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17 ways to simplify your life right now

posted by Sarah on January 13, 2014 | print article | e-mail to a friend 1 0 2,093

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By far the biggest misconception about becoming organized is that it’s all about
making a space look pristine, whether that’s a room, a closet, or even your car. In
reality, getting organized is really all about eliminating the friction from your
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When you simplify, you strip away those elements that stretch you thin and stress
you out. With less, you ironically gain more time…peace…happiness. Buttoned Up, Inc. on Facebook

Here are 17 ways to simplify things in the year ahead:

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1. Turn off alerts.
I know it’s Pavlovian to look! So do yourself a favor and turn the darn things off. All
those bleeps and pop-ups do is break your focus – 99.99% of the time they are not
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2. Eat sitting down.

It prevents overeating, aids digestion, reduces insulin resistance and Notebooks
heartburn…and is actually a lot more enjoyable. with
3. Don’t let junk mail in the house. $14.95

Every household will receive at least 850 pieces of junk mail this year alone. Do Kickstart Boot
yourself a favor and put junk mail (catalogs included) immediately in the recycle bin. Camp
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4. Automate your bill payments.
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Eliminate paper statements and late fees.

5. Develop a “NO” script.

When you say yes to too many things all you’re really doing is shortchanging the our sponsors

1 dari 4 01/05/2014 13:25

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Start your day with an “aaah,” not an “ugh.” Take the last 10 minutes before bed and
declutter the last two rooms you were in, get the coffee pot ready, unload the

8. Practice delegating one thing a day.

It’s not a weakness or an imposition to ask for help. It enables those around you to
participate more fully. The more you practice (starting with little things), the stronger
your delegation muscle will become

9. Wait 48-hours before buying any non-essential items.

Chances are you really don’t need it.

10. Grocery shop with a list.

You’ll get it done faster…and spend less!

11. Count your blessings every morning.

At the start of the day, before you open your email, take 2 minutes to write down a
list of things you’re grateful for. The subtle shift in focus will boost your energy, and
remind you of what’s important.

12. Use hooks.

Hooks are of of the the best organizational shortcuts going. They’re perfect for busy
people and look great in virtually any decor .

13. Wipe your bathroom sink with a sponge every day.

Keep a sponge under the sink. A wipe every day takes 2 seconds and will
dramatically cut down on the number of “deep cleans” you have to do.

14. Develop one month of dinner menus & shopping lists.

Figuring out what’s for dinner at the 11th hour is a huge and totally unnecessary
stressor. All you need are 4 weeks worth of menus to rotate through. If you shop
digitally, you can set up the shopping lists online and shopping becomes a one-click

15. Make a distinction between your laundry list & a to-do list.
A laundry list has everything on it. A to-do list is about what really needs to get done
today. Read more about distinguishing the two in the secret to a more productive

16. Practice the “two hands in, two hands out” rule.
Wherever you are going, you should never have empty hands. As you walk through
a room you can pick something up and put it in its place on your way.

17. Release 27 things.

Go through your house and collect 27 things to give away…and give them away!


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tags: boost productivity, get organized, Productivity, shortcuts, simplicity, simplify, simplify your life

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