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Functional Specification

BreadTalk Group Pte. Ltd

BreadTalk SAP RETAIL Implementation Project
Functional Specification

Report: Franchisee Customer SOA
Version 1.0

Document Control

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Functional Specification

Development ID: R-RTR-00

Title: Franchisee Customer SOA
Description: Franchisee Customer SOA
Author Jerry Tang
Reference PDD BreadTalk_BPDD_Core Finance_FV_BTSG RT P1_V1.0
Date 27th Jan 2022

Document Acceptance

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Functional Specification

Prepared By Reviewed By Approved By

Process Owner/
Consultant Signature and Date Process Champion Signature and Date Signature and Date
Functional Owner
Jerry Tang 27.01.2022 Agnes Ng Cindy Low

Version Management

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Functional Specification

Version Date Author Description

V1.0 27.01.2022 Jerry Tang Initial Document

Table of Contents

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Functional Specification

Document Control 2
Document Acceptance 3
Version Management 4
Summary 6
1.1. Requirement Overview 6
1.2. Development Type 6
1.3. Development tool 6
1.4. Impacted Systems 6
1.5. Processing Options 7
Enhancement Information/Custom Screens 8
2.1. Summary 8
2.2. Rationale on Customization 8
2.3. Workaround (s) Explored and Recommendation 8
2.4. Steering Committee Decision and Approval 8
2.5. SAP Object(s) or Process (es) to be enhanced: 9
2.6. Enhancement Description: 9
3.1. Selection Screen 9
3.2. Custom table 10
3.3. Data Selection/Validation 10
3.4. Output/Screen Layout 12
3.5. Standard Text 12
3.6. Exception Handling Rules 12
3.7. Security Requirements 12
3.8. Additional Information 12
Unit Testing 13
3.9. Test Scenario 13
3.10. Additional Information / Appendix 13

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Functional Specification


1.1. Requirement Overview

Give a brief description of the requested functionality

This is a report to display franchisee customer statement of account within a date range.
It will sperate 2 different layout with withholding tax and without withholding tax.

1.2. Development Type

Choose the development Type

Development Type: (X ) Report () Interface ( ) Conversion () Enhancement ( ) Form ( ) Workflow

1.3. Development tool

Choose the development Tool

Development Tool: ( X ) ABAP ( ) Report painter ( ) Smart forms ( ) User exit ( ) .Net ( ) Workflow

1.4. Impacted Systems

Place an ‘X’ next to the appropriate software package or business, to indicate all of the software packages or business systems that will be impacted with this development requirement.
For example, an interface between SAP S/4 Hana and Source would require an ‘X’ next to both SAP S/4 Hana and Source.

Software Package: (X ) S4 ( ) Fiori ( ) CAR ( ) POS ( ) PO ( )SLT ( ) SAC ( )OTHERS(List Name)

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Functional Specification

1.5. Processing Options

Specify general processing options

Processing Mode: ( ) Batch (X ) Online

Frequency: ( ) Annually ( ) Quarterly ( X ) Monthly ( ) Weekly ( ) Daily
( ) Other ________________________________________________
Lifetime of development ( X ) Permanent ( ) Temporary, e.g. until Go-live, specify details

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Functional Specification

Enhancement Information/Custom Screens

This section provides information relevant to the identified enhancement being requested via this functional specification. (Note: This section will be deleted if the functional
specification is not for an enhancement.)

2.1. Summary

Enhancement Name: Mass GL journal upload with Park function

Enhancement Type: ( ) User Exit/Customer Function ( ) BADI ( X ) Custom Transaction
Attachment: ( ) No (X ) Yes - Filename: _ Franchisee SOA without WHT.xlsx and Franchisee Customer with WHT.xlsx_________

2.2. Rationale on Customization

Provide a written rationale on why BreadTalk decided to go with SAP Customization instead of adopting standard SAP functionality.

None of the standard SAP functionality can meet the requirement

2.3. Workaround (s) Explored and Recommendation

List the workaround (s) explored and explain the logical reasons for the recommendation of the customization options

To run customer line items report, show customers detail transactions. According to detail transactions to manually arrange customer statement by date.

2.4. Steering Committee Decision and Approval

Document Steering Committee decision and list of stakeholder approval status.

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Functional Specification

2.5. SAP Object(s) or Process (es) to be enhanced:

List the SAP object(s) or transaction(s) to be enhanced. Include the GUI (Web, BSP, Win, etc.) to be used for portal display.

A customized enhancement has to be developed.

New Program name: ZFIxxx

New Transaction code: ZFIxxx?

2.6. Enhancement Description:

A customized enhancement has to be developed

Provide a written description of the functionality that needs to be developed. Identify/describe the SAP application transaction that uses or is used to invoke the enhancement. Describe
tables, transactions, reports, forms, screens and other objects that need to be created or modified. Complete the report/form or interface/conversion sections as appropriate to provide
additional details. For portal development, list I-views and pages (new, existing or enhanced) to be used and include navigation information (e.g. side and top menus, etc.).

