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How different Linux desktops handle dual monitors

GNOME 3 (Ubuntu)

Windows can be dragged

between monitors.

Windows maximize to
whatever screen they are on.

Windows can be snapped to

both sides of both screens.

Launcher and top bar are

only on the main screen.

'Activities' view spans both screens,

it shows the applications
that are open on each screen.

Workspaces only apply

to the main screen.

Applications list is only on

the main screen, second
screen shows Activities.

Power Off dialogue is only

on the main screen,
both screens darken.

On the login screen, the

second screen is solid purple.

KDE (Kubuntu)

When maximized on the right monitor there is a gap

at the bottom, probably because the left monitor is
1920x1080 and the right monitor is 1920x1200.

Windows can be snapped to the left of the left screen

or the right of the right screen, but not to the right of
the left screen or the left of the right screen.

By default, taskbar is
only on the main screen.

But you can add another taskbar

and move it to the second screen.

By default, both taskbars show

applications on both screens.

But you can make each taskbar only

show applications on that screen.
Log out options show on both
screens at the same time, mouse
can be moved between screens.

Login screen shows on both

screens at the same time, mouse
can be moved between screens.

On-screen keyboard can

show on either screen.

Cinnamon (Linux Mint)

Windows can be snapped to

both sides of both screens.

Taskbar is only on
the main screen.

Unlike in KDE, you cannot add

a taskbar to the second screen.

On the login screen, the background is

displayed on both screens, UI is displayed
on whichever screen the mouse is on.

Windows can be snapped to

both sides of both screens.

Launcher and top bar are

displayed on both screens.

Workspace switcher
spans both screens.

Workspaces apply
to both screens.

Title and menus for current

application only display on
the top bar of the screen
that the application is on.

Shut Down and Log Out dialogues

come up on whichever screen
they are brought up from.

Login screen is duplicated

on both screens.

Unity (Old Ubuntu)

Top and bottom bars are

only on the main screen.
You can add a new panel, but you
can't move it to the second screen.

Workspaces apply
to both screens.

Fullscreen terminal (No desktop)

Text is duplicated
on both screens.

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