad, Butuan City

The purpose of this survey is to gather information about your pets and
the amount of time you spend with them.

Anttoine Selidio
Cathleen Jamero
Shilo Salazar

Submitted to:
Sir Al Betantos

XI- St. Sylvester

I. Introduction

We conducted a survey for Sylvester grade XI students to learn more

about their pets and how much time they spend with them. The results of
the survey, to which students in Sylvester XI responded, are shown in the
table below. You can be sure that all data collected in this survey will be kept
private and used solely for research.

II. Name and Individual Responses

Name (Last What type of How frequently How much time

Name, First pet/pets do you do you take your do you spend
Name, Middle have? pets out? time with your
Initial) pet/pets on a
daily basis?

Jamero, Cathleen D Dog A few times 1hr.

Tañaña, Atasha Dog More than once a 30 mins

Andre G. week

Simon, Jon Xyre S. Cat Once a week 2 hrs.

Makiling, Dane Jasten Dog More than once a 2 hrs.

Sanchez week

Guiritan, Pearl Dog A few times 30 mins


Pugoy, Abbygail O. Fish I don't take my fish 30 mins


Perez, Pat Johnwa B. Cat A few times 1 hr.

Villamor, Glenn Dog Everyday 30 miins

Alberto M.

Tacogue, Darrell Cat Indoor cat 2 hrs.

Dean P.
Salise, Boriz, B. Dog Once a month 30 mins

Trugillo, Elaine Maye Dog A few times 30 mins


Perez, Asher P. Dog More than once a 1 hr.


Torralba, Chiara Dog Once a month 4hrs.+

Elaine J.

Vapor, Kerwin Kyle G. Dog More than once a 1 hr.


Magsipoc, Karylle V. Dog More than once a 4hrs.+


Pao Patrick Vincent Dog A few times 2 hrs.


Rafallo, Joseph Dog A few times 1 hr.


Pedriña, Ethan Dog A few times 1 hr.

Laurence S.

Sarausa, Mariel Ann Cat A few times 1 hr.


Naquita, John Lorenz Cat Once a month 30 mins


Orongan Enrique Dog A few times 30 mins

Miguel C.

Rodes, Krizzhia Jewell Dog A few times 30 mins


Fernandez, Coleen F Dog More than once a 4hrs.+


Semacio, Peter Dog More than once a 1 hr.

Ldfrances Tirol. week
Moncada, Marielle Dog Once a week 3 hrs.
Mae M.

Saranillo, Kenzh Noel, Cat Once a week 1 hr.


Rudinas, Ron S. Dog Once a month 3 hrs.

Rulona, Johann Dog More than once a 3 hrs.

Martin C. week

Nastor, Ernestine Dog More than once a 3 hrs.

Faye Amigo. week

Ojeda, Joefel O. Dog Everyday 2 hrs.

Pinlac Justine Alexis Turtle More than once a 30 mins

G. week

Naquita, Yozef, D. Dog A few times 1 hr.

Rafallo, Kaycee Niña Dog Once a week 4hrs.+


Salcedo, Liam Neo, C. Dog More than once a 30 mins


Sostino, Khristjohn Dog A few times 30 mins

Mari G.

Uchida, Mitchio Dog A few times 4hrs.+

Allyah C.

Velasquez Lea T Dog More than once a 3 hrs.


Yonson, Jay Andrew Dog More than once a 2 hrs.

R. week
III. Organized Data & Description and Observations

Question #1

What type of pet/pets do you have?

-Except for the researchers, we have invited the Grade 11 St. Sylvester class to
participate. In a poll asking about the type of pet(s) they have and how they spend
their time with them. The poll had three questions, and we researchers received a
total of about 38 replies. We asked the respondents to select what kind of pet(s)
they currently own for the first question.

A dog was the most popular choice among the 38 respondents, with a pick rate of
about 78.9%, or about 30 people, and turtle and fish were the least popular choices,
at about 2.6% each (1). Cats came in second with roughly 15.8% (6).
Question #2

How frequently do you take your pets out?

-In the second question, we asked respondents how frequently they take their
pets out. According to the 38 responses, the majority, or approximately 34.2% (13)
of the respondents, prefer to take their pets out more than once a week and a few
times. With once a week and once a month being the second with 10.5% or about 4
people. Everyday came in third with two respondents, followed by I don't take my
fish out and indoor cat, which came in last with 2.6% or about one person.
Question #3

How much time do you spend with your pet/pets on a daily basis?

-The third question asks respondents to indicate how much time they spend
each day with their pet or pets.

We discovered from the 38 responses that most respondents preferred 30 minutes,

with a ratio of 31.6%, or roughly 12 persons. Followed up by 1 hr. with 26.3% (10), 2
hrs. with 15.8% (6), 3 hrs. and 4 hrs. were the least choices at about 13.2% (5).
IV. Conclusion

To sum up, the purpose of the pet survey that we, the researchers, conducted
was to learn what type of pet the XI-Sylvester students have and how much time
they spend with their pets. The majority of Sylvester students (34.2%) prefer to take
their pets out "a few times," and the most popular pet there is a dog (78.9%). The
time they spend with their pets on an average day is 30 minutes with a percentage
of (31.6%). Therefore, we have concluded from our research that not everyone has
the same type of pet and does not have the same amount of time to spend with
their pet on a daily basis. Each person has a different type of pet and a preferred
time to bond with them. This is in line with Statistics and Probability in General

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