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Systems Development Methods MMM2021

At the end of this coursework, you should be able to:
 Explain the purpose, structure, and scope of modern Information System Development
Methodologies (C2, PLO).

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer all questions.


A: SDLC Concepts and Principles

1. Explain THREE (3) benefits of applying the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) for
an Information System (IS) project.
2. Explain THREE (3) problems of applying SDLC for an Information System (IS) project.
3. Draw a diagram for SDLC showing its main phases and sub-phases.

B: SDLC Sub-phases
1. Write a summary of SDLC Main Phases and sub-phases. Under each main phase, describe
the following:
a) List and describe all the sub-phases/sub-tasks
b) People who are involved
c) Input documents
d) Output documents
e) Popular techniques used

C: IS Development Methodologies – Part 1:

1. Find THREE (3) names of popular IS development methodologies used today? Describe
what are the types of projects they used for?
2. Discuss the THREE (3) advantages of using IS Development Methodologies.
3. Discuss the THREE (3) distinctive disadvantages using the following IS Development
a) Waterfall
b) Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM)

D: IS Development Methodologies – Part 2

1. Draw a table and compare THREE (3) differences between Traditional Methodologies with
Agile Methodologies.
2. Draw a diagram to show phases/activities in the following methodologies, and briefly
describe each diagram.
a) Extreme Programming (XP)
b) Scrum
c) Rapid Application Development (RAD)

E: System Analysis

1. Discuss the THREE (3) advantages and THREE (3) disadvantages of the following data
analysis methods:
a) Data Mining
Systems Developments Methods 2 of 2
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Systems Development Methods MMM 2022
b) Statistical Analysis

2. You have been approached to design a new system for a car rental company (CRC). The
company has various models of cars to be rented out. Each model is specified by its
manufacturer, and model name and has its daily charge. Each car has a registration number
and odometer reading.
Customers who wish to rent a car will make a booking in the new system by specifying the
model that they want and the dates that the car is required. The CRC staff will need to
confirm the booking and send an invoice. On the specified day, the customer will come and
collect the car. Based on the model that is booked, an available car will be allocated to the
customer. The car’s odometer reading is noted, and a rental agreement will be drawn up for
the car. The customer’s name, address, mobile phone number, and driving license number
will be recorded. Besides, customers may also be corporate customers in which case their
job title and the company name must be known.

Write TWO (2) functional requirements and TWO (2) non-functional requirements for the
CRC system.

F: System Testing
1. Explain FIVE (5) advantages and FIVE (5) disadvantages of software testing.
2. Describe THREE (3) testing methods that can be conducted in a software development


Components Allocated Marks

1 3
A 2 3
3 5
B 1 20
1 6
C 2 6
3 6
1 6
2 9
1 12
2 8
1 10
2 6

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