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Father Urios arrived in Butuan in year 1875.

He preached the mission there with

good intentions.He then started building churches,convents,and founded
villages.Father Urios travelled the whole Agusan District.He founds enjoyment in
writing letters to his superior about the spiritual progress and its drawbacks in this
region.He was in indestructible optimist.A idea pop up on his mind that one day
Jesus should be known by the entire Agusan.A book that was titled  "History of
the Christianization of the Diocese of Surigao and Butuan" mentioned that Fr.
Urios never rested during his missionary life.

                Fr.Urios has personal charisma and patience.Fr.Arcilla S.J identified

that,that was the reason for Fr.Urios succesful evangelization.Fr.Urios
acknowledge his self as on of the manobo whom he love.He have self discipline
and so much kindness.He taught them how to use the holy water (not to drink) on
entering or leaving the chapel; when to kneel,stand and sit down during the
mass: why one had to remove his/her headdress inside the church or house.The
chieftain once asked him: why form a new community?That they never lived
before.Urios asked in return, "Do you see this hand?" One finger could not lift
weights.But with five fingers "plies the oar,forges iron,makespears and anything
else one likes.His duty, was that of the man building a boat from one leg, who
keeps chopping away until finally he carves out the boat from the shapeless tree
trunk.Manobos were futile and left lying on the forest but with the help of
missionary's exhortations they became good Christians.Fr.Urios had been tested
several times.A case in point when a  husband came to him.The man asked for
some indemnification he was planning because of an evil spirit killed his
wife.Fr.Urios asked what kind of  indemnification he was planning and the man
answered of what he wants.Fr.Urios called a meeting of the more sensible
leaders of the village and he solved the problem in a right and good way.

               Fr.Urios never stop being hard working and determined.He visited

villages from time to time and celebrated masses.He had huge love for the
manobos, he considered them as his children.

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