F3 Eot 22

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1. Which of these items is not hardware?
A disk drive B graphics card C printer driver D motherboard
2. In a washing machine, which of the following devices is an input device?
A motor B heater C powder drawer D keypad
3. The part of computer where programs are executed is called the:
A RAM B processor C ROM D motherboard
4. Before a program can be run, it has to be:
A loaded into RAM B loaded into ROM
C stored on a disk D stored in the processor
5. Any item of hardware connected to a computer processor unit is called:
A an input device B a peripheral C an output device D a storage unit
6. Which of the following devices could be an output device?
A mouse B joystick C scanner D motor
7. Which of these is an input device?
A monitor B scanner C printer D loudspeaker
8. Which words best describes all of the following: disk drive, printer, scanner and keyboard?
A peripherals B output devices C input devices D storage devices
9. Which of these is an input device from which items can be chosen from pictures?
A qwerty keyboard B concept keyboard
C braille keyboard D graphics pad
10. Which of the following input devices is an alternative to a mouse?
A joystick B digitizer C touch pad D graphics pad
11. Which of the following input devices is used to enter magnetically encoded data at the back of bank debit
A magnetic ink character reader B optical character reader
C magnetic strip reader D optical mark-sense reader
12. Amina is a garage owner. She needs printer to print bills on self-copying three-part paper and a printer to
produce high quality leaflets to promote special offers such as winter servicing. Which two printers would
you recommend?
A dot-matrix and laser jet printers B Dot-matrix and drum printers
C laser jet and inkjet printers D dot matrix and Braille printers
13. Which of the following is not an advantage of digital cameras over film-based cameras?
A does not run out of film B images made available immediately
C allows on-camera image editing C limited images captured
14. Which term can be used to describe the hard disk?
A storage device B storage medium C input device D output device
15. Which term can be used to describe a DVD drive?
A storage device B storage medium C input device D output device
16. A disk drive is an example of:
A main storage B an input device C an output device D backing storage
17. A magnetized circle on a floppy disk is called:
A a sector B a cylinder C a block D a track
18. Which of these would be stored on a PCs hard disk?
A operating system B back up data
C archived data D location of the next instruction to be processed
19. Which of the following storage mediums does not offer direct access to stored data?
A floppy disk B hard disk C compact disk D magnetic tape

20. The speed of a processor can be measured in:

A megabytes B gigabytes C gigahertz D kilobytes
21. What device is used to enter data into a burglar alarm system?
A scanner B sensor C light pen D keyboard
22. Modern computers are all based on digital technology. This means that the data is:
A handled by varying the electrical voltage B stored as a set of decimal numbers
C always stored using ASCII codes D handled as on/off electrical signals
23. Which of these is carried out by a microprocessor?
A storage of a program B adding a set of numbers
C storage of data while it is being sent to a peripheral D holding a disk file directory
24. The CPU component responsible for fetching, decoding and executing instructions is called the:
A arithmetic-logic unit B control unit C memory register D systems clock
25. The device that determines how fast a computer processes instructions and data is called:
A arithmetic-logic unit B control unit C memory register D systems clock
26. Which of these types of network cable is not affected by interference from other cables?
A twisted pair cable B co-axial cable C Fibre-optic cable D thin Ethernet
27. Which of these devices allows many computers to connect to a server’s network interface card?
A router B switch C modem D bridge
28. A network that is connected to one site is called a:
A MAN B LAN C WAN D peer-to-
29. A company provides its users with a private network that can be accessed from all its offices worldwide.
This network is called:
A a LAN B a MAN C a WAN D an Intranet
30. One megabyte of memory contains:
A 1024 bits B 1024 bytes C 1024 kilobytes D 1024 gigabytes

1. Define the following terms and give an example:

a) Operating system
b) Hardware
c) Network [6]
2. Identify the device used on each application below:

i. Converts sound into an electrical signal
ii. Converts a hardcopy document
into an electronic form to be stored as
a file on a computer.
iii. Automatically controls stock at a
iv. Disabled person communicating
with a computer system
3. ICU patients are monitored using a patient monitoring system.
a) Suggest any two conditions that are monitored by a computer in humans. [2]
b) Identify any three (3) sensors and their functions, used on a patient monitoring system.
4. (a) What is an Artificial Intelligent (AI) system? [2]
(b) A company of Legal Practioners (Lawyers) wishes to set up an AI System for its clients.
Describe three components that should make up such a system. [6]
5. Give any two (2) uses of computers in the following application areas:
a) Agriculture
b) CAD
c) Wildlife management
d) Mining [8]
6. Outline any five (5) functions of an operating system. [5]
7. (a) Convert to binary
i. 347 ii. 123416 [4]
(b) Convert to decimal [4]
i. 0110102 ii. 7248
(c) Convert 11001100112 to octal [2]
(d) 100111002+ 011100012 [2]
(e) 110011 - 10102 [2]
8. Arrange the units of storage in their order of size from smallest to the largest.
Megabyte, nibble, byte, bit, kilobyte [2]
9. (a) List types of networks. [4]
(b) Draw the star topology. [4]
(c) Draw the simplex data transmission mode. [3]
10. Give four (4) advantages of wireless data transmission. [4]

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