3.1. Selection Screen

Describe the selection screen for the report, form or program. Specify fields for selection and describe the validations/checks needed after the user has entered the selection criteria.

Selection fields:
Field name Field type Comments
Company code Single BSID -BUKRS, no default, mandatory
Customer No. Selection BSID- KUNNR
Fiscal year Single BSID- GJAHR, default current year
as of Date Single BSID- BUDAT

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Functional Specification

3.2. Custom table

Specify the custom table structure to be created for the report

3.3. Data Selection/Validation

Specify the data that the report, form or program should select and any filter criteria

Processing Logic

Step 1: Based on the selection screen, company code, fiscal year, customer number, selection date from to BSID which BSID-BUDAT
less equal than (<=) as of date get all document numbers.

Step 2: put all documents number to BKPF to filter out reversal documents pairs if have. Exclude reversal pair Field BKPF- STBLG
Reversed With document number.

Step 3: From individual document number, get document number, posting date (BSID-BUDAT), invoice number (BSID-XBLNR), invoice
date (BSID-BLDAT). [ invoice number, invoice date, SAP document number, posting date part ]

Step4: call function module “NET_DUE_DATE_GET” base on baseline date BSID-ZFBDT + payment term BSID-ZTERM + BSID-ZBD1T +
BSID-ZBD2T + BSID-ZBD3T + BSID- SHKZG = S (Debit side). BSID-ZFBDT and ZBD1T was mandatory, others are optional. To get Net
due date. [ invoice due date]

Step5: Go ACDOCA table base on document number, company code, fiscal year and ledger = “0L” to select all line items, check customer
line which is ACDOCA-KUNNR not blank and ACDOCA-KOART= ‘D’ it’s Offsetting Account. If ACDOCA-GKONT belong to set
ZBAKERY_WHT_MAS/BAS, then then display Franchisee Customer with WHT SOA layout MASTER / BASE part,
ZBAKERY_WHT_LICENSE, then then display Franchisee Customer with WHT SOA layout STORE LICENSE part
ZBAKERY_WHT_ROYALTY, then then display Franchisee Customer with WHT SOA layout ROYALTY part
ZBAKERY_WHT_CONSULTANCY, then then display Franchisee Customer with WHT SOA layout CONSULTANCY part
ZBAKERY_WHT_ADVSY/TRAN, then then display Franchisee Customer with WHT SOA layout ADVSY/TRAN part,

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Functional Specification

ZBAKERY_WHT_MANAGMT, then then display Franchisee Customer with WHT SOA layout MANAGEMENT FEE part
ZBAKERY_WHT_OTHERS, then then display Franchisee Customer with WHT SOA layout OTHERS part.
If ACDOCA-GKONT belong to set ZBAKERY_NWHT then display Franchisee Customer without WHT SOA layout.
Amount currency all use document currency BSID-WAERS field.
Display the invoice amount (BSID- WRBTR) if BSID-SHKZG=S, show positive amount, if BSID-SHKZG=H, show negative amount.
[invoice amount, Remark]

Step 6: Base on document number, company code, fiscal year go to table BSIS- HKONT get provision account = 3001300003,
sum all lines have same debit/credit indicator, if BSIS-SHKZG=H show positive WHT amount, if BSIS-SHZG = S show negative WHT
amount. [ WHT amount]

Amounts use formula = Invoiced amount – WHT. [ Royalty/Store License/etc….]

Step 8: ???Need clarify, if customer got multiple type of invoice amount with partial payment of WHT, how to recognize?
[WHT Outstanding]

Step 9: Base on company code, fiscal year, customer number from selection screen go to table BSID found customer credit side,
get this line document number go to ACDOCA table check it’s Offsetting Account. If ACDOCA-GKONT belong to bank accounts,
payment amount, Outstanding use formula = Royalty/Store License/Others – BSID- WRBTR
[Royalty/Store License/Others etc. Outstanding]

Step 10:
Total Outstanding formula = [Royalty/Store License/Others etc. Outstanding] + [WHT Outstanding]

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Functional Specification

3.4. Output/Screen Layout

Describe the data that should appear on the report, form or program. Attach a sample layout of the report or form or p

Please refer to attached excel format:

3.5. Standard Text

Provide the name of the standard text and or use of SAP standard text functionality to be included in the form.

3.6. Exception Handling Rules

Specify instructions to be followed when errors occur or when any processing occurs outside of the normal process flow.

3.7. Security Requirements

Specify how access to the new development is going to be restricted, what user roles will have access and if authorization checks will be required. Is encryption required?

Authorization check is performed that user who can got display access in selected company code and customers.

3.8. Additional Information

Provide addition information regarding the development item as appropriate.

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Functional Specification

Unit Testing
This section provides information relevant to test the development.

3.9. Test Scenario

Briefly specify the unit test scenario to test the development and include the master and transaction data required to carry out the testing.

Scenario 1: Display report layout as per document 1000000808/1060/2022

Scenario 2: Display report layout as per document 1000000000/1020/2022

3.10. Additional Information / Appendix

Provide addition information regarding the development item as appropriate.

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