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Hi everyone.

This is my first attempt at this, and it's been years since I've
statted stuff on a regular basis, so please bear with me! For this gadget, I've
decided to create a new Gadget Trait, listed below the TCE. I'll also post the new
Trait seperately. All feedback, constructive criticism, etc is welcome!

The Tissue Compression Eliminator, also known as the TCE, was a trademark weapon of
the Master. As its name suggests, the TCE killed by drastically compressing the
bodies of its targets to the point where life functions ceased. The Master liked to
leave the shrunken doll-like corpses of his victims as a calling-card for the
Doctor to discover.

The TCE, despite its name, was equally capable of shrinking inorganic tissue:
victims' clothes were also shrunk, and on one occasion the Master demonstrated the
weapon by shrinking unoccupied space-suits. The Doctor once described the method by
which the Master killed as Matter Compression, which seems slightly more accurate.
However, one must always bear in mind that the Master is an insane evil genius and
one must not expect everything he says and does to conform to the highest standards
of rationality (it also may have just been called that to sound scarier).

Tissue Compression Eliminator (TCE) (Major Gadget)

Traits: Matter Compression (Major) (see below), Weapon, Restriction (only works on
roughly man-sized subjects)
Story Points: 2

The Master modified his TCE to be used as a weapon, the effects of the Matter
Compression beam killing his victims outright. When used in this way, the user must
roll To-Hit (Coordination + Marksman + two dice) as normal. The TCE has the
following weapon damage: L (4/L/L) The Master would shrink his unfortunate prey to
roughly the size of an Action Man doll...

(Gave the TCE a 'Weapon' Trait, in exchange for the Restriction)

New Gadget Trait: Matter Compression (Minor / Major Good Trait)

This Trait allows the Gadget to shrink both living and non-living matter. The Minor
version of this Trait will reduce the object or person by up to half their original
size (user's choice). The Major equivalent will shrink the subject even further -
down to a third, a quarter, or even less, of their original size (if the Gamemaster
feels it's applicable to the story, the subject may even be reduced to microscopic

If used against a living person or creature, they take no damage, but all their
Physical Attributes (Strength, Awareness, Coordination) are divided by the amount
they were shrunk (half, third, quarter, sixth, eighth, etc.). Round down to a
minimum of 0! If the shrunken subject faces a conflict relative to their new,
shrunken size (eg: a dust mite or cockroach), then use their original Attributes.

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