Introduction Thesis

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Fundamental operation in simplifying mathematical expressions consisting of the

same type of operation, we perform one operation at a time generally starting from the left

towards the right. If an expression has more than one fundamental operation, you cannot

perform operations in the order they appear in the given question. We need follow the rules to

perform the operations. Some operations have to be performed before the others. That is,

each operation has its own precedence. There are four fundamental operations in

mathematics: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Operations of integers will

include the basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). In

Math, integers are the numbers that include all the positive numbers, negative numbers and

zero, excluding fractions. Hence, it is easy to perform operations on integers.

Remediation is also colloquially known as “re-teaching,” as it assumes that the

student has been introduced to concepts previously but has not yet mastered them.

Remediation enables teachers to spot blind spots in students' learning and quickly assess and

correct them. Remedial programs offer the possibility of focusing on those students who are

lagging behind and teaching at a level that is appropriate for their current level of skills.

Most students have difficulty in dealing with math especially they are product of the

pandemic. Many are anxious when they see numbers with positive and negative signs but

actually math is easy, they perceive it as if, it is the most complex in math. Many of the
students know to deal with the four basic operations of mathematics and having fun in

solving for unknown, yet failed to solve when there are positive and negative signs.

If the foundation of mathematics is not mastered, the building blocks of mathematics

not developed, students will struggle to make necessary connections within the content

material or fully understand higher level mathematical concepts. You need to be able to

understand the fundamental, basic concepts of math to be able to survive in the world

independently. If you didn't know how to count, add, subtract, multiply, and divide, think of

the number of things you wouldn't be able to do. This is why math is so important.

This action research focuses to improve the performance of 40 students of Grade 7-

Aguinaldo of Tapaz National High School in Fundamental Operations of Integers through

Remediation. This help students to be more efficient in solving the operations of integers. In

this way they will master how to add, subtract, multiple and divide integers with different

signs easily. The researchers are interested to determine the effect of these in their academic

‘’Improving the skills of Grade 7 learners in Fundamental

Operations of Integers through Remediation”

Crislyn A. Jimenez

Ellen Mae R. Gicole

